set top box is tuned to channel 360 turn on pc and fire up sage. select LiveTV ------------------------------------------------------------ Fri 9/12 14:22:59.719 DTVSerial opened handle 2640 on port COM1 Fri 9/12 14:22:59.719 Attempting 0xa6 command Write on handle 2640 Fri 9/12 14:22:59.735 DTVSerial Invalid Command for handle 2640, trying older ve rsion Fri 9/12 14:22:59.735 Attempting 0x46 command Write on handle 2640 Fri 9/12 14:22:59.735 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 Fri 9/12 14:22:59.735 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 Fri 9/12 14:22:59.735 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 Fri 9/12 14:22:59.766 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 Fri 9/12 14:22:59.766 DTVSerial Valid Command Recognized for handle 2640 Fri 9/12 14:22:59.766 DTVSerial Set Top is Processing Request for handle 2640 Fri 9/12 14:23:01.219 DTVSerial Command Successful for handle 2640 --------------------------------------------------------------------- sage changes channel to 145 wait two minutes, then press channel up button on hauppauge remote --------------------------------------------------------------------- 14:25:26.125 Attempting 0xa6 command Write on handle 2640 14:25:26.125 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:25:26.125 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:25:26.156 DTVSerial Invalid Command for handle 2640, trying older ve 14:25:26.156 Attempting 0x46 command Write on handle 2640 14:25:26.156 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:25:26.156 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:25:26.156 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:25:26.156 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:25:26.188 DTVSerial Valid Command Recognized for handle 2640 14:25:26.188 DTVSerial Set Top is Processing Request for handle 2640 14:25:27.610 DTVSerial Command Successful for handle 2640 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sage successfully changes channel to 148 (this is the actual next channel available today) wait two more minutes, then press channel up again ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14:28:21.297 Attempting 0xa6 command Write on handle 2640 14:28:21.297 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:28:21.297 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:28:21.313 DTVSerial Invalid Command for handle 2640, trying older ve 14:28:21.313 Attempting 0x46 command Write on handle 2640 14:28:21.313 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:28:21.313 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:28:21.313 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:28:21.313 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:28:21.328 DTVSerial Valid Command Recognized for handle 2640 14:28:21.344 DTVSerial Set Top is Processing Request for handle 2640 14:28:22.844 Incomplete COM Read on handle 2640 ---------------------------------------------------------------- sage successfully changed channel again, to channel 150 (actual next channel available today) wait two more minutes and press channel up again ------------------------------------------------------------------ 14:30:28.672 Attempting 0xa6 command Write on handle 2640 14:30:28.672 DTVSerial Command Successful for handle 2640 ------------------------------------------------------------------ sage changes its own channel to channel 151, but set top is still on 150 wait two minutes, press channel up again ------------------------------------------------------------------- 14:32:17.344 Attempting 0xa6 command Write on handle 2640 14:32:17.344 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:32:17.344 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:32:17.344 DTVSerial Invalid Command for handle 2640, trying older ve 14:32:17.344 Attempting 0x46 command Write on handle 2640 14:32:17.360 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:32:17.360 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:32:17.360 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:32:17.360 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:32:17.360 DTVSerial Invalid Command for handle 2640, trying older ve 14:32:17.375 DTVSerial Failed Command-Response on handle 2640 of 0xf1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- sage's channel guide changes to channel 152 and then the set top box is changed to channel 152 wait two minutes, press channel up again --------------------------------------------------------------------- 14:33:54.235 Attempting 0xa6 command Write on handle 2640 14:33:54.235 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:33:54.235 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:33:54.235 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:33:54.235 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:33:54.235 DTVSerial Valid Command Recognized for handle 2640 14:33:54.235 DTVSerial Set Top is Processing Request for handle 2640 14:33:54.235 DTVSerial Command Successful for handle 2640 --------------------------------------------------------------------- sage changes its own program guide to channel 155 (next channel available) but set top stays on channel 152 wait two minutes, press channel up again -------------------------------------------------------------------- 14:36:01.281 Attempting 0xa6 command Write on handle 2640 14:36:01.281 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:36:01.281 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:36:01.281 DTVSerial Invalid Command for handle 2640, trying older ve 14:36:01.297 Attempting 0x46 command Write on handle 2640 14:36:01.297 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:36:01.297 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:36:01.297 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:36:01.297 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:36:01.328 DTVSerial Invalid Command for handle 2640, trying older ve 14:36:01.328 DTVSerial Failed Command-Response on handle 2640 of 0xf1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sage updates its program guide to channel 157 (next channel available) but the set top still doesn't change and is still on channel 152 wait two minutes, press channel up again -------------------------------------------------------------------- 14:37:48.578 Attempting 0xa6 command Write on handle 2640 14:37:48.578 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:37:48.578 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:37:48.578 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:37:48.578 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:37:48.578 DTVSerial Valid Command Recognized for handle 2640 14:37:48.578 DTVSerial Set Top is Processing Request for handle 2640 14:37:48.578 DTVSerial Unknown Command Response on handle 2640 of 0xf5 --------------------------------------------------------------------- sage updates it program guide to channel 160 (next channel available) but set top still doesn't change and is still on channel 152 wait two minutes, press channel up again --------------------------------------------------------------------- 14:39:22.844 Attempting 0xa6 command Write on handle 2640 14:39:22.860 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:39:22.860 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:39:22.860 DTVSerial Invalid Command for handle 2640, trying older ve 14:39:22.860 Attempting 0x46 command Write on handle 2640 14:39:22.860 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:39:22.860 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:39:22.860 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:39:22.860 DTVSerial illegal char (clearing it) for handle 2640 14:39:22.875 DTVSerial Invalid Command for handle 2640, trying older ve 14:39:22.891 DTVSerial Failed Command-Response on handle 2640 of 0xf1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sage updates its program guide to channel 165 (next channel available) and set top changes to channel 165.