2010-10-28 16:55:38.500 DVBE4SAGE Encoder SVN revision 236 2010-10-28 16:55:38.500 Loading configuration info from "C:\Program Files\dvbe4sage-svn236\dvbe4sage.ini" ========================================================= Configuration file dump: [General] LogLevel=2 NumberOfVirtualTuners=3 [Plugins] DCWTimeout=5 IsVGCam=0 MaxNumberOfResets=1 ServedCAIDs=963 ServedPROVIds= [Tuning] LNBSW=11700000 LNBLOF1=9750000 LNBLOF2=10600000 InitialFrequency=10744000 InitialSymbolRate=22000 InitialPolarization=H InitialModulation=QPSK (DVB-S) InitialFEC=5/6 DVBS2Tuners=1,2,3 TSPacketsPerBuffer=1024 NumberOfBuffers=400 TuningTimeout=20 TuningLockTimeout=5 InitialRunningTime=90 UseSidForTuning=0 UseNewTuningMethod=0 ScanAllTransponders=0 ExcludeTuners= ExcludeTunersMAC= IncludeTuners= IncludeTunersMAC= [Output] TSPacketsPerOutputBuffer=160000 TSPacketsOutputThreshold=135 DisableWriteBuffering=0 [Encoder] ListeningPort=6969 [Recording] PreferredAudioLanguage=eng PreferredAudioFormat=ac3 PreferredSubtitlesLanguage=eng [Advanced] PMTDilutionFactor=1 PATDilutionFactor=1 PMTThreshold=100 PSIMaturityTime=90 MaxECMCacheSize=3000 EnableECMCache=1 ECMCacheAutodeleteChunkSize=300 BouquetName=BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England PreferSDOverHD=0 End of configuration file dump ========================================================= 2010-10-28 16:55:38.515 Working with MDAPI plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:40.468 #1: Loading filter "TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-S Tuner" - succeeded! 2010-10-28 16:55:40.484 #1: Tuner Filter Info = "TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-S Tuner" 2010-10-28 16:55:40.484 #1: Loading filter "TechnoTrend BDA/DVB Capture" - succeeded! 2010-10-28 16:55:40.515 #1: Loaded our transport stream filter 2010-10-28 16:55:40.562 #1: Added demux filter to the graph 2010-10-28 16:55:40.562 #1: Connected demux to our filter output pin 2010-10-28 16:55:40.671 #1: Loading filter "BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter" - succeeded! 2010-10-28 16:55:40.671 #1: Device ordinal=1, MAC=00:D0:5C:CC:AC:7F, type=TechnoTrend Budget 2010-10-28 16:55:40.671 #1: Using tuning request-based tuning method... 2010-10-28 16:55:42.781 #1: Starting initial run for autodiscovery, transponder data: Frequency=10744000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:42.781 #2: Loading filter "TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-S Tuner" - succeeded! 2010-10-28 16:55:42.781 #2: Tuner Filter Info = "TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-S Tuner" 2010-10-28 16:55:42.796 #2: Loading filter "TechnoTrend BDA/DVB Capture" - succeeded! 2010-10-28 16:55:42.796 #2: Loaded our transport stream filter 2010-10-28 16:55:42.796 #2: Added demux filter to the graph 2010-10-28 16:55:42.796 #2: Connected demux to our filter output pin 2010-10-28 16:55:42.796 #2: Loading filter "BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter" - succeeded! 2010-10-28 16:55:42.812 #2: Device ordinal=2, MAC=00:D0:5C:CC:AC:7C, type=TechnoTrend Budget 2010-10-28 16:55:42.812 #2: Using tuning request-based tuning method... 2010-10-28 16:55:42.828 #1: Catastrophic error - TS packet has wrong sync_byte, dropping the buffer... 2010-10-28 16:55:42.828 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.031 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.093 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.093 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=7) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.093 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=5) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.093 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=10) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.093 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=14) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.093 #1: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0xC0(192), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.093 #1: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0xC0(192), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.093 #1: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0xC0(192), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.109 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.109 #1: PID=4045(0xFCD) of SID=8062(0x1F7E) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.109 #1: PID=4044(0xFCC) of SID=8062(0x1F7E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.109 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.109 #1: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8063(0x1F7F) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.109 #1: PID=3016(0xBC8) of SID=8063(0x1F7F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.156 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=7) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.156 #1: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8074(0x1F8A) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.171 #1: PID=3511(0xDB7) of SID=8074(0x1F8A) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.171 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.171 #1: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8107(0x1FAB) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.171 #1: PID=2618(0xA3A) of SID=8107(0x1FAB) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.171 #1: PID=2619(0xA3B) of SID=8107(0x1FAB) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.171 #1: PID=2620(0xA3C) of SID=8107(0x1FAB) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.171 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=7) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.171 #1: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8109(0x1FAD) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.171 #1: PID=3224(0xC98) of SID=8109(0x1FAD) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.171 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.171 #1: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8115(0x1FB3) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.171 #1: PID=3746(0xEA2) of SID=8115(0x1FB3) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.171 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.171 #1: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8118(0x1FB6) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.171 #1: PID=3743(0xE9F) of SID=8118(0x1FB6) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.171 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=7) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.171 #1: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8124(0x1FBC) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.171 #1: PID=3050(0xBEA) of SID=8124(0x1FBC) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.171 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.171 #1: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8128(0x1FC0) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.171 #1: PID=3749(0xEA5) of SID=8128(0x1FC0) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.234 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=14) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.234 #1: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8136(0x1FC8) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.234 #1: PID=3006(0xBBE) of SID=8136(0x1FC8) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.234 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=4) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.234 #1: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8138(0x1FCA) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.234 #1: PID=3011(0xBC3) of SID=8138(0x1FCA) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.234 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.234 #1: PID=3505(0xDB1) of SID=8139(0x1FCB) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.234 #1: PID=3506(0xDB2) of SID=8139(0x1FCB) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.234 #1: PID=3507(0xDB3) of SID=8139(0x1FCB) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.234 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.234 #1: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8140(0x1FCC) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.234 #1: PID=3752(0xEA8) of SID=8140(0x1FCC) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.234 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.234 #1: PID=3222(0xC96) of SID=8141(0x1FCD) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.234 #1: PID=3221(0xC95) of SID=8141(0x1FCD) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.234 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=2) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.234 #1: PID=4211(0x1073) of SID=8142(0x1FCE) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.234 #1: PID=4210(0x1072) of SID=8142(0x1FCE) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.250 #1: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8146(0x1FD2) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.250 #1: PID=3740(0xE9C) of SID=8146(0x1FD2) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.296 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.296 #1: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8151(0x1FD7) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.296 #1: PID=3218(0xC92) of SID=8151(0x1FD7) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.296 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.296 #1: PID=2542(0x9EE) of SID=8152(0x1FD8) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.296 #1: PID=2541(0x9ED) of SID=8152(0x1FD8) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.296 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.296 #1: PID=2527(0x9DF) of SID=8166(0x1FE6) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.312 #1: PID=2526(0x9DE) of SID=8166(0x1FE6) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.312 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=7) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.312 #1: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8169(0x1FE9) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.312 #1: PID=2591(0xA1F) of SID=8169(0x1FE9) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.312 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.312 #1: PID=3032(0xBD8) of SID=8170(0x1FEA) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.312 #1: PID=3031(0xBD7) of SID=8170(0x1FEA) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.312 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.312 #1: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8192(0x2000) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.312 #1: PID=3021(0xBCD) of SID=8192(0x2000) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.312 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=4) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.312 #1: PID=2607(0xA2F) of SID=8197(0x2005) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.312 #1: PID=2606(0xA2E) of SID=8197(0x2005) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.375 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.375 #1: PID=3168(0xC60) of SID=8199(0x2007) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 16:55:43.375 #1: PID=3167(0xC5F) of SID=8199(0x2007) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.375 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.375 #1: PID=3165(0xC5D) of SID=8200(0x2008) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 16:55:43.375 #1: PID=3164(0xC5C) of SID=8200(0x2008) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.375 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=2) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.375 #1: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8207(0x200F) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.375 #1: PID=3200(0xC80) of SID=8207(0x200F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.375 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.375 #1: PID=2306(0x902) of SID=9601(0x2581) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 16:55:43.375 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2306, SID=9601, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.375 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2306, SID=9601, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.375 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2306, SID=9601, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.375 #1: PID=2307(0x903) of SID=9601(0x2581) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.375 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2307, SID=9601, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.375 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2307, SID=9601, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.375 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2307, SID=9601, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.390 #1: PID=2308(0x904) of SID=9601(0x2581) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 16:55:43.390 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.390 #1: PID=2309(0x905) of SID=9602(0x2582) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 16:55:43.390 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2309, SID=9602, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.390 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2309, SID=9602, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.390 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2309, SID=9602, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.390 #1: PID=2310(0x906) of SID=9602(0x2582) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.390 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2310, SID=9602, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.390 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2310, SID=9602, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.390 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2310, SID=9602, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.390 #1: PID=2311(0x907) of SID=9602(0x2582) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 16:55:43.390 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.390 #1: PID=2312(0x908) of SID=9603(0x2583) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 16:55:43.390 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2312, SID=9603, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.390 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2312, SID=9603, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.406 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2312, SID=9603, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.406 #1: PID=2313(0x909) of SID=9603(0x2583) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.406 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2313, SID=9603, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.406 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2313, SID=9603, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.406 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2313, SID=9603, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.406 #1: PID=2314(0x90A) of SID=9603(0x2583) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 16:55:43.406 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.406 #1: PID=2315(0x90B) of SID=9605(0x2585) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 16:55:43.406 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2315, SID=9605, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.406 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2315, SID=9605, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.406 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2315, SID=9605, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.406 #1: PID=2316(0x90C) of SID=9605(0x2585) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.406 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2316, SID=9605, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.421 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2316, SID=9605, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.421 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2316, SID=9605, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:43.421 #1: PID=2317(0x90D) of SID=9605(0x2585) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 16:55:43.421 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.421 #1: PID=2320(0x910) of SID=9611(0x258B) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.421 #1: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=9611(0x258B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.421 #1: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=9611(0x258B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.421 #1: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=9611(0x258B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.421 #1: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=9611(0x258B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.421 #1: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=9611(0x258B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.421 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.421 #1: PID=2321(0x911) of SID=9612(0x258C) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.421 #1: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=9612(0x258C) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.421 #1: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=9612(0x258C) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.421 #1: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=9612(0x258C) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.421 #1: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=9612(0x258C) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.421 #1: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=9612(0x258C) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.421 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.421 #1: PID=2322(0x912) of SID=9613(0x258D) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.421 #1: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=9613(0x258D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.421 #1: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=9613(0x258D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.421 #1: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=9613(0x258D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.421 #1: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=9613(0x258D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.421 #1: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=9613(0x258D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.437 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2010-10-28 16:55:43.437 #1: PID=2323(0x913) of SID=9614(0x258E) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.437 #1: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=9614(0x258E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.437 #1: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=9614(0x258E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.437 #1: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=9614(0x258E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.437 #1: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=9614(0x258E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.437 #1: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=9614(0x258E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.484 #1: PID=2517(0x9D5) of SID=8004(0x1F44) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.484 #1: PID=2516(0x9D4) of SID=8004(0x1F44) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.484 #1: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8005(0x1F45) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.484 #1: PID=2602(0xA2A) of SID=8005(0x1F45) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.484 #1: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8031(0x1F5F) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.484 #1: PID=3738(0xE9A) of SID=8031(0x1F5F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.484 #1: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8051(0x1F73) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:43.484 #1: PID=3001(0xBB9) of SID=8051(0x1F73) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:43.750 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2010-10-28 16:55:44.890 #2: Starting initial run for autodiscovery, transponder data: Frequency=10744000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:44.890 #3: Loading filter "TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-S Tuner" - succeeded! 2010-10-28 16:55:44.890 #3: Tuner Filter Info = "TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-S Tuner" 2010-10-28 16:55:44.906 #3: Loading filter "TechnoTrend BDA/DVB Capture" - succeeded! 2010-10-28 16:55:44.906 #3: Loaded our transport stream filter 2010-10-28 16:55:44.906 #3: Added demux filter to the graph 2010-10-28 16:55:44.906 #3: Connected demux to our filter output pin 2010-10-28 16:55:44.906 #3: Loading filter "BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter" - succeeded! 2010-10-28 16:55:44.921 #3: Device ordinal=3, MAC=00:D0:5C:CC:AC:62, type=TechnoTrend Budget 2010-10-28 16:55:44.921 #3: Using tuning request-based tuning method... 2010-10-28 16:55:44.937 #2: Catastrophic error - TS packet has wrong sync_byte, dropping the buffer... 2010-10-28 16:55:44.937 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.015 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.015 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.015 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=10) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.015 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=15) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.078 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.078 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.078 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.078 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.078 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.078 #2: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0xC0(192), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.078 #2: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0xC0(192), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.093 #2: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0xC0(192), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.156 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.156 #2: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8115(0x1FB3) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.156 #2: PID=3746(0xEA2) of SID=8115(0x1FB3) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.156 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.156 #2: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8118(0x1FB6) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.156 #2: PID=3743(0xE9F) of SID=8118(0x1FB6) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.156 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.156 #2: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8124(0x1FBC) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.156 #2: PID=3050(0xBEA) of SID=8124(0x1FBC) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.156 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.156 #2: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8128(0x1FC0) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.156 #2: PID=3749(0xEA5) of SID=8128(0x1FC0) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.156 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=3) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.156 #2: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8136(0x1FC8) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.156 #2: PID=3006(0xBBE) of SID=8136(0x1FC8) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.156 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=9) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.156 #2: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8138(0x1FCA) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.156 #2: PID=3011(0xBC3) of SID=8138(0x1FCA) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.156 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.171 #2: PID=3505(0xDB1) of SID=8139(0x1FCB) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.171 #2: PID=3506(0xDB2) of SID=8139(0x1FCB) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.171 #2: PID=3507(0xDB3) of SID=8139(0x1FCB) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.218 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.218 #2: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8140(0x1FCC) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.218 #2: PID=3752(0xEA8) of SID=8140(0x1FCC) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.218 #2: PID=3222(0xC96) of SID=8141(0x1FCD) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.218 #2: PID=3221(0xC95) of SID=8141(0x1FCD) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.218 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=7) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.218 #2: PID=4211(0x1073) of SID=8142(0x1FCE) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.218 #2: PID=4210(0x1072) of SID=8142(0x1FCE) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.218 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=5) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.218 #2: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8146(0x1FD2) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.218 #2: PID=3740(0xE9C) of SID=8146(0x1FD2) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.218 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.218 #2: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8151(0x1FD7) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.218 #2: PID=3218(0xC92) of SID=8151(0x1FD7) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.218 #2: PID=2542(0x9EE) of SID=8152(0x1FD8) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.234 #2: PID=2541(0x9ED) of SID=8152(0x1FD8) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.234 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.234 #2: PID=2527(0x9DF) of SID=8166(0x1FE6) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.234 #2: PID=2526(0x9DE) of SID=8166(0x1FE6) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.281 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.281 #2: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8169(0x1FE9) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.281 #2: PID=2591(0xA1F) of SID=8169(0x1FE9) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.281 #2: PID=3032(0xBD8) of SID=8170(0x1FEA) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.281 #2: PID=3031(0xBD7) of SID=8170(0x1FEA) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.281 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.296 #2: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8192(0x2000) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.296 #2: PID=3021(0xBCD) of SID=8192(0x2000) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.296 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=9) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.296 #2: PID=2607(0xA2F) of SID=8197(0x2005) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.296 #2: PID=2606(0xA2E) of SID=8197(0x2005) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.296 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.296 #2: PID=3168(0xC60) of SID=8199(0x2007) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 16:55:45.296 #2: PID=3167(0xC5F) of SID=8199(0x2007) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.296 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.296 #2: PID=3165(0xC5D) of SID=8200(0x2008) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 16:55:45.296 #2: PID=3164(0xC5C) of SID=8200(0x2008) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.296 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=7) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.296 #2: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8207(0x200F) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.296 #2: PID=3200(0xC80) of SID=8207(0x200F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.359 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.359 #2: PID=2306(0x902) of SID=9601(0x2581) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 16:55:45.359 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=2306, SID=9601, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.359 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=2306, SID=9601, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.359 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=2306, SID=9601, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.359 #2: PID=2307(0x903) of SID=9601(0x2581) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.359 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=2307, SID=9601, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.359 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=2307, SID=9601, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.359 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=2307, SID=9601, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.359 #2: PID=2308(0x904) of SID=9601(0x2581) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 16:55:45.359 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.359 #2: PID=2309(0x905) of SID=9602(0x2582) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 16:55:45.375 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=2309, SID=9602, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.375 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=2309, SID=9602, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.375 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=2309, SID=9602, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.375 #2: PID=2310(0x906) of SID=9602(0x2582) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.375 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=2310, SID=9602, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.375 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=2310, SID=9602, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.375 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=2310, SID=9602, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.375 #2: PID=2311(0x907) of SID=9602(0x2582) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 16:55:45.375 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.375 #2: PID=2312(0x908) of SID=9603(0x2583) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 16:55:45.375 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=2312, SID=9603, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.375 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=2312, SID=9603, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.375 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=2312, SID=9603, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.390 #2: PID=2313(0x909) of SID=9603(0x2583) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.390 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=2313, SID=9603, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.390 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=2313, SID=9603, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.390 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=2313, SID=9603, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.390 #2: PID=2314(0x90A) of SID=9603(0x2583) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 16:55:45.390 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.390 #2: PID=2315(0x90B) of SID=9605(0x2585) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 16:55:45.390 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=2315, SID=9605, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.390 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=2315, SID=9605, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.390 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=2315, SID=9605, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.390 #2: PID=2316(0x90C) of SID=9605(0x2585) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.390 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=2316, SID=9605, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.406 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=2316, SID=9605, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.406 #2: Found CA descriptor for PID=2316, SID=9605, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:45.406 #2: PID=2317(0x90D) of SID=9605(0x2585) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 16:55:45.406 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.406 #2: PID=2320(0x910) of SID=9611(0x258B) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.406 #2: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=9611(0x258B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.406 #2: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=9611(0x258B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.406 #2: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=9611(0x258B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.406 #2: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=9611(0x258B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.406 #2: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=9611(0x258B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.406 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.406 #2: PID=2321(0x911) of SID=9612(0x258C) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.406 #2: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=9612(0x258C) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.406 #2: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=9612(0x258C) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.406 #2: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=9612(0x258C) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.421 #2: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=9612(0x258C) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.421 #2: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=9612(0x258C) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.421 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.421 #2: PID=2322(0x912) of SID=9613(0x258D) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.421 #2: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=9613(0x258D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.421 #2: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=9613(0x258D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.421 #2: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=9613(0x258D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.421 #2: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=9613(0x258D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.421 #2: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=9613(0x258D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.421 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 16:55:45.421 #2: PID=2323(0x913) of SID=9614(0x258E) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.421 #2: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=9614(0x258E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.421 #2: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=9614(0x258E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.421 #2: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=9614(0x258E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.421 #2: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=9614(0x258E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.421 #2: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=9614(0x258E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.421 #2: PID=2517(0x9D5) of SID=8004(0x1F44) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.421 #2: PID=2516(0x9D4) of SID=8004(0x1F44) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.421 #2: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8005(0x1F45) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.421 #2: PID=2602(0xA2A) of SID=8005(0x1F45) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.421 #2: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8031(0x1F5F) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.421 #2: PID=3738(0xE9A) of SID=8031(0x1F5F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.437 #2: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8051(0x1F73) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.437 #2: PID=3001(0xBB9) of SID=8051(0x1F73) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.437 #2: PID=4045(0xFCD) of SID=8062(0x1F7E) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.437 #2: PID=4044(0xFCC) of SID=8062(0x1F7E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.484 #2: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8063(0x1F7F) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.484 #2: PID=3016(0xBC8) of SID=8063(0x1F7F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.484 #2: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8074(0x1F8A) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.500 #2: PID=3511(0xDB7) of SID=8074(0x1F8A) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.500 #2: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8107(0x1FAB) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.500 #2: PID=2618(0xA3A) of SID=8107(0x1FAB) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.500 #2: PID=2619(0xA3B) of SID=8107(0x1FAB) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.500 #2: PID=2620(0xA3C) of SID=8107(0x1FAB) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.500 #2: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8109(0x1FAD) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:45.500 #2: PID=3224(0xC98) of SID=8109(0x1FAD) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:45.828 #2: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=14) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.000 #3: Starting initial run for autodiscovery, transponder data: Frequency=10744000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:47.031 Waiting for finishing encoder initialization 2010-10-28 16:55:47.046 #3: Catastrophic error - TS packet has wrong sync_byte, dropping the buffer... 2010-10-28 16:55:47.046 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=13) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.125 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=2) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.125 #3: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0xC0(192), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.125 #3: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0xC0(192), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.125 #3: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0xC0(192), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.328 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.390 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.390 #3: PID=2517(0x9D5) of SID=8004(0x1F44) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.390 #3: PID=2516(0x9D4) of SID=8004(0x1F44) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.390 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=2) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.390 #3: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8005(0x1F45) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.390 #3: PID=2602(0xA2A) of SID=8005(0x1F45) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.406 #3: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8031(0x1F5F) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.406 #3: PID=3738(0xE9A) of SID=8031(0x1F5F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.406 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=5) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.406 #3: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8051(0x1F73) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.406 #3: PID=3001(0xBB9) of SID=8051(0x1F73) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.406 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.406 #3: PID=4045(0xFCD) of SID=8062(0x1F7E) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.406 #3: PID=4044(0xFCC) of SID=8062(0x1F7E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.406 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.406 #3: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8063(0x1F7F) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.406 #3: PID=3016(0xBC8) of SID=8063(0x1F7F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.406 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=2) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.406 #3: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8074(0x1F8A) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.406 #3: PID=3511(0xDB7) of SID=8074(0x1F8A) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.468 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.468 #3: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8107(0x1FAB) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.468 #3: PID=2618(0xA3A) of SID=8107(0x1FAB) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.468 #3: PID=2619(0xA3B) of SID=8107(0x1FAB) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.468 #3: PID=2620(0xA3C) of SID=8107(0x1FAB) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.468 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=2) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.468 #3: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8109(0x1FAD) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.468 #3: PID=3224(0xC98) of SID=8109(0x1FAD) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.468 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.468 #3: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8115(0x1FB3) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.468 #3: PID=3746(0xEA2) of SID=8115(0x1FB3) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.468 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.468 #3: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8118(0x1FB6) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.468 #3: PID=3743(0xE9F) of SID=8118(0x1FB6) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.468 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=2) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.468 #3: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8124(0x1FBC) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.468 #3: PID=3050(0xBEA) of SID=8124(0x1FBC) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.468 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.468 #3: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8128(0x1FC0) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.468 #3: PID=3749(0xEA5) of SID=8128(0x1FC0) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.468 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=9) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.468 #3: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8136(0x1FC8) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.468 #3: PID=3006(0xBBE) of SID=8136(0x1FC8) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.531 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=15) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.531 #3: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8138(0x1FCA) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.531 #3: PID=3011(0xBC3) of SID=8138(0x1FCA) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.531 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.531 #3: PID=3505(0xDB1) of SID=8139(0x1FCB) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.531 #3: PID=3506(0xDB2) of SID=8139(0x1FCB) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.531 #3: PID=3507(0xDB3) of SID=8139(0x1FCB) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.531 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.531 #3: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8140(0x1FCC) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.531 #3: PID=3752(0xEA8) of SID=8140(0x1FCC) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.531 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.531 #3: PID=3222(0xC96) of SID=8141(0x1FCD) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.531 #3: PID=3221(0xC95) of SID=8141(0x1FCD) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.546 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=13) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.546 #3: PID=4211(0x1073) of SID=8142(0x1FCE) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.546 #3: PID=4210(0x1072) of SID=8142(0x1FCE) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.546 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.546 #3: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8146(0x1FD2) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.546 #3: PID=3740(0xE9C) of SID=8146(0x1FD2) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.546 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=7) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.546 #3: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8151(0x1FD7) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.546 #3: PID=3218(0xC92) of SID=8151(0x1FD7) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.593 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.593 #3: PID=2542(0x9EE) of SID=8152(0x1FD8) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.593 #3: PID=2541(0x9ED) of SID=8152(0x1FD8) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.609 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.609 #3: PID=2527(0x9DF) of SID=8166(0x1FE6) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.609 #3: PID=2526(0x9DE) of SID=8166(0x1FE6) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.609 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=2) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.609 #3: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8169(0x1FE9) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.609 #3: PID=2591(0xA1F) of SID=8169(0x1FE9) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.609 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.609 #3: PID=3032(0xBD8) of SID=8170(0x1FEA) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.609 #3: PID=3031(0xBD7) of SID=8170(0x1FEA) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.609 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=7) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.609 #3: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8192(0x2000) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.609 #3: PID=3021(0xBCD) of SID=8192(0x2000) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.609 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=15) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.609 #3: PID=2607(0xA2F) of SID=8197(0x2005) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.609 #3: PID=2606(0xA2E) of SID=8197(0x2005) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.609 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.609 #3: PID=3168(0xC60) of SID=8199(0x2007) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 16:55:47.609 #3: PID=3167(0xC5F) of SID=8199(0x2007) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.671 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.671 #3: PID=3165(0xC5D) of SID=8200(0x2008) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 16:55:47.671 #3: PID=3164(0xC5C) of SID=8200(0x2008) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.671 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=13) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.671 #3: PID=2630(0xA46) of SID=8207(0x200F) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.671 #3: PID=3200(0xC80) of SID=8207(0x200F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.671 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.671 #3: PID=2306(0x902) of SID=9601(0x2581) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 16:55:47.671 #3: Found CA descriptor for PID=2306, SID=9601, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.671 #3: Found CA descriptor for PID=2306, SID=9601, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.671 #3: Found CA descriptor for PID=2306, SID=9601, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.671 #3: PID=2307(0x903) of SID=9601(0x2581) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.671 #3: Found CA descriptor for PID=2307, SID=9601, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.671 #3: Found CA descriptor for PID=2307, SID=9601, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.687 #3: Found CA descriptor for PID=2307, SID=9601, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.687 #3: PID=2308(0x904) of SID=9601(0x2581) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 16:55:47.687 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.687 #3: PID=2309(0x905) of SID=9602(0x2582) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 16:55:47.687 #3: Found CA descriptor for PID=2309, SID=9602, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.687 #3: Found CA descriptor for PID=2309, SID=9602, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.687 #3: Found CA descriptor for PID=2309, SID=9602, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.687 #3: PID=2310(0x906) of SID=9602(0x2582) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.687 #3: Found CA descriptor for PID=2310, SID=9602, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.687 #3: Found CA descriptor for PID=2310, SID=9602, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.687 #3: Found CA descriptor for PID=2310, SID=9602, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.687 #3: PID=2311(0x907) of SID=9602(0x2582) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 16:55:47.687 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.687 #3: PID=2312(0x908) of SID=9603(0x2583) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 16:55:47.703 #3: Found CA descriptor for PID=2312, SID=9603, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.703 #3: Found CA descriptor for PID=2312, SID=9603, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.703 #3: Found CA descriptor for PID=2312, SID=9603, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.703 #3: PID=2313(0x909) of SID=9603(0x2583) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.703 #3: Found CA descriptor for PID=2313, SID=9603, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.703 #3: Found CA descriptor for PID=2313, SID=9603, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.703 #3: Found CA descriptor for PID=2313, SID=9603, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.703 #3: PID=2314(0x90A) of SID=9603(0x2583) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 16:55:47.703 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.703 #3: PID=2315(0x90B) of SID=9605(0x2585) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 16:55:47.703 #3: Found CA descriptor for PID=2315, SID=9605, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.703 #3: Found CA descriptor for PID=2315, SID=9605, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.703 #3: Found CA descriptor for PID=2315, SID=9605, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.703 #3: PID=2316(0x90C) of SID=9605(0x2585) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.718 #3: Found CA descriptor for PID=2316, SID=9605, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.718 #3: Found CA descriptor for PID=2316, SID=9605, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.718 #3: Found CA descriptor for PID=2316, SID=9605, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 16:55:47.718 #3: PID=2317(0x90D) of SID=9605(0x2585) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 16:55:47.718 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.718 #3: PID=2320(0x910) of SID=9611(0x258B) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.718 #3: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=9611(0x258B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.718 #3: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=9611(0x258B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.718 #3: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=9611(0x258B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.718 #3: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=9611(0x258B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.718 #3: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=9611(0x258B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.718 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.718 #3: PID=2321(0x911) of SID=9612(0x258C) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.718 #3: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=9612(0x258C) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.718 #3: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=9612(0x258C) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.718 #3: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=9612(0x258C) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.718 #3: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=9612(0x258C) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.718 #3: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=9612(0x258C) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.718 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.718 #3: PID=2322(0x912) of SID=9613(0x258D) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.718 #3: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=9613(0x258D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.718 #3: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=9613(0x258D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.734 #3: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=9613(0x258D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.734 #3: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=9613(0x258D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.734 #3: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=9613(0x258D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.734 #3: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 16:55:47.734 #3: PID=2323(0x913) of SID=9614(0x258E) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 16:55:47.734 #3: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=9614(0x258E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.734 #3: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=9614(0x258E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.734 #3: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=9614(0x258E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.734 #3: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=9614(0x258E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.734 #3: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=9614(0x258E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 16:55:47.796 #1: Current network NID is 32 2010-10-28 16:55:47.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2412, Frequency=11680770, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2411, Frequency=11661540, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2409, Frequency=11623080, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2002, Frequency=11739000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2006, Frequency=11817000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2009, Frequency=11875500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2313, Frequency=11344500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2018, Frequency=12051000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2022, Frequency=12129000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2017, Frequency=12031500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2302, Frequency=11259670, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2611, Frequency=12523000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2601, Frequency=12559670, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2613, Frequency=12606650, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2603, Frequency=12643350, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2041, Frequency=10714000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:47.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2037, Frequency=12421000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2036, Frequency=12402000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2049, Frequency=10832250, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:47.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2053, Frequency=10891250, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:47.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2054, Frequency=10906000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:47.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2044, Frequency=10758500, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:47.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2040, Frequency=12480000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2602, Frequency=12560020, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2304, Frequency=11343000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2015, Frequency=11992500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2311, Frequency=11222170, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2042, Frequency=10729000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:47.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2316, Frequency=11390330, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2301, Frequency=11261170, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2303, Frequency=11307000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2410, Frequency=11642000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2604, Frequency=12643350, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:47.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2315, Frequency=11390000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:48.703 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:48.703 #1: Mapped SID=4515, ONID=2, TSID=2012, Channel=970, Name="Sky Intro", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.703 #1: Mapped SID=4525, ONID=2, TSID=2012, Channel=899, Name="Sky Intro", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.703 #1: Mapped SID=5004, ONID=2, TSID=2012, Channel=998, Name="Sky Intro", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.703 #1: Mapped SID=5007, ONID=2, TSID=2012, Channel=996, Name="Chl Line-up", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.703 #1: Mapped SID=8065, ONID=2, TSID=2012, Channel=2060, Name="Sky Customer Service", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.703 #1: Mapped SID=6770, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3152, Name="BBC London", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.703 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:48.703 #1: Mapped SID=6704, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=503, Name="BBC NEWS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.703 #2: Mapped SID=7230, ONID=2, TSID=2017, Channel=640, Name="QVC", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.703 #1: Mapped SID=6705, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=504, Name="BBC PARL'MNT", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.703 #2: Mapped SID=7250, ONID=2, TSID=2017, Channel=654, Name="bid tv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.703 #1: Mapped SID=6736, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=168, Name="BBC ALBA", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.718 #2: Mapped SID=7100, ONID=2, TSID=2018, Channel=601, Name="Cartoon Netwrk", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.718 #1: Mapped SID=6751, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3101, Name="BBC R1", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.718 #2: Mapped SID=7101, ONID=2, TSID=2018, Channel=618, Name="Boomerang +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.718 #1: Mapped SID=6752, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3102, Name="BBC R2", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.718 #2: Mapped SID=7102, ONID=2, TSID=2018, Channel=603, Name="Boomerang", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.718 #1: Mapped SID=6753, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3103, Name="BBC R3", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.718 #2: Mapped SID=7103, ONID=2, TSID=2018, Channel=602, Name="CN Too", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.718 #1: Mapped SID=6754, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3104, Name="BBC R4 FM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.718 #2: Mapped SID=7140, ONID=2, TSID=2018, Channel=506, Name="CNN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.718 #1: Mapped SID=6755, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3143, Name="BBC R4 LW", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.718 #1: Mapped SID=6757, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3116, Name="BBC R Scot.", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.718 #1: Mapped SID=6758, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3117, Name="BBC R Wales", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.718 #1: Mapped SID=6759, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3118, Name="BBC R Ulster", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.718 #1: Mapped SID=6760, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3119, Name="BBC Asian", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.718 #1: Mapped SID=6761, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3115, Name="BBC WS", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.718 #1: Mapped SID=6763, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3154, Name="BBC R Cymru", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.718 #1: Mapped SID=6766, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3137, Name="BBC R1X", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.718 #1: Mapped SID=6767, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3120, Name="BBC 6 Music", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.734 #1: Mapped SID=6768, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3131, Name="BBC Radio 7", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.734 #1: Mapped SID=6769, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3139, Name="BBC R n Gael", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.734 #1: Mapped SID=7480, ONID=2, TSID=2014, Channel=178, Name="ITV1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.734 #1: Mapped SID=7451, ONID=2, TSID=2014, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Central E", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.734 #1: Mapped SID=7450, ONID=2, TSID=2014, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Central S", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.734 #1: Mapped SID=7420, ONID=2, TSID=2014, Channel=782, Name="Sony TV Asia", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.734 #1: Mapped SID=7600, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=247, Name="Home+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.734 #1: Mapped SID=7605, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=133, Name="GOLD +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.734 #1: Mapped SID=7610, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=533, Name="Eden+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.734 #1: Mapped SID=7615, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=155, Name="Watch +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.734 #1: Mapped SID=7620, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=248, Name="Really", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.734 #1: Mapped SID=7624, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=158, Name="Dave ja vu", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.734 #1: Mapped SID=7626, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=250, Name="Good Food +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.734 #1: Mapped SID=7630, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=209, Name="alibi +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.734 #1: Mapped SID=7650, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=538, Name="YeSTERDAY+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.734 #1: Mapped SID=3807, ONID=2, TSID=2016, Channel=345, Name="MGM HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.734 #1: Mapped SID=3818, ONID=2, TSID=2016, Channel=334, Name="Sky Family HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.734 #1: Mapped SID=3821, ONID=2, TSID=2016, Channel=313, Name="SkyPremiereHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.734 #1: Mapped SID=3862, ONID=2, TSID=2016, Channel=335, Name="Sky Thriller HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.750 #1: Mapped SID=7230, ONID=2, TSID=2017, Channel=640, Name="QVC", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.750 #1: Mapped SID=7250, ONID=2, TSID=2017, Channel=654, Name="bid tv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.750 #1: Mapped SID=7100, ONID=2, TSID=2018, Channel=601, Name="Cartoon Netwrk", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.750 #1: Mapped SID=7101, ONID=2, TSID=2018, Channel=618, Name="Boomerang +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.750 #1: Mapped SID=7102, ONID=2, TSID=2018, Channel=603, Name="Boomerang", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.750 #1: Mapped SID=7103, ONID=2, TSID=2018, Channel=602, Name="CN Too", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.750 #1: Mapped SID=7140, ONID=2, TSID=2018, Channel=506, Name="CNN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.875 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:48.875 #3: Mapped SID=3815, ONID=2, TSID=2024, Channel=338, Name="Sky MdnGrtsHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.875 #3: Mapped SID=3816, ONID=2, TSID=2024, Channel=336, Name="Sky DraRomHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.875 #3: Mapped SID=3817, ONID=2, TSID=2024, Channel=337, Name="Sky ScFi/HorHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.875 #3: Mapped SID=3819, ONID=2, TSID=2024, Channel=332, Name="Sky Comedy HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.875 #3: Mapped SID=4860, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=342, Name="ShortsTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.875 #3: Mapped SID=5703, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=528, Name="Nat Geo Wild", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.875 #3: Mapped SID=5710, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=410, Name="Eurosport UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.890 #3: Mapped SID=5714, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=317, Name="TCM", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.890 #3: Mapped SID=5770, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=151, Name="E! Entertainm", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.890 #3: Mapped SID=5904, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=126, Name="ComedyCentral", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.890 #3: Mapped SID=8061, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=2080, Name="SkyBet,Casino,Bingo&Poker", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.890 #3: Mapped SID=9346, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=421, Name="Chelsea TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.890 #3: Mapped SID=4704, ONID=2, TSID=2026, Channel=501, Name="Sky News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.890 #3: Mapped SID=5107, ONID=2, TSID=2026, Channel=223, Name="Sky3+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.890 #3: Mapped SID=5505, ONID=2, TSID=2026, Channel=402, Name="Sky Sports 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.890 #3: Mapped SID=5510, ONID=2, TSID=2026, Channel=608, Name="Disney XD+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.890 #3: Mapped SID=5103, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=108, Name="Sky3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.890 #3: Mapped SID=5104, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=107, Name="Sky2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.890 #3: Mapped SID=5206, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=245, Name="Sky Arts 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.890 #3: Mapped SID=5802, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=539, Name="CommunityChnl", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.890 #3: Mapped SID=5804, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=509, Name="FOX News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.890 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:48.890 #1: Mapped SID=3832, ONID=2, TSID=2020, Channel=543, Name="Nat Geo HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.890 #1: Mapped SID=3856, ONID=2, TSID=2020, Channel=222, Name="Comedy Cen HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.890 #1: Mapped SID=3868, ONID=2, TSID=2020, Channel=559, Name="Eden HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.890 #1: Mapped SID=3869, ONID=2, TSID=2020, Channel=632, Name="NickelodeonHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.906 #1: Mapped SID=4214, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=401, Name="Sky Sports 1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.906 #1: Mapped SID=4219, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=403, Name="Sky Sports 3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.906 #1: Mapped SID=5048, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=1, Name="Sky Active Ads", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.906 #1: Mapped SID=5515, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=164, Name="FX", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.906 #1: Mapped SID=5521, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=619, Name="Cartoonito", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.906 #1: Mapped SID=5522, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=318, Name="TCM 2", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:55:48.906 #1: Mapped SID=7301, ONID=2, TSID=2022, Channel=134, Name="S4C", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.906 #1: Mapped SID=4907, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=405, Name="Sky Spts News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.906 #1: Mapped SID=5009, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=411, Name="Eurosport2 UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.906 #1: Mapped SID=5401, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=404, Name="Sky Sports 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.906 #1: Mapped SID=5402, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=165, Name="FX+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.906 #1: Mapped SID=5431, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=128, Name="ComedyCtralX", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.906 #1: Mapped SID=3815, ONID=2, TSID=2024, Channel=338, Name="Sky MdnGrtsHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.906 #1: Mapped SID=3816, ONID=2, TSID=2024, Channel=336, Name="Sky DraRomHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.906 #1: Mapped SID=3817, ONID=2, TSID=2024, Channel=337, Name="Sky ScFi/HorHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.906 #1: Mapped SID=3819, ONID=2, TSID=2024, Channel=332, Name="Sky Comedy HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.906 #1: Mapped SID=4860, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=342, Name="ShortsTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.906 #1: Mapped SID=5703, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=528, Name="Nat Geo Wild", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.906 #1: Mapped SID=5710, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=410, Name="Eurosport UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.921 #1: Mapped SID=5714, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=317, Name="TCM", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.921 #1: Mapped SID=5770, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=151, Name="E! Entertainm", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.921 #1: Mapped SID=5904, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=126, Name="ComedyCentral", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.921 #1: Mapped SID=8061, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=2080, Name="SkyBet,Casino,Bingo&Poker", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.921 #1: Mapped SID=9346, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=421, Name="Chelsea TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.921 #1: Mapped SID=4704, ONID=2, TSID=2026, Channel=501, Name="Sky News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.921 #1: Mapped SID=5107, ONID=2, TSID=2026, Channel=223, Name="Sky3+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.921 #1: Mapped SID=5505, ONID=2, TSID=2026, Channel=402, Name="Sky Sports 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.921 #1: Mapped SID=5510, ONID=2, TSID=2026, Channel=608, Name="Disney XD+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.921 #1: Mapped SID=5103, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=108, Name="Sky3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.921 #1: Mapped SID=5104, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=107, Name="Sky2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.921 #1: Mapped SID=5206, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=245, Name="Sky Arts 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.921 #1: Mapped SID=5802, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=539, Name="CommunityChnl", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.921 #1: Mapped SID=5804, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=509, Name="FOX News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.937 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:48.937 #2: Mapped SID=3832, ONID=2, TSID=2020, Channel=543, Name="Nat Geo HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.937 #2: Mapped SID=3856, ONID=2, TSID=2020, Channel=222, Name="Comedy Cen HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.937 #2: Mapped SID=3868, ONID=2, TSID=2020, Channel=559, Name="Eden HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.937 #2: Mapped SID=3869, ONID=2, TSID=2020, Channel=632, Name="NickelodeonHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.937 #2: Mapped SID=4214, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=401, Name="Sky Sports 1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.937 #2: Mapped SID=4219, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=403, Name="Sky Sports 3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.937 #2: Mapped SID=5048, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=1, Name="Sky Active Ads", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.937 #2: Mapped SID=5515, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=164, Name="FX", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.937 #2: Mapped SID=5521, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=619, Name="Cartoonito", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.937 #2: Mapped SID=5522, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=318, Name="TCM 2", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:55:48.937 #2: Mapped SID=7301, ONID=2, TSID=2022, Channel=134, Name="S4C", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.937 #2: Mapped SID=4907, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=405, Name="Sky Spts News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.937 #2: Mapped SID=5009, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=411, Name="Eurosport2 UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.937 #2: Mapped SID=5401, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=404, Name="Sky Sports 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.937 #2: Mapped SID=5402, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=165, Name="FX+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.937 #2: Mapped SID=5431, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=128, Name="ComedyCtralX", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.937 #2: Mapped SID=3815, ONID=2, TSID=2024, Channel=338, Name="Sky MdnGrtsHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.953 #2: Mapped SID=3816, ONID=2, TSID=2024, Channel=336, Name="Sky DraRomHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.953 #2: Mapped SID=3817, ONID=2, TSID=2024, Channel=337, Name="Sky ScFi/HorHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.953 #2: Mapped SID=3819, ONID=2, TSID=2024, Channel=332, Name="Sky Comedy HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.953 #2: Mapped SID=4860, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=342, Name="ShortsTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.953 #2: Mapped SID=5703, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=528, Name="Nat Geo Wild", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.953 #2: Mapped SID=5710, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=410, Name="Eurosport UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.953 #2: Mapped SID=5714, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=317, Name="TCM", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.953 #2: Mapped SID=5770, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=151, Name="E! Entertainm", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.953 #2: Mapped SID=5904, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=126, Name="ComedyCentral", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.953 #2: Mapped SID=8061, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=2080, Name="SkyBet,Casino,Bingo&Poker", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.953 #2: Mapped SID=9346, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=421, Name="Chelsea TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.953 #2: Mapped SID=4704, ONID=2, TSID=2026, Channel=501, Name="Sky News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.953 #2: Mapped SID=5107, ONID=2, TSID=2026, Channel=223, Name="Sky3+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.953 #2: Mapped SID=5505, ONID=2, TSID=2026, Channel=402, Name="Sky Sports 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.953 #2: Mapped SID=5510, ONID=2, TSID=2026, Channel=608, Name="Disney XD+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.953 #2: Mapped SID=5103, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=108, Name="Sky3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.953 #2: Mapped SID=5104, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=107, Name="Sky2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.953 #2: Mapped SID=5206, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=245, Name="Sky Arts 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.968 #2: Mapped SID=5802, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=539, Name="CommunityChnl", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:48.968 #2: Mapped SID=5804, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=509, Name="FOX News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.156 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:49.156 #3: Mapped SID=3814, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=333, Name="Sky Action HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.156 #3: Mapped SID=3885, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=544, Name="NatGeoWild HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.156 #3: Mapped SID=3886, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=545, Name="History HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.156 #3: Mapped SID=3887, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=211, Name="Bio HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.156 #3: Mapped SID=3888, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=555, Name="Crime HD", Type=25, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:55:49.156 #3: Mapped SID=3849, ONID=2, TSID=2029, Channel=455, Name="Sky Sp NewsHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.156 #3: Mapped SID=3857, ONID=2, TSID=2029, Channel=431, Name="ESPN AmrcaHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.156 #3: Mapped SID=3858, ONID=2, TSID=2029, Channel=171, Name="Five HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.156 #3: Mapped SID=4602, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=303, Name="Sky Showcase", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.156 #3: Mapped SID=4604, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=243, Name="Sky Arts 1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.156 #3: Mapped SID=4607, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=526, Name="Nat Geo", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.156 #3: Mapped SID=4608, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=527, Name="Nat Geo+1hr", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.156 #3: Mapped SID=4703, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=106, Name="Sky1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.156 #3: Mapped SID=9303, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=881, Name="Pub Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.156 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:49.156 #2: Mapped SID=3814, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=333, Name="Sky Action HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.156 #2: Mapped SID=3885, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=544, Name="NatGeoWild HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.171 #2: Mapped SID=3886, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=545, Name="History HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.171 #2: Mapped SID=3887, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=211, Name="Bio HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.171 #2: Mapped SID=3888, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=555, Name="Crime HD", Type=25, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:55:49.171 #2: Mapped SID=3849, ONID=2, TSID=2029, Channel=455, Name="Sky Sp NewsHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.171 #2: Mapped SID=3857, ONID=2, TSID=2029, Channel=431, Name="ESPN AmrcaHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.171 #2: Mapped SID=3858, ONID=2, TSID=2029, Channel=171, Name="Five HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.171 #2: Mapped SID=4602, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=303, Name="Sky Showcase", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.171 #2: Mapped SID=4604, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=243, Name="Sky Arts 1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.171 #2: Mapped SID=4607, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=526, Name="Nat Geo", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.171 #2: Mapped SID=4608, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=527, Name="Nat Geo+1hr", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.171 #2: Mapped SID=4703, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=106, Name="Sky1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.171 #2: Mapped SID=9303, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=881, Name="Pub Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.171 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:49.187 #1: Mapped SID=3814, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=333, Name="Sky Action HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.187 #1: Mapped SID=3885, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=544, Name="NatGeoWild HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.187 #1: Mapped SID=3886, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=545, Name="History HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.187 #1: Mapped SID=3887, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=211, Name="Bio HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.187 #1: Mapped SID=3888, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=555, Name="Crime HD", Type=25, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:55:49.187 #1: Mapped SID=3849, ONID=2, TSID=2029, Channel=455, Name="Sky Sp NewsHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.187 #1: Mapped SID=3857, ONID=2, TSID=2029, Channel=431, Name="ESPN AmrcaHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.187 #1: Mapped SID=3858, ONID=2, TSID=2029, Channel=171, Name="Five HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.187 #1: Mapped SID=4602, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=303, Name="Sky Showcase", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.187 #1: Mapped SID=4604, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=243, Name="Sky Arts 1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.187 #1: Mapped SID=4607, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=526, Name="Nat Geo", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.187 #1: Mapped SID=4608, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=527, Name="Nat Geo+1hr", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.187 #1: Mapped SID=4703, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=106, Name="Sky1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.187 #1: Mapped SID=9303, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=881, Name="Pub Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.859 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:49.859 #1: Mapped SID=8107, ONID=2, TSID=2043, Channel=2015, Name="Sky Games", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.859 #1: Mapped SID=9611, ONID=2, TSID=2043, Channel=3160, Name="RTE Radio 1", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.859 #1: Mapped SID=9612, ONID=2, TSID=2043, Channel=3164, Name="RTE 2FM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.859 #1: Mapped SID=9613, ONID=2, TSID=2043, Channel=3166, Name="RTE R na G", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.875 #1: Mapped SID=9614, ONID=2, TSID=2043, Channel=3165, Name="RTE Lyric fm", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.906 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:49.906 #3: Mapped SID=8107, ONID=2, TSID=2043, Channel=2015, Name="Sky Games", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.906 #3: Mapped SID=9611, ONID=2, TSID=2043, Channel=3160, Name="RTE Radio 1", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.906 #3: Mapped SID=9612, ONID=2, TSID=2043, Channel=3164, Name="RTE 2FM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.906 #3: Mapped SID=9613, ONID=2, TSID=2043, Channel=3166, Name="RTE R na G", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.906 #3: Mapped SID=9614, ONID=2, TSID=2043, Channel=3165, Name="RTE Lyric fm", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.906 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:49.906 #2: Mapped SID=8107, ONID=2, TSID=2043, Channel=2015, Name="Sky Games", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.906 #2: Mapped SID=9611, ONID=2, TSID=2043, Channel=3160, Name="RTE Radio 1", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.906 #2: Mapped SID=9612, ONID=2, TSID=2043, Channel=3164, Name="RTE 2FM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.921 #2: Mapped SID=9613, ONID=2, TSID=2043, Channel=3166, Name="RTE R na G", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:49.921 #2: Mapped SID=9614, ONID=2, TSID=2043, Channel=3165, Name="RTE Lyric fm", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:50.953 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:50.953 #1: Mapped SID=6441, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=978, Name="BBC 1 N West", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:50.953 #1: Mapped SID=6451, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=976, Name="BBC 1 Yorks", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:50.953 #1: Mapped SID=6461, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=983, Name="BBC 1 S East", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.156 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:51.156 #1: Mapped SID=6401, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=3105, Name="BBC R5L", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.156 #1: Mapped SID=6416, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=116, Name="BBC FOUR", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:55:51.171 #1: Mapped SID=6418, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=614, Name="CBeebies", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.171 #1: Mapped SID=6421, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=971, Name="BBC 1 Scotland", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.171 #1: Mapped SID=6422, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=990, Name="BBC 2 Scotland", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.171 #1: Mapped SID=6464, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=3144, Name="BBC R5SX", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.296 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:51.296 #1: Mapped SID=10353, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=984, Name="BBC 1 South", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.296 #1: Mapped SID=10354, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=987, Name="BBC 1 S West", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.296 #1: Mapped SID=10355, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=975, Name="BBC 1 NE & C", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.296 #1: Mapped SID=10356, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=985, Name="BBC 1 Oxford", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.484 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:51.484 #2: Mapped SID=10238, ONID=2, TSID=2054, Channel=3108, Name="talkSPORT", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.484 #2: Mapped SID=10260, ONID=2, TSID=2054, Channel=119, Name="ITV3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.484 #2: Mapped SID=10261, ONID=2, TSID=2054, Channel=179, Name="ITV3+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.500 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:51.500 #1: Mapped SID=10361, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=973, Name="BBC 1 NI", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.500 #1: Mapped SID=10362, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=992, Name="BBC 2 NI", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.500 #1: Mapped SID=10000, ONID=2, TSID=2049, Channel=178, Name="ITV1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.500 #1: Mapped SID=10030, ONID=2, TSID=2049, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 West", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.515 #1: Mapped SID=10040, ONID=2, TSID=2049, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 W Country", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.515 #1: Mapped SID=10015, ONID=2, TSID=2049, Channel=180, Name="ITV4+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.515 #1: Mapped SID=6940, ONID=2, TSID=2050, Channel=143, Name="BBC HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.515 #1: Mapped SID=9001, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=609, Name="Disney Chnl", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.515 #1: Mapped SID=9002, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=622, Name="Disney Cine", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.515 #1: Mapped SID=9003, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=628, Name="Disney Cine+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.515 #1: Mapped SID=9004, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=611, Name="Play Disney", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.515 #1: Mapped SID=9007, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=610, Name="Disney Chnl+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.515 #1: Mapped SID=9010, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=612, Name="Play Disney+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.515 #1: Mapped SID=5560, ONID=2, TSID=2052, Channel=604, Name="Nickelodeon", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.515 #1: Mapped SID=5561, ONID=2, TSID=2052, Channel=605, Name="Nick Replay", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.515 #1: Mapped SID=5562, ONID=2, TSID=2052, Channel=606, Name="Nicktoons", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.515 #1: Mapped SID=5563, ONID=2, TSID=2052, Channel=615, Name="Nick Jr.", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.515 #1: Mapped SID=10150, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Anglia S", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.515 #1: Mapped SID=10140, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Meridian S", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.515 #1: Mapped SID=10160, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Yorks W", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.515 #1: Mapped SID=10141, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Meridian E", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.515 #1: Mapped SID=10120, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Border", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.515 #1: Mapped SID=10130, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 TT N", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.515 #1: Mapped SID=10165, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=131, Name="ITV2+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.531 #1: Mapped SID=10238, ONID=2, TSID=2054, Channel=3108, Name="talkSPORT", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.531 #1: Mapped SID=10260, ONID=2, TSID=2054, Channel=119, Name="ITV3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.531 #1: Mapped SID=10261, ONID=2, TSID=2054, Channel=179, Name="ITV3+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.750 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:51.750 #3: Mapped SID=52134, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=780, Name="B4U Movies", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.750 #3: Mapped SID=52135, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=781, Name="B4U Music", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.750 #3: Mapped SID=52158, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=590, Name="Gospel Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.750 #3: Mapped SID=52159, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=818, Name="AAJ TAK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.750 #3: Mapped SID=52162, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=883, Name="Renault TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.750 #3: Mapped SID=52166, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=834, Name="NTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.750 #3: Mapped SID=52230, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=173, Name="LIVINGit+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.750 #3: Mapped SID=52232, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=152, Name="Challenge+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.750 #3: Mapped SID=52233, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=153, Name="Bravo 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.750 #3: Mapped SID=52235, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=122, Name="Channel One+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.750 #3: Mapped SID=52250, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=195, Name="propeller", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.750 #3: Mapped SID=52299, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=3123, Name="Premier", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.765 #3: Mapped SID=50903, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=149, Name="CBS Drama", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.765 #3: Mapped SID=55201, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=949, Name="House Of Fun", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:55:51.765 #3: Mapped SID=55202, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=371, Name="Starz TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.765 #3: Mapped SID=55204, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=910, Name="Lucky Star", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.765 #3: Mapped SID=55207, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=906, Name="Babestation", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.765 #3: Mapped SID=55209, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=831, Name="NDTV Imagine", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.765 #3: Mapped SID=55210, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=783, Name="STAR One", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.765 #3: Mapped SID=55211, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=159, Name="ComedyCtlX+1", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:55:51.765 #3: Mapped SID=55212, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=908, Name="Babeworld.tv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.765 #3: Mapped SID=55213, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=845, Name="Takbeer TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.765 #3: Mapped SID=55214, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=219, Name="My Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.765 #3: Mapped SID=55221, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=885, Name="WatchmeTV.TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.765 #3: Mapped SID=55226, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=886, Name="Psychic TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.765 #3: Mapped SID=55228, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=842, Name="Ahlulbayt TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.765 #3: Mapped SID=55251, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=630, Name="N'toons Replay", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.765 #3: Mapped SID=55270, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=130, Name="Universal", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.765 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:51.765 #2: Mapped SID=5021, ONID=2, TSID=2055, Channel=511, Name="NDTV 24x7", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.765 #2: Mapped SID=5025, ONID=2, TSID=2055, Channel=183, Name="Current TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.781 #2: Mapped SID=3852, ONID=2, TSID=2056, Channel=178, Name="ITV1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.781 #2: Mapped SID=3851, ONID=2, TSID=2056, Channel=178, Name="ITV1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.781 #2: Mapped SID=52100, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=252, Name="Travel Ch +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.781 #2: Mapped SID=52102, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=147, Name="CBS Reality+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.781 #2: Mapped SID=52105, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=319, Name="horror channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.781 #2: Mapped SID=52106, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=877, Name="Gay Network ", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.781 #2: Mapped SID=52107, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=582, Name="Wonderful", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.781 #2: Mapped SID=52108, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=784, Name="STAR Plus", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.781 #2: Mapped SID=52109, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=660, Name="Thane Direct", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.781 #2: Mapped SID=52110, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=802, Name="DM Digital", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.781 #2: Mapped SID=52111, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=505, Name="CNBC", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.781 #2: Mapped SID=52112, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=268, Name="Africa Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.781 #2: Mapped SID=52113, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=809, Name="STAR Gold", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.781 #2: Mapped SID=52132, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=3130, Name="Panjab Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.781 #2: Mapped SID=52169, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=554, Name="Crime+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.781 #2: Mapped SID=52170, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=860, Name="Jackpot Games", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.781 #2: Mapped SID=52116, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=190, Name="Open Access 3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.781 #2: Mapped SID=52118, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=869, Name="SmartLive", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.781 #2: Mapped SID=52121, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=326, Name="mov4men2 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.781 #2: Mapped SID=52125, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=201, Name="Showcase", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.796 #2: Mapped SID=52127, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=581, Name="revelation", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.796 #2: Mapped SID=52131, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=848, Name="Sikh TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.796 #2: Mapped SID=52134, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=780, Name="B4U Movies", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.796 #2: Mapped SID=52135, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=781, Name="B4U Music", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.796 #2: Mapped SID=52158, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=590, Name="Gospel Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.796 #2: Mapped SID=52159, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=818, Name="AAJ TAK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.796 #2: Mapped SID=52162, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=883, Name="Renault TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.796 #2: Mapped SID=52166, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=834, Name="NTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.796 #2: Mapped SID=52230, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=173, Name="LIVINGit+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.796 #2: Mapped SID=52232, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=152, Name="Challenge+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.796 #2: Mapped SID=52233, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=153, Name="Bravo 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.796 #2: Mapped SID=52235, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=122, Name="Channel One+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.796 #2: Mapped SID=52250, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=195, Name="propeller", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.796 #2: Mapped SID=52299, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=3123, Name="Premier", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.796 #2: Mapped SID=50903, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=149, Name="CBS Drama", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.796 #2: Mapped SID=55201, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=949, Name="House Of Fun", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:55:51.796 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:51.796 #2: Mapped SID=55202, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=371, Name="Starz TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.796 #1: Mapped SID=5021, ONID=2, TSID=2055, Channel=511, Name="NDTV 24x7", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.812 #2: Mapped SID=55204, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=910, Name="Lucky Star", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.812 #1: Mapped SID=5025, ONID=2, TSID=2055, Channel=183, Name="Current TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.812 #2: Mapped SID=55207, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=906, Name="Babestation", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.812 #1: Mapped SID=3852, ONID=2, TSID=2056, Channel=178, Name="ITV1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.812 #2: Mapped SID=55209, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=831, Name="NDTV Imagine", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.812 #1: Mapped SID=3851, ONID=2, TSID=2056, Channel=178, Name="ITV1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.812 #2: Mapped SID=55210, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=783, Name="STAR One", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.812 #1: Mapped SID=52100, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=252, Name="Travel Ch +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.812 #2: Mapped SID=55211, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=159, Name="ComedyCtlX+1", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:55:51.812 #1: Mapped SID=52102, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=147, Name="CBS Reality+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.812 #2: Mapped SID=55212, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=908, Name="Babeworld.tv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.812 #1: Mapped SID=52105, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=319, Name="horror channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.812 #2: Mapped SID=55213, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=845, Name="Takbeer TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.812 #1: Mapped SID=52106, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=877, Name="Gay Network ", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.812 #2: Mapped SID=55214, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=219, Name="My Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.812 #1: Mapped SID=52107, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=582, Name="Wonderful", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.812 #2: Mapped SID=55221, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=885, Name="WatchmeTV.TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.812 #1: Mapped SID=52108, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=784, Name="STAR Plus", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.828 #2: Mapped SID=55226, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=886, Name="Psychic TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.828 #1: Mapped SID=52109, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=660, Name="Thane Direct", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.828 #2: Mapped SID=55228, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=842, Name="Ahlulbayt TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.828 #1: Mapped SID=52110, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=802, Name="DM Digital", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.828 #2: Mapped SID=55251, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=630, Name="N'toons Replay", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.828 #1: Mapped SID=52111, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=505, Name="CNBC", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.828 #2: Mapped SID=55270, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=130, Name="Universal", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.828 #1: Mapped SID=52112, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=268, Name="Africa Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.828 #1: Mapped SID=52113, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=809, Name="STAR Gold", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.828 #1: Mapped SID=52132, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=3130, Name="Panjab Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.828 #1: Mapped SID=52169, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=554, Name="Crime+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.828 #1: Mapped SID=52170, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=860, Name="Jackpot Games", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.828 #1: Mapped SID=52116, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=190, Name="Open Access 3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.828 #1: Mapped SID=52118, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=869, Name="SmartLive", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.828 #1: Mapped SID=52121, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=326, Name="mov4men2 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.828 #1: Mapped SID=52125, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=201, Name="Showcase", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.828 #1: Mapped SID=52127, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=581, Name="revelation", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.828 #1: Mapped SID=52131, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=848, Name="Sikh TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.843 #1: Mapped SID=52134, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=780, Name="B4U Movies", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.843 #1: Mapped SID=52135, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=781, Name="B4U Music", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.843 #1: Mapped SID=52158, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=590, Name="Gospel Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.843 #1: Mapped SID=52159, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=818, Name="AAJ TAK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.843 #1: Mapped SID=52162, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=883, Name="Renault TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.843 #1: Mapped SID=52166, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=834, Name="NTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.843 #1: Mapped SID=52230, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=173, Name="LIVINGit+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.843 #1: Mapped SID=52232, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=152, Name="Challenge+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.843 #1: Mapped SID=52233, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=153, Name="Bravo 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.843 #1: Mapped SID=52235, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=122, Name="Channel One+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.843 #1: Mapped SID=52250, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=195, Name="propeller", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.843 #1: Mapped SID=52299, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=3123, Name="Premier", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.843 #1: Mapped SID=50903, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=149, Name="CBS Drama", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.843 #1: Mapped SID=55201, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=949, Name="House Of Fun", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:55:51.843 #1: Mapped SID=55202, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=371, Name="Starz TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.843 #1: Mapped SID=55204, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=910, Name="Lucky Star", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.843 #1: Mapped SID=55207, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=906, Name="Babestation", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.843 #1: Mapped SID=55209, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=831, Name="NDTV Imagine", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.859 #1: Mapped SID=55210, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=783, Name="STAR One", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.859 #1: Mapped SID=55211, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=159, Name="ComedyCtlX+1", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:55:51.859 #1: Mapped SID=55212, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=908, Name="Babeworld.tv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.859 #1: Mapped SID=55213, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=845, Name="Takbeer TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.859 #1: Mapped SID=55214, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=219, Name="My Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.859 #1: Mapped SID=55221, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=885, Name="WatchmeTV.TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.859 #1: Mapped SID=55226, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=886, Name="Psychic TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.859 #1: Mapped SID=55228, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=842, Name="Ahlulbayt TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.859 #1: Mapped SID=55251, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=630, Name="N'toons Replay", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.859 #1: Mapped SID=55270, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=130, Name="Universal", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.968 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:51.968 #2: Mapped SID=52500, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=815, Name="GEO UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.968 #2: Mapped SID=52505, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=824, Name="AAG", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.968 #2: Mapped SID=52510, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=645, Name="price-drop tv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.968 #2: Mapped SID=52515, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=800, Name="MAX", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.968 #2: Mapped SID=52520, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=829, Name="COLORS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.968 #2: Mapped SID=52525, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=221, Name="OBE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.968 #2: Mapped SID=52530, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=269, Name="Diva TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.968 #2: Mapped SID=52535, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=804, Name="ARY QTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.968 #2: Mapped SID=52545, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=680, Name="Screenshop2", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:55:51.968 #2: Mapped SID=52546, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=665, Name="speedauctiontv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.968 #2: Mapped SID=52550, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=502, Name="Bloomberg", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.968 #2: Mapped SID=52555, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=832, Name="Glory TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.968 #2: Mapped SID=52001, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=586, Name="UCB TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.968 #2: Mapped SID=52002, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=320, Name="horror ch+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.968 #2: Mapped SID=52004, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=828, Name="UMMAH CHNL", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.968 #2: Mapped SID=52005, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=383, Name="Clubland TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.968 #2: Mapped SID=52006, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=655, Name="Jewelry Maker", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.984 #2: Mapped SID=52008, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=909, Name="Get Lucky TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.984 #2: Mapped SID=52010, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=378, Name="Lava", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.984 #2: Mapped SID=52013, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=878, Name="Chat Box", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.984 #2: Mapped SID=52014, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=343, Name="Cinémoi movies", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.984 #2: Mapped SID=52016, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=952, Name="The Other Side", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:55:51.984 #2: Mapped SID=52027, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=3133, Name="Sunrise", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.984 #2: Mapped SID=52028, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=3211, Name="BFBS Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.984 #2: Mapped SID=52029, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=3124, Name="LBC 97.3", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.984 #2: Mapped SID=52030, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=3111, Name="Heart", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.984 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:51.984 #2: Mapped SID=52031, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=3112, Name="Galaxy", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.984 #1: Mapped SID=52500, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=815, Name="GEO UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.984 #2: Mapped SID=52040, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=945, Name="SportxxxGirls", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.984 #1: Mapped SID=52505, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=824, Name="AAG", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.984 #2: Mapped SID=52050, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=954, Name="Northern Birds", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.984 #1: Mapped SID=52510, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=645, Name="price-drop tv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.984 #2: Mapped SID=52060, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=198, Name="BET +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.984 #1: Mapped SID=52515, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=800, Name="MAX", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:51.984 #2: Mapped SID=52070, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=515, Name="Press TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.000 #1: Mapped SID=52520, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=829, Name="COLORS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.000 #2: Mapped SID=53109, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=323, Name="movies4men", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.000 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:52.000 #1: Mapped SID=52525, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=221, Name="OBE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.000 #2: Mapped SID=53110, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=325, Name="movies4men 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.000 #3: Mapped SID=52500, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=815, Name="GEO UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.000 #1: Mapped SID=52530, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=269, Name="Diva TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.000 #2: Mapped SID=53113, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=817, Name="Sahara One", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.000 #3: Mapped SID=52505, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=824, Name="AAG", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.000 #1: Mapped SID=52535, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=804, Name="ARY QTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.000 #2: Mapped SID=53116, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=810, Name="PTV Global", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.000 #3: Mapped SID=52510, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=645, Name="price-drop tv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.000 #1: Mapped SID=52545, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=680, Name="Screenshop2", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:55:52.000 #2: Mapped SID=53118, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=823, Name="jazeerachildren", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.000 #3: Mapped SID=52515, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=800, Name="MAX", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.000 #1: Mapped SID=52546, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=665, Name="speedauctiontv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.000 #2: Mapped SID=53120, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3201, Name="Absolute CR", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.000 #3: Mapped SID=52520, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=829, Name="COLORS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.000 #1: Mapped SID=52550, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=502, Name="Bloomberg", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.015 #2: Mapped SID=53121, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3107, Name="Absolute", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.015 #3: Mapped SID=52525, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=221, Name="OBE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.015 #1: Mapped SID=52555, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=832, Name="Glory TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.015 #2: Mapped SID=53122, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3200, Name="Absolute80s", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.015 #3: Mapped SID=52530, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=269, Name="Diva TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.015 #1: Mapped SID=52001, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=586, Name="UCB TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.015 #2: Mapped SID=53123, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3176, Name="Amrit Bani", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.015 #3: Mapped SID=52535, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=804, Name="ARY QTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.015 #1: Mapped SID=52002, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=320, Name="horror ch+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.015 #2: Mapped SID=53124, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3188, Name="InsightRadio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.015 #3: Mapped SID=52545, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=680, Name="Screenshop2", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:55:52.015 #1: Mapped SID=52004, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=828, Name="UMMAH CHNL", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.015 #2: Mapped SID=53125, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3156, Name="CC Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.015 #3: Mapped SID=52546, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=665, Name="speedauctiontv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.015 #1: Mapped SID=52005, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=383, Name="Clubland TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.015 #2: Mapped SID=53126, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3169, Name="Desi Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.015 #3: Mapped SID=52550, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=502, Name="Bloomberg", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.015 #1: Mapped SID=52006, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=655, Name="Jewelry Maker", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.031 #2: Mapped SID=53127, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3203, Name="Abs Rad 90s", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.031 #3: Mapped SID=52555, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=832, Name="Glory TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.031 #1: Mapped SID=52008, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=909, Name="Get Lucky TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.031 #2: Mapped SID=53128, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3199, Name="RdioCaroline", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.031 #3: Mapped SID=52001, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=586, Name="UCB TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.031 #1: Mapped SID=52010, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=378, Name="Lava", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.031 #2: Mapped SID=53129, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3207, Name="Rainbow", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.031 #3: Mapped SID=52002, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=320, Name="horror ch+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.031 #1: Mapped SID=52013, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=878, Name="Chat Box", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.031 #2: Mapped SID=53130, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=2030, Name="Free & Prize PlayJam Games", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.031 #3: Mapped SID=52004, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=828, Name="UMMAH CHNL", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.031 #1: Mapped SID=52014, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=343, Name="Cinémoi movies", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.031 #2: Mapped SID=53131, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3186, Name="Liberty", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.031 #3: Mapped SID=52005, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=383, Name="Clubland TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.031 #1: Mapped SID=52016, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=952, Name="The Other Side", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:55:52.031 #2: Mapped SID=53132, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3185, Name="Spectrum 1", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.031 #3: Mapped SID=52006, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=655, Name="Jewelry Maker", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.031 #1: Mapped SID=52027, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=3133, Name="Sunrise", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.046 #2: Mapped SID=53133, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3138, Name="TWR", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.046 #3: Mapped SID=52008, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=909, Name="Get Lucky TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.046 #1: Mapped SID=52028, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=3211, Name="BFBS Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.046 #2: Mapped SID=53135, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3122, Name="WRN Europe", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.046 #3: Mapped SID=52010, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=378, Name="Lava", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.046 #1: Mapped SID=52029, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=3124, Name="LBC 97.3", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.046 #2: Mapped SID=53136, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3209, Name="Yorkshire R", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.046 #3: Mapped SID=52013, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=878, Name="Chat Box", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.046 #1: Mapped SID=52030, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=3111, Name="Heart", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.046 #2: Mapped SID=53137, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3158, Name="Gaydarradio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.046 #3: Mapped SID=52014, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=343, Name="Cinémoi movies", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.046 #1: Mapped SID=52031, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=3112, Name="Galaxy", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.046 #2: Mapped SID=53138, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3142, Name="RTE R1 Extra", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.046 #3: Mapped SID=52016, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=952, Name="The Other Side", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:55:52.046 #1: Mapped SID=52040, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=945, Name="SportxxxGirls", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.046 #2: Mapped SID=53139, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3159, Name="Family Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.046 #3: Mapped SID=52027, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=3133, Name="Sunrise", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.062 #1: Mapped SID=52050, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=954, Name="Northern Birds", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.062 #2: Mapped SID=53140, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3184, Name="NME", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.062 #3: Mapped SID=52028, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=3211, Name="BFBS Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.062 #1: Mapped SID=52060, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=198, Name="BET +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.062 #2: Mapped SID=53141, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3205, Name="VOT Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.062 #3: Mapped SID=52029, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=3124, Name="LBC 97.3", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.062 #1: Mapped SID=52070, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=515, Name="Press TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.062 #2: Mapped SID=53142, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3202, Name="Jazz FM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.062 #3: Mapped SID=52030, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=3111, Name="Heart", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.062 #1: Mapped SID=53109, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=323, Name="movies4men", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.062 #2: Mapped SID=53144, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=805, Name="Venus TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.062 #3: Mapped SID=52031, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=3112, Name="Galaxy", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.062 #1: Mapped SID=53110, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=325, Name="movies4men 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.062 #2: Mapped SID=53145, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=369, Name="Vintage TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.062 #3: Mapped SID=52040, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=945, Name="SportxxxGirls", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.062 #1: Mapped SID=53113, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=817, Name="Sahara One", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.062 #2: Mapped SID=55003, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=329, Name="Nollywood", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.062 #3: Mapped SID=52050, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=954, Name="Northern Birds", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.062 #1: Mapped SID=53116, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=810, Name="PTV Global", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.078 #2: Mapped SID=53205, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=429, Name="ESPN Classic", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.078 #3: Mapped SID=52060, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=198, Name="BET +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.078 #1: Mapped SID=53118, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=823, Name="jazeerachildren", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.078 #2: Mapped SID=53210, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=212, Name="Sumo TV", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:55:52.078 #3: Mapped SID=52070, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=515, Name="Press TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.078 #1: Mapped SID=53120, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3201, Name="Absolute CR", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.078 #2: Mapped SID=53230, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=191, Name="BET", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.078 #3: Mapped SID=53109, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=323, Name="movies4men", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.078 #1: Mapped SID=53121, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3107, Name="Absolute", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.078 #2: Mapped SID=53255, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=914, Name="Elite TV 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.078 #3: Mapped SID=53110, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=325, Name="movies4men 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.078 #1: Mapped SID=53122, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3200, Name="Absolute80s", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.078 #2: Mapped SID=53260, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=262, Name="Food Network", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.078 #3: Mapped SID=53113, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=817, Name="Sahara One", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.078 #1: Mapped SID=53123, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3176, Name="Amrit Bani", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.078 #2: Mapped SID=53270, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=263, Name="Food Netwrk+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.078 #3: Mapped SID=53116, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=810, Name="PTV Global", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.078 #1: Mapped SID=53124, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3188, Name="InsightRadio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.093 #2: Mapped SID=53275, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=951, Name="Blue Kiss TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.093 #3: Mapped SID=53118, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=823, Name="jazeerachildren", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.093 #1: Mapped SID=53125, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3156, Name="CC Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.093 #2: Mapped SID=53280, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=266, Name="wedding tv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.093 #3: Mapped SID=53120, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3201, Name="Absolute CR", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.093 #1: Mapped SID=53126, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3169, Name="Desi Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.093 #2: Mapped SID=53285, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=620, Name="Nick Jr. 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.093 #3: Mapped SID=53121, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3107, Name="Absolute", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.093 #1: Mapped SID=53127, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3203, Name="Abs Rad 90s", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.093 #2: Mapped SID=53290, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=803, Name="Hidayat TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.093 #3: Mapped SID=53122, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3200, Name="Absolute80s", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.093 #1: Mapped SID=53128, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3199, Name="RdioCaroline", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.093 #2: Mapped SID=53295, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=950, Name="LivexxxBabes", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.093 #3: Mapped SID=53123, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3176, Name="Amrit Bani", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.093 #1: Mapped SID=53129, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3207, Name="Rainbow", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.093 #3: Mapped SID=53124, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3188, Name="InsightRadio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.093 #2: Mapped SID=53297, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=955, Name="Essex Babes", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.109 #1: Mapped SID=53130, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=2030, Name="Free & Prize PlayJam Games", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.109 #3: Mapped SID=53125, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3156, Name="CC Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.109 #2: Mapped SID=53305, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=807, Name="Disha", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.109 #1: Mapped SID=53131, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3186, Name="Liberty", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.109 #3: Mapped SID=53126, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3169, Name="Desi Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.109 #2: Mapped SID=53310, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=644, Name="Ideal World", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.109 #1: Mapped SID=53132, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3185, Name="Spectrum 1", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.109 #3: Mapped SID=53127, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3203, Name="Abs Rad 90s", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.109 #2: Mapped SID=53315, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=648, Name="High Street TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.109 #1: Mapped SID=53133, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3138, Name="TWR", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.109 #3: Mapped SID=53128, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3199, Name="RdioCaroline", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.109 #2: Mapped SID=53320, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=651, Name="Ideal Extra", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.109 #1: Mapped SID=53135, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3122, Name="WRN Europe", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.109 #2: Mapped SID=53325, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=671, Name="Create & Craft", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.109 #3: Mapped SID=53129, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3207, Name="Rainbow", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.109 #1: Mapped SID=53136, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3209, Name="Yorkshire R", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.109 #2: Mapped SID=53330, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=966, Name="Club Paradiso", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.109 #3: Mapped SID=53130, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=2030, Name="Free & Prize PlayJam Games", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.125 #1: Mapped SID=53137, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3158, Name="Gaydarradio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.125 #2: Mapped SID=53335, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=413, Name="Motors TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.125 #3: Mapped SID=53131, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3186, Name="Liberty", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.125 #1: Mapped SID=53138, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3142, Name="RTE R1 Extra", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.125 #2: Mapped SID=53345, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=406, Name="MUTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.125 #3: Mapped SID=53132, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3185, Name="Spectrum 1", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.125 #1: Mapped SID=53139, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3159, Name="Family Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.125 #2: Mapped SID=53350, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=650, Name="Jewellery Ch.", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.125 #3: Mapped SID=53133, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3138, Name="TWR", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.125 #1: Mapped SID=53140, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3184, Name="NME", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.125 #2: Mapped SID=53360, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=668, Name="Ideal & More", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.125 #3: Mapped SID=53135, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3122, Name="WRN Europe", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.125 #1: Mapped SID=53141, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3205, Name="VOT Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.125 #3: Mapped SID=53136, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3209, Name="Yorkshire R", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.125 #1: Mapped SID=53142, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3202, Name="Jazz FM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.125 #3: Mapped SID=53137, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3158, Name="Gaydarradio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.125 #1: Mapped SID=53144, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=805, Name="Venus TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.125 #3: Mapped SID=53138, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3142, Name="RTE R1 Extra", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.140 #1: Mapped SID=53145, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=369, Name="Vintage TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.140 #3: Mapped SID=53139, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3159, Name="Family Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.140 #1: Mapped SID=55003, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=329, Name="Nollywood", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.140 #3: Mapped SID=53140, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3184, Name="NME", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.140 #1: Mapped SID=53205, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=429, Name="ESPN Classic", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.140 #3: Mapped SID=53141, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3205, Name="VOT Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.140 #1: Mapped SID=53210, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=212, Name="Sumo TV", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:55:52.140 #3: Mapped SID=53142, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3202, Name="Jazz FM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.140 #1: Mapped SID=53230, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=191, Name="BET", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.140 #3: Mapped SID=53144, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=805, Name="Venus TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.140 #1: Mapped SID=53255, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=914, Name="Elite TV 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.140 #3: Mapped SID=53145, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=369, Name="Vintage TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.140 #1: Mapped SID=53260, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=262, Name="Food Network", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.140 #3: Mapped SID=55003, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=329, Name="Nollywood", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.140 #1: Mapped SID=53270, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=263, Name="Food Netwrk+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.140 #3: Mapped SID=53205, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=429, Name="ESPN Classic", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.140 #1: Mapped SID=53275, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=951, Name="Blue Kiss TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.140 #3: Mapped SID=53210, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=212, Name="Sumo TV", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:55:52.156 #1: Mapped SID=53280, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=266, Name="wedding tv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.156 #3: Mapped SID=53230, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=191, Name="BET", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.156 #1: Mapped SID=53285, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=620, Name="Nick Jr. 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.156 #3: Mapped SID=53255, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=914, Name="Elite TV 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.156 #1: Mapped SID=53290, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=803, Name="Hidayat TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.156 #3: Mapped SID=53260, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=262, Name="Food Network", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.156 #1: Mapped SID=53295, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=950, Name="LivexxxBabes", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.156 #3: Mapped SID=53270, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=263, Name="Food Netwrk+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.156 #1: Mapped SID=53297, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=955, Name="Essex Babes", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.156 #3: Mapped SID=53275, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=951, Name="Blue Kiss TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.156 #1: Mapped SID=53305, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=807, Name="Disha", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.156 #3: Mapped SID=53280, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=266, Name="wedding tv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.156 #1: Mapped SID=53310, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=644, Name="Ideal World", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.156 #3: Mapped SID=53285, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=620, Name="Nick Jr. 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.156 #1: Mapped SID=53315, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=648, Name="High Street TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.156 #3: Mapped SID=53290, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=803, Name="Hidayat TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.156 #1: Mapped SID=53320, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=651, Name="Ideal Extra", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.156 #3: Mapped SID=53295, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=950, Name="LivexxxBabes", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.171 #1: Mapped SID=53325, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=671, Name="Create & Craft", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.171 #3: Mapped SID=53297, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=955, Name="Essex Babes", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.171 #1: Mapped SID=53330, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=966, Name="Club Paradiso", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.171 #3: Mapped SID=53305, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=807, Name="Disha", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.171 #1: Mapped SID=53335, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=413, Name="Motors TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.171 #3: Mapped SID=53310, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=644, Name="Ideal World", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.171 #1: Mapped SID=53345, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=406, Name="MUTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.171 #3: Mapped SID=53315, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=648, Name="High Street TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.171 #1: Mapped SID=53350, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=650, Name="Jewellery Ch.", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.171 #3: Mapped SID=53320, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=651, Name="Ideal Extra", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.171 #1: Mapped SID=53360, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=668, Name="Ideal & More", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.171 #3: Mapped SID=53325, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=671, Name="Create & Craft", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.171 #3: Mapped SID=53330, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=966, Name="Club Paradiso", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.171 #3: Mapped SID=53335, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=413, Name="Motors TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.171 #3: Mapped SID=53345, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=406, Name="MUTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.171 #3: Mapped SID=53350, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=650, Name="Jewellery Ch.", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.171 #3: Mapped SID=53360, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=668, Name="Ideal & More", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.187 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:52.187 #2: Mapped SID=52400, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=551, Name="Investigation", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.187 #2: Mapped SID=52405, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=535, Name="Animal Plnt+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.187 #2: Mapped SID=52410, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=549, Name="Disc.Sci+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.187 #2: Mapped SID=52415, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=144, Name="DMAX", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.187 #2: Mapped SID=52420, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=145, Name="DMAX+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.187 #2: Mapped SID=52425, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=206, Name="DMAX+2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.187 #2: Mapped SID=52430, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=167, Name="QUEST+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.187 #2: Mapped SID=52435, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=557, Name="Disc.Know.+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.187 #2: Mapped SID=52440, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=242, Name="Discovery Shed", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.187 #2: Mapped SID=52445, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=241, Name="Disc.RT+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.187 #2: Mapped SID=52450, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=255, Name="Home&Health+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.187 #2: Mapped SID=53500, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=327, Name="movies 24", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.187 #2: Mapped SID=53505, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=328, Name="movies24+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.187 #2: Mapped SID=53510, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=806, Name="ARY News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.187 #2: Mapped SID=53589, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=677, Name="CelebrityShop", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.187 #2: Mapped SID=53590, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=948, Name="ChatGirl TV2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.187 #2: Mapped SID=53591, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=902, Name="Tease Me TV2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.203 #2: Mapped SID=53592, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=915, Name="Climax3 - 1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.203 #2: Mapped SID=53593, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=916, Name="Climax3 - 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.203 #2: Mapped SID=53594, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=961, Name="Climax3 - 3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.203 #2: Mapped SID=53595, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=901, Name="Adult Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.203 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:52.203 #2: Mapped SID=53596, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=900, Name="Playboy TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.203 #1: Mapped SID=52400, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=551, Name="Investigation", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.203 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:52.203 #2: Mapped SID=53597, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=917, Name="Top Shelf TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.203 #1: Mapped SID=52405, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=535, Name="Animal Plnt+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.203 #3: Mapped SID=52400, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=551, Name="Investigation", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.203 #2: Mapped SID=53598, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=911, Name="40 n Naughty", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.203 #1: Mapped SID=52410, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=549, Name="Disc.Sci+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.203 #3: Mapped SID=52405, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=535, Name="Animal Plnt+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.203 #1: Mapped SID=52415, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=144, Name="DMAX", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.203 #3: Mapped SID=52410, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=549, Name="Disc.Sci+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.203 #1: Mapped SID=52420, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=145, Name="DMAX+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.203 #3: Mapped SID=52415, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=144, Name="DMAX", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.203 #1: Mapped SID=52425, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=206, Name="DMAX+2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.218 #3: Mapped SID=52420, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=145, Name="DMAX+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.218 #1: Mapped SID=52430, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=167, Name="QUEST+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.218 #3: Mapped SID=52425, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=206, Name="DMAX+2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.218 #1: Mapped SID=52435, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=557, Name="Disc.Know.+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.218 #3: Mapped SID=52430, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=167, Name="QUEST+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.218 #1: Mapped SID=52440, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=242, Name="Discovery Shed", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.218 #3: Mapped SID=52435, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=557, Name="Disc.Know.+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.218 #1: Mapped SID=52445, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=241, Name="Disc.RT+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.218 #3: Mapped SID=52440, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=242, Name="Discovery Shed", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.218 #1: Mapped SID=52450, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=255, Name="Home&Health+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.218 #3: Mapped SID=52445, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=241, Name="Disc.RT+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.218 #1: Mapped SID=53500, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=327, Name="movies 24", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.218 #3: Mapped SID=52450, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=255, Name="Home&Health+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.218 #1: Mapped SID=53505, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=328, Name="movies24+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.218 #3: Mapped SID=53500, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=327, Name="movies 24", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.218 #1: Mapped SID=53510, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=806, Name="ARY News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.218 #3: Mapped SID=53505, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=328, Name="movies24+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.218 #1: Mapped SID=53589, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=677, Name="CelebrityShop", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.234 #3: Mapped SID=53510, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=806, Name="ARY News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.234 #1: Mapped SID=53590, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=948, Name="ChatGirl TV2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.234 #3: Mapped SID=53589, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=677, Name="CelebrityShop", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.234 #1: Mapped SID=53591, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=902, Name="Tease Me TV2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.234 #3: Mapped SID=53590, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=948, Name="ChatGirl TV2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.234 #1: Mapped SID=53592, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=915, Name="Climax3 - 1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.234 #3: Mapped SID=53591, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=902, Name="Tease Me TV2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.234 #1: Mapped SID=53593, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=916, Name="Climax3 - 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.234 #3: Mapped SID=53592, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=915, Name="Climax3 - 1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.234 #1: Mapped SID=53594, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=961, Name="Climax3 - 3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.234 #3: Mapped SID=53593, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=916, Name="Climax3 - 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.234 #1: Mapped SID=53595, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=901, Name="Adult Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.234 #3: Mapped SID=53594, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=961, Name="Climax3 - 3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.234 #1: Mapped SID=53596, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=900, Name="Playboy TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.234 #3: Mapped SID=53595, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=901, Name="Adult Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.234 #1: Mapped SID=53597, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=917, Name="Top Shelf TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.234 #3: Mapped SID=53596, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=900, Name="Playboy TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.234 #1: Mapped SID=53598, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=911, Name="40 n Naughty", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.250 #3: Mapped SID=53597, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=917, Name="Top Shelf TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.250 #1: Mapped SID=50425, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=664, Name="V Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.250 #3: Mapped SID=53598, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=911, Name="40 n Naughty", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.250 #1: Mapped SID=50460, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=788, Name="Zee TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.250 #1: Mapped SID=50465, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=790, Name="Zee Cinema", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.250 #1: Mapped SID=50470, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=789, Name="Zing", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.250 #1: Mapped SID=50475, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=798, Name="Zee Punjabi", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.250 #1: Mapped SID=50480, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=846, Name="Zee Café", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.250 #1: Mapped SID=4505, ONID=2, TSID=2406, Channel=999, Name="Sky Preview", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.375 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:52.375 #1: Mapped SID=50600, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=432, Name="Racing UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.375 #1: Mapped SID=50605, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=835, Name="SupremeMastr", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.375 #1: Mapped SID=50610, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=840, Name="Sikh Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.375 #1: Mapped SID=50615, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=157, Name="Film24", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.375 #1: Mapped SID=50620, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=430, Name="ESPN America", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.375 #1: Mapped SID=50625, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=434, Name="LiverpoolFCTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.375 #1: Mapped SID=50630, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=370, Name="Channel AKA", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.375 #1: Mapped SID=50635, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=682, Name="Entrepreneur", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.375 #1: Mapped SID=50640, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=364, Name="Q", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.375 #1: Mapped SID=50645, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=363, Name="Magic", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.375 #1: Mapped SID=4651, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=307, Name="Sky Thriller", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.375 #1: Mapped SID=4652, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=302, Name="Sky Prem+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.375 #1: Mapped SID=4653, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=529, Name="History", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.375 #1: Mapped SID=4655, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=156, Name="Bio", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.375 #1: Mapped SID=4659, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=301, Name="Sky Premiere", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.375 #1: Mapped SID=5003, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=530, Name="History +1 hour", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.390 #1: Mapped SID=50847, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=512, Name="Russia Today", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.390 #1: Mapped SID=50856, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=3178, Name="Kiss", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.390 #1: Mapped SID=50860, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=3180, Name="Magic", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.390 #1: Mapped SID=50865, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=792, Name="PTV Prime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.390 #1: Mapped SID=50866, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=796, Name="Abu Dhabi TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.390 #1: Mapped SID=50878, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=785, Name="PCNE Chinese", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.390 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:52.390 #1: Mapped SID=50880, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=166, Name="Information TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.390 #2: Mapped SID=50881, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=203, Name="Showcase 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.390 #1: Mapped SID=50881, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=203, Name="Showcase 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.390 #2: Mapped SID=51145, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=623, Name="BabyTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.390 #1: Mapped SID=51145, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=623, Name="BabyTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.390 #2: Mapped SID=54009, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=277, Name="Diva TV +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.390 #1: Mapped SID=54009, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=277, Name="Diva TV +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.390 #2: Mapped SID=54011, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=205, Name="Syfy +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.390 #1: Mapped SID=54011, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=205, Name="Syfy +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.390 #2: Mapped SID=52300, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=367, Name="Flava", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.390 #1: Mapped SID=52300, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=367, Name="Flava", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.406 #2: Mapped SID=52305, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=372, Name="Bliss", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.406 #1: Mapped SID=52305, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=372, Name="Bliss", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.406 #2: Mapped SID=52310, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=374, Name="Scuzz", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.406 #1: Mapped SID=52310, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=374, Name="Scuzz", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.406 #2: Mapped SID=52315, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=376, Name="DanceNationTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.406 #1: Mapped SID=52315, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=376, Name="DanceNationTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.406 #2: Mapped SID=52320, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=321, Name="True Movies", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.406 #1: Mapped SID=52320, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=321, Name="True Movies", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.406 #2: Mapped SID=52325, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=322, Name="True Movies 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.406 #1: Mapped SID=52325, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=322, Name="True Movies 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.406 #2: Mapped SID=52330, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=617, Name="Tiny Pop", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.406 #1: Mapped SID=52330, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=617, Name="Tiny Pop", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.406 #2: Mapped SID=52335, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=382, Name="NME TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.406 #1: Mapped SID=52335, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=382, Name="NME TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.406 #2: Mapped SID=52340, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=616, Name="POP", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.406 #1: Mapped SID=52340, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=616, Name="POP", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.406 #2: Mapped SID=52345, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=625, Name="Tiny Pop +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.406 #1: Mapped SID=52345, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=625, Name="Tiny Pop +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.406 #2: Mapped SID=52351, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=627, Name="Kix!", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.421 #1: Mapped SID=52351, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=627, Name="Kix!", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.421 #2: Mapped SID=52355, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=366, Name="The Vault", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.421 #1: Mapped SID=52355, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=366, Name="The Vault", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.421 #2: Mapped SID=52361, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=626, Name="PopGirl", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.421 #1: Mapped SID=52361, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=626, Name="PopGirl", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.421 #2: Mapped SID=52365, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=365, Name="Chart Show TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.421 #1: Mapped SID=52365, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=365, Name="Chart Show TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.421 #2: Mapped SID=52370, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=629, Name="PopGirl +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.421 #1: Mapped SID=52370, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=629, Name="PopGirl +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.421 #2: Mapped SID=52375, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=188, Name="True Ent", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.421 #1: Mapped SID=52375, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=188, Name="True Ent", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.421 #2: Mapped SID=51001, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=787, Name="mta-muslim tv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.421 #1: Mapped SID=51001, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=787, Name="mta-muslim tv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.421 #2: Mapped SID=51005, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=591, Name="Word Network", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.421 #1: Mapped SID=51005, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=591, Name="Word Network", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.421 #2: Mapped SID=51006, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=866, Name="SuperCasino", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.421 #1: Mapped SID=51006, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=866, Name="SuperCasino", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.421 #2: Mapped SID=51011, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=510, Name="CCTV News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.437 #1: Mapped SID=51011, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=510, Name="CCTV News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.437 #2: Mapped SID=51019, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=587, Name="Inspiration", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.437 #1: Mapped SID=51019, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=587, Name="Inspiration", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.437 #2: Mapped SID=51031, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=797, Name="SouthForYou", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.437 #1: Mapped SID=51031, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=797, Name="SouthForYou", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.437 #2: Mapped SID=51032, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=513, Name="FRANCE 24", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.437 #1: Mapped SID=51032, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=513, Name="FRANCE 24", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.437 #2: Mapped SID=51033, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=583, Name="TBN Europe", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.437 #1: Mapped SID=51033, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=583, Name="TBN Europe", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.437 #2: Mapped SID=51035, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=580, Name="GOD Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.437 #1: Mapped SID=51035, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=580, Name="GOD Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.437 #2: Mapped SID=51107, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=514, Name="Al Jazeera Eng", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.437 #1: Mapped SID=51107, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=514, Name="Al Jazeera Eng", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.437 #2: Mapped SID=51108, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=516, Name="NHK World TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.437 #1: Mapped SID=51108, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=516, Name="NHK World TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.437 #2: Mapped SID=51110, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=150, Name="Universal+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.437 #1: Mapped SID=51110, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=150, Name="Universal+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.437 #2: Mapped SID=51113, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=433, Name="Premier Sports", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.453 #1: Mapped SID=51113, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=433, Name="Premier Sports", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.453 #2: Mapped SID=51114, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=3210, Name="Newstalk", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.453 #1: Mapped SID=51114, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=3210, Name="Newstalk", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.453 #2: Mapped SID=51115, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=437, Name="Prem Spts Xtra", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:55:52.453 #1: Mapped SID=51115, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=437, Name="Prem Spts Xtra", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:55:52.453 #2: Mapped SID=54015, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=129, Name="Syfy", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.453 #1: Mapped SID=54015, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=129, Name="Syfy", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.453 #2: Mapped SID=54053, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=827, Name="ATN Bangla UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.453 #1: Mapped SID=54053, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=827, Name="ATN Bangla UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.453 #2: Mapped SID=54054, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=826, Name="IQRA TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.453 #1: Mapped SID=54054, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=826, Name="IQRA TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.453 #2: Mapped SID=54060, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=594, Name="KICC TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.453 #1: Mapped SID=54060, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=594, Name="KICC TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.453 #2: Mapped SID=54062, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=814, Name="Channel 'S'", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.453 #1: Mapped SID=54062, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=814, Name="Channel 'S'", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.453 #2: Mapped SID=54063, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=820, Name="Peace TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.453 #1: Mapped SID=54063, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=820, Name="Peace TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.453 #2: Mapped SID=54064, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=841, Name="Peace TV Urdu", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.453 #1: Mapped SID=54064, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=841, Name="Peace TV Urdu", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.468 #2: Mapped SID=54065, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=786, Name="Bangla TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.468 #1: Mapped SID=54065, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=786, Name="Bangla TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.468 #2: Mapped SID=54066, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=189, Name="Info TV +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.468 #1: Mapped SID=54066, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=189, Name="Info TV +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.468 #2: Mapped SID=54067, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=593, Name="Faith World TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.468 #1: Mapped SID=54067, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=593, Name="Faith World TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.468 #2: Mapped SID=54068, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=844, Name="Channel i", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.468 #1: Mapped SID=54068, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=844, Name="Channel i", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.468 #2: Mapped SID=54069, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=216, Name="Showcase +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.468 #1: Mapped SID=54069, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=216, Name="Showcase +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.593 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:52.593 #3: Mapped SID=54203, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=819, Name="Noor TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.593 #3: Mapped SID=54204, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=867, Name="Jackpot", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.593 #3: Mapped SID=54205, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=271, Name="Luxury Life", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.593 #3: Mapped SID=54206, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=273, Name="Luxury Life HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.593 #3: Mapped SID=54208, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=204, Name="HiTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.593 #3: Mapped SID=54211, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=588, Name="LOVEWORLD TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.593 #3: Mapped SID=54212, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=843, Name="Hajj TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.593 #3: Mapped SID=54213, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=922, Name="Cream", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.593 #3: Mapped SID=55115, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=275, Name="Body In Balance", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.593 #3: Mapped SID=54300, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=793, Name="MATV National", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.593 #3: Mapped SID=54305, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=531, Name="Military", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.593 #3: Mapped SID=54315, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=646, Name="Pitch TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.609 #3: Mapped SID=54320, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=808, Name="STAR News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.609 #3: Mapped SID=54330, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=965, Name="Elite TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.609 #3: Mapped SID=54335, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=253, Name="The Style Ntwk", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.609 #3: Mapped SID=54345, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=888, Name="OceanFinance", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.609 #3: Mapped SID=54360, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=657, Name="Pitch World ", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.609 #3: Mapped SID=55001, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=584, Name="DAYSTAR", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.609 #3: Mapped SID=55002, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=184, Name="BEN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.609 #3: Mapped SID=55005, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=589, Name="EWTN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.609 #3: Mapped SID=55008, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=3147, Name="EWTN", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.609 #3: Mapped SID=55013, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=324, Name="mov4men+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.609 #3: Mapped SID=55014, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=3146, Name="Real Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.609 #3: Mapped SID=55015, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=3128, Name="Smooth", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.609 #3: Mapped SID=55016, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=960, Name="Live 960", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.609 #3: Mapped SID=55018, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=838, Name="Madani Chnl", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.609 #3: Mapped SID=55019, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=822, Name="Music India", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.609 #3: Mapped SID=55021, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=218, Name="Vox Africa", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.609 #3: Mapped SID=55022, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=836, Name="AHLEBAIT TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.609 #3: Mapped SID=55113, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=187, Name="AIT Int'l", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.609 #3: Mapped SID=55119, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=199, Name="OHTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.625 #3: Mapped SID=9531, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=643, Name="TV SHOP", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.625 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:52.625 #3: Mapped SID=9532, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=146, Name="CBS Reality", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.625 #1: Mapped SID=54101, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=267, Name="wedding tv asia", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.625 #3: Mapped SID=9533, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=666, Name="Rocks & Co 1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.625 #1: Mapped SID=54102, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=251, Name="Travel Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.625 #3: Mapped SID=9535, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=801, Name="Record TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.625 #1: Mapped SID=54103, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=647, Name="Rocks TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.625 #3: Mapped SID=9536, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=847, Name="Sangat", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.625 #1: Mapped SID=54104, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=508, Name="Euronews", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.625 #3: Mapped SID=9537, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=653, Name="JML Home&DIY", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.625 #1: Mapped SID=54106, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=642, Name="JML Cookshop", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.625 #3: Mapped SID=9546, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3206, Name="Recordbrazil", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.625 #1: Mapped SID=54107, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=816, Name="SAB TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.625 #3: Mapped SID=9547, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3168, Name="Amar Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.625 #1: Mapped SID=54110, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=148, Name="CBS Action", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.625 #3: Mapped SID=9548, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3150, Name="Sukh Sagar", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.625 #1: Mapped SID=54112, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=649, Name="Best Direct", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.640 #3: Mapped SID=9549, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3114, Name="Choice FM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.640 #1: Mapped SID=54113, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=658, Name="QVC Beauty", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.640 #3: Mapped SID=9551, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3125, Name="UCB UK", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.640 #1: Mapped SID=54120, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=667, Name="JML Choice", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.640 #3: Mapped SID=9552, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3136, Name="UCB Insp", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.640 #1: Mapped SID=54135, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=596, Name="Believe TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.640 #3: Mapped SID=9553, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3134, Name="UCB Bible", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.640 #1: Mapped SID=54140, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=280, Name="Horse & Country", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.640 #3: Mapped SID=9554, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3135, Name="UCB Gospel", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.640 #1: Mapped SID=54150, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=641, Name="JML Direct", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.640 #3: Mapped SID=9557, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3129, Name="Solar Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.640 #1: Mapped SID=54165, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=282, Name="Fitness TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.640 #3: Mapped SID=9559, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3113, Name="XFM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.640 #1: Mapped SID=54203, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=819, Name="Noor TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.640 #3: Mapped SID=9560, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3109, Name="Capital", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.640 #1: Mapped SID=54204, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=867, Name="Jackpot", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.640 #3: Mapped SID=9561, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3121, Name="Gold", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.640 #1: Mapped SID=54205, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=271, Name="Luxury Life", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.640 #3: Mapped SID=9563, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3151, Name="Khushkhabri", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.656 #1: Mapped SID=54206, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=273, Name="Luxury Life HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.656 #3: Mapped SID=9566, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3173, Name="Kismat", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.656 #1: Mapped SID=54208, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=204, Name="HiTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.656 #3: Mapped SID=9568, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3177, Name="Chill", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.656 #1: Mapped SID=54211, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=588, Name="LOVEWORLD TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.656 #3: Mapped SID=9570, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3106, Name="Classic FM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.656 #1: Mapped SID=54212, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=843, Name="Hajj TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.656 #3: Mapped SID=9575, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3110, Name="Planet Rock", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.656 #1: Mapped SID=54213, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=922, Name="Cream", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.656 #3: Mapped SID=55104, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=656, Name="GemCollector", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.656 #1: Mapped SID=55115, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=275, Name="Body In Balance", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.656 #3: Mapped SID=55108, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=833, Name="Brit Asia TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.656 #1: Mapped SID=54300, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=793, Name="MATV National", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.656 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:52.656 #3: Mapped SID=55109, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=830, Name="Sunrise TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.656 #1: Mapped SID=54305, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=531, Name="Military", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.656 #2: Mapped SID=54101, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=267, Name="wedding tv asia", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.656 #3: Mapped SID=55110, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=652, Name="Gems TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.671 #1: Mapped SID=54315, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=646, Name="Pitch TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.671 #2: Mapped SID=54102, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=251, Name="Travel Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.671 #3: Mapped SID=55111, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=595, Name="DBN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.671 #2: Mapped SID=54103, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=647, Name="Rocks TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.671 #1: Mapped SID=54320, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=808, Name="STAR News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.671 #3: Mapped SID=55112, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=663, Name="Stop + Shop", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.671 #2: Mapped SID=54104, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=508, Name="Euronews", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.671 #1: Mapped SID=54330, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=965, Name="Elite TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.671 #3: Mapped SID=55128, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3214, Name="UCB Ireland", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.671 #2: Mapped SID=54106, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=642, Name="JML Cookshop", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.671 #1: Mapped SID=54335, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=253, Name="The Style Ntwk", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.671 #3: Mapped SID=55132, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3187, Name="punjabi radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.671 #2: Mapped SID=54107, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=816, Name="SAB TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.671 #1: Mapped SID=54345, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=888, Name="OceanFinance", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.671 #2: Mapped SID=54110, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=148, Name="CBS Action", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.671 #1: Mapped SID=54360, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=657, Name="Pitch World ", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.671 #2: Mapped SID=54112, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=649, Name="Best Direct", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.671 #1: Mapped SID=55001, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=584, Name="DAYSTAR", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.687 #2: Mapped SID=54113, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=658, Name="QVC Beauty", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.687 #1: Mapped SID=55002, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=184, Name="BEN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.687 #2: Mapped SID=54120, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=667, Name="JML Choice", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.687 #1: Mapped SID=55005, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=589, Name="EWTN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.687 #2: Mapped SID=54135, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=596, Name="Believe TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.687 #1: Mapped SID=55008, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=3147, Name="EWTN", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.687 #2: Mapped SID=54140, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=280, Name="Horse & Country", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.687 #1: Mapped SID=55013, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=324, Name="mov4men+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.687 #2: Mapped SID=54150, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=641, Name="JML Direct", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.687 #1: Mapped SID=55014, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=3146, Name="Real Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.687 #2: Mapped SID=54165, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=282, Name="Fitness TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.687 #1: Mapped SID=55015, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=3128, Name="Smooth", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.687 #2: Mapped SID=54203, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=819, Name="Noor TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.687 #1: Mapped SID=55016, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=960, Name="Live 960", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.687 #2: Mapped SID=54204, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=867, Name="Jackpot", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.687 #1: Mapped SID=55018, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=838, Name="Madani Chnl", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.687 #2: Mapped SID=54205, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=271, Name="Luxury Life", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.687 #1: Mapped SID=55019, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=822, Name="Music India", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.687 #2: Mapped SID=54206, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=273, Name="Luxury Life HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.703 #1: Mapped SID=55021, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=218, Name="Vox Africa", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.703 #2: Mapped SID=54208, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=204, Name="HiTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.703 #1: Mapped SID=55022, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=836, Name="AHLEBAIT TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.703 #2: Mapped SID=54211, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=588, Name="LOVEWORLD TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.703 #1: Mapped SID=55113, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=187, Name="AIT Int'l", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.703 #2: Mapped SID=54212, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=843, Name="Hajj TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.703 #1: Mapped SID=55119, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=199, Name="OHTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.703 #2: Mapped SID=54213, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=922, Name="Cream", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.703 #1: Mapped SID=9531, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=643, Name="TV SHOP", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.703 #2: Mapped SID=55115, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=275, Name="Body In Balance", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.703 #1: Mapped SID=9532, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=146, Name="CBS Reality", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.703 #2: Mapped SID=54300, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=793, Name="MATV National", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.703 #1: Mapped SID=9533, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=666, Name="Rocks & Co 1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.703 #2: Mapped SID=54305, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=531, Name="Military", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.703 #1: Mapped SID=9535, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=801, Name="Record TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.703 #2: Mapped SID=54315, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=646, Name="Pitch TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.703 #1: Mapped SID=9536, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=847, Name="Sangat", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.703 #2: Mapped SID=54320, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=808, Name="STAR News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.718 #1: Mapped SID=9537, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=653, Name="JML Home&DIY", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.718 #2: Mapped SID=54330, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=965, Name="Elite TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.718 #1: Mapped SID=9546, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3206, Name="Recordbrazil", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.718 #2: Mapped SID=54335, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=253, Name="The Style Ntwk", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.718 #1: Mapped SID=9547, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3168, Name="Amar Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.718 #2: Mapped SID=54345, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=888, Name="OceanFinance", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.718 #1: Mapped SID=9548, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3150, Name="Sukh Sagar", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.718 #2: Mapped SID=54360, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=657, Name="Pitch World ", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.718 #1: Mapped SID=9549, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3114, Name="Choice FM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.718 #2: Mapped SID=55001, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=584, Name="DAYSTAR", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.718 #1: Mapped SID=9551, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3125, Name="UCB UK", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.718 #2: Mapped SID=55002, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=184, Name="BEN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.718 #1: Mapped SID=9552, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3136, Name="UCB Insp", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.718 #2: Mapped SID=55005, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=589, Name="EWTN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.718 #1: Mapped SID=9553, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3134, Name="UCB Bible", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.718 #2: Mapped SID=55008, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=3147, Name="EWTN", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.718 #1: Mapped SID=9554, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3135, Name="UCB Gospel", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.718 #2: Mapped SID=55013, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=324, Name="mov4men+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.734 #1: Mapped SID=9557, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3129, Name="Solar Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.734 #2: Mapped SID=55014, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=3146, Name="Real Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.734 #1: Mapped SID=9559, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3113, Name="XFM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.734 #2: Mapped SID=55015, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=3128, Name="Smooth", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.734 #1: Mapped SID=9560, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3109, Name="Capital", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.734 #2: Mapped SID=55016, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=960, Name="Live 960", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.734 #1: Mapped SID=9561, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3121, Name="Gold", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.734 #2: Mapped SID=55018, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=838, Name="Madani Chnl", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.734 #1: Mapped SID=9563, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3151, Name="Khushkhabri", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.734 #2: Mapped SID=55019, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=822, Name="Music India", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.734 #1: Mapped SID=9566, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3173, Name="Kismat", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.734 #2: Mapped SID=55021, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=218, Name="Vox Africa", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.734 #1: Mapped SID=9568, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3177, Name="Chill", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.734 #2: Mapped SID=55022, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=836, Name="AHLEBAIT TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.734 #1: Mapped SID=9570, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3106, Name="Classic FM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.734 #2: Mapped SID=55113, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=187, Name="AIT Int'l", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.734 #1: Mapped SID=9575, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3110, Name="Planet Rock", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.734 #2: Mapped SID=55119, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=199, Name="OHTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.750 #1: Mapped SID=55104, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=656, Name="GemCollector", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.750 #2: Mapped SID=9531, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=643, Name="TV SHOP", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.750 #1: Mapped SID=55108, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=833, Name="Brit Asia TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.750 #2: Mapped SID=9532, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=146, Name="CBS Reality", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.750 #1: Mapped SID=55109, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=830, Name="Sunrise TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.750 #2: Mapped SID=9533, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=666, Name="Rocks & Co 1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.750 #1: Mapped SID=55110, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=652, Name="Gems TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.750 #2: Mapped SID=9535, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=801, Name="Record TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.750 #1: Mapped SID=55111, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=595, Name="DBN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.750 #2: Mapped SID=9536, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=847, Name="Sangat", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.750 #1: Mapped SID=55112, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=663, Name="Stop + Shop", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.750 #2: Mapped SID=9537, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=653, Name="JML Home&DIY", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.750 #1: Mapped SID=55128, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3214, Name="UCB Ireland", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.750 #2: Mapped SID=9546, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3206, Name="Recordbrazil", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.750 #1: Mapped SID=55132, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3187, Name="punjabi radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.750 #2: Mapped SID=9547, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3168, Name="Amar Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.750 #2: Mapped SID=9548, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3150, Name="Sukh Sagar", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.750 #2: Mapped SID=9549, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3114, Name="Choice FM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.765 #2: Mapped SID=9551, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3125, Name="UCB UK", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.765 #2: Mapped SID=9552, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3136, Name="UCB Insp", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.765 #2: Mapped SID=9553, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3134, Name="UCB Bible", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.765 #2: Mapped SID=9554, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3135, Name="UCB Gospel", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.765 #2: Mapped SID=9557, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3129, Name="Solar Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.765 #2: Mapped SID=9559, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3113, Name="XFM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.765 #2: Mapped SID=9560, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3109, Name="Capital", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.765 #2: Mapped SID=9561, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3121, Name="Gold", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.765 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:52.765 #2: Mapped SID=9563, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3151, Name="Khushkhabri", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.765 #3: Mapped SID=55231, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=903, Name="Television X", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.765 #2: Mapped SID=9566, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3173, Name="Kismat", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.765 #3: Mapped SID=55232, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=918, Name="TVX Amateur", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.765 #2: Mapped SID=9568, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3177, Name="Chill", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.765 #3: Mapped SID=55233, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=480, Name="Primetime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.765 #2: Mapped SID=9570, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3106, Name="Classic FM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.765 #3: Mapped SID=55234, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=919, Name="TVX Brits", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.765 #2: Mapped SID=9575, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3110, Name="Planet Rock", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.765 #3: Mapped SID=55235, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=904, Name="redhot amateur", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.781 #2: Mapped SID=55104, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=656, Name="GemCollector", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.781 #3: Mapped SID=55236, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=907, Name="redhot 40+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.781 #2: Mapped SID=55108, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=833, Name="Brit Asia TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.781 #3: Mapped SID=55238, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=913, Name="redhot fetish", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.781 #2: Mapped SID=55109, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=830, Name="Sunrise TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.781 #3: Mapped SID=55239, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=905, Name="redhot Mums", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.781 #2: Mapped SID=55110, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=652, Name="Gems TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.781 #3: Mapped SID=55240, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=956, Name="redhot TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.781 #2: Mapped SID=55111, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=595, Name="DBN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.781 #3: Mapped SID=55242, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=921, Name="Filth", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.781 #2: Mapped SID=55112, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=663, Name="Stop + Shop", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.781 #3: Mapped SID=55243, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=923, Name="Gay TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.781 #2: Mapped SID=55128, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3214, Name="UCB Ireland", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.781 #3: Mapped SID=55246, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=920, Name="Dirty Talk", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.781 #2: Mapped SID=55132, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3187, Name="punjabi radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.781 #3: Mapped SID=55247, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=281, Name="The Active Ch", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.781 #3: Mapped SID=55355, ONID=2, TSID=2614, Channel=452, Name="Rush HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.796 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:52.796 #1: Mapped SID=55231, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=903, Name="Television X", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.796 #1: Mapped SID=55232, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=918, Name="TVX Amateur", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.796 #1: Mapped SID=55233, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=480, Name="Primetime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.796 #1: Mapped SID=55234, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=919, Name="TVX Brits", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.796 #1: Mapped SID=55235, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=904, Name="redhot amateur", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.796 #1: Mapped SID=55236, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=907, Name="redhot 40+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.796 #1: Mapped SID=55238, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=913, Name="redhot fetish", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.796 #1: Mapped SID=55239, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=905, Name="redhot Mums", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.796 #1: Mapped SID=55240, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=956, Name="redhot TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.796 #1: Mapped SID=55242, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=921, Name="Filth", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.796 #1: Mapped SID=55243, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=923, Name="Gay TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.796 #1: Mapped SID=55246, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=920, Name="Dirty Talk", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.796 #1: Mapped SID=55247, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=281, Name="The Active Ch", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.796 #1: Mapped SID=55355, ONID=2, TSID=2614, Channel=452, Name="Rush HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.796 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:55:52.796 #2: Mapped SID=55231, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=903, Name="Television X", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.796 #2: Mapped SID=55232, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=918, Name="TVX Amateur", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.796 #2: Mapped SID=55233, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=480, Name="Primetime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.812 #2: Mapped SID=55234, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=919, Name="TVX Brits", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.812 #2: Mapped SID=55235, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=904, Name="redhot amateur", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.812 #2: Mapped SID=55236, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=907, Name="redhot 40+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.812 #2: Mapped SID=55238, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=913, Name="redhot fetish", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.812 #2: Mapped SID=55239, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=905, Name="redhot Mums", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.812 #2: Mapped SID=55240, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=956, Name="redhot TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.812 #2: Mapped SID=55242, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=921, Name="Filth", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.812 #2: Mapped SID=55243, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=923, Name="Gay TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.812 #2: Mapped SID=55246, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=920, Name="Dirty Talk", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.812 #2: Mapped SID=55247, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=281, Name="The Active Ch", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:52.812 #2: Mapped SID=55355, ONID=2, TSID=2614, Channel=452, Name="Rush HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.750 #3: Current network NID is 32 2010-10-28 16:55:54.750 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2032, Frequency=12324000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.750 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2005, Frequency=11797500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.765 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2033, Frequency=12343500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.765 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2001, Frequency=11719500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.765 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2034, Frequency=12363000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.765 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2016, Frequency=12012000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.765 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2028, Frequency=12246000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.765 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2024, Frequency=12168000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.765 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2008, Frequency=11856000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.765 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2035, Frequency=12382500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.765 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2039, Frequency=12460500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.765 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2056, Frequency=10935500, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.765 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2029, Frequency=12265500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.765 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2020, Frequency=12090000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.765 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2003, Frequency=11758500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.765 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2004, Frequency=11778000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.781 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2021, Frequency=12109500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.781 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2007, Frequency=11836500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.781 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2011, Frequency=11914500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.781 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2012, Frequency=11934000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.781 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2030, Frequency=12285000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.781 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2401, Frequency=11469230, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.781 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2023, Frequency=12148500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.781 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2055, Frequency=10920750, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.781 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2027, Frequency=12226500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.781 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2406, Frequency=11565380, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.781 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2019, Frequency=12070500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.781 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2025, Frequency=12187500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.781 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2026, Frequency=12207000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.781 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2052, Frequency=10876500, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.781 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2403, Frequency=11507690, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.796 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2051, Frequency=10861750, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.796 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2031, Frequency=12304500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.796 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2408, Frequency=11603850, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2032, Frequency=12324000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.796 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2043, Frequency=10743750, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2005, Frequency=11797500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.796 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2045, Frequency=10773250, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2033, Frequency=12343500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.796 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2047, Frequency=10802750, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2001, Frequency=11719500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.796 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2038, Frequency=12441000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2034, Frequency=12363000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.796 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2050, Frequency=10847000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2016, Frequency=12012000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.812 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2046, Frequency=10788000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2028, Frequency=12246000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.812 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2048, Frequency=10817500, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2024, Frequency=12168000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.812 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2013, Frequency=11953500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2008, Frequency=11856000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.812 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2010, Frequency=11895000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2035, Frequency=12382500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.812 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2614, Frequency=12606650, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2039, Frequency=12460500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.812 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2306, Frequency=11426330, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2056, Frequency=10935500, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.812 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2314, Frequency=11307000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2029, Frequency=12265500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.828 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2014, Frequency=11973000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2020, Frequency=12090000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.828 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2407, Frequency=11584620, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2003, Frequency=11758500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.828 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2405, Frequency=11546150, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2004, Frequency=11778000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.828 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2404, Frequency=11526920, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2021, Frequency=12109500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.828 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2612, Frequency=12523000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2007, Frequency=11836500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.828 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2312, Frequency=11223670, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2011, Frequency=11914500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2012, Frequency=11934000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2030, Frequency=12285000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.843 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2401, Frequency=11469230, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.843 #2: Current network NID is 32 2010-10-28 16:55:54.843 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2023, Frequency=12148500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.843 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2055, Frequency=10920750, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.843 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2032, Frequency=12324000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.843 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2027, Frequency=12226500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.843 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2005, Frequency=11797500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.843 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2406, Frequency=11565380, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.843 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2033, Frequency=12343500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.843 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2019, Frequency=12070500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.843 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2001, Frequency=11719500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.843 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2025, Frequency=12187500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.843 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2034, Frequency=12363000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.843 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2026, Frequency=12207000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.843 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2016, Frequency=12012000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.859 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2052, Frequency=10876500, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.859 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2028, Frequency=12246000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.859 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2403, Frequency=11507690, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.859 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2024, Frequency=12168000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.859 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2051, Frequency=10861750, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.859 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2008, Frequency=11856000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.859 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2031, Frequency=12304500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.859 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2035, Frequency=12382500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.859 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2408, Frequency=11603850, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.859 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2039, Frequency=12460500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.859 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2043, Frequency=10743750, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.859 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2056, Frequency=10935500, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.859 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2045, Frequency=10773250, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.859 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2029, Frequency=12265500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.875 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2047, Frequency=10802750, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.875 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2020, Frequency=12090000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.875 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2038, Frequency=12441000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.875 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2003, Frequency=11758500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 16:55:54.875 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2050, Frequency=10847000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.875 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2004, Frequency=11778000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.875 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2046, Frequency=10788000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.875 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2021, Frequency=12109500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.875 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2048, Frequency=10817500, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.875 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2007, Frequency=11836500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.875 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2013, Frequency=11953500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.875 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2011, Frequency=11914500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.875 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2010, Frequency=11895000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.875 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2012, Frequency=11934000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.890 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2614, Frequency=12606650, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.890 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2030, Frequency=12285000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.890 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2306, Frequency=11426330, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.890 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2401, Frequency=11469230, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.890 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2314, Frequency=11307000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.890 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2023, Frequency=12148500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.890 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2014, Frequency=11973000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.890 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2055, Frequency=10920750, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.890 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2407, Frequency=11584620, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.890 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2027, Frequency=12226500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.890 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2405, Frequency=11546150, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.890 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2406, Frequency=11565380, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.890 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2404, Frequency=11526920, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.890 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2019, Frequency=12070500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.906 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2612, Frequency=12523000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.906 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2025, Frequency=12187500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.906 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2312, Frequency=11223670, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.906 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2026, Frequency=12207000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.906 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2052, Frequency=10876500, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.906 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2403, Frequency=11507690, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.906 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2051, Frequency=10861750, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.906 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2031, Frequency=12304500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.906 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2408, Frequency=11603850, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.906 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2043, Frequency=10743750, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.906 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2045, Frequency=10773250, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.906 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2047, Frequency=10802750, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.906 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2038, Frequency=12441000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.906 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2050, Frequency=10847000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.921 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2046, Frequency=10788000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.921 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2048, Frequency=10817500, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:54.921 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2013, Frequency=11953500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.921 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2010, Frequency=11895000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.921 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2614, Frequency=12606650, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.921 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2306, Frequency=11426330, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.921 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2314, Frequency=11307000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.921 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2014, Frequency=11973000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.921 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2407, Frequency=11584620, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.921 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2405, Frequency=11546150, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.921 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2404, Frequency=11526920, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.921 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2612, Frequency=12523000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:54.921 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2312, Frequency=11223670, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.796 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2412, Frequency=11680770, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.796 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2411, Frequency=11661540, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.796 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2409, Frequency=11623080, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.796 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2002, Frequency=11739000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.796 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2006, Frequency=11817000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.796 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2009, Frequency=11875500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.796 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2313, Frequency=11344500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.796 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2018, Frequency=12051000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.812 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2022, Frequency=12129000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.812 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2017, Frequency=12031500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.812 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2302, Frequency=11259670, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.812 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2611, Frequency=12523000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.812 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2601, Frequency=12559670, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.812 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2613, Frequency=12606650, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.812 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2603, Frequency=12643350, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.812 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2041, Frequency=10714000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:57.812 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2037, Frequency=12421000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.812 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2036, Frequency=12402000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.812 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2049, Frequency=10832250, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:57.812 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2053, Frequency=10891250, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:57.812 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2054, Frequency=10906000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:57.812 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2044, Frequency=10758500, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:57.812 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2040, Frequency=12480000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.812 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2602, Frequency=12560020, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.828 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2304, Frequency=11343000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.828 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2015, Frequency=11992500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.828 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2311, Frequency=11222170, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.828 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2042, Frequency=10729000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:57.828 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2316, Frequency=11390330, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.828 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2301, Frequency=11261170, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.828 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2303, Frequency=11307000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.828 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2410, Frequency=11642000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.828 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2604, Frequency=12643350, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.828 #2: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2315, Frequency=11390000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.828 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2412, Frequency=11680770, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.828 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2411, Frequency=11661540, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.828 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2409, Frequency=11623080, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.828 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2002, Frequency=11739000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.843 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2006, Frequency=11817000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.843 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2009, Frequency=11875500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.843 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2313, Frequency=11344500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.843 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2018, Frequency=12051000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.843 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2022, Frequency=12129000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.843 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2017, Frequency=12031500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.843 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2302, Frequency=11259670, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.843 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2611, Frequency=12523000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.843 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2601, Frequency=12559670, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.843 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2613, Frequency=12606650, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.843 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2603, Frequency=12643350, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.843 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2041, Frequency=10714000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:57.843 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2037, Frequency=12421000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.843 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2036, Frequency=12402000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.843 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2049, Frequency=10832250, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:57.859 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2053, Frequency=10891250, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:57.859 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2054, Frequency=10906000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:57.859 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2044, Frequency=10758500, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:57.859 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2040, Frequency=12480000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.859 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2602, Frequency=12560020, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.859 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2304, Frequency=11343000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.859 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2015, Frequency=11992500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.859 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2311, Frequency=11222170, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.859 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2042, Frequency=10729000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 16:55:57.859 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2316, Frequency=11390330, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.859 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2301, Frequency=11261170, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.859 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2303, Frequency=11307000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.859 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2410, Frequency=11642000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.859 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2604, Frequency=12643350, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:55:57.859 #3: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2315, Frequency=11390000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 16:56:00.109 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:00.109 #3: Mapped SID=3806, ONID=2, TSID=2001, Channel=384, Name="MTVN HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.109 #3: Mapped SID=3833, ONID=2, TSID=2001, Channel=314, Name="SkyShowcseHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.109 #3: Mapped SID=3881, ONID=2, TSID=2001, Channel=409, Name="Sky Sports HD2", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.109 #3: Mapped SID=6001, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=112, Name="LIVING", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.109 #3: Mapped SID=6002, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=125, Name="Challenge", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.109 #3: Mapped SID=6003, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=172, Name="LIVING Loves", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.109 #3: Mapped SID=6004, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=123, Name="Bravo", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.125 #3: Mapped SID=6005, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=113, Name="LIVING +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.125 #3: Mapped SID=6006, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=124, Name="Bravo+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.125 #3: Mapped SID=6007, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=114, Name="LIVINGit", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.125 #3: Mapped SID=6008, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=121, Name="Channel One", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.125 #3: Mapped SID=3870, ONID=2, TSID=2003, Channel=633, Name="Disney XD HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.125 #3: Mapped SID=3932, ONID=2, TSID=2003, Channel=225, Name="ITV2 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.125 #3: Mapped SID=5241, ONID=2, TSID=2004, Channel=2100, Name="Directgov", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.125 #3: Mapped SID=8085, ONID=2, TSID=2004, Channel=2000, Name="Sky Active", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.125 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:00.125 #3: Mapped SID=3802, ONID=2, TSID=2005, Channel=408, Name="Sky Sports HD1", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.125 #1: Mapped SID=3806, ONID=2, TSID=2001, Channel=384, Name="MTVN HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.125 #3: Mapped SID=3866, ONID=2, TSID=2005, Channel=224, Name="LIVING HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.125 #1: Mapped SID=3833, ONID=2, TSID=2001, Channel=314, Name="SkyShowcseHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.125 #3: Mapped SID=3875, ONID=2, TSID=2005, Channel=140, Name="Channel 4 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.125 #1: Mapped SID=3881, ONID=2, TSID=2001, Channel=409, Name="Sky Sports HD2", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.125 #3: Mapped SID=6501, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=246, Name="Home", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.125 #1: Mapped SID=6001, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=112, Name="LIVING", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.125 #3: Mapped SID=6502, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=532, Name="Eden", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.125 #1: Mapped SID=6002, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=125, Name="Challenge", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.125 #3: Mapped SID=6504, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=110, Name="GOLD", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.140 #1: Mapped SID=6003, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=172, Name="LIVING Loves", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.140 #3: Mapped SID=6505, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=537, Name="YeSTERDAY", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.140 #1: Mapped SID=6004, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=123, Name="Bravo", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.140 #3: Mapped SID=6506, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=111, Name="Dave", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.140 #1: Mapped SID=6005, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=113, Name="LIVING +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.140 #3: Mapped SID=6508, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=249, Name="Good Food", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.140 #1: Mapped SID=6006, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=124, Name="Bravo+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.140 #3: Mapped SID=6520, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=109, Name="Watch", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.140 #1: Mapped SID=6007, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=114, Name="LIVINGit", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.140 #3: Mapped SID=6521, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=132, Name="alibi", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.140 #1: Mapped SID=6008, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=121, Name="Channel One", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.140 #3: Mapped SID=6522, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=534, Name="Blighty", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.140 #1: Mapped SID=3870, ONID=2, TSID=2003, Channel=633, Name="Disney XD HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.140 #3: Mapped SID=4302, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=305, Name="Sky Action", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.140 #1: Mapped SID=3932, ONID=2, TSID=2003, Channel=225, Name="ITV2 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.140 #3: Mapped SID=4303, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=304, Name="Sky Comedy", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.140 #1: Mapped SID=5241, ONID=2, TSID=2004, Channel=2100, Name="Directgov", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.140 #3: Mapped SID=4304, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=309, Name="Sky ScFi/Horror", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.140 #1: Mapped SID=8085, ONID=2, TSID=2004, Channel=2000, Name="Sky Active", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.156 #3: Mapped SID=4305, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=311, Name="Sky Classics", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.156 #1: Mapped SID=3802, ONID=2, TSID=2005, Channel=408, Name="Sky Sports HD1", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.156 #3: Mapped SID=4306, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=312, Name="Sky Indie", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.156 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:00.156 #1: Mapped SID=3866, ONID=2, TSID=2005, Channel=224, Name="LIVING HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.156 #3: Mapped SID=4403, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=306, Name="Sky Family", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.156 #2: Mapped SID=3806, ONID=2, TSID=2001, Channel=384, Name="MTVN HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.156 #1: Mapped SID=3875, ONID=2, TSID=2005, Channel=140, Name="Channel 4 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.156 #3: Mapped SID=5502, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=308, Name="Sky DramaRom", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.156 #2: Mapped SID=3833, ONID=2, TSID=2001, Channel=314, Name="SkyShowcseHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.156 #1: Mapped SID=6501, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=246, Name="Home", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.156 #3: Mapped SID=5650, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=310, Name="Sky Mdn Greats", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.156 #2: Mapped SID=3881, ONID=2, TSID=2001, Channel=409, Name="Sky Sports HD2", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.156 #1: Mapped SID=6502, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=532, Name="Eden", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.156 #3: Mapped SID=3804, ONID=2, TSID=2008, Channel=412, Name="Eurosport HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.156 #2: Mapped SID=6001, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=112, Name="LIVING", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.156 #1: Mapped SID=6504, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=110, Name="GOLD", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.156 #3: Mapped SID=3823, ONID=2, TSID=2008, Channel=193, Name="FX HD", Type=25, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:56:00.171 #2: Mapped SID=6002, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=125, Name="Challenge", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.171 #1: Mapped SID=6505, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=537, Name="YeSTERDAY", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.171 #3: Mapped SID=3864, ONID=2, TSID=2008, Channel=256, Name="Sky Arts 2 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.171 #2: Mapped SID=6003, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=172, Name="LIVING Loves", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.171 #1: Mapped SID=6506, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=111, Name="Dave", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.171 #3: Mapped SID=3876, ONID=2, TSID=2008, Channel=215, Name="E4 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.171 #2: Mapped SID=6004, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=123, Name="Bravo", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.171 #1: Mapped SID=6508, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=249, Name="Good Food", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.171 #3: Mapped SID=6201, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=520, Name="Discovery", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.171 #2: Mapped SID=6005, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=113, Name="LIVING +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.171 #1: Mapped SID=6520, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=109, Name="Watch", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.171 #3: Mapped SID=6202, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=525, Name="Animal Planet", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.171 #2: Mapped SID=6006, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=124, Name="Bravo+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.171 #1: Mapped SID=6521, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=132, Name="alibi", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.171 #3: Mapped SID=6203, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=240, Name="Disc.RealTime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.171 #2: Mapped SID=6007, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=114, Name="LIVINGit", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.171 #1: Mapped SID=6522, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=534, Name="Blighty", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.171 #3: Mapped SID=6204, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=521, Name="Discovery+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.171 #2: Mapped SID=6008, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=121, Name="Channel One", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.187 #1: Mapped SID=4302, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=305, Name="Sky Action", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.187 #3: Mapped SID=6205, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=265, Name="Travel & Living", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.187 #2: Mapped SID=3870, ONID=2, TSID=2003, Channel=633, Name="Disney XD HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.187 #1: Mapped SID=4303, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=304, Name="Sky Comedy", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.187 #3: Mapped SID=6206, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=524, Name="Disc.Science", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.187 #2: Mapped SID=3932, ONID=2, TSID=2003, Channel=225, Name="ITV2 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.187 #1: Mapped SID=4304, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=309, Name="Sky ScFi/Horror", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.187 #3: Mapped SID=6207, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=522, Name="Disc.Knowldge", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.187 #2: Mapped SID=5241, ONID=2, TSID=2004, Channel=2100, Name="Directgov", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.187 #1: Mapped SID=4305, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=311, Name="Sky Classics", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.187 #3: Mapped SID=6208, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=254, Name="Home & Health", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.187 #2: Mapped SID=8085, ONID=2, TSID=2004, Channel=2000, Name="Sky Active", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.187 #1: Mapped SID=4306, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=312, Name="Sky Indie", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.187 #3: Mapped SID=6209, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=523, Name="Disc.Turbo", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.187 #2: Mapped SID=3802, ONID=2, TSID=2005, Channel=408, Name="Sky Sports HD1", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.187 #1: Mapped SID=4403, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=306, Name="Sky Family", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.187 #3: Mapped SID=6211, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=154, Name="QUEST", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.187 #2: Mapped SID=3866, ONID=2, TSID=2005, Channel=224, Name="LIVING HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.203 #1: Mapped SID=5502, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=308, Name="Sky DramaRom", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.203 #3: Mapped SID=7001, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=350, Name="MTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.203 #2: Mapped SID=3875, ONID=2, TSID=2005, Channel=140, Name="Channel 4 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.203 #1: Mapped SID=5650, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=310, Name="Sky Mdn Greats", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.203 #3: Mapped SID=7002, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=356, Name="VH1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.203 #2: Mapped SID=6501, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=246, Name="Home", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.203 #1: Mapped SID=3804, ONID=2, TSID=2008, Channel=412, Name="Eurosport HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.203 #3: Mapped SID=7003, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=355, Name="MTV ROCKS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.203 #2: Mapped SID=6502, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=532, Name="Eden", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.203 #1: Mapped SID=3823, ONID=2, TSID=2008, Channel=193, Name="FX HD", Type=25, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:56:00.203 #3: Mapped SID=7005, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=351, Name="MTV+1 ", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.203 #2: Mapped SID=6504, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=110, Name="GOLD", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.203 #1: Mapped SID=3864, ONID=2, TSID=2008, Channel=256, Name="Sky Arts 2 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.203 #3: Mapped SID=7006, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=353, Name="MTV HITS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.203 #2: Mapped SID=6505, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=537, Name="YeSTERDAY", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.203 #1: Mapped SID=3876, ONID=2, TSID=2008, Channel=215, Name="E4 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.203 #3: Mapped SID=7007, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=352, Name="MTV BASE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.203 #2: Mapped SID=6506, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=111, Name="Dave", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.203 #1: Mapped SID=6201, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=520, Name="Discovery", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.218 #3: Mapped SID=7008, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=357, Name="MTV CLASSIC", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.218 #1: Mapped SID=6202, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=525, Name="Animal Planet", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.218 #3: Mapped SID=7009, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=358, Name="VIVA", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.218 #2: Mapped SID=6508, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=249, Name="Good Food", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.218 #1: Mapped SID=6203, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=240, Name="Disc.RealTime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.218 #3: Mapped SID=7012, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=160, Name="MTV SHOWS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.218 #2: Mapped SID=6520, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=109, Name="Watch", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.218 #1: Mapped SID=6204, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=521, Name="Discovery+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.218 #3: Mapped SID=7014, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=354, Name="MTV DANCE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.218 #2: Mapped SID=6521, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=132, Name="alibi", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.218 #1: Mapped SID=6205, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=265, Name="Travel & Living", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.218 #3: Mapped SID=4410, ONID=2, TSID=2011, Channel=799, Name="TV5", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.218 #2: Mapped SID=6522, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=534, Name="Blighty", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.218 #1: Mapped SID=6206, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=524, Name="Disc.Science", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.218 #2: Mapped SID=4302, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=305, Name="Sky Action", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.218 #1: Mapped SID=6207, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=522, Name="Disc.Knowldge", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.218 #2: Mapped SID=4303, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=304, Name="Sky Comedy", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.218 #1: Mapped SID=6208, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=254, Name="Home & Health", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.218 #2: Mapped SID=4304, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=309, Name="Sky ScFi/Horror", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.234 #1: Mapped SID=6209, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=523, Name="Disc.Turbo", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.234 #2: Mapped SID=4305, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=311, Name="Sky Classics", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.234 #1: Mapped SID=6211, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=154, Name="QUEST", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.234 #2: Mapped SID=4306, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=312, Name="Sky Indie", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.234 #1: Mapped SID=7001, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=350, Name="MTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.234 #2: Mapped SID=4403, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=306, Name="Sky Family", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.234 #1: Mapped SID=7002, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=356, Name="VH1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.234 #2: Mapped SID=5502, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=308, Name="Sky DramaRom", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.234 #1: Mapped SID=7003, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=355, Name="MTV ROCKS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.234 #2: Mapped SID=5650, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=310, Name="Sky Mdn Greats", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.234 #1: Mapped SID=7005, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=351, Name="MTV+1 ", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.234 #2: Mapped SID=3804, ONID=2, TSID=2008, Channel=412, Name="Eurosport HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.234 #1: Mapped SID=7006, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=353, Name="MTV HITS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.234 #2: Mapped SID=3823, ONID=2, TSID=2008, Channel=193, Name="FX HD", Type=25, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:56:00.234 #1: Mapped SID=7007, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=352, Name="MTV BASE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.234 #2: Mapped SID=3864, ONID=2, TSID=2008, Channel=256, Name="Sky Arts 2 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.234 #1: Mapped SID=7008, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=357, Name="MTV CLASSIC", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.234 #2: Mapped SID=3876, ONID=2, TSID=2008, Channel=215, Name="E4 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.234 #1: Mapped SID=7009, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=358, Name="VIVA", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.250 #2: Mapped SID=6201, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=520, Name="Discovery", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.250 #1: Mapped SID=7012, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=160, Name="MTV SHOWS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.250 #2: Mapped SID=6202, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=525, Name="Animal Planet", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.250 #1: Mapped SID=7014, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=354, Name="MTV DANCE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.250 #2: Mapped SID=6203, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=240, Name="Disc.RealTime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.250 #1: Mapped SID=4410, ONID=2, TSID=2011, Channel=799, Name="TV5", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.250 #2: Mapped SID=6204, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=521, Name="Discovery+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.250 #2: Mapped SID=6205, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=265, Name="Travel & Living", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.250 #2: Mapped SID=6206, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=524, Name="Disc.Science", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.250 #2: Mapped SID=6207, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=522, Name="Disc.Knowldge", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.250 #2: Mapped SID=6208, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=254, Name="Home & Health", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.250 #2: Mapped SID=6209, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=523, Name="Disc.Turbo", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.250 #2: Mapped SID=6211, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=154, Name="QUEST", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.250 #2: Mapped SID=7001, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=350, Name="MTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.250 #2: Mapped SID=7002, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=356, Name="VH1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.250 #2: Mapped SID=7003, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=355, Name="MTV ROCKS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.250 #2: Mapped SID=7005, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=351, Name="MTV+1 ", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.250 #2: Mapped SID=7006, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=353, Name="MTV HITS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.250 #2: Mapped SID=7007, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=352, Name="MTV BASE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.265 #2: Mapped SID=7008, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=357, Name="MTV CLASSIC", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.265 #2: Mapped SID=7009, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=358, Name="VIVA", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.265 #2: Mapped SID=7012, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=160, Name="MTV SHOWS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.265 #2: Mapped SID=7014, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=354, Name="MTV DANCE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.265 #2: Mapped SID=4410, ONID=2, TSID=2011, Channel=799, Name="TV5", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.328 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:00.328 #2: Mapped SID=4515, ONID=2, TSID=2012, Channel=970, Name="Sky Intro", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.328 #2: Mapped SID=4525, ONID=2, TSID=2012, Channel=899, Name="Sky Intro", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.328 #2: Mapped SID=5004, ONID=2, TSID=2012, Channel=998, Name="Sky Intro", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.328 #2: Mapped SID=5007, ONID=2, TSID=2012, Channel=996, Name="Chl Line-up", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.328 #2: Mapped SID=8065, ONID=2, TSID=2012, Channel=2060, Name="Sky Customer Service", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.328 #2: Mapped SID=6770, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3152, Name="BBC London", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.328 #2: Mapped SID=6704, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=503, Name="BBC NEWS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.328 #2: Mapped SID=6705, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=504, Name="BBC PARL'MNT", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.328 #2: Mapped SID=6736, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=168, Name="BBC ALBA", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.328 #2: Mapped SID=6751, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3101, Name="BBC R1", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.328 #2: Mapped SID=6752, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3102, Name="BBC R2", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.328 #2: Mapped SID=6753, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3103, Name="BBC R3", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.343 #2: Mapped SID=6754, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3104, Name="BBC R4 FM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.343 #2: Mapped SID=6755, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3143, Name="BBC R4 LW", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.343 #2: Mapped SID=6757, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3116, Name="BBC R Scot.", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.343 #2: Mapped SID=6758, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3117, Name="BBC R Wales", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.343 #2: Mapped SID=6759, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3118, Name="BBC R Ulster", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.343 #2: Mapped SID=6760, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3119, Name="BBC Asian", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.343 #2: Mapped SID=6761, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3115, Name="BBC WS", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.343 #2: Mapped SID=6763, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3154, Name="BBC R Cymru", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.343 #2: Mapped SID=6766, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3137, Name="BBC R1X", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.343 #2: Mapped SID=6767, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3120, Name="BBC 6 Music", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.343 #2: Mapped SID=6768, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3131, Name="BBC Radio 7", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.343 #2: Mapped SID=6769, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3139, Name="BBC R n Gael", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.343 #2: Mapped SID=7480, ONID=2, TSID=2014, Channel=178, Name="ITV1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.343 #2: Mapped SID=7451, ONID=2, TSID=2014, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Central E", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.343 #2: Mapped SID=7450, ONID=2, TSID=2014, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Central S", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.343 #2: Mapped SID=7420, ONID=2, TSID=2014, Channel=782, Name="Sony TV Asia", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.343 #2: Mapped SID=7600, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=247, Name="Home+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.343 #2: Mapped SID=7605, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=133, Name="GOLD +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.359 #2: Mapped SID=7610, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=533, Name="Eden+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.359 #2: Mapped SID=7615, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=155, Name="Watch +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.359 #2: Mapped SID=7620, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=248, Name="Really", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.359 #2: Mapped SID=7624, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=158, Name="Dave ja vu", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.359 #2: Mapped SID=7626, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=250, Name="Good Food +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.359 #2: Mapped SID=7630, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=209, Name="alibi +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.359 #2: Mapped SID=7650, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=538, Name="YeSTERDAY+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.359 #2: Mapped SID=3807, ONID=2, TSID=2016, Channel=345, Name="MGM HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.359 #2: Mapped SID=3818, ONID=2, TSID=2016, Channel=334, Name="Sky Family HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.359 #2: Mapped SID=3821, ONID=2, TSID=2016, Channel=313, Name="SkyPremiereHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.359 #2: Mapped SID=3862, ONID=2, TSID=2016, Channel=335, Name="Sky Thriller HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.390 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:00.390 #3: Mapped SID=4515, ONID=2, TSID=2012, Channel=970, Name="Sky Intro", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.390 #3: Mapped SID=4525, ONID=2, TSID=2012, Channel=899, Name="Sky Intro", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.390 #3: Mapped SID=5004, ONID=2, TSID=2012, Channel=998, Name="Sky Intro", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.390 #3: Mapped SID=5007, ONID=2, TSID=2012, Channel=996, Name="Chl Line-up", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.390 #3: Mapped SID=8065, ONID=2, TSID=2012, Channel=2060, Name="Sky Customer Service", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.390 #3: Mapped SID=6770, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3152, Name="BBC London", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.390 #3: Mapped SID=6704, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=503, Name="BBC NEWS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.390 #3: Mapped SID=6705, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=504, Name="BBC PARL'MNT", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.390 #3: Mapped SID=6736, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=168, Name="BBC ALBA", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.390 #3: Mapped SID=6751, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3101, Name="BBC R1", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.390 #3: Mapped SID=6752, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3102, Name="BBC R2", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.390 #3: Mapped SID=6753, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3103, Name="BBC R3", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.390 #3: Mapped SID=6754, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3104, Name="BBC R4 FM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.390 #3: Mapped SID=6755, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3143, Name="BBC R4 LW", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.390 #3: Mapped SID=6757, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3116, Name="BBC R Scot.", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.390 #3: Mapped SID=6758, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3117, Name="BBC R Wales", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.390 #3: Mapped SID=6759, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3118, Name="BBC R Ulster", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.406 #3: Mapped SID=6760, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3119, Name="BBC Asian", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.406 #3: Mapped SID=6761, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3115, Name="BBC WS", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.406 #3: Mapped SID=6763, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3154, Name="BBC R Cymru", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.406 #3: Mapped SID=6766, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3137, Name="BBC R1X", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.406 #3: Mapped SID=6767, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3120, Name="BBC 6 Music", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.406 #3: Mapped SID=6768, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3131, Name="BBC Radio 7", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.406 #3: Mapped SID=6769, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3139, Name="BBC R n Gael", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.406 #3: Mapped SID=7480, ONID=2, TSID=2014, Channel=178, Name="ITV1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.406 #3: Mapped SID=7451, ONID=2, TSID=2014, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Central E", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.406 #3: Mapped SID=7450, ONID=2, TSID=2014, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Central S", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.406 #3: Mapped SID=7420, ONID=2, TSID=2014, Channel=782, Name="Sony TV Asia", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.406 #3: Mapped SID=7600, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=247, Name="Home+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.406 #3: Mapped SID=7605, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=133, Name="GOLD +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.406 #3: Mapped SID=7610, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=533, Name="Eden+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.406 #3: Mapped SID=7615, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=155, Name="Watch +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.406 #3: Mapped SID=7620, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=248, Name="Really", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.406 #3: Mapped SID=7624, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=158, Name="Dave ja vu", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.406 #3: Mapped SID=7626, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=250, Name="Good Food +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.406 #3: Mapped SID=7630, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=209, Name="alibi +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.406 #3: Mapped SID=7650, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=538, Name="YeSTERDAY+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.421 #3: Mapped SID=3807, ONID=2, TSID=2016, Channel=345, Name="MGM HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.421 #3: Mapped SID=3818, ONID=2, TSID=2016, Channel=334, Name="Sky Family HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.421 #3: Mapped SID=3821, ONID=2, TSID=2016, Channel=313, Name="SkyPremiereHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.421 #3: Mapped SID=3862, ONID=2, TSID=2016, Channel=335, Name="Sky Thriller HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.421 #3: Mapped SID=7230, ONID=2, TSID=2017, Channel=640, Name="QVC", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.421 #3: Mapped SID=7250, ONID=2, TSID=2017, Channel=654, Name="bid tv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.421 #3: Mapped SID=7100, ONID=2, TSID=2018, Channel=601, Name="Cartoon Netwrk", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.421 #3: Mapped SID=7101, ONID=2, TSID=2018, Channel=618, Name="Boomerang +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.421 #3: Mapped SID=7102, ONID=2, TSID=2018, Channel=603, Name="Boomerang", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.421 #3: Mapped SID=7103, ONID=2, TSID=2018, Channel=602, Name="CN Too", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.421 #3: Mapped SID=7140, ONID=2, TSID=2018, Channel=506, Name="CNN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.546 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:00.546 #3: Mapped SID=3832, ONID=2, TSID=2020, Channel=543, Name="Nat Geo HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.546 #3: Mapped SID=3856, ONID=2, TSID=2020, Channel=222, Name="Comedy Cen HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.546 #3: Mapped SID=3868, ONID=2, TSID=2020, Channel=559, Name="Eden HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.546 #3: Mapped SID=3869, ONID=2, TSID=2020, Channel=632, Name="NickelodeonHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.546 #3: Mapped SID=4214, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=401, Name="Sky Sports 1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.546 #3: Mapped SID=4219, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=403, Name="Sky Sports 3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.546 #3: Mapped SID=5048, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=1, Name="Sky Active Ads", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.546 #3: Mapped SID=5515, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=164, Name="FX", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.546 #3: Mapped SID=5521, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=619, Name="Cartoonito", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.546 #3: Mapped SID=5522, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=318, Name="TCM 2", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:56:00.546 #3: Mapped SID=7301, ONID=2, TSID=2022, Channel=134, Name="S4C", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.546 #3: Mapped SID=4907, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=405, Name="Sky Spts News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.546 #3: Mapped SID=5009, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=411, Name="Eurosport2 UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.562 #3: Mapped SID=5401, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=404, Name="Sky Sports 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.562 #3: Mapped SID=5402, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=165, Name="FX+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.562 #3: Mapped SID=5431, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=128, Name="ComedyCtralX", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.796 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:00.796 #1: Mapped SID=4241, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=417, Name="ESPN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.796 #1: Mapped SID=9340, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=865, Name="SkyPoker.com", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.796 #1: Mapped SID=9341, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=864, Name="Sky Vegas", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.812 #1: Mapped SID=9348, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=553, Name="Crime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.812 #1: Mapped SID=9350, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=607, Name="Disney XD", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.812 #1: Mapped SID=9360, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=415, Name="At The Races", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.812 #1: Mapped SID=3803, ONID=2, TSID=2032, Channel=536, Name="Discovery HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.812 #1: Mapped SID=3842, ONID=2, TSID=2032, Channel=442, Name="ESPN HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.812 #1: Mapped SID=3873, ONID=2, TSID=2032, Channel=631, Name="Disney Cine HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.812 #1: Mapped SID=3874, ONID=2, TSID=2032, Channel=214, Name="Syfy HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.812 #1: Mapped SID=3826, ONID=2, TSID=2033, Channel=454, Name="Sky Sports HD4", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.812 #1: Mapped SID=3861, ONID=2, TSID=2033, Channel=170, Name="Sky1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.812 #1: Mapped SID=3867, ONID=2, TSID=2033, Channel=283, Name="Good Food HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.812 #1: Mapped SID=3811, ONID=2, TSID=2034, Channel=753, Name="SBO HD2", Type=135, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:56:00.812 #1: Mapped SID=3822, ONID=2, TSID=2034, Channel=418, Name="Sky Sports HD3", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.812 #1: Mapped SID=3879, ONID=2, TSID=2034, Channel=752, Name="SBO HD1", Type=135, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.812 #1: Mapped SID=3812, ONID=2, TSID=2035, Channel=346, Name="Sky Classics HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.812 #1: Mapped SID=3820, ONID=2, TSID=2035, Channel=339, Name="Sky Indie HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.812 #1: Mapped SID=3880, ONID=2, TSID=2035, Channel=220, Name="Universal HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.812 #1: Mapped SID=12101, ONID=2, TSID=2036, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Mer N", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.812 #1: Mapped SID=12100, ONID=2, TSID=2036, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Mer SE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.812 #1: Mapped SID=12110, ONID=2, TSID=2036, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Anglia W", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.812 #1: Mapped SID=12130, ONID=2, TSID=2036, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 TT S", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.828 #1: Mapped SID=12120, ONID=2, TSID=2036, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Yorks E", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.828 #1: Mapped SID=7700, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=105, Name="FIVE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.828 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:00.828 #1: Mapped SID=7702, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=105, Name="FIVE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.828 #3: Mapped SID=4241, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=417, Name="ESPN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.828 #1: Mapped SID=7703, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=105, Name="FIVE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.828 #3: Mapped SID=9340, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=865, Name="SkyPoker.com", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.828 #1: Mapped SID=7710, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=174, Name="FIVE USA", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.828 #3: Mapped SID=9341, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=864, Name="Sky Vegas", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.828 #1: Mapped SID=7711, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=175, Name="FIVE USA+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.828 #3: Mapped SID=9348, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=553, Name="Crime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.828 #1: Mapped SID=7715, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=176, Name="FIVER", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.828 #3: Mapped SID=9350, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=607, Name="Disney XD", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.828 #1: Mapped SID=7716, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=177, Name="FIVER+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.828 #3: Mapped SID=9360, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=415, Name="At The Races", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.828 #1: Mapped SID=1302, ONID=2, TSID=2039, Channel=217, Name="Sky 3D", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.828 #3: Mapped SID=3803, ONID=2, TSID=2032, Channel=536, Name="Discovery HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.828 #1: Mapped SID=3850, ONID=2, TSID=2039, Channel=517, Name="Sky News HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.828 #3: Mapped SID=3842, ONID=2, TSID=2032, Channel=442, Name="ESPN HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.828 #1: Mapped SID=3863, ONID=2, TSID=2039, Channel=244, Name="Sky Arts 1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.843 #3: Mapped SID=3873, ONID=2, TSID=2032, Channel=631, Name="Disney Cine HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.843 #3: Mapped SID=3874, ONID=2, TSID=2032, Channel=214, Name="Syfy HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.843 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:00.843 #3: Mapped SID=3826, ONID=2, TSID=2033, Channel=454, Name="Sky Sports HD4", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.843 #2: Mapped SID=4241, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=417, Name="ESPN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.843 #3: Mapped SID=3861, ONID=2, TSID=2033, Channel=170, Name="Sky1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.843 #2: Mapped SID=9340, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=865, Name="SkyPoker.com", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.843 #3: Mapped SID=3867, ONID=2, TSID=2033, Channel=283, Name="Good Food HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.843 #2: Mapped SID=9341, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=864, Name="Sky Vegas", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.843 #3: Mapped SID=3811, ONID=2, TSID=2034, Channel=753, Name="SBO HD2", Type=135, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:56:00.843 #2: Mapped SID=9348, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=553, Name="Crime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.843 #3: Mapped SID=3822, ONID=2, TSID=2034, Channel=418, Name="Sky Sports HD3", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.843 #2: Mapped SID=9350, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=607, Name="Disney XD", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.843 #3: Mapped SID=3879, ONID=2, TSID=2034, Channel=752, Name="SBO HD1", Type=135, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.843 #2: Mapped SID=9360, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=415, Name="At The Races", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.843 #3: Mapped SID=3812, ONID=2, TSID=2035, Channel=346, Name="Sky Classics HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.843 #2: Mapped SID=3803, ONID=2, TSID=2032, Channel=536, Name="Discovery HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.843 #3: Mapped SID=3820, ONID=2, TSID=2035, Channel=339, Name="Sky Indie HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.843 #2: Mapped SID=3842, ONID=2, TSID=2032, Channel=442, Name="ESPN HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.859 #3: Mapped SID=3880, ONID=2, TSID=2035, Channel=220, Name="Universal HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.859 #2: Mapped SID=3873, ONID=2, TSID=2032, Channel=631, Name="Disney Cine HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.859 #3: Mapped SID=12101, ONID=2, TSID=2036, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Mer N", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.859 #2: Mapped SID=3874, ONID=2, TSID=2032, Channel=214, Name="Syfy HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.859 #3: Mapped SID=12100, ONID=2, TSID=2036, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Mer SE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.859 #2: Mapped SID=3826, ONID=2, TSID=2033, Channel=454, Name="Sky Sports HD4", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.859 #3: Mapped SID=12110, ONID=2, TSID=2036, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Anglia W", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.859 #2: Mapped SID=3861, ONID=2, TSID=2033, Channel=170, Name="Sky1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.859 #3: Mapped SID=12130, ONID=2, TSID=2036, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 TT S", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.859 #2: Mapped SID=3867, ONID=2, TSID=2033, Channel=283, Name="Good Food HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.859 #3: Mapped SID=12120, ONID=2, TSID=2036, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Yorks E", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.859 #2: Mapped SID=3811, ONID=2, TSID=2034, Channel=753, Name="SBO HD2", Type=135, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:56:00.859 #3: Mapped SID=7700, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=105, Name="FIVE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.859 #2: Mapped SID=3822, ONID=2, TSID=2034, Channel=418, Name="Sky Sports HD3", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.859 #3: Mapped SID=7702, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=105, Name="FIVE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.859 #2: Mapped SID=3879, ONID=2, TSID=2034, Channel=752, Name="SBO HD1", Type=135, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.859 #3: Mapped SID=7703, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=105, Name="FIVE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.859 #2: Mapped SID=3812, ONID=2, TSID=2035, Channel=346, Name="Sky Classics HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.875 #3: Mapped SID=7710, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=174, Name="FIVE USA", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.875 #2: Mapped SID=3820, ONID=2, TSID=2035, Channel=339, Name="Sky Indie HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.875 #3: Mapped SID=7711, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=175, Name="FIVE USA+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.875 #2: Mapped SID=3880, ONID=2, TSID=2035, Channel=220, Name="Universal HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.875 #3: Mapped SID=7715, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=176, Name="FIVER", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.875 #2: Mapped SID=12101, ONID=2, TSID=2036, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Mer N", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.875 #3: Mapped SID=7716, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=177, Name="FIVER+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.875 #2: Mapped SID=12100, ONID=2, TSID=2036, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Mer SE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.875 #3: Mapped SID=1302, ONID=2, TSID=2039, Channel=217, Name="Sky 3D", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.875 #2: Mapped SID=12110, ONID=2, TSID=2036, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Anglia W", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.875 #3: Mapped SID=3850, ONID=2, TSID=2039, Channel=517, Name="Sky News HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.875 #2: Mapped SID=12130, ONID=2, TSID=2036, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 TT S", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.875 #3: Mapped SID=3863, ONID=2, TSID=2039, Channel=244, Name="Sky Arts 1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.875 #2: Mapped SID=12120, ONID=2, TSID=2036, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Yorks E", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.875 #2: Mapped SID=7700, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=105, Name="FIVE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.875 #2: Mapped SID=7702, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=105, Name="FIVE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.875 #2: Mapped SID=7703, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=105, Name="FIVE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.875 #2: Mapped SID=7710, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=174, Name="FIVE USA", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.875 #2: Mapped SID=7711, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=175, Name="FIVE USA+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.890 #2: Mapped SID=7715, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=176, Name="FIVER", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.890 #2: Mapped SID=7716, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=177, Name="FIVER+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.890 #2: Mapped SID=1302, ONID=2, TSID=2039, Channel=217, Name="Sky 3D", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.890 #2: Mapped SID=3850, ONID=2, TSID=2039, Channel=517, Name="Sky News HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:00.890 #2: Mapped SID=3863, ONID=2, TSID=2039, Channel=244, Name="Sky Arts 1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.015 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:01.015 #2: Mapped SID=12050, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=1149, Name="E4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.015 #2: Mapped SID=12000, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=360, Name="4Music", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.015 #2: Mapped SID=12005, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=359, Name="The Box", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.015 #2: Mapped SID=12010, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=361, Name="KISS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.015 #2: Mapped SID=12015, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=368, Name="Kerrang!", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.015 #2: Mapped SID=12020, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=362, Name="Smash Hits!", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.015 #2: Mapped SID=9211, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.015 #2: Mapped SID=9212, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.015 #2: Mapped SID=9213, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.015 #2: Mapped SID=9214, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.015 #2: Mapped SID=9216, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.015 #2: Mapped SID=9215, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=1153, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.015 #2: Mapped SID=9220, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=315, Name="Film4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.015 #2: Mapped SID=9225, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=316, Name="Film4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.015 #2: Mapped SID=9230, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=139, Name="More4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.015 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:01.015 #3: Mapped SID=12050, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=1149, Name="E4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.031 #3: Mapped SID=12000, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=360, Name="4Music", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.031 #3: Mapped SID=12005, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=359, Name="The Box", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.031 #3: Mapped SID=12010, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=361, Name="KISS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.031 #3: Mapped SID=12015, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=368, Name="Kerrang!", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.031 #3: Mapped SID=12020, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=362, Name="Smash Hits!", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.031 #3: Mapped SID=9211, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.031 #3: Mapped SID=9212, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.031 #3: Mapped SID=9213, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.031 #3: Mapped SID=9214, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.031 #3: Mapped SID=9216, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.031 #3: Mapped SID=9215, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=1153, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.031 #3: Mapped SID=9220, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=315, Name="Film4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.031 #3: Mapped SID=9225, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=316, Name="Film4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.031 #3: Mapped SID=9230, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=139, Name="More4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.031 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:01.031 #1: Mapped SID=12050, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=1149, Name="E4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.031 #1: Mapped SID=12000, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=360, Name="4Music", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.031 #1: Mapped SID=12005, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=359, Name="The Box", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.031 #1: Mapped SID=12010, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=361, Name="KISS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.031 #1: Mapped SID=12015, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=368, Name="Kerrang!", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.046 #1: Mapped SID=12020, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=362, Name="Smash Hits!", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.046 #1: Mapped SID=9211, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.046 #1: Mapped SID=9212, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.046 #1: Mapped SID=9213, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.046 #1: Mapped SID=9214, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.046 #1: Mapped SID=9216, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.046 #1: Mapped SID=9215, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=1153, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.046 #1: Mapped SID=9220, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=315, Name="Film4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.046 #1: Mapped SID=9225, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=316, Name="Film4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.046 #1: Mapped SID=9230, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=139, Name="More4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.234 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:01.234 #1: Mapped SID=8311, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.234 #1: Mapped SID=8312, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.234 #1: Mapped SID=8313, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.234 #1: Mapped SID=8314, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.234 #1: Mapped SID=8316, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.234 #1: Mapped SID=8300, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=137, Name="E4+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.234 #1: Mapped SID=8305, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=136, Name="E4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.234 #1: Mapped SID=8340, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=138, Name="More4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.281 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:01.281 #2: Mapped SID=8311, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.281 #2: Mapped SID=8312, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.281 #2: Mapped SID=8313, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.281 #2: Mapped SID=8314, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.281 #2: Mapped SID=8316, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.281 #2: Mapped SID=8300, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=137, Name="E4+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.281 #2: Mapped SID=8305, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=136, Name="E4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.281 #2: Mapped SID=8340, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=138, Name="More4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.296 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:01.296 #3: Mapped SID=8311, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.296 #3: Mapped SID=8312, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.296 #3: Mapped SID=8313, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.296 #3: Mapped SID=8314, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.296 #3: Mapped SID=8316, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.296 #3: Mapped SID=8300, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=137, Name="E4+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.296 #3: Mapped SID=8305, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=136, Name="E4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.296 #3: Mapped SID=8340, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=138, Name="More4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.500 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:01.500 #3: Mapped SID=10060, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 London", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.500 #3: Mapped SID=10100, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Central W", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.500 #3: Mapped SID=10080, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Granada", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.500 #3: Mapped SID=10090, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Anglia E", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.500 #3: Mapped SID=10110, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=226, Name="ITV Preview 1", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:56:01.500 #3: Mapped SID=10111, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=227, Name="ITV Preview 2", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:56:01.500 #3: Mapped SID=10070, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=118, Name="ITV2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.500 #3: Mapped SID=10071, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=621, Name="CITV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.515 #3: Mapped SID=10072, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=120, Name="ITV4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.515 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:01.515 #1: Mapped SID=10060, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 London", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.515 #1: Mapped SID=10100, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Central W", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.515 #1: Mapped SID=10080, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Granada", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.515 #1: Mapped SID=10090, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Anglia E", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.515 #1: Mapped SID=10110, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=226, Name="ITV Preview 1", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:56:01.515 #1: Mapped SID=10111, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=227, Name="ITV Preview 2", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:56:01.515 #1: Mapped SID=10070, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=118, Name="ITV2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.515 #1: Mapped SID=10071, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=621, Name="CITV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.515 #1: Mapped SID=10072, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=120, Name="ITV4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.562 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:01.562 #2: Mapped SID=10060, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 London", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.562 #2: Mapped SID=10100, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Central W", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.562 #2: Mapped SID=10080, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Granada", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.562 #2: Mapped SID=10090, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Anglia E", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.562 #2: Mapped SID=10110, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=226, Name="ITV Preview 1", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:56:01.562 #2: Mapped SID=10111, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=227, Name="ITV Preview 2", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:56:01.562 #2: Mapped SID=10070, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=118, Name="ITV2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.562 #2: Mapped SID=10071, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=621, Name="CITV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.562 #2: Mapped SID=10072, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=120, Name="ITV4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.718 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:01.718 #1: Mapped SID=6301, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=101, Name="BBC 1 London", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.718 #1: Mapped SID=6341, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=986, Name="BBC 1 West", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.718 #1: Mapped SID=6351, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=982, Name="BBC 1 East (W)", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.718 #1: Mapped SID=6361, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=988, Name="BBC 1 CI", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.718 #1: Mapped SID=6335, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=105, Name="FIVE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.765 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:01.765 #2: Mapped SID=6301, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=101, Name="BBC 1 London", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.765 #2: Mapped SID=6341, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=986, Name="BBC 1 West", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.765 #2: Mapped SID=6351, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=982, Name="BBC 1 East (W)", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.765 #2: Mapped SID=6361, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=988, Name="BBC 1 CI", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.765 #2: Mapped SID=6335, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=105, Name="FIVE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.781 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:01.781 #3: Mapped SID=6301, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=101, Name="BBC 1 London", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.781 #3: Mapped SID=6341, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=986, Name="BBC 1 West", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.781 #3: Mapped SID=6351, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=982, Name="BBC 1 East (W)", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.781 #3: Mapped SID=6361, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=988, Name="BBC 1 CI", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.781 #3: Mapped SID=6335, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=105, Name="FIVE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.968 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:01.968 #2: Mapped SID=6302, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=102, Name="BBC 2 England", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.968 #2: Mapped SID=6317, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=613, Name="CBBC Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.968 #2: Mapped SID=6319, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=115, Name="BBC THREE", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:56:01.984 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:01.984 #3: Mapped SID=6302, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=102, Name="BBC 2 England", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.984 #3: Mapped SID=6317, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=613, Name="CBBC Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.984 #3: Mapped SID=6319, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=115, Name="BBC THREE", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:56:01.984 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:01.984 #1: Mapped SID=6302, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=102, Name="BBC 2 England", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.984 #1: Mapped SID=6317, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=613, Name="CBBC Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:01.984 #1: Mapped SID=6319, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=115, Name="BBC THREE", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:56:02.187 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:02.187 #1: Mapped SID=10301, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=979, Name="BBC 1 W Mids", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.187 #1: Mapped SID=10303, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=977, Name="BBC 1 Yrks&Lin", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.187 #1: Mapped SID=10305, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=980, Name="BBC 1 E Mids", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.187 #1: Mapped SID=10306, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=981, Name="BBC 1 East (E)", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.234 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:02.234 #2: Mapped SID=10301, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=979, Name="BBC 1 W Mids", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.234 #2: Mapped SID=10303, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=977, Name="BBC 1 Yrks&Lin", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.250 #2: Mapped SID=10305, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=980, Name="BBC 1 E Mids", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.250 #2: Mapped SID=10306, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=981, Name="BBC 1 East (E)", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.250 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:02.250 #3: Mapped SID=10301, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=979, Name="BBC 1 W Mids", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.250 #3: Mapped SID=10303, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=977, Name="BBC 1 Yrks&Lin", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.250 #3: Mapped SID=10305, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=980, Name="BBC 1 E Mids", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.250 #3: Mapped SID=10306, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=981, Name="BBC 1 East (E)", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.437 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:02.453 #2: Mapped SID=10311, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=972, Name="BBC 1 Wales", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.453 #2: Mapped SID=10312, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=991, Name="BBC 2 Wales", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.453 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:02.453 #3: Mapped SID=10311, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=972, Name="BBC 1 Wales", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.453 #3: Mapped SID=10312, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=991, Name="BBC 2 Wales", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.468 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:02.468 #1: Mapped SID=10311, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=972, Name="BBC 1 Wales", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.468 #1: Mapped SID=10312, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=991, Name="BBC 2 Wales", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.656 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:02.656 #2: Mapped SID=6441, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=978, Name="BBC 1 N West", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.656 #2: Mapped SID=6451, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=976, Name="BBC 1 Yorks", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.656 #2: Mapped SID=6461, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=983, Name="BBC 1 S East", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.656 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:02.656 #3: Mapped SID=6441, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=978, Name="BBC 1 N West", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.671 #3: Mapped SID=6451, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=976, Name="BBC 1 Yorks", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.671 #3: Mapped SID=6461, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=983, Name="BBC 1 S East", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.859 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:02.859 #2: Mapped SID=6401, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=3105, Name="BBC R5L", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.859 #2: Mapped SID=6416, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=116, Name="BBC FOUR", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:56:02.859 #2: Mapped SID=6418, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=614, Name="CBeebies", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.859 #2: Mapped SID=6421, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=971, Name="BBC 1 Scotland", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.859 #2: Mapped SID=6422, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=990, Name="BBC 2 Scotland", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.859 #2: Mapped SID=6464, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=3144, Name="BBC R5SX", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.875 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:02.875 #3: Mapped SID=6401, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=3105, Name="BBC R5L", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.875 #3: Mapped SID=6416, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=116, Name="BBC FOUR", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:56:02.875 #3: Mapped SID=6418, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=614, Name="CBeebies", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.875 #3: Mapped SID=6421, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=971, Name="BBC 1 Scotland", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.875 #3: Mapped SID=6422, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=990, Name="BBC 2 Scotland", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:02.875 #3: Mapped SID=6464, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=3144, Name="BBC R5SX", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.062 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:03.062 #2: Mapped SID=10353, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=984, Name="BBC 1 South", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.062 #2: Mapped SID=10354, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=987, Name="BBC 1 S West", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.062 #2: Mapped SID=10355, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=975, Name="BBC 1 NE & C", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.062 #2: Mapped SID=10356, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=985, Name="BBC 1 Oxford", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.078 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:03.078 #3: Mapped SID=10353, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=984, Name="BBC 1 South", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.078 #3: Mapped SID=10354, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=987, Name="BBC 1 S West", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.078 #3: Mapped SID=10355, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=975, Name="BBC 1 NE & C", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.078 #3: Mapped SID=10356, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=985, Name="BBC 1 Oxford", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.265 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:03.265 #2: Mapped SID=10361, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=973, Name="BBC 1 NI", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.265 #2: Mapped SID=10362, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=992, Name="BBC 2 NI", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.265 #2: Mapped SID=10000, ONID=2, TSID=2049, Channel=178, Name="ITV1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.265 #2: Mapped SID=10030, ONID=2, TSID=2049, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 West", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.265 #2: Mapped SID=10040, ONID=2, TSID=2049, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 W Country", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.265 #2: Mapped SID=10015, ONID=2, TSID=2049, Channel=180, Name="ITV4+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.265 #2: Mapped SID=6940, ONID=2, TSID=2050, Channel=143, Name="BBC HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.265 #2: Mapped SID=9001, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=609, Name="Disney Chnl", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.265 #2: Mapped SID=9002, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=622, Name="Disney Cine", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.265 #2: Mapped SID=9003, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=628, Name="Disney Cine+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.281 #2: Mapped SID=9004, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=611, Name="Play Disney", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.281 #2: Mapped SID=9007, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=610, Name="Disney Chnl+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.281 #2: Mapped SID=9010, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=612, Name="Play Disney+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.281 #2: Mapped SID=5560, ONID=2, TSID=2052, Channel=604, Name="Nickelodeon", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.281 #2: Mapped SID=5561, ONID=2, TSID=2052, Channel=605, Name="Nick Replay", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.281 #2: Mapped SID=5562, ONID=2, TSID=2052, Channel=606, Name="Nicktoons", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.281 #2: Mapped SID=5563, ONID=2, TSID=2052, Channel=615, Name="Nick Jr.", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.281 #2: Mapped SID=10150, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Anglia S", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.281 #2: Mapped SID=10140, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Meridian S", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.281 #2: Mapped SID=10160, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Yorks W", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.281 #2: Mapped SID=10141, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Meridian E", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.281 #2: Mapped SID=10120, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Border", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.281 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:03.281 #2: Mapped SID=10130, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 TT N", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.281 #3: Mapped SID=10361, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=973, Name="BBC 1 NI", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.281 #2: Mapped SID=10165, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=131, Name="ITV2+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.281 #3: Mapped SID=10362, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=992, Name="BBC 2 NI", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.281 #3: Mapped SID=10000, ONID=2, TSID=2049, Channel=178, Name="ITV1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.281 #3: Mapped SID=10030, ONID=2, TSID=2049, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 West", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.281 #3: Mapped SID=10040, ONID=2, TSID=2049, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 W Country", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.296 #3: Mapped SID=10015, ONID=2, TSID=2049, Channel=180, Name="ITV4+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.296 #3: Mapped SID=6940, ONID=2, TSID=2050, Channel=143, Name="BBC HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.296 #3: Mapped SID=9001, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=609, Name="Disney Chnl", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.296 #3: Mapped SID=9002, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=622, Name="Disney Cine", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.296 #3: Mapped SID=9003, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=628, Name="Disney Cine+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.296 #3: Mapped SID=9004, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=611, Name="Play Disney", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.296 #3: Mapped SID=9007, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=610, Name="Disney Chnl+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.296 #3: Mapped SID=9010, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=612, Name="Play Disney+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.296 #3: Mapped SID=5560, ONID=2, TSID=2052, Channel=604, Name="Nickelodeon", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.296 #3: Mapped SID=5561, ONID=2, TSID=2052, Channel=605, Name="Nick Replay", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.296 #3: Mapped SID=5562, ONID=2, TSID=2052, Channel=606, Name="Nicktoons", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.296 #3: Mapped SID=5563, ONID=2, TSID=2052, Channel=615, Name="Nick Jr.", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.296 #3: Mapped SID=10150, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Anglia S", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.296 #3: Mapped SID=10140, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Meridian S", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.296 #3: Mapped SID=10160, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Yorks W", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.296 #3: Mapped SID=10141, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Meridian E", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.296 #3: Mapped SID=10120, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Border", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.296 #3: Mapped SID=10130, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 TT N", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.296 #3: Mapped SID=10165, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=131, Name="ITV2+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.296 #3: Mapped SID=10238, ONID=2, TSID=2054, Channel=3108, Name="talkSPORT", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.312 #3: Mapped SID=10260, ONID=2, TSID=2054, Channel=119, Name="ITV3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.312 #3: Mapped SID=10261, ONID=2, TSID=2054, Channel=179, Name="ITV3+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.500 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:03.500 #3: Mapped SID=5021, ONID=2, TSID=2055, Channel=511, Name="NDTV 24x7", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.515 #3: Mapped SID=5025, ONID=2, TSID=2055, Channel=183, Name="Current TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.515 #3: Mapped SID=3852, ONID=2, TSID=2056, Channel=178, Name="ITV1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.515 #3: Mapped SID=3851, ONID=2, TSID=2056, Channel=178, Name="ITV1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.515 #3: Mapped SID=52100, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=252, Name="Travel Ch +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.515 #3: Mapped SID=52102, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=147, Name="CBS Reality+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.515 #3: Mapped SID=52105, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=319, Name="horror channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.515 #3: Mapped SID=52106, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=877, Name="Gay Network ", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.515 #3: Mapped SID=52107, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=582, Name="Wonderful", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.515 #3: Mapped SID=52108, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=784, Name="STAR Plus", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.515 #3: Mapped SID=52109, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=660, Name="Thane Direct", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.515 #3: Mapped SID=52110, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=802, Name="DM Digital", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.515 #3: Mapped SID=52111, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=505, Name="CNBC", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.515 #3: Mapped SID=52112, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=268, Name="Africa Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.515 #3: Mapped SID=52113, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=809, Name="STAR Gold", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.515 #3: Mapped SID=52132, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=3130, Name="Panjab Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.515 #3: Mapped SID=52169, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=554, Name="Crime+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.515 #3: Mapped SID=52170, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=860, Name="Jackpot Games", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.515 #3: Mapped SID=52116, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=190, Name="Open Access 3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.515 #3: Mapped SID=52118, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=869, Name="SmartLive", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.515 #3: Mapped SID=52121, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=326, Name="mov4men2 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.531 #3: Mapped SID=52125, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=201, Name="Showcase", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.531 #3: Mapped SID=52127, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=581, Name="revelation", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.531 #3: Mapped SID=52131, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=848, Name="Sikh TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.906 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:03.906 #1: Mapped SID=50300, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=127, Name="ComedyCtrl+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.906 #1: Mapped SID=50310, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=876, Name="GayDateTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.906 #1: Mapped SID=50330, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=875, Name="Dating Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.906 #1: Mapped SID=50335, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=813, Name="Islam Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.906 #1: Mapped SID=50350, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=419, Name="Extreme Sports", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.906 #1: Mapped SID=50360, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=912, Name="Tease Me", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.906 #1: Mapped SID=50370, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=959, Name="Tease Me 3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.906 #1: Mapped SID=50400, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=659, Name="Shop on TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.906 #1: Mapped SID=50405, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=825, Name="GEO News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.906 #1: Mapped SID=50410, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=861, Name="Gala TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.906 #1: Mapped SID=50415, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=791, Name="ARY Digital", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.906 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:03.906 #2: Mapped SID=50300, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=127, Name="ComedyCtrl+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.906 #2: Mapped SID=50310, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=876, Name="GayDateTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.906 #2: Mapped SID=50330, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=875, Name="Dating Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.906 #2: Mapped SID=50335, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=813, Name="Islam Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.921 #2: Mapped SID=50350, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=419, Name="Extreme Sports", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.921 #2: Mapped SID=50360, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=912, Name="Tease Me", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.921 #2: Mapped SID=50370, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=959, Name="Tease Me 3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.921 #2: Mapped SID=50400, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=659, Name="Shop on TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.921 #2: Mapped SID=50405, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=825, Name="GEO News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.921 #2: Mapped SID=50410, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=861, Name="Gala TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.921 #2: Mapped SID=50415, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=791, Name="ARY Digital", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.921 #2: Mapped SID=50425, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=664, Name="V Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.921 #2: Mapped SID=50460, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=788, Name="Zee TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.921 #2: Mapped SID=50465, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=790, Name="Zee Cinema", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.921 #2: Mapped SID=50470, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=789, Name="Zing", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.921 #2: Mapped SID=50475, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=798, Name="Zee Punjabi", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.921 #2: Mapped SID=50480, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=846, Name="Zee Café", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.921 #2: Mapped SID=4505, ONID=2, TSID=2406, Channel=999, Name="Sky Preview", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.921 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:03.921 #3: Mapped SID=50300, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=127, Name="ComedyCtrl+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.921 #3: Mapped SID=50310, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=876, Name="GayDateTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.921 #3: Mapped SID=50330, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=875, Name="Dating Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.921 #3: Mapped SID=50335, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=813, Name="Islam Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.921 #3: Mapped SID=50350, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=419, Name="Extreme Sports", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.937 #3: Mapped SID=50360, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=912, Name="Tease Me", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.937 #3: Mapped SID=50370, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=959, Name="Tease Me 3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.937 #3: Mapped SID=50400, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=659, Name="Shop on TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.937 #3: Mapped SID=50405, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=825, Name="GEO News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.937 #3: Mapped SID=50410, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=861, Name="Gala TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.937 #3: Mapped SID=50415, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=791, Name="ARY Digital", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.937 #3: Mapped SID=50425, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=664, Name="V Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.937 #3: Mapped SID=50460, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=788, Name="Zee TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.937 #3: Mapped SID=50465, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=790, Name="Zee Cinema", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.937 #3: Mapped SID=50470, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=789, Name="Zing", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.937 #3: Mapped SID=50475, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=798, Name="Zee Punjabi", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.937 #3: Mapped SID=50480, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=846, Name="Zee Café", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:03.937 #3: Mapped SID=4505, ONID=2, TSID=2406, Channel=999, Name="Sky Preview", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.109 #2: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:04.109 #2: Mapped SID=50600, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=432, Name="Racing UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.109 #2: Mapped SID=50605, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=835, Name="SupremeMastr", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.109 #2: Mapped SID=50610, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=840, Name="Sikh Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.109 #2: Mapped SID=50615, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=157, Name="Film24", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.109 #2: Mapped SID=50620, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=430, Name="ESPN America", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.109 #2: Mapped SID=50625, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=434, Name="LiverpoolFCTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.109 #2: Mapped SID=50630, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=370, Name="Channel AKA", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.109 #2: Mapped SID=50635, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=682, Name="Entrepreneur", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.109 #2: Mapped SID=50640, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=364, Name="Q", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.109 #2: Mapped SID=50645, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=363, Name="Magic", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.109 #2: Mapped SID=4651, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=307, Name="Sky Thriller", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.125 #2: Mapped SID=4652, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=302, Name="Sky Prem+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.125 #2: Mapped SID=4653, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=529, Name="History", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.125 #2: Mapped SID=4655, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=156, Name="Bio", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.125 #2: Mapped SID=4659, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=301, Name="Sky Premiere", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.125 #2: Mapped SID=5003, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=530, Name="History +1 hour", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.125 #2: Mapped SID=50847, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=512, Name="Russia Today", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.125 #2: Mapped SID=50856, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=3178, Name="Kiss", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.125 #2: Mapped SID=50860, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=3180, Name="Magic", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.125 #2: Mapped SID=50865, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=792, Name="PTV Prime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.125 #2: Mapped SID=50866, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=796, Name="Abu Dhabi TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.125 #2: Mapped SID=50878, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=785, Name="PCNE Chinese", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.125 #2: Mapped SID=50880, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=166, Name="Information TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.140 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:04.140 #3: Mapped SID=50600, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=432, Name="Racing UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.140 #3: Mapped SID=50605, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=835, Name="SupremeMastr", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.140 #3: Mapped SID=50610, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=840, Name="Sikh Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.140 #3: Mapped SID=50615, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=157, Name="Film24", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.140 #3: Mapped SID=50620, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=430, Name="ESPN America", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.156 #3: Mapped SID=50625, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=434, Name="LiverpoolFCTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.156 #3: Mapped SID=50630, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=370, Name="Channel AKA", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.156 #3: Mapped SID=50635, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=682, Name="Entrepreneur", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.156 #3: Mapped SID=50640, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=364, Name="Q", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.156 #3: Mapped SID=50645, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=363, Name="Magic", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.156 #3: Mapped SID=4651, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=307, Name="Sky Thriller", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.156 #3: Mapped SID=4652, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=302, Name="Sky Prem+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.156 #3: Mapped SID=4653, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=529, Name="History", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.156 #3: Mapped SID=4655, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=156, Name="Bio", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.156 #3: Mapped SID=4659, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=301, Name="Sky Premiere", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.156 #3: Mapped SID=5003, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=530, Name="History +1 hour", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.156 #3: Mapped SID=50847, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=512, Name="Russia Today", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.156 #3: Mapped SID=50856, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=3178, Name="Kiss", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.156 #3: Mapped SID=50860, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=3180, Name="Magic", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.156 #3: Mapped SID=50865, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=792, Name="PTV Prime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.156 #3: Mapped SID=50866, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=796, Name="Abu Dhabi TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.156 #3: Mapped SID=50878, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=785, Name="PCNE Chinese", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.156 #3: Mapped SID=50880, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=166, Name="Information TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.156 #3: Mapped SID=50881, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=203, Name="Showcase 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.156 #3: Mapped SID=51145, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=623, Name="BabyTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.171 #3: Mapped SID=54009, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=277, Name="Diva TV +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.171 #3: Mapped SID=54011, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=205, Name="Syfy +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.171 #3: Mapped SID=52300, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=367, Name="Flava", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.171 #3: Mapped SID=52305, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=372, Name="Bliss", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.171 #3: Mapped SID=52310, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=374, Name="Scuzz", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.171 #3: Mapped SID=52315, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=376, Name="DanceNationTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.171 #3: Mapped SID=52320, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=321, Name="True Movies", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.171 #3: Mapped SID=52325, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=322, Name="True Movies 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.171 #3: Mapped SID=52330, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=617, Name="Tiny Pop", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.171 #3: Mapped SID=52335, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=382, Name="NME TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.171 #3: Mapped SID=52340, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=616, Name="POP", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.171 #3: Mapped SID=52345, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=625, Name="Tiny Pop +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.171 #3: Mapped SID=52351, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=627, Name="Kix!", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.171 #3: Mapped SID=52355, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=366, Name="The Vault", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.171 #3: Mapped SID=52361, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=626, Name="PopGirl", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.171 #3: Mapped SID=52365, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=365, Name="Chart Show TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.171 #3: Mapped SID=52370, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=629, Name="PopGirl +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.171 #3: Mapped SID=52375, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=188, Name="True Ent", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.171 #3: Mapped SID=51001, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=787, Name="mta-muslim tv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.187 #3: Mapped SID=51005, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=591, Name="Word Network", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.187 #3: Mapped SID=51006, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=866, Name="SuperCasino", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.187 #3: Mapped SID=51011, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=510, Name="CCTV News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.187 #3: Mapped SID=51019, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=587, Name="Inspiration", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.187 #3: Mapped SID=51031, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=797, Name="SouthForYou", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.187 #3: Mapped SID=51032, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=513, Name="FRANCE 24", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.187 #3: Mapped SID=51033, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=583, Name="TBN Europe", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.187 #3: Mapped SID=51035, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=580, Name="GOD Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.187 #3: Mapped SID=51107, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=514, Name="Al Jazeera Eng", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.187 #3: Mapped SID=51108, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=516, Name="NHK World TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.187 #3: Mapped SID=51110, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=150, Name="Universal+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.187 #3: Mapped SID=51113, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=433, Name="Premier Sports", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.187 #3: Mapped SID=51114, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=3210, Name="Newstalk", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.187 #3: Mapped SID=51115, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=437, Name="Prem Spts Xtra", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 16:56:04.187 #3: Mapped SID=54015, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=129, Name="Syfy", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.187 #3: Mapped SID=54053, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=827, Name="ATN Bangla UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.187 #3: Mapped SID=54054, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=826, Name="IQRA TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.187 #3: Mapped SID=54060, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=594, Name="KICC TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.187 #3: Mapped SID=54062, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=814, Name="Channel 'S'", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.203 #3: Mapped SID=54063, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=820, Name="Peace TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.203 #3: Mapped SID=54064, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=841, Name="Peace TV Urdu", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.203 #3: Mapped SID=54065, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=786, Name="Bangla TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.203 #3: Mapped SID=54066, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=189, Name="Info TV +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.203 #3: Mapped SID=54067, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=593, Name="Faith World TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.203 #3: Mapped SID=54068, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=844, Name="Channel i", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.203 #3: Mapped SID=54069, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=216, Name="Showcase +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.390 #3: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 16:56:04.390 #3: Mapped SID=54101, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=267, Name="wedding tv asia", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.390 #3: Mapped SID=54102, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=251, Name="Travel Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.390 #3: Mapped SID=54103, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=647, Name="Rocks TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.390 #3: Mapped SID=54104, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=508, Name="Euronews", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.406 #3: Mapped SID=54106, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=642, Name="JML Cookshop", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.406 #3: Mapped SID=54107, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=816, Name="SAB TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.406 #3: Mapped SID=54110, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=148, Name="CBS Action", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.406 #3: Mapped SID=54112, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=649, Name="Best Direct", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.406 #3: Mapped SID=54113, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=658, Name="QVC Beauty", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.406 #3: Mapped SID=54120, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=667, Name="JML Choice", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.406 #3: Mapped SID=54135, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=596, Name="Believe TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.406 #3: Mapped SID=54140, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=280, Name="Horse & Country", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.406 #3: Mapped SID=54150, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=641, Name="JML Direct", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:56:04.406 #3: Mapped SID=54165, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=282, Name="Fitness TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 16:57:12.781 #1: The initial run for autodiscovery finished 2010-10-28 16:57:12.937 #1: Signal locked, quality=100, strength=66 2010-10-28 16:57:12.953 #1: Graph successfully stopped 2010-10-28 16:57:14.890 #2: The initial run for autodiscovery finished 2010-10-28 16:57:15.046 #2: Signal locked, quality=100, strength=66 2010-10-28 16:57:15.062 #2: Graph successfully stopped 2010-10-28 16:57:17.000 #3: The initial run for autodiscovery finished 2010-10-28 16:57:17.156 #3: Signal locked, quality=100, strength=66 2010-10-28 16:57:17.171 #3: Graph successfully stopped 2010-10-28 16:57:17.171 Encoder initialization is complete 2010-10-28 16:57:30.765 Received command: "VERSION" 2010-10-28 16:57:30.765 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 16:57:30.781 Received command: "VERSION" 2010-10-28 16:57:30.781 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 16:57:30.781 Received command: "VERSION" 2010-10-28 16:57:30.781 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 16:57:31.578 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 16:57:31.578 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 16:57:31.578 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 16:57:31.593 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 16:57:31.593 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 16:57:31.593 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 16:59:47.906 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 16:59:47.906 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 16:59:47.921 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 16:59:48.046 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 16:59:48.062 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 16:59:48.062 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:04:48.093 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:04:48.109 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:04:48.109 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:18.234 Received command: "START SageTV DVB-S2 Enhancer 1 Digital TV Tuner|1476815208|356|2576564316310|E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts|Fair" 2010-10-28 17:09:18.234 Received START command to start recording on source "SageTV DVB-S2 Enhancer 1 Digital TV Tuner", channel=356, duration=2576564316, file="E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:18.234 Channel=356 was successfully mapped to SID=7002 on ONID=2, Name="VH1" 2010-10-28 17:09:18.234 Autodiscovery results for SID=7002 on ONID=2: TID=2010, Frequency=11895000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:18.234 #1: Starting recording on tuner="TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-S Tuner", Ordinal=1, Channel=356 ("VH1"), SID=7002 on ONID=2, Autodiscovery=TRUE, Duration=2576564316, Frequency=11895000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:18.250 #1: Loading filter "TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-S Tuner" - succeeded! 2010-10-28 17:09:18.250 #1: Tuner Filter Info = "TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-S Tuner" 2010-10-28 17:09:18.250 #1: Loading filter "TechnoTrend BDA/DVB Capture" - succeeded! 2010-10-28 17:09:18.250 #1: Loaded our transport stream filter 2010-10-28 17:09:18.250 #1: Added demux filter to the graph 2010-10-28 17:09:18.250 #1: Connected demux to our filter output pin 2010-10-28 17:09:18.250 #1: Loading filter "BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter" - succeeded! 2010-10-28 17:09:18.250 #1: Using tuning request-based tuning method... 2010-10-28 17:09:18.703 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=3) 2010-10-28 17:09:19.296 #1: Signal locked, quality=100, strength=60 2010-10-28 17:09:19.296 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=11, actual CC=5) 2010-10-28 17:09:19.296 #1: PSI table CRC error, dropping the table... 2010-10-28 17:09:19.296 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=11, actual CC=15) 2010-10-28 17:09:19.296 #1: PSI table CRC error, dropping the table... 2010-10-28 17:09:19.343 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=4) 2010-10-28 17:09:19.359 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 17:09:19.375 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:19.375 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:19.390 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:19.390 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:19.390 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:19.421 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=15) 2010-10-28 17:09:19.421 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 17:09:19.484 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=15) 2010-10-28 17:09:19.484 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 17:09:19.500 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:19.500 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:19.500 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:19.500 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:19.500 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:19.500 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:19.500 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:19.500 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:19.500 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:19.562 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 17:09:19.578 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 17:09:19.578 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 17:09:19.640 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 17:09:19.640 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=5) 2010-10-28 17:09:19.703 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:19.703 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:19.718 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=12) 2010-10-28 17:09:19.718 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=5) 2010-10-28 17:09:19.718 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=7) 2010-10-28 17:09:19.781 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=8) 2010-10-28 17:09:19.859 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=3) 2010-10-28 17:09:19.859 #1: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0xC0(192), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.859 #1: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0xC0(192), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.859 #1: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0xC0(192), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.921 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:19.921 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:19.921 #1: PID=2328(0x918) of SID=7002(0x1B5A) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:09:19.921 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2328, SID=7002, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.921 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2328, SID=7002, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.921 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2328, SID=7002, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.921 #1: PID=2307(0x903) of SID=7002(0x1B5A) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:19.921 #1: PID=2308(0x904) of SID=7002(0x1B5A) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:19.921 #1: PID=2309(0x905) of SID=7002(0x1B5A) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:19.921 #1: PID=2325(0x915) of SID=7002(0x1B5A) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:19.921 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2325, SID=7002, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.921 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2325, SID=7002, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.937 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2325, SID=7002, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.937 #1: PID=2327(0x917) of SID=7002(0x1B5A) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:19.937 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2327, SID=7002, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.937 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2327, SID=7002, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.937 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2327, SID=7002, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.937 #1: PID=2329(0x919) of SID=7002(0x1B5A) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:09:19.937 #1: PID=2312(0x908) of SID=7002(0x1B5A) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.937 #1: PID=2313(0x909) of SID=7002(0x1B5A) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.937 #1: PID=2314(0x90A) of SID=7002(0x1B5A) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.937 #1: PID=2315(0x90B) of SID=7002(0x1B5A) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.937 #1: PID=2316(0x90C) of SID=7002(0x1B5A) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.937 #1: PID=2317(0x90D) of SID=7002(0x1B5A) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.937 #1: PID=2318(0x90E) of SID=7002(0x1B5A) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.937 #1: PID=2319(0x90F) of SID=7002(0x1B5A) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.937 #1: PID=2320(0x910) of SID=7002(0x1B5A) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.937 #1: PID=2321(0x911) of SID=7002(0x1B5A) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.937 #1: PID=2326(0x916) of SID=7002(0x1B5A) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.937 #1: PID=2332(0x91C) of SID=7003(0x1B5B) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:09:19.937 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2332, SID=7003, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.937 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2332, SID=7003, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.953 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2332, SID=7003, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.953 #1: PID=2307(0x903) of SID=7003(0x1B5B) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:19.953 #1: PID=2308(0x904) of SID=7003(0x1B5B) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:19.953 #1: PID=2309(0x905) of SID=7003(0x1B5B) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:19.953 #1: PID=2330(0x91A) of SID=7003(0x1B5B) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:19.953 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2330, SID=7003, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.953 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2330, SID=7003, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.953 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2330, SID=7003, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.953 #1: PID=2312(0x908) of SID=7003(0x1B5B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.953 #1: PID=2313(0x909) of SID=7003(0x1B5B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.953 #1: PID=2314(0x90A) of SID=7003(0x1B5B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.953 #1: PID=2315(0x90B) of SID=7003(0x1B5B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.953 #1: PID=2316(0x90C) of SID=7003(0x1B5B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.953 #1: PID=2317(0x90D) of SID=7003(0x1B5B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.953 #1: PID=2318(0x90E) of SID=7003(0x1B5B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.953 #1: PID=2319(0x90F) of SID=7003(0x1B5B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.953 #1: PID=2320(0x910) of SID=7003(0x1B5B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.953 #1: PID=2321(0x911) of SID=7003(0x1B5B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.953 #1: PID=2331(0x91B) of SID=7003(0x1B5B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.953 #1: PID=2357(0x935) of SID=7005(0x1B5D) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:09:19.953 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2357, SID=7005, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.953 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2357, SID=7005, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.968 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2357, SID=7005, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.968 #1: PID=2307(0x903) of SID=7005(0x1B5D) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:19.968 #1: PID=2308(0x904) of SID=7005(0x1B5D) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:19.968 #1: PID=2309(0x905) of SID=7005(0x1B5D) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:19.968 #1: PID=2358(0x936) of SID=7005(0x1B5D) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:19.968 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2358, SID=7005, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.968 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2358, SID=7005, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.968 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2358, SID=7005, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.968 #1: PID=2359(0x937) of SID=7005(0x1B5D) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:19.968 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2359, SID=7005, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.968 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2359, SID=7005, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.968 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2359, SID=7005, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.968 #1: PID=2360(0x938) of SID=7005(0x1B5D) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:09:19.968 #1: PID=2312(0x908) of SID=7005(0x1B5D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.968 #1: PID=2313(0x909) of SID=7005(0x1B5D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.968 #1: PID=2314(0x90A) of SID=7005(0x1B5D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.968 #1: PID=2315(0x90B) of SID=7005(0x1B5D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.968 #1: PID=2316(0x90C) of SID=7005(0x1B5D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.984 #1: PID=2317(0x90D) of SID=7005(0x1B5D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.984 #1: PID=2318(0x90E) of SID=7005(0x1B5D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.984 #1: PID=2319(0x90F) of SID=7005(0x1B5D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.984 #1: PID=2320(0x910) of SID=7005(0x1B5D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.984 #1: PID=2321(0x911) of SID=7005(0x1B5D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.984 #1: PID=2361(0x939) of SID=7005(0x1B5D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.984 A new ECM packet for SID=7002 received and put to the queue 2010-10-28 17:09:19.984 #1: PID=2335(0x91F) of SID=7006(0x1B5E) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:09:19.984 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2335, SID=7006, ECM PID=0x505(1285), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.984 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2335, SID=7006, ECM PID=0x505(1285), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.984 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2335, SID=7006, ECM PID=0x505(1285), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.984 #1: PID=2307(0x903) of SID=7006(0x1B5E) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:19.984 #1: PID=2308(0x904) of SID=7006(0x1B5E) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:19.984 #1: PID=2309(0x905) of SID=7006(0x1B5E) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:19.984 #1: PID=2333(0x91D) of SID=7006(0x1B5E) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:19.984 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2333, SID=7006, ECM PID=0x505(1285), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.984 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2333, SID=7006, ECM PID=0x505(1285), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.984 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2333, SID=7006, ECM PID=0x505(1285), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:19.984 #1: PID=2336(0x920) of SID=7006(0x1B5E) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:09:19.984 #1: PID=2312(0x908) of SID=7006(0x1B5E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:19.984 #1: PID=2313(0x909) of SID=7006(0x1B5E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.000 A tuning request came in for SID=7002 2010-10-28 17:09:20.000 #1: PID=2314(0x90A) of SID=7006(0x1B5E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.000 Initialized plugin with ProviderID=00000000, CAID=0963, ECM=0501, EMM=00C0 2010-10-28 17:09:20.000 #1: PID=2315(0x90B) of SID=7006(0x1B5E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.000 Number of CAIDs is 1 2010-10-28 17:09:20.000 #1: PID=2316(0x90C) of SID=7006(0x1B5E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.000 #1: PID=2317(0x90D) of SID=7006(0x1B5E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.000 #1: PID=2318(0x90E) of SID=7006(0x1B5E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.000 #1: PID=2319(0x90F) of SID=7006(0x1B5E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.000 #1: PID=2320(0x910) of SID=7006(0x1B5E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.000 #1: PID=2321(0x911) of SID=7006(0x1B5E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.000 #1: PID=2334(0x91E) of SID=7006(0x1B5E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.015 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.031 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.031 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:20.031 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:20.046 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.062 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.062 #1: PID=2343(0x927) of SID=7007(0x1B5F) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:09:20.062 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2343, SID=7007, ECM PID=0x506(1286), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.062 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2343, SID=7007, ECM PID=0x506(1286), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.062 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2343, SID=7007, ECM PID=0x506(1286), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.062 #1: PID=2307(0x903) of SID=7007(0x1B5F) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.062 #1: PID=2308(0x904) of SID=7007(0x1B5F) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.062 #1: PID=2309(0x905) of SID=7007(0x1B5F) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.062 #1: PID=2341(0x925) of SID=7007(0x1B5F) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.062 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2341, SID=7007, ECM PID=0x506(1286), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.062 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2341, SID=7007, ECM PID=0x506(1286), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.062 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2341, SID=7007, ECM PID=0x506(1286), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.062 #1: PID=2344(0x928) of SID=7007(0x1B5F) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:09:20.062 #1: PID=2312(0x908) of SID=7007(0x1B5F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.062 #1: PID=2313(0x909) of SID=7007(0x1B5F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.062 #1: PID=2314(0x90A) of SID=7007(0x1B5F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.062 #1: PID=2315(0x90B) of SID=7007(0x1B5F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.062 #1: PID=2316(0x90C) of SID=7007(0x1B5F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.078 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.078 #1: PID=2317(0x90D) of SID=7007(0x1B5F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.078 #1: PID=2318(0x90E) of SID=7007(0x1B5F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.078 #1: PID=2319(0x90F) of SID=7007(0x1B5F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.078 #1: PID=2320(0x910) of SID=7007(0x1B5F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.078 #1: PID=2321(0x911) of SID=7007(0x1B5F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.078 #1: PID=2342(0x926) of SID=7007(0x1B5F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.078 #1: PID=2347(0x92B) of SID=7008(0x1B60) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:09:20.078 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2347, SID=7008, ECM PID=0x507(1287), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.078 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2347, SID=7008, ECM PID=0x507(1287), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.078 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2347, SID=7008, ECM PID=0x507(1287), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.078 #1: PID=2307(0x903) of SID=7008(0x1B60) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.078 #1: PID=2308(0x904) of SID=7008(0x1B60) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.078 #1: PID=2309(0x905) of SID=7008(0x1B60) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.078 #1: PID=2345(0x929) of SID=7008(0x1B60) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.078 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2345, SID=7008, ECM PID=0x507(1287), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.078 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2345, SID=7008, ECM PID=0x507(1287), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.078 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2345, SID=7008, ECM PID=0x507(1287), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.078 #1: PID=2348(0x92C) of SID=7008(0x1B60) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:09:20.078 #1: PID=2312(0x908) of SID=7008(0x1B60) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.078 #1: PID=2313(0x909) of SID=7008(0x1B60) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.093 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.093 #1: PID=2314(0x90A) of SID=7008(0x1B60) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.093 #1: PID=2315(0x90B) of SID=7008(0x1B60) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.093 #1: PID=2316(0x90C) of SID=7008(0x1B60) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.093 #1: PID=2317(0x90D) of SID=7008(0x1B60) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.093 #1: PID=2318(0x90E) of SID=7008(0x1B60) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.093 #1: PID=2319(0x90F) of SID=7008(0x1B60) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.093 #1: PID=2320(0x910) of SID=7008(0x1B60) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.093 #1: PID=2321(0x911) of SID=7008(0x1B60) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.093 #1: PID=2346(0x92A) of SID=7008(0x1B60) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.093 #1: PID=2349(0x92D) of SID=7009(0x1B61) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:09:20.093 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2349, SID=7009, ECM PID=0x508(1288), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.093 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2349, SID=7009, ECM PID=0x508(1288), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.093 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2349, SID=7009, ECM PID=0x508(1288), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.093 #1: PID=2307(0x903) of SID=7009(0x1B61) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.093 #1: PID=2308(0x904) of SID=7009(0x1B61) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.093 #1: PID=2309(0x905) of SID=7009(0x1B61) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.093 #1: PID=2350(0x92E) of SID=7009(0x1B61) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.093 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2350, SID=7009, ECM PID=0x508(1288), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.093 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2350, SID=7009, ECM PID=0x508(1288), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.093 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2350, SID=7009, ECM PID=0x508(1288), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.109 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.109 #1: PID=2351(0x92F) of SID=7009(0x1B61) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:09:20.109 #1: PID=2313(0x909) of SID=7009(0x1B61) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.109 #1: PID=2314(0x90A) of SID=7009(0x1B61) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.109 #1: PID=2315(0x90B) of SID=7009(0x1B61) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.109 #1: PID=2316(0x90C) of SID=7009(0x1B61) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.109 #1: PID=2317(0x90D) of SID=7009(0x1B61) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.109 #1: PID=2318(0x90E) of SID=7009(0x1B61) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.109 #1: PID=2319(0x90F) of SID=7009(0x1B61) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.109 #1: PID=2320(0x910) of SID=7009(0x1B61) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.109 #1: PID=2321(0x911) of SID=7009(0x1B61) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.109 #1: PID=2352(0x930) of SID=7009(0x1B61) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.109 #1: PID=2364(0x93C) of SID=7010(0x1B62) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:09:20.109 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2364, SID=7010, ECM PID=0x509(1289), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.109 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2364, SID=7010, ECM PID=0x509(1289), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.109 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2364, SID=7010, ECM PID=0x509(1289), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.109 #1: PID=2307(0x903) of SID=7010(0x1B62) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.109 #1: PID=2308(0x904) of SID=7010(0x1B62) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.109 #1: PID=2309(0x905) of SID=7010(0x1B62) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.109 #1: PID=2362(0x93A) of SID=7010(0x1B62) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.109 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2362, SID=7010, ECM PID=0x509(1289), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.109 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2362, SID=7010, ECM PID=0x509(1289), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.125 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.125 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2362, SID=7010, ECM PID=0x509(1289), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.125 #1: PID=2365(0x93D) of SID=7010(0x1B62) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:09:20.125 #1: PID=2312(0x908) of SID=7010(0x1B62) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.125 #1: PID=2313(0x909) of SID=7010(0x1B62) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.125 #1: PID=2314(0x90A) of SID=7010(0x1B62) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.125 #1: PID=2315(0x90B) of SID=7010(0x1B62) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.125 #1: PID=2316(0x90C) of SID=7010(0x1B62) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.125 #1: PID=2317(0x90D) of SID=7010(0x1B62) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.125 #1: PID=2318(0x90E) of SID=7010(0x1B62) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.125 #1: PID=2319(0x90F) of SID=7010(0x1B62) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.125 #1: PID=2320(0x910) of SID=7010(0x1B62) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.125 #1: PID=2321(0x911) of SID=7010(0x1B62) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.125 #1: PID=2363(0x93B) of SID=7010(0x1B62) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.125 #1: PID=2355(0x933) of SID=7012(0x1B64) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:09:20.125 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2355, SID=7012, ECM PID=0x50A(1290), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.125 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2355, SID=7012, ECM PID=0x50A(1290), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.125 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2355, SID=7012, ECM PID=0x50A(1290), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.125 #1: PID=2307(0x903) of SID=7012(0x1B64) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.125 #1: PID=2308(0x904) of SID=7012(0x1B64) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.125 #1: PID=2309(0x905) of SID=7012(0x1B64) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.125 #1: PID=2353(0x931) of SID=7012(0x1B64) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.125 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2353, SID=7012, ECM PID=0x50A(1290), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.140 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.140 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2353, SID=7012, ECM PID=0x50A(1290), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.140 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2353, SID=7012, ECM PID=0x50A(1290), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.140 #1: PID=2356(0x934) of SID=7012(0x1B64) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:09:20.140 #1: PID=2311(0x907) of SID=7012(0x1B64) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.140 #1: PID=2312(0x908) of SID=7012(0x1B64) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.140 #1: PID=2313(0x909) of SID=7012(0x1B64) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.140 #1: PID=2314(0x90A) of SID=7012(0x1B64) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.140 #1: PID=2315(0x90B) of SID=7012(0x1B64) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.140 #1: PID=2316(0x90C) of SID=7012(0x1B64) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.140 #1: PID=2317(0x90D) of SID=7012(0x1B64) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.140 #1: PID=2318(0x90E) of SID=7012(0x1B64) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.140 #1: PID=2319(0x90F) of SID=7012(0x1B64) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.140 #1: PID=2320(0x910) of SID=7012(0x1B64) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.140 #1: PID=2321(0x911) of SID=7012(0x1B64) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.140 #1: PID=2354(0x932) of SID=7012(0x1B64) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.156 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.171 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.187 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.187 #1: PID=2339(0x923) of SID=7014(0x1B66) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:09:20.187 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2339, SID=7014, ECM PID=0x503(1283), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.203 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.203 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2339, SID=7014, ECM PID=0x503(1283), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.203 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2339, SID=7014, ECM PID=0x503(1283), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.203 #1: PID=2307(0x903) of SID=7014(0x1B66) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.203 #1: PID=2308(0x904) of SID=7014(0x1B66) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.203 #1: PID=2309(0x905) of SID=7014(0x1B66) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.203 #1: PID=2337(0x921) of SID=7014(0x1B66) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.203 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2337, SID=7014, ECM PID=0x503(1283), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.203 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2337, SID=7014, ECM PID=0x503(1283), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.203 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2337, SID=7014, ECM PID=0x503(1283), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.203 #1: PID=2340(0x924) of SID=7014(0x1B66) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:09:20.203 #1: PID=2312(0x908) of SID=7014(0x1B66) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.203 #1: PID=2313(0x909) of SID=7014(0x1B66) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.203 #1: PID=2314(0x90A) of SID=7014(0x1B66) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.203 #1: PID=2315(0x90B) of SID=7014(0x1B66) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.203 #1: PID=2316(0x90C) of SID=7014(0x1B66) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.203 #1: PID=2317(0x90D) of SID=7014(0x1B66) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.203 #1: PID=2318(0x90E) of SID=7014(0x1B66) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.203 #1: PID=2319(0x90F) of SID=7014(0x1B66) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.203 #1: PID=2320(0x910) of SID=7014(0x1B66) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.203 #1: PID=2321(0x911) of SID=7014(0x1B66) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.203 #1: PID=2338(0x922) of SID=7014(0x1B66) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.218 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.218 #1: PID=2368(0x940) of SID=7021(0x1B6D) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:09:20.218 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2368, SID=7021, ECM PID=0x50B(1291), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.218 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2368, SID=7021, ECM PID=0x50B(1291), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.218 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2368, SID=7021, ECM PID=0x50B(1291), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.218 #1: PID=2366(0x93E) of SID=7021(0x1B6D) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.218 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2366, SID=7021, ECM PID=0x50B(1291), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.218 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2366, SID=7021, ECM PID=0x50B(1291), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.218 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2366, SID=7021, ECM PID=0x50B(1291), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.218 #1: PID=2312(0x908) of SID=7021(0x1B6D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.218 #1: PID=2313(0x909) of SID=7021(0x1B6D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.218 #1: PID=2314(0x90A) of SID=7021(0x1B6D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.218 #1: PID=2315(0x90B) of SID=7021(0x1B6D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.218 #1: PID=2316(0x90C) of SID=7021(0x1B6D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.218 #1: PID=2317(0x90D) of SID=7021(0x1B6D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.218 #1: PID=2318(0x90E) of SID=7021(0x1B6D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.218 #1: PID=2319(0x90F) of SID=7021(0x1B6D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.218 #1: PID=2320(0x910) of SID=7021(0x1B6D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.218 #1: PID=2321(0x911) of SID=7021(0x1B6D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.218 #1: PID=2367(0x93F) of SID=7021(0x1B6D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.234 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.234 #1: PID=2323(0x913) of SID=7041(0x1B81) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:09:20.234 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2323, SID=7041, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.234 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2323, SID=7041, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.234 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2323, SID=7041, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.234 #1: PID=2306(0x902) of SID=7041(0x1B81) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.234 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2306, SID=7041, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.234 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2306, SID=7041, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.234 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2306, SID=7041, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.234 #1: PID=2307(0x903) of SID=7041(0x1B81) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.234 #1: PID=2308(0x904) of SID=7041(0x1B81) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.234 #1: PID=2309(0x905) of SID=7041(0x1B81) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.234 #1: PID=2322(0x912) of SID=7041(0x1B81) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.234 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2322, SID=7041, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.234 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2322, SID=7041, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.234 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2322, SID=7041, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.250 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.250 #1: PID=2324(0x914) of SID=7041(0x1B81) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:09:20.250 #1: PID=2312(0x908) of SID=7041(0x1B81) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.250 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:20.250 #1: PID=2313(0x909) of SID=7041(0x1B81) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.250 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:20.250 #1: PID=2314(0x90A) of SID=7041(0x1B81) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.250 #1: PID=2315(0x90B) of SID=7041(0x1B81) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.250 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:20.250 #1: PID=2316(0x90C) of SID=7041(0x1B81) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.250 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:20.250 #1: PID=2317(0x90D) of SID=7041(0x1B81) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.250 #1: PID=2318(0x90E) of SID=7041(0x1B81) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.250 #1: PID=2319(0x90F) of SID=7041(0x1B81) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.250 #1: PID=2320(0x910) of SID=7041(0x1B81) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.250 #1: PID=2321(0x911) of SID=7041(0x1B81) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.250 #1: PID=2370(0x942) of SID=7041(0x1B81) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.250 #1: PID=2371(0x943) of SID=7041(0x1B81) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.250 #1: PID=2323(0x913) of SID=7042(0x1B82) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:09:20.250 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2323, SID=7042, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.250 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2323, SID=7042, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.250 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2323, SID=7042, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.265 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.265 #1: PID=2306(0x902) of SID=7042(0x1B82) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.265 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2306, SID=7042, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.265 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2306, SID=7042, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.265 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2306, SID=7042, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.265 #1: PID=2307(0x903) of SID=7042(0x1B82) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.265 #1: PID=2308(0x904) of SID=7042(0x1B82) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.265 #1: PID=2309(0x905) of SID=7042(0x1B82) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.265 #1: PID=2324(0x914) of SID=7042(0x1B82) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:09:20.265 #1: PID=2371(0x943) of SID=7042(0x1B82) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.281 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.296 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.312 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.328 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.328 #1: PID=2323(0x913) of SID=7001(0x1B59) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:09:20.328 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2323, SID=7001, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.328 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2323, SID=7001, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.328 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2323, SID=7001, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.343 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.343 #1: PID=2306(0x902) of SID=7001(0x1B59) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.343 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2306, SID=7001, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.343 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2306, SID=7001, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.343 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2306, SID=7001, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.343 #1: PID=2307(0x903) of SID=7001(0x1B59) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.343 #1: PID=2308(0x904) of SID=7001(0x1B59) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.343 #1: PID=2309(0x905) of SID=7001(0x1B59) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.343 #1: PID=2322(0x912) of SID=7001(0x1B59) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:09:20.343 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2322, SID=7001, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.343 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2322, SID=7001, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.343 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2322, SID=7001, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:09:20.343 #1: PID=2324(0x914) of SID=7001(0x1B59) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:09:20.343 #1: PID=2310(0x906) of SID=7001(0x1B59) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.343 #1: PID=2311(0x907) of SID=7001(0x1B59) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.343 #1: PID=2312(0x908) of SID=7001(0x1B59) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.343 #1: PID=2313(0x909) of SID=7001(0x1B59) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.343 #1: PID=2314(0x90A) of SID=7001(0x1B59) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.343 #1: PID=2315(0x90B) of SID=7001(0x1B59) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.343 #1: PID=2316(0x90C) of SID=7001(0x1B59) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.343 #1: PID=2317(0x90D) of SID=7001(0x1B59) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.359 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.359 #1: PID=2318(0x90E) of SID=7001(0x1B59) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.359 #1: PID=2319(0x90F) of SID=7001(0x1B59) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.359 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:20.359 #1: PID=2320(0x910) of SID=7001(0x1B59) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.359 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:20.359 #1: PID=2321(0x911) of SID=7001(0x1B59) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:09:20.359 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:20.359 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:20.375 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.390 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.406 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.421 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.437 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.453 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.468 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.484 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.500 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.515 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.531 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.546 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.562 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.578 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.593 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.609 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.625 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.640 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.656 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.671 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.687 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.687 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:20.687 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:20.687 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:20.687 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:20.703 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.718 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.734 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.750 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.765 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.765 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=13) 2010-10-28 17:09:20.781 ECM callback hasn't been established yet for SID=7002, waiting... 2010-10-28 17:09:20.781 Start ECM filter for SID=7002 received 2010-10-28 17:09:20.796 A new ECM packet for SID=7002 received and sent to processing 2010-10-28 17:09:20.906 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:20.906 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:20.906 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:20.906 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:21.015 #1: Response for SID=7002 received, passing to the parser... 2010-10-28 17:09:21.015 #1: Received EVEN DCW = 3EE347689CBD94ED (from the plugin) - accepted and added to the cache! 2010-10-28 17:09:21.125 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:21.125 Replied 416420 2010-10-28 17:09:21.234 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:21.234 Replied 481280 2010-10-28 17:09:21.343 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:21.343 Replied 514368 2010-10-28 17:09:21.453 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:21.453 Replied 583176 2010-10-28 17:09:21.562 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:21.562 Replied 653112 2010-10-28 17:09:21.671 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:21.671 Replied 688268 2010-10-28 17:09:21.781 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:21.781 Replied 753692 2010-10-28 17:09:21.781 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:21.781 Replied 753692 2010-10-28 17:09:21.781 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:21.781 Replied 753692 2010-10-28 17:09:22.000 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.000 Replied 851640 2010-10-28 17:09:22.109 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.109 Replied 919884 2010-10-28 17:09:22.109 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.109 Replied 919884 2010-10-28 17:09:22.156 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.156 Replied 954288 2010-10-28 17:09:22.156 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.171 Replied 954288 2010-10-28 17:09:22.171 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.171 Replied 954288 2010-10-28 17:09:22.171 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.171 Replied 954288 2010-10-28 17:09:22.218 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.218 Replied 954288 2010-10-28 17:09:22.234 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.234 Replied 954288 2010-10-28 17:09:22.234 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.234 Replied 1024224 2010-10-28 17:09:22.234 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.234 Replied 1024224 2010-10-28 17:09:22.250 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.250 Replied 1024224 2010-10-28 17:09:22.250 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.250 Replied 1024224 2010-10-28 17:09:22.250 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.265 Replied 1024224 2010-10-28 17:09:22.265 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.265 Replied 1024224 2010-10-28 17:09:22.265 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.265 Replied 1024224 2010-10-28 17:09:22.281 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.281 Replied 1024224 2010-10-28 17:09:22.281 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.281 Replied 1024224 2010-10-28 17:09:22.281 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.281 Replied 1024224 2010-10-28 17:09:22.296 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.296 Replied 1024224 2010-10-28 17:09:22.296 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.296 Replied 1024224 2010-10-28 17:09:22.312 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.312 Replied 1024224 2010-10-28 17:09:22.312 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.312 Replied 1024224 2010-10-28 17:09:22.328 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.328 Replied 1024224 2010-10-28 17:09:22.328 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.328 Replied 1024224 2010-10-28 17:09:22.328 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.328 Replied 1024224 2010-10-28 17:09:22.343 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.343 Replied 1057500 2010-10-28 17:09:22.343 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.343 Replied 1057500 2010-10-28 17:09:22.359 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.359 Replied 1057500 2010-10-28 17:09:22.359 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.359 Replied 1057500 2010-10-28 17:09:22.359 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.359 Replied 1057500 2010-10-28 17:09:22.375 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.375 Replied 1057500 2010-10-28 17:09:22.375 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.375 Replied 1057500 2010-10-28 17:09:22.375 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.375 Replied 1057500 2010-10-28 17:09:22.390 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.390 Replied 1057500 2010-10-28 17:09:22.390 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.390 Replied 1057500 2010-10-28 17:09:22.390 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.390 Replied 1057500 2010-10-28 17:09:22.406 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.406 Replied 1057500 2010-10-28 17:09:22.406 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.406 Replied 1057500 2010-10-28 17:09:22.406 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.406 Replied 1057500 2010-10-28 17:09:22.421 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.421 Replied 1057500 2010-10-28 17:09:22.421 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.421 Replied 1057500 2010-10-28 17:09:22.625 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.625 Replied 1188348 2010-10-28 17:09:22.625 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.625 Replied 1188348 2010-10-28 17:09:22.625 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.625 Replied 1188348 2010-10-28 17:09:22.625 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.625 Replied 1188348 2010-10-28 17:09:22.640 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.640 Replied 1188348 2010-10-28 17:09:22.640 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.640 Replied 1188348 2010-10-28 17:09:22.640 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.640 Replied 1188348 2010-10-28 17:09:22.656 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.656 Replied 1188348 2010-10-28 17:09:22.843 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.843 Replied 1290432 2010-10-28 17:09:22.843 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.843 Replied 1290432 2010-10-28 17:09:22.843 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.843 Replied 1290432 2010-10-28 17:09:22.843 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.843 Replied 1290432 2010-10-28 17:09:22.859 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.859 Replied 1290432 2010-10-28 17:09:22.859 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.859 Replied 1290432 2010-10-28 17:09:22.875 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:22.875 Replied 1290432 2010-10-28 17:09:23.062 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.062 Replied 1388380 2010-10-28 17:09:23.062 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.062 Replied 1388380 2010-10-28 17:09:23.062 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.062 Replied 1388380 2010-10-28 17:09:23.062 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.062 Replied 1388380 2010-10-28 17:09:23.078 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.078 Replied 1388380 2010-10-28 17:09:23.078 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.078 Replied 1388380 2010-10-28 17:09:23.281 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.281 Replied 1492344 2010-10-28 17:09:23.281 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.281 Replied 1492344 2010-10-28 17:09:23.281 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.281 Replied 1492344 2010-10-28 17:09:23.281 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.281 Replied 1492344 2010-10-28 17:09:23.296 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.296 Replied 1492344 2010-10-28 17:09:23.296 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.296 Replied 1492344 2010-10-28 17:09:23.500 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.500 Replied 1596120 2010-10-28 17:09:23.500 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.500 Replied 1596120 2010-10-28 17:09:23.500 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.500 Replied 1596120 2010-10-28 17:09:23.500 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.500 Replied 1596120 2010-10-28 17:09:23.515 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.515 Replied 1596120 2010-10-28 17:09:23.515 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.515 Replied 1596120 2010-10-28 17:09:23.640 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.640 Replied 1666432 2010-10-28 17:09:23.718 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.718 Replied 1739940 2010-10-28 17:09:23.718 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.718 Replied 1739940 2010-10-28 17:09:23.718 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.718 Replied 1739940 2010-10-28 17:09:23.718 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.718 Replied 1739940 2010-10-28 17:09:23.734 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.734 Replied 1739940 2010-10-28 17:09:23.734 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.734 Replied 1739940 2010-10-28 17:09:23.734 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.750 Replied 1739940 2010-10-28 17:09:23.750 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.750 Replied 1739940 2010-10-28 17:09:23.750 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.750 Replied 1739940 2010-10-28 17:09:23.750 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.750 Replied 1739940 2010-10-28 17:09:23.765 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.765 Replied 1774720 2010-10-28 17:09:23.765 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.765 Replied 1774720 2010-10-28 17:09:23.765 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.765 Replied 1774720 2010-10-28 17:09:23.765 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.765 Replied 1774720 2010-10-28 17:09:23.765 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.765 Replied 1774720 2010-10-28 17:09:23.781 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.781 Replied 1774720 2010-10-28 17:09:23.781 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.781 Replied 1774720 2010-10-28 17:09:23.796 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.796 Replied 1774720 2010-10-28 17:09:23.796 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.796 Replied 1774720 2010-10-28 17:09:23.812 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.812 Replied 1774720 2010-10-28 17:09:23.828 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.828 Replied 1774720 2010-10-28 17:09:23.828 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.828 Replied 1774720 2010-10-28 17:09:23.843 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.843 Replied 1774720 2010-10-28 17:09:23.843 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.843 Replied 1774720 2010-10-28 17:09:23.859 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.859 Replied 1774720 2010-10-28 17:09:23.859 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.859 Replied 1774720 2010-10-28 17:09:23.875 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.875 Replied 1841836 2010-10-28 17:09:23.890 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.890 Replied 1841836 2010-10-28 17:09:23.890 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.890 Replied 1841836 2010-10-28 17:09:23.906 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.906 Replied 1841836 2010-10-28 17:09:23.906 A new ECM packet for SID=7002 received and put to the queue 2010-10-28 17:09:23.906 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.906 Replied 1841836 2010-10-28 17:09:23.906 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.906 #1: Mapped SID=7001, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=350, Name="MTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:23.906 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.906 #1: Mapped SID=7002, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=356, Name="VH1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:23.906 Replied 1841836 2010-10-28 17:09:23.921 #1: Mapped SID=7003, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=355, Name="MTV ROCKS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:23.921 A new ECM packet for SID=7002 received and sent to processing 2010-10-28 17:09:23.921 #1: Mapped SID=7005, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=351, Name="MTV+1 ", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:23.921 #1: Mapped SID=7006, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=353, Name="MTV HITS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:23.921 #1: Mapped SID=7007, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=352, Name="MTV BASE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:23.921 #1: Mapped SID=7008, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=357, Name="MTV CLASSIC", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:23.921 #1: Mapped SID=7009, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=358, Name="VIVA", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:23.921 #1: Mapped SID=7012, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=160, Name="MTV SHOWS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:23.921 #1: Mapped SID=7014, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=354, Name="MTV DANCE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:23.953 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.953 Replied 1841836 2010-10-28 17:09:23.953 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.953 Replied 1841836 2010-10-28 17:09:23.953 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.953 Replied 1841836 2010-10-28 17:09:23.953 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.953 Replied 1841836 2010-10-28 17:09:23.968 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.968 Replied 1841836 2010-10-28 17:09:23.968 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.968 Replied 1841836 2010-10-28 17:09:23.984 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.984 Replied 1858756 2010-10-28 17:09:23.984 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:23.984 Replied 1858756 2010-10-28 17:09:23.984 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.000 Replied 1858756 2010-10-28 17:09:24.000 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.000 Replied 1858756 2010-10-28 17:09:24.000 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.000 Replied 1858756 2010-10-28 17:09:24.000 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.000 Replied 1858756 2010-10-28 17:09:24.000 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.000 Replied 1858756 2010-10-28 17:09:24.046 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.062 Replied 1858756 2010-10-28 17:09:24.062 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.062 Replied 1858756 2010-10-28 17:09:24.109 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.109 Replied 1858756 2010-10-28 17:09:24.109 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.109 Replied 1858756 2010-10-28 17:09:24.140 #1: Response for SID=7002 received, passing to the parser... 2010-10-28 17:09:24.140 #1: Received ODD DCW = 32F05678F6D8E9B7 (from the plugin) - accepted and added to the cache! 2010-10-28 17:09:24.156 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.156 Replied 1858756 2010-10-28 17:09:24.156 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.156 Replied 1858756 2010-10-28 17:09:24.171 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.171 Replied 1858756 2010-10-28 17:09:24.187 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.187 #1: Mapped SID=7650, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=538, Name="YeSTERDAY+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.187 #1: Mapped SID=3807, ONID=2, TSID=2016, Channel=345, Name="MGM HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.187 #1: Mapped SID=3818, ONID=2, TSID=2016, Channel=334, Name="Sky Family HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.187 #1: Mapped SID=3821, ONID=2, TSID=2016, Channel=313, Name="SkyPremiereHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.187 #1: Mapped SID=3862, ONID=2, TSID=2016, Channel=335, Name="Sky Thriller HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.187 #1: Mapped SID=7230, ONID=2, TSID=2017, Channel=640, Name="QVC", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.187 #1: Mapped SID=7250, ONID=2, TSID=2017, Channel=654, Name="bid tv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.187 #1: Mapped SID=7100, ONID=2, TSID=2018, Channel=601, Name="Cartoon Netwrk", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.187 #1: Mapped SID=7101, ONID=2, TSID=2018, Channel=618, Name="Boomerang +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.187 #1: Mapped SID=7102, ONID=2, TSID=2018, Channel=603, Name="Boomerang", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.187 #1: Mapped SID=7103, ONID=2, TSID=2018, Channel=602, Name="CN Too", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.187 #1: Mapped SID=7140, ONID=2, TSID=2018, Channel=506, Name="CNN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.359 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.359 Replied 2046756 2010-10-28 17:09:24.375 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.375 Replied 2046756 2010-10-28 17:09:24.375 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.375 Replied 2046756 2010-10-28 17:09:24.375 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.375 Replied 2046756 2010-10-28 17:09:24.375 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.375 Replied 2046756 2010-10-28 17:09:24.390 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.390 Replied 2046756 2010-10-28 17:09:24.390 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.390 Replied 2046756 2010-10-28 17:09:24.390 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.406 Replied 2046756 2010-10-28 17:09:24.406 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.406 Replied 2046756 2010-10-28 17:09:24.406 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.406 Replied 2046756 2010-10-28 17:09:24.453 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.453 #1: Mapped SID=3832, ONID=2, TSID=2020, Channel=543, Name="Nat Geo HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.453 #1: Mapped SID=3856, ONID=2, TSID=2020, Channel=222, Name="Comedy Cen HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.453 #1: Mapped SID=3868, ONID=2, TSID=2020, Channel=559, Name="Eden HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.453 #1: Mapped SID=3869, ONID=2, TSID=2020, Channel=632, Name="NickelodeonHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.453 #1: Mapped SID=4214, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=401, Name="Sky Sports 1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.453 #1: Mapped SID=4219, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=403, Name="Sky Sports 3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.453 #1: Mapped SID=5048, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=1, Name="Sky Active Ads", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.468 #1: Mapped SID=5515, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=164, Name="FX", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.468 #1: Mapped SID=5521, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=619, Name="Cartoonito", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.468 #1: Mapped SID=5522, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=318, Name="TCM 2", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 17:09:24.468 #1: Mapped SID=7301, ONID=2, TSID=2022, Channel=134, Name="S4C", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.468 #1: Mapped SID=4907, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=405, Name="Sky Spts News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.468 #1: Mapped SID=5009, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=411, Name="Eurosport2 UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.468 #1: Mapped SID=5401, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=404, Name="Sky Sports 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.468 #1: Mapped SID=5402, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=165, Name="FX+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.468 #1: Mapped SID=5431, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=128, Name="ComedyCtralX", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.468 #1: Mapped SID=3815, ONID=2, TSID=2024, Channel=338, Name="Sky MdnGrtsHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.468 #1: Mapped SID=3816, ONID=2, TSID=2024, Channel=336, Name="Sky DraRomHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.468 #1: Mapped SID=3817, ONID=2, TSID=2024, Channel=337, Name="Sky ScFi/HorHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.468 #1: Mapped SID=3819, ONID=2, TSID=2024, Channel=332, Name="Sky Comedy HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.468 #1: Mapped SID=4860, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=342, Name="ShortsTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.468 #1: Mapped SID=5703, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=528, Name="Nat Geo Wild", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.468 #1: Mapped SID=5710, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=410, Name="Eurosport UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.468 #1: Mapped SID=5714, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=317, Name="TCM", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.468 #1: Mapped SID=5770, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=151, Name="E! Entertainm", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.468 #1: Mapped SID=5904, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=126, Name="ComedyCentral", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.468 #1: Mapped SID=8061, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=2080, Name="SkyBet,Casino,Bingo&Poker", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.468 #1: Mapped SID=9346, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=421, Name="Chelsea TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.484 #1: Mapped SID=4704, ONID=2, TSID=2026, Channel=501, Name="Sky News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.484 #1: Mapped SID=5107, ONID=2, TSID=2026, Channel=223, Name="Sky3+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.484 #1: Mapped SID=5505, ONID=2, TSID=2026, Channel=402, Name="Sky Sports 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.484 #1: Mapped SID=5510, ONID=2, TSID=2026, Channel=608, Name="Disney XD+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.484 #1: Mapped SID=5103, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=108, Name="Sky3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.484 #1: Mapped SID=5104, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=107, Name="Sky2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.484 #1: Mapped SID=5206, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=245, Name="Sky Arts 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.484 #1: Mapped SID=5802, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=539, Name="CommunityChnl", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.484 #1: Mapped SID=5804, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=509, Name="FOX News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.562 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.562 Replied 2163504 2010-10-28 17:09:24.609 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.609 Replied 2163504 2010-10-28 17:09:24.609 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.609 Replied 2163504 2010-10-28 17:09:24.609 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.609 Replied 2163504 2010-10-28 17:09:24.609 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.609 Replied 2163504 2010-10-28 17:09:24.609 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.609 Replied 2163504 2010-10-28 17:09:24.609 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.625 Replied 2163504 2010-10-28 17:09:24.625 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.625 Replied 2163504 2010-10-28 17:09:24.625 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.625 Replied 2163504 2010-10-28 17:09:24.625 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.625 Replied 2163504 2010-10-28 17:09:24.687 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.687 #1: Mapped SID=3814, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=333, Name="Sky Action HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.687 #1: Mapped SID=3885, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=544, Name="NatGeoWild HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.687 #1: Mapped SID=3886, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=545, Name="History HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.687 #1: Mapped SID=3887, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=211, Name="Bio HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.687 #1: Mapped SID=3888, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=555, Name="Crime HD", Type=25, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 17:09:24.687 #1: Mapped SID=3849, ONID=2, TSID=2029, Channel=455, Name="Sky Sp NewsHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.687 #1: Mapped SID=3857, ONID=2, TSID=2029, Channel=431, Name="ESPN AmrcaHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.687 #1: Mapped SID=3858, ONID=2, TSID=2029, Channel=171, Name="Five HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.687 #1: Mapped SID=4602, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=303, Name="Sky Showcase", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.687 #1: Mapped SID=4604, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=243, Name="Sky Arts 1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.687 #1: Mapped SID=4607, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=526, Name="Nat Geo", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.687 #1: Mapped SID=4608, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=527, Name="Nat Geo+1hr", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.687 #1: Mapped SID=4703, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=106, Name="Sky1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.687 #1: Mapped SID=9303, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=881, Name="Pub Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.687 #1: Mapped SID=4241, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=417, Name="ESPN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.687 #1: Mapped SID=9340, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=865, Name="SkyPoker.com", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.703 #1: Mapped SID=9341, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=864, Name="Sky Vegas", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.703 #1: Mapped SID=9348, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=553, Name="Crime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.703 #1: Mapped SID=9350, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=607, Name="Disney XD", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.703 #1: Mapped SID=9360, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=415, Name="At The Races", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.703 #1: Mapped SID=3803, ONID=2, TSID=2032, Channel=536, Name="Discovery HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.703 #1: Mapped SID=3842, ONID=2, TSID=2032, Channel=442, Name="ESPN HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.703 #1: Mapped SID=3873, ONID=2, TSID=2032, Channel=631, Name="Disney Cine HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.703 #1: Mapped SID=3874, ONID=2, TSID=2032, Channel=214, Name="Syfy HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.703 #1: Mapped SID=3826, ONID=2, TSID=2033, Channel=454, Name="Sky Sports HD4", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.703 #1: Mapped SID=3861, ONID=2, TSID=2033, Channel=170, Name="Sky1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.703 #1: Mapped SID=3867, ONID=2, TSID=2033, Channel=283, Name="Good Food HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:24.812 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.812 Replied 2271228 2010-10-28 17:09:24.828 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.828 Replied 2271228 2010-10-28 17:09:24.828 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.828 Replied 2271228 2010-10-28 17:09:24.828 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.828 Replied 2271228 2010-10-28 17:09:24.843 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.843 Replied 2271228 2010-10-28 17:09:24.843 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.843 Replied 2271228 2010-10-28 17:09:24.843 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:24.843 Replied 2271228 2010-10-28 17:09:25.015 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.015 Replied 2407528 2010-10-28 17:09:25.046 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.046 Replied 2407528 2010-10-28 17:09:25.046 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.046 Replied 2407528 2010-10-28 17:09:25.046 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.046 Replied 2407528 2010-10-28 17:09:25.046 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.046 Replied 2407528 2010-10-28 17:09:25.062 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.062 Replied 2407528 2010-10-28 17:09:25.062 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.062 Replied 2407528 2010-10-28 17:09:25.062 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.062 Replied 2407528 2010-10-28 17:09:25.218 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.218 Replied 2508296 2010-10-28 17:09:25.265 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.265 Replied 2508296 2010-10-28 17:09:25.265 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.265 Replied 2508296 2010-10-28 17:09:25.265 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.265 Replied 2508296 2010-10-28 17:09:25.265 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.265 Replied 2508296 2010-10-28 17:09:25.281 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.281 Replied 2508296 2010-10-28 17:09:25.281 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.281 Replied 2508296 2010-10-28 17:09:25.421 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.421 Replied 2611508 2010-10-28 17:09:25.484 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.484 Replied 2611508 2010-10-28 17:09:25.484 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.484 Replied 2611508 2010-10-28 17:09:25.484 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.484 Replied 2611508 2010-10-28 17:09:25.484 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.484 Replied 2611508 2010-10-28 17:09:25.500 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.500 Replied 2611508 2010-10-28 17:09:25.500 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.500 Replied 2611508 2010-10-28 17:09:25.625 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.625 Replied 2717540 2010-10-28 17:09:25.671 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.671 Replied 2717540 2010-10-28 17:09:25.671 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.671 Replied 2717540 2010-10-28 17:09:25.703 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.703 Replied 2717540 2010-10-28 17:09:25.703 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.703 Replied 2717540 2010-10-28 17:09:25.703 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.703 Replied 2717540 2010-10-28 17:09:25.703 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.703 Replied 2717540 2010-10-28 17:09:25.718 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.718 Replied 2717540 2010-10-28 17:09:25.718 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.718 Replied 2717540 2010-10-28 17:09:25.781 #1: Current network NID is 32 2010-10-28 17:09:25.781 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2032, Frequency=12324000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:09:25.781 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2005, Frequency=11797500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:09:25.781 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2033, Frequency=12343500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:09:25.781 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2001, Frequency=11719500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:09:25.781 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2034, Frequency=12363000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:09:25.781 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2016, Frequency=12012000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:09:25.781 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2028, Frequency=12246000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:09:25.781 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2024, Frequency=12168000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:09:25.781 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2008, Frequency=11856000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:09:25.781 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2035, Frequency=12382500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:09:25.781 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2039, Frequency=12460500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:09:25.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2056, Frequency=10935500, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:09:25.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2029, Frequency=12265500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:09:25.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2020, Frequency=12090000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:09:25.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2003, Frequency=11758500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:09:25.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2004, Frequency=11778000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2021, Frequency=12109500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2007, Frequency=11836500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2011, Frequency=11914500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2012, Frequency=11934000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2030, Frequency=12285000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2401, Frequency=11469230, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2023, Frequency=12148500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2055, Frequency=10920750, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:09:25.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2027, Frequency=12226500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.796 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2406, Frequency=11565380, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2019, Frequency=12070500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2025, Frequency=12187500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2026, Frequency=12207000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2052, Frequency=10876500, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:09:25.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2403, Frequency=11507690, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2051, Frequency=10861750, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:09:25.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2031, Frequency=12304500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2408, Frequency=11603850, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2043, Frequency=10743750, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:09:25.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2045, Frequency=10773250, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:09:25.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2047, Frequency=10802750, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:09:25.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2038, Frequency=12441000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2050, Frequency=10847000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:09:25.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2046, Frequency=10788000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:09:25.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2048, Frequency=10817500, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:09:25.812 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2013, Frequency=11953500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2010, Frequency=11895000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2614, Frequency=12606650, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2306, Frequency=11426330, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2314, Frequency=11307000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2014, Frequency=11973000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2407, Frequency=11584620, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2405, Frequency=11546150, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2404, Frequency=11526920, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2612, Frequency=12523000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2312, Frequency=11223670, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:25.875 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.875 Replied 2852900 2010-10-28 17:09:25.921 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.921 Replied 2852900 2010-10-28 17:09:25.921 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.921 Replied 2852900 2010-10-28 17:09:25.921 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.921 Replied 2852900 2010-10-28 17:09:25.921 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.921 Replied 2852900 2010-10-28 17:09:25.937 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.937 Replied 2852900 2010-10-28 17:09:25.937 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.937 Replied 2852900 2010-10-28 17:09:25.937 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.953 Replied 2852900 2010-10-28 17:09:25.953 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.953 Replied 2890688 2010-10-28 17:09:25.953 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.953 Replied 2890688 2010-10-28 17:09:25.953 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:25.953 Replied 2890688 2010-10-28 17:09:26.078 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.078 Replied 2963632 2010-10-28 17:09:26.156 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.156 Replied 2963632 2010-10-28 17:09:26.156 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.156 Replied 2963632 2010-10-28 17:09:26.156 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.156 Replied 2963632 2010-10-28 17:09:26.156 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.156 Replied 2963632 2010-10-28 17:09:26.171 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.171 Replied 2997660 2010-10-28 17:09:26.171 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.171 Replied 2997660 2010-10-28 17:09:26.171 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.171 Replied 2997660 2010-10-28 17:09:26.281 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.281 Replied 2997660 2010-10-28 17:09:26.375 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.375 Replied 3065340 2010-10-28 17:09:26.375 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.375 Replied 3065340 2010-10-28 17:09:26.375 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.375 Replied 3065340 2010-10-28 17:09:26.375 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.375 Replied 3065340 2010-10-28 17:09:26.390 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.390 Replied 3065340 2010-10-28 17:09:26.484 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.484 Replied 3139036 2010-10-28 17:09:26.593 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.593 Replied 3177388 2010-10-28 17:09:26.593 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.593 Replied 3177388 2010-10-28 17:09:26.593 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.593 Replied 3177388 2010-10-28 17:09:26.593 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.593 Replied 3177388 2010-10-28 17:09:26.609 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.609 Replied 3253340 2010-10-28 17:09:26.609 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.609 Replied 3253340 2010-10-28 17:09:26.609 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.609 Replied 3253340 2010-10-28 17:09:26.625 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.625 Replied 3253340 2010-10-28 17:09:26.625 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.625 Replied 3253340 2010-10-28 17:09:26.625 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.625 Replied 3253340 2010-10-28 17:09:26.687 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.687 Replied 3253340 2010-10-28 17:09:26.734 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.734 Replied 3293008 2010-10-28 17:09:26.734 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.734 Replied 3293008 2010-10-28 17:09:26.828 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.828 Replied 3293008 2010-10-28 17:09:26.828 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.828 Replied 3371592 2010-10-28 17:09:26.828 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.828 Replied 3371592 2010-10-28 17:09:26.828 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.828 Replied 3371592 2010-10-28 17:09:26.843 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.843 Replied 3371592 2010-10-28 17:09:26.843 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.843 Replied 3371592 2010-10-28 17:09:26.937 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:26.937 Replied 3371592 2010-10-28 17:09:27.046 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:27.046 Replied 3480632 2010-10-28 17:09:27.046 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:27.046 Replied 3480632 2010-10-28 17:09:27.046 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:27.046 Replied 3480632 2010-10-28 17:09:27.046 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:27.046 Replied 3480632 2010-10-28 17:09:27.046 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:09:27.062 #1: Mapped SID=9001, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=609, Name="Disney Chnl", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.062 #1: Mapped SID=9002, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=622, Name="Disney Cine", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.062 #1: Mapped SID=9003, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=628, Name="Disney Cine+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.062 #1: Mapped SID=9004, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=611, Name="Play Disney", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.062 #1: Mapped SID=9007, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=610, Name="Disney Chnl+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.062 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:27.062 #1: Mapped SID=9010, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=612, Name="Play Disney+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.062 Replied 3480632 2010-10-28 17:09:27.062 #1: Mapped SID=5560, ONID=2, TSID=2052, Channel=604, Name="Nickelodeon", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.062 #1: Mapped SID=5561, ONID=2, TSID=2052, Channel=605, Name="Nick Replay", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.062 #1: Mapped SID=5562, ONID=2, TSID=2052, Channel=606, Name="Nicktoons", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.062 #1: Mapped SID=5563, ONID=2, TSID=2052, Channel=615, Name="Nick Jr.", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.062 #1: Mapped SID=10150, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Anglia S", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.062 #1: Mapped SID=10140, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Meridian S", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.062 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:27.062 #1: Mapped SID=10160, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Yorks W", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.062 Replied 3480632 2010-10-28 17:09:27.062 #1: Mapped SID=10141, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Meridian E", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.062 #1: Mapped SID=10120, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Border", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.062 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:27.062 #1: Mapped SID=10130, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 TT N", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.078 Replied 3480632 2010-10-28 17:09:27.078 #1: Mapped SID=10165, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=131, Name="ITV2+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.078 #1: Mapped SID=10238, ONID=2, TSID=2054, Channel=3108, Name="talkSPORT", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.078 #1: Mapped SID=10260, ONID=2, TSID=2054, Channel=119, Name="ITV3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.078 #1: Mapped SID=10261, ONID=2, TSID=2054, Channel=179, Name="ITV3+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.140 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:27.140 Replied 3480632 2010-10-28 17:09:27.265 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:09:27.265 #1: Mapped SID=5021, ONID=2, TSID=2055, Channel=511, Name="NDTV 24x7", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.265 #1: Mapped SID=5025, ONID=2, TSID=2055, Channel=183, Name="Current TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.265 #1: Mapped SID=3852, ONID=2, TSID=2056, Channel=178, Name="ITV1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.265 #1: Mapped SID=3851, ONID=2, TSID=2056, Channel=178, Name="ITV1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.265 #1: Mapped SID=52100, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=252, Name="Travel Ch +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.265 #1: Mapped SID=52102, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=147, Name="CBS Reality+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.265 #1: Mapped SID=52105, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=319, Name="horror channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.265 #1: Mapped SID=52106, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=877, Name="Gay Network ", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.265 #1: Mapped SID=52107, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=582, Name="Wonderful", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.265 #1: Mapped SID=52108, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=784, Name="STAR Plus", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.265 #1: Mapped SID=52109, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=660, Name="Thane Direct", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.265 #1: Mapped SID=52110, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=802, Name="DM Digital", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.265 #1: Mapped SID=52111, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=505, Name="CNBC", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.265 #1: Mapped SID=52112, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=268, Name="Africa Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.265 #1: Mapped SID=52113, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=809, Name="STAR Gold", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.265 #1: Mapped SID=52132, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=3130, Name="Panjab Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.265 #1: Mapped SID=52169, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=554, Name="Crime+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.265 #1: Mapped SID=52170, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=860, Name="Jackpot Games", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.281 #1: Mapped SID=52116, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=190, Name="Open Access 3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.281 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:27.281 #1: Mapped SID=52118, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=869, Name="SmartLive", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.281 Replied 3584220 2010-10-28 17:09:27.281 #1: Mapped SID=52121, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=326, Name="mov4men2 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.281 #1: Mapped SID=52125, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=201, Name="Showcase", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.281 #1: Mapped SID=52127, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=581, Name="revelation", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.281 #1: Mapped SID=52131, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=848, Name="Sikh TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.281 #1: Mapped SID=52134, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=780, Name="B4U Movies", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.281 #1: Mapped SID=52135, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=781, Name="B4U Music", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.281 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:27.281 #1: Mapped SID=52158, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=590, Name="Gospel Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.281 Replied 3584220 2010-10-28 17:09:27.281 #1: Mapped SID=52159, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=818, Name="AAJ TAK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.281 #1: Mapped SID=52162, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=883, Name="Renault TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.281 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:27.281 #1: Mapped SID=52166, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=834, Name="NTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.281 Replied 3584220 2010-10-28 17:09:27.281 #1: Mapped SID=52230, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=173, Name="LIVINGit+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.281 #1: Mapped SID=52232, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=152, Name="Challenge+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.281 #1: Mapped SID=52233, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=153, Name="Bravo 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.296 #1: Mapped SID=52235, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=122, Name="Channel One+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.296 #1: Mapped SID=52250, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=195, Name="propeller", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.296 #1: Mapped SID=52299, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=3123, Name="Premier", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.296 #1: Mapped SID=50903, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=149, Name="CBS Drama", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.296 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:27.296 #1: Mapped SID=55201, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=949, Name="House Of Fun", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 17:09:27.296 Replied 3584220 2010-10-28 17:09:27.296 #1: Mapped SID=55202, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=371, Name="Starz TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.296 #1: Mapped SID=55204, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=910, Name="Lucky Star", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.296 #1: Mapped SID=55207, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=906, Name="Babestation", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.296 #1: Mapped SID=55209, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=831, Name="NDTV Imagine", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.296 #1: Mapped SID=55210, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=783, Name="STAR One", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.296 #1: Mapped SID=55211, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=159, Name="ComedyCtlX+1", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 17:09:27.296 #1: Mapped SID=55212, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=908, Name="Babeworld.tv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.296 #1: Mapped SID=55213, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=845, Name="Takbeer TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.296 #1: Mapped SID=55214, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=219, Name="My Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.296 #1: Mapped SID=55221, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=885, Name="WatchmeTV.TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.296 #1: Mapped SID=55226, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=886, Name="Psychic TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.296 #1: Mapped SID=55228, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=842, Name="Ahlulbayt TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.296 #1: Mapped SID=55251, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=630, Name="N'toons Replay", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.312 #1: Mapped SID=55270, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=130, Name="Universal", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.343 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:27.343 Replied 3584220 2010-10-28 17:09:27.515 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:09:27.515 #1: Mapped SID=52500, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=815, Name="GEO UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.515 #1: Mapped SID=52505, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=824, Name="AAG", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.515 #1: Mapped SID=52510, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=645, Name="price-drop tv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.515 #1: Mapped SID=52515, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=800, Name="MAX", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.515 #1: Mapped SID=52520, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=829, Name="COLORS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.515 #1: Mapped SID=52525, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=221, Name="OBE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.515 #1: Mapped SID=52530, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=269, Name="Diva TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.515 #1: Mapped SID=52535, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=804, Name="ARY QTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.515 #1: Mapped SID=52545, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=680, Name="Screenshop2", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 17:09:27.515 #1: Mapped SID=52546, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=665, Name="speedauctiontv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.515 #1: Mapped SID=52550, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=502, Name="Bloomberg", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.515 #1: Mapped SID=52555, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=832, Name="Glory TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.515 #1: Mapped SID=52001, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=586, Name="UCB TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.515 #1: Mapped SID=52002, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=320, Name="horror ch+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.515 #1: Mapped SID=52004, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=828, Name="UMMAH CHNL", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.515 #1: Mapped SID=52005, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=383, Name="Clubland TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.515 #1: Mapped SID=52006, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=655, Name="Jewelry Maker", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.515 #1: Mapped SID=52008, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=909, Name="Get Lucky TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.515 #1: Mapped SID=52010, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=378, Name="Lava", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.531 #1: Mapped SID=52013, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=878, Name="Chat Box", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.531 #1: Mapped SID=52014, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=343, Name="Cinémoi movies", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.531 #1: Mapped SID=52016, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=952, Name="The Other Side", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 17:09:27.531 #1: Mapped SID=52027, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=3133, Name="Sunrise", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.531 #1: Mapped SID=52028, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=3211, Name="BFBS Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.531 #1: Mapped SID=52029, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=3124, Name="LBC 97.3", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.531 #1: Mapped SID=52030, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=3111, Name="Heart", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.531 #1: Mapped SID=52031, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=3112, Name="Galaxy", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.531 #1: Mapped SID=52040, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=945, Name="SportxxxGirls", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.531 #1: Mapped SID=52050, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=954, Name="Northern Birds", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.531 #1: Mapped SID=52060, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=198, Name="BET +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.531 #1: Mapped SID=52070, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=515, Name="Press TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.531 #1: Mapped SID=53109, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=323, Name="movies4men", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.531 #1: Mapped SID=53110, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=325, Name="movies4men 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.531 #1: Mapped SID=53113, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=817, Name="Sahara One", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.531 #1: Mapped SID=53116, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=810, Name="PTV Global", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.531 #1: Mapped SID=53118, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=823, Name="jazeerachildren", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.531 #1: Mapped SID=53120, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3201, Name="Absolute CR", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.531 #1: Mapped SID=53121, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3107, Name="Absolute", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.531 #1: Mapped SID=53122, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3200, Name="Absolute80s", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.531 #1: Mapped SID=53123, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3176, Name="Amrit Bani", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.546 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:27.546 #1: Mapped SID=53124, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3188, Name="InsightRadio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.546 Replied 3723716 2010-10-28 17:09:27.546 #1: Mapped SID=53125, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3156, Name="CC Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.546 #1: Mapped SID=53126, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3169, Name="Desi Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.546 #1: Mapped SID=53127, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3203, Name="Abs Rad 90s", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.546 #1: Mapped SID=53128, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3199, Name="RdioCaroline", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.546 #1: Mapped SID=53129, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3207, Name="Rainbow", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.546 #1: Mapped SID=53130, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=2030, Name="Free & Prize PlayJam Games", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.546 #1: Mapped SID=53131, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3186, Name="Liberty", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.546 #1: Mapped SID=53132, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3185, Name="Spectrum 1", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.546 #1: Mapped SID=53133, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3138, Name="TWR", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.546 #1: Mapped SID=53135, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3122, Name="WRN Europe", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.546 #1: Mapped SID=53136, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3209, Name="Yorkshire R", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.546 #1: Mapped SID=53137, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3158, Name="Gaydarradio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.546 #1: Mapped SID=53138, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3142, Name="RTE R1 Extra", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.546 #1: Mapped SID=53139, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3159, Name="Family Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.546 #1: Mapped SID=53140, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3184, Name="NME", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.546 #1: Mapped SID=53141, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3205, Name="VOT Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.562 #1: Mapped SID=53142, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3202, Name="Jazz FM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.562 #1: Mapped SID=53144, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=805, Name="Venus TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.562 #1: Mapped SID=53145, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=369, Name="Vintage TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.562 #1: Mapped SID=55003, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=329, Name="Nollywood", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.562 #1: Mapped SID=53205, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=429, Name="ESPN Classic", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.562 #1: Mapped SID=53210, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=212, Name="Sumo TV", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 17:09:27.562 #1: Mapped SID=53230, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=191, Name="BET", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.562 #1: Mapped SID=53255, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=914, Name="Elite TV 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.562 #1: Mapped SID=53260, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=262, Name="Food Network", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.562 #1: Mapped SID=53270, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=263, Name="Food Netwrk+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.562 #1: Mapped SID=53275, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=951, Name="Blue Kiss TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.562 #1: Mapped SID=53280, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=266, Name="wedding tv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.562 #1: Mapped SID=53285, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=620, Name="Nick Jr. 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.562 #1: Mapped SID=53290, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=803, Name="Hidayat TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.562 #1: Mapped SID=53295, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=950, Name="LivexxxBabes", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.562 #1: Mapped SID=53297, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=955, Name="Essex Babes", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.562 #1: Mapped SID=53305, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=807, Name="Disha", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.562 #1: Mapped SID=53310, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=644, Name="Ideal World", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.578 #1: Mapped SID=53315, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=648, Name="High Street TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.578 #1: Mapped SID=53320, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=651, Name="Ideal Extra", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.578 #1: Mapped SID=53325, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=671, Name="Create & Craft", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.578 #1: Mapped SID=53330, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=966, Name="Club Paradiso", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.578 #1: Mapped SID=53335, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=413, Name="Motors TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.578 #1: Mapped SID=53345, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=406, Name="MUTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.578 #1: Mapped SID=53350, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=650, Name="Jewellery Ch.", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.578 #1: Mapped SID=53360, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=668, Name="Ideal & More", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.593 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:27.593 Replied 3799480 2010-10-28 17:09:27.593 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:27.593 Replied 3799480 2010-10-28 17:09:27.718 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:09:27.718 #1: Mapped SID=52400, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=551, Name="Investigation", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.718 #1: Mapped SID=52405, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=535, Name="Animal Plnt+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.718 #1: Mapped SID=52410, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=549, Name="Disc.Sci+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.718 #1: Mapped SID=52415, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=144, Name="DMAX", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.718 #1: Mapped SID=52420, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=145, Name="DMAX+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.718 #1: Mapped SID=52425, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=206, Name="DMAX+2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.718 #1: Mapped SID=52430, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=167, Name="QUEST+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.718 #1: Mapped SID=52435, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=557, Name="Disc.Know.+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.718 #1: Mapped SID=52440, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=242, Name="Discovery Shed", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.718 #1: Mapped SID=52445, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=241, Name="Disc.RT+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.718 #1: Mapped SID=52450, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=255, Name="Home&Health+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.718 #1: Mapped SID=53500, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=327, Name="movies 24", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.718 #1: Mapped SID=53505, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=328, Name="movies24+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.718 #1: Mapped SID=53510, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=806, Name="ARY News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.718 #1: Mapped SID=53589, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=677, Name="CelebrityShop", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.734 #1: Mapped SID=53590, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=948, Name="ChatGirl TV2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.734 #1: Mapped SID=53591, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=902, Name="Tease Me TV2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.734 #1: Mapped SID=53592, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=915, Name="Climax3 - 1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.734 #1: Mapped SID=53593, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=916, Name="Climax3 - 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.734 #1: Mapped SID=53594, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=961, Name="Climax3 - 3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.734 #1: Mapped SID=53595, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=901, Name="Adult Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.734 #1: Mapped SID=53596, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=900, Name="Playboy TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.734 #1: Mapped SID=53597, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=917, Name="Top Shelf TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.734 #1: Mapped SID=53598, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=911, Name="40 n Naughty", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.796 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:27.796 Replied 3837644 2010-10-28 17:09:27.921 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:09:27.921 #1: Mapped SID=50600, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=432, Name="Racing UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.921 #1: Mapped SID=50605, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=835, Name="SupremeMastr", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.921 #1: Mapped SID=50610, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=840, Name="Sikh Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.921 #1: Mapped SID=50615, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=157, Name="Film24", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.921 #1: Mapped SID=50620, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=430, Name="ESPN America", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.921 #1: Mapped SID=50625, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=434, Name="LiverpoolFCTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.921 #1: Mapped SID=50630, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=370, Name="Channel AKA", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.921 #1: Mapped SID=50635, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=682, Name="Entrepreneur", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.921 #1: Mapped SID=50640, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=364, Name="Q", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.921 #1: Mapped SID=50645, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=363, Name="Magic", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.921 #1: Mapped SID=4651, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=307, Name="Sky Thriller", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.921 #1: Mapped SID=4652, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=302, Name="Sky Prem+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.921 #1: Mapped SID=4653, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=529, Name="History", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.937 #1: Mapped SID=4655, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=156, Name="Bio", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.937 #1: Mapped SID=4659, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=301, Name="Sky Premiere", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.937 #1: Mapped SID=5003, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=530, Name="History +1 hour", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.937 #1: Mapped SID=50847, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=512, Name="Russia Today", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.937 #1: Mapped SID=50856, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=3178, Name="Kiss", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.937 #1: Mapped SID=50860, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=3180, Name="Magic", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.937 #1: Mapped SID=50865, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=792, Name="PTV Prime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.937 #1: Mapped SID=50866, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=796, Name="Abu Dhabi TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.937 #1: Mapped SID=50878, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=785, Name="PCNE Chinese", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.937 #1: Mapped SID=50880, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=166, Name="Information TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.937 #1: Mapped SID=50881, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=203, Name="Showcase 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.937 #1: Mapped SID=51145, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=623, Name="BabyTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.937 #1: Mapped SID=54009, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=277, Name="Diva TV +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.937 #1: Mapped SID=54011, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=205, Name="Syfy +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.937 #1: Mapped SID=52300, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=367, Name="Flava", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.937 #1: Mapped SID=52305, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=372, Name="Bliss", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.937 #1: Mapped SID=52310, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=374, Name="Scuzz", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.937 #1: Mapped SID=52315, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=376, Name="DanceNationTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.937 #1: Mapped SID=52320, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=321, Name="True Movies", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.937 #1: Mapped SID=52325, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=322, Name="True Movies 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.953 #1: Mapped SID=52330, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=617, Name="Tiny Pop", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.953 #1: Mapped SID=52335, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=382, Name="NME TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.953 #1: Mapped SID=52340, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=616, Name="POP", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.953 #1: Mapped SID=52345, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=625, Name="Tiny Pop +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.953 #1: Mapped SID=52351, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=627, Name="Kix!", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.953 #1: Mapped SID=52355, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=366, Name="The Vault", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.953 #1: Mapped SID=52361, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=626, Name="PopGirl", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.953 #1: Mapped SID=52365, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=365, Name="Chart Show TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.953 #1: Mapped SID=52370, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=629, Name="PopGirl +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.953 #1: Mapped SID=52375, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=188, Name="True Ent", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.953 #1: Mapped SID=51001, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=787, Name="mta-muslim tv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.953 #1: Mapped SID=51005, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=591, Name="Word Network", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.953 #1: Mapped SID=51006, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=866, Name="SuperCasino", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.953 #1: Mapped SID=51011, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=510, Name="CCTV News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.953 #1: Mapped SID=51019, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=587, Name="Inspiration", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.953 #1: Mapped SID=51031, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=797, Name="SouthForYou", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.953 #1: Mapped SID=51032, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=513, Name="FRANCE 24", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.953 #1: Mapped SID=51033, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=583, Name="TBN Europe", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.953 #1: Mapped SID=51035, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=580, Name="GOD Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.953 #1: Mapped SID=51107, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=514, Name="Al Jazeera Eng", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.953 #1: Mapped SID=51108, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=516, Name="NHK World TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.953 #1: Mapped SID=51110, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=150, Name="Universal+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.968 #1: Mapped SID=51113, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=433, Name="Premier Sports", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.968 #1: Mapped SID=51114, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=3210, Name="Newstalk", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.968 #1: Mapped SID=51115, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=437, Name="Prem Spts Xtra", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 17:09:27.968 #1: Mapped SID=54015, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=129, Name="Syfy", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.968 #1: Mapped SID=54053, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=827, Name="ATN Bangla UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.968 #1: Mapped SID=54054, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=826, Name="IQRA TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.968 #1: Mapped SID=54060, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=594, Name="KICC TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.968 #1: Mapped SID=54062, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=814, Name="Channel 'S'", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.968 #1: Mapped SID=54063, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=820, Name="Peace TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.968 #1: Mapped SID=54064, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=841, Name="Peace TV Urdu", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.968 #1: Mapped SID=54065, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=786, Name="Bangla TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.968 #1: Mapped SID=54066, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=189, Name="Info TV +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.968 #1: Mapped SID=54067, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=593, Name="Faith World TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.968 #1: Mapped SID=54068, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=844, Name="Channel i", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:27.968 #1: Mapped SID=54069, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=216, Name="Showcase +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.000 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:28.000 Replied 3954016 2010-10-28 17:09:28.109 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:09:28.109 #1: Mapped SID=54101, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=267, Name="wedding tv asia", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.109 #1: Mapped SID=54102, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=251, Name="Travel Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.109 #1: Mapped SID=54103, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=647, Name="Rocks TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.109 #1: Mapped SID=54104, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=508, Name="Euronews", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.109 #1: Mapped SID=54106, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=642, Name="JML Cookshop", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.109 #1: Mapped SID=54107, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=816, Name="SAB TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.109 #1: Mapped SID=54110, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=148, Name="CBS Action", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.109 #1: Mapped SID=54112, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=649, Name="Best Direct", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.109 #1: Mapped SID=54113, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=658, Name="QVC Beauty", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.109 #1: Mapped SID=54120, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=667, Name="JML Choice", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.109 #1: Mapped SID=54135, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=596, Name="Believe TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.109 #1: Mapped SID=54140, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=280, Name="Horse & Country", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.109 #1: Mapped SID=54150, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=641, Name="JML Direct", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.109 #1: Mapped SID=54165, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=282, Name="Fitness TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.109 #1: Mapped SID=54203, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=819, Name="Noor TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.109 #1: Mapped SID=54204, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=867, Name="Jackpot", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.109 #1: Mapped SID=54205, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=271, Name="Luxury Life", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.109 #1: Mapped SID=54206, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=273, Name="Luxury Life HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.109 #1: Mapped SID=54208, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=204, Name="HiTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.125 #1: Mapped SID=54211, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=588, Name="LOVEWORLD TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.125 #1: Mapped SID=54212, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=843, Name="Hajj TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.125 #1: Mapped SID=54213, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=922, Name="Cream", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.125 #1: Mapped SID=55115, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=275, Name="Body In Balance", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.125 #1: Mapped SID=54300, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=793, Name="MATV National", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.125 #1: Mapped SID=54305, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=531, Name="Military", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.125 #1: Mapped SID=54315, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=646, Name="Pitch TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.125 #1: Mapped SID=54320, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=808, Name="STAR News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.125 #1: Mapped SID=54330, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=965, Name="Elite TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.125 #1: Mapped SID=54335, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=253, Name="The Style Ntwk", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.125 #1: Mapped SID=54345, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=888, Name="OceanFinance", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.125 #1: Mapped SID=54360, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=657, Name="Pitch World ", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.125 #1: Mapped SID=55001, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=584, Name="DAYSTAR", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.125 #1: Mapped SID=55002, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=184, Name="BEN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.125 #1: Mapped SID=55005, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=589, Name="EWTN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.125 #1: Mapped SID=55008, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=3147, Name="EWTN", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.125 #1: Mapped SID=55013, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=324, Name="mov4men+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.125 #1: Mapped SID=55014, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=3146, Name="Real Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.125 #1: Mapped SID=55015, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=3128, Name="Smooth", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.125 #1: Mapped SID=55016, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=960, Name="Live 960", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.125 #1: Mapped SID=55018, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=838, Name="Madani Chnl", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.140 #1: Mapped SID=55019, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=822, Name="Music India", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.140 #1: Mapped SID=55021, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=218, Name="Vox Africa", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.140 #1: Mapped SID=55022, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=836, Name="AHLEBAIT TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.140 #1: Mapped SID=55113, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=187, Name="AIT Int'l", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.140 #1: Mapped SID=55119, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=199, Name="OHTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.140 #1: Mapped SID=9531, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=643, Name="TV SHOP", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.140 #1: Mapped SID=9532, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=146, Name="CBS Reality", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.140 #1: Mapped SID=9533, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=666, Name="Rocks & Co 1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.140 #1: Mapped SID=9535, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=801, Name="Record TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.140 #1: Mapped SID=9536, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=847, Name="Sangat", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.140 #1: Mapped SID=9537, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=653, Name="JML Home&DIY", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.140 #1: Mapped SID=9546, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3206, Name="Recordbrazil", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.140 #1: Mapped SID=9547, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3168, Name="Amar Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.140 #1: Mapped SID=9548, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3150, Name="Sukh Sagar", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.140 #1: Mapped SID=9549, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3114, Name="Choice FM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.140 #1: Mapped SID=9551, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3125, Name="UCB UK", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.140 #1: Mapped SID=9552, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3136, Name="UCB Insp", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.140 #1: Mapped SID=9553, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3134, Name="UCB Bible", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.140 #1: Mapped SID=9554, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3135, Name="UCB Gospel", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.140 #1: Mapped SID=9557, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3129, Name="Solar Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.140 #1: Mapped SID=9559, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3113, Name="XFM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.156 #1: Mapped SID=9560, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3109, Name="Capital", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.156 #1: Mapped SID=9561, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3121, Name="Gold", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.156 #1: Mapped SID=9563, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3151, Name="Khushkhabri", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.156 #1: Mapped SID=9566, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3173, Name="Kismat", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.156 #1: Mapped SID=9568, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3177, Name="Chill", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.156 #1: Mapped SID=9570, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3106, Name="Classic FM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.156 #1: Mapped SID=9575, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3110, Name="Planet Rock", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.156 #1: Mapped SID=55104, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=656, Name="GemCollector", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.156 #1: Mapped SID=55108, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=833, Name="Brit Asia TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.156 #1: Mapped SID=55109, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=830, Name="Sunrise TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.156 #1: Mapped SID=55110, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=652, Name="Gems TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.156 #1: Mapped SID=55111, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=595, Name="DBN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.156 #1: Mapped SID=55112, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=663, Name="Stop + Shop", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.156 #1: Mapped SID=55128, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3214, Name="UCB Ireland", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.156 #1: Mapped SID=55132, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3187, Name="punjabi radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.203 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:28.203 Replied 4070764 2010-10-28 17:09:28.281 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:09:28.281 #1: Mapped SID=55231, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=903, Name="Television X", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.281 #1: Mapped SID=55232, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=918, Name="TVX Amateur", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.281 #1: Mapped SID=55233, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=480, Name="Primetime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.281 #1: Mapped SID=55234, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=919, Name="TVX Brits", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.281 #1: Mapped SID=55235, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=904, Name="redhot amateur", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.281 #1: Mapped SID=55236, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=907, Name="redhot 40+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.296 #1: Mapped SID=55238, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=913, Name="redhot fetish", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.296 #1: Mapped SID=55239, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=905, Name="redhot Mums", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.296 #1: Mapped SID=55240, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=956, Name="redhot TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.296 #1: Mapped SID=55242, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=921, Name="Filth", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.296 #1: Mapped SID=55243, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=923, Name="Gay TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.296 #1: Mapped SID=55246, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=920, Name="Dirty Talk", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.296 #1: Mapped SID=55247, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=281, Name="The Active Ch", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.296 #1: Mapped SID=55355, ONID=2, TSID=2614, Channel=452, Name="Rush HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:28.406 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:28.406 Replied 4188264 2010-10-28 17:09:28.609 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:28.609 Replied 4337348 2010-10-28 17:09:28.656 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:28.656 Replied 4337348 2010-10-28 17:09:28.656 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:28.656 Replied 4337348 2010-10-28 17:09:28.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2412, Frequency=11680770, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2411, Frequency=11661540, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2409, Frequency=11623080, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2002, Frequency=11739000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.828 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2006, Frequency=11817000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.843 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2009, Frequency=11875500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.843 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2313, Frequency=11344500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.843 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2018, Frequency=12051000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.843 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2022, Frequency=12129000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.843 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2017, Frequency=12031500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.843 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2302, Frequency=11259670, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.843 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2611, Frequency=12523000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.843 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2601, Frequency=12559670, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.843 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2613, Frequency=12606650, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.843 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2603, Frequency=12643350, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.843 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2041, Frequency=10714000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:09:28.843 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2037, Frequency=12421000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.843 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2036, Frequency=12402000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.843 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2049, Frequency=10832250, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:09:28.843 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2053, Frequency=10891250, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:09:28.843 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2054, Frequency=10906000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:09:28.859 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:28.859 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2044, Frequency=10758500, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:09:28.859 Replied 4450900 2010-10-28 17:09:28.859 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2040, Frequency=12480000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.859 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2602, Frequency=12560020, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.859 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2304, Frequency=11343000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.859 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2015, Frequency=11992500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.859 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2311, Frequency=11222170, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.859 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2042, Frequency=10729000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:09:28.859 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2316, Frequency=11390330, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.859 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2301, Frequency=11261170, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.859 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2303, Frequency=11307000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.859 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2410, Frequency=11642000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.859 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2604, Frequency=12643350, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:28.859 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2315, Frequency=11390000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:09:29.062 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:29.062 Replied 4577048 2010-10-28 17:09:29.265 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:29.265 Replied 4687592 2010-10-28 17:09:29.468 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:29.468 Replied 4799076 2010-10-28 17:09:29.515 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:29.515 Replied 4799076 2010-10-28 17:09:29.515 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:29.515 Replied 4799076 2010-10-28 17:09:29.718 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:29.718 Replied 4911500 2010-10-28 17:09:29.921 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:29.921 Replied 5066412 2010-10-28 17:09:30.125 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:30.125 Replied 5175828 2010-10-28 17:09:30.328 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:30.328 Replied 5213992 2010-10-28 17:09:30.531 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:30.531 Replied 5362512 2010-10-28 17:09:30.578 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:30.578 Replied 5397104 2010-10-28 17:09:30.578 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:30.578 Replied 5397104 2010-10-28 17:09:30.671 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:30.671 Replied 5468168 2010-10-28 17:09:30.781 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:30.781 Replied 5504640 2010-10-28 17:09:30.984 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:30.984 Replied 5577584 2010-10-28 17:09:31.187 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:31.187 Replied 5681924 2010-10-28 17:09:31.390 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:31.390 Replied 5791904 2010-10-28 17:09:31.437 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:31.437 Replied 5865036 2010-10-28 17:09:31.437 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:31.437 Replied 5865036 2010-10-28 17:09:31.640 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:31.640 Replied 5936476 2010-10-28 17:09:31.843 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:31.843 Replied 6050592 2010-10-28 17:09:32.046 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:32.046 Replied 6163580 2010-10-28 17:09:32.062 A new ECM packet for SID=7002 received and put to the queue 2010-10-28 17:09:32.078 A new ECM packet for SID=7002 received and sent to processing 2010-10-28 17:09:32.250 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:32.250 Replied 6210768 2010-10-28 17:09:32.296 #1: Response for SID=7002 received, passing to the parser... 2010-10-28 17:09:32.296 #1: Received EVEN DCW = C36A4E7B5E8AA088 (from the plugin) - accepted and added to the cache! 2010-10-28 17:09:32.453 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:32.453 Replied 6389932 2010-10-28 17:09:32.500 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:32.500 Replied 6389932 2010-10-28 17:09:32.500 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:32.500 Replied 6389932 2010-10-28 17:09:32.703 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:32.703 Replied 6529240 2010-10-28 17:09:32.906 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:32.906 Replied 6633768 2010-10-28 17:09:33.109 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:33.109 Replied 6734536 2010-10-28 17:09:33.312 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:33.312 Replied 6832484 2010-10-28 17:09:33.359 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:33.359 Replied 6832484 2010-10-28 17:09:33.359 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:33.359 Replied 6832484 2010-10-28 17:09:33.562 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:33.562 Replied 6933064 2010-10-28 17:09:33.765 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:33.765 Replied 7075568 2010-10-28 17:09:33.968 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:33.968 Replied 7176336 2010-10-28 17:09:34.171 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:34.171 Replied 7282556 2010-10-28 17:09:34.375 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:34.375 Replied 7387836 2010-10-28 17:09:34.421 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:34.421 Replied 7387836 2010-10-28 17:09:34.421 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:34.421 Replied 7387836 2010-10-28 17:09:34.625 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:34.625 Replied 7496312 2010-10-28 17:09:34.828 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:34.828 Replied 7644456 2010-10-28 17:09:35.031 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:35.031 Replied 7682620 2010-10-28 17:09:35.234 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:35.234 Replied 7792976 2010-10-28 17:09:35.437 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:35.437 Replied 7938676 2010-10-28 17:09:35.625 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:09:35.625 #1: Mapped SID=3806, ONID=2, TSID=2001, Channel=384, Name="MTVN HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.625 #1: Mapped SID=3833, ONID=2, TSID=2001, Channel=314, Name="SkyShowcseHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.625 #1: Mapped SID=3881, ONID=2, TSID=2001, Channel=409, Name="Sky Sports HD2", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.625 #1: Mapped SID=6001, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=112, Name="LIVING", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.625 #1: Mapped SID=6002, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=125, Name="Challenge", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.625 #1: Mapped SID=6003, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=172, Name="LIVING Loves", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.625 #1: Mapped SID=6004, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=123, Name="Bravo", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.625 #1: Mapped SID=6005, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=113, Name="LIVING +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.625 #1: Mapped SID=6006, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=124, Name="Bravo+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.625 #1: Mapped SID=6007, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=114, Name="LIVINGit", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.625 #1: Mapped SID=6008, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=121, Name="Channel One", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.625 #1: Mapped SID=3870, ONID=2, TSID=2003, Channel=633, Name="Disney XD HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.625 #1: Mapped SID=3932, ONID=2, TSID=2003, Channel=225, Name="ITV2 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.640 #1: Mapped SID=5241, ONID=2, TSID=2004, Channel=2100, Name="Directgov", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.640 #1: Mapped SID=8085, ONID=2, TSID=2004, Channel=2000, Name="Sky Active", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.640 #1: Mapped SID=3802, ONID=2, TSID=2005, Channel=408, Name="Sky Sports HD1", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.640 #1: Mapped SID=3866, ONID=2, TSID=2005, Channel=224, Name="LIVING HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.640 #1: Mapped SID=3875, ONID=2, TSID=2005, Channel=140, Name="Channel 4 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.640 #1: Mapped SID=6501, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=246, Name="Home", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.640 #1: Mapped SID=6502, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=532, Name="Eden", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.640 #1: Mapped SID=6504, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=110, Name="GOLD", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.640 #1: Mapped SID=6505, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=537, Name="YeSTERDAY", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.640 #1: Mapped SID=6506, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=111, Name="Dave", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.640 #1: Mapped SID=6508, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=249, Name="Good Food", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.640 #1: Mapped SID=6520, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=109, Name="Watch", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.640 #1: Mapped SID=6521, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=132, Name="alibi", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.640 #1: Mapped SID=6522, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=534, Name="Blighty", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.640 #1: Mapped SID=4302, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=305, Name="Sky Action", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.640 #1: Mapped SID=4303, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=304, Name="Sky Comedy", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.640 #1: Mapped SID=4304, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=309, Name="Sky ScFi/Horror", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.640 #1: Mapped SID=4305, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=311, Name="Sky Classics", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.640 #1: Mapped SID=4306, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=312, Name="Sky Indie", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.640 #1: Mapped SID=4403, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=306, Name="Sky Family", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.640 #1: Mapped SID=5502, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=308, Name="Sky DramaRom", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.640 #1: Mapped SID=5650, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=310, Name="Sky Mdn Greats", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.656 #1: Mapped SID=3804, ONID=2, TSID=2008, Channel=412, Name="Eurosport HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.656 #1: Mapped SID=3823, ONID=2, TSID=2008, Channel=193, Name="FX HD", Type=25, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 17:09:35.656 #1: Mapped SID=3864, ONID=2, TSID=2008, Channel=256, Name="Sky Arts 2 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.656 #1: Mapped SID=3876, ONID=2, TSID=2008, Channel=215, Name="E4 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.656 #1: Mapped SID=6201, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=520, Name="Discovery", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.656 #1: Mapped SID=6202, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=525, Name="Animal Planet", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.656 #1: Mapped SID=6203, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=240, Name="Disc.RealTime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.656 #1: Mapped SID=6204, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=521, Name="Discovery+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.656 #1: Mapped SID=6205, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=265, Name="Travel & Living", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.656 #1: Mapped SID=6206, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=524, Name="Disc.Science", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.656 #1: Mapped SID=6207, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=522, Name="Disc.Knowldge", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.656 #1: Mapped SID=6208, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=254, Name="Home & Health", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.656 #1: Mapped SID=6209, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=523, Name="Disc.Turbo", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.656 #1: Mapped SID=6211, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=154, Name="QUEST", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.656 #1: Mapped SID=4410, ONID=2, TSID=2011, Channel=799, Name="TV5", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.781 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:35.781 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:35.781 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:35.796 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:35.796 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:35.796 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:35.812 Received command: "STOP SageTV DVB-S2 Enhancer 1 Digital TV Tuner" 2010-10-28 17:09:35.812 Requested by Sage, stopping recording of channel 356 ("VH1") on source="TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-S Tuner", Ordinal=1 2010-10-28 17:09:35.859 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:09:35.859 #1: Mapped SID=4515, ONID=2, TSID=2012, Channel=970, Name="Sky Intro", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.859 #1: Mapped SID=4525, ONID=2, TSID=2012, Channel=899, Name="Sky Intro", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.859 #1: Mapped SID=5004, ONID=2, TSID=2012, Channel=998, Name="Sky Intro", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.859 #1: Mapped SID=5007, ONID=2, TSID=2012, Channel=996, Name="Chl Line-up", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.859 #1: Mapped SID=8065, ONID=2, TSID=2012, Channel=2060, Name="Sky Customer Service", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.859 #1: Mapped SID=6770, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3152, Name="BBC London", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.859 #1: Mapped SID=6704, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=503, Name="BBC NEWS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.859 #1: Mapped SID=6705, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=504, Name="BBC PARL'MNT", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.859 #1: Mapped SID=6736, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=168, Name="BBC ALBA", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.859 #1: Mapped SID=6751, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3101, Name="BBC R1", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.859 #1: Mapped SID=6752, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3102, Name="BBC R2", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.859 #1: Mapped SID=6753, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3103, Name="BBC R3", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.859 #1: Mapped SID=6754, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3104, Name="BBC R4 FM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.859 #1: Mapped SID=6755, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3143, Name="BBC R4 LW", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.859 #1: Mapped SID=6757, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3116, Name="BBC R Scot.", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.859 #1: Mapped SID=6758, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3117, Name="BBC R Wales", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.859 #1: Mapped SID=6759, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3118, Name="BBC R Ulster", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.859 #1: Mapped SID=6760, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3119, Name="BBC Asian", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.859 #1: Mapped SID=6761, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3115, Name="BBC WS", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.859 #1: Mapped SID=6763, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3154, Name="BBC R Cymru", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.859 #1: Mapped SID=6766, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3137, Name="BBC R1X", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.875 #1: Mapped SID=6767, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3120, Name="BBC 6 Music", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.875 #1: Mapped SID=6768, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3131, Name="BBC Radio 7", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.875 #1: Mapped SID=6769, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3139, Name="BBC R n Gael", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.875 #1: Mapped SID=7480, ONID=2, TSID=2014, Channel=178, Name="ITV1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.875 #1: Mapped SID=7451, ONID=2, TSID=2014, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Central E", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.875 #1: Mapped SID=7450, ONID=2, TSID=2014, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Central S", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.875 #1: Mapped SID=7420, ONID=2, TSID=2014, Channel=782, Name="Sony TV Asia", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.875 #1: Mapped SID=7600, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=247, Name="Home+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.875 #1: Mapped SID=7605, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=133, Name="GOLD +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.875 #1: Mapped SID=7610, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=533, Name="Eden+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.875 #1: Mapped SID=7615, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=155, Name="Watch +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.875 #1: Mapped SID=7620, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=248, Name="Really", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.875 #1: Mapped SID=7624, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=158, Name="Dave ja vu", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.875 #1: Mapped SID=7626, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=250, Name="Good Food +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.875 #1: Mapped SID=7630, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=209, Name="alibi +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:09:35.906 #1: Graph successfully stopped 2010-10-28 17:09:36.015 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\80sShuffle-9836816-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:36.109 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:36.109 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:36.109 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:36.281 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:36.281 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:36.281 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:36.375 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:36.375 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:36.375 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:43.156 Received command: "START SageTV DVB-S2 Enhancer 1 Digital TV Tuner|445332796|384|2576564366320|E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts|Fair" 2010-10-28 17:09:43.156 Received START command to start recording on source "SageTV DVB-S2 Enhancer 1 Digital TV Tuner", channel=384, duration=2576564366, file="E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:43.156 Channel=384 was successfully mapped to SID=3806 on ONID=2, Name="MTVN HD" 2010-10-28 17:09:43.156 Autodiscovery results for SID=3806 on ONID=2: TID=2001, Frequency=11719500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:09:43.156 #1: Starting recording on tuner="TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-S Tuner", Ordinal=1, Channel=384 ("MTVN HD"), SID=3806 on ONID=2, Autodiscovery=TRUE, Duration=2576564366, Frequency=11719500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:09:43.171 #1: Loading filter "TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-S Tuner" - succeeded! 2010-10-28 17:09:43.171 #1: Tuner Filter Info = "TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-S Tuner" 2010-10-28 17:09:43.171 #1: Loading filter "TechnoTrend BDA/DVB Capture" - succeeded! 2010-10-28 17:09:43.171 #1: Loaded our transport stream filter 2010-10-28 17:09:43.171 #1: Added demux filter to the graph 2010-10-28 17:09:43.171 #1: Connected demux to our filter output pin 2010-10-28 17:09:43.171 #1: Loading filter "BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter" - succeeded! 2010-10-28 17:09:43.171 #1: Using tuning request-based tuning method... 2010-10-28 17:09:44.062 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 17:09:45.078 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:45.078 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:45.156 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:45.156 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:45.156 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:45.265 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:45.265 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:45.265 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:45.265 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:45.265 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:45.265 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:45.281 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:45.281 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:45.281 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:45.328 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:45.328 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:45.515 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:45.515 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:45.671 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:45.671 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:45.734 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:45.734 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:45.953 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:45.953 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:45.953 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:45.953 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:46.171 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:46.171 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:46.281 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:46.281 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:46.609 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:46.609 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:46.609 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:46.609 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:46.828 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:46.828 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:46.937 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:46.937 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:47.046 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:47.046 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:47.156 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:47.156 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:47.265 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:47.265 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:47.484 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:47.484 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:47.484 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:47.484 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:47.703 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:47.703 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:47.703 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:47.703 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:48.031 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:48.031 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:48.031 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:48.031 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:48.140 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:48.140 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:48.250 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:48.250 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:48.250 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:48.250 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:48.359 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:48.359 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:48.359 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:48.359 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:48.687 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:48.687 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:48.687 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:48.687 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:48.906 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:48.906 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:48.906 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:48.906 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:49.125 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:49.125 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:49.234 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:49.234 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:49.343 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:49.343 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:49.453 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:49.453 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:49.562 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:49.562 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:49.781 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:49.781 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:49.781 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:49.781 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:50.000 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:50.000 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:50.000 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:50.000 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:09:50.156 #1: Could not lock signal after 5 seconds, stopping recording of channel 384 ("MTVN HD") on source="TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-S Tuner", Ordinal=1 2010-10-28 17:09:50.171 #1: Graph successfully stopped 2010-10-28 17:09:50.328 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:50.656 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:50.765 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:50.984 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:50.984 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:51.203 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:51.531 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:51.640 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:51.750 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:51.859 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:52.078 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:52.296 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:52.625 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:52.734 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:52.953 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:53.062 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:53.281 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:53.500 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:53.609 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:53.718 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:53.828 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:54.046 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:54.046 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:54.265 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:54.265 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:54.484 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:54.593 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:54.703 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:54.812 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:54.921 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:55.250 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:55.468 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:55.796 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:55.796 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:56.125 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:56.125 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:56.453 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:56.671 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:56.671 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:56.890 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:57.000 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:57.218 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:57.546 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:57.656 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:57.765 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:57.875 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:58.203 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:58.421 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:58.640 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\MTVTop20-9839819-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:09:58.750 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:58.750 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:58.750 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:58.750 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:58.750 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:58.750 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:58.781 Received command: "STOP SageTV DVB-S2 Enhancer 1 Digital TV Tuner" 2010-10-28 17:09:58.781 Requested by Sage, there is no recorder to stop! 2010-10-28 17:09:58.906 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:58.906 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:58.906 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:59.031 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:59.031 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:59.031 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:59.140 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:59.140 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:09:59.140 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:10:30.046 Received command: "START SageTV DVB-S2 Enhancer 1 Digital TV Tuner|2044177787|3101|2576564460080|E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts|Fair" 2010-10-28 17:10:30.046 Received START command to start recording on source "SageTV DVB-S2 Enhancer 1 Digital TV Tuner", channel=3101, duration=2576564460, file="E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:30.046 Channel=3101 was successfully mapped to SID=6751 on ONID=2, Name="BBC R1" 2010-10-28 17:10:30.046 Autodiscovery results for SID=6751 on ONID=2: TID=2013, Frequency=11953500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:30.046 #1: Starting recording on tuner="TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-S Tuner", Ordinal=1, Channel=3101 ("BBC R1"), SID=6751 on ONID=2, Autodiscovery=TRUE, Duration=2576564460, Frequency=11953500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:30.062 #1: Loading filter "TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-S Tuner" - succeeded! 2010-10-28 17:10:30.062 #1: Tuner Filter Info = "TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-S Tuner" 2010-10-28 17:10:30.062 #1: Loading filter "TechnoTrend BDA/DVB Capture" - succeeded! 2010-10-28 17:10:30.062 #1: Loaded our transport stream filter 2010-10-28 17:10:30.062 #1: Added demux filter to the graph 2010-10-28 17:10:30.062 #1: Connected demux to our filter output pin 2010-10-28 17:10:30.062 #1: Loading filter "BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter" - succeeded! 2010-10-28 17:10:30.062 #1: Using tuning request-based tuning method... 2010-10-28 17:10:31.109 #1: Signal locked, quality=100, strength=54 2010-10-28 17:10:31.109 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.109 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=12, actual CC=3) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.109 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=6, actual CC=4) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.109 #1: PSI table messed up, fixing... 2010-10-28 17:10:31.187 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:10:31.187 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:10:31.203 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:10:31.234 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:31.234 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:10:31.250 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=9) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.250 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.312 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:10:31.312 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:10:31.312 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.312 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:10:31.312 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.312 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:31.312 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:10:31.312 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:31.312 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:10:31.328 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:31.328 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:10:31.390 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=9) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.390 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=9) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.390 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=9) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.390 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=9) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.390 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=9) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.390 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=9) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.453 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:31.453 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:10:31.453 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=9) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.453 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=9) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.453 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=9) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.453 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=9) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.453 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=2) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.453 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=9) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.515 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=9) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.515 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=9) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.515 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=9) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.515 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=9) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.515 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=9) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.515 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.593 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.593 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=2) 2010-10-28 17:10:31.671 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:31.671 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:10:31.781 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:31.781 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:10:31.890 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:31.890 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:10:32.000 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:32.000 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:10:32.000 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=15) 2010-10-28 17:10:32.000 #1: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0xC0(192), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:10:32.000 #1: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0xC0(192), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:10:32.000 #1: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0xC0(192), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:10:32.000 #1: PID=5000(0x1388) of SID=6704(0x1A30) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:10:32.000 #1: PID=5001(0x1389) of SID=6704(0x1A30) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.000 #1: PID=5003(0x138B) of SID=6704(0x1A30) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:10:32.000 #1: PID=3845(0xF05) of SID=6704(0x1A30) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.000 #1: PID=3847(0xF07) of SID=6704(0x1A30) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.000 #1: PID=3849(0xF09) of SID=6704(0x1A30) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.000 #1: PID=3850(0xF0A) of SID=6704(0x1A30) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.015 #1: PID=5005(0x138D) of SID=6704(0x1A30) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:10:32.015 #1: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=6704(0x1A30) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.015 #1: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=6704(0x1A30) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.015 #1: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=6704(0x1A30) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.015 #1: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=6704(0x1A30) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.015 #1: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=6704(0x1A30) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.015 #1: PID=2317(0x90D) of SID=6704(0x1A30) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.015 #1: PID=2319(0x90F) of SID=6704(0x1A30) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.015 #1: PID=2320(0x910) of SID=6704(0x1A30) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.015 #1: PID=2321(0x911) of SID=6704(0x1A30) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.015 #1: PID=2322(0x912) of SID=6704(0x1A30) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.015 #1: PID=2323(0x913) of SID=6704(0x1A30) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.015 #1: PID=2324(0x914) of SID=6704(0x1A30) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.062 #1: PID=5301(0x14B5) of SID=6705(0x1A31) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:10:32.062 #1: PID=5311(0x14BF) of SID=6705(0x1A31) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.062 #1: PID=5320(0x14C8) of SID=6705(0x1A31) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:10:32.062 #1: PID=3845(0xF05) of SID=6705(0x1A31) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.062 #1: PID=3847(0xF07) of SID=6705(0x1A31) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.062 #1: PID=3849(0xF09) of SID=6705(0x1A31) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.062 #1: PID=3850(0xF0A) of SID=6705(0x1A31) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.078 #1: PID=5325(0x14CD) of SID=6705(0x1A31) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:10:32.078 #1: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=6705(0x1A31) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.078 #1: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=6705(0x1A31) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.078 #1: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=6705(0x1A31) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.078 #1: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=6705(0x1A31) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.078 #1: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=6705(0x1A31) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.078 #1: PID=2319(0x90F) of SID=6705(0x1A31) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.078 #1: PID=2320(0x910) of SID=6705(0x1A31) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.078 #1: PID=2321(0x911) of SID=6705(0x1A31) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.078 #1: PID=2322(0x912) of SID=6705(0x1A31) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.078 #1: PID=2323(0x913) of SID=6705(0x1A31) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.078 #1: PID=2324(0x914) of SID=6705(0x1A31) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.078 #1: PID=2343(0x927) of SID=6705(0x1A31) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.078 #1: PID=2344(0x928) of SID=6705(0x1A31) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.078 #1: PID=2345(0x929) of SID=6705(0x1A31) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.078 #1: PID=2358(0x936) of SID=6705(0x1A31) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.078 #1: PID=5500(0x157C) of SID=6736(0x1A50) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:10:32.078 #1: PID=5501(0x157D) of SID=6736(0x1A50) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.078 #1: PID=5503(0x157F) of SID=6736(0x1A50) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:10:32.078 #1: PID=3845(0xF05) of SID=6736(0x1A50) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.078 #1: PID=3847(0xF07) of SID=6736(0x1A50) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.078 #1: PID=3849(0xF09) of SID=6736(0x1A50) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.078 #1: PID=3850(0xF0A) of SID=6736(0x1A50) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.078 #1: PID=5504(0x1580) of SID=6736(0x1A50) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:10:32.078 #1: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=6736(0x1A50) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.078 #1: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=6736(0x1A50) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=6736(0x1A50) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=6736(0x1A50) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=6736(0x1A50) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=2319(0x90F) of SID=6736(0x1A50) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=2320(0x910) of SID=6736(0x1A50) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=2321(0x911) of SID=6736(0x1A50) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=2322(0x912) of SID=6736(0x1A50) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=2323(0x913) of SID=6736(0x1A50) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=2324(0x914) of SID=6736(0x1A50) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=2329(0x919) of SID=6736(0x1A50) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=5401(0x1519) of SID=6751(0x1A5F) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=3847(0xF07) of SID=6751(0x1A5F) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=3846(0xF06) of SID=6751(0x1A5F) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=6751(0x1A5F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=6751(0x1A5F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=6751(0x1A5F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=6751(0x1A5F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=6751(0x1A5F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=5402(0x151A) of SID=6752(0x1A60) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=3847(0xF07) of SID=6752(0x1A60) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=3846(0xF06) of SID=6752(0x1A60) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=6752(0x1A60) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=6752(0x1A60) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=6752(0x1A60) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=6752(0x1A60) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=6752(0x1A60) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=5403(0x151B) of SID=6753(0x1A61) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=3847(0xF07) of SID=6753(0x1A61) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.093 #1: PID=3846(0xF06) of SID=6753(0x1A61) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 #1: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=6753(0x1A61) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 #1: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=6753(0x1A61) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 #1: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=6753(0x1A61) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 #1: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=6753(0x1A61) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 #1: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=6753(0x1A61) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 #1: PID=5404(0x151C) of SID=6754(0x1A62) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 #1: PID=3847(0xF07) of SID=6754(0x1A62) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 #1: PID=3846(0xF06) of SID=6754(0x1A62) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 #1: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=6754(0x1A62) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 #1: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=6754(0x1A62) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 #1: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=6754(0x1A62) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 #1: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=6754(0x1A62) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 #1: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=6754(0x1A62) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 #1: PID=5405(0x151D) of SID=6755(0x1A63) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 #1: PID=3847(0xF07) of SID=6755(0x1A63) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 #1: PID=3846(0xF06) of SID=6755(0x1A63) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 #1: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=6755(0x1A63) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 #1: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=6755(0x1A63) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 #1: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=6755(0x1A63) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 #1: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=6755(0x1A63) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 #1: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=6755(0x1A63) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 #1: PID=5407(0x151F) of SID=6757(0x1A65) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 #1: PID=3847(0xF07) of SID=6757(0x1A65) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 #1: PID=3846(0xF06) of SID=6757(0x1A65) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.109 #1: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=6757(0x1A65) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.125 #1: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=6757(0x1A65) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.125 #1: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=6757(0x1A65) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.125 #1: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=6757(0x1A65) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.125 #1: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=6757(0x1A65) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.125 #1: PID=5408(0x1520) of SID=6758(0x1A66) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.125 #1: PID=3847(0xF07) of SID=6758(0x1A66) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.125 #1: PID=3846(0xF06) of SID=6758(0x1A66) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.125 #1: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=6758(0x1A66) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.125 #1: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=6758(0x1A66) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.125 #1: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=6758(0x1A66) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.125 #1: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=6758(0x1A66) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.125 #1: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=6758(0x1A66) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.218 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:32.218 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:10:32.234 #1: PID=5409(0x1521) of SID=6759(0x1A67) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.234 #1: PID=3847(0xF07) of SID=6759(0x1A67) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.234 #1: PID=3846(0xF06) of SID=6759(0x1A67) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.234 #1: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=6759(0x1A67) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.234 #1: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=6759(0x1A67) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.234 #1: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=6759(0x1A67) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.234 #1: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=6759(0x1A67) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.234 #1: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=6759(0x1A67) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.234 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=1) 2010-10-28 17:10:32.234 #1: PID=5410(0x1522) of SID=6760(0x1A68) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.234 #1: PID=3847(0xF07) of SID=6760(0x1A68) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.234 #1: PID=3846(0xF06) of SID=6760(0x1A68) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.234 #1: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=6760(0x1A68) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.234 #1: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=6760(0x1A68) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.234 #1: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=6760(0x1A68) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.234 #1: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=6760(0x1A68) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=6760(0x1A68) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=5411(0x1523) of SID=6761(0x1A69) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=3847(0xF07) of SID=6761(0x1A69) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=3846(0xF06) of SID=6761(0x1A69) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=6761(0x1A69) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=6761(0x1A69) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=6761(0x1A69) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=6761(0x1A69) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=6761(0x1A69) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=5401(0x1519) of SID=6762(0x1A6A) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=3847(0xF07) of SID=6762(0x1A6A) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=3846(0xF06) of SID=6762(0x1A6A) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=6762(0x1A6A) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=6762(0x1A6A) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=6762(0x1A6A) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=6762(0x1A6A) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=6762(0x1A6A) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=2321(0x911) of SID=6762(0x1A6A) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=2323(0x913) of SID=6762(0x1A6A) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=2324(0x914) of SID=6762(0x1A6A) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=2377(0x949) of SID=6762(0x1A6A) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=2378(0x94A) of SID=6762(0x1A6A) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=5444(0x1544) of SID=6763(0x1A6B) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=3847(0xF07) of SID=6763(0x1A6B) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=3846(0xF06) of SID=6763(0x1A6B) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=6763(0x1A6B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=6763(0x1A6B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=6763(0x1A6B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.250 #1: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=6763(0x1A6B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=6763(0x1A6B) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=5412(0x1524) of SID=6766(0x1A6E) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=3847(0xF07) of SID=6766(0x1A6E) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=3846(0xF06) of SID=6766(0x1A6E) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=6766(0x1A6E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=6766(0x1A6E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=6766(0x1A6E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=6766(0x1A6E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=6766(0x1A6E) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=5413(0x1525) of SID=6767(0x1A6F) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=3847(0xF07) of SID=6767(0x1A6F) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=3846(0xF06) of SID=6767(0x1A6F) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=6767(0x1A6F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=6767(0x1A6F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=6767(0x1A6F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=6767(0x1A6F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=6767(0x1A6F) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=5442(0x1542) of SID=6768(0x1A70) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=3847(0xF07) of SID=6768(0x1A70) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=3846(0xF06) of SID=6768(0x1A70) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=6768(0x1A70) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=6768(0x1A70) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=6768(0x1A70) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=6768(0x1A70) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=6768(0x1A70) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=5443(0x1543) of SID=6769(0x1A71) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=3847(0xF07) of SID=6769(0x1A71) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.265 #1: PID=3846(0xF06) of SID=6769(0x1A71) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=6769(0x1A71) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=6769(0x1A71) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=6769(0x1A71) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=6769(0x1A71) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=6769(0x1A71) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=5441(0x1541) of SID=6770(0x1A72) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=3847(0xF07) of SID=6770(0x1A72) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=3846(0xF06) of SID=6770(0x1A72) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=6770(0x1A72) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=6770(0x1A72) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=6770(0x1A72) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=6770(0x1A72) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=6770(0x1A72) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=5100(0x13EC) of SID=6780(0x1A7C) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=5101(0x13ED) of SID=6780(0x1A7C) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=5102(0x13EE) of SID=6780(0x1A7C) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=5103(0x13EF) of SID=6780(0x1A7C) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=5104(0x13F0) of SID=6780(0x1A7C) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=5105(0x13F1) of SID=6780(0x1A7C) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=5106(0x13F2) of SID=6780(0x1A7C) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=3848(0xF08) of SID=6780(0x1A7C) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=3851(0xF0B) of SID=6780(0x1A7C) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=6780(0x1A7C) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=6780(0x1A7C) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=6780(0x1A7C) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=6780(0x1A7C) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=6780(0x1A7C) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=2340(0x924) of SID=6780(0x1A7C) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=2342(0x926) of SID=6780(0x1A7C) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.281 #1: PID=2343(0x927) of SID=6780(0x1A7C) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.296 #1: PID=2344(0x928) of SID=6780(0x1A7C) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.296 #1: PID=2345(0x929) of SID=6780(0x1A7C) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.343 #1: PID=5200(0x1450) of SID=6781(0x1A7D) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:10:32.343 #1: PID=5201(0x1451) of SID=6781(0x1A7D) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.343 #1: PID=5202(0x1452) of SID=6781(0x1A7D) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.343 #1: PID=5203(0x1453) of SID=6781(0x1A7D) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.343 #1: PID=5204(0x1454) of SID=6781(0x1A7D) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.343 #1: PID=5205(0x1455) of SID=6781(0x1A7D) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.343 #1: PID=5206(0x1456) of SID=6781(0x1A7D) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.343 #1: PID=3848(0xF08) of SID=6781(0x1A7D) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.343 #1: PID=3851(0xF0B) of SID=6781(0x1A7D) has Type=0x0B 2010-10-28 17:10:32.343 #1: PID=3840(0xF00) of SID=6781(0x1A7D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.343 #1: PID=3841(0xF01) of SID=6781(0x1A7D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.343 #1: PID=3842(0xF02) of SID=6781(0x1A7D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.343 #1: PID=3843(0xF03) of SID=6781(0x1A7D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.343 #1: PID=3844(0xF04) of SID=6781(0x1A7D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.343 #1: PID=2340(0x924) of SID=6781(0x1A7D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.343 #1: PID=2342(0x926) of SID=6781(0x1A7D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.343 #1: PID=2343(0x927) of SID=6781(0x1A7D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.343 #1: PID=2344(0x928) of SID=6781(0x1A7D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.343 #1: PID=2345(0x929) of SID=6781(0x1A7D) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.343 #1: PID=5000(0x1388) of SID=6790(0x1A86) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:10:32.343 #1: PID=5001(0x1389) of SID=6790(0x1A86) has Type=0x03 2010-10-28 17:10:32.343 #1: PID=5003(0x138B) of SID=6790(0x1A86) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:10:32.359 #1: PID=5005(0x138D) of SID=6790(0x1A86) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:10:32.359 #1: PID=2319(0x90F) of SID=6790(0x1A86) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.359 #1: PID=2320(0x910) of SID=6790(0x1A86) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.359 #1: PID=2321(0x911) of SID=6790(0x1A86) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.359 #1: PID=2322(0x912) of SID=6790(0x1A86) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.359 #1: PID=2324(0x914) of SID=6790(0x1A86) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.359 #1: PID=2379(0x94B) of SID=6790(0x1A86) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.359 #1: PID=2380(0x94C) of SID=6790(0x1A86) has Type=0x05 2010-10-28 17:10:32.437 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:32.437 Replied 47188 2010-10-28 17:10:32.437 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:32.437 Replied 47188 2010-10-28 17:10:32.765 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:32.765 Replied 112800 2010-10-28 17:10:32.765 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:32.765 Replied 112800 2010-10-28 17:10:32.765 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:32.765 Replied 112800 2010-10-28 17:10:32.765 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:32.765 Replied 112800 2010-10-28 17:10:33.093 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:33.093 Replied 150776 2010-10-28 17:10:33.093 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:33.093 Replied 150776 2010-10-28 17:10:33.312 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:33.312 Replied 187812 2010-10-28 17:10:33.312 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:33.312 Replied 187812 2010-10-28 17:10:33.312 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:33.312 Replied 187812 2010-10-28 17:10:33.531 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:33.531 Replied 250792 2010-10-28 17:10:33.531 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:33.531 Replied 250792 2010-10-28 17:10:33.531 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:33.531 Replied 250792 2010-10-28 17:10:33.531 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:33.531 Replied 250792 2010-10-28 17:10:33.750 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:33.750 Replied 289896 2010-10-28 17:10:33.859 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:33.859 Replied 289896 2010-10-28 17:10:33.968 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:33.968 Replied 328436 2010-10-28 17:10:33.968 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:33.968 Replied 328436 2010-10-28 17:10:34.078 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:34.078 Replied 328436 2010-10-28 17:10:34.296 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:34.296 Replied 391792 2010-10-28 17:10:34.296 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:34.296 Replied 391792 2010-10-28 17:10:34.296 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:34.296 Replied 391792 2010-10-28 17:10:34.515 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:34.515 Replied 418676 2010-10-28 17:10:34.734 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:34.734 Replied 455524 2010-10-28 17:10:34.734 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:34.734 Replied 455524 2010-10-28 17:10:35.062 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:35.062 Replied 518128 2010-10-28 17:10:35.062 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:35.062 Replied 518128 2010-10-28 17:10:35.281 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:35.281 Replied 557608 2010-10-28 17:10:35.281 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:35.281 Replied 557608 2010-10-28 17:10:35.281 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:35.281 Replied 557608 2010-10-28 17:10:35.390 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:35.390 Replied 595584 2010-10-28 17:10:35.609 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:35.609 Replied 633184 2010-10-28 17:10:37.187 #1: Current network NID is 32 2010-10-28 17:10:37.187 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2032, Frequency=12324000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.203 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2005, Frequency=11797500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.203 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2033, Frequency=12343500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.203 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2001, Frequency=11719500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.203 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2034, Frequency=12363000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.203 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2016, Frequency=12012000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.203 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2028, Frequency=12246000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.203 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2024, Frequency=12168000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.203 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2008, Frequency=11856000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.203 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2035, Frequency=12382500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.203 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2039, Frequency=12460500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.203 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2056, Frequency=10935500, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:10:37.203 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2029, Frequency=12265500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.203 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2020, Frequency=12090000, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.203 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2003, Frequency=11758500, Symbol Rate=29500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S2), FEC=3/4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.203 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2004, Frequency=11778000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.203 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2021, Frequency=12109500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2007, Frequency=11836500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2011, Frequency=11914500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2012, Frequency=11934000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2030, Frequency=12285000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2401, Frequency=11469230, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2023, Frequency=12148500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2055, Frequency=10920750, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:10:37.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2027, Frequency=12226500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2406, Frequency=11565380, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2019, Frequency=12070500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2025, Frequency=12187500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2026, Frequency=12207000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2052, Frequency=10876500, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:10:37.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2403, Frequency=11507690, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2051, Frequency=10861750, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:10:37.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2031, Frequency=12304500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2408, Frequency=11603850, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2043, Frequency=10743750, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:10:37.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2045, Frequency=10773250, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:10:37.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2047, Frequency=10802750, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:10:37.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2038, Frequency=12441000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2050, Frequency=10847000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:10:37.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2046, Frequency=10788000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:10:37.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2048, Frequency=10817500, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:10:37.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2013, Frequency=11953500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2010, Frequency=11895000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2614, Frequency=12606650, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2306, Frequency=11426330, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2314, Frequency=11307000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2014, Frequency=11973000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.250 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2407, Frequency=11584620, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.250 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2405, Frequency=11546150, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.250 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:37.250 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2404, Frequency=11526920, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.250 Replied 927592 2010-10-28 17:10:37.250 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2612, Frequency=12523000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.250 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2312, Frequency=11223670, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:37.281 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:37.281 Replied 927592 2010-10-28 17:10:37.296 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:37.296 Replied 927592 2010-10-28 17:10:37.296 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:37.296 Replied 927592 2010-10-28 17:10:37.296 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:37.296 Replied 927592 2010-10-28 17:10:37.296 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:37.296 Replied 927592 2010-10-28 17:10:37.296 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:37.296 Replied 927592 2010-10-28 17:10:37.296 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:37.296 Replied 927592 2010-10-28 17:10:37.312 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:37.312 Replied 927592 2010-10-28 17:10:37.312 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:37.312 Replied 927592 2010-10-28 17:10:37.328 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:37.328 Replied 927592 2010-10-28 17:10:37.328 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:37.328 Replied 927592 2010-10-28 17:10:37.375 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:37.375 Replied 960304 2010-10-28 17:10:37.375 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:37.375 Replied 960304 2010-10-28 17:10:37.390 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:37.390 Replied 960304 2010-10-28 17:10:37.390 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:37.390 Replied 960304 2010-10-28 17:10:37.390 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:37.390 Replied 960304 2010-10-28 17:10:37.390 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:37.390 Replied 960304 2010-10-28 17:10:37.390 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:37.390 Replied 960304 2010-10-28 17:10:37.437 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:37.437 Replied 960304 2010-10-28 17:10:37.453 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:37.453 Replied 960304 2010-10-28 17:10:37.656 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:37.656 Replied 986812 2010-10-28 17:10:37.781 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:10:37.781 #1: Mapped SID=3806, ONID=2, TSID=2001, Channel=384, Name="MTVN HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.781 #1: Mapped SID=3833, ONID=2, TSID=2001, Channel=314, Name="SkyShowcseHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.796 #1: Mapped SID=3881, ONID=2, TSID=2001, Channel=409, Name="Sky Sports HD2", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.796 #1: Mapped SID=6001, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=112, Name="LIVING", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.796 #1: Mapped SID=6002, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=125, Name="Challenge", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.796 #1: Mapped SID=6003, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=172, Name="LIVING Loves", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.796 #1: Mapped SID=6004, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=123, Name="Bravo", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.796 #1: Mapped SID=6005, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=113, Name="LIVING +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.796 #1: Mapped SID=6006, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=124, Name="Bravo+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.796 #1: Mapped SID=6007, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=114, Name="LIVINGit", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.796 #1: Mapped SID=6008, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=121, Name="Channel One", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.796 #1: Mapped SID=3870, ONID=2, TSID=2003, Channel=633, Name="Disney XD HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.796 #1: Mapped SID=3932, ONID=2, TSID=2003, Channel=225, Name="ITV2 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.796 #1: Mapped SID=5241, ONID=2, TSID=2004, Channel=2100, Name="Directgov", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.796 #1: Mapped SID=8085, ONID=2, TSID=2004, Channel=2000, Name="Sky Active", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.796 #1: Mapped SID=3802, ONID=2, TSID=2005, Channel=408, Name="Sky Sports HD1", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.796 #1: Mapped SID=3866, ONID=2, TSID=2005, Channel=224, Name="LIVING HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.796 #1: Mapped SID=3875, ONID=2, TSID=2005, Channel=140, Name="Channel 4 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.796 #1: Mapped SID=6501, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=246, Name="Home", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.796 #1: Mapped SID=6502, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=532, Name="Eden", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.796 #1: Mapped SID=6504, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=110, Name="GOLD", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.812 #1: Mapped SID=6505, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=537, Name="YeSTERDAY", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.812 #1: Mapped SID=6506, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=111, Name="Dave", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.812 #1: Mapped SID=6508, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=249, Name="Good Food", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.812 #1: Mapped SID=6520, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=109, Name="Watch", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.812 #1: Mapped SID=6521, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=132, Name="alibi", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.812 #1: Mapped SID=6522, ONID=2, TSID=2006, Channel=534, Name="Blighty", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.812 #1: Mapped SID=4302, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=305, Name="Sky Action", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.812 #1: Mapped SID=4303, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=304, Name="Sky Comedy", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.812 #1: Mapped SID=4304, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=309, Name="Sky ScFi/Horror", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.812 #1: Mapped SID=4305, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=311, Name="Sky Classics", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.812 #1: Mapped SID=4306, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=312, Name="Sky Indie", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.812 #1: Mapped SID=4403, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=306, Name="Sky Family", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.812 #1: Mapped SID=5502, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=308, Name="Sky DramaRom", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.812 #1: Mapped SID=5650, ONID=2, TSID=2007, Channel=310, Name="Sky Mdn Greats", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.812 #1: Mapped SID=3804, ONID=2, TSID=2008, Channel=412, Name="Eurosport HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.812 #1: Mapped SID=3823, ONID=2, TSID=2008, Channel=193, Name="FX HD", Type=25, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 17:10:37.812 #1: Mapped SID=3864, ONID=2, TSID=2008, Channel=256, Name="Sky Arts 2 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.812 #1: Mapped SID=3876, ONID=2, TSID=2008, Channel=215, Name="E4 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.812 #1: Mapped SID=6201, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=520, Name="Discovery", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.812 #1: Mapped SID=6202, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=525, Name="Animal Planet", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.828 #1: Mapped SID=6203, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=240, Name="Disc.RealTime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.828 #1: Mapped SID=6204, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=521, Name="Discovery+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.828 #1: Mapped SID=6205, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=265, Name="Travel & Living", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.828 #1: Mapped SID=6206, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=524, Name="Disc.Science", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.828 #1: Mapped SID=6207, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=522, Name="Disc.Knowldge", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.828 #1: Mapped SID=6208, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=254, Name="Home & Health", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.828 #1: Mapped SID=6209, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=523, Name="Disc.Turbo", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.828 #1: Mapped SID=6211, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=154, Name="QUEST", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.828 #1: Mapped SID=7001, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=350, Name="MTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.828 #1: Mapped SID=7002, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=356, Name="VH1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.828 #1: Mapped SID=7003, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=355, Name="MTV ROCKS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.828 #1: Mapped SID=7005, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=351, Name="MTV+1 ", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.828 #1: Mapped SID=7006, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=353, Name="MTV HITS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.828 #1: Mapped SID=7007, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=352, Name="MTV BASE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.828 #1: Mapped SID=7008, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=357, Name="MTV CLASSIC", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.828 #1: Mapped SID=7009, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=358, Name="VIVA", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.828 #1: Mapped SID=7012, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=160, Name="MTV SHOWS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.828 #1: Mapped SID=7014, ONID=2, TSID=2010, Channel=354, Name="MTV DANCE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.828 #1: Mapped SID=4410, ONID=2, TSID=2011, Channel=799, Name="TV5", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:37.859 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:37.859 Replied 1025352 2010-10-28 17:10:38.031 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:10:38.031 #1: Mapped SID=4515, ONID=2, TSID=2012, Channel=970, Name="Sky Intro", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.031 #1: Mapped SID=4525, ONID=2, TSID=2012, Channel=899, Name="Sky Intro", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.046 #1: Mapped SID=5004, ONID=2, TSID=2012, Channel=998, Name="Sky Intro", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.046 #1: Mapped SID=5007, ONID=2, TSID=2012, Channel=996, Name="Chl Line-up", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.046 #1: Mapped SID=8065, ONID=2, TSID=2012, Channel=2060, Name="Sky Customer Service", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.046 #1: Mapped SID=6770, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3152, Name="BBC London", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.046 #1: Mapped SID=6704, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=503, Name="BBC NEWS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.046 #1: Mapped SID=6705, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=504, Name="BBC PARL'MNT", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.046 #1: Mapped SID=6736, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=168, Name="BBC ALBA", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.046 #1: Mapped SID=6751, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3101, Name="BBC R1", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.046 #1: Mapped SID=6752, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3102, Name="BBC R2", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.046 #1: Mapped SID=6753, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3103, Name="BBC R3", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.046 #1: Mapped SID=6754, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3104, Name="BBC R4 FM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.046 #1: Mapped SID=6755, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3143, Name="BBC R4 LW", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.046 #1: Mapped SID=6757, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3116, Name="BBC R Scot.", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.046 #1: Mapped SID=6758, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3117, Name="BBC R Wales", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.046 #1: Mapped SID=6759, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3118, Name="BBC R Ulster", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.046 #1: Mapped SID=6760, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3119, Name="BBC Asian", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.046 #1: Mapped SID=6761, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3115, Name="BBC WS", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.046 #1: Mapped SID=6763, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3154, Name="BBC R Cymru", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.046 #1: Mapped SID=6766, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3137, Name="BBC R1X", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.046 #1: Mapped SID=6767, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3120, Name="BBC 6 Music", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.062 #1: Mapped SID=6768, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3131, Name="BBC Radio 7", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.062 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:38.062 #1: Mapped SID=6769, ONID=2, TSID=2013, Channel=3139, Name="BBC R n Gael", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.062 Replied 1084008 2010-10-28 17:10:38.062 #1: Mapped SID=7480, ONID=2, TSID=2014, Channel=178, Name="ITV1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.062 #1: Mapped SID=7451, ONID=2, TSID=2014, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Central E", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.062 #1: Mapped SID=7450, ONID=2, TSID=2014, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Central S", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.062 #1: Mapped SID=7420, ONID=2, TSID=2014, Channel=782, Name="Sony TV Asia", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.062 #1: Mapped SID=7600, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=247, Name="Home+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.062 #1: Mapped SID=7605, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=133, Name="GOLD +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.062 #1: Mapped SID=7610, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=533, Name="Eden+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.062 #1: Mapped SID=7615, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=155, Name="Watch +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.062 #1: Mapped SID=7620, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=248, Name="Really", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.062 #1: Mapped SID=7624, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=158, Name="Dave ja vu", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.062 #1: Mapped SID=7626, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=250, Name="Good Food +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.062 #1: Mapped SID=7630, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=209, Name="alibi +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.062 #1: Mapped SID=7650, ONID=2, TSID=2015, Channel=538, Name="YeSTERDAY+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.062 #1: Mapped SID=3807, ONID=2, TSID=2016, Channel=345, Name="MGM HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.062 #1: Mapped SID=3818, ONID=2, TSID=2016, Channel=334, Name="Sky Family HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.078 #1: Mapped SID=3821, ONID=2, TSID=2016, Channel=313, Name="SkyPremiereHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.078 #1: Mapped SID=3862, ONID=2, TSID=2016, Channel=335, Name="Sky Thriller HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.078 #1: Mapped SID=7230, ONID=2, TSID=2017, Channel=640, Name="QVC", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.078 #1: Mapped SID=7250, ONID=2, TSID=2017, Channel=654, Name="bid tv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.078 #1: Mapped SID=7100, ONID=2, TSID=2018, Channel=601, Name="Cartoon Netwrk", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.078 #1: Mapped SID=7101, ONID=2, TSID=2018, Channel=618, Name="Boomerang +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.078 #1: Mapped SID=7102, ONID=2, TSID=2018, Channel=603, Name="Boomerang", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.078 #1: Mapped SID=7103, ONID=2, TSID=2018, Channel=602, Name="CN Too", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.078 #1: Mapped SID=7140, ONID=2, TSID=2018, Channel=506, Name="CNN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.109 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:38.109 Replied 1084008 2010-10-28 17:10:38.109 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:38.109 Replied 1084008 2010-10-28 17:10:38.265 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:10:38.265 #1: Mapped SID=3832, ONID=2, TSID=2020, Channel=543, Name="Nat Geo HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.265 #1: Mapped SID=3856, ONID=2, TSID=2020, Channel=222, Name="Comedy Cen HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.265 #1: Mapped SID=3868, ONID=2, TSID=2020, Channel=559, Name="Eden HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.265 #1: Mapped SID=3869, ONID=2, TSID=2020, Channel=632, Name="NickelodeonHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.265 #1: Mapped SID=4214, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=401, Name="Sky Sports 1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.265 #1: Mapped SID=4219, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=403, Name="Sky Sports 3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.312 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:38.312 Replied 1126120 2010-10-28 17:10:38.468 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:10:38.468 #1: Mapped SID=9360, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=415, Name="At The Races", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.468 #1: Mapped SID=3803, ONID=2, TSID=2032, Channel=536, Name="Discovery HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.468 #1: Mapped SID=3842, ONID=2, TSID=2032, Channel=442, Name="ESPN HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.468 #1: Mapped SID=3873, ONID=2, TSID=2032, Channel=631, Name="Disney Cine HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.468 #1: Mapped SID=3874, ONID=2, TSID=2032, Channel=214, Name="Syfy HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.468 #1: Mapped SID=3826, ONID=2, TSID=2033, Channel=454, Name="Sky Sports HD4", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.468 #1: Mapped SID=3861, ONID=2, TSID=2033, Channel=170, Name="Sky1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.484 #1: Mapped SID=3867, ONID=2, TSID=2033, Channel=283, Name="Good Food HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.484 #1: Mapped SID=3811, ONID=2, TSID=2034, Channel=753, Name="SBO HD2", Type=135, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 17:10:38.484 #1: Mapped SID=3822, ONID=2, TSID=2034, Channel=418, Name="Sky Sports HD3", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.484 #1: Mapped SID=3879, ONID=2, TSID=2034, Channel=752, Name="SBO HD1", Type=135, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.484 #1: Mapped SID=3812, ONID=2, TSID=2035, Channel=346, Name="Sky Classics HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.484 #1: Mapped SID=3820, ONID=2, TSID=2035, Channel=339, Name="Sky Indie HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.484 #1: Mapped SID=3880, ONID=2, TSID=2035, Channel=220, Name="Universal HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.484 #1: Mapped SID=12101, ONID=2, TSID=2036, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Mer N", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.484 #1: Mapped SID=12100, ONID=2, TSID=2036, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Mer SE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.484 #1: Mapped SID=12110, ONID=2, TSID=2036, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Anglia W", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.484 #1: Mapped SID=12130, ONID=2, TSID=2036, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 TT S", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.484 #1: Mapped SID=12120, ONID=2, TSID=2036, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Yorks E", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.484 #1: Mapped SID=7700, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=105, Name="FIVE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.484 #1: Mapped SID=7702, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=105, Name="FIVE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.484 #1: Mapped SID=7703, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=105, Name="FIVE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.484 #1: Mapped SID=7710, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=174, Name="FIVE USA", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.484 #1: Mapped SID=7711, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=175, Name="FIVE USA+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.484 #1: Mapped SID=7715, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=176, Name="FIVER", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.484 #1: Mapped SID=7716, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=177, Name="FIVER+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.484 #1: Mapped SID=1302, ONID=2, TSID=2039, Channel=217, Name="Sky 3D", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.500 #1: Mapped SID=3850, ONID=2, TSID=2039, Channel=517, Name="Sky News HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.500 #1: Mapped SID=3863, ONID=2, TSID=2039, Channel=244, Name="Sky Arts 1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.515 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:38.515 Replied 1152628 2010-10-28 17:10:38.703 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:10:38.703 #1: Mapped SID=12050, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=1149, Name="E4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.703 #1: Mapped SID=12000, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=360, Name="4Music", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.703 #1: Mapped SID=12005, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=359, Name="The Box", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.703 #1: Mapped SID=12010, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=361, Name="KISS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.703 #1: Mapped SID=12015, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=368, Name="Kerrang!", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.703 #1: Mapped SID=12020, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=362, Name="Smash Hits!", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.703 #1: Mapped SID=9211, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.703 #1: Mapped SID=9212, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.703 #1: Mapped SID=9213, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.703 #1: Mapped SID=9214, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.703 #1: Mapped SID=9216, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.703 #1: Mapped SID=9215, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=1153, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.703 #1: Mapped SID=9220, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=315, Name="Film4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.703 #1: Mapped SID=9225, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=316, Name="Film4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.703 #1: Mapped SID=9230, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=139, Name="More4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.718 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:38.718 Replied 1209780 2010-10-28 17:10:38.906 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:10:38.906 #1: Mapped SID=8311, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.906 #1: Mapped SID=8312, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.906 #1: Mapped SID=8313, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.906 #1: Mapped SID=8314, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.906 #1: Mapped SID=8316, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.906 #1: Mapped SID=8300, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=137, Name="E4+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.906 #1: Mapped SID=8305, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=136, Name="E4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.906 #1: Mapped SID=8340, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=138, Name="More4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:38.921 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:38.921 Replied 1247944 2010-10-28 17:10:39.125 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:39.125 Replied 1274264 2010-10-28 17:10:39.171 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:10:39.171 #1: Mapped SID=8107, ONID=2, TSID=2043, Channel=2015, Name="Sky Games", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:39.171 #1: Mapped SID=9611, ONID=2, TSID=2043, Channel=3160, Name="RTE Radio 1", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:39.187 #1: Mapped SID=9612, ONID=2, TSID=2043, Channel=3164, Name="RTE 2FM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:39.187 #1: Mapped SID=9613, ONID=2, TSID=2043, Channel=3166, Name="RTE R na G", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:39.187 #1: Mapped SID=9614, ONID=2, TSID=2043, Channel=3165, Name="RTE Lyric fm", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:39.187 #1: Mapped SID=10060, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 London", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:39.187 #1: Mapped SID=10100, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Central W", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:39.187 #1: Mapped SID=10080, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Granada", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:39.187 #1: Mapped SID=10090, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Anglia E", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:39.187 #1: Mapped SID=10110, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=226, Name="ITV Preview 1", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 17:10:39.187 #1: Mapped SID=10111, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=227, Name="ITV Preview 2", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 17:10:39.187 #1: Mapped SID=10070, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=118, Name="ITV2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:39.187 #1: Mapped SID=10071, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=621, Name="CITV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:39.187 #1: Mapped SID=10072, ONID=2, TSID=2044, Channel=120, Name="ITV4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:39.328 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:39.328 Replied 1341944 2010-10-28 17:10:39.453 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:10:39.453 #1: Mapped SID=6301, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=101, Name="BBC 1 London", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:39.453 #1: Mapped SID=6341, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=986, Name="BBC 1 West", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:39.453 #1: Mapped SID=6351, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=982, Name="BBC 1 East (W)", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:39.453 #1: Mapped SID=6361, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=988, Name="BBC 1 CI", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:39.453 #1: Mapped SID=6335, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=105, Name="FIVE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:39.531 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:39.531 Replied 1341944 2010-10-28 17:10:39.656 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:10:39.656 #1: Mapped SID=6302, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=102, Name="BBC 2 England", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:39.656 #1: Mapped SID=6317, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=613, Name="CBBC Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:39.656 #1: Mapped SID=6319, ONID=2, TSID=2045, Channel=115, Name="BBC THREE", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 17:10:39.734 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:39.734 Replied 1378604 2010-10-28 17:10:39.859 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:10:39.859 #1: Mapped SID=10301, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=979, Name="BBC 1 W Mids", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:39.859 #1: Mapped SID=10303, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=977, Name="BBC 1 Yrks&Lin", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:39.859 #1: Mapped SID=10305, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=980, Name="BBC 1 E Mids", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:39.859 #1: Mapped SID=10306, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=981, Name="BBC 1 East (E)", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:39.937 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:39.937 Replied 1416016 2010-10-28 17:10:40.140 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:40.140 Replied 1479748 2010-10-28 17:10:40.140 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:10:40.140 #1: Mapped SID=10311, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=972, Name="BBC 1 Wales", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.140 #1: Mapped SID=10312, ONID=2, TSID=2046, Channel=991, Name="BBC 2 Wales", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.203 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2412, Frequency=11680770, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.203 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2411, Frequency=11661540, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.203 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2409, Frequency=11623080, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.203 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2002, Frequency=11739000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.203 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2006, Frequency=11817000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.203 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2009, Frequency=11875500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.203 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2313, Frequency=11344500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.203 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2018, Frequency=12051000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.203 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2022, Frequency=12129000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2017, Frequency=12031500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2302, Frequency=11259670, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2611, Frequency=12523000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2601, Frequency=12559670, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2613, Frequency=12606650, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2603, Frequency=12643350, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2041, Frequency=10714000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:10:40.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2037, Frequency=12421000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2036, Frequency=12402000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2049, Frequency=10832250, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:10:40.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2053, Frequency=10891250, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:10:40.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2054, Frequency=10906000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:10:40.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2044, Frequency=10758500, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:10:40.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2040, Frequency=12480000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.218 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2602, Frequency=12560020, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2304, Frequency=11343000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2015, Frequency=11992500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2311, Frequency=11222170, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2042, Frequency=10729000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:10:40.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2316, Frequency=11390330, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2301, Frequency=11261170, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2303, Frequency=11307000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2410, Frequency=11642000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2604, Frequency=12643350, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.234 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2315, Frequency=11390000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:10:40.343 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:40.343 Replied 1523176 2010-10-28 17:10:40.359 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:10:40.359 #1: Mapped SID=6441, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=978, Name="BBC 1 N West", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.359 #1: Mapped SID=6451, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=976, Name="BBC 1 Yorks", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.359 #1: Mapped SID=6461, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=983, Name="BBC 1 S East", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.500 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:10:40.500 #1: Mapped SID=6401, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=3105, Name="BBC R5L", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.500 #1: Mapped SID=6416, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=116, Name="BBC FOUR", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 17:10:40.500 #1: Mapped SID=6418, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=614, Name="CBeebies", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.500 #1: Mapped SID=6421, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=971, Name="BBC 1 Scotland", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.500 #1: Mapped SID=6422, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=990, Name="BBC 2 Scotland", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.500 #1: Mapped SID=6464, ONID=2, TSID=2047, Channel=3144, Name="BBC R5SX", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.546 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:40.546 Replied 1560212 2010-10-28 17:10:40.703 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:10:40.703 #1: Mapped SID=10353, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=984, Name="BBC 1 South", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.703 #1: Mapped SID=10354, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=987, Name="BBC 1 S West", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.703 #1: Mapped SID=10355, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=975, Name="BBC 1 NE & C", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.703 #1: Mapped SID=10356, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=985, Name="BBC 1 Oxford", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.750 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:40.750 Replied 1598940 2010-10-28 17:10:40.796 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:40.796 Replied 1598940 2010-10-28 17:10:40.796 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:40.796 Replied 1598940 2010-10-28 17:10:40.906 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:10:40.906 #1: Mapped SID=10361, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=973, Name="BBC 1 NI", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.906 #1: Mapped SID=10362, ONID=2, TSID=2048, Channel=992, Name="BBC 2 NI", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.906 #1: Mapped SID=10000, ONID=2, TSID=2049, Channel=178, Name="ITV1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.906 #1: Mapped SID=10030, ONID=2, TSID=2049, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 West", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.906 #1: Mapped SID=10040, ONID=2, TSID=2049, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 W Country", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.906 #1: Mapped SID=10015, ONID=2, TSID=2049, Channel=180, Name="ITV4+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.921 #1: Mapped SID=6940, ONID=2, TSID=2050, Channel=143, Name="BBC HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.921 #1: Mapped SID=9001, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=609, Name="Disney Chnl", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.921 #1: Mapped SID=9002, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=622, Name="Disney Cine", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.921 #1: Mapped SID=9003, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=628, Name="Disney Cine+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.921 #1: Mapped SID=9004, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=611, Name="Play Disney", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.921 #1: Mapped SID=9007, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=610, Name="Disney Chnl+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.921 #1: Mapped SID=9010, ONID=2, TSID=2051, Channel=612, Name="Play Disney+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.921 #1: Mapped SID=5560, ONID=2, TSID=2052, Channel=604, Name="Nickelodeon", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.921 #1: Mapped SID=5561, ONID=2, TSID=2052, Channel=605, Name="Nick Replay", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.921 #1: Mapped SID=5562, ONID=2, TSID=2052, Channel=606, Name="Nicktoons", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.921 #1: Mapped SID=5563, ONID=2, TSID=2052, Channel=615, Name="Nick Jr.", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.921 #1: Mapped SID=10150, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Anglia S", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.921 #1: Mapped SID=10140, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Meridian S", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.921 #1: Mapped SID=10160, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Yorks W", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.921 #1: Mapped SID=10141, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Meridian E", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.921 #1: Mapped SID=10120, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Border", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.921 #1: Mapped SID=10130, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 TT N", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.921 #1: Mapped SID=10165, ONID=2, TSID=2053, Channel=131, Name="ITV2+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.921 #1: Mapped SID=10238, ONID=2, TSID=2054, Channel=3108, Name="talkSPORT", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.921 #1: Mapped SID=10260, ONID=2, TSID=2054, Channel=119, Name="ITV3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:40.937 #1: Mapped SID=10261, ONID=2, TSID=2054, Channel=179, Name="ITV3+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.000 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:41.000 Replied 1625260 2010-10-28 17:10:41.203 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:41.203 Replied 1668312 2010-10-28 17:10:41.203 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:10:41.203 #1: Mapped SID=5021, ONID=2, TSID=2055, Channel=511, Name="NDTV 24x7", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.203 #1: Mapped SID=5025, ONID=2, TSID=2055, Channel=183, Name="Current TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.203 #1: Mapped SID=3852, ONID=2, TSID=2056, Channel=178, Name="ITV1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.203 #1: Mapped SID=3851, ONID=2, TSID=2056, Channel=178, Name="ITV1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.203 #1: Mapped SID=52100, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=252, Name="Travel Ch +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.203 #1: Mapped SID=52102, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=147, Name="CBS Reality+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.203 #1: Mapped SID=52105, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=319, Name="horror channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.218 #1: Mapped SID=52106, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=877, Name="Gay Network ", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.218 #1: Mapped SID=52107, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=582, Name="Wonderful", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.218 #1: Mapped SID=52108, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=784, Name="STAR Plus", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.218 #1: Mapped SID=52109, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=660, Name="Thane Direct", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.218 #1: Mapped SID=52110, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=802, Name="DM Digital", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.218 #1: Mapped SID=52111, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=505, Name="CNBC", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.218 #1: Mapped SID=52112, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=268, Name="Africa Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.218 #1: Mapped SID=52113, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=809, Name="STAR Gold", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.218 #1: Mapped SID=52132, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=3130, Name="Panjab Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.218 #1: Mapped SID=52169, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=554, Name="Crime+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.218 #1: Mapped SID=52170, ONID=2, TSID=2301, Channel=860, Name="Jackpot Games", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.218 #1: Mapped SID=52116, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=190, Name="Open Access 3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.218 #1: Mapped SID=52118, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=869, Name="SmartLive", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.218 #1: Mapped SID=52121, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=326, Name="mov4men2 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.218 #1: Mapped SID=52125, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=201, Name="Showcase", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.218 #1: Mapped SID=52127, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=581, Name="revelation", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.218 #1: Mapped SID=52131, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=848, Name="Sikh TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.218 #1: Mapped SID=52134, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=780, Name="B4U Movies", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.218 #1: Mapped SID=52135, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=781, Name="B4U Music", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.218 #1: Mapped SID=52158, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=590, Name="Gospel Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.234 #1: Mapped SID=52159, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=818, Name="AAJ TAK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.234 #1: Mapped SID=52162, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=883, Name="Renault TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.234 #1: Mapped SID=52166, ONID=2, TSID=2302, Channel=834, Name="NTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.234 #1: Mapped SID=52230, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=173, Name="LIVINGit+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.234 #1: Mapped SID=52232, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=152, Name="Challenge+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.234 #1: Mapped SID=52233, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=153, Name="Bravo 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.234 #1: Mapped SID=52235, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=122, Name="Channel One+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.234 #1: Mapped SID=52250, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=195, Name="propeller", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.234 #1: Mapped SID=52299, ONID=2, TSID=2303, Channel=3123, Name="Premier", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.234 #1: Mapped SID=50903, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=149, Name="CBS Drama", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.234 #1: Mapped SID=55201, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=949, Name="House Of Fun", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 17:10:41.234 #1: Mapped SID=55202, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=371, Name="Starz TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.234 #1: Mapped SID=55204, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=910, Name="Lucky Star", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.234 #1: Mapped SID=55207, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=906, Name="Babestation", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.234 #1: Mapped SID=55209, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=831, Name="NDTV Imagine", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.234 #1: Mapped SID=55210, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=783, Name="STAR One", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.234 #1: Mapped SID=55211, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=159, Name="ComedyCtlX+1", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 17:10:41.234 #1: Mapped SID=55212, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=908, Name="Babeworld.tv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.234 #1: Mapped SID=55213, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=845, Name="Takbeer TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.234 #1: Mapped SID=55214, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=219, Name="My Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.250 #1: Mapped SID=55221, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=885, Name="WatchmeTV.TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.250 #1: Mapped SID=55226, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=886, Name="Psychic TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.250 #1: Mapped SID=55228, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=842, Name="Ahlulbayt TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.250 #1: Mapped SID=55251, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=630, Name="N'toons Replay", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.250 #1: Mapped SID=55270, ONID=2, TSID=2304, Channel=130, Name="Universal", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.359 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:10:41.359 #1: Mapped SID=52500, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=815, Name="GEO UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.359 #1: Mapped SID=52505, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=824, Name="AAG", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.359 #1: Mapped SID=52510, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=645, Name="price-drop tv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.375 #1: Mapped SID=52515, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=800, Name="MAX", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.375 #1: Mapped SID=52520, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=829, Name="COLORS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.375 #1: Mapped SID=52525, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=221, Name="OBE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.375 #1: Mapped SID=52530, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=269, Name="Diva TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.375 #1: Mapped SID=52535, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=804, Name="ARY QTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.375 #1: Mapped SID=52545, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=680, Name="Screenshop2", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 17:10:41.375 #1: Mapped SID=52546, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=665, Name="speedauctiontv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.375 #1: Mapped SID=52550, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=502, Name="Bloomberg", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.375 #1: Mapped SID=52555, ONID=2, TSID=2306, Channel=832, Name="Glory TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.375 #1: Mapped SID=52001, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=586, Name="UCB TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.375 #1: Mapped SID=52002, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=320, Name="horror ch+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.375 #1: Mapped SID=52004, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=828, Name="UMMAH CHNL", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.375 #1: Mapped SID=52005, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=383, Name="Clubland TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.375 #1: Mapped SID=52006, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=655, Name="Jewelry Maker", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.375 #1: Mapped SID=52008, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=909, Name="Get Lucky TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.375 #1: Mapped SID=52010, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=378, Name="Lava", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.375 #1: Mapped SID=52013, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=878, Name="Chat Box", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.375 #1: Mapped SID=52014, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=343, Name="Cinémoi movies", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.375 #1: Mapped SID=52016, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=952, Name="The Other Side", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 17:10:41.375 #1: Mapped SID=52027, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=3133, Name="Sunrise", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.390 #1: Mapped SID=52028, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=3211, Name="BFBS Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.390 #1: Mapped SID=52029, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=3124, Name="LBC 97.3", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.390 #1: Mapped SID=52030, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=3111, Name="Heart", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.390 #1: Mapped SID=52031, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=3112, Name="Galaxy", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.390 #1: Mapped SID=52040, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=945, Name="SportxxxGirls", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.390 #1: Mapped SID=52050, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=954, Name="Northern Birds", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.390 #1: Mapped SID=52060, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=198, Name="BET +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.390 #1: Mapped SID=52070, ONID=2, TSID=2311, Channel=515, Name="Press TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.390 #1: Mapped SID=53109, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=323, Name="movies4men", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.390 #1: Mapped SID=53110, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=325, Name="movies4men 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.390 #1: Mapped SID=53113, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=817, Name="Sahara One", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.390 #1: Mapped SID=53116, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=810, Name="PTV Global", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.390 #1: Mapped SID=53118, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=823, Name="jazeerachildren", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.390 #1: Mapped SID=53120, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3201, Name="Absolute CR", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.390 #1: Mapped SID=53121, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3107, Name="Absolute", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.390 #1: Mapped SID=53122, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3200, Name="Absolute80s", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.390 #1: Mapped SID=53123, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3176, Name="Amrit Bani", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.390 #1: Mapped SID=53124, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3188, Name="InsightRadio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.390 #1: Mapped SID=53125, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3156, Name="CC Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.390 #1: Mapped SID=53126, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3169, Name="Desi Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.406 #1: Mapped SID=53127, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3203, Name="Abs Rad 90s", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.406 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:41.406 #1: Mapped SID=53128, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3199, Name="RdioCaroline", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.406 Replied 1699708 2010-10-28 17:10:41.406 #1: Mapped SID=53129, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3207, Name="Rainbow", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.406 #1: Mapped SID=53130, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=2030, Name="Free & Prize PlayJam Games", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.406 #1: Mapped SID=53131, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3186, Name="Liberty", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.406 #1: Mapped SID=53132, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3185, Name="Spectrum 1", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.406 #1: Mapped SID=53133, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3138, Name="TWR", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.406 #1: Mapped SID=53135, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3122, Name="WRN Europe", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.406 #1: Mapped SID=53136, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3209, Name="Yorkshire R", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.406 #1: Mapped SID=53137, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3158, Name="Gaydarradio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.406 #1: Mapped SID=53138, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3142, Name="RTE R1 Extra", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.406 #1: Mapped SID=53139, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3159, Name="Family Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.406 #1: Mapped SID=53140, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3184, Name="NME", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.406 #1: Mapped SID=53141, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3205, Name="VOT Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.406 #1: Mapped SID=53142, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=3202, Name="Jazz FM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.406 #1: Mapped SID=53144, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=805, Name="Venus TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.406 #1: Mapped SID=53145, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=369, Name="Vintage TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.406 #1: Mapped SID=55003, ONID=2, TSID=2312, Channel=329, Name="Nollywood", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.421 #1: Mapped SID=53205, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=429, Name="ESPN Classic", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.421 #1: Mapped SID=53210, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=212, Name="Sumo TV", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 17:10:41.421 #1: Mapped SID=53230, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=191, Name="BET", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.421 #1: Mapped SID=53255, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=914, Name="Elite TV 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.421 #1: Mapped SID=53260, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=262, Name="Food Network", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.421 #1: Mapped SID=53270, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=263, Name="Food Netwrk+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.421 #1: Mapped SID=53275, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=951, Name="Blue Kiss TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.421 #1: Mapped SID=53280, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=266, Name="wedding tv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.421 #1: Mapped SID=53285, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=620, Name="Nick Jr. 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.421 #1: Mapped SID=53290, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=803, Name="Hidayat TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.421 #1: Mapped SID=53295, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=950, Name="LivexxxBabes", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.421 #1: Mapped SID=53297, ONID=2, TSID=2313, Channel=955, Name="Essex Babes", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.421 #1: Mapped SID=53305, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=807, Name="Disha", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.421 #1: Mapped SID=53310, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=644, Name="Ideal World", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.421 #1: Mapped SID=53315, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=648, Name="High Street TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.421 #1: Mapped SID=53320, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=651, Name="Ideal Extra", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.421 #1: Mapped SID=53325, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=671, Name="Create & Craft", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.421 #1: Mapped SID=53330, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=966, Name="Club Paradiso", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.421 #1: Mapped SID=53335, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=413, Name="Motors TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.437 #1: Mapped SID=53345, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=406, Name="MUTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.437 #1: Mapped SID=53350, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=650, Name="Jewellery Ch.", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.437 #1: Mapped SID=53360, ONID=2, TSID=2314, Channel=668, Name="Ideal & More", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.562 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:10:41.562 #1: Mapped SID=52400, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=551, Name="Investigation", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.578 #1: Mapped SID=52405, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=535, Name="Animal Plnt+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.578 #1: Mapped SID=52410, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=549, Name="Disc.Sci+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.578 #1: Mapped SID=52415, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=144, Name="DMAX", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.578 #1: Mapped SID=52420, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=145, Name="DMAX+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.578 #1: Mapped SID=52425, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=206, Name="DMAX+2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.578 #1: Mapped SID=52430, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=167, Name="QUEST+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.578 #1: Mapped SID=52435, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=557, Name="Disc.Know.+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.578 #1: Mapped SID=52440, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=242, Name="Discovery Shed", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.578 #1: Mapped SID=52445, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=241, Name="Disc.RT+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.578 #1: Mapped SID=52450, ONID=2, TSID=2315, Channel=255, Name="Home&Health+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.578 #1: Mapped SID=53500, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=327, Name="movies 24", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.578 #1: Mapped SID=53505, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=328, Name="movies24+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.578 #1: Mapped SID=53510, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=806, Name="ARY News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.578 #1: Mapped SID=53589, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=677, Name="CelebrityShop", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.578 #1: Mapped SID=53590, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=948, Name="ChatGirl TV2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.578 #1: Mapped SID=53591, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=902, Name="Tease Me TV2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.578 #1: Mapped SID=53592, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=915, Name="Climax3 - 1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.578 #1: Mapped SID=53593, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=916, Name="Climax3 - 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.578 #1: Mapped SID=53594, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=961, Name="Climax3 - 3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.578 #1: Mapped SID=53595, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=901, Name="Adult Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.593 #1: Mapped SID=53596, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=900, Name="Playboy TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.593 #1: Mapped SID=53597, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=917, Name="Top Shelf TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.593 #1: Mapped SID=53598, ONID=2, TSID=2316, Channel=911, Name="40 n Naughty", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.593 #1: Mapped SID=50300, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=127, Name="ComedyCtrl+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.593 #1: Mapped SID=50310, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=876, Name="GayDateTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.593 #1: Mapped SID=50330, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=875, Name="Dating Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.593 #1: Mapped SID=50335, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=813, Name="Islam Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.593 #1: Mapped SID=50350, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=419, Name="Extreme Sports", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.593 #1: Mapped SID=50360, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=912, Name="Tease Me", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.593 #1: Mapped SID=50370, ONID=2, TSID=2404, Channel=959, Name="Tease Me 3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.593 #1: Mapped SID=50400, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=659, Name="Shop on TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.593 #1: Mapped SID=50405, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=825, Name="GEO News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.593 #1: Mapped SID=50410, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=861, Name="Gala TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.593 #1: Mapped SID=50415, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=791, Name="ARY Digital", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.593 #1: Mapped SID=50425, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=664, Name="V Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.593 #1: Mapped SID=50460, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=788, Name="Zee TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.593 #1: Mapped SID=50465, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=790, Name="Zee Cinema", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.593 #1: Mapped SID=50470, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=789, Name="Zing", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.593 #1: Mapped SID=50475, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=798, Name="Zee Punjabi", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.593 #1: Mapped SID=50480, ONID=2, TSID=2405, Channel=846, Name="Zee Café", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.609 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:41.609 #1: Mapped SID=4505, ONID=2, TSID=2406, Channel=999, Name="Sky Preview", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.609 Replied 1749528 2010-10-28 17:10:41.734 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:10:41.734 #1: Mapped SID=50600, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=432, Name="Racing UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.734 #1: Mapped SID=50605, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=835, Name="SupremeMastr", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.734 #1: Mapped SID=50610, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=840, Name="Sikh Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.734 #1: Mapped SID=50615, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=157, Name="Film24", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.734 #1: Mapped SID=50620, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=430, Name="ESPN America", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.734 #1: Mapped SID=50625, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=434, Name="LiverpoolFCTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.734 #1: Mapped SID=50630, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=370, Name="Channel AKA", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.734 #1: Mapped SID=50635, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=682, Name="Entrepreneur", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.734 #1: Mapped SID=50640, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=364, Name="Q", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.734 #1: Mapped SID=50645, ONID=2, TSID=2407, Channel=363, Name="Magic", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.734 #1: Mapped SID=4651, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=307, Name="Sky Thriller", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.734 #1: Mapped SID=4652, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=302, Name="Sky Prem+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.734 #1: Mapped SID=4653, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=529, Name="History", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.734 #1: Mapped SID=4655, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=156, Name="Bio", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.734 #1: Mapped SID=4659, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=301, Name="Sky Premiere", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.734 #1: Mapped SID=5003, ONID=2, TSID=2408, Channel=530, Name="History +1 hour", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.750 #1: Mapped SID=50847, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=512, Name="Russia Today", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.750 #1: Mapped SID=50856, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=3178, Name="Kiss", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.750 #1: Mapped SID=50860, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=3180, Name="Magic", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.750 #1: Mapped SID=50865, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=792, Name="PTV Prime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.750 #1: Mapped SID=50866, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=796, Name="Abu Dhabi TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.750 #1: Mapped SID=50878, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=785, Name="PCNE Chinese", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.750 #1: Mapped SID=50880, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=166, Name="Information TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.750 #1: Mapped SID=50881, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=203, Name="Showcase 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.750 #1: Mapped SID=51145, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=623, Name="BabyTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.750 #1: Mapped SID=54009, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=277, Name="Diva TV +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.750 #1: Mapped SID=54011, ONID=2, TSID=2409, Channel=205, Name="Syfy +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.750 #1: Mapped SID=52300, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=367, Name="Flava", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.750 #1: Mapped SID=52305, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=372, Name="Bliss", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.750 #1: Mapped SID=52310, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=374, Name="Scuzz", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.750 #1: Mapped SID=52315, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=376, Name="DanceNationTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.750 #1: Mapped SID=52320, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=321, Name="True Movies", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.750 #1: Mapped SID=52325, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=322, Name="True Movies 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.750 #1: Mapped SID=52330, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=617, Name="Tiny Pop", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.750 #1: Mapped SID=52335, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=382, Name="NME TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.765 #1: Mapped SID=52340, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=616, Name="POP", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.765 #1: Mapped SID=52345, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=625, Name="Tiny Pop +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.765 #1: Mapped SID=52351, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=627, Name="Kix!", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.765 #1: Mapped SID=52355, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=366, Name="The Vault", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.765 #1: Mapped SID=52361, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=626, Name="PopGirl", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.765 #1: Mapped SID=52365, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=365, Name="Chart Show TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.765 #1: Mapped SID=52370, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=629, Name="PopGirl +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.765 #1: Mapped SID=52375, ONID=2, TSID=2410, Channel=188, Name="True Ent", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.765 #1: Mapped SID=51001, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=787, Name="mta-muslim tv", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.765 #1: Mapped SID=51005, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=591, Name="Word Network", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.765 #1: Mapped SID=51006, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=866, Name="SuperCasino", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.765 #1: Mapped SID=51011, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=510, Name="CCTV News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.765 #1: Mapped SID=51019, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=587, Name="Inspiration", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.765 #1: Mapped SID=51031, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=797, Name="SouthForYou", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.765 #1: Mapped SID=51032, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=513, Name="FRANCE 24", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.765 #1: Mapped SID=51033, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=583, Name="TBN Europe", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.765 #1: Mapped SID=51035, ONID=2, TSID=2411, Channel=580, Name="GOD Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.765 #1: Mapped SID=51107, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=514, Name="Al Jazeera Eng", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.765 #1: Mapped SID=51108, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=516, Name="NHK World TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.765 #1: Mapped SID=51110, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=150, Name="Universal+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.781 #1: Mapped SID=51113, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=433, Name="Premier Sports", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.781 #1: Mapped SID=51114, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=3210, Name="Newstalk", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.781 #1: Mapped SID=51115, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=437, Name="Prem Spts Xtra", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 17:10:41.781 #1: Mapped SID=54015, ONID=2, TSID=2412, Channel=129, Name="Syfy", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.781 #1: Mapped SID=54053, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=827, Name="ATN Bangla UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.781 #1: Mapped SID=54054, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=826, Name="IQRA TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.781 #1: Mapped SID=54060, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=594, Name="KICC TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.781 #1: Mapped SID=54062, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=814, Name="Channel 'S'", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.781 #1: Mapped SID=54063, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=820, Name="Peace TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.781 #1: Mapped SID=54064, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=841, Name="Peace TV Urdu", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.781 #1: Mapped SID=54065, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=786, Name="Bangla TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.781 #1: Mapped SID=54066, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=189, Name="Info TV +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.781 #1: Mapped SID=54067, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=593, Name="Faith World TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.781 #1: Mapped SID=54068, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=844, Name="Channel i", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.781 #1: Mapped SID=54069, ONID=2, TSID=2601, Channel=216, Name="Showcase +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.812 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:41.812 Replied 1777728 2010-10-28 17:10:41.984 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:10:41.984 #1: Mapped SID=54101, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=267, Name="wedding tv asia", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.984 #1: Mapped SID=54102, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=251, Name="Travel Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.984 #1: Mapped SID=54103, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=647, Name="Rocks TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.984 #1: Mapped SID=54104, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=508, Name="Euronews", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.984 #1: Mapped SID=54106, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=642, Name="JML Cookshop", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.984 #1: Mapped SID=54107, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=816, Name="SAB TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.984 #1: Mapped SID=54110, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=148, Name="CBS Action", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.984 #1: Mapped SID=54112, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=649, Name="Best Direct", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.984 #1: Mapped SID=54113, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=658, Name="QVC Beauty", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.984 #1: Mapped SID=54120, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=667, Name="JML Choice", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.984 #1: Mapped SID=54135, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=596, Name="Believe TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.984 #1: Mapped SID=54140, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=280, Name="Horse & Country", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.984 #1: Mapped SID=54150, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=641, Name="JML Direct", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.984 #1: Mapped SID=54165, ONID=2, TSID=2602, Channel=282, Name="Fitness TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.984 #1: Mapped SID=54203, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=819, Name="Noor TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:41.984 #1: Mapped SID=54204, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=867, Name="Jackpot", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.000 #1: Mapped SID=54205, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=271, Name="Luxury Life", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.000 #1: Mapped SID=54206, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=273, Name="Luxury Life HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.000 #1: Mapped SID=54208, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=204, Name="HiTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.000 #1: Mapped SID=54211, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=588, Name="LOVEWORLD TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.000 #1: Mapped SID=54212, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=843, Name="Hajj TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.000 #1: Mapped SID=54213, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=922, Name="Cream", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.000 #1: Mapped SID=55115, ONID=2, TSID=2603, Channel=275, Name="Body In Balance", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.000 #1: Mapped SID=54300, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=793, Name="MATV National", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.000 #1: Mapped SID=54305, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=531, Name="Military", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.000 #1: Mapped SID=54315, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=646, Name="Pitch TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.000 #1: Mapped SID=54320, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=808, Name="STAR News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.000 #1: Mapped SID=54330, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=965, Name="Elite TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.000 #1: Mapped SID=54335, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=253, Name="The Style Ntwk", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.000 #1: Mapped SID=54345, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=888, Name="OceanFinance", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.000 #1: Mapped SID=54360, ONID=2, TSID=2604, Channel=657, Name="Pitch World ", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.000 #1: Mapped SID=55001, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=584, Name="DAYSTAR", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.000 #1: Mapped SID=55002, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=184, Name="BEN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.000 #1: Mapped SID=55005, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=589, Name="EWTN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.000 #1: Mapped SID=55008, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=3147, Name="EWTN", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.000 #1: Mapped SID=55013, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=324, Name="mov4men+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.015 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:42.015 #1: Mapped SID=55014, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=3146, Name="Real Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.015 Replied 1825856 2010-10-28 17:10:42.015 #1: Mapped SID=55015, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=3128, Name="Smooth", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.015 #1: Mapped SID=55016, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=960, Name="Live 960", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.015 #1: Mapped SID=55018, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=838, Name="Madani Chnl", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.015 #1: Mapped SID=55019, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=822, Name="Music India", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.015 #1: Mapped SID=55021, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=218, Name="Vox Africa", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.015 #1: Mapped SID=55022, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=836, Name="AHLEBAIT TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.015 #1: Mapped SID=55113, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=187, Name="AIT Int'l", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.015 #1: Mapped SID=55119, ONID=2, TSID=2611, Channel=199, Name="OHTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.015 #1: Mapped SID=9531, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=643, Name="TV SHOP", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.015 #1: Mapped SID=9532, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=146, Name="CBS Reality", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.015 #1: Mapped SID=9533, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=666, Name="Rocks & Co 1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.015 #1: Mapped SID=9535, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=801, Name="Record TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.015 #1: Mapped SID=9536, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=847, Name="Sangat", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.015 #1: Mapped SID=9537, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=653, Name="JML Home&DIY", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.015 #1: Mapped SID=9546, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3206, Name="Recordbrazil", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.015 #1: Mapped SID=9547, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3168, Name="Amar Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.015 #1: Mapped SID=9548, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3150, Name="Sukh Sagar", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.031 #1: Mapped SID=9549, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3114, Name="Choice FM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.031 #1: Mapped SID=9551, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3125, Name="UCB UK", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.031 #1: Mapped SID=9552, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3136, Name="UCB Insp", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.031 #1: Mapped SID=9553, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3134, Name="UCB Bible", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.031 #1: Mapped SID=9554, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3135, Name="UCB Gospel", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.031 #1: Mapped SID=9557, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3129, Name="Solar Radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.031 #1: Mapped SID=9559, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3113, Name="XFM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.031 #1: Mapped SID=9560, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3109, Name="Capital", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.031 #1: Mapped SID=9561, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3121, Name="Gold", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.031 #1: Mapped SID=9563, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3151, Name="Khushkhabri", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.031 #1: Mapped SID=9566, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3173, Name="Kismat", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.031 #1: Mapped SID=9568, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3177, Name="Chill", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.031 #1: Mapped SID=9570, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3106, Name="Classic FM", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.031 #1: Mapped SID=9575, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3110, Name="Planet Rock", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.031 #1: Mapped SID=55104, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=656, Name="GemCollector", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.031 #1: Mapped SID=55108, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=833, Name="Brit Asia TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.031 #1: Mapped SID=55109, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=830, Name="Sunrise TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.031 #1: Mapped SID=55110, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=652, Name="Gems TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.031 #1: Mapped SID=55111, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=595, Name="DBN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.031 #1: Mapped SID=55112, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=663, Name="Stop + Shop", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.046 #1: Mapped SID=55128, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3214, Name="UCB Ireland", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.046 #1: Mapped SID=55132, ONID=2, TSID=2612, Channel=3187, Name="punjabi radio", Type=2, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.093 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:10:42.093 #1: Mapped SID=55231, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=903, Name="Television X", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.093 #1: Mapped SID=55232, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=918, Name="TVX Amateur", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.093 #1: Mapped SID=55233, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=480, Name="Primetime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.093 #1: Mapped SID=55234, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=919, Name="TVX Brits", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.093 #1: Mapped SID=55235, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=904, Name="redhot amateur", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.093 #1: Mapped SID=55236, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=907, Name="redhot 40+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.093 #1: Mapped SID=55238, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=913, Name="redhot fetish", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.093 #1: Mapped SID=55239, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=905, Name="redhot Mums", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.109 #1: Mapped SID=55240, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=956, Name="redhot TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.109 #1: Mapped SID=55242, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=921, Name="Filth", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.109 #1: Mapped SID=55243, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=923, Name="Gay TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.109 #1: Mapped SID=55246, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=920, Name="Dirty Talk", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.109 #1: Mapped SID=55247, ONID=2, TSID=2613, Channel=281, Name="The Active Ch", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.109 #1: Mapped SID=55355, ONID=2, TSID=2614, Channel=452, Name="Rush HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:42.218 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:42.218 Replied 1871540 2010-10-28 17:10:42.421 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:42.421 Replied 1908764 2010-10-28 17:10:42.625 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:42.625 Replied 1947492 2010-10-28 17:10:42.828 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:42.828 Replied 1974564 2010-10-28 17:10:43.031 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:43.031 Replied 2012916 2010-10-28 17:10:43.234 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:43.234 Replied 2051644 2010-10-28 17:10:43.437 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:43.437 Replied 2088492 2010-10-28 17:10:43.640 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:43.640 Replied 2127972 2010-10-28 17:10:43.687 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:43.687 Replied 2127972 2010-10-28 17:10:43.687 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:43.687 Replied 2127972 2010-10-28 17:10:43.890 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:43.890 Replied 2177040 2010-10-28 17:10:44.093 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:44.093 Replied 2214264 2010-10-28 17:10:44.296 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:44.296 Replied 2252616 2010-10-28 17:10:44.500 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:44.500 Replied 2279312 2010-10-28 17:10:44.703 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:44.703 Replied 2316348 2010-10-28 17:10:44.906 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:44.906 Replied 2379328 2010-10-28 17:10:45.109 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:45.109 Replied 2379328 2010-10-28 17:10:45.312 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:45.312 Replied 2418620 2010-10-28 17:10:45.515 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:45.515 Replied 2458852 2010-10-28 17:10:45.671 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:45.671 Replied 2522584 2010-10-28 17:10:45.718 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:45.718 Replied 2522584 2010-10-28 17:10:45.921 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:45.921 Replied 2559056 2010-10-28 17:10:46.125 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:46.125 Replied 2585188 2010-10-28 17:10:46.328 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:46.328 Replied 2623916 2010-10-28 17:10:46.375 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:46.375 Replied 2623916 2010-10-28 17:10:46.375 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:46.375 Replied 2623916 2010-10-28 17:10:46.578 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:46.578 Replied 2661516 2010-10-28 17:10:46.781 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:46.781 Replied 2726376 2010-10-28 17:10:46.984 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:46.984 Replied 2763224 2010-10-28 17:10:47.187 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:47.187 Replied 2763224 2010-10-28 17:10:47.390 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:47.390 Replied 2800636 2010-10-28 17:10:47.593 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:47.593 Replied 2864368 2010-10-28 17:10:47.796 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:47.796 Replied 2904412 2010-10-28 17:10:48.000 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:48.000 Replied 2942200 2010-10-28 17:10:48.203 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:48.203 Replied 2991644 2010-10-28 17:10:48.406 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:48.406 Replied 3031124 2010-10-28 17:10:48.609 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:48.609 Replied 3031124 2010-10-28 17:10:48.812 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:48.812 Replied 3069852 2010-10-28 17:10:49.015 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:49.015 Replied 3107076 2010-10-28 17:10:49.218 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:49.218 Replied 3172124 2010-10-28 17:10:49.265 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:49.265 Replied 3172124 2010-10-28 17:10:49.265 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:49.265 Replied 3172124 2010-10-28 17:10:49.468 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:49.468 Replied 3211040 2010-10-28 17:10:49.671 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:49.671 Replied 3247888 2010-10-28 17:10:49.875 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:49.875 Replied 3296956 2010-10-28 17:10:49.953 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:10:49.953 #1: Mapped SID=5048, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=1, Name="Sky Active Ads", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.953 #1: Mapped SID=5515, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=164, Name="FX", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.953 #1: Mapped SID=5521, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=619, Name="Cartoonito", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.953 #1: Mapped SID=5522, ONID=2, TSID=2021, Channel=318, Name="TCM 2", Type=1, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 17:10:49.953 #1: Mapped SID=7301, ONID=2, TSID=2022, Channel=134, Name="S4C", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.953 #1: Mapped SID=4907, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=405, Name="Sky Spts News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.968 #1: Mapped SID=5009, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=411, Name="Eurosport2 UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.968 #1: Mapped SID=5401, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=404, Name="Sky Sports 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.968 #1: Mapped SID=5402, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=165, Name="FX+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.968 #1: Mapped SID=5431, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=128, Name="ComedyCtralX", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.968 #1: Mapped SID=3815, ONID=2, TSID=2024, Channel=338, Name="Sky MdnGrtsHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.968 #1: Mapped SID=3816, ONID=2, TSID=2024, Channel=336, Name="Sky DraRomHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.968 #1: Mapped SID=3817, ONID=2, TSID=2024, Channel=337, Name="Sky ScFi/HorHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.968 #1: Mapped SID=3819, ONID=2, TSID=2024, Channel=332, Name="Sky Comedy HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.968 #1: Mapped SID=4860, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=342, Name="ShortsTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.968 #1: Mapped SID=5703, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=528, Name="Nat Geo Wild", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.968 #1: Mapped SID=5710, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=410, Name="Eurosport UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.968 #1: Mapped SID=5714, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=317, Name="TCM", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.968 #1: Mapped SID=5770, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=151, Name="E! Entertainm", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.968 #1: Mapped SID=5904, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=126, Name="ComedyCentral", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.968 #1: Mapped SID=8061, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=2080, Name="SkyBet,Casino,Bingo&Poker", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.968 #1: Mapped SID=9346, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=421, Name="Chelsea TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.968 #1: Mapped SID=4704, ONID=2, TSID=2026, Channel=501, Name="Sky News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.968 #1: Mapped SID=5107, ONID=2, TSID=2026, Channel=223, Name="Sky3+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.968 #1: Mapped SID=5505, ONID=2, TSID=2026, Channel=402, Name="Sky Sports 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.968 #1: Mapped SID=5510, ONID=2, TSID=2026, Channel=608, Name="Disney XD+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.984 #1: Mapped SID=5103, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=108, Name="Sky3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.984 #1: Mapped SID=5104, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=107, Name="Sky2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.984 #1: Mapped SID=5206, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=245, Name="Sky Arts 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.984 #1: Mapped SID=5802, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=539, Name="CommunityChnl", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:49.984 #1: Mapped SID=5804, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=509, Name="FOX News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:50.078 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:50.078 Replied 3330044 2010-10-28 17:10:50.187 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:10:50.187 #1: Mapped SID=3814, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=333, Name="Sky Action HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:50.187 #1: Mapped SID=3885, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=544, Name="NatGeoWild HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:50.187 #1: Mapped SID=3886, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=545, Name="History HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:50.187 #1: Mapped SID=3887, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=211, Name="Bio HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:50.187 #1: Mapped SID=3888, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=555, Name="Crime HD", Type=25, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 17:10:50.187 #1: Mapped SID=3849, ONID=2, TSID=2029, Channel=455, Name="Sky Sp NewsHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:50.187 #1: Mapped SID=3857, ONID=2, TSID=2029, Channel=431, Name="ESPN AmrcaHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:50.187 #1: Mapped SID=3858, ONID=2, TSID=2029, Channel=171, Name="Five HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:50.187 #1: Mapped SID=4602, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=303, Name="Sky Showcase", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:50.187 #1: Mapped SID=4604, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=243, Name="Sky Arts 1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:50.187 #1: Mapped SID=4607, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=526, Name="Nat Geo", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:50.187 #1: Mapped SID=4608, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=527, Name="Nat Geo+1hr", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:50.187 #1: Mapped SID=4703, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=106, Name="Sky1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:50.203 #1: Mapped SID=9303, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=881, Name="Pub Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:50.203 #1: Mapped SID=4241, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=417, Name="ESPN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:50.203 #1: Mapped SID=9340, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=865, Name="SkyPoker.com", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:50.203 #1: Mapped SID=9341, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=864, Name="Sky Vegas", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:50.203 #1: Mapped SID=9348, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=553, Name="Crime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:50.203 #1: Mapped SID=9350, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=607, Name="Disney XD", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:10:50.281 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:50.281 Replied 3356928 2010-10-28 17:10:50.484 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:50.484 Replied 3394340 2010-10-28 17:10:50.687 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:50.687 Replied 3431376 2010-10-28 17:10:50.890 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:50.890 Replied 3482324 2010-10-28 17:10:51.093 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:51.093 Replied 3521804 2010-10-28 17:10:51.296 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:51.296 Replied 3560344 2010-10-28 17:10:51.500 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:51.500 Replied 3597944 2010-10-28 17:10:51.703 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:51.703 Replied 3635168 2010-10-28 17:10:51.906 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\SaraCox-9913234-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:10:51.906 Replied 3687620 2010-10-28 17:10:52.234 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:10:52.234 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:10:52.234 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:10:52.250 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:10:52.250 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:10:52.250 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:10:52.250 Received command: "STOP SageTV DVB-S2 Enhancer 1 Digital TV Tuner" 2010-10-28 17:10:52.265 Requested by Sage, stopping recording of channel 3101 ("BBC R1") on source="TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-S Tuner", Ordinal=1 2010-10-28 17:10:52.343 #1: Graph successfully stopped 2010-10-28 17:10:52.531 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:10:52.546 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:10:52.546 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:10:52.703 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:10:52.703 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:10:52.703 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:10:52.812 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:10:52.828 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:10:52.828 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:15:52.828 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:15:52.843 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:15:52.859 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:16:13.921 Received command: "START SageTV DVB-S2 Enhancer 1 Digital TV Tuner|1008263691|522|2576565147854|E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts|Fair" 2010-10-28 17:16:13.921 Received START command to start recording on source "SageTV DVB-S2 Enhancer 1 Digital TV Tuner", channel=522, duration=2576565147, file="E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:13.937 Channel=522 was successfully mapped to SID=6207 on ONID=2, Name="Disc.Knowldge" 2010-10-28 17:16:13.937 Autodiscovery results for SID=6207 on ONID=2: TID=2009, Frequency=11875500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:13.937 #1: Starting recording on tuner="TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-S Tuner", Ordinal=1, Channel=522 ("Disc.Knowldge"), SID=6207 on ONID=2, Autodiscovery=TRUE, Duration=2576565147, Frequency=11875500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:13.937 #1: Loading filter "TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-S Tuner" - succeeded! 2010-10-28 17:16:13.937 #1: Tuner Filter Info = "TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-S Tuner" 2010-10-28 17:16:13.953 #1: Loading filter "TechnoTrend BDA/DVB Capture" - succeeded! 2010-10-28 17:16:13.953 #1: Loaded our transport stream filter 2010-10-28 17:16:13.953 #1: Added demux filter to the graph 2010-10-28 17:16:13.953 #1: Connected demux to our filter output pin 2010-10-28 17:16:13.953 #1: Loading filter "BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter" - succeeded! 2010-10-28 17:16:13.953 #1: Using tuning request-based tuning method... 2010-10-28 17:16:14.406 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=4) 2010-10-28 17:16:14.984 #1: Signal locked, quality=100, strength=59 2010-10-28 17:16:14.984 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=9, actual CC=4) 2010-10-28 17:16:14.984 #1: PSI table messed up, fixing... 2010-10-28 17:16:14.984 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=9, actual CC=15) 2010-10-28 17:16:14.984 #1: PSI table messed up, fixing... 2010-10-28 17:16:14.984 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 17:16:14.984 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 17:16:15.000 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=11) 2010-10-28 17:16:15.000 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 17:16:15.000 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 17:16:15.000 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 17:16:15.000 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 17:16:15.000 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 17:16:15.000 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 17:16:15.046 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 17:16:15.046 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 17:16:15.046 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=8) 2010-10-28 17:16:15.062 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=6) 2010-10-28 17:16:15.062 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:16:15.062 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:16:15.078 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:16:15.109 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:15.109 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:16:15.187 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:16:15.187 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:16:15.187 Received command: "NOOP" 2010-10-28 17:16:15.187 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:15.187 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:16:15.187 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:15.187 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:16:15.203 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:15.203 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:16:15.437 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:15.437 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:16:15.656 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:15.656 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:16:15.656 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:15.656 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:16:15.671 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:15.671 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:16:15.812 #1: Some packets were lost (expected CC=0, actual CC=4) 2010-10-28 17:16:15.812 #1: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0xC0(192), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.812 #1: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0xC0(192), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.812 #1: Found CA descriptor EMM PID=0xC0(192), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.812 #1: PID=2309(0x905) of SID=6202(0x183A) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:16:15.812 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2309, SID=6202, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.812 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2309, SID=6202, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.812 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2309, SID=6202, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.812 #1: PID=2310(0x906) of SID=6202(0x183A) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:16:15.812 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2310, SID=6202, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.812 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2310, SID=6202, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.812 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2310, SID=6202, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.812 #1: PID=2311(0x907) of SID=6202(0x183A) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:16:15.812 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2311, SID=6202, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.828 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2311, SID=6202, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.828 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2311, SID=6202, ECM PID=0x501(1281), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.828 #1: PID=2312(0x908) of SID=6202(0x183A) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:16:15.828 #1: PID=2313(0x909) of SID=6203(0x183B) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:16:15.828 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2313, SID=6203, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.828 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2313, SID=6203, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.828 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2313, SID=6203, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.828 #1: PID=2314(0x90A) of SID=6203(0x183B) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:16:15.828 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2314, SID=6203, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.828 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2314, SID=6203, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.828 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2314, SID=6203, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.828 #1: PID=2315(0x90B) of SID=6203(0x183B) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:16:15.828 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2315, SID=6203, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.843 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2315, SID=6203, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.843 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2315, SID=6203, ECM PID=0x502(1282), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.843 #1: PID=2316(0x90C) of SID=6203(0x183B) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:16:15.843 #1: PID=2317(0x90D) of SID=6204(0x183C) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:16:15.843 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2317, SID=6204, ECM PID=0x503(1283), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.843 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2317, SID=6204, ECM PID=0x503(1283), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.843 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2317, SID=6204, ECM PID=0x503(1283), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.843 #1: PID=2318(0x90E) of SID=6204(0x183C) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:16:15.843 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2318, SID=6204, ECM PID=0x503(1283), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.843 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2318, SID=6204, ECM PID=0x503(1283), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.843 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2318, SID=6204, ECM PID=0x503(1283), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.843 #1: PID=2319(0x90F) of SID=6204(0x183C) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:16:15.843 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2319, SID=6204, ECM PID=0x503(1283), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.859 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2319, SID=6204, ECM PID=0x503(1283), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.859 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2319, SID=6204, ECM PID=0x503(1283), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.859 #1: PID=2320(0x910) of SID=6204(0x183C) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:16:15.859 #1: PID=2321(0x911) of SID=6205(0x183D) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:16:15.859 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2321, SID=6205, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.859 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2321, SID=6205, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.859 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2321, SID=6205, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.859 #1: PID=2322(0x912) of SID=6205(0x183D) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:16:15.859 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2322, SID=6205, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.859 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2322, SID=6205, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.859 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2322, SID=6205, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.859 #1: PID=2323(0x913) of SID=6205(0x183D) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:16:15.859 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2323, SID=6205, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.859 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2323, SID=6205, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.875 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2323, SID=6205, ECM PID=0x504(1284), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.875 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:15.875 #1: PID=2324(0x914) of SID=6205(0x183D) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:16:15.875 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:16:15.875 #1: PID=2325(0x915) of SID=6206(0x183E) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:16:15.875 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2325, SID=6206, ECM PID=0x505(1285), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.875 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2325, SID=6206, ECM PID=0x505(1285), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.875 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2325, SID=6206, ECM PID=0x505(1285), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.875 #1: PID=2326(0x916) of SID=6206(0x183E) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:16:15.875 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2326, SID=6206, ECM PID=0x505(1285), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.875 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2326, SID=6206, ECM PID=0x505(1285), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.875 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2326, SID=6206, ECM PID=0x505(1285), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.890 #1: PID=2327(0x917) of SID=6206(0x183E) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:16:15.890 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2327, SID=6206, ECM PID=0x505(1285), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.890 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2327, SID=6206, ECM PID=0x505(1285), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.890 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2327, SID=6206, ECM PID=0x505(1285), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.890 #1: PID=2328(0x918) of SID=6206(0x183E) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:16:15.890 #1: PID=2329(0x919) of SID=6207(0x183F) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:16:15.890 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2329, SID=6207, ECM PID=0x506(1286), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.890 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2329, SID=6207, ECM PID=0x506(1286), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.890 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2329, SID=6207, ECM PID=0x506(1286), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.890 #1: PID=2330(0x91A) of SID=6207(0x183F) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:16:15.890 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2330, SID=6207, ECM PID=0x506(1286), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.890 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2330, SID=6207, ECM PID=0x506(1286), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.906 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2330, SID=6207, ECM PID=0x506(1286), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.906 #1: PID=2331(0x91B) of SID=6207(0x183F) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:16:15.906 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2331, SID=6207, ECM PID=0x506(1286), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.906 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2331, SID=6207, ECM PID=0x506(1286), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.906 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2331, SID=6207, ECM PID=0x506(1286), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.906 #1: PID=2332(0x91C) of SID=6207(0x183F) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:16:15.906 #1: PID=2333(0x91D) of SID=6208(0x1840) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:16:15.906 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2333, SID=6208, ECM PID=0x507(1287), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.906 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2333, SID=6208, ECM PID=0x507(1287), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.906 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2333, SID=6208, ECM PID=0x507(1287), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.906 #1: PID=2334(0x91E) of SID=6208(0x1840) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:16:15.906 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2334, SID=6208, ECM PID=0x507(1287), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.906 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2334, SID=6208, ECM PID=0x507(1287), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.921 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2334, SID=6208, ECM PID=0x507(1287), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.921 #1: PID=2335(0x91F) of SID=6208(0x1840) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:16:15.921 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2335, SID=6208, ECM PID=0x507(1287), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.921 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2335, SID=6208, ECM PID=0x507(1287), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.921 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2335, SID=6208, ECM PID=0x507(1287), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.921 #1: PID=2336(0x920) of SID=6208(0x1840) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:16:15.921 #1: PID=2337(0x921) of SID=6209(0x1841) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:16:15.921 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2337, SID=6209, ECM PID=0x508(1288), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.921 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2337, SID=6209, ECM PID=0x508(1288), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.921 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2337, SID=6209, ECM PID=0x508(1288), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.921 #1: PID=2338(0x922) of SID=6209(0x1841) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:16:15.921 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2338, SID=6209, ECM PID=0x508(1288), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.921 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2338, SID=6209, ECM PID=0x508(1288), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.921 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2338, SID=6209, ECM PID=0x508(1288), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.937 #1: PID=2339(0x923) of SID=6209(0x1841) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:16:15.937 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2339, SID=6209, ECM PID=0x508(1288), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.937 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2339, SID=6209, ECM PID=0x508(1288), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.937 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2339, SID=6209, ECM PID=0x508(1288), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:15.937 #1: PID=2340(0x924) of SID=6209(0x1841) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:16:15.984 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:15.984 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:16:16.015 #1: PID=2341(0x925) of SID=6210(0x1842) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:16:16.015 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2341, SID=6210, ECM PID=0x509(1289), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:16.015 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2341, SID=6210, ECM PID=0x509(1289), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:16.015 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2341, SID=6210, ECM PID=0x509(1289), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:16.015 #1: PID=2342(0x926) of SID=6210(0x1842) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:16:16.015 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2342, SID=6210, ECM PID=0x509(1289), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:16.015 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2342, SID=6210, ECM PID=0x509(1289), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:16.015 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2342, SID=6210, ECM PID=0x509(1289), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:16.015 #1: PID=2343(0x927) of SID=6210(0x1842) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:16:16.015 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2343, SID=6210, ECM PID=0x509(1289), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:16.015 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2343, SID=6210, ECM PID=0x509(1289), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:16.031 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2343, SID=6210, ECM PID=0x509(1289), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:16.031 #1: PID=2344(0x928) of SID=6210(0x1842) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:16:16.031 #1: PID=2345(0x929) of SID=6211(0x1843) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:16:16.031 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2345, SID=6211, ECM PID=0x50A(1290), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:16.031 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2345, SID=6211, ECM PID=0x50A(1290), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:16.031 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2345, SID=6211, ECM PID=0x50A(1290), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:16.031 #1: PID=2346(0x92A) of SID=6211(0x1843) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:16:16.031 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2346, SID=6211, ECM PID=0x50A(1290), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:16.031 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2346, SID=6211, ECM PID=0x50A(1290), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:16.031 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2346, SID=6211, ECM PID=0x50A(1290), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:16.046 #1: PID=2347(0x92B) of SID=6211(0x1843) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:16:16.046 #1: PID=2305(0x901) of SID=6201(0x1839) has Type=0x02 2010-10-28 17:16:16.046 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2305, SID=6201, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:16.046 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2305, SID=6201, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:16.046 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2305, SID=6201, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:16.046 #1: PID=2306(0x902) of SID=6201(0x1839) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:16:16.046 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2306, SID=6201, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:16.046 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2306, SID=6201, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:16.046 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2306, SID=6201, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:16.046 #1: PID=2307(0x903) of SID=6201(0x1839) has Type=0x04 2010-10-28 17:16:16.046 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2307, SID=6201, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x960(2400), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:16.046 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2307, SID=6201, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x961(2401), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are NOT served, so ECM packets with this PID will NOT be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:16.046 #1: Found CA descriptor for PID=2307, SID=6201, ECM PID=0x500(1280), CAID=0x963(2403), PROVID=0x0(0), these CAID/PROVID are served, so ECM packets with this PID will be passed to plugins 2010-10-28 17:16:16.062 #1: PID=2308(0x904) of SID=6201(0x1839) has Type=0x06 2010-10-28 17:16:16.062 A new ECM packet for SID=6207 received and put to the queue 2010-10-28 17:16:16.078 A tuning request came in for SID=6207 2010-10-28 17:16:16.078 Initialized plugin with ProviderID=00000000, CAID=0963, ECM=0506, EMM=00C0 2010-10-28 17:16:16.078 Number of CAIDs is 1 2010-10-28 17:16:16.078 Stop ECM filter received 2010-10-28 17:16:16.078 Start ECM filter for SID=6207 received 2010-10-28 17:16:16.093 A new ECM packet for SID=6207 received and sent to processing 2010-10-28 17:16:16.093 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:16.093 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:16:16.203 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:16.203 Replied 0 2010-10-28 17:16:16.312 #1: Response for SID=6207 received, passing to the parser... 2010-10-28 17:16:16.312 #1: Received EVEN DCW = 1017AED51D9027D4 (from the plugin) - accepted and added to the cache! 2010-10-28 17:16:16.421 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:16.421 Replied 99452 2010-10-28 17:16:16.421 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:16.421 Replied 99452 2010-10-28 17:16:16.640 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:16.640 Replied 168260 2010-10-28 17:16:16.640 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:16.640 Replied 168260 2010-10-28 17:16:16.640 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:16.640 Replied 168260 2010-10-28 17:16:16.750 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:16.750 Replied 168260 2010-10-28 17:16:16.859 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:16.859 Replied 241016 2010-10-28 17:16:16.859 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:16.859 Replied 241016 2010-10-28 17:16:17.078 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:17.078 Replied 323360 2010-10-28 17:16:17.078 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:17.078 Replied 323360 2010-10-28 17:16:17.078 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:17.078 Replied 323360 2010-10-28 17:16:17.296 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:17.296 Replied 377504 2010-10-28 17:16:17.296 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:17.296 Replied 377504 2010-10-28 17:16:17.296 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:17.296 Replied 377504 2010-10-28 17:16:17.296 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:17.296 Replied 377504 2010-10-28 17:16:17.515 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:17.515 Replied 480904 2010-10-28 17:16:17.515 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:17.515 Replied 480904 2010-10-28 17:16:17.734 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:17.734 Replied 543696 2010-10-28 17:16:17.734 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:17.734 Replied 543696 2010-10-28 17:16:17.734 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:17.734 Replied 543696 2010-10-28 17:16:17.953 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:17.953 Replied 610248 2010-10-28 17:16:17.953 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:17.953 Replied 610248 2010-10-28 17:16:17.953 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:17.953 Replied 610248 2010-10-28 17:16:17.953 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:17.953 Replied 610248 2010-10-28 17:16:17.953 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:17.953 Replied 610248 2010-10-28 17:16:18.281 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.281 Replied 726620 2010-10-28 17:16:18.281 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.281 Replied 726620 2010-10-28 17:16:18.484 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.484 Replied 799564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.484 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.484 Replied 799564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.484 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.484 Replied 799564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.484 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.484 Replied 799564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.500 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.500 Replied 799564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.500 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.500 Replied 799564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.500 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.500 Replied 799564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.500 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.515 Replied 799564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.515 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.515 Replied 799564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.515 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.515 Replied 799564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.593 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.593 Replied 846564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.593 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.593 Replied 846564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.593 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.593 Replied 846564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.593 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.593 Replied 846564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.609 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.609 Replied 846564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.609 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.609 Replied 846564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.609 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.609 Replied 846564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.609 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.609 Replied 846564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.656 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.656 Replied 846564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.656 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.656 Replied 846564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.671 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.671 Replied 846564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.687 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.687 Replied 846564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.718 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.718 Replied 846564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.718 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.718 Replied 846564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.734 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.734 Replied 846564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.734 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.734 Replied 846564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.734 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.734 Replied 846564 2010-10-28 17:16:18.750 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.750 Replied 911800 2010-10-28 17:16:18.750 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.750 Replied 911800 2010-10-28 17:16:18.765 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.765 Replied 911800 2010-10-28 17:16:18.765 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.765 Replied 911800 2010-10-28 17:16:18.875 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:18.875 Replied 911800 2010-10-28 17:16:19.078 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:19.078 Replied 977036 2010-10-28 17:16:19.281 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:19.281 Replied 1025540 2010-10-28 17:16:19.484 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:19.484 Replied 1097168 2010-10-28 17:16:19.531 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:19.531 Replied 1163720 2010-10-28 17:16:19.531 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:19.531 Replied 1163720 2010-10-28 17:16:19.734 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:19.734 Replied 1204892 2010-10-28 17:16:19.937 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:19.937 Replied 1266368 2010-10-28 17:16:20.140 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:20.140 Replied 1326528 2010-10-28 17:16:20.156 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:16:20.156 #1: Mapped SID=3806, ONID=2, TSID=2001, Channel=384, Name="MTVN HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.156 #1: Mapped SID=3833, ONID=2, TSID=2001, Channel=314, Name="SkyShowcseHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.156 #1: Mapped SID=3881, ONID=2, TSID=2001, Channel=409, Name="Sky Sports HD2", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.156 #1: Mapped SID=6001, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=112, Name="LIVING", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.156 #1: Mapped SID=6002, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=125, Name="Challenge", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.156 #1: Mapped SID=6003, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=172, Name="LIVING Loves", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.156 #1: Mapped SID=6004, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=123, Name="Bravo", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.171 #1: Mapped SID=6005, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=113, Name="LIVING +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.171 #1: Mapped SID=6006, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=124, Name="Bravo+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.171 #1: Mapped SID=6007, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=114, Name="LIVINGit", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.171 #1: Mapped SID=6008, ONID=2, TSID=2002, Channel=121, Name="Channel One", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.171 #1: Mapped SID=3870, ONID=2, TSID=2003, Channel=633, Name="Disney XD HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.171 #1: Mapped SID=3932, ONID=2, TSID=2003, Channel=225, Name="ITV2 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.171 #1: Mapped SID=5241, ONID=2, TSID=2004, Channel=2100, Name="Directgov", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.171 #1: Mapped SID=8085, ONID=2, TSID=2004, Channel=2000, Name="Sky Active", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.171 #1: Mapped SID=3802, ONID=2, TSID=2005, Channel=408, Name="Sky Sports HD1", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.171 #1: Mapped SID=3866, ONID=2, TSID=2005, Channel=224, Name="LIVING HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.171 #1: Mapped SID=3875, ONID=2, TSID=2005, Channel=140, Name="Channel 4 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.171 #1: Mapped SID=6201, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=520, Name="Discovery", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.171 #1: Mapped SID=6202, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=525, Name="Animal Planet", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.171 #1: Mapped SID=6203, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=240, Name="Disc.RealTime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.171 #1: Mapped SID=6204, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=521, Name="Discovery+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.171 #1: Mapped SID=6205, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=265, Name="Travel & Living", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.171 #1: Mapped SID=6206, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=524, Name="Disc.Science", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.171 #1: Mapped SID=6207, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=522, Name="Disc.Knowldge", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.171 #1: Mapped SID=6208, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=254, Name="Home & Health", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.187 #1: Mapped SID=6209, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=523, Name="Disc.Turbo", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.187 #1: Mapped SID=6211, ONID=2, TSID=2009, Channel=154, Name="QUEST", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.343 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:20.343 Replied 1401352 2010-10-28 17:16:20.546 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:20.546 Replied 1484260 2010-10-28 17:16:20.593 A new ECM packet for SID=6207 received and put to the queue 2010-10-28 17:16:20.609 A new ECM packet for SID=6207 received and sent to processing 2010-10-28 17:16:20.656 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:16:20.656 #1: Mapped SID=7301, ONID=2, TSID=2022, Channel=134, Name="S4C", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.656 #1: Mapped SID=4907, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=405, Name="Sky Spts News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.656 #1: Mapped SID=5009, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=411, Name="Eurosport2 UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.656 #1: Mapped SID=5401, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=404, Name="Sky Sports 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.656 #1: Mapped SID=5402, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=165, Name="FX+", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.656 #1: Mapped SID=5431, ONID=2, TSID=2023, Channel=128, Name="ComedyCtralX", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.671 #1: Mapped SID=3815, ONID=2, TSID=2024, Channel=338, Name="Sky MdnGrtsHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.671 #1: Mapped SID=3816, ONID=2, TSID=2024, Channel=336, Name="Sky DraRomHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.671 #1: Mapped SID=3817, ONID=2, TSID=2024, Channel=337, Name="Sky ScFi/HorHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.671 #1: Mapped SID=3819, ONID=2, TSID=2024, Channel=332, Name="Sky Comedy HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.671 #1: Mapped SID=4860, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=342, Name="ShortsTV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.671 #1: Mapped SID=5703, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=528, Name="Nat Geo Wild", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.671 #1: Mapped SID=5710, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=410, Name="Eurosport UK", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.671 #1: Mapped SID=5714, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=317, Name="TCM", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.671 #1: Mapped SID=5770, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=151, Name="E! Entertainm", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.671 #1: Mapped SID=5904, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=126, Name="ComedyCentral", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.671 #1: Mapped SID=8061, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=2080, Name="SkyBet,Casino,Bingo&Poker", Type=130, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.671 #1: Mapped SID=9346, ONID=2, TSID=2025, Channel=421, Name="Chelsea TV", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.671 #1: Mapped SID=4704, ONID=2, TSID=2026, Channel=501, Name="Sky News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.671 #1: Mapped SID=5107, ONID=2, TSID=2026, Channel=223, Name="Sky3+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.671 #1: Mapped SID=5505, ONID=2, TSID=2026, Channel=402, Name="Sky Sports 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.671 #1: Mapped SID=5510, ONID=2, TSID=2026, Channel=608, Name="Disney XD+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.671 #1: Mapped SID=5103, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=108, Name="Sky3", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.671 #1: Mapped SID=5104, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=107, Name="Sky2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.687 #1: Mapped SID=5206, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=245, Name="Sky Arts 2", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.687 #1: Mapped SID=5802, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=539, Name="CommunityChnl", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.687 #1: Mapped SID=5804, ONID=2, TSID=2027, Channel=509, Name="FOX News", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.750 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:20.750 Replied 1524868 2010-10-28 17:16:20.828 #1: Response for SID=6207 received, passing to the parser... 2010-10-28 17:16:20.828 #1: Received ODD DCW = 1E4D9A0590EE1997 (from the plugin) - accepted and added to the cache! 2010-10-28 17:16:20.890 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:16:20.890 #1: Mapped SID=3814, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=333, Name="Sky Action HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.890 #1: Mapped SID=3885, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=544, Name="NatGeoWild HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.890 #1: Mapped SID=3886, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=545, Name="History HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.890 #1: Mapped SID=3887, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=211, Name="Bio HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.890 #1: Mapped SID=3888, ONID=2, TSID=2028, Channel=555, Name="Crime HD", Type=25, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 17:16:20.890 #1: Mapped SID=3849, ONID=2, TSID=2029, Channel=455, Name="Sky Sp NewsHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.890 #1: Mapped SID=3857, ONID=2, TSID=2029, Channel=431, Name="ESPN AmrcaHD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.890 #1: Mapped SID=3858, ONID=2, TSID=2029, Channel=171, Name="Five HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.890 #1: Mapped SID=4602, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=303, Name="Sky Showcase", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.890 #1: Mapped SID=4604, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=243, Name="Sky Arts 1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.890 #1: Mapped SID=4607, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=526, Name="Nat Geo", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.890 #1: Mapped SID=4608, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=527, Name="Nat Geo+1hr", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.890 #1: Mapped SID=4703, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=106, Name="Sky1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.906 #1: Mapped SID=9303, ONID=2, TSID=2030, Channel=881, Name="Pub Channel", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.906 #1: Mapped SID=4241, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=417, Name="ESPN", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.906 #1: Mapped SID=9340, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=865, Name="SkyPoker.com", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.906 #1: Mapped SID=9341, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=864, Name="Sky Vegas", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.906 #1: Mapped SID=9348, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=553, Name="Crime", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.906 #1: Mapped SID=9350, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=607, Name="Disney XD", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.906 #1: Mapped SID=9360, ONID=2, TSID=2031, Channel=415, Name="At The Races", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.906 #1: Mapped SID=3803, ONID=2, TSID=2032, Channel=536, Name="Discovery HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.906 #1: Mapped SID=3842, ONID=2, TSID=2032, Channel=442, Name="ESPN HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.906 #1: Mapped SID=3873, ONID=2, TSID=2032, Channel=631, Name="Disney Cine HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.906 #1: Mapped SID=3874, ONID=2, TSID=2032, Channel=214, Name="Syfy HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.906 #1: Mapped SID=3826, ONID=2, TSID=2033, Channel=454, Name="Sky Sports HD4", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.906 #1: Mapped SID=3861, ONID=2, TSID=2033, Channel=170, Name="Sky1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.906 #1: Mapped SID=3867, ONID=2, TSID=2033, Channel=283, Name="Good Food HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.906 #1: Mapped SID=3811, ONID=2, TSID=2034, Channel=753, Name="SBO HD2", Type=135, Running Status=1 2010-10-28 17:16:20.906 #1: Mapped SID=3822, ONID=2, TSID=2034, Channel=418, Name="Sky Sports HD3", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.906 #1: Mapped SID=3879, ONID=2, TSID=2034, Channel=752, Name="SBO HD1", Type=135, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.906 #1: Mapped SID=3812, ONID=2, TSID=2035, Channel=346, Name="Sky Classics HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.906 #1: Mapped SID=3820, ONID=2, TSID=2035, Channel=339, Name="Sky Indie HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.921 #1: Mapped SID=3880, ONID=2, TSID=2035, Channel=220, Name="Universal HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.921 #1: Mapped SID=12101, ONID=2, TSID=2036, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Mer N", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.921 #1: Mapped SID=12100, ONID=2, TSID=2036, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Mer SE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.921 #1: Mapped SID=12110, ONID=2, TSID=2036, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Anglia W", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.921 #1: Mapped SID=12130, ONID=2, TSID=2036, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 TT S", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.921 #1: Mapped SID=12120, ONID=2, TSID=2036, Channel=103, Name="ITV1 Yorks E", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.921 #1: Mapped SID=7700, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=105, Name="FIVE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.921 #1: Mapped SID=7702, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=105, Name="FIVE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.921 #1: Mapped SID=7703, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=105, Name="FIVE", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.921 #1: Mapped SID=7710, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=174, Name="FIVE USA", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.921 #1: Mapped SID=7711, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=175, Name="FIVE USA+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.921 #1: Mapped SID=7715, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=176, Name="FIVER", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.921 #1: Mapped SID=7716, ONID=2, TSID=2037, Channel=177, Name="FIVER+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.921 #1: Mapped SID=1302, ONID=2, TSID=2039, Channel=217, Name="Sky 3D", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.921 #1: Mapped SID=3850, ONID=2, TSID=2039, Channel=517, Name="Sky News HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.921 #1: Mapped SID=3863, ONID=2, TSID=2039, Channel=244, Name="Sky Arts 1 HD", Type=25, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:20.953 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:20.953 Replied 1670004 2010-10-28 17:16:20.984 #1: Current network NID is 32 2010-10-28 17:16:20.984 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2412, Frequency=11680770, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:20.984 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2411, Frequency=11661540, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:20.984 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2409, Frequency=11623080, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:20.984 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2002, Frequency=11739000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:20.984 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2006, Frequency=11817000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:20.984 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2009, Frequency=11875500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:20.984 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2313, Frequency=11344500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:20.984 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2018, Frequency=12051000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:20.984 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2022, Frequency=12129000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:20.984 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2017, Frequency=12031500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:20.984 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2302, Frequency=11259670, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:20.984 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2611, Frequency=12523000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:21.000 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2601, Frequency=12559670, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:21.000 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:21.000 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2613, Frequency=12606650, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:21.000 Replied 1670004 2010-10-28 17:16:21.000 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2603, Frequency=12643350, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:21.000 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2041, Frequency=10714000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:16:21.000 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:21.000 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2037, Frequency=12421000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:21.000 Replied 1670004 2010-10-28 17:16:21.000 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2036, Frequency=12402000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:21.000 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2049, Frequency=10832250, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:16:21.000 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2053, Frequency=10891250, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:16:21.000 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2054, Frequency=10906000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:16:21.000 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2044, Frequency=10758500, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:16:21.000 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2040, Frequency=12480000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:21.015 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2602, Frequency=12560020, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:21.015 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2304, Frequency=11343000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:21.015 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2015, Frequency=11992500, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:21.015 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2311, Frequency=11222170, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:21.015 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2042, Frequency=10729000, Symbol Rate=22000, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=5/6 2010-10-28 17:16:21.015 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2316, Frequency=11390330, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:21.015 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2301, Frequency=11261170, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:21.015 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2303, Frequency=11307000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:21.015 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2410, Frequency=11642000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:21.015 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2604, Frequency=12643350, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=V, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:21.015 #1: Found transponder for ONID=2 with TID=2315, Frequency=11390000, Symbol Rate=27500, Polarization=H, Modulation=QPSK (DVB-S), FEC=2/3 2010-10-28 17:16:21.140 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:16:21.140 #1: Mapped SID=12050, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=1149, Name="E4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:21.140 #1: Mapped SID=12000, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=360, Name="4Music", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:21.140 #1: Mapped SID=12005, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=359, Name="The Box", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:21.140 #1: Mapped SID=12010, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=361, Name="KISS", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:21.140 #1: Mapped SID=12015, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=368, Name="Kerrang!", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:21.140 #1: Mapped SID=12020, ONID=2, TSID=2040, Channel=362, Name="Smash Hits!", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:21.140 #1: Mapped SID=9211, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:21.140 #1: Mapped SID=9212, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:21.140 #1: Mapped SID=9213, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:21.140 #1: Mapped SID=9214, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:21.140 #1: Mapped SID=9216, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=104, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:21.140 #1: Mapped SID=9215, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=1153, Name="Channel 4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:21.140 #1: Mapped SID=9220, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=315, Name="Film4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:21.156 #1: Mapped SID=9225, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=316, Name="Film4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:21.156 #1: Mapped SID=9230, ONID=2, TSID=2041, Channel=139, Name="More4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:21.203 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:21.203 Replied 1739376 2010-10-28 17:16:21.343 #1: Found in Bouquet="BSkyB Bouquet 1 - DTH England" 2010-10-28 17:16:21.343 #1: Mapped SID=8311, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:21.343 #1: Mapped SID=8312, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:21.343 #1: Mapped SID=8313, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:21.343 #1: Mapped SID=8314, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:21.343 #1: Mapped SID=8316, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=135, Name="Channel 4 +1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:21.343 #1: Mapped SID=8300, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=137, Name="E4+1", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:21.343 #1: Mapped SID=8305, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=136, Name="E4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:21.343 #1: Mapped SID=8340, ONID=2, TSID=2042, Channel=138, Name="More4", Type=1, Running Status=4 2010-10-28 17:16:21.406 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV Recordings\FutureWeapons-Season2Episode13MassiveAttack-9840227-0.ts" 2010-10-28 17:16:21.406 Replied 1837888 2010-10-28 17:16:21.609 Received command: "GET_FILE_SIZE E:\SageTV