2011-01-06 15:05:10.885 DVBE4SAGE Encoder SVN revision 243 2011-01-06 15:05:10.886 Loading configuration info from "C:\dvb4sage\dvbe4sage.ini" ========================================================= Configuration file dump: [General] LogLevel=2 SetupType=DVBS NumberOfVirtualTuners=1 NorthAmerica=1 [Plugins] DCWTimeout=15 IsVGCam=0 MaxNumberOfResets=1 ServedCAIDs=1815,1816 ServedPROVIds= [Tuning] LNBSW=20000000 LNBLOF1=11250000 LNBLOF2=14350000 InitialFrequency=12559000 InitialSymbolRate=20000 InitialPolarization=H InitialModulation=QPSK (DVB-S) InitialFEC=7/8 DVBS2Tuners=1 TSPacketsPerBuffer=1024 NumberOfBuffers=400 TuningTimeout=60 TuningLockTimeout=30 InitialRunningTime=80 UseSidForTuning=1 UseNewTuningMethod=0 ScanAllTransponders=0 ExcludeTuners= ExcludeTunersMAC= IncludeTuners= IncludeTunersMAC= UseDiseqc=1 [Output] TSPacketsPerOutputBuffer=160000 TSPacketsOutputThreshold=200 DisableWriteBuffering=0 [Encoder] ListeningPort=7979 [Recording] PreferredAudioLanguage=eng PreferredAudioFormat=ac3 PreferredSubtitlesLanguage=eng [Advanced] PMTDilutionFactor=1 PATDilutionFactor=1 PMTThreshold=20 PSIMaturityTime=10 MaxECMCacheSize=3000 EnableECMCache=1 ECMCacheAutodeleteChunkSize=300 BouquetName=BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England PreferSDOverHD=0 ExcludeTIDs=PreferredTIDs= End of configuration file dump ========================================================= 2011-01-06 15:05:10.904 Working with MDAPI plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:11.890 Loading DiSEqC info from "C:\dvb4sage\diseqc.ini" ========================================================= DiSEqC file dump: [256] Name = Bev 91 W Satpos = -910 Diseqc 1 = 0 Diseqc 2 = 0 22kHz = Off gotox = 0 LNB_SW = 0 LNB_LOF1 = 11250000 LNB_LOF2 = 11250000 [257] Name = Bev 82 W Satpos = -820 Diseqc 1 = 0 Diseqc 2 = 0 22kHz = Off gotox = 0 LNB_SW = 0 LNB_LOF1 = 11250000 LNB_LOF2 = 11250000 [4100] Name = Dish 119 W Satpos = -1190 Diseqc 1 = 5 Diseqc 2 = 0 22kHz = Off gotox = 0 LNB_SW = 20000000 LNB_LOF1 = 11250000 LNB_LOF2 = 14350000 [4102] Name = Dish 110 W Satpos = -1100 Diseqc 1 = 6 Diseqc 2 = 0 22kHz = Off gotox = 0 LNB_SW = 20000000 LNB_LOF1 = 11250000 LNB_LOF2 = 14350000 [4104] Name = Dish 129 W Satpos = -1290 Diseqc 1 = 7 Diseqc 2 = 0 22kHz = Off gotox = 0 LNB_SW = 20000000 LNB_LOF1 = 11250000 LNB_LOF2 = 14350000 [USALS] Latitude = 38.90 Longitude = -77.04 [General] InitialONID=4100 Repeats = 0 MovementTimeSec = 20 End of DiSEqC file dump ========================================================= 2011-01-06 15:05:11.980 #1: Loading filter "Genpix advanced DVB-S Tuner (BDA)" - succeeded! 2011-01-06 15:05:11.980 #1: Tuner Filter Info = "Genpix advanced DVB-S Tuner (BDA)" 2011-01-06 15:05:13.053 #1: Loading filter "Genpix advanced DVB-S Capture (BDA)" - succeeded! 2011-01-06 15:05:13.055 #1: Loaded our transport stream filter 2011-01-06 15:05:13.065 #1: Added demux filter to the graph 2011-01-06 15:05:13.067 #1: Connected demux to our filter output pin 2011-01-06 15:05:13.079 #1: Loading filter "BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter" - succeeded! 2011-01-06 15:05:13.096 Loading DiSEqC info from "C:\dvb4sage\diseqc.ini" ========================================================= DiSEqC file dump: [256] Name = Bev 91 W Satpos = -910 Diseqc 1 = 0 Diseqc 2 = 0 22kHz = Off gotox = 0 LNB_SW = 0 LNB_LOF1 = 11250000 LNB_LOF2 = 11250000 [257] Name = Bev 82 W Satpos = -820 Diseqc 1 = 0 Diseqc 2 = 0 22kHz = Off gotox = 0 LNB_SW = 0 LNB_LOF1 = 11250000 LNB_LOF2 = 11250000 [4100] Name = Dish 119 W Satpos = -1190 Diseqc 1 = 5 Diseqc 2 = 0 22kHz = Off gotox = 0 LNB_SW = 20000000 LNB_LOF1 = 11250000 LNB_LOF2 = 14350000 [4102] Name = Dish 110 W Satpos = -1100 Diseqc 1 = 6 Diseqc 2 = 0 22kHz = Off gotox = 0 LNB_SW = 20000000 LNB_LOF1 = 11250000 LNB_LOF2 = 14350000 [4104] Name = Dish 129 W Satpos = -1290 Diseqc 1 = 7 Diseqc 2 = 0 22kHz = Off gotox = 0 LNB_SW = 20000000 LNB_LOF1 = 11250000 LNB_LOF2 = 14350000 [USALS] Latitude = 38.90 Longitude = -77.04 [General] InitialONID=4100 Repeats = 0 MovementTimeSec = 20 End of DiSEqC file dump ========================================================= 2011-01-06 15:05:13.130 #2: Cannot load tuner device and connect network provider, error 0x00000000 2011-01-06 15:05:13.130 #2: Error: Could not Build the BDA filter graph 2011-01-06 15:05:13.146 Loading DiSEqC info from "C:\dvb4sage\diseqc.ini" ========================================================= DiSEqC file dump: [256] Name = Bev 91 W Satpos = -910 Diseqc 1 = 0 Diseqc 2 = 0 22kHz = Off gotox = 0 LNB_SW = 0 LNB_LOF1 = 11250000 LNB_LOF2 = 11250000 2011-01-06 15:05:13.150 #1: Using tuning request-based tuning method... [257] Name = Bev 82 W Satpos = -820 Diseqc 1 = 0 Diseqc 2 = 0 22kHz = Off gotox = 0 LNB_SW = 0 LNB_LOF1 = 11250000 LNB_LOF2 = 11250000 [4100] Name = Dish 119 W Satpos = -1190 Diseqc 1 = 5 Diseqc 2 = 0 22kHz = Off gotox = 0 LNB_SW = 20000000 LNB_LOF1 = 11250000 LNB_LOF2 = 14350000 [4102] Name = Dish 110 W Satpos = -1100 Diseqc 1 = 6 Diseqc 2 = 0 22kHz = Off gotox = 0 LNB_SW = 20000000 LNB_LOF1 = 11250000 LNB_LOF2 = 14350000 [4104] Name = Dish 129 W Satpos = -1290 Diseqc 1 = 7 Diseqc 2 = 0 22kHz = Off gotox = 0 LNB_SW = 20000000 LNB_LOF1 = 11250000 LNB_LOF2 = 14350000 [USALS] Latitude = 38.90 Longitude = -77.04 [General] InitialONID=4100 Repeats = 0 MovementTimeSec = 20 End of DiSEqC file dump ========================================================= 2011-01-06 15:05:13.432 #3: Cannot load tuner device and connect network provider, error 0x00000000 2011-01-06 15:05:13.432 #3: Error: Could not Build the BDA filter graph 2011-01-06 15:05:13.475 Loading DiSEqC info from "C:\dvb4sage\diseqc.ini" ========================================================= DiSEqC file dump: [256] Name = Bev 91 W Satpos = -910 Diseqc 1 = 0 Diseqc 2 = 0 22kHz = Off gotox = 0 LNB_SW = 0 LNB_LOF1 = 11250000 LNB_LOF2 = 11250000 [257] Name = Bev 82 W Satpos = -820 Diseqc 1 = 0 Diseqc 2 = 0 22kHz = Off gotox = 0 LNB_SW = 0 LNB_LOF1 = 11250000 LNB_LOF2 = 11250000 [4100] Name = Dish 119 W Satpos = -1190 Diseqc 1 = 5 Diseqc 2 = 0 22kHz = Off gotox = 0 LNB_SW = 20000000 LNB_LOF1 = 11250000 LNB_LOF2 = 14350000 [4102] Name = Dish 110 W Satpos = -1100 Diseqc 1 = 6 Diseqc 2 = 0 22kHz = Off gotox = 0 LNB_SW = 20000000 LNB_LOF1 = 11250000 LNB_LOF2 = 14350000 [4104] Name = Dish 129 W Satpos = -1290 Diseqc 1 = 7 Diseqc 2 = 0 22kHz = Off gotox = 0 LNB_SW = 20000000 LNB_LOF1 = 11250000 LNB_LOF2 = 14350000 [USALS] Latitude = 38.90 Longitude = -77.04 [General] InitialONID=4100 Repeats = 0 MovementTimeSec = 20 End of DiSEqC file dump ========================================================= 2011-01-06 15:05:13.515 #4: Cannot load tuner device and connect network provider, error 0x00000000 2011-01-06 15:05:13.515 #4: Error: Could not Build the BDA filter graph 2011-01-06 15:05:13.582 #1: Starting initial run for autodiscovery, transponder data: Frequency=12559000, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:13.602 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2011-01-06 15:05:13.602 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=7) 2011-01-06 15:05:13.626 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=3) 2011-01-06 15:05:13.721 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=15) 2011-01-06 15:05:13.721 #1: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0x20(32), CAID=0x1800(6144), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.722 #1: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0x120(288), CAID=0x1801(6145), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.723 #1: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0x120(288), CAID=0x1810(6160), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.723 #1: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0x120(288), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.724 #1: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0x350(848), CAID=0x182E(6190), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.725 #1: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0x120(288), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.769 #1: Current network NID is 4102 2011-01-06 15:05:13.769 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2584, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:13.770 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2586, Frequency=12588500, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:13.770 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2588, Frequency=12471860, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:13.771 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2591, Frequency=12661400, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:13.771 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2593, Frequency=12544760, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:13.772 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2595, Frequency=12573920, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:13.772 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2597, Frequency=12603080, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:13.773 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2599, Frequency=12632240, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:13.817 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4105 with TID=301, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:13.817 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4105 with TID=302, Frequency=12238580, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:13.818 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4105 with TID=303, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:13.818 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4105 with TID=305, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:13.819 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4105 with TID=307, Frequency=12311480, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:13.819 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4105 with TID=309, Frequency=12340640, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:13.820 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4105 with TID=311, Frequency=12369800, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:13.820 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4105 with TID=313, Frequency=12398960, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:13.821 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4105 with TID=315, Frequency=12428120, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:13.822 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4105 with TID=317, Frequency=12457280, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:13.822 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4105 with TID=319, Frequency=12486440, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:13.823 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4105 with TID=321, Frequency=12515600, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:13.823 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4105 with TID=323, Frequency=12544760, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:13.824 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4105 with TID=325, Frequency=12573920, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:13.824 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4105 with TID=327, Frequency=12603080, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:13.825 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4105 with TID=328, Frequency=12617660, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:13.825 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4105 with TID=329, Frequency=12632240, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:13.826 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4105 with TID=331, Frequency=12661400, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:13.840 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=14) 2011-01-06 15:05:13.841 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=630(0x276) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:13.841 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=630, ECM PID=0x1A5(421), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.842 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=630, ECM PID=0xA3(163), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.843 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=630(0x276) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:13.843 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=630, ECM PID=0x1A5(421), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.843 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=630, ECM PID=0xA3(163), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.864 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=561(0x231) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:13.865 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=561, ECM PID=0x1AC(428), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.865 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=561, ECM PID=0xAC(172), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.866 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=561(0x231) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:13.866 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=561, ECM PID=0x1AC(428), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.867 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=561, ECM PID=0xAC(172), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.868 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=562(0x232) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:13.868 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=562, ECM PID=0x1B4(436), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.869 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=562, ECM PID=0xB4(180), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.869 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=562(0x232) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:13.870 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=562, ECM PID=0x1B4(436), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.870 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=562, ECM PID=0xB4(180), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.888 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=564(0x234) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:13.889 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=564, ECM PID=0x1B6(438), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.890 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=564, ECM PID=0xB6(182), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.890 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=564(0x234) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:13.890 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=564, ECM PID=0x1B6(438), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.891 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=564, ECM PID=0xB6(182), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.912 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=567(0x237) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:13.912 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=567, ECM PID=0x1B8(440), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.913 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=567, ECM PID=0xB8(184), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.914 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=567(0x237) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:13.914 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=567, ECM PID=0x1B8(440), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.915 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=567, ECM PID=0xB8(184), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.915 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=417, Frequency=12457280, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:13.916 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=418, Frequency=12471860, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:13.916 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=419, Frequency=12486440, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:13.917 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=420, Frequency=12501020, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:13.917 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=421, Frequency=12515600, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:13.918 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=422, Frequency=12530180, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:13.918 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=423, Frequency=12544760, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:13.919 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=424, Frequency=12559340, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:13.920 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=425, Frequency=12573920, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:13.920 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=426, Frequency=12588500, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:13.936 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=569(0x239) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:13.936 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=569, ECM PID=0x1BA(442), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.937 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=569, ECM PID=0xBA(186), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.938 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=569(0x239) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:13.938 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=569, ECM PID=0x1BA(442), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.939 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=569, ECM PID=0xBA(186), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.960 #1: PID=6434(0x1922) of SID=572(0x23C) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:13.960 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=6434, SID=572, ECM PID=0x16C(364), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.961 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=6434, SID=572, ECM PID=0x6C(108), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.962 #1: PID=6435(0x1923) of SID=572(0x23C) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:13.962 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=6435, SID=572, ECM PID=0x16C(364), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.963 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=6435, SID=572, ECM PID=0x6C(108), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.984 #1: PID=6946(0x1B22) of SID=5801(0x16A9) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:13.984 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=6946, SID=5801, ECM PID=0x12A(298), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.985 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=6946, SID=5801, ECM PID=0x2A(42), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.985 #1: PID=6947(0x1B23) of SID=5801(0x16A9) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:13.986 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=6947, SID=5801, ECM PID=0x12A(298), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.986 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=6947, SID=5801, ECM PID=0x2A(42), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.987 #1: PID=6434(0x1922) of SID=5800(0x16A8) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:13.987 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=6434, SID=5800, ECM PID=0x12C(300), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.988 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=6434, SID=5800, ECM PID=0x2C(44), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.989 #1: PID=6435(0x1923) of SID=5800(0x16A8) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:13.989 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=6435, SID=5800, ECM PID=0x12C(300), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:13.990 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=6435, SID=5800, ECM PID=0x2C(44), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.008 #1: PID=4130(0x1022) of SID=5804(0x16AC) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.008 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=4130, SID=5804, ECM PID=0x122(290), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.009 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=4130, SID=5804, ECM PID=0x22(34), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.009 #1: PID=4131(0x1023) of SID=5804(0x16AC) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.012 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=4131, SID=5804, ECM PID=0x122(290), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.013 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=4131, SID=5804, ECM PID=0x22(34), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.031 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=427, Frequency=12603080, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.032 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=428, Frequency=12617660, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.033 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=429, Frequency=12632240, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.033 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=430, Frequency=12646820, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.034 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=431, Frequency=12661400, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.034 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=432, Frequency=12675980, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.035 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4001, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.035 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4002, Frequency=12238580, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.036 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4003, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.036 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4004, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.037 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4005, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.037 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4006, Frequency=12296900, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.038 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4007, Frequency=12311480, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.038 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4008, Frequency=12326060, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.039 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4009, Frequency=12340640, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.039 #1: PID=4386(0x1122) of SID=5805(0x16AD) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.040 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=4386, SID=5805, ECM PID=0x123(291), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.040 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=4386, SID=5805, ECM PID=0x23(35), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.041 #1: PID=4387(0x1123) of SID=5805(0x16AD) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.041 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=4387, SID=5805, ECM PID=0x123(291), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.042 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=4387, SID=5805, ECM PID=0x23(35), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.055 #1: PID=4642(0x1222) of SID=5806(0x16AE) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.056 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=4642, SID=5806, ECM PID=0x124(292), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.056 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=4642, SID=5806, ECM PID=0x24(36), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.057 #1: PID=4643(0x1223) of SID=5806(0x16AE) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.057 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=4643, SID=5806, ECM PID=0x124(292), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.058 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=4643, SID=5806, ECM PID=0x24(36), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.079 #1: PID=4898(0x1322) of SID=5807(0x16AF) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.079 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=4898, SID=5807, ECM PID=0x125(293), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.080 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=4898, SID=5807, ECM PID=0x25(37), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.081 #1: PID=4899(0x1323) of SID=5807(0x16AF) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.081 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=4899, SID=5807, ECM PID=0x125(293), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.082 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=4899, SID=5807, ECM PID=0x25(37), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.103 #1: PID=5154(0x1422) of SID=5808(0x16B0) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.103 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=5154, SID=5808, ECM PID=0x126(294), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.104 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=5154, SID=5808, ECM PID=0x26(38), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.105 #1: PID=5155(0x1423) of SID=5808(0x16B0) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.105 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=5155, SID=5808, ECM PID=0x126(294), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.106 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=5155, SID=5808, ECM PID=0x26(38), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.127 #1: PID=5410(0x1522) of SID=5809(0x16B1) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.127 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=5410, SID=5809, ECM PID=0x127(295), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.128 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=5410, SID=5809, ECM PID=0x27(39), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.129 #1: PID=5411(0x1523) of SID=5809(0x16B1) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.129 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=5411, SID=5809, ECM PID=0x127(295), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.129 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=5411, SID=5809, ECM PID=0x27(39), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.130 #1: PID=5666(0x1622) of SID=5810(0x16B2) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.130 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=5666, SID=5810, ECM PID=0x128(296), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.131 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=5666, SID=5810, ECM PID=0x28(40), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.132 #1: PID=5667(0x1623) of SID=5810(0x16B2) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.132 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=5667, SID=5810, ECM PID=0x128(296), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.133 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=5667, SID=5810, ECM PID=0x28(40), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.151 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4010, Frequency=12355220, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.151 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4011, Frequency=12369800, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.152 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4012, Frequency=12384380, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.153 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4013, Frequency=12398960, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.153 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4014, Frequency=12413540, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:14.154 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4015, Frequency=12428120, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:14.154 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4016, Frequency=12442700, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.155 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4101, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.156 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4102, Frequency=12238580, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.156 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4103, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.157 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4104, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.157 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4105, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.158 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4106, Frequency=12296900, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.158 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4107, Frequency=12311480, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.159 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4108, Frequency=12326060, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.160 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4109, Frequency=12340640, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.161 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4110, Frequency=12355220, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.161 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4111, Frequency=12369800, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.162 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4112, Frequency=12384380, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.162 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4113, Frequency=12398960, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.163 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4114, Frequency=12413540, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.163 #1: PID=5922(0x1722) of SID=5811(0x16B3) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.164 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=5922, SID=5811, ECM PID=0x129(297), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.165 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=5922, SID=5811, ECM PID=0x29(41), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.165 #1: PID=5923(0x1723) of SID=5811(0x16B3) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.166 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=5923, SID=5811, ECM PID=0x129(297), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.166 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=5923, SID=5811, ECM PID=0x29(41), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.175 #1: PID=7202(0x1C22) of SID=5812(0x16B4) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.175 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7202, SID=5812, ECM PID=0x12B(299), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.176 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7202, SID=5812, ECM PID=0x2B(43), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.176 #1: PID=7203(0x1C23) of SID=5812(0x16B4) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.177 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7203, SID=5812, ECM PID=0x12B(299), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.178 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7203, SID=5812, ECM PID=0x2B(43), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.198 #1: PID=6178(0x1822) of SID=5813(0x16B5) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.199 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=6178, SID=5813, ECM PID=0x12E(302), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.200 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=6178, SID=5813, ECM PID=0x2E(46), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.200 #1: PID=6179(0x1823) of SID=5813(0x16B5) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.201 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=6179, SID=5813, ECM PID=0x12E(302), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.201 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=6179, SID=5813, ECM PID=0x2E(46), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.222 #1: PID=6946(0x1B22) of SID=626(0x272) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.223 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=6946, SID=626, ECM PID=0x1AF(431), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.223 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=6946, SID=626, ECM PID=0xAF(175), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.224 #1: PID=6947(0x1B23) of SID=626(0x272) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.224 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=6947, SID=626, ECM PID=0x1AF(431), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.225 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=6947, SID=626, ECM PID=0xAF(175), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.246 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=148(0x94) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.247 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=148, ECM PID=0x167(359), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.247 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=148, ECM PID=0x67(103), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.248 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=148(0x94) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.248 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=148, ECM PID=0x167(359), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.249 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=148, ECM PID=0x67(103), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.250 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4115, Frequency=12428120, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.250 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4116, Frequency=12442700, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.251 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4172, Frequency=12238580, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.252 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4173, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.252 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4174, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.253 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4175, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.253 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4176, Frequency=12296900, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.254 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4177, Frequency=12311480, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.254 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4178, Frequency=12326060, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.255 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4179, Frequency=12340640, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.256 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4180, Frequency=12355220, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.256 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4181, Frequency=12369800, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.257 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4182, Frequency=12384380, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.257 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4183, Frequency=12398960, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.258 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4184, Frequency=12413540, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.258 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4185, Frequency=12428120, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.259 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4186, Frequency=12442700, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.260 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4201, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.260 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4202, Frequency=12238580, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:14.261 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4203, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.261 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4204, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.262 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4205, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.262 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4206, Frequency=12296900, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.263 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4207, Frequency=12311480, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.263 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4208, Frequency=12326060, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.264 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4209, Frequency=12340640, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.265 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=433(0x1B1) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.265 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=433, ECM PID=0x171(369), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.266 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=433, ECM PID=0x71(113), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.266 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=433(0x1B1) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.267 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=433, ECM PID=0x171(369), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.267 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=433, ECM PID=0x71(113), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.270 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=5440(0x1540) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.271 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=5440, ECM PID=0x1A4(420), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.271 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=5440, ECM PID=0xAA(170), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.272 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=5440(0x1540) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.272 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=5440, ECM PID=0x1A4(420), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.273 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=5440, ECM PID=0xAA(170), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.294 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=5442(0x1542) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.294 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=5442, ECM PID=0x181(385), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.295 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=5442, ECM PID=0x81(129), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.296 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=5442(0x1542) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.296 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=5442, ECM PID=0x181(385), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.297 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=5442, ECM PID=0x81(129), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.318 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=5443(0x1543) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.318 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=5443, ECM PID=0x183(387), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.319 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=5443, ECM PID=0x83(131), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.320 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=5443(0x1543) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.320 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=5443, ECM PID=0x183(387), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.321 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=5443, ECM PID=0x83(131), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.342 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=453(0x1C5) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.342 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=453, ECM PID=0x1B0(432), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.343 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=453, ECM PID=0xB0(176), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.343 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=453(0x1C5) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.344 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=453, ECM PID=0x1B0(432), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.344 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=453, ECM PID=0xB0(176), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.366 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=448(0x1C0) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.366 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=448, ECM PID=0x1B7(439), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.367 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=448, ECM PID=0xB7(183), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.367 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=448(0x1C0) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.368 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=448, ECM PID=0x1B7(439), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.368 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=448, ECM PID=0xB7(183), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.369 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4210, Frequency=12355220, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.370 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4212, Frequency=12384380, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.370 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4213, Frequency=12398960, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.371 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4214, Frequency=12413540, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.371 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4215, Frequency=12428120, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.372 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4216, Frequency=12442700, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.372 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4301, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.373 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4302, Frequency=12238580, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.373 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4303, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.374 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4304, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:14.375 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4305, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.376 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4306, Frequency=12296900, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:14.377 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4307, Frequency=12311480, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.377 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4308, Frequency=12326060, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.378 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4309, Frequency=12340640, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.379 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4310, Frequency=12355220, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.379 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4311, Frequency=12369800, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.380 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4312, Frequency=12384380, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.381 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4313, Frequency=12398960, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.381 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4314, Frequency=12413540, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.382 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4315, Frequency=12428120, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.382 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4316, Frequency=12442700, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.383 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4371, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.384 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=450(0x1C2) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.384 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=450, ECM PID=0x1B2(434), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.385 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=450, ECM PID=0xB3(179), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.385 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=450(0x1C2) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.386 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=450, ECM PID=0x1B2(434), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.386 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=450, ECM PID=0xB3(179), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.390 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=446(0x1BE) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.390 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=446, ECM PID=0x1AD(429), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.391 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=446, ECM PID=0xA7(167), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.391 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=446(0x1BE) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.392 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=446, ECM PID=0x1AD(429), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.392 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=446, ECM PID=0xA7(167), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.413 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=465(0x1D1) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.414 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=465, ECM PID=0x1A1(417), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.414 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=465, ECM PID=0xA9(169), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.415 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=465(0x1D1) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.415 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=465, ECM PID=0x1A1(417), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.416 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=465, ECM PID=0xA9(169), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.437 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=466(0x1D2) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.438 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=466, ECM PID=0x16D(365), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.438 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=466, ECM PID=0x6D(109), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.439 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=466(0x1D2) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.439 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=466, ECM PID=0x16D(365), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.440 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=466, ECM PID=0x6D(109), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.461 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=631(0x277) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.461 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=631, ECM PID=0x1A7(423), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.462 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=631, ECM PID=0xA5(165), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.463 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=631(0x277) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.463 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=631, ECM PID=0x1A7(423), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.464 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=631, ECM PID=0xA5(165), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.465 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4372, Frequency=12238580, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.465 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4373, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:14.466 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4374, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.466 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4375, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.467 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4376, Frequency=12296900, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.467 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4377, Frequency=12311480, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.468 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4378, Frequency=12326060, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.468 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4379, Frequency=12340640, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.469 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4380, Frequency=12355220, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.469 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4381, Frequency=12369800, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.470 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4382, Frequency=12384380, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.470 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4383, Frequency=12398960, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:14.471 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4384, Frequency=12413540, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.471 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4385, Frequency=12428120, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.472 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4386, Frequency=12442700, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.472 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4401, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.473 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4402, Frequency=12238580, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.473 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4403, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.474 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4404, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.475 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4405, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.475 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4406, Frequency=12296900, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.476 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4407, Frequency=12311480, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.476 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4408, Frequency=12326060, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:14.477 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4409, Frequency=12340640, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.485 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=633(0x279) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.485 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=633, ECM PID=0x1A3(419), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.486 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=633, ECM PID=0xA2(162), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.487 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=633(0x279) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.487 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=633, ECM PID=0x1A3(419), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.488 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=633, ECM PID=0xA2(162), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.488 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=634(0x27A) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.489 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=634, ECM PID=0x1A9(425), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.489 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=634, ECM PID=0xA6(166), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.490 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=634(0x27A) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.490 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=634, ECM PID=0x1A9(425), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.491 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=634, ECM PID=0xA6(166), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.509 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=636(0x27C) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.509 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=636, ECM PID=0x1AA(426), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.510 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=636, ECM PID=0xA8(168), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.511 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=636(0x27C) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.511 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=636, ECM PID=0x1AA(426), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.511 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=636, ECM PID=0xA8(168), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.533 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=637(0x27D) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.533 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=637, ECM PID=0x1A8(424), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.534 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=637, ECM PID=0xA4(164), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.535 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=637(0x27D) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.535 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=637, ECM PID=0x1A8(424), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.535 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=637, ECM PID=0xA4(164), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.557 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=638(0x27E) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.557 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=638, ECM PID=0x1B5(437), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.558 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=638, ECM PID=0xB5(181), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.558 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=638(0x27E) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.558 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=638, ECM PID=0x1B5(437), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.559 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=638, ECM PID=0xB5(181), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.580 #1: PID=6690(0x1A22) of SID=5856(0x16E0) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.581 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=6690, SID=5856, ECM PID=0x13B(315), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.581 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=6690, SID=5856, ECM PID=0x3B(59), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.582 #1: PID=6691(0x1A23) of SID=5856(0x16E0) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.582 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=6691, SID=5856, ECM PID=0x13B(315), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.583 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=6691, SID=5856, ECM PID=0x3B(59), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.604 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4410, Frequency=12355220, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.605 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4411, Frequency=12369800, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.605 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4412, Frequency=12384380, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:14.606 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4413, Frequency=12398960, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.606 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4414, Frequency=12413540, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.607 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4415, Frequency=12428120, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.607 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4416, Frequency=12442700, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.608 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4501, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.608 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4502, Frequency=12238580, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.609 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4503, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.609 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4504, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.610 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4505, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.611 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4506, Frequency=12296900, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.611 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4507, Frequency=12311480, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.612 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4508, Frequency=12326060, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.612 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4509, Frequency=12340640, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:14.613 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4510, Frequency=12355220, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.613 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4511, Frequency=12369800, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.614 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4512, Frequency=12384380, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.614 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4513, Frequency=12398960, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.615 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4514, Frequency=12413540, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.615 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=147(0x93) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.616 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=147, ECM PID=0x162(354), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.616 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=147, ECM PID=0x62(98), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.617 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=147(0x93) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.617 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=147, ECM PID=0x162(354), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.618 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=147, ECM PID=0x62(98), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.619 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=449(0x1C1) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.619 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=449, ECM PID=0x1BC(444), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.620 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=449, ECM PID=0xBD(189), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.620 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=449(0x1C1) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.621 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=449, ECM PID=0x1BC(444), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.621 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=449, ECM PID=0xBD(189), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.628 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=467(0x1D3) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.629 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=467, ECM PID=0x177(375), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.629 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=467, ECM PID=0x77(119), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.630 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=467(0x1D3) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.630 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=467, ECM PID=0x177(375), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.631 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=467, ECM PID=0x77(119), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.652 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4515, Frequency=12428120, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:14.653 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4516, Frequency=12442700, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.653 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4572, Frequency=12238580, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.654 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4573, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.654 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4574, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.655 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4575, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.655 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4576, Frequency=12296900, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.656 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4577, Frequency=12311480, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.656 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4578, Frequency=12326060, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.657 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4579, Frequency=12340640, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.658 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4580, Frequency=12355220, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.658 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4581, Frequency=12369800, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.659 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4582, Frequency=12384380, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.659 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4583, Frequency=12398960, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.660 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4584, Frequency=12413540, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.660 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4585, Frequency=12428120, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.661 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4104 with TID=4586, Frequency=12442700, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.661 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=479(0x1DF) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.661 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=479, ECM PID=0x180(384), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.662 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=479, ECM PID=0x80(128), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.663 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=479(0x1DF) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.663 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=479, ECM PID=0x180(384), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.664 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=479, ECM PID=0x80(128), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.676 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=475(0x1DB) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.676 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=475, ECM PID=0x1BB(443), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.677 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=475, ECM PID=0xBC(188), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.678 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=475(0x1DB) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.678 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=475, ECM PID=0x1BB(443), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.679 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=475, ECM PID=0xBC(188), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.700 #1: PID=7714(0x1E22) of SID=477(0x1DD) has Type=0x02 2011-01-06 15:05:14.700 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=477, ECM PID=0x1A6(422), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.701 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7714, SID=477, ECM PID=0xAE(174), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.701 #1: PID=7715(0x1E23) of SID=477(0x1DD) has Type=0x04 2011-01-06 15:05:14.702 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=477, ECM PID=0x1A6(422), CAID=0x1840(6208), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.702 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=7715, SID=477, ECM PID=0xAE(174), CAID=0x1816(6166), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-01-06 15:05:14.703 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4106 with TID=513, Frequency=12398960, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.704 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4106 with TID=515, Frequency=12428120, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.704 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4106 with TID=516, Frequency=12442700, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.705 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4106 with TID=517, Frequency=12457280, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=1/2 2011-01-06 15:05:14.705 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4106 with TID=518, Frequency=12471860, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.706 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4106 with TID=521, Frequency=12515600, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.795 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=701, Frequency=11714750, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=702, Frequency=11727750, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=703, Frequency=11745250, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.797 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=704, Frequency=11758250, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.798 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=705, Frequency=11775750, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.798 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=706, Frequency=11788750, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.799 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=707, Frequency=11806250, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.799 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=708, Frequency=11819250, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.800 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=709, Frequency=11836750, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.800 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=710, Frequency=11849750, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.801 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=711, Frequency=11867250, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.801 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=712, Frequency=11880250, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.802 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=713, Frequency=11897750, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.802 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=714, Frequency=11910750, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.803 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=715, Frequency=11928250, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.803 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=716, Frequency=11941250, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.804 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=717, Frequency=11958750, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.804 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=718, Frequency=11971750, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=16QAM, FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:14.867 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=719, Frequency=11989250, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.868 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=720, Frequency=12002250, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.868 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=721, Frequency=12019750, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.869 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=722, Frequency=12032750, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.869 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=723, Frequency=12050250, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.870 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=724, Frequency=12063250, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.870 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=725, Frequency=12080750, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.871 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=726, Frequency=12093750, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.871 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=727, Frequency=12111250, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.872 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=728, Frequency=12124250, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.872 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=729, Frequency=12141750, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.873 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=730, Frequency=12154750, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:14.873 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4097 with TID=732, Frequency=12185250, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:15.010 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4099 with TID=801, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=R, Modulation=16QAM, FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:15.011 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4099 with TID=802, Frequency=12238580, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=L, Modulation=16QAM, FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:15.011 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4099 with TID=804, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=L, Modulation=16QAM, FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:15.012 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4099 with TID=805, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=R, Modulation=16QAM, FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:15.012 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4099 with TID=806, Frequency=12296900, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=L, Modulation=16QAM, FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:15.013 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4099 with TID=808, Frequency=12326060, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=L, Modulation=16QAM, FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:15.013 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4099 with TID=809, Frequency=12340640, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=R, Modulation=16QAM, FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:15.014 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4099 with TID=810, Frequency=12355220, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=L, Modulation=16QAM, FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:15.014 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4099 with TID=812, Frequency=12384380, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=L, Modulation=16QAM, FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:15.015 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4099 with TID=813, Frequency=12398960, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=R, Modulation=16QAM, FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:15.015 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4099 with TID=814, Frequency=12413540, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=L, Modulation=16QAM, FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:15.016 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4099 with TID=816, Frequency=12442700, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=L, Modulation=16QAM, FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:15.016 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4099 with TID=817, Frequency=12457280, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=R, Modulation=16QAM, FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:15.017 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4099 with TID=818, Frequency=12471860, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=L, Modulation=16QAM, FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:15.017 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4099 with TID=820, Frequency=12501020, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=L, Modulation=16QAM, FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:15.018 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4099 with TID=821, Frequency=12515600, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=R, Modulation=16QAM, FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:15.018 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4099 with TID=822, Frequency=12530180, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=L, Modulation=16QAM, FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:15.019 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4099 with TID=824, Frequency=12559340, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=L, Modulation=16QAM, FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:15.019 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4099 with TID=825, Frequency=12573920, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=R, Modulation=16QAM, FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:15.020 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4099 with TID=828, Frequency=12617660, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=L, Modulation=16QAM, FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:15.021 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4099 with TID=829, Frequency=12632240, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=R, Modulation=16QAM, FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:15.021 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4099 with TID=830, Frequency=12646820, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=L, Modulation=16QAM, FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:15.022 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4099 with TID=832, Frequency=12675980, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=L, Modulation=16QAM, FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:15.130 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4101 with TID=901, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.130 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4101 with TID=903, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.131 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4101 with TID=905, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.131 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4101 with TID=906, Frequency=12296900, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.132 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4101 with TID=907, Frequency=12311480, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.132 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4101 with TID=909, Frequency=12340640, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.133 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4101 with TID=911, Frequency=12369800, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.225 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4101 with TID=912, Frequency=12384380, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.226 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4101 with TID=913, Frequency=12398960, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.226 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4101 with TID=915, Frequency=12428120, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.227 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4101 with TID=916, Frequency=12442700, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.227 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4101 with TID=917, Frequency=12457280, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.228 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4101 with TID=918, Frequency=12471860, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.228 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4101 with TID=919, Frequency=12486440, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.229 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4101 with TID=921, Frequency=12515600, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.229 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4101 with TID=922, Frequency=12530180, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.297 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4101 with TID=923, Frequency=12544760, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.297 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4101 with TID=925, Frequency=12573920, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.298 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4101 with TID=927, Frequency=12603080, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.298 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4101 with TID=928, Frequency=12617660, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.299 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4101 with TID=929, Frequency=12632240, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.368 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4101 with TID=931, Frequency=12661400, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.369 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4101 with TID=932, Frequency=12675980, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.583 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6, Frequency=12296900, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.584 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=7, Frequency=12311480, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.584 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=8, Frequency=12326060, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.585 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=9, Frequency=12340640, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.585 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=10, Frequency=12355220, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.586 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=11, Frequency=12369800, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.586 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=12, Frequency=12384380, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.587 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=13, Frequency=12398960, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.703 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=14, Frequency=12413540, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.703 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=15, Frequency=12428120, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.704 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=16, Frequency=12442700, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.704 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=17, Frequency=12457280, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.705 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=18, Frequency=12471860, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.705 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=19, Frequency=12486440, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.706 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=20, Frequency=12501020, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.706 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=21, Frequency=12515600, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.822 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6001, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.823 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6002, Frequency=12238580, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.823 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6003, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.824 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6004, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.824 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6005, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.825 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6101, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.826 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6102, Frequency=12238580, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.826 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6103, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.827 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6104, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.827 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6105, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6144, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6152, Frequency=12238580, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.829 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6154, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.829 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6161, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.830 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6165, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.831 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6191, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.831 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6193, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.832 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6195, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.917 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6201, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.918 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6202, Frequency=12238580, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.918 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6203, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.919 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6204, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.920 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6205, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.920 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6252, Frequency=12238580, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.921 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6254, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.921 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6291, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.922 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6293, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:15.922 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6295, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.923 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6301, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.923 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6302, Frequency=12238580, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.924 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6303, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:15.924 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6304, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:15.925 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6305, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.037 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6352, Frequency=12238580, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.037 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6354, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.038 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6381, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.038 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6385, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.039 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6391, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.039 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6393, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.040 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6395, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.040 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6401, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.041 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6402, Frequency=12238580, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.041 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6404, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.042 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6405, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.042 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6452, Frequency=12238580, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.043 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6454, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.043 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6491, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.044 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6493, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.044 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6495, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.045 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6501, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.045 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6502, Frequency=12238580, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.108 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6503, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.109 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6504, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.109 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6505, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.110 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6552, Frequency=12238580, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.110 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6554, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.111 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6571, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.111 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6573, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.112 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6592, Frequency=12238580, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.113 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6593, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.113 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6594, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.114 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4100 with TID=6595, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.228 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=102, Frequency=12238580, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.228 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=104, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.229 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=106, Frequency=12296900, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.229 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=108, Frequency=12326060, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.230 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=110, Frequency=12355220, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.230 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=112, Frequency=12384380, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.231 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=114, Frequency=12413540, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.231 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=116, Frequency=12442700, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.232 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=117, Frequency=12457280, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.232 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=118, Frequency=12471860, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.233 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=119, Frequency=12486440, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.233 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=120, Frequency=12501020, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=121, Frequency=12515600, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=122, Frequency=12530180, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.347 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=123, Frequency=12544760, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.347 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=124, Frequency=12559340, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.348 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=125, Frequency=12573920, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.348 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=126, Frequency=12588500, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.349 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=127, Frequency=12603080, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.350 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=128, Frequency=12617660, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.350 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=129, Frequency=12632240, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.351 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=130, Frequency=12646820, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.351 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=131, Frequency=12661400, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.352 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=132, Frequency=12675980, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.352 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1103, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.353 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1201, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.354 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1203, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.442 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1207, Frequency=12311480, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.443 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1209, Frequency=12340640, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.444 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1215, Frequency=12428120, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.444 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1301, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.445 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1303, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.445 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1305, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.446 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1307, Frequency=12311480, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.446 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1309, Frequency=12340640, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.447 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1311, Frequency=12369800, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.447 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1313, Frequency=12398960, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.448 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1315, Frequency=12428120, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.448 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1401, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.449 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1403, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:16.449 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1405, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.450 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1407, Frequency=12311480, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.450 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1409, Frequency=12340640, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.451 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1411, Frequency=12369800, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.451 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1413, Frequency=12398960, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.562 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1415, Frequency=12428120, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.562 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1501, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.563 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1503, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.563 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1505, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.564 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1507, Frequency=12311480, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.564 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1509, Frequency=12340640, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.565 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1511, Frequency=12369800, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.565 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1513, Frequency=12398960, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.566 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1515, Frequency=12428120, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.566 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1601, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.567 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1603, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:16.568 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1605, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.568 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1607, Frequency=12311480, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.569 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1609, Frequency=12340640, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.569 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1611, Frequency=12369800, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.570 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1613, Frequency=12398960, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.657 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1615, Frequency=12428120, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.658 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1701, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.658 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1703, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.659 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1705, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.659 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1707, Frequency=12311480, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.660 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1709, Frequency=12340640, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.660 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1711, Frequency=12369800, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.661 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1713, Frequency=12398960, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.662 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1715, Frequency=12428120, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.662 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1801, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.663 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1803, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.663 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1805, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.664 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1807, Frequency=12311480, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.664 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1809, Frequency=12340640, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.665 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1811, Frequency=12369800, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.665 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1813, Frequency=12398960, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.666 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1815, Frequency=12428120, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.666 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1901, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.705 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1903, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.706 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1905, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.706 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1907, Frequency=12311480, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.707 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1909, Frequency=12340640, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.707 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1911, Frequency=12369800, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.708 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1913, Frequency=12398960, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.708 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4098 with TID=1915, Frequency=12428120, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.801 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=201, Frequency=12224000, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.801 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=202, Frequency=12238580, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.802 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=203, Frequency=12253160, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.803 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=205, Frequency=12282320, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.803 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=206, Frequency=12296900, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.804 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=207, Frequency=12311480, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.804 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=208, Frequency=12326060, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.805 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=209, Frequency=12340640, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.805 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=210, Frequency=12355220, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.920 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=211, Frequency=12369800, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.921 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=213, Frequency=12398960, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.921 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=214, Frequency=12413540, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.922 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=215, Frequency=12428120, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.922 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=216, Frequency=12442700, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.923 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=217, Frequency=12457280, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.923 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=219, Frequency=12486440, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:16.924 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=221, Frequency=12515600, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.924 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=222, Frequency=12530180, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.925 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=224, Frequency=12559340, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=7/8 2011-01-06 15:05:16.925 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2040, Frequency=12501020, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:17.039 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2042, Frequency=12384380, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.040 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2044, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.040 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2046, Frequency=12588500, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.041 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2048, Frequency=12471860, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:17.041 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2053, Frequency=12544760, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:17.042 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2055, Frequency=12573920, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.042 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2059, Frequency=12632240, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:17.043 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2140, Frequency=12501020, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.043 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2142, Frequency=12384380, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:17.044 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2144, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:17.044 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2146, Frequency=12588500, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.045 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2148, Frequency=12471860, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:17.045 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2151, Frequency=12661400, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:17.046 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2155, Frequency=12573920, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.046 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2157, Frequency=12603080, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:17.135 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2159, Frequency=12632240, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:17.135 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2240, Frequency=12501020, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.136 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2244, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-01-06 15:05:17.136 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2246, Frequency=12588500, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.137 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2248, Frequency=12471860, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.137 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2251, Frequency=12661400, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.138 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2253, Frequency=12544760, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.139 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2255, Frequency=12573920, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.139 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2259, Frequency=12632240, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.140 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2260, Frequency=12501020, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:17.140 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2262, Frequency=12384380, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.141 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2264, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:17.141 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2271, Frequency=12661400, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=1/2 2011-01-06 15:05:17.142 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2273, Frequency=12544760, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.254 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2275, Frequency=12573920, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.255 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2277, Frequency=12603080, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.255 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2279, Frequency=12632240, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:17.256 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2282, Frequency=12384380, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.256 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2284, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.257 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2286, Frequency=12588500, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.257 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2288, Frequency=12471860, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.258 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2291, Frequency=12661400, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.258 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2297, Frequency=12603080, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.259 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2299, Frequency=12632240, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:17.259 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2340, Frequency=12501020, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.260 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2342, Frequency=12384380, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.260 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2344, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.350 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2346, Frequency=12588500, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.350 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2348, Frequency=12471860, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.351 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2353, Frequency=12544760, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.351 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2355, Frequency=12573920, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.352 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2357, Frequency=12603080, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.352 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2359, Frequency=12632240, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.353 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2360, Frequency=12501020, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.353 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2362, Frequency=12384380, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.354 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2364, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.354 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2371, Frequency=12661400, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:17.355 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2373, Frequency=12544760, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.355 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2375, Frequency=12573920, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=R, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:17.469 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2377, Frequency=12603080, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.470 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2379, Frequency=12632240, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.470 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2382, Frequency=12384380, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.471 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2384, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:17.471 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2386, Frequency=12588500, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.472 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2391, Frequency=12661400, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.472 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2393, Frequency=12544760, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.473 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2395, Frequency=12573920, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.473 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2397, Frequency=12603080, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.474 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2399, Frequency=12632240, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.474 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2440, Frequency=12501020, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.475 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2442, Frequency=12384380, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.475 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2444, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.588 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2446, Frequency=12588500, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.589 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2448, Frequency=12471860, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.589 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2451, Frequency=12661400, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.590 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2453, Frequency=12544760, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.590 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2455, Frequency=12573920, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.591 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2457, Frequency=12603080, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.591 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2459, Frequency=12632240, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.592 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2460, Frequency=12501020, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.592 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2462, Frequency=12384380, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.593 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2464, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.684 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2471, Frequency=12661400, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.684 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2473, Frequency=12544760, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.685 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2475, Frequency=12573920, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.685 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2477, Frequency=12603080, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.686 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2479, Frequency=12632240, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.686 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2482, Frequency=12384380, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.687 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2484, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.688 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2486, Frequency=12588500, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.688 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2488, Frequency=12471860, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.689 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2491, Frequency=12661400, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.803 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2493, Frequency=12544760, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.804 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2497, Frequency=12603080, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.804 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2499, Frequency=12632240, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.805 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2540, Frequency=12501020, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.805 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2542, Frequency=12384380, Symbol Rate=21500, Polarization=L, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-01-06 15:05:17.806 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2544, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.806 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2546, Frequency=12588500, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.807 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2548, Frequency=12471860, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.808 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2551, Frequency=12661400, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.808 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2553, Frequency=12544760, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.809 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2555, Frequency=12573920, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.809 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2557, Frequency=12603080, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.899 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2559, Frequency=12632240, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.899 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2560, Frequency=12501020, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.900 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2562, Frequency=12384380, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.900 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2564, Frequency=12267740, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.901 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2571, Frequency=12661400, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.901 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2573, Frequency=12544760, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.902 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2575, Frequency=12573920, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.902 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2577, Frequency=12603080, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.903 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2579, Frequency=12632240, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=R, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:05:17.904 #1: Found transponder for ONID=4102 with TID=2582, Frequency=12384380, Symbol Rate=20000, Polarization=L, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2011-01-06 15:06:33.583 #1: The initial run for autodiscovery finished 2011-01-06 15:06:33.596 #1: Signal locked, quality=94, strength=94 2011-01-06 15:06:33.631 #1: Graph successfully stopped 2011-01-06 17:03:10.891 Service SID=107 on ONID=4102 has Name="" 2011-01-06 17:03:10.893 Autodiscovery requested, but cannot find the transponder for SID=107 on ONID=4102 (""), no recording done! 2011-01-06 17:17:34.862 Service SID=107 on ONID=4102 has Name="" 2011-01-06 17:17:34.862 Autodiscovery requested, but cannot find the transponder for SID=107 on ONID=4102 (""), no recording done! 2011-01-06 17:17:44.087 Cannot obtain SID number for the channel "268828779", no recording done! 2011-01-06 17:18:01.162 Cannot obtain SID number for the channel "268828779", no recording done! 2011-01-06 17:19:21.156 Cannot obtain SID number for the channel "268959851", no recording done! 2011-01-06 17:19:28.574 Cannot obtain SID number for the channel "268697707", no recording done! 2011-01-06 17:19:43.805 Cannot obtain SID number for the channel "268960380", no recording done!