Welcome to sageTVScraper v1.0 Staring Proccesing at 15:3:35 1-9-2009 Executable: C:\Users\Nathan P. Ellingson\Desktop\mediaScraperBeta3\mediaScraper.exe EXE path : C:\Users\Nathan P. Ellingson\Desktop\mediaScraperBeta3 + Parsing CLI switches + Found file or folder, adding as inputFile - Key: inputFile - Value: N:\Video\TV\Entourage\Season 1 + Adding to global custom switch hash - Key: profile - Value: inputFile + Adding to global custom switch hash - Key: fullOutputFile - Value: N:\Video\TV\Entourage\Season 1 + Adding to global custom switch hash - Key: genPropertyFile + Adding to global custom switch hash - Key: genInfoFile + Adding to global custom switch hash - Key: genMyFile * Sage Directory = * Setting logfile = C:\Users\Nathan P. Ellingson\Desktop\mediaScraperBeta3\scraper.log ------------------Scraping Profiles-------------------- + Looking for Scraping profiles file... - Found = C:\Users\Nathan P. Ellingson\Desktop\mediaScraperBeta3\scrapingProfiles + Reading Encoding Profiles - Profile "imdbmovie" + Number of Encodes : 9 - Command #1 : ($$showTitle$$.*) - Encoder #1 : /use "%%showTitle_STRIPSPACES%%" - Command #2 : ($$showTitle$$.*) - Encoder #2 : /use "%%showTitle_DOTTOSPACE%%" - Command #3 : ?>showTitle<:>imdbTitleSearchimdbMovieID<:>imdbGetMovieInfoimdbMovieID<:>imdbTheMovieDBSearchimdbMovieID<:>%%snip:outputFile%%.info]*>%%showTitle%% - Encoder #2 : /use imdbSearchHTML - Command #3 : ($$imdbMiniMovieID$$[^\/]*)/$ - Encoder #3 : /use "@@imdbMovieID@@" - Command #4 : ?>!imdbMovieID<:>($$checkTitle$$[^\(]+)<? - Encoder #4 : /use imdbSearchHTML - Command #5 : ?>!imdbMovieID<:>($$checkMatch$$%%showTitle%%)<? - Encoder #5 : /use "%%checkTitle%%" - Command #6 : ?>checkMatch<:>id=($$imdbMiniMovieID$$tt[0-9]+)<? - Encoder #6 : /use imdbSearchHTML - Command #7 : ?>checkMatch<:>($$imdbMovieID$$.*)<? - Encoder #7 : /use "/title/%%imdbMiniMovieID%%" - Profile "imdbthemoviedbsearch" + Number of Encodes : 14 - Command #1 : http://api.themoviedb.org/2.0/Movie.imdbLookup?imdb_id=%%imdbMiniMovieID%%&api_key=57983e31fb435df4df77afb854740ea9 - Encoder #1 : /get tmdbSearchHTML - Command #2 : <id>($$theMovieDBID$$[0-9]+)</id> - Encoder #2 : /use tmdbSearchHTML - Command #3 : http://api.themoviedb.org/2.0/Movie.getInfo?id=%%theMovieDBID%%&api_key=57983e31fb435df4df77afb854740ea9 - Encoder #3 : /get $$tmdbInfoHTML$$ - Command #4 : <backdrop size="original">($$fanArtFull$$[^<]*) - Encoder #4 : /use tmdbInfoHTML /flatten /multiple /split ", " - Command #5 : <backdrop size="mid">($$fanArtMed$$[^<]*) - Encoder #5 : /use tmdbInfoHTML /flatten /multiple /split ", " - Command #6 : <backdrop size="thumb">($$fanArtSmall$$[^<]*) - Encoder #6 : /use tmdbInfoHTML /flatten /multiple /split ", " - Command #7 : <backdrop size="cover">($$fanArtCover$$[^<]*) - Encoder #7 : /use tmdbInfoHTML /flatten /multiple /split ", " - Command #8 : <poster size="original">($$posterFull$$[^<]*) - Encoder #8 : /use tmdbInfoHTML /flatten /multiple /split ", " - Command #9 : <poster size="mid">($$posterMed$$[^<]*) - Encoder #9 : /use tmdbInfoHTML /flatten /multiple /split ", " - Command #10 : <poster size="thumb">($$posterSmall$$[^<]*) - Encoder #10 : /use tmdbInfoHTML /flatten /multiple /split ", " - Command #11 : <poster size="cover">($$posterCover$$[^<]*) - Encoder #11 : /use tmdbInfoHTML /flatten /multiple /split ", " - Command #12 : ?>!director<:><person job="director">\s*<name>($$director$$[^<]*)</name><? - Encoder #12 : /use tmdbInfoHTML /flatten /multiple - Command #13 : ?>!writer<:><person job="($$ignore$$screenplay|author|writer)">\s*<name>($$writer$$[^<]*)</name><? - Encoder #13 : /use tmdbInfoHTML /flatten /multiple - Command #14 : ?>!cast<:><person job="actor">\s*<name>($$cast$$[^<]*)</name><? - Encoder #14 : /use tmdbInfoHTML /flatten /multiple - Profile "imdbgetmovieinfo" + Number of Encodes : 11 - Command #1 : http://www.imdb.com%%imdbMovieID%% - Encoder #1 : /get $$imdbMovieInfoHTML$$ - Command #2 : <h5>Director:</h5>\s*($$ignore$$<[^>]+>)?($$director$$[^<]*) - Encoder #2 : /use imdbMovieInfoHTML /flatten - Command #3 : <h5>Writer:</h5>\s*($$ignore$$<[^>]+>)?($$writer$$[^<]*) - Encoder #3 : /use imdbMovieInfoHTML /flatten - Command #4 : <h5>Release Date:</h5>\s*($$ignore$$<[^>]+>)?($$releaseDate$$[^<]*) - Encoder #4 : /use imdbMovieInfoHTML /flatten - Command #5 : <h5>Plot:</h5>\s*($$ignore$$<[^>]+>)?($$plot$$[^<]*) - Encoder #5 : /use imdbMovieInfoHTML /flatten - Command #6 : <h5>Runtime:</h5>\s*($$ignore$$<[^>]+>)?($$runTime$$[^<|]*) - Encoder #6 : /use imdbMovieInfoHTML /flatten - Command #7 : ($$runTimeMinutes$$[0-9]+) - Encoder #7 : /use "%%runTime%%" /flatten - Command #8 : <h5><[^>]*>MPAA</a>:</h5>($$fullRating$$[^<]*) - Encoder #8 : /use imdbMovieInfoHTML /flatten - Command #9 : \s($$miniRating$$G|PG|PG\-13|R|NC\-17|Unrated)\s - Encoder #9 : /use "%%fullRating%%" /flatten - Command #10 : <div class="headerinline"><h3>Cast($$castLine$$[^!]*)<! - Encoder #10 : /use imdbMovieInfoHTML /flatten - Command #11 : <a href="/name/[^\/]*/">($$cast$$[^<]*) - Encoder #11 : /use @@castLine@@ /flatten /multiple - Profile "inputfile" + Number of Encodes : 4 - Command #1 : TV_Series_Season_Episode - Encoder #1 : /insertFunction - Command #2 : TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode - Encoder #2 : /insertFunction - Command #3 : BareFile - Encoder #3 : /insertFunction - Command #4 : ?>(>showTitle&&seasonNum&&episodeNum<)||(>showTitle&&getAllSeriesInfo<)<:>theTVDB<? - Encoder #4 : /insertFunction - Profile "tv_series_season_episode" + Number of Encodes : 3 - Command #1 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})<? - Encoder #1 : /use "%%inputFile%%" /noOverWrite - Command #2 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*S?[0-9][xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})<? - Encoder #2 : /use "%%inputFile%%" /noOverWrite - Command #3 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1,2}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})<? - Encoder #3 : /use "%%inputFile%%" /noOverWrite - Profile "tv_series_seasonxepisode" + Number of Encodes : 2 - Command #1 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})<? - Encoder #1 : /use "%%inputFile%%" /noOverWrite - Command #2 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})<? - Encoder #2 : /use "%%inputFile%%" /noOverWrite - Profile "barefile" + Number of Encodes : 4 - Command #1 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})<? - Encoder #1 : /use "%%inputFile%%" /noOverWrite - Command #2 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})<? - Encoder #2 : /use "%%inputFile%%" /noOverWrite - Command #3 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.]+)<? - Encoder #3 : /use "%%inputFile%%" /noOverWrite - Command #4 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+)<? - Encoder #4 : /use "%%inputFile%%" /noOverWrite - Profile "moviesbarefile" + Number of Encodes : 3 - Command #1 : .[0-9]{4}. - Encoder #1 : /use "%%inputFile%%" /removeMatch $$inputFile$$ - Command #2 : ((1080|720|480)[ip]) - Encoder #2 : /use "%%inputFile%%" /removeMatch $$inputFile$$ - Command #3 : ?>!showTitle<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 ]*)\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$<? - Encoder #3 : /use "%%inputFile%%" /noOverWrite - Profile "createinfofileseriesdata" + Number of Encodes : 2 - Command #1 : ($$actorsCombinedInfoFile$$[^\|]+) - Encoder #1 : /use "%%actorsCombined%%" /multiple /split ", " - Command #2 : %%snip:outputFile%%.info - Encoder #2 : /output infoTVSeriesInfo - Profile "createinfofileepisodedata" + Number of Encodes : 2 - Command #1 : ($$guestStarsPropertiesFile$$[^\|]+) - Encoder #1 : /use "%%guestStars%%" /multiple /split ", " - Command #2 : %%snip:outputFile%%.info - Encoder #2 : /output infoTVEpisodeInfo /append - Profile "createpropertiesfile" + Number of Encodes : 5 - Command #1 : ($$actorsPropertiesFile$$[^\|]+) - Encoder #1 : /use "%%actors%%" /multiple /split ; - Command #2 : \s*($$guestStarsPropertiesFile$$[^\|]+) - Encoder #2 : /use "%%guestStars%%" /multiple /split ; - Command #3 : ($$DirectorPropertiesFile$$[^\|]+) - Encoder #3 : /use "%%Director%%" /multiple /split ; - Command #4 : ($$writersPropertiesFile$$[^\|]+) - Encoder #4 : /use "%%writers%%" /multiple /split ; - Command #5 : %%snip:outputFile%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties - Encoder #5 : /output propertiesTVEpisodeInfo - Profile "createmyfile" + Number of Encodes : 4 - Command #1 : ($$guestStarsTemp$$[^\|]+) - Encoder #1 : /use "%%guestStars%%" /multiple /split ", " /variable guestStarsPropertiesFile /format "(Guest Star)$$guestStarsTemp$$" - Command #2 : ($$actorsPropertiesFile$$[^\|]+) - Encoder #2 : /use "%%actors%%" /multiple /split ", " - Command #3 : ($$actorsCombinedProperties$$.*) - Encoder #3 : /use "%%actorsPropertiesFile%%%%guestStarsPropertiesFile%%" - Command #4 : %%snip:outputFile%%.my - Encoder #4 : /output myTVEpisodeInfo - Profile "outputfile" + Number of Encodes : 1 - Command #1 : ?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%<??>outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%showtitle%%<?<? - Profile "getairingidfromfile" + Number of Encodes : 1 - Command #1 : ($$airingID$$[0-9]*)\-[0-9]\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+ - Encoder #1 : /use %%input_FILE%% - Profile "gettitlefromwebserver" + Number of Encodes : 3 - Command #1 : http://localhost/sage/DetailedInfo?AiringId=%%airingID%%&xml=yes - Encoder #1 : /get $$sageTVWebServerXML$$ /user Hi /password There - Command #2 : <title>($$showTitle$$[^<]*)<\/title> - Encoder #2 : /use sageTVWebServerXML - Command #3 : <episode>($$sageEpisode$$[^<]*)<\/episode> - Encoder #3 : /use sageTVWebServerXML - Profile "thetvdb" + Number of Encodes : 10 - Command #1 : ($$showTitle$$.*) - Encoder #1 : /use "%%showTitle_STRIPSPACES%%" - Command #2 : ($$showTitle$$.*) - Encoder #2 : /use "%%showTitle_DOTTOSPACE%%" - Command #3 : ($$seasonNum$$.*) - Encoder #3 : /use "%%seasonNum_STRIPZEROS%%" - Command #4 : ($$episodeNum$$.*) - Encoder #4 : /use "%%episodeNum_STRIPZEROS%%" - Command #5 : ?>showTitle<:>theTVDBSearch<? - Encoder #5 : /insertFunction - Command #6 : ?>tvdbID<:>theTVDBGetShowInfo<? - Encoder #6 : /insertFunction - Command #7 : ?>tvdbID<:>theTVDBGetEpisodes<? - Encoder #7 : /insertFunction - Command #8 : ?>tvdbID<:>?>getAllInfo<:>theTVDBGetAllEpisodeInfo<=>theTVDBGetEpisodeInfo<?<? - Encoder #8 : /insertFunction - Command #9 : ?>tvdbID&&genMyFile<:>createMyFile<? - Encoder #9 : /insertFunction - Command #10 : ?>tvdbID&&genPropertyFile<:>createPropertiesFile<? - Encoder #10 : /insertFunction - Profile "thetvdbsearch" + Number of Encodes : 2 - Command #1 : http://thetvdb.com/?string=%%showTitle%%&searchseriesid=&tab=listseries&function=Search - Encoder #1 : /get $$tvDBSearchResultsHTML$$ - Command #2 : id=($$tvdbID$$[0-9]*)[^>]*>%%showTitle%%<\/a>.*English - Encoder #2 : /use tvDBSearchResultsHTML - Profile "thetvdbgetepisodes" + Number of Encodes : 2 - Command #1 : http://thetvdb.com/?tab=seasonall&id=%%tvdbID%%&lid=7 - Encoder #1 : /get $$tvDBShowInfoHTML$$ - Command #2 : <a href="($$episodeLink$$[^"]*)"[^>]*>\s*($$seasonXepisode$$($$seasonAllNum$$[0-9]+) - ($$episodeAllNum$$[0-9]+))</a>.*lid=[0-9]"> - Encoder #2 : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /multiple /variable episodeXlink /format "$$seasonXepisode$$:http://www.theTVDB.com$$episodeLink$$" - Profile "thetvdbgetallepisodeinfo" + Number of Encodes : 1 - Command #1 : ($$getSeasonXepisode$$[0-9]+ - [0-9]+):[^|]* - Encoder #1 : /use "%%episodeXlink%%" /foreach /do theTVDBGetEpisodeInfo - Profile "thetvdbgetepisodeinfo" + Number of Encodes : 3 - Command #1 : ?>!getSeasonXepisode&&seasonNum&&episodeNum<:>theTVDBPrepSeasonEpisodeNum<? - Encoder #1 : /insertFunction - Command #2 : theTVDBGetEpisodePage - Encoder #2 : /insertFunction - Command #3 : theTVDBGetEpisodeData - Encoder #3 : /insertFunction - Profile "thetvdbprepseasonepisodenum" + Number of Encodes : 1 - Command #1 : ($$getSeasonXepisode$$.*) - Encoder #1 : /use "%%seasonNum_STRIPLEADINGZERO%% - %%episodeNum_STRIPLEADINGZERO%%" - Profile "thetvdbgetepisodepage" + Number of Encodes : 2 - Command #1 : %%getSeasonXepisode%%:($$getEpisodePage$$[^|]*) - Encoder #1 : /use "%%episodeXlink%%" - Command #2 : %%getEpisodePage%% - Encoder #2 : /get $$episodePageHTML$$ - Profile "thetvdbgetepisodedata" + Number of Encodes : 7 - Command #1 : <title>[^:]*:\s*($$episodeTitle$$[^<]*) - Encoder #1 : /use episodePageHTML /flatten - Command #2 : name="FirstAired" value="\|*($$firstAired$$[^"]*)\s* - Encoder #2 : /use episodePageHTML /flatten - Command #3 : name="GuestStars" value="\|*($$guestStars$$[^"]*)\s* - Encoder #3 : /use episodePageHTML /flatten - Command #4 : name="Director" value="\|*($$Director$$[^"]*)\s* - Encoder #4 : /use episodePageHTML /flatten - Command #5 : name="Writer" value="\|*($$writers$$[^"]*)\s* - Encoder #5 : /use episodePageHTML /flatten - Command #6 : "Overview_7" style="display: inline">\s*($$episodeDescription$$[^<]*)<\/textarea> - Encoder #6 : /use episodePageHTML /flatten - Command #7 : ?>genInfoFile<:>createInfoFileEpisodeData%%showTitle%%<\/h1>\s*($$showDescription$$[^<]*) - Encoder #2 : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Command #3 : >First Aired:<[^>]*>\s+<[^>]*>\s*($$showPremired$$[^<]*) - Encoder #3 : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Command #4 : >Air Day:<[^>]*>\s+<[^>]*>\s*($$showDayOfWeek$$[^<]*) - Encoder #4 : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Command #5 : >Runtime:<[^>]*>\s+<[^>]*>\s*($$showRuntime$$[^<]*) - Encoder #5 : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Command #6 : >Network:<[^>]*>\s+<[^>]*>\s*($$showNetwork$$[^<]*) - Encoder #6 : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Command #7 : >Genre:<[^>]*>\s+<[^>]*>\s*($$showGenre$$[^<]*) - Encoder #7 : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Command #8 : theTVDBGetActors - Encoder #8 : /insertFunction - Command #9 : theTVDBGetBanners - Encoder #9 : /insertFunction - Command #10 : theTVDBGetPosters - Encoder #10 : /insertFunction - Command #11 : theTVDBGetFanart - Encoder #11 : /insertFunction - Command #12 : ?>genInfoFile<:>createInfoFileSeriesData]*>\s*

<[^>]*>($$actors$$[^<]*) - Encoder #2 : /use tvDBActorInfoHTML /multiple /variable actorsCombined /format "$$actors$$(http://www.theTVDB.com$$actorPicture$$)" /flatten - Profile "thetvdbgetbanners" + Number of Encodes : 2 - Command #1 : http://thetvdb.com/?tab=seriesbanners&id=%%tvdbID%% - Encoder #1 : /get $$tvDBBannersHTML$$ - Command #2 : ]*>View Full Size - Encoder #2 : /use tvDBBannersHTML /multiple /variable bannerLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/$$banners$$" /flatten /split ", " - Profile "thetvdbgetposters" + Number of Encodes : 2 - Command #1 : http://thetvdb.com/?tab=seriesposters&id=%%tvdbID%% - Encoder #1 : /get $$tvDBPosterHTML$$ - Command #2 : ]*>View Full Size - Encoder #2 : /use tvDBPosterHTML /multiple /variable posterLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/$$posters$$" /flatten /split ", " - Profile "thetvdbgetfanart" + Number of Encodes : 2 - Command #1 : http://thetvdb.com/?tab=seriesfanart&id=%%tvdbID%% - Encoder #1 : /get $$tvDBFanartHTML$$ - Command #2 : ]*>View Full Size - Encoder #2 : /use tvDBFanartHTML /multiple /variable fanartLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/$$fanart$$" /flatten /split ", " + Looking for profile: inputFile - Found "inputfile" + Number of Encodes[0] : 4 + Command[0] #0 : TV_Series_Season_Episode + Encoder[0] #0 : /insertFunction + Command[0] #1 : TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode + Encoder[0] #1 : /insertFunction + Command[0] #2 : BareFile + Encoder[0] #2 : /insertFunction + Command[0] #3 : ?>(>showTitle&&seasonNum&&episodeNum<)||(>showTitle&&getAllSeriesInfo<)<:>theTVDB!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2}) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2}) + RegEX : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*([0-9]{2}) - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands: 4 (?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*S?[0-9][xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*S?[0-9][xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2}) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*S?[0-9][xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2}) + RegEX : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*S?[0-9][xE]([0-9]{2}) - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands: 3 (?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1,2}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1,2}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2}) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1,2}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2}) + RegEX : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1,2}([0-9]{2}) - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands: 2 (TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode) + Parameters : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + RegEX : TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode - Found function profile (TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode) - Adding 2 commands - Remaining Commands: 3 (?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2}) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2}) + RegEX : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?([0-9]+)[xE]([0-9]{2}) - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands: 2 (?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2}) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2}) + RegEX : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*([0-9]{1,2})([0-9]{2}) - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands: 1 (BareFile) + Parameters : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + RegEX : BareFile - Found function profile (BareFile) - Adding 4 commands - Remaining Commands: 4 (?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2}) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: ($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2}) + RegEX : ([a-zA-Z0-9 \.]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?([0-9]+)[xE]([0-9]{2}) - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands: 3 (?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2}) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: ($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2}) + RegEX : ([a-zA-Z0-9 ]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?([0-9]{1,2})([0-9]{2}) - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands: 2 (?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.]+)S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.]+) + RegEX : S?([0-9]+)[xE]([0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?([a-zA-Z0-9 \.]+) - $1: seasonNum - $2: episodeNum - $3: showTitle ! Failure - Remaining Commands: 1 (?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+)($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: ($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+) + RegEX : ([0-9]{1,2})([0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?([a-zA-Z0-9 ]+) - $1: seasonNum - $2: episodeNum - $3: showTitle ! Failure - Remaining Commands: 0 (?>(>showTitle&&seasonNum&&episodeNum<)||(>showTitle&&getAllSeriesInfo<)<:>theTVDBshowTitle&&seasonNum&&episodeNum<)||(>showTitle&&getAllSeriesInfo<)<:>theTVDB - Conditional List: showTitle&&getAllSeriesInfo + Checking: showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + False + Checking: getAllSeriesInfo - Does custom conditional (getAllSeriesInfo) exist? + False - Conditional List: showTitle&&seasonNum&&episodeNum + Checking: showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + False + Checking: seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + False + Checking: episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + False - Conditional List: 0||0 + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: ""