Wed 3/1 14:06:35.422 [main@7ba4f24f] user.dir2=C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV Wed 3/1 14:06:35.424 [main@7ba4f24f] classpath=C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\Sage.jar;C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\JARs\lucene-core-3.6.0.jar;C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\xerces.jar;C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\plugin.jar;C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\;;JARs\api-common-2.0.jar;JARs\CommercialDetector.jar;JARs\commons-codec-1.9.jar;JARs\commons-io-2.5.jar;JARs\commons-jxpath-1.1.jar;JARs\commons-lang3-3.4.jar;JARs\commons-logging-1.2.jar;JARs\fluent-hc-4.5.1.jar;JARs\hamcrest-core-1.3.jar;JARs\httpclient-4.5.1.jar;JARs\httpclient-cache-4.5.1.jar;JARs\httpcore-4.4.3.jar;JARs\httpmime-4.5.1.jar;JARs\jackson-annotations-2.9.8.jar;JARs\jackson-core-2.9.8.jar;JARs\jackson-databind-2.9.8.jar;JARs\JavaFFmpeg.jar;JARs\jcifs-1.1.6.jar;JARs\jdic.jar;JARs\json-20140107.jar;JARs\junit-4.12.jar;JARs\log4j-1.2.17.jar;JARs\lucene-core-3.6.0.jar;JARs\MediaFormatParserPlugin.jar;JARs\nielm_sageutls.jar;JARs\nws.jar;JARs\packager.jar;JARs\sagex-api.jar;JARs\sbbi-upnplib-1.0.3.jar;JARs\slf4j-api-1.7.12.jar;JARs\slf4j-log4j12-1.7.12.jar;JARs\themoviedbapi-4.4.jar;JARs\vecmath.jar Wed 3/1 14:06:35.424 [main@7ba4f24f] JVM version=1.8.0_191 Wed 3/1 14:06:35.424 [main@7ba4f24f] OS=Windows 10 10.0 Wed 3/1 14:06:35.425 [main@7ba4f24f] client=false Wed 3/1 14:06:35.425 [main@7ba4f24f] locale=en_US Wed 3/1 14:06:35.427 [ThreadMonitor@47afd1d1] Thread CPU monitoring started interval=300000 Wed 3/1 14:06:35.430 [main@7ba4f24f] SageTV V9.2.5.936 Wed 3/1 14:06:35.430 [main@7ba4f24f] Data Model=64-bit Wed 3/1 14:06:35.438 [main@7ba4f24f] hostname=SageTV Wed 3/1 14:06:35.439 [main@7ba4f24f] Splash: User Interface Manager is initializing... Wed 3/1 14:06:35.512 [main@7ba4f24f] Splash: Object Database is initializing... Wed 3/1 14:06:35.561 [main@7ba4f24f] dbFile=C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\Wiz.bin(99704096) dbBackupFile=C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\Wiz.bak(101628639) Wed 3/1 14:06:35.561 [main@7ba4f24f] Wizard starting to load database info... Wed 3/1 14:06:35.561 [main@7ba4f24f] Splash: Object Database Source is initializing... Wed 3/1 14:06:35.567 [main@7ba4f24f] Reading DB file:C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\Wiz.bin with version 87 Wed 3/1 14:06:35.568 [main@7ba4f24f] DBFile at version 87 FileSize=99704096 Wed 3/1 14:06:35.568 [main@7ba4f24f] Wizard allocating table for Year of size 117 Wed 3/1 14:06:35.569 [main@7ba4f24f] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Wed 3/1 14:06:35.569 [main@7ba4f24f] Wizard loading main index for Year bytes=1641 Wed 3/1 14:06:35.569 [main@7ba4f24f] Load time for Year 0 msec 0.0 msec/object Wed 3/1 14:06:35.569 [main@7ba4f24f] Index check time for Year 0 msec Wed 3/1 14:06:35.570 [main@7ba4f24f] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Wed 3/1 14:06:35.570 [main@7ba4f24f] Wizard allocating table for Network of size 911 Wed 3/1 14:06:35.570 [main@7ba4f24f] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Wed 3/1 14:06:35.570 [main@7ba4f24f] Wizard loading main index for Network bytes=15509 Wed 3/1 14:06:35.571 [main@7ba4f24f] Load time for Network 1 msec 0.0010976949 msec/object Wed 3/1 14:06:35.571 [main@7ba4f24f] Index check time for Network 0 msec Wed 3/1 14:06:35.572 [main@7ba4f24f] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Wed 3/1 14:06:35.572 [main@7ba4f24f] Wizard allocating table for Title of size 39635 Wed 3/1 14:06:35.572 [main@7ba4f24f] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Wed 3/1 14:06:35.572 [main@7ba4f24f] Wizard loading main index for Title bytes=1147203 Wed 3/1 14:06:35.600 [main@7ba4f24f] Load time for Title 28 msec 7.064463E-4 msec/object Wed 3/1 14:06:35.604 [main@7ba4f24f] Index check time for Title 4 msec Wed 3/1 14:06:35.604 [main@7ba4f24f] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Wed 3/1 14:06:35.605 [main@7ba4f24f] Wizard loading alt index 1 for Title bytes=158546 Wed 3/1 14:06:35.611 [main@7ba4f24f] Load time for alt index 1 for Title 6 msec Wed 3/1 14:06:35.618 [main@7ba4f24f] Index check time for alt index 1 for Title 7 msec Wed 3/1 14:06:35.619 [main@7ba4f24f] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 1% done Wed 3/1 14:06:35.619 [main@7ba4f24f] Wizard allocating table for Channel of size 839 Wed 3/1 14:06:35.619 [main@7ba4f24f] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 1% done Wed 3/1 14:06:35.619 [main@7ba4f24f] Wizard loading main index for Channel bytes=99474 Wed 3/1 14:06:35.620 [main@7ba4f24f] Load time for Channel 1 msec 0.0011918951 msec/object Wed 3/1 14:06:35.621 [main@7ba4f24f] Index check time for Channel 0 msec Wed 3/1 14:06:35.621 [main@7ba4f24f] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 1% done Wed 3/1 14:06:35.621 [main@7ba4f24f] Wizard allocating table for Bonus of size 1015 Wed 3/1 14:06:35.621 [main@7ba4f24f] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 1% done Wed 3/1 14:06:35.621 [main@7ba4f24f] Wizard loading main index for Bonus bytes=20049 Wed 3/1 14:06:35.622 [main@7ba4f24f] Load time for Bonus 1 msec 9.852217E-4 msec/object Wed 3/1 14:06:35.622 [main@7ba4f24f] Index check time for Bonus 0 msec Wed 3/1 14:06:35.622 [main@7ba4f24f] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 1% done Wed 3/1 14:06:35.622 [main@7ba4f24f] Wizard allocating table for People of size 122533 Wed 3/1 14:06:35.623 [main@7ba4f24f] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 1% done Wed 3/1 14:06:35.623 [main@7ba4f24f] Wizard loading main index for People bytes=6414399 ================================ Trimmed for size Tuner and schedule info ======================== 14:06:39.953 [main@7ba4f24f] Error discovering Receive timed out Wed 3/1 14:06:39.954 [main@7ba4f24f] Connected to encoding server at Wed 3/1 14:06:39.955 [main@7ba4f24f] Ignoring network encoder because it's already in our config: -1531472740 Wed 3/1 14:06:39.955 [main@7ba4f24f] Ignoring network encoder because it's already in our config: -1531472738 Wed 3/1 14:06:39.955 [main@7ba4f24f] Ignoring network encoder because it's already in our config: -1531472739 Wed 3/1 14:06:39.956 [main@7ba4f24f] devices detected=[DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13250544-1 on, DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13250544-0 on, DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13250544-2 on] Wed 3/1 14:06:39.956 [main@7ba4f24f] EncoderMap={DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13250544-2 on Prime Tuner 13250544-2 on, DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13250544-1 on Prime Tuner 13250544-1 on, DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13250544-0 on Prime Tuner 13250544-0 on} Wed 3/1 14:06:39.956 [main@7ba4f24f] MMC calling detectCaptureDevices on sage.DShowCaptureManager@3f49dace Wed 3/1 14:06:39.956 [main@7ba4f24f] Splash: DirectShow WDM Capture Manager is initializing... Wed 3/1 14:06:39.957 [main@7ba4f24f] Setup globalInvalidParameterHandler Wed 3/1 14:06:39.957 [main@7ba4f24f] Device detecting->:{65E8773D-8F56-11D0-A3B9-00A0C9223196} Wed 3/1 14:06:39.962 [main@7ba4f24f] Device found--'Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture' Wed 3/1 14:06:39.962 [main@7ba4f24f] Device found--'Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture' Wed 3/1 14:06:39.962 [main@7ba4f24f] Device found--'Realtek HD Audio Stereo input' Wed 3/1 14:06:39.962 [main@7ba4f24f] Device found--'Realtek HD Audio Line input' Wed 3/1 14:06:39.962 [main@7ba4f24f] Device found--'Realtek HD Audio Mic input' Wed 3/1 14:06:39.962 [main@7ba4f24f] MergeNameList() Entry: DevName[0] 'P5¢ç', numDev=0, new DevName1[0] 'Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture', numDev1=5 ================================================================= Wed 3/1 14:06:40.077 [main@7ba4f24f] devices detected=[Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture, Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture #2] Wed 3/1 14:06:40.077 [main@7ba4f24f] EncoderMap={DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13250544-2 on Prime Tuner 13250544-2 on, DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13250544-1 on Prime Tuner 13250544-1 on, DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13250544-0 on Prime Tuner 13250544-0 on, Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture=Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture, Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture #2=Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture #2} Wed 3/1 14:06:40.077 [main@7ba4f24f] Splash: SageTV Core is initializing... Wed 3/1 14:06:40.086 [main@7ba4f24f] Checking video directories for new files Wed 3/1 14:06:40.112 [main@7ba4f24f] DShowFilters=[AC3 Parser Filter, ACM Wrapper, AVI Decompressor, AVI Draw, AVI Mux, AVI Splitter, AVI/WAV File Source, BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter, Closed Captions Analysis Filter, Color Space Converter, DV Muxer, DV Splitter, DV Video Decoder, DVD Navigator, Enhanced Video Renderer, File Source (Async.), File Source (URL), File stream renderer, File writer, Infinite Pin Tee Filter, Internal Script Command Renderer, LAV Audio Decoder, LAV Splitter, LAV Splitter Source, LAV Video Decoder, Line 21 Decoder, Line 21 Decoder 2, Microsoft AC3 Encoder, Microsoft DTV-DVD Audio Decoder, Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder, Microsoft MPEG-2 Audio Encoder, Microsoft MPEG-2 Encoder, Microsoft MPEG-2 Video Encoder, MIDI Parser, MJPEG Decompressor, MP3 Decoder DMO, MPEG Audio Decoder, MPEG Video Decoder, MPEG-2 Demultiplexer, MPEG-2 Sections and Tables, MPEG-2 Splitter, MPEG-2 Video Stream Analyzer, MPEG-I Stream Splitter, MPEG2Dump, Mpeg4 Decoder DMO, Mpeg43 Decoder DMO, Mpeg4s Decoder DMO, Multi-file Parser, Null Renderer, Overlay Mixer, Overlay Mixer2, SageTV FileSource, SageTV MPEG Layer II Audio Encoder, SageTV MpegDeMux, SageTV MpegMux, SageTV Music Visualization, SageTV Stream Demuxer, SageTV TS Splitter 3.0, SAMI (CC) Parser, SampleGrabber, SBE2FileScan, SBE2MediaTypeProfile, Silicondust HDHomeRun WMP Plugin, Smart Tee, StreamBufferSink, StreamBufferSink2, StreamBufferSource, VBI Codec, VBI Surface Allocator, VGA 16 Color Ditherer, Video Mixing Renderer 9, Video Port Manager, Video Renderer, Video Renderer, VPS Decoder, Wave Parser, WM ASF Reader, WM ASF Writer, WMAPro over S/PDIF DMO, WMAudio Decoder DMO, WMSpeech Decoder DMO, WMV Screen decoder DMO, WMVideo Decoder DMO, WST Pager] Wed 3/1 14:06:40.113 [main@7ba4f24f] EVR support detected=true Wed 3/1 14:06:40.115 [SageTV@18f38357] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 0% done Wed 3/1 14:06:40.174 [SageTV@18f38357] CARNY building airing maps... Wed 3/1 14:06:40.394 [SageTV@18f38357] CARNY Processing 172 Agents & 82484 Airs Wed 3/1 14:06:40.630 [SageTV@18f38357] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 100% done Wed 3/1 14:06:40.631 [SageTV@18f38357] CARNY Negative Energy Size: 24384 Wed 3/1 14:06:40.643 [SageTV@18f38357] CARNY Traitors:[] Wed 3/1 14:06:40.644 [SageTV@18f38357] CARNY finished in 529ms Wed 3/1 14:06:40.644 [EPG@61782b00] Increased ArrayList pool to size=1 Wed 3/1 14:06:40.644 [Carny@3973211a] Carny got a Std job of null Wed 3/1 14:06:40.645 [Seeker@6876c8e3] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=true avoidArchive=false =============================================== ================================================== Wed 3/1 14:06:41.765 [SageTV@18f38357] Loading locator keys from filesystem since they already exist. Wed 3/1 14:06:41.770 [SageTV@18f38357] Splash: User Interface Manager is initializing... Wed 3/1 14:06:41.771 [PSNATMGR@3eada185] Starting UPnP NAT Manager... Wed 3/1 14:06:41.772 [SageTV@18f38357] Loading all core plugins... Wed 3/1 14:06:41.772 [HotplugStorage@160c6ff3] StorageDeviceDetector started... Wed 3/1 14:06:41.778 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: jackson-annotations type: Library version: 2.9.8 by: SageTV Wed 3/1 14:06:41.779 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: sagetvtranscoderwinx32 type: Standard version: 1.2.2 by: jvl711 Wed 3/1 14:06:41.779 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: jackson-core type: Library version: 2.9.8 by: SageTV Wed 3/1 14:06:41.779 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-io type: Library version: 2.5 by: stuckless Wed 3/1 14:06:41.779 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: slf4j-api type: Library version: 1.7.12 by: stuckless Wed 3/1 14:06:41.780 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: themoviedb type: Library version: 4.4.1 by: stuckless Wed 3/1 14:06:41.780 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-codec type: Library version: 1.9 by: stuckless Wed 3/1 14:06:41.780 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: json type: Library version: 20140107.2 by: Slugger Wed 3/1 14:06:41.780 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-logging type: Library version: 1.2.0 by: stuckless Wed 3/1 14:06:41.781 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: nwsweather type: STVI version: 0.13 by: tmiranda Wed 3/1 14:06:41.781 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: mediaformatparserpluginwinx64 type: Standard version: 0.8 by: jvl711 Wed 3/1 14:06:41.781 [SageTV@18f38357] Plugin mediaformatparserpluginwinx64 is enabled, try to load it from class: jvl.mediaformat.MediaFormatParserPlugin Wed 3/1 14:06:41.782 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: javaffmpeglibrarywinx32 type: Library version: 0.6 by: jvl711 Wed 3/1 14:06:41.783 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: comskipplayback type: STVI version: by: JREkiwi Wed 3/1 14:06:41.783 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: log4j type: Library version: 1.2.17 by: stuckless Wed 3/1 14:06:41.783 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: hamcrest-core type: Library version: 1.3 by: stuckless Wed 3/1 14:06:41.783 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: junit type: Library version: 4.12.0 by: stuckless Wed 3/1 14:06:41.784 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: slf4j-log4j12 type: Library version: 1.7.12 by: stuckless Wed 3/1 14:06:41.784 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: sagex-api type: Library version: by: stuckless Wed 3/1 14:06:41.784 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: sagetvtranscoderwinx64 type: Standard version: 1.2.2 by: jvl711 Wed 3/1 14:06:41.784 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: jackson-databind type: Library version: 2.9.8 by: SageTV Wed 3/1 14:06:41.785 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: comskip type: Library version: by: tmiranda Wed 3/1 14:06:41.785 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: api-common type: Library version: 2.0 by: stuckless Wed 3/1 14:06:41.785 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commercialdetector type: Standard version: 1.16.2 by: tmiranda Wed 3/1 14:06:41.785 [SageTV@18f38357] Plugin commercialdetector is enabled, try to load it from class: Wed 3/1 14:06:41.788 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: setuprestartstv7 type: STVI version: by: skiingwiz Wed 3/1 14:06:41.788 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: mediaformatparserpluginwinx32 type: Standard version: 0.8 by: jvl711 Wed 3/1 14:06:41.788 [SageTV@18f38357] Plugin mediaformatparserpluginwinx32 is enabled, try to load it from class: jvl.mediaformat.MediaFormatParserPlugin Wed 3/1 14:06:41.788 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-lang3 type: Library version: 3.4 by: stuckless Wed 3/1 14:06:41.788 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: javaffmpeglibrarywinx64 type: Library version: 0.6 by: jvl711 Wed 3/1 14:06:41.789 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: httpclient type: Library version: by: stuckless Wed 3/1 14:06:41.789 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: sageutls type: Library version: 1.4.4 by: nielm Wed 3/1 14:06:41.789 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commercialdetectorstvi type: STVI version: 1.33.1 by: tmiranda Wed 3/1 14:06:41.789 [SageTV@18f38357] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: httpcore type: Library version: 4.4.3 by: stuckless Wed 3/1 14:06:41.790 [SageTV@18f38357] LOADED PLUGINS=[SageTVPlugin[jackson-annotations state=Failed name=jackson-annotations Library version=2.9.8 type=Library desc=jackson-annotations library - dependency only author=SageTV screenshots=null videos=null modified=1/26/2019 installed=3/1/2023 resPath=jackson-annotations webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=9.0.7 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[sagetvtranscoderwinx32 state=Failed name=SageTVTramscoder (FFmpeg) Windows x32 version=1.2.2 type=Standard desc=This is an updated version of the SageTVTramscoder that is responsible for realtime transcoding, background transcoding of library content, media format detection and media thumbnail generation. It is based off of version 4.3.1 of ffmpeg, and implements a number of customizations from the original SageTV version. It also has some workarounds and logging developed by me. author=jvl711 screenshots=null videos=null modified=10/4/2022 installed=2/9/2023 resPath= webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[jackson-core state=Failed name=jackson-core Library version=2.9.8 type=Library desc=jackson-core library - dependency only author=SageTV screenshots=null videos=null modified=1/26/2019 installed=3/1/2023 resPath=jackson-core webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=9.0.7 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-io state=Failed name=commons-io version=2.5 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for commons-io-1.4.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=3/20/2014 installed=3/1/2023 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.6 type=JVM]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[slf4j-api state=Failed name=Simple Logging Facade for Java API Library (slf4j) version=1.7.12 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for Simple Logging Facade for Java (slf4j-api-1.7.12.jar) - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=3/1/2023 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[themoviedb state=Failed name=The Movie DB Library version=4.4.1 type=Library desc=The Movie DB Library author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=7/7/2022 installed=3/1/2023 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[jackson-annotations minVer=2.9.8 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[jackson-core minVer=2.9.8 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-io minVer=2.5 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[slf4j-api minVer=1.7.12 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-codec minVer=1.9 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-logging minVer=1.2.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[log4j minVer=1.2.17 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[hamcrest-core minVer=1.3 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[junit minVer=4.12.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[slf4j-log4j12 minVer=1.7.12 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[jackson-databind minVer=2.9.8 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[api-common minVer=2.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-lang3 minVer=3.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[httpclient minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[httpcore minVer=4.4.3 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-codec state=Failed name=commons-codec version=1.9 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for commons-codec-1.9.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=3/1/2023 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[json state=Failed version=20140107.2 type=Library desc=A Java implementation of JSON - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=2/22/2014 installed=3/17/2021 resPath=json webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-logging state=Failed name=commons-logging version=1.2.0 type=Library desc=Apache Commons logging library - dependency only author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=3/1/2023 resPath=plugins/commons-logging webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=7.0.9 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[nwsweather state=Failed name=Weather Using NWS API version=0.13 type=STVI desc=Weather for SageTV. Uses the National Weather Service API. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/11/2018 installed=3/17/2021 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[json type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[mediaformatparserpluginwinx64 state=Enabled name=Media Format Parser Plugin Windows x64 version=0.8 type=Standard desc=Media parser plugin based on FFmpeg for 64 bit SageTV author=jvl711 screenshots=null videos=null modified=10/16/2022 installed=10/16/2022 resPath= webpages=[] implementation=jvl.mediaformat.MediaFormatParserPlugin desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=9.2.2 type=Core], PluginDependency[javaffmpeglibrarywinx64 minVer=0.6 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[javaffmpeglibrarywinx32 state=Failed name=JavaFFmpegLibrary Windows x32 version=0.6 type=Library desc=JNI Wrapper library around FFmpeg library for 32 bit SageTV author=jvl711 screenshots=null videos=null modified=10/18/2022 installed=1/24/2023 resPath= webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[comskipplayback state=Failed name=Comskip Playback version= type=STVI desc=Adds support for reading the edl or txt files generated by comskip or showanalyzer and skipping commercial breaks during playback This plugin is the continuation of the original work by at least malore, nielm, flachbar, sundansx and razrsharpe author=JREkiwi screenshots=null videos=null modified=3/13/2021 installed=3/17/2021 resPath= webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.8 type=JVM], PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[log4j state=Failed name=log4j version=1.2.17 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for log4j-1.2.17.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=3/1/2023 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[hamcrest-core state=Failed name=hamcrest-core version=1.3 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for hamcrest-core - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=3/1/2023 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[junit state=Failed name=junit version=4.12.0 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=3/1/2023 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.5.0 type=JVM]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[slf4j-log4j12 state=Failed name=Simple Logging Facade Log4J Implementation Library version=1.7.12 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for Simple Logging Facade Log4J (v1.2) Implementation Library (slf4j-log4j12-1.7.12.jar) - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=3/1/2023 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[sagex-api state=Failed name=SageTV Sagex API Extensions (sagex-api) version= type=Library desc=SageTV API Wrappers with Remote API capabilities author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=6/1/2022 installed=3/1/2023 resPath=sagex-api webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.8 type=JVM], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=9.2.0 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[sagetvtranscoderwinx64 state=Failed name=SageTVTranscoder (FFmpeg) Windows x64 version=1.2.2 type=Standard desc=This is an updated version of the SageTVTramscoder that is responsible for realtime transcoding, background transcoding of library content, media format detection and media thumbnail generation. It is based off of version 4.3.1 of ffmpeg, and implements a number of customizations from the original SageTV version. It also has some workarounds and logging developed by me. author=jvl711 screenshots=null videos=null modified=10/4/2022 installed=10/9/2022 resPath= webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[jackson-databind state=Failed name=jackson-databind Library version=2.9.8 type=Library desc=jackson-databind library - dependency only author=SageTV screenshots=null videos=null modified=1/26/2019 installed=3/1/2023 resPath=jackson-databind webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=9.0.7 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[comskip state=Failed name=comskip version= type=Library desc=Comskip repackaged as a SageTV7 Plugin. This is used for CommercialDetector, no need to install directly. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=11/7/2021 installed=11/7/2021 resPath=comskip webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[api-common state=Failed name=api-common version=2.0 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for api-common - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=3/1/2023 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commercialdetector state=Enabled name=Commercial Detector version=1.16.2 type=Standard desc=A simple way to detect commercials in your recordings. Creates .edl files that can be read by the Comskip Playback plugin. The plugin comes complete with comskip and little or no configuration is needed. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=11/7/2021 installed=11/7/2021 resPath= webpages=[,] desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[comskip minVer= type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[setuprestartstv7 state=Failed name=Restart Sage from Setup Menu version= type=STVI desc=Adds an option to the Setup menu to restart the SageTV server. author=skiingwiz screenshots=null videos=null modified=5/16/2021 installed=5/16/2021 resPath= webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[mediaformatparserpluginwinx32 state=Enabled name=Media Format Parser Plugin Windows x32 version=0.8 type=Standard desc=Media parser plugin based on FFmpeg for 32 bit SageTV author=jvl711 screenshots=null videos=null modified=10/16/2022 installed=1/24/2023 resPath= webpages=[] implementation=jvl.mediaformat.MediaFormatParserPlugin desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[javaffmpeglibrarywinx32 minVer=0.6 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=9.2.2 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-lang3 state=Failed name=commons-lang3 version=3.4 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for commons-lang3 - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=3/1/2023 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[javaffmpeglibrarywinx64 state=Failed name=JavaFFmpegLibrary Windows x64 version=0.6 type=Library desc=JNI Wrapper library around FFmpeg library for 64 bit SageTV author=jvl711 screenshots=null videos=null modified=9/29/2022 installed=10/16/2022 resPath= webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[httpclient state=Failed name=HttpClient version= type=Library desc=Apache HttpClient library - dependency only author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=3/1/2023 resPath=httpclient webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[httpcore minVer=4.4.3 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[sageutls state=Failed name=Nielm's Sage Utilities version=1.4.4 type=Library desc=A library for communicating between SageTV and Java. author=nielm screenshots=null videos=null modified=3/21/2011 installed=2/12/2023 resPath=sageutls webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commercialdetectorstvi state=Failed name=Commercial Detector UI version=1.33.1 type=STVI desc=Alters the behavior of the Comskip Playback UI Mod so the "Run Comskip" buttons are compatible with the CommercialDetector plugin. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=5/16/2021 installed=5/16/2021 resPath= webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[comskipplayback minVer=2.1.2 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV], PluginDependency[commercialdetector minVer=1.00 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[httpcore state=Failed name=HttpCore version=4.4.3 type=Library desc=Apache HttpCore library - dependency only author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=3/1/2023 resPath=httpcore webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null]] Wed 3/1 14:06:41.797 [PluginRepoUpdater@6322042a] Checking to see if the plugin repository file SageTVPlugins.xml needs to be updated using MD5 URL: Wed 3/1 14:06:41.800 [SageTV@18f38357] Starting all core plugins... Wed 3/1 14:06:41.800 [SageTV@18f38357] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after commons-codec because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/1 14:06:41.800 [SageTV@18f38357] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after commons-logging because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/1 14:06:41.801 [SageTV@18f38357] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after log4j because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/1 14:06:41.801 [SageTV@18f38357] Moving starting of plugin Media Format Parser Plugin Windows x64 to after JavaFFmpegLibrary Windows x64 because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/1 14:06:41.801 [SageTV@18f38357] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after hamcrest-core because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/1 14:06:41.801 [SageTV@18f38357] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after junit because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/1 14:06:41.801 [SageTV@18f38357] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after Simple Logging Facade Log4J Implementation Library because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/1 14:06:41.801 [SageTV@18f38357] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after jackson-databind Library because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/1 14:06:41.801 [SageTV@18f38357] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after api-common because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/1 14:06:41.801 [SageTV@18f38357] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after commons-lang3 because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/1 14:06:41.801 [SageTV@18f38357] Calling start on plugin: Commercial Detector Wed 3/1 14:06:41.801 [SageTV@18f38357] CD: PlugIn: Starting. Version = 1.16 INFO - Configured Root Logger Wed 3/1 14:06:41.816 [SageTV@18f38357] LOG4J: Configured Root Logger INFO - Configured Logging for: sagex-api using file: Wed 3/1 14:06:41.831 [SageTV@18f38357] LOG4J: Configured Logging for: sagex-api using file: Wed 3/1 14:06:41.835 [SageTV@18f38357] CD: PlugIn: LogLevel = None. Wed 3/1 14:06:41.848 [SageTV@18f38357] CD: SystemStatus: Number running = 0 Wed 3/1 14:06:41.849 [SageTV@18f38357] CD: SystemStatus: No jobs running. Wed 3/1 14:06:41.849 [SageTV@18f38357] CD: SystemStatus: No jobs in queue. Wed 3/1 14:06:41.849 [SageTV@18f38357] Calling start on plugin: Media Format Parser Plugin Windows x32 Wed 3/1 14:06:41.849 [SageTV@18f38357] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after HttpClient because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/1 14:06:41.849 [SageTV@18f38357] Calling start on plugin: Media Format Parser Plugin Windows x64 Wed 3/1 14:06:41.849 [SageTV@18f38357] Moving starting of plugin HttpClient to after HttpCore because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/1 14:06:41.850 [SageTV@18f38357] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after HttpClient because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/1 14:06:41.850 [SageTV@18f38357] Done starting core plugins. Wed 3/1 14:06:41.850 [PSNATMGR@4a8362a7] Starting UPnP NAT Manager... Wed 3/1 14:06:41.899 [PluginRepoUpdater@6322042a] ERROR trying to retrieve the B66373F72EFB303541A2E56433306FCB file Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: Wed 3/1 14:06:41.899 [PluginRepoUpdater@6322042a] Downloading new SageTVPlugins.xml file from Wed 3/1 14:06:41.902 [PluginRepoUpdater@6322042a] Download requested for files server= src=null dest=SageTVPlugins.xml Wed 3/1 14:06:41.987 [PluginRepoUpdater@6322042a] HTTP Range requests are NOT supported by this server. errcode=403 Wed 3/1 14:06:42.072 [PluginRepoUpdater@6322042a] ERROR with file download Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: Wed 3/1 14:06:42.073 [PluginRepoUpdater@6322042a] ERROR failed downloading file. Wed 3/1 14:06:42.073 [PluginRepoUpdater@6322042a] ERROR failed downloading file. Wed 3/1 14:06:42.075 [PluginRepoUpdater@6322042a] Checking to see if the plugin repository file SageTVPluginsV9.xml needs to be updated using MD5 URL: Wed 3/1 14:06:42.731 [PluginRepoUpdater@6322042a] Local plugin repository file's checksum matches server's, no need to download a new one for SageTVPluginsV9.xml Wed 3/1 14:06:42.732 [PluginRepoUpdater@6322042a] Analyzing plugin repository XML file: SageTVPlugins.xml Wed 3/1 14:06:42.829 [PluginRepoUpdater@6322042a] Done processing plugin repository XML file[SageTVPlugins.xml] repositoryVersion=1.0.2063 Wed 3/1 14:06:42.829 [PluginRepoUpdater@6322042a] Analyzing plugin repository XML file: SageTVPluginsV9.xml Wed 3/1 14:06:42.870 [PluginRepoUpdater@6322042a] Done processing plugin repository XML file[SageTVPluginsV9.xml] repositoryVersion=2022.1109.1316 Wed 3/1 14:06:43.255 [SageTVServer@2d8070ec] Logging 0 DB xcts to file and sending them to the new client... Wed 3/1 14:06:43.255 [SageTVServer@2d8070ec] DONE sending DB to the client and client is now added as a DB sync listener Wed 3/1 14:06:43.312 [ClientListenerParallelizer@4ca6509f] Listener parallelizer thread has spawned for / Wed 3/1 14:06:43.369 [SageTVServer@2d8070ec] SageTV received connection from:Socket[addr=/,port=51570,localport=42024] Wed 3/1 14:06:43.372 [SageTVServer@2d8070ec] Increased Thread pool to size=6 Wed 3/1 14:06:43.375 [ConnSendQueue@47caea0b] MsgSend thread spawned for / Wed 3/1 14:06:43.378 [ConnRecvQueue@39e670d5] MsgRecv thread has spawned for / Wed 3/1 14:06:43.593 [Scheduler@2690adc6] Scheduler awoken ==================================================================== ============================================================= Wed 3/1 14:11:43.698 [Seeker@6876c8e3] Seeker waiting for 99 mins. Wed 3/1 14:12:41.165 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Checking to see if the plugin repository file SageTVPlugins.xml needs to be updated using MD5 URL: Wed 3/1 14:12:41.252 [PooledThread@41a5498f] ERROR trying to retrieve the B66373F72EFB303541A2E56433306FCB file Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: Wed 3/1 14:12:41.252 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Downloading new SageTVPlugins.xml file from Wed 3/1 14:12:41.253 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Download requested for files server= src=null dest=SageTVPlugins.xml Wed 3/1 14:12:41.338 [PooledThread@41a5498f] HTTP Range requests are NOT supported by this server. errcode=403 Wed 3/1 14:12:41.425 [PooledThread@41a5498f] ERROR with file download Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: Wed 3/1 14:12:41.425 [PooledThread@41a5498f] ERROR failed downloading file. Wed 3/1 14:12:41.425 [PooledThread@41a5498f] ERROR failed downloading file. Wed 3/1 14:12:41.427 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Checking to see if the plugin repository file SageTVPluginsV9.xml needs to be updated using MD5 URL: Wed 3/1 14:12:41.655 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Local plugin repository file's checksum matches server's, no need to download a new one for SageTVPluginsV9.xml Wed 3/1 14:12:41.655 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Analyzing plugin repository XML file: SageTVPlugins.xml Wed 3/1 14:12:41.667 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Done processing plugin repository XML file[SageTVPlugins.xml] repositoryVersion=1.0.2063 Wed 3/1 14:12:41.667 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Analyzing plugin repository XML file: SageTVPluginsV9.xml Wed 3/1 14:12:41.675 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Done processing plugin repository XML file[SageTVPluginsV9.xml] repositoryVersion=2022.1109.1316 Wed 3/1 14:12:45.735 [Ministry@1682ba15] Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 3/1 14:15:45.750 [Ministry@1682ba15] Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 3/1 14:16:35.440 [ThreadMonitor@47afd1d1] Top 10 Cumulative CPU(sec) PooledThread:5 LuceneShowTransactionTask:3 CarnyAgentWorker:2 CarnyAgentWorker:2 PooledThread:2 CarnyAgentWorker:2 CarnyAgentWorker:2 CarnyAgentWorker:2 CarnyAgentWorker:1 CarnyAgentWorker:1 Wed 3/1 14:16:35.441 [ThreadMonitor@47afd1d1] Top 10 %CPU (last 300s) Wed 3/1 14:16:40.856 [Carny@3973211a] CARNY agent workers processed 17829 of 31246 active agents. Wed 3/1 14:16:43.702 [Seeker@6876c8e3] Seeker awoken Wed 3/1 14:16:43.702 [Seeker@6876c8e3] MemStats: Used=398MB Total=860MB Max=954MB ======================================= Wed 3/1 14:20:55.325 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Plugin installation is starting for SageTVPlugin[jetty state=Repository name=Jetty Web Server version= type=Standard desc=Provides a platform for SageTV web application plugins. Currently available web applications can manage SageTV recordings from desktop or mobile web browsers, manage fanart and metadata, provide remote web services for SageTV, configure batch job processing, and more. The plugin consists of two parts. The first part is Jetty, a 3rd-party Java web server from the Eclipse Foundation that can be embedded in a Java program such as SageTV. The second part is a set of plugin classes created by the author that interact with SageTV to start, stop, and configure the Jetty web server. author=jreichen, jusjoken screenshots=[] videos=null created=6/1/2008 modified=1/14/2022 resPath=jetty webpages=[,,] implementation=sagex.jetty.starter.JettyPlugin desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=9.0.0 type=Core], PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.8 type=JVM], PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[ant minVer=1.8.2 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[slf4j-api minVer=1.7.12 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[slf4j-log4j12 minVer=1.7.12 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[log4j minVer=1.2.17 type=Plugin]] packages=[Package[type=JAR url= md5=0676369088edf3fc606538b846e932b4 overwrite=true], Package[type=System url= md5=f08e3508e497cf4d1540adbe8756f330 overwrite=true], Package[type=System url= md5=c6f34e7b9095d41070cb5b88828fd4fd overwrite=false], Package[type=System url= md5=68ed5ab5828a5f652243baca9847840e overwrite=true]]] ver= Wed 3/1 14:20:55.325 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Checking for compatability of the new plugin... Wed 3/1 14:20:55.325 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Plugin is compatible! Wed 3/1 14:20:55.325 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Plugin package Package[type=JAR url= md5=0676369088edf3fc606538b846e932b4 overwrite=true] Wed 3/1 14:20:55.325 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Plugin asset name is httpsgithubcomOpenSageTVsagetvpluginreporeleasesdownload1jettystarterjars303250zip Wed 3/1 14:20:55.326 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Asset file exists in local cache....check the MD5 sum... Wed 3/1 14:20:55.345 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Local cache file is good...the MD5 sums match! Wed 3/1 14:20:55.345 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Plugin package Package[type=System url= md5=f08e3508e497cf4d1540adbe8756f330 overwrite=true] Wed 3/1 14:20:55.345 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Plugin asset name is httpsgithubcomOpenSageTVsagetvpluginreporeleasesdownload1jettystarterconfigfiles303250zip Wed 3/1 14:20:55.346 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Asset file exists in local cache....check the MD5 sum... Wed 3/1 14:20:55.346 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Local cache file is good...the MD5 sums match! Wed 3/1 14:20:55.346 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Plugin package Package[type=System url= md5=c6f34e7b9095d41070cb5b88828fd4fd overwrite=false] Wed 3/1 14:20:55.346 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Plugin asset name is httpsgithubcomOpenSageTVsagetvpluginreporeleasesdownload1jettystarteruserconfigfiles303250zip Wed 3/1 14:20:55.346 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Asset file exists in local cache....check the MD5 sum... Wed 3/1 14:20:55.347 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Local cache file is good...the MD5 sums match! Wed 3/1 14:20:55.347 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Plugin package Package[type=System url= md5=68ed5ab5828a5f652243baca9847840e overwrite=true] Wed 3/1 14:20:55.347 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Plugin asset name is httpsgithubcomOpenSageTVsagetvpluginreporeleasesdownload1jettystarterwebappwarfile303250zip Wed 3/1 14:20:55.347 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Asset file exists in local cache....check the MD5 sum... Wed 3/1 14:20:55.348 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Local cache file is good...the MD5 sums match! Wed 3/1 14:20:55.348 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] All packages are now downloaded for the plugin jetty beginning uninstall and dependency verification... Wed 3/1 14:20:55.348 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Plugin installation has a missing/incompatible dependency of: PluginDependency[ant minVer=1.8.2 type=Plugin] installing that first... Wed 3/1 14:20:55.348 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Plugin installation is starting for SageTVPlugin[ant state=Repository name=ant version=1.8.2 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin - no need to download directly author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null created=4/10/2011 modified=4/10/2011 resPath=null webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.5.0 type=JVM]] packages=[Package[type=JAR url= md5=b8dcebcc9dd77d09e6aed7501281fc17 overwrite=true]]] ver=1.8.2 Wed 3/1 14:20:55.348 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Checking for compatability of the new plugin... Wed 3/1 14:20:55.348 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Plugin is compatible! Wed 3/1 14:20:55.348 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Plugin package Package[type=JAR url= md5=b8dcebcc9dd77d09e6aed7501281fc17 overwrite=true] Wed 3/1 14:20:55.349 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Plugin asset name is httpdownloadsagetvpluginsSluggerant182zip Wed 3/1 14:20:55.349 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Now downloading the plugin package from to local cache file PluginInstallers\ant\1.8.2\httpdownloadsagetvpluginsSluggerant182zip Wed 3/1 14:20:55.349 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Download requested for files server= src=null dest=PluginInstallers\ant\1.8.2\httpdownloadsagetvpluginsSluggerant182zip Wed 3/1 14:20:55.553 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] HTTP Range requests are NOT supported by this server. errcode=403 Wed 3/1 14:20:55.653 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] ERROR with file download Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: Wed 3/1 14:20:55.653 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Resource download failed from Wed 3/1 14:21:35.443 [ThreadMonitor@47afd1d1] Top 10 Cumulative CPU(sec) ReProcessHook:5 LuceneShowTransactionTask:3 CarnyAgentWorker:2 CarnyAgentWorker:2 CarnyAgentWorker:2 CarnyAgentWorker:2 CarnyAgentWorker:2 CarnyAgentWorker:2 CarnyAgentWorker:2 CarnyAgentWorker:2 Wed 3/1 14:21:35.444 [ThreadMonitor@47afd1d1] Top 10 %CPU (last 300s) Wed 3/1 14:21:40.865 [Carny@3973211a] CARNY agent workers processed 26745 of 31246 active agents. Wed 3/1 14:21:43.737 [Seeker@6876c8e3] Seeker awoken Wed 3/1 14:21:43.738 [Seeker@6876c8e3] MemStats: Used=348MB Total=765MB Max=954MB =========================================================== ========================================================= Wed 3/1 14:26:35.457 [ThreadMonitor@47afd1d1] Top 10 Cumulative CPU(sec) PooledThread:5 LuceneShowTransactionTask:3 AsyncSchedChangeDistru:2 LucenePersonTransactionTask:1 main:1 Wed 3/1 14:26:35.457 [ThreadMonitor@47afd1d1] Top 10 %CPU (last 300s) Wed 3/1 14:27:45.788 [Ministry@1682ba15] Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 3/1 14:28:07.899 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Plugin installation is starting for SageTVPlugin[jetty state=Repository name=Jetty Web Server version= type=Standard desc=Provides a platform for SageTV web application plugins. Currently available web applications can manage SageTV recordings from desktop or mobile web browsers, manage fanart and metadata, provide remote web services for SageTV, configure batch job processing, and more. The plugin consists of two parts. The first part is Jetty, a 3rd-party Java web server from the Eclipse Foundation that can be embedded in a Java program such as SageTV. The second part is a set of plugin classes created by the author that interact with SageTV to start, stop, and configure the Jetty web server. author=jreichen, jusjoken screenshots=[] videos=null created=6/1/2008 modified=1/14/2022 resPath=jetty webpages=[,,] implementation=sagex.jetty.starter.JettyPlugin desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=9.0.0 type=Core], PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.8 type=JVM], PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[ant minVer=1.8.2 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[slf4j-api minVer=1.7.12 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[slf4j-log4j12 minVer=1.7.12 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[log4j minVer=1.2.17 type=Plugin]] packages=[Package[type=JAR url= md5=0676369088edf3fc606538b846e932b4 overwrite=true], Package[type=System url= md5=f08e3508e497cf4d1540adbe8756f330 overwrite=true], Package[type=System url= md5=c6f34e7b9095d41070cb5b88828fd4fd overwrite=false], Package[type=System url= md5=68ed5ab5828a5f652243baca9847840e overwrite=true]]] ver= Wed 3/1 14:28:07.899 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Checking for compatability of the new plugin... Wed 3/1 14:28:07.899 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Plugin is compatible! Wed 3/1 14:28:07.899 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Plugin package Package[type=JAR url= md5=0676369088edf3fc606538b846e932b4 overwrite=true] Wed 3/1 14:28:07.900 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Plugin asset name is httpsgithubcomOpenSageTVsagetvpluginreporeleasesdownload1jettystarterjars303250zip Wed 3/1 14:28:07.900 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Asset file exists in local cache....check the MD5 sum... Wed 3/1 14:28:07.920 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Local cache file is good...the MD5 sums match! Wed 3/1 14:28:07.921 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Plugin package Package[type=System url= md5=f08e3508e497cf4d1540adbe8756f330 overwrite=true] Wed 3/1 14:28:07.921 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Plugin asset name is httpsgithubcomOpenSageTVsagetvpluginreporeleasesdownload1jettystarterconfigfiles303250zip Wed 3/1 14:28:07.921 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Asset file exists in local cache....check the MD5 sum... Wed 3/1 14:28:07.921 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Local cache file is good...the MD5 sums match! Wed 3/1 14:28:07.921 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Plugin package Package[type=System url= md5=c6f34e7b9095d41070cb5b88828fd4fd overwrite=false] Wed 3/1 14:28:07.921 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Plugin asset name is httpsgithubcomOpenSageTVsagetvpluginreporeleasesdownload1jettystarteruserconfigfiles303250zip Wed 3/1 14:28:07.922 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Asset file exists in local cache....check the MD5 sum... Wed 3/1 14:28:07.922 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Local cache file is good...the MD5 sums match! Wed 3/1 14:28:07.922 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Plugin package Package[type=System url= md5=68ed5ab5828a5f652243baca9847840e overwrite=true] Wed 3/1 14:28:07.922 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Plugin asset name is httpsgithubcomOpenSageTVsagetvpluginreporeleasesdownload1jettystarterwebappwarfile303250zip Wed 3/1 14:28:07.922 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Asset file exists in local cache....check the MD5 sum... Wed 3/1 14:28:07.922 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Local cache file is good...the MD5 sums match! Wed 3/1 14:28:07.923 [PooledThread@41a5498f] All packages are now downloaded for the plugin jetty beginning uninstall and dependency verification... Wed 3/1 14:28:07.923 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Plugin installation has a missing/incompatible dependency of: PluginDependency[ant minVer=1.8.2 type=Plugin] installing that first... Wed 3/1 14:28:07.923 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Plugin installation is starting for SageTVPlugin[ant state=Repository name=ant version=1.8.2 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin - no need to download directly author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null created=4/10/2011 modified=4/10/2011 resPath=null webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.5.0 type=JVM]] packages=[Package[type=JAR url= md5=b8dcebcc9dd77d09e6aed7501281fc17 overwrite=true]]] ver=1.8.2 Wed 3/1 14:28:07.923 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Checking for compatability of the new plugin... Wed 3/1 14:28:07.923 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Plugin is compatible! Wed 3/1 14:28:07.923 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Plugin package Package[type=JAR url= md5=b8dcebcc9dd77d09e6aed7501281fc17 overwrite=true] Wed 3/1 14:28:07.923 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Plugin asset name is httpdownloadsagetvpluginsSluggerant182zip Wed 3/1 14:28:07.923 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Now downloading the plugin package from to local cache file PluginInstallers\ant\1.8.2\httpdownloadsagetvpluginsSluggerant182zip Wed 3/1 14:28:07.923 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Download requested for files server= src=null dest=PluginInstallers\ant\1.8.2\httpdownloadsagetvpluginsSluggerant182zip Wed 3/1 14:28:08.010 [PooledThread@41a5498f] HTTP Range requests are NOT supported by this server. errcode=403 Wed 3/1 14:28:08.101 [PooledThread@41a5498f] ERROR with file download Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: Wed 3/1 14:28:08.101 [PooledThread@41a5498f] Resource download failed from Wed 3/1 14:29:12.291 [Seeker@6876c8e3] Seeker awoken Wed 3/1 14:29:12.291 [Seeker@6876c8e3] MemStats: Used=438MB Total=765MB Max=954MB =============================================== =========================================== Wed 3/1 14:29:12.312 [Seeker@6876c8e3] Seeker waiting for 81 mins. Wed 3/1 14:29:57.284 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Checking to see if the plugin repository file SageTVPlugins.xml needs to be updated using MD5 URL: Wed 3/1 14:29:57.372 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] ERROR trying to retrieve the B66373F72EFB303541A2E56433306FCB file Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: Wed 3/1 14:29:57.372 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Downloading new SageTVPlugins.xml file from Wed 3/1 14:29:57.373 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Download requested for files server= src=null dest=SageTVPlugins.xml Wed 3/1 14:29:57.459 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] HTTP Range requests are NOT supported by this server. errcode=403 Wed 3/1 14:29:57.553 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] ERROR with file download Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: Wed 3/1 14:29:57.553 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] ERROR failed downloading file. Wed 3/1 14:29:57.553 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] ERROR failed downloading file. Wed 3/1 14:29:57.555 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Checking to see if the plugin repository file SageTVPluginsV9.xml needs to be updated using MD5 URL: Wed 3/1 14:29:57.761 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Local plugin repository file's checksum matches server's, no need to download a new one for SageTVPluginsV9.xml Wed 3/1 14:29:57.762 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Analyzing plugin repository XML file: SageTVPlugins.xml Wed 3/1 14:29:57.770 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Done processing plugin repository XML file[SageTVPlugins.xml] repositoryVersion=1.0.2063 Wed 3/1 14:29:57.770 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Analyzing plugin repository XML file: SageTVPluginsV9.xml Wed 3/1 14:29:57.776 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Done processing plugin repository XML file[SageTVPluginsV9.xml] repositoryVersion=2022.1109.1316 Wed 3/1 14:30:04.886 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Seeker.finishWatch(/ Wed 3/1 14:30:04.888 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Seeker.finishWatch(/ Wed 3/1 14:30:04.888 [PooledThread@1fa61a6e] Seeker.finishWatch(/ Wed 3/1 14:30:05.938 [KeepAlive@1c3ba7ee] Error with c/s comm: Software caused connection abort: recv failed Wed 3/1 14:30:05.938 [KeepAlive@1c3ba7ee] Software caused connection abort: recv failed Wed 3/1 14:30:05.938 [KeepAlive@1c3ba7ee] at Method) Wed 3/1 14:30:05.938 [KeepAlive@1c3ba7ee] at Source) Wed 3/1 14:30:05.938 [KeepAlive@1c3ba7ee] at Source) Wed 3/1 14:30:05.938 [KeepAlive@1c3ba7ee] at Source) Wed 3/1 14:30:05.938 [KeepAlive@1c3ba7ee] at Source) Wed 3/1 14:30:05.938 [KeepAlive@1c3ba7ee] at Source) Wed 3/1 14:30:05.938 [KeepAlive@1c3ba7ee] at sage.SageTVConnection$MyDataInput.readByte( Wed 3/1 14:30:05.938 [KeepAlive@1c3ba7ee] at sage.SageTVConnection.readLineBytes( Wed 3/1 14:30:05.938 [KeepAlive@1c3ba7ee] at sage.SageTVConnection.keepAlive( Wed 3/1 14:30:05.938 [KeepAlive@1c3ba7ee] at sage.SageTVConnection.access$100( Wed 3/1 14:30:05.938 [KeepAlive@1c3ba7ee] at sage.SageTVConnection$ Wed 3/1 14:30:05.938 [KeepAlive@1c3ba7ee] at sage.Pooler$ Wed 3/1 14:30:05.938 [KeepAlive@1c3ba7ee] NetworkManager CommunicationFailure : / type=2 Wed 3/1 14:30:05.938 [KeepAlive@1c3ba7ee] NetworkClient fullCleanup / Wed 3/1 14:30:05.939 [KeepAlive@1c3ba7ee] Cleaning up c/s connection Wed 3/1 14:30:05.939 [KeepAlive@1c3ba7ee] Cleaning up c/s connection Wed 3/1 14:30:05.939 [KeepAlive@1c3ba7ee] NetworkManager CommunicationFailure : / type=2 Wed 3/1 14:30:05.939 [ConnRecvQueue@39e670d5] Error communicating with Socket Closed Wed 3/1 14:30:05.939 [Seeker@6876c8e3] Seeker awoken Wed 3/1 14:30:05.939 [ConnRecvQueue@39e670d5] Cleaning up c/s connection Wed 3/1 14:30:05.940 [Seeker@6876c8e3] MemStats: Used=465MB Total=765MB Max=954MB Wed 3/1 14:30:05.940 [ConnRecvQueue@39e670d5] NetworkManager CommunicationFailure : / type=1 Wed 3/1 14:30:05.940 [ConnRecvQueue@39e670d5] MsgRecv thread is terminating for / ============================================