2010-06-24 21:19:03.781 DVBE4SAGE Encoder SVN revision 236 2010-06-24 21:19:03.781 Loading configuration info from "C:\Program Files\dvbe4sage\dvbe4sage.ini" ========================================================= Configuration file dump: [General] LogLevel=2 NumberOfVirtualTuners=2 [Plugins] DCWTimeout=5 IsVGCam=0 MaxNumberOfResets=1 ServedCAIDs= ServedPROVIds= [Tuning] LNBSW=11700000 LNBLOF1=9750000 LNBLOF2=10600000 InitialFrequency=10729000 InitialSymbolRate=22000 InitialPolarization=V InitialModulation=QPSK (DVB-S) InitialFEC=5/6 DVBS2Tuners=0 TSPacketsPerBuffer=1024 NumberOfBuffers=400 TuningTimeout=20 TuningLockTimeout=5 InitialRunningTime=20 UseSidForTuning=0 UseNewTuningMethod=0 ScanAllTransponders=0 ExcludeTuners=1,9,2,3,B,4,C,5,6,7 ExcludeTunersMAC= IncludeTuners= IncludeTunersMAC= [Output] TSPacketsPerOutputBuffer=160000 TSPacketsOutputThreshold=135 DisableWriteBuffering=0 [Encoder] ListeningPort=6969 [Recording] PreferredAudioLanguage=eng PreferredAudioFormat=ac3 PreferredSubtitlesLanguage=eng [Advanced] PMTDilutionFactor=1 PATDilutionFactor=1 PMTThreshold=20 PSIMaturityTime=10 MaxECMCacheSize=3000 EnableECMCache=1 ECMCacheAutodeleteChunkSize=300 BouquetName=BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England PreferSDOverHD=0 End of configuration file dump ========================================================= 2010-06-24 21:19:03.781 Working with MDAPI plugins 2010-06-24 21:19:03.796 #1: Tuner ordinal=1 is excluded by the ordinal 2010-06-24 21:19:03.812 #2: Tuner ordinal=2 is excluded by the ordinal 2010-06-24 21:19:03.812 #3: Tuner ordinal=3 is excluded by the ordinal 2010-06-24 21:19:03.812 #4: Tuner ordinal=4 is excluded by the ordinal 2010-06-24 21:19:03.812 #5: Tuner ordinal=5 is excluded by the ordinal 2010-06-24 21:19:03.828 #6: Tuner ordinal=6 is excluded by the ordinal 2010-06-24 21:19:03.828 #7: Tuner ordinal=7 is excluded by the ordinal 2010-06-24 21:19:03.859 #8: Loading filter "Pinnacle Stargate Tuner" - succeeded! 2010-06-24 21:19:03.859 #8: Tuner Filter Info = "Pinnacle Stargate Tuner" 2010-06-24 21:19:03.875 #8: Loading filter "Pinnacle Stargate Capture" - succeeded! 2010-06-24 21:19:03.875 #8: Loaded our transport stream filter 2010-06-24 21:19:03.875 #8: Added demux filter to the graph 2010-06-24 21:19:03.875 #8: Connected demux to our filter output pin 2010-06-24 21:19:03.906 #8: Loading filter "BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter" - succeeded! 2010-06-24 21:19:03.906 #8: Using tuning request-based tuning method... 2010-06-24 21:19:04.453 #8: Starting initial run for autodiscovery, transponder data: Frequency=10729000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-06-24 21:19:04.453 #9: Tuner ordinal=9 is excluded by the ordinal 2010-06-24 21:19:04.468 #10: Loading filter "Pinnacle Stargate Tuner" - succeeded! 2010-06-24 21:19:04.468 #10: Tuner Filter Info = "Pinnacle Stargate Tuner" 2010-06-24 21:19:04.484 #10: Loading filter "Pinnacle Stargate Capture" - succeeded! 2010-06-24 21:19:04.484 #10: Loaded our transport stream filter 2010-06-24 21:19:04.484 #10: Added demux filter to the graph 2010-06-24 21:19:04.484 #10: Connected demux to our filter output pin 2010-06-24 21:19:04.484 #10: Loading filter "BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter" - succeeded! 2010-06-24 21:19:04.484 #10: Using tuning request-based tuning method... 2010-06-24 21:19:04.500 #10: Cannot run the graph, error 0x800705AA 2010-06-24 21:19:04.500 #10: Error: Could not play the DVB-S filter graph, error 0x800705AA 2010-06-24 21:19:04.500 #11: Tuner ordinal=11 is excluded by the ordinal 2010-06-24 21:19:04.500 #12: Tuner ordinal=12 is excluded by the ordinal 2010-06-24 21:19:04.812 #8: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=15) 2010-06-24 21:19:04.812 #8: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=3) 2010-06-24 21:19:04.812 #8: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=13) 2010-06-24 21:19:04.812 #8: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=4) 2010-06-24 21:19:04.812 #8: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=9) 2010-06-24 21:19:04.812 #8: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2010-06-24 21:19:04.812 #8: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2010-06-24 21:19:04.812 #8: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=4) 2010-06-24 21:19:04.812 #8: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=3) 2010-06-24 21:19:05.000 #8: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=3) 2010-06-24 21:19:05.000 #8: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=3) 2010-06-24 21:19:05.000 #8: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=3) 2010-06-24 21:19:05.000 #8: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=3) 2010-06-24 21:19:05.171 #8: Warning: no EMM PIDs have been discovered after 20 PMT packets, EMM data will not be passed to plugins!!! 2010-06-24 21:19:05.171 #8: PID=2359(0x937) of SID=8340(0x2094) has Type=0x02 2010-06-24 21:19:05.171 #8: PID=2360(0x938) of SID=8340(0x2094) has Type=0x04 2010-06-24 21:19:05.171 #8: PID=2361(0x939) of SID=8340(0x2094) has Type=0x04 2010-06-24 21:19:05.171 #8: PID=2362(0x93A) of SID=8340(0x2094) has Type=0x06 2010-06-24 21:19:05.171 #8: PID=2363(0x93B) of SID=8340(0x2094) has Type=0x06 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=8340(0x2094) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=8340(0x2094) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=8340(0x2094) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=8340(0x2094) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=8340(0x2094) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=2358(0x936) of SID=8340(0x2094) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: Warning: no EMM PIDs have been discovered after 20 PMT packets, EMM data will not be passed to plugins!!! 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=2327(0x917) of SID=8389(0x20C5) has Type=0x02 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=2328(0x918) of SID=8389(0x20C5) has Type=0x04 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=2329(0x919) of SID=8389(0x20C5) has Type=0x06 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=2354(0x932) of SID=8389(0x20C5) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=2356(0x934) of SID=8389(0x20C5) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: Warning: no EMM PIDs have been discovered after 20 PMT packets, EMM data will not be passed to plugins!!! 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=2305(0x901) of SID=9208(0x23F8) has Type=0x02 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=2306(0x902) of SID=9208(0x23F8) has Type=0x04 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=2308(0x904) of SID=9208(0x23F8) has Type=0x06 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=2353(0x931) of SID=9208(0x23F8) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: Warning: no EMM PIDs have been discovered after 20 PMT packets, EMM data will not be passed to plugins!!! 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=2316(0x90C) of SID=9209(0x23F9) has Type=0x02 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=2317(0x90D) of SID=9209(0x23F9) has Type=0x04 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=2319(0x90F) of SID=9209(0x23F9) has Type=0x06 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=2353(0x931) of SID=9209(0x23F9) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: Warning: no EMM PIDs have been discovered after 20 PMT packets, EMM data will not be passed to plugins!!! 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=2347(0x92B) of SID=8300(0x206C) has Type=0x02 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=2348(0x92C) of SID=8300(0x206C) has Type=0x04 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=2349(0x92D) of SID=8300(0x206C) has Type=0x04 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=2350(0x92E) of SID=8300(0x206C) has Type=0x06 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=2351(0x92F) of SID=8300(0x206C) has Type=0x06 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=8300(0x206C) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=8300(0x206C) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=8300(0x206C) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=8300(0x206C) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=8300(0x206C) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=2352(0x930) of SID=8300(0x206C) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: Warning: no EMM PIDs have been discovered after 20 PMT packets, EMM data will not be passed to plugins!!! 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=2305(0x901) of SID=8305(0x2071) has Type=0x02 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=2306(0x902) of SID=8305(0x2071) has Type=0x04 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=2307(0x903) of SID=8305(0x2071) has Type=0x04 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=2308(0x904) of SID=8305(0x2071) has Type=0x06 2010-06-24 21:19:05.187 #8: PID=2309(0x905) of SID=8305(0x2071) has Type=0x06 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=2310(0x906) of SID=8305(0x2071) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=8305(0x2071) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=8305(0x2071) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=8305(0x2071) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=8305(0x2071) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=8305(0x2071) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: Warning: no EMM PIDs have been discovered after 20 PMT packets, EMM data will not be passed to plugins!!! 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=2316(0x90C) of SID=8311(0x2077) has Type=0x02 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=2317(0x90D) of SID=8311(0x2077) has Type=0x04 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=2318(0x90E) of SID=8311(0x2077) has Type=0x04 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=2319(0x90F) of SID=8311(0x2077) has Type=0x06 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=2320(0x910) of SID=8311(0x2077) has Type=0x06 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=8311(0x2077) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=8311(0x2077) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=8311(0x2077) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=8311(0x2077) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=8311(0x2077) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=2321(0x911) of SID=8311(0x2077) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: Warning: no EMM PIDs have been discovered after 20 PMT packets, EMM data will not be passed to plugins!!! 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=2322(0x912) of SID=8312(0x2078) has Type=0x02 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=2323(0x913) of SID=8312(0x2078) has Type=0x04 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=2324(0x914) of SID=8312(0x2078) has Type=0x06 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=2325(0x915) of SID=8312(0x2078) has Type=0x06 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=8312(0x2078) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=8312(0x2078) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=8312(0x2078) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=8312(0x2078) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=8312(0x2078) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.203 #8: PID=2326(0x916) of SID=8312(0x2078) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.359 #8: Warning: no EMM PIDs have been discovered after 20 PMT packets, EMM data will not be passed to plugins!!! 2010-06-24 21:19:05.359 #8: PID=2327(0x917) of SID=8313(0x2079) has Type=0x02 2010-06-24 21:19:05.359 #8: PID=2328(0x918) of SID=8313(0x2079) has Type=0x04 2010-06-24 21:19:05.359 #8: PID=2329(0x919) of SID=8313(0x2079) has Type=0x06 2010-06-24 21:19:05.359 #8: PID=2330(0x91A) of SID=8313(0x2079) has Type=0x06 2010-06-24 21:19:05.359 #8: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=8313(0x2079) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.359 #8: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=8313(0x2079) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.359 #8: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=8313(0x2079) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.359 #8: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=8313(0x2079) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.359 #8: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=8313(0x2079) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.359 #8: PID=2331(0x91B) of SID=8313(0x2079) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.359 #8: Warning: no EMM PIDs have been discovered after 20 PMT packets, EMM data will not be passed to plugins!!! 2010-06-24 21:19:05.359 #8: PID=2332(0x91C) of SID=8314(0x207A) has Type=0x02 2010-06-24 21:19:05.359 #8: PID=2333(0x91D) of SID=8314(0x207A) has Type=0x04 2010-06-24 21:19:05.359 #8: PID=2334(0x91E) of SID=8314(0x207A) has Type=0x06 2010-06-24 21:19:05.359 #8: PID=2335(0x91F) of SID=8314(0x207A) has Type=0x06 2010-06-24 21:19:05.359 #8: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=8314(0x207A) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.359 #8: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=8314(0x207A) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.359 #8: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=8314(0x207A) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=8314(0x207A) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=8314(0x207A) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: PID=2336(0x920) of SID=8314(0x207A) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: Warning: no EMM PIDs have been discovered after 20 PMT packets, EMM data will not be passed to plugins!!! 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: PID=2337(0x921) of SID=8315(0x207B) has Type=0x02 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: PID=2338(0x922) of SID=8315(0x207B) has Type=0x04 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: PID=2339(0x923) of SID=8315(0x207B) has Type=0x06 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: PID=2340(0x924) of SID=8315(0x207B) has Type=0x06 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=8315(0x207B) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=8315(0x207B) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=8315(0x207B) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=8315(0x207B) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=8315(0x207B) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: PID=2341(0x925) of SID=8315(0x207B) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: Warning: no EMM PIDs have been discovered after 20 PMT packets, EMM data will not be passed to plugins!!! 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: PID=2342(0x926) of SID=8316(0x207C) has Type=0x02 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: PID=2343(0x927) of SID=8316(0x207C) has Type=0x04 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: PID=2344(0x928) of SID=8316(0x207C) has Type=0x06 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: PID=2345(0x929) of SID=8316(0x207C) has Type=0x06 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=8316(0x207C) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=8316(0x207C) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=8316(0x207C) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=8316(0x207C) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=8316(0x207C) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: PID=2346(0x92A) of SID=8316(0x207C) has Type=0x05 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=15) 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0xC0(192), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0xC0(192), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-06-24 21:19:05.375 #8: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0xC0(192), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-06-24 21:19:05.546 #8: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-06-24 21:19:05.546 #8: Mapped SID=6522, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=534, Name="Blighty", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:05.718 #8: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-06-24 21:19:05.718 #8: Mapped SID=4302, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=305, Name="Sky Action", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:05.718 #8: Mapped SID=4303, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=304, Name="Sky Comedy", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:05.718 #8: Mapped SID=4304, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=309, Name="Sky ScFi/Horror", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:05.734 #8: Mapped SID=4305, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=311, Name="Sky Classics", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:05.734 #8: Mapped SID=4306, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=312, Name="Sky Indie", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:05.734 #8: Mapped SID=4403, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=306, Name="Sky Family", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:05.734 #8: Mapped SID=5502, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=308, Name="Sky DramaRom", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:05.734 #8: Mapped SID=5650, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=310, Name="Sky Mdn Greats", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:05.734 #8: Mapped SID=3804, ONID=2, TSID=2008, Channel=412, Name="Eurosport HD", Type=134, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:05.734 #8: Mapped SID=3823, ONID=2, TSID=2008, Channel=193, Name="FX HD", Type=134, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:05.734 #8: Mapped SID=3864, ONID=2, TSID=2008, Channel=259, Name="Sky Arts 2 HD", Type=134, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:05.734 #8: Mapped SID=3876, ONID=2, TSID=2008, Channel=215, Name="E4 HD", Type=134, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:05.734 #8: Mapped SID=6201, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=520, Name="Discovery", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:05.734 #8: Mapped SID=6202, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=525, Name="Animal Planet", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:05.734 #8: Mapped SID=6203, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=240, Name="Disc.RealTime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:05.734 #8: Mapped SID=6204, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=521, Name="Discovery+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:05.734 #8: Mapped SID=6205, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=265, Name="Travel & Living", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:05.734 #8: Mapped SID=6206, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=524, Name="Disc.Science", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:05.734 #8: Mapped SID=6207, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=522, Name="Disc.Knowldge", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:05.734 #8: Mapped SID=6208, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=254, Name="Home & Health", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:05.734 #8: Mapped SID=6209, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=523, Name="Disc.Turbo", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:05.734 #8: Mapped SID=6211, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=154, Name="QUEST", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:06.453 #8: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-06-24 21:19:06.453 #8: Mapped SID=1302, ONID=2, TSID=2039, Channel=217, Name="Sky 3D", Type=134, Running Status=1 2010-06-24 21:19:06.453 #8: Mapped SID=3850, ONID=2, TSID=2039, Channel=517, Name="Sky News HD", Type=134, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:06.453 #8: Mapped SID=3863, ONID=2, TSID=2039, Channel=258, Name="Sky Arts 1 HD", Type=134, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:06.453 #8: Mapped SID=12050, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=1149, Name="E4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:06.453 #8: Mapped SID=12000, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=360, Name="4Music", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:06.453 #8: Mapped SID=12005, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=359, Name="The Box", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:06.453 #8: Mapped SID=12010, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=361, Name="KISS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:06.453 #8: Mapped SID=12015, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=368, Name="Kerrang!", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:06.453 #8: Mapped SID=12020, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=362, Name="Smash Hits!", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:06.640 #8: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-06-24 21:19:06.640 #8: Mapped SID=9211, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:06.640 #8: Mapped SID=9212, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:06.640 #8: Mapped SID=9213, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:06.640 #8: Mapped SID=9214, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:06.640 #8: Mapped SID=9216, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:06.640 #8: Mapped SID=9215, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=1153, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:06.640 #8: Mapped SID=9220, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=315, Name="Film4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:06.640 #8: Mapped SID=9225, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=316, Name="Film4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:06.640 #8: Mapped SID=9230, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=139, Name="More4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:06.812 #8: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-06-24 21:19:06.812 #8: Mapped SID=8311, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:06.812 #8: Mapped SID=8312, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:06.812 #8: Mapped SID=8313, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:06.828 #8: Mapped SID=8314, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:06.828 #8: Mapped SID=8316, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:06.828 #8: Mapped SID=8389, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=1250, Name="c4m+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:06.828 #8: Mapped SID=8300, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=137, Name="E4+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:06.828 #8: Mapped SID=8305, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=136, Name="E4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:06.828 #8: Mapped SID=8340, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=138, Name="More4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.000 #8: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-06-24 21:19:07.000 #8: Mapped SID=8107, ONID=2, TSID=2043, Channel=2015, Name="Sky Games", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.000 #8: Mapped SID=9611, ONID=2, TSID=2043, Channel=3160, Name="RTE Radio 1", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.000 #8: Mapped SID=9612, ONID=2, TSID=2043, Channel=3164, Name="RTE 2FM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.000 #8: Mapped SID=9613, ONID=2, TSID=2043, Channel=3166, Name="RTE R na G", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.000 #8: Mapped SID=9614, ONID=2, TSID=2043, Channel=3165, Name="RTE Lyric fm", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.000 #8: Mapped SID=10060, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 London", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.000 #8: Mapped SID=10100, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Central W", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.000 #8: Mapped SID=10080, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Granada", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.000 #8: Mapped SID=10090, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Anglia E", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.000 #8: Mapped SID=10070, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=118, Name="ITV2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.000 #8: Mapped SID=10071, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=621, Name="CITV", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-06-24 21:19:07.000 #8: Mapped SID=10072, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=120, Name="ITV4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.187 #8: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-06-24 21:19:07.187 #8: Mapped SID=6301, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=101, Name="BBC 1 London", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.187 #8: Mapped SID=6335, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=105, Name="FIVE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.187 #8: Mapped SID=6302, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=102, Name="BBC 2 England", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.187 #8: Mapped SID=6316, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=116, Name="BBC FOUR", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.187 #8: Mapped SID=6317, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=613, Name="CBBC Channel", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-06-24 21:19:07.187 #8: Mapped SID=6318, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=614, Name="CBeebies", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-06-24 21:19:07.187 #8: Mapped SID=6319, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=115, Name="BBC THREE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.187 #8: Mapped SID=6331, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=973, Name="BBC 1 NI", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.359 #8: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-06-24 21:19:07.359 #8: Mapped SID=10301, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=979, Name="BBC 1 W Mids", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.359 #8: Mapped SID=10302, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=978, Name="BBC 1 N West", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.359 #8: Mapped SID=10303, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=977, Name="BBC 1 Yrks&Lin", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.375 #8: Mapped SID=10304, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=976, Name="BBC 1 Yorks", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.375 #8: Mapped SID=10305, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=980, Name="BBC 1 E Mids", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.375 #8: Mapped SID=10306, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=981, Name="BBC 1 East (E)", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.546 #8: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-06-24 21:19:07.546 #8: Mapped SID=6401, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=3105, Name="BBC R5L", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.546 #8: Mapped SID=6411, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=972, Name="BBC 1 Wales", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.546 #8: Mapped SID=6412, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=991, Name="BBC 2 Wales", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.546 #8: Mapped SID=6421, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=971, Name="BBC 1 Scotland", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.546 #8: Mapped SID=6422, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=990, Name="BBC 2 Scotland", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.546 #8: Mapped SID=6432, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=992, Name="BBC 2 NI", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.546 #8: Mapped SID=6464, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=3144, Name="BBC R5SX", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.734 #8: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-06-24 21:19:07.734 #8: Mapped SID=10351, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=986, Name="BBC 1 West", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.734 #8: Mapped SID=10352, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=983, Name="BBC 1 S East", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.734 #8: Mapped SID=10353, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=984, Name="BBC 1 South", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.734 #8: Mapped SID=10354, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=987, Name="BBC 1 S West", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.734 #8: Mapped SID=10355, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=975, Name="BBC 1 NE & C", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:07.734 #8: Mapped SID=10356, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=985, Name="BBC 1 Oxford", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.093 #8: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-06-24 21:19:08.093 #8: Mapped SID=10000, ONID=2, TSID=2049, Channel=178, Name="ITV1 HD", Type=134, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.093 #8: Mapped SID=10030, ONID=2, TSID=2049, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 West", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.093 #8: Mapped SID=10040, ONID=2, TSID=2049, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 W Country", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.093 #8: Mapped SID=10015, ONID=2, TSID=2049, Channel=180, Name="ITV4+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.093 #8: Mapped SID=6903, ONID=2, TSID=2050, Channel=982, Name="BBC 1 East (W)", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.093 #8: Mapped SID=6904, ONID=2, TSID=2050, Channel=988, Name="BBC 1 CI", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.093 #8: Mapped SID=6940, ONID=2, TSID=2050, Channel=143, Name="BBC HD", Type=134, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.453 #8: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-06-24 21:19:08.453 #8: Mapped SID=9001, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=609, Name="Disney Chnl", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.453 #8: Mapped SID=9002, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=622, Name="Disney Cine", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.453 #8: Mapped SID=9003, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=628, Name="Disney Cine+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.468 #8: Mapped SID=9004, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=611, Name="Play Disney", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.468 #8: Mapped SID=9007, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=610, Name="Disney Chnl+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.468 #8: Mapped SID=9010, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=612, Name="Play Disney+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.468 #8: Mapped SID=3905, ONID=2, TSID=2052, Channel=244, Name="SkyRealLive+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.468 #8: Mapped SID=5005, ONID=2, TSID=2052, Channel=243, Name="Sky Real Lives", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.468 #8: Mapped SID=9312, ONID=2, TSID=2052, Channel=245, Name="SkyRealLives2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.468 #8: Mapped SID=9313, ONID=2, TSID=2052, Channel=669, Name="Sky Travel", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-06-24 21:19:08.468 #8: Mapped SID=9351, ONID=2, TSID=2052, Channel=165, Name="FX+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.468 #8: Mapped SID=9364, ONID=2, TSID=2052, Channel=415, Name="At The Races", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.468 #8: Mapped SID=10140, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Meridian S", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.468 #8: Mapped SID=10141, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Meridian E", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.468 #8: Mapped SID=10120, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Border", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.468 #8: Mapped SID=10130, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 TT N", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.828 #8: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-06-24 21:19:08.828 #8: Mapped SID=53500, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=327, Name="movies 24", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.828 #8: Mapped SID=53505, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=328, Name="movies24+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.828 #8: Mapped SID=53510, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=806, Name="ARY News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.828 #8: Mapped SID=53589, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=677, Name="CelebrityShop", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.828 #8: Mapped SID=53590, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=948, Name="ChatGirl TV2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.828 #8: Mapped SID=53591, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=902, Name="Tease Me TV2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.828 #8: Mapped SID=53592, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=915, Name="Climax3 - 1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.828 #8: Mapped SID=53593, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=916, Name="Climax3 - 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.828 #8: Mapped SID=53594, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=961, Name="Climax3 - 3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.828 #8: Mapped SID=53595, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=901, Name="Adult Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.828 #8: Mapped SID=53596, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=900, Name="Playboy TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.828 #8: Mapped SID=53597, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=917, Name="Top Shelf TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:08.828 #8: Mapped SID=53598, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=911, Name="Elite", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.000 #8: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-06-24 21:19:09.000 #8: Mapped SID=5003, ONID=2, TSID=2401, Channel=530, Name="History +1 hour", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.000 #8: Mapped SID=8085, ONID=2, TSID=2401, Channel=2000, Name="Sky Active", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.000 #8: Mapped SID=54053, ONID=2, TSID=2402, Channel=827, Name="ATN Bangla UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=54054, ONID=2, TSID=2402, Channel=826, Name="IQRA TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=54062, ONID=2, TSID=2402, Channel=814, Name="Channel 'S'", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=54063, ONID=2, TSID=2402, Channel=820, Name="Peace TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=54064, ONID=2, TSID=2402, Channel=841, Name="Peace TV Urdu", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=54071, ONID=2, TSID=2402, Channel=951, Name="Blue Kiss TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=50300, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=127, Name="ComedyCtrl+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=50310, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=876, Name="GayDateTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=50315, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=203, Name="Channel M", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=50330, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=875, Name="Dating Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=50335, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=813, Name="Islam Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=50350, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=419, Name="Extreme Sports", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=50360, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=912, Name="Tease Me", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=50370, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=959, Name="Tease Me 3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=50400, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=659, Name="Shop on TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=50405, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=825, Name="GEO News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=50410, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=861, Name="Gala TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=50415, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=791, Name="ARY Digital", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=50425, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=664, Name="V Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=50430, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=343, Name="Cinémoi movies", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=50455, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=593, Name="Faith World TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=4505, ONID=2, TSID=2406, Channel=999, Name="Sky Preview", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=50600, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=432, Name="Racing UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=50605, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=835, Name="SupremeMastr", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=50610, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=840, Name="Sikh Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=50615, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=157, Name="Film24", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=50620, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=430, Name="ESPN America", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=50625, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=434, Name="LiverpoolFCTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=50630, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=370, Name="Channel AKA", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.015 #8: Mapped SID=50635, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=682, Name="Entrepreneur", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.031 #8: Mapped SID=50640, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=364, Name="Q", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.031 #8: Mapped SID=50645, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=363, Name="Magic", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.187 #8: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-06-24 21:19:09.187 #8: Mapped SID=4651, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=307, Name="Sky Thriller", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.187 #8: Mapped SID=4652, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=302, Name="Sky Prem+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.187 #8: Mapped SID=4653, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=529, Name="History", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.187 #8: Mapped SID=4655, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=156, Name="Bio", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.187 #8: Mapped SID=4659, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=301, Name="Sky Premiere", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.187 #8: Mapped SID=50847, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=512, Name="Russia Today", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.187 #8: Mapped SID=50856, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=3178, Name="Kiss", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.187 #8: Mapped SID=50860, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=3180, Name="Magic", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.187 #8: Mapped SID=50865, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=792, Name="PTV Prime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.187 #8: Mapped SID=50866, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=796, Name="Abu Dhabi TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.187 #8: Mapped SID=50878, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=785, Name="PCNE Chinese", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.187 #8: Mapped SID=50880, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=166, Name="Information TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=50881, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=216, Name="Showcase 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=51145, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=623, Name="BabyTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=54009, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=277, Name="Diva TV +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=54011, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=205, Name="Syfy +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=52300, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=367, Name="Flava", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=52305, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=372, Name="Bliss", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=52310, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=374, Name="Scuzz", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=52315, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=376, Name="DanceNationTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=52320, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=321, Name="True Movies", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=52325, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=322, Name="True Movies 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=52330, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=617, Name="Tiny Pop", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=52335, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=382, Name="NME TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=52340, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=616, Name="POP", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=52345, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=625, Name="Tiny Pop +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=52351, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=627, Name="Kix!", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=52355, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=366, Name="The Vault", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=52361, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=626, Name="PopGirl", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=52365, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=365, Name="Chart Show TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=52370, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=629, Name="PopGirl +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=52375, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=188, Name="True Ent", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=51001, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=787, Name="mta-muslim tv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=51005, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=591, Name="Word Network", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=51006, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=866, Name="SuperCasino", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=51011, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=510, Name="CCTV News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=51019, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=587, Name="Inspiration", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=51031, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=797, Name="SouthForYou", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=51032, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=513, Name="FRANCE 24", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:09.203 #8: Mapped SID=51033, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=583, Name="TBN Europe", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-06-24 21:19:10.109 #8: Current network NID is 32 2010-06-24 21:19:10.109 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2412, Frequency=11680770, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.109 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2411, Frequency=11661540, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.109 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2409, Frequency=11623080, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.109 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2002, Frequency=11739000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.109 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2006, Frequency=11817000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.109 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2009, Frequency=11875500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.109 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2313, Frequency=11344500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.109 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2018, Frequency=12051000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.109 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2022, Frequency=12129000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.109 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2017, Frequency=12031500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.109 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2302, Frequency=11259670, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.109 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2611, Frequency=12523000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.125 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2402, Frequency=11488460, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.125 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2613, Frequency=12606650, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.125 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2603, Frequency=12643350, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.125 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2041, Frequency=10714000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-06-24 21:19:10.125 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2037, Frequency=12421000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.125 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2036, Frequency=12402000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.125 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2049, Frequency=10832250, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-06-24 21:19:10.125 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2053, Frequency=10891250, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-06-24 21:19:10.125 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2054, Frequency=10906000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-06-24 21:19:10.125 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2044, Frequency=10758500, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-06-24 21:19:10.125 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2040, Frequency=12480000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.125 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2602, Frequency=12560020, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.125 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2304, Frequency=11343000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.125 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2015, Frequency=11992500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.125 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2311, Frequency=11222170, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.125 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2042, Frequency=10729000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-06-24 21:19:10.125 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2316, Frequency=11390330, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.125 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2301, Frequency=11261170, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.125 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2303, Frequency=11307000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.125 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2410, Frequency=11642000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.125 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2604, Frequency=12643350, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:10.125 #8: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2315, Frequency=11390000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-06-24 21:19:24.453 #8: The initial run for autodiscovery finished 2010-06-24 21:19:24.453 #8: Signal locked, quality=1, strength=100 2010-06-24 21:19:24.515 #8: Graph successfully stopped 2010-06-24 21:22:29.125 Channel=101 was successfully mapped to SID=6301 on ONID=2, Name="BBC 1 London" 2010-06-24 21:22:29.125 Autodiscovery requested, but cannot find the transponder for SID=6301 on ONID=2 ("BBC 1 London"), no recording done! 2010-06-24 21:22:46.250 Encoder stopped!