Conversation Between EnterNoEscape and checkbin
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Hi Joe,
I recently started using OpenDCT with SageTV 9 on my Ubuntu box. I also have 2 R5000HD systems on a Windows server linked to my Sage box thru entries in and NFS mounts for the R5000 recording directory. Both OpenDCT and the R5000s work when only one is configured in Sage, but when I enable both Sage locks up after running just a short time. I have a couple of questions about OpenDCT that may be causing the issue. Does it somehow detect the R5000s as tuners and try to do something with them causing a conflict and lockup? Also does OpenDCT fully support the forced_video_storage_path functionality, which I use to send R5000 and OpenDCT recordings to different directories? I'd love to keep using Open DCT if I can figure out what is causing this conflict. Thank you.