[b]Note:[/b] [i]You must already have [url=http://tools.assembla.com/sageplugins/wiki/Jetty]Jetty installed[/url] and working before performing these steps.[/i] 1. Download nielm_websrv_jetty_2_25.zip 2. Shut down SageTV service (if applicable) and all clients 3. In your SageTV directory, delete the entire /webserver folder 4. In your SageTV directory, delete the following from the /JARs folder: [LIST] [i][*]servlet.jar [*]nielm_sagewebserver.jar [*]nielm_sageutls.jar (may be used by other plug-ins, so ensure everything still works if you delete this) [*]nielm_sagexmlinfo.jar[/i] [/LIST] 5. In Sage.properties, find the [i]load_at_startup_runnable_classes=[/i] entry and delete the [i]net.sf.sageplugins.webserver.StartServer[/i] argument 6. In Sage.properties, delete the [i]nielm/webserver/root=webserver[/i] entry 7. Extract the .zip file from step #1 to your SageTV folder, maintaining folder structure [b]If not [u]forcing[/u] SSL, skip to step #9.[/b] If you [b]already have Jetty working with SSL[/b] and wish to force it's use for the web interface: 8. Uncomment the first instance of [i]2[/i] (line 54) in the [i]nielm_websrv.context.xml[/i] file 9. Restart the SageTV service If anyone wants to copy these instructions and use them as their baseline, feel free to do so.