Originally Posted by Freegoo
Sage kind of sucks for deleting shows if more than one person uses it. Person A watches Arrested Development, Sage box gets full and deletes said show because it's the oldest "watched" show even though persons B through Z haven't seen it yet. But at least we got those 5 week old Seinfelds!
For shows that I really like (mostly newer shows or shows that don't air that often) I set Sage to never delete them. Then for shows that come on a dozen times a day (such as Seinfeld, the Simpsons, Everybody Loves Raymond, etc....) I let Sage delete them when more space is necessary. This way I don't lose the shows that I really like and the ones that do get delete will most likely air again in the very near future.
It's not a perfect solution but it keeps me from losing shows I really want to see and it makes room by deleting the ones I have the least desire to see.
I do agree that there needs to be more options when it comes to what is automatically deleted, but most of all I'd love to see multiple user profiles. That way a show wouldn't be deleted until all of the users who have it set as a favorite have watched it.