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Hardware Support Discussions related to using various hardware setups with SageTV products. Anything relating to capture cards, remotes, infrared receivers/transmitters, system compatibility or other hardware related problems or suggestions should be posted here.

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Old 02-18-2004, 08:00 AM
justme justme is offline
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Everything worked fine with the remote last night.
Now I have to figure out why the beta keeps shutting down during the night.
Be sure to let all of us know(via SageTVBeta thread) what is going on and file a bug report, especially if you can reproduce it.
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Old 03-08-2004, 07:11 PM
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Did you ever post your .ir file?

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Old 03-09-2004, 02:59 PM
maximumpig maximumpig is offline
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i will tonight
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Old 03-15-2004, 10:58 AM
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Digital Settop box?

How do I add a settop box not listed? I have a Pioneer Digital Set top from Brighthouse. I tried relearning the codes 0-9 using the setup screens, but this seems to have no effect. The UIRT works to receive command but it doesnt appear to be transmitting? How do you physically have it mounted? I do not understand how it would work with both the receiveing detectors are facing the user yet it needs to blast the set top box... I am lost, any help would be appreciated.
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Old 03-15-2004, 01:05 PM
jrhees jrhees is offline
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When you try to relearn codes in the setup screens, follow this procedure:

1. Choose 'Learn 0' (or something like that)
2. Point the remote at the USB-UIRT about 4 to 6 INCHES away from the USB-UIRT with the remote aimed just to the left of the RED LED.
3. Press and HOLD the '0' button on your remote, the red LED on the USB-UIRT should flash and shortly the Sage screen should tell you to release the button.

Note: The Learning procedure currently has a 10-second timeout, so if you don't do steps 2 and 3 above within 10 seconds, Sage will tell you to release the button anyway and you won't have successfully learned!

4. Choose 'Test 0' and see if the newly learned command works (the RED LED on the USB-UIRT will light up when it is transmitting and your STB will see a '0' if its working).

5. If successful, move onto the next digit, otherwise try learning again but move the remote a bit closer or further away from the USB-UIRT next time.

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Old 03-15-2004, 01:32 PM
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Jon, I think I did that. I may then have created my own problem... I went into the remote directory and copied a file called Pioneer3000 (somthing like that) and renamed it
I then went and followed the procedure you outlined a "learned" from the cable box remote. Still no joy.... How should I "mount" the receiver end of the UIRT? Facing the cable box or facing me?


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Old 03-15-2004, 03:40 PM
jrhees jrhees is offline
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First of all, if you rename an .IR file you *should* also edit the file and change the name on the first line of the file (with a text editor) to match the new name.

Second, as long as you're near your STB, the aiming shouldn't matter much since the USB-UIRT 'blasts' IR -- however while getting everything set up you should aim the window of the USB-UIRT at the STB for testing a transmission (not too close though -- at least a foot away).

To see if you're successfully learning any of the codes, try learning just one or two buttons and then post the contents of the .IR file here.

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Old 03-24-2004, 02:45 PM
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Any Word on supporting multiple USB UIRTs with SageRecorder? I.E. via a virtual COM Port type setup. So that Instance 1 of SageRecorder could transmit on USB Uirt 1 only and then SageRecorder Instance 2 could only transmit on USB Uirt 2.

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Old 03-24-2004, 03:34 PM
jrhees jrhees is offline
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RE:Multiple Instances

Yes, this should be possible. I am currently working with someone to support multiple USB-UIRT's from a single instance of SageTV/SageRecorder, so supporting one USB-UIRT each from multiple instances of SageRecorder should be even simpler.

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Old 03-25-2004, 07:25 AM
maximumpig maximumpig is offline
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scientific atlanta cable stb ir code file

for scientific atlanta explorer 2200
sorry it took so long
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Old 03-28-2004, 08:31 PM
jb33 jb33 is offline
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USB-UIRT seems to be receiving nonsense from hauppage remote, but maybe I'm missing a key step. If I use the Sage b2.14 IR show commands tool to see what it's receiving, it gets different ir strings for the same button - always alternating 2 different codes on the same button, but neither code is mapped to a command. Her's the results for Play.

If I plug back in the receiver tht shipped with the card, and put a thumb over the USB-UIRT, Sage gets proper codes. USB-UIRT is changing the channel correctly.

Should I expect USB-UIRT to receive hauppage commands without additional config or am I missing something?

thanks, jb
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Old 03-28-2004, 08:42 PM
jrhees jrhees is offline
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No, the USB-UIRT will see IR commands differently. So you'll need to go to Sage's advanced setup and assign these codes to their respective commands. NOTE: This is because the USB-UIRT is designed to work with any remote -- not just the Hauppage. Also, the Hauppage appears to be using RC5 protocol, which means each button will send out two alternating codes. So, if you want to use the Hauppage you'll need to teach both codes to Sage for a particular action.

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Old 03-28-2004, 10:15 PM
jb33 jb33 is offline
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OK cool. Once I teach Sage, do you know what file gets written to? There's one thread with an updated irremote.ini to support RC5 on the MX-700 (which I also have) but I thought that was to continue using the shipped WINTV receiver ...

Trying to get an outline of what it is I'm doing, to make it easier when I add in the MX-700.
thanks, jb
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Old 04-02-2004, 12:03 AM
AJ Bertelson AJ Bertelson is offline
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John I was messing around with sage tonight.

Is there anyway to run the USB-UIRT plugin and the USB-UIRT plugin that is in sage?
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Old 04-02-2004, 06:57 AM
jrhees jrhees is offline
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I assume you mean the Girder Plugin and Sage Plugin at same time...

You can do this by downloading the 'sharing' Girder USB-UIRT plugin:

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Old 04-02-2004, 02:41 PM
AJ Bertelson AJ Bertelson is offline
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Thanks john I will try this plugin tonight. Last night I was having problems with my USB-UIRT. I got it to learn the IR code to power the tv on and off(through girder) but when I tested it the USB-UIRT eye flashed red but the tv didn't turn off. Tried it with the remote(the one that I just got the USB-UIRT to learn) and it turned the tv off.

edit-got it working. I can now turn my TV on and off.

Last edited by AJ Bertelson; 04-03-2004 at 06:37 PM.
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Old 04-05-2004, 07:55 AM
maximumpig maximumpig is offline
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Hey USB-UIRT folks, please see my thread here:

wondering if there is any workaround or fix or if anyone even has a clue as to why this is happening.
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Old 04-07-2004, 10:44 PM
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I just received the SageTv PVR-350 package. I am having trouble programming the USB-UIRT with a Dish Network JVC-301. I updated the the USB-UIRT driver and UU IRSAGE file listed at the top of this thread. I use the re-program option for each digit 0 - 9, holding the JVC-301 remote only 3 inches from the USB-UIRT. I then test each digit. When trying to 'test' the USB-UIRT, none of the 0 - 9 digits are sent to the JVC-301 receiver. I am stumped. I don't understand Jon's posting with the template.

Can someone clarify what I need to do to get the USB-UIRT to control my JVC-301?
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Old 04-08-2004, 06:04 AM
jrhees jrhees is offline
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Dave (I tried to answer the email you sent to support but didn't realize the return address was bogus)

A few questions:

1. When you learn a button does the USB-UIRT RED LED light up during learning (while you're pressing and holding the remote's button?).
2. When you learn a button and you press and hold the button on your remote, does the Sage software tell you to release the button, etc. within the next few seconds, or does it take a full 10 seconds before it says so?
3. When you 'test' each button, does the LED on the USB-UIRT light up?
4. When you began the setup process, did you tell Sage to learn a new device or did you pick one of the existing set-top-boxes to modify?
5. Can you send me your .IR file? You can find this under "C:\Program Files\Frey Technologies\Common\RemoteCodes"


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Old 04-08-2004, 10:15 AM
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Sorry about the e-mail address. That e-mail account returned a false address to reduce spam. If you want to send an e-mail, please use :

I do not have all of the information because I am not at home now to verify everything, but I will answer as much as I can.

1. The USB-UIRT does light up when trying to program the digits, but only after waiting about ten seconds each time I try to program a digit. The time seems to be consistant each time I hold down a digit on the JVC-301 remote control.

2. It consistantly takes about 10 seconds every time I try to program a button. I was wondering if it was just timing out.

3. I 'test' each button by simply clicking on the 'test digit #' on the screen. I have also tried pushing the digits on the Hauupage remote control. I am not certain how to 'test' the digits. When I try to 'test' the digits by just clicking on the 'test digit #' item on the screen, the USB-UIRT LED never lights up. I cannot remember if it lights up when pressing digits on the Hauupage PVR-350 remote (I will have to check it again when I am at home again).

I tried picking two different listings that said Dish Network in the listing. I also tried to create one called JVC301. I noticed that the file assocated with the JVC301 remote only had a one data line in the file that was created.

5. I can send you the remote control file the next time I am at the home computer.

Thank you for trying to respond to my posting Jon!
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