2011-04-04 18:44:55.272 DVBE4SAGE Encoder SVN revision 247 2011-04-04 18:44:55.288 Loading configuration info from "C:\Program Files (x86)\dvbe4sage\dvbe4sage.ini" ========================================================= Configuration file dump: [General] LogLevel=2 SetupType=DVBS NumberOfVirtualTuners=1 NorthAmerica=0 [Plugins] DCWTimeout=5 IsVGCam=0 MaxNumberOfResets=1 ServedCAIDs=96A ServedPROVIds= [Tuning] LNBSW=11700000 LNBLOF1=9750000 LNBLOF2=10600000 InitialFrequency=12394000 InitialSymbolRate=22500 InitialPolarization=H InitialModulation=QPSK (DVB-S) InitialFEC=3/4 DVBS2Tuners= TSPacketsPerBuffer=1024 NumberOfBuffers=400 TuningTimeout=20 TuningLockTimeout=5 InitialRunningTime=20 UseSidForTuning=1 UseNewTuningMethod=0 ScanAllTransponders=0 ExcludeTuners=1 ExcludeTunersMAC= IncludeTuners=2 IncludeTunersMAC= UseDiseqc=0 AutoDiscoverONID=0 IncludeONIDs= ExcludeONIDs= [Output] TSPacketsPerOutputBuffer=160000 TSPacketsOutputThreshold=135 DisableWriteBuffering=0 [Encoder] ListeningPort=6969 [Recording] PreferredAudioLanguage=eng PreferredAudioFormat=ac3 PreferredSubtitlesLanguage=eng [Advanced] PMTDilutionFactor=1 PATDilutionFactor=1 PMTThreshold=20 PSIMaturityTime=10 MaxECMCacheSize=3000 EnableECMCache=1 ECMCacheAutodeleteChunkSize=300 BouquetName=BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England PreferSDOverHD=0 ExcludeTIDs=PreferredTIDs= End of configuration file dump ========================================================= 2011-04-04 18:44:55.334 Working with MDAPI plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:55.631 #1: Tuner ordinal=1 is excluded by the ordinal 2011-04-04 18:44:55.990 #2: Loading filter "Hauppauge WinTV 88x DVB-S Tuner/Demod" - succeeded! 2011-04-04 18:44:55.990 #2: Tuner Filter Info = "Hauppauge WinTV 88x DVB-S Tuner/Demod" 2011-04-04 18:44:56.021 #2: Loading filter "Hauppauge WinTV 88x TS Capture" - succeeded! 2011-04-04 18:44:56.036 #2: Loaded our transport stream filter 2011-04-04 18:44:56.052 #2: Added demux filter to the graph 2011-04-04 18:44:56.068 #2: Connected demux to our filter output pin 2011-04-04 18:44:56.099 #2: Loading filter "BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter" - succeeded! 2011-04-04 18:44:56.099 #2: Using tuning request-based tuning method... 2011-04-04 18:44:59.188 #2: Starting initial run for autodiscovery, transponder data: Frequency=12394000, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-04-04 18:44:59.203 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=7) 2011-04-04 18:44:59.328 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2011-04-04 18:44:59.328 #2: Current network NID is 169 2011-04-04 18:44:59.328 #2: Found transponder for ONID=47 with TID=22, Frequency=12483000, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-04-04 18:44:59.344 #2: Found transponder for ONID=105 with TID=3, Frequency=12407000, Symbol Rate=30000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2011-04-04 18:44:59.359 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=3) 2011-04-04 18:44:59.359 #2: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0xC0(192), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.375 #2: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0xC1(193), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.375 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=4) 2011-04-04 18:44:59.390 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2011-04-04 18:44:59.390 #2: PID=1007(0x3EF) of SID=1054(0x41E) has Type=0x02 2011-04-04 18:44:59.390 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1007, SID=1054, ECM PID=0x507(1287), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.406 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1007, SID=1054, ECM PID=0x56B(1387), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.422 #2: PID=1107(0x453) of SID=1054(0x41E) has Type=0x04 2011-04-04 18:44:59.422 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1107, SID=1054, ECM PID=0x507(1287), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.422 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1107, SID=1054, ECM PID=0x56B(1387), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.437 #2: PID=4132(0x1024) of SID=1054(0x41E) has Type=0x05 2011-04-04 18:44:59.437 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2011-04-04 18:44:59.437 #2: PID=1008(0x3F0) of SID=1052(0x41C) has Type=0x02 2011-04-04 18:44:59.437 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1008, SID=1052, ECM PID=0x508(1288), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.437 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1008, SID=1052, ECM PID=0x56C(1388), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.453 #2: PID=1108(0x454) of SID=1052(0x41C) has Type=0x04 2011-04-04 18:44:59.453 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1108, SID=1052, ECM PID=0x508(1288), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.453 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1108, SID=1052, ECM PID=0x56C(1388), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.468 #2: PID=4115(0x1013) of SID=1052(0x41C) has Type=0x05 2011-04-04 18:44:59.468 #2: PID=1251(0x4E3) of SID=1052(0x41C) has Type=0x05 2011-04-04 18:44:59.468 #2: PID=1250(0x4E2) of SID=1052(0x41C) has Type=0x05 2011-04-04 18:44:59.468 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2011-04-04 18:44:59.468 #2: PID=1009(0x3F1) of SID=1045(0x415) has Type=0x02 2011-04-04 18:44:59.468 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1009, SID=1045, ECM PID=0x509(1289), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.484 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1009, SID=1045, ECM PID=0x56D(1389), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.484 #2: PID=1109(0x455) of SID=1045(0x415) has Type=0x04 2011-04-04 18:44:59.484 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1109, SID=1045, ECM PID=0x509(1289), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.484 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1109, SID=1045, ECM PID=0x56D(1389), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.500 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2011-04-04 18:44:59.500 #2: PID=1154(0x482) of SID=1107(0x453) has Type=0x04 2011-04-04 18:44:59.500 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=9) 2011-04-04 18:44:59.500 #2: PID=96(0x60) of SID=9204(0x23F4) has Type=0x05 2011-04-04 18:44:59.500 #2: PID=97(0x61) of SID=9204(0x23F4) has Type=0x05 2011-04-04 18:44:59.500 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2011-04-04 18:44:59.515 #2: PID=1155(0x483) of SID=1195(0x4AB) has Type=0x04 2011-04-04 18:44:59.515 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1155, SID=1195, ECM PID=0x50F(1295), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.515 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1155, SID=1195, ECM PID=0x573(1395), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.515 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2011-04-04 18:44:59.531 #2: PID=1156(0x484) of SID=1196(0x4AC) has Type=0x04 2011-04-04 18:44:59.531 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1156, SID=1196, ECM PID=0x510(1296), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.531 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1156, SID=1196, ECM PID=0x574(1396), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.531 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2011-04-04 18:44:59.546 #2: PID=1157(0x485) of SID=1088(0x440) has Type=0x04 2011-04-04 18:44:59.546 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1157, SID=1088, ECM PID=0x511(1297), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.546 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1157, SID=1088, ECM PID=0x575(1397), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.546 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2011-04-04 18:44:59.562 #2: PID=4609(0x1201) of SID=65534(0xFFFE) has Type=0xE0 2011-04-04 18:44:59.562 #2: PID=4611(0x1203) of SID=65534(0xFFFE) has Type=0xE0 2011-04-04 18:44:59.562 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2011-04-04 18:44:59.562 #2: PID=1158(0x486) of SID=1089(0x441) has Type=0x04 2011-04-04 18:44:59.562 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1158, SID=1089, ECM PID=0x512(1298), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.578 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1158, SID=1089, ECM PID=0x576(1398), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.578 #2: PID=55(0x37) of SID=9004(0x232C) has Type=0x05 2011-04-04 18:44:59.578 #2: PID=82(0x52) of SID=9004(0x232C) has Type=0x05 2011-04-04 18:44:59.578 #2: PID=83(0x53) of SID=9004(0x232C) has Type=0x05 2011-04-04 18:44:59.578 #2: PID=84(0x54) of SID=9004(0x232C) has Type=0x05 2011-04-04 18:44:59.578 #2: PID=80(0x50) of SID=9004(0x232C) has Type=0x05 2011-04-04 18:44:59.593 #2: PID=85(0x55) of SID=9004(0x232C) has Type=0x05 2011-04-04 18:44:59.593 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2011-04-04 18:44:59.593 #2: PID=1159(0x487) of SID=1132(0x46C) has Type=0x04 2011-04-04 18:44:59.593 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1159, SID=1132, ECM PID=0x513(1299), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.593 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1159, SID=1132, ECM PID=0x577(1399), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.609 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2011-04-04 18:44:59.609 #2: PID=1160(0x488) of SID=1090(0x442) has Type=0x04 2011-04-04 18:44:59.609 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1160, SID=1090, ECM PID=0x514(1300), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.609 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1160, SID=1090, ECM PID=0x578(1400), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.624 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2011-04-04 18:44:59.624 #2: PID=288(0x120) of SID=1912(0x778) has Type=0xF1 2011-04-04 18:44:59.624 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=288, SID=1912, ECM PID=0x56E(1390), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.624 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=288, SID=1912, ECM PID=0x50A(1290), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.640 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=8) 2011-04-04 18:44:59.640 #2: PID=1001(0x3E9) of SID=1008(0x3F0) has Type=0x02 2011-04-04 18:44:59.640 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1001, SID=1008, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.640 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1001, SID=1008, ECM PID=0x565(1381), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.656 #2: PID=1101(0x44D) of SID=1008(0x3F0) has Type=0x04 2011-04-04 18:44:59.656 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1101, SID=1008, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.656 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1101, SID=1008, ECM PID=0x565(1381), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.656 #2: PID=1111(0x457) of SID=1008(0x3F0) has Type=0x04 2011-04-04 18:44:59.671 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1111, SID=1008, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.671 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1111, SID=1008, ECM PID=0x565(1381), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.671 #2: PID=4104(0x1008) of SID=1008(0x3F0) has Type=0x05 2011-04-04 18:44:59.671 #2: PID=1217(0x4C1) of SID=1008(0x3F0) has Type=0x05 2011-04-04 18:44:59.687 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1217, SID=1008, ECM PID=0x565(1381), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.687 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1217, SID=1008, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.687 #2: PID=1251(0x4E3) of SID=1008(0x3F0) has Type=0x05 2011-04-04 18:44:59.687 #2: PID=1028(0x404) of SID=1008(0x3F0) has Type=0x05 2011-04-04 18:44:59.702 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1028, SID=1008, ECM PID=0x565(1381), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.702 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1028, SID=1008, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.702 #2: PID=1250(0x4E2) of SID=1008(0x3F0) has Type=0x05 2011-04-04 18:44:59.702 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2011-04-04 18:44:59.718 #2: PID=1002(0x3EA) of SID=1022(0x3FE) has Type=0x02 2011-04-04 18:44:59.718 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1002, SID=1022, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.718 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1002, SID=1022, ECM PID=0x566(1382), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.718 #2: PID=1102(0x44E) of SID=1022(0x3FE) has Type=0x04 2011-04-04 18:44:59.734 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1102, SID=1022, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.734 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1102, SID=1022, ECM PID=0x566(1382), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.734 #2: PID=4113(0x1011) of SID=1022(0x3FE) has Type=0x05 2011-04-04 18:44:59.734 #2: PID=1251(0x4E3) of SID=1022(0x3FE) has Type=0x05 2011-04-04 18:44:59.734 #2: PID=1250(0x4E2) of SID=1022(0x3FE) has Type=0x05 2011-04-04 18:44:59.749 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2011-04-04 18:44:59.749 #2: PID=1003(0x3EB) of SID=1016(0x3F8) has Type=0x02 2011-04-04 18:44:59.749 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1003, SID=1016, ECM PID=0x503(1283), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.749 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1003, SID=1016, ECM PID=0x567(1383), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.765 #2: PID=1103(0x44F) of SID=1016(0x3F8) has Type=0x04 2011-04-04 18:44:59.765 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1103, SID=1016, ECM PID=0x503(1283), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.765 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1103, SID=1016, ECM PID=0x567(1383), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.765 #2: PID=4114(0x1012) of SID=1016(0x3F8) has Type=0x05 2011-04-04 18:44:59.780 #2: PID=1251(0x4E3) of SID=1016(0x3F8) has Type=0x05 2011-04-04 18:44:59.780 #2: PID=1250(0x4E2) of SID=1016(0x3F8) has Type=0x05 2011-04-04 18:44:59.780 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2011-04-04 18:44:59.780 #2: PID=1004(0x3EC) of SID=1082(0x43A) has Type=0x02 2011-04-04 18:44:59.780 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1004, SID=1082, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.796 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1004, SID=1082, ECM PID=0x568(1384), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.796 #2: PID=1104(0x450) of SID=1082(0x43A) has Type=0x04 2011-04-04 18:44:59.796 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1104, SID=1082, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.796 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1104, SID=1082, ECM PID=0x568(1384), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.812 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2011-04-04 18:44:59.812 #2: PID=1005(0x3ED) of SID=1083(0x43B) has Type=0x02 2011-04-04 18:44:59.812 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1005, SID=1083, ECM PID=0x505(1285), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.812 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1005, SID=1083, ECM PID=0x569(1385), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.827 #2: PID=1105(0x451) of SID=1083(0x43B) has Type=0x04 2011-04-04 18:44:59.827 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1105, SID=1083, ECM PID=0x505(1285), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.827 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1105, SID=1083, ECM PID=0x569(1385), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.843 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2011-04-04 18:44:59.843 #2: PID=1006(0x3EE) of SID=1084(0x43C) has Type=0x02 2011-04-04 18:44:59.843 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1006, SID=1084, ECM PID=0x506(1286), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.843 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1006, SID=1084, ECM PID=0x56A(1386), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.858 #2: PID=1106(0x452) of SID=1084(0x43C) has Type=0x04 2011-04-04 18:44:59.858 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1106, SID=1084, ECM PID=0x506(1286), CAID=0x969(2409), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:44:59.858 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=1106, SID=1084, ECM PID=0x56A(1386), CAID=0x96A(2410), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2011-04-04 18:45:00.170 #2: Found transponder for ONID=169 with TID=1, Frequency=12581000, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-04-04 18:45:00.186 #2: Found transponder for ONID=169 with TID=2, Frequency=12608000, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-04-04 18:45:00.202 #2: Found transponder for ONID=169 with TID=3, Frequency=12519000, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-04-04 18:45:00.202 #2: Found transponder for ONID=169 with TID=4, Frequency=12546000, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-04-04 18:45:00.202 #2: Found transponder for ONID=169 with TID=5, Frequency=12644000, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-04-04 18:45:00.202 #2: Found transponder for ONID=169 with TID=6, Frequency=12671000, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-04-04 18:45:00.217 #2: Found transponder for ONID=169 with TID=7, Frequency=12331000, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=H, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-04-04 18:45:00.217 #2: Found transponder for ONID=169 with TID=8, Frequency=12358000, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=H, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-04-04 18:45:00.217 #2: Found transponder for ONID=169 with TID=9, Frequency=12268000, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=H, Modulation=8PSK (DVB-S2), FEC=2/3 2011-04-04 18:45:00.233 #2: Found transponder for ONID=169 with TID=10, Frequency=12295000, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-04-04 18:45:00.233 #2: Found transponder for ONID=169 with TID=11, Frequency=12707000, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-04-04 18:45:00.233 #2: Found transponder for ONID=169 with TID=12, Frequency=12734000, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-04-04 18:45:00.233 #2: Found transponder for ONID=169 with TID=13, Frequency=12394000, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-04-04 18:45:00.248 #2: Found transponder for ONID=169 with TID=14, Frequency=12421000, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-04-04 18:45:00.248 #2: Found transponder for ONID=47 with TID=21, Frequency=12456000, Symbol Rate=22500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=3/4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.372 #2: Found in Bouquet="CA2 HD - HD", BouquetID=25282 2011-04-04 18:45:01.372 #2: Mapped SID=1035, ONID=47, TSID=22, Channel=901, Name="TV ONE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.372 #2: Mapped SID=1908, ONID=47, TSID=22, Channel=994, Name="TV ONE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.372 #2: Mapped SID=1909, ONID=47, TSID=22, Channel=995, Name="TV ONE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.372 #2: Mapped SID=1910, ONID=47, TSID=22, Channel=996, Name="TV ONE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.372 #2: Mapped SID=1036, ONID=47, TSID=22, Channel=912, Name="TV2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.372 #2: Mapped SID=1025, ONID=47, TSID=22, Channel=19, Name="Maori TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.387 #2: Mapped SID=1038, ONID=47, TSID=22, Channel=77, Name="TVNZ 7", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.387 #2: Mapped SID=1904, ONID=47, TSID=22, Channel=16, Name="U", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.606 #2: Found in Bouquet="CA2 SD", BouquetID=25280 2011-04-04 18:45:01.621 #2: Mapped SID=301, ONID=105, TSID=3, Channel=999, Name="LNB Test", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.621 #2: Mapped SID=1197, ONID=169, TSID=3, Channel=997, Name="Ad Tracks", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.621 #2: Mapped SID=330, ONID=169, TSID=3, Channel=4002, Name="EPG Background Audio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.637 #2: Mapped SID=1002, ONID=169, TSID=3, Channel=20, Name="SKY Movies", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.637 #2: Mapped SID=1006, ONID=169, TSID=3, Channel=42, Name="Cartoon Network", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.652 #2: Mapped SID=1017, ONID=169, TSID=3, Channel=90, Name="SKY News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.652 #2: Mapped SID=1019, ONID=169, TSID=3, Channel=63, Name="63", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.652 #2: Mapped SID=1050, ONID=169, TSID=3, Channel=28, Name="Preview", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.668 #2: Mapped SID=1081, ONID=169, TSID=3, Channel=303, Name="CTV 1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.668 #2: Mapped SID=1101, ONID=169, TSID=3, Channel=501, Name="RNZ National", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.668 #2: Mapped SID=1102, ONID=169, TSID=3, Channel=502, Name="RNZ Concert", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.668 #2: Mapped SID=1105, ONID=169, TSID=3, Channel=505, Name="Tahu FM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.668 #2: Mapped SID=1130, ONID=169, TSID=3, Channel=410, Name="Classical", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.668 #2: Mapped SID=1131, ONID=169, TSID=3, Channel=411, Name="Kids", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.684 #2: Mapped SID=1133, ONID=169, TSID=3, Channel=413, Name="Guitar Month", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.684 #2: Mapped SID=1193, ONID=169, TSID=3, Channel=51, Name="MindGames", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.684 #2: Mapped SID=1198, ONID=169, TSID=5, Channel=950, Name="Auxiliary", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.684 #2: Mapped SID=1010, ONID=169, TSID=5, Channel=34, Name="ESPN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.684 #2: Mapped SID=1023, ONID=169, TSID=5, Channel=21, Name="SKY Movies 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.699 #2: Mapped SID=1033, ONID=169, TSID=5, Channel=3, Name="TV 3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.699 #2: Mapped SID=1034, ONID=169, TSID=5, Channel=12, Name="FOUR", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.699 #2: Mapped SID=1051, ONID=169, TSID=5, Channel=112, Name="Daystar", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.699 #2: Mapped SID=1060, ONID=169, TSID=5, Channel=38, Name="SKY ARENA", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.699 #2: Mapped SID=1079, ONID=169, TSID=5, Channel=301, Name="KTV 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:01.699 #2: Mapped SID=1086, ONID=169, TSID=5, Channel=308, Name="CTV 6", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.354 #2: Found in Bouquet="CA2 SD", BouquetID=25280 2011-04-04 18:45:02.354 #2: Mapped SID=1442, ONID=169, TSID=6, Channel=984, Name="Sport Mosaic S", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.354 #2: Mapped SID=1004, ONID=169, TSID=6, Channel=23, Name="MGM", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.354 #2: Mapped SID=1011, ONID=169, TSID=6, Channel=36, Name="Trackside", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.370 #2: Mapped SID=1020, ONID=169, TSID=6, Channel=25, Name="Rialto", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.370 #2: Mapped SID=1032, ONID=169, TSID=6, Channel=2, Name="TV 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.370 #2: Mapped SID=1087, ONID=169, TSID=6, Channel=309, Name="CTV 7", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.370 #2: Mapped SID=1123, ONID=169, TSID=6, Channel=403, Name="Grooves", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.370 #2: Mapped SID=1189, ONID=169, TSID=6, Channel=29, Name="Upgrade Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.386 #2: Mapped SID=1191, ONID=169, TSID=6, Channel=50, Name="PlayinTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.386 #2: Mapped SID=1192, ONID=169, TSID=6, Channel=98, Name="Weather", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.386 #2: Mapped SID=1040, ONID=169, TSID=10, Channel=46, Name="TVNZ Kidzone24", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.386 #2: Mapped SID=1219, ONID=169, TSID=10, Channel=947, Name="Test 10", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.386 #2: Mapped SID=1222, ONID=169, TSID=10, Channel=945, Name="Test 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.401 #2: Mapped SID=1223, ONID=169, TSID=10, Channel=946, Name="Test 7", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.401 #2: Mapped SID=1018, ONID=169, TSID=11, Channel=4, Name="Prime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.401 #2: Mapped SID=1055, ONID=169, TSID=11, Channel=991, Name="Prime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.401 #2: Mapped SID=1056, ONID=169, TSID=11, Channel=992, Name="Prime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.401 #2: Mapped SID=1014, ONID=169, TSID=11, Channel=75, Name="Animal Planet", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.417 #2: Mapped SID=1015, ONID=169, TSID=11, Channel=91, Name="CNN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.417 #2: Mapped SID=1027, ONID=169, TSID=11, Channel=40, Name="Disney Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.417 #2: Mapped SID=1039, ONID=169, TSID=11, Channel=14, Name="MTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.417 #2: Mapped SID=1042, ONID=169, TSID=11, Channel=10, Name="Comedy Central", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.417 #2: Mapped SID=1098, ONID=169, TSID=11, Channel=99, Name="Country 99 TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.432 #2: Mapped SID=1061, ONID=169, TSID=12, Channel=201, Name="SKY Box Office", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.432 #2: Mapped SID=1062, ONID=169, TSID=12, Channel=202, Name="SKY Box Office", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.432 #2: Mapped SID=1063, ONID=169, TSID=12, Channel=203, Name="SKY Box Office", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.432 #2: Mapped SID=1064, ONID=169, TSID=12, Channel=204, Name="SKY Box Office", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.432 #2: Mapped SID=1065, ONID=169, TSID=12, Channel=205, Name="SKY Box Office", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.432 #2: Mapped SID=1066, ONID=169, TSID=12, Channel=206, Name="SKY Box Office", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.448 #2: Mapped SID=1067, ONID=169, TSID=12, Channel=207, Name="SKY Box Office", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.448 #2: Mapped SID=1076, ONID=169, TSID=12, Channel=218, Name="Adult Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.448 #2: Mapped SID=1077, ONID=169, TSID=12, Channel=219, Name="Spice:Xcess", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.448 #2: Mapped SID=1044, ONID=169, TSID=13, Channel=24, Name="TCM", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.448 #2: Mapped SID=1058, ONID=169, TSID=13, Channel=96, Name="RT", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.448 #2: Mapped SID=1068, ONID=169, TSID=13, Channel=208, Name="SKY Box Office", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.464 #2: Mapped SID=1069, ONID=169, TSID=13, Channel=209, Name="SKY Box Office", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.464 #2: Mapped SID=1070, ONID=169, TSID=13, Channel=210, Name="SKY Box Office", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.464 #2: Mapped SID=1071, ONID=169, TSID=13, Channel=211, Name="SKY Box Office", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.464 #2: Mapped SID=1075, ONID=169, TSID=13, Channel=217, Name="Playboy", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.464 #2: Mapped SID=1091, ONID=169, TSID=13, Channel=315, Name="Star Plus Hindi", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.776 #2: Found in Bouquet="CA2 SD", BouquetID=25280 2011-04-04 18:45:02.776 #2: Mapped SID=1024, ONID=169, TSID=14, Channel=41, Name="Nickelodeon", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.776 #2: Mapped SID=1028, ONID=169, TSID=14, Channel=66, Name="Fashion TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.791 #2: Mapped SID=1029, ONID=169, TSID=14, Channel=79, Name="Arts Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.791 #2: Mapped SID=1043, ONID=169, TSID=14, Channel=35, Name="TAB TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.791 #2: Mapped SID=1049, ONID=169, TSID=14, Channel=71, Name="CI", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.807 #2: Mapped SID=1057, ONID=169, TSID=14, Channel=92, Name="Fox News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.807 #2: Mapped SID=1059, ONID=169, TSID=14, Channel=74, Name="BBC Knowledge", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.807 #2: Mapped SID=1095, ONID=169, TSID=14, Channel=95, Name="CNBC", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.807 #2: Mapped SID=1173, ONID=169, TSID=14, Channel=44, Name="Nick Jr.", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.807 #2: Mapped SID=1929, ONID=47, TSID=21, Channel=951, Name="Test R", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.822 #2: Mapped SID=1920, ONID=47, TSID=21, Channel=914, Name="Test 3", Type=1, Running Status=1 2011-04-04 18:45:02.822 #2: Mapped SID=1922, ONID=47, TSID=21, Channel=89, Name="STRATOS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.822 #2: Mapped SID=1923, ONID=47, TSID=21, Channel=94, Name="Parliament TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.822 #2: Mapped SID=1924, ONID=47, TSID=21, Channel=110, Name="CUE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.822 #2: Mapped SID=1925, ONID=47, TSID=21, Channel=59, Name="Te Reo", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:02.822 #2: Mapped SID=1927, ONID=47, TSID=21, Channel=111, Name="Shine TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.181 #2: Found in Bouquet="CA2 SD - HD", BouquetID=25281 2011-04-04 18:45:03.181 #2: Mapped SID=1003, ONID=169, TSID=1, Channel=6, Name="UKTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.197 #2: Mapped SID=1005, ONID=169, TSID=1, Channel=37, Name="Rugby Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.197 #2: Mapped SID=1009, ONID=169, TSID=1, Channel=31, Name="SKY Sport 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.212 #2: Mapped SID=1012, ONID=169, TSID=1, Channel=72, Name="Nat Geographic", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.212 #2: Mapped SID=1026, ONID=169, TSID=1, Channel=93, Name="BBC World", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.212 #2: Mapped SID=1041, ONID=169, TSID=1, Channel=7, Name="Vibe", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.228 #2: Mapped SID=1080, ONID=169, TSID=1, Channel=302, Name="JTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.228 #2: Mapped SID=1085, ONID=169, TSID=1, Channel=307, Name="CTV 5", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.228 #2: Mapped SID=1093, ONID=169, TSID=1, Channel=310, Name="CCTV-9", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.228 #2: Mapped SID=1100, ONID=169, TSID=1, Channel=500, Name="The Edge", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.228 #2: Mapped SID=1120, ONID=169, TSID=1, Channel=400, Name="NZ Chart", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.244 #2: Mapped SID=1121, ONID=169, TSID=1, Channel=401, Name="Pop", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.244 #2: Mapped SID=1122, ONID=169, TSID=1, Channel=402, Name="Smooth", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.244 #2: Mapped SID=1001, ONID=169, TSID=2, Channel=5, Name="the BOX", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.244 #2: Mapped SID=1007, ONID=169, TSID=2, Channel=62, Name="Juice TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.244 #2: Mapped SID=1013, ONID=169, TSID=2, Channel=70, Name="Discovery", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.244 #2: Mapped SID=1021, ONID=169, TSID=2, Channel=11, Name="E!", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.259 #2: Mapped SID=1046, ONID=169, TSID=2, Channel=76, Name="Travel Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.259 #2: Mapped SID=1047, ONID=169, TSID=2, Channel=17, Name="TVNZ Heartland", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.259 #2: Mapped SID=1048, ONID=169, TSID=2, Channel=32, Name="SKY Sport 3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.259 #2: Mapped SID=1053, ONID=169, TSID=2, Channel=22, Name="SM Greats", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.259 #2: Mapped SID=1078, ONID=169, TSID=2, Channel=300, Name="KTV 1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.259 #2: Mapped SID=1124, ONID=169, TSID=2, Channel=404, Name="Jazz", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.275 #2: Mapped SID=1125, ONID=169, TSID=2, Channel=405, Name="House", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.275 #2: Mapped SID=1126, ONID=169, TSID=2, Channel=406, Name="50's & 60's", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.275 #2: Mapped SID=1127, ONID=169, TSID=2, Channel=407, Name="Party", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.275 #2: Mapped SID=1128, ONID=169, TSID=2, Channel=408, Name="Rock", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.275 #2: Mapped SID=1129, ONID=169, TSID=2, Channel=409, Name="Country", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.275 #2: Mapped SID=1195, ONID=169, TSID=4, Channel=989, Name="SUPERCHEAP", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.290 #2: Mapped SID=1196, ONID=169, TSID=4, Channel=990, Name="Ad Tracks - All", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.290 #2: Mapped SID=1008, ONID=169, TSID=4, Channel=30, Name="SKY Sport 1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.290 #2: Mapped SID=1016, ONID=169, TSID=4, Channel=73, Name="History Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.290 #2: Mapped SID=1022, ONID=169, TSID=4, Channel=8, Name="Living Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.290 #2: Mapped SID=1045, ONID=169, TSID=4, Channel=45, Name="Playhouse", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.306 #2: Mapped SID=1052, ONID=169, TSID=4, Channel=9, Name="Food Television", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.306 #2: Mapped SID=1054, ONID=169, TSID=4, Channel=33, Name="SKY Sport H/L's", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.306 #2: Mapped SID=1082, ONID=169, TSID=4, Channel=304, Name="CTV 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.306 #2: Mapped SID=1083, ONID=169, TSID=4, Channel=305, Name="CTV 3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.306 #2: Mapped SID=1084, ONID=169, TSID=4, Channel=306, Name="CTV 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.306 #2: Mapped SID=1088, ONID=169, TSID=4, Channel=311, Name="Real Good Life", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.322 #2: Mapped SID=1089, ONID=169, TSID=4, Channel=312, Name="New Supremo", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.322 #2: Mapped SID=1090, ONID=169, TSID=4, Channel=313, Name="FM 104.2", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.322 #2: Mapped SID=1107, ONID=169, TSID=4, Channel=506, Name="Calvary", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.322 #2: Mapped SID=1132, ONID=169, TSID=4, Channel=412, Name="Blues", Type=2, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:03.790 #2: Found in Bouquet="CA2 SD - HD", BouquetID=25281 2011-04-04 18:45:03.790 #2: Mapped SID=1171, ONID=169, TSID=8, Channel=1, Name="TV One HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:05.162 #2: Found in Bouquet="CA2 HD - HD", BouquetID=25282 2011-04-04 18:45:05.178 #2: Mapped SID=1170, ONID=169, TSID=9, Channel=943, Name="Test 5", Type=25, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:05.178 #2: Mapped SID=1175, ONID=169, TSID=9, Channel=942, Name="Test 3", Type=25, Running Status=4 2011-04-04 18:45:19.202 #2: The initial run for autodiscovery finished 2011-04-04 18:45:19.265 #2: Signal locked, quality=100, strength=-2599 2011-04-04 18:45:19.390 #2: Graph successfully stopped 2011-04-04 18:45:29.374 Encoder stopped!