------------------Basic Preferences-------------------- Sage Directory = C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV imgBurn = C:\Program Files\ImgBurn\ImgBurn.exe burnImage = C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\perl2DVD\burnImage.jpg sageOthers = D:\DVD localSageOthers = D:\DVD burnerDrive = F: DVD Menu theme = Images_bt scratchPath = D:\DVD ------------------Advanced Preferences-------------------- ffmpeg = C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\SageTVTranscoder.exe ffmpegSwitchesMPEG = -y -acodec copy -intra_matrix 08,08,09,11,13,13,14,17,08,08,11,12,13,14,17,18,09,11,13,13,14,17,17,19,11,11,13,13,14,17,18,20,11,13,13,14,16,17,20,24,13,13,14,16,17,20,24,29,13,13,14,17,19,23,28,34,13,14,17,19,23,28,34,41 -inter_matrix 08,08,08,09,09,09,09,10,08,08,09,09,09,09,10,10,08,09,09,09,09,10,10,10,09,09,09,09,10,10,10,10,09,09,09,10,10,10,10,11,09,09,10,10,10,10,11,11,09,10,10,10,10,11,11,11,10,10,10,10,11,11,11,11 -r 30000/1001 -bf 2 -mbd 2 -qmin 1 -mblmin 1 -lmin 1 -qsquish 1 -rc_init_cplx 500 -padtop 0 -padbottom 0 -async 50 -flags2 +sgop -deinterlace ffmpegSwitchesAVI = -acodec mp2 -ab 224 -ac 2 -mbd 2 -qmin 2 -async 1 -y maxBitrate = 7800 DVD Res = NTSC imgBurnSwitches = /START /VERIFY NO /CLOSE /ERASE /SPEED MAX /WAITFORMEDIA TargetSize = 4.7 Billion Bytes HDTV comskipOffset = 3 Seconds SDTV comskipOffset = 0 Seconds Defualt Chapter Length = 5 MPEG Bitrate Adjustment coefs = 550 non-MPEG Bitrate Adjustment coefs = 250 non-MPEG file info regEX = \d{1,2}x\d{1,2} - Transcode Priority = belownormal Minute Difference threshold between estimate and reported = 25 Readable Chars per title in other programs file name = 10 Bitrate EQ coefs= 0.0666666667,712 Estimated Filesize coefs= 1.0718,-93.901 Optional UNC version of work folder to use for burning .bat file = Debug Mode = 0 dvdAuthor = C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\perl2DVD\dvdauthor.exe mkisofs = C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\perl2DVD\mkisofs.exe grMagic = C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\perl2DVD\gm.exe png2yuv = C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\perl2DVD\png2yuv.exe mpeg2enc = C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\perl2DVD\mpeg2enc.exe mplex = C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\perl2DVD\mplex.exe spumux = C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\perl2DVD\spumux.exe bbdmux = C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\perl2DVD\bbdmux.exe SageTV drive letter = C: Transcoder Program = SageTVTranscoder.exe ------------ Checking for finished burns to delete ---------------- ------------ Getting QDVD file info ---------------- QDVD Full Path = D:\dvd\dvdList.0.qdvd QDVD Filename = D:\dvd\(dvdList.0.qdvd) QDVD File = (dvdList.0).qdvd QDVD Full file = (D:\dvd\dvdList.0).qdvd ------------ Generating work Paths ---------------- Image Save Location = D:\DVD Work Folder = D:\DVD\dvdList.0.WorkFolder Making work directory: mkdir "D:\DVD\dvdList.0.WorkFolder" ------------ Reading QDVD file ---------------- ------------video Info Loop #0 ---------------- Full Path[0] = E:\videos\Kids\Sesame Street\ElmosWorld-Birthdays-3785416-0.mpg Extention[0] = E:\videos\Kids\Sesame Street\ElmosWorld-Birthdays-3785416-0(.mpg) Filename[0] = E:\videos\Kids\Sesame Street\(ElmosWorld-Birthdays-3785416-0.mpg) File[0] = (ElmosWorld-Birthdays-3785416-0).mpg Full file[0] = (E:\videos\Kids\Sesame Street\ElmosWorld-Birthdays-3785416-0).mpg HDTV[0] = ()@@@Kids/Sesame Street/ElmosWorld-Birthdays-3785416-0###Kids/Sesame Street/ElmosWorld-Birthdays-3785416-0$$$%%% showTitle[0] = (Kids/Sesame Street/ElmosWorld-Birthdays-3785416-0)###Kids/Sesame Street/ElmosWorld-Birthdays-3785416-0$$$%%% episodeName[0]= (Kids/Sesame Street/ElmosWorld-Birthdays-3785416-0)$$$%%% episodeDesc[0]= ()%%% Getting Video Info: "C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\SageTVTranscoder.exe" -i "E:\videos\Kids\Sesame Street\ElmosWorld-Birthdays-3785416-0.mpg" -t 1 "D:\DVD\dvdList.0.WorkFolder\temp.mpg" 2>"D:\DVD\dvdList.0.WorkFolder\ElmosWorld-Birthdays-3785416-0.vidInfo.txt" Duration Line[0]: Duration: 00:11:20.4, start: 817.921378, bitrate: 7112 kb/s hours[0] = 00 minutes[0] = 11 seconds[0] = 20.4 totalMin[0] = 11.34 Video Info Line[0]: Stream #0.0[0x1e0], 29.97 fps(r): Video: mpeg2video, yuv420p, 720x480, 8000 kb/s Resolution[0] = 720x480 aspectRatio[0] = 4:3 Bitrate[0] = 8000 Frame Rate[0] = 29.97 Format[0] = mpeg2video Result = 1.0718*8000^1 + -93.901*8000^0 = 8480.499 Estimated Duration = 4725807.5 / 508829.94 ffmpeg duration = 11.34 bitrate estimated duration = 9.28759714886274 Generating mpeg for test DVD: "C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\SageTVTranscoder.exe" -i "E:\videos\Kids\Sesame Street\ElmosWorld-Birthdays-3785416-0.mpg" -target ntsc-dvd -acodec copy -vcodec copy -t 10 "D:\DVD\dvdList.0.WorkFolder\ElmosWorld-Birthdays-3785416-0.test.mpg" Creating DVD File Structure: "C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\perl2DVD\dvdauthor.exe" -x "D:\DVD\dvdList.0.WorkFolder\ElmosWorld-Birthdays-3785416-0.config.xml" 2> "D:\DVD\dvdList.0.WorkFolder\ElmosWorld-Birthdays-3785416-0.dvdInfo.txt" ------------ Calculating Bitrates ---------------- Result = 550*53966^0 = 550 Result = 250*53966^0 = 250 Total DVD time = 11.34 minutes # of Videos = 1 Avg Bitrate = 53966 Bitrate too high for DVD standard, reducing -> 7800 Result = 550*7800^0 = 550 Result = 250*7800^0 = 250 ------------ Starting Transcoding ---------------- ------------ ffmpeg Loop #0 ---------------- Result = 0.0666666667*8000^1 + 712*8000^0 = 1245.3333336 (8000 - 1245.3333336)*11.34*60 < 36718750 * (11.34/11.34) No Transcoding nessisary. Adding Nav Packets Transcoding Video: "C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\SageTVTranscoder.exe" -i "E:\videos\Kids\Sesame Street\ElmosWorld-Birthdays-3785416-0.mpg" -target ntsc-dvd -acodec copy -vcodec copy "D:\DVD\dvdList.0.WorkFolder\ElmosWorld-Birthdays-3785416-0.2dvd.mpg" 2> "D:\DVD\dvdList.0.WorkFolder\ElmosWorld-Birthdays-3785416-0.trans.log" ************* Creating transcoding batch file <** Done Running batch file with priority belownormal: "D:\DVD\dvdList.0.WorkFolder\ElmosWorld-Birthdays-3785416-0.2dvd.bat" Transcode Stats: Video Duration[0] = 11.34 Actual Bitrate[0] = 6754.77954144621 Target Bitrate[0] = 7800 Actual File Size[0] = 574494 Target File Size[0] = 4589843.85 Percent [0] = 12.5166349613397 Total Trans Time[0] = 00:00:16 Duration = 11.34 Video Chapters = 0,5:00,10:00 ------------ffmpeg Loop Finished ---------------- ------------ Generating Menu ---------------- <** Done Running menuGen batch file: "D:\DVD\dvdList.0.WorkFolder\menuGen.bat" ------------ Creating DVD file Stucture ---------------- Creating DVD File Structure: "C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\perl2DVD\dvdauthor.exe" -x "D:\DVD\dvdList.0.WorkFolder\dvdList.0.config.xml" 2> "D:\DVD\dvdList.0.WorkFolder\dvdList.0.dvdauthor.log" <** Done ------------ Creating Burnable image ---------------- Creating Burnable Image: "C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\perl2DVD\mkisofs.exe" -dvd-video -o "D:\DVD\dvdList.0.img" "D:\DVD\dvdList.0.WorkFolder\dvdList.0" <** Done ------------ Creating buring batch file ----------------