;; This file contains the aguments to the sendmessage function used ;; to send events to the SageTV application ;; The last parameter of these sendmessage codes matches the order ;; in which they are defined in the listbox int the ;; Setup/Detailed Setup/Commands/Link Command menu ;; Left = 1258 1 2 ;; Right = 1258 1 3 ;; Up = 1258 1 4 ;; Down = 1258 1 5 ;; Pause = 1258 1 6 ;; Play = 1258 1 7 ;; FF = 1258 1 8 ;; Rew = 1258 1 9 ;; Time Scroll = 1258 1 10 ;; Channel Up = 1258 1 11 ;; Channel Down = 1258 1 12 ;; Volume Up = 1258 1 13 ;; Volume Down = 1258 1 14 ;; TV = 1258 0 15 ;; Faster = 1258 1 16 ;; Slower = 1258 1 17 ;; Guide = 1258 1 18 ;; Power = 1258 1 19 ;; Select = 1258 1 20 ;; Watched = 1258 1 21 ;; Favorite = 1258 1 22 ;; Dont Like = 1258 1 23 ;; Info = 1258 1 24 ;; Record = 1258 1 25 ;; Mute = 1258 1 26 ;; Full Screen = 1258 1 27 ;; Home = 1258 1 28 ;; Options = 1258 1 29 ;; Num0 = 1258 1 30 ;; Num1 = 1258 1 31 ;; Num2 = 1258 1 32 ;; Num3 = 1258 1 33 ;; Num4 = 1258 1 34 ;; Num5 = 1258 1 35 ;; Num6 = 1258 1 36 ;; Num7 = 1258 1 37 ;; Num8 = 1258 1 38 ;; Num9 = 1258 1 39 ;; Search = 1258 1 40 ;; Setup = 1258 1 41 ;; Library = 1258 1 42 ;; Power On = 1258 1 43 ;; Power Off = 1258 1 44 ;; Mute On = 1258 1 45 ;; Mute Off = 1258 1 46 ;; Aspect Ratio Fill = 1258 1 47 ;; Aspect Ratio 4x3= 1258 1 48 ;; Aspect Ratio 16x9 = 1258 1 49 ;; Aspect Ratio Source = 1258 1 50 ;; Right/Vol Up = 1258 1 51 ;; Left/Vol Down = 1258 1 52 ;; Up/Channel Up = 1258 1 53 ;; Down/Channel Down = 1258 1 54 ;; Page Up = 1258 1 55 ;; Page Down = 1258 1 56 ;; Page Right = 1258 1 57 ;; Page Left = 1258 1 58 ;; Play/Pause = 1258 1 59 ;; Previous Channel = 1258 1 60 ;; Skip forward #2 = 1258 1 61 ;; Skip Back #2 = 1258 1 62 ;; Live TV = 1258 1 63 ;; DVD Reverse Play = 1258 1 64 ;; DVD Next Chapter = 1258 1 65 ;; DVD Previous Chapter = 1258 1 66 ;; DVD Menu = 1258 1 67 ;; DVD Title Menu = 1258 1 68 ;; DVD Return = 1258 1 69 ;; DVD Subtitle Change = 1258 1 70 ;; DVD Subtitle Toggle = 1258 1 71 ;; DVD Audio Change = 1258 1 72 ;; DVD Angle Change = 1258 1 73 ;; DVD = 1258 1 74 ;; Back = 1258 1 75 ;; Forward = 1258 1 76 ;; Customize = 1258 1 77 ;; Custom1 = 1258 1 78 ;; Custom2 = 1258 1 79 ;; Custom3 = 1258 1 80 ;; Custom4 = 1258 1 81 ;; Custom5 = 1258 1 82 ;; Delete = 1258 1 83 ;; Music Jukebox = 1258 1 84 ;; Recording Schedule = 1258 1 85 ;; Sage Recordings = 1258 1 86 ;; Picture Library = 1258 1 87 ;; Video Library = 1258 1 88 ;; Close File = 1258 1 89 [Config] ;; Class name of sagetv application: used to determine if the app is in focus, ;; and is the target of the sendmessage functions SageTvAppClass=SageApp SageClientAppClass=SageClientApp ;; Class name of sagetv main window: used to determine if the app is in focus, SageTvWinClass=sage.SpecialWindow [SageTVFunctions] ;; These definitions are used to define the menu of ;; programmable keys in the ATI remote wonder app when ;; the sageTV plugin is active ;; They can be assigned to the A-F buttons. ;; ;; Anything can be added here -- the parameters will be passed to SendMessage ;; and sent to SagTV. ;; ;; The format is: ;; name=menu,msg,wparam,lparam ;; where name is not important, but unique, ;; menu is the string to put in the menu (a | character makes a tree) ;; and the rest are the sendmessage parameters ;; ;; if you know the keycodes, you can probably send anything! ;; As an example configuration, I have: ;; A -> ViewTV ;; B -> Search ;; C -> View Library ;; D -> View Guide ;; E -> Do Nothing (default action in 'Windows' is Start Menu) ;; F -> Do Nothing (default action in 'Windows' is Launch MyHTPC) ViewTV=Sage|View TV,1258,0,15 ViewGuide=Sage|View Guide,1258,0,18 ViewLibrary=Sage|Library Menu,1258,1,42 ViewJukebox=Sage|Music Jukebox,1258,1,84 ViewSchedule=Sage|Recording Schedule,1258,1,85 ViewRecordings=Sage|Sage Recordings,1258,1,86 Search=Sage|Search Menu,1258,1,40 Setup=Sage|Setup Menu,1258,1,41 LiveTV=Sage|View Live TV,1258,1,63 Time_Scroll=Video|Time Scroll,1258,1,10 Faster=Video|Faster,1258,1,16 Slower=Video|Slower,1258,1,17 FF2=Video|Skip Forward #2,1258,1,61 REW2=Video|Skip Backward #2,1258,1,62 Watched=Guide|Watched,1258,1,21 Favourite=Guide|Favourite,1258,1,22 Dont_Like=Guide|Dont Like,1258,1,23 Info=Misc|Info,1258,1,24 Power=Misc|Sleep,1258,1,19 Options=Misc|Options,1258,1,29 AspectRatioFill=Aspect Ratio|Fill,1258,1,47 AspectRatio43=Aspect Ratio|4x3,1258,1,48 AspectRatio169=Aspect Ratio|16x9,1258,1,49 AspectRatioSource=Aspect Ratio|Source,1258,1,50 Home=Sage|Home Screen,1258,1,28 Back=Sage|Prev Screen,1258,1,75 Forward=Sage|Next Screen,1258,1,76 Delete=Guide|Delete,1258,1,83 ViewPicLib=Sage|Picture Library,1258,1,87 ViewVidLib=Sage|Video Library,1258,1,88 Stop=Video|Stop Playback/Close File,1258,1,89 Custom1=Custom|Custom1,1258,1,78 Custom2=Custom|Custom2,1258,1,79 Custom3=Custom|Custom3,1258,1,80 Custom4=Custom|Custom4,1258,1,81 Custom5=Custom|Custom5,1258,1,82 [SageTVKeys] ;; The plugin does not override the default handling for: ;; Numpad keys 0-9, Mouse keys, Cursor keys, Enter key ;; ;; If you want a key to have the default action, give it a blank value ;; ;; The Web key is not overridden by default -- unless a value is defined below. ;; ;; Power, TV, DVD, Media Library keys cannot be redefined ChannelUp=1258,1,11 ChannelDown=1258,1,12 VolumeUp=1258,1,13 VolumeDown=1258,1,14 Mute=1258,1,26 Play=1258,1,7 Pause=1258,1,6 FF=1258,1,8 REW=1258,1,9 Record=1258,1,25 ;; Stop == Close File Stop=1258,1,89 ;; Menu key (bottom left of number pad) == info Menu=1258,1,24 ;; 'tick' key (bottom right of number pad) == Options Setup=1258,1,29 ;; Stopwatch (left of cursor block) -> Time Scroll Stopwatch=1258,1,10 ;; Resize (right of cursor block) -> full screen. Resize=1258,1,27 ;; Web key, do not override default behaviour -> launch browser Web=