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Old 07-09-2006, 10:19 PM
dflachbart dflachbart is offline
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Originally Posted by aperry
You had previously mentioned to avoid using the // notation. However, can't it get used with little to no impact once you get into a structure like this:

In other words, if I put in "Menu/Thing2//ThingIWant", that in theory shouldn't be any slower than if I spelled it out, correct? As I understand it, there is only one path to get to "ThingIWant" once I get to "Thing2" in the path, right?
Yes, in this case using the "//" notation would have no noticeable impact, for straight widget chains without branches this shortcut can be safely used.

Just bear in mind that if you need to code a test whether a specific widget is there or not the "//" should still be avoided, since if 'ThingIWant' is not there the search will continue until all possible paths are exhausted. For such a test use "Menu/Thing2/*/*/*/ThingIWant" instead, because it will definetly not go past the point where ThingIWant is expected to be.

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Old 07-27-2006, 08:14 PM
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OK, I need some help using your utilities. I'm trying to create my first import and I can't get the linking to work right. Here's my code for the Imported hook. What am I doing wrong?

-"Imported on ..."
-ImportName = "Brian's OSD Clock"
-Version = "1.0"
-"Import code"
-"REM (1) set the ImportName"
-"REM (2) define any widget links after the init() call"
-"REM (3) if you defined any links, call linkWidgets()"
-"REM (4) add any additional import code"
-DebugLog("========== Importing " + ImportName + " ==========")
-df_sageutils_Import_init("MC MediaPlayer OSD", "Main Menu")
-df_sageutils_Import_defineLink("ClockDisplay", "MC MediaPlayer OSD")
-"### plugin code ###"
-"Remove ghost Main Menu"
-"Remove old import hook"
-"Modify and clean up imported hook"
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Old 07-28-2006, 08:51 AM
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Never mind. I looked at the Excluder import and found my problems. It's working now.
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Old 07-28-2006, 10:35 AM
dflachbart dflachbart is offline
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Originally Posted by toricred
Never mind. I looked at the Excluder import and found my problems. It's working now.
Cool, glad to hear you got it working ...

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Old 07-28-2006, 07:26 PM
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Maybe I spoke too soon. I got the panel I want to add in MC MediaPlayer OSD, but I can't get it to add my code to the AfterMenuLoad hook of MC MediaPlayer OSD.

The code for just this piece looks like:

pluginNode = df_sageutils_Import_findImportedWidget("STVImported/\"Imported nodes\"/false/\"REM After*")
hook = df_sageutils_Import_getExistingHook("MC MediaPlayer OSD/AfterM*")
excluderCode = df_sageutils_Import_findWidget(hook, "\"REM AfterMenuLoad addition\"" )
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Old 07-28-2006, 08:05 PM
dflachbart dflachbart is offline
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Originally Posted by toricred
hook = df_sageutils_Import_getExistingHook("MC MediaPlayer OSD/AfterM*")
The getExistingHook() method does not take a path as its argument, only a name (and since there is more than one hook with the name "AfterMenuLoad" in the STV you can 't use it).


hook = df_sageutils_Import_findExistingWidget("MC MediaPlayer OSD/AfterMenuLoad")
instead ...

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Old 07-28-2006, 08:18 PM
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Perfect. Thank you so much for this help. Now to add the options to the menu and I'll be done. I'd been struggling with this for so long until I found your utilities.
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Old 08-16-2006, 04:33 PM
BobPhoenix BobPhoenix is offline
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The change you sent me for my FCL plugin to SageMC was the only one I need I think but this exposes a possible bug in this import code. Apparently when linkWidgets is called it stops at the first defineLink that had a problem even if later ones would link correctly. Is there anything you can do to allow the linking to continue past the bad defineLink call? I don't know if it is the defineLinks that stop working or if it is linkWidgets that stops but if you can get your code to just bypass a bad defineLink and continue on I would appreciate it.

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Old 08-16-2006, 04:48 PM
dflachbart dflachbart is offline
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Originally Posted by BobPhoenix
The change you sent me for my FCL plugin to SageMC was the only one I need I think but this exposes a possible bug in this import code. Apparently when linkWidgets is called it stops at the first defineLink that had a problem even if later ones would link correctly. Is there anything you can do to allow the linking to continue past the bad defineLink call? I don't know if it is the defineLinks that stop working or if it is linkWidgets that stops but if you can get your code to just bypass a bad defineLink and continue on I would appreciate it.

Hi Bob,

this was originally done 'by design' because I assumed that even if just one link fails then the whole import will most likely not work anyway. But I am currently re-coding the 'defineLink" (to perform the link immediately, so no 'linkWidgets()' at the end necessary any more), and based on your suggestion I will let it return a boolean to indicate success/failure instead of throwing an exception, so that the import code can decide what to do ...

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Old 08-16-2006, 05:23 PM
BobPhoenix BobPhoenix is offline
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Originally Posted by flachbar
Hi Bob,

this was originally done 'by design' because I assumed that even if just one link fails then the whole import will most likely not work anyway. But I am currently re-coding the 'defineLink" (to perform the link immediately, so no 'linkWidgets()' at the end necessary any more), and based on your suggestion I will let it return a boolean to indicate success/failure instead of throwing an exception, so that the import code can decide what to do ...

Perfect idea! Like the immediate linking as well! Thank you.

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Old 08-17-2006, 01:55 PM
dflachbart dflachbart is offline
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New version 1.7 available

Version 1.7 is now available.


- added Object[] getSiblings(Object widget) method
- defineLink() will now perfom the link action immediately, and return a result (success/failure) instead of throwing an exception.

This means that it is not necessary to call linkWidgets() any more. To reflect the changed semantics of the linking procedure, the method is now called "link(placeholder, path)" instead of "defineLink(placeholder, path)". But the change/renaming does not affect your existing code in any way, both old methods are still available (linkWidgets() is a no-op, and defineLink() simply calls link()).

And now to the really good stuff : what's one of the most tedious tasks when writing an import ? To detemine the path of widgets to link to ... Now in version 1.7 you can let the library automatically generate the widget path for you, interactively in Studio:
  • load the STV in Studio
  • find the widget for which you want to determine the path
  • create a new child for this widget, this can be a menu, a hook, or a theme. Which one of those types does not matter, just choose whatever is allowed by Studio as a child widget
  • rename this child widget to "X" (or any other name which is not used for any other STV widget)
  • select the "Expression Evaluator..." in the Studio menu and enter df_sageutils_Import_getPath("X")
  • the evaluation should return successfully with 'true'
  • now you'll see that the name of the newly created child widget has be changed to the generated path of the parent widget ! Simply press F2, copy the path into the clipboard, and paste it somewhere else for later usage (into a text editor, or maybe even into a second Studio instance where you have your import code open)
  • you can now continue the process for other widgets (you can use the same name "X", and as a convenience the library call will still be in the Expression evaluator)
Note that the path generation is intellligent enough to create a reasonable short path. All non-branching path elements will be specified with "*", and for multiple siblings the shortest unique prefix (based on space character tokenization) followed by a wildcard will be used. Also, quotation marks and forward slashs will automatically get escaped, so you can use this path in any library call without modification.

The only limitation right now is that this won't work for a widget that only has paths to top-level non-menu widgets, like. e.g. a top level hook.

I am currently updating another one of my imports, and I found this feature extremely time saving.
Hope it does the same for you ...

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Old 08-17-2006, 04:12 PM
BobPhoenix BobPhoenix is offline
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. Will be using the new features with the next plugin conversion I do.

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Old 08-19-2006, 10:36 PM
dflachbart dflachbart is offline
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Minor update: v1.8

Here's another minor update (v1.8):

For all linkChild...() methods I added equivalent methods which accept widget paths instead of widget objects as parameter and return the result of the link operation (if the widgets have been found or not).

boolean linkChild(String parentPath, String childPath)
boolean linkChildBefore(String parentName, String newChildPath, String existingChildPath)
boolean linkChildAfter(String parentName, String newChildPath, String existingChildPath)
boolean linkChildAtPosition(String parentPath, String childPath, int pos)

If a widget cannot be found, the error with the corresponding path will be logged to the debug log.

These new methods allow to minimize the code needed for linking in the import. If you had to write

+- linkWidget = df_sageutils_Import_findImportedWidget("STVImported/xxxx")
+- linkPoint = df_sageutils_Import_findExistingWidget("Archived TV/yyyy")
+- if linkWidget != null && linkPoint != null
  +- true
    +- df_sageutils_Import_linkChild(linkPoint, linkWidget)
  +- false
    +- DebugLog("linkWidget or linkPoint not found")
you can now simply write

df_sageutils_Import_linkChild("Archived TV/yyyy", "STVImported/xxxx")
which will achieve exactly the same.

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Old 08-20-2006, 07:35 AM
alon24 alon24 is offline
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What happens if you have two widgets of different types at the end of the road where you want to link them?

maybe you should add a type field to diffrentiate them ( for the new link(path,path) methods)?
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Old 08-22-2006, 06:25 AM
dflachbart dflachbart is offline
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Originally Posted by alon24

What happens if you have two widgets of different types at the end of the road where you want to link them?

maybe you should add a type field to diffrentiate them ( for the new link(path,path) methods)?
Hi Ilan,

not quite sure what you mean, are you talking about if the two widgets have the same name ? Any widget in the STV (or in the import STVi) is uniquely identified by its path. If it happens that there are two widgets with the same name at the end of the path (or at any position in the path, for that matter) a type parameter won't help either, since both widgets can even be of the same type. The only way to cope with those special cases is to use direct access to the widget (e.g. getChild(parent, index)) in those places...

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Old 09-08-2006, 09:24 PM
dflachbart dflachbart is offline
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Update: v1.9

Version v1.9 is now available.

Path syntax changes

A widget path now starts with a location prefix ("/STV/" or "/Import/") which specifies if the path denotes a widget in the STV or a widget in the STVi import:


/STV/MediaPlayer OSD/DisplayInfo

Simpler interfaces

The path syntax change made it possible that all methods now accept either a widget object or the corresponding widget path as a parameter. Any widget parameter is of type Object and can be called with a widget object or a String containing the path to the object:

e.g. linkChild(Object parent, Object child)

linkChild(w1, w2)
linkChild("/STV/path_to_w1", "/STV/path_to_w2")

This made it possible to eliminate the duplicated linkChild*(String, String) methods. The methods findExistingWidget() / findImportedWidget() could also be consolidated into a single findWidget() method

Note: the interface is backward-compatible, it should not be necessary to change any existing code (but I strongly recommend to use the new path syntax for any new code).

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Old 09-24-2006, 03:17 PM
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Morgan111 Morgan111 is offline
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How do I add an item widget (button) to an existing group of buttons in a menu?

In my import I have defined
import code
new menu
    link to new menu
I can get the parent that I want to add it to, but I cannot seem to get the item from my import when calling findWidget() using "/Import/", "/STV/", or nothing in front of the name. How do you find that type of object when importing widgets like that?
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Old 09-24-2006, 03:41 PM
dflachbart dflachbart is offline
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Originally Posted by Morgan111
How do I add an item widget (button) to an existing group of buttons in a menu?

In my import I have defined
import code
new menu
    link to new menu
I can get the parent that I want to add it to, but I cannot seem to get the item from my import when calling findWidget() using "/Import/", "/STV/", or nothing in front of the name. How do you find that type of object when importing widgets like that?
Hmm, findWidget() should work with "/Import/...."

So if you have

+- New Menu
  +- button1
  +- ...
in your import, you can link your new button to an existing STV node with

existingParent = df_sageutils_Import_findWidget("/STV/....")
newButton = df_sageutils_Import_findWidget("/Import/New Menu/button1")
df_sageutils_Import_linkChild(existingParent, newButton)
or even shorter

df_sageutils_Import_linkChild("/STV/....", "/Import/New Menu/button1")
Let me know if this explanation helps

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Old 09-24-2006, 03:51 PM
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button1 is define1 at the top level of the import and contains a link to the new menu which is also at the top level. The idea was to add a button to an existing menu which will lauch the new menu page when pressed.

I had tried to do
newButton = df_sageutils_Import_findWidget("/Import/button1")

Is it ok to have a button at the top level of my import or do I need to do that a different way?

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Old 09-24-2006, 04:03 PM
dflachbart dflachbart is offline
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Originally Posted by Morgan111

button1 is define1 at the top level of the import and contains a link to the new menu which is also at the top level. The idea was to add a button to an existing menu which will lauch the new menu page when pressed.

I had tried to do
newButton = df_sageutils_Import_findWidget("/Import/button1")

Is it ok to have a button at the top level of my import or do I need to do that a different way?

Ah ok, now I see the problem. No, only Menus, hooks, and listeners are supported on the root level for the search by path. Since you already have the STVImported hook in your import, simply put the button there (I prefer a comment node as a parent in all my imports):

+- New Menu
+- STVImported
  +- "REM imported nodes"
     +- button1
       +- link to New Menu

df_sageutils_Import_linkChild("/STV/...", "/Import/STVImported/\"REM *"/button1")
But in general you can put the button under any menu, hook, or listener widget.

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