Welcome to mediaScraper v1.0beta Staring Proccesing at 10:39:57 3-5-2009 + Logfile : C:\Media Scraper\scraper.log + Executable : C:\Media Scraper\mediaScraper.exe + EXE path : C:\Media Scraper + Parsing switches - optionsString: /genMyFile /downloadFanArt /baseFolder "\\Deepthought\SageTV" /organizeFiles "\\Deepthought\SageTV" /organizeBaseFolder "\\Deepthought\SageTV" /tvSE /genXMLFile /userName "xxxxxxxx" /password "xxxxxxxx" /sageTVServer "Deepthought:8082" /addToSageDB - optionsArray: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi - Replacing quote0: \\Deepthought\SageTV - Replacing quote1: \\Deepthought\SageTV - Replacing quote2: \\Deepthought\SageTV - Replacing quote3: xxxxxxxx - Replacing quote4: xxxxxxxx - Replacing quote5: Deepthought:8082 - Adding Inputfile: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi - Adding to to options Hash + Key: genMyFile - Adding to to options Hash + Key: downloadFanArt - Adding to to options Hash + Key: baseFolder + Value: \\Deepthought\SageTV - Adding to to options Hash + Key: organizeFiles + Value: \\Deepthought\SageTV - Adding to to options Hash + Key: organizeBaseFolder + Value: \\Deepthought\SageTV - Adding to to options Hash + Key: tvSE - Adding to to options Hash + Key: genXMLFile - Adding to to options Hash + Key: userName + Value: xxxxxxxx - Adding to to options Hash + Key: password + Value: xxxxxxxx - Adding to to options Hash + Key: sageTVServer + Value: Deepthought:8082 - Adding to to options Hash + Key: addToSageDB ------------------Profiles-------------------- + Looking for profiles file... - Found = C:\Media Scraper\mediaEngineProfiles - Scanning Directory: C:\Media Scraper\mediaEngineProfiles - Scanning Directory: C:\Media Scraper\mediaEngineProfiles\scrapingProfiles + Reading Profiles - Profile "getsingleimage" + Number of Commands : 2 - Command #1 : ?>!PATH:%%downloadTo%%<:>"%%downloadTo_PATH%%"!EXISTS:%%downloadTo%%<:>"%%singleImage%%" -O "%%downloadTo%%"centralFanartPath<:>?>!titleOnly<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%<=>%%outputName_WIN32%%isTV||videoTS<:>background<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%_backgroundvideoTS<:>\foldervideoTS<:>%%inputFile%%\poster<=>postervideoTS<:>%%inputFile%%\banner<=>bannercentralFanartPath<:>?>!titleOnly<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%<=>%%outputName_WIN32%%isTV||videoTS<:>poster<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%centralFanartPath<:>?>!titleOnly<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%<=>%%outputName_WIN32%%isTV||videoTS<:>banner<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%_bannercentralFanartPath<:>%%centralFanartPath%%\?>isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies?>videoTS<:>%%inputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%showTitle<:>imdbTitleSearch!imdbMovieID<:>imdbGetFirstPopularimdbMovieID<:>imdbGetMovieInfoimdbMovieID<:>imdbTheMovieDBSearchimdbMovieID&&organizeFiles&&!guessMatch&&!videoTS&&inputFile<:>organizeFilesdownloadFanArt<:>imdbDownloadImagesimdbMovieID&&genInfoFile&&inputFile<:>writeMovieInfoFileimdbMovieID&&genMyFile&&inputFile<:>writeMovieMyFileimdbMovieID&&(>genPropertyFile||(>!genInfoFile&&!genMyFile&&!genPropertyFile<)<)<:>writeMoviePropertiesFile!centralFanartPath<:>breakshowTitle<:>imdbTitleSearch!imdbMovieID<:>imdbGetFirstPopularimdbMovieID<:>imdbGetMovieInfoimdbMovieID<:>imdbTheMovieDBSearchdownloadFanArt<:>imdbDownloadImagesimdbMovieID<:>writeMovieInfoFilefanArtFull<:>($$singleImage$$[^,]+)fanArtFull<:>($$downloadTo$$.+)singleImage&&downloadTo<:>getSingleImageposterMed<:>($$singleImage$$[^,]+)posterMed<:>($$downloadTo$$.+)singleImage&&downloadTo<:>getSingleImage!PATH:%%snip:outputFile%%.info<:>"%%snip:outputPath%%"!PATH:%%snip:outputFile%%.info<:>"%%snip:outputPath%%"!PATH:%%snip:outputFile%%.info<:>"%%snip:outputPath%%"!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.]*>"?%%showTitle_ESCCHARS%%"? - Encoder #2 : /use imdbSearchHTML - Command #3 : ($$imdbMiniMovieID$$[^\/]*)/$ - Encoder #3 : /use "@@imdbMovieID@@" - Command #4 : ?>!imdbMovieID<:>($$checkTitle$$IMDb[^<]*Search)<? - Encoder #4 : /use imdbSearchHTML - Command #5 : ?>!checkTitle&&!imdbMovieID<:><title>($$showTitle$$[^<\(]+)<? - Encoder #5 : /use imdbSearchHTML - Command #6 : ?>!checkTitle<:>id=($$imdbMiniMovieID$$tt[0-9]+)<? - Encoder #6 : /use imdbSearchHTML - Command #7 : ?>!checkTitle<:>($$imdbMovieID$$.*)<? - Encoder #7 : /use "/title/%%imdbMiniMovieID%%" - Profile "imdbgetfirstpopular" + Number of Commands : 5 - Command #1 : ?>!imdbSearchHTML<:>http://www.imdb.com/find?s=tt&q=%%showTitle%%&x=0&y=0<? - Encoder #1 : /get $$imdbSearchHTML$$ - Command #2 : ($$captureResult$$<b>($$ignore$$Popular Titles|Titles \(Approx Matches\))</b>.{1,750}</a>\s*\([0-9]{4}\))\s*($$isTV$$<small>.TV series.)? - Encoder #2 : /use imdbSearchHTML - Command #3 : /title/($$imdbMiniMovieID$$[^\/]+)[^>]*>"?($$showTitle$$[^<>"]+)"?</a>\s*\([0-9]{4}\)$ - Encoder #3 : /use @@captureResult@@ - Command #4 : ?>imdbMiniMovieID<:>($$imdbMovieID$$.*)<? - Encoder #4 : /use "/title/%%imdbMiniMovieID%%" - Command #5 : ?>imdbMiniMovieID<:>/guessMatch<? - Encoder #5 : /setOptions - Profile "imdbthemoviedbsearch" + Number of Commands : 14 - Command #1 : ?>imdbMiniMovieID<:>http://api.themoviedb.org/2.0/Movie.imdbLookup?imdb_id=%%imdbMiniMovieID%%&api_key=57983e31fb435df4df77afb854740ea9<? - Encoder #1 : /get tmdbSearchHTML - Command #2 : <id>($$theMovieDBID$$[0-9]+)</id> - Encoder #2 : /use tmdbSearchHTML - Command #3 : ?>theMovieDBID<:>http://api.themoviedb.org/2.0/Movie.getInfo?id=%%theMovieDBID%%&api_key=57983e31fb435df4df77afb854740ea9<? - Encoder #3 : /get $$tmdbInfoHTML$$ - Command #4 : <backdrop size="original">($$fanArtFull$$[^<]*) - Encoder #4 : /use tmdbInfoHTML /flatten /multiple /split ", " - Command #5 : <backdrop size="mid">($$fanArtMed$$[^<]*) - Encoder #5 : /use tmdbInfoHTML /flatten /multiple /split ", " - Command #6 : <backdrop size="thumb">($$fanArtSmall$$[^<]*) - Encoder #6 : /use tmdbInfoHTML /flatten /multiple /split ", " - Command #7 : <backdrop size="cover">($$fanArtCover$$[^<]*) - Encoder #7 : /use tmdbInfoHTML /flatten /multiple /split ", " - Command #8 : <poster size="original">($$posterFull$$[^<]*) - Encoder #8 : /use tmdbInfoHTML /flatten /multiple /split ", " - Command #9 : <poster size="mid">($$posterMed$$[^<]*) - Encoder #9 : /use tmdbInfoHTML /flatten /multiple /split ", " - Command #10 : <poster size="thumb">($$posterSmall$$[^<]*) - Encoder #10 : /use tmdbInfoHTML /flatten /multiple /split ", " - Command #11 : <poster size="cover">($$posterCover$$[^<]*) - Encoder #11 : /use tmdbInfoHTML /flatten /multiple /split ", " - Command #12 : ?>!director<:><person job="director">\s*<name>($$director$$[^<]*)</name><? - Encoder #12 : /use tmdbInfoHTML /flatten /multiple - Command #13 : ?>!writer<:><person job="($$ignore$$screenplay|author|writer)">\s*<name>($$writer$$[^<]*)</name><? - Encoder #13 : /use tmdbInfoHTML /flatten /multiple - Command #14 : ?>!cast<:><person job="actor">\s*<name>($$cast$$[^<]*)</name><? - Encoder #14 : /use tmdbInfoHTML /flatten /multiple - Profile "imdbgetmovieinfo" + Number of Commands : 12 - Command #1 : http://www.imdb.com%%imdbMovieID%% - Encoder #1 : /get $$imdbMovieInfoHTML$$ - Command #2 : <h5>Director:</h5>\s*($$ignore$$<[^>]+>)?($$director$$[^<]*) - Encoder #2 : /use imdbMovieInfoHTML /flatten - Command #3 : <h5>Writer:</h5>\s*($$ignore$$<[^>]+>)?($$writer$$[^<]*) - Encoder #3 : /use imdbMovieInfoHTML /flatten - Command #4 : <h5>Release Date:</h5>\s*($$ignore$$<[^>]+>)?($$releaseDate$$[^<]*) - Encoder #4 : /use imdbMovieInfoHTML /flatten - Command #5 : ($$releaseYear$$[0-9]{4}) - Encoder #5 : /use "@@releaseDate@@" - Command #6 : <h5>Plot:</h5>\s*($$ignore$$<[^>]+>)?($$plot$$[^<]*) - Encoder #6 : /use imdbMovieInfoHTML /flatten - Command #7 : <h5>Runtime:</h5>\s*($$ignore$$<[^>]+>)?($$runTime$$[^<|]*) - Encoder #7 : /use imdbMovieInfoHTML /flatten - Command #8 : ($$runTimeMinutes$$[0-9]+) - Encoder #8 : /use "%%runTime%%" /flatten - Command #9 : <h5><[^>]*>MPAA</a>:</h5>($$fullRating$$[^<]*) - Encoder #9 : /use imdbMovieInfoHTML /flatten - Command #10 : \s($$miniRating$$G|PG|PG\-13|R|NC\-17|Unrated)\s - Encoder #10 : /use "%%fullRating%%" /flatten - Command #11 : <div class="headerinline"><h3>Cast($$castLine$$[^!]*)<! - Encoder #11 : /use imdbMovieInfoHTML /flatten - Command #12 : <a href="/name/[^\/]*/">($$cast$$[^<]*) - Encoder #12 : /use @@castLine@@ /flatten /multiple - Profile "inputfile" + Number of Commands : 15 - Command #1 : ?>DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>/videoTS<? - Encoder #1 : /setOptions - Command #2 : ?>DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*)<? - Encoder #2 : /use "%%inputFile_PATH%%" - Command #3 : ?>ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override&&!showTitle<:>($$showTitle$$.*)<? - Encoder #3 : /use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override" /readFile - Command #4 : ?>ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override&&!showTitle<:>($$showTitle$$.*)<? - Encoder #4 : /use "%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override" /readFile - Command #5 : ?>ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override&&!showTitle<:>($$showTitle$$.*)<? - Encoder #5 : /use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override" /readFile - Command #6 : ?>ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override.txt&&!showTitle<:>($$showTitle$$.*)<? - Encoder #6 : /use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override.txt" /readFile - Command #7 : ?>ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override.txt&&!showTitle<:>($$showTitle$$.*)<? - Encoder #7 : /use "%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override.txt" /readFile - Command #8 : ?>ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override.txt&&!showTitle<:>($$showTitle$$.*)<? - Encoder #8 : /use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override.txt" /readFile - Command #9 : TV_Series_Season_Episode - Encoder #9 : /insertFunction - Command #10 : TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode - Encoder #10 : /insertFunction - Command #11 : BareFile - Encoder #11 : /insertFunction - Command #12 : ?>%%SNIP:checkforExistingMetaData%%&&!updateInfo<:>break<? - Encoder #12 : /break - Command #13 : ?>(>showTitle&&seasonNum&&episodeNum<)||(>showTitle&&getAllSeriesInfo<)<:>theTVDB<? - Encoder #13 : /branch - Command #14 : MoviesBareFile - Encoder #14 : /insertFunction - Command #15 : ?>showTitle<:>imdbMovie<? - Encoder #15 : /branch - Profile "checkforexistingmetadata" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : (>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%?>!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.<?%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties<)<) - Encoder #1 : /break - Profile "tv_series_season_episode" + Number of Commands : 3 - Command #1 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>?>baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV<?[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[\p{L}0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9]<? - Encoder #1 : /use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite - Command #2 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>?>baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV<?[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]?>4digitTV<:>{1,2}<=>{1}<?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9]<? - Encoder #2 : /use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite - Command #3 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>?>baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV<?[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9]<? - Encoder #3 : /use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite - Profile "tv_series_seasonxepisode" + Number of Commands : 3 - Command #1 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>?>baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV<?[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{2})[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{1,2})[^pi0-9]<? - Encoder #1 : /use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite - Command #2 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>?>baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV<?[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{1,2})[^pi0-9]<? - Encoder #2 : /use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite - Command #3 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>?>baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV<?[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]?>4digitTV<:>{1,2}<=>{1}<?)($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9]<? - Encoder #3 : /use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite - Profile "barefile" + Number of Commands : 4 - Command #1 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>?>!showTitle<:>($$showTitle$$[\p{L}0-9 \.\_()]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?<?S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9]<? - Encoder #1 : /use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite - Command #2 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>?>!showTitle<:>($$showTitle$$[\p{L}0-9 \.\_()]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?<?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]?>4digitTV<:>{1,2}<=>{1}<?)($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9]<? - Encoder #2 : /use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite - Command #3 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>^S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})?>!showTitle<:>[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[\p{L}0-9 \.\_()]+)<=>[^pi0-9]<?<? - Encoder #3 : /use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite - Command #4 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>^($$seasonNum$$[0-9]?>4digitTV<:>{1,2}<=>{1}<?)[ \.\-]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})?>!showTitle<:>[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[\p{L}0-9 \.\_()]+)<=>[^pi0-9]<?<? - Encoder #4 : /use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite - Profile "moviesbarefile" + Number of Commands : 6 - Command #1 : ($$inputFileTemp$$.*) - Encoder #1 : /use "%%inputFile_NAME%%" - Command #2 : ($$inputFileTemp$$.*) - Encoder #2 : /use "%%inputFileTemp_DOTTOSPACE%%" - Command #3 : DVDrip - Encoder #3 : /use "%%inputFileTemp%% " /captureBefore $$inputFileTemp$$ - Command #4 : [^ ]?[0-9]{4}[^ ]? - Encoder #4 : /use "%%inputFileTemp%% " /captureBefore $$inputFileTemp$$ - Command #5 : ((1080|720|480)[ip]) - Encoder #5 : /use "%%inputFileTemp%% " /captureBefore $$inputFileTemp$$ - Command #6 : ?>!showTitle<:>($$showTitle$$.*)<? - Encoder #6 : /use "%%inputFileTemp%% " - Profile "organizefiles" + Number of Commands : 3 - Command #1 : ?>organizeFiles&&organizeBaseFolder&&!DIRECTORY:%%SNIP:organizePath%%<:> "%%SNIP:organizePath%%"<? - Encoder #1 : /exe mkdir - Command #2 : ?>organizeFiles&&!EXISTS:%%SNIP:organizeName%%<:> "%%inputFile%%" "%%SNIP:organizeName%%"<? - Encoder #2 : /exe move - Command #3 : ?>organizeFiles&&EXISTS:%%SNIP:organizeName%%<:>($$inputFile$$.*)<? - Encoder #3 : /use "%%SNIP:organizeName%%" - Profile "organizename" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : %%SNIP:organizePath%%\?>isTV<:>%%SNIP:organizeTVName%%<=>isMovie<:>%%SNIP:organizeMovieName%%<?.%%inputFile_EXT%% - Encoder #1 : - Profile "organizepath" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : ?>organizeBaseFolder<:>%%organizeBaseFolder%%\?>isTV<:>TV\%%showTitle_WIN32%%\Season %%seasonNum%%<=>isMovie<:>Movies<?<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%<? - Encoder #1 : - Profile "organizemoviename" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : %%showTitle_WIN32%% (%%releaseYear%%) - Encoder #1 : - Profile "organizetvname" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : ?>!organizeTVNoTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%% <?%%SEoutputFormat%% - %%episodeTitle_WIN32%% - Encoder #1 : - Profile "createinfofileseriesdata" + Number of Commands : 4 - Command #1 : ($$actorsCombinedInfoFile$$[^\|]+) - Encoder #1 : /use "%%actorsCombined%%" /multiple /split ", " - Command #2 : ?>!PATH:%%snip:outputFile%%.info<:>"%%snip:outputPath%%"<? - Encoder #2 : /exe mkdir - Command #3 : ?>!EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.info<:>/writeInfoFile<? - Encoder #3 : /setOptions - Command #4 : ?>!EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.info||updateInfo<:>%%snip:outputFile%%.info<? - Encoder #4 : /output createTVSeriesInfoFile - Profile "createinfofileepisodedata" + Number of Commands : 5 - Command #1 : ($$guestStarsTemp$$[^\|]+) - Encoder #1 : /use "%%guestStars%%" /multiple /split ", " - Command #2 : ($$DirectorTemp$$[^\|]+) - Encoder #2 : /use "%%Director%%" /multiple /split ", " - Command #3 : ($$writersTemp$$[^\|]+) - Encoder #3 : /use "%%writers%%" /multiple /split ", " - Command #4 : ?>!PATH:%%snip:outputFile%%.info<:>"%%snip:outputPath%%"<? - Encoder #4 : /exe mkdir - Command #5 : ?>writeInfoFile||updateInfo<:>%%snip:outputFile%%.info<? - Encoder #5 : /output createTVEpisodeInfoFile /append - Profile "createpropertiesfile" + Number of Commands : 7 - Command #1 : ($$actorsTemp$$[^\|]+) - Encoder #1 : /use "%%actors%%" /multiple /split ; - Command #2 : \s*($$guestStarsTemp$$[^\|]+) - Encoder #2 : /use "%%guestStars%%" /multiple /split ; - Command #3 : ($$DirectorTemp$$[^\|]+) - Encoder #3 : /use "%%Director%%" /multiple /split ; - Command #4 : ($$writersTemp$$[^\|]+) - Encoder #4 : /use "%%writers%%" /multiple /split ; - Command #5 : ?>!PATH:%%snip:outputFile%%.info<:>"%%snip:outputPath%%"<? - Encoder #5 : /exe mkdir - Command #6 : ?>!EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties||updateInfo<:>%%snip:outputFile%%?>!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.<?%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties<? - Encoder #6 : /output createTVPropertiesFile - Command #7 : ?>!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>"%%inputFile%%"<? - Encoder #7 : /exe touch.exe - Profile "createmyfile" + Number of Commands : 6 - Command #1 : ($$guestStarsTemp$$[^\|]+) - Encoder #1 : /use "%%guestStars%%" /multiple /split ", " /variable guestStarsMy /format "$$guestStarsTemp$$ (Guest Star)" - Command #2 : ($$directorsTemp$$[^\|]+) - Encoder #2 : /use "%%director%%" /multiple /split ", " /variable directorsMy /format "$$directorsTemp$$ (Director)" - Command #3 : ($$writersTemp$$[^\|]+) - Encoder #3 : /use "%%writers%%" /multiple /split ", " /variable writersMy /format "$$writersTemp$$ (Writer)" - Command #4 : ($$actorsTemp$$[^\|]+) - Encoder #4 : /use "%%actors%%" /multiple /split ", " - Command #5 : ?>!PATH:%%snip:outputFile%%.info<:>"%%snip:outputPath%%"<? - Encoder #5 : /exe mkdir - Command #6 : ?>!EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.my||updateInfo<:>%%snip:outputFile%%.my<? - Encoder #6 : /output createTVMyFile - Profile "createtvxmlfile" + Number of Commands : 7 - Command #1 : ($$actorsTemp$$[^\|]+) - Encoder #1 : /use "%%actors%%" /multiple /split "\n" /variable xmlActors /format "<person role=$$quote$$Actor$$quote$$>$$actorsTemp$$</person>" - Command #2 : ($$actorsTemp$$[^\|]+) - Encoder #2 : /use "%%guestStars%%" /multiple /split "\n" /variable xmlGuestActors /format "<person role=$$quote$$Actor$$quote$$>$$actorsTemp$$</person>" - Command #3 : ($$actorsTemp$$[^\|]+) - Encoder #3 : /use "%%director%%" /multiple /split "\n" /variable xmlDirector /format "<person role=$$quote$$Director$$quote$$>$$actorsTemp$$</person>" - Command #4 : ($$actorsTemp$$[^\|]+) - Encoder #4 : /use "%%writers%%" /multiple /split "\n" /variable xmlWriters /format "<person role=$$quote$$Writer$$quote$$>$$actorsTemp$$</person>" - Command #5 : ?>!PATH:%%snip:outputFile%%.xml<:>"%%snip:outputPath%%"<? - Encoder #5 : /exe mkdir - Command #6 : ?>!EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.xml||updateInfo<:>%%snip:outputFile%%.xml<? - Encoder #6 : /output createTVXMLFile - Command #7 : ?>EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.xml&&addToSageDB<:>addXMLToSageDB<? - Encoder #7 : /insertFunction - Profile "addxmltosagedb" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : -F "impTVFiles=checked" -F "impShowOverwrite=checked" -F "impMFOverwrite=checked" -F "impMFRename=keep" -F "impMFRedate=redateFromAiring" -F "xmlFile=@%%snip:outputFile%%.xml" -F "Import=submit" "http://%%userName%%:%%password%%@%%sageTVServer%%/sage/XMLImporter?Import=yes" - Encoder #1 : /exe curl.exe - Profile "outputfile" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : %%SNIP:outputPath%%?>outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%<? - Encoder #1 : - Profile "outputpath" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : ?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>%%SNIP:fanartPath%%\<? - Encoder #1 : - Profile "getairingidfromfile" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : ($$airingID$$[0-9]*)\-[0-9]\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+ - Encoder #1 : /use %%input_FILE%% - Profile "gettitlefromwebserver" + Number of Commands : 3 - Command #1 : http://localhost/sage/DetailedInfo?AiringId=%%airingID%%&xml=yes - Encoder #1 : /get $$sageTVWebServerXML$$ /user Hi /password There - Command #2 : <title>($$showTitle$$[^<]*)<\/title> - Encoder #2 : /use sageTVWebServerXML - Command #3 : <episode>($$sageEpisode$$[^<]*)<\/episode> - Encoder #3 : /use sageTVWebServerXML - Profile "thetvdb" + Number of Commands : 21 - Command #1 : ($$showTitle$$.*) - Encoder #1 : /use "%%showTitle_STRIPSPACES_DOTTOSPACE%%" - Command #2 : ($$seasonNum$$.*) - Encoder #2 : /use "%%seasonNum_STRIPZEROS%%" - Command #3 : ($$episodeNum$$.*) - Encoder #3 : /use "%%episodeNum_STRIPZEROS%%" - Command #4 : ($$checkForTwo$$[0-9]{2,}) - Encoder #4 : /use "%%episodeNum%%" /clearOnFailure - Command #5 : ?>checkForTwo<:>0<?($$episodeNumFill$$.*) - Encoder #5 : /use "0%%episodeNum%%" - Command #6 : ($$checkForTwo$$[0-9]{2,}) - Encoder #6 : /use "%%seasonNum%%" /clearOnFailure - Command #7 : ?>checkForTwo<:>0<?($$seasonNumFill$$.*) - Encoder #7 : /use "0%%seasonNum%%" - Command #8 : ($$SEoutputFormat$$.*) - Encoder #8 : /use "?>tvSE<:>S%%seasonNumFill%%E%%episodeNumFill%%<=>tvE<:>E%%episodeNumFill%%<=>%%seasonNum%%x%%episodeNumFill%%<?" - Command #9 : /isTV - Encoder #9 : /setOptions - Command #10 : ?>showTitle<:>theTVDBAPISearch<? - Encoder #10 : /insertFunction - Command #11 : ?>!tvdbID<:>imdbGetFirstPopular<? - Encoder #11 : /insertFunction - Command #12 : ?>!tvdbID&&guessMatch<:>theTVDBAPISearch<? - Encoder #12 : /insertFunction - Command #13 : ?>tvdbID<:>theTVDBAPIGetShowInfo<? - Encoder #13 : /insertFunction - Command #14 : ?>tvdbID<:>theTVDBAPIGetEpisodeData<? - Encoder #14 : /insertFunction - Command #15 : ?>tvdbID&&organizeFiles&&!videoTS<:>organizeFiles<? - Encoder #15 : /insertFunction - Command #16 : ?>downloadFanArt<:>theTVDBdownloadImages<? - Encoder #16 : /insertFunction - Command #17 : ?>tvdbID&&genInfoFile<:>createInfoFileSeriesData<? - Encoder #17 : /insertFunction - Command #18 : ?>tvdbID&&genInfoFile<:>createInfoFileEpisodeData<? - Encoder #18 : /insertFunction - Command #19 : ?>tvdbID&&genMyFile<:>createMyFile<? - Encoder #19 : /insertFunction - Command #20 : ?>tvdbID&&genXMLFile<:>createTVXMLFile<? - Encoder #20 : /insertFunction - Command #21 : ?>tvdbID&&(>genPropertyFile||(>!genInfoFile&&!genMyFile&&!genPropertyFile<)<)<:>createPropertiesFile<? - Encoder #21 : /insertFunction - Profile "thetvdbtitleonly" + Number of Commands : 10 - Command #1 : ($$showTitle$$.*) - Encoder #1 : /use "%%showTitle_STRIPSPACES_DOTTOSPACE%%" - Command #2 : /isTV /titleOnly /outputName "%%showTitle%%" - Encoder #2 : /setOptions - Command #3 : ?>!centralFanartPath<:>break<? - Encoder #3 : /break - Command #4 : ?>showTitle<:>theTVDBSearch<? - Encoder #4 : /insertFunction - Command #5 : ?>!tvdbID<:>theTVDBSearch<? - Encoder #5 : /insertFunction - Command #6 : ?>!tvdbID<:>imdbGetFirstPopular<? - Encoder #6 : /insertFunction - Command #7 : ?>!tvdbID&&guessMatch<:>theTVDBSearch<? - Encoder #7 : /insertFunction - Command #8 : ?>tvdbID<:>theTVDBGetShowInfo<? - Encoder #8 : /insertFunction - Command #9 : ?>tvdbID&&downloadFanArt<:>theTVDBdownloadImages<? - Encoder #9 : /insertFunction - Command #10 : ?>tvdbID<:>createInfoFileSeriesData<? - Encoder #10 : /insertFunction - Profile "thetvdbdownloadimages" + Number of Commands : 18 - Command #1 : ?>fanartLinks<:>($$singleImage$$[^,]+)<? - Encoder #1 : /use "@@fanartLinks@@" /clearOnFailure - Command #2 : ?>fanartLinks<:>($$downloadTo$$.+)<? - Encoder #2 : /use "%%SNIP:fanartFile%%" /clearOnFailure - Command #3 : ?>singleImage&&downloadTo<:>getSingleImage<? - Encoder #3 : /insertFunction - Command #4 : ?>episodeThumbLinks<:>($$singleImage$$[^,]+)<? - Encoder #4 : /use "@@episodeThumbLinks@@" /clearOnFailure - Command #5 : ?>episodeThumbLinks<:>($$downloadTo$$.+)<? - Encoder #5 : /use "%%SNIP:thumbNailFile%%" /clearOnFailure - Command #6 : ?>singleImage&&downloadTo<:>getSingleImage<? - Encoder #6 : /insertFunction - Command #7 : ?>posterLinks<:>($$singleImage$$[^,]+)<? - Encoder #7 : /use "@@posterLinks@@" /clearOnFailure - Command #8 : ?>posterLinks<:>($$downloadTo$$.+)<? - Encoder #8 : /use "?>!episodeThumbLinks<:>%%SNIP:thumbNailFile%%<=>%%SNIP:posterFile%%<?" /clearOnFailure - Command #9 : ?>singleImage&&downloadTo<:>getSingleImage<? - Encoder #9 : /insertFunction - Command #10 : ?>bannerLinks<:>($$singleImage$$[^,]+)<? - Encoder #10 : /use "@@bannerLinks@@" /clearOnFailure - Command #11 : ?>bannerLinks<:>($$downloadTo$$.+)<? - Encoder #11 : /use "%%SNIP:bannerFile%%" /clearOnFailure - Command #12 : ?>singleImage&&downloadTo<:>getSingleImage<? - Encoder #12 : /insertFunction - Command #13 : ?>posterSeasonLinks&¢ralFanartPath<:>($$singleImage$$[^,]+)<? - Encoder #13 : /use "@@posterSeasonLinks@@" /clearOnFailure - Command #14 : ?>posterSeasonLinks<:>($$downloadTo$$.+)<? - Encoder #14 : /use "%%SNIP:posterSeasonFile%%" /clearOnFailure - Command #15 : ?>singleImage&&downloadTo<:>getSingleImage<? - Encoder #15 : /insertFunction - Command #16 : ?>bannerSeasonLinks&¢ralFanartPath<:>($$singleImage$$[^,]+)<? - Encoder #16 : /use "@@bannerSeasonLinks@@" /clearOnFailure - Command #17 : ?>bannerSeasonLinks<:>($$downloadTo$$.+)<? - Encoder #17 : /use "%%SNIP:bannerSeasonFile%%" /clearOnFailure - Command #18 : ?>singleImage&&downloadTo<:>getSingleImage<? - Encoder #18 : /insertFunction - Profile "thetvdbsearch" + Number of Commands : 2 - Command #1 : http://thetvdb.com/?string=%%showTitle%%&searchseriesid=&tab=listseries&function=Search - Encoder #1 : /get $$tvDBSearchResultsHTML$$ - Command #2 : id=($$tvdbID$$[0-9]*)[^>]*>($$showTitle$$%%showTitle_ESCCHARS%%)<\/a>.*English - Encoder #2 : /use tvDBSearchResultsHTML - Profile "thetvdbapisearch" + Number of Commands : 4 - Command #1 : http://www.thetvdb.com/api/GetSeries.php?seriesname=%%showTitle%% - Encoder #1 : /get $$tvDBSearchResultsHTML$$ - Command #2 : <seriesid>($$tvdbID$$[0-9]*)</seriesid>\s*<language>en</language>\s*<SeriesName>($$showTitle$$%%showTitle_ESCCHARS%%)</SeriesName> - Encoder #2 : /use tvDBSearchResultsHTML /flatten - Command #3 : ?>tvdbID<:>http://www.thetvdb.com/api/%%theTVDBapiKey%%/series/%%tvdbID%%/banners.xml<? - Encoder #3 : /get $$fullBannersInfoXML$$ - Command #4 : ?>tvdbID<:>http://www.thetvdb.com/api/%%theTVDBapiKey%%/series/%%tvdbID%%/actors.xml<? - Encoder #4 : /get $$fullActorsInfoXML$$ - Profile "thetvdbgetepisodes" + Number of Commands : 2 - Command #1 : http://thetvdb.com/?tab=seasonall&id=%%tvdbID%%&lid=7 - Encoder #1 : /get $$tvDBShowInfoHTML$$ - Command #2 : <a href="($$episodeLink$$[^"]*)"[^>]*>\s*($$seasonXepisode$$($$seasonAllNum$$[0-9]+) - ($$episodeAllNum$$[0-9]+))</a>.*lid=[0-9]"> - Encoder #2 : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /multiple /variable episodeXlink /format "$$seasonXepisode$$:http://www.theTVDB.com$$episodeLink$$" - Profile "thetvdbgetepisodeinfo" + Number of Commands : 3 - Command #1 : ?>!getSeasonXepisode&&seasonNum&&episodeNum<:>theTVDBPrepSeasonEpisodeNum<? - Encoder #1 : /insertFunction - Command #2 : theTVDBGetEpisodePage - Encoder #2 : /insertFunction - Command #3 : theTVDBGetEpisodeData - Encoder #3 : /insertFunction - Profile "thetvdbprepseasonepisodenum" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : ($$getSeasonXepisode$$.*) - Encoder #1 : /use "%%seasonNum_STRIPLEADINGZERO%% - %%episodeNum_STRIPLEADINGZERO%%" - Profile "thetvdbgetepisodepage" + Number of Commands : 2 - Command #1 : %%getSeasonXepisode%%:($$getEpisodePage$$[^|]*) - Encoder #1 : /use "%%episodeXlink%%" - Command #2 : %%getEpisodePage%% - Encoder #2 : /get $$episodePageHTML$$ - Profile "thetvdbgetepisodedata" + Number of Commands : 7 - Command #1 : %%showTitle_ESCCHARS%%\s*:\s*($$episodeTitle$$[^<]*) - Encoder #1 : /use episodePageHTML /flatten - Command #2 : name="FirstAired" value="\|*($$firstAired$$[^"]*)\s* - Encoder #2 : /use episodePageHTML /flatten - Command #3 : ($$yearOnly$$[0-9]{4}) - Encoder #3 : /use "@@firstAired@@" - Command #4 : name="GuestStars" value="\|*($$guestStars$$[^"]*)\s* - Encoder #4 : /use episodePageHTML /flatten - Command #5 : name="Director" value="\|*($$Director$$[^"]*)\s* - Encoder #5 : /use episodePageHTML /flatten - Command #6 : name="Writer" value="\|*($$writers$$[^"]*)\s* - Encoder #6 : /use episodePageHTML /flatten - Command #7 : "Overview_7" style="display: inline">\s*($$episodeDescription$$[^<]*)<\/textarea> - Encoder #7 : /use episodePageHTML /flatten - Profile "thetvdbapigetepisodedata" + Number of Commands : 10 - Command #1 : http://www.thetvdb.com/api/%%theTVDBapiKey%%/series/%%tvdbID%%/default/%%seasonNum%%/%%episodeNum%% - Encoder #1 : /get $$episodePageXML$$ - Command #2 : Episode->EpisodeName - Encoder #2 : /use episodePageXML /isXML /variable episodeTitle /flatten - Command #3 : Episode->FirstAired - Encoder #3 : /use episodePageXML /isXML /variable firstAired /flatten - Command #4 : Episode->GuestStars - Encoder #4 : /use episodePageXML /isXML /variable guestStars /flatten - Command #5 : Episode->Director - Encoder #5 : /use episodePageXML /isXML /variable Director /flatten - Command #6 : Episode->Writer - Encoder #6 : /use episodePageXML /isXML /variable writers /flatten - Command #7 : Episode->Overview - Encoder #7 : /use episodePageXML /isXML /variable episodeDescription /flatten - Command #8 : Episode->filename - Encoder #8 : /use episodePageXML /isXML /variable episodeThumb /flatten - Command #9 : ($$yearOnly$$[0-9]{4}) - Encoder #9 : /use "@@firstAired@@" - Command #10 : ($$temp$$.*) - Encoder #10 : /use "@@episodeThumb@@" /variable episodeThumbLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$temp$$" /flatten /split ", " - Profile "thetvdbgetshowinfo" + Number of Commands : 11 - Command #1 : http://thetvdb.com/?tab=series&id=%%tvdbID%%&lid=7 - Encoder #1 : /get $$tvDBShowInfoHTML$$ - Command #2 :

[^<]+<\/h1>\s*($$showDescription$$[^<]*) - Encoder #2 : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Command #3 : >First Aired:<[^>]*>\s+<[^>]*>\s*($$showPremired$$[^<]*) - Encoder #3 : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Command #4 : >Air Day:<[^>]*>\s+<[^>]*>\s*($$showDayOfWeek$$[^<]*) - Encoder #4 : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Command #5 : >Runtime:<[^>]*>\s+<[^>]*>\s*($$showRuntime$$[^<]*) - Encoder #5 : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Command #6 : >Network:<[^>]*>\s+<[^>]*>\s*($$showNetwork$$[^<]*) - Encoder #6 : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Command #7 : >Genre:<[^>]*>\s+<[^>]*>\s*($$showGenre$$[^<]*) - Encoder #7 : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Command #8 : theTVDBGetActors - Encoder #8 : /insertFunction - Command #9 : theTVDBGetBanners - Encoder #9 : /insertFunction - Command #10 : theTVDBGetPosters - Encoder #10 : /insertFunction - Command #11 : theTVDBGetFanart - Encoder #11 : /insertFunction - Profile "thetvdbgetactors" + Number of Commands : 2 - Command #1 : http://thetvdb.com/?tab=actors&id=%%tvdbID%%&lid=7 - Encoder #1 : /get $$tvDBActorInfoHTML$$ - Command #2 : ]*>\s*

<[^>]*>($$actors$$[^<]*) - Encoder #2 : /use tvDBActorInfoHTML /multiple /variable actorsCombined /format "$$actors$$(http://www.theTVDB.com$$actorPicture$$)" /flatten - Profile "thetvdbgetbanners" + Number of Commands : 2 - Command #1 : http://thetvdb.com/?tab=seriesbanners&id=%%tvdbID%% - Encoder #1 : /get $$tvDBBannersHTML$$ - Command #2 : ]*>View Full Size - Encoder #2 : /use tvDBBannersHTML /multiple /variable bannerLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/$$banners$$" /flatten /split ", " - Profile "thetvdbgetposters" + Number of Commands : 2 - Command #1 : http://thetvdb.com/?tab=seriesposters&id=%%tvdbID%% - Encoder #1 : /get $$tvDBPosterHTML$$ - Command #2 : ]*>View Full Size - Encoder #2 : /use tvDBPosterHTML /multiple /variable posterLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/$$posters$$" /flatten /split ", " - Profile "thetvdbgetfanart" + Number of Commands : 2 - Command #1 : http://thetvdb.com/?tab=seriesfanart&id=%%tvdbID%% - Encoder #1 : /get $$tvDBFanartHTML$$ - Command #2 : ]*>View Full Size - Encoder #2 : /use tvDBFanartHTML /multiple /variable fanartLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/$$fanart$$" /flatten /split ", " - Profile "thetvdbapigetshowinfo" + Number of Commands : 12 - Command #1 : http://www.thetvdb.com/api/%%theTVDBapiKey%%/series/%%tvdbID%% - Encoder #1 : /get $$tvDBShowInfoHTML$$ - Command #2 : ($$showDescription$$[^<]*) - Encoder #2 : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML/flatten - Command #3 : ($$showPremired$$[^<]*) - Encoder #3 : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Command #4 : ($$showDayOfWeek$$[^<]*) - Encoder #4 : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Command #5 : ($$showRuntime$$[^<]*) - Encoder #5 : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Command #6 : ($$showNetwork$$[^<]*) - Encoder #6 : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Command #7 : ($$showGenre$$[^<]*) - Encoder #7 : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Command #8 : ($$showRating$$[^<]*) - Encoder #8 : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Command #9 : theTVDBAPIGetActors - Encoder #9 : /insertFunction - Command #10 : theTVDBAPIGetBanners - Encoder #10 : /insertFunction - Command #11 : theTVDBAPIGetPosters - Encoder #11 : /insertFunction - Command #12 : theTVDBAPIGetFanart - Encoder #12 : /insertFunction - Profile "thetvdbapigetactors" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : ($$actorPicture$$[^<]*)\s+($$actors$$[^<]*)\s+($$roles$$[^<]*) - Encoder #1 : /use fullActorsInfoXML /multiple /variable actorsCombined /format "$$actors$$||$$roles$$||http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$actorPicture$$" /flatten /clearOnFailure - Profile "thetvdbapigetbanners" + Number of Commands : 2 - Command #1 : [^<]*\s*($$banners$$[^<]*)\s*season\s*seasonwide\s*en\s*%%seasonNum%% - Encoder #1 : /use fullBannersInfoXML /multiple /variable bannerSeasonLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$banners$$" /flatten /split ", " /clearOnFailure - Command #2 : [^<]*\s*($$banners$$[^<]*)\s*series\s*graphical\s*en\s* - Encoder #2 : /use fullBannersInfoXML /multiple /variable bannerLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$banners$$" /flatten /split ", " /clearOnFailure - Profile "thetvdbapigetposters" + Number of Commands : 2 - Command #1 : [^<]*\s*($$posters$$[^<]*)\s*season\s*season\s*en\s*%%seasonNum%% - Encoder #1 : /use fullBannersInfoXML /multiple /variable posterSeasonLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$posters$$" /flatten /split ", " /clearOnFailure - Command #2 : [^<]*\s*($$posters$$[^<]*)\s*poster\s*[^<]*\s*en\s* - Encoder #2 : /use fullBannersInfoXML /multiple /variable posterLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$posters$$" /flatten /split ", " /clearOnFailure - Profile "thetvdbapigetfanart" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : [^<]*\s*($$fanart$$[^<]*)\s*fanart - Encoder #1 : /use fullBannersInfoXML /multiple /variable fanartLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$fanart$$" /flatten /split ", " /clearOnFailure + Seraching for avaialble binaries - Scanning Directory: C:\Media Scraper\mediaEngineProfiles - Scanning Directory: C:\Media Scraper\mediaEngineProfiles\scrapingProfiles - Scanning Directory: C:\Media Scraper\mediaEngineBins - Scanning Directory: C:\Media Scraper\mediaEngineBins\Curl - Scanning Directory: C:\Media Scraper\mediaEngineBins\ffmpeg + mtee.exe : C:\Media Scraper\mediaEngineBins\mtee.exe + touch.exe : C:\Media Scraper\mediaEngineBins\touch.exe + wget.exe : C:\Media Scraper\mediaEngineBins\wget.exe + curl.exe : C:\Media Scraper\mediaEngineBins\Curl\curl.exe + ffmpeg.exe : C:\Media Scraper\mediaEngineBins\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe + Seraching for input files (avi|mpg|mkv|mp4|mpeg|VIDEO_TS|ts|ogm) - Found File: (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) ------------ Processing ---------------- + Adding per run options: (/inputFile "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi" /profile inputFile) + Parsing switches - optionsString: /inputFile "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi" /profile inputFile - Replacing quote0: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi - Adding to to options Hash + Key: inputFile + Value: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi - Adding to to options Hash + Key: profile + Value: inputFile + Processing: inputFile = Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect + Looking for profile: inputFile - Found "inputfile" + Making Work Directory: (mkdir "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.workFolder) - Making delete.me file: (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.workFolder\delete.me) - Adding temp dir to delete list(\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.workFolder) + Using Options - addtosagedb() - basefolder(\\Deepthought\SageTV) - binfolder(C:\Media Scraper\mediaEngineBins) - downloadfanart() - exepath(C:\Media Scraper) - genmyfile() - genxmlfile() - inputfile(\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) - inputmain(\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) - numcommands(15) - organizebasefolder(\\Deepthought\SageTV) - organizefiles(\\Deepthought\SageTV) - original(\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) - passlogfile(\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.workFolder\passLogFile.log) - password(xxxxxxxx) - path(C:\Media Scraper) - profile(inputFile) - profilefolder(C:\Media Scraper\mediaEngineProfiles) - quote(") - sagetvserver(Deepthought:8082) - scratchname(Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.scratch) - scratchpath(\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.workFolder) - thetvdbapikey(5645B594A3F32D27) - tvse() - username(xxxxxxx) - usingcommands(ARRAY(0x14d5614)) - usingprofile(inputfile) - usingtargets(ARRAY(0x14d5fc4)) - workdir(C:\Media Scraper) + Getting Video Info: (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi)(358393.736328125) ! Error in ffmpeg log: (Unknown format) ######## Starting Processing - Remaining Commands (14): (/setOptions) + Command : /setOptions - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: setOptions - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3) + Processing conditional: DIRECTORY:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\VIDEO_TS<:>/videoTS - Conditional List: DIRECTORY:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\VIDEO_TS + Checking: DIRECTORY:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\VIDEO_TS - Does file (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\VIDEO_TS) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (13): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%") - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3) + Command : /use "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3" - Replacing quote0: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3) + Processing conditional: DIRECTORY:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*) - Conditional List: DIRECTORY:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\VIDEO_TS + Checking: DIRECTORY:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\VIDEO_TS - Does file (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\VIDEO_TS) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (12): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3) + Command : /use "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\folder.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3) + Processing conditional: ExISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\folder.override&&!showTitle<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\folder.override&&!showTitle + Checking: ExISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\folder.override - Does file (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\folder.override) exist? + False + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? () + !False (True) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (11): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes) + Command : /use "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\folder.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes) + Processing conditional: ExISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\folder.override&&!showTitle<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\folder.override&&!showTitle + Checking: ExISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\folder.override - Does file (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\folder.override) exist? + False + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? () + !False (True) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (10): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect) + Command : /use "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect) + Processing conditional: ExISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.override&&!showTitle<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.override&&!showTitle + Checking: ExISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.override - Does file (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.override) exist? + False + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? () + !False (True) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override.txt" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3) + Command : /use "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\folder.override.txt" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\folder.override.txt - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\folder.override.txt - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3) + Processing conditional: ExISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\folder.override.txt&&!showTitle<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\folder.override.txt&&!showTitle + Checking: ExISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\folder.override.txt - Does file (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\folder.override.txt) exist? + False + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? () + !False (True) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override.txt" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes) + Command : /use "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\folder.override.txt" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\folder.override.txt - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\folder.override.txt - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes) + Processing conditional: ExISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\folder.override.txt&&!showTitle<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\folder.override.txt&&!showTitle + Checking: ExISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\folder.override.txt - Does file (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\folder.override.txt) exist? + False + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? () + !False (True) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override.txt" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect) + Command : /use "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.override.txt" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.override.txt - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.override.txt - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect) + Processing conditional: ExISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.override.txt&&!showTitle<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.override.txt&&!showTitle + Checking: ExISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.override.txt - Does file (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.override.txt) exist? + False + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? () + !False (True) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (6): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_Season_Episode - Found function profile (TV_Series_Season_Episode) - Adding 3 targets - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect) + Command : /use "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite - Replacing: %%baseFolder%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV) + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV) + True = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[\p{L}0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? () + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? () + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? () + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[\p{L}0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : \\Deepthought\SageTV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+[\p{L}0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect) + Command : /use "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite - Replacing: %%baseFolder%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV) + Processing conditional: 4digitTV<:>{1,2}<=>{1} - Conditional List: 4digitTV + Checking: 4digitTV - Does custom conditional (4digitTV) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: {1} + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV) + True = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? () + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? () + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? () + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : \\Deepthought\SageTV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect) + Command : /use "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite - Replacing: %%baseFolder%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV) + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV) + True = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? () + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? () + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? () + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : \\Deepthought\SageTV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (5): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode - Found function profile (TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode) - Adding 3 targets - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect) + Command : /use "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite - Replacing: %%baseFolder%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV) + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV) + True = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{2})[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{1,2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? () + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? () + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? () + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{2})[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{1,2})[^pi0-9] + Target : \\Deepthought\SageTV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*([0-9]{2})[xE]([0-9]{1,2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect) + Command : /use "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite - Replacing: %%baseFolder%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV) + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV) + True = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{1,2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? () + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? () + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? () + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{1,2})[^pi0-9] + Target : \\Deepthought\SageTV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*([0-9]{1})[xE]([0-9]{1,2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (5): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect) + Command : /use "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite - Replacing: %%baseFolder%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV) + Processing conditional: 4digitTV<:>{1,2}<=>{1} - Conditional List: 4digitTV + Checking: 4digitTV - Does custom conditional (4digitTV) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: {1} + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV) + True = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? () + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? () + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? () + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : \\Deepthought\SageTV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*([0-9]{1})([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (4): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : BareFile - Found function profile (BareFile) - Adding 4 targets - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect) + Command : /use "Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle<:>($$showTitle$$[\p{L}0-9 \.\_()]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]? - Conditional List: !showTitle + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? () + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: ($$showTitle$$[\p{L}0-9 \.\_()]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]? + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[\p{L}0-9 \.\_()]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? () + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? () + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? () + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: ($$showTitle$$[\p{L}0-9 \.\_()]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : ([\p{L}0-9 \.\_()]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?([0-9]{1,2})[ \.\-]?[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum + Success - [Heroes S03E02 ] + Success (1) - $$showTitle$$ = (Heroes) - $$seasonNum$$ = (03) - $$episodeNum$$ = (02) - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect) + Command : /use "Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: 4digitTV<:>{1,2}<=>{1} - Conditional List: 4digitTV + Checking: 4digitTV - Does custom conditional (4digitTV) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: {1} + Processing conditional: !showTitle<:>($$showTitle$$[\p{L}0-9 \.\_()]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]? - Conditional List: !showTitle + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? (Heroes) + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? (Heroes) + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? (03) + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? (02) + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect) + Command : /use "Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle<:>[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[\p{L}0-9 \.\_()]+)<=>[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? (Heroes) + !True (False) = Overall: False, using else: [^pi0-9] + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>^S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? (Heroes) + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? (03) + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? (02) + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (4): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect) + Command : /use "Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: 4digitTV<:>{1,2}<=>{1} - Conditional List: 4digitTV + Checking: 4digitTV - Does custom conditional (4digitTV) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: {1} + Processing conditional: !showTitle<:>[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[\p{L}0-9 \.\_()]+)<=>[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? (Heroes) + !True (False) = Overall: False, using else: [^pi0-9] + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>^($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})[ \.\-]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? (Heroes) + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? (03) + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? (02) + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (3): (/break) + Command : /break - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: break + Replacing snippit checkforExistingMetaData : ?>(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%?>!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%SNIP:outputPath%%?>outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%SNIP:outputPath%%?>outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%SNIP:outputPath%%?>outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>%%SNIP:fanartPath%%\outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>%%SNIP:fanartPath%%\outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>%%SNIP:fanartPath%%\outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>?>centralFanartPath<:>%%centralFanartPath%%\?>isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies?>videoTS<:>%%inputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>?>centralFanartPath<:>%%centralFanartPath%%\?>isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies?>videoTS<:>%%inputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>?>centralFanartPath<:>%%centralFanartPath%%\?>isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies?>videoTS<:>%%inputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.breakTV<=>isMovie<:>Movies - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + False - Conditional List: isMovie + Checking: isMovie - Does custom conditional (isMovie) exist? () + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Processing conditional: isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + False - Conditional List: isMovie + Checking: isMovie - Does custom conditional (isMovie) exist? () + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Processing conditional: isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + False - Conditional List: isMovie + Checking: isMovie - Does custom conditional (isMovie) exist? () + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Processing conditional: outputName<:><=>inputFile<:>Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect<=>showTitle<:>Heroes - Conditional List: outputName + Checking: outputName - Does custom conditional (outputName) exist? () + False - Conditional List: inputFile + Checking: inputFile - Does custom conditional (inputFile) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) + True = Overall: True, using: Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect + Processing conditional: outputName<:><=>inputFile<:>Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect<=>showTitle<:>Heroes - Conditional List: outputName + Checking: outputName - Does custom conditional (outputName) exist? () + False - Conditional List: inputFile + Checking: inputFile - Does custom conditional (inputFile) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) + True = Overall: True, using: Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect + Processing conditional: outputName<:><=>inputFile<:>Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect<=>showTitle<:>Heroes - Conditional List: outputName + Checking: outputName - Does custom conditional (outputName) exist? () + False - Conditional List: inputFile + Checking: inputFile - Does custom conditional (inputFile) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) + True = Overall: True, using: Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect + Processing conditional: !DIRECTORY:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi<:>. - Conditional List: !DIRECTORY:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi + Checking: !DIRECTORY:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi - Does file (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: . + Processing conditional: videoTS<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: videoTS + Checking: videoTS - Does custom conditional (videoTS) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: centralFanartPath<:>\<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: centralFanartPath + Checking: centralFanartPath - Does custom conditional (centralFanartPath) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>\<=>inputFile<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\<=>showTitle<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? () + False - Conditional List: inputFile + Checking: inputFile - Does custom conditional (inputFile) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) + True = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\ + Processing conditional: videoTS<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: videoTS + Checking: videoTS - Does custom conditional (videoTS) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: centralFanartPath<:>\<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: centralFanartPath + Checking: centralFanartPath - Does custom conditional (centralFanartPath) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>\<=>inputFile<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\<=>showTitle<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? () + False - Conditional List: inputFile + Checking: inputFile - Does custom conditional (inputFile) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) + True = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\ + Processing conditional: videoTS<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: videoTS + Checking: videoTS - Does custom conditional (videoTS) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: centralFanartPath<:>\<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: centralFanartPath + Checking: centralFanartPath - Does custom conditional (centralFanartPath) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>\<=>inputFile<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\<=>showTitle<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? () + False - Conditional List: inputFile + Checking: inputFile - Does custom conditional (inputFile) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) + True = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\ + Processing conditional: (>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi.properties<)<)&&!updateInfo<:>break - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? () + False + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? () + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? () + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? () + False + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? () + False + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? () + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? () + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? () + False + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genMyFile&&EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.my + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? () + True + Checking: EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.my - Does file (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.my) exist? + False - Conditional List: !genMyFile||0 + Checking: !genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? () + !True (False) + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False - Conditional List: genInfoFile&&EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.info + Checking: genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? () + False + Checking: EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.info - Does file (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.info) exist? + False - Conditional List: !genInfoFile||0 + Checking: !genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? () + !False (True) + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False - Conditional List: 1&&EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi.properties + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi.properties - Does file (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi.properties) exist? + False - Conditional List: !1||0 + Checking: !1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + !True (False) + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False - Conditional List: 1&&0&&0&&!updateInfo + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False + Checking: !updateInfo - Does custom conditional (updateInfo) exist? () + !False (True) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (2): (/branch) + Command : /branch - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: branch + Processing conditional: (>showTitle&&seasonNum&&episodeNum<)||(>showTitle&&getAllSeriesInfo<)<:>theTVDB - Conditional List: showTitle&&getAllSeriesInfo + Checking: showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? (Heroes) + True + Checking: getAllSeriesInfo - Does custom conditional (getAllSeriesInfo) exist? () + False - Conditional List: showTitle&&seasonNum&&episodeNum + Checking: showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? (Heroes) + True + Checking: seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? (03) + True + Checking: episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? (02) + True - Conditional List: 1||0 + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False = Overall: True, using: theTVDB + Target : theTVDB - Found function profile (theTVDB) - Branching to 21 targets - Remaining Commands (20): (/use "%%showTitle_STRIPSPACES_DOTTOSPACE%%") - Replacing: %%showTitle_STRIPSPACES_DOTTOSPACE%% with (Heroes) + Command : /use "Heroes" - Replacing quote0: Heroes - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: Heroes + Target : (.*) - $1: showTitle + Success - [Heroes] + Success (1) - $$showTitle$$ = (Heroes) - Remaining Commands (19): (/use "%%seasonNum_STRIPZEROS%%") - Replacing: %%seasonNum_STRIPZEROS%% with (3) + Command : /use "3" - Replacing quote0: 3 - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: 3 + Target : (.*) - $1: seasonNum + Success - [3] + Success (1) - $$seasonNum$$ = (3) - Remaining Commands (18): (/use "%%episodeNum_STRIPZEROS%%") - Replacing: %%episodeNum_STRIPZEROS%% with (2) + Command : /use "2" - Replacing quote0: 2 - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: 2 + Target : (.*) - $1: episodeNum + Success - [2] + Success (1) - $$episodeNum$$ = (2) - Remaining Commands (17): (/use "%%episodeNum%%" /clearOnFailure) - Replacing: %%episodeNum%% with (2) + Command : /use "2" /clearOnFailure - Replacing quote0: 2 - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: 2 - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: clearOnFailure + Target : ([0-9]{2,}) - $1: checkForTwo ! Failure - Clearing $$checkForTwo$$ - Remaining Commands (16): (/use "0%%episodeNum%%") - Replacing: %%episodeNum%% with (2) + Command : /use "02" - Replacing quote0: 02 - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: 02 + Processing conditional: checkForTwo<:>0 - Conditional List: checkForTwo + Checking: checkForTwo - Does custom conditional (checkForTwo) exist? () + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Target : (.*) - $1: episodeNumFill + Success - [02] + Success (1) - $$episodeNumFill$$ = (02) - Remaining Commands (15): (/use "%%seasonNum%%" /clearOnFailure) - Replacing: %%seasonNum%% with (3) + Command : /use "3" /clearOnFailure - Replacing quote0: 3 - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: 3 - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: clearOnFailure + Target : ([0-9]{2,}) - $1: checkForTwo ! Failure - Clearing $$checkForTwo$$ - Remaining Commands (14): (/use "0%%seasonNum%%") - Replacing: %%seasonNum%% with (3) + Command : /use "03" - Replacing quote0: 03 - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: 03 + Processing conditional: checkForTwo<:>0 - Conditional List: checkForTwo + Checking: checkForTwo - Does custom conditional (checkForTwo) exist? () + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Target : (.*) - $1: seasonNumFill + Success - [03] + Success (1) - $$seasonNumFill$$ = (03) - Remaining Commands (13): (/use "?>tvSE<:>S%%seasonNumFill%%E%%episodeNumFill%%<=>tvE<:>E%%episodeNumFill%%<=>%%seasonNum%%x%%episodeNumFill%%S03E02<=>tvE<:>E02<=>3x02 - Conditional List: tvSE + Checking: tvSE - Does custom conditional (tvSE) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: S03E02 + Command : /use "S03E02" - Replacing quote0: S03E02 - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: S03E02 + Target : (.*) - $1: SEoutputFormat + Success - [S03E02] + Success (1) - $$SEoutputFormat$$ = (S03E02) - Remaining Commands (12): (/setOptions) + Command : /setOptions - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: setOptions + Target : /isTV + Parsing switches - optionsString: /isTV - Adding to to options Hash + Key: isTV - Remaining Commands (11): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: showTitle<:>theTVDBAPISearch - Conditional List: showTitle + Checking: showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? (Heroes) + True = Overall: True, using: theTVDBAPISearch + Target : theTVDBAPISearch - Found function profile (theTVDBAPISearch) - Adding 4 targets - Remaining Commands (14): (/get $$tvDBSearchResultsHTML$$) + Command : /get $$tvDBSearchResultsHTML$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: get + Value: $$tvDBSearchResultsHTML$$ - Replacing: %%showTitle%% with (Heroes) + Target : http://www.thetvdb.com/api/GetSeries.php?seriesname=Heroes + Requesting WebAddress: http://www.thetvdb.com/api/GetSeries.php?seriesname=Heroes - Attempt #1 Success: 200 OK - Remaining Commands (13): (/use tvDBSearchResultsHTML /flatten) + Command : /use tvDBSearchResultsHTML /flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: tvDBSearchResultsHTML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten - Replacing: %%showTitle_ESCCHARS%% with (Heroes) + Target : ([0-9]*)\s*en\s*(Heroes) - $1: tvdbID - $2: showTitle + Success - [79501enHeroes] + Success (1) - $$tvdbID$$ = (79501) - $$showTitle$$ = (Heroes) - Remaining Commands (12): (/get $$fullBannersInfoXML$$) + Command : /get $$fullBannersInfoXML$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: get + Value: $$fullBannersInfoXML$$ - Replacing: %%theTVDBapiKey%% with (5645B594A3F32D27) - Replacing: %%tvdbID%% with (79501) + Processing conditional: tvdbID<:>http://www.thetvdb.com/api/5645B594A3F32D27/series/79501/banners.xml - Conditional List: tvdbID + Checking: tvdbID - Does custom conditional (tvdbID) exist? (79501) + True = Overall: True, using: http://www.thetvdb.com/api/5645B594A3F32D27/series/79501/banners.xml + Target : http://www.thetvdb.com/api/5645B594A3F32D27/series/79501/banners.xml + Requesting WebAddress: http://www.thetvdb.com/api/5645B594A3F32D27/series/79501/banners.xml - Attempt #1 Success: 200 OK - Remaining Commands (11): (/get $$fullActorsInfoXML$$) + Command : /get $$fullActorsInfoXML$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: get + Value: $$fullActorsInfoXML$$ - Replacing: %%theTVDBapiKey%% with (5645B594A3F32D27) - Replacing: %%tvdbID%% with (79501) + Processing conditional: tvdbID<:>http://www.thetvdb.com/api/5645B594A3F32D27/series/79501/actors.xml - Conditional List: tvdbID + Checking: tvdbID - Does custom conditional (tvdbID) exist? (79501) + True = Overall: True, using: http://www.thetvdb.com/api/5645B594A3F32D27/series/79501/actors.xml + Target : http://www.thetvdb.com/api/5645B594A3F32D27/series/79501/actors.xml + Requesting WebAddress: http://www.thetvdb.com/api/5645B594A3F32D27/series/79501/actors.xml - Attempt #1 Success: 200 OK - Remaining Commands (10): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: !tvdbID<:>imdbGetFirstPopular - Conditional List: !tvdbID + Checking: !tvdbID - Does custom conditional (tvdbID) exist? (79501) + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (9): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: !tvdbID&&guessMatch<:>theTVDBAPISearch - Conditional List: !tvdbID&&guessMatch + Checking: !tvdbID - Does custom conditional (tvdbID) exist? (79501) + !True (False) + Checking: guessMatch - Does custom conditional (guessMatch) exist? () + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (8): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: tvdbID<:>theTVDBAPIGetShowInfo - Conditional List: tvdbID + Checking: tvdbID - Does custom conditional (tvdbID) exist? (79501) + True = Overall: True, using: theTVDBAPIGetShowInfo + Target : theTVDBAPIGetShowInfo - Found function profile (theTVDBAPIGetShowInfo) - Adding 12 targets - Remaining Commands (19): (/get $$tvDBShowInfoHTML$$) + Command : /get $$tvDBShowInfoHTML$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: get + Value: $$tvDBShowInfoHTML$$ - Replacing: %%theTVDBapiKey%% with (5645B594A3F32D27) - Replacing: %%tvdbID%% with (79501) + Target : http://www.thetvdb.com/api/5645B594A3F32D27/series/79501 + Requesting WebAddress: http://www.thetvdb.com/api/5645B594A3F32D27/series/79501 - Attempt #1 Success: 200 OK - Remaining Commands (18): (/use tvDBShowInfoHTML/flatten) + Command : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML/flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: tvDBShowInfoHTML/flatten + Target : ([^<]*) - $1: showDescription ! Failure - Remaining Commands (17): (/use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten) + Command : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: tvDBShowInfoHTML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten + Target : ([^<]*) - $1: showPremired + Success - [2006-09-25] + Success (1) - $$showPremired$$ = (2006-09-25) - Remaining Commands (16): (/use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten) + Command : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: tvDBShowInfoHTML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten + Target : ([^<]*) - $1: showDayOfWeek + Success - [Monday] + Success (1) - $$showDayOfWeek$$ = (Monday) - Remaining Commands (15): (/use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten) + Command : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: tvDBShowInfoHTML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten + Target : ([^<]*) - $1: showRuntime + Success - [60] + Success (1) - $$showRuntime$$ = (60) - Remaining Commands (14): (/use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten) + Command : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: tvDBShowInfoHTML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten + Target : ([^<]*) - $1: showNetwork + Success - [NBC] + Success (1) - $$showNetwork$$ = (NBC) - Remaining Commands (13): (/use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten) + Command : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: tvDBShowInfoHTML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten + Target : ([^<]*) - $1: showGenre + Success - [|Action and Adventure|Drama|Science-Fiction|] + Success (1) - $$showGenre$$ = (|Action and Adventure|Drama|Science-Fiction|) - Remaining Commands (12): (/use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten) + Command : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: tvDBShowInfoHTML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten + Target : ([^<]*) - $1: showRating + Success - [TV-14] + Success (1) - $$showRating$$ = (TV-14) - Remaining Commands (11): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : theTVDBAPIGetActors - Found function profile (theTVDBAPIGetActors) - Adding 1 targets - Remaining Commands (11): (/use fullActorsInfoXML /multiple /variable actorsCombined /format "$$actors$$||$$roles$$||http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$actorPicture$$" /flatten /clearOnFailure) + Command : /use fullActorsInfoXML /multiple /variable actorsCombined /format "$$actors$$||$$roles$$||http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$actorPicture$$" /flatten /clearOnFailure - Replacing quote0: $$actors$$||$$roles$$||http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$actorPicture$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: fullActorsInfoXML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: actorsCombined - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: format + Value: $$actors$$||$$roles$$||http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$actorPicture$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: clearOnFailure + Target : ([^<]*)\s+([^<]*)\s+([^<]*) - $1: actorPicture - $2: actors - $3: roles + Success (20) - $$actorPicture$$ = (actors/71339.jpg||actors/71334.jpg||actors/78588.jpg||actors/78590.jpg||actors/78589.jpg||actors/77771.jpg||actors/77767.jpg||actors/77764.jpg||actors/77763.jpg||actors/77762.jpg||actors/77754.jpg||actors/71340.jpg||actors/71338.jpg||actors/71336.jpg||actors/71335.jpg||actors/71333.jpg||actors/71332.jpg||actors/71331.jpg||actors/71330.jpg||||) - $$actors$$ = (Hayden Panettiere||Milo Ventimiglia||Ali Larter||Malcolm McDowell||Zachary Quinto||Jack Coleman||Jimmy Jean-Louis||Kristen Bell||Dania Ramírez||David Anders||Dana Davis||Noah Gray-Cabey||Greg Grunberg||Adrian Pasdar||Leonard Roberts||Santiago Cabrera||Tawny Cypress||Sendhil Ramamurthy||Masi Oka||Cristine Rose||) - $$roles$$ = (Claire Bennet||Peter Petrelli||Nicole "Niki" Sanders | Jessica Sanders||Linderman||Sylar | Gabriel Gray||Noah Bennet||The Haitian||Elle Bishop||Maya Herrera||Adam Monroe | Takezo Kensei||Monica Dawson||Micah Sanders||Matt Parkman||Nathan Petrelli||D.L. Hawkins||Isaac Mendez||Simone Deveaux||Mohinder Suresh||Hiro Nakamura||Angela Petrelli||) - $$actorsCombined$$ = (Hayden Panettiere||Claire Bennet||http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/actors/71339.jpg||Milo Ventimiglia||Peter Petrelli||http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/actors/71334.jpg||Ali Larter||Nicole "Niki" Sanders | Jessica Sanders||http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/actors/78588.jpg||Malcolm McDowell||Linderman||http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/actors/78590.jpg||Zachary Quinto||Sylar | Gabriel Gray||http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/actors/78589.jpg||Jack Coleman||Noah Bennet||http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/actors/77771.jpg||Jimmy Jean-Louis||The Haitian||http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/actors/77767.jpg||Kristen Bell||Elle Bishop||http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/actors/77764.jpg||Dania Ramírez||Maya Herrera||http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/actors/77763.jpg||David Anders||Adam Monroe | Takezo Kensei||http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/actors/77762.jpg||Dana Davis||Monica Dawson||http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/actors/77754.jpg||Noah Gray-Cabey||Micah Sanders||http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/actors/71340.jpg||Greg Grunberg||Matt Parkman||http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/actors/71338.jpg||Adrian Pasdar||Nathan Petrelli||http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/actors/71336.jpg||Leonard Roberts||D.L. Hawkins||http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/actors/71335.jpg||Santiago Cabrera||Isaac Mendez||http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/actors/71333.jpg||Tawny Cypress||Simone Deveaux||http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/actors/71332.jpg||Sendhil Ramamurthy||Mohinder Suresh||http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/actors/71331.jpg||Masi Oka||Hiro Nakamura||http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/actors/71330.jpg||Cristine Rose||Angela Petrelli||http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/||) - Remaining Commands (10): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : theTVDBAPIGetBanners - Found function profile (theTVDBAPIGetBanners) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (11): (/use fullBannersInfoXML /multiple /variable bannerSeasonLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$banners$$" /flatten /split ", " /clearOnFailure) + Command : /use fullBannersInfoXML /multiple /variable bannerSeasonLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$banners$$" /flatten /split ", " /clearOnFailure - Replacing quote0: http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$banners$$ - Replacing quote1: , - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: fullBannersInfoXML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: bannerSeasonLinks - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: format + Value: http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$banners$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: split + Value: , - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: clearOnFailure - Replacing: %%seasonNum%% with (3) + Target : [^<]*\s*([^<]*)\s*season\s*seasonwide\s*en\s*3 - $1: banners + Success (1) - $$banners$$ = (seasonswide/79501-3.jpg, ) - $$bannerSeasonLinks$$ = (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasonswide/79501-3.jpg, ) - Remaining Commands (10): (/use fullBannersInfoXML /multiple /variable bannerLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$banners$$" /flatten /split ", " /clearOnFailure) + Command : /use fullBannersInfoXML /multiple /variable bannerLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$banners$$" /flatten /split ", " /clearOnFailure - Replacing quote0: http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$banners$$ - Replacing quote1: , - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: fullBannersInfoXML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: bannerLinks - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: format + Value: http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$banners$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: split + Value: , - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: clearOnFailure + Target : [^<]*\s*([^<]*)\s*series\s*graphical\s*en\s* - $1: banners + Success (23) - $$banners$$ = (graphical/79501-g3.jpg, graphical/79501-g.jpg, graphical/79501-g15.jpg, graphical/17552-g2.jpg, graphical/79501-g17.jpg, graphical/79501-g2.jpg, graphical/79501-g6.jpg, graphical/17552-g3.jpg, graphical/79501-g13.jpg, graphical/79501-g4.jpg, graphical/79501-g10.jpg, graphical/79501-g8.jpg, graphical/79501-g23.jpg, graphical/79501-g5.jpg, graphical/79501-g12.jpg, graphical/79501-g21.jpg, graphical/79501-g11.jpg, graphical/79501-g7.jpg, graphical/79501-g9.jpg, graphical/79501-g22.jpg, graphical/17552-g.jpg, graphical/79501-g16.jpg, graphical/79501-g14.jpg, ) - $$bannerLinks$$ = (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g15.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/17552-g2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g17.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g6.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/17552-g3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g13.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g4.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g10.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g8.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g23.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g5.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g12.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g21.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g11.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g7.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g9.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g22.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/17552-g.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g16.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g14.jpg, ) - Remaining Commands (9): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : theTVDBAPIGetPosters - Found function profile (theTVDBAPIGetPosters) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (10): (/use fullBannersInfoXML /multiple /variable posterSeasonLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$posters$$" /flatten /split ", " /clearOnFailure) + Command : /use fullBannersInfoXML /multiple /variable posterSeasonLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$posters$$" /flatten /split ", " /clearOnFailure - Replacing quote0: http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$posters$$ - Replacing quote1: , - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: fullBannersInfoXML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: posterSeasonLinks - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: format + Value: http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$posters$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: split + Value: , - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: clearOnFailure - Replacing: %%seasonNum%% with (3) + Target : [^<]*\s*([^<]*)\s*season\s*season\s*en\s*3 - $1: posters + Success (7) - $$posters$$ = (seasons/79501-3-5.jpg, seasons/79501-3-3.jpg, seasons/79501-3-2.jpg, seasons/79501-3-4.jpg, seasons/79501-3.jpg, seasons/79501-3-6.jpg, seasons/79501-3-7.jpg, ) - $$posterSeasonLinks$$ = (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3-5.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3-3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3-2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3-4.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3-6.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3-7.jpg, ) - Remaining Commands (9): (/use fullBannersInfoXML /multiple /variable posterLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$posters$$" /flatten /split ", " /clearOnFailure) + Command : /use fullBannersInfoXML /multiple /variable posterLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$posters$$" /flatten /split ", " /clearOnFailure - Replacing quote0: http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$posters$$ - Replacing quote1: , - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: fullBannersInfoXML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: posterLinks - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: format + Value: http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$posters$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: split + Value: , - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: clearOnFailure + Target : [^<]*\s*([^<]*)\s*poster\s*[^<]*\s*en\s* - $1: posters + Success (7) - $$posters$$ = (posters/79501-4.jpg, posters/79501-2.jpg, posters/79501-3.jpg, posters/79501-5.jpg, posters/79501-6.jpg, posters/79501-7.jpg, posters/79501-1.jpg, ) - $$posterLinks$$ = (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-4.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-5.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-6.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-7.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-1.jpg, ) - Remaining Commands (8): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : theTVDBAPIGetFanart - Found function profile (theTVDBAPIGetFanart) - Adding 1 targets - Remaining Commands (8): (/use fullBannersInfoXML /multiple /variable fanartLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$fanart$$" /flatten /split ", " /clearOnFailure) + Command : /use fullBannersInfoXML /multiple /variable fanartLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$fanart$$" /flatten /split ", " /clearOnFailure - Replacing quote0: http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$fanart$$ - Replacing quote1: , - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: fullBannersInfoXML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: fanartLinks - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: format + Value: http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$fanart$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: split + Value: , - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: clearOnFailure + Target : [^<]*\s*([^<]*)\s*fanart - $1: fanart + Success (22) - $$fanart$$ = (fanart/original/79501-18.jpg, fanart/original/79501-13.jpg, fanart/original/79501-21.jpg, fanart/original/79501-20.jpg, fanart/original/79501-16.jpg, fanart/original/79501-2.jpg, fanart/original/79501-8.jpg, fanart/original/79501-17.jpg, fanart/original/79501-10.jpg, fanart/original/79501-22.jpg, fanart/original/79501-14.jpg, fanart/original/79501-11.jpg, fanart/original/79501-15.jpg, fanart/original/79501-1.jpg, fanart/original/79501-6.jpg, fanart/original/79501-7.jpg, fanart/original/79501-5.jpg, fanart/original/79501-3.jpg, fanart/original/79501-4.jpg, fanart/original/79501-9.jpg, fanart/original/79501-12.jpg, fanart/original/79501-19.jpg, ) - $$fanartLinks$$ = (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-18.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-13.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-21.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-20.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-16.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-8.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-17.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-10.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-22.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-14.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-11.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-15.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-1.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-6.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-7.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-5.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-4.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-9.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-12.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-19.jpg, ) - Remaining Commands (7): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: tvdbID<:>theTVDBAPIGetEpisodeData - Conditional List: tvdbID + Checking: tvdbID - Does custom conditional (tvdbID) exist? (79501) + True = Overall: True, using: theTVDBAPIGetEpisodeData + Target : theTVDBAPIGetEpisodeData - Found function profile (theTVDBAPIGetEpisodeData) - Adding 10 targets - Remaining Commands (16): (/get $$episodePageXML$$) + Command : /get $$episodePageXML$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: get + Value: $$episodePageXML$$ - Replacing: %%theTVDBapiKey%% with (5645B594A3F32D27) - Replacing: %%tvdbID%% with (79501) - Replacing: %%seasonNum%% with (3) - Replacing: %%episodeNum%% with (2) + Target : http://www.thetvdb.com/api/5645B594A3F32D27/series/79501/default/3/2 + Requesting WebAddress: http://www.thetvdb.com/api/5645B594A3F32D27/series/79501/default/3/2 - Attempt #1 Success: 200 OK - Remaining Commands (15): (/use episodePageXML /isXML /variable episodeTitle /flatten) + Command : /use episodePageXML /isXML /variable episodeTitle /flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: episodePageXML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: isXML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: episodeTitle - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten + Target : Episode->EpisodeName + Parseing XML: Episode->EpisodeName - $$episodeTitle$$ = The Butterfly Effect - Remaining Commands (14): (/use episodePageXML /isXML /variable firstAired /flatten) + Command : /use episodePageXML /isXML /variable firstAired /flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: episodePageXML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: isXML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: firstAired - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten + Target : Episode->FirstAired + Parseing XML: Episode->FirstAired - $$firstAired$$ = 2008-09-22 - Remaining Commands (13): (/use episodePageXML /isXML /variable guestStars /flatten) + Command : /use episodePageXML /isXML /variable guestStars /flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: episodePageXML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: isXML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: guestStars - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten + Target : Episode->GuestStars + Parseing XML: Episode->GuestStars - $$guestStars$$ = |Brea Grant|Kristen Bell|Ntare Mwine| - Remaining Commands (12): (/use episodePageXML /isXML /variable Director /flatten) + Command : /use episodePageXML /isXML /variable Director /flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: episodePageXML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: isXML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: Director - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten + Target : Episode->Director + Parseing XML: Episode->Director - $$Director$$ = Greg Beeman - Remaining Commands (11): (/use episodePageXML /isXML /variable writers /flatten) + Command : /use episodePageXML /isXML /variable writers /flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: episodePageXML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: isXML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: writers - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten + Target : Episode->Writer + Parseing XML: Episode->Writer - $$writers$$ = Tim Kring - Remaining Commands (10): (/use episodePageXML /isXML /variable episodeDescription /flatten) + Command : /use episodePageXML /isXML /variable episodeDescription /flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: episodePageXML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: isXML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: episodeDescription - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten + Target : Episode->Overview + Parseing XML: Episode->Overview - $$episodeDescription$$ = Sylar goes to the Company and inadvertently releases 12 super-powered criminals in a fight with Elle. Future Peter tries to fix his mistake. Angela takes over the company. Claire learns more about her powers. Hiro and Ando travel to Paris to track down the speedster who robbed them. Maya discovers that Mohinder's injection has changed him. Matt meats Usutu, an African with a familiar power. - Remaining Commands (9): (/use episodePageXML /isXML /variable episodeThumb /flatten) + Command : /use episodePageXML /isXML /variable episodeThumb /flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: episodePageXML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: isXML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: episodeThumb - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten + Target : Episode->filename + Parseing XML: Episode->filename - $$episodeThumb$$ = episodes/79501-389522.jpg - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "@@firstAired@@") + Command : /use "@@firstAired@@" - Replacing quote0: @@firstAired@@ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: 2008-09-22 + Target : ([0-9]{4}) - $1: yearOnly + Success - [2008] + Success (1) - $$yearOnly$$ = (2008) - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "@@episodeThumb@@" /variable episodeThumbLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$temp$$" /flatten /split ", ") + Command : /use "@@episodeThumb@@" /variable episodeThumbLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$temp$$" /flatten /split ", " - Replacing quote0: @@episodeThumb@@ - Replacing quote1: http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$temp$$ - Replacing quote2: , - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: episodes/79501-389522.jpg - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: episodeThumbLinks - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: format + Value: http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/$$temp$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: split + Value: , + Target : (.*) - $1: temp + Success - [episodes/79501-389522.jpg] + Success (1) - $$temp$$ = (episodes/79501-389522.jpg) - $$episodeThumbLinks$$ = (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/episodes/79501-389522.jpg) - Remaining Commands (6): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: tvdbID&&organizeFiles&&!videoTS<:>organizeFiles - Conditional List: tvdbID&&organizeFiles&&!videoTS + Checking: tvdbID - Does custom conditional (tvdbID) exist? (79501) + True + Checking: organizeFiles - Does custom conditional (organizeFiles) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV) + True + Checking: !videoTS - Does custom conditional (videoTS) exist? () + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: organizeFiles + Target : organizeFiles - Found function profile (organizeFiles) - Adding 3 targets - Remaining Commands (8): (/exe mkdir) + Command : /exe mkdir - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: exe + Value: mkdir + Replacing snippit organizePath : ?>organizeFiles&&organizeBaseFolder&&!DIRECTORY:?>organizeBaseFolder<:>%%organizeBaseFolder%%\?>isTV<:>TV\%%showTitle_WIN32%%\Season %%seasonNum%%<=>isMovie<:>Movies%%inputFile_PATH%% "?>organizeBaseFolder<:>%%organizeBaseFolder%%\?>isTV<:>TV\%%showTitle_WIN32%%\Season %%seasonNum%%<=>isMovie<:>Movies%%inputFile_PATH%%TV\Heroes\Season 3<=>isMovie<:>Movies - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: isTV<:>TV\Heroes\Season 3<=>isMovie<:>Movies - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: organizeBaseFolder<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: organizeBaseFolder + Checking: organizeBaseFolder - Does custom conditional (organizeBaseFolder) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV) + True = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: organizeBaseFolder<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: organizeBaseFolder + Checking: organizeBaseFolder - Does custom conditional (organizeBaseFolder) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV) + True = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: organizeFiles&&organizeBaseFolder&&!DIRECTORY:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3<:> "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3" - Conditional List: organizeFiles&&organizeBaseFolder&&!DIRECTORY:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Checking: organizeFiles - Does custom conditional (organizeFiles) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV) + True + Checking: organizeBaseFolder - Does custom conditional (organizeBaseFolder) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV) + True + Checking: !DIRECTORY:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Does file (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/exe move) + Command : /exe move - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: exe + Value: move + Replacing snippit organizeName : ?>organizeFiles&&!EXISTS:%%SNIP:organizePath%%\?>isTV<:>%%SNIP:organizeTVName%%<=>isMovie<:>%%SNIP:organizeMovieName%% "%%inputFile%%" "%%SNIP:organizePath%%\?>isTV<:>%%SNIP:organizeTVName%%<=>isMovie<:>%%SNIP:organizeMovieName%%organizeFiles&&!EXISTS:?>organizeBaseFolder<:>%%organizeBaseFolder%%\?>isTV<:>TV\%%showTitle_WIN32%%\Season %%seasonNum%%<=>isMovie<:>Movies%%inputFile_PATH%%isTV<:>%%SNIP:organizeTVName%%<=>isMovie<:>%%SNIP:organizeMovieName%% "%%inputFile%%" "?>organizeBaseFolder<:>%%organizeBaseFolder%%\?>isTV<:>TV\%%showTitle_WIN32%%\Season %%seasonNum%%<=>isMovie<:>Movies%%inputFile_PATH%%isTV<:>%%SNIP:organizeTVName%%<=>isMovie<:>%%SNIP:organizeMovieName%%organizeFiles&&!EXISTS:?>organizeBaseFolder<:>%%organizeBaseFolder%%\?>isTV<:>TV\%%showTitle_WIN32%%\Season %%seasonNum%%<=>isMovie<:>Movies%%inputFile_PATH%%isTV<:>?>!organizeTVNoTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%% isMovie<:>%%SNIP:organizeMovieName%% "%%inputFile%%" "?>organizeBaseFolder<:>%%organizeBaseFolder%%\?>isTV<:>TV\%%showTitle_WIN32%%\Season %%seasonNum%%<=>isMovie<:>Movies%%inputFile_PATH%%isTV<:>?>!organizeTVNoTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%% isMovie<:>%%SNIP:organizeMovieName%%organizeFiles&&!EXISTS:?>organizeBaseFolder<:>%%organizeBaseFolder%%\?>isTV<:>TV\%%showTitle_WIN32%%\Season %%seasonNum%%<=>isMovie<:>Movies%%inputFile_PATH%%isTV<:>?>!organizeTVNoTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%% isMovie<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%% (%%releaseYear%%) "%%inputFile%%" "?>organizeBaseFolder<:>%%organizeBaseFolder%%\?>isTV<:>TV\%%showTitle_WIN32%%\Season %%seasonNum%%<=>isMovie<:>Movies%%inputFile_PATH%%isTV<:>?>!organizeTVNoTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%% isMovie<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%% (%%releaseYear%%)Heroes - Conditional List: !organizeTVNoTitle + Checking: !organizeTVNoTitle - Does custom conditional (organizeTVNoTitle) exist? () + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: Heroes + Processing conditional: !organizeTVNoTitle<:>Heroes - Conditional List: !organizeTVNoTitle + Checking: !organizeTVNoTitle - Does custom conditional (organizeTVNoTitle) exist? () + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: Heroes + Processing conditional: isTV<:>TV\Heroes\Season 3<=>isMovie<:>Movies - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: isTV<:>TV\Heroes\Season 3<=>isMovie<:>Movies - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: isTV<:>Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect<=>isMovie<:>Heroes () - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect + Processing conditional: isTV<:>Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect<=>isMovie<:>Heroes () - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect + Processing conditional: organizeBaseFolder<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: organizeBaseFolder + Checking: organizeBaseFolder - Does custom conditional (organizeBaseFolder) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV) + True = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: organizeBaseFolder<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: organizeBaseFolder + Checking: organizeBaseFolder - Does custom conditional (organizeBaseFolder) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV) + True = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: organizeFiles&&!EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi<:> "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi" "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi" - Conditional List: organizeFiles&&!EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi + Checking: organizeFiles - Does custom conditional (organizeFiles) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV) + True + Checking: !EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi - Does file (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%SNIP:organizeName%%") + Replacing snippit organizeName : /use "%%SNIP:organizePath%%\?>isTV<:>%%SNIP:organizeTVName%%<=>isMovie<:>%%SNIP:organizeMovieName%%organizeBaseFolder<:>%%organizeBaseFolder%%\?>isTV<:>TV\%%showTitle_WIN32%%\Season %%seasonNum%%<=>isMovie<:>Movies%%inputFile_PATH%%isTV<:>%%SNIP:organizeTVName%%<=>isMovie<:>%%SNIP:organizeMovieName%%organizeBaseFolder<:>%%organizeBaseFolder%%\?>isTV<:>TV\%%showTitle_WIN32%%\Season %%seasonNum%%<=>isMovie<:>Movies%%inputFile_PATH%%isTV<:>?>!organizeTVNoTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%% isMovie<:>%%SNIP:organizeMovieName%%organizeBaseFolder<:>%%organizeBaseFolder%%\?>isTV<:>TV\%%showTitle_WIN32%%\Season %%seasonNum%%<=>isMovie<:>Movies%%inputFile_PATH%%isTV<:>?>!organizeTVNoTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%% isMovie<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%% (%%releaseYear%%)Heroes - Conditional List: !organizeTVNoTitle + Checking: !organizeTVNoTitle - Does custom conditional (organizeTVNoTitle) exist? () + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: Heroes + Processing conditional: isTV<:>TV\Heroes\Season 3<=>isMovie<:>Movies - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: isTV<:>Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect<=>isMovie<:>Heroes () - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect + Processing conditional: organizeBaseFolder<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: organizeBaseFolder + Checking: organizeBaseFolder - Does custom conditional (organizeBaseFolder) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV) + True = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Command : /use "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi" - Replacing quote0: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi + Replacing snippit organizeName : ?>organizeFiles&&EXISTS:%%SNIP:organizePath%%\?>isTV<:>%%SNIP:organizeTVName%%<=>isMovie<:>%%SNIP:organizeMovieName%%($$inputFile$$.*)organizeFiles&&EXISTS:?>organizeBaseFolder<:>%%organizeBaseFolder%%\?>isTV<:>TV\%%showTitle_WIN32%%\Season %%seasonNum%%<=>isMovie<:>Movies%%inputFile_PATH%%isTV<:>%%SNIP:organizeTVName%%<=>isMovie<:>%%SNIP:organizeMovieName%%($$inputFile$$.*)organizeFiles&&EXISTS:?>organizeBaseFolder<:>%%organizeBaseFolder%%\?>isTV<:>TV\%%showTitle_WIN32%%\Season %%seasonNum%%<=>isMovie<:>Movies%%inputFile_PATH%%isTV<:>?>!organizeTVNoTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%% isMovie<:>%%SNIP:organizeMovieName%%($$inputFile$$.*)organizeFiles&&EXISTS:?>organizeBaseFolder<:>%%organizeBaseFolder%%\?>isTV<:>TV\%%showTitle_WIN32%%\Season %%seasonNum%%<=>isMovie<:>Movies%%inputFile_PATH%%isTV<:>?>!organizeTVNoTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%% isMovie<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%% (%%releaseYear%%)($$inputFile$$.*)Heroes - Conditional List: !organizeTVNoTitle + Checking: !organizeTVNoTitle - Does custom conditional (organizeTVNoTitle) exist? () + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: Heroes + Processing conditional: isTV<:>TV\Heroes\Season 3<=>isMovie<:>Movies - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: isTV<:>Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect<=>isMovie<:>Heroes () - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect + Processing conditional: organizeBaseFolder<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: organizeBaseFolder + Checking: organizeBaseFolder - Does custom conditional (organizeBaseFolder) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV) + True = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: organizeFiles&&EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi<:>($$inputFile$$.*) - Conditional List: organizeFiles&&EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi + Checking: organizeFiles - Does custom conditional (organizeFiles) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV) + True + Checking: EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi - Does file (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) exist? + True = Overall: True, using: ($$inputFile$$.*) + Target : (.*) - $1: inputFile + Success - [\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi] + Success (1) - $$inputFile$$ = (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) - Remaining Commands (5): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: downloadFanArt<:>theTVDBdownloadImages - Conditional List: downloadFanArt + Checking: downloadFanArt - Does custom conditional (downloadFanArt) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: theTVDBdownloadImages + Target : theTVDBdownloadImages - Found function profile (theTVDBdownloadImages) - Adding 18 targets - Remaining Commands (22): (/use "@@fanartLinks@@" /clearOnFailure) + Command : /use "@@fanartLinks@@" /clearOnFailure - Replacing quote0: @@fanartLinks@@ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-18.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-13.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-21.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-20.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-16.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-8.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-17.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-10.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-22.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-14.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-11.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-15.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-1.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-6.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-7.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-5.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-4.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-9.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-12.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-19.jpg, - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: clearOnFailure + Processing conditional: fanartLinks<:>($$singleImage$$[^,]+) - Conditional List: fanartLinks + Checking: fanartLinks - Does custom conditional (fanartLinks) exist? (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-18.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-13.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-21.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-20.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-16.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-8.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-17.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-10.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-22.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-14.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-11.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-15.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-1.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-6.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-7.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-5.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-4.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-9.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-12.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-19.jpg, ) + True = Overall: True, using: ($$singleImage$$[^,]+) + Target : ([^,]+) - $1: singleImage + Success - [http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-18.jpg] + Success (1) - $$singleImage$$ = (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-18.jpg) - Remaining Commands (21): (/use "%%SNIP:fanartFile%%" /clearOnFailure) + Replacing snippit fanartFile : /use "%%SNIP:fanartPath%%\?>centralFanartPath<:>?>!titleOnly<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%<=>%%outputName_WIN32%%isTV||videoTS<:>background<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%_backgroundcentralFanartPath<:>%%centralFanartPath%%\?>isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies?>videoTS<:>%%inputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%centralFanartPath<:>?>!titleOnly<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%<=>%%outputName_WIN32%%isTV||videoTS<:>background<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%_backgroundHeroes<=> - Conditional List: !titleOnly + Checking: !titleOnly - Does custom conditional (titleOnly) exist? () + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: Heroes + Processing conditional: isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: TV + Processing conditional: centralFanartPath<:>Heroes<=>isTV||videoTS<:>background<=>Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect_background - Conditional List: centralFanartPath + Checking: centralFanartPath - Does custom conditional (centralFanartPath) exist? () + False - Conditional List: isTV||videoTS + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True + Checking: videoTS - Does custom conditional (videoTS) exist? () + False = Overall: True, using: background + Processing conditional: videoTS<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: videoTS + Checking: videoTS - Does custom conditional (videoTS) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: centralFanartPath<:>\TV<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: centralFanartPath + Checking: centralFanartPath - Does custom conditional (centralFanartPath) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Command : /use "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\background.jpg" /clearOnFailure - Replacing quote0: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\background.jpg - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\background.jpg - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: clearOnFailure + Processing conditional: fanartLinks<:>($$downloadTo$$.+) - Conditional List: fanartLinks + Checking: fanartLinks - Does custom conditional (fanartLinks) exist? (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-18.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-13.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-21.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-20.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-16.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-8.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-17.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-10.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-22.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-14.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-11.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-15.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-1.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-6.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-7.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-5.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-4.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-9.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-12.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-19.jpg, ) + True = Overall: True, using: ($$downloadTo$$.+) + Target : (.+) - $1: downloadTo + Success - [\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\background.jpg] + Success (1) - $$downloadTo$$ = (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\background.jpg) - Remaining Commands (20): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: singleImage&&downloadTo<:>getSingleImage - Conditional List: singleImage&&downloadTo + Checking: singleImage - Does custom conditional (singleImage) exist? (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-18.jpg) + True + Checking: downloadTo - Does custom conditional (downloadTo) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\background.jpg) + True = Overall: True, using: getSingleImage + Target : getSingleImage - Found function profile (getSingleImage) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (21): (/exe mkdir) + Command : /exe mkdir - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: exe + Value: mkdir - Replacing: %%downloadTo%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\background.jpg) - Replacing: %%downloadTo_PATH%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3) + Processing conditional: !PATH:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\background.jpg<:>"\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3" - Conditional List: !PATH:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\background.jpg + Checking: !PATH:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\background.jpg - Does path to (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\background.jpg) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (20): (/exe wget.exe) + Command : /exe wget.exe - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: exe + Value: wget.exe - Replacing: %%downloadTo%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\background.jpg) - Replacing: %%singleImage%% with (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-18.jpg) + Processing conditional: !EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\background.jpg<:>"http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/79501-18.jpg" -O "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\background.jpg" - Conditional List: !EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\background.jpg + Checking: !EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\background.jpg - Does file (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\background.jpg) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (19): (/use "@@episodeThumbLinks@@" /clearOnFailure) + Command : /use "@@episodeThumbLinks@@" /clearOnFailure - Replacing quote0: @@episodeThumbLinks@@ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/episodes/79501-389522.jpg - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: clearOnFailure + Processing conditional: episodeThumbLinks<:>($$singleImage$$[^,]+) - Conditional List: episodeThumbLinks + Checking: episodeThumbLinks - Does custom conditional (episodeThumbLinks) exist? (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/episodes/79501-389522.jpg) + True = Overall: True, using: ($$singleImage$$[^,]+) + Target : ([^,]+) - $1: singleImage + Success - [http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/episodes/79501-389522.jpg] + Success (1) - $$singleImage$$ = (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/episodes/79501-389522.jpg) - Remaining Commands (18): (/use "%%SNIP:thumbNailFile%%" /clearOnFailure) + Replacing snippit thumbNailFile : /use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%?>videoTS<:>\folder\folder - Conditional List: videoTS + Checking: videoTS - Does custom conditional (videoTS) exist? () + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command : /use "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.jpg" /clearOnFailure - Replacing quote0: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.jpg - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.jpg - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: clearOnFailure + Processing conditional: episodeThumbLinks<:>($$downloadTo$$.+) - Conditional List: episodeThumbLinks + Checking: episodeThumbLinks - Does custom conditional (episodeThumbLinks) exist? (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/episodes/79501-389522.jpg) + True = Overall: True, using: ($$downloadTo$$.+) + Target : (.+) - $1: downloadTo + Success - [\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.jpg] + Success (1) - $$downloadTo$$ = (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.jpg) - Remaining Commands (17): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: singleImage&&downloadTo<:>getSingleImage - Conditional List: singleImage&&downloadTo + Checking: singleImage - Does custom conditional (singleImage) exist? (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/episodes/79501-389522.jpg) + True + Checking: downloadTo - Does custom conditional (downloadTo) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.jpg) + True = Overall: True, using: getSingleImage + Target : getSingleImage - Found function profile (getSingleImage) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (18): (/exe mkdir) + Command : /exe mkdir - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: exe + Value: mkdir - Replacing: %%downloadTo%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.jpg) - Replacing: %%downloadTo_PATH%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3) + Processing conditional: !PATH:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.jpg<:>"\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3" - Conditional List: !PATH:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.jpg + Checking: !PATH:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.jpg - Does path to (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.jpg) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (17): (/exe wget.exe) + Command : /exe wget.exe - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: exe + Value: wget.exe - Replacing: %%downloadTo%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.jpg) - Replacing: %%singleImage%% with (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/episodes/79501-389522.jpg) + Processing conditional: !EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.jpg<:>"http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/episodes/79501-389522.jpg" -O "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.jpg" - Conditional List: !EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.jpg + Checking: !EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.jpg - Does file (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.jpg) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: "http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/episodes/79501-389522.jpg" -O "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.jpg" + Target : "http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/episodes/79501-389522.jpg" -O "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.jpg" - Executing command: "C:\Media Scraper\mediaEngineBins\wget.exe" "http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/episodes/79501-389522.jpg" -O "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.jpg" > "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.workFolder\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.scratch.84.wget.log" 2>&1 - Remaining Commands (16): (/use "@@posterLinks@@" /clearOnFailure) + Command : /use "@@posterLinks@@" /clearOnFailure - Replacing quote0: @@posterLinks@@ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-4.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-5.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-6.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-7.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-1.jpg, - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: clearOnFailure + Processing conditional: posterLinks<:>($$singleImage$$[^,]+) - Conditional List: posterLinks + Checking: posterLinks - Does custom conditional (posterLinks) exist? (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-4.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-5.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-6.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-7.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-1.jpg, ) + True = Overall: True, using: ($$singleImage$$[^,]+) + Target : ([^,]+) - $1: singleImage + Success - [http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-4.jpg] + Success (1) - $$singleImage$$ = (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-4.jpg) - Remaining Commands (15): (/use "?>!episodeThumbLinks<:>%%SNIP:thumbNailFile%%<=>%%SNIP:posterFile%%!episodeThumbLinks<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%?>videoTS<:>\folder%%SNIP:posterFile%%!episodeThumbLinks<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%?>videoTS<:>\folder%%SNIP:fanartPath%%\?>centralFanartPath<:>?>!titleOnly<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%<=>%%outputName_WIN32%%isTV||videoTS<:>poster<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!episodeThumbLinks<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%?>videoTS<:>\folder?>centralFanartPath<:>%%centralFanartPath%%\?>isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies?>videoTS<:>%%inputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%centralFanartPath<:>?>!titleOnly<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%<=>%%outputName_WIN32%%isTV||videoTS<:>poster<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%\folder - Conditional List: videoTS + Checking: videoTS - Does custom conditional (videoTS) exist? () + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Processing conditional: !titleOnly<:>Heroes<=> - Conditional List: !titleOnly + Checking: !titleOnly - Does custom conditional (titleOnly) exist? () + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: Heroes + Processing conditional: isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: TV + Processing conditional: centralFanartPath<:>Heroes.poster<=>isTV||videoTS<:>poster<=>Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect - Conditional List: centralFanartPath + Checking: centralFanartPath - Does custom conditional (centralFanartPath) exist? () + False - Conditional List: isTV||videoTS + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True + Checking: videoTS - Does custom conditional (videoTS) exist? () + False = Overall: True, using: poster + Processing conditional: videoTS<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: videoTS + Checking: videoTS - Does custom conditional (videoTS) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: centralFanartPath<:>\TV<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: centralFanartPath + Checking: centralFanartPath - Does custom conditional (centralFanartPath) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: !episodeThumbLinks<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.jpg<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg - Conditional List: !episodeThumbLinks + Checking: !episodeThumbLinks - Does custom conditional (episodeThumbLinks) exist? (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/episodes/79501-389522.jpg) + !True (False) = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg + Command : /use "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg" /clearOnFailure - Replacing quote0: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: clearOnFailure + Processing conditional: posterLinks<:>($$downloadTo$$.+) - Conditional List: posterLinks + Checking: posterLinks - Does custom conditional (posterLinks) exist? (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-4.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-5.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-6.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-7.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-1.jpg, ) + True = Overall: True, using: ($$downloadTo$$.+) + Target : (.+) - $1: downloadTo + Success - [\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg] + Success (1) - $$downloadTo$$ = (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg) - Remaining Commands (14): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: singleImage&&downloadTo<:>getSingleImage - Conditional List: singleImage&&downloadTo + Checking: singleImage - Does custom conditional (singleImage) exist? (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-4.jpg) + True + Checking: downloadTo - Does custom conditional (downloadTo) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg) + True = Overall: True, using: getSingleImage + Target : getSingleImage - Found function profile (getSingleImage) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (15): (/exe mkdir) + Command : /exe mkdir - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: exe + Value: mkdir - Replacing: %%downloadTo%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg) - Replacing: %%downloadTo_PATH%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3) + Processing conditional: !PATH:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg<:>"\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3" - Conditional List: !PATH:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg + Checking: !PATH:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg - Does path to (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (14): (/exe wget.exe) + Command : /exe wget.exe - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: exe + Value: wget.exe - Replacing: %%downloadTo%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg) - Replacing: %%singleImage%% with (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-4.jpg) + Processing conditional: !EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg<:>"http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/79501-4.jpg" -O "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg" - Conditional List: !EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg + Checking: !EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg - Does file (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (13): (/use "@@bannerLinks@@" /clearOnFailure) + Command : /use "@@bannerLinks@@" /clearOnFailure - Replacing quote0: @@bannerLinks@@ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g15.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/17552-g2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g17.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g6.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/17552-g3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g13.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g4.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g10.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g8.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g23.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g5.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g12.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g21.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g11.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g7.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g9.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g22.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/17552-g.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g16.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g14.jpg, - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: clearOnFailure + Processing conditional: bannerLinks<:>($$singleImage$$[^,]+) - Conditional List: bannerLinks + Checking: bannerLinks - Does custom conditional (bannerLinks) exist? (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g15.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/17552-g2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g17.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g6.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/17552-g3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g13.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g4.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g10.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g8.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g23.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g5.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g12.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g21.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g11.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g7.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g9.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g22.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/17552-g.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g16.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g14.jpg, ) + True = Overall: True, using: ($$singleImage$$[^,]+) + Target : ([^,]+) - $1: singleImage + Success - [http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g3.jpg] + Success (1) - $$singleImage$$ = (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g3.jpg) - Remaining Commands (12): (/use "%%SNIP:bannerFile%%" /clearOnFailure) + Replacing snippit bannerFile : /use "%%SNIP:fanartPath%%\?>centralFanartPath<:>?>!titleOnly<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%<=>%%outputName_WIN32%%isTV||videoTS<:>banner<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%_bannercentralFanartPath<:>%%centralFanartPath%%\?>isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies?>videoTS<:>%%inputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%centralFanartPath<:>?>!titleOnly<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%<=>%%outputName_WIN32%%isTV||videoTS<:>banner<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%_bannerHeroes<=> - Conditional List: !titleOnly + Checking: !titleOnly - Does custom conditional (titleOnly) exist? () + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: Heroes + Processing conditional: isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: TV + Processing conditional: centralFanartPath<:>Heroes.banner<=>isTV||videoTS<:>banner<=>Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect_banner - Conditional List: centralFanartPath + Checking: centralFanartPath - Does custom conditional (centralFanartPath) exist? () + False - Conditional List: isTV||videoTS + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True + Checking: videoTS - Does custom conditional (videoTS) exist? () + False = Overall: True, using: banner + Processing conditional: videoTS<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: videoTS + Checking: videoTS - Does custom conditional (videoTS) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: centralFanartPath<:>\TV<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: centralFanartPath + Checking: centralFanartPath - Does custom conditional (centralFanartPath) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Command : /use "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg" /clearOnFailure - Replacing quote0: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: clearOnFailure + Processing conditional: bannerLinks<:>($$downloadTo$$.+) - Conditional List: bannerLinks + Checking: bannerLinks - Does custom conditional (bannerLinks) exist? (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g15.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/17552-g2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g17.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g6.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/17552-g3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g13.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g4.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g10.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g8.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g23.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g5.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g12.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g21.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g11.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g7.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g9.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g22.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/17552-g.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g16.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g14.jpg, ) + True = Overall: True, using: ($$downloadTo$$.+) + Target : (.+) - $1: downloadTo + Success - [\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg] + Success (1) - $$downloadTo$$ = (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg) - Remaining Commands (11): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: singleImage&&downloadTo<:>getSingleImage - Conditional List: singleImage&&downloadTo + Checking: singleImage - Does custom conditional (singleImage) exist? (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g3.jpg) + True + Checking: downloadTo - Does custom conditional (downloadTo) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg) + True = Overall: True, using: getSingleImage + Target : getSingleImage - Found function profile (getSingleImage) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (12): (/exe mkdir) + Command : /exe mkdir - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: exe + Value: mkdir - Replacing: %%downloadTo%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg) - Replacing: %%downloadTo_PATH%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3) + Processing conditional: !PATH:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg<:>"\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3" - Conditional List: !PATH:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg + Checking: !PATH:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg - Does path to (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (11): (/exe wget.exe) + Command : /exe wget.exe - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: exe + Value: wget.exe - Replacing: %%downloadTo%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg) - Replacing: %%singleImage%% with (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g3.jpg) + Processing conditional: !EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg<:>"http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g3.jpg" -O "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg" - Conditional List: !EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg + Checking: !EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg - Does file (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (10): (/use "@@posterSeasonLinks@@" /clearOnFailure) + Command : /use "@@posterSeasonLinks@@" /clearOnFailure - Replacing quote0: @@posterSeasonLinks@@ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3-5.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3-3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3-2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3-4.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3-6.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3-7.jpg, - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: clearOnFailure + Processing conditional: posterSeasonLinks&¢ralFanartPath<:>($$singleImage$$[^,]+) - Conditional List: posterSeasonLinks&¢ralFanartPath + Checking: posterSeasonLinks - Does custom conditional (posterSeasonLinks) exist? (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3-5.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3-3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3-2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3-4.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3-6.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3-7.jpg, ) + True + Checking: centralFanartPath - Does custom conditional (centralFanartPath) exist? () + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%SNIP:posterSeasonFile%%" /clearOnFailure) + Replacing snippit posterSeasonFile : /use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\?>videoTS<:>%%inputFile%%\poster<=>poster\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi\poster<=>poster - Conditional List: videoTS + Checking: videoTS - Does custom conditional (videoTS) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: poster + Command : /use "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg" /clearOnFailure - Replacing quote0: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: clearOnFailure + Processing conditional: posterSeasonLinks<:>($$downloadTo$$.+) - Conditional List: posterSeasonLinks + Checking: posterSeasonLinks - Does custom conditional (posterSeasonLinks) exist? (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3-5.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3-3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3-2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3-4.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3-6.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasons/79501-3-7.jpg, ) + True = Overall: True, using: ($$downloadTo$$.+) + Target : (.+) - $1: downloadTo + Success - [\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg] + Success (1) - $$downloadTo$$ = (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg) - Remaining Commands (8): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: singleImage&&downloadTo<:>getSingleImage - Conditional List: singleImage&&downloadTo + Checking: singleImage - Does custom conditional (singleImage) exist? (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g3.jpg) + True + Checking: downloadTo - Does custom conditional (downloadTo) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg) + True = Overall: True, using: getSingleImage + Target : getSingleImage - Found function profile (getSingleImage) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (9): (/exe mkdir) + Command : /exe mkdir - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: exe + Value: mkdir - Replacing: %%downloadTo%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg) - Replacing: %%downloadTo_PATH%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3) + Processing conditional: !PATH:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg<:>"\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3" - Conditional List: !PATH:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg + Checking: !PATH:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg - Does path to (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (8): (/exe wget.exe) + Command : /exe wget.exe - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: exe + Value: wget.exe - Replacing: %%downloadTo%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg) - Replacing: %%singleImage%% with (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g3.jpg) + Processing conditional: !EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg<:>"http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g3.jpg" -O "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg" - Conditional List: !EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg + Checking: !EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg - Does file (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\poster.jpg) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "@@bannerSeasonLinks@@" /clearOnFailure) + Command : /use "@@bannerSeasonLinks@@" /clearOnFailure - Replacing quote0: @@bannerSeasonLinks@@ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasonswide/79501-3.jpg, - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: clearOnFailure + Processing conditional: bannerSeasonLinks&¢ralFanartPath<:>($$singleImage$$[^,]+) - Conditional List: bannerSeasonLinks&¢ralFanartPath + Checking: bannerSeasonLinks - Does custom conditional (bannerSeasonLinks) exist? (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasonswide/79501-3.jpg, ) + True + Checking: centralFanartPath - Does custom conditional (centralFanartPath) exist? () + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%SNIP:bannerSeasonFile%%" /clearOnFailure) + Replacing snippit bannerSeasonFile : /use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\?>videoTS<:>%%inputFile%%\banner<=>banner\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi\banner<=>banner - Conditional List: videoTS + Checking: videoTS - Does custom conditional (videoTS) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: banner + Command : /use "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg" /clearOnFailure - Replacing quote0: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: clearOnFailure + Processing conditional: bannerSeasonLinks<:>($$downloadTo$$.+) - Conditional List: bannerSeasonLinks + Checking: bannerSeasonLinks - Does custom conditional (bannerSeasonLinks) exist? (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/seasonswide/79501-3.jpg, ) + True = Overall: True, using: ($$downloadTo$$.+) + Target : (.+) - $1: downloadTo + Success - [\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg] + Success (1) - $$downloadTo$$ = (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg) - Remaining Commands (5): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: singleImage&&downloadTo<:>getSingleImage - Conditional List: singleImage&&downloadTo + Checking: singleImage - Does custom conditional (singleImage) exist? (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g3.jpg) + True + Checking: downloadTo - Does custom conditional (downloadTo) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg) + True = Overall: True, using: getSingleImage + Target : getSingleImage - Found function profile (getSingleImage) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (6): (/exe mkdir) + Command : /exe mkdir - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: exe + Value: mkdir - Replacing: %%downloadTo%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg) - Replacing: %%downloadTo_PATH%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3) + Processing conditional: !PATH:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg<:>"\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3" - Conditional List: !PATH:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg + Checking: !PATH:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg - Does path to (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/exe wget.exe) + Command : /exe wget.exe - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: exe + Value: wget.exe - Replacing: %%downloadTo%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg) - Replacing: %%singleImage%% with (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g3.jpg) + Processing conditional: !EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg<:>"http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/79501-g3.jpg" -O "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg" - Conditional List: !EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg + Checking: !EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg - Does file (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\banner.jpg) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (4): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: tvdbID&&genInfoFile<:>createInfoFileSeriesData - Conditional List: tvdbID&&genInfoFile + Checking: tvdbID - Does custom conditional (tvdbID) exist? (79501) + True + Checking: genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? () + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (3): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: tvdbID&&genInfoFile<:>createInfoFileEpisodeData - Conditional List: tvdbID&&genInfoFile + Checking: tvdbID - Does custom conditional (tvdbID) exist? (79501) + True + Checking: genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? () + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (2): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: tvdbID&&genMyFile<:>createMyFile - Conditional List: tvdbID&&genMyFile + Checking: tvdbID - Does custom conditional (tvdbID) exist? (79501) + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: createMyFile + Target : createMyFile - Found function profile (createMyFile) - Adding 6 targets - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%guestStars%%" /multiple /split ", " /variable guestStarsMy /format "$$guestStarsTemp$$ (Guest Star)") - Replacing: %%guestStars%% with (|Brea Grant|Kristen Bell|Ntare Mwine|) + Command : /use "|Brea Grant|Kristen Bell|Ntare Mwine|" /multiple /split ", " /variable guestStarsMy /format "$$guestStarsTemp$$ (Guest Star)" - Replacing quote0: |Brea Grant|Kristen Bell|Ntare Mwine| - Replacing quote1: , - Replacing quote2: $$guestStarsTemp$$ (Guest Star) - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: |Brea Grant|Kristen Bell|Ntare Mwine| - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: split + Value: , - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: guestStarsMy - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: format + Value: $$guestStarsTemp$$ (Guest Star) + Target : ([^\|]+) - $1: guestStarsTemp + Success (3) - $$guestStarsTemp$$ = (Brea Grant, Kristen Bell, Ntare Mwine, ) - $$guestStarsMy$$ = (Brea Grant (Guest Star), Kristen Bell (Guest Star), Ntare Mwine (Guest Star), ) - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%director%%" /multiple /split ", " /variable directorsMy /format "$$directorsTemp$$ (Director)") - Replacing: %%director%% with (Greg Beeman) + Command : /use "Greg Beeman" /multiple /split ", " /variable directorsMy /format "$$directorsTemp$$ (Director)" - Replacing quote0: Greg Beeman - Replacing quote1: , - Replacing quote2: $$directorsTemp$$ (Director) - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: Greg Beeman - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: split + Value: , - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: directorsMy - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: format + Value: $$directorsTemp$$ (Director) + Target : ([^\|]+) - $1: directorsTemp + Success (1) - $$directorsTemp$$ = (Greg Beeman, ) - $$directorsMy$$ = (Greg Beeman (Director), ) - Remaining Commands (5): (/use "%%writers%%" /multiple /split ", " /variable writersMy /format "$$writersTemp$$ (Writer)") - Replacing: %%writers%% with (Tim Kring) + Command : /use "Tim Kring" /multiple /split ", " /variable writersMy /format "$$writersTemp$$ (Writer)" - Replacing quote0: Tim Kring - Replacing quote1: , - Replacing quote2: $$writersTemp$$ (Writer) - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: Tim Kring - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: split + Value: , - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: writersMy - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: format + Value: $$writersTemp$$ (Writer) + Target : ([^\|]+) - $1: writersTemp + Success (1) - $$writersTemp$$ = (Tim Kring, ) - $$writersMy$$ = (Tim Kring (Writer), ) - Remaining Commands (4): (/use "%%actors%%" /multiple /split ", ") - Replacing: %%actors%% with (Hayden Panettiere||Milo Ventimiglia||Ali Larter||Malcolm McDowell||Zachary Quinto||Jack Coleman||Jimmy Jean-Louis||Kristen Bell||Dania Ramírez||David Anders||Dana Davis||Noah Gray-Cabey||Greg Grunberg||Adrian Pasdar||Leonard Roberts||Santiago Cabrera||Tawny Cypress||Sendhil Ramamurthy||Masi Oka||Cristine Rose||) + Command : /use "Hayden Panettiere||Milo Ventimiglia||Ali Larter||Malcolm McDowell||Zachary Quinto||Jack Coleman||Jimmy Jean-Louis||Kristen Bell||Dania Ramírez||David Anders||Dana Davis||Noah Gray-Cabey||Greg Grunberg||Adrian Pasdar||Leonard Roberts||Santiago Cabrera||Tawny Cypress||Sendhil Ramamurthy||Masi Oka||Cristine Rose||" /multiple /split ", " - Replacing quote0: Hayden Panettiere||Milo Ventimiglia||Ali Larter||Malcolm McDowell||Zachary Quinto||Jack Coleman||Jimmy Jean-Louis||Kristen Bell||Dania Ramírez||David Anders||Dana Davis||Noah Gray-Cabey||Greg Grunberg||Adrian Pasdar||Leonard Roberts||Santiago Cabrera||Tawny Cypress||Sendhil Ramamurthy||Masi Oka||Cristine Rose|| - Replacing quote1: , - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: Hayden Panettiere||Milo Ventimiglia||Ali Larter||Malcolm McDowell||Zachary Quinto||Jack Coleman||Jimmy Jean-Louis||Kristen Bell||Dania Ramírez||David Anders||Dana Davis||Noah Gray-Cabey||Greg Grunberg||Adrian Pasdar||Leonard Roberts||Santiago Cabrera||Tawny Cypress||Sendhil Ramamurthy||Masi Oka||Cristine Rose|| - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: split + Value: , + Target : ([^\|]+) - $1: actorsTemp + Success (20) - $$actorsTemp$$ = (Hayden Panettiere, Milo Ventimiglia, Ali Larter, Malcolm McDowell, Zachary Quinto, Jack Coleman, Jimmy Jean-Louis, Kristen Bell, Dania Ramírez, David Anders, Dana Davis, Noah Gray-Cabey, Greg Grunberg, Adrian Pasdar, Leonard Roberts, Santiago Cabrera, Tawny Cypress, Sendhil Ramamurthy, Masi Oka, Cristine Rose, ) - Remaining Commands (3): (/exe mkdir) + Command : /exe mkdir - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: exe + Value: mkdir + Replacing snippit outputFile : ?>!PATH:%%SNIP:outputPath%%?>outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%"%%snip:outputPath%%"!PATH:?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>%%SNIP:fanartPath%%\outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%"%%snip:outputPath%%"!PATH:?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>?>centralFanartPath<:>%%centralFanartPath%%\?>isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies?>videoTS<:>%%inputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%"%%snip:outputPath%%"!PATH:?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>?>centralFanartPath<:>%%centralFanartPath%%\?>isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies?>videoTS<:>%%inputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%"?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>%%SNIP:fanartPath%%\!PATH:?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>?>centralFanartPath<:>%%centralFanartPath%%\?>isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies?>videoTS<:>%%inputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%"?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>?>centralFanartPath<:>%%centralFanartPath%%\?>isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies?>videoTS<:>%%inputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: TV + Processing conditional: isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: TV + Processing conditional: outputName<:><=>inputFile<:>Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect<=>showTitle<:>Heroes - Conditional List: outputName + Checking: outputName - Does custom conditional (outputName) exist? () + False - Conditional List: inputFile + Checking: inputFile - Does custom conditional (inputFile) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) + True = Overall: True, using: Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect + Processing conditional: videoTS<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: videoTS + Checking: videoTS - Does custom conditional (videoTS) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: centralFanartPath<:>\TV<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: centralFanartPath + Checking: centralFanartPath - Does custom conditional (centralFanartPath) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>\<=>inputFile<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\<=>showTitle<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? () + False - Conditional List: inputFile + Checking: inputFile - Does custom conditional (inputFile) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) + True = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\ + Processing conditional: videoTS<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: videoTS + Checking: videoTS - Does custom conditional (videoTS) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: centralFanartPath<:>\TV<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: centralFanartPath + Checking: centralFanartPath - Does custom conditional (centralFanartPath) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>\<=>inputFile<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\<=>showTitle<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? () + False - Conditional List: inputFile + Checking: inputFile - Does custom conditional (inputFile) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) + True = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\ + Processing conditional: !PATH:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.info<:>"\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\" - Conditional List: !PATH:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.info + Checking: !PATH:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.info - Does path to (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.info) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (2): (/output createTVMyFile) + Command : /output createTVMyFile - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: output + Value: createTVMyFile + Replacing snippit outputFile : ?>!EXISTS:%%SNIP:outputPath%%?>outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%%%SNIP:outputPath%%?>outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%!EXISTS:?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>%%SNIP:fanartPath%%\outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>%%SNIP:fanartPath%%\outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%!EXISTS:?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>?>centralFanartPath<:>%%centralFanartPath%%\?>isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies?>videoTS<:>%%inputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>?>centralFanartPath<:>%%centralFanartPath%%\?>isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies?>videoTS<:>%%inputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: TV + Processing conditional: isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: TV + Processing conditional: outputName<:><=>inputFile<:>Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect<=>showTitle<:>Heroes - Conditional List: outputName + Checking: outputName - Does custom conditional (outputName) exist? () + False - Conditional List: inputFile + Checking: inputFile - Does custom conditional (inputFile) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) + True = Overall: True, using: Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect + Processing conditional: outputName<:><=>inputFile<:>Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect<=>showTitle<:>Heroes - Conditional List: outputName + Checking: outputName - Does custom conditional (outputName) exist? () + False - Conditional List: inputFile + Checking: inputFile - Does custom conditional (inputFile) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) + True = Overall: True, using: Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect + Processing conditional: videoTS<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: videoTS + Checking: videoTS - Does custom conditional (videoTS) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: centralFanartPath<:>\TV<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: centralFanartPath + Checking: centralFanartPath - Does custom conditional (centralFanartPath) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>\<=>inputFile<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\<=>showTitle<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? () + False - Conditional List: inputFile + Checking: inputFile - Does custom conditional (inputFile) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) + True = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\ + Processing conditional: videoTS<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: videoTS + Checking: videoTS - Does custom conditional (videoTS) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: centralFanartPath<:>\TV<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: centralFanartPath + Checking: centralFanartPath - Does custom conditional (centralFanartPath) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>\<=>inputFile<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\<=>showTitle<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? () + False - Conditional List: inputFile + Checking: inputFile - Does custom conditional (inputFile) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) + True = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\ + Processing conditional: !EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.my||updateInfo<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.my - Conditional List: !EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.my||updateInfo + Checking: !EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.my - Does file (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.my) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: updateInfo - Does custom conditional (updateInfo) exist? () + False = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.my + Target : \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.my - Outputing to file (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.my): (createTVMyFile) - Replacing: %%showTitle%% with (Heroes) - Replacing: %%firstAired%% with (2008-09-22) - Replacing: %%actorsTemp%% with (Hayden Panettiere, Milo Ventimiglia, Ali Larter, Malcolm McDowell, Zachary Quinto, Jack Coleman, Jimmy Jean-Louis, Kristen Bell, Dania Ramírez, David Anders, Dana Davis, Noah Gray-Cabey, Greg Grunberg, Adrian Pasdar, Leonard Roberts, Santiago Cabrera, Tawny Cypress, Sendhil Ramamurthy, Masi Oka, Cristine Rose, ) - Replacing: %%guestStarsMy%% with (Brea Grant (Guest Star), Kristen Bell (Guest Star), Ntare Mwine (Guest Star), ) - Replacing: %%directorsMy%% with (Greg Beeman (Director), ) - Replacing: %%writersMy%% with (Tim Kring (Writer), ) - Replacing: %%SEoutputFormat%% with (S03E02) - Replacing: %%episodeTitle%% with (The Butterfly Effect) - Replacing: %%episodeDescription%% with (Sylar goes to the Company and inadvertently releases 12 super-powered criminals in a fight with Elle. Future Peter tries to fix his mistake. Angela takes over the company. Claire learns more about her powers. Hiro and Ando travel to Paris to track down the speedster who robbed them. Maya discovers that Mohinder's injection has changed him. Matt meats Usutu, an African with a familiar power.) - Replacing: %%showRuntime%% with (60) - Replacing: %%showGenre%% with (|Action and Adventure|Drama|Science-Fiction|) - Replacing: %%showNetwork%% with (NBC) - Remaining Commands (1): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: tvdbID&&genXMLFile<:>createTVXMLFile - Conditional List: tvdbID&&genXMLFile + Checking: tvdbID - Does custom conditional (tvdbID) exist? (79501) + True + Checking: genXMLFile - Does custom conditional (genXMLFile) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: createTVXMLFile + Target : createTVXMLFile - Found function profile (createTVXMLFile) - Adding 7 targets - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%actors%%" /multiple /split "\n" /variable xmlActors /format "$$actorsTemp$$") - Replacing: %%actors%% with (Hayden Panettiere||Milo Ventimiglia||Ali Larter||Malcolm McDowell||Zachary Quinto||Jack Coleman||Jimmy Jean-Louis||Kristen Bell||Dania Ramírez||David Anders||Dana Davis||Noah Gray-Cabey||Greg Grunberg||Adrian Pasdar||Leonard Roberts||Santiago Cabrera||Tawny Cypress||Sendhil Ramamurthy||Masi Oka||Cristine Rose||) + Command : /use "Hayden Panettiere||Milo Ventimiglia||Ali Larter||Malcolm McDowell||Zachary Quinto||Jack Coleman||Jimmy Jean-Louis||Kristen Bell||Dania Ramírez||David Anders||Dana Davis||Noah Gray-Cabey||Greg Grunberg||Adrian Pasdar||Leonard Roberts||Santiago Cabrera||Tawny Cypress||Sendhil Ramamurthy||Masi Oka||Cristine Rose||" /multiple /split "\n" /variable xmlActors /format "$$actorsTemp$$" - Replacing quote0: Hayden Panettiere||Milo Ventimiglia||Ali Larter||Malcolm McDowell||Zachary Quinto||Jack Coleman||Jimmy Jean-Louis||Kristen Bell||Dania Ramírez||David Anders||Dana Davis||Noah Gray-Cabey||Greg Grunberg||Adrian Pasdar||Leonard Roberts||Santiago Cabrera||Tawny Cypress||Sendhil Ramamurthy||Masi Oka||Cristine Rose|| - Replacing quote1: \n - Replacing quote2: $$actorsTemp$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: Hayden Panettiere||Milo Ventimiglia||Ali Larter||Malcolm McDowell||Zachary Quinto||Jack Coleman||Jimmy Jean-Louis||Kristen Bell||Dania Ramírez||David Anders||Dana Davis||Noah Gray-Cabey||Greg Grunberg||Adrian Pasdar||Leonard Roberts||Santiago Cabrera||Tawny Cypress||Sendhil Ramamurthy||Masi Oka||Cristine Rose|| - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: split + Value: \n - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: xmlActors - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: format + Value: $$actorsTemp$$ + Target : ([^\|]+) - $1: actorsTemp + Success (20) - $$actorsTemp$$ = (Hayden Panettiere Milo Ventimiglia Ali Larter Malcolm McDowell Zachary Quinto Jack Coleman Jimmy Jean-Louis Kristen Bell Dania Ramírez David Anders Dana Davis Noah Gray-Cabey Greg Grunberg Adrian Pasdar Leonard Roberts Santiago Cabrera Tawny Cypress Sendhil Ramamurthy Masi Oka Cristine Rose ) - $$xmlActors$$ = (Hayden Panettiere Milo Ventimiglia Ali Larter Malcolm McDowell Zachary Quinto Jack Coleman Jimmy Jean-Louis Kristen Bell Dania Ramírez David Anders Dana Davis Noah Gray-Cabey Greg Grunberg Adrian Pasdar Leonard Roberts Santiago Cabrera Tawny Cypress Sendhil Ramamurthy Masi Oka Cristine Rose ) - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%guestStars%%" /multiple /split "\n" /variable xmlGuestActors /format "$$actorsTemp$$") - Replacing: %%guestStars%% with (|Brea Grant|Kristen Bell|Ntare Mwine|) + Command : /use "|Brea Grant|Kristen Bell|Ntare Mwine|" /multiple /split "\n" /variable xmlGuestActors /format "$$actorsTemp$$" - Replacing quote0: |Brea Grant|Kristen Bell|Ntare Mwine| - Replacing quote1: \n - Replacing quote2: $$actorsTemp$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: |Brea Grant|Kristen Bell|Ntare Mwine| - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: split + Value: \n - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: xmlGuestActors - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: format + Value: $$actorsTemp$$ + Target : ([^\|]+) - $1: actorsTemp + Success (3) - $$actorsTemp$$ = (Brea Grant Kristen Bell Ntare Mwine ) - $$xmlGuestActors$$ = (Brea Grant Kristen Bell Ntare Mwine ) - Remaining Commands (5): (/use "%%director%%" /multiple /split "\n" /variable xmlDirector /format "$$actorsTemp$$") - Replacing: %%director%% with (Greg Beeman) + Command : /use "Greg Beeman" /multiple /split "\n" /variable xmlDirector /format "$$actorsTemp$$" - Replacing quote0: Greg Beeman - Replacing quote1: \n - Replacing quote2: $$actorsTemp$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: Greg Beeman - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: split + Value: \n - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: xmlDirector - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: format + Value: $$actorsTemp$$ + Target : ([^\|]+) - $1: actorsTemp + Success (1) - $$actorsTemp$$ = (Greg Beeman ) - $$xmlDirector$$ = (Greg Beeman ) - Remaining Commands (4): (/use "%%writers%%" /multiple /split "\n" /variable xmlWriters /format "$$actorsTemp$$") - Replacing: %%writers%% with (Tim Kring) + Command : /use "Tim Kring" /multiple /split "\n" /variable xmlWriters /format "$$actorsTemp$$" - Replacing quote0: Tim Kring - Replacing quote1: \n - Replacing quote2: $$actorsTemp$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: Tim Kring - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: split + Value: \n - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: xmlWriters - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: format + Value: $$actorsTemp$$ + Target : ([^\|]+) - $1: actorsTemp + Success (1) - $$actorsTemp$$ = (Tim Kring ) - $$xmlWriters$$ = (Tim Kring ) - Remaining Commands (3): (/exe mkdir) + Command : /exe mkdir - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: exe + Value: mkdir + Replacing snippit outputFile : ?>!PATH:%%SNIP:outputPath%%?>outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%"%%snip:outputPath%%"!PATH:?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>%%SNIP:fanartPath%%\outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%"%%snip:outputPath%%"!PATH:?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>?>centralFanartPath<:>%%centralFanartPath%%\?>isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies?>videoTS<:>%%inputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%"%%snip:outputPath%%"!PATH:?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>?>centralFanartPath<:>%%centralFanartPath%%\?>isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies?>videoTS<:>%%inputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%"?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>%%SNIP:fanartPath%%\!PATH:?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>?>centralFanartPath<:>%%centralFanartPath%%\?>isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies?>videoTS<:>%%inputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%"?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>?>centralFanartPath<:>%%centralFanartPath%%\?>isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies?>videoTS<:>%%inputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: TV + Processing conditional: isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: TV + Processing conditional: outputName<:><=>inputFile<:>Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect<=>showTitle<:>Heroes - Conditional List: outputName + Checking: outputName - Does custom conditional (outputName) exist? () + False - Conditional List: inputFile + Checking: inputFile - Does custom conditional (inputFile) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) + True = Overall: True, using: Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect + Processing conditional: videoTS<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: videoTS + Checking: videoTS - Does custom conditional (videoTS) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: centralFanartPath<:>\TV<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: centralFanartPath + Checking: centralFanartPath - Does custom conditional (centralFanartPath) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>\<=>inputFile<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\<=>showTitle<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? () + False - Conditional List: inputFile + Checking: inputFile - Does custom conditional (inputFile) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) + True = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\ + Processing conditional: videoTS<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: videoTS + Checking: videoTS - Does custom conditional (videoTS) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: centralFanartPath<:>\TV<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: centralFanartPath + Checking: centralFanartPath - Does custom conditional (centralFanartPath) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>\<=>inputFile<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\<=>showTitle<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? () + False - Conditional List: inputFile + Checking: inputFile - Does custom conditional (inputFile) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) + True = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\ + Processing conditional: !PATH:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.xml<:>"\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\" - Conditional List: !PATH:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.xml + Checking: !PATH:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.xml - Does path to (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.xml) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (2): (/output createTVXMLFile) + Command : /output createTVXMLFile - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: output + Value: createTVXMLFile + Replacing snippit outputFile : ?>!EXISTS:%%SNIP:outputPath%%?>outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%%%SNIP:outputPath%%?>outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%!EXISTS:?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>%%SNIP:fanartPath%%\outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>%%SNIP:fanartPath%%\outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%!EXISTS:?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>?>centralFanartPath<:>%%centralFanartPath%%\?>isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies?>videoTS<:>%%inputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>?>centralFanartPath<:>%%centralFanartPath%%\?>isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies?>videoTS<:>%%inputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: TV + Processing conditional: isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: TV + Processing conditional: outputName<:><=>inputFile<:>Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect<=>showTitle<:>Heroes - Conditional List: outputName + Checking: outputName - Does custom conditional (outputName) exist? () + False - Conditional List: inputFile + Checking: inputFile - Does custom conditional (inputFile) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) + True = Overall: True, using: Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect + Processing conditional: outputName<:><=>inputFile<:>Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect<=>showTitle<:>Heroes - Conditional List: outputName + Checking: outputName - Does custom conditional (outputName) exist? () + False - Conditional List: inputFile + Checking: inputFile - Does custom conditional (inputFile) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) + True = Overall: True, using: Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect + Processing conditional: videoTS<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: videoTS + Checking: videoTS - Does custom conditional (videoTS) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: centralFanartPath<:>\TV<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: centralFanartPath + Checking: centralFanartPath - Does custom conditional (centralFanartPath) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>\<=>inputFile<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\<=>showTitle<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? () + False - Conditional List: inputFile + Checking: inputFile - Does custom conditional (inputFile) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) + True = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\ + Processing conditional: videoTS<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: videoTS + Checking: videoTS - Does custom conditional (videoTS) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: centralFanartPath<:>\TV<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: centralFanartPath + Checking: centralFanartPath - Does custom conditional (centralFanartPath) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>\<=>inputFile<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\<=>showTitle<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? () + False - Conditional List: inputFile + Checking: inputFile - Does custom conditional (inputFile) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) + True = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\ + Processing conditional: !EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.xml||updateInfo<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.xml - Conditional List: !EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.xml||updateInfo + Checking: !EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.xml - Does file (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.xml) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: updateInfo - Does custom conditional (updateInfo) exist? () + False = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.xml + Target : \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.xml - Outputing to file (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.xml): (createTVXMLFile) - Replacing: %%showTitle%% with (Heroes) - Replacing: %%episodeTitle%% with (The Butterfly Effect) - Replacing: %%original:durationSec%% with () - Replacing: %%showGenre%% with (|Action and Adventure|Drama|Science-Fiction|) - Replacing: %%episodeDescription%% with (Sylar goes to the Company and inadvertently releases 12 super-powered criminals in a fight with Elle. Future Peter tries to fix his mistake. Angela takes over the company. Claire learns more about her powers. Hiro and Ando travel to Paris to track down the speedster who robbed them. Maya discovers that Mohinder's injection has changed him. Matt meats Usutu, an African with a familiar power.) - Replacing: %%xmlActors%% with (Hayden Panettiere Milo Ventimiglia Ali Larter Malcolm McDowell Zachary Quinto Jack Coleman Jimmy Jean-Louis Kristen Bell Dania Ramírez David Anders Dana Davis Noah Gray-Cabey Greg Grunberg Adrian Pasdar Leonard Roberts Santiago Cabrera Tawny Cypress Sendhil Ramamurthy Masi Oka Cristine Rose ) - Replacing: %%xmlGuestActors%% with (Brea Grant Kristen Bell Ntare Mwine ) - Replacing: %%xmlDirector%% with (Greg Beeman ) - Replacing: %%xmlWriters%% with (Tim Kring ) - Replacing: %%yearOnly%% with (2008) - Replacing: %%firstAired%% with (2008-09-22) - Replacing: %%original:durationSec%% with () - Replacing: %%firstAired%% with (2008-09-22) + Processing conditional: isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movie - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: TV - Replacing: %%inputFile%% with (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) - Remaining Commands (1): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Replacing snippit outputFile : ?>EXISTS:%%SNIP:outputPath%%?>outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%addXMLToSageDBEXISTS:?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>%%SNIP:fanartPath%%\outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%addXMLToSageDBEXISTS:?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>?>centralFanartPath<:>%%centralFanartPath%%\?>isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies?>videoTS<:>%%inputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%addXMLToSageDBTV<=>isMovie<:>Movies - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: TV + Processing conditional: outputName<:><=>inputFile<:>Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect<=>showTitle<:>Heroes - Conditional List: outputName + Checking: outputName - Does custom conditional (outputName) exist? () + False - Conditional List: inputFile + Checking: inputFile - Does custom conditional (inputFile) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) + True = Overall: True, using: Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect + Processing conditional: videoTS<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: videoTS + Checking: videoTS - Does custom conditional (videoTS) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: centralFanartPath<:>\TV<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: centralFanartPath + Checking: centralFanartPath - Does custom conditional (centralFanartPath) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>\<=>inputFile<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\<=>showTitle<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? () + False - Conditional List: inputFile + Checking: inputFile - Does custom conditional (inputFile) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) + True = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\ + Processing conditional: EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.xml&&addToSageDB<:>addXMLToSageDB - Conditional List: EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.xml&&addToSageDB + Checking: EXISTS:\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.xml - Does file (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.xml) exist? + True + Checking: addToSageDB - Does custom conditional (addToSageDB) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: addXMLToSageDB + Target : addXMLToSageDB - Found function profile (addXMLToSageDB) - Adding 1 targets - Remaining Commands (1): (/exe curl.exe) + Command : /exe curl.exe - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: exe + Value: curl.exe + Replacing snippit outputFile : -F "impTVFiles=checked" -F "impShowOverwrite=checked" -F "impMFOverwrite=checked" -F "impMFRename=keep" -F "impMFRedate=redateFromAiring" -F "xmlFile=@%%SNIP:outputPath%%?>outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>%%SNIP:fanartPath%%\outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<=>showTitle<:>?>centralFanartPath<:>%%centralFanartPath%%\?>isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies?>videoTS<:>%%inputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>inputFile<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>showTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? () + True = Overall: True, using: TV + Processing conditional: outputName<:><=>inputFile<:>Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect<=>showTitle<:>Heroes - Conditional List: outputName + Checking: outputName - Does custom conditional (outputName) exist? () + False - Conditional List: inputFile + Checking: inputFile - Does custom conditional (inputFile) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) + True = Overall: True, using: Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect + Processing conditional: videoTS<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: videoTS + Checking: videoTS - Does custom conditional (videoTS) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: centralFanartPath<:>\TV<=>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 - Conditional List: centralFanartPath + Checking: centralFanartPath - Does custom conditional (centralFanartPath) exist? () + False = Overall: False, using else: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3 + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>\<=>inputFile<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\<=>showTitle<:>\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? () + False - Conditional List: inputFile + Checking: inputFile - Does custom conditional (inputFile) exist? (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.avi) + True = Overall: True, using: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\ + Target : -F "impTVFiles=checked" -F "impShowOverwrite=checked" -F "impMFOverwrite=checked" -F "impMFRename=keep" -F "impMFRedate=redateFromAiring" -F "xmlFile=@\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.xml" -F "Import=submit" "http://xxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxx@Deepthought:8082/sage/XMLImporter?Import=yes" - Executing command: "C:\Media Scraper\mediaEngineBins\Curl\curl.exe" -F "impTVFiles=checked" -F "impShowOverwrite=checked" -F "impMFOverwrite=checked" -F "impMFRename=keep" -F "impMFRedate=redateFromAiring" -F "xmlFile=@\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.xml" -F "Import=submit" "http://xxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxx@Deepthought:8082/sage/XMLImporter?Import=yes" > "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.workFolder\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.scratch.122.curl.log" 2>&1 - Remaining Commands (0): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: tvdbID&&(>genPropertyFile||(>!genInfoFile&&!genMyFile&&!genPropertyFile<)<)<:>createPropertiesFile - Conditional List: !genInfoFile&&!genMyFile&&!genPropertyFile + Checking: !genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? () + !False (True) + Checking: !genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? () + !True (False) + Checking: !genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? () + !False (True) - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? () + False + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False - Conditional List: tvdbID&&0 + Checking: tvdbID - Does custom conditional (tvdbID) exist? (79501) + True + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" + Deleting temp files (\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.workFolder) - Deleting File: \\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.workFolder + Deleting Folder: rmdir /S /Q "\\Deepthought\SageTV\TV\Heroes\Season 3\Heroes S03E02 - The Butterfly Effect.workFolder"