Welcome to mediaScraper v1.0beta Staring Proccesing at 20:54:19 1-25-2009 Executable: D:\Program Files\mediaScraperBeta6\mediaScraper.exe EXE path : D:\Program Files\mediaScraperBeta6 Reading Defaults from defaults.txt + Parsing CLI switches + Adding Inputfile: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park" - Didn't recognize (/genMyFile) + Adding to global custom switch hash - Key: genMyFile - Didn't recognize (/genPropertyFile) + Adding to global custom switch hash - Key: genPropertyFile - Didn't recognize (/downloadFanArt ) + Adding to global custom switch hash - Key: downloadFanArt * Sage Directory = * Setting logfile = D:\Program Files\mediaScraperBeta6\scraper.log ------------------Scraping Profiles-------------------- + Looking for Scraping profiles file... - Found = D:\Program Files\mediaScraperBeta6\scrapingProfiles + Reading Profiles - Profile "getsingleimage" + Number of Commands : 2 - Command #1 : ?>!PATH:%%downloadTo%%<:>"%%downloadTo_PATH%%"!EXISTS:%%downloadTo%%<:>"%%singleImage%%" -O "%%downloadTo%%"centralFanartPath<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%<=>isTV<:>background<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%_backgroundcentralFanartPath<:>%%centralFanartPath%%\?>isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies%%inputFile_PATH%%isMovie<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>foldershowTitle<:>imdbTitleSearchimdbMovieID<:>imdbGetMovieInfoimdbMovieID<:>imdbTheMovieDBSearchimdbMovieID&&organizeFiles&&!guessMatch<:>organizeFilesimdbMovieID&&genInfoFile<:>writeMovieInfoFileimdbMovieID&&genMyFile<:>writeMovieMyFileimdbMovieID&&(>genPropertyFile||(>!genInfoFile&&!genMyFile&&!genPropertyFile<)<)<:>writeMoviePropertiesFiledownloadFanArt&&fanArtFull<:>($$singleImage$$[^,]+)downloadFanArt&&fanArtFull<:>($$downloadTo$$.+)singleImage&&downloadTo<:>getSingleImagedownloadFanArt&&posterMed<:>($$singleImage$$[^,]+)downloadFanArt&&posterMed<:>($$downloadTo$$.+)singleImage&&downloadTo<:>getSingleImage!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.]*>($$ignoreQuote$$\")?%%showTitle%%($$ignoreQuote2$$\")? - Command #3 : ($$imdbMiniMovieID$$[^\/]*)/$ - Command #4 : ?>!imdbMovieID<:>($$checkTitle$$IMDb[^<]*Search)<? - Command #5 : ?>!checkTitle&&!imdbMovieID<:><title>($$showTitle$$[^<\(]+)<? - Command #6 : ?>!checkTitle<:>id=($$imdbMiniMovieID$$tt[0-9]+)<? - Command #7 : ?>!checkTitle<:>($$imdbMovieID$$.*)<? - Command #8 : ?>!imdbMovieID<:>imdbGetFirstPopular<? - Profile "imdbgetfirstpopular" + Number of Commands : 6 - Command #1 : ?>!imdbSearchHTML<:>http://www.imdb.com/find?s=tt&q=%%showTitle%%&x=0&y=0<? - Command #2 : ($$captureResult$$<b>($$ignore$$Popular Titles|Titles \(Approx Matches\))</b>.{1,1000}</a>\s*\([0-9]{4}\))\s*($$isTV$$<small>.TV series.)? - Command #3 : /title/($$imdbMiniMovieID$$[^\/]+)[^>]*>($$ignoreQuote$$\")?($$showTitle$$[^<>]+)</a>\s*\([0-9]{4}\)$ - Command #4 : ?>ignoreQuote<:>\"<? - Command #5 : ?>imdbMiniMovieID<:>($$imdbMovieID$$.*)<? - Command #6 : ?>imdbMiniMovieID<:>/guessMatch<? - Profile "imdbthemoviedbsearch" + Number of Commands : 14 - Command #1 : ?>imdbMiniMovieID<:>http://api.themoviedb.org/2.0/Movie.imdbLookup?imdb_id=%%imdbMiniMovieID%%&api_key=57983e31fb435df4df77afb854740ea9<? - Command #2 : <id>($$theMovieDBID$$[0-9]+)</id> - Command #3 : ?>theMovieDBID<:>http://api.themoviedb.org/2.0/Movie.getInfo?id=%%theMovieDBID%%&api_key=57983e31fb435df4df77afb854740ea9<? - Command #4 : <backdrop size="original">($$fanArtFull$$[^<]*) - Command #5 : <backdrop size="mid">($$fanArtMed$$[^<]*) - Command #6 : <backdrop size="thumb">($$fanArtSmall$$[^<]*) - Command #7 : <backdrop size="cover">($$fanArtCover$$[^<]*) - Command #8 : <poster size="original">($$posterFull$$[^<]*) - Command #9 : <poster size="mid">($$posterMed$$[^<]*) - Command #10 : <poster size="thumb">($$posterSmall$$[^<]*) - Command #11 : <poster size="cover">($$posterCover$$[^<]*) - Command #12 : ?>!director<:><person job="director">\s*<name>($$director$$[^<]*)</name><? - Command #13 : ?>!writer<:><person job="($$ignore$$screenplay|author|writer)">\s*<name>($$writer$$[^<]*)</name><? - Command #14 : ?>!cast<:><person job="actor">\s*<name>($$cast$$[^<]*)</name><? - Profile "imdbgetmovieinfo" + Number of Commands : 12 - Command #1 : http://www.imdb.com%%imdbMovieID%% - Command #2 : <h5>Director:</h5>\s*($$ignore$$<[^>]+>)?($$director$$[^<]*) - Command #3 : <h5>Writer:</h5>\s*($$ignore$$<[^>]+>)?($$writer$$[^<]*) - Command #4 : <h5>Release Date:</h5>\s*($$ignore$$<[^>]+>)?($$releaseDate$$[^<]*) - Command #5 : ($$releaseYear$$[0-9]{4}) - Command #6 : <h5>Plot:</h5>\s*($$ignore$$<[^>]+>)?($$plot$$[^<]*) - Command #7 : <h5>Runtime:</h5>\s*($$ignore$$<[^>]+>)?($$runTime$$[^<|]*) - Command #8 : ($$runTimeMinutes$$[0-9]+) - Command #9 : <h5><[^>]*>MPAA</a>:</h5>($$fullRating$$[^<]*) - Command #10 : \s($$miniRating$$G|PG|PG\-13|R|NC\-17|Unrated)\s - Command #11 : <div class="headerinline"><h3>Cast($$castLine$$[^!]*)<! - Command #12 : <a href="/name/[^\/]*/">($$cast$$[^<]*) - Profile "inputfile" + Number of Commands : 11 - Command #1 : ?>ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)<? - Command #2 : ?>ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)<? - Command #3 : ?>ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)<? - Command #4 : TV_Series_Season_Episode - Command #5 : TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode - Command #6 : BareFile - Command #7 : ?>DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*)<? - Command #8 : ?>%%SNIP:checkforExistingMetaData%%&&!updateInfo<:>break<? - Command #9 : ?>(>showTitle&&seasonNum&&episodeNum<)||(>showTitle&&getAllSeriesInfo<)<:>theTVDB<? - Command #10 : MoviesBareFile - Command #11 : ?>showTitle<:>imdbMovie<? - Profile "checkforexistingmetadata" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : (>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%?>!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.<?%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties<)<) - Profile "tv_series_season_episode" + Number of Commands : 3 - Command #1 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>?>baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV<?[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9]<? - Command #2 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>?>baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV<?[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9]<? - Command #3 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>?>baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV<?[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9]<? - Profile "tv_series_seasonxepisode" + Number of Commands : 2 - Command #1 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>?>baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV<?[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9]<? - Command #2 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>?>baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV<?[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9]<? - Profile "barefile" + Number of Commands : 4 - Command #1 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9]<? - Command #2 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9]<? - Command #3 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)<? - Command #4 : ?>!showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)<? - Profile "moviesbarefile" + Number of Commands : 7 - Command #1 : ($$inputFileTemp$$.*) - Command #2 : ($$inputFileTemp$$.*) - Command #3 : ($$inputFileTemp$$.*) - Command #4 : DVDrip - Command #5 : [^ ]?[0-9]{4}[^ ]? - Command #6 : ((1080|720|480)[ip]) - Command #7 : ?>!showTitle<:>($$showTitle$$.*)<? - Profile "organizefiles" + Number of Commands : 5 - Command #1 : ($$checkForTwo$$[0-9]{2,}) - Command #2 : ?>checkForTwo<:>0<?($$episodeNumFill$$.*) - Command #3 : ?>organizeFiles&&organizeBaseFolder&&!DIRECTORY:%%SNIP:organizePath%%<:> "%%SNIP:organizePath%%"<? - Command #4 : ?>organizeFiles&&!EXISTS:%%SNIP:organizeName%%<:> "%%inputFile%%" "%%SNIP:organizeName%%"<? - Command #5 : ?>organizeFiles&&EXISTS:%%SNIP:organizeName%%<:>($$inputFile$$.*)<? - Profile "organizename" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : %%SNIP:organizePath%%\?>isTV<:>%%SNIP:organizeTVName%%<=>isMovie<:>%%SNIP:organizeMovieName%%<? - Profile "organizepath" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : ?>organizeBaseFolder<:>%%organizeBaseFolder%%\?>isTV<:>TV\%%showTitle_WIN32%%\Season %%seasonNum%%<=>isMovie<:>Movies<?<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%<? - Profile "organizemoviename" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : %%showTitle_WIN32%% (%%releaseYear%%).%%inputFile_EXT%% - Profile "organizetvname" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : ?>organizeTVSeasonEpisode<:>%%SNIP:TVSnumEnum%%<=>organizeTVEpisode<:>%%SNIP:TVEnum%%<=>%%SNIP:TVseasonXepisode%%<? - Profile "tvseasonxepisode" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : ?>!organizeTVNoTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%% <?%%seasonNum%%x%%episodeNumFill%% %%episodeTitle_WIN32%%.%%inputFile_EXT%% - Profile "tvsnumenum" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : ?>!organizeTVNoTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%% <?S%%seasonNum%%E%%episodeNumFill%% %%episodeTitle_WIN32%%.%%inputFile_EXT%% - Profile "tvenum" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : ?>!organizeTVNoTitle<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%% <?%%episodeNumFill%% %%episodeTitle_WIN32%%.%%inputFile_EXT%% - Profile "createinfofileseriesdata" + Number of Commands : 3 - Command #1 : ($$actorsCombinedInfoFile$$[^\|]+) - Command #2 : ?>!EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.info<:>/writeInfoFile<? - Command #3 : ?>!EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.info||updateInfo<:>%%snip:outputFile%%.info<? - Profile "createinfofileepisodedata" + Number of Commands : 6 - Command #1 : ($$guestStarsTemp$$[^\|]+) - Command #2 : ($$DirectorTemp$$[^\|]+) - Command #3 : ($$writersTemp$$[^\|]+) - Command #4 : ($$checkForTwo$$[0-9]{2,}) - Command #5 : ?>checkForTwo<:>0<?($$episodeNumFill$$.*) - Command #6 : ?>writeInfoFile||updateInfo<:>%%snip:outputFile%%.info<? - Profile "createpropertiesfile" + Number of Commands : 8 - Command #1 : ($$actorsTemp$$[^\|]+) - Command #2 : \s*($$guestStarsTemp$$[^\|]+) - Command #3 : ($$DirectorTemp$$[^\|]+) - Command #4 : ($$writersTemp$$[^\|]+) - Command #5 : ($$checkForTwo$$[0-9]{2,}) - Command #6 : ?>checkForTwo<:>0<?($$episodeNumFill$$.*) - Command #7 : ?>!EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties||updateInfo<:>%%snip:outputFile%%?>!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.<?%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties<? - Command #8 : "%%inputFile%%" - Profile "createmyfile" + Number of Commands : 7 - Command #1 : ($$guestStarsTemp$$[^\|]+) - Command #2 : ($$directorsTemp$$[^\|]+) - Command #3 : ($$writersTemp$$[^\|]+) - Command #4 : ($$actorsTemp$$[^\|]+) - Command #5 : ($$checkForTwo$$[0-9]{2,}) - Command #6 : ?>checkForTwo<:>0<?($$episodeNumFill$$.*) - Command #7 : ?>!EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.my||updateInfo<:>%%snip:outputFile%%.my<? - Profile "outputfile" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : ?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\<??>outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%<?<? - Profile "getairingidfromfile" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : ($$airingID$$[0-9]*)\-[0-9]\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+ - Profile "gettitlefromwebserver" + Number of Commands : 3 - Command #1 : http://localhost/sage/DetailedInfo?AiringId=%%airingID%%&xml=yes - Command #2 : <title>($$showTitle$$[^<]*)<\/title> - Command #3 : <episode>($$sageEpisode$$[^<]*)<\/episode> - Profile "thetvdb" + Number of Commands : 23 - Command #1 : ($$showTitle$$.*) - Command #2 : ($$seasonNum$$.*) - Command #3 : ($$episodeNum$$.*) - Command #4 : ?>showTitle<:>theTVDBSearch<? - Command #5 : /isTV - Command #6 : ?>!tvdbID&&isTV<:>theTVDBSearch<? - Command #7 : ?>tvdbID<:>theTVDBGetShowInfo<? - Command #8 : ?>tvdbID<:>theTVDBGetEpisodes<? - Command #9 : ?>tvdbID<:>theTVDBGetEpisodeInfo<? - Command #10 : ?>tvdbID&&organizeFiles<:>organizeFiles<? - Command #11 : ?>tvdbID&&genInfoFile<:>createInfoFileSeriesData<? - Command #12 : ?>tvdbID&&genInfoFile<:>createInfoFileEpisodeData<? - Command #13 : ?>tvdbID&&genMyFile<:>createMyFile<? - Command #14 : ?>tvdbID&&(>genPropertyFile||(>!genInfoFile&&!genMyFile&&!genPropertyFile<)<)<:>createPropertiesFile<? - Command #15 : ?>downloadFanArt&&fanartLinks<:>($$singleImage$$[^,]+)<? - Command #16 : ?>downloadFanArt&&fanartLinks<:>($$downloadTo$$.+)<? - Command #17 : ?>singleImage&&downloadTo<:>getSingleImage<? - Command #18 : ?>downloadFanArt&&posterLinks<:>($$singleImage$$[^,]+)<? - Command #19 : ?>downloadFanArt&&posterLinks<:>($$downloadTo$$.+)<? - Command #20 : ?>singleImage&&downloadTo<:>getSingleImage<? - Command #21 : ?>downloadFanArt&&bannerLinks<:>($$singleImage$$[^,]+)<? - Command #22 : ?>downloadFanArt&&bannerLinks<:>($$downloadTo$$.+)<? - Command #23 : ?>singleImage&&downloadTo<:>getSingleImage<? - Profile "thetvdbsearch" + Number of Commands : 2 - Command #1 : http://thetvdb.com/?string=%%showTitle%%&searchseriesid=&tab=listseries&function=Search - Command #2 : id=($$tvdbID$$[0-9]*)[^>]*>($$showTitle$$%%showTitle%%)<\/a>.*English - Profile "thetvdbgetepisodes" + Number of Commands : 2 - Command #1 : http://thetvdb.com/?tab=seasonall&id=%%tvdbID%%&lid=7 - Command #2 : <a href="($$episodeLink$$[^"]*)"[^>]*>\s*($$seasonXepisode$$($$seasonAllNum$$[0-9]+) - ($$episodeAllNum$$[0-9]+))</a>.*lid=[0-9]"> - Profile "thetvdbgetallepisodeinfo" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : ($$getSeasonXepisode$$[0-9]+ - [0-9]+):[^|]* - Profile "thetvdbgetepisodeinfo" + Number of Commands : 3 - Command #1 : ?>!getSeasonXepisode&&seasonNum&&episodeNum<:>theTVDBPrepSeasonEpisodeNum<? - Command #2 : theTVDBGetEpisodePage - Command #3 : theTVDBGetEpisodeData - Profile "thetvdbprepseasonepisodenum" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : ($$getSeasonXepisode$$.*) - Profile "thetvdbgetepisodepage" + Number of Commands : 2 - Command #1 : %%getSeasonXepisode%%:($$getEpisodePage$$[^|]*) - Command #2 : %%getEpisodePage%% - Profile "thetvdbgetepisodedata" + Number of Commands : 6 - Command #1 : ($$episodeTitle$$[^<:]*) - Command #2 : name="FirstAired" value="\|*($$firstAired$$[^"]*)\s* - Command #3 : name="GuestStars" value="\|*($$guestStars$$[^"]*)\s* - Command #4 : name="Director" value="\|*($$Director$$[^"]*)\s* - Command #5 : name="Writer" value="\|*($$writers$$[^"]*)\s* - Command #6 : "Overview_7" style="display: inline">\s*($$episodeDescription$$[^<]*)<\/textarea> - Profile "thetvdbgetshowinfo" + Number of Commands : 11 - Command #1 : http://thetvdb.com/?tab=series&id=%%tvdbID%%&lid=7 - Command #2 :

[^<]+<\/h1>\s*($$showDescription$$[^<]*) - Command #3 : >First Aired:<[^>]*>\s+<[^>]*>\s*($$showPremired$$[^<]*) - Command #4 : >Air Day:<[^>]*>\s+<[^>]*>\s*($$showDayOfWeek$$[^<]*) - Command #5 : >Runtime:<[^>]*>\s+<[^>]*>\s*($$showRuntime$$[^<]*) - Command #6 : >Network:<[^>]*>\s+<[^>]*>\s*($$showNetwork$$[^<]*) - Command #7 : >Genre:<[^>]*>\s+<[^>]*>\s*($$showGenre$$[^<]*) - Command #8 : theTVDBGetActors - Command #9 : theTVDBGetBanners - Command #10 : theTVDBGetPosters - Command #11 : theTVDBGetFanart - Profile "thetvdbgetactors" + Number of Commands : 2 - Command #1 : http://thetvdb.com/?tab=actors&id=%%tvdbID%%&lid=7 - Command #2 : ]*>\s*

<[^>]*>($$actors$$[^<]*) - Profile "thetvdbgetbanners" + Number of Commands : 2 - Command #1 : http://thetvdb.com/?tab=seriesbanners&id=%%tvdbID%% - Command #2 : ]*>View Full Size - Profile "thetvdbgetposters" + Number of Commands : 2 - Command #1 : http://thetvdb.com/?tab=seriesposters&id=%%tvdbID%% - Command #2 : ]*>View Full Size - Profile "thetvdbgetfanart" + Number of Commands : 2 - Command #1 : http://thetvdb.com/?tab=seriesfanart&id=%%tvdbID%% - Command #2 : ]*>View Full Size + Scanning Directory: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park + Found File: (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble.avi) + Found File: (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage.avi) + Found File: (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever.avi) + Found File: (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling.avi) + Found File: (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night.avi) + Found File: (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical.avi) + Found File: (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable.avi) + Found File: (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging.avi) + Found File: (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time.avi) + Found File: (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic.avi) + Found File: (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look.avi) + Found File: (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem.avi) + Found File: (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis.avi) + Found File: (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike.avi) ------------ Processing file: (South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble) ---------------- + Looking for profile: - Found "inputfile" + Number of Commands : 11 + Target #0 : ?>ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*)%%SNIP:checkforExistingMetaData%%&&!updateInfo<:>break(>showTitle&&seasonNum&&episodeNum<)||(>showTitle&&getAllSeriesInfo<)<:>theTVDBshowTitle<:>imdbMovie($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\\folder.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_Season_Episode - Found function profile (TV_Series_Season_Episode) - Adding 3 targets - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (6): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode - Found function profile (TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?([0-9]+)[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum + Success - [TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 ] + Success (1) - $$showTitle$$ = (South Park) - $$seasonNum$$ = (2) - $$episodeNum$$ = (01) - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : BareFile - Found function profile (BareFile) - Adding 4 targets - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble) + Command : /use "South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble) + Command : /use "South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble) + Command : /use "South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble) + Command : /use "South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (4): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%") - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park" - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park + Processing conditional: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*) - Conditional List: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (3): (/break) + Command : /break - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: break + Replacing snippit checkforExistingMetaData : ?>(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%?>!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break. - Conditional List: !DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%% + Checking: !DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble.avi - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble.avi) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: . + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: (>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties<)<)&&!updateInfo<:>break - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble.my - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble.my) exist? + False - Conditional List: !genMyFile||0 + Checking: !genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False - Conditional List: genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info + Checking: genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + False - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble.info - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble.info) exist? + False - Conditional List: !genInfoFile||0 + Checking: !genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False - Conditional List: 1&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble) - Replacing: %%inputFile_EXT%% with (avi) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble.avi.properties - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble.avi.properties) exist? + False - Conditional List: !1||0 + Checking: !1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + !True (False) + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False - Conditional List: 1&&0&&0&&!updateInfo + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False + Checking: !updateInfo - Does custom conditional (updateInfo) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (2): (/branch) + Command : /branch - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: branch + Processing conditional: (>showTitle&&seasonNum&&episodeNum<)||(>showTitle&&getAllSeriesInfo<)<:>theTVDB - Conditional List: showTitle&&getAllSeriesInfo + Checking: showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + True + Checking: getAllSeriesInfo - Does custom conditional (getAllSeriesInfo) exist? + False - Conditional List: showTitle&&seasonNum&&episodeNum + Checking: showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + True + Checking: seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + True + Checking: episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + True - Conditional List: 1||0 + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False = Overall: True, using: theTVDB + Target : theTVDB - Found function profile (theTVDB) - Branching to 23 targets - Remaining Commands (22): (/use "%%showTitle_STRIPSPACES_DOTTOSPACE%%") - Replacing: %%showTitle_STRIPSPACES_DOTTOSPACE%% with (South Park) - Replacing: %%showTitle_STRIPSPACES_DOTTOSPACE%% with (South Park) + Command : /use "South Park" - Replacing quote0: South Park - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park + Target : (.*) - $1: showTitle + Success - [South Park] + Success (1) - $$showTitle$$ = (South Park) - Remaining Commands (21): (/use "%%seasonNum_STRIPZEROS%%") - Replacing: %%seasonNum_STRIPZEROS%% with (2) + Command : /use "2" - Replacing quote0: 2 - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: 2 + Target : (.*) - $1: seasonNum + Success - [2] + Success (1) - $$seasonNum$$ = (2) - Remaining Commands (20): (/use "%%episodeNum_STRIPZEROS%%") - Replacing: %%episodeNum_STRIPZEROS%% with (1) + Command : /use "1" - Replacing quote0: 1 - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: 1 + Target : (.*) - $1: episodeNum + Success - [1] + Success (1) - $$episodeNum$$ = (1) - Remaining Commands (19): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: showTitle<:>theTVDBSearch - Conditional List: showTitle + Checking: showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + True = Overall: True, using: theTVDBSearch + Target : theTVDBSearch - Found function profile (theTVDBSearch) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (20): (/get $$tvDBSearchResultsHTML$$) + Command : /get $$tvDBSearchResultsHTML$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: get + Value: $$tvDBSearchResultsHTML$$ + Target : http://thetvdb.com/?string=South Park&searchseriesid=&tab=listseries&function=Search + Requesting WebAddress: http://thetvdb.com/?string=South%20Park&searchseriesid=&tab=listseries&function=Search - Attempt #1 Success: 200 OK - Remaining Commands (19): (/use tvDBSearchResultsHTML) + Command : /use tvDBSearchResultsHTML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: tvDBSearchResultsHTML + Target : id=([0-9]*)[^>]*>(South Park)<\/a>.*English - $1: tvdbID - $2: showTitle + Success - [id=75897&lid=7">South Park English] + Success (1) - $$tvdbID$$ = (75897) - $$showTitle$$ = (South Park) - Remaining Commands (18): (/setOptions) + Command : /setOptions - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: setOptions + Target : /isTV - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: isTV - Remaining Commands (17): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: !tvdbID&&isTV<:>theTVDBSearch - Conditional List: !tvdbID&&isTV + Checking: !tvdbID - Does custom conditional (tvdbID) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? + True = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (16): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: tvdbID<:>theTVDBGetShowInfo - Conditional List: tvdbID + Checking: tvdbID - Does custom conditional (tvdbID) exist? + True = Overall: True, using: theTVDBGetShowInfo + Target : theTVDBGetShowInfo - Found function profile (theTVDBGetShowInfo) - Adding 11 targets - Remaining Commands (26): (/get $$tvDBShowInfoHTML$$) + Command : /get $$tvDBShowInfoHTML$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: get + Value: $$tvDBShowInfoHTML$$ + Target : http://thetvdb.com/?tab=series&id=75897&lid=7 + Requesting WebAddress: http://thetvdb.com/?tab=series&id=75897&lid=7 - Attempt #1 Success: 200 OK - Remaining Commands (25): (/use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten) + Command : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: tvDBShowInfoHTML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten + Target :

[^<]+<\/h1>\s*([^<]*) - $1: showDescription + Success - [

South Park

In South Park, Colorado, we follow the adventures of four foul-mouthed fourth-graders: Eric Cartman, the rude, obnoxious, sadistic, racist, fat kid; Stan Marsh, a quiet kid with a huge crush on Wendy Testaberger (he usually vomits whenever he talks to her); Kyle Brofloski, the religious kid who Cartman picks on for being Jewish; and Kenny, the orange parka-hooded kid who dies every episode. Of course, most days in South Park are characterized by strange ocurrences, such as aliens planting a chip in Cartman's anus or Michael Jackson himself moving into the neighborhood. ] + Success (1) - $$showDescription$$ = (In South Park, Colorado, we follow the adventures of four foul-mouthed fourth-graders: Eric Cartman, the rude, obnoxious, sadistic, racist, fat kid; Stan Marsh, a quiet kid with a huge crush on Wendy Testaberger (he usually vomits whenever he talks to her); Kyle Brofloski, the religious kid who Cartman picks on for being Jewish; and Kenny, the orange parka-hooded kid who dies every episode. Of course, most days in South Park are characterized by strange ocurrences, such as aliens planting a chip in Cartman's anus or Michael Jackson himself moving into the neighborhood.) - Remaining Commands (24): (/use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten) + Command : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: tvDBShowInfoHTML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten + Target : >First Aired:<[^>]*>\s+<[^>]*>\s*([^<]*) - $1: showPremired + Success - [>First Aired: August 1, 1997 ] + Success (1) - $$showPremired$$ = (August 1, 1997) - Remaining Commands (23): (/use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten) + Command : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: tvDBShowInfoHTML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten + Target : >Air Day:<[^>]*>\s+<[^>]*>\s*([^<]*) - $1: showDayOfWeek + Success - [>Air Day: Wednesday] + Success (1) - $$showDayOfWeek$$ = (Wednesday) - Remaining Commands (22): (/use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten) + Command : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: tvDBShowInfoHTML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten + Target : >Runtime:<[^>]*>\s+<[^>]*>\s*([^<]*) - $1: showRuntime + Success - [>Runtime: 30 minutes] + Success (1) - $$showRuntime$$ = (30 minutes) - Remaining Commands (21): (/use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten) + Command : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: tvDBShowInfoHTML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten + Target : >Network:<[^>]*>\s+<[^>]*>\s*([^<]*) - $1: showNetwork + Success - [>Network: Comedy Central] + Success (1) - $$showNetwork$$ = (Comedy Central) - Remaining Commands (20): (/use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten) + Command : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: tvDBShowInfoHTML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten + Target : >Genre:<[^>]*>\s+<[^>]*>\s*([^<]*) - $1: showGenre + Success - [>Genre: Animation] + Success (1) - $$showGenre$$ = (Animation) - Remaining Commands (19): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : theTVDBGetActors - Found function profile (theTVDBGetActors) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (20): (/get $$tvDBActorInfoHTML$$) + Command : /get $$tvDBActorInfoHTML$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: get + Value: $$tvDBActorInfoHTML$$ + Target : http://thetvdb.com/?tab=actors&id=75897&lid=7 + Requesting WebAddress: http://thetvdb.com/?tab=actors&id=75897&lid=7 - Attempt #1 Success: 200 OK - Remaining Commands (19): (/use tvDBActorInfoHTML /multiple /variable actorsCombined /format "$$actors$$(http://www.theTVDB.com$$actorPicture$$)" /flatten) + Command : /use tvDBActorInfoHTML /multiple /variable actorsCombined /format "$$actors$$(http://www.theTVDB.com$$actorPicture$$)" /flatten - Replacing quote0: $$actors$$(http://www.theTVDB.com$$actorPicture$$) - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: tvDBActorInfoHTML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: actorsCombined - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: format + Value: $$actors$$(http://www.theTVDB.com$$actorPicture$$) - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten + Target : ]*>\s*

<[^>]*>([^<]*) - $1: actorPicture - $2: actors + Success (7) - $$actorPicture$$ = (/banners/_cache/actors/41814.jpg||/banners/_cache/actors/41813.jpg||/banners/_cache/actors/41812.jpg||/banners/actors/0.jpg||/banners/actors/0.jpg||/banners/actors/0.jpg||/banners/actors/0.jpg||) - $$actors$$ = (Trey Parker||Matt Stone||Isaac Hayes||Eliza Schneider||Gracie Lazar||Mary Kay Bergman||Mona Marshall||) - $$actorsCombined$$ = (Trey Parker(http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/_cache/actors/41814.jpg)||Matt Stone(http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/_cache/actors/41813.jpg)||Isaac Hayes(http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/_cache/actors/41812.jpg)||Eliza Schneider(http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/actors/0.jpg)||Gracie Lazar(http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/actors/0.jpg)||Mary Kay Bergman(http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/actors/0.jpg)||Mona Marshall(http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/actors/0.jpg)||) - Remaining Commands (18): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : theTVDBGetBanners - Found function profile (theTVDBGetBanners) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (19): (/get $$tvDBBannersHTML$$) + Command : /get $$tvDBBannersHTML$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: get + Value: $$tvDBBannersHTML$$ + Target : http://thetvdb.com/?tab=seriesbanners&id=75897 + Requesting WebAddress: http://thetvdb.com/?tab=seriesbanners&id=75897 - Attempt #1 Success: 200 OK - Remaining Commands (18): (/use tvDBBannersHTML /multiple /variable bannerLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/$$banners$$" /flatten /split ", ") + Command : /use tvDBBannersHTML /multiple /variable bannerLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/$$banners$$" /flatten /split ", " - Replacing quote0: http://www.theTVDB.com/$$banners$$ - Replacing quote1: , - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: tvDBBannersHTML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: bannerLinks - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: format + Value: http://www.theTVDB.com/$$banners$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: split + Value: , + Target : ]*>View Full Size - $1: banners + Success (11) - $$banners$$ = (banners/graphical/75897-g7.jpg, banners/graphical/75897-g8.jpg, banners/graphical/75897-g6.jpg, banners/graphical/344-g.jpg, banners/graphical/75897-g3.jpg, banners/graphical/75897-g5.jpg, banners/graphical/75897-g2.jpg, banners/blank/75897.jpg, banners/text/344.jpg, banners/graphical/75897-g4.jpg, banners/graphical/75897-g.jpg, ) - $$bannerLinks$$ = (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/75897-g7.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/75897-g8.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/75897-g6.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/344-g.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/75897-g3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/75897-g5.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/75897-g2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/blank/75897.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/text/344.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/75897-g4.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/75897-g.jpg, ) - Remaining Commands (17): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : theTVDBGetPosters - Found function profile (theTVDBGetPosters) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (18): (/get $$tvDBPosterHTML$$) + Command : /get $$tvDBPosterHTML$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: get + Value: $$tvDBPosterHTML$$ + Target : http://thetvdb.com/?tab=seriesposters&id=75897 + Requesting WebAddress: http://thetvdb.com/?tab=seriesposters&id=75897 - Attempt #1 Success: 200 OK - Remaining Commands (17): (/use tvDBPosterHTML /multiple /variable posterLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/$$posters$$" /flatten /split ", ") + Command : /use tvDBPosterHTML /multiple /variable posterLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/$$posters$$" /flatten /split ", " - Replacing quote0: http://www.theTVDB.com/$$posters$$ - Replacing quote1: , - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: tvDBPosterHTML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: posterLinks - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: format + Value: http://www.theTVDB.com/$$posters$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: split + Value: , + Target : ]*>View Full Size - $1: posters + Success (3) - $$posters$$ = (banners/posters/75897-3.jpg, banners/posters/75897-2.jpg, banners/posters/75897-1.jpg, ) - $$posterLinks$$ = (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/75897-3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/75897-2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/75897-1.jpg, ) - Remaining Commands (16): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : theTVDBGetFanart - Found function profile (theTVDBGetFanart) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (17): (/get $$tvDBFanartHTML$$) + Command : /get $$tvDBFanartHTML$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: get + Value: $$tvDBFanartHTML$$ + Target : http://thetvdb.com/?tab=seriesfanart&id=75897 + Requesting WebAddress: http://thetvdb.com/?tab=seriesfanart&id=75897 - Attempt #1 Success: 200 OK - Remaining Commands (16): (/use tvDBFanartHTML /multiple /variable fanartLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/$$fanart$$" /flatten /split ", ") + Command : /use tvDBFanartHTML /multiple /variable fanartLinks /format "http://www.theTVDB.com/$$fanart$$" /flatten /split ", " - Replacing quote0: http://www.theTVDB.com/$$fanart$$ - Replacing quote1: , - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: tvDBFanartHTML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: fanartLinks - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: format + Value: http://www.theTVDB.com/$$fanart$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: split + Value: , + Target : ]*>View Full Size - $1: fanart + Success (42) - $$fanart$$ = (banners/fanart/original/75897-17.jpg, banners/fanart/vignette/75897-17.jpg, banners/fanart/original/75897-6.jpg, banners/fanart/vignette/75897-6.jpg, banners/fanart/original/75897-11.jpg, banners/fanart/vignette/75897-11.jpg, banners/fanart/original/75897-13.jpg, banners/fanart/vignette/75897-13.jpg, banners/fanart/original/75897-1.jpg, banners/fanart/vignette/75897-1.jpg, banners/fanart/original/75897-20.jpg, banners/fanart/vignette/75897-20.jpg, banners/fanart/original/75897-5.jpg, banners/fanart/vignette/75897-5.jpg, banners/fanart/original/75897-7.jpg, banners/fanart/vignette/75897-7.jpg, banners/fanart/original/75897-9.jpg, banners/fanart/vignette/75897-9.jpg, banners/fanart/original/75897-16.jpg, banners/fanart/vignette/75897-16.jpg, banners/fanart/original/75897-10.jpg, banners/fanart/vignette/75897-10.jpg, banners/fanart/original/75897-2.jpg, banners/fanart/vignette/75897-2.jpg, banners/fanart/original/75897-14.jpg, banners/fanart/vignette/75897-14.jpg, banners/fanart/original/75897-8.jpg, banners/fanart/vignette/75897-8.jpg, banners/fanart/original/75897-3.jpg, banners/fanart/vignette/75897-3.jpg, banners/fanart/original/75897-4.jpg, banners/fanart/vignette/75897-4.jpg, banners/fanart/original/75897-12.jpg, banners/fanart/vignette/75897-12.jpg, banners/fanart/original/75897-21.jpg, banners/fanart/vignette/75897-21.jpg, banners/fanart/original/75897-18.jpg, banners/fanart/vignette/75897-18.jpg, banners/fanart/original/75897-15.jpg, banners/fanart/vignette/75897-15.jpg, banners/fanart/original/75897-19.jpg, banners/fanart/vignette/75897-19.jpg, ) - $$fanartLinks$$ = (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-17.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-17.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-6.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-6.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-11.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-11.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-13.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-13.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-1.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-1.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-20.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-20.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-5.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-5.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-7.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-7.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-9.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-9.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-16.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-16.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-10.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-10.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-14.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-14.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-8.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-8.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-4.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-4.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-12.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-12.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-21.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-21.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-18.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-18.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-15.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-15.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-19.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-19.jpg, ) - Remaining Commands (15): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: tvdbID<:>theTVDBGetEpisodes - Conditional List: tvdbID + Checking: tvdbID - Does custom conditional (tvdbID) exist? + True = Overall: True, using: theTVDBGetEpisodes + Target : theTVDBGetEpisodes - Found function profile (theTVDBGetEpisodes) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (16): (/get $$tvDBShowInfoHTML$$) + Command : /get $$tvDBShowInfoHTML$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: get + Value: $$tvDBShowInfoHTML$$ + Target : http://thetvdb.com/?tab=seasonall&id=75897&lid=7 + Requesting WebAddress: http://thetvdb.com/?tab=seasonall&id=75897&lid=7 - Attempt #1 Success: 200 OK - Remaining Commands (15): (/use tvDBShowInfoHTML /multiple /variable episodeXlink /format "$$seasonXepisode$$:http://www.theTVDB.com$$episodeLink$$") + Command : /use tvDBShowInfoHTML /multiple /variable episodeXlink /format "$$seasonXepisode$$:http://www.theTVDB.com$$episodeLink$$" - Replacing quote0: $$seasonXepisode$$:http://www.theTVDB.com$$episodeLink$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: tvDBShowInfoHTML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: episodeXlink - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: format + Value: $$seasonXepisode$$:http://www.theTVDB.com$$episodeLink$$ + Target : ]*>\s*(([0-9]+) - ([0-9]+)).*lid=[0-9]"> - $1: episodeLink - $2: seasonXepisode - $3: seasonAllNum - $4: episodeAllNum + Success (181) - $$episodeLink$$ = (/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9414&id=179540&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9414&id=179541&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9414&id=179542&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9414&id=179543&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9414&id=179544&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9414&id=179545&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9414&id=179546&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9414&id=179547&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9414&id=179548&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9414&id=179549&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9414&id=179550&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9414&id=179551&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9414&id=179552&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179553&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179554&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179555&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179556&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179557&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179558&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179559&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179560&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179561&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179562&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179563&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179564&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179565&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179566&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179567&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179568&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179569&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179570&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=295321&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179571&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179572&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179573&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179574&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179575&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179576&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179577&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179578&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179580&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179582&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179579&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179581&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179583&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179584&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179585&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179586&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179587&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179588&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179589&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179590&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179591&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179592&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179593&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179594&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179595&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179596&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179597&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179598&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179599&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179600&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179601&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179602&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179603&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179604&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179605&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179606&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179607&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179608&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179609&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179610&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179611&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179612&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179613&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179614&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179615&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179616&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179617&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9420&id=179618&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9420&id=179619&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9420&id=179620&lid=7||/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9420&id=179621&lid=7||/?tab=episode&serie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6:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=16748&id=324339&lid=7||11 - 7:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=16748&id=324340&lid=7||11 - 8:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=16748&id=335963&lid=7||11 - 9:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=16748&id=337124&lid=7||11 - 10:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=16748&id=337781&lid=7||11 - 11:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=16748&id=338614&lid=7||11 - 12:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=16748&id=340088&lid=7||11 - 13:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=16748&id=341283&lid=7||11 - 14:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=16748&id=341284&lid=7||12 - 1:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=355755&lid=7||12 - 2:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=356386&lid=7||12 - 3:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=357966&lid=7||12 - 4:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=358735&lid=7||12 - 5:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=359903&lid=7||12 - 6:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=361332&lid=7||12 - 7:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=361333&lid=7||12 - 8:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=393226&lid=7||12 - 9:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=396538&lid=7||12 - 10:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=398715&lid=7||12 - 11:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=401173&lid=7||12 - 12:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=402089&lid=7||12 - 13:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=403819&lid=7||12 - 14:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=405698&lid=7||) - Remaining Commands (14): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: tvdbID<:>theTVDBGetEpisodeInfo - Conditional List: tvdbID + Checking: tvdbID - Does custom conditional (tvdbID) exist? + True = Overall: True, using: theTVDBGetEpisodeInfo + Target : theTVDBGetEpisodeInfo - Found function profile (theTVDBGetEpisodeInfo) - Adding 3 targets - Remaining Commands (16): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: !getSeasonXepisode&&seasonNum&&episodeNum<:>theTVDBPrepSeasonEpisodeNum - Conditional List: !getSeasonXepisode&&seasonNum&&episodeNum + Checking: !getSeasonXepisode - Does custom conditional (getSeasonXepisode) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + True + Checking: episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + True = Overall: True, using: theTVDBPrepSeasonEpisodeNum + Target : theTVDBPrepSeasonEpisodeNum - Found function profile (theTVDBPrepSeasonEpisodeNum) - Adding 1 targets - Remaining Commands (16): (/use "%%seasonNum_STRIPLEADINGZERO%% - %%episodeNum_STRIPLEADINGZERO%%") - Replacing: %%seasonNum_STRIPLEADINGZERO%% with (2) - Replacing: %%episodeNum_STRIPLEADINGZERO%% with (1) + Command : /use "2 - 1" - Replacing quote0: 2 - 1 - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: 2 - 1 + Target : (.*) - $1: getSeasonXepisode + Success - [2 - 1] + Success (1) - $$getSeasonXepisode$$ = (2 - 1) - Remaining Commands (15): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : theTVDBGetEpisodePage - Found function profile (theTVDBGetEpisodePage) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (16): (/use "%%episodeXlink%%") + Command : /use "1 - 1:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9414&id=179540&lid=7||1 - 2:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9414&id=179541&lid=7||1 - 3:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9414&id=179542&lid=7||1 - 4:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9414&id=179543&lid=7||1 - 5:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9414&id=179544&lid=7||1 - 6:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9414&id=179545&lid=7||1 - 7:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9414&id=179546&lid=7||1 - 8:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9414&id=179547&lid=7||1 - 9:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9414&id=179548&lid=7||1 - 10:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9414&id=179549&lid=7||1 - 11:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9414&id=179550&lid=7||1 - 12:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9414&id=179551&lid=7||1 - 13:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9414&id=179552&lid=7||2 - 1:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179553&lid=7||2 - 2:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179554&lid=7||2 - 3:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179555&lid=7||2 - 4:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179556&lid=7||2 - 5:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179557&lid=7||2 - 6:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179558&lid=7||2 - 7:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179559&lid=7||2 - 8:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179560&lid=7||2 - 9:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179561&lid=7||2 - 10:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179562&lid=7||2 - 11:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179563&lid=7||2 - 12:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179564&lid=7||2 - 13:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179565&lid=7||2 - 14:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179566&lid=7||2 - 15:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179567&lid=7||2 - 16:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179568&lid=7||2 - 17:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179569&lid=7||2 - 18:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179570&lid=7||3 - 1:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=295321&lid=7||3 - 2:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179571&lid=7||3 - 3:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179572&lid=7||3 - 4:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179573&lid=7||3 - 5:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179574&lid=7||3 - 6:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179575&lid=7||3 - 7:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179576&lid=7||3 - 8:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179577&lid=7||3 - 9:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179578&lid=7||3 - 10:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179580&lid=7||3 - 11:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179582&lid=7||3 - 12:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179579&lid=7||3 - 13:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179581&lid=7||3 - 14:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179583&lid=7||3 - 15:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179584&lid=7||3 - 16:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179585&lid=7||3 - 17:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9417&id=179586&lid=7||4 - 1:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179587&lid=7||4 - 2:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179588&lid=7||4 - 3:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179589&lid=7||4 - 4:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179590&lid=7||4 - 5:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179591&lid=7||4 - 6:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179592&lid=7||4 - 7:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179593&lid=7||4 - 8:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179594&lid=7||4 - 9:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179595&lid=7||4 - 10:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179596&lid=7||4 - 11:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179597&lid=7||4 - 12:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179598&lid=7||4 - 13:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179599&lid=7||4 - 14:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179600&lid=7||4 - 15:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179601&lid=7||4 - 16:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179602&lid=7||4 - 17:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9418&id=179603&lid=7||5 - 1:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179604&lid=7||5 - 2:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179605&lid=7||5 - 3:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179606&lid=7||5 - 4:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179607&lid=7||5 - 5:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179608&lid=7||5 - 6:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179609&lid=7||5 - 7:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179610&lid=7||5 - 8:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179611&lid=7||5 - 9:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179612&lid=7||5 - 10:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179613&lid=7||5 - 11:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179614&lid=7||5 - 12:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179615&lid=7||5 - 13:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179616&lid=7||5 - 14:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9419&id=179617&lid=7||6 - 1:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9420&id=179618&lid=7||6 - 2:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9420&id=179619&lid=7||6 - 3:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9420&id=179620&lid=7||6 - 4:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9420&id=179621&lid=7||6 - 5:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9420&id=179622&lid=7||6 - 6:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9420&id=179624&lid=7||6 - 7:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9420&id=179625&lid=7||6 - 8:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9420&id=179626&lid=7||6 - 9:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9420&id=179627&lid=7||6 - 10:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9420&id=179628&lid=7||6 - 11:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9420&id=179629&lid=7||6 - 12:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9420&id=179631&lid=7||6 - 13:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9420&id=179632&lid=7||6 - 14:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9420&id=179633&lid=7||6 - 15:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9420&id=179634&lid=7||6 - 16:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9420&id=179635&lid=7||6 - 17:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9420&id=179636&lid=7||7 - 1:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9421&id=179637&lid=7||7 - 2:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9421&id=179638&lid=7||7 - 3:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9421&id=179639&lid=7||7 - 4:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9421&id=179640&lid=7||7 - 5:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9421&id=179641&lid=7||7 - 6:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9421&id=179642&lid=7||7 - 7:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9421&id=179643&lid=7||7 - 8:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9421&id=179644&lid=7||7 - 9:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9421&id=179645&lid=7||7 - 10:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9421&id=179646&lid=7||7 - 11:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9421&id=179647&lid=7||7 - 12:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9421&id=179648&lid=7||7 - 13:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9421&id=179649&lid=7||7 - 14:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9421&id=179650&lid=7||7 - 15:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9421&id=179651&lid=7||8 - 1:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9422&id=179652&lid=7||8 - 2:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9422&id=179653&lid=7||8 - 3:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9422&id=179654&lid=7||8 - 4:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9422&id=179655&lid=7||8 - 5:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9422&id=179656&lid=7||8 - 6:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9422&id=179657&lid=7||8 - 7:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9422&id=179658&lid=7||8 - 8:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9422&id=179659&lid=7||8 - 9:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9422&id=179660&lid=7||8 - 10:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9422&id=179661&lid=7||8 - 11:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9422&id=179662&lid=7||8 - 12:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9422&id=179663&lid=7||8 - 13:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9422&id=179664&lid=7||8 - 14:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9422&id=179665&lid=7||9 - 1:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9423&id=179666&lid=7||9 - 2:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9423&id=179667&lid=7||9 - 3:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9423&id=179668&lid=7||9 - 4:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9423&id=179669&lid=7||9 - 5:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9423&id=179670&lid=7||9 - 6:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9423&id=179671&lid=7||9 - 7:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9423&id=179672&lid=7||9 - 8:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9423&id=300631&lid=7||9 - 9:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9423&id=300699&lid=7||9 - 10:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9423&id=300936&lid=7||9 - 11:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9423&id=301106&lid=7||9 - 12:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9423&id=301211&lid=7||9 - 13:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9423&id=301315&lid=7||9 - 14:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9423&id=302787&lid=7||10 - 1:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9415&id=306388&lid=7||10 - 2:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9415&id=306522&lid=7||10 - 3:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9415&id=306830&lid=7||10 - 4:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9415&id=306831&lid=7||10 - 5:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9415&id=306832&lid=7||10 - 6:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9415&id=306833&lid=7||10 - 7:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9415&id=306834&lid=7||10 - 8:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9415&id=307557&lid=7||10 - 9:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9415&id=311182&lid=7||10 - 10:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9415&id=311183&lid=7||10 - 11:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9415&id=311442&lid=7||10 - 12:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9415&id=312072&lid=7||10 - 13:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9415&id=312129&lid=7||10 - 14:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9415&id=312440&lid=7||11 - 1:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=16748&id=314261&lid=7||11 - 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4:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9415&id=306831&lid=7||10 - 5:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9415&id=306832&lid=7||10 - 6:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9415&id=306833&lid=7||10 - 7:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9415&id=306834&lid=7||10 - 8:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9415&id=307557&lid=7||10 - 9:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9415&id=311182&lid=7||10 - 10:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9415&id=311183&lid=7||10 - 11:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9415&id=311442&lid=7||10 - 12:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9415&id=312072&lid=7||10 - 13:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9415&id=312129&lid=7||10 - 14:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9415&id=312440&lid=7||11 - 1:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=16748&id=314261&lid=7||11 - 2:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=16748&id=324335&lid=7||11 - 3:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=16748&id=324336&lid=7||11 - 4:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=16748&id=324337&lid=7||11 - 5:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=16748&id=324338&lid=7||11 - 6:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=16748&id=324339&lid=7||11 - 7:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=16748&id=324340&lid=7||11 - 8:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=16748&id=335963&lid=7||11 - 9:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=16748&id=337124&lid=7||11 - 10:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=16748&id=337781&lid=7||11 - 11:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=16748&id=338614&lid=7||11 - 12:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=16748&id=340088&lid=7||11 - 13:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=16748&id=341283&lid=7||11 - 14:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=16748&id=341284&lid=7||12 - 1:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=355755&lid=7||12 - 2:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=356386&lid=7||12 - 3:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=357966&lid=7||12 - 4:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=358735&lid=7||12 - 5:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=359903&lid=7||12 - 6:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=361332&lid=7||12 - 7:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=361333&lid=7||12 - 8:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=393226&lid=7||12 - 9:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=396538&lid=7||12 - 10:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=398715&lid=7||12 - 11:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=401173&lid=7||12 - 12:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=402089&lid=7||12 - 13:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=403819&lid=7||12 - 14:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=31082&id=405698&lid=7|| + Target : 2 - 1:([^|]*) - $1: getEpisodePage + Success - [2 - 1:http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179553&lid=7] + Success (1) - $$getEpisodePage$$ = (http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179553&lid=7) - Remaining Commands (15): (/get $$episodePageHTML$$) + Command : /get $$episodePageHTML$$ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: get + Value: $$episodePageHTML$$ + Target : http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179553&lid=7 + Requesting WebAddress: http://www.theTVDB.com/?tab=episode&seriesid=75897&seasonid=9416&id=179553&lid=7 - Attempt #1 Success: 200 OK - Remaining Commands (14): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : theTVDBGetEpisodeData - Found function profile (theTVDBGetEpisodeData) - Adding 6 targets - Remaining Commands (19): (/use episodePageHTML /flatten) + Command : /use episodePageHTML /flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: episodePageHTML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten + Target : ([^<:]*) - $1: episodeTitle + Success - [ Terrance & Phillip in Not Without My Anus] + Success (1) - $$episodeTitle$$ = (Terrance & Phillip in Not Without My Anus) - Remaining Commands (18): (/use episodePageHTML /flatten) + Command : /use episodePageHTML /flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: episodePageHTML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten + Target : name="FirstAired" value="\|*([^"]*)\s* - $1: firstAired + Success - [name="FirstAired" value="1998-04-01] + Success (1) - $$firstAired$$ = (1998-04-01) - Remaining Commands (17): (/use episodePageHTML /flatten) + Command : /use episodePageHTML /flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: episodePageHTML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten + Target : name="GuestStars" value="\|*([^"]*)\s* - $1: guestStars + Success - [name="GuestStars" value="] ! Failure - Remaining Commands (16): (/use episodePageHTML /flatten) + Command : /use episodePageHTML /flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: episodePageHTML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten + Target : name="Director" value="\|*([^"]*)\s* - $1: Director + Success - [name="Director" value="|Trey Parker|] + Success (1) - $$Director$$ = (Trey Parker|) - Remaining Commands (15): (/use episodePageHTML /flatten) + Command : /use episodePageHTML /flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: episodePageHTML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten + Target : name="Writer" value="\|*([^"]*)\s* - $1: writers + Success - [name="Writer" value="|Trisha Nixon|Trey Parker|] + Success (1) - $$writers$$ = (Trisha Nixon|Trey Parker|) - Remaining Commands (14): (/use episodePageHTML /flatten) + Command : /use episodePageHTML /flatten - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: episodePageHTML - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: flatten + Target : "Overview_7" style="display: inline">\s*([^<]*)<\/textarea> - $1: episodeDescription + Success - ["Overview_7" style="display: inline">The show starts off with the build up from last season's cliffhanger revolving around Cartman's paternal origins. However, just as it seems they are about to get on with the second half of "Cartman's Mom Is A Dirty Slut," they do a 180 degree turn-around and reveal that for April Fool's Day they will be showing Terrance & Phillip in "Not Without My Anus."] + Success (1) - $$episodeDescription$$ = (The show starts off with the build up from last season's cliffhanger revolving around Cartman's paternal origins. However, just as it seems they are about to get on with the second half of "Cartman's Mom Is A Dirty Slut," they do a 180 degree turn-around and reveal that for April Fool's Day they will be showing Terrance & Phillip in "Not Without My Anus.") - Remaining Commands (13): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: tvdbID&&organizeFiles<:>organizeFiles - Conditional List: tvdbID&&organizeFiles + Checking: tvdbID - Does custom conditional (tvdbID) exist? + True + Checking: organizeFiles - Does custom conditional (organizeFiles) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (12): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: tvdbID&&genInfoFile<:>createInfoFileSeriesData - Conditional List: tvdbID&&genInfoFile + Checking: tvdbID - Does custom conditional (tvdbID) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (11): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: tvdbID&&genInfoFile<:>createInfoFileEpisodeData - Conditional List: tvdbID&&genInfoFile + Checking: tvdbID - Does custom conditional (tvdbID) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (10): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: tvdbID&&genMyFile<:>createMyFile - Conditional List: tvdbID&&genMyFile + Checking: tvdbID - Does custom conditional (tvdbID) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True = Overall: True, using: createMyFile + Target : createMyFile - Found function profile (createMyFile) - Adding 7 targets - Remaining Commands (16): (/use "%%guestStars%%" /multiple /split ", " /variable guestStarsMy /format "$$guestStarsTemp$$ (Guest Star)") + Command : /use "" /multiple /split ", " /variable guestStarsMy /format "$$guestStarsTemp$$ (Guest Star)" - Replacing quote0: - Replacing quote1: , - Replacing quote2: $$guestStarsTemp$$ (Guest Star) - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: split + Value: , - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: guestStarsMy - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: format + Value: $$guestStarsTemp$$ (Guest Star) + Target : ([^\|]+) - $1: guestStarsTemp ! Failure - Remaining Commands (15): (/use "%%director%%" /multiple /split ", " /variable directorsMy /format "$$directorsTemp$$ (Director)") + Command : /use "Trey Parker|" /multiple /split ", " /variable directorsMy /format "$$directorsTemp$$ (Director)" - Replacing quote0: Trey Parker| - Replacing quote1: , - Replacing quote2: $$directorsTemp$$ (Director) - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: Trey Parker| - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: split + Value: , - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: directorsMy - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: format + Value: $$directorsTemp$$ (Director) + Target : ([^\|]+) - $1: directorsTemp + Success (1) - $$directorsTemp$$ = (Trey Parker, ) - $$directorsMy$$ = (Trey Parker (Director), ) - Remaining Commands (14): (/use "%%writers%%" /multiple /split ", " /variable writersMy /format "$$writersTemp$$ (Writer)") + Command : /use "Trisha Nixon|Trey Parker|" /multiple /split ", " /variable writersMy /format "$$writersTemp$$ (Writer)" - Replacing quote0: Trisha Nixon|Trey Parker| - Replacing quote1: , - Replacing quote2: $$writersTemp$$ (Writer) - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: Trisha Nixon|Trey Parker| - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: split + Value: , - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: variable + Value: writersMy - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: format + Value: $$writersTemp$$ (Writer) + Target : ([^\|]+) - $1: writersTemp + Success (2) - $$writersTemp$$ = (Trisha Nixon, Trey Parker, ) - $$writersMy$$ = (Trisha Nixon (Writer), Trey Parker (Writer), ) - Remaining Commands (13): (/use "%%actors%%" /multiple /split ", ") + Command : /use "Trey Parker||Matt Stone||Isaac Hayes||Eliza Schneider||Gracie Lazar||Mary Kay Bergman||Mona Marshall||" /multiple /split ", " - Replacing quote0: Trey Parker||Matt Stone||Isaac Hayes||Eliza Schneider||Gracie Lazar||Mary Kay Bergman||Mona Marshall|| - Replacing quote1: , - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: Trey Parker||Matt Stone||Isaac Hayes||Eliza Schneider||Gracie Lazar||Mary Kay Bergman||Mona Marshall|| - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: split + Value: , + Target : ([^\|]+) - $1: actorsTemp + Success (7) - $$actorsTemp$$ = (Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Isaac Hayes, Eliza Schneider, Gracie Lazar, Mary Kay Bergman, Mona Marshall, ) - Remaining Commands (12): (/use "%%episodeNum%%") + Command : /use "1" - Replacing quote0: 1 - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: 1 + Target : ([0-9]{2,}) - $1: checkForTwo ! Failure - Remaining Commands (11): (/use "0%%episodeNum%%") + Command : /use "01" - Replacing quote0: 01 - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: 01 + Processing conditional: checkForTwo<:>0 - Conditional List: checkForTwo + Checking: checkForTwo - Does custom conditional (checkForTwo) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Target : (.*) - $1: episodeNumFill + Success - [01] + Success (1) - $$episodeNumFill$$ = (01) - Remaining Commands (10): (/output createTVMyFile) + Command : /output createTVMyFile - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: output + Value: createTVMyFile + Replacing snippit outputFile : ?>!EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: !EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my||updateInfo<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my - Conditional List: !EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my||updateInfo - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble) + Checking: !EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble.my - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble.my) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: updateInfo - Does custom conditional (updateInfo) exist? + False = Overall: True, using: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble) + Target : \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble.my - Outputing to file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble.my): (createTVMyFile) - Replacing (showTitle): (South Park) - Replacing (firstAired): (1998-04-01) - Replacing (actorsTemp): (Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Isaac Hayes, Eliza Schneider, Gracie Lazar, Mary Kay Bergman, Mona Marshall, ) - Replacing (guestStarsMy): () - Replacing (directorsMy): (Trey Parker (Director), ) - Replacing (writersMy): (Trisha Nixon (Writer), Trey Parker (Writer), ) - Replacing (seasonNum): (2) - Replacing (episodeNumFill): (01) - Replacing (episodeTitle): (Terrance & Phillip in Not Without My Anus) - Replacing (episodeDescription): (The show starts off with the build up from last season's cliffhanger revolving around Cartman's paternal origins. However, just as it seems they are about to get on with the second half of "Cartman's Mom Is A Dirty Slut," they do a 180 degree turn-around and reveal that for April Fool's Day they will be showing Terrance & Phillip in "Not Without My Anus.") - Replacing (showRuntime): (30 minutes) - Replacing (showGenre): (Animation) - Replacing (showNetwork): (Comedy Central) - Remaining Commands (9): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: tvdbID&&(>genPropertyFile||(>!genInfoFile&&!genMyFile&&!genPropertyFile<)<)<:>createPropertiesFile - Conditional List: !genInfoFile&&!genMyFile&&!genPropertyFile + Checking: !genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + !True (False) - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False - Conditional List: tvdbID&&1 + Checking: tvdbID - Does custom conditional (tvdbID) exist? + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True = Overall: True, using: createPropertiesFile + Target : createPropertiesFile - Found function profile (createPropertiesFile) - Adding 8 targets - Remaining Commands (16): (/use "%%actors%%" /multiple /split ;) + Command : /use "Trey Parker||Matt Stone||Isaac Hayes||Eliza Schneider||Gracie Lazar||Mary Kay Bergman||Mona Marshall||" /multiple /split ; - Replacing quote0: Trey Parker||Matt Stone||Isaac Hayes||Eliza Schneider||Gracie Lazar||Mary Kay Bergman||Mona Marshall|| - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: Trey Parker||Matt Stone||Isaac Hayes||Eliza Schneider||Gracie Lazar||Mary Kay Bergman||Mona Marshall|| - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: split + Value: ; + Target : ([^\|]+) - $1: actorsTemp + Success (7) - $$actorsTemp$$ = (Trey Parker;Matt Stone;Isaac Hayes;Eliza Schneider;Gracie Lazar;Mary Kay Bergman;Mona Marshall;) - Remaining Commands (15): (/use "%%guestStars%%" /multiple /split ;) + Command : /use "" /multiple /split ; - Replacing quote0: - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: split + Value: ; + Target : \s*([^\|]+) - $1: guestStarsTemp ! Failure - Remaining Commands (14): (/use "%%Director%%" /multiple /split ;) + Command : /use "Trey Parker|" /multiple /split ; - Replacing quote0: Trey Parker| - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: Trey Parker| - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: split + Value: ; + Target : ([^\|]+) - $1: DirectorTemp + Success (1) - $$DirectorTemp$$ = (Trey Parker;) - Remaining Commands (13): (/use "%%writers%%" /multiple /split ;) + Command : /use "Trisha Nixon|Trey Parker|" /multiple /split ; - Replacing quote0: Trisha Nixon|Trey Parker| - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: Trisha Nixon|Trey Parker| - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: multiple - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: split + Value: ; + Target : ([^\|]+) - $1: writersTemp + Success (2) - $$writersTemp$$ = (Trisha Nixon;Trey Parker;) - Remaining Commands (12): (/use "%%episodeNum%%") + Command : /use "1" - Replacing quote0: 1 - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: 1 + Target : ([0-9]{2,}) - $1: checkForTwo ! Failure - Remaining Commands (11): (/use "0%%episodeNum%%") + Command : /use "01" - Replacing quote0: 01 - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: 01 + Processing conditional: checkForTwo<:>0 - Conditional List: checkForTwo + Checking: checkForTwo - Does custom conditional (checkForTwo) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Target : (.*) - $1: episodeNumFill + Success - [01] + Success (1) - $$episodeNumFill$$ = (01) - Remaining Commands (10): (/output createTVPropertiesFile) + Command : /output createTVPropertiesFile - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: output + Value: createTVPropertiesFile + Replacing snippit outputFile : ?>!EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.. - Conditional List: !DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%% + Checking: !DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble.avi - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble.avi) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: . + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: !EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties||updateInfo<:>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties - Conditional List: !EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties||updateInfo - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble) - Replacing: %%inputFile_EXT%% with (avi) + Checking: !EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble.avi.properties - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble.avi.properties) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: updateInfo - Does custom conditional (updateInfo) exist? + False = Overall: True, using: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble) - Replacing: %%inputFile_EXT%% with (avi) + Target : \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble.avi.properties - Outputing to file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble.avi.properties): (createTVPropertiesFile) - Replacing (showTitle): (South Park) - Replacing (seasonNum): (2) - Replacing (episodeNumFill): (01) - Replacing (episodeTitle): (Terrance & Phillip in Not Without My Anus) - Replacing (actorsTemp): (Trey Parker;Matt Stone;Isaac Hayes;Eliza Schneider;Gracie Lazar;Mary Kay Bergman;Mona Marshall;) - Replacing (guestStarsTemp): () - Replacing (DirectorTemp): (Trey Parker;) - Replacing (writersTemp): (Trisha Nixon;Trey Parker;) - Replacing (episodeDescription): (The show starts off with the build up from last season's cliffhanger revolving around Cartman's paternal origins. However, just as it seems they are about to get on with the second half of "Cartman's Mom Is A Dirty Slut," they do a 180 degree turn-around and reveal that for April Fool's Day they will be showing Terrance & Phillip in "Not Without My Anus.") - Remaining Commands (9): (/exe touch.exe) + Command : /exe touch.exe - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: exe + Value: touch.exe + Target : "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble.avi" - Executing command: "D:\Program Files\mediaScraperBeta6\scrapingProfiles\touch.exe" "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x01 Tonsil Trouble.avi" - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "@@fanartLinks@@" /clearOnFailure) + Command : /use "@@fanartLinks@@" /clearOnFailure - Replacing quote0: @@fanartLinks@@ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-17.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-17.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-6.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-6.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-11.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-11.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-13.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-13.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-1.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-1.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-20.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-20.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-5.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-5.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-7.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-7.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-9.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-9.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-16.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-16.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-10.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-10.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-14.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-14.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-8.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-8.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-4.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-4.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-12.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-12.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-21.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-21.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-18.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-18.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-15.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-15.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-19.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/vignette/75897-19.jpg, - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: clearOnFailure + Processing conditional: downloadFanArt&&fanartLinks<:>($$singleImage$$[^,]+) - Conditional List: downloadFanArt&&fanartLinks + Checking: downloadFanArt - Does custom conditional (downloadFanArt) exist? + True + Checking: fanartLinks - Does custom conditional (fanartLinks) exist? + True = Overall: True, using: ($$singleImage$$[^,]+) + Target : ([^,]+) - $1: singleImage + Success - [http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-17.jpg] + Success (1) - $$singleImage$$ = (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/fanart/original/75897-17.jpg) - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%SNIP:fanartFile%%" /clearOnFailure) + Replacing snippit fanartFile : /use "%%SNIP:fanartPath%%\?>centralFanartPath<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%<=>isTV<:>background<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%_backgroundcentralFanartPath<:>%%centralFanartPath%%\?>isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies%%inputFile_PATH%%centralFanartPath<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%<=>isTV<:>background<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%_backgroundTV<=>isMovie<:>Movies - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? + True = Overall: True, using: TV + Processing conditional: centralFanartPath<:>%%centralFanartPath%%\TV<=>%%inputFile_PATH%% - Conditional List: centralFanartPath + Checking: centralFanartPath - Does custom conditional (centralFanartPath) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%% + Processing conditional: centralFanartPath<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%<=>isTV<:>background<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%_background - Conditional List: centralFanartPath + Checking: centralFanartPath - Does custom conditional (centralFanartPath) exist? + False - Conditional List: isTV + Checking: isTV - Does custom conditional (isTV) exist? + True = Overall: True, using: background - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%singleImage_EXT%% with (jpg) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\background.jpg" /clearOnFailure - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\background.jpg - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\background.jpg - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: clearOnFailure + Processing conditional: downloadFanArt&&fanartLinks<:>($$downloadTo$$.+) - Conditional List: downloadFanArt&&fanartLinks + Checking: downloadFanArt - Does custom conditional (downloadFanArt) exist? + True + Checking: fanartLinks - Does custom conditional (fanartLinks) exist? + True = Overall: True, using: ($$downloadTo$$.+) + Target : (.+) - $1: downloadTo + Success - [\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\background.jpg] + Success (1) - $$downloadTo$$ = (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\background.jpg) - Remaining Commands (6): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: singleImage&&downloadTo<:>getSingleImage - Conditional List: singleImage&&downloadTo + Checking: singleImage - Does custom conditional (singleImage) exist? + True + Checking: downloadTo - Does custom conditional (downloadTo) exist? + True = Overall: True, using: getSingleImage + Target : getSingleImage - Found function profile (getSingleImage) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (7): (/exe mkdir) + Command : /exe mkdir - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: exe + Value: mkdir + Processing conditional: !PATH:%%downloadTo%%<:>"%%downloadTo_PATH%%" - Conditional List: !PATH:%%downloadTo%% + Checking: !PATH:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\background.jpg - Does path to (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\background.jpg) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (6): (/exe wget.exe) + Command : /exe wget.exe - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: exe + Value: wget.exe + Processing conditional: !EXISTS:%%downloadTo%%<:>"%%singleImage%%" -O "%%downloadTo%%" - Conditional List: !EXISTS:%%downloadTo%% + Checking: !EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\background.jpg - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\background.jpg) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/use "@@posterLinks@@" /clearOnFailure) + Command : /use "@@posterLinks@@" /clearOnFailure - Replacing quote0: @@posterLinks@@ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/75897-3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/75897-2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/75897-1.jpg, - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: clearOnFailure + Processing conditional: downloadFanArt&&posterLinks<:>($$singleImage$$[^,]+) - Conditional List: downloadFanArt&&posterLinks + Checking: downloadFanArt - Does custom conditional (downloadFanArt) exist? + True + Checking: posterLinks - Does custom conditional (posterLinks) exist? + True = Overall: True, using: ($$singleImage$$[^,]+) + Target : ([^,]+) - $1: singleImage + Success - [http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/75897-3.jpg] + Success (1) - $$singleImage$$ = (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/posters/75897-3.jpg) - Remaining Commands (4): (/use "%%SNIP:posterFile%%" /clearOnFailure) + Replacing snippit posterFile : /use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\?>isMovie<:>%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>folder%%inputFile_NAME%%<=>folder - Conditional List: isMovie + Checking: isMovie - Does custom conditional (isMovie) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: folder - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%singleImage_EXT%% with (jpg) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.jpg" /clearOnFailure - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.jpg - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.jpg - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: clearOnFailure + Processing conditional: downloadFanArt&&posterLinks<:>($$downloadTo$$.+) - Conditional List: downloadFanArt&&posterLinks + Checking: downloadFanArt - Does custom conditional (downloadFanArt) exist? + True + Checking: posterLinks - Does custom conditional (posterLinks) exist? + True = Overall: True, using: ($$downloadTo$$.+) + Target : (.+) - $1: downloadTo + Success - [\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.jpg] + Success (1) - $$downloadTo$$ = (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.jpg) - Remaining Commands (3): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: singleImage&&downloadTo<:>getSingleImage - Conditional List: singleImage&&downloadTo + Checking: singleImage - Does custom conditional (singleImage) exist? + True + Checking: downloadTo - Does custom conditional (downloadTo) exist? + True = Overall: True, using: getSingleImage + Target : getSingleImage - Found function profile (getSingleImage) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (4): (/exe mkdir) + Command : /exe mkdir - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: exe + Value: mkdir + Processing conditional: !PATH:%%downloadTo%%<:>"%%downloadTo_PATH%%" - Conditional List: !PATH:%%downloadTo%% + Checking: !PATH:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.jpg - Does path to (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.jpg) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (3): (/exe wget.exe) + Command : /exe wget.exe - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: exe + Value: wget.exe + Processing conditional: !EXISTS:%%downloadTo%%<:>"%%singleImage%%" -O "%%downloadTo%%" - Conditional List: !EXISTS:%%downloadTo%% + Checking: !EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.jpg - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.jpg) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (2): (/use "@@bannerLinks@@" /clearOnFailure) + Command : /use "@@bannerLinks@@" /clearOnFailure - Replacing quote0: @@bannerLinks@@ - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/75897-g7.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/75897-g8.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/75897-g6.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/344-g.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/75897-g3.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/75897-g5.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/75897-g2.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/blank/75897.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/text/344.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/75897-g4.jpg, http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/75897-g.jpg, - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: clearOnFailure + Processing conditional: downloadFanArt&&bannerLinks<:>($$singleImage$$[^,]+) - Conditional List: downloadFanArt&&bannerLinks + Checking: downloadFanArt - Does custom conditional (downloadFanArt) exist? + True + Checking: bannerLinks - Does custom conditional (bannerLinks) exist? + True = Overall: True, using: ($$singleImage$$[^,]+) + Target : ([^,]+) - $1: singleImage + Success - [http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/75897-g7.jpg] + Success (1) - $$singleImage$$ = (http://www.theTVDB.com/banners/graphical/75897-g7.jpg) - Remaining Commands (1): (/use "%%SNIP:bannerFile%%" /clearOnFailure) + Replacing snippit bannerFile : /use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\banner.%%singleImage_EXT%%" /clearOnFailure - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%singleImage_EXT%% with (jpg) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\banner.jpg" /clearOnFailure - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\banner.jpg - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\banner.jpg - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: clearOnFailure + Processing conditional: downloadFanArt&&bannerLinks<:>($$downloadTo$$.+) - Conditional List: downloadFanArt&&bannerLinks + Checking: downloadFanArt - Does custom conditional (downloadFanArt) exist? + True + Checking: bannerLinks - Does custom conditional (bannerLinks) exist? + True = Overall: True, using: ($$downloadTo$$.+) + Target : (.+) - $1: downloadTo + Success - [\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\banner.jpg] + Success (1) - $$downloadTo$$ = (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\banner.jpg) - Remaining Commands (0): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Processing conditional: singleImage&&downloadTo<:>getSingleImage - Conditional List: singleImage&&downloadTo + Checking: singleImage - Does custom conditional (singleImage) exist? + True + Checking: downloadTo - Does custom conditional (downloadTo) exist? + True = Overall: True, using: getSingleImage + Target : getSingleImage - Found function profile (getSingleImage) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (1): (/exe mkdir) + Command : /exe mkdir - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: exe + Value: mkdir + Processing conditional: !PATH:%%downloadTo%%<:>"%%downloadTo_PATH%%" - Conditional List: !PATH:%%downloadTo%% + Checking: !PATH:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\banner.jpg - Does path to (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\banner.jpg) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (0): (/exe wget.exe) + Command : /exe wget.exe - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: exe + Value: wget.exe + Processing conditional: !EXISTS:%%downloadTo%%<:>"%%singleImage%%" -O "%%downloadTo%%" - Conditional List: !EXISTS:%%downloadTo%% + Checking: !EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\banner.jpg - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\banner.jpg) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" ------------ Processing file: (South Park 12x03 Major Boobage) ---------------- + Looking for profile: - Found "inputfile" + Number of Commands : 11 + Target #0 : ?>ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*)%%SNIP:checkforExistingMetaData%%&&!updateInfo<:>break(>showTitle&&seasonNum&&episodeNum<)||(>showTitle&&getAllSeriesInfo<)<:>theTVDBshowTitle<:>imdbMovie($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\\folder.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x03 Major Boobage) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x03 Major Boobage) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_Season_Episode - Found function profile (TV_Series_Season_Episode) - Adding 3 targets - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (6): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode - Found function profile (TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?([0-9]+)[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum + Success - [TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 ] + Success (1) - $$showTitle$$ = (South Park) - $$seasonNum$$ = (2) - $$episodeNum$$ = (03) - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : BareFile - Found function profile (BareFile) - Adding 4 targets - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x03 Major Boobage) + Command : /use "South Park 12x03 Major Boobage " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x03 Major Boobage - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x03 Major Boobage - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x03 Major Boobage) + Command : /use "South Park 12x03 Major Boobage " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x03 Major Boobage - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x03 Major Boobage - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x03 Major Boobage) + Command : /use "South Park 12x03 Major Boobage " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x03 Major Boobage - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x03 Major Boobage - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x03 Major Boobage) + Command : /use "South Park 12x03 Major Boobage " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x03 Major Boobage - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x03 Major Boobage - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (4): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%") - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park" - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park + Processing conditional: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*) - Conditional List: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (3): (/break) + Command : /break - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: break + Replacing snippit checkforExistingMetaData : ?>(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%?>!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break. - Conditional List: !DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%% + Checking: !DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage.avi - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage.avi) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: . + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: (>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties<)<)&&!updateInfo<:>break - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x03 Major Boobage) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage.my - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage.my) exist? + True - Conditional List: !genMyFile||1 + Checking: !genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Conditional List: genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info + Checking: genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + False - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x03 Major Boobage) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage.info - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage.info) exist? + False - Conditional List: !genInfoFile||0 + Checking: !genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False - Conditional List: 1&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x03 Major Boobage) - Replacing: %%inputFile_EXT%% with (avi) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage.avi.properties - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x03 Major Boobage.avi.properties) exist? + True - Conditional List: !1||1 + Checking: !1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + !True (False) + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Conditional List: 1&&1&&1&&!updateInfo + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: !updateInfo - Does custom conditional (updateInfo) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: break + Target : break ------------ Processing file: (South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever) ---------------- + Looking for profile: - Found "inputfile" + Number of Commands : 11 + Target #0 : ?>ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*)%%SNIP:checkforExistingMetaData%%&&!updateInfo<:>break(>showTitle&&seasonNum&&episodeNum<)||(>showTitle&&getAllSeriesInfo<)<:>theTVDBshowTitle<:>imdbMovie($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\\folder.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_Season_Episode - Found function profile (TV_Series_Season_Episode) - Adding 3 targets - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (6): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode - Found function profile (TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?([0-9]+)[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum + Success - [TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 ] + Success (1) - $$showTitle$$ = (South Park) - $$seasonNum$$ = (2) - $$episodeNum$$ = (09) - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : BareFile - Found function profile (BareFile) - Adding 4 targets - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever) + Command : /use "South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever) + Command : /use "South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever) + Command : /use "South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever) + Command : /use "South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (4): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%") - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park" - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park + Processing conditional: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*) - Conditional List: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (3): (/break) + Command : /break - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: break + Replacing snippit checkforExistingMetaData : ?>(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%?>!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break. - Conditional List: !DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%% + Checking: !DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever.avi - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever.avi) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: . + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: (>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties<)<)&&!updateInfo<:>break - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever.my - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever.my) exist? + True - Conditional List: !genMyFile||1 + Checking: !genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Conditional List: genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info + Checking: genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + False - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever.info - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever.info) exist? + False - Conditional List: !genInfoFile||0 + Checking: !genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False - Conditional List: 1&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever) - Replacing: %%inputFile_EXT%% with (avi) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever.avi.properties - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x09 Breast Cancer Show Ever.avi.properties) exist? + True - Conditional List: !1||1 + Checking: !1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + !True (False) + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Conditional List: 1&&1&&1&&!updateInfo + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: !updateInfo - Does custom conditional (updateInfo) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: break + Target : break ------------ Processing file: (South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling) ---------------- + Looking for profile: - Found "inputfile" + Number of Commands : 11 + Target #0 : ?>ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*)%%SNIP:checkforExistingMetaData%%&&!updateInfo<:>break(>showTitle&&seasonNum&&episodeNum<)||(>showTitle&&getAllSeriesInfo<)<:>theTVDBshowTitle<:>imdbMovie($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\\folder.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_Season_Episode - Found function profile (TV_Series_Season_Episode) - Adding 3 targets - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (6): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode - Found function profile (TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?([0-9]+)[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum + Success - [TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 ] + Success (1) - $$showTitle$$ = (South Park) - $$seasonNum$$ = (2) - $$episodeNum$$ = (11) - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : BareFile - Found function profile (BareFile) - Adding 4 targets - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling) + Command : /use "South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling) + Command : /use "South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling) + Command : /use "South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling) + Command : /use "South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (4): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%") - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park" - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park + Processing conditional: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*) - Conditional List: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (3): (/break) + Command : /break - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: break + Replacing snippit checkforExistingMetaData : ?>(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%?>!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break. - Conditional List: !DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%% + Checking: !DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling.avi - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling.avi) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: . + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: (>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties<)<)&&!updateInfo<:>break - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling.my - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling.my) exist? + True - Conditional List: !genMyFile||1 + Checking: !genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Conditional List: genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info + Checking: genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + False - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling.info - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling.info) exist? + False - Conditional List: !genInfoFile||0 + Checking: !genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False - Conditional List: 1&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling) - Replacing: %%inputFile_EXT%% with (avi) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling.avi.properties - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x11 Pandemic 2 - The Startling.avi.properties) exist? + True - Conditional List: !1||1 + Checking: !1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + !True (False) + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Conditional List: 1&&1&&1&&!updateInfo + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: !updateInfo - Does custom conditional (updateInfo) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: break + Target : break ------------ Processing file: (South Park 12x12 About Last Night) ---------------- + Looking for profile: - Found "inputfile" + Number of Commands : 11 + Target #0 : ?>ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*)%%SNIP:checkforExistingMetaData%%&&!updateInfo<:>break(>showTitle&&seasonNum&&episodeNum<)||(>showTitle&&getAllSeriesInfo<)<:>theTVDBshowTitle<:>imdbMovie($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\\folder.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x12 About Last Night) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x12 About Last Night) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_Season_Episode - Found function profile (TV_Series_Season_Episode) - Adding 3 targets - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (6): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode - Found function profile (TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?([0-9]+)[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum + Success - [TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 ] + Success (1) - $$showTitle$$ = (South Park) - $$seasonNum$$ = (2) - $$episodeNum$$ = (12) - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : BareFile - Found function profile (BareFile) - Adding 4 targets - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x12 About Last Night) + Command : /use "South Park 12x12 About Last Night " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x12 About Last Night - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x12 About Last Night - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x12 About Last Night) + Command : /use "South Park 12x12 About Last Night " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x12 About Last Night - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x12 About Last Night - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x12 About Last Night) + Command : /use "South Park 12x12 About Last Night " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x12 About Last Night - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x12 About Last Night - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x12 About Last Night) + Command : /use "South Park 12x12 About Last Night " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x12 About Last Night - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x12 About Last Night - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (4): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%") - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park" - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park + Processing conditional: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*) - Conditional List: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (3): (/break) + Command : /break - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: break + Replacing snippit checkforExistingMetaData : ?>(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%?>!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break. - Conditional List: !DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%% + Checking: !DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night.avi - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night.avi) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: . + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: (>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties<)<)&&!updateInfo<:>break - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x12 About Last Night) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night.my - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night.my) exist? + True - Conditional List: !genMyFile||1 + Checking: !genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Conditional List: genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info + Checking: genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + False - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x12 About Last Night) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night.info - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night.info) exist? + False - Conditional List: !genInfoFile||0 + Checking: !genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False - Conditional List: 1&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x12 About Last Night) - Replacing: %%inputFile_EXT%% with (avi) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night.avi.properties - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x12 About Last Night.avi.properties) exist? + True - Conditional List: !1||1 + Checking: !1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + !True (False) + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Conditional List: 1&&1&&1&&!updateInfo + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: !updateInfo - Does custom conditional (updateInfo) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: break + Target : break ------------ Processing file: (South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical) ---------------- + Looking for profile: - Found "inputfile" + Number of Commands : 11 + Target #0 : ?>ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*)%%SNIP:checkforExistingMetaData%%&&!updateInfo<:>break(>showTitle&&seasonNum&&episodeNum<)||(>showTitle&&getAllSeriesInfo<)<:>theTVDBshowTitle<:>imdbMovie($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\\folder.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_Season_Episode - Found function profile (TV_Series_Season_Episode) - Adding 3 targets - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (6): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode - Found function profile (TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?([0-9]+)[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum + Success - [TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 ] + Success (1) - $$showTitle$$ = (South Park) - $$seasonNum$$ = (2) - $$episodeNum$$ = (13) - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : BareFile - Found function profile (BareFile) - Adding 4 targets - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical) + Command : /use "South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical) + Command : /use "South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical) + Command : /use "South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical) + Command : /use "South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (4): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%") - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park" - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park + Processing conditional: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*) - Conditional List: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (3): (/break) + Command : /break - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: break + Replacing snippit checkforExistingMetaData : ?>(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%?>!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break. - Conditional List: !DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%% + Checking: !DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical.avi - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical.avi) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: . + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: (>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties<)<)&&!updateInfo<:>break - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical.my - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical.my) exist? + True - Conditional List: !genMyFile||1 + Checking: !genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Conditional List: genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info + Checking: genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + False - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical.info - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical.info) exist? + False - Conditional List: !genInfoFile||0 + Checking: !genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False - Conditional List: 1&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical) - Replacing: %%inputFile_EXT%% with (avi) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical.avi.properties - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x13 Elementary School Musical.avi.properties) exist? + True - Conditional List: !1||1 + Checking: !1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + !True (False) + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Conditional List: 1&&1&&1&&!updateInfo + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: !updateInfo - Does custom conditional (updateInfo) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: break + Target : break ------------ Processing file: (South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable) ---------------- + Looking for profile: - Found "inputfile" + Number of Commands : 11 + Target #0 : ?>ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*)%%SNIP:checkforExistingMetaData%%&&!updateInfo<:>break(>showTitle&&seasonNum&&episodeNum<)||(>showTitle&&getAllSeriesInfo<)<:>theTVDBshowTitle<:>imdbMovie($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\\folder.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_Season_Episode - Found function profile (TV_Series_Season_Episode) - Adding 3 targets - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (6): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode - Found function profile (TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?([0-9]+)[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum + Success - [TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 ] + Success (1) - $$showTitle$$ = (South Park) - $$seasonNum$$ = (2) - $$episodeNum$$ = (14) - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : BareFile - Found function profile (BareFile) - Adding 4 targets - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable) + Command : /use "South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable) + Command : /use "South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable) + Command : /use "South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable) + Command : /use "South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (4): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%") - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park" - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park + Processing conditional: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*) - Conditional List: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (3): (/break) + Command : /break - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: break + Replacing snippit checkforExistingMetaData : ?>(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%?>!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break. - Conditional List: !DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%% + Checking: !DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable.avi - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable.avi) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: . + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: (>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties<)<)&&!updateInfo<:>break - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable.my - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable.my) exist? + True - Conditional List: !genMyFile||1 + Checking: !genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Conditional List: genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info + Checking: genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + False - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable.info - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable.info) exist? + False - Conditional List: !genInfoFile||0 + Checking: !genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False - Conditional List: 1&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable) - Replacing: %%inputFile_EXT%% with (avi) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable.avi.properties - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x14 The Ungroundable.avi.properties) exist? + True - Conditional List: !1||1 + Checking: !1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + !True (False) + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Conditional List: 1&&1&&1&&!updateInfo + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: !updateInfo - Does custom conditional (updateInfo) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: break + Target : break ------------ Processing file: (South Park 12x06 Over Logging) ---------------- + Looking for profile: - Found "inputfile" + Number of Commands : 11 + Target #0 : ?>ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*)%%SNIP:checkforExistingMetaData%%&&!updateInfo<:>break(>showTitle&&seasonNum&&episodeNum<)||(>showTitle&&getAllSeriesInfo<)<:>theTVDBshowTitle<:>imdbMovie($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\\folder.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x06 Over Logging) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x06 Over Logging) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_Season_Episode - Found function profile (TV_Series_Season_Episode) - Adding 3 targets - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (6): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode - Found function profile (TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?([0-9]+)[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum + Success - [TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 ] + Success (1) - $$showTitle$$ = (South Park) - $$seasonNum$$ = (2) - $$episodeNum$$ = (06) - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : BareFile - Found function profile (BareFile) - Adding 4 targets - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x06 Over Logging) + Command : /use "South Park 12x06 Over Logging " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x06 Over Logging - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x06 Over Logging - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x06 Over Logging) + Command : /use "South Park 12x06 Over Logging " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x06 Over Logging - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x06 Over Logging - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x06 Over Logging) + Command : /use "South Park 12x06 Over Logging " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x06 Over Logging - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x06 Over Logging - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x06 Over Logging) + Command : /use "South Park 12x06 Over Logging " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x06 Over Logging - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x06 Over Logging - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (4): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%") - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park" - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park + Processing conditional: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*) - Conditional List: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (3): (/break) + Command : /break - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: break + Replacing snippit checkforExistingMetaData : ?>(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%?>!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break. - Conditional List: !DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%% + Checking: !DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging.avi - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging.avi) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: . + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: (>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties<)<)&&!updateInfo<:>break - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x06 Over Logging) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging.my - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging.my) exist? + True - Conditional List: !genMyFile||1 + Checking: !genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Conditional List: genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info + Checking: genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + False - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x06 Over Logging) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging.info - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging.info) exist? + False - Conditional List: !genInfoFile||0 + Checking: !genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False - Conditional List: 1&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x06 Over Logging) - Replacing: %%inputFile_EXT%% with (avi) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging.avi.properties - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x06 Over Logging.avi.properties) exist? + True - Conditional List: !1||1 + Checking: !1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + !True (False) + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Conditional List: 1&&1&&1&&!updateInfo + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: !updateInfo - Does custom conditional (updateInfo) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: break + Target : break ------------ Processing file: (South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time) ---------------- + Looking for profile: - Found "inputfile" + Number of Commands : 11 + Target #0 : ?>ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*)%%SNIP:checkforExistingMetaData%%&&!updateInfo<:>break(>showTitle&&seasonNum&&episodeNum<)||(>showTitle&&getAllSeriesInfo<)<:>theTVDBshowTitle<:>imdbMovie($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\\folder.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_Season_Episode - Found function profile (TV_Series_Season_Episode) - Adding 3 targets - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (6): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode - Found function profile (TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?([0-9]+)[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum + Success - [TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 ] + Success (1) - $$showTitle$$ = (South Park) - $$seasonNum$$ = (2) - $$episodeNum$$ = (07) - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : BareFile - Found function profile (BareFile) - Adding 4 targets - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time) + Command : /use "South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time) + Command : /use "South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time) + Command : /use "South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time) + Command : /use "South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (4): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%") - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park" - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park + Processing conditional: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*) - Conditional List: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (3): (/break) + Command : /break - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: break + Replacing snippit checkforExistingMetaData : ?>(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%?>!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break. - Conditional List: !DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%% + Checking: !DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time.avi - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time.avi) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: . + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: (>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties<)<)&&!updateInfo<:>break - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time.my - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time.my) exist? + True - Conditional List: !genMyFile||1 + Checking: !genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Conditional List: genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info + Checking: genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + False - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time.info - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time.info) exist? + False - Conditional List: !genInfoFile||0 + Checking: !genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False - Conditional List: 1&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time) - Replacing: %%inputFile_EXT%% with (avi) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time.avi.properties - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x07 Super Fun Time.avi.properties) exist? + True - Conditional List: !1||1 + Checking: !1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + !True (False) + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Conditional List: 1&&1&&1&&!updateInfo + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: !updateInfo - Does custom conditional (updateInfo) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: break + Target : break ------------ Processing file: (South Park 12x10 Pandemic) ---------------- + Looking for profile: - Found "inputfile" + Number of Commands : 11 + Target #0 : ?>ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*)%%SNIP:checkforExistingMetaData%%&&!updateInfo<:>break(>showTitle&&seasonNum&&episodeNum<)||(>showTitle&&getAllSeriesInfo<)<:>theTVDBshowTitle<:>imdbMovie($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\\folder.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x10 Pandemic) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x10 Pandemic) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_Season_Episode - Found function profile (TV_Series_Season_Episode) - Adding 3 targets - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (6): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode - Found function profile (TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?([0-9]+)[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum + Success - [TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 ] + Success (1) - $$showTitle$$ = (South Park) - $$seasonNum$$ = (2) - $$episodeNum$$ = (10) - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : BareFile - Found function profile (BareFile) - Adding 4 targets - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x10 Pandemic) + Command : /use "South Park 12x10 Pandemic " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x10 Pandemic - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x10 Pandemic - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x10 Pandemic) + Command : /use "South Park 12x10 Pandemic " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x10 Pandemic - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x10 Pandemic - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x10 Pandemic) + Command : /use "South Park 12x10 Pandemic " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x10 Pandemic - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x10 Pandemic - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x10 Pandemic) + Command : /use "South Park 12x10 Pandemic " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x10 Pandemic - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x10 Pandemic - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (4): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%") - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park" - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park + Processing conditional: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*) - Conditional List: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (3): (/break) + Command : /break - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: break + Replacing snippit checkforExistingMetaData : ?>(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%?>!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break. - Conditional List: !DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%% + Checking: !DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic.avi - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic.avi) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: . + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: (>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties<)<)&&!updateInfo<:>break - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x10 Pandemic) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic.my - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic.my) exist? + True - Conditional List: !genMyFile||1 + Checking: !genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Conditional List: genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info + Checking: genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + False - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x10 Pandemic) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic.info - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic.info) exist? + False - Conditional List: !genInfoFile||0 + Checking: !genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False - Conditional List: 1&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x10 Pandemic) - Replacing: %%inputFile_EXT%% with (avi) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic.avi.properties - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x10 Pandemic.avi.properties) exist? + True - Conditional List: !1||1 + Checking: !1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + !True (False) + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Conditional List: 1&&1&&1&&!updateInfo + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: !updateInfo - Does custom conditional (updateInfo) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: break + Target : break ------------ Processing file: (South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look) ---------------- + Looking for profile: - Found "inputfile" + Number of Commands : 11 + Target #0 : ?>ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*)%%SNIP:checkforExistingMetaData%%&&!updateInfo<:>break(>showTitle&&seasonNum&&episodeNum<)||(>showTitle&&getAllSeriesInfo<)<:>theTVDBshowTitle<:>imdbMovie($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\\folder.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_Season_Episode - Found function profile (TV_Series_Season_Episode) - Adding 3 targets - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (6): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode - Found function profile (TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?([0-9]+)[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum + Success - [TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 ] + Success (1) - $$showTitle$$ = (South Park) - $$seasonNum$$ = (2) - $$episodeNum$$ = (02) - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : BareFile - Found function profile (BareFile) - Adding 4 targets - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look) + Command : /use "South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look) + Command : /use "South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look) + Command : /use "South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look) + Command : /use "South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (4): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%") - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park" - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park + Processing conditional: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*) - Conditional List: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (3): (/break) + Command : /break - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: break + Replacing snippit checkforExistingMetaData : ?>(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%?>!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break. - Conditional List: !DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%% + Checking: !DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look.avi - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look.avi) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: . + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: (>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties<)<)&&!updateInfo<:>break - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look.my - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look.my) exist? + True - Conditional List: !genMyFile||1 + Checking: !genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Conditional List: genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info + Checking: genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + False - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look.info - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look.info) exist? + False - Conditional List: !genInfoFile||0 + Checking: !genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False - Conditional List: 1&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look) - Replacing: %%inputFile_EXT%% with (avi) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look.avi.properties - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x02 Britney's New Look.avi.properties) exist? + True - Conditional List: !1||1 + Checking: !1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + !True (False) + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Conditional List: 1&&1&&1&&!updateInfo + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: !updateInfo - Does custom conditional (updateInfo) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: break + Target : break ------------ Processing file: (South Park 12x08 The China Probrem) ---------------- + Looking for profile: - Found "inputfile" + Number of Commands : 11 + Target #0 : ?>ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*)%%SNIP:checkforExistingMetaData%%&&!updateInfo<:>break(>showTitle&&seasonNum&&episodeNum<)||(>showTitle&&getAllSeriesInfo<)<:>theTVDBshowTitle<:>imdbMovie($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\\folder.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x08 The China Probrem) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x08 The China Probrem) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_Season_Episode - Found function profile (TV_Series_Season_Episode) - Adding 3 targets - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (6): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode - Found function profile (TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?([0-9]+)[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum + Success - [TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 ] + Success (1) - $$showTitle$$ = (South Park) - $$seasonNum$$ = (2) - $$episodeNum$$ = (08) - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : BareFile - Found function profile (BareFile) - Adding 4 targets - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x08 The China Probrem) + Command : /use "South Park 12x08 The China Probrem " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x08 The China Probrem - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x08 The China Probrem - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x08 The China Probrem) + Command : /use "South Park 12x08 The China Probrem " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x08 The China Probrem - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x08 The China Probrem - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x08 The China Probrem) + Command : /use "South Park 12x08 The China Probrem " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x08 The China Probrem - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x08 The China Probrem - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x08 The China Probrem) + Command : /use "South Park 12x08 The China Probrem " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x08 The China Probrem - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x08 The China Probrem - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (4): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%") - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park" - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park + Processing conditional: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*) - Conditional List: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (3): (/break) + Command : /break - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: break + Replacing snippit checkforExistingMetaData : ?>(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%?>!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break. - Conditional List: !DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%% + Checking: !DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem.avi - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem.avi) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: . + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: (>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties<)<)&&!updateInfo<:>break - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x08 The China Probrem) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem.my - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem.my) exist? + True - Conditional List: !genMyFile||1 + Checking: !genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Conditional List: genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info + Checking: genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + False - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x08 The China Probrem) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem.info - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem.info) exist? + False - Conditional List: !genInfoFile||0 + Checking: !genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False - Conditional List: 1&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x08 The China Probrem) - Replacing: %%inputFile_EXT%% with (avi) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem.avi.properties - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x08 The China Probrem.avi.properties) exist? + True - Conditional List: !1||1 + Checking: !1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + !True (False) + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Conditional List: 1&&1&&1&&!updateInfo + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: !updateInfo - Does custom conditional (updateInfo) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: break + Target : break ------------ Processing file: (South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis) ---------------- + Looking for profile: - Found "inputfile" + Number of Commands : 11 + Target #0 : ?>ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*)%%SNIP:checkforExistingMetaData%%&&!updateInfo<:>break(>showTitle&&seasonNum&&episodeNum<)||(>showTitle&&getAllSeriesInfo<)<:>theTVDBshowTitle<:>imdbMovie($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\\folder.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_Season_Episode - Found function profile (TV_Series_Season_Episode) - Adding 3 targets - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (6): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode - Found function profile (TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?([0-9]+)[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum + Success - [TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 ] + Success (1) - $$showTitle$$ = (South Park) - $$seasonNum$$ = (2) - $$episodeNum$$ = (05) - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : BareFile - Found function profile (BareFile) - Adding 4 targets - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis) + Command : /use "South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis) + Command : /use "South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis) + Command : /use "South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis) + Command : /use "South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (4): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%") - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park" - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park + Processing conditional: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*) - Conditional List: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (3): (/break) + Command : /break - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: break + Replacing snippit checkforExistingMetaData : ?>(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%?>!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break. - Conditional List: !DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%% + Checking: !DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis.avi - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis.avi) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: . + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: (>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties<)<)&&!updateInfo<:>break - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis.my - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis.my) exist? + True - Conditional List: !genMyFile||1 + Checking: !genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Conditional List: genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info + Checking: genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + False - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis.info - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis.info) exist? + False - Conditional List: !genInfoFile||0 + Checking: !genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False - Conditional List: 1&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis) - Replacing: %%inputFile_EXT%% with (avi) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis.avi.properties - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x05 Eek, A Penis.avi.properties) exist? + True - Conditional List: !1||1 + Checking: !1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + !True (False) + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Conditional List: 1&&1&&1&&!updateInfo + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: !updateInfo - Does custom conditional (updateInfo) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: break + Target : break ------------ Processing file: (South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike) ---------------- + Looking for profile: - Found "inputfile" + Number of Commands : 11 + Target #0 : ?>ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*)DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*)%%SNIP:checkforExistingMetaData%%&&!updateInfo<:>break(>showTitle&&seasonNum&&episodeNum<)||(>showTitle&&getAllSeriesInfo<)<:>theTVDBshowTitle<:>imdbMovie($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\\folder.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\\folder.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH_PATH%%\folder.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\folder.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override" /readFile) - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike.override" /readFile - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike.override - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: readFile + Processing conditional: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override<:>($$showTitle$$.*) - Conditional List: ExISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.override - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike) + Checking: ExISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike.override - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike.override) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_Season_Episode - Found function profile (TV_Series_Season_Episode) - Adding 3 targets - Remaining Commands (9): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?[0-9]{1,2}[ \.\-]?[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*[0-9]{1}([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+[^0-9\\\/]+([0-9]+)[\\\/]+\s*([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum ! Failure - Remaining Commands (6): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode - Found function profile (TV_Series_SeasonXEpisode) - Adding 2 targets - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] + Target : TV[\\\/]+([^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*S?([0-9]+)[xE]([0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - $1: showTitle - $2: seasonNum - $3: episodeNum + Success - [TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 ] + Success (1) - $$showTitle$$ = (South Park) - $$seasonNum$$ = (2) - $$episodeNum$$ = (04) - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_FULLFILE%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_FULLFILE%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: baseFolder<:>%%baseFolder%%<=>TV - Conditional List: baseFolder + Checking: baseFolder - Does custom conditional (baseFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: TV + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>TV[\\\/]+($$showTitle$$[^\\\/]+)[\\\/]+.*($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/insertFunction) + Command : /insertFunction - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: insertFunction + Target : BareFile - Found function profile (BareFile) - Adding 4 targets - Remaining Commands (8): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike) + Command : /use "South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1,2})[ \.\-]?[xE]($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (7): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike) + Command : /use "South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+)[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[^pi0-9] - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (6): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike) + Command : /use "South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+S?($$seasonNum$$[0-9]+)[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (5): (/use "%%inputFile_NAME%% " /noOverWrite) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike) + Command : /use "South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike " /noOverWrite - Replacing quote0: South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: noOverWrite + Processing conditional: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum<:>[\\\/]+($$seasonNum$$[0-9]{1})[ \.\-]?[xE]?($$episodeNum$$[0-9]{2})[ ]?[\-\. ]{1}[ ]?($$showTitle$$[a-zA-Z0-9 \.\_]+) - Conditional List: !showTitle||!seasonNum||!episodeNum + Checking: !showTitle - Does custom conditional (showTitle) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !seasonNum - Does custom conditional (seasonNum) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: !episodeNum - Does custom conditional (episodeNum) exist? + !True (False) = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (4): (/use "%%inputFile_PATH%%") - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Command : /use "\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park" - Replacing quote0: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: use + Value: \\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park + Processing conditional: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS<:>($$inputFile$$.*) - Conditional List: DIRECTORY:%%inputFile_PATH%%\VIDEO_TS - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) + Checking: DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\VIDEO_TS) exist? + False = Overall: False, leaving blank! + Command Empty, Skipping: "" - Remaining Commands (3): (/break) + Command : /break - Adding to command parameter hash + Key: break + Replacing snippit checkforExistingMetaData : ?>(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%snip:outputFile%%?>!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break(>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:?>fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>?>outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.break. - Conditional List: !DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%% + Checking: !DIRECTORY:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike.avi - Does directory (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike.avi) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: . + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFile<:>%%outputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: outputFile + Checking: outputFile - Does custom conditional (outputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: outputFolder<:>%%outputFolder%%\<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\ - Conditional List: outputFolder + Checking: outputFolder - Does custom conditional (outputFolder) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\ + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: fullOutputFile<:>%%fullOutputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% - Conditional List: fullOutputFile + Checking: fullOutputFile - Does custom conditional (fullOutputFile) exist? + False = Overall: False, using else: %%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%% + Processing conditional: (>!genInfoFile||(>genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info<)<)&&(>!genMyFile||(>genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my<)<)&&(>!(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)||(>(>genPropertyFile||!(>genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle<)<)&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties<)<)&&!updateInfo<:>break - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genPropertyFile&&genMyFile&&genInfoFIle + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True + Checking: genInfoFIle - Does custom conditional (genInfoFIle) exist? + False - Conditional List: genPropertyFile||!0 + Checking: genPropertyFile - Does custom conditional (genPropertyFile) exist? + True + Checking: !0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + !False (True) - Conditional List: genMyFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.my + Checking: genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike.my - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike.my) exist? + True - Conditional List: !genMyFile||1 + Checking: !genMyFile - Does custom conditional (genMyFile) exist? + !True (False) + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Conditional List: genInfoFile&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.info + Checking: genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + False - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike.info - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike.info) exist? + False - Conditional List: !genInfoFile||0 + Checking: !genInfoFile - Does custom conditional (genInfoFile) exist? + !False (True) + Checking: 0 - Previously Resolved Condition: 0 + False - Conditional List: 1&&EXISTS:%%inputFile_PATH%%\%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Replacing: %%inputFile_PATH%% with (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park) - Replacing: %%inputFile_NAME%% with (South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike) - Replacing: %%inputFile_EXT%% with (avi) + Checking: EXISTS:\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike.avi.properties - Does file (\\mojo2\current\#Current TV\South Park\South Park 12x04 Canada on Strike.avi.properties) exist? + True - Conditional List: !1||1 + Checking: !1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + !True (False) + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True - Conditional List: 1&&1&&1&&!updateInfo + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: 1 - Previously Resolved Condition: 1 + True + Checking: !updateInfo - Does custom conditional (updateInfo) exist? + !False (True) = Overall: True, using: break + Target : break