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SageTV Customizations This forums is for discussing and sharing user-created modifications for the SageTV application created by using the SageTV Studio or through the use of external plugins. Use this forum to discuss customizations for SageTV version 6 and earlier, or for the SageTV3 UI.

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Old 10-27-2004, 09:10 AM
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Originally Posted by sting7777
Using a completely clean 2.1.8 RC5 install and then installing your files - weather works after modifying the properties files - but there are no graphics on the local weather page. Weather suite works fine. Partial recording deletion does not work and complains about a missing internal menu.
Try adding a test menu manually through the options menu so you can explicitly define the "Delete Partial Recordings -- Shortcut" or whatever it is. You might not have the exact name of the screen right (and i don't know if what i wrote is right either).
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Old 10-27-2004, 12:18 PM
Cayars Cayars is offline
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I'm not sure what to tell you. It works from the menu.xml on 3 of my machines (1 clean install) and also if I use the built in menu builder.

Can anyone else confirm one way or the other if they are having an issue with the DELETE PARTIAL RECORDINGS??? I'd really like to get this figured out.
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Old 10-27-2004, 12:55 PM
Cayars Cayars is offline
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I found a couple of problems with weather setting on a clean install/test so you're not crazy sting7777. It "appears" the code doesn't use all the variables but instead uses a couple of hard coded directories. I'm working on this now.
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Old 10-27-2004, 01:40 PM
sting7777 sting7777 is offline
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Originally Posted by Cayars
I found a couple of problems with weather setting on a clean install/test so you're not crazy sting7777. It "appears" the code doesn't use all the variables but instead uses a couple of hard coded directories. I'm working on this now.
cool - let me know if you want me to test anything as I can do a clean install at any time
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Old 10-27-2004, 02:46 PM
Cayars Cayars is offline
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I'm pretty sure I've got everything correct now. Both Local Weather and the Weather Suite both work. Some paths were hard coded in the Local Weather and not using the property set in the file as it should have.

The problem with the Weather Suite was that I didn't have the XML file path set correct. Hey, at least this was an easy fix! I also copied the additional icons the weather suite needed into the "images" folders.

My problem with releasing this is that I made all the changes to what WAS going to be a "Preview Release" with the new mini-guide functionality. I guess it's not going to be a preview release anymore.

It works correctly with the keyboard BUT is untested with a remote so I've got some testing to do. After this I've got to re-do a couple of setup properties (removing items) and then re-test again. After this I'll release version "C", which should be later tonight.

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Old 10-28-2004, 05:09 AM
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Hi Carlo,

Switched to your .STV - the best stuff from all the other .STVs...
But there is one thing I hope you can chang/fix:

In the LiveTV EPG - I can not see the station NAME - it's too small because I have the station ICON & station NUMBER (all on one line).
can you move the station name to a SECOND line under the station ICON & NUMBER? This will able the font size to be readable - I think.

Waiting for your next release
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Old 10-28-2004, 05:22 AM
Cayars Cayars is offline
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I'll take a look and see if there is anything that can be done. I'm not using icons at present (used too) so I'll reload them back up so I can check out the differences in the way it looks.

I'm sure something can be done for you. Maybe I'll make it configurable so it can be turned on or off for those that want/don't want to have bigger station names.


PS I fell a sleep early last night and didn't get any more work done on the STV. I had been up for close to 72 hours and the body needed it's rest. I'll be working on it again in an hour or so.
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Old 10-28-2004, 05:43 AM
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Oh, and another question (If I may...)
Are there different settings (Font, Size) for the EPG "Show name" and the "Show description/extended info."? so I can change each one separately?


(Just looked at the LiveTV EPG of the original STV for 2.1:
The channel name is under the channel number and left of both of them is the icon. Also, the channel name is in a FIXED font size and gets cut if too long - I think it's better then a smaller font you can not see on the TV screen).

Last edited by oshapir; 10-28-2004 at 10:30 AM.
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Old 10-28-2004, 11:10 AM
Cayars Cayars is offline
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I have released Version a third version of "B". The first message in this thread has been updated accordingly.

Please note the new directions for editing the WeatherConfig.xml file to set your own locations. You need to use the new WeatherConfig.xml file in the ZIP file as I made internal changes to it for the image path location.

This does not include any of the mini-guide features yet as I still have a few issues to work out with it.


PS: If the weather functions correctly this time, then I should be able to release only the STV for those with everything already installed in future releases.

Last edited by Cayars; 10-28-2004 at 11:18 AM.
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Old 10-28-2004, 11:41 AM
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You need to use the new WeatherConfig.xml file in the ZIP file as I made internal changes to it for the image path location.
What exactly do you mean by this? To what images are you referring. Right now I have weather working properly so if I install your new STV with my saved WeatherConfig.xml file, will it not work properly.

Also, besides the RC6 changes, is there anything that you changed that isn't just editing menus? I use my own menu.xml. Basically I'm wondering if there is a need to update yet.
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Old 10-28-2004, 12:29 PM
hchucky hchucky is offline
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Cayars, Is is possible to run an external DVD player with this STV? I'd like to be able to use TheaterTek instead of the default.

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Old 10-28-2004, 12:50 PM
Cayars Cayars is offline
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Originally Posted by abasu2003
What exactly do you mean by this? To what images are you referring. Right now I have weather working properly so if I install your new STV with my saved WeatherConfig.xml file, will it not work properly.

Also, besides the RC6 changes, is there anything that you changed that isn't just editing menus? I use my own menu.xml. Basically I'm wondering if there is a need to update yet.
If your weather is working properly DON'T mess with it. I added ALL the weather images and changed code to use a different file path for both Local Weather and the Weather Reporting Suite. However, if the entries in your sage or sageclient properties is all ready set then it the STV does not change them. Basically these instructions for weather are for someone with problems or those that never had an STV with weather and want these functions.

Yes there are other changes in the code that affect the menu.xml. Most of these aren't a big deal. If you run into any problems with your existing menu.xml file just refer back to the menu.xml file provided in the zip file as a reference. A typical problem you will run into if using a menu.xml from Nielm's for example would be a failure loading something like "Music Library". In my STV it's named "Music Library by Cayars". So you would need to modify your present menu.xml and add the "by Cayars" to get it to work. Other then a few changes like this your present menu.xml should work just fine.


PS: You might want to give the menu.xml in the zip file a try. In my oppinion it's laid out better then the original and has a lot more functionality in it.
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Old 10-28-2004, 01:19 PM
Cayars Cayars is offline
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Originally Posted by hchucky
Cayars, Is is possible to run an external DVD player with this STV? I'd like to be able to use TheaterTek instead of the default.

You sure can. Open your menu.xml (SageTV directory) and search for DVD. You should see:

title="Play DVD"
<sageCommand command="DVD"/>

replace that with the following (or add this as the next menu):

title="TheaterTek DVD Player"
<sageCommand command="Power Off"/>
command="C:\Program Files\TheaterTek\TheaterTek DVD.exe"
<sageCommand command="Power On"/>

Depending on how you run TheaterTek you might want to use the "arguments" field above.

Here is some info from the ThreaterTek website forums:

Here is a list of current command line options:
/DRIVE driveletter: to specify the drive to begin playback.
/MAP driveletter: path will map a drive letter to a dvd path.
Combined with the Multi-drive option, you can see the new possibilities of starting up TheaterTek and defining the playback. To make things easier, you should probably change your primary DVD drive letter to something higher up the alphabet, say X: Under XP this is a little trickier, but is done through Control Panel->Admin Tools->Computer Management->Disk Management,

In TheaterTek's General Panel:
Turn Multi-drive on.
Set Autoplay to Off.

Change your TheaterTek desktop shortcut to have the command line:

/DRIVE D: /MAP D: C:\Trailers\MyIntro E: C:\Trailers\OurTheater

TheaterTek will launch and wait for you to press Play.
Then it will play the trailer MyIntro followed by the trailer OurTheater followed by a movie if you have it in the DVD drive, assuming the DVD drive is mapped higher than drive E:
(Remember, never point directly to the VIDEO_TS folder, point to the folder that contains VIDEO_TS)
/DRIVE drive: Starting drive letter

/NOSPLASH Hides splash screen

/AP AutoPlay (0-off, 1-On Insert, 2-On Startup, 3-Both)

/RESUME AutoResume (0-off, 1-on)

/MD MultiDrive (0-off, 1-on)

/PP PostProcessing (0-off, 1-on)

/MON Monitor (1-Primary, 2-Secondary etc.)

/DEINT Deinterlacing (0-Auto, 1-Force Bob, 2-Force Weave)

/DXVA DXVA (0-off, 1-on)

/FORCEPAL Sets Force PAL flag (0-off, 1-on)

/MAP drive: path [opt] title Same as old MAPDRIVE, except optional parameter ‘title’ specifies the title to skip on.

/PATH name where you can specify the direct path to a DVD fileset.
For example:
/PATH C:\Trailers\Intro1\VIDEO_TS

Note that the path is slightly different from the older /MAP command (still supported) in that the exact folder containing the DVD files must be specified. Consequently, it is no longer necessary to have files in a VIDEO_TS folder.

All command line options only affect the current running instance of TheaterTek. In other words, they are not permanent changes and are effectively undone when TT exits.
To force PAL mode on start up:
On the Command line in the TheaterTek desktop shortcut type:
"C:\Program Files\TheaterTek\TheaterTek DVD.exe" /FORCEPAL 1

To turn off DXVA, disable ffdshow and set force bob:
"C:\Program Files\TheaterTek\TheaterTek DVD.exe" /DXVA 0 /PP 0 /DEINT 1

To start up TT with Post Processing enabled, MultiDrive On and on Monitor 2 without the splash screen:
"C:\Program Files\TheaterTek\TheaterTek DVD.exe" /PP 1 /MD 1 /MON 2 /NOSPLASH

To start up TT @1920x1080 with trailers and then play a DVD disc:
"C:\Program Files\TheaterTek\TheaterTek DVD.exe" /RES 1920 1080 /DRIVE K: /MAP K: "G:\My DVD Files\Trailers\THX" L: "G:\My DVD Files\Trailers\DTS" M: "G:\My DVD Files\Trailers\City Cinema"
(Multidrive must be enabled and DVD drive must be higher than M: and specific drive letters are, of course, dependant on your HTPC configuration)

To play a ripped DVD from the hard drive using drive mapping:
"C:\Program Files\TheaterTek\TheaterTek DVD.exe" /DRIVE K: /MAP K: "F:\My DVD Files\DVD Movie"

To play a trailer then a ripped DVD from the hard drive using the /PATH command:
"C:\Program Files\TheaterTek\TheaterTek DVD.exe" /PATH "G:\My DVD Files\Trailers\THX" "F:\My DVD Files\DVD Movie"

(If the path to your rip contains spaces it must be quotations)
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Old 10-28-2004, 01:32 PM
Cayars Cayars is offline
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On the topic of the above post. You can many EXTERNAL programs from inside of my STV. Just add a new section to your menu.xml file in the format:

title="TheaterTek DVD Player"
<sageCommand command="Power Off"/>
command="C:\Program Files\TheaterTek\TheaterTek DVD.exe"
<sageCommand command="Power On"/>

The attributes used are:
window values: maximised | minimised | hidden | normal
This attribute defines how the window will be shown. (hidden only works for command windows)

waitforexit values 0 or 1 default 0
if set to 1, waits for the application to exit before running the next command

the command line to execute

arguments the arguments to give to the command line. Take care with arguments containg spaces, such as a file path -- these may need to be quoted, eg:
arguments=&quot;C:\My Documents\File.txt&quot;"
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Old 10-28-2004, 02:57 PM
hchucky hchucky is offline
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Awsome!! Your the man.

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Old 10-28-2004, 03:16 PM
Cayars Cayars is offline
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I try.
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Old 10-28-2004, 04:05 PM
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abasu2003 abasu2003 is offline
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thanks for the response. the thing i was asking though is whether this newest release is any different the versionb2 (the one before it) oustside of the menu.xml changes and weather changes (i.e. do i need to download it?)
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Old 10-28-2004, 06:41 PM
Cayars Cayars is offline
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Abasu2003, there are some real fixes in it but if you aren't experiencing any major problems don't bother with R3 unless something in the list of "fixes/additions" (first message) is needed. You probably will want the next release (in progress) as it fixes a few other bugs I've found and adds yet more functionality.

So far the next release will only be the STV file and menu.xml file as they are the only changes so far. This will make for a much faster download.

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Old 10-30-2004, 07:05 AM
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Thanks for the new stv! But, I am having trouble launching external programs. I haved tried editing the menu.xml file by adding:

title="CD Ripper"
<sageCommand command="Power Off"/>
command="C:\Program Files\FreeRIP MP3\FreeRip.exe"
<sageCommand command="Power On"/>

I am placing it below a submenu item (that may be my problem). Basically, I have a submenu titled My Music, then I have an option to launch an internal screen--Jukebox, and I would also like to be able to launch an external program from the My Music screen as well. I remember having trouble with this when nielm first started using the .xml menu file. Any help would be appreciated.
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Old 10-30-2004, 11:13 AM
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Originally Posted by JUC
Thanks for the new stv! But, I am having trouble launching external programs. I haved tried editing the menu.xml file
What exactly is the trouble you are having? Any menuItem can be put anywhere in my menu XML).
note that the first 2 lines should be a closed tag: ie
title="CD Ripper">
- but this might be a forum/copy/paste issue)
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