2014-01-28 17:39:09,019 (1f2c) : INFO (core:336) - Starting framework core - Version: 2.3.14, Build: da72f40 (Sat Dec 28 01:49:09 UTC 2013) 2014-01-28 17:39:09,019 (1f2c) : DEBUG (core:348) - Using the elevated policy 2014-01-28 17:39:09,019 (1f2c) : DEBUG (core:437) - Starting runtime component. 2014-01-28 17:39:09,128 (1f2c) : DEBUG (core:437) - Starting caching component. 2014-01-28 17:39:09,128 (1f2c) : DEBUG (core:437) - Starting data component. 2014-01-28 17:39:09,128 (1f2c) : DEBUG (core:437) - Starting networking component. 2014-01-28 17:39:09,128 (1f2c) : DEBUG (networking:318) - Loaded HTTP cookies 2014-01-28 17:39:09,144 (1f2c) : DEBUG (networking:504) - Setting the default network timeout to 20.0 2014-01-28 17:39:09,144 (1f2c) : DEBUG (core:437) - Starting localization component. 2014-01-28 17:39:09,144 (1f2c) : INFO (localization:408) - Setting the default locale to en-us 2014-01-28 17:39:09,161 (1f2c) : DEBUG (localization:426) - Loaded en strings 2014-01-28 17:39:09,161 (1f2c) : DEBUG (core:437) - Starting messaging component. 2014-01-28 17:39:09,191 (2738) : DEBUG (networking:172) - Requesting '' 2014-01-28 17:39:09,223 (1f2c) : DEBUG (core:437) - Starting debugging component. 2014-01-28 17:39:09,286 (1f2c) : DEBUG (core:437) - Starting services component. 2014-01-28 17:39:09,301 (1f2c) : DEBUG (core:437) - Starting myplex component. 2014-01-28 17:39:09,301 (1f2c) : DEBUG (core:437) - Starting notifications component. 2014-01-28 17:39:09,503 (1f2c) : DEBUG (accessor:68) - Creating a new model access point for provider com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix in namespace 'metadata' 2014-01-28 17:39:09,536 (1f2c) : DEBUG (networking:172) - Requesting '' 2014-01-28 17:39:09,614 (2a4) : DEBUG (services:265) - Plug-in is not daemonized - loading services from system 2014-01-28 17:39:09,628 (2a4) : DEBUG (networking:172) - Requesting '' 2014-01-28 17:39:09,628 (1f2c) : DEBUG (runtime:1108) - Created a thread named 'load_all_services' 2014-01-28 17:39:09,628 (2600) : DEBUG (networking:172) - Requesting '' 2014-01-28 17:39:09,676 (1f2c) : DEBUG (runtime:1108) - Created a thread named 'get_server_info' 2014-01-28 17:39:09,676 (1f2c) : DEBUG (core:149) - Finished starting framework core 2014-01-28 17:39:09,676 (1f2c) : DEBUG (core:547) - Loading plug-in code 2014-01-28 17:39:09,676 (2600) : DEBUG (core:525) - Machine identifier is 43b82b2330f593a769449271e33b89df6951e572 2014-01-28 17:39:09,676 (2600) : DEBUG (core:526) - Server version is 2014-01-28 17:39:09,816 (2a4) : DEBUG (services:362) - Loaded services 2014-01-28 17:39:09,878 (18c4) : DEBUG (services:438) - No shared code to load 2014-01-28 17:39:09,926 (1f2c) : DEBUG (core:553) - Finished loading plug-in code 2014-01-28 17:39:10,003 (1f2c) : DEBUG (runtime:640) - Adding a prefix handler for 'Phoenix' ('/video/sagex/phoenix') 2014-01-28 17:39:10,051 (1f2c) : INFO (logkit:16) - Starting Phoenix Plex Plugin 2014-01-28 17:39:10,051 (1f2c) : INFO (datakit:24) - Resetting the dictionary 2014-01-28 17:39:10,051 (1f2c) : INFO (datakit:118) - No default dictionary file 2014-01-28 17:39:10,051 (1f2c) : INFO (datakit:118) - No default dictionary file 2014-01-28 17:39:10,051 (1f2c) : INFO (core:598) - Started plug-in 2014-01-28 17:39:10,051 (1f2c) : DEBUG (socketinterface:160) - Starting socket server 2014-01-28 17:39:10,051 (1f2c) : DEBUG (runtime:1108) - Created a thread named 'start' 2014-01-28 17:39:10,051 (1f2c) : INFO (socketinterface:184) - Socket server started on port 58235 2014-01-28 17:39:10,051 (1f2c) : INFO (pipeinterface:25) - Entering run loop 2014-01-28 17:39:10,051 (1f2c) : DEBUG (runtime:717) - Handling request GET /:/prefixes 2014-01-28 17:39:10,066 (1f2c) : DEBUG (runtime:814) - Found route matching /:/prefixes 2014-01-28 17:39:10,066 (1f2c) : DEBUG (runtime:915) - Response: [200] MediaContainer, 460 bytes 2014-01-28 17:39:10,301 (171c) : DEBUG (runtime:717) - Handling request GET /video/sagex/phoenix 2014-01-28 17:39:10,316 (171c) : DEBUG (runtime:814) - Found route matching /video/sagex/phoenix 2014-01-28 17:39:10,332 (171c) : DEBUG (preferences:256) - Loaded preferences from ServicePrefs.json 2014-01-28 17:39:10,348 (171c) : DEBUG (preferences:178) - Loaded the user preferences for com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix 2014-01-28 17:39:10,348 (171c) : DEBUG (networking:172) - Requesting '' 2014-01-28 17:39:10,364 (171c) : WARNING (runtime:1056) - Generating a callback path for a function with no route: 2014-01-28 17:39:10,378 (171c) : WARNING (runtime:1056) - Generating a callback path for a function with no route: 2014-01-28 17:39:10,378 (171c) : WARNING (runtime:1056) - Generating a callback path for a function with no route: 2014-01-28 17:39:10,378 (171c) : WARNING (runtime:1056) - Generating a callback path for a function with no route: 2014-01-28 17:39:10,378 (171c) : WARNING (runtime:1056) - Generating a callback path for a function with no route: 2014-01-28 17:39:10,378 (171c) : WARNING (runtime:1056) - Generating a callback path for a function with no route: 2014-01-28 17:39:10,378 (171c) : WARNING (runtime:1056) - Generating a callback path for a function with no route: 2014-01-28 17:39:10,378 (171c) : INFO (logkit:16) - val(): Object doesn't have items; (failed on items) 2014-01-28 17:39:10,378 (171c) : WARNING (runtime:1056) - Generating a callback path for a function with no route: 2014-01-28 17:39:10,378 (171c) : INFO (logkit:16) - val(): Object doesn't have items; (failed on items) 2014-01-28 17:39:10,378 (171c) : WARNING (runtime:1056) - Generating a callback path for a function with no route: 2014-01-28 17:39:10,378 (171c) : INFO (logkit:16) - val(): Object doesn't have items; (failed on items) 2014-01-28 17:39:10,378 (171c) : WARNING (runtime:1056) - Generating a callback path for a function with no route: 2014-01-28 17:39:10,378 (171c) : DEBUG (services:41) - Loading service code for Phoenix (URLServiceRecord) 2014-01-28 17:39:10,536 (171c) : DEBUG (services:41) - Loading service code for Phoenix (SearchServiceRecord) 2014-01-28 17:39:10,707 (171c) : DEBUG (base:123) - Checking if com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix is broken 2014-01-28 17:39:10,707 (171c) : DEBUG (networking:172) - Requesting '' 2014-01-28 17:39:10,723 (171c) : DEBUG (runtime:915) - Response: [200] MediaContainer, 4334 bytes 2014-01-28 17:39:13,066 (2724) : DEBUG (runtime:717) - Handling request GET /video/sagex/phoenix/:/function/GetView?function_args=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMwppMTAwCnMzCmVuZHMyMwpwaG9lbml4LnZpZXcuZGVmYXVsdC5UVnM4CnZpZXdOYW1lczgKVFYgU2hvd3NzNQp0aXRsZXIwCg__ 2014-01-28 17:39:13,082 (2724) : DEBUG (runtime:814) - Found route matching /video/sagex/phoenix/:/function/GetView 2014-01-28 17:39:13,082 (2724) : DEBUG (runtime:143) - Calling function 'GetView' 2014-01-28 17:39:13,082 (2724) : DEBUG (networking:172) - Requesting '' 2014-01-28 17:39:13,161 (2724) : INFO (logkit:16) - Processing Videos: viewName=phoenix.view.default.TV; title=TV Shows; start: 0; end: 100 2014-01-28 17:39:13,176 (2724) : INFO (logkit:16) - Processing View: phoenix.view.default.TV with path TV Shows 2014-01-28 17:39:13,176 (2724) : INFO (logkit:16) - GetPath: TV Shows 2014-01-28 17:39:13,176 (2724) : DEBUG (runtime:915) - Response: [200] MediaContainer, 469 bytes 2014-01-28 17:39:18,207 (e68) : INFO (datakit:131) - Saved the dictionary file 2014-01-28 17:39:27,207 (e18) : DEBUG (runtime:717) - Handling request GET /video/sagex/phoenix/:/function/GetView?function_args=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMwppNTAKczMKZW5kczM0CnBob2VuaXgudmlldy51dGlsLnJlY2VudHJlY29yZGluZ3NzOAp2aWV3TmFtZXMxNwpSZWNlbnQgUmVjb3JkaW5nc3M1CnRpdGxlcjAK 2014-01-28 17:39:27,207 (e18) : DEBUG (runtime:814) - Found route matching /video/sagex/phoenix/:/function/GetView 2014-01-28 17:39:27,207 (e18) : DEBUG (runtime:143) - Calling function 'GetView' 2014-01-28 17:39:27,207 (e18) : DEBUG (networking:172) - Requesting '' 2014-01-28 17:39:27,332 (e18) : INFO (logkit:16) - View returned an error: phoenix.view.util.recentrecordings 2014-01-28 17:39:27,348 (e18) : DEBUG (runtime:915) - Response: [200] MediaContainer, 459 bytes 2014-01-28 18:02:13,744 (198c) : DEBUG (runtime:717) - Handling request GET /video/sagex/phoenix 2014-01-28 18:02:13,744 (198c) : DEBUG (runtime:814) - Found route matching /video/sagex/phoenix 2014-01-28 18:02:13,760 (198c) : DEBUG (networking:172) - Requesting '' 2014-01-28 18:02:13,808 (198c) : WARNING (runtime:1056) - Generating a callback path for a function with no route: 2014-01-28 18:02:13,822 (198c) : WARNING (runtime:1056) - Generating a callback path for a function with no route: 2014-01-28 18:02:13,822 (198c) : WARNING (runtime:1056) - Generating a callback path for a function with no route: 2014-01-28 18:02:13,822 (198c) : WARNING (runtime:1056) - Generating a callback path for a function with no route: 2014-01-28 18:02:13,822 (198c) : WARNING (runtime:1056) - Generating a callback path for a function with no route: 2014-01-28 18:02:13,822 (198c) : WARNING (runtime:1056) - Generating a callback path for a function with no route: 2014-01-28 18:02:13,822 (198c) : WARNING (runtime:1056) - Generating a callback path for a function with no route: 2014-01-28 18:02:13,822 (198c) : INFO (logkit:16) - val(): Object doesn't have items; (failed on items) 2014-01-28 18:02:13,822 (198c) : WARNING (runtime:1056) - Generating a callback path for a function with no route: 2014-01-28 18:02:13,822 (198c) : INFO (logkit:16) - val(): Object doesn't have items; (failed on items) 2014-01-28 18:02:13,838 (198c) : WARNING (runtime:1056) - Generating a callback path for a function with no route: 2014-01-28 18:02:13,838 (198c) : INFO (logkit:16) - val(): Object doesn't have items; (failed on items) 2014-01-28 18:02:13,838 (198c) : WARNING (runtime:1056) - Generating a callback path for a function with no route: 2014-01-28 18:02:13,855 (198c) : DEBUG (base:123) - Checking if com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix is broken 2014-01-28 18:02:13,855 (198c) : DEBUG (networking:172) - Requesting '' 2014-01-28 18:02:13,901 (198c) : DEBUG (runtime:915) - Response: [200] MediaContainer, 4334 bytes 2014-01-28 18:02:18,198 (25ec) : DEBUG (runtime:717) - Handling request GET /:/plugins/com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix/prefs 2014-01-28 18:02:18,198 (25ec) : DEBUG (runtime:814) - Found route matching /:/plugins/com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix/prefs 2014-01-28 18:02:18,198 (25ec) : DEBUG (runtime:915) - Response: [200] MediaContainer, 608 bytes 2014-01-28 18:02:30,542 (26bc) : DEBUG (runtime:717) - Handling request GET /video/sagex/phoenix/:/function/GetView?function_args=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMwppNTAKczMKZW5kczMxCnBob2VuaXgudmlldy51dGlsLnJlY2VudGltcG9ydHNzOAp2aWV3TmFtZXMxNApSZWNlbnQgSW1wb3J0c3M1CnRpdGxlcjAK 2014-01-28 18:02:30,542 (26bc) : DEBUG (runtime:814) - Found route matching /video/sagex/phoenix/:/function/GetView 2014-01-28 18:02:30,542 (26bc) : DEBUG (runtime:143) - Calling function 'GetView' 2014-01-28 18:02:30,559 (26bc) : DEBUG (networking:172) - Requesting '' 2014-01-28 18:02:30,871 (26bc) : INFO (logkit:16) - View returned an error: phoenix.view.util.recentimports 2014-01-28 18:02:30,871 (26bc) : DEBUG (runtime:915) - Response: [200] MediaContainer, 456 bytes 2014-01-28 18:02:41,528 (1d2c) : DEBUG (runtime:717) - Handling request GET /video/sagex/phoenix/:/function/GetView?function_args=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMwppLTEKczMKZW5kczQwCnBob2VuaXgudmlldy5kZWZhdWx0LnNjaGVkdWxlZHJlY29yZGluZ3NzOAp2aWV3TmFtZXMzNgpSZWNvcmRpbmcgU2NoZWR1bGUgKEdyb3VwZWQgYnkgRGF0ZSlzNQp0aXRsZXIwCg__ 2014-01-28 18:02:41,528 (1d2c) : DEBUG (runtime:814) - Found route matching /video/sagex/phoenix/:/function/GetView 2014-01-28 18:02:41,528 (1d2c) : DEBUG (runtime:143) - Calling function 'GetView' 2014-01-28 18:02:41,528 (1d2c) : DEBUG (networking:172) - Requesting '' 2014-01-28 18:02:41,575 (1d2c) : INFO (logkit:16) - Processing Videos: viewName=phoenix.view.default.scheduledrecordings; title=Recording Schedule (Grouped by Date); start: 0; end: -1 2014-01-28 18:02:41,575 (1d2c) : INFO (logkit:16) - Processing View: phoenix.view.default.scheduledrecordings with path Scheduled Recordings 2014-01-28 18:02:41,575 (1d2c) : INFO (logkit:16) - GetPath: Scheduled Recordings 2014-01-28 18:02:41,589 (1d2c) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:41,589 (1d2c) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:41,589 (1d2c) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:41,589 (1d2c) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:41,589 (1d2c) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:41,589 (1d2c) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:41,589 (1d2c) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:41,589 (1d2c) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:41,589 (1d2c) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:41,589 (1d2c) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:41,605 (1d2c) : DEBUG (runtime:915) - Response: [200] MediaContainer, 5023 bytes 2014-01-28 18:02:46,371 (1a94) : DEBUG (runtime:717) - Handling request GET /video/sagex/phoenix/:/function/GetView?function_args=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMwppLTEKczMKZW5kczQwCnBob2VuaXgudmlldy5wcmltYXJ5LnNjaGVkdWxlZHJlY29yZGluZ3NzOAp2aWV3TmFtZXMxOApSZWNvcmRpbmcgU2NoZWR1bGVzNQp0aXRsZXIwCg__ 2014-01-28 18:02:46,371 (1a94) : DEBUG (runtime:814) - Found route matching /video/sagex/phoenix/:/function/GetView 2014-01-28 18:02:46,371 (1a94) : DEBUG (runtime:143) - Calling function 'GetView' 2014-01-28 18:02:46,387 (1a94) : DEBUG (networking:172) - Requesting '' 2014-01-28 18:02:46,403 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Processing Videos: viewName=phoenix.view.primary.scheduledrecordings; title=Recording Schedule; start: 0; end: -1 2014-01-28 18:02:46,403 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Processing View: phoenix.view.primary.scheduledrecordings with path Scheduled Recordings 2014-01-28 18:02:46,403 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - GetPath: Scheduled Recordings 2014-01-28 18:02:46,403 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,418 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,418 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,418 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,418 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,418 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,418 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,418 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,418 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,418 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,434 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,434 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,434 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,434 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,434 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,434 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,434 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,434 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,450 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,450 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,450 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,450 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,450 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,450 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,450 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,450 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,450 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,466 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,466 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,466 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,466 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,466 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,466 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,466 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,466 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,466 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,480 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,480 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,480 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,480 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,480 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,480 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,480 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,496 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,496 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,496 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,496 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - FANART URL: 2014-01-28 18:02:46,496 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228959' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,528 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:41) - Loading service code for Fallback (URLServiceRecord) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,855 (1828) : INFO (datakit:131) - Saved the dictionary file 2014-01-28 18:02:46,871 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228959' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,871 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228959' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,888 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/228959 2014-01-28 18:02:46,888 (1a94) : WARNING (objectkit:199) - Media part has no streams - attempting to synthesize 2014-01-28 18:02:46,888 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229215' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,888 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229215' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,888 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229215' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,888 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/229215 2014-01-28 18:02:46,888 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249276' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,888 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249276' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,903 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249276' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,903 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/249276 2014-01-28 18:02:46,903 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/269951' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,903 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/269951' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,903 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/269951' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,903 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/269951 2014-01-28 18:02:46,903 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/157151' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,903 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/157151' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,918 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/157151' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,918 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/157151 2014-01-28 18:02:46,918 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249284' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,918 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249284' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,918 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249284' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,918 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/249284 2014-01-28 18:02:46,918 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229210' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,918 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229210' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,934 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229210' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,934 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/229210 2014-01-28 18:02:46,934 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228954' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,934 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228954' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,934 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228954' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,934 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/228954 2014-01-28 18:02:46,934 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229207' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,950 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229207' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,950 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229207' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,950 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/229207 2014-01-28 18:02:46,950 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229217' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,950 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229217' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,950 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229217' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,950 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/229217 2014-01-28 18:02:46,950 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/203842' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,966 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/203842' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,966 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/203842' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,966 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/203842 2014-01-28 18:02:46,966 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229211' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,966 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229211' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,966 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229211' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,966 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/229211 2014-01-28 18:02:46,966 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/248756' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,980 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/248756' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,980 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/248756' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,980 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/248756 2014-01-28 18:02:46,980 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229212' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,980 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229212' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,980 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229212' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:46,996 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/229212 2014-01-28 18:02:46,996 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228956' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,043 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228956' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,043 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228956' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,043 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/228956 2014-01-28 18:02:47,043 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228961' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,059 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228961' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,059 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228961' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,059 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/228961 2014-01-28 18:02:47,059 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229224' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,059 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229224' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,059 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229224' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,059 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/229224 2014-01-28 18:02:47,059 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/203852' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,059 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/203852' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,075 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/203852' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,075 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/203852 2014-01-28 18:02:47,075 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/203854' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,075 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/203854' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,075 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/203854' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,075 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/203854 2014-01-28 18:02:47,075 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/203843' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,075 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/203843' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,075 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/203843' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,091 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/203843 2014-01-28 18:02:47,091 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229203' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,091 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229203' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,091 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229203' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,091 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/229203 2014-01-28 18:02:47,091 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/269947' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,105 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/269947' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,105 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/269947' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,105 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/269947 2014-01-28 18:02:47,105 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/188841' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,153 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/188841' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,184 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/188841' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,184 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/188841 2014-01-28 18:02:47,184 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/219795' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,184 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/219795' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,200 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/219795' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,200 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/219795 2014-01-28 18:02:47,200 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228953' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,216 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228953' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,216 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228953' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,263 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/228953 2014-01-28 18:02:47,263 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229206' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,263 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229206' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,293 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229206' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,309 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/229206 2014-01-28 18:02:47,309 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/180181' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,309 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/180181' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,309 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/180181' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,309 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/180181 2014-01-28 18:02:47,309 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249254' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,355 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249254' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,355 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249254' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,355 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/249254 2014-01-28 18:02:47,355 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249255' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,371 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249255' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,371 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249255' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,418 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/249255 2014-01-28 18:02:47,418 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249256' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,418 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249256' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,434 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249256' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,466 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/249256 2014-01-28 18:02:47,466 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249257' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,466 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249257' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,480 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249257' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,480 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/249257 2014-01-28 18:02:47,480 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249258' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,480 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249258' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,480 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249258' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,496 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/249258 2014-01-28 18:02:47,496 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249259' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,528 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249259' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,543 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249259' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,543 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/249259 2014-01-28 18:02:47,543 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249260' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,543 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249260' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,559 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249260' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,559 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/249260 2014-01-28 18:02:47,605 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228958' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,621 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228958' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,653 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228958' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,653 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/228958 2014-01-28 18:02:47,653 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229214' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,668 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229214' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,668 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229214' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,668 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/229214 2014-01-28 18:02:47,668 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229205' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,668 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229205' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,668 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229205' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,668 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/229205 2014-01-28 18:02:47,684 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/269952' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,684 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/269952' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,684 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/269952' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,684 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/269952 2014-01-28 18:02:47,684 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/180241' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,700 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/180241' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,700 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/180241' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,700 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/180241 2014-01-28 18:02:47,700 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249290' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,700 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249290' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,700 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/249290' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,700 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/249290 2014-01-28 18:02:47,700 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228955' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,716 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228955' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,716 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228955' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,716 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/228955 2014-01-28 18:02:47,716 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229204' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,716 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229204' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,716 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229204' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,716 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/229204 2014-01-28 18:02:47,716 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/248761' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,716 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/248761' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,730 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/248761' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,730 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/248761 2014-01-28 18:02:47,730 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229222' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,730 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229222' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,730 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229222' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,730 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/229222 2014-01-28 18:02:47,730 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228960' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,730 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228960' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,746 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228960' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,746 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/228960 2014-01-28 18:02:47,746 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228964' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,793 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228964' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,793 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/228964' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,809 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/228964 2014-01-28 18:02:47,809 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229226' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,809 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229226' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,809 (1a94) : DEBUG (services:615) - Found a service matching 'stvphoenix://airing/229226' - Phoenix (com.plexapp.plugins.sagexphoenix) 2014-01-28 18:02:47,809 (1a94) : INFO (logkit:16) - Phoenix: MediaObjectsForURL: stvphoenix://airing/229226 2014-01-28 18:02:47,855 (1a94) : DEBUG (runtime:915) - Response: [200] MediaContainer, 60752 bytes 2014-01-28 18:02:52,168 (1604) : DEBUG (runtime:717) - Handling request GET /video/sagex/phoenix/:/function/GetView?function_args=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMwppLTEKczMKZW5kczM5CnBob2VuaXgudmlldy5kZWZhdWx0LmN1cnJlbnRseXJlY29yZGluZ3M4CnZpZXdOYW1lczE5CkN1cnJlbnRseSBSZWNvcmRpbmdzNQp0aXRsZXIwCg__ 2014-01-28 18:02:52,168 (1604) : DEBUG (runtime:814) - Found route matching /video/sagex/phoenix/:/function/GetView 2014-01-28 18:02:52,168 (1604) : DEBUG (runtime:143) - Calling function 'GetView' 2014-01-28 18:02:52,184 (1604) : DEBUG (networking:172) - Requesting '' 2014-01-28 18:02:52,263 (1604) : INFO (logkit:16) - Processing Videos: viewName=phoenix.view.default.currentlyrecording; title=Currently Recording; start: 0; end: -1 2014-01-28 18:02:52,263 (1604) : INFO (logkit:16) - Processing View: phoenix.view.default.currentlyrecording with path Currently Recording 2014-01-28 18:02:52,263 (1604) : INFO (logkit:16) - GetPath: Currently Recording 2014-01-28 18:02:52,263 (1604) : DEBUG (runtime:915) - Response: [200] MediaContainer, 485 bytes 2014-01-28 18:02:57,371 (2538) : INFO (datakit:131) - Saved the dictionary file 2014-01-28 18:02:58,279 (e4c) : DEBUG (runtime:717) - Handling request GET /video/sagex/phoenix/:/function/GetView?function_args=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMwppNTAKczMKZW5kczMwCnBob2VuaXgudmlldy5kZWZhdWx0LmFsbE1vdmllc3M4CnZpZXdOYW1lczEwCkFsbCBNb3ZpZXNzNQp0aXRsZXIwCg__ 2014-01-28 18:02:58,279 (e4c) : DEBUG (runtime:814) - Found route matching /video/sagex/phoenix/:/function/GetView 2014-01-28 18:02:58,279 (e4c) : DEBUG (runtime:143) - Calling function 'GetView' 2014-01-28 18:02:58,279 (e4c) : DEBUG (networking:172) - Requesting '' 2014-01-28 18:02:58,357 (e4c) : INFO (logkit:16) - View returned an error: phoenix.view.default.allMovies 2014-01-28 18:02:58,357 (e4c) : DEBUG (runtime:915) - Response: [200] MediaContainer, 452 bytes 2014-01-28 18:03:07,434 (1ccc) : DEBUG (runtime:717) - Handling request GET /video/sagex/phoenix/:/function/GetView?function_args=Y2VyZWFsMQoxCmRpY3QKMwppMTAwCnMzCmVuZHMyMwpwaG9lbml4LnZpZXcuZGVmYXVsdC5UVnM4CnZpZXdOYW1lczgKVFYgU2hvd3NzNQp0aXRsZXIwCg__ 2014-01-28 18:03:07,434 (1ccc) : DEBUG (runtime:814) - Found route matching /video/sagex/phoenix/:/function/GetView 2014-01-28 18:03:07,434 (1ccc) : DEBUG (runtime:143) - Calling function 'GetView' 2014-01-28 18:03:07,434 (1ccc) : DEBUG (networking:172) - Requesting '' 2014-01-28 18:03:07,450 (1ccc) : INFO (logkit:16) - Processing Videos: viewName=phoenix.view.default.TV; title=TV Shows; start: 0; end: 100 2014-01-28 18:03:07,450 (1ccc) : INFO (logkit:16) - Processing View: phoenix.view.default.TV with path TV Shows 2014-01-28 18:03:07,450 (1ccc) : INFO (logkit:16) - GetPath: TV Shows 2014-01-28 18:03:07,467 (1ccc) : DEBUG (runtime:915) - Response: [200] MediaContainer, 469 bytes 2014-01-28 18:03:12,608 (1520) : INFO (datakit:131) - Saved the dictionary file 2014-01-28 18:03:12,779 (21d8) : DEBUG (runtime:717) - Handling request GET /video/sagex/phoenix/about 2014-01-28 18:03:12,779 (21d8) : DEBUG (runtime:814) - Found route matching /video/sagex/phoenix/about 2014-01-28 18:03:12,779 (21d8) : DEBUG (runtime:915) - Response: [200] MessageContainer, 141 bytes