Thu 10/26 12:26:16.782 [main@4b1210ee] EMBEDDED=false Thu 10/26 12:26:16.784 [main@4b1210ee] Error processing TZ:Canada/Eastern threw:java.text.ParseException: Missing non-optional hours Thu 10/26 12:26:16.787 [main@4b1210ee] Changed default timezone to:Eastern Standard Time Thu 10/26 12:26:16.922 [main@4b1210ee] user.dir2=/opt/sagetv/server Thu 10/26 12:26:16.923 [main@4b1210ee] classpath=Sage.jar:JARs/lucene-core-3.6.0.jar:/:JARs/ADM.jar:JARs/ant.jar:JARs/ant-javamail.jar:JARs/ant-launcher.jar:JARs/api-common-2.0.jar:JARs/CommercialDetector.jar:JARs/commons-cli-1.0.jar:JARs/commons-codec-1.9.jar:JARs/commons-dbutils-1.3.jar:JARs/commons-exec-1.0.1.jar:JARs/commons-io-2.5.jar:JARs/commons-jxpath-1.1.jar:JARs/commons-lang-2.4.jar:JARs/commons-lang3-3.4.jar:JARs/commons-logging-1.2.jar:JARs/commons-net-1.4.1.jar:JARs/core-3.1.1.jar:JARs/cron4j-2.2.1.jar:JARs/df_sageutils.jar:JARs/dom4j-1.6.1.jar:JARs/gkusnick.sagetv.jar:JARs/GoogleWeather.jar:JARs/groovy-all-2.0.5.jar:JARs/gson-1.7.2.jar:JARs/gtools.jar:JARs/h2-1.2.145.jar:JARs/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:JARs/htmlparser-1.6.jar:JARs/httpclient-4.5.1.jar:JARs/httpcore-4.4.3.jar:JARs/jackson-annotations-2.6.3.jar:JARs/jackson-core-2.6.3.jar:JARs/jackson-databind-2.6.3.jar:JARs/jcifs-1.1.6.jar:JARs/jetty-6.1.19.jar:JARs/jetty-ajp-6.1.19.jar:JARs/jetty-rewrite-handler-6.1.19.jar:JARs/jetty-sslengine-6.1.19.jar:JARs/jetty-starter.jar:JARs/jetty-util-6.1.19.jar:JARs/jpathwatch-0-93-rc1.jar:JARs/json-20140107.jar:JARs/jsoup.jar:JARs/jsp-2.1.jar:JARs/jsp-2.1-jetty-6.1.19.jar:JARs/jsp-api-2.1.jar:JARs/junit-4.12.jar:JARs/livepvrdata4j.jar:JARs/livepvrdata_shared.jar:JARs/log4j-1.2.17.jar:JARs/lucene-core-3.6.0.jar:JARs/mail.jar:JARs/mjlib.jar:JARs/mjxml.jar:JARs/NameTimedRecording.jar:JARs/nielm_sageimdb.jar:JARs/nielm_sageutls.jar:JARs/nielm_sagewebserver.jar:JARs/nielm_sagexmlinfo.jar:JARs/phoenix.jar:JARs/sad.jar:JARs/sagex-api.jar:JARs/sagex-h2.jar:JARs/salicense.jar:JARs/sbbi-upnplib-1.0.3.jar:JARs/servlet-api-2.5-6.1.19.jar:JARs/sjq-common.jar:JARs/sjq-listener.jar:JARs/slf4j-api-1.7.12.jar:JARs/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.12.jar:JARs/snark.jar:JARs/somf.jar:JARs/themoviedbapi-4.1.jar:JARs/thetvdbapi-1.8.jar:JARs/validation-api-1.1.0.Final.jar:JARs/vecmath.jar Thu 10/26 12:26:16.923 [main@4b1210ee] JVM version=1.8.0_144 Thu 10/26 12:26:16.923 [main@4b1210ee] OS=Linux 4.4.0-21-generic Thu 10/26 12:26:16.923 [main@4b1210ee] client=false Thu 10/26 12:26:16.923 [main@4b1210ee] locale=en_US Thu 10/26 12:26:16.927 [ThreadMonitor@513ac0d6] Thread CPU monitoring started interval=300000 Thu 10/26 12:26:16.934 [main@4b1210ee] Backing up properties file for SageTV upgrade... Thu 10/26 12:26:16.935 [main@4b1210ee] SageTV V9.0.14.567 Thu 10/26 12:26:16.938 [main@4b1210ee] hostname=VBox-Linus Thu 10/26 12:26:16.988 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: User Interface Manager is initializing... Thu 10/26 12:26:17.193 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... Thu 10/26 12:26:17.254 [main@4b1210ee] dbFile=/opt/sagetv/server/Wiz.bin(5734832) dbBackupFile=/opt/sagetv/server/Wiz.bak(7950) Thu 10/26 12:26:17.254 [main@4b1210ee] Backing up DB file for upgrade... Thu 10/26 12:26:17.326 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard starting to load database info... Thu 10/26 12:26:17.326 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database Source is initializing... Thu 10/26 12:26:17.330 [main@4b1210ee] Reading DB file:/opt/sagetv/server/Wiz.bin with version 87 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.330 [main@4b1210ee] DBFile at version 87 FileSize=5734832 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.330 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard allocating table for Year of size 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.332 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.332 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard allocating table for Network of size 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.332 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.332 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard allocating table for Title of size 1 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.333 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.333 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard loading main index for Title bytes=23 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.333 [main@4b1210ee] Load time for Title 0 msec 0.0 msec/object Thu 10/26 12:26:17.333 [main@4b1210ee] Index check time for Title 0 msec Thu 10/26 12:26:17.333 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.333 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard loading alt index 1 for Title bytes=10 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.335 [main@4b1210ee] Load time for alt index 1 for Title 0 msec Thu 10/26 12:26:17.335 [main@4b1210ee] Index check time for alt index 1 for Title 0 msec Thu 10/26 12:26:17.335 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.336 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard allocating table for Channel of size 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.336 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.336 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard allocating table for Bonus of size 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.336 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.336 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard allocating table for People of size 1 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.336 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.336 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard loading main index for People bytes=44 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.343 [main@4b1210ee] Lucene index(person): rooted at /rw/lucene/ running at /rw/lucene-run/ DiskIndex:false RunningDiskIndex:false Thu 10/26 12:26:17.529 [main@4b1210ee] Lucene index(person) reader opened in 7 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.538 [main@4b1210ee] Lucene index(person) docs: 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.539 [main@4b1210ee] Increased Thread pool to size=1 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.540 [main@4b1210ee] Lucene index(person) does not have same item count as wizard (idx:0, wiz:1) - RESETING Thu 10/26 12:26:17.544 [main@4b1210ee] Index(person) reset Thu 10/26 12:26:17.544 [main@4b1210ee] Load time for People 208 msec 208.0 msec/object Thu 10/26 12:26:17.544 [main@4b1210ee] Index check time for People 0 msec Thu 10/26 12:26:17.544 [main@4b1210ee] Lucene index(person) built from Wizard Thu 10/26 12:26:17.545 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.546 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard loading alt index 2 for People bytes=10 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.546 [main@4b1210ee] Load time for alt index 2 for People 0 msec Thu 10/26 12:26:17.546 [main@4b1210ee] Index check time for alt index 2 for People 0 msec Thu 10/26 12:26:17.546 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard loading alt index 16 for People bytes=10 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.546 [main@4b1210ee] Load time for alt index 16 for People 0 msec Thu 10/26 12:26:17.546 [main@4b1210ee] Index check time for alt index 16 for People 0 msec Thu 10/26 12:26:17.546 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard allocating table for SubCategory of size 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.546 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.546 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard allocating table for Rated of size 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.547 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.547 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard allocating table for ParentalRating of size 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.547 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.547 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard allocating table for ExtendedRating of size 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.547 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.547 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard allocating table for Category of size 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.547 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.547 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard allocating table for PrimeTitle of size 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.548 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.548 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard allocating table for Show of size 1 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.548 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.548 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard loading main index for Show bytes=116 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.548 [main@4b1210ee] Lucene index(show): rooted at /rw/lucene/ running at /rw/lucene-run/ DiskIndex:false RunningDiskIndex:false Thu 10/26 12:26:17.549 [main@4b1210ee] Lucene index(show) reader opened in 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.549 [main@4b1210ee] Lucene index(show) docs: 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.550 [main@4b1210ee] Lucene index(show) does not have same item count as wizard (idx:0, wiz:1) - RESETING Thu 10/26 12:26:17.551 [main@4b1210ee] Index(show) reset Thu 10/26 12:26:17.551 [main@4b1210ee] Load time for Show 3 msec 3.0 msec/object Thu 10/26 12:26:17.551 [main@4b1210ee] Index check time for Show 0 msec Thu 10/26 12:26:17.551 [main@4b1210ee] Lucene index(show) built from Wizard Thu 10/26 12:26:17.551 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.552 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard loading alt index 3 for Show bytes=10 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.552 [main@4b1210ee] Load time for alt index 3 for Show 0 msec Thu 10/26 12:26:17.552 [main@4b1210ee] Index check time for alt index 3 for Show 0 msec Thu 10/26 12:26:17.552 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard allocating table for Airing of size 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.552 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.552 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard allocating table for ManualRecord of size 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.552 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.552 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard allocating table for MediaFile of size 37 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.552 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.552 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard loading main index for MediaFile bytes=7317 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.557 [main@4b1210ee] Load time for MediaFile 5 msec 0.13513513 msec/object Thu 10/26 12:26:17.557 [main@4b1210ee] Index check time for MediaFile 0 msec Thu 10/26 12:26:17.558 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.558 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard loading alt index 10 for MediaFile bytes=154 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.558 [main@4b1210ee] Load time for alt index 10 for MediaFile 0 msec Thu 10/26 12:26:17.558 [main@4b1210ee] Index check time for alt index 10 for MediaFile 0 msec Thu 10/26 12:26:17.558 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard loading alt index 12 for MediaFile bytes=154 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.559 [main@4b1210ee] Load time for alt index 12 for MediaFile 1 msec Thu 10/26 12:26:17.559 [main@4b1210ee] Index check time for alt index 12 for MediaFile 0 msec Thu 10/26 12:26:17.560 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard allocating table for Watched of size 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.560 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.560 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard allocating table for Agent of size 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.560 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.560 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard allocating table for Wasted of size 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.560 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.561 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard allocating table for Playlist of size 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.561 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.561 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard allocating table for TVEditorial of size 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.561 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.561 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard allocating table for SeriesInfo of size 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.561 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.561 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard allocating table for UserRecord of size 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.561 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.562 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard processing transactional records... Thu 10/26 12:26:17.608 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@10912e45] Snapshot index person snap-count: 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.611 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.614 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@44c8682c] Snapshot index show snap-count: 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:17.616 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.617 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.618 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.619 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 1% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.621 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 1% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.622 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 1% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.623 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 1% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.624 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 1% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.625 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 1% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.627 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 1% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.628 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 1% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.649 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 1% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.654 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 2% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.655 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 2% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.657 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 2% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.658 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 2% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.666 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 2% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.667 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 2% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.668 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 2% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.669 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 3% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.669 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 3% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.670 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 3% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.671 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 3% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.671 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 3% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.672 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 3% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.673 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 3% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.673 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 3% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.674 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 4% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.675 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 4% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.676 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 4% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.692 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 4% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.693 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 4% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.694 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 4% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.695 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 4% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.696 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 5% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.697 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 5% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.698 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 5% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.698 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 5% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.699 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 5% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.700 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 5% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.701 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 5% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.715 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 6% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.717 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 6% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.718 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 6% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.720 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 6% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.721 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 6% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.722 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 6% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.725 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 6% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.726 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 6% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.728 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 7% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.729 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 7% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.730 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 7% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.731 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 7% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.731 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 7% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.732 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 7% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.732 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 7% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.733 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 7% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.733 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 7% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.733 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 7% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.739 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 8% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.739 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 8% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.739 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 8% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.740 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 8% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.740 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 8% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.740 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 8% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.743 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 8% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.744 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 8% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.745 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 9% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.745 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 9% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.746 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 9% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.751 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 9% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.751 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 9% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.752 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 9% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.752 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 10% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.753 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 10% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.754 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 10% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.754 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 10% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.755 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 10% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.755 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 10% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.756 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 11% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.756 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 11% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.757 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 11% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.757 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 11% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.758 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 11% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.758 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 11% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.758 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 11% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.759 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 12% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.760 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 12% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.760 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 12% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.761 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 12% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.762 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 12% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.762 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 12% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.762 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 12% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.763 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 12% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.763 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 12% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.763 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 13% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.764 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 13% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.764 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 13% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.764 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 13% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.765 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 13% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.765 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 13% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.765 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 13% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.766 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 13% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.766 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 13% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.767 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 13% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.768 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 14% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.768 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 14% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.769 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 14% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.770 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 14% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.770 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 14% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.771 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 14% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.773 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 15% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.774 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 15% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.774 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 15% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.775 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 15% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.775 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 15% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.776 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 15% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.777 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 16% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.777 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 16% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.778 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 16% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.778 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 16% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.779 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 16% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.779 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 16% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.780 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 16% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.782 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 17% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.783 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 17% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.783 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 17% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.784 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 17% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.785 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 17% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.785 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 17% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.785 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 17% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.786 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 17% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.786 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 18% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.787 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 18% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.787 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 18% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.790 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 18% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.791 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 18% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.791 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 18% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.791 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 18% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.792 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 18% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.792 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 18% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.792 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 18% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.793 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 18% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.794 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 18% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.794 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 19% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.795 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 19% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.795 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 19% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.796 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 19% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.796 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 19% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.797 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 19% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.797 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 20% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.798 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 20% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.798 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 20% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.798 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 20% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.799 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 20% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.799 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 20% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.804 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 21% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.805 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 21% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.805 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 21% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.806 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 21% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.806 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 21% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.807 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 21% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.807 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 21% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.808 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 22% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.808 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 22% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.808 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 22% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.809 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 22% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.810 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 22% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.810 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 22% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.811 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 22% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.812 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 22% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.812 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 23% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.812 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 23% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.813 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 23% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.813 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 23% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.814 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 23% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.815 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 23% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.815 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 23% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.816 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 23% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.817 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 23% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.818 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 24% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.819 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 24% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.821 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 24% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.822 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 24% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.823 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 24% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.824 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 24% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.825 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 25% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.826 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 25% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.827 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 25% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.828 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 25% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.829 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 25% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.830 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 26% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.832 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 26% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.833 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 26% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.834 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 26% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.835 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 26% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.835 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 26% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.836 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 26% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.837 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 27% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.837 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 27% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.838 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 27% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.839 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 27% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.840 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 27% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.840 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 27% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.841 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 27% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.841 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 27% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.843 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 27% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.843 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 27% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.844 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 28% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.845 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 28% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.846 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 28% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.847 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 28% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.848 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 28% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.848 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 28% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.849 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 29% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.850 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 29% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.850 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 29% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.851 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 29% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.852 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 29% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.852 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 30% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.853 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 30% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.854 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 30% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.855 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 30% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.856 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 30% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.858 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 30% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.858 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 31% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.859 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 31% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.859 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 31% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.861 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 31% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.862 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 31% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.863 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 31% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.864 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 31% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.864 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 31% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.865 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 31% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.865 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 31% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.866 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 31% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.867 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 32% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.868 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 32% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.869 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 32% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.869 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 32% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.870 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 33% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.871 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 33% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.872 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 33% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.873 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 33% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.874 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 33% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.875 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 33% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.876 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 34% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.878 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 34% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.879 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 34% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.880 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 34% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.881 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 34% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.882 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 35% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.883 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 35% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.884 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 35% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.884 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 35% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.885 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 35% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.886 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 35% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.887 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 35% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.914 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 35% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.915 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 35% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.915 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 35% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.916 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 35% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.916 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 35% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.917 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 36% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.917 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 36% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.918 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 36% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.922 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 37% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.923 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 37% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.924 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 37% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.925 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 37% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.926 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 37% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.927 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 38% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.928 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 38% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.928 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 38% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.929 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 38% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.930 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 38% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.936 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 38% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.937 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 39% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.938 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 39% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.938 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 39% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.939 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 39% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.939 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 39% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.940 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 39% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.940 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 39% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.941 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 39% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.941 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 39% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.942 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 39% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.943 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 39% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.943 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 40% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.944 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 40% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.945 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 40% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.946 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 40% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.947 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 41% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.948 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 41% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.948 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 41% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.949 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 41% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.950 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@10912e45] 37.72% / 2651 work queue, 1001 inserted @ 0.21 ms/peep avg [tot:208ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:17.955 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 41% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.956 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 42% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.967 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 42% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.978 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 42% done Thu 10/26 12:26:17.999 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 42% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.000 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 42% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.001 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 42% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.001 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 43% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.002 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 43% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.002 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 43% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.003 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 43% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.003 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 43% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.003 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 43% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.004 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 43% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.004 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 43% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.005 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 43% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.005 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 44% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.005 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 44% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.006 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 44% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.019 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 44% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.019 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 44% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.020 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 44% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.020 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 44% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.021 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 45% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.022 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 45% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.022 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 45% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.023 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 45% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.024 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 45% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.024 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 46% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.025 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 46% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.026 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 46% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.050 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 46% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.051 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 46% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.052 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 47% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.052 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 47% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.052 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 47% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.053 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 47% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.053 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 47% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.054 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 47% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.054 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 47% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.054 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 47% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.055 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 47% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.055 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 47% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.055 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 48% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.056 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 48% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.056 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 48% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.057 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 48% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.058 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 48% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.082 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 48% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.083 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 49% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.084 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 49% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.084 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 49% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.085 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 49% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.086 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 49% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.086 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 50% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.087 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 50% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.088 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 50% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.088 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 50% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.089 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 50% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.089 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 50% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.090 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 50% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.090 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 51% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.115 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@10912e45] 75.44% / 2651 work queue, 2000 inserted @ 0.17 ms/peep avg [tot:338ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:18.118 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 51% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.119 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 51% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.119 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 51% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.119 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 51% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.120 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 51% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.120 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 51% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.121 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 51% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.121 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 51% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.122 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 52% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.122 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 52% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.124 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 52% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.124 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 52% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.125 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 52% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.125 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 53% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.142 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 53% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.143 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 53% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.144 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 53% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.144 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 54% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.145 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 54% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.145 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 54% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.146 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 54% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.146 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 54% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.146 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 54% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.147 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 54% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.147 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 54% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.148 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 54% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.148 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 54% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.148 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 55% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.149 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 55% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.149 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 55% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.150 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 55% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.167 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 55% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.169 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 55% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.170 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 56% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.171 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 56% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.173 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 56% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.182 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 56% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.183 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 57% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.184 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 57% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.184 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 57% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.185 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 57% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.185 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 57% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.186 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 57% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.186 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 58% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.187 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 58% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.187 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 58% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.187 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 58% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.188 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 58% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.188 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 58% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.188 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 58% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.189 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 58% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.189 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 58% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.190 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 58% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.191 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 59% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.191 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 59% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.192 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 59% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.193 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 59% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.193 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 59% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.194 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 60% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.200 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 60% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.200 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@44c8682c] 30.85% / 3241 work queue, 1564 inserted @ 0.33 ms/show avg [tot:516ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:18.200 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 60% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.201 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 60% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.201 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 61% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.202 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 61% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.202 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 61% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.203 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 61% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.203 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 61% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.203 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 61% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.204 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 61% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.204 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 61% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.205 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 61% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.205 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 61% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.205 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 61% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.206 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 62% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.206 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 62% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.207 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 62% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.208 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 62% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.208 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 63% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.209 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 63% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.209 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 63% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.210 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 63% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.210 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 64% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.212 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 64% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.212 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 64% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.212 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 64% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.214 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 64% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.215 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 64% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.215 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 64% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.216 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 64% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.216 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 64% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.216 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 64% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.217 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 65% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.217 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 65% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.218 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 65% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.218 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 65% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.219 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 65% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.220 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 66% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.220 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 66% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.221 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 66% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.222 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 66% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.222 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 66% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.223 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 67% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.223 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 67% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.224 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 67% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.224 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 67% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.225 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 67% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.225 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 67% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.226 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 67% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.226 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 68% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.226 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 68% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.227 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 68% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.227 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 68% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.228 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 68% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.228 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 68% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.229 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 68% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.229 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 68% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.230 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 68% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.231 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 69% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.231 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 69% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.232 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 69% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.232 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 69% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.233 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 70% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.233 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 70% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.234 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 70% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.235 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 70% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.235 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 70% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.236 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 70% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.236 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 70% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.237 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 71% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.237 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 71% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.237 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 71% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.238 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 71% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.238 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 71% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.239 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 71% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.239 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 71% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.240 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 71% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.241 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 71% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.241 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 72% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.242 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 72% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.243 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 72% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.243 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 72% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.244 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 72% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.244 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 73% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.245 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 73% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.246 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 73% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.246 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 73% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.246 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 73% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.247 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 73% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.248 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 73% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.248 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 73% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.248 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 74% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.249 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 74% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.249 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 74% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.250 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 74% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.250 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 74% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.251 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 74% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.252 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 74% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.252 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 75% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.264 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 75% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.265 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 75% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.266 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 75% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.266 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 76% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.267 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 76% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.267 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 76% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.268 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 76% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.268 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 76% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.269 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 76% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.270 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 77% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.270 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 77% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.271 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 77% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.272 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 77% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.272 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 77% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.273 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 78% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.273 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 78% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.274 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 78% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.274 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 78% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.275 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 78% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.276 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 79% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.276 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 79% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.276 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 79% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.277 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 79% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.285 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 79% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.286 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 80% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.287 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 80% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.288 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 81% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.289 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 82% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.289 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 82% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.290 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 83% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.291 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 83% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.292 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 84% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.292 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 84% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.293 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 85% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.294 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 85% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.303 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 86% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.303 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 86% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.308 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 87% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.308 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 87% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.309 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 88% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.310 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 88% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.311 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 89% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.311 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 89% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.312 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 90% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.312 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 90% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.313 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 91% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.313 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 91% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.314 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 92% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.314 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 92% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.315 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 93% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.315 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 93% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.322 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 94% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.323 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 94% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.323 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 95% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.324 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 95% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.324 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 96% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.326 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 96% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.327 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 97% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.327 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 97% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.328 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 97% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.328 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 98% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.329 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 98% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.329 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 98% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.330 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 99% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.330 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 99% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.331 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 99% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.361 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@10912e45] 100% work queue, 2650 insertions @ 0.14 ms/peep [tot:373ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:18.370 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 100% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.373 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard performing validation on database objects... Thu 10/26 12:26:18.404 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@10912e45] 5.75% / 17393 work queue, 3650 inserted @ 0.11 ms/peep avg [tot:415ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:18.419 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@10912e45] 11.50% / 17393 work queue, 4649 inserted @ 0.09 ms/peep avg [tot:427ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:18.427 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@10912e45] 17.25% / 17393 work queue, 5648 inserted @ 0.08 ms/peep avg [tot:435ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:18.436 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard DONE loading database info. loadTime=1.11 sec Thu 10/26 12:26:18.436 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database Backup is initializing... Thu 10/26 12:26:18.436 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard backing up database file... Thu 10/26 12:26:18.436 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard compressing new file with version 87... Thu 10/26 12:26:18.439 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@10912e45] 23.00% / 17393 work queue, 6648 inserted @ 0.07 ms/peep avg [tot:444ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:18.448 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@10912e45] 28.75% / 17393 work queue, 7648 inserted @ 0.06 ms/peep avg [tot:451ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:18.455 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@10912e45] 34.50% / 17393 work queue, 8632 inserted @ 0.05 ms/peep avg [tot:456ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:18.456 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard writing out table info for Year Thu 10/26 12:26:18.456 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard writing out table info for Network Thu 10/26 12:26:18.457 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard writing out table info for Title Thu 10/26 12:26:18.461 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard writing out table info for Channel Thu 10/26 12:26:18.461 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard writing out table info for Bonus Thu 10/26 12:26:18.462 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard writing out table info for People Thu 10/26 12:26:18.471 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@10912e45] 40.25% / 17393 work queue, 9632 inserted @ 0.05 ms/peep avg [tot:471ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:18.478 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@10912e45] 46.00% / 17393 work queue, 10632 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:476ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:18.492 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@10912e45] 51.74% / 17393 work queue, 11632 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:488ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:18.506 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@10912e45] 57.49% / 17393 work queue, 12632 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:502ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:18.544 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@10912e45] 63.24% / 17393 work queue, 13632 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:529ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:18.572 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@10912e45] 68.99% / 17393 work queue, 14631 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:556ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:18.579 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@10912e45] 74.74% / 17393 work queue, 15631 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:562ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:18.588 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@10912e45] 80.49% / 17393 work queue, 16631 inserted @ 0.03 ms/peep avg [tot:570ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:18.596 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@10912e45] 86.24% / 17393 work queue, 17631 inserted @ 0.03 ms/peep avg [tot:577ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:18.603 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@10912e45] 91.99% / 17393 work queue, 18630 inserted @ 0.03 ms/peep avg [tot:583ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:18.634 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@10912e45] 97.74% / 17393 work queue, 19630 inserted @ 0.03 ms/peep avg [tot:609ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:18.665 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@44c8682c] 61.71% / 3241 work queue, 2564 inserted @ 0.38 ms/show avg [tot:981ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:18.733 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard writing out table info for SubCategory Thu 10/26 12:26:18.733 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard writing out table info for Rated Thu 10/26 12:26:18.733 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard writing out table info for ParentalRating Thu 10/26 12:26:18.733 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard writing out table info for ExtendedRating Thu 10/26 12:26:18.733 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard writing out table info for Category Thu 10/26 12:26:18.733 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard writing out table info for PrimeTitle Thu 10/26 12:26:18.733 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard writing out table info for Show Thu 10/26 12:26:18.826 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard writing out table info for Airing Thu 10/26 12:26:18.874 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard writing out table info for ManualRecord Thu 10/26 12:26:18.874 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard writing out table info for MediaFile Thu 10/26 12:26:18.875 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard writing out table info for Watched Thu 10/26 12:26:18.875 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard writing out table info for Agent Thu 10/26 12:26:18.875 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard writing out table info for Wasted Thu 10/26 12:26:18.875 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard writing out table info for Playlist Thu 10/26 12:26:18.875 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard writing out table info for TVEditorial Thu 10/26 12:26:18.875 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard writing out table info for SeriesInfo Thu 10/26 12:26:18.876 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard writing out table info for UserRecord Thu 10/26 12:26:18.876 [main@4b1210ee] DB saveTime=0.44 sec Thu 10/26 12:26:18.897 [main@4b1210ee] Wizard DONE saving database info. Thu 10/26 12:26:18.897 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 100% done Thu 10/26 12:26:18.898 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: EPG is initializing... Thu 10/26 12:26:18.947 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@44c8682c] 92.56% / 3241 work queue, 3564 inserted @ 0.35 ms/show avg [tot:1263ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:18.979 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@44c8682c] 100% work queue, 3805 insertions @ 0.34 ms/show [tot:1295ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:19.020 [main@4b1210ee] Increased hash set pool to size=1 Thu 10/26 12:26:19.051 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Profiler is initializing... Thu 10/26 12:26:19.062 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@44c8682c] 10.11% / 9895 work queue, 4805 inserted @ 0.29 ms/show avg [tot:1377ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:19.067 [main@4b1210ee] Loaded 1 messages from system message log file Thu 10/26 12:26:19.158 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Acquisition System is initializing... Thu 10/26 12:26:19.165 [main@4b1210ee] MMC calling detectCaptureDevices on sage.NetworkEncoderManager@5ec0a365 Thu 10/26 12:26:19.243 [main@4b1210ee] network encoder version:3.0 Thu 10/26 12:26:19.243 [main@4b1210ee] Parsed network encoder major version: 3 Thu 10/26 12:26:19.253 [main@4b1210ee] Doing broadcast discovery of new encoding servers on the network... Thu 10/26 12:26:19.258 [main@4b1210ee] Discovery packet Thu 10/26 12:26:19.261 [main@4b1210ee] Added server info:,V4.1.0,jt-PC Thu 10/26 12:26:19.261 [main@4b1210ee] Discovery packet Thu 10/26 12:26:19.262 [main@4b1210ee] Added server info:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0,V4.1.0, Thu 10/26 12:26:19.378 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@10912e45] 100% work queue, 20023 insertions @ 0.03 ms/peep [tot:612ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:19.384 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@44c8682c] 20.21% / 9895 work queue, 5805 inserted @ 0.29 ms/show avg [tot:1698ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:19.388 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@10912e45] Snapshot index person snap-count: 1 Thu 10/26 12:26:19.428 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@44c8682c] 30.32% / 9895 work queue, 6805 inserted @ 0.26 ms/show avg [tot:1742ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:19.495 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@44c8682c] 40.42% / 9895 work queue, 7760 inserted @ 0.23 ms/show avg [tot:1808ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:19.515 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@44c8682c] 50.53% / 9895 work queue, 8260 inserted @ 0.22 ms/show avg [tot:1827ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:19.530 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@44c8682c] 60.64% / 9895 work queue, 8760 inserted @ 0.21 ms/show avg [tot:1841ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:19.543 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@44c8682c] 70.74% / 9895 work queue, 9260 inserted @ 0.20 ms/show avg [tot:1854ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:19.561 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@44c8682c] 80.85% / 9895 work queue, 9760 inserted @ 0.19 ms/show avg [tot:1869ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:19.575 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@44c8682c] 90.96% / 9895 work queue, 10260 inserted @ 0.18 ms/show avg [tot:1883ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:19.587 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@44c8682c] Snapshot index show snap-count: 1 Thu 10/26 12:26:19.984 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@44c8682c] 100% work queue, 10707 insertions @ 0.18 ms/show [tot:1893ms] Thu 10/26 12:26:22.282 [main@4b1210ee] Error discovering Receive timed out Thu 10/26 12:26:22.283 [main@4b1210ee] Connected to encoding server at jt-PC Thu 10/26 12:26:22.290 [main@4b1210ee] Ignoring network encoder because it's already in our config: -1033758358 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.290 [main@4b1210ee] Ignoring network encoder because it's already in our config: -1033758359 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.290 [main@4b1210ee] Ignoring network encoder because it's already in our config: 1963103805 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.290 [main@4b1210ee] Ignoring network encoder because it's already in our config: -11463126 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.290 [main@4b1210ee] Ignoring network encoder because it's already in our config: -11463125 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.290 [main@4b1210ee] Ignoring network encoder because it's already in our config: 1963103804 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.291 [main@4b1210ee] Connected to encoding server at Thu 10/26 12:26:22.295 [main@4b1210ee] Ignoring network encoder because it's already in our config: -1033758358 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.295 [main@4b1210ee] Ignoring network encoder because it's already in our config: -1033758359 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.295 [main@4b1210ee] Ignoring network encoder because it's already in our config: 1963103805 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.295 [main@4b1210ee] Ignoring network encoder because it's already in our config: -11463126 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.295 [main@4b1210ee] Ignoring network encoder because it's already in our config: -11463125 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.295 [main@4b1210ee] Ignoring network encoder because it's already in our config: 1963103804 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.296 [main@4b1210ee] devices detected=[HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-1 on, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on, HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-1 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-1 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-0 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-0 on, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-0 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-1 on, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-0 on, HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-0 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-0 on] Thu 10/26 12:26:22.296 [main@4b1210ee] EncoderMap={HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-0 on jt-PC:9000=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-0 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-1 on jt-PC:9000=HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-1 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-1 on HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-1 on, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on jt-PC:9000=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-1 on HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-1 on, HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-0 on HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-0 on, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-0 on HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-0 on, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-0 on HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-0 on, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-1 on jt-PC:9000=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-1 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-0 on jt-PC:9000=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-0 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-0 on jt-PC:9000=HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-0 on jt-PC:9000} Thu 10/26 12:26:22.296 [main@4b1210ee] MMC calling detectCaptureDevices on sage.HDHomeRunCaptureManager@2286778 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.297 [main@4b1210ee] HDHomeRun: Detecting devices... Thu 10/26 12:26:22.719 [main@4b1210ee] New HDHomeRun device discovered with firmware version &d Thu 10/26 12:26:22.719 [main@4b1210ee] New HDHomeRun device discovered (id = 103952c0, ip = c0a8016a, tuners = 2) Thu 10/26 12:26:22.733 [main@4b1210ee] New HDHomeRun device discovered with firmware version &d Thu 10/26 12:26:22.733 [main@4b1210ee] New HDHomeRun device discovered (id = 104390d0, ip = c0a80181, tuners = 2) Thu 10/26 12:26:22.746 [main@4b1210ee] New HDHomeRun device discovered with firmware version &d Thu 10/26 12:26:22.747 [main@4b1210ee] New HDHomeRun device discovered (id = 1046dee7, ip = c0a80168, tuners = 2) Thu 10/26 12:26:22.747 [main@4b1210ee] HDHomeRun: Done detecting. Thu 10/26 12:26:22.748 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:25066150 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.748 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:-511868630 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.751 [main@4b1210ee] Created HDHomeRunCaptureDevice object for:HDHomeRun 103952c0 Tuner 1 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.751 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:24189806 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.752 [main@4b1210ee] Created HDHomeRunCaptureDevice object for:HDHomeRun 1046dee7 Tuner 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.752 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:24189807 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.753 [main@4b1210ee] Created HDHomeRunCaptureDevice object for:HDHomeRun 1046dee7 Tuner 1 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.753 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:-511868631 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.755 [main@4b1210ee] Created HDHomeRunCaptureDevice object for:HDHomeRun 103952c0 Tuner 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.755 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:361743580 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.756 [main@4b1210ee] Created HDHomeRunCaptureDevice object for:HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 1 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.757 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:-1999637339 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.757 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:2006257319 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.757 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:-1441528007 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.757 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:1581813093 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.757 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:-1219698331 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.757 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:-1205602394 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.757 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:361743579 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.758 [main@4b1210ee] Created HDHomeRunCaptureDevice object for:HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.758 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:1345887480 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.758 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:-1332952776 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.758 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:1717250039 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.759 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:498705510 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.759 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:1050565476 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.759 [main@4b1210ee] EncoderMap1={HDHomeRun 103952c0 Tuner 1=HDHomeRun 103952c0 Tuner 1, HDHomeRun 1046dee7 Tuner 0=HDHomeRun 1046dee7 Tuner 0, HDHomeRun 1046dee7 Tuner 1=HDHomeRun 1046dee7 Tuner 1, HDHomeRun 103952c0 Tuner 0=HDHomeRun 103952c0 Tuner 0, HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 1=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 1, HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0} Thu 10/26 12:26:22.759 [main@4b1210ee] Saving properties file to Thu 10/26 12:26:22.777 [main@4b1210ee] Done writing out the data to the properties file Thu 10/26 12:26:22.777 [main@4b1210ee] Saving properties file to Thu 10/26 12:26:22.788 [main@4b1210ee] Done writing out the data to the properties file Thu 10/26 12:26:22.789 [main@4b1210ee] Saving properties file to Thu 10/26 12:26:22.797 [main@4b1210ee] Done writing out the data to the properties file Thu 10/26 12:26:22.797 [main@4b1210ee] Saving properties file to Thu 10/26 12:26:22.800 [main@4b1210ee] Done writing out the data to the properties file Thu 10/26 12:26:22.801 [main@4b1210ee] Saving properties file to Thu 10/26 12:26:22.805 [main@4b1210ee] Done writing out the data to the properties file Thu 10/26 12:26:22.805 [main@4b1210ee] Saving properties file to Thu 10/26 12:26:22.808 [main@4b1210ee] Done writing out the data to the properties file Thu 10/26 12:26:22.809 [main@4b1210ee] Processing new system dev:HDHomeRun 103952c0 Tuner 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.809 [main@4b1210ee] Device already has been processed Thu 10/26 12:26:22.809 [main@4b1210ee] Processing new system dev:HDHomeRun 103952c0 Tuner 1 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.809 [main@4b1210ee] Device already has been processed Thu 10/26 12:26:22.809 [main@4b1210ee] Processing new system dev:HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.809 [main@4b1210ee] Device already has been processed Thu 10/26 12:26:22.809 [main@4b1210ee] Processing new system dev:HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 1 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.809 [main@4b1210ee] Device already has been processed Thu 10/26 12:26:22.809 [main@4b1210ee] Processing new system dev:HDHomeRun 1046dee7 Tuner 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.809 [main@4b1210ee] Device already has been processed Thu 10/26 12:26:22.809 [main@4b1210ee] Processing new system dev:HDHomeRun 1046dee7 Tuner 1 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.809 [main@4b1210ee] Device already has been processed Thu 10/26 12:26:22.809 [main@4b1210ee] devices detected=[HDHomeRun 103952c0 Tuner 1, HDHomeRun 1046dee7 Tuner 0, HDHomeRun 1046dee7 Tuner 1, HDHomeRun 103952c0 Tuner 0, HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 1, HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0] Thu 10/26 12:26:22.809 [main@4b1210ee] EncoderMap={HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-0 on jt-PC:9000=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-0 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on jt-PC:9000=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-0 on HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-0 on, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-0 on HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-0 on, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-1 on jt-PC:9000=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-1 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-0 on jt-PC:9000=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-0 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-1 on jt-PC:9000=HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-1 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 1=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 1, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-1 on HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-1 on, HDHomeRun 103952c0 Tuner 0=HDHomeRun 103952c0 Tuner 0, HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0, HDHomeRun 103952c0 Tuner 1=HDHomeRun 103952c0 Tuner 1, HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-1 on HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-1 on, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-0 on HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-0 on, HDHomeRun 1046dee7 Tuner 1=HDHomeRun 1046dee7 Tuner 1, HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-0 on jt-PC:9000=HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-0 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun 1046dee7 Tuner 0=HDHomeRun 1046dee7 Tuner 0} Thu 10/26 12:26:22.809 [main@4b1210ee] MMC calling detectCaptureDevices on sage.LinuxIVTVCaptureManager@4e9ba398 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.809 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Linux IVTV Capture Manager is initializing... Thu 10/26 12:26:22.811 [main@4b1210ee] videoDevices=[] Thu 10/26 12:26:22.811 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:25066150 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.811 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:-511868630 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.811 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:24189806 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.811 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:24189807 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.811 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:-511868631 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.812 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:361743580 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.812 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:-1999637339 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.812 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:2006257319 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.812 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:-1441528007 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.812 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:1581813093 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.812 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:-1219698331 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.812 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:-1205602394 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.812 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:361743579 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.812 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:1345887480 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.812 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:-1332952776 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.812 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:1717250039 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.812 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:498705510 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.812 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:1050565476 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.812 [main@4b1210ee] EncoderMap1={} Thu 10/26 12:26:22.812 [main@4b1210ee] devices detected=[] Thu 10/26 12:26:22.812 [main@4b1210ee] EncoderMap={HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-0 on jt-PC:9000=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-0 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on jt-PC:9000=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-0 on HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-0 on, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-0 on HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-0 on, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-1 on jt-PC:9000=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-1 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-0 on jt-PC:9000=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-0 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-1 on jt-PC:9000=HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-1 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 1=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 1, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-1 on HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-1 on, HDHomeRun 103952c0 Tuner 0=HDHomeRun 103952c0 Tuner 0, HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0, HDHomeRun 103952c0 Tuner 1=HDHomeRun 103952c0 Tuner 1, HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-1 on HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-1 on, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-0 on HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-0 on, HDHomeRun 1046dee7 Tuner 1=HDHomeRun 1046dee7 Tuner 1, HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-0 on jt-PC:9000=HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-0 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun 1046dee7 Tuner 0=HDHomeRun 1046dee7 Tuner 0} Thu 10/26 12:26:22.812 [main@4b1210ee] MMC calling detectCaptureDevices on sage.LinuxDVBCaptureManager@6d7b4f4c Thu 10/26 12:26:22.812 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: Linux_DVB_Capture_Manager is initializing... Thu 10/26 12:26:22.812 [main@4b1210ee] videoDevices=[] devModelMap={} Thu 10/26 12:26:22.812 [main@4b1210ee] detect 3 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.812 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:25066150 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.812 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:-511868630 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.812 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:24189806 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.812 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:24189807 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.812 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:-511868631 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.813 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:361743580 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.813 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:-1999637339 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.813 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:2006257319 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.813 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:-1441528007 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.813 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:1581813093 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.813 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:-1219698331 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.813 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:-1205602394 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.813 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:361743579 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.813 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:1345887480 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.813 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:-1332952776 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.813 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:1717250039 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.813 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:498705510 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.813 [main@4b1210ee] Checking encoder key:1050565476 Thu 10/26 12:26:22.813 [main@4b1210ee] EncoderMap1={} Thu 10/26 12:26:22.813 [main@4b1210ee] devices detected=[] Thu 10/26 12:26:22.813 [main@4b1210ee] EncoderMap={HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-0 on jt-PC:9000=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-0 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on jt-PC:9000=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-0 on HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-0 on, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-0 on HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-0 on, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-1 on jt-PC:9000=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-1 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-0 on jt-PC:9000=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-0 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-1 on jt-PC:9000=HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-1 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 1=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 1, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-1 on HDHR4-2US Tuner 1046DEE7-1 on, HDHomeRun 103952c0 Tuner 0=HDHomeRun 103952c0 Tuner 0, HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0, HDHomeRun 103952c0 Tuner 1=HDHomeRun 103952c0 Tuner 1, HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-1 on HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-1 on, HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-0 on HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-0 on, HDHomeRun 1046dee7 Tuner 1=HDHomeRun 1046dee7 Tuner 1, HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-0 on jt-PC:9000=HDHomeRun HDHR3-US Tuner 103952C0-0 on jt-PC:9000, HDHomeRun 1046dee7 Tuner 0=HDHomeRun 1046dee7 Tuner 0} Thu 10/26 12:26:22.813 [main@4b1210ee] Splash: SageTV Core is initializing... Thu 10/26 12:26:22.828 [main@4b1210ee] Checking video directories for new files Thu 10/26 12:26:23.069 [main@4b1210ee] Using internal format detector first for: /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/TheBrave-TheGreaterGood-1618353-0.ts Thu 10/26 12:26:23.128 [main@4b1210ee] File Format Parsed-2a /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/TheBrave-TheGreaterGood-1618353-0.ts=MPEG2-TS 0:58:57 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] Thu 10/26 12:26:23.142 [main@4b1210ee] File Format Parsed-2b /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/TheBrave-TheGreaterGood-1618353-0.ts=MPEG2-TS 0:58:57 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]{SeasonNumber=1, Live=false, Subtitled=false, Director=, EpisodeCount=0, Guest Voice=, ExtendedRatings=, Actor=Anne Heche;Mike Vogel;Sofia Pernas;Tate Ellington;Natacha Karam;Demetrius Grosse;Noah Mills;Hadi Tabbal, Trivia=, CollectionName=, DiscNumber=0, Host=, MediaProviderID=tvdb, Stereo=true, Dolby=false, ScrapedDate=1507604400679, Writer=, Correspondent=, EpisodeNumber=3, Anchor=, Dubbed=false, Guest Star=Andrew Howard;Lakin Valdez;Gabrielle Walsh, Title=The Brave, MediaType=TV, Guest=, Taped=false, PropertiesWrittenBy=CMT, IMDBID=tt7205876, 3D=false, Executive Producer=Matt Corman;Dean Georgaris;Chris Ord;Avi Nir;Alon Shtruzman;Peter Traugott;Rachel Kaplan, Letterbox=true, MediaTitle=The Brave, Musical Guest=, ChannelPremiere=false, SAP=false, Producer=, AiringTime=, OriginalAirDate=1507568400000, SeasonFinal=false, CollectionOverview=, ParentalRating=, SeriesInfoID=14152914, MediaProviderDataID=328517, Description=Received intel points to an international arms deal; Patricia makes a controversial decision that could lead to a big breakthrough; a weak link in Boothe's men must be found to carry out the mission., TrailerUrl=, Rated=, UserRating=0, Misc=, New=true, DD5.1=true, SREv4_Monitored=false, AiringDuration=, CollectionID=0, Language=, Contestant=, HDTV=true, Composer=, Choreographer=, Team=, ForcedUnique=true, Narrator=, SeriesFinale=false, Judge=, Premiere=false, SeasonPremiere=false, CC=true, Genre=Drama/Military, ExternalID=EP026953630004, Voice=, RunningTime=0, SeriesPremiere=false, Year=, Quotes=, EpisodeName=The Greater Good, Widescreen=false, Surround=false, TagLine=, ScrapedBy=Phoenix, SeasonFinale=false, AltEpisodeNumber=}] Thu 10/26 12:26:23.145 [main@4b1210ee] ERROR parsing metadata number of:java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "" Thu 10/26 12:26:23.145 [main@4b1210ee] ERROR parsing long from MediaFile metadata:java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "" Thu 10/26 12:26:23.147 [main@4b1210ee] Increased StringBuffer pool to size=1 Thu 10/26 12:26:23.152 [main@4b1210ee] Added:MediaFile[id=54541 A[54546,54545,"The Brave",0@1009.22:01,58,T V] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy= format=MPEG2-TS 0:58:57 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/TheBrave-TheGreaterGood-1618353-0.ts, Seg0[Mon 10/9 22:01:00.655-Mon 10/9 22:59:58.000]] num=41 Thu 10/26 12:26:23.181 [main@4b1210ee] Using internal format detector first for: /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/TheGifted-eXodus-1657623-0.ts Thu 10/26 12:26:23.225 [main@4b1210ee] File Format Parsed-2a /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/TheGifted-eXodus-1657623-0.ts=MPEG2-TS 1:00:58 2892 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]#3 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=3 id=0103 eng]] Thu 10/26 12:26:23.233 [main@4b1210ee] File Format Parsed-2b /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/TheGifted-eXodus-1657623-0.ts=MPEG2-TS 1:00:58 2892 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]#3 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=3 id=0103 eng]{Subtitled=false, Genre=Drama/Paranormal, Contestant=, ChannelPremiere=false, RunningTime=0, Widescreen=false, Guest=, Choreographer=, ExtendedRatings=, Dolby=false, Composer=, Writer=, Stereo=true, ParentalRating=, EpisodeNumber=3, PropertiesWrittenBy=CMT, Description=In an effort to reunite with one another, Reed cuts a deal with the Sentinel Services, while Caitlin and the kids seek help from someone outside the compound; Thunderbird begins to teach Blink how to control her powers., MediaProviderDataID=328552, ExternalID=EP026912070004, SAP=false, IMDBID=tt7211200, HDTV=true, Title=The Gifted, SeasonNumber=1, AltEpisodeNumber=, CC=true, SeriesFinale=false, MediaType=TV, Live=false, SeriesInfoID=14133989, MediaProviderID=tvdb, Voice=, Surround=false, SREv4_Monitored=false, Judge=, MediaTitle=The Gifted, EpisodeName=eXodus, Director=, SeriesPremiere=false, Anchor=, Guest Voice=, 3D=false, DD5.1=true, Executive Producer=Matt Nix;Bryan Singer;Lauren Shuler Donner;Simon Kinberg;Joseph Loeb III;Jim Chory, Guest Star=Elena Satine;Garret Dillahunt;Jeff Philips;Jeff Nordling;Cooper Roth;Darren Goldstein;Erin Way, SeasonPremiere=false, AiringTime=, Musical Guest=, ForcedUnique=true, ScrapedDate=1508205662625, New=true, Letterbox=false, Taped=false, ScrapedBy=Phoenix, Producer=, Misc=, Language=, Dubbed=false, Narrator=, SeasonFinale=false, Rated=, Correspondent=, OriginalAirDate=1508173200000, Host=, Team=, Year=, Premiere=false, AiringDuration=, Actor=Stephen Moyer;Amy Acker;Sean Teale;Jamie Chung;Coby Bell;Emma Dumont;Blair Redford;Natalie Alyn Lind;Percy Hynes White}] Thu 10/26 12:26:23.235 [main@4b1210ee] ERROR parsing metadata number of:java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "" Thu 10/26 12:26:23.235 [main@4b1210ee] ERROR parsing long from MediaFile metadata:java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "" Thu 10/26 12:26:23.242 [main@4b1210ee] Added:MediaFile[id=54547 A[54555,54554,"The Gifted",0@1016.21:00,60,T V] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy= format=MPEG2-TS 1:00:58 2892 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]#3 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=3 id=0103 eng]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/TheGifted-eXodus-1657623-0.ts, Seg0[Mon 10/16 21:00:01.379-Mon 10/16 22:01:00.000]] num=42 Thu 10/26 12:26:23.248 [SageTV@3c34334f] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 0% done Thu 10/26 12:26:23.263 [SageTV@3c34334f] CARNY Processing 0 Agents & 15954 Airs Thu 10/26 12:26:23.263 [SageTV@3c34334f] CARNY Negative Energy Size: 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:23.263 [SageTV@3c34334f] CARNY Traitors:[] Thu 10/26 12:26:23.265 [Seeker@54423a99] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=true avoidArchive=false Thu 10/26 12:26:23.265 [FSManager@1c99ab0c] FSManager is running... Thu 10/26 12:26:23.266 [EPG@6f70f3e0] Increased ArrayList pool to size=1 Thu 10/26 12:26:23.269 [Carny@8ea49ce] Carny got a Std job of null Thu 10/26 12:26:23.270 [SageTV@3c34334f] Splash: Waiting for SageTV to finish initialization... Thu 10/26 12:26:23.270 [MsgMgrSocket@42e253f6] Spawned thread for MsgManger server socket listening... Thu 10/26 12:26:23.279 [EPG@6f70f3e0] sage.EPGDataSource@208a0a45 needs an update in 23:46:41 Thu 10/26 12:26:23.279 [EPG@6f70f3e0] needs an update in 23:43:53 Thu 10/26 12:26:23.279 [EPG@6f70f3e0] EPG needs an update in 1415 minutes Thu 10/26 12:26:23.279 [EPG@6f70f3e0] EPG's works is done. Waiting... Thu 10/26 12:26:23.280 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Loading HDHomeRun capture device (HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0) Thu 10/26 12:26:23.280 [Scheduler@7cf40934] HDHomeRun: Detecting devices... Thu 10/26 12:26:23.288 [Carny@8ea49ce] CARNY Processing 0 Agents & 15954 Airs Thu 10/26 12:26:23.289 [Carny@8ea49ce] CARNY Negative Energy Size: 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:23.289 [Carny@8ea49ce] CARNY Traitors:[] Thu 10/26 12:26:23.508 [AsyncPropSaver@70612426] Saving properties file to Thu 10/26 12:26:23.508 [Seeker@54423a99] Checking video directories for new files Thu 10/26 12:26:23.512 [Seeker@54423a99] Diskspace checking is running Thu 10/26 12:26:23.512 [Seeker@54423a99] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Thu 10/26 12:26:23.513 [LibraryImporter@6430975b] Increased Thread pool to size=6 Thu 10/26 12:26:23.513 [LibraryImporter@6430975b] Checking video directories for new files Thu 10/26 12:26:23.515 [AsyncPropSaver@70612426] Done writing out the data to the properties file Thu 10/26 12:26:23.515 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker waiting for 153722842130326 mins. Thu 10/26 12:26:23.680 [Scheduler@7cf40934] HDHomeRun: Done detecting. Thu 10/26 12:26:23.680 [Scheduler@7cf40934] HDHR_createEncoder0(HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0, 0) Thu 10/26 12:26:23.704 [Scheduler@7cf40934] HDHR_setInput0(0x7f482c18bd00, 100, 0, Air, 139947214372865, 139947214372865) Thu 10/26 12:26:23.715 [Carny@8ea49ce] Carny waiting for awhile... Thu 10/26 12:26:23.716 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Scheduler.updateSchedule() called manual=[ManualRecord[A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T] time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00], ManualRecord[A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] schedules={HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0=[Sched=[] MustSee=[]], HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on[Sched=[] MustSee=[]]} scheduleRandSize=0 Thu 10/26 12:26:23.719 [Scheduler@7cf40934] # Airs=0 Thu 10/26 12:26:23.723 [Scheduler@7cf40934] MUST SEE FINAL-HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0-[FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00]] Thu 10/26 12:26:23.724 [Scheduler@7cf40934] MUST SEE FINAL-HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on[FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] Thu 10/26 12:26:23.724 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Evaluating Potentials Thu 10/26 12:26:23.724 [Scheduler@7cf40934] COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Thu 10/26 12:26:23.724 [Scheduler@7cf40934] HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:23.724 [Scheduler@7cf40934] [FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00]] Thu 10/26 12:26:23.724 [Scheduler@7cf40934] HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on Thu 10/26 12:26:23.724 [Scheduler@7cf40934] [FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] Thu 10/26 12:26:23.724 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Total Schedule eval time=9 msec Thu 10/26 12:26:23.724 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker awoken Thu 10/26 12:26:23.724 [Seeker@54423a99] MemStats: Used=60MB Total=126MB Max=1908MB Thu 10/26 12:26:23.725 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker adding new Encoder: HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:23.726 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker adding new Encoder: HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on Thu 10/26 12:26:23.726 [Seeker@54423a99] Checking video directories for new files Thu 10/26 12:26:23.726 [AsyncPropSaver@70612426] Saving properties file to Thu 10/26 12:26:23.726 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Scheduler awoken Thu 10/26 12:26:23.729 [Seeker@54423a99] Diskspace checking is running Thu 10/26 12:26:23.729 [Seeker@54423a99] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Thu 10/26 12:26:23.729 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Scheduler.updateSchedule() called manual=[ManualRecord[A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T] time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00], ManualRecord[A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] schedules={HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0=[Sched=[FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00]]], HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on[Sched=[FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]]]} scheduleRandSize=0 Thu 10/26 12:26:23.731 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker waiting for 153722842130326 mins. Thu 10/26 12:26:23.731 [Scheduler@7cf40934] # Airs=0 Thu 10/26 12:26:23.731 [Scheduler@7cf40934] MUST SEE FINAL-HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0-[FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00]] Thu 10/26 12:26:23.732 [Scheduler@7cf40934] MUST SEE FINAL-HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on[FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] Thu 10/26 12:26:23.732 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Evaluating Potentials Thu 10/26 12:26:23.732 [Scheduler@7cf40934] COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Thu 10/26 12:26:23.732 [Scheduler@7cf40934] HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:23.732 [Scheduler@7cf40934] [FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00]] Thu 10/26 12:26:23.732 [Scheduler@7cf40934] HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on Thu 10/26 12:26:23.732 [Scheduler@7cf40934] [FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] Thu 10/26 12:26:23.732 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Total Schedule eval time=3 msec Thu 10/26 12:26:23.732 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Scheduler starting wait... Thu 10/26 12:26:23.732 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker awoken Thu 10/26 12:26:23.732 [Seeker@54423a99] MemStats: Used=61MB Total=126MB Max=1908MB Thu 10/26 12:26:23.732 [AsyncPropSaver@70612426] Done writing out the data to the properties file Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734 [Seeker@54423a99] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 clients=[] ir=false Thu 10/26 12:26:23.735 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00] nextTTA=0 Thu 10/26 12:26:23.735 [Seeker@54423a99] newRecord(FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00]) was fake; real: A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T] Thu 10/26 12:26:23.735 [Seeker@54423a99] newRecord=FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00] Thu 10/26 12:26:23.735 [Seeker@54423a99] Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - LATER Thu 10/26 12:26:23.735 [Seeker@54423a99] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on clients=[] ir=false Thu 10/26 12:26:23.735 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=0 Thu 10/26 12:26:23.735 [Seeker@54423a99] newRecord(FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]) was fake; real: A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] Thu 10/26 12:26:23.735 [Seeker@54423a99] newRecord=FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] Thu 10/26 12:26:23.735 [Seeker@54423a99] Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - LATER Thu 10/26 12:26:23.735 [Seeker@54423a99] Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - NOW Thu 10/26 12:26:23.735 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker.startRecord(HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00], currTime=Thu 10/26 12:26:23.733) currRecord=null switch=false Thu 10/26 12:26:23.736 [Seeker@54423a99] Setting up MMC video for recording new show & tuning channel conn=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 Digital TV Tuner Thu 10/26 12:26:23.736 [Seeker@54423a99] Using quality setting "Great" for recording Thu 10/26 12:26:23.737 [Seeker@54423a99] MediaFile startSegment enc=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 WCAXDT MediaFile[id=54536 A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 WCAXDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 10512 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=e0]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-80010000 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 128 kbps idx=2 id=bd-81010000 spa]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-0.mpg, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:13:37.332-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.557]] Thu 10/26 12:26:23.743 [Seeker@54423a99] MediaFile created subfile:/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-1.mpg MediaFile[id=54536 A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 WCAXDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 10512 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=e0]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-80010000 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 128 kbps idx=2 id=bd-81010000 spa]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-0.mpg, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:13:37.332-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.557]] Thu 10/26 12:26:23.743 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker channel string=22-3-1 Thu 10/26 12:26:23.744 [Seeker@54423a99] startEncoding for HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0, file=/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-1.mpg, chan=22-3-1 Thu 10/26 12:26:23.744 [Seeker@54423a99] HDHR_setInput0(0x7f482c18bd00, 100, 0, Air, 139947214372865, 139947214372865) Thu 10/26 12:26:23.744 [Seeker@54423a99] HDHRCaptureDevice->doTuneChannel(22-3-1,true) Thu 10/26 12:26:23.744 [Seeker@54423a99] HDHR_setChannel0(0x7f482c18bd00, 22-3-1, true, 31) Thu 10/26 12:26:23.855 [Seeker@54423a99] HDHR_setupEncoding0(0x7f482c18bd00, /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-1.mpg, 0) Thu 10/26 12:26:23.857 [Seeker@54423a99] HDHR_getBroadcastStandard0(0x7f482c18bd00) Thu 10/26 12:26:23.860 [Seeker@54423a99] Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - NOW Thu 10/26 12:26:23.860 [HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0-Encoder@629ee8b4] Starting capture thread for HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 Thu 10/26 12:26:23.861 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker.startRecord(HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], currTime=Thu 10/26 12:26:23.733) currRecord=null switch=false Thu 10/26 12:26:23.864 [Seeker@54423a99] Setting up MMC video for recording new show & tuning channel conn=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on Digital TV Tuner Thu 10/26 12:26:23.864 [Seeker@54423a99] Not using desired quality setting of Great because the capture device doesn't support it Thu 10/26 12:26:23.864 [Seeker@54423a99] Using quality setting "" for recording Thu 10/26 12:26:23.866 [Seeker@54423a99] MediaFile startSegment enc=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 MediaFile[id=54538 A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:14:10.736-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.712]] Thu 10/26 12:26:23.868 [Seeker@54423a99] MediaFile created subfile:/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-1.ts MediaFile[id=54538 A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:14:10.736-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.712]] Thu 10/26 12:26:23.868 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker channel string=15-1 Thu 10/26 12:26:24.017 [LibraryImporter@6430975b] Seeker is starting the library import scan... Thu 10/26 12:26:24.041 [LibraryImporter@6430975b] Starting to scan lib import root: /var/media/videos Thu 10/26 12:26:24.042 [LibraryImporter@6430975b] Starting to scan lib import root: /var/media/pictures Thu 10/26 12:26:24.043 [LibraryImporter@6430975b] Starting to scan lib import root: /var/media/music Thu 10/26 12:26:24.043 [LibraryImporter@6430975b] Starting to scan lib import root: /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/HDHR-on-Windows Thu 10/26 12:26:24.049 [LibraryImporter@6430975b] Seeker has finished the library import scan. Thu 10/26 12:26:25.147 [MsgManager@69b8169c] Setting media file format for MediaFile[id=54536 A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 WCAXDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 10512 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=e0]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-80010000 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 128 kbps idx=2 id=bd-81010000 spa]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-0.mpg, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:13:37.332-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.557], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] to be MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 10512 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=e0]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-80010000 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 128 kbps idx=2 id=bd-81010000 spa]] Thu 10/26 12:26:25.512 [Seeker@54423a99] RootFile=/ fstype=EXT3 fileLength=282811 file=/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-1.mpg Thu 10/26 12:26:25.515 [Seeker@54423a99] RootFile=/ fstype=EXT3 fileLength=947708 file=/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-1.ts Thu 10/26 12:26:25.515 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker waiting for -25150586 mins. Thu 10/26 12:26:25.516 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker awoken Thu 10/26 12:26:25.516 [Seeker@54423a99] MemStats: Used=63MB Total=126MB Max=1908MB Thu 10/26 12:26:25.517 [Seeker@54423a99] MARK 1 currRecord=FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00] enc=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 clients=[] ir=false Thu 10/26 12:26:25.517 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Thu 10/26 12:26:25.517 [Seeker@54423a99] newRecord=FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00] Thu 10/26 12:26:25.517 [Seeker@54423a99] Record was enabled on what's already being recorded; update status. Thu 10/26 12:26:25.517 [Seeker@54423a99] Keeping record just the way it is. Thu 10/26 12:26:25.517 [Seeker@54423a99] MARK 1 currRecord=FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] enc=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on clients=[] ir=false Thu 10/26 12:26:25.517 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Thu 10/26 12:26:25.517 [Seeker@54423a99] newRecord=FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] Thu 10/26 12:26:25.517 [Seeker@54423a99] Not using desired quality setting of Great because the capture device doesn't support it Thu 10/26 12:26:25.517 [Seeker@54423a99] Record was enabled on what's already being recorded; update status. Thu 10/26 12:26:25.517 [Seeker@54423a99] Keeping record just the way it is. Thu 10/26 12:26:25.517 [Seeker@54423a99] RootFile=/ fstype=EXT3 fileLength=282811 file=/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-1.mpg Thu 10/26 12:26:25.518 [Seeker@54423a99] RootFile=/ fstype=EXT3 fileLength=947708 file=/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-1.ts Thu 10/26 12:26:25.518 [Seeker@54423a99] Checking video directories for new files Thu 10/26 12:26:25.519 [Seeker@54423a99] Diskspace checking is running Thu 10/26 12:26:25.519 [Seeker@54423a99] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Thu 10/26 12:26:25.519 [Seeker@54423a99] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Thu 10/26 12:26:25.519 [Seeker@54423a99] DONE enforcing keep at most limits for the files. Thu 10/26 12:26:25.519 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Thu 10/26 12:26:25.519 [Seeker@54423a99] DONE clearing unwanted and partial files. Thu 10/26 12:26:25.520 [Seeker@54423a99] needFreeSize = 4.05 GB currFreeSize=619.272830976 GB Thu 10/26 12:26:25.520 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker waiting for 3 mins. Thu 10/26 12:26:25.525 [SageTVServer@6ef377ce] SageTVServer was instantiated loadDelay=8.59 sec Thu 10/26 12:26:25.525 [SageTVDiscoveryServer@548cee68] SageTVDiscoveryServer was instantiated. Thu 10/26 12:26:25.526 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@1945110] SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer was instantiated. Thu 10/26 12:26:25.530 [SageTV@3c34334f] Trying to find lan network interface Thu 10/26 12:26:25.530 [SageTV@3c34334f] addr: /fe80:0:0:0:614e:e8d6:ca47:ad67%enp0s3 Thu 10/26 12:26:25.530 [SageTV@3c34334f] addr: / Thu 10/26 12:26:25.530 [SageTV@3c34334f] Miniserver running on Thu 10/26 12:26:25.530 [SageTV@3c34334f] Parsed 0 clients Thu 10/26 12:26:25.531 [MiniBootp@458ce43f] 16867 Thu 10/26 12:26:25.556 [MiniTftp@33398862] 16869 Thu 10/26 12:26:25.571 [SageTV@3c34334f] Loading locator keys from filesystem since they already exist. Thu 10/26 12:26:25.571 [MiniMVP@3f11b5b2] 16881 Thu 10/26 12:26:25.602 [SageTV@3c34334f] Splash: User Interface Manager is initializing... Thu 10/26 12:26:25.602 [PSNATMGR@2125ac3e] Starting UPnP NAT Manager... Thu 10/26 12:26:25.605 [SageTV@3c34334f] Loading all core plugins... Thu 10/26 12:26:25.605 [HotplugStorage@f48e62] StorageDeviceDetector started... Thu 10/26 12:26:25.609 [HotplugStorage@f48e62] Setup dir for external device mount: /var/media/external/sda5 Thu 10/26 12:26:25.609 [HotplugStorage@f48e62] Executing process: [sh, -c, mount | grep -i "/var/media/external/sda5 type"] Thu 10/26 12:26:25.618 [SageTV@3c34334f] LOADED PLUGINS=[] Thu 10/26 12:26:25.638 [HotplugStorage@f48e62] Started process object: java.lang.UNIXProcess@5316e440 Thu 10/26 12:26:25.666 [SageTV@3c34334f] Starting all core plugins... Thu 10/26 12:26:25.667 [SageTV@3c34334f] Done starting core plugins. Thu 10/26 12:26:25.667 [PSNATMGR@cbd7d10] Starting UPnP NAT Manager... Thu 10/26 12:26:25.693 [PluginRepoUpdater@119c4253] Checking to see if the plugin repository file SageTVPlugins.xml needs to be updated using MD5 URL: Thu 10/26 12:26:25.696 [HotplugStorage@f48e62] Executing process: [mount, /dev/sda5, /var/media/external/sda5, -o, noatime] Thu 10/26 12:26:25.697 [HotplugStorage@f48e62] Started process object: java.lang.UNIXProcess@492086d5 Thu 10/26 12:26:25.716 [ErrorStreamConsumer@42ca350a] STDERR:java.lang.UNIXProcess@492086d5: mount: unknown filesystem type 'swap' Thu 10/26 12:26:25.721 [HotplugStorage@f48e62] Executing process: [mount, /dev/sda5, /var/media/external/sda5] Thu 10/26 12:26:25.721 [HotplugStorage@f48e62] Started process object: java.lang.UNIXProcess@a2ac59f Thu 10/26 12:26:25.738 [ErrorStreamConsumer@33399396] STDERR:java.lang.UNIXProcess@a2ac59f: mount: unknown filesystem type 'swap' Thu 10/26 12:26:25.745 [HotplugStorage@f48e62] Failed mounting Thu 10/26 12:26:25.745 [HotplugStorage@f48e62] Setup dir for external device mount: /var/media/external/sda2 Thu 10/26 12:26:25.745 [HotplugStorage@f48e62] Executing process: [sh, -c, mount | grep -i "/var/media/external/sda2 type"] Thu 10/26 12:26:25.746 [HotplugStorage@f48e62] Started process object: java.lang.UNIXProcess@7b3f1307 Thu 10/26 12:26:25.771 [HotplugStorage@f48e62] Executing process: [mount, /dev/sda2, /var/media/external/sda2, -o, noatime] Thu 10/26 12:26:25.772 [HotplugStorage@f48e62] Started process object: java.lang.UNIXProcess@1f6fccc4 Thu 10/26 12:26:25.775 [ErrorStreamConsumer@a6ff526] STDERR:java.lang.UNIXProcess@1f6fccc4: mount: /dev/sda2 is write-protected, mounting read-only Thu 10/26 12:26:25.777 [ErrorStreamConsumer@a6ff526] STDERR:java.lang.UNIXProcess@1f6fccc4: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda2, Thu 10/26 12:26:25.778 [ErrorStreamConsumer@a6ff526] STDERR:java.lang.UNIXProcess@1f6fccc4: missing codepage or helper program, or other error Thu 10/26 12:26:25.778 [ErrorStreamConsumer@a6ff526] STDERR:java.lang.UNIXProcess@1f6fccc4: Thu 10/26 12:26:25.779 [ErrorStreamConsumer@a6ff526] STDERR:java.lang.UNIXProcess@1f6fccc4: In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try Thu 10/26 12:26:25.779 [ErrorStreamConsumer@a6ff526] STDERR:java.lang.UNIXProcess@1f6fccc4: dmesg | tail or so. Thu 10/26 12:26:25.779 [HotplugStorage@f48e62] Executing process: [mount, /dev/sda2, /var/media/external/sda2] Thu 10/26 12:26:25.780 [HotplugStorage@f48e62] Started process object: java.lang.UNIXProcess@5234f7d2 Thu 10/26 12:26:25.783 [ErrorStreamConsumer@40c3ca00] STDERR:java.lang.UNIXProcess@5234f7d2: mount: /dev/sda2 is write-protected, mounting read-only Thu 10/26 12:26:25.784 [ErrorStreamConsumer@40c3ca00] STDERR:java.lang.UNIXProcess@5234f7d2: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda2, Thu 10/26 12:26:25.784 [ErrorStreamConsumer@40c3ca00] STDERR:java.lang.UNIXProcess@5234f7d2: missing codepage or helper program, or other error Thu 10/26 12:26:25.784 [ErrorStreamConsumer@40c3ca00] STDERR:java.lang.UNIXProcess@5234f7d2: Thu 10/26 12:26:25.785 [ErrorStreamConsumer@40c3ca00] STDERR:java.lang.UNIXProcess@5234f7d2: In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try Thu 10/26 12:26:25.785 [ErrorStreamConsumer@40c3ca00] STDERR:java.lang.UNIXProcess@5234f7d2: dmesg | tail or so. Thu 10/26 12:26:25.785 [HotplugStorage@f48e62] Failed mounting Thu 10/26 12:26:25.786 [HotplugStorage@f48e62] Setup dir for external device mount: /var/media/external/sda1 Thu 10/26 12:26:25.786 [HotplugStorage@f48e62] Executing process: [sh, -c, mount | grep -i "/var/media/external/sda1 type"] Thu 10/26 12:26:25.786 [HotplugStorage@f48e62] Started process object: java.lang.UNIXProcess@e6ec636 Thu 10/26 12:26:25.799 [HotplugStorage@f48e62] Executing process: [mount, /dev/sda1, /var/media/external/sda1, -o, noatime] Thu 10/26 12:26:25.800 [PluginRepoUpdater@119c4253] Local plugin repository file's checksum matches server's, no need to download a new one for SageTVPlugins.xml Thu 10/26 12:26:25.800 [HotplugStorage@f48e62] Started process object: java.lang.UNIXProcess@d4a4bd7 Thu 10/26 12:26:25.804 [PluginRepoUpdater@119c4253] Checking to see if the plugin repository file SageTVPluginsV9.xml needs to be updated using MD5 URL: Thu 10/26 12:26:26.405 [PluginRepoUpdater@119c4253] Local plugin repository file's checksum matches server's, no need to download a new one for SageTVPluginsV9.xml Thu 10/26 12:26:26.407 [PluginRepoUpdater@119c4253] Analyzing plugin repository XML file: SageTVPlugins.xml Thu 10/26 12:26:26.649 [PluginRepoUpdater@119c4253] Done processing plugin repository XML file[SageTVPlugins.xml] repositoryVersion=1.0.1999 Thu 10/26 12:26:26.650 [PluginRepoUpdater@119c4253] Analyzing plugin repository XML file: SageTVPluginsV9.xml Thu 10/26 12:26:26.661 [PluginRepoUpdater@119c4253] Done processing plugin repository XML file[SageTVPluginsV9.xml] repositoryVersion=2017.1003.2224 Thu 10/26 12:26:28.266 [Ministry@7889436d] Ministry is starting Thu 10/26 12:26:28.267 [Ministry@7889436d] Doing pre-emptive file format detection on recording MediaFile..../var/media/tv/HDHomeRunHDHR42USTuner104390D01on19216811139000DigitalTVTuner-0.mpgbuf Thu 10/26 12:26:28.268 [Ministry@7889436d] Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Thu 10/26 12:26:34.491 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@1945110] Server got broadcast packet: Thu 10/26 12:26:34.505 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@1945110] Server sent back mini discovery to / 58844 Thu 10/26 12:26:44.606 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@1945110] Server got broadcast packet: Thu 10/26 12:26:44.610 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@1945110] Server sent back mini discovery to / 8271 Thu 10/26 12:26:56.309 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@1945110] Server got broadcast packet: Thu 10/26 12:26:56.313 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@1945110] Server sent back mini discovery to / 55011 Thu 10/26 12:26:56.982 [MiniMVP@3f11b5b2] Received mvp packet Thu 10/26 12:26:56.985 [MiniMVP@3f11b5b2] Sending mvp reply Thu 10/26 12:26:59.697 [MiniUIServer@1eb12b98] MiniUI got connection from java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[connected local=/ remote=/] Thu 10/26 12:26:59.699 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniPlayer is adding to its map:0023a500035b Thu 10/26 12:26:59.699 [MiniUIServer@1eb12b98] MiniUI got connection from java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[connected local=/ remote=/] Thu 10/26 12:26:59.700 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniUI is adding to its map:0023a500035b Thu 10/26 12:26:59.700 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Creating new UI for client:0023a500035b Thu 10/26 12:26:59.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Creating-2 new UI for client:0023a500035b UIManager:localhost@@0023a500035b-1f545cc2 Thu 10/26 12:26:59.759 [MiniUIClientReceiver@737a5d9] Got UI size update to 1024x576 Thu 10/26 12:27:00.507 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniUI established for 0023a500035b status=true Thu 10/26 12:27:00.509 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient GFX_TEXTMODE=NONE Thu 10/26 12:27:00.510 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient FIRMWARE_VERSION=20110124-2 Thu 10/26 12:27:00.510 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient GFX_BLENDMODE=POSTMULTIPLY Thu 10/26 12:27:00.510 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient GFX_DRAWMODE=UPDATE Thu 10/26 12:27:00.511 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient GFX_SURFACES=TRUE Thu 10/26 12:27:00.511 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient GFX_HIRES_SURFACES=TRUE Thu 10/26 12:27:00.511 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient GFX_VIDEO_UPDATE=TRUE Thu 10/26 12:27:00.512 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient GFX_VIDEO_MASKS=31 Thu 10/26 12:27:00.512 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient GFX_BITMAP_FORMAT=RAW32,RAW8,PNG,JPG,SCALE,DIRECT Thu 10/26 12:27:00.513 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient GFX_SCALING=HARDWARE Thu 10/26 12:27:00.514 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient GFX_NEGSCALING=VERTICAL Thu 10/26 12:27:00.514 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient GFX_OFFLINE_IMAGE_CACHE=null Thu 10/26 12:27:00.514 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient GFX_YUV_IMAGE_CACHE=UNIFIED Thu 10/26 12:27:00.514 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient GFX_SUPPORTED_ASPECTS=4:3,16:9 Thu 10/26 12:27:00.515 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient GFX_ASPECT= Thu 10/26 12:27:00.515 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient GFX_FIXED_PAR=null Thu 10/26 12:27:00.515 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient GFX_DIFFUSE_TEXTURES=ALPHA Thu 10/26 12:27:00.516 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient GFX_XFORMS=null Thu 10/26 12:27:00.516 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient GFX_TEXTURE_BATCH_LIMIT=8192 Thu 10/26 12:27:00.516 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient VIDEO_ADVANCED_ASPECT_LIST=Source;Fill|blackstrip=0,0|cutstrip=0,0;ZoomA|blackstrip=0,4096;ZoomB|source=2048,2048,3072,3072,FrontEdgeToCenter,FrontEdgeToCenter,Relative,Relative,Relative,Relative;ZoomC|source=2048,2048,4096,3072,FrontEdgeToCenter,FrontEdgeToCenter,Relative,Relative,Relative,Relative;Fill Wide|source=2048,2048,3072,4096,FrontEdgeToCenter,FrontEdgeToCenter,Relative,Relative,Relative,Relative|blackstrip=0,0|cutstrip=0,0; Thu 10/26 12:27:00.517 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient GFX_SUPPORTED_RESOLUTIONS=720x480p@59.94|standard=HDMI_480p59;1280x720p@59.94|standard=HDMI_720p59;1920x1080i@59.94|standard=HDMI_1080i59;1920x1080p@23.976|standard=HDMI_1080p23;1920x1080p@59.94|standard=HDMI_1080p59; Thu 10/26 12:27:00.518 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient GFX_SUPPORTED_RESOLUTIONS_DIGITAL=720x480i@59.94|standard=HDMI_480i59;720x480p@59.94|standard=HDMI_480p59;1280x720p@59.94|standard=HDMI_720p59;1280x720p@60|standard=HDMI_720p60;1920x1080i@60|standard=HDMI_1080i60;1920x1080i@59.94|standard=HDMI_1080i59;1920x1080p@59.94|standard=HDMI_1080p59;1920x1080p@60|standard=HDMI_1080p60; Thu 10/26 12:27:00.518 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient GFX_RESOLUTION=1920x1080p@59.94|standard=HDMI_1080p59 Thu 10/26 12:27:00.518 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient GFX_HDMI_MODE=HDMI Thu 10/26 12:27:00.518 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient GFX_COMPOSITE=BLEND Thu 10/26 12:27:00.519 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient GFX_COLORKEY=00000000 Thu 10/26 12:27:00.519 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient AUDIO_OUTPUTS=Analog;Digital;HDMI;HDMIHBR Thu 10/26 12:27:00.520 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient AUDIO_OUTPUT=HDMI Thu 10/26 12:27:00.520 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient INPUT_DEVICES=null Thu 10/26 12:27:00.520 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient DISPLAY_OVERSCAN=null Thu 10/26 12:27:00.521 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient VIDEO_CODECS=MPEG2-VIDEO,MPEG2-VIDEO@HL,MPEG1-VIDEO,MPEG4-VIDEO,DIVX3,MSMPEG4,FLASHVIDEO,H.264,WMV9,VC1,MJPEG Thu 10/26 12:27:00.521 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient AUDIO_CODECS=MPG1L2,MPG1L3,AC3,AAC,AAC-HE,WMA,FLAC,VORBIS,PCM,DTS,DCA,PCM_S16LE,WMA8,ALAC,WMAPRO,0X0162,DolbyTrueHD,DTS-HD,DTS-MA,EAC3,EC-3 Thu 10/26 12:27:00.521 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient PULL_AV_CONTAINERS=AVI,FLASHVIDEO,Quicktime,Ogg,MP3,AAC,WMV,ASF,FLAC,MATROSKA,WAV,AC3 Thu 10/26 12:27:00.521 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient PUSH_AV_CONTAINERS=MPEG2-PS,MPEG2-TS,MPEG1-PS Thu 10/26 12:27:00.522 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient STREAMING_PROTOCOLS=file,stv Thu 10/26 12:27:00.522 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient FIXED_PUSH_MEDIA_FORMAT=null Thu 10/26 12:27:00.523 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient OPENURL_INIT=TRUE Thu 10/26 12:27:00.523 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient FRAME_STEP=TRUE Thu 10/26 12:27:00.523 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient GFX_CURSORPROP=null Thu 10/26 12:27:00.523 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient DETAILED_BUFFER_STATS=null Thu 10/26 12:27:00.524 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient PUSH_BUFFER_SEEKING=null Thu 10/26 12:27:00.524 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient MEDIA_PLAYER_BUFFER_DELAY=null Thu 10/26 12:27:00.524 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient REMOTE_FS=FALSE Thu 10/26 12:27:00.525 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient IR_PROTOCOL=RC5 Thu 10/26 12:27:00.525 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient GFX_SUBTITLES=TRUE Thu 10/26 12:27:00.525 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient FORCED_MEDIA_RECONNECT=TRUE Thu 10/26 12:27:00.526 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient AUTH_CACHE=TRUE Thu 10/26 12:27:00.526 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient DEINTERLACE_CONTROL=TRUE Thu 10/26 12:27:00.527 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient PUSH_BUFFER_LIMIT=524288 Thu 10/26 12:27:00.527 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient SCREENSHOT_CAP=null Thu 10/26 12:27:00.527 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient ZLIB_COMM=null Thu 10/26 12:27:00.528 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient OFFLINE_CACHE_CONTENTS=null Thu 10/26 12:27:00.528 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient ADVANCED_IMAGE_CACHING=null Thu 10/26 12:27:00.529 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient VIDEO_ADVANCED_ASPECT=Source Thu 10/26 12:27:00.529 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient sending RECONNECT_SUPPORTED=TRUE Thu 10/26 12:27:00.530 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient sending GFX_ASPECT=1.7677778 Thu 10/26 12:27:00.531 [MiniUIClientReceiver@737a5d9] Got UI size update to 1280x720 Thu 10/26 12:27:00.533 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] MiniClient CRYPTO_ALGORITHMS=RSA,Blowfish Thu 10/26 12:27:00.563 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Downloading-2 URL images/tvicon_anim0.png to local cache file: /tmp/stv4331092620962033544.img id=816470933 Thu 10/26 12:27:00.563 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Downloading-2 URL images/tvicon_anim1.png to local cache file: /tmp/stv5230580282457439949.img id=1904894446 Thu 10/26 12:27:00.564 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Downloading-2 URL images/tvicon_anim2.png to local cache file: /tmp/stv3497048446262501936.img id=384803170 Thu 10/26 12:27:00.564 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Downloading-2 URL images/tvicon_anim3.png to local cache file: /tmp/stv754050986041670057.img id=1329610482 Thu 10/26 12:27:00.564 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Downloading-2 URL images/tvicon_anim4.png to local cache file: /tmp/stv8694142317969557299.img id=1057178644 Thu 10/26 12:27:00.565 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Downloading-2 URL images/tvicon_anim5.png to local cache file: /tmp/stv2002536334269924005.img id=976844807 Thu 10/26 12:27:00.565 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Downloading-2 URL images/tvicon_anim6.png to local cache file: /tmp/stv5721587791644126399.img id=2000636176 Thu 10/26 12:27:00.566 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Downloading-2 URL images/tvicon_anim7.png to local cache file: /tmp/stv498382044081778436.img id=1078940328 Thu 10/26 12:27:00.570 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Splash: Rendering Engine is initializing... Thu 10/26 12:27:00.570 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Creating-3 new UI for client:0023a500035b UIManager:localhost@@0023a500035b-1f545cc2 Thu 10/26 12:27:00.572 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] UIMgr loading UI from: /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/SageTV7.xml Thu 10/26 12:27:00.572 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now running... Thu 10/26 12:27:00.575 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Modules: loadXML from /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/SageTV7.xml Thu 10/26 12:27:00.578 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:00.000 Thu 10/26 12:27:01.088 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Modules: loadXML count = 74010 Thu 10/26 12:27:01.088 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Modules: loadXML depth = 118 Thu 10/26 12:27:01.088 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Modules: loadXML anon = 67753 Thu 10/26 12:27:01.088 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Modules: loadXML sym = 74010 Thu 10/26 12:27:01.132 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ERROR Cannot find translation file for STV:java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name STVs/SageTV7/SageTV7_i18n, locale Thu 10/26 12:27:01.466 [MiniUIClientReceiver@737a5d9] Server got notification to update the output modes... Thu 10/26 12:27:01.466 [AWTThreadWatcher-0023a500035b@2cbd2ebb] EventThread-0023a500035b Hang Detected - hang time = 898 UILocker=null Thu 10/26 12:27:01.518 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] UIMgr done loading UI from: /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/SageTV7.xml Thu 10/26 12:27:01.534 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Increased vector pool to size=1 Thu 10/26 12:27:01.541 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ADDING: MediaPlayerFileLoadComplete=true Thu 10/26 12:27:01.541 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ADDING: RecordRequestScheduleConflict=true Thu 10/26 12:27:01.541 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ADDING: MediaPlayerError=true Thu 10/26 12:27:01.541 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ADDING: RecordRequestLiveConflict=true Thu 10/26 12:27:01.541 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ADDING: WatchRequestConflict=true Thu 10/26 12:27:01.541 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ADDING: DenyChannelChangeToRecord=true Thu 10/26 12:27:01.541 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ADDING: StorageDeviceAdded=true Thu 10/26 12:27:01.541 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ADDING: RequestToExceedParentalRestrictions=true Thu 10/26 12:27:01.541 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ADDING: NewUnresolvedSchedulingConflicts=true Thu 10/26 12:27:01.541 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ADDING: RecordingScheduleChanged=true Thu 10/26 12:27:01.541 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ADDING: ApplicationStarted=true Thu 10/26 12:27:01.541 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ADDING: MediaFilesImported=true Thu 10/26 12:27:01.541 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ADDING: SystemStatusChanged=true Thu 10/26 12:27:01.541 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ADDING: ApplicationExiting=true Thu 10/26 12:27:01.593 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Hidden Extras are no longer hidden. Thu 10/26 12:27:01.611 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Loading all "Standard" theme settings... Thu 10/26 12:27:01.618 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Created Property set w/o defaults Thu 10/26 12:27:01.618 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] PropCacheFile = [/opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.623 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Loaded properties file: /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ Thu 10/26 12:27:01.624 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] The default theme set is "Standard" Thu 10/26 12:27:01.625 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Loading properties for "Standard" Thu 10/26 12:27:01.625 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Created Property set w/o defaults Thu 10/26 12:27:01.625 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] PropCacheFile = [/opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.626 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Loaded properties file: /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ Thu 10/26 12:27:01.626 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] The "Standard" theme consists of 1 themes: [Standard] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.626 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] The "Standard" theme uses 2 image paths: [/opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard, /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.669 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] SortedThemePropNameList has 448 items. Thu 10/26 12:27:01.670 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 1 [ColorValue/gButtonCatBarColor] = [0xF7F7F7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.671 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonCatBarColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.671 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 2 [ColorValue/gButtonCatBarSelectedColor] = [0xF7F7F7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.671 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonCatBarSelectedColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.671 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 3 [ColorValue/gButtonCatBarSelectedShadowColor] = [0x1B1715] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.671 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonCatBarSelectedShadowColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.671 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 4 [ColorValue/gButtonCatBarShadowColor] = [0x1B1715] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonCatBarShadowColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 5 [ColorValue/gButtonImportColor] = [0xE6C400] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonImportColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 6 [ColorValue/gButtonImportShadowColor] = [0x1B1715] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonImportShadowColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 7 [ColorValue/gButtonLightColor] = [0xC0C0C0] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonLightColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 8 [ColorValue/gButtonLightShadowColor] = [0x1B1715] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonLightShadowColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 9 [ColorValue/gButtonNormalColor] = [0xF7F7F7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonNormalColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 10 [ColorValue/gButtonNormalShadowColor] = [0x1B1715] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonNormalShadowColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 11 [ColorValue/gButtonOnlineNoThumbColor] = [0xCFCFCF] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonOnlineNoThumbColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 12 [ColorValue/gButtonOnlineNoThumbShadowColor] = [0x1B1715] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonOnlineNoThumbShadowColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 13 [ColorValue/gButtonSelectedColor] = [0xF7F7F7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonSelectedColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 14 [ColorValue/gButtonSelectedShadowColor] = [0x1B1715] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonSelectedShadowColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 15 [ColorValue/gButtonSelImportColor] = [0xE6C400] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonSelImportColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 16 [ColorValue/gButtonSelImportShadowColor] = [0x1B1715] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonSelImportShadowColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 17 [ColorValue/gButtonSelLightColor] = [0xC0C0C0] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonSelLightColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 18 [ColorValue/gButtonSelLightShadowColor] = [0x1B1715] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonSelLightShadowColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 19 [ColorValue/gButtonSelOnlineNoThumbColor] = [0xCFCFCF] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonSelOnlineNoThumbColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.672 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 20 [ColorValue/gButtonSelOnlineNoThumbShadowColor] = [0x1B1715] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonSelOnlineNoThumbShadowColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 21 [ColorValue/gButtonSelThumbNoOverlayColor] = [0xF7F7F7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonSelThumbNoOverlayColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 22 [ColorValue/gButtonSelThumbNoOverlayShadowColor] = [0x1B1715] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonSelThumbNoOverlayShadowColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 23 [ColorValue/gButtonSelThumbOverlayColor] = [0xF7F7F7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonSelThumbOverlayColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 24 [ColorValue/gButtonSelThumbOverlayColorLight] = [0xCCCCCC] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonSelThumbOverlayColorLight] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 25 [ColorValue/gButtonSelThumbOverlaySecondaryColor] = [0xBABABA] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonSelThumbOverlaySecondaryColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 26 [ColorValue/gButtonSelThumbOverlaySecondaryShadowColor] = [0x000000] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonSelThumbOverlaySecondaryShadowColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 27 [ColorValue/gButtonSelThumbOverlayShadowColor] = [0x000000] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonSelThumbOverlayShadowColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 28 [ColorValue/gButtonThumbNoOverlayColor] = [0xF7F7F7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonThumbNoOverlayColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 29 [ColorValue/gButtonThumbNoOverlayShadowColor] = [0x1B1715] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonThumbNoOverlayShadowColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 30 [ColorValue/gButtonThumbOverlayColor] = [0xF7F7F7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonThumbOverlayColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 31 [ColorValue/gButtonThumbOverlayColorLight] = [0xCCCCCC] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonThumbOverlayColorLight] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 32 [ColorValue/gButtonThumbOverlaySecondaryColor] = [0xBABABA] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonThumbOverlaySecondaryColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 33 [ColorValue/gButtonThumbOverlaySecondaryShadowColor] = [0x000000] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonThumbOverlaySecondaryShadowColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 34 [ColorValue/gButtonThumbOverlayShadowColor] = [0x000000] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonThumbOverlayShadowColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 35 [ColorValue/gColorBasicBlack] = [0x1B1715] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gColorBasicBlack] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 36 [ColorValue/gColorBasicGray] = [0xCCCCCC] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.673 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gColorBasicGray] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 37 [ColorValue/gColorBasicRed] = [0xFF0000] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gColorBasicRed] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 38 [ColorValue/gColorBasicWhite] = [0xF7F7F7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gColorBasicWhite] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 39 [ColorValue/gColorBasicYellow] = [0xF0D800] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gColorBasicYellow] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 40 [ColorValue/gColorBrightYellow] = [0xF8D800] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gColorBrightYellow] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 41 [ColorValue/gColorCenterBGWithBorder] = [0x666666] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gColorCenterBGWithBorder] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 42 [ColorValue/gColorCurRecOutline] = [0xE6C400] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gColorCurRecOutline] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 43 [ColorValue/gColorDarkYellow] = [0xE6C400] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gColorDarkYellow] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 44 [ColorValue/gColorDetailedInfoSectionHighlight] = [0x91A1F6] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gColorDetailedInfoSectionHighlight] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 45 [ColorValue/gColorDontLikeOutline] = [0x666666] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gColorDontLikeOutline] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 46 [ColorValue/gColorFavOutline] = [0xF7F7F7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gColorFavOutline] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 47 [ColorValue/gColorInfoAreaBG] = [0x003366] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gColorInfoAreaBG] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 48 [ColorValue/gColorManRecOutline] = [0xB30000] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gColorManRecOutline] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 49 [ColorValue/gColorMenuBorder] = [0x7991B1] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gColorMenuBorder] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 50 [ColorValue/gColorMenuFillBG] = [0x061c47] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gColorMenuFillBG] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 51 [ColorValue/gColorWeatherHighlight] = [0xAAAAAA] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gColorWeatherHighlight] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 52 [ColorValue/gMainMenuNormalColor] = [0xCCCCCC] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.674 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gMainMenuNormalColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.675 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 53 [ColorValue/gMainMenuNormalShadowColor] = [0x1B1715] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.675 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gMainMenuNormalShadowColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.675 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 54 [ColorValue/gMainMenuSelectedColor] = [0xF7F7F7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.675 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gMainMenuSelectedColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.675 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 55 [ColorValue/gMainMenuSelectedShadowColor] = [0x1B1715] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.675 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gMainMenuSelectedShadowColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.675 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 56 [ColorValue/gMaloreButtonNormalColor] = [0xF7F7F7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.675 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gMaloreButtonNormalColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.675 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 57 [ColorValue/gMaloreButtonNormalColorNew] = [0x66ff66] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.675 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gMaloreButtonNormalColorNew] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.675 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 58 [ColorValue/gMaloreButtonNormalColorWatched] = [0xC7C7C7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.675 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gMaloreButtonNormalColorWatched] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.675 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 59 [ColorValue/gMaloreButtonNormalShadowColor] = [0x1B1715] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.675 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gMaloreButtonNormalShadowColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.675 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 60 [ColorValue/gMaloreButtonSelectedColor] = [0xF7F7F7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.675 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gMaloreButtonSelectedColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.675 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 61 [ColorValue/gMaloreButtonSelectedShadowColor] = [0x1B1715] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.675 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gMaloreButtonSelectedShadowColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.675 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 62 [ColorValue/gMenuBarLongNormalColor] = [0xF7F7F7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.675 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gMenuBarLongNormalColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.675 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 63 [ColorValue/gMenuBarLongNormalShadowColor] = [0x1B1715] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.676 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gMenuBarLongNormalShadowColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.676 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 64 [ColorValue/gMenuBarLongSelectedColor] = [0xF7F7F7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.676 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gMenuBarLongSelectedColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.676 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 65 [ColorValue/gMenuBarLongSelectedShadowColor] = [0x1B1715] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.676 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gMenuBarLongSelectedShadowColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.676 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 66 [ColorValue/gMenuBarShortNormalColor] = [0xF7F7F7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.676 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gMenuBarShortNormalColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.676 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 67 [ColorValue/gMenuBarShortNormalShadowColor] = [0x1B1715] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.676 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gMenuBarShortNormalShadowColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.676 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 68 [ColorValue/gMenuBarShortSelectedColor] = [0xF7F7F7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.676 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gMenuBarShortSelectedColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.677 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 69 [ColorValue/gMenuBarShortSelectedShadowColor] = [0x1B1715] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.677 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gMenuBarShortSelectedShadowColor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.677 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 70 [ColorValue/gShadowColorBlack] = [0x1B1715] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.677 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gShadowColorBlack] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.677 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 71 [ColorValue/gShadowColorWhite] = [0xF7F7F7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.677 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [colorvalue], ThemePropertyID = [gShadowColorWhite] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.677 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 72 [Description/Standard] = [This is the default theme installed with SageTV.] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.677 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [description], ThemePropertyID = [Standard] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.679 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ** Skipped Theme property; May be processed elsewhere ** Thu 10/26 12:27:01.679 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 73 [ImageFile/gArrowDown] = [down.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.679 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gArrowDown] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.682 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "down.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.682 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 74 [ImageFile/gArrowGuideLeft] = [guideLeft.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.682 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gArrowGuideLeft] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.682 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "guideLeft.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.682 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 75 [ImageFile/gArrowGuideRight] = [guideRight.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.683 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gArrowGuideRight] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.683 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "guideRight.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.683 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 76 [ImageFile/gArrowLeft] = [left.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.683 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gArrowLeft] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.683 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "left.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.683 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 77 [ImageFile/gArrowRight] = [right.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.683 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gArrowRight] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.684 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "right.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.684 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 78 [ImageFile/gArrowRightTall] = [righttall.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.684 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gArrowRightTall] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.684 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "righttall.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.684 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 79 [ImageFile/gArrowUp] = [up.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.684 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gArrowUp] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.684 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "up.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.684 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 80 [ImageFile/gAsterisk] = [Asterisk.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.684 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gAsterisk] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.685 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "Asterisk.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.685 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 81 [ImageFile/gBackgroundImage] = [background.jpg] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.685 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gBackgroundImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.685 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "background.jpg" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.685 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 82 [ImageFile/gBGMainMenuSubmenuImage] = [BGMainMenuSubmenu.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.685 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gBGMainMenuSubmenuImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.685 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "BGMainMenuSubmenu.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.685 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 83 [ImageFile/gBlackBGFillSquareImage] = [BlackBGFillSquare.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.685 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gBlackBGFillSquareImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.686 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "BlackBGFillSquare.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.686 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 84 [ImageFile/gBrowserBackIcon] = [MusicBack.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.686 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gBrowserBackIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.686 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MusicBack.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.686 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 85 [ImageFile/gBrowserFolderIcon] = [FileFolder.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.686 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gBrowserFolderIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.686 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "FileFolder.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.686 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 86 [ImageFile/gBrowserOptionsIcon] = [MusicOptions.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.686 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gBrowserOptionsIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.687 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MusicOptions.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.687 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 87 [ImageFile/gBrowserSearchIcon] = [SearchIcon.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.687 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gBrowserSearchIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.687 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "SearchIcon.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.687 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 88 [ImageFile/gBrowserStyleNextIcon] = [MusicStyleNext.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.687 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gBrowserStyleNextIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.687 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MusicStyleNext.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.687 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 89 [ImageFile/gBrowserStylePrevIcon] = [MusicStylePrev.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.688 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gBrowserStylePrevIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.688 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MusicStylePrev.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.688 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 90 [ImageFile/gBrowserTrackNextIcon] = [MusicTrackNext.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.688 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gBrowserTrackNextIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.688 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MusicTrackNext.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.688 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 91 [ImageFile/gBrowserTrackPrevIcon] = [MusicTrackPrev.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.688 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gBrowserTrackPrevIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.688 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MusicTrackPrev.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.688 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 92 [ImageFile/gButtonBGSmBorder] = [ButtonBGSmBorder.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.689 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonBGSmBorder] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.689 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "ButtonBGSmBorder.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.689 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 93 [ImageFile/gButtonDividerImage] = [ButtonDivider.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.689 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonDividerImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.689 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "ButtonDivider.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.689 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 94 [ImageFile/gButtonHighlight] = [ButtonHighlight.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.689 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonHighlight] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.689 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "ButtonHighlight.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.689 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 95 [ImageFile/gButtonHighlightNoBorder] = [ButtonHighlightNoBorder.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.690 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonHighlightNoBorder] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.690 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "ButtonHighlightNoBorder.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.690 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 96 [ImageFile/gButtonHighlightSmBorder] = [ButtonHighlightSmBorder.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.690 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonHighlightSmBorder] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.690 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "ButtonHighlightSmBorder.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.690 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 97 [ImageFile/gButtonMaloreHighlight] = [MaloreHighlight.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.690 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonMaloreHighlight] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.690 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MaloreHighlight.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.691 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 98 [ImageFile/gButtonMaloreNormalBG] = [MaloreNormalBG.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.691 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonMaloreNormalBG] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.691 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MaloreNormalBG.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.691 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 99 [ImageFile/gCatBarActiveItem] = [CatBarActiveItem.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.691 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gCatBarActiveItem] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.691 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "CatBarActiveItem.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.691 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 100 [ImageFile/gCatBarBG] = [CatBarBG.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.691 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gCatBarBG] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.691 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "CatBarBG.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.691 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 101 [ImageFile/gCatBarBGSelect] = [CatBarBGSelect.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.692 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gCatBarBGSelect] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.692 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "CatBarBGSelect.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.692 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 102 [ImageFile/gCellDividerImage] = [CellDivider.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.692 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gCellDividerImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.692 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "CellDivider.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.692 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 103 [ImageFile/gCenterBGWithBorderFillImage] = [CenterBGWithBorder.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.692 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gCenterBGWithBorderFillImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.692 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "CenterBGWithBorder.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.692 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 104 [ImageFile/gChannelEnabledIcon] = [ChannelEnabled.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.693 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gChannelEnabledIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.693 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "ChannelEnabled.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.693 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 105 [ImageFile/gClockBGImage] = [ClockBG.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.693 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gClockBGImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.693 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "ClockBG.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.693 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 106 [ImageFile/gColorGuideAiringBGDefaultImage] = [GuideAiringBGDefault.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.693 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gColorGuideAiringBGDefaultImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.694 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "GuideAiringBGDefault.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.694 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 107 [ImageFile/gColorGuideAiringBGDefaultImage2] = [GuideAiringBGDefault2.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.694 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gColorGuideAiringBGDefaultImage2] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.694 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "GuideAiringBGDefault2.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.694 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 108 [ImageFile/gColorGuideAiringBGMovieImage] = [GuideAiringBGMovie.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.694 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gColorGuideAiringBGMovieImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.694 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "GuideAiringBGMovie.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.694 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 109 [ImageFile/gColorGuideAiringBGMovieImage2] = [GuideAiringBGMovie2.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.695 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gColorGuideAiringBGMovieImage2] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.695 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "GuideAiringBGMovie2.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.695 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 110 [ImageFile/gColorGuideAiringBGNewsImage] = [GuideAiringBGNews.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.695 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gColorGuideAiringBGNewsImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.695 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "GuideAiringBGNews.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.695 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 111 [ImageFile/gColorGuideAiringBGNewsImage2] = [GuideAiringBGNews2.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.695 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gColorGuideAiringBGNewsImage2] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.695 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "GuideAiringBGNews2.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.695 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 112 [ImageFile/gColorGuideAiringBGSportsImage] = [GuideAiringBGSports.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.696 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gColorGuideAiringBGSportsImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.696 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "GuideAiringBGSports.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.696 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 113 [ImageFile/gColorGuideAiringBGSportsImage2] = [GuideAiringBGSports2.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.696 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gColorGuideAiringBGSportsImage2] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.696 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "GuideAiringBGSports2.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.696 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 114 [ImageFile/gConflictResolvedIcon] = [ConflictResolved.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.696 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gConflictResolvedIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.696 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "ConflictResolved.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.696 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 115 [ImageFile/gConflictUnresolvedIcon] = [ConflictUnresolved.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.697 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gConflictUnresolvedIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.697 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "ConflictUnresolved.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.697 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 116 [ImageFile/gDialogBG] = [DialogBG.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.697 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gDialogBG] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.697 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "DialogBG.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.697 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 117 [ImageFile/gDialogBGTrans] = [DialogBG.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.697 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gDialogBGTrans] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.697 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "DialogBG.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.698 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 118 [ImageFile/gDVDInvalidOpIcon] = [DVDInvalidOp.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.698 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gDVDInvalidOpIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.698 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "DVDInvalidOp.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.698 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 119 [ImageFile/gExitBackgroundImage] = [ExitBackground.jpg] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.698 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gExitBackgroundImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.698 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "ExitBackground.jpg" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.698 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 120 [ImageFile/gFileBrowserHDDIcon] = [hdd-link.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.698 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gFileBrowserHDDIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.698 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "hdd-link.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.699 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 121 [ImageFile/gFileBrowserLibDirsIcon] = [lib-link.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.699 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gFileBrowserLibDirsIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.699 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "lib-link.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.699 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 122 [ImageFile/gFileBrowserLocalIcon] = [local-link.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.699 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gFileBrowserLocalIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.699 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "local-link.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.699 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 123 [ImageFile/gFileBrowserNetIcon] = [net-link.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.699 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gFileBrowserNetIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.699 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "net-link.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.700 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 124 [ImageFile/gFileBrowserRecDirsIcon] = [rec-link.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.700 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gFileBrowserRecDirsIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.700 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "rec-link.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.700 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 125 [ImageFile/gFileBrowserServerIcon] = [server-link.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.700 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gFileBrowserServerIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.700 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "server-link.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.700 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 126 [ImageFile/gFileBrowserUPnPIcon] = [upnp-link.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.700 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gFileBrowserUPnPIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.700 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "upnp-link.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.700 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 127 [ImageFile/gFileBrowserUSBIcon] = [usb-link.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.701 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gFileBrowserUSBIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.701 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "usb-link.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.701 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 128 [ImageFile/gFileFolderIcon] = [FileFolder.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.701 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gFileFolderIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.701 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "FileFolder.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.701 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 129 [ImageFile/gFilterOptionsIcon] = [FilterIcon.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.701 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gFilterOptionsIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.701 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "FilterIcon.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.701 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 130 [ImageFile/gGenericBDThumb] = [bluray.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.702 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gGenericBDThumb] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.702 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "bluray.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.702 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 131 [ImageFile/gGenericDVDThumb] = [dvd.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.702 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gGenericDVDThumb] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.702 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "dvd.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.702 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 132 [ImageFile/gGenericEditorialThumb] = [GenericEditorialArt.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.702 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gGenericEditorialThumb] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.702 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "GenericEditorialArt.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.702 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 133 [ImageFile/gGenericMusicThumb] = [MusicArt.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.703 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gGenericMusicThumb] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.703 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MusicArt.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.703 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 134 [ImageFile/gGenericRecThumb] = [VideoArt.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.703 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gGenericRecThumb] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.703 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "VideoArt.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.703 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 135 [ImageFile/gGenericVideoThumb] = [VideoArt.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.703 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gGenericVideoThumb] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.703 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "VideoArt.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.703 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 136 [ImageFile/gGoToMusicIcon] = [GoMusicLib.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.703 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gGoToMusicIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.704 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "GoMusicLib.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.704 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 137 [ImageFile/gGoToPhotosIcon] = [GoPhotoLib.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.704 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gGoToPhotosIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.704 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "GoPhotoLib.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.704 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 138 [ImageFile/gGoToRecordingsIcon] = [GoRecordings.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.704 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gGoToRecordingsIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.704 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "GoRecordings.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.704 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 139 [ImageFile/gGoToRecScheduleIcon] = [GoSchedule.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.704 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gGoToRecScheduleIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.705 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "GoSchedule.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.705 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 140 [ImageFile/gGoToRootFSIcon] = [IconGoRootFS.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.705 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gGoToRootFSIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.705 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "IconGoRootFS.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.705 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 141 [ImageFile/gGoToVideosIcon] = [GoVideoLib.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.705 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gGoToVideosIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.705 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "GoVideoLib.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.705 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 142 [ImageFile/gGrayBGFillImage] = [GrayBGFill.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.705 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gGrayBGFillImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.705 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "GrayBGFill.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.706 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 143 [ImageFile/gGrayDarkBGFillImage] = [GrayDarkBGFill.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.706 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gGrayDarkBGFillImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.706 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "GrayDarkBGFill.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.706 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 144 [ImageFile/gGridCurrentTimeBarImage] = [GridCurrentTimeBar.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.706 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gGridCurrentTimeBarImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.706 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "GridCurrentTimeBar.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.706 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 145 [ImageFile/gGroupingOptionsIcon] = [GroupingIcon.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.706 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gGroupingOptionsIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.706 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "GroupingIcon.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.706 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 146 [ImageFile/gGuideCellBorderImage] = [GuideCellBorder.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.706 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gGuideCellBorderImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.706 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "GuideCellBorder.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.706 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 147 [ImageFile/gHeaderGoFullScreenIcon] = [GoFullscreen.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.706 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gHeaderGoFullScreenIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.706 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "GoFullscreen.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.706 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 148 [ImageFile/gHeaderGoWindowIcon] = [GoWindowed.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.706 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gHeaderGoWindowIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.706 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "GoWindowed.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.706 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 149 [ImageFile/gHeaderIconBGImage] = [HeaderIconBG.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.706 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gHeaderIconBGImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.706 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "HeaderIconBG.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.706 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 150 [ImageFile/gHeaderImportScanActiveIcon] = [importing.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.706 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gHeaderImportScanActiveIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.706 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "importing.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.706 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 151 [ImageFile/gHeaderRecordingNowIcon] = [RecordingNow.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gHeaderRecordingNowIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "RecordingNow.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 152 [ImageFile/gHeaderSleepIcon] = [GoSleep.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gHeaderSleepIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "GoSleep.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 153 [ImageFile/gHeaderWeatherLeftBGImage] = [HeaderWeatherLeftBG.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gHeaderWeatherLeftBGImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "HeaderWeatherLeftBG.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 154 [ImageFile/gHeaderWeatherRightBGImage] = [HeaderWeatherRightBG.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gHeaderWeatherRightBGImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "HeaderWeatherRightBG.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 155 [ImageFile/gInfoAreaBGFillBorderedImage] = [InfoAreaBGFillBordered.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gInfoAreaBGFillBorderedImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "InfoAreaBGFillBordered.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 156 [ImageFile/gInfoAreaBGFillImage] = [InfoAreaBGFill.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gInfoAreaBGFillImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "InfoAreaBGFill.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 157 [ImageFile/gMarkerArchived] = [MarkerA.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerArchived] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MarkerA.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 158 [ImageFile/gMarkerChecked] = [MarkerChecked.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerChecked] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MarkerChecked.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 159 [ImageFile/gMarkerDelete] = [MarkerDelete.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerDelete] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MarkerDelete.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.707 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 160 [ImageFile/gMarkerDontLike] = [MarkerDontLike.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerDontLike] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MarkerDontLike.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 161 [ImageFile/gMarkerFavRecord] = [MarkerF.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerFavRecord] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MarkerF.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 162 [ImageFile/gMarkerFilterNot] = [MarkerFilterNot.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerFilterNot] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MarkerFilterNot.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 163 [ImageFile/gMarkerFirstRun] = [Marker1.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerFirstRun] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "Marker1.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 164 [ImageFile/gMarkerFirstRunDot] = [MarkerFirstRunDot.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerFirstRunDot] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MarkerFirstRunDot.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 165 [ImageFile/gMarkerHDTV] = [MarkerHD.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerHDTV] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MarkerHD.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 166 [ImageFile/gMarkerHDTVDot] = [MarkerHDTVDot.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerHDTVDot] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MarkerHDTVDot.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 167 [ImageFile/gMarkerInfo] = [MarkerInfo.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerInfo] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MarkerInfo.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 168 [ImageFile/gMarkerManualRecord] = [MarkerM.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerManualRecord] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MarkerM.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.708 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 169 [ImageFile/gMarkerNonZap2itDot] = [MarkerNonZap2itDot.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerNonZap2itDot] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MarkerNonZap2itDot.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 170 [ImageFile/gMarkerOtherRecord] = [MarkerO.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerOtherRecord] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MarkerO.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 171 [ImageFile/gMarkerRadioOff] = [MarkerRadioOff.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerRadioOff] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MarkerRadioOff.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 172 [ImageFile/gMarkerRadioOn] = [MarkerRadioOn.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerRadioOn] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MarkerRadioOn.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 173 [ImageFile/gMarkerRotate] = [RotateSweep.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerRotate] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "RotateSweep.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 174 [ImageFile/gMarkerTransArchived] = [MarkerTransA.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerTransArchived] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MarkerTransA.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 175 [ImageFile/gMarkerTransDontLike] = [MarkerTransDontLike.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerTransDontLike] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MarkerTransDontLike.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 176 [ImageFile/gMarkerTransFavRecord] = [MarkerTransF.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerTransFavRecord] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MarkerTransF.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 177 [ImageFile/gMarkerTransFirstRun] = [MarkerTrans1.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerTransFirstRun] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MarkerTrans1.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.709 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 178 [ImageFile/gMarkerTransHDTV] = [MarkerTransHD.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerTransHDTV] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MarkerTransHD.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 179 [ImageFile/gMarkerTransManualRecord] = [MarkerTransM.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerTransManualRecord] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MarkerTransM.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 180 [ImageFile/gMarkerTransOtherRecord] = [MarkerTransO.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerTransOtherRecord] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MarkerTransO.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 181 [ImageFile/gMarkerTransWatched] = [MarkerTransW.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerTransWatched] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MarkerTransW.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 182 [ImageFile/gMarkerUnchecked] = [MarkerUnChecked.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerUnchecked] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MarkerUnChecked.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 183 [ImageFile/gMarkerWatched] = [MarkerW.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMarkerWatched] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MarkerW.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 184 [ImageFile/gMaskReflectionBelowImage] = [MaskReflectionBelow.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMaskReflectionBelowImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MaskReflectionBelow.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 185 [ImageFile/gMenuBarLong] = [MenuBarLong.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMenuBarLong] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MenuBarLong.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 186 [ImageFile/gMenuBarShort] = [MenuBarShort.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMenuBarShort] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MenuBarShort.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 187 [ImageFile/gMenuBGFillImage] = [MenuBGFill.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.710 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMenuBGFillImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MenuBGFill.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 188 [ImageFile/gMenuBorderLineGrayImage] = [MenuBorderLineGray.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMenuBorderLineGrayImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MenuBorderLineGray.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 189 [ImageFile/gMenuBorderLineNormalImage] = [MenuBorderLineNormal.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMenuBorderLineNormalImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MenuBorderLineNormal.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 190 [ImageFile/gMusicBackgroundImage] = [MusicBackground.jpg] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gMusicBackgroundImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MusicBackground.jpg" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 191 [ImageFile/gNoOnlineFeedThumbIcon] = [ItemBlankIcon.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gNoOnlineFeedThumbIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "ItemBlankIcon.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 192 [ImageFile/gNTELowerIcon] = [NTE_Lower.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gNTELowerIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "NTE_Lower.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 193 [ImageFile/gNTEOffIcon] = [NTE_Off.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gNTEOffIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "NTE_Off.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 194 [ImageFile/gNTEUpperIcon] = [NTE_Upper.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gNTEUpperIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "NTE_Upper.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 195 [ImageFile/gOnlineAudioFeedMarker] = [audio_feed.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOnlineAudioFeedMarker] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "audio_feed.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 196 [ImageFile/gOnlineBackgroundImage] = [OnlineBackground.jpg] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.711 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOnlineBackgroundImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.712 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OnlineBackground.jpg" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.712 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 197 [ImageFile/gOnlinePictureFeedMarker] = [feed_picture.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.712 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOnlinePictureFeedMarker] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.712 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "feed_picture.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.712 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 198 [ImageFile/gOnlineSubcatFeedMarker] = [feed_subcategory.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.712 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOnlineSubcatFeedMarker] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.712 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "feed_subcategory.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.712 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 199 [ImageFile/gOnlineTextonlyFeedMarker] = [feed_textonly.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.712 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOnlineTextonlyFeedMarker] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.712 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "feed_textonly.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.712 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 200 [ImageFile/gOSDBGBottomImage] = [OSDBGBottom.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.712 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOSDBGBottomImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.712 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OSDBGBottom.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.712 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 201 [ImageFile/gOSDBGTopImage] = [OSDBGTop.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.712 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOSDBGTopImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.712 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OSDBGTop.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.712 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 202 [ImageFile/gOSDChanDisplayBGIcon] = [OSDChDisplay.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.712 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOSDChanDisplayBGIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.712 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OSDChDisplay.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.712 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 203 [ImageFile/gOSDChanDownIcon] = [OSDChDown.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.712 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOSDChanDownIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.712 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OSDChDown.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.712 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 204 [ImageFile/gOSDChanUpIcon] = [OSDChUp.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.712 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOSDChanUpIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.712 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OSDChUp.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 205 [ImageFile/gOSDFFIcon] = [OSDFwd.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOSDFFIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OSDFwd.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 206 [ImageFile/gOSDPauseIcon] = [OSDPause.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOSDPauseIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OSDPause.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 207 [ImageFile/gOSDPlayIcon] = [OSDPlay.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOSDPlayIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OSDPlay.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 208 [ImageFile/gOSDRecordIcon] = [OSDRecord.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOSDRecordIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OSDRecord.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 209 [ImageFile/gOSDREWIcon] = [OSDRew.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOSDREWIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OSDRew.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 210 [ImageFile/gOSDSkipFwdIcon] = [OSDSkip.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOSDSkipFwdIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OSDSkip.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 211 [ImageFile/gOSDSkipRewIcon] = [OSDReplay.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOSDSkipRewIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OSDReplay.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 212 [ImageFile/gOSDStatusPausedIcon] = [OSDStatusPause.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOSDStatusPausedIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OSDStatusPause.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 213 [ImageFile/gOSDStatusPlayFFIcon] = [OSDStatusPlayFF.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOSDStatusPlayFFIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OSDStatusPlayFF.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 214 [ImageFile/gOSDStatusPlayIcon] = [OSDStatusPlay.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.713 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOSDStatusPlayIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.758 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OSDStatusPlay.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.758 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 215 [ImageFile/gOSDStatusPlayReverseIcon] = [OSDStatusPlayRev.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.758 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOSDStatusPlayReverseIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.758 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OSDStatusPlayRev.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.758 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 216 [ImageFile/gOSDStatusPlayREWIcon] = [OSDStatusPlayREW.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.758 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOSDStatusPlayREWIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.758 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OSDStatusPlayREW.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.758 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 217 [ImageFile/gOSDStopIcon] = [OSDStop.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.758 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOSDStopIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.758 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OSDStop.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.758 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 218 [ImageFile/gOSDVolBarIcon] = [OSDVolBar.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.758 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOSDVolBarIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OSDVolBar.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 219 [ImageFile/gOSDVolBarIconVertical] = [OSDVolBarVertical.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOSDVolBarIconVertical] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OSDVolBarVertical.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 220 [ImageFile/gOSDVolOffIcon] = [OSDVolOff.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOSDVolOffIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OSDVolOff.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 221 [ImageFile/gOSDVolOnIcon] = [OSDVolOn.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOSDVolOnIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OSDVolOn.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 222 [ImageFile/gOSDVolSliderIcon] = [OSDVolSlider.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOSDVolSliderIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OSDVolSlider.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 223 [ImageFile/gOSDVolSliderIconVertical] = [OSDVolSliderVertical.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOSDVolSliderIconVertical] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OSDVolSliderVertical.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 224 [ImageFile/gOverlayRoundedCurRecIcon] = [OverlayRoundedCurRec.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOverlayRoundedCurRecIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OverlayRoundedCurRec.png" in null Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 225 [ImageFile/gOverlayRoundedDontLikeIcon] = [OverlayRoundedDontLike.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOverlayRoundedDontLikeIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OverlayRoundedDontLike.png" in null Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 226 [ImageFile/gOverlayRoundedFavIcon] = [OverlayRoundedFav.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOverlayRoundedFavIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OverlayRoundedFav.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 227 [ImageFile/gOverlayRoundedMRIcon] = [OverlayRoundedMR.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.759 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOverlayRoundedMRIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OverlayRoundedMR.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 228 [ImageFile/gOverlaySquaredCurRecIcon] = [OverlaySquaredCurRec.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOverlaySquaredCurRecIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OverlaySquaredCurRec.png" in null Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 229 [ImageFile/gOverlaySquaredDontLikeIcon] = [OverlaySquaredDontLike.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOverlaySquaredDontLikeIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OverlaySquaredDontLike.png" in null Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 230 [ImageFile/gOverlaySquaredFavIcon] = [OverlaySquaredFav.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOverlaySquaredFavIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OverlaySquaredFav.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 231 [ImageFile/gOverlaySquaredMRIcon] = [OverlaySquaredMR.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gOverlaySquaredMRIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "OverlaySquaredMR.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 232 [ImageFile/gPhotoBackgroundImage] = [PhotoBackground.jpg] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gPhotoBackgroundImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "PhotoBackground.jpg" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 233 [ImageFile/gPluginDemoVideoIcon] = [PluginVideo.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gPluginDemoVideoIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "PluginVideo.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 234 [ImageFile/gPluginScreenshotIcon] = [PluginScreenshot.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gPluginScreenshotIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "PluginScreenshot.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 235 [ImageFile/gPluginURLIcon] = [PluginURL.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gPluginURLIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "PluginURL.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 236 [ImageFile/gRandOffRptOffIcon] = [MusicRandOffRptOff.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gRandOffRptOffIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MusicRandOffRptOff.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 237 [ImageFile/gRandOffRptOnIcon] = [MusicRandOffRptOn.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gRandOffRptOnIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MusicRandOffRptOn.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 238 [ImageFile/gRandOnRptOffIcon] = [MusicRandOnRptOff.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gRandOnRptOffIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MusicRandOnRptOff.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 239 [ImageFile/gRandOnRptOnIcon] = [MusicRandOnRptOn.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gRandOnRptOnIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.760 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MusicRandOnRptOn.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 240 [ImageFile/gRecAnyTypeIcon] = [RecordAny.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gRecAnyTypeIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "RecordAny.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 241 [ImageFile/gRecFavAllIcon] = [RecordFavAll.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gRecFavAllIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "RecordFavAll.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 242 [ImageFile/gRecFavFirstRunIcon] = [RecordFavFirst.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gRecFavFirstRunIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "RecordFavFirst.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 243 [ImageFile/gRecFavReRunIcon] = [RecordFavRerun.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gRecFavReRunIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "RecordFavRerun.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 244 [ImageFile/gRecManualIcon] = [RecordMR.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gRecManualIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "RecordMR.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 245 [ImageFile/gRedWarningBGImage] = [RedWarningBG.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gRedWarningBGImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "RedWarningBG.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 246 [ImageFile/gRefreshIcon] = [IconRefresh.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gRefreshIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "IconRefresh.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 247 [ImageFile/gScrollHArea] = [ScrollHArea.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gScrollHArea] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "ScrollHArea.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 248 [ImageFile/gScrollHBar] = [ScrollHBar.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gScrollHBar] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "ScrollHBar.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 249 [ImageFile/gScrollHBG] = [ScrollHBG.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gScrollHBG] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "ScrollHBG.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 250 [ImageFile/gScrollHLeft] = [ScrollHLeft.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gScrollHLeft] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "ScrollHLeft.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 251 [ImageFile/gScrollHRight] = [ScrollHRight.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gScrollHRight] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "ScrollHRight.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 252 [ImageFile/gScrollVArea] = [ScrollVArea.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.761 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gScrollVArea] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "ScrollVArea.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 253 [ImageFile/gScrollVBar] = [ScrollVBar.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gScrollVBar] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "ScrollVBar.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 254 [ImageFile/gScrollVBG] = [ScrollVBG.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gScrollVBG] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "ScrollVBG.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 255 [ImageFile/gScrollVDown] = [ScrollVDown.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gScrollVDown] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "ScrollVDown.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 256 [ImageFile/gScrollVUp] = [ScrollVUp.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gScrollVUp] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "ScrollVUp.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 257 [ImageFile/gSearchBackgroundImage] = [SearchBackground.jpg] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gSearchBackgroundImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "SearchBackground.jpg" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 258 [ImageFile/gSettingsBackgroundImage] = [SettingsBackground.jpg] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gSettingsBackgroundImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "SettingsBackground.jpg" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 259 [ImageFile/gShadedCellBGImage] = [ShadedCellBG.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gShadedCellBGImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "ShadedCellBG.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 260 [ImageFile/gSlideshowIcon] = [Slideshow.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gSlideshowIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "Slideshow.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 261 [ImageFile/gSlideshowOptionsIcon] = [SlideshowOpts.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gSlideshowOptionsIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "SlideshowOpts.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 262 [ImageFile/gSortAlphaDownIcon] = [SortAlpha.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gSortAlphaDownIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "SortAlpha.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 263 [ImageFile/gSortAlphaUpIcon] = [SortAlphaUp.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.762 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gSortAlphaUpIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.763 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "SortAlphaUp.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.763 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 264 [ImageFile/gSortDateDownIcon] = [SortDate.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.763 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gSortDateDownIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.763 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "SortDate.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.763 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 265 [ImageFile/gSortDateUpIcon] = [SortDateUp.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.763 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gSortDateUpIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.763 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "SortDateUp.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.763 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 266 [ImageFile/gSortDownIcon] = [SortDown.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.763 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gSortDownIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.763 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "SortDown.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.763 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 267 [ImageFile/gSortingOptionsIcon] = [SortingIcon.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.763 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gSortingOptionsIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.763 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "SortingIcon.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.763 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 268 [ImageFile/gSortUpIcon] = [SortUp.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.763 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gSortUpIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.763 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "SortUp.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.763 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 269 [ImageFile/gThumbShadowImage] = [ThumbShadow.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.763 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gThumbShadowImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.763 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "ThumbShadow.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.764 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 270 [ImageFile/gTVBackgroundImage] = [TVBackground.jpg] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.764 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gTVBackgroundImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.764 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "TVBackground.jpg" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.764 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 271 [ImageFile/gTVEditorialBGImage] = [TVEditorialBG.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.764 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gTVEditorialBGImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.764 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "TVEditorialBG.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.764 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 272 [ImageFile/gVideoBackgroundImage] = [VideoBackground.jpg] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.764 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gVideoBackgroundImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.765 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "VideoBackground.jpg" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.765 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 273 [ImageFile/gVisualizationsIcon] = [MusicVisuals.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.765 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gVisualizationsIcon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.765 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MusicVisuals.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.765 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 274 [ImageFile/gWeatherForecastBGFillImage] = [WeatherForecastBGFill.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.765 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagefile], ThemePropertyID = [gWeatherForecastBGFillImage] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.765 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "WeatherForecastBGFill.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.765 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 275 [ImageSetPath/gProgressBarIconsPath] = [ProgressBar1.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.765 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagesetpath], ThemePropertyID = [gProgressBarIconsPath] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.765 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "ProgressBar1.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.765 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 276 [ImageSetPath/gSysAlertLevelIconsPath] = [MarkerSysAlert1.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.765 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagesetpath], ThemePropertyID = [gSysAlertLevelIconsPath] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.765 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "MarkerSysAlert1.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.765 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 277 [ImageSetPath/gWaitIconsPath] = [tvicon_anim0.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.765 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [imagesetpath], ThemePropertyID = [gWaitIconsPath] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.765 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Themed image: Found "tvicon_anim0.png" in /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard Thu 10/26 12:27:01.765 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 278 [NumberFloatTrans/gGenericBDThumbTransparency] = [0.7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.765 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberfloattrans], ThemePropertyID = [gGenericBDThumbTransparency] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.766 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] FloatValue gGenericBDThumbTransparency = [0.7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.766 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 279 [NumberFloatTrans/gGenericDVDThumbTransparency] = [0.75] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.766 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberfloattrans], ThemePropertyID = [gGenericDVDThumbTransparency] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.766 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] FloatValue gGenericDVDThumbTransparency = [0.75] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.766 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 280 [NumberFloatTrans/gGenericMusicThumbTransparency] = [0.75] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.766 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberfloattrans], ThemePropertyID = [gGenericMusicThumbTransparency] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.766 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] FloatValue gGenericMusicThumbTransparency = [0.75] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.766 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 281 [NumberIntAlpha/gAlphaCenterBGWithBorder] = [255] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.766 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gAlphaCenterBGWithBorder] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gAlphaCenterBGWithBorder = [255] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 282 [NumberIntAlpha/gAlphaGuideAiringBGCurrent] = [80] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gAlphaGuideAiringBGCurrent] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gAlphaGuideAiringBGCurrent = [80] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 283 [NumberIntAlpha/gAlphaGuideAiringBGPast] = [60] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gAlphaGuideAiringBGPast] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gAlphaGuideAiringBGPast = [60] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 284 [NumberIntAlpha/gAlphaGuideCellBorder] = [190] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gAlphaGuideCellBorder] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gAlphaGuideCellBorder = [190] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 285 [NumberIntAlpha/gAlphaInfoAreaBG] = [190] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gAlphaInfoAreaBG] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gAlphaInfoAreaBG = [190] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 286 [NumberIntAlpha/gAlphaMenuBorder] = [225] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gAlphaMenuBorder] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gAlphaMenuBorder = [225] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 287 [NumberIntAlpha/gAlphaMenuFillBGHigh] = [145] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gAlphaMenuFillBGHigh] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gAlphaMenuFillBGHigh = [145] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 288 [NumberIntAlpha/gAlphaMenuFillBGLow] = [108] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gAlphaMenuFillBGLow] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gAlphaMenuFillBGLow = [108] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 289 [NumberIntAlpha/gAlphaMenuFillBGMed] = [126] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gAlphaMenuFillBGMed] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gAlphaMenuFillBGMed = [126] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 290 [NumberIntAlpha/gAlphaShadedCellBG] = [75] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gAlphaShadedCellBG] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gAlphaShadedCellBG = [75] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 291 [NumberIntAlpha/gBGMainMenuSubmenuAlpha] = [230] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gBGMainMenuSubmenuAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gBGMainMenuSubmenuAlpha = [230] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 292 [NumberIntAlpha/gButtonCatBarSelectedShadowAlpha] = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonCatBarSelectedShadowAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gButtonCatBarSelectedShadowAlpha = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 293 [NumberIntAlpha/gButtonCatBarShadowAlpha] = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.767 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonCatBarShadowAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gButtonCatBarShadowAlpha = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 294 [NumberIntAlpha/gButtonDividerAlpha] = [77] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonDividerAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gButtonDividerAlpha = [77] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 295 [NumberIntAlpha/gButtonImportShadowAlpha] = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonImportShadowAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gButtonImportShadowAlpha = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 296 [NumberIntAlpha/gButtonLightShadowAlpha] = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonLightShadowAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gButtonLightShadowAlpha = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 297 [NumberIntAlpha/gButtonNormalShadowAlpha] = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonNormalShadowAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gButtonNormalShadowAlpha = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 298 [NumberIntAlpha/gButtonOnlineNoThumbShadowAlpha] = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonOnlineNoThumbShadowAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gButtonOnlineNoThumbShadowAlpha = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 299 [NumberIntAlpha/gButtonSelectedShadowAlpha] = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonSelectedShadowAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gButtonSelectedShadowAlpha = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 300 [NumberIntAlpha/gButtonSelImportShadowAlpha] = [75] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonSelImportShadowAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gButtonSelImportShadowAlpha = [75] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 301 [NumberIntAlpha/gButtonSelLightShadowAlpha] = [75] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonSelLightShadowAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gButtonSelLightShadowAlpha = [75] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 302 [NumberIntAlpha/gButtonSelOnlineNoThumbShadowAlpha] = [75] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonSelOnlineNoThumbShadowAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gButtonSelOnlineNoThumbShadowAlpha = [75] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 303 [NumberIntAlpha/gButtonSelThumbNoOverlayShadowAlpha] = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonSelThumbNoOverlayShadowAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gButtonSelThumbNoOverlayShadowAlpha = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 304 [NumberIntAlpha/gButtonSelThumbOverlaySecondaryShadowAlpha] = [75] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonSelThumbOverlaySecondaryShadowAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gButtonSelThumbOverlaySecondaryShadowAlpha = [75] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 305 [NumberIntAlpha/gButtonSelThumbOverlayShadowAlpha] = [75] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonSelThumbOverlayShadowAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gButtonSelThumbOverlayShadowAlpha = [75] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 306 [NumberIntAlpha/gButtonThumbNoOverlayShadowAlpha] = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonThumbNoOverlayShadowAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gButtonThumbNoOverlayShadowAlpha = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 307 [NumberIntAlpha/gButtonThumbOverlaySecondaryShadowAlpha] = [75] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonThumbOverlaySecondaryShadowAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gButtonThumbOverlaySecondaryShadowAlpha = [75] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 308 [NumberIntAlpha/gButtonThumbOverlayShadowAlpha] = [75] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonThumbOverlayShadowAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gButtonThumbOverlayShadowAlpha = [75] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 309 [NumberIntAlpha/gDialogBGAlpha] = [245] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gDialogBGAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gDialogBGAlpha = [245] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 310 [NumberIntAlpha/gDialogBGTransAlpha] = [190] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gDialogBGTransAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gDialogBGTransAlpha = [190] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 311 [NumberIntAlpha/gMainMenuNormalShadowAlpha] = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gMainMenuNormalShadowAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gMainMenuNormalShadowAlpha = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 312 [NumberIntAlpha/gMainMenuSelectedShadowAlpha] = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gMainMenuSelectedShadowAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gMainMenuSelectedShadowAlpha = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 313 [NumberIntAlpha/gMaloreButtonNormalShadowAlpha] = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gMaloreButtonNormalShadowAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gMaloreButtonNormalShadowAlpha = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 314 [NumberIntAlpha/gMaloreButtonSelectedShadowAlpha] = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gMaloreButtonSelectedShadowAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gMaloreButtonSelectedShadowAlpha = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 315 [NumberIntAlpha/gMenuBarLongNormalShadowAlpha] = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gMenuBarLongNormalShadowAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gMenuBarLongNormalShadowAlpha = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 316 [NumberIntAlpha/gMenuBarLongSelectedShadowAlpha] = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gMenuBarLongSelectedShadowAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gMenuBarLongSelectedShadowAlpha = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 317 [NumberIntAlpha/gMenuBarShortNormalShadowAlpha] = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gMenuBarShortNormalShadowAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gMenuBarShortNormalShadowAlpha = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 318 [NumberIntAlpha/gMenuBarShortSelectedShadowAlpha] = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gMenuBarShortSelectedShadowAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gMenuBarShortSelectedShadowAlpha = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 319 [NumberIntAlpha/gOSDBGBottomAlpha] = [160] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gOSDBGBottomAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gOSDBGBottomAlpha = [160] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 320 [NumberIntAlpha/gOSDBGTopAlpha] = [160] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gOSDBGTopAlpha] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gOSDBGTopAlpha = [160] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 321 [NumberIntAlpha/gShadowAlphaBlack] = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gShadowAlphaBlack] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gShadowAlphaBlack = [110] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.769 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 322 [NumberIntAlpha/gShadowAlphaWhite] = [75] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberintalpha], ThemePropertyID = [gShadowAlphaWhite] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gShadowAlphaWhite = [75] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 323 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeAiringTitle] = [18] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeAiringTitle] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeAiringTitle = [18] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 324 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeClockHeader] = [18] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeClockHeader] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeClockHeader = [18] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 325 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeCommandLink] = [18] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeCommandLink] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeCommandLink = [18] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 326 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeConfigWizTitle] = [24] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeConfigWizTitle] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeConfigWizTitle = [24] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 327 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeDialogText] = [18] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeDialogText] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeDialogText = [18] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 328 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeDialogTitle] = [18] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeDialogTitle] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeDialogTitle = [18] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 329 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeDiskSpaceTitle] = [22] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeDiskSpaceTitle] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeDiskSpaceTitle = [22] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 330 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeEmptyList] = [26] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeEmptyList] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeEmptyList = [26] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 331 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeEmptyListSmButton] = [20] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeEmptyListSmButton] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeEmptyListSmButton = [20] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 332 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeGeneral] = [15] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeGeneral] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeGeneral = [15] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 333 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeGeneralLarge] = [22] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeGeneralLarge] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeGeneralLarge = [22] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 334 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeGeneralLarge2] = [28] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeGeneralLarge2] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeGeneralLarge2 = [28] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 335 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeMainMenu1] = [36] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeMainMenu1] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeMainMenu1 = [36] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 336 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeMainMenu2] = [26] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeMainMenu2] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeMainMenu2 = [26] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 337 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeMainMenu3] = [24] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeMainMenu3] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeMainMenu3 = [24] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 338 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeMenuFooter] = [16] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeMenuFooter] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeMenuFooter = [16] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 339 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeMenuSubtitle] = [18] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeMenuSubtitle] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeMenuSubtitle = [18] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 340 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeMenuTitle] = [20] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeMenuTitle] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeMenuTitle = [20] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 341 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeMusicBarCurTime] = [24] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeMusicBarCurTime] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeMusicBarCurTime = [24] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 342 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeNoSignal] = [22] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeNoSignal] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeNoSignal = [22] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 343 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeOnlineFeedItem] = [16] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeOnlineFeedItem] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeOnlineFeedItem = [16] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 344 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeOnlineService] = [18] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeOnlineService] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeOnlineService = [18] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 345 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeSongInfoVisTitle] = [26] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeSongInfoVisTitle] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeSongInfoVisTitle = [26] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 346 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeTVEdTitle] = [18] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeTVEdTitle] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeTVEdTitle = [18] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 347 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeWaitBarSizer] = [16] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeWaitBarSizer] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeWaitBarSizer = [16] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 348 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeWeatherHeader] = [18] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeWeatherHeader] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeWeatherHeader = [18] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 349 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeWeatherLarge] = [36] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeWeatherLarge] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeWeatherLarge = [36] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 350 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeWeatherMedium] = [27] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeWeatherMedium] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeWeatherMedium = [27] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 351 [NumberInteger/gFontSizeWeatherNormal] = [18] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gFontSizeWeatherNormal] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gFontSizeWeatherNormal = [18] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 352 [NumberInteger/gWaitProgressBarRefreshPeriod] = [100] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [numberinteger], ThemePropertyID = [gWaitProgressBarRefreshPeriod] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] IntValue gWaitProgressBarRefreshPeriod = [100] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 353 [ScalingInset/gBGMainMenuSubmenuScalingInsets] = [0,0,0,30] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.771 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gBGMainMenuSubmenuScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 354 [ScalingInset/gButtonBGSmBorderScalingInsets] = [5,5,7,5] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonBGSmBorderScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 355 [ScalingInset/gButtonHighlightNoBorderScalingInsets] = [5,5,5,5] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonHighlightNoBorderScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 356 [ScalingInset/gButtonHighlightScalingInsets] = [8,0,11,0] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonHighlightScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 357 [ScalingInset/gButtonHighlightSmBorderScalingInsets] = [5,0,7,0] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonHighlightSmBorderScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 358 [ScalingInset/gButtonMaloreHighlightScalingInsets] = [5,0,5,0] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonMaloreHighlightScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 359 [ScalingInset/gCatBarActiveItemScalingInsets] = [7,1,4,1] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gCatBarActiveItemScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 360 [ScalingInset/gCatBarBGScalingInsets] = [6,8,9,9] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gCatBarBGScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 361 [ScalingInset/gCatBarBGSelectScalingInsets] = [7,1,4,1] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gCatBarBGSelectScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 362 [ScalingInset/gCenterBGWithBorderFillScalingInsets] = [0,0,0,0] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gCenterBGWithBorderFillScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 363 [ScalingInset/gColorGuideAiringBGDefaultScalingInsets] = [7,7,7,7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gColorGuideAiringBGDefaultScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 364 [ScalingInset/gDialogBGScalingInsets] = [15,15,15,15] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gDialogBGScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 365 [ScalingInset/gDialogBGTransScalingInsets] = [15,15,15,15] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gDialogBGTransScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 366 [ScalingInset/gGrayBGFillScalingInsets] = [7,7,7,7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gGrayBGFillScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 367 [ScalingInset/gGrayDarkBGFillScalingInsets] = [7,7,7,7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gGrayDarkBGFillScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 368 [ScalingInset/gGuideAiringBGDefault2ScalingInsets] = [0,7,0,0] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gGuideAiringBGDefault2ScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 369 [ScalingInset/gGuideCellBorderScalingInsets] = [1,1,1,1] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gGuideCellBorderScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 370 [ScalingInset/gInfoAreaBGFillBorderedScalingInsets] = [7,7,7,7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gInfoAreaBGFillBorderedScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 371 [ScalingInset/gInfoAreaBGFillScalingInsets] = [7,7,7,7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gInfoAreaBGFillScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.772 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 372 [ScalingInset/gMenuBarLongScalingInsets] = [8,9,11,9] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gMenuBarLongScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 373 [ScalingInset/gMenuBarShortScalingInsets] = [8,9,11,9] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gMenuBarShortScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 374 [ScalingInset/gMenuBGFillScalingInsets] = [7,7,7,7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gMenuBGFillScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 375 [ScalingInset/gOverlayRoundedCurRecScalingInsets] = [2,2,2,2] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gOverlayRoundedCurRecScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 376 [ScalingInset/gOverlayRoundedDontLikeScalingInsets] = [2,2,2,2] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gOverlayRoundedDontLikeScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 377 [ScalingInset/gOverlayRoundedFavScalingInsets] = [2,2,2,2] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gOverlayRoundedFavScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 378 [ScalingInset/gOverlayRoundedMRScalingInsets] = [2,2,2,2] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gOverlayRoundedMRScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 379 [ScalingInset/gOverlaySquaredCurRecScalingInsets] = [2,2,2,2] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gOverlaySquaredCurRecScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 380 [ScalingInset/gOverlaySquaredDontLikeScalingInsets] = [2,2,2,2] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gOverlaySquaredDontLikeScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 381 [ScalingInset/gOverlaySquaredFavScalingInsets] = [2,2,2,2] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gOverlaySquaredFavScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 382 [ScalingInset/gOverlaySquaredMRScalingInsets] = [2,2,2,2] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gOverlaySquaredMRScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 383 [ScalingInset/gRedWarningBGScalingInsets] = [7,7,7,7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gRedWarningBGScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 384 [ScalingInset/gScrollHBarScalingInsets] = [7,8,6,8] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gScrollHBarScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 385 [ScalingInset/gScrollVBarScalingInsets] = [8,6,8,7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gScrollVBarScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 386 [ScalingInset/gShadedCellBGScalingInsets] = [1,1,1,1] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gShadedCellBGScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 387 [ScalingInset/gThumbShadowScalingInsets] = [15,15,15,15] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gThumbShadowScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 388 [ScalingInset/gTVEditorialBGScalingInsets] = [7,7,7,7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gTVEditorialBGScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 389 [ScalingInset/gWeatherForecastBGFillScalingInsets] = [7,7,7,7] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [scalinginset], ThemePropertyID = [gWeatherForecastBGFillScalingInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 390 [SetPropertyValue/ui/default_bluray_icon] = [bluray.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.773 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [setpropertyvalue], ThemePropertyID = [ui/default_bluray_icon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 391 [SetPropertyValue/ui/default_dvd_icon] = [dvd.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [setpropertyvalue], ThemePropertyID = [ui/default_dvd_icon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 392 [SetPropertyValue/ui/default_music_icon] = [MusicArt.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [setpropertyvalue], ThemePropertyID = [ui/default_music_icon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 393 [SetPropertyValue/ui/default_picture_icon] = [Slideshow.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [setpropertyvalue], ThemePropertyID = [ui/default_picture_icon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 394 [SetPropertyValue/ui/default_video_icon] = [VideoArt.png] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [setpropertyvalue], ThemePropertyID = [ui/default_video_icon] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 395 [SetPropertyValue/ui/scaling_insets_base_height] = [480] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [setpropertyvalue], ThemePropertyID = [ui/scaling_insets_base_height] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 396 [SetPropertyValue/ui/scaling_insets_base_width] = [720] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [setpropertyvalue], ThemePropertyID = [ui/scaling_insets_base_width] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 397 [SetPropertyValue/ui/wait_icon_prefix] = [images/tvicon_anim] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [setpropertyvalue], ThemePropertyID = [ui/wait_icon_prefix] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 398 [SetPropertyValue/ui/wait_indicator_refresh_period] = [100] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [setpropertyvalue], ThemePropertyID = [ui/wait_indicator_refresh_period] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 399 [String/gFontNameClock] = [fonts/DejaVuSansMono] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontNameClock] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 400 [String/gFontNameClockGrid] = [fonts/DejaVuSansMono] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontNameClockGrid] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 401 [String/gFontNameDialogText] = [fonts/DejaVuSans] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontNameDialogText] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 402 [String/gFontNameDialogTitle] = [fonts/DejaVuSans] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontNameDialogTitle] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 403 [String/gFontNameEmptyList] = [fonts/DejaVuSans] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontNameEmptyList] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 404 [String/gFontNameGeneral] = [fonts/DejaVuSans] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontNameGeneral] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 405 [String/gFontNameMainMenu] = [fonts/DejaVuSans] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontNameMainMenu] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 406 [String/gFontNameMaloreDescription] = [fonts/DejaVuSans] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontNameMaloreDescription] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 407 [String/gFontNameMaloreGeneral] = [fonts/DejaVuSans] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontNameMaloreGeneral] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 408 [String/gFontNameMenuTitle] = [fonts/DejaVuSans] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontNameMenuTitle] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 409 [String/gFontNameOnlineService] = [fonts/DejaVuSans] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontNameOnlineService] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 410 [String/gFontNameWeatherHeader] = [fonts/DejaVuSansMono] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontNameWeatherHeader] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 411 [String/gFontStyleClock] = [Plain] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontStyleClock] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 412 [String/gFontStyleClockGrid] = [Plain] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.774 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontStyleClockGrid] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 413 [String/gFontStyleConfigWizTitle] = [Bold] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontStyleConfigWizTitle] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 414 [String/gFontStyleDialogSectionHeaderText] = [Bold] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontStyleDialogSectionHeaderText] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 415 [String/gFontStyleDialogText] = [Plain] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontStyleDialogText] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 416 [String/gFontStyleDialogTitle] = [Bold] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontStyleDialogTitle] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 417 [String/gFontStyleDiskSpaceTitle] = [Bold] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontStyleDiskSpaceTitle] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 418 [String/gFontStyleEmptyList] = [Plain] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontStyleEmptyList] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 419 [String/gFontStyleFavMR] = [Bold] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontStyleFavMR] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 420 [String/gFontStyleGeneral] = [Plain] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontStyleGeneral] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 421 [String/gFontStyleMainMenu] = [Plain] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontStyleMainMenu] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 422 [String/gFontStyleMaloreDescription] = [Plain] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontStyleMaloreDescription] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 423 [String/gFontStyleMaloreGeneral] = [Plain] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontStyleMaloreGeneral] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 424 [String/gFontStyleMaloreHelpText] = [Plain] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontStyleMaloreHelpText] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 425 [String/gFontStyleMenuTitle] = [Bold] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontStyleMenuTitle] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 426 [String/gFontStyleOnlineFeedItemTitle] = [Bold] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontStyleOnlineFeedItemTitle] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 427 [String/gFontStyleOnlineService] = [Plain] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontStyleOnlineService] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 428 [String/gFontStylePluginIncompatible] = [Italic] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontStylePluginIncompatible] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 429 [String/gFontStylePluginTitle] = [Bold] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontStylePluginTitle] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 430 [String/gFontStyleWatched] = [Italic] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontStyleWatched] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 431 [String/gFontStyleWeatherHeader] = [Plain] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontStyleWeatherHeader] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 432 [String/gFontStyleWeatherSponsor] = [Italic] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gFontStyleWeatherSponsor] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 433 [String/gWeatherRelPath] = [WeatherIcons] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [string], ThemePropertyID = [gWeatherRelPath] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 434 [ThemeParent] = [Default] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [themeparent], ThemePropertyID = [null] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.775 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 435 [UIWidgetInset/gButtonHighlightNoBorderUIWidgetInsets] = [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [uiwidgetinset], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonHighlightNoBorderUIWidgetInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 436 [UIWidgetInset/gButtonHighlightSmBorderUIWidgetInsets] = [2,0,2,0] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [uiwidgetinset], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonHighlightSmBorderUIWidgetInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 437 [UIWidgetInset/gButtonHighlightUIWidgetInsets] = [0.005,0.005,0.010,0.005] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [uiwidgetinset], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonHighlightUIWidgetInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 438 [UIWidgetInset/gButtonHighlightUIWidgetInsetsLarge] = [0.008,0.02,0.012,0.01] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [uiwidgetinset], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonHighlightUIWidgetInsetsLarge] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 439 [UIWidgetInset/gButtonMaloreHighlightUIWidgetInsets] = [2,0,2,0] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [uiwidgetinset], ThemePropertyID = [gButtonMaloreHighlightUIWidgetInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 440 [UIWidgetInset/gCatBarBGSelectUIWidgetInsets] = [0.003,0.005,0.012,0.005] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [uiwidgetinset], ThemePropertyID = [gCatBarBGSelectUIWidgetInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 441 [UIWidgetInset/gCatBarBGUIWidgetInsets] = [0.0,0.015,0.0,0.015] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [uiwidgetinset], ThemePropertyID = [gCatBarBGUIWidgetInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 442 [UIWidgetInset/gCenterBGWithBorderFillUIWidgetInsets] = [0.02,0.01,0.02,0.01] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [uiwidgetinset], ThemePropertyID = [gCenterBGWithBorderFillUIWidgetInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 443 [UIWidgetInset/gCenterBGWithBorderFillUIWidgetInsetsLarger] = [0.03,0.01,0.03,0.01] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [uiwidgetinset], ThemePropertyID = [gCenterBGWithBorderFillUIWidgetInsetsLarger] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 444 [UIWidgetInset/gDialogBGTransUIWidgetInsets] = [0.025,0.017,0.022,0.017] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [uiwidgetinset], ThemePropertyID = [gDialogBGTransUIWidgetInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 445 [UIWidgetInset/gDialogBGUIWidgetInsets] = [0.025,0.017,0.022,0.017] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [uiwidgetinset], ThemePropertyID = [gDialogBGUIWidgetInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 446 [UIWidgetInset/gMenuBarLongUIWidgetInsets] = [0.009,0.04,0.019,0] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [uiwidgetinset], ThemePropertyID = [gMenuBarLongUIWidgetInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 447 [UIWidgetInset/gMenuBarShortUIWidgetInsets] = [0.013,0.018,0.020,0.005] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [uiwidgetinset], ThemePropertyID = [gMenuBarShortUIWidgetInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme Property 448 [UIWidgetInset/gThumbShadowUIWidgetInsets] = [20,20,20,20] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.776 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThemePropertyType = [uiwidgetinset], ThemePropertyID = [gThumbShadowUIWidgetInsets] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.782 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Found 40 total weather icon conditions: [chanceflurries, chancerain, chancesleet, chancesnow, chancetstorms, clear, cloudy, flurries, fog, hazy, mostlycloudy, mostlysunny, partlycloudy, partlysunny, sleet, rain, snow, sunny, tstorms, unknown, nt_chanceflurries, nt_chancerain, nt_chancesleet, nt_chancesnow, nt_chancetstorms, nt_clear, nt_cloudy, nt_flurries, nt_fog, nt_hazy, nt_mostlycloudy, nt_mostlysunny, nt_partlycloudy, nt_partlysunny, nt_sleet, nt_rain, nt_snow, nt_sunny, nt_tstorms, nt_unknown] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.785 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] AllWeatherIconStates has size 40, and = [chanceflurries, chancerain, chancesleet, chancesnow, chancetstorms, clear, cloudy, flurries, fog, hazy, mostlycloudy, mostlysunny, partlycloudy, partlysunny, sleet, rain, snow, sunny, tstorms, unknown, nt_chanceflurries, nt_chancerain, nt_chancesleet, nt_chancesnow, nt_chancetstorms, nt_clear, nt_cloudy, nt_flurries, nt_fog, nt_hazy, nt_mostlycloudy, nt_mostlysunny, nt_partlycloudy, nt_partlysunny, nt_sleet, nt_rain, nt_snow, nt_sunny, nt_tstorms, nt_unknown] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.785 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] gWeatherIconExistenceMap has size 72, and = {nt_fog=[null], nt_chancesnow=[null], mostlycloudy=[null], nt_cloudy=[null], Moon31=[null], Moon30=[null], nt_flurries=[null], nt_snow=[null], Moon26=[null], Moon25=[null], Moon28=[null], Moon27=[null], Moon22=[null], nt_sleet=[null], Moon21=[null], Moon24=[null], nt_mostlycloudy=[null], Moon23=[null], nt_partlycloudy=[null], nt_hazy=[null], sunny=[null], Moon29=[null], chancesnow=[null], rain=[null], nt_rain=[null], Moon20=[null], nt_chanceflurries=[null], nt_chancerain=[null], Moon15=[null], Moon14=[null], Moon17=[null], Moon16=[null], Moon11=[null], Moon10=[null], snow=[null], Moon13=[null], Moon12=[null], tstorms=[null], Moon19=[null], Moon18=[null], fog=[null], Moon2=[null], Moon1=[null], nt_clear=[null], Moon4=[null], Moon3=[null], Moon6=[null], Moon5=[null], Moon8=[null], Moon7=[null], hazy=[null], Moon9=[null], chanceflurries=[null], unknown=[null], partlycloudy=[null], nt_chancesleet=[null], nt_chancetstorms=[null], sleet=[null], partlysunny=[null], Moon0=[null], mostlysunny=[null], nt_tstorms=[null], nt_sunny=[null], clear=[null], chancetstorms=[null], chancerain=[null], cloudy=[null], flurries=[null], nt_mostlysunny=[null], nt_unknown=[null], chancesleet=[null], nt_partlysunny=[null]} Thu 10/26 12:27:01.787 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Done with Category BG color mapping; 1 items in gCategoryBGColorMap={xDefaultBGColor=[/opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/GuideAiringBGDefault.png, /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/GuideAiringBGDefault2.png]} Thu 10/26 12:27:01.787 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Orig NetworkPathPwdCache=[{}] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.788 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] ThisSTVSetVersionNum=2016110201, STV File=/opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/SageTV7.xml Thu 10/26 12:27:01.797 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Creating new FreeType font face for fonts/DejaVuSans size=15 style=0 from=/opt/sagetv/server/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf Thu 10/26 12:27:01.797 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Loading new font to cache font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=15, style=0, height=17.0, ascent=14.0, descent=4.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:01.805 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Increased hash Map pool to size=1 Thu 10/26 12:27:02.216 [AWTThreadWatcher-0023a500035b@2cbd2ebb] EventThread-0023a500035b Hang Detected - hang time = 1648 UILocker=null Thu 10/26 12:27:02.527 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Deriving FreeType font face for fonts/DejaVuSans size=22 style=0 from=/opt/sagetv/server/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf Thu 10/26 12:27:02.527 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Loading new font to cache font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=22, style=0, height=26.0, ascent=20.0, descent=5.0, leading=1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:02.548 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Creating new FreeType font face for fonts/DejaVuSans size=18 style=0 from=/opt/sagetv/server/fonts/DejaVuSansB.ttf Thu 10/26 12:27:02.548 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Loading new font to cache font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=18, style=1, height=21.0, ascent=17.0, descent=4.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:02.564 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Creating new FreeType font face for fonts/DejaVuSansMono size=18 style=0 from=/opt/sagetv/server/fonts/DejaVuSansMono.ttf Thu 10/26 12:27:02.564 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Loading new font to cache font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSansMono, size=18, style=0, height=21.0, ascent=17.0, descent=4.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:02.584 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] DatePat=EEE, MMM d orgPat=EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy Thu 10/26 12:27:02.587 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Deriving FreeType font face for fonts/DejaVuSans size=16 style=0 from=/opt/sagetv/server/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf Thu 10/26 12:27:02.587 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Loading new font to cache font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=16, style=0, height=19.0, ascent=15.0, descent=4.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:02.614 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Deriving FreeType font face for fonts/DejaVuSans size=22 style=0 from=/opt/sagetv/server/fonts/DejaVuSansB.ttf Thu 10/26 12:27:02.614 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Loading new font to cache font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=22, style=1, height=26.0, ascent=20.0, descent=5.0, leading=1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:02.626 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Deriving FreeType font face for fonts/DejaVuSans size=15 style=0 from=/opt/sagetv/server/fonts/DejaVuSansB.ttf Thu 10/26 12:27:02.626 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Loading new font to cache font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=15, style=1, height=17.0, ascent=14.0, descent=4.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:02.657 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Deriving FreeType font face for fonts/DejaVuSans size=36 style=0 from=/opt/sagetv/server/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf Thu 10/26 12:27:02.658 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Loading new font to cache font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=36, style=0, height=42.0, ascent=33.0, descent=8.0, leading=1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:02.685 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Deriving FreeType font face for fonts/DejaVuSans size=26 style=0 from=/opt/sagetv/server/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf Thu 10/26 12:27:02.685 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Loading new font to cache font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=26, style=0, height=30.0, ascent=24.0, descent=6.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:02.768 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Deriving FreeType font face for fonts/DejaVuSans size=24 style=0 from=/opt/sagetv/server/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf Thu 10/26 12:27:02.770 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Loading new font to cache font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=24, style=0, height=28.0, ascent=22.0, descent=6.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:02.797 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Increased ArrayList pool to size=101 Thu 10/26 12:27:02.801 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] setUI(sage.PseudoMenu@dbff44a[Main Menu]) histIdx=0 uiHistory=[sage.PseudoMenu@dbff44a[Main Menu]] redo=false performingActivation=null Thu 10/26 12:27:02.802 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Global variables already set. Thu 10/26 12:27:02.802 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Theme settings already loaded. Thu 10/26 12:27:02.803 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Done with Category BG color mapping; 1 items in gCategoryBGColorMap={xDefaultBGColor=[/opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/GuideAiringBGDefault.png, /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/GuideAiringBGDefault2.png]} Thu 10/26 12:27:02.808 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Custom online video property list: [[]] Thu 10/26 12:27:02.808 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Created Property set w/o defaults Thu 10/26 12:27:02.808 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] PropCacheFile = [/opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/OnlineVideos/] Thu 10/26 12:27:02.813 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Loaded properties file: /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/OnlineVideos/ Thu 10/26 12:27:02.814 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] **** Processing online video categories START Thu 10/26 12:27:02.890 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] **** Processing online video categories END Thu 10/26 12:27:02.890 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Created Property set w/o defaults Thu 10/26 12:27:02.890 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] PropCacheFile = [/opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/OnlineVideos/] Thu 10/26 12:27:02.892 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Loaded properties file: /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/OnlineVideos/ Thu 10/26 12:27:02.897 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] instance for '' = Thu 10/26 12:27:02.897 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] The Weather Underground instance = '' Thu 10/26 12:27:02.897 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] The Weather Underground WeatherLoc = '{country=CA, loccode=pws:IMONTREA23, city=Montreal, state=QC, neighborhood=Little Burgundy}' Thu 10/26 12:27:02.901 [Fork-BASE-71232@6430975b] Not time to update weather yet. Thu 10/26 12:27:02.901 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] CEPoolSize=1 Thu 10/26 12:27:02.902 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] BEGIN: Sort video playlists. Thu 10/26 12:27:02.904 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] END: Sort video playlists. Sorted 0 playlists. Total Time = '2' Thu 10/26 12:27:02.905 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] BEGIN: Sort playlists. Thu 10/26 12:27:02.905 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] END: Sort playlists. Sorted 0 playlists. Total Time = '0' Thu 10/26 12:27:02.908 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Loading RawImage of size 48x48 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/BlackBGFillSquare.png fileSize=482 Thu 10/26 12:27:02.908 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/BlackBGFillSquare.png Thu 10/26 12:27:02.911 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/BlackBGFillSquare.png width=48 height=48 ptr=4765920 Thu 10/26 12:27:02.947 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] CEPoolSize=2 Thu 10/26 12:27:02.974 [MiniUIServerConnection@5e6956f9] Creating-4 new UI for client:0023a500035b UIManager:localhost@@0023a500035b-1f545cc2 Thu 10/26 12:27:02.999 [ActiveRender-0023a500035b@4906ed62] Deriving FreeType font face for fonts/DejaVuSans size=31 style=0 from=/opt/sagetv/server/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf Thu 10/26 12:27:02.999 [ActiveRender-0023a500035b@4906ed62] Loading new font to cache font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=31, style=0, height=36.0, ascent=29.0, descent=7.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:03.005 [ActiveRender-0023a500035b@4906ed62] Deriving FreeType font face for fonts/DejaVuSans size=25 style=0 from=/opt/sagetv/server/fonts/DejaVuSansB.ttf Thu 10/26 12:27:03.005 [ActiveRender-0023a500035b@4906ed62] Loading new font to cache font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=25, style=1, height=29.0, ascent=23.0, descent=6.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:03.010 [ActiveRender-0023a500035b@4906ed62] Deriving FreeType font face for fonts/DejaVuSansMono size=25 style=0 from=/opt/sagetv/server/fonts/DejaVuSansMono.ttf Thu 10/26 12:27:03.010 [ActiveRender-0023a500035b@4906ed62] Loading new font to cache font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSansMono, size=25, style=0, height=29.0, ascent=23.0, descent=6.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:03.019 [ActiveRender-0023a500035b@4906ed62] Deriving FreeType font face for fonts/DejaVuSans size=21 style=0 from=/opt/sagetv/server/fonts/DejaVuSansB.ttf Thu 10/26 12:27:03.019 [ActiveRender-0023a500035b@4906ed62] Loading new font to cache font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=21, style=1, height=24.0, ascent=20.0, descent=5.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:03.032 [ActiveRender-0023a500035b@4906ed62] Deriving FreeType font face for fonts/DejaVuSans size=21 style=0 from=/opt/sagetv/server/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf Thu 10/26 12:27:03.032 [ActiveRender-0023a500035b@4906ed62] Loading new font to cache font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=21, style=0, height=24.0, ascent=20.0, descent=5.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:03.035 [ActiveRender-0023a500035b@4906ed62] Deriving FreeType font face for fonts/DejaVuSans size=50 style=0 from=/opt/sagetv/server/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf Thu 10/26 12:27:03.035 [ActiveRender-0023a500035b@4906ed62] Loading new font to cache font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=50, style=0, height=58.0, ascent=46.0, descent=12.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:03.039 [ActiveRender-0023a500035b@4906ed62] Deriving FreeType font face for fonts/DejaVuSans size=33 style=0 from=/opt/sagetv/server/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf Thu 10/26 12:27:03.039 [ActiveRender-0023a500035b@4906ed62] Loading new font to cache font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=33, style=0, height=38.0, ascent=31.0, descent=8.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:03.049 [ActiveRender-0023a500035b@4906ed62] ParserPoolSize=1 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.055 [Fork-BASE-55376@5e6956f9] Starting Disk Space Bar Updater Thread: Thread[Fork-BASE-55376,1,main], priority=1 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.055 [Fork-BASE-55376@5e6956f9] Updating Disk Space Bar Thu 10/26 12:27:03.066 [Fork-BASE-55376@5e6956f9] Got used/avail video diskspace Thu 10/26 12:27:03.066 [Fork-BASE-55376@5e6956f9] Calculate size of partial recordings Thu 10/26 12:27:03.067 [Fork-BASE-55376@5e6956f9] Found 0 partials using 0 bytes Thu 10/26 12:27:03.072 [Fork-BASE-55376@5e6956f9] Calculate space required for upcoming manual/favourite airings for next X hours and display Thu 10/26 12:27:03.089 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] MiniClient GFX_HDMI_MODE=HDMI Thu 10/26 12:27:03.098 [ReProcessHook@6430975b] The weather plugin has NOT been found. Thu 10/26 12:27:03.098 [ReProcessHook@6430975b] For location '', found instance= Thu 10/26 12:27:03.098 [ReProcessHook@6430975b] instance for '' = Thu 10/26 12:27:03.098 [ReProcessHook@6430975b] The Weather Underground instance = '' Thu 10/26 12:27:03.098 [ReProcessHook@6430975b] The Weather Underground WeatherLoc = '{country=CA, loccode=pws:IMONTREA23, city=Montreal, state=QC, neighborhood=Little Burgundy}' Thu 10/26 12:27:03.099 [Fork-BASE-55376@5e6956f9] ECPoolSize=1 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.099 [ReProcessHook@6430975b] The Google weather JAR has been loaded, version: '2.0.3'. Required version: '2.0.1' Thu 10/26 12:27:03.100 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] MiniClient GFX_SUPPORTED_RESOLUTIONS_DIGITAL=720x480i@59.94|standard=HDMI_480i59;720x480p@59.94|standard=HDMI_480p59;720x480p@60|standard=HDMI_480p60;1280x720p@50|standard=HDMI_720p50;1280x720p@59.94|standard=HDMI_720p59;1280x720p@60|standard=HDMI_720p60;1920x1080i@60|standard=HDMI_1080i60;1920x1080p@23.976|standard=HDMI_1080p23;1920x1080i@59.94|standard=HDMI_1080i59;1920x1080p@59.94|standard=HDMI_1080p59;1920x1080p@60|standard=HDMI_1080p60; Thu 10/26 12:27:03.101 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] MiniClient did not succeed with menu hint change to:menuName:Main Menu, popupName:null, hasTextInput:false, errcode=1 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.101 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] MiniClient sending GFX_ASPECT=1.7677778 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.102 [MiniUIClientReceiver@737a5d9] Got UI size update to 1280x720 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.103 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] MiniClient sending GFX_FLIP=TRUE Thu 10/26 12:27:03.104 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocating the cache surface to acclerate effects-based animations of size 1280x720 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.107 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 340x18 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/BGMainMenuSubmenu.png fileSize=2514 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.107 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/BGMainMenuSubmenu.png Thu 10/26 12:27:03.108 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/BGMainMenuSubmenu.png width=340 height=18 ptr=4766032 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.109 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.109 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=4 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=50, style=0, height=58.0, ascent=46.0, descent=12.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:03.111 [Fork-OPUS4-108092@37a48197] STARTING Forked weather thread. Thu 10/26 12:27:03.113 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=50, style=0, height=58.0, ascent=46.0, descent=12.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4766088 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.115 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 25x27 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/right.png fileSize=1134 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.115 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/right.png Thu 10/26 12:27:03.117 [Fork-BASE-55376@5e6956f9] VideoDiskspaceReqProportion: 0.024527958188188467 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.117 [Fork-BASE-55376@5e6956f9] VideoDiskspaceFreeProportion: 0.018251586668102497 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.117 [Fork-BASE-55376@5e6956f9] Disk Space Bar Update complete for UI context 0023a500035b Thu 10/26 12:27:03.124 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/right.png width=25 height=27 ptr=4766144 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.125 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 32x32 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/Asterisk.png fileSize=3313 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.125 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/Asterisk.png Thu 10/26 12:27:03.126 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/Asterisk.png width=32 height=32 ptr=4766200 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.127 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.127 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=5 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=50, style=0, height=58.0, ascent=46.0, descent=12.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:03.129 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=50, style=0, height=58.0, ascent=46.0, descent=12.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4766256 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.130 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.131 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=6 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=50, style=0, height=58.0, ascent=46.0, descent=12.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:03.139 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=50, style=0, height=58.0, ascent=46.0, descent=12.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4766312 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.141 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.142 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=3 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=50, style=0, height=58.0, ascent=46.0, descent=12.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:03.150 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=50, style=0, height=58.0, ascent=46.0, descent=12.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4766368 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.156 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.157 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=2 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=50, style=0, height=58.0, ascent=46.0, descent=12.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:03.162 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=50, style=0, height=58.0, ascent=46.0, descent=12.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4766424 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.163 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.164 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=7 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=50, style=0, height=58.0, ascent=46.0, descent=12.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:03.173 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=50, style=0, height=58.0, ascent=46.0, descent=12.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4766480 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.174 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 320x18 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/HeaderIconBG.png fileSize=401 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.174 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/HeaderIconBG.png Thu 10/26 12:27:03.183 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/HeaderIconBG.png width=320 height=18 ptr=4766536 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.184 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 190x116 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/RecordingNow.png fileSize=10037 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.184 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/RecordingNow.png Thu 10/26 12:27:03.187 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/RecordingNow.png width=190 height=116 ptr=4766592 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.189 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 160x18 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/HeaderWeatherLeftBG.png fileSize=392 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.189 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/HeaderWeatherLeftBG.png Thu 10/26 12:27:03.200 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/HeaderWeatherLeftBG.png width=160 height=18 ptr=4766936 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.200 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 160x18 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/HeaderWeatherRightBG.png fileSize=361 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.200 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/HeaderWeatherRightBG.png Thu 10/26 12:27:03.203 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/HeaderWeatherRightBG.png width=160 height=18 ptr=4766992 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.206 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.208 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=0 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSansMono, size=25, style=0, height=29.0, ascent=23.0, descent=6.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:03.210 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSansMono, size=25, style=0, height=29.0, ascent=23.0, descent=6.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4767048 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.210 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.211 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=1 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSansMono, size=25, style=0, height=29.0, ascent=23.0, descent=6.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:03.219 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSansMono, size=25, style=0, height=29.0, ascent=23.0, descent=6.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4767104 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.220 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 320x18 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ClockBG.png fileSize=413 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.220 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ClockBG.png Thu 10/26 12:27:03.229 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ClockBG.png width=320 height=18 ptr=4767160 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.230 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.231 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=0 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=22, style=0, height=26.0, ascent=20.0, descent=5.0, leading=1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:03.234 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=22, style=0, height=26.0, ascent=20.0, descent=5.0, leading=1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4767216 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.234 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.235 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=1 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=22, style=0, height=26.0, ascent=20.0, descent=5.0, leading=1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:03.244 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=22, style=0, height=26.0, ascent=20.0, descent=5.0, leading=1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4767272 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.245 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 169x59 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/SageLogo256small.png fileSize=15084 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.245 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/SageLogo256small.png Thu 10/26 12:27:03.253 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/SageLogo256small.png width=169 height=59 ptr=4767328 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.256 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.257 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=0 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=21, style=1, height=24.0, ascent=20.0, descent=5.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:03.262 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=21, style=1, height=24.0, ascent=20.0, descent=5.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4767384 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.263 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.264 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=1 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=21, style=1, height=24.0, ascent=20.0, descent=5.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:03.274 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=21, style=1, height=24.0, ascent=20.0, descent=5.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4767440 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.285 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Initiating the BGResourceLoader for the rendering engine Thu 10/26 12:27:03.295 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading JPEG to VIDEO surface for MetaImage[/opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/TVBackground.jpg#0 1920x1080 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0#1 1024x576 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0] Thu 10/26 12:27:03.316 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Allocating a high-res surface of size 1024x576 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.327 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading 1024x576 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/TVBackground.jpg Thu 10/26 12:27:03.416 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Successfully loaded YUV image of RawImage[1024x576 alpha=false stride=2048 bufferCapacity=1179648] Thu 10/26 12:27:03.416 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] About to start loading the YUV image into the video plane... Thu 10/26 12:27:03.584 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Done loading the YUV image into the video plane (4767496)... Thu 10/26 12:27:03.585 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading RawImage of size 50x50 for fileSize=1067 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.585 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/GeneratedThumbnails/url-http3a2f2ficons2ewxug2ecom2fi2fc2fc2frain2egif Thu 10/26 12:27:03.639 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Allocated image-5 for width=50 height=50 ptr=4767552 Thu 10/26 12:27:03.736 [ActiveRender-0023a500035b@4906ed62] ZRoot is aborting this draw because its unnecessary Thu 10/26 12:27:04.112 [Fork-OPUS4-108092@37a48197] Updating weather Thu 10/26 12:27:04.112 [Fork-BASE-71232@6430975b] Not time to update weather yet. Thu 10/26 12:27:04.112 [Fork-BASE-71232@6430975b] CEPoolSize=3 Thu 10/26 12:27:18.119 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@1945110] Server got broadcast packet: Thu 10/26 12:27:18.124 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@1945110] Server sent back mini discovery to / 62968 Thu 10/26 12:27:35.117 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[up] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:27:35.116 Thu 10/26 12:27:35.120 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading JPEG to VIDEO surface for MetaImage[/opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ExitBackground.jpg#0 1920x1080 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0#1 1024x576 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0] Thu 10/26 12:27:35.120 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Allocating a high-res surface of size 1024x576 Thu 10/26 12:27:35.122 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading 1024x576 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ExitBackground.jpg Thu 10/26 12:27:35.232 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Successfully loaded YUV image of RawImage[1024x576 alpha=false stride=2048 bufferCapacity=1179648] Thu 10/26 12:27:35.232 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] About to start loading the YUV image into the video plane... Thu 10/26 12:27:35.362 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Done loading the YUV image into the video plane (4767608)... Thu 10/26 12:27:36.725 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[up] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:27:36.725 Thu 10/26 12:27:36.728 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading JPEG to VIDEO surface for MetaImage[/opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/SettingsBackground.jpg#0 1920x1080 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0#1 1024x576 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0] Thu 10/26 12:27:36.728 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Allocating a high-res surface of size 1024x576 Thu 10/26 12:27:36.729 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading 1024x576 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/SettingsBackground.jpg Thu 10/26 12:27:36.806 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Successfully loaded YUV image of RawImage[1024x576 alpha=false stride=2048 bufferCapacity=1179648] Thu 10/26 12:27:36.806 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] About to start loading the YUV image into the video plane... Thu 10/26 12:27:36.941 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Done loading the YUV image into the video plane (4767664)... Thu 10/26 12:27:37.424 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[right] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:27:37.423 Thu 10/26 12:27:37.425 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] ParentY=497, TopMenuWidgetHeight=562, SubMenuVerticalAlignment=0.8843416370106761 Thu 10/26 12:27:37.426 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Opening sub menu via select/right: xSubmenuSetup Thu 10/26 12:27:37.447 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:27:37.449 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=1 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=36, style=0, height=42.0, ascent=33.0, descent=8.0, leading=1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:37.457 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=36, style=0, height=42.0, ascent=33.0, descent=8.0, leading=1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4767720 Thu 10/26 12:27:37.458 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:27:37.458 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=2 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=36, style=0, height=42.0, ascent=33.0, descent=8.0, leading=1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:37.467 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=36, style=0, height=42.0, ascent=33.0, descent=8.0, leading=1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4767776 Thu 10/26 12:27:37.467 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:27:37.468 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=3 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=36, style=0, height=42.0, ascent=33.0, descent=8.0, leading=1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:37.477 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=36, style=0, height=42.0, ascent=33.0, descent=8.0, leading=1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4767832 Thu 10/26 12:27:38.717 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[up] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:27:38.717 Thu 10/26 12:27:39.465 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[up] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:27:39.465 Thu 10/26 12:27:39.932 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@1945110] Server got broadcast packet: Thu 10/26 12:27:39.936 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@1945110] Server sent back mini discovery to / 51965 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.186 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[select] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:27:40.186 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.195 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Downloading-2 URL images/zap2it_tv_2.gif to local cache file: /tmp/stv4658007615611787635.img id=139618956 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.196 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Downloading-2 URL images/zap2it_tv_fr.gif to local cache file: /tmp/stv7392144846680715474.img id=264554733 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.201 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Increased ArrayList pool to size=201 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.204 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Increased ArrayList pool to size=301 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.207 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] setUI(sage.PseudoMenu@7b0c211a[System Information]) histIdx=1 uiHistory=[sage.PseudoMenu@dbff44a[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@7b0c211a[System Information]] redo=false performingActivation=null Thu 10/26 12:27:40.245 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] ThisSTVSetVersionNum=2016110201, STV File=/opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/SageTV7.xml Thu 10/26 12:27:40.320 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Linux: Unable to get IP ADDRESS from [eth0, eth0, eth1, eno1, br0, docker0] Thu 10/26 12:27:40.467 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Linux: Unable to get IP ADDRESS from [eth0, eth0, eth1, eno1, br0, docker0] Thu 10/26 12:27:40.488 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] MiniClient did not succeed with menu hint change to:menuName:System Information, popupName:null, hasTextInput:false, errcode=1 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.506 [Fork-BASE-54533@ac10c80] Created Property set w/o defaults Thu 10/26 12:27:40.507 [Fork-BASE-54533@ac10c80] PropCacheFile = [/opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/OnlineVideos/] Thu 10/26 12:27:40.508 [Fork-BASE-54533@ac10c80] Loaded properties file: /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/OnlineVideos/ Thu 10/26 12:27:40.519 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.520 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=0 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=25, style=1, height=29.0, ascent=23.0, descent=6.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:40.534 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=25, style=1, height=29.0, ascent=23.0, descent=6.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4767888 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.534 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.539 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=1 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=25, style=1, height=29.0, ascent=23.0, descent=6.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:40.545 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=25, style=1, height=29.0, ascent=23.0, descent=6.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4767944 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.545 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.546 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=2 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=25, style=1, height=29.0, ascent=23.0, descent=6.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:40.555 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=25, style=1, height=29.0, ascent=23.0, descent=6.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4768000 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.555 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 32x972 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/CenterBGWithBorder.png fileSize=852 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.555 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/CenterBGWithBorder.png Thu 10/26 12:27:40.559 [Fork-BASE-54533@ac10c80] Linux: Unable to get IP ADDRESS from [eth0, eth0, eth1, eno1, br0, docker0] Thu 10/26 12:27:40.582 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/CenterBGWithBorder.png width=32 height=972 ptr=4768056 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.583 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 248x38 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ButtonHighlight.png fileSize=1886 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.583 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ButtonHighlight.png Thu 10/26 12:27:40.615 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ButtonHighlight.png width=248 height=38 ptr=4768112 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.616 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 940x2 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ButtonDivider.png fileSize=354 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.616 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ButtonDivider.png Thu 10/26 12:27:40.622 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ButtonDivider.png width=940 height=2 ptr=4768168 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.622 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.623 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=0 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=21, style=0, height=24.0, ascent=20.0, descent=5.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:40.624 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=21, style=0, height=24.0, ascent=20.0, descent=5.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4768224 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.624 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.625 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=1 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=21, style=0, height=24.0, ascent=20.0, descent=5.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:40.629 [Fork-BASE-54533@ac10c80] Linux: Unable to get IP ADDRESS from [eth0, eth0, eth1, eno1, br0, docker0] Thu 10/26 12:27:40.634 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=21, style=0, height=24.0, ascent=20.0, descent=5.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4768280 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.634 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 220x24 for images/zap2it_tv_2.gif fileSize=1358 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.635 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /tmp/stv4658007615611787635.img Thu 10/26 12:27:40.645 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for images/zap2it_tv_2.gif width=220 height=24 ptr=4768336 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.645 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 1x1 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MenuBorderLineNormal.png fileSize=465 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.645 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MenuBorderLineNormal.png Thu 10/26 12:27:40.649 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MenuBorderLineNormal.png width=1 height=1 ptr=4768392 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.654 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 40x651 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ScrollVBG.png fileSize=918 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.655 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ScrollVBG.png Thu 10/26 12:27:40.660 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ScrollVBG.png width=40 height=651 ptr=4768448 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.668 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 31x28 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ScrollVUp.png fileSize=1440 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.668 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ScrollVUp.png Thu 10/26 12:27:40.685 [Fork-BASE-54533@ac10c80] Linux: Unable to get IP ADDRESS from [eth0, eth0, eth1, eno1, br0, docker0] Thu 10/26 12:27:40.692 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ScrollVUp.png width=31 height=28 ptr=4768504 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.693 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 31x28 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ScrollVDown.png fileSize=1496 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.694 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ScrollVDown.png Thu 10/26 12:27:40.696 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ScrollVDown.png width=31 height=28 ptr=4768560 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.696 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 29x576 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ScrollVArea.png fileSize=1065 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.696 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ScrollVArea.png Thu 10/26 12:27:40.700 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ScrollVArea.png width=29 height=576 ptr=4768616 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.701 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 18x40 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ScrollVBar.png fileSize=741 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.701 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ScrollVBar.png Thu 10/26 12:27:40.720 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ScrollVBar.png width=18 height=40 ptr=4768672 Thu 10/26 12:27:40.721 [Fork-BASE-54533@ac10c80] Linux: Unable to get IP ADDRESS from [eth0, eth0, eth1, eno1, br0, docker0] Thu 10/26 12:27:40.828 [Fork-BASE-54533@ac10c80] Linux: Unable to get IP ADDRESS from [eth0, eth0, eth1, eno1, br0, docker0] Thu 10/26 12:27:40.877 [Fork-BASE-54533@ac10c80] Linux: Unable to get IP ADDRESS from [eth0, eth0, eth1, eno1, br0, docker0] Thu 10/26 12:27:40.937 [Fork-BASE-54533@ac10c80] Linux: Unable to get IP ADDRESS from [eth0, eth0, eth1, eno1, br0, docker0] Thu 10/26 12:27:40.983 [Fork-BASE-54533@ac10c80] Linux: Unable to get IP ADDRESS from [eth0, eth0, eth1, eno1, br0, docker0] Thu 10/26 12:27:41.039 [Fork-BASE-54533@ac10c80] Linux: Unable to get IP ADDRESS from [eth0, eth0, eth1, eno1, br0, docker0] Thu 10/26 12:27:41.093 [Fork-BASE-54533@ac10c80] Linux: Unable to get IP ADDRESS from [eth0, eth0, eth1, eno1, br0, docker0] Thu 10/26 12:27:41.129 [Fork-OPUS4-108092@37a48197] ENDING Forked weather thread. Thu 10/26 12:27:41.174 [Fork-BASE-54533@ac10c80] Linux: Unable to get IP ADDRESS from [eth0, eth0, eth1, eno1, br0, docker0] Thu 10/26 12:27:41.206 [Fork-BASE-54533@ac10c80] Linux: Unable to get IP ADDRESS from [eth0, eth0, eth1, eno1, br0, docker0] Thu 10/26 12:27:41.228 [Fork-BASE-54533@ac10c80] Linux: Unable to get IP ADDRESS from [eth0, eth0, eth1, eno1, br0, docker0] Thu 10/26 12:27:41.254 [Fork-BASE-54533@ac10c80] Linux: Unable to get IP ADDRESS from [eth0, eth0, eth1, eno1, br0, docker0] Thu 10/26 12:27:41.275 [Fork-BASE-54533@ac10c80] Linux: Unable to get IP ADDRESS from [eth0, eth0, eth1, eno1, br0, docker0] Thu 10/26 12:27:41.311 [Fork-BASE-54533@ac10c80] Linux: Unable to get IP ADDRESS from [eth0, eth0, eth1, eno1, br0, docker0] Thu 10/26 12:27:41.315 [Fork-BASE-54533@ac10c80] System Info: recording not in rec dir: MediaFile[id=41 A[69,65,"Ten Days in the Valley",0@1015.22:00,59,T V] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy= format=MPEG2-PS 0:59:58 2892 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=e0]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-80010000 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=bd-81010000 enm]#3 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=3 id=bd-82010000 eng]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/HDHR-on-Windows/TenDaysintheValley-S01E03-Day3DayOutofDays-2821019-0.mpg, Seg0[Sun 10/15 22:00:01.560-Sun 10/15 23:00:00.000]] Thu 10/26 12:27:41.347 [Fork-BASE-54533@ac10c80] Linux: Unable to get IP ADDRESS from [eth0, eth0, eth1, eno1, br0, docker0] Thu 10/26 12:27:41.370 [Fork-BASE-54533@ac10c80] Linux: Unable to get IP ADDRESS from [eth0, eth0, eth1, eno1, br0, docker0] Thu 10/26 12:27:41.406 [Fork-BASE-54533@ac10c80] Linux: Unable to get IP ADDRESS from [eth0, eth0, eth1, eno1, br0, docker0] Thu 10/26 12:27:41.436 [Fork-BASE-54533@ac10c80] Linux: Unable to get IP ADDRESS from [eth0, eth0, eth1, eno1, br0, docker0] Thu 10/26 12:27:41.470 [Fork-BASE-54533@ac10c80] Linux: Unable to get IP ADDRESS from [eth0, eth0, eth1, eno1, br0, docker0] Thu 10/26 12:27:41.499 [Fork-BASE-54533@ac10c80] Linux: Unable to get IP ADDRESS from [eth0, eth0, eth1, eno1, br0, docker0] Thu 10/26 12:27:42.037 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[ch_down] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:27:42.037 Thu 10/26 12:27:42.059 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Linux: Unable to get IP ADDRESS from [eth0, eth0, eth1, eno1, br0, docker0] Thu 10/26 12:27:42.735 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[ch_down] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:27:42.735 Thu 10/26 12:27:44.464 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[ch_down] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:27:44.463 Thu 10/26 12:27:54.532 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[left] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:27:54.532 Thu 10/26 12:27:54.554 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] setUI(sage.PseudoMenu@506dbb33[Main Menu]) histIdx=2 uiHistory=[sage.PseudoMenu@dbff44a[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@7b0c211a[System Information], sage.PseudoMenu@506dbb33[Main Menu]] redo=false performingActivation=false Thu 10/26 12:27:54.639 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Linux: Unable to get IP ADDRESS from [eth0, eth0, eth1, eno1, br0, docker0] Thu 10/26 12:27:54.684 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Global variables already set. Thu 10/26 12:27:54.684 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Theme settings already loaded. Thu 10/26 12:27:54.685 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Done with Category BG color mapping; 1 items in gCategoryBGColorMap={xDefaultBGColor=[/opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/GuideAiringBGDefault.png, /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/GuideAiringBGDefault2.png]} Thu 10/26 12:27:54.685 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] For location '', found instance= Thu 10/26 12:27:54.685 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] instance for '' = Thu 10/26 12:27:54.685 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] The Weather Underground instance = '' Thu 10/26 12:27:54.685 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] The Weather Underground WeatherLoc = '{country=CA, loccode=pws:IMONTREA23, city=Montreal, state=QC, neighborhood=Little Burgundy}' Thu 10/26 12:27:54.685 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] BEGIN: Sort video playlists. Thu 10/26 12:27:54.685 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] END: Sort video playlists. Sorted 0 playlists. Total Time = '0' Thu 10/26 12:27:54.686 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] BEGIN: Sort playlists. Thu 10/26 12:27:54.686 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] END: Sort playlists. Sorted 0 playlists. Total Time = '0' Thu 10/26 12:27:54.687 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading JPEG to VIDEO surface for MetaImage[/opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/background.jpg#0 720x480 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0] Thu 10/26 12:27:54.687 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Allocating a high-res surface of size 720x480 Thu 10/26 12:27:54.690 [Fork-BASE-71232@ac10c80] Not time to update weather yet. Thu 10/26 12:27:54.701 [ReProcessHook@ac10c80] The weather plugin has NOT been found. Thu 10/26 12:27:54.701 [ReProcessHook@ac10c80] For location '', found instance= Thu 10/26 12:27:54.701 [ReProcessHook@ac10c80] instance for '' = Thu 10/26 12:27:54.701 [ReProcessHook@ac10c80] The Weather Underground instance = '' Thu 10/26 12:27:54.701 [ReProcessHook@ac10c80] The Weather Underground WeatherLoc = '{country=CA, loccode=pws:IMONTREA23, city=Montreal, state=QC, neighborhood=Little Burgundy}' Thu 10/26 12:27:54.702 [ReProcessHook@ac10c80] The Google weather JAR has been loaded, version: '2.0.3'. Required version: '2.0.1' Thu 10/26 12:27:54.702 [Fork-OPUS4-108092@37a48197] STARTING Forked weather thread. Thu 10/26 12:27:54.702 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading 720x480 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/background.jpg Thu 10/26 12:27:54.703 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] MiniClient did not succeed with menu hint change to:menuName:Main Menu, popupName:null, hasTextInput:false, errcode=1 Thu 10/26 12:27:54.716 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Successfully loaded YUV image of RawImage[720x480 alpha=false stride=1440 bufferCapacity=691200] Thu 10/26 12:27:54.716 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] About to start loading the YUV image into the video plane... Thu 10/26 12:27:55.102 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Done loading the YUV image into the video plane (4768728)... Thu 10/26 12:27:56.997 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[right] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:27:56.997 Thu 10/26 12:27:56.998 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] ParentY=38, TopMenuWidgetHeight=562, SubMenuVerticalAlignment=0.06761565836298933 Thu 10/26 12:27:56.998 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Opening sub menu via select/right: xSubmenuTV Thu 10/26 12:27:59.206 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[right] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:27:59.205 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.207 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] SubPanelWidget=sage.ZPseudoComp[loc=java.awt.Point[x=0,y=33] size=java.awt.Dimension[width=451,height=612]] Thu 10/26 12:27:59.208 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] ParentMenuItem=sage.ZPseudoComp[loc=java.awt.Point[x=0,y=11] size=java.awt.Dimension[width=451,height=55]] Thu 10/26 12:27:59.208 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] ParentY=38, SubMenuWidgetHeight=562, ThirdMenuVerticalAlignment=0.06761565836298933 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.208 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Opening tertiary sub menu via right: xSubmenuTVRecordings Thu 10/26 12:27:59.219 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.219 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=1 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=33, style=0, height=38.0, ascent=31.0, descent=8.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:59.234 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=33, style=0, height=38.0, ascent=31.0, descent=8.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4768784 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.235 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.236 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=2 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=33, style=0, height=38.0, ascent=31.0, descent=8.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:59.244 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=33, style=0, height=38.0, ascent=31.0, descent=8.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4768840 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.245 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.246 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=3 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=33, style=0, height=38.0, ascent=31.0, descent=8.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:59.254 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=33, style=0, height=38.0, ascent=31.0, descent=8.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4768896 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.256 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.258 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=0 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=33, style=0, height=38.0, ascent=31.0, descent=8.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:27:59.266 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=33, style=0, height=38.0, ascent=31.0, descent=8.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4768952 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.387 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[right] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:27:59.387 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.388 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[select] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:27:59.388 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.425 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] setUI(sage.PseudoMenu@5262c985[SageRecordings w/ Optional Preview & AutoCategories]) histIdx=3 uiHistory=[sage.PseudoMenu@dbff44a[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@7b0c211a[System Information], sage.PseudoMenu@506dbb33[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@5262c985[SageRecordings w/ Optional Preview & AutoCategories]] redo=false performingActivation=false Thu 10/26 12:27:59.458 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] properties for this recording view: sagetv_recordings//xAll INFO - Configured Root Logger Thu 10/26 12:27:59.507 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] LOG4J: Configured Root Logger INFO - Configured Logging for: sagex-api using file: Thu 10/26 12:27:59.545 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] LOG4J: Configured Logging for: sagex-api using file: Thu 10/26 12:27:59.598 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] CEPoolSize=4 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.612 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading JPEG to VIDEO surface for MetaImage[/opt/sagetv/server/GeneratedThumbnails/mediasfTDRIVESageTVE7019000AcrosstheFence64690mpg.jpg#0 512x288 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0] Thu 10/26 12:27:59.613 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Allocating a high-res surface of size 512x288 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.617 [Fork-OPUS4-112742@4f7f7938] STARTING background recording thumb preloader thread, ID = 0.9178700509623515 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.630 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] MiniClient did not succeed with menu hint change to:menuName:SageRecordings w/ Optional Preview & AutoCategories, popupName:null, hasTextInput:false, errcode=1 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.645 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading 512x288 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/GeneratedThumbnails/mediasfTDRIVESageTVE7019000AcrosstheFence64690mpg.jpg Thu 10/26 12:27:59.650 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Successfully loaded YUV image of RawImage[512x288 alpha=false stride=1024 bufferCapacity=294912] Thu 10/26 12:27:59.650 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] About to start loading the YUV image into the video plane... Thu 10/26 12:27:59.704 [Fork-OPUS4-108092@37a48197] ENDING Forked weather thread. Thu 10/26 12:27:59.766 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 940x2 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/CellDivider.png fileSize=354 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.767 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/CellDivider.png Thu 10/26 12:27:59.775 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/CellDivider.png width=940 height=2 ptr=4769064 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.776 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 45x44 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MarkerHD.png fileSize=1666 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.776 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MarkerHD.png Thu 10/26 12:27:59.779 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MarkerHD.png width=45 height=44 ptr=4769120 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.780 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 45x44 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/Marker1.png fileSize=1232 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.780 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/Marker1.png Thu 10/26 12:27:59.782 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/Marker1.png width=45 height=44 ptr=4769176 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.783 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 45x44 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MarkerA.png fileSize=1624 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.783 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MarkerA.png Thu 10/26 12:27:59.786 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MarkerA.png width=45 height=44 ptr=4769232 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.788 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 44x44 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/RecordMR.png fileSize=2319 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.788 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/RecordMR.png Thu 10/26 12:27:59.791 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/RecordMR.png width=44 height=44 ptr=4769288 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.792 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 242x38 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ButtonHighlightSmBorder.png fileSize=1836 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.792 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ButtonHighlightSmBorder.png Thu 10/26 12:27:59.795 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ButtonHighlightSmBorder.png width=242 height=38 ptr=4769344 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.802 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 254x254 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ThumbShadow.png fileSize=1772 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.802 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ThumbShadow.png Thu 10/26 12:27:59.818 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ThumbShadow.png width=254 height=254 ptr=4769400 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.819 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 380x380 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/VideoArt.png fileSize=155863 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.820 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/VideoArt.png Thu 10/26 12:27:59.853 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/VideoArt.png width=380 height=380 ptr=4769456 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.952 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Done loading the YUV image into the video plane (4769008)... Thu 10/26 12:27:59.969 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading RawImage of size 380x380 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MaskReflectionBelow.png fileSize=2908 Thu 10/26 12:27:59.969 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading 380x380 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MaskReflectionBelow.png Thu 10/26 12:28:00.125 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Allocated image-5 for [MetaImage[/opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/VideoArt.png#0 380x380 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0], MetaImage[/opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MaskReflectionBelow.png#0 64x64 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0#1 380x380 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0], null, false, false, 16777215] width=380 height=380 ptr=4769512 Thu 10/26 12:28:00.561 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading RawImage of size 512x288 for /opt/sagetv/server/GeneratedThumbnails/mediasfTDRIVESageTVE7019000AcrosstheFence64690mpg.jpg fileSize=29234 Thu 10/26 12:28:00.561 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/GeneratedThumbnails/mediasfTDRIVESageTVE7019000AcrosstheFence64690mpg.jpg Thu 10/26 12:28:00.573 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading RawImage of size 512x288 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MaskReflectionBelow.png fileSize=2908 Thu 10/26 12:28:00.573 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading 512x288 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MaskReflectionBelow.png Thu 10/26 12:28:00.594 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Allocated image-5 for [MetaImage[/opt/sagetv/server/GeneratedThumbnails/mediasfTDRIVESageTVE7019000AcrosstheFence64690mpg.jpg#0 512x288 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0], MetaImage[/opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MaskReflectionBelow.png#0 64x64 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0#1 380x380 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0#2 512x288 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0], null, false, false, 16777215] width=512 height=288 ptr=4769568 Thu 10/26 12:28:00.645 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[left] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:00.644 Thu 10/26 12:28:00.646 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] setUI(sage.PseudoMenu@506dbb33[Main Menu]) histIdx=4 uiHistory=[sage.PseudoMenu@dbff44a[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@7b0c211a[System Information], sage.PseudoMenu@506dbb33[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@5262c985[SageRecordings w/ Optional Preview & AutoCategories], sage.PseudoMenu@506dbb33[Main Menu]] redo=false performingActivation=false Thu 10/26 12:28:00.671 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Global variables already set. Thu 10/26 12:28:00.672 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Theme settings already loaded. Thu 10/26 12:28:00.673 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Done with Category BG color mapping; 1 items in gCategoryBGColorMap={xDefaultBGColor=[/opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/GuideAiringBGDefault.png, /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/GuideAiringBGDefault2.png]} Thu 10/26 12:28:00.674 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] For location '', found instance= Thu 10/26 12:28:00.674 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] instance for '' = Thu 10/26 12:28:00.674 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] The Weather Underground instance = '' Thu 10/26 12:28:00.675 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] The Weather Underground WeatherLoc = '{country=CA, loccode=pws:IMONTREA23, city=Montreal, state=QC, neighborhood=Little Burgundy}' Thu 10/26 12:28:00.675 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] BEGIN: Sort video playlists. Thu 10/26 12:28:00.675 [Fork-BASE-71232@ac10c80] Not time to update weather yet. Thu 10/26 12:28:00.675 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] END: Sort video playlists. Sorted 0 playlists. Total Time = '0' Thu 10/26 12:28:00.675 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] BEGIN: Sort playlists. Thu 10/26 12:28:00.675 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] END: Sort playlists. Sorted 0 playlists. Total Time = '0' Thu 10/26 12:28:00.687 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] MiniClient did not succeed with menu hint change to:menuName:Main Menu, popupName:null, hasTextInput:false, errcode=1 Thu 10/26 12:28:00.718 [ReProcessHook@ac10c80] The weather plugin has NOT been found. Thu 10/26 12:28:00.718 [ReProcessHook@ac10c80] For location '', found instance= Thu 10/26 12:28:00.718 [ReProcessHook@ac10c80] instance for '' = Thu 10/26 12:28:00.718 [ReProcessHook@ac10c80] The Weather Underground instance = '' Thu 10/26 12:28:00.718 [ReProcessHook@ac10c80] The Weather Underground WeatherLoc = '{country=CA, loccode=pws:IMONTREA23, city=Montreal, state=QC, neighborhood=Little Burgundy}' Thu 10/26 12:28:00.718 [ReProcessHook@ac10c80] The Google weather JAR has been loaded, version: '2.0.3'. Required version: '2.0.1' Thu 10/26 12:28:00.719 [Fork-OPUS4-108092@37a48197] STARTING Forked weather thread. Thu 10/26 12:28:01.740 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@1945110] Server got broadcast packet: Thu 10/26 12:28:01.744 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@1945110] Server sent back mini discovery to / 54258 Thu 10/26 12:28:02.636 [Fork-OPUS4-112742@4f7f7938] ENDING background recording thumb preloader thread, ID = 0.9178700509623515 Thu 10/26 12:28:03.166 [Fork-BASE-55376@5e6956f9] Updating Disk Space Bar Thu 10/26 12:28:03.170 [Fork-BASE-55376@5e6956f9] Got used/avail video diskspace Thu 10/26 12:28:03.170 [Fork-BASE-55376@5e6956f9] Calculate size of partial recordings Thu 10/26 12:28:03.171 [Fork-BASE-55376@5e6956f9] Found 0 partials using 0 bytes Thu 10/26 12:28:03.178 [Fork-BASE-55376@5e6956f9] Calculate space required for upcoming manual/favourite airings for next X hours and display Thu 10/26 12:28:03.185 [Fork-BASE-55376@5e6956f9] VideoDiskspaceReqProportion: 0.024756582138654733 Thu 10/26 12:28:03.185 [Fork-BASE-55376@5e6956f9] VideoDiskspaceFreeProportion: 0.018480214436982004 Thu 10/26 12:28:03.185 [Fork-BASE-55376@5e6956f9] Disk Space Bar Update complete for UI context 0023a500035b Thu 10/26 12:28:05.087 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[left] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:05.086 Thu 10/26 12:28:06.287 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[down] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:06.287 Thu 10/26 12:28:07.000 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[down] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:07.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:07.547 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[select] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:07.547 Thu 10/26 12:28:07.554 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Deriving FreeType font face for fonts/DejaVuSansMono size=15 style=0 from=/opt/sagetv/server/fonts/DejaVuSansMono.ttf Thu 10/26 12:28:07.554 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Loading new font to cache font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSansMono, size=15, style=0, height=17.0, ascent=14.0, descent=4.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:28:07.562 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] setUI(sage.PseudoMenu@61624e82[LiveTVGuide w/ Optional Preview]) histIdx=5 uiHistory=[sage.PseudoMenu@dbff44a[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@7b0c211a[System Information], sage.PseudoMenu@506dbb33[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@5262c985[SageRecordings w/ Optional Preview & AutoCategories], sage.PseudoMenu@506dbb33[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@61624e82[LiveTVGuide w/ Optional Preview]] redo=false performingActivation=false Thu 10/26 12:28:07.818 [Fork-OPUS4-108092@37a48197] ENDING Forked weather thread. Thu 10/26 12:28:07.834 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Deriving FreeType font face for fonts/DejaVuSansMono size=21 style=0 from=/opt/sagetv/server/fonts/DejaVuSansMono.ttf Thu 10/26 12:28:07.834 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Loading new font to cache font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSansMono, size=21, style=0, height=24.0, ascent=20.0, descent=5.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:28:07.837 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading RawImage of size 360x270 for /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/WCAXDT2.png fileSize=16760 Thu 10/26 12:28:07.838 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/WCAXDT2.png Thu 10/26 12:28:07.849 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/WCAXDT2.png width=360 height=270 ptr=4769624 Thu 10/26 12:28:07.876 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading RawImage of size 360x270 for /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/WCAXDT.png fileSize=11944 Thu 10/26 12:28:07.877 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/WCAXDT.png Thu 10/26 12:28:07.898 [ReProcessHook@37a48197] Start looking for max channel digits Thu 10/26 12:28:07.901 [ReProcessHook@37a48197] New max channel = 3, from channel 33-4 on lineup 'HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on Digital TV Tuner' Thu 10/26 12:28:07.905 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] MiniClient did not succeed with menu hint change to:menuName:LiveTVGuide w/ Optional Preview, popupName:null, hasTextInput:false, errcode=1 Thu 10/26 12:28:07.911 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 200x48 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ShadedCellBG.png fileSize=345 Thu 10/26 12:28:07.911 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ShadedCellBG.png Thu 10/26 12:28:07.912 [ReProcessHook@37a48197] Done looking for max channel digits; elapsed time: 14 Thu 10/26 12:28:07.913 [Fork-OPUS4A-217436@4f7f7938] STARTING background channel logo preloader thread, ID = 0.3809410785764775 Thu 10/26 12:28:07.950 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ShadedCellBG.png width=200 height=48 ptr=4769680 Thu 10/26 12:28:07.950 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:28:07.951 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=0 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSansMono, size=21, style=0, height=24.0, ascent=20.0, descent=5.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:28:07.958 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSansMono, size=21, style=0, height=24.0, ascent=20.0, descent=5.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4769736 Thu 10/26 12:28:07.959 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 1x1 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/GridCurrentTimeBar.png fileSize=465 Thu 10/26 12:28:07.959 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/GridCurrentTimeBar.png Thu 10/26 12:28:07.968 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/GridCurrentTimeBar.png width=1 height=1 ptr=4769792 Thu 10/26 12:28:07.969 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 200x48 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/GuideCellBorder.png fileSize=263 Thu 10/26 12:28:07.970 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/GuideCellBorder.png Thu 10/26 12:28:07.973 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/GuideCellBorder.png width=200 height=48 ptr=4769848 Thu 10/26 12:28:07.974 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 20x20 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MarkerHDTVDot.png fileSize=3857 Thu 10/26 12:28:07.974 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MarkerHDTVDot.png Thu 10/26 12:28:07.979 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MarkerHDTVDot.png width=20 height=20 ptr=4769904 Thu 10/26 12:28:07.980 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 20x20 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MarkerFirstRunDot.png fileSize=1204 Thu 10/26 12:28:07.980 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MarkerFirstRunDot.png Thu 10/26 12:28:07.982 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MarkerFirstRunDot.png width=20 height=20 ptr=4769960 Thu 10/26 12:28:07.982 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 15x71 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/guideRight.png fileSize=1430 Thu 10/26 12:28:07.982 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/guideRight.png Thu 10/26 12:28:07.984 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/guideRight.png width=15 height=71 ptr=4770016 Thu 10/26 12:28:07.985 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 240x35 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ButtonHighlightNoBorder.png fileSize=1035 Thu 10/26 12:28:07.985 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ButtonHighlightNoBorder.png Thu 10/26 12:28:07.991 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ButtonHighlightNoBorder.png width=240 height=35 ptr=4770072 Thu 10/26 12:28:07.991 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:28:07.992 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=1 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSansMono, size=21, style=0, height=24.0, ascent=20.0, descent=5.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:28:07.997 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSansMono, size=21, style=0, height=24.0, ascent=20.0, descent=5.0, leading=-1.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4770128 Thu 10/26 12:28:08.008 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/WCAXDT.png width=360 height=270 ptr=4770184 Thu 10/26 12:28:08.300 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading RawImage of size 360x270 for /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/WPTZDT.png fileSize=14492 Thu 10/26 12:28:08.300 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/WPTZDT.png Thu 10/26 12:28:08.316 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/WPTZDT.png width=360 height=270 ptr=4770240 Thu 10/26 12:28:08.518 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading RawImage of size 360x270 for /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/WPTZDT2.png fileSize=18861 Thu 10/26 12:28:08.518 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/WPTZDT2.png Thu 10/26 12:28:08.531 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/WPTZDT2.png width=360 height=270 ptr=4770296 Thu 10/26 12:28:08.614 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading RawImage of size 360x270 for fileSize=9845 Thu 10/26 12:28:08.615 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/GeneratedThumbnails/url-https3a2f2fs32eamazonaws2ecom2fschedulesdirect2fassets2fstationLogos2fs186335fh35faa2epng Thu 10/26 12:28:08.646 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Allocated image-5 for width=360 height=270 ptr=4770352 Thu 10/26 12:28:08.710 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading RawImage of size 360x270 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MaskReflectionBelow.png fileSize=2908 Thu 10/26 12:28:08.710 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading 360x270 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MaskReflectionBelow.png Thu 10/26 12:28:08.756 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Allocated image-5 for [MetaImage[/opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/WCAXDT.png#0 360x270 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0], MetaImage[/opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MaskReflectionBelow.png#0 64x64 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0#1 380x380 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0#2 512x288 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0#3 360x270 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0], null, false, false, 16777215] width=360 height=270 ptr=4770408 Thu 10/26 12:28:10.917 [Fork-OPUS4A-217436@4f7f7938] Allocated image-5 for null width=16 height=16 ptr=4770464 Thu 10/26 12:28:10.919 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading RawImage of size 360x270 for /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/WPTZDT3.png fileSize=19942 Thu 10/26 12:28:10.919 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/WPTZDT3.png Thu 10/26 12:28:10.926 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/WPTZDT3.png width=360 height=270 ptr=4770520 Thu 10/26 12:28:10.943 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading RawImage of size 360x270 for /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/CBMTDT.png fileSize=10202 Thu 10/26 12:28:10.943 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/CBMTDT.png Thu 10/26 12:28:10.979 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/CBMTDT.png width=360 height=270 ptr=4770576 Thu 10/26 12:28:10.988 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading RawImage of size 360x270 for /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/CKMIDT1.png fileSize=10575 Thu 10/26 12:28:10.988 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/CKMIDT1.png Thu 10/26 12:28:11.026 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/CKMIDT1.png width=360 height=270 ptr=4770632 Thu 10/26 12:28:11.027 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading RawImage of size 360x270 for /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/WETKDT.png fileSize=10126 Thu 10/26 12:28:11.028 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/WETKDT.png Thu 10/26 12:28:11.072 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/WETKDT.png width=360 height=270 ptr=4770688 Thu 10/26 12:28:11.073 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading RawImage of size 360x270 for /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/WETKDT2.png fileSize=10126 Thu 10/26 12:28:11.073 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/WETKDT2.png Thu 10/26 12:28:11.118 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/ChannelLogos/WETKDT2.png width=360 height=270 ptr=4770744 Thu 10/26 12:28:11.837 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[right] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:11.837 Thu 10/26 12:28:13.441 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[down] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:13.441 Thu 10/26 12:28:13.823 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading RawImage of size 240x360 for fileSize=73810 Thu 10/26 12:28:13.823 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/GeneratedThumbnails/url-https3a2f2fs32eamazonaws2ecom2fschedulesdirect2fassets2fp51255fd5fv55faa2ejpg Thu 10/26 12:28:13.828 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Allocated image-5 for width=240 height=360 ptr=4770800 Thu 10/26 12:28:14.152 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[down] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:14.152 Thu 10/26 12:28:14.548 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading RawImage of size 960x540 for fileSize=137963 Thu 10/26 12:28:14.548 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/GeneratedThumbnails/url-https3a2f2fs32eamazonaws2ecom2fschedulesdirect2fassets2fp81304935fb5fh125fam2ejpg Thu 10/26 12:28:14.647 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Allocated image-5 for width=960 height=540 ptr=4770856 Thu 10/26 12:28:15.073 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading RawImage of size 960x540 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MaskReflectionBelow.png fileSize=2908 Thu 10/26 12:28:15.073 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading 960x540 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MaskReflectionBelow.png Thu 10/26 12:28:15.217 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Allocated image-5 for [MetaImage[ 960x540 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0], MetaImage[/opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MaskReflectionBelow.png#0 64x64 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0#1 380x380 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0#2 512x288 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0#3 360x270 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0#4 960x540 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0], null, false, false, 16777215] width=960 height=540 ptr=4770912 Thu 10/26 12:28:16.993 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[select] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:16.993 Thu 10/26 12:28:16.994 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processOptionsMenu optionsMenu=default:BASE-49221|OptionsMenu:Show Options for an Airing, Recording, File, etc. Thu 10/26 12:28:16.995 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Deriving FreeType font face for fonts/DejaVuSans size=18 style=0 from=/opt/sagetv/server/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf Thu 10/26 12:28:16.995 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Loading new font to cache font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=18, style=0, height=21.0, ascent=17.0, descent=4.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:28:17.015 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] BEGIN: Sort video playlists. Thu 10/26 12:28:17.015 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] END: Sort video playlists. Sorted 0 playlists. Total Time = '0' Thu 10/26 12:28:17.022 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Deriving FreeType font face for fonts/DejaVuSans size=25 style=0 from=/opt/sagetv/server/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf Thu 10/26 12:28:17.022 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Loading new font to cache font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=25, style=0, height=29.0, ascent=23.0, descent=6.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:28:17.050 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] MiniClient did not succeed with menu hint change to:menuName:LiveTVGuide w/ Optional Preview, popupName:Show Options for an Airing, Recording, File, etc., hasTextInput:false, errcode=1 Thu 10/26 12:28:17.055 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 312x312 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/DialogBG.png fileSize=1913 Thu 10/26 12:28:17.056 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/DialogBG.png Thu 10/26 12:28:17.115 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/DialogBG.png width=312 height=312 ptr=4770968 Thu 10/26 12:28:17.116 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:28:17.118 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=0 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=25, style=0, height=29.0, ascent=23.0, descent=6.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:28:17.163 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=25, style=0, height=29.0, ascent=23.0, descent=6.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4771024 Thu 10/26 12:28:17.163 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:28:17.164 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=1 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=25, style=0, height=29.0, ascent=23.0, descent=6.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:28:17.173 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=25, style=0, height=29.0, ascent=23.0, descent=6.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4771080 Thu 10/26 12:28:17.174 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 30x26 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDPlay.png fileSize=1674 Thu 10/26 12:28:17.174 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDPlay.png Thu 10/26 12:28:17.184 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDPlay.png width=30 height=26 ptr=4771136 Thu 10/26 12:28:17.184 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 30x26 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDRecord.png fileSize=1436 Thu 10/26 12:28:17.184 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDRecord.png Thu 10/26 12:28:17.186 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDRecord.png width=30 height=26 ptr=4771192 Thu 10/26 12:28:17.186 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 47x46 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MarkerInfo.png fileSize=1885 Thu 10/26 12:28:17.186 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MarkerInfo.png Thu 10/26 12:28:17.188 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MarkerInfo.png width=47 height=46 ptr=4771248 Thu 10/26 12:28:17.188 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 155x138 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MarkerUnChecked.png fileSize=11046 Thu 10/26 12:28:17.188 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MarkerUnChecked.png Thu 10/26 12:28:17.192 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MarkerUnChecked.png width=155 height=138 ptr=4771304 Thu 10/26 12:28:19.416 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[down] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:19.416 Thu 10/26 12:28:19.933 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[select] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:19.933 Thu 10/26 12:28:19.965 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processOptionsMenu optionsMenu=default:BASE-49347|OptionsMenu:Handle Record Command Thu 10/26 12:28:20.032 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] MiniClient did not succeed with menu hint change to:menuName:LiveTVGuide w/ Optional Preview, popupName:Handle Record Command, hasTextInput:false, errcode=1 Thu 10/26 12:28:21.207 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[select] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:21.206 Thu 10/26 12:28:21.231 [AsyncRecord@37a48197] Called Seeker.record(A[5921,3878,"Blue Bloods",102444@1026.12:00,60,T]) hostname=UIManager:localhost@@0023a500035b-1f545cc2 Thu 10/26 12:28:21.233 [AsyncRecord@37a48197] processOptionsMenu optionsMenu=default:BASE-88427|OptionsMenu:RecordConflict Thu 10/26 12:28:21.298 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] MiniClient did not succeed with menu hint change to:menuName:LiveTVGuide w/ Optional Preview, popupName:RecordConflict, hasTextInput:false, errcode=1 Thu 10/26 12:28:23.548 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@1945110] Server got broadcast packet: Thu 10/26 12:28:23.552 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@1945110] Server sent back mini discovery to / 61525 Thu 10/26 12:28:26.428 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[back] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:26.427 Thu 10/26 12:28:26.518 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] MiniClient did not succeed with menu hint change to:menuName:LiveTVGuide w/ Optional Preview, popupName:null, hasTextInput:false, errcode=1 Thu 10/26 12:28:27.975 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[back] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:27.974 Thu 10/26 12:28:27.975 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] setUI(sage.PseudoMenu@506dbb33[Main Menu]) histIdx=4 uiHistory=[sage.PseudoMenu@dbff44a[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@7b0c211a[System Information], sage.PseudoMenu@506dbb33[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@5262c985[SageRecordings w/ Optional Preview & AutoCategories], sage.PseudoMenu@506dbb33[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@61624e82[LiveTVGuide w/ Optional Preview]] redo=true performingActivation=false Thu 10/26 12:28:28.012 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Global variables already set. Thu 10/26 12:28:28.013 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Theme settings already loaded. Thu 10/26 12:28:28.014 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Done with Category BG color mapping; 1 items in gCategoryBGColorMap={xDefaultBGColor=[/opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/GuideAiringBGDefault.png, /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/GuideAiringBGDefault2.png]} Thu 10/26 12:28:28.015 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] For location '', found instance= Thu 10/26 12:28:28.015 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] instance for '' = Thu 10/26 12:28:28.015 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] The Weather Underground instance = '' Thu 10/26 12:28:28.015 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] The Weather Underground WeatherLoc = '{country=CA, loccode=pws:IMONTREA23, city=Montreal, state=QC, neighborhood=Little Burgundy}' Thu 10/26 12:28:28.017 [Fork-BASE-71232@37a48197] Not time to update weather yet. Thu 10/26 12:28:28.017 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] BEGIN: Sort video playlists. Thu 10/26 12:28:28.017 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] END: Sort video playlists. Sorted 0 playlists. Total Time = '0' Thu 10/26 12:28:28.017 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] BEGIN: Sort playlists. Thu 10/26 12:28:28.017 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] END: Sort playlists. Sorted 0 playlists. Total Time = '0' Thu 10/26 12:28:28.033 [ReProcessHook@37a48197] The weather plugin has NOT been found. Thu 10/26 12:28:28.034 [ReProcessHook@37a48197] For location '', found instance= Thu 10/26 12:28:28.034 [ReProcessHook@37a48197] instance for '' = Thu 10/26 12:28:28.034 [ReProcessHook@37a48197] The Weather Underground instance = '' Thu 10/26 12:28:28.034 [ReProcessHook@37a48197] The Weather Underground WeatherLoc = '{country=CA, loccode=pws:IMONTREA23, city=Montreal, state=QC, neighborhood=Little Burgundy}' Thu 10/26 12:28:28.034 [ReProcessHook@37a48197] The Google weather JAR has been loaded, version: '2.0.3'. Required version: '2.0.1' Thu 10/26 12:28:28.034 [Fork-OPUS4-108092@ac10c80] STARTING Forked weather thread. Thu 10/26 12:28:28.082 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] MiniClient did not succeed with menu hint change to:menuName:Main Menu, popupName:null, hasTextInput:false, errcode=1 Thu 10/26 12:28:28.708 [Fork-OPUS4A-217436@4f7f7938] ENDING background channel logo preloader thread, ID = 0.3809410785764775 Thu 10/26 12:28:29.445 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[back] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:29.445 Thu 10/26 12:28:29.445 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] setUI(sage.PseudoMenu@5262c985[SageRecordings w/ Optional Preview & AutoCategories]) histIdx=3 uiHistory=[sage.PseudoMenu@dbff44a[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@7b0c211a[System Information], sage.PseudoMenu@506dbb33[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@5262c985[SageRecordings w/ Optional Preview & AutoCategories], sage.PseudoMenu@506dbb33[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@61624e82[LiveTVGuide w/ Optional Preview]] redo=true performingActivation=false Thu 10/26 12:28:29.479 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] properties for this recording view: sagetv_recordings//xAll Thu 10/26 12:28:29.507 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] MiniClient did not succeed with menu hint change to:menuName:SageRecordings w/ Optional Preview & AutoCategories, popupName:null, hasTextInput:false, errcode=1 Thu 10/26 12:28:29.514 [Fork-OPUS4-112742@6430975b] STARTING background recording thumb preloader thread, ID = 0.9228958682797912 Thu 10/26 12:28:30.035 [Fork-OPUS4-108092@ac10c80] ENDING Forked weather thread. Thu 10/26 12:28:31.314 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[back] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:31.314 Thu 10/26 12:28:31.315 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] setUI(sage.PseudoMenu@506dbb33[Main Menu]) histIdx=2 uiHistory=[sage.PseudoMenu@dbff44a[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@7b0c211a[System Information], sage.PseudoMenu@506dbb33[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@5262c985[SageRecordings w/ Optional Preview & AutoCategories], sage.PseudoMenu@506dbb33[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@61624e82[LiveTVGuide w/ Optional Preview]] redo=true performingActivation=false Thu 10/26 12:28:31.351 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Global variables already set. Thu 10/26 12:28:31.351 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Theme settings already loaded. Thu 10/26 12:28:31.351 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Done with Category BG color mapping; 1 items in gCategoryBGColorMap={xDefaultBGColor=[/opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/GuideAiringBGDefault.png, /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/GuideAiringBGDefault2.png]} Thu 10/26 12:28:31.352 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] For location '', found instance= Thu 10/26 12:28:31.352 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] instance for '' = Thu 10/26 12:28:31.352 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] The Weather Underground instance = '' Thu 10/26 12:28:31.352 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] The Weather Underground WeatherLoc = '{country=CA, loccode=pws:IMONTREA23, city=Montreal, state=QC, neighborhood=Little Burgundy}' Thu 10/26 12:28:31.352 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] BEGIN: Sort video playlists. Thu 10/26 12:28:31.352 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] END: Sort video playlists. Sorted 0 playlists. Total Time = '0' Thu 10/26 12:28:31.352 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] BEGIN: Sort playlists. Thu 10/26 12:28:31.352 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] END: Sort playlists. Sorted 0 playlists. Total Time = '0' Thu 10/26 12:28:31.352 [Fork-BASE-71232@ac10c80] Not time to update weather yet. Thu 10/26 12:28:31.372 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] MiniClient did not succeed with menu hint change to:menuName:Main Menu, popupName:null, hasTextInput:false, errcode=1 Thu 10/26 12:28:31.378 [ReProcessHook@ac10c80] The weather plugin has NOT been found. Thu 10/26 12:28:31.379 [ReProcessHook@ac10c80] For location '', found instance= Thu 10/26 12:28:31.379 [ReProcessHook@ac10c80] instance for '' = Thu 10/26 12:28:31.379 [ReProcessHook@ac10c80] The Weather Underground instance = '' Thu 10/26 12:28:31.379 [ReProcessHook@ac10c80] The Weather Underground WeatherLoc = '{country=CA, loccode=pws:IMONTREA23, city=Montreal, state=QC, neighborhood=Little Burgundy}' Thu 10/26 12:28:31.379 [ReProcessHook@ac10c80] The Google weather JAR has been loaded, version: '2.0.3'. Required version: '2.0.1' Thu 10/26 12:28:31.379 [Fork-OPUS4-108092@4f7f7938] STARTING Forked weather thread. Thu 10/26 12:28:32.515 [Fork-OPUS4-112742@6430975b] ENDING background recording thumb preloader thread, ID = 0.9228958682797912 Thu 10/26 12:28:33.026 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[up] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:33.025 Thu 10/26 12:28:33.799 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[up] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:33.798 Thu 10/26 12:28:34.531 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[right] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:34.531 Thu 10/26 12:28:34.532 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] SubPanelWidget=sage.ZPseudoComp[loc=java.awt.Point[x=0,y=33] size=java.awt.Dimension[width=451,height=612]] Thu 10/26 12:28:34.532 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] ParentMenuItem=sage.ZPseudoComp[loc=java.awt.Point[x=0,y=11] size=java.awt.Dimension[width=451,height=55]] Thu 10/26 12:28:34.532 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] ParentY=38, SubMenuWidgetHeight=562, ThirdMenuVerticalAlignment=0.06761565836298933 Thu 10/26 12:28:34.532 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Opening tertiary sub menu via right: xSubmenuTVRecordings Thu 10/26 12:28:36.476 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[down] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:36.476 Thu 10/26 12:28:37.347 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[select] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:37.347 Thu 10/26 12:28:37.353 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] setUI(sage.PseudoMenu@7d19be1a[SageRecordings w/ Optional Preview & AutoCategories]) histIdx=3 uiHistory=[sage.PseudoMenu@dbff44a[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@7b0c211a[System Information], sage.PseudoMenu@506dbb33[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@7d19be1a[SageRecordings w/ Optional Preview & AutoCategories]] redo=false performingActivation=false Thu 10/26 12:28:37.376 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] properties for this recording view: sagetv_recordings//xRecordings Thu 10/26 12:28:37.382 [Fork-OPUS4-108092@4f7f7938] ENDING Forked weather thread. Thu 10/26 12:28:37.414 [Fork-OPUS4-112742@ac10c80] STARTING background recording thumb preloader thread, ID = 0.6668130167636677 Thu 10/26 12:28:37.416 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] MiniClient did not succeed with menu hint change to:menuName:SageRecordings w/ Optional Preview & AutoCategories, popupName:null, hasTextInput:false, errcode=1 Thu 10/26 12:28:40.440 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading JPEG to VIDEO surface for MetaImage[/opt/sagetv/server/GeneratedThumbnails/mediasfTDRIVESageTVE7019000GlobalNewsatNoon61650ts.jpg#0 512x288 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0] Thu 10/26 12:28:40.440 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Allocating a high-res surface of size 512x288 Thu 10/26 12:28:40.441 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading 512x288 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/GeneratedThumbnails/mediasfTDRIVESageTVE7019000GlobalNewsatNoon61650ts.jpg Thu 10/26 12:28:40.449 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Successfully loaded YUV image of RawImage[512x288 alpha=false stride=1024 bufferCapacity=294912] Thu 10/26 12:28:40.449 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] About to start loading the YUV image into the video plane... Thu 10/26 12:28:40.449 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Done loading the YUV image into the video plane (4771360)... Thu 10/26 12:28:41.382 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[select] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:41.382 Thu 10/26 12:28:41.382 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processOptionsMenu optionsMenu=default:BASE-49221|OptionsMenu:Show Options for an Airing, Recording, File, etc. Thu 10/26 12:28:41.385 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] BEGIN: Sort video playlists. Thu 10/26 12:28:41.385 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] END: Sort video playlists. Sorted 0 playlists. Total Time = '0' Thu 10/26 12:28:41.399 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] MiniClient did not succeed with menu hint change to:menuName:SageRecordings w/ Optional Preview & AutoCategories, popupName:Show Options for an Airing, Recording, File, etc., hasTextInput:false, errcode=1 Thu 10/26 12:28:43.364 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[select] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:43.363 Thu 10/26 12:28:43.364 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processOptionsMenu optionsMenu=default:BASE-49306|OptionsMenu:Preparing for video playback notice Thu 10/26 12:28:43.370 [ReProcessHook@6430975b] VF.submitJob(VFJob[CloseMF r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null]) Thu 10/26 12:28:43.373 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] MiniClient did not succeed with menu hint change to:menuName:SageRecordings w/ Optional Preview & AutoCategories, popupName:Preparing for video playback notice, hasTextInput:false, errcode=1 Thu 10/26 12:28:43.374 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job VFJob[CloseMF r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null] nPlayin=false Thu 10/26 12:28:43.374 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[CloseMF r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null] Thu 10/26 12:28:43.374 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=false Thu 10/26 12:28:43.374 [ReProcessHook@6430975b] Seeker.finishWatch(UIManager:localhost@@0023a500035b-1f545cc2) Thu 10/26 12:28:43.375 [AsyncWatch@4f7f7938][6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T]) Thu 10/26 12:28:43.376 [AsyncWatch@4f7f7938] watchThisFile=MediaFile[id=54536 A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 WCAXDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 10512 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=e0]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-80010000 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 128 kbps idx=2 id=bd-81010000 spa]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-0.mpg, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:13:37.332-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.557], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] Thu 10/26 12:28:43.376 [AsyncWatch@4f7f7938] Called Seeker.requestWatch(A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T]) hostname=UIManager:localhost@@0023a500035b-1f545cc2 Thu 10/26 12:28:43.376 [AsyncWatch@4f7f7938] findBestEncoderForNow(A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T] record=false host=UIManager:localhost@@0023a500035b-1f545cc2) Thu 10/26 12:28:43.376 [AsyncWatch@4f7f7938] foundBestEncoder0=sage.Seeker$EncoderState@2b9d2b8d[HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0] Thu 10/26 12:28:43.376 [AsyncWatch@4f7f7938] Switching requested Airing to watch since that's what is currently recording:FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00] Thu 10/26 12:28:43.377 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 500x29 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ProgressBar3.png fileSize=3510 Thu 10/26 12:28:43.379 [AsyncWatch@4f7f7938] MARK 1 currRecord=FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00] enc=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 clients=[UIManager:localhost@@0023a500035b-1f545cc2] ir=false Thu 10/26 12:28:43.394 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:00.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:43.395 [AsyncWatch@4f7f7938] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Thu 10/26 12:28:43.395 [AsyncWatch@4f7f7938] FORCE WATCH abandoned because ManualRecord is active! clients=[UIManager:localhost@@0023a500035b-1f545cc2] Thu 10/26 12:28:43.395 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ProgressBar3.png Thu 10/26 12:28:43.396 [AsyncWatch@4f7f7938] newRecord=FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00] Thu 10/26 12:28:43.396 [AsyncWatch@4f7f7938] Record was enabled on what's already being recorded; update status. Thu 10/26 12:28:43.396 [AsyncWatch@4f7f7938] Keeping record just the way it is. Thu 10/26 12:28:43.396 [AsyncWatch@4f7f7938] MARK 1 currRecord=FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] enc=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on clients=[] ir=false Thu 10/26 12:28:43.396 [AsyncWatch@4f7f7938] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Thu 10/26 12:28:43.396 [AsyncWatch@4f7f7938] newRecord=FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] Thu 10/26 12:28:43.396 [AsyncWatch@4f7f7938] Not using desired quality setting of Great because the capture device doesn't support it Thu 10/26 12:28:43.396 [AsyncWatch@4f7f7938] Record was enabled on what's already being recorded; update status. Thu 10/26 12:28:43.396 [AsyncWatch@4f7f7938] Keeping record just the way it is. Thu 10/26 12:28:43.397 [AsyncWatch@4f7f7938] VF.submitJob(VFJob[WatchMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=54536 A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 WCAXDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 10512 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=e0]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-80010000 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 128 kbps idx=2 id=bd-81010000 spa]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-0.mpg, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:13:37.332-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.557], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] ifn=null]) Thu 10/26 12:28:43.397 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job VFJob[WatchMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=54536 A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 WCAXDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 10512 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=e0]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-80010000 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 128 kbps idx=2 id=bd-81010000 spa]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-0.mpg, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:13:37.332-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.557], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] ifn=null] nPlayin=false Thu 10/26 12:28:43.399 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[WatchMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=54536 A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 WCAXDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 10512 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=e0]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-80010000 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 128 kbps idx=2 id=bd-81010000 spa]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-0.mpg, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:13:37.332-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.557], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] ifn=null] Thu 10/26 12:28:43.400 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job VFJob[LoadMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=54536 A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 WCAXDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 10512 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=e0]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-80010000 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 128 kbps idx=2 id=bd-81010000 spa]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-0.mpg, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:13:37.332-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.557], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] ifn=null] nPlayin=false Thu 10/26 12:28:43.400 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF network encoder playback detected: false Thu 10/26 12:28:43.403 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[LoadMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=54536 A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 WCAXDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 10512 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=e0]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-80010000 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 128 kbps idx=2 id=bd-81010000 spa]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-0.mpg, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:13:37.332-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.557], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] ifn=null] Thu 10/26 12:28:43.403 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VideoFrame creating new media player for file:MediaFile[id=54536 A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 WCAXDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 10512 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=e0]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-80010000 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 128 kbps idx=2 id=bd-81010000 spa]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-0.mpg, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:13:37.332-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.557], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] Thu 10/26 12:28:43.429 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ProgressBar3.png width=500 height=29 ptr=4771416 Thu 10/26 12:28:43.439 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF file=MediaFile[id=54536 A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 WCAXDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 10512 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=e0]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-80010000 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 128 kbps idx=2 id=bd-81010000 spa]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-0.mpg, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:13:37.332-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.557], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] targetTime = Thu 10/26 12:15:41.344 Thu 10/26 12:28:43.439 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VideoFrame.timeSelected(Thu 10/26 12:15:41.344, true) currFile=MediaFile[id=54536 A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 WCAXDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 10512 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=e0]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-80010000 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 128 kbps idx=2 id=bd-81010000 spa]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-0.mpg, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:13:37.332-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.557], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] Thu 10/26 12:28:43.462 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] initDriver0() Thu 10/26 12:28:43.463 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Issuing MCSR client socket to 0023a500035b Thu 10/26 12:28:43.465 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] MiniPlayer established for 0023a500035b Thu 10/26 12:28:43.467 [AsyncWatch@4f7f7938] setUI(sage.PseudoMenu@423c7fc9[MediaPlayer OSD]) histIdx=4 uiHistory=[sage.PseudoMenu@dbff44a[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@7b0c211a[System Information], sage.PseudoMenu@506dbb33[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@7d19be1a[SageRecordings w/ Optional Preview & AutoCategories], sage.PseudoMenu@423c7fc9[MediaPlayer OSD]] redo=false performingActivation=null Thu 10/26 12:28:43.535 [ActiveRender-0023a500035b@4906ed62] VideoFrame got registration of a subtitle UI component: sage.ZCCLabel[loc=java.awt.Point[x=38,y=108] size=java.awt.Dimension[width=179,height=28]] Thu 10/26 12:28:43.535 [ActiveRender-0023a500035b@4906ed62] VideoFrame got registration of a cc UI component: sage.ZCCLabel[loc=java.awt.Point[x=25,y=14] size=java.awt.Dimension[width=204,height=114]] Thu 10/26 12:28:43.557 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 500x29 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ProgressBar5.png fileSize=3727 Thu 10/26 12:28:43.557 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ProgressBar5.png Thu 10/26 12:28:43.638 [AsyncWatch@4f7f7938] VideoFrame got registration of a subtitle UI component: null Thu 10/26 12:28:43.638 [AsyncWatch@4f7f7938] VideoFrame got registration of a cc UI component: null Thu 10/26 12:28:43.648 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Scheduler awoken Thu 10/26 12:28:43.649 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Scheduler.updateSchedule() called manual=[ManualRecord[A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T] time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00], ManualRecord[A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] schedules={HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0=[Sched=[FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00]]], HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on[Sched=[FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]]]} scheduleRandSize=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:43.649 [Scheduler@7cf40934] # Airs=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:43.649 [Scheduler@7cf40934] MUST SEE FINAL-HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0-[FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00]] Thu 10/26 12:28:43.649 [Scheduler@7cf40934] MUST SEE FINAL-HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on[FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] Thu 10/26 12:28:43.649 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Evaluating Potentials Thu 10/26 12:28:43.649 [Scheduler@7cf40934] COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Thu 10/26 12:28:43.649 [Scheduler@7cf40934] HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 Thu 10/26 12:28:43.649 [Scheduler@7cf40934] [FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00]] Thu 10/26 12:28:43.649 [Scheduler@7cf40934] HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on Thu 10/26 12:28:43.649 [Scheduler@7cf40934] [FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] Thu 10/26 12:28:43.650 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Total Schedule eval time=1 msec Thu 10/26 12:28:43.650 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker awoken Thu 10/26 12:28:43.650 [Seeker@54423a99] MemStats: Used=99MB Total=154MB Max=1908MB Thu 10/26 12:28:43.650 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Scheduler starting wait... Thu 10/26 12:28:43.650 [Seeker@54423a99] MARK 1 currRecord=FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00] enc=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 clients=[UIManager:localhost@@0023a500035b-1f545cc2] ir=false Thu 10/26 12:28:43.650 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Thu 10/26 12:28:43.650 [Seeker@54423a99] newRecord=FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00] Thu 10/26 12:28:43.650 [Seeker@54423a99] Record was enabled on what's already being recorded; update status. Thu 10/26 12:28:43.650 [Seeker@54423a99] Keeping record just the way it is. Thu 10/26 12:28:43.650 [Seeker@54423a99] MARK 1 currRecord=FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] enc=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on clients=[] ir=false Thu 10/26 12:28:43.650 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Thu 10/26 12:28:43.650 [Seeker@54423a99] newRecord=FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] Thu 10/26 12:28:43.650 [Seeker@54423a99] Not using desired quality setting of Great because the capture device doesn't support it Thu 10/26 12:28:43.650 [Seeker@54423a99] Record was enabled on what's already being recorded; update status. Thu 10/26 12:28:43.650 [Seeker@54423a99] Keeping record just the way it is. Thu 10/26 12:28:43.650 [Seeker@54423a99] RootFile=/ fstype=EXT3 fileLength=186695445 file=/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-1.mpg Thu 10/26 12:28:43.661 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] getEstimatedBW=0 estimatedBWBytes=0 estimatedBWTime=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:43.661 [Seeker@54423a99] RootFile=/ fstype=EXT3 fileLength=289584896 file=/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-1.ts Thu 10/26 12:28:43.661 [Seeker@54423a99] Checking video directories for new files Thu 10/26 12:28:43.661 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] MiniPlayer was not able to get a bandwidth estimate from the UI system, sending data to get its own estimate... Thu 10/26 12:28:43.662 [Seeker@54423a99] Diskspace checking is running Thu 10/26 12:28:43.662 [AsyncPropSaver@4f7f7938] Saving properties file to Thu 10/26 12:28:43.665 [Seeker@54423a99] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Thu 10/26 12:28:43.665 [Seeker@54423a99] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Thu 10/26 12:28:43.666 [Seeker@54423a99] DONE enforcing keep at most limits for the files. Thu 10/26 12:28:43.667 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Thu 10/26 12:28:43.668 [Seeker@54423a99] DONE clearing unwanted and partial files. Thu 10/26 12:28:43.669 [Seeker@54423a99] needFreeSize = 4.05 GB currFreeSize=618.797760512 GB Thu 10/26 12:28:43.669 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker waiting for 1 mins. Thu 10/26 12:28:43.670 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Bandwidth test base=1 base*2=4 BW=131168000 Thu 10/26 12:28:43.671 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] MiniPlayer got an estimate from the UI on bandwidth of 131168Kbps Thu 10/26 12:28:43.673 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] MiniPlayer is using Push mode playback Thu 10/26 12:28:43.674 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] MiniPlayer is using the MPEG2 pusher Thu 10/26 12:28:43.676 [AsyncPropSaver@4f7f7938] Done writing out the data to the properties file Thu 10/26 12:28:43.676 [AsyncPropSaver@4f7f7938] Saving properties file to clients/ Thu 10/26 12:28:43.699 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/ProgressBar5.png width=500 height=29 ptr=4775976 Thu 10/26 12:28:43.709 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] MiniClient did not succeed with menu hint change to:menuName:MediaPlayer OSD, popupName:null, hasTextInput:false, errcode=1 Thu 10/26 12:28:43.712 [AsyncPropSaver@4f7f7938] Done writing out the data to the properties file Thu 10/26 12:28:43.716 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Mpeg2Reader is detecting timestamp boundaries in the file... Thu 10/26 12:28:43.716 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] IFrame alignment=true Thu 10/26 12:28:43.717 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Mpeg2Reader about to determine the firstPTS in the file... Thu 10/26 12:28:43.717 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] MPEG2 file pack size=96 Thu 10/26 12:28:43.717 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] MPEG2 file has inconsistent pack sizes prev=96 curr=440 Thu 10/26 12:28:43.722 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Mpeg2Reader has found the firstPTS, now determining the duration of the file... Thu 10/26 12:28:43.729 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Opened MPEG-2 PS file: /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-0.mpg firstPTS=64399 durationMsec=207447 Thu 10/26 12:28:43.729 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Mpeg2Reader seeking to pos=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:43.730 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] openURL0(push:f=MPEG2-PS;br=10512000;[bf=vid;f=MPEG2-Video;index=0;main=yes;tag=e0;fps=29.97003;fpsn=30000;fpsd=1001;ar=1.777778;arn=16;ard=9;w=1920;h=1080;lace=1;cs=yuv420p;][bf=aud;f=AC3;br=384000;index=1;main=yes;tag=bd-80010000;sr=48000;ch=6;lang=eng;][bf=aud;f=AC3;br=128000;index=2;tag=bd-81010000;sr=48000;ch=2;lang=spa;]) Thu 10/26 12:28:44.103 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Setting audio stream for playback to be ID=0xbd80 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.104 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Setting default subpicture track to be disabled for MPEG2-PS Thu 10/26 12:28:44.139 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Sigma video dim=java.awt.Dimension[width=720,height=480] Thu 10/26 12:28:44.139 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] pausePush0() Thu 10/26 12:28:44.140 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] setMute0() Thu 10/26 12:28:44.141 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] getDuration : 207447 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.142 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VideoFrame.timeSelected2(Thu 10/26 12:15:41.344, true) currFile=MediaFile[id=54536 A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 WCAXDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 10512 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=e0]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-80010000 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 128 kbps idx=2 id=bd-81010000 spa]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-0.mpg, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:13:37.332-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.557], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] realDur=207447 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.142 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] seeking numpushbuffers=0 seekTime=123549 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.142 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] MPEG2 seek targetPts=11183809 length=268462910 durationMsec=207447 parsedPTS=-1 lastPos=0 firstPTS=64399 mux_rate=384253 estimBitrate=1293976 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.142 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Mpeg2Reader seeking to pos=159886616 time=0:02:03.549 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.142 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] flushPush0() Thu 10/26 12:28:44.215 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Creating new push thread Thu 10/26 12:28:44.224 [Pusher@24831219] Pusher thread is starting Thu 10/26 12:28:44.228 [ActiveRender-0023a500035b@4906ed62] VideoFrame got registration of a subtitle UI component: sage.ZCCLabel[loc=java.awt.Point[x=183,y=515] size=java.awt.Dimension[width=854,height=135]] Thu 10/26 12:28:44.228 [Pusher@24831219] Miniplayer pusher using buffer size of 131072 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.228 [ActiveRender-0023a500035b@4906ed62] VideoFrame got registration of a cc UI component: sage.ZCCLabel[loc=java.awt.Point[x=122,y=67] size=java.awt.Dimension[width=976,height=542]] Thu 10/26 12:28:44.234 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Channel Change Time=1509035324225 NOTE: Not valid if this was not a direct channel change! Thu 10/26 12:28:44.237 [Pusher@24831219] Adjusting peek buffer size to: 131072 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.240 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 8x150 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDBGTop.png fileSize=258 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.240 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDBGTop.png Thu 10/26 12:28:44.241 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDBGTop.png width=8 height=150 ptr=4776168 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.241 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 4x64 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDVolBarVertical.png fileSize=503 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.241 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDVolBarVertical.png Thu 10/26 12:28:44.245 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDVolBarVertical.png width=4 height=64 ptr=4776224 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.246 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 15x13 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDVolSliderVertical.png fileSize=739 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.246 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDVolSliderVertical.png Thu 10/26 12:28:44.247 [ReProcessHook@4f7f7938] Start looking for max channel digits Thu 10/26 12:28:44.248 [ReProcessHook@4f7f7938] New max channel = 3, from channel 33-4 on lineup 'HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on Digital TV Tuner' Thu 10/26 12:28:44.249 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDVolSliderVertical.png width=15 height=13 ptr=4776280 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.250 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 16x13 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDVolOn.png fileSize=662 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.250 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDVolOn.png Thu 10/26 12:28:44.251 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDVolOn.png width=16 height=13 ptr=4776336 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.252 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 35x26 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDChDisplay.png fileSize=709 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.252 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDChDisplay.png Thu 10/26 12:28:44.254 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDChDisplay.png width=35 height=26 ptr=4776392 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.254 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Creating new RawImage for font rendering w=128 h=128 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.255 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to raw cache index=0 font=MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=16, style=0, height=19.0, ascent=15.0, descent=4.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] Thu 10/26 12:28:44.257 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[fonts/DejaVuSans, size=16, style=0, height=19.0, ascent=15.0, descent=4.0, leading=0.0, class=class sage.FreetypeFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4776448 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.258 [ReProcessHook@4f7f7938] Done looking for max channel digits; elapsed time: 11 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.258 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 8x150 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDBGBottom.png fileSize=213 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.258 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDBGBottom.png Thu 10/26 12:28:44.268 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDBGBottom.png width=8 height=150 ptr=4776504 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.269 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 6x8 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDStatusPause.png fileSize=505 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.270 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDStatusPause.png Thu 10/26 12:28:44.272 [Pusher@24831219] Seek target=124 actual=124 diff=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.277 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDStatusPause.png width=6 height=8 ptr=4776560 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.290 [Pusher@24831219] playPush0() Thu 10/26 12:28:44.299 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Default audio language is already selected Thu 10/26 12:28:44.299 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:44.299 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207447 base=123549 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:44.299 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.300 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:01:23.648 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.332 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading RawImage of size 8x8 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDStatusPlay.png fileSize=593 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.332 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDStatusPlay.png Thu 10/26 12:28:44.355 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for /opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/OSDStatusPlay.png width=8 height=8 ptr=4776616 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.863 [Fork-OPUS4-112742@ac10c80] ENDING background recording thumb preloader thread, ID = 0.6668130167636677 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.927 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:44.927 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207447 base=123549 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:44.927 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.927 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.945 [ActiveRender-0023a500035b@4906ed62] Loading new font to cache font=MetaFont[Comic Sans MS, size=22, style=2, height=25.609375, ascent=20.420898, descent=5.1884766, leading=-0.0, class=class sage.MetaFont$JavaFont] Thu 10/26 12:28:44.961 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:44.961 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207447 base=123549 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:44.961 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.962 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.995 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:44.996 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207447 base=123549 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:44.996 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:44.996 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:45.059 [ActiveRender-0023a500035b@4906ed62] Loaded font cache info for MetaFont[Comic Sans MS, size=22, style=2, height=25.609375, ascent=20.420898, descent=5.1884766, leading=-0.0, class=class sage.MetaFont$JavaFont] numGlyphs=5343 maxGlyph=2147483647 Thu 10/26 12:28:45.066 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:45.066 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207447 base=123549 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:45.066 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:45.066 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:45.094 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:45.095 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207447 base=123549 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:45.095 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:45.095 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:45.102 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to cache index=1 font=java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Comic Sans MS,style=italic,size=22] Thu 10/26 12:28:45.128 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[Comic Sans MS, size=22, style=2, height=25.609375, ascent=20.420898, descent=5.1884766, leading=-0.0, class=class sage.MetaFont$JavaFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4776672 Thu 10/26 12:28:45.358 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@1945110] Server got broadcast packet: Thu 10/26 12:28:45.360 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@1945110] Server sent back mini discovery to / 55483 Thu 10/26 12:28:45.992 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:45.992 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207447 base=125437 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:45.994 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:45.994 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:46.058 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:46.058 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207447 base=125437 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:46.058 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:46.058 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:46.101 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:46.104 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207447 base=125548 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:46.104 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:46.105 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:46.162 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:46.163 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207447 base=125548 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:46.175 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:46.175 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:46.190 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:46.191 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207447 base=125548 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:46.191 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:46.192 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:46.256 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:46.258 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207447 base=125653 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:46.269 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:46.269 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:46.288 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:46.288 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207447 base=125653 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:46.288 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:46.288 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:47.025 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:47.027 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207447 base=126470 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:47.029 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:47.029 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:47.092 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:47.092 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207447 base=126470 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:47.092 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:47.093 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:47.198 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:47.210 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207447 base=126655 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:47.211 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:47.211 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:47.314 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:47.328 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207447 base=126772 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:47.329 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:47.329 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:47.380 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:47.381 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207447 base=126772 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:47.381 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:47.382 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:48.198 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:48.199 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207447 base=127643 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:48.200 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:48.200 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:48.302 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:48.315 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207447 base=127759 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:48.316 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:48.316 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:48.368 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:48.368 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207447 base=127759 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:48.368 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:48.369 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:48.420 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:48.433 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207447 base=127877 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:48.433 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:48.433 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:48.486 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:48.486 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207447 base=127877 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:48.487 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:48.487 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:48.531 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[ff_2] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:48.531 Thu 10/26 12:28:48.532 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] VF.submitJob(VFJob[TimeAdjust r=0.0 t=180000 file=null ifn=null]) Thu 10/26 12:28:48.532 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job VFJob[TimeAdjust r=0.0 t=180000 file=null ifn=null] nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:48.532 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[TimeAdjust r=0.0 t=180000 file=null ifn=null] Thu 10/26 12:28:48.532 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VideoFrame.timeSelected(Thu 10/26 12:18:45.689, true) currFile=MediaFile[id=54536 A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 WCAXDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 10512 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=e0]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-80010000 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 128 kbps idx=2 id=bd-81010000 spa]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-0.mpg, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:13:37.332-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.557], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] Thu 10/26 12:28:48.532 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] stopPush0() Thu 10/26 12:28:48.588 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Closing down MiniPlayer Thu 10/26 12:28:48.588 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] closeDriver0() Thu 10/26 12:28:48.732 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] initDriver0() Thu 10/26 12:28:48.732 [MiniUIServer@1eb12b98] MiniUI got connection from java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[connected local=/ remote=/] Thu 10/26 12:28:48.733 [MiniUIServerConnection@ac10c80] MiniPlayer is adding to its map:0023a500035b Thu 10/26 12:28:48.733 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Issuing MCSR client socket to 0023a500035b Thu 10/26 12:28:48.733 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] MiniPlayer established for 0023a500035b Thu 10/26 12:28:48.909 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] getEstimatedBW=131168000 estimatedBWBytes=16396000 estimatedBWTime=1000 Thu 10/26 12:28:48.909 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] MiniPlayer got an estimate from the UI on bandwidth of 131168Kbps Thu 10/26 12:28:48.909 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] MiniPlayer is using Push mode playback Thu 10/26 12:28:48.909 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] MiniPlayer is using the MPEG2 pusher Thu 10/26 12:28:48.910 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Mpeg2Reader is detecting timestamp boundaries in the file... Thu 10/26 12:28:48.911 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] IFrame alignment=true Thu 10/26 12:28:48.911 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Mpeg2Reader about to determine the firstPTS in the file... Thu 10/26 12:28:48.911 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] MPEG2 file pack size=96 Thu 10/26 12:28:48.911 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] MPEG2 file has inconsistent pack sizes prev=96 curr=429 Thu 10/26 12:28:48.915 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Opened MPEG-2 PS file: /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-1.mpg firstPTS=39281 durationMsec=-1 Thu 10/26 12:28:48.915 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Mpeg2Reader seeking to pos=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:48.915 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] openURL0(push:f=MPEG2-PS;br=10512000;[bf=vid;f=MPEG2-Video;index=0;main=yes;tag=e0;fps=29.97003;fpsn=30000;fpsd=1001;ar=1.777778;arn=16;ard=9;w=1920;h=1080;lace=1;cs=yuv420p;][bf=aud;f=AC3;br=384000;index=1;main=yes;tag=bd-80010000;sr=48000;ch=6;lang=eng;][bf=aud;f=AC3;br=128000;index=2;tag=bd-81010000;sr=48000;ch=2;lang=spa;]) Thu 10/26 12:28:49.275 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Setting audio stream for playback to be ID=0xbd80 Thu 10/26 12:28:49.276 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Setting default subpicture track to be disabled for MPEG2-PS Thu 10/26 12:28:49.309 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Sigma video dim=java.awt.Dimension[width=720,height=480] Thu 10/26 12:28:49.309 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] pausePush0() Thu 10/26 12:28:49.310 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] setMute0() Thu 10/26 12:28:49.312 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] getDuration : 0 Thu 10/26 12:28:49.312 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VideoFrame.timeSelected2(Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734, true) currFile=MediaFile[id=54536 A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 WCAXDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 10512 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=e0]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-80010000 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 128 kbps idx=2 id=bd-81010000 spa]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-0.mpg, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:13:37.332-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.557], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] realDur=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:49.312 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] seeking numpushbuffers=0 seekTime=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:49.312 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Mpeg2Reader seeking to pos=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:49.312 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] flushPush0() Thu 10/26 12:28:49.385 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Creating new push thread Thu 10/26 12:28:49.385 [Pusher@3eca7dd8] Pusher thread is starting Thu 10/26 12:28:49.386 [Pusher@3eca7dd8] Miniplayer pusher using buffer size of 131072 Thu 10/26 12:28:49.386 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:49.386 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=145652 base=0 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:49.386 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=142877 Thu 10/26 12:28:49.386 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:02:22.877 Thu 10/26 12:28:49.406 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:49.406 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=145672 base=0 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:49.407 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:49.407 [Pusher@3eca7dd8] Adjusting peek buffer size to: 131072 Thu 10/26 12:28:49.407 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:03:36.016 Thu 10/26 12:28:49.410 [Pusher@3eca7dd8] playPush0() Thu 10/26 12:28:51.312 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:51.313 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=147579 base=1457 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:51.314 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:51.314 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:51.394 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:51.394 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=147660 base=1457 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:51.394 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:51.420 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:51.424 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:51.425 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=147691 base=1567 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:51.437 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:51.437 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:51.502 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:51.502 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=147768 base=1567 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:51.502 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:51.502 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:51.520 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:51.521 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=147787 base=1567 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:51.535 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:51.536 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:51.607 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:51.608 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=147874 base=1680 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:51.608 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:51.608 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:51.621 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:51.622 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=147888 base=1680 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:51.634 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:51.634 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:52.483 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:52.484 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=148750 base=2627 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:52.488 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:52.489 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:52.552 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:52.552 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=148818 base=2627 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:52.553 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:52.553 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:52.604 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:52.605 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=148871 base=2749 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:52.605 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:52.605 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:52.657 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:52.659 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=148925 base=2749 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:52.670 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:52.670 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:52.722 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:52.724 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=148990 base=2868 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:52.725 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:52.725 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:52.781 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:52.781 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=149047 base=2868 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:52.781 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:52.781 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:52.841 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:52.842 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=149108 base=2986 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:52.843 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:52.843 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:53.019 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to cache index=0 font=java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Comic Sans MS,style=italic,size=22] Thu 10/26 12:28:53.027 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[Comic Sans MS, size=22, style=2, height=25.609375, ascent=20.420898, descent=5.1884766, leading=-0.0, class=class sage.MetaFont$JavaFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4776728 Thu 10/26 12:28:53.614 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:53.627 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=149893 base=3771 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:53.627 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:53.627 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:53.679 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:53.679 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=149945 base=3771 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:53.680 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:53.680 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:53.731 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:53.744 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=150010 base=3888 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:53.745 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:53.745 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:53.796 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:53.796 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=150062 base=3888 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:53.797 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:53.797 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:54.625 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:54.626 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=150892 base=4770 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:54.627 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:54.627 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:54.680 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:54.681 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=150947 base=4770 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:54.693 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:54.693 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:54.745 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:54.747 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=151013 base=4890 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:54.747 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:54.747 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:54.814 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:54.814 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=151080 base=4890 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:54.814 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:54.814 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:54.917 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:54.930 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=151196 base=5074 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:54.931 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:54.931 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:54.983 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:54.983 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=151249 base=5074 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:28:54.983 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:54.983 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:55.224 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[stop] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:55.224 Thu 10/26 12:28:55.225 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] VF.submitJob(VFJob[CloseMF r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null]) Thu 10/26 12:28:55.225 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job VFJob[CloseMF r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null] nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:28:55.225 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[CloseMF r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null] Thu 10/26 12:28:55.226 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Updated:Watched[id=54539 Airing=A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T], WatchStart=Thu 10/26 12:13:37.332, WatchEnd=Thu 10/26 12:26:29.103, RealStart=Thu 10/26 12:15:08.295, RealEnd=Thu 10/26 12:28:55.226] Thu 10/26 12:28:55.226 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF logFileWatch doneAir=A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T] theTime=Thu 10/26 12:26:29.103 recTime=Thu 10/26 12:13:37.332 Thu 10/26 12:28:55.227 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] stopPush0() Thu 10/26 12:28:55.278 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Closing down MiniPlayer Thu 10/26 12:28:55.278 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] closeDriver0() Thu 10/26 12:28:55.423 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=false Thu 10/26 12:28:55.424 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:00.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:55.424 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] Seeker.finishWatch(UIManager:localhost@@0023a500035b-1f545cc2) Thu 10/26 12:28:55.424 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker awoken Thu 10/26 12:28:55.424 [Seeker@54423a99] MemStats: Used=96MB Total=179MB Max=1908MB Thu 10/26 12:28:55.424 [MiniUIServer@1eb12b98] MiniUI got connection from java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[connected local=/ remote=/] Thu 10/26 12:28:55.424 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Scheduler awoken Thu 10/26 12:28:55.425 [MiniUIServerConnection@6430975b] MiniPlayer is adding to its map:0023a500035b Thu 10/26 12:28:55.427 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[back] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:55.425 Thu 10/26 12:28:55.429 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Scheduler.updateSchedule() called manual=[ManualRecord[A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T] time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00], ManualRecord[A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] schedules={HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0=[Sched=[FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00]]], HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on[Sched=[FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]]]} scheduleRandSize=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:55.429 [Scheduler@7cf40934] # Airs=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:55.430 [Scheduler@7cf40934] MUST SEE FINAL-HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0-[FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00]] Thu 10/26 12:28:55.430 [Scheduler@7cf40934] MUST SEE FINAL-HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on[FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] Thu 10/26 12:28:55.430 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Evaluating Potentials Thu 10/26 12:28:55.430 [Seeker@54423a99] MARK 1 currRecord=FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00] enc=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 clients=[] ir=false Thu 10/26 12:28:55.431 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Thu 10/26 12:28:55.431 [Seeker@54423a99] newRecord=FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00] Thu 10/26 12:28:55.431 [Seeker@54423a99] Record was enabled on what's already being recorded; update status. Thu 10/26 12:28:55.431 [Seeker@54423a99] Keeping record just the way it is. Thu 10/26 12:28:55.431 [Seeker@54423a99] MARK 1 currRecord=FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] enc=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on clients=[] ir=false Thu 10/26 12:28:55.431 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Thu 10/26 12:28:55.431 [Seeker@54423a99] newRecord=FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] Thu 10/26 12:28:55.431 [Seeker@54423a99] Not using desired quality setting of Great because the capture device doesn't support it Thu 10/26 12:28:55.431 [Seeker@54423a99] Record was enabled on what's already being recorded; update status. Thu 10/26 12:28:55.431 [Seeker@54423a99] Keeping record just the way it is. Thu 10/26 12:28:55.431 [Seeker@54423a99] RootFile=/ fstype=EXT3 fileLength=203310614 file=/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-1.mpg Thu 10/26 12:28:55.437 [Seeker@54423a99] RootFile=/ fstype=EXT3 fileLength=313726052 file=/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-1.ts Thu 10/26 12:28:55.437 [Seeker@54423a99] Checking video directories for new files Thu 10/26 12:28:55.438 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] setUI(sage.PseudoMenu@7d19be1a[SageRecordings w/ Optional Preview & AutoCategories]) histIdx=3 uiHistory=[sage.PseudoMenu@dbff44a[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@7b0c211a[System Information], sage.PseudoMenu@506dbb33[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@7d19be1a[SageRecordings w/ Optional Preview & AutoCategories], sage.PseudoMenu@423c7fc9[MediaPlayer OSD]] redo=true performingActivation=false Thu 10/26 12:28:55.438 [Seeker@54423a99] Diskspace checking is running Thu 10/26 12:28:55.438 [Seeker@54423a99] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Thu 10/26 12:28:55.438 [Seeker@54423a99] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Thu 10/26 12:28:55.438 [Seeker@54423a99] DONE enforcing keep at most limits for the files. Thu 10/26 12:28:55.438 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Thu 10/26 12:28:55.438 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] VideoFrame got registration of a subtitle UI component: null Thu 10/26 12:28:55.438 [Seeker@54423a99] DONE clearing unwanted and partial files. Thu 10/26 12:28:55.438 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] VideoFrame got registration of a cc UI component: null Thu 10/26 12:28:55.439 [Scheduler@7cf40934] COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Thu 10/26 12:28:55.439 [Scheduler@7cf40934] HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 Thu 10/26 12:28:55.439 [Scheduler@7cf40934] [FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00]] Thu 10/26 12:28:55.439 [Scheduler@7cf40934] HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on Thu 10/26 12:28:55.439 [Scheduler@7cf40934] [FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] Thu 10/26 12:28:55.439 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Total Schedule eval time=11 msec Thu 10/26 12:28:55.439 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] properties for this recording view: sagetv_recordings//xRecordings Thu 10/26 12:28:55.442 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=false Thu 10/26 12:28:55.442 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:00.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:55.446 [Seeker@54423a99] needFreeSize = 4.05 GB currFreeSize=618.756931584 GB Thu 10/26 12:28:55.446 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker waiting for 1 mins. Thu 10/26 12:28:55.448 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker awoken Thu 10/26 12:28:55.448 [Seeker@54423a99] MemStats: Used=97MB Total=179MB Max=1908MB Thu 10/26 12:28:55.449 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Scheduler starting wait... Thu 10/26 12:28:55.449 [Seeker@54423a99] MARK 1 currRecord=FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00] enc=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 clients=[] ir=false Thu 10/26 12:28:55.449 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Thu 10/26 12:28:55.449 [Seeker@54423a99] newRecord=FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00] Thu 10/26 12:28:55.449 [Seeker@54423a99] Record was enabled on what's already being recorded; update status. Thu 10/26 12:28:55.449 [Seeker@54423a99] Keeping record just the way it is. Thu 10/26 12:28:55.450 [Seeker@54423a99] MARK 1 currRecord=FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] enc=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on clients=[] ir=false Thu 10/26 12:28:55.450 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Thu 10/26 12:28:55.450 [Seeker@54423a99] newRecord=FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] Thu 10/26 12:28:55.450 [Seeker@54423a99] Not using desired quality setting of Great because the capture device doesn't support it Thu 10/26 12:28:55.450 [Seeker@54423a99] Record was enabled on what's already being recorded; update status. Thu 10/26 12:28:55.450 [Seeker@54423a99] Keeping record just the way it is. Thu 10/26 12:28:55.450 [Seeker@54423a99] Increased Thread pool to size=11 Thu 10/26 12:28:55.451 [Seeker@54423a99] RootFile=/ fstype=EXT3 fileLength=203310614 file=/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-1.mpg Thu 10/26 12:28:55.451 [Seeker@54423a99] RootFile=/ fstype=EXT3 fileLength=314176160 file=/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-1.ts Thu 10/26 12:28:55.451 [Seeker@54423a99] Checking video directories for new files Thu 10/26 12:28:55.452 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=false Thu 10/26 12:28:55.452 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:00.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:55.452 [Seeker@54423a99] Diskspace checking is running Thu 10/26 12:28:55.452 [Seeker@54423a99] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Thu 10/26 12:28:55.452 [Seeker@54423a99] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Thu 10/26 12:28:55.452 [Seeker@54423a99] DONE enforcing keep at most limits for the files. Thu 10/26 12:28:55.452 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Thu 10/26 12:28:55.452 [Seeker@54423a99] DONE clearing unwanted and partial files. Thu 10/26 12:28:55.452 [Seeker@54423a99] needFreeSize = 4.05 GB currFreeSize=618.756603904 GB Thu 10/26 12:28:55.453 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker waiting for 1 mins. Thu 10/26 12:28:55.481 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Scheduler awoken Thu 10/26 12:28:55.482 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Scheduler.updateSchedule() called manual=[ManualRecord[A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T] time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00], ManualRecord[A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] schedules={HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0=[Sched=[FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00]]], HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on[Sched=[FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]]]} scheduleRandSize=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:55.482 [Scheduler@7cf40934] # Airs=0 Thu 10/26 12:28:55.482 [Scheduler@7cf40934] MUST SEE FINAL-HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0-[FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00]] Thu 10/26 12:28:55.483 [Scheduler@7cf40934] MUST SEE FINAL-HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on[FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] Thu 10/26 12:28:55.483 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Evaluating Potentials Thu 10/26 12:28:55.483 [Scheduler@7cf40934] COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Thu 10/26 12:28:55.483 [Scheduler@7cf40934] HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 Thu 10/26 12:28:55.483 [Scheduler@7cf40934] [FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00]] Thu 10/26 12:28:55.483 [Scheduler@7cf40934] HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on Thu 10/26 12:28:55.483 [Scheduler@7cf40934] [FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] Thu 10/26 12:28:55.483 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Total Schedule eval time=1 msec Thu 10/26 12:28:55.483 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker awoken Thu 10/26 12:28:55.483 [Seeker@54423a99] MemStats: Used=97MB Total=179MB Max=1908MB Thu 10/26 12:28:55.483 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Scheduler starting wait... Thu 10/26 12:28:55.483 [Seeker@54423a99] MARK 1 currRecord=FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00] enc=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 clients=[] ir=false Thu 10/26 12:28:55.484 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Thu 10/26 12:28:55.484 [Seeker@54423a99] newRecord=FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00] Thu 10/26 12:28:55.484 [Seeker@54423a99] Record was enabled on what's already being recorded; update status. Thu 10/26 12:28:55.484 [Seeker@54423a99] Keeping record just the way it is. Thu 10/26 12:28:55.484 [Seeker@54423a99] MARK 1 currRecord=FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] enc=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on clients=[] ir=false Thu 10/26 12:28:55.484 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Thu 10/26 12:28:55.484 [Seeker@54423a99] newRecord=FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] Thu 10/26 12:28:55.484 [Seeker@54423a99] Not using desired quality setting of Great because the capture device doesn't support it Thu 10/26 12:28:55.484 [Seeker@54423a99] Record was enabled on what's already being recorded; update status. Thu 10/26 12:28:55.484 [Seeker@54423a99] Keeping record just the way it is. Thu 10/26 12:28:55.484 [Seeker@54423a99] RootFile=/ fstype=EXT3 fileLength=203529389 file=/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-1.mpg Thu 10/26 12:28:55.484 [Seeker@54423a99] RootFile=/ fstype=EXT3 fileLength=314176160 file=/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-1.ts Thu 10/26 12:28:55.487 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=false Thu 10/26 12:28:55.487 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:00.000 Thu 10/26 12:28:55.487 [Seeker@54423a99] Checking video directories for new files Thu 10/26 12:28:55.487 [Seeker@54423a99] Diskspace checking is running Thu 10/26 12:28:55.487 [Seeker@54423a99] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Thu 10/26 12:28:55.487 [Seeker@54423a99] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Thu 10/26 12:28:55.487 [Seeker@54423a99] DONE enforcing keep at most limits for the files. Thu 10/26 12:28:55.487 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Thu 10/26 12:28:55.487 [Seeker@54423a99] DONE clearing unwanted and partial files. Thu 10/26 12:28:55.488 [Seeker@54423a99] needFreeSize = 4.05 GB currFreeSize=618.756603904 GB Thu 10/26 12:28:55.488 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker waiting for 1 mins. Thu 10/26 12:28:55.489 [ReProcessHook@37a48197] CEPoolSize=5 Thu 10/26 12:28:55.501 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] MiniClient did not succeed with menu hint change to:menuName:SageRecordings w/ Optional Preview & AutoCategories, popupName:null, hasTextInput:false, errcode=1 Thu 10/26 12:28:55.513 [Fork-OPUS4-112742@45bc7d9f] STARTING background recording thumb preloader thread, ID = 0.2220371468840262 Thu 10/26 12:28:56.541 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[down] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:28:56.541 Thu 10/26 12:28:56.723 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading RawImage of size 512x288 for /opt/sagetv/server/GeneratedThumbnails/mediasfTDRIVESageTVE7019000GlobalNewsatNoon61650ts.jpg fileSize=21164 Thu 10/26 12:28:56.723 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Loading 0x0 image from file /opt/sagetv/server/GeneratedThumbnails/mediasfTDRIVESageTVE7019000GlobalNewsatNoon61650ts.jpg Thu 10/26 12:28:56.753 [BGLoader2-0023a500035b@473862c1] Allocated image-5 for [MetaImage[/opt/sagetv/server/GeneratedThumbnails/mediasfTDRIVESageTVE7019000GlobalNewsatNoon61650ts.jpg#0 512x288 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0], MetaImage[/opt/sagetv/server/STVs/SageTV7/Themes/Standard/MaskReflectionBelow.png#0 64x64 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0#1 380x380 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0#2 512x288 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0#3 360x270 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0#4 960x540 javaImage=false javaMem=0 jref=0], null, false, false, 16777215] width=512 height=288 ptr=4776032 Thu 10/26 12:29:01.944 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[select] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:29:01.944 Thu 10/26 12:29:01.944 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processOptionsMenu optionsMenu=default:BASE-49221|OptionsMenu:Show Options for an Airing, Recording, File, etc. Thu 10/26 12:29:01.947 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] BEGIN: Sort video playlists. Thu 10/26 12:29:01.947 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] END: Sort video playlists. Sorted 0 playlists. Total Time = '0' Thu 10/26 12:29:01.955 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] MiniClient did not succeed with menu hint change to:menuName:SageRecordings w/ Optional Preview & AutoCategories, popupName:Show Options for an Airing, Recording, File, etc., hasTextInput:false, errcode=1 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.182 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[select] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:29:03.182 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.182 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processOptionsMenu optionsMenu=default:BASE-49306|OptionsMenu:Preparing for video playback notice Thu 10/26 12:29:03.184 [ReProcessHook@4f7f7938] VF.submitJob(VFJob[CloseMF r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null]) Thu 10/26 12:29:03.184 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job VFJob[CloseMF r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null] nPlayin=false Thu 10/26 12:29:03.184 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[CloseMF r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null] Thu 10/26 12:29:03.184 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=false Thu 10/26 12:29:03.184 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:00.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.184 [ReProcessHook@4f7f7938] Seeker.finishWatch(UIManager:localhost@@0023a500035b-1f545cc2) Thu 10/26 12:29:03.184 [AsyncWatch@74a939f6][6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T]) Thu 10/26 12:29:03.184 [AsyncWatch@74a939f6] watchThisFile=MediaFile[id=54538 A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:14:10.736-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.712], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] Thu 10/26 12:29:03.184 [AsyncWatch@74a939f6] Called Seeker.requestWatch(A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T]) hostname=UIManager:localhost@@0023a500035b-1f545cc2 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.184 [AsyncWatch@74a939f6] findBestEncoderForNow(A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] record=false host=UIManager:localhost@@0023a500035b-1f545cc2) Thu 10/26 12:29:03.184 [AsyncWatch@74a939f6] foundBestEncoder0=sage.Seeker$EncoderState@5e6f8008[HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on] Thu 10/26 12:29:03.184 [AsyncWatch@74a939f6] Switching requested Airing to watch since that's what is currently recording:FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] Thu 10/26 12:29:03.185 [AsyncWatch@74a939f6] MARK 1 currRecord=FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] enc=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on clients=[UIManager:localhost@@0023a500035b-1f545cc2] ir=false Thu 10/26 12:29:03.185 [AsyncWatch@74a939f6] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.185 [AsyncWatch@74a939f6] FORCE WATCH abandoned because ManualRecord is active! clients=[UIManager:localhost@@0023a500035b-1f545cc2] Thu 10/26 12:29:03.185 [AsyncWatch@74a939f6] newRecord=FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] Thu 10/26 12:29:03.185 [AsyncWatch@74a939f6] Not using desired quality setting of Great because the capture device doesn't support it Thu 10/26 12:29:03.185 [AsyncWatch@74a939f6] Record was enabled on what's already being recorded; update status. Thu 10/26 12:29:03.185 [AsyncWatch@74a939f6] Keeping record just the way it is. Thu 10/26 12:29:03.185 [AsyncWatch@74a939f6] MARK 1 currRecord=FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00] enc=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 clients=[] ir=false Thu 10/26 12:29:03.185 [AsyncWatch@74a939f6] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.185 [AsyncWatch@74a939f6] newRecord=FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00] Thu 10/26 12:29:03.185 [AsyncWatch@74a939f6] Record was enabled on what's already being recorded; update status. Thu 10/26 12:29:03.185 [AsyncWatch@74a939f6] Keeping record just the way it is. Thu 10/26 12:29:03.185 [AsyncWatch@74a939f6] VF.submitJob(VFJob[WatchMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=54538 A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:14:10.736-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.712], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] ifn=null]) Thu 10/26 12:29:03.185 [AsyncWatch@74a939f6] setUI(sage.PseudoMenu@423c7fc9[MediaPlayer OSD]) histIdx=4 uiHistory=[sage.PseudoMenu@dbff44a[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@7b0c211a[System Information], sage.PseudoMenu@506dbb33[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@7d19be1a[SageRecordings w/ Optional Preview & AutoCategories], sage.PseudoMenu@423c7fc9[MediaPlayer OSD]] redo=false performingActivation=null Thu 10/26 12:29:03.185 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job VFJob[WatchMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=54538 A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:14:10.736-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.712], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] ifn=null] nPlayin=false Thu 10/26 12:29:03.187 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] MiniClient did not succeed with menu hint change to:menuName:SageRecordings w/ Optional Preview & AutoCategories, popupName:Preparing for video playback notice, hasTextInput:false, errcode=1 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.199 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[WatchMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=54538 A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:14:10.736-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.712], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] ifn=null] Thu 10/26 12:29:03.200 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job VFJob[LoadMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=54538 A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:14:10.736-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.712], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] ifn=null] nPlayin=false Thu 10/26 12:29:03.200 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF network encoder playback detected: true Thu 10/26 12:29:03.202 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[LoadMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=54538 A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:14:10.736-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.712], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] ifn=null] Thu 10/26 12:29:03.202 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VideoFrame creating new media player for file:MediaFile[id=54538 A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:14:10.736-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.712], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] Thu 10/26 12:29:03.203 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF file=MediaFile[id=54538 A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:14:10.736-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.712], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] targetTime = Thu 10/26 12:14:15.872 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.203 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VideoFrame.timeSelected(Thu 10/26 12:14:15.872, true) currFile=MediaFile[id=54538 A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:14:10.736-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.712], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] Thu 10/26 12:29:03.203 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] initDriver0() Thu 10/26 12:29:03.203 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Issuing MCSR client socket to 0023a500035b Thu 10/26 12:29:03.204 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] MiniPlayer established for 0023a500035b Thu 10/26 12:29:03.216 [Fork-BASE-55376@5e6956f9] Updating Disk Space Bar Thu 10/26 12:29:03.221 [Fork-BASE-55376@5e6956f9] Got used/avail video diskspace Thu 10/26 12:29:03.221 [Fork-BASE-55376@5e6956f9] Calculate size of partial recordings Thu 10/26 12:29:03.221 [Fork-BASE-55376@5e6956f9] Found 0 partials using 0 bytes Thu 10/26 12:29:03.226 [Fork-BASE-55376@5e6956f9] Calculate space required for upcoming manual/favourite airings for next X hours and display Thu 10/26 12:29:03.233 [Fork-BASE-55376@5e6956f9] VideoDiskspaceReqProportion: 0.02499062002810182 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.233 [Fork-BASE-55376@5e6956f9] VideoDiskspaceFreeProportion: 0.018714251276178578 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.233 [Fork-BASE-55376@5e6956f9] Disk Space Bar Update complete for UI context 0023a500035b Thu 10/26 12:29:03.286 [ActiveRender-0023a500035b@4906ed62] VideoFrame got registration of a subtitle UI component: sage.ZCCLabel[loc=java.awt.Point[x=38,y=108] size=java.awt.Dimension[width=179,height=28]] Thu 10/26 12:29:03.287 [ActiveRender-0023a500035b@4906ed62] VideoFrame got registration of a cc UI component: sage.ZCCLabel[loc=java.awt.Point[x=25,y=14] size=java.awt.Dimension[width=204,height=114]] Thu 10/26 12:29:03.289 [AsyncWatch@74a939f6] VideoFrame got registration of a subtitle UI component: null Thu 10/26 12:29:03.289 [AsyncWatch@74a939f6] VideoFrame got registration of a cc UI component: null Thu 10/26 12:29:03.392 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] getEstimatedBW=131168000 estimatedBWBytes=16396000 estimatedBWTime=1000 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.392 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] MiniPlayer got an estimate from the UI on bandwidth of 131168Kbps Thu 10/26 12:29:03.392 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] MiniPlayer is using Push mode playback Thu 10/26 12:29:03.392 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] MiniPlayer is using the MPEG2 pusher Thu 10/26 12:29:03.393 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Mpeg2Reader is detecting timestamp boundaries in the file... Thu 10/26 12:29:03.394 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] IFrame alignment=true Thu 10/26 12:29:03.394 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Mpeg2Reader about to determine the firstPTS in the file... Thu 10/26 12:29:03.394 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Mpeg2Reader has found the firstPTS, now determining the duration of the file... Thu 10/26 12:29:03.398 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] MiniClient did not succeed with menu hint change to:menuName:SageRecordings w/ Optional Preview & AutoCategories, popupName:null, hasTextInput:false, errcode=1 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.399 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Opened MPEG-2 TS file: /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-0.ts firstPTS=2880 durationMsec=168779 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.399 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Mpeg2Reader seeking to pos=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.399 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] openURL0(push:f=MPEG2-TS;dur=812;br=3576000;[bf=vid;f=MPEG2-Video;index=0;main=yes;tag=0100;fps=29.97003;fpsn=30000;fpsd=1001;ar=1.777778;arn=16;ard=9;w=1920;h=1080;lace=1;cs=yuv420p;][bf=aud;f=AC3;br=384000;index=1;main=yes;tag=0101;sr=48000;ch=6;lang=eng;][bf=aud;f=AC3;br=192000;index=2;tag=0102;sr=48000;ch=2;lang=enm;]) Thu 10/26 12:29:03.435 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Scheduler awoken Thu 10/26 12:29:03.436 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Scheduler.updateSchedule() called manual=[ManualRecord[A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T] time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00], ManualRecord[A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] schedules={HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0=[Sched=[FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00]]], HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on[Sched=[FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]]]} scheduleRandSize=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.436 [Scheduler@7cf40934] # Airs=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.437 [Scheduler@7cf40934] MUST SEE FINAL-HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0-[FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00]] Thu 10/26 12:29:03.437 [Scheduler@7cf40934] MUST SEE FINAL-HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on[FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] Thu 10/26 12:29:03.437 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Evaluating Potentials Thu 10/26 12:29:03.437 [Scheduler@7cf40934] COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Thu 10/26 12:29:03.437 [Scheduler@7cf40934] HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.437 [Scheduler@7cf40934] [FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00]] Thu 10/26 12:29:03.437 [Scheduler@7cf40934] HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on Thu 10/26 12:29:03.437 [Scheduler@7cf40934] [FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] Thu 10/26 12:29:03.437 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Total Schedule eval time=1 msec Thu 10/26 12:29:03.437 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker awoken Thu 10/26 12:29:03.437 [Seeker@54423a99] MemStats: Used=100MB Total=179MB Max=1908MB Thu 10/26 12:29:03.437 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Scheduler starting wait... Thu 10/26 12:29:03.438 [Seeker@54423a99] MARK 1 currRecord=FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] enc=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on clients=[UIManager:localhost@@0023a500035b-1f545cc2] ir=false Thu 10/26 12:29:03.438 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.438 [Seeker@54423a99] newRecord=FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] Thu 10/26 12:29:03.438 [Seeker@54423a99] Not using desired quality setting of Great because the capture device doesn't support it Thu 10/26 12:29:03.438 [Seeker@54423a99] Record was enabled on what's already being recorded; update status. Thu 10/26 12:29:03.438 [Seeker@54423a99] Keeping record just the way it is. Thu 10/26 12:29:03.438 [Seeker@54423a99] MARK 1 currRecord=FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00] enc=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 clients=[] ir=false Thu 10/26 12:29:03.438 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.438 [Seeker@54423a99] newRecord=FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00] Thu 10/26 12:29:03.439 [Seeker@54423a99] Record was enabled on what's already being recorded; update status. Thu 10/26 12:29:03.439 [Seeker@54423a99] Keeping record just the way it is. Thu 10/26 12:29:03.439 [Seeker@54423a99] RootFile=/ fstype=EXT3 fileLength=213740472 file=/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-1.mpg Thu 10/26 12:29:03.439 [Seeker@54423a99] RootFile=/ fstype=EXT3 fileLength=330322016 file=/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-1.ts Thu 10/26 12:29:03.439 [Seeker@54423a99] Checking video directories for new files Thu 10/26 12:29:03.439 [AsyncPropSaver@37a48197] Saving properties file to Thu 10/26 12:29:03.442 [Seeker@54423a99] Diskspace checking is running Thu 10/26 12:29:03.442 [Seeker@54423a99] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Thu 10/26 12:29:03.442 [Seeker@54423a99] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Thu 10/26 12:29:03.442 [Seeker@54423a99] DONE enforcing keep at most limits for the files. Thu 10/26 12:29:03.442 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Thu 10/26 12:29:03.442 [Seeker@54423a99] DONE clearing unwanted and partial files. Thu 10/26 12:29:03.443 [Seeker@54423a99] needFreeSize = 4.05 GB currFreeSize=618.729930752 GB Thu 10/26 12:29:03.443 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker waiting for 0 mins. Thu 10/26 12:29:03.447 [AsyncPropSaver@37a48197] Done writing out the data to the properties file Thu 10/26 12:29:03.447 [AsyncPropSaver@37a48197] Saving properties file to clients/ Thu 10/26 12:29:03.451 [AsyncPropSaver@37a48197] Done writing out the data to the properties file Thu 10/26 12:29:03.724 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Setting audio stream for playback to be ID=0x101 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.762 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Sigma video dim=java.awt.Dimension[width=720,height=480] Thu 10/26 12:29:03.762 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] pausePush0() Thu 10/26 12:29:03.763 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] setMute0() Thu 10/26 12:29:03.764 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] getDuration : 168779 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.764 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VideoFrame.timeSelected2(Thu 10/26 12:14:15.872, true) currFile=MediaFile[id=54538 A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:14:10.736-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.712], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] realDur=168779 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.765 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] seeking numpushbuffers=0 seekTime=4954 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.765 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] MPEG2 seek targetPts=448740 length=343164972 durationMsec=168779 parsedPTS=-1 lastPos=0 firstPTS=2880 mux_rate=0 estimBitrate=2032832 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.765 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Mpeg2Reader seeking to pos=10072476 time=0:00:04.954 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.765 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] flushPush0() Thu 10/26 12:29:03.833 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Creating new push thread Thu 10/26 12:29:03.843 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Channel Change Time=1509035343843 NOTE: Not valid if this was not a direct channel change! Thu 10/26 12:29:03.844 [Pusher@66ceaeff] Pusher thread is starting Thu 10/26 12:29:03.854 [Pusher@66ceaeff] Miniplayer pusher using buffer size of 131072 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.854 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Default audio language is already selected Thu 10/26 12:29:03.854 [ActiveRender-0023a500035b@4906ed62] VideoFrame got registration of a subtitle UI component: sage.ZCCLabel[loc=java.awt.Point[x=183,y=515] size=java.awt.Dimension[width=854,height=135]] Thu 10/26 12:29:03.855 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:03.855 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=168779 base=4954 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:03.855 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:02:43.575 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.855 [ActiveRender-0023a500035b@4906ed62] VideoFrame got registration of a cc UI component: sage.ZCCLabel[loc=java.awt.Point[x=122,y=67] size=java.awt.Dimension[width=976,height=542]] Thu 10/26 12:29:03.856 [Pusher@66ceaeff] Adjusted push buffer size for TS packet alignment of 188 bytes to be: 131036 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.857 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] MiniClient did not succeed with menu hint change to:menuName:MediaPlayer OSD, popupName:null, hasTextInput:false, errcode=1 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.866 [ReProcessHook@74a939f6] Start looking for max channel digits Thu 10/26 12:29:03.866 [ReProcessHook@74a939f6] New max channel = 3, from channel 33-4 on lineup 'HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on Digital TV Tuner' Thu 10/26 12:29:03.867 [ReProcessHook@74a939f6] Done looking for max channel digits; elapsed time: 1 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.869 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:03.869 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=168779 base=4954 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:03.869 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.874 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:02:43.575 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.875 [Pusher@66ceaeff] Adjusting peek buffer size to: 131036 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.876 [Pusher@66ceaeff] Seek target=4 actual=5 diff=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:03.911 [Pusher@66ceaeff] playPush0() Thu 10/26 12:29:04.557 [Fork-OPUS4-112742@45bc7d9f] ENDING background recording thumb preloader thread, ID = 0.2220371468840262 Thu 10/26 12:29:05.210 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:05.277 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=168779 base=7157 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:05.278 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:05.279 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:05.279 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=168779 base=7157 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:05.279 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:29:05.279 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:05.340 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:05.341 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=168779 base=7157 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:05.341 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:05.341 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:05.372 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:05.384 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=168779 base=7264 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:05.385 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:05.385 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:05.774 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:05.774 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=168779 base=7654 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:05.775 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:05.775 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:05.808 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:05.819 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=168779 base=7654 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:05.819 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:05.819 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:05.875 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:05.876 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=168779 base=7754 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:05.892 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:05.892 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:05.926 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:05.926 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=168779 base=7754 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:05.927 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:05.927 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:06.007 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:06.008 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=168779 base=7888 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:06.009 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:06.009 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:06.099 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:06.099 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=168779 base=7888 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:06.099 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:06.099 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:06.119 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:06.120 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=168779 base=7997 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:06.120 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:06.120 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:06.449 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:06.462 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=168779 base=8341 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:06.462 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:06.462 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:06.514 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:06.515 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=168779 base=8341 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:06.527 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:06.527 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:06.937 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:06.950 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=168779 base=8830 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:06.951 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:06.951 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:07.003 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:07.005 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=168779 base=8830 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:07.005 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:07.005 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:07.017 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:07.017 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=168779 base=8830 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:07.018 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:07.018 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:07.082 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:07.082 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[ff_2] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:29:07.082 Thu 10/26 12:29:07.083 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] VF.submitJob(VFJob[TimeAdjust r=0.0 t=180000 file=null ifn=null]) Thu 10/26 12:29:07.083 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=168779 base=8962 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:07.083 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:07.083 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job VFJob[TimeAdjust r=0.0 t=180000 file=null ifn=null] nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:07.083 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[TimeAdjust r=0.0 t=180000 file=null ifn=null] Thu 10/26 12:29:07.083 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VideoFrame.timeSelected(Thu 10/26 12:17:20.027, true) currFile=MediaFile[id=54538 A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:14:10.736-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.712], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] Thu 10/26 12:29:07.083 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] stopPush0() Thu 10/26 12:29:07.125 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Closing down MiniPlayer Thu 10/26 12:29:07.125 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] closeDriver0() Thu 10/26 12:29:07.164 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@1945110] Server got broadcast packet: Thu 10/26 12:29:07.166 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@1945110] Server sent back mini discovery to / 62170 Thu 10/26 12:29:07.237 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] initDriver0() Thu 10/26 12:29:07.238 [MiniUIServer@1eb12b98] MiniUI got connection from java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[connected local=/ remote=/] Thu 10/26 12:29:07.238 [MiniUIServerConnection@ac10c80] MiniPlayer is adding to its map:0023a500035b Thu 10/26 12:29:07.238 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Issuing MCSR client socket to 0023a500035b Thu 10/26 12:29:07.238 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] MiniPlayer established for 0023a500035b Thu 10/26 12:29:07.414 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] getEstimatedBW=131168000 estimatedBWBytes=16396000 estimatedBWTime=1000 Thu 10/26 12:29:07.414 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] MiniPlayer got an estimate from the UI on bandwidth of 131168Kbps Thu 10/26 12:29:07.414 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] MiniPlayer is using Push mode playback Thu 10/26 12:29:07.414 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] MiniPlayer is using the MPEG2 pusher Thu 10/26 12:29:07.415 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Mpeg2Reader is detecting timestamp boundaries in the file... Thu 10/26 12:29:07.416 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] IFrame alignment=true Thu 10/26 12:29:07.416 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Mpeg2Reader about to determine the firstPTS in the file... Thu 10/26 12:29:07.416 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Opened MPEG-2 TS file: /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-1.ts firstPTS=2880 durationMsec=-1 Thu 10/26 12:29:07.416 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Mpeg2Reader seeking to pos=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:07.417 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] openURL0(push:f=MPEG2-TS;dur=812;br=3576000;[bf=vid;f=MPEG2-Video;index=0;main=yes;tag=0100;fps=29.97003;fpsn=30000;fpsd=1001;ar=1.777778;arn=16;ard=9;w=1920;h=1080;lace=1;cs=yuv420p;][bf=aud;f=AC3;br=384000;index=1;main=yes;tag=0101;sr=48000;ch=6;lang=eng;][bf=aud;f=AC3;br=192000;index=2;tag=0102;sr=48000;ch=2;lang=enm;]) Thu 10/26 12:29:07.712 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Setting audio stream for playback to be ID=0x101 Thu 10/26 12:29:07.744 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Sigma video dim=java.awt.Dimension[width=720,height=480] Thu 10/26 12:29:07.744 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] pausePush0() Thu 10/26 12:29:07.745 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] setMute0() Thu 10/26 12:29:07.747 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] getDuration : 0 Thu 10/26 12:29:07.748 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VideoFrame.timeSelected2(Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734, true) currFile=MediaFile[id=54538 A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:14:10.736-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.712], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] realDur=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:07.748 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] seeking numpushbuffers=0 seekTime=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:07.748 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Mpeg2Reader seeking to pos=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:07.748 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] flushPush0() Thu 10/26 12:29:07.805 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Creating new push thread Thu 10/26 12:29:07.806 [Pusher@4b1a1244] Pusher thread is starting Thu 10/26 12:29:07.806 [Pusher@4b1a1244] Miniplayer pusher using buffer size of 131072 Thu 10/26 12:29:07.806 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:07.806 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=164072 base=0 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:07.807 [Pusher@4b1a1244] Adjusted push buffer size for TS packet alignment of 188 bytes to be: 131036 Thu 10/26 12:29:07.807 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=23962 Thu 10/26 12:29:07.807 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:23.962 Thu 10/26 12:29:07.827 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:07.827 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=164093 base=0 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:07.827 [Pusher@4b1a1244] Adjusting peek buffer size to: 131036 Thu 10/26 12:29:07.827 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:07.827 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:03:36.016 Thu 10/26 12:29:07.830 [Pusher@4b1a1244] playPush0() Thu 10/26 12:29:08.983 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:08.989 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=165255 base=889 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:08.989 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:08.989 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:09.035 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:09.133 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=165399 base=1093 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:09.134 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:09.134 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:09.135 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=165401 base=1093 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:09.135 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:29:09.135 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:09.209 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:09.209 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=165475 base=1093 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:09.209 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:09.210 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:09.275 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:09.288 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=165554 base=1247 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:09.289 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:09.289 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:09.544 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:09.557 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=165823 base=1516 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:09.557 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:09.557 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:09.613 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:09.614 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=165880 base=1516 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:09.615 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:09.615 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:09.638 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:09.648 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=165914 base=1516 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:09.655 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:09.655 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:09.728 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:09.730 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=165996 base=1622 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:09.742 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:09.742 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:09.743 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=166009 base=1622 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:09.744 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:29:09.744 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:09.938 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:09.940 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=166206 base=1899 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:09.940 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:09.941 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:10.156 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] processUserEvent-UserEvent[ff_2] evtTime=Thu 10/26 12:29:10.156 Thu 10/26 12:29:10.156 [EventRouter-0023a500035b@31ea221c] VF.submitJob(VFJob[TimeAdjust r=0.0 t=180000 file=null ifn=null]) Thu 10/26 12:29:10.156 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job VFJob[TimeAdjust r=0.0 t=180000 file=null ifn=null] nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:10.156 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[TimeAdjust r=0.0 t=180000 file=null ifn=null] Thu 10/26 12:29:10.164 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VideoFrame.timeSelected(Thu 10/26 12:29:25.857, true) currFile=MediaFile[id=54538 A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:14:10.736-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.712], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] Thu 10/26 12:29:10.164 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VideoFrame.timeSelected2(Thu 10/26 12:29:08.664, true) currFile=MediaFile[id=54538 A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:14:10.736-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.712], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] realDur=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:10.165 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] seeking numpushbuffers=134 seekTime=164930 Thu 10/26 12:29:10.165 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] MPEG2 seek targetPts=14846580 length=344603736 durationMsec=-1 parsedPTS=777046 lastPos=17553943 firstPTS=2880 mux_rate=0 estimBitrate=2040718 Thu 10/26 12:29:10.165 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Mpeg2Reader seeking to pos=327083528 time=0:02:44.930 Thu 10/26 12:29:10.165 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] flushPush0() Thu 10/26 12:29:10.225 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:10.225 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=166491 base=164930 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:10.225 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:10.225 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:51.086 Thu 10/26 12:29:10.226 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:10.226 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=166492 base=164930 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:10.226 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:10.226 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:51.086 Thu 10/26 12:29:10.227 [Pusher@4b1a1244] Seek target=164 actual=157 diff=7 Thu 10/26 12:29:10.228 [Pusher@4b1a1244] Seeking again to try to get a better position... Thu 10/26 12:29:10.228 [Pusher@4b1a1244] MPEG2 seek targetPts=14846580 length=344867500 durationMsec=-1 parsedPTS=14131515 lastPos=327092561 firstPTS=2880 mux_rate=0 estimBitrate=2083593 Thu 10/26 12:29:10.228 [Pusher@4b1a1244] Mpeg2Reader seeking to pos=343538980 time=0:02:44.930 Thu 10/26 12:29:10.229 [Pusher@4b1a1244] Seek target=164 actual=164 diff=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:11.308 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:11.318 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=167584 base=166304 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:11.320 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:11.320 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:11.386 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:11.387 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=167653 base=166440 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:11.387 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:11.387 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:12.111 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:12.112 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=168378 base=167165 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:12.112 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:12.112 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:12.186 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:12.186 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=168452 base=167165 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:12.187 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:12.187 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:12.694 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:12.695 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=168961 base=167748 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:12.695 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:12.695 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:12.749 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:12.751 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=169017 base=167748 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:12.781 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:12.782 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:12.834 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:12.835 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=169101 base=167888 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:12.836 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:12.836 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:13.558 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:13.580 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=169846 base=168633 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:13.581 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:13.581 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:13.582 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:13.593 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=169859 base=168633 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:13.594 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:13.595 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:14.279 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:14.280 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=170546 base=169332 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:14.280 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:14.280 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:14.399 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:14.421 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=170687 base=169474 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:14.421 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:14.422 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:14.474 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:14.474 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=170740 base=169474 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:14.475 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:14.475 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:14.529 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:14.551 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=170817 base=169604 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:14.552 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:14.553 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:14.657 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:14.668 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=170934 base=169721 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:14.669 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:14.670 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:14.724 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:14.734 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=171000 base=169721 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:14.735 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:14.735 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:15.050 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:15.051 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=171317 base=170103 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:15.051 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:15.051 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:15.103 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:15.104 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=171370 base=170103 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:15.104 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:15.105 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:15.159 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:15.181 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=171447 base=170232 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:15.181 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:15.181 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:15.187 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:15.198 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=171464 base=170232 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:15.199 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:15.199 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:15.480 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:15.501 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=171767 base=170553 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:15.502 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:15.503 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:15.555 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:15.555 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=171821 base=170553 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:15.555 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:15.555 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:15.609 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:15.620 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=171886 base=170672 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:15.621 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:15.621 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:15.674 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:15.675 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=171941 base=170672 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:15.696 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:15.696 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:15.697 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=171963 base=170672 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:15.698 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:29:15.698 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:15.816 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:15.827 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=172093 base=170879 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:15.827 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:15.827 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:15.880 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:15.880 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=172146 base=170879 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:15.881 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:15.881 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:16.072 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:16.072 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=172338 base=171124 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:16.073 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:16.073 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:16.126 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:16.148 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=172414 base=171124 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:16.149 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:16.149 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:17.542 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:17.553 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=173819 base=172047 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:17.554 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:17.554 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:17.809 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:17.809 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=174075 base=172304 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:17.810 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:17.810 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:17.865 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:17.865 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=174131 base=172304 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:17.897 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:17.897 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:17.949 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:17.950 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=174216 base=172445 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:17.951 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:17.951 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:18.864 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:18.885 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=175151 base=173379 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:18.886 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:18.886 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:18.939 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:18.939 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=175205 base=173379 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:18.939 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:18.939 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:18.940 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:18.940 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=175206 base=173379 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:18.940 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:18.940 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:20.074 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:20.075 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=176341 base=174569 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:20.075 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:20.075 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:20.136 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:20.157 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=176423 base=174569 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:20.158 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:20.158 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:20.464 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:20.475 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=176741 base=174969 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:20.476 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:20.476 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:22.643 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:22.643 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=178909 base=177137 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:22.644 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:22.644 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:22.710 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:22.731 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=178997 base=177137 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:22.732 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:22.732 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:22.785 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:22.807 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=179073 base=177300 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:22.807 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:22.807 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:22.862 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:22.873 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=179139 base=177300 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:22.873 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:22.873 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:23.294 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:23.305 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=179571 base=177798 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:23.306 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:23.306 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:23.361 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:23.372 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=179638 base=177798 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:23.373 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:23.373 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:23.479 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:23.500 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=179766 base=177994 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:23.501 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:23.502 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:23.554 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:23.555 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=179821 base=177994 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:23.555 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:23.555 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:23.951 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:23.971 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=180237 base=178465 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:23.972 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:23.972 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:24.036 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:24.036 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=180302 base=178465 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:24.036 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:24.036 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:24.090 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:24.101 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=180367 base=178594 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:24.101 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:24.101 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:24.155 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:24.177 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=180443 base=178594 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:24.178 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:24.178 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:24.230 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:24.230 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=180496 base=178724 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:24.231 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:24.231 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:24.750 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:24.770 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=181036 base=179264 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:24.771 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:24.771 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:24.834 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:24.835 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=181101 base=179264 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:24.835 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:24.835 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:24.891 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:24.914 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=181180 base=179406 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:24.915 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:24.915 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:24.967 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:24.967 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=181233 base=179406 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:24.968 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:24.968 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:25.021 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:25.021 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=181287 base=179515 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:25.022 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:25.023 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:25.077 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:25.098 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=181364 base=179515 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:25.099 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:25.099 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:25.489 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:25.490 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=181756 base=179983 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:25.490 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:25.490 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:25.545 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:25.578 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=181844 base=179983 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:25.579 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:25.579 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:25.580 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=181846 base=179983 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:25.581 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:29:25.581 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:25.635 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:25.637 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=181903 base=180130 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:25.637 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:25.637 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:25.691 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:25.702 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=181968 base=180130 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:25.704 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:25.704 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:25.758 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:25.779 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=182045 base=180273 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:25.780 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:25.781 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:25.833 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:25.833 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=182099 base=180273 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:25.833 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:25.833 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:25.888 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:25.899 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=182165 base=180392 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:25.900 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:25.900 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:26.533 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:26.556 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=182822 base=181049 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:26.556 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:26.556 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:26.557 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=182823 base=181049 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:26.559 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:29:26.559 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:27.556 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:27.556 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=183822 base=182050 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:27.557 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:27.557 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:27.678 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:27.711 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=183977 base=182205 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:27.713 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:27.713 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:27.725 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:27.725 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=183991 base=182205 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:27.725 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:27.726 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:27.778 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:27.778 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=184044 base=182205 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:27.778 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:27.778 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:27.834 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:27.845 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=184111 base=182338 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:27.845 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:27.846 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:27.890 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to cache index=2 font=java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Comic Sans MS,style=italic,size=22] Thu 10/26 12:29:27.906 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[Comic Sans MS, size=22, style=2, height=25.609375, ascent=20.420898, descent=5.1884766, leading=-0.0, class=class sage.MetaFont$JavaFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4925896 Thu 10/26 12:29:28.268 [Ministry@7889436d] Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Thu 10/26 12:29:28.653 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:28.654 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=184920 base=183147 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:28.655 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:28.655 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:28.760 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:28.792 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=185058 base=183285 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:28.794 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:28.795 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:28.857 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:28.858 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=185124 base=183285 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:28.858 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:28.858 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:28.973 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@1945110] Server got broadcast packet: Thu 10/26 12:29:28.976 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@1945110] Server sent back mini discovery to / 52030 Thu 10/26 12:29:29.424 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:29.424 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=185690 base=183917 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:29.425 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:29.425 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:29.477 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:29.477 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=185743 base=183917 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:29.477 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:29.477 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:29.532 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:29.543 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=185809 base=184036 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:29.543 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:29.543 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:29.560 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:29.568 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=185834 base=184036 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:29.568 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:29.568 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:29.620 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:29.620 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=185886 base=184036 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:29.621 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:29.621 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:29.674 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:29.675 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=185941 base=184167 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:29.675 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:29.675 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:29.736 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:29.737 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=186003 base=184167 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:29.740 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:29.740 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:29.760 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:29.781 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=186047 base=184274 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:29.782 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:29.782 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:29.960 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:29.961 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=186227 base=184454 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:29.961 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:29.961 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:30.013 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:30.013 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=186279 base=184454 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:30.014 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:30.014 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:30.068 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:30.079 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=186345 base=184572 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:30.080 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:30.080 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:30.132 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:30.132 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=186398 base=184572 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:30.132 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:30.132 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:30.864 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:30.874 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=187140 base=185367 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:30.875 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:30.875 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:30.927 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:30.928 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=187194 base=185367 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:30.928 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:30.928 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:30.982 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:31.004 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=187270 base=185497 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:31.005 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:31.006 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:31.058 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:31.059 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=187325 base=185497 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:31.060 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:31.060 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:31.165 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:31.187 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=187453 base=185680 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:31.188 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:31.189 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:31.295 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:31.327 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=187593 base=185819 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:31.328 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:31.328 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:31.329 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=187595 base=185819 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:31.331 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:29:31.331 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:31.383 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:31.383 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=187649 base=185819 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:31.384 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:31.384 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:31.659 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:31.659 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=187925 base=186152 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:31.659 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:31.659 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:31.889 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:31.890 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=188156 base=186382 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:31.890 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:31.890 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:32.155 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:32.155 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=188421 base=186648 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:32.156 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:32.156 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:32.261 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:32.272 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=188538 base=186764 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:32.274 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:32.274 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:32.359 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:32.360 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=188626 base=186764 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:32.360 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:32.361 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:32.466 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:32.488 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=188754 base=186980 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:32.489 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:32.489 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:32.668 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:32.669 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=188935 base=187162 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:32.669 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:32.669 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:32.724 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:32.724 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=188990 base=187162 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:32.725 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:32.725 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:32.793 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:32.816 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=189082 base=187308 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:32.817 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:32.817 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:32.871 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:32.882 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=189148 base=187308 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:32.883 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:32.883 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:33.198 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:33.199 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=189465 base=187691 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:33.199 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:33.199 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:33.253 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:33.253 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=189519 base=187691 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:33.274 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:33.274 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:33.275 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=189541 base=187691 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:33.276 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:29:33.276 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:34.894 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:34.914 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=191180 base=189407 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:34.916 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:34.916 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:34.968 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:34.968 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=191234 base=189407 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:34.969 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:34.969 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:37.039 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:37.040 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=193306 base=191532 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:37.041 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:37.041 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:37.095 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:37.117 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=193383 base=191532 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:37.117 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:37.117 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:37.171 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:37.172 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=193438 base=191664 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:37.173 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:37.173 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:37.428 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:37.450 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=193716 base=191942 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:37.451 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:37.451 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:37.503 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:37.504 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=193770 base=191942 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:37.504 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:37.504 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:37.863 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:37.894 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=194160 base=192386 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:37.896 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:37.896 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:37.999 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:38.000 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=194266 base=192492 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:38.001 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:38.001 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:38.264 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:38.265 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=194531 base=192757 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:38.266 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:38.266 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:38.371 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:38.392 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=194658 base=192884 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:38.393 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:38.393 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:38.456 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:38.456 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=194722 base=192884 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:38.457 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:38.457 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:38.511 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:38.533 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=194799 base=193025 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:38.534 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:38.534 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:38.535 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=194801 base=193025 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:38.536 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:29:38.536 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:38.588 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:38.588 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=194854 base=193025 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:38.588 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:38.588 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:39.530 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:39.530 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=195796 base=194022 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:39.530 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:39.530 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:39.583 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:39.583 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=195849 base=194022 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:39.583 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:39.583 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:39.637 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:39.659 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=195925 base=194151 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:39.659 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:39.659 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:39.662 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:39.671 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=195937 base=194151 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:39.671 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:39.671 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:39.834 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:39.865 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=196131 base=194357 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:39.866 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:39.866 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:39.867 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=196133 base=194357 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:39.867 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:29:39.867 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:39.973 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:39.995 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=196261 base=194487 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:39.997 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:39.997 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:40.280 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:40.312 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=196578 base=194804 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:40.313 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:40.313 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:40.365 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:40.365 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=196631 base=194804 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:40.367 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:40.367 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:40.433 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:40.443 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=196709 base=194935 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:40.444 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:40.444 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:40.496 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:40.497 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=196763 base=194935 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:40.497 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:40.498 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:40.676 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:40.677 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=196943 base=195169 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:40.679 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:40.679 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:41.073 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:41.095 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=197361 base=195587 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:41.096 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:41.096 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:41.148 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:41.148 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=197414 base=195587 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:41.148 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:41.148 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:41.200 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:41.203 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=197469 base=195693 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:41.204 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:41.204 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:41.258 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:41.280 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=197546 base=195693 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:41.281 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:41.281 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:41.282 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=197548 base=195693 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:41.283 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:29:41.283 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:41.776 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:41.777 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=198043 base=196268 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:41.777 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:41.777 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:42.158 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:42.169 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=198435 base=196661 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:42.170 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:42.170 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:42.171 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=198437 base=196661 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:42.172 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:29:42.172 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:42.237 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:42.237 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=198503 base=196661 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:42.238 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:42.238 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:42.292 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:42.293 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=198559 base=196784 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:42.294 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:42.294 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:42.348 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:42.359 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=198625 base=196784 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:42.360 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:42.360 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:42.374 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:42.383 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=198649 base=196784 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:42.384 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:42.384 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:42.437 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:42.438 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=198704 base=196929 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:42.439 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:42.439 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:42.491 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:42.491 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=198757 base=196929 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:42.491 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:42.491 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:42.873 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:42.896 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=199162 base=197387 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:42.897 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:42.897 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:43.490 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:43.512 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=199778 base=198004 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:43.513 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:43.513 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:43.753 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:43.755 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=200021 base=198246 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:43.756 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:43.756 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:43.810 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:43.813 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=200079 base=198246 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:43.813 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:43.813 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:43.843 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:43.843 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=200109 base=198246 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:43.843 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:43.843 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:43.895 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:43.896 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=200162 base=198387 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:43.897 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:43.897 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:43.951 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:43.952 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=200218 base=198387 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:43.984 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:43.984 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:44.091 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:44.103 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=200369 base=198594 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:44.104 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:44.104 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:44.156 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:44.156 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=200422 base=198594 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:44.157 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:44.157 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:44.209 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:44.209 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=200475 base=198701 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:44.210 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:44.210 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:44.475 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:44.476 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=200742 base=198967 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:44.476 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:44.476 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:44.582 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:44.614 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=200880 base=199106 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:44.615 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:44.615 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:44.667 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:44.667 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=200933 base=199106 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:44.668 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:44.668 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:45.099 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:45.110 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=201376 base=199601 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:45.111 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:45.111 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:45.163 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:45.164 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=201430 base=199601 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:45.164 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:45.164 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:45.219 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:45.241 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=201507 base=199732 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:45.242 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:45.243 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:45.296 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:45.296 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=201562 base=199732 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:45.297 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:45.297 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:45.352 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:45.362 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=201628 base=199853 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:45.362 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:45.363 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:45.416 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:45.437 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=201703 base=199853 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:45.438 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:45.438 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:45.607 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:45.618 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=201884 base=200109 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:45.619 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:45.620 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:45.672 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:45.672 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=201938 base=200109 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:45.673 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:45.673 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:45.740 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:45.750 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=202016 base=200241 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:45.751 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:45.751 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:45.803 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:45.803 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=202069 base=200241 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:45.803 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:45.803 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:45.870 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:45.892 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=202158 base=200383 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:45.893 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:45.893 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:46.274 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:46.275 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=202541 base=200766 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:46.276 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:46.276 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:46.341 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:46.352 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=202618 base=200766 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:46.352 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:46.353 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:29:46.709 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:46.719 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=202985 base=201211 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:46.720 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:46.721 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:14.805 Thu 10/26 12:29:46.772 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:46.772 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=203038 base=201211 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:46.773 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:46.774 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:14.805 Thu 10/26 12:29:47.603 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:47.604 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=203870 base=202095 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:47.605 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:47.605 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:13.921 Thu 10/26 12:29:47.661 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:47.662 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=203928 base=202095 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:47.662 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:47.662 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:13.921 Thu 10/26 12:29:47.672 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:47.681 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=203947 base=202095 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:47.682 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:47.682 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:13.921 Thu 10/26 12:29:47.788 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:47.798 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=204064 base=202289 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:47.799 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:47.799 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:13.727 Thu 10/26 12:29:47.990 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:48.011 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=204277 base=202502 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:48.012 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:48.012 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:13.514 Thu 10/26 12:29:48.118 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:48.140 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=204406 base=202631 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:48.142 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:48.142 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:48.142 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=204408 base=202631 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:48.143 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:29:48.144 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:13.385 Thu 10/26 12:29:48.196 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:48.196 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=204462 base=202631 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:48.197 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:48.197 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:13.385 Thu 10/26 12:29:48.251 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:48.264 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=204530 base=202755 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:48.265 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:48.265 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:13.261 Thu 10/26 12:29:48.341 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:48.341 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=204607 base=202755 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:48.342 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:48.342 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:13.261 Thu 10/26 12:29:48.396 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:48.407 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=204673 base=202898 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:48.409 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:48.409 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:13.118 Thu 10/26 12:29:48.777 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:48.799 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=205065 base=203289 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:48.800 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:48.800 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:12.727 Thu 10/26 12:29:48.978 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:48.978 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=205244 base=203469 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:48.979 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:48.979 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:12.547 Thu 10/26 12:29:49.084 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:49.116 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=205382 base=203607 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:49.117 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:49.117 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:12.409 Thu 10/26 12:29:49.169 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:49.169 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=205435 base=203607 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:49.170 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:49.170 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:12.409 Thu 10/26 12:29:49.224 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:49.246 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=205512 base=203737 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:49.247 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:49.247 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:12.279 Thu 10/26 12:29:49.403 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:49.435 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=205701 base=203926 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:49.436 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:49.436 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:12.090 Thu 10/26 12:29:49.488 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:49.488 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=205754 base=203926 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:49.488 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:49.489 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:12.090 Thu 10/26 12:29:49.748 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:49.759 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=206024 base=204249 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:49.760 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:49.760 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:11.767 Thu 10/26 12:29:49.812 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:49.812 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=206078 base=204249 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:49.813 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:49.813 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:11.767 Thu 10/26 12:29:50.441 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:50.443 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=206709 base=204933 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:50.450 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:50.450 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:11.083 Thu 10/26 12:29:50.505 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:50.526 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=206792 base=204933 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:50.527 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:50.527 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:11.083 Thu 10/26 12:29:50.684 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:50.716 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=206982 base=205206 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:50.717 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:50.717 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:10.810 Thu 10/26 12:29:50.780 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@1945110] Server got broadcast packet: Thu 10/26 12:29:50.783 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@1945110] Server sent back mini discovery to / 58548 Thu 10/26 12:29:50.885 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:50.896 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207162 base=205386 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:50.896 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:50.897 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:10.630 Thu 10/26 12:29:51.014 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:51.035 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207301 base=205526 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:51.036 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:51.036 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:10.490 Thu 10/26 12:29:51.088 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:51.088 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207354 base=205526 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:51.088 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:51.088 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:10.490 Thu 10/26 12:29:51.142 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:51.153 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207419 base=205643 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:51.153 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:51.153 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:10.373 Thu 10/26 12:29:51.179 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:51.179 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207445 base=205643 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:51.179 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:51.179 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:10.373 Thu 10/26 12:29:51.408 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:51.409 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207675 base=205899 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:51.409 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:51.409 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:10.117 Thu 10/26 12:29:51.464 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:51.485 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207751 base=205899 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:51.486 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:51.486 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:10.117 Thu 10/26 12:29:51.589 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:51.590 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207856 base=206080 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:51.590 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:51.590 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:09.936 Thu 10/26 12:29:51.644 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:51.645 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=207911 base=206080 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:51.646 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:51.646 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:09.936 Thu 10/26 12:29:53.087 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:53.109 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=209375 base=207600 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:53.111 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:53.111 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:08.416 Thu 10/26 12:29:53.163 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:53.163 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=209429 base=207600 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:53.164 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:53.164 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:08.416 Thu 10/26 12:29:53.219 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:53.229 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=209495 base=207720 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:53.230 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:53.230 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:08.296 Thu 10/26 12:29:53.346 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:53.346 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=209612 base=207837 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:53.346 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:53.347 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:08.179 Thu 10/26 12:29:53.400 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:53.402 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=209668 base=207837 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:53.433 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:53.433 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:08.179 Thu 10/26 12:29:53.485 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:53.486 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=209752 base=207976 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:53.487 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:53.487 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:08.040 Thu 10/26 12:29:53.608 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:53.627 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=209893 base=208118 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:53.628 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:53.628 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:07.898 Thu 10/26 12:29:53.683 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:53.693 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=209959 base=208118 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:53.694 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:53.694 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:07.898 Thu 10/26 12:29:53.811 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:53.812 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=210078 base=208302 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:53.812 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:53.813 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:07.714 Thu 10/26 12:29:53.865 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:53.866 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=210132 base=208302 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:53.867 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:53.867 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:07.714 Thu 10/26 12:29:53.921 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:53.931 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=210197 base=208422 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:53.932 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:53.932 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:07.594 Thu 10/26 12:29:54.586 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:54.597 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=210863 base=209088 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:54.598 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:54.598 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:06.928 Thu 10/26 12:29:54.654 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:54.655 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=210921 base=209088 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:54.676 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:54.676 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:06.928 Thu 10/26 12:29:54.680 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:54.681 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=210947 base=209088 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:54.681 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:54.681 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:06.928 Thu 10/26 12:29:54.752 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:54.753 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=211019 base=209244 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:54.754 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:54.754 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:06.772 Thu 10/26 12:29:54.808 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:54.818 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=211084 base=209244 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:54.821 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:54.821 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:06.772 Thu 10/26 12:29:54.883 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:54.884 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=211150 base=209375 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:54.885 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:54.885 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:06.641 Thu 10/26 12:29:54.990 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:55.012 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=211278 base=209503 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:55.013 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:55.013 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:06.513 Thu 10/26 12:29:55.596 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:55.597 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=211863 base=210087 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:55.598 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:55.598 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:05.929 Thu 10/26 12:29:55.652 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:55.652 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=211918 base=210087 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:55.654 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:55.654 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:05.929 Thu 10/26 12:29:55.686 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:55.686 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=211952 base=210087 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:55.687 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:55.687 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:05.929 Thu 10/26 12:29:55.918 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:55.919 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=212185 base=210409 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:55.919 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:55.920 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:05.607 Thu 10/26 12:29:55.973 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:55.975 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=212241 base=210409 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:56.006 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:56.006 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:56.007 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=212273 base=210409 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:56.008 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:29:56.008 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:05.607 Thu 10/26 12:29:56.113 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:56.136 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=212402 base=210626 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:56.137 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:56.137 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:05.390 Thu 10/26 12:29:56.189 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:56.189 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=212455 base=210626 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:56.190 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:56.190 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:05.390 Thu 10/26 12:29:56.295 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:56.316 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=212582 base=210807 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:56.318 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:56.318 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:05.209 Thu 10/26 12:29:56.506 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:56.507 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=212773 base=210997 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:56.508 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:56.508 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:05.019 Thu 10/26 12:29:56.564 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:56.574 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=212840 base=210997 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:56.574 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:56.575 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:05.019 Thu 10/26 12:29:56.628 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:56.639 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=212905 base=211130 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:56.640 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:56.640 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:04.886 Thu 10/26 12:29:56.693 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:56.693 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=212959 base=211130 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:56.694 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:56.694 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:04.886 Thu 10/26 12:29:56.748 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:56.780 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=213046 base=211271 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:56.782 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:56.782 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:04.745 Thu 10/26 12:29:57.091 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:57.108 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=213374 base=211599 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:57.109 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:57.110 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:04.417 Thu 10/26 12:29:57.162 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:57.162 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=213428 base=211599 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:57.163 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:57.163 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:04.417 Thu 10/26 12:29:57.215 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:57.216 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=213482 base=211706 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:57.217 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:57.217 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:04.310 Thu 10/26 12:29:57.284 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:57.294 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=213560 base=211706 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:57.295 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:57.295 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:04.310 Thu 10/26 12:29:57.399 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:57.422 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=213688 base=211913 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:57.423 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:57.423 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:04.103 Thu 10/26 12:29:58.295 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:58.297 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=214563 base=212787 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:58.297 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:58.297 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:03.229 Thu 10/26 12:29:58.869 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:58.891 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=215157 base=213381 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:58.891 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:58.891 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:02.635 Thu 10/26 12:29:58.892 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:58.892 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=215158 base=213381 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:58.893 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:58.893 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:02.635 Thu 10/26 12:29:58.997 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:59.019 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=215285 base=213510 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:59.020 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:59.020 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:02.506 Thu 10/26 12:29:59.072 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:59.073 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=215338 base=213510 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:59.073 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:59.073 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:02.506 Thu 10/26 12:29:59.127 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:59.148 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=215414 base=213639 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:59.150 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:59.150 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:02.377 Thu 10/26 12:29:59.152 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:59.173 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=215439 base=213639 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:59.174 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:59.174 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:02.377 Thu 10/26 12:29:59.226 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:59.226 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=215492 base=213639 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:59.227 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:59.227 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:02.377 Thu 10/26 12:29:59.280 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:59.291 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=215557 base=213782 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:59.292 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:59.293 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:59.293 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=215559 base=213782 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:59.294 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:29:59.294 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:02.234 Thu 10/26 12:29:59.358 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:59.358 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=215624 base=213782 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:59.359 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:59.360 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:02.234 Thu 10/26 12:29:59.412 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:59.412 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=215678 base=213903 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:59.413 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:59.414 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:02.113 Thu 10/26 12:29:59.467 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:59.468 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=215734 base=213903 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:59.489 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:59.489 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:59.490 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=215756 base=213903 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:59.502 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:29:59.502 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:02.113 Thu 10/26 12:29:59.554 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:59.555 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=215821 base=214046 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:59.556 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:59.556 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:01.970 Thu 10/26 12:29:59.609 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:29:59.609 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=215875 base=214046 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:29:59.609 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:29:59.609 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:01.970 Thu 10/26 12:30:00.000 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker awoken Thu 10/26 12:30:00.000 [Seeker@54423a99] MemStats: Used=103MB Total=152MB Max=1908MB Thu 10/26 12:30:00.002 [Seeker@54423a99] MARK 1 currRecord=FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] enc=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on clients=[UIManager:localhost@@0023a500035b-1f545cc2] ir=false Thu 10/26 12:30:00.002 [Seeker@54423a99] Current record is over. Thu 10/26 12:30:00.004 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker.endRecord(Thu 10/26 12:30:00.001) currRecord=FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] readySwitch=true Thu 10/26 12:30:00.005 [Seeker@54423a99] defaultRecord=A[6166,3084,"Entertainment Tonight Canada",73014@1026.12:30,30,T] Thu 10/26 12:30:00.005 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Thu 10/26 12:30:00.005 [Seeker@54423a99] newRecord=A[6166,3084,"Entertainment Tonight Canada",73014@1026.12:30,30,T] Thu 10/26 12:30:00.005 [Seeker@54423a99] Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - LATER Thu 10/26 12:30:00.006 [Seeker@54423a99] MARK 1 currRecord=FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00] enc=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 clients=[] ir=false Thu 10/26 12:30:00.006 [Seeker@54423a99] Current record is over. Thu 10/26 12:30:00.007 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker.endRecord(Thu 10/26 12:30:00.001) currRecord=FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00] readySwitch=true Thu 10/26 12:30:00.008 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Thu 10/26 12:30:00.008 [Seeker@54423a99] newRecord=null Thu 10/26 12:30:00.008 [Seeker@54423a99] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Thu 10/26 12:30:00.008 [Seeker@54423a99] stopEncoding for HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 Thu 10/26 12:30:00.008 [Seeker@54423a99] Waiting for capture thread to terminate Thu 10/26 12:30:00.094 [HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0-Encoder@629ee8b4] HDHR_closeEncoding0(0x7f482c18bd00) Thu 10/26 12:30:00.101 [HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0-Encoder@629ee8b4] HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 capture thread terminating Thu 10/26 12:30:00.102 [Seeker@54423a99] VF.submitJob(VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-1.mpg]) Thu 10/26 12:30:00.102 [Seeker@54423a99] VF.submitJob(VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-1.mpg]) Thu 10/26 12:30:00.102 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-1.mpg] nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:00.102 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/AcrosstheFence-6469-1.mpg] Thu 10/26 12:30:00.103 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:00.103 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=216369 base=214594 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:00.105 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=14452 Thu 10/26 12:30:00.105 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:01.526 Thu 10/26 12:30:00.107 [Seeker@54423a99] Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - NOW Thu 10/26 12:30:00.107 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker.startRecord(HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on A[6166,3084,"Entertainment Tonight Canada",73014@1026.12:30,30,T], currTime=Thu 10/26 12:30:00.001) currRecord=null switch=true Thu 10/26 12:30:00.107 [Seeker@54423a99] Setting up MMC video for recording new show & tuning channel conn=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on Digital TV Tuner Thu 10/26 12:30:00.107 [Seeker@54423a99] Not using desired quality setting of Great because the capture device doesn't support it Thu 10/26 12:30:00.107 [Seeker@54423a99] Using quality setting "" for recording Thu 10/26 12:30:00.108 [Seeker@54423a99] VideoStorage for new file: /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000 - Use All Thu 10/26 12:30:00.111 [Seeker@54423a99] MediaFile created subfile:/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/EntertainmentTonightCanada-6166-0.ts MediaFile[id=54556 A[6166,3084,"Entertainment Tonight Canada",73014@1026.12:30,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 0 kbps []] Thu 10/26 12:30:00.111 [Seeker@54423a99] Added:MediaFile[id=54556 A[6166,3084,"Entertainment Tonight Canada",73014@1026.12:30,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 0 kbps [] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/EntertainmentTonightCanada-6166-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:30:00.001-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] Thu 10/26 12:30:00.112 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker channel string=15-1 Thu 10/26 12:30:00.112 [Seeker@54423a99] About to call switch encoding on HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on Thu 10/26 12:30:00.112 [Seeker@54423a99] MAJOR Change to file format detected...reload any active media players using: MediaFile[id=54556 A[6166,3084,"Entertainment Tonight Canada",73014@1026.12:30,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/EntertainmentTonightCanada-6166-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:30:00.001-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] Thu 10/26 12:30:00.438 [Seeker@54423a99] Done with switch encoding on HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on Thu 10/26 12:30:00.438 [Seeker@54423a99] VF.submitJob(VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-1.ts]) Thu 10/26 12:30:00.438 [Seeker@54423a99] VF.submitJob(VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-1.ts]) Thu 10/26 12:30:00.438 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-1.ts] nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:00.438 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-1.ts] Thu 10/26 12:30:00.438 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF notified of Inactive File Thu 10/26 12:30:00.438 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:00.439 [Seeker@54423a99] RootFile=/ fstype=EXT3 fileLength=450592948 file=/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/EntertainmentTonightCanada-6166-0.ts Thu 10/26 12:30:00.439 [Seeker@54423a99] Checking video directories for new files Thu 10/26 12:30:00.439 [AsyncPropSaver@6430975b] Saving properties file to Thu 10/26 12:30:00.439 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=false rd=216267 base=214930 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:00.440 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=14116 Thu 10/26 12:30:00.441 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:00.441 [Seeker@54423a99] Diskspace checking is running Thu 10/26 12:30:00.441 [Seeker@54423a99] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Thu 10/26 12:30:00.442 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=false rd=216267 base=214930 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:00.442 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=14116 Thu 10/26 12:30:00.442 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:01.087 Thu 10/26 12:30:00.444 [Seeker@54423a99] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Thu 10/26 12:30:00.444 [Seeker@54423a99] DONE enforcing keep at most limits for the files. Thu 10/26 12:30:00.444 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Thu 10/26 12:30:00.444 [Seeker@54423a99] DONE clearing unwanted and partial files. Thu 10/26 12:30:00.447 [Seeker@54423a99] needFreeSize = 2.025 GB currFreeSize=618.528997376 GB Thu 10/26 12:30:00.447 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker waiting for 29 mins. Thu 10/26 12:30:00.448 [AsyncPropSaver@6430975b] Done writing out the data to the properties file Thu 10/26 12:30:00.449 [Pusher@4b1a1244] SERVER Buffer size is now ZERO! Trigger local EOS to start the seamless file switch Thu 10/26 12:30:00.549 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:00.550 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=false rd=216267 base=215040 eos=true Thu 10/26 12:30:00.550 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VideoFrame watching a live old airing, fixing it. Thu 10/26 12:30:00.550 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Current airing has ended, looking for next.A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] Thu 10/26 12:30:00.551 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Found airing with files:A[6166,3084,"Entertainment Tonight Canada",73014@1026.12:30,30,T]and is live:true watchMe=MediaFile[id=54556 A[6166,3084,"Entertainment Tonight Canada",73014@1026.12:30,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/EntertainmentTonightCanada-6166-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:30:00.001-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] Thu 10/26 12:30:00.552 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] watchMe=MediaFile[id=54556 A[6166,3084,"Entertainment Tonight Canada",73014@1026.12:30,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/EntertainmentTonightCanada-6166-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:30:00.001-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] currFile=MediaFile[id=54538 A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/GlobalNewsatNoon-6165-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:14:10.736-Thu 10/26 12:17:05.712], Seg1[Thu 10/26 12:26:23.734-Thu 10/26 12:30:00.001]] Thu 10/26 12:30:00.552 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Called Seeker.requestWatch(A[6166,3084,"Entertainment Tonight Canada",73014@1026.12:30,30,T]) hostname=UIManager:localhost@@0023a500035b-1f545cc2 Thu 10/26 12:30:00.552 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] findBestEncoderForNow(A[6166,3084,"Entertainment Tonight Canada",73014@1026.12:30,30,T] record=false host=UIManager:localhost@@0023a500035b-1f545cc2) Thu 10/26 12:30:00.552 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] foundBestEncoder0=sage.Seeker$EncoderState@5e6f8008[HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on] Thu 10/26 12:30:00.552 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job VFJob[WatchMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=54556 A[6166,3084,"Entertainment Tonight Canada",73014@1026.12:30,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/EntertainmentTonightCanada-6166-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:30:00.001-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] ifn=null] nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:00.554 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[WatchMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=54556 A[6166,3084,"Entertainment Tonight Canada",73014@1026.12:30,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/EntertainmentTonightCanada-6166-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:30:00.001-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] ifn=null] Thu 10/26 12:30:00.554 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Updated:Watched[id=54540 Airing=A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T], WatchStart=Thu 10/26 12:14:10.736, WatchEnd=Thu 10/26 12:29:58.774, RealStart=Thu 10/26 12:15:43.944, RealEnd=Thu 10/26 12:30:00.554] Thu 10/26 12:30:00.554 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF logFileWatch doneAir=A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] theTime=Thu 10/26 12:29:58.774 recTime=Thu 10/26 12:14:10.736 Thu 10/26 12:30:00.555 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job VFJob[LoadMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=54556 A[6166,3084,"Entertainment Tonight Canada",73014@1026.12:30,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/EntertainmentTonightCanada-6166-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:30:00.001-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] ifn=null] nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:00.555 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF network encoder playback detected: true Thu 10/26 12:30:00.559 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF waiting for data to appear in new file...liveWait=943 Thu 10/26 12:30:00.559 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:00.200 Thu 10/26 12:30:00.689 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Scheduler awoken Thu 10/26 12:30:00.689 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Scheduler.updateSchedule() called manual=[ManualRecord[A[6469,5276,"Across the Fence",44991@1026.12:10,20,T] time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00], ManualRecord[A[6165,3156,"Global News at Noon",73014@1026.12:00,30,T] time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] schedules={HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0=[Sched=[FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00]]], HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on[Sched=[FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]]]} scheduleRandSize=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:00.689 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Removing from schedule cause expired FA[stationID=44991 Across the Fence time=Thu 10/26 12:10:00.000 dur=0:20:00] Thu 10/26 12:30:00.690 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Removing from schedule cause expired FA[stationID=73014 Global News at Noon time=Thu 10/26 12:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] Thu 10/26 12:30:00.690 [Scheduler@7cf40934] # Airs=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:00.690 [Scheduler@7cf40934] MUST SEE FINAL-HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0-[] Thu 10/26 12:30:00.690 [Scheduler@7cf40934] MUST SEE FINAL-HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on[] Thu 10/26 12:30:00.690 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Evaluating Potentials Thu 10/26 12:30:00.690 [Scheduler@7cf40934] COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Thu 10/26 12:30:00.690 [Scheduler@7cf40934] HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 Thu 10/26 12:30:00.690 [Scheduler@7cf40934] [] Thu 10/26 12:30:00.690 [Scheduler@7cf40934] HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on Thu 10/26 12:30:00.690 [Scheduler@7cf40934] [A[6166,3084,"Entertainment Tonight Canada",73014@1026.12:30,30,T]] Thu 10/26 12:30:00.690 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Total Schedule eval time=1 msec Thu 10/26 12:30:00.690 [Scheduler@7cf40934] Scheduler starting wait... Thu 10/26 12:30:00.690 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker awoken Thu 10/26 12:30:00.690 [Seeker@54423a99] MemStats: Used=104MB Total=152MB Max=1908MB Thu 10/26 12:30:00.690 [Seeker@54423a99] MARK 1 currRecord=A[6166,3084,"Entertainment Tonight Canada",73014@1026.12:30,30,T] enc=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on clients=[UIManager:localhost@@0023a500035b-1f545cc2] ir=false Thu 10/26 12:30:00.691 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Thu 10/26 12:30:00.691 [Seeker@54423a99] newRecord=A[6166,3084,"Entertainment Tonight Canada",73014@1026.12:30,30,T] Thu 10/26 12:30:00.691 [Seeker@54423a99] Keeping record just the way it is. Thu 10/26 12:30:00.691 [Seeker@54423a99] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=HDHomeRun 104390d0 Tuner 0 clients=[] ir=false Thu 10/26 12:30:00.691 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Thu 10/26 12:30:00.691 [Seeker@54423a99] newRecord=null Thu 10/26 12:30:00.691 [Seeker@54423a99] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Thu 10/26 12:30:00.708 [Seeker@54423a99] RootFile=/ fstype=EXT3 fileLength=274928 file=/media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/EntertainmentTonightCanada-6166-0.ts Thu 10/26 12:30:00.708 [Seeker@54423a99] Checking video directories for new files Thu 10/26 12:30:00.708 [Seeker@54423a99] Diskspace checking is running Thu 10/26 12:30:00.708 [Seeker@54423a99] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Thu 10/26 12:30:00.708 [AsyncPropSaver@70612426] Saving properties file to Thu 10/26 12:30:00.709 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job VFJob[LoadMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=54556 A[6166,3084,"Entertainment Tonight Canada",73014@1026.12:30,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/EntertainmentTonightCanada-6166-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:30:00.001-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] ifn=null] nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:00.709 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF network encoder playback detected: true Thu 10/26 12:30:00.712 [AsyncPropSaver@70612426] Done writing out the data to the properties file Thu 10/26 12:30:00.719 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF waiting for data to appear in new file...liveWait=792 Thu 10/26 12:30:00.719 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:00.200 Thu 10/26 12:30:00.728 [Seeker@54423a99] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Thu 10/26 12:30:00.728 [Seeker@54423a99] DONE enforcing keep at most limits for the files. Thu 10/26 12:30:00.728 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Thu 10/26 12:30:00.728 [Seeker@54423a99] DONE clearing unwanted and partial files. Thu 10/26 12:30:00.728 [Seeker@54423a99] needFreeSize = 2.025 GB currFreeSize=618.528669696 GB Thu 10/26 12:30:00.728 [Seeker@54423a99] Seeker waiting for 29 mins. Thu 10/26 12:30:00.919 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job VFJob[LoadMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=54556 A[6166,3084,"Entertainment Tonight Canada",73014@1026.12:30,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/EntertainmentTonightCanada-6166-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:30:00.001-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] ifn=null] nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:00.919 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF network encoder playback detected: true Thu 10/26 12:30:00.920 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Actual record time was:Thu 10/26 12:30:00.920 Thu 10/26 12:30:00.920 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Set the additional encoding delay to be:919 Thu 10/26 12:30:00.921 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF waiting for data to appear in new file...liveWait=582 Thu 10/26 12:30:00.921 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:00.582 Thu 10/26 12:30:01.504 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job VFJob[LoadMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=54556 A[6166,3084,"Entertainment Tonight Canada",73014@1026.12:30,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/EntertainmentTonightCanada-6166-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:30:00.001-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] ifn=null] nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:01.504 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF network encoder playback detected: true Thu 10/26 12:30:01.505 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF waiting for data to appear in new file...liveWait=916 Thu 10/26 12:30:01.505 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:00.916 Thu 10/26 12:30:02.422 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job VFJob[LoadMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=54556 A[6166,3084,"Entertainment Tonight Canada",73014@1026.12:30,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/EntertainmentTonightCanada-6166-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:30:00.001-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] ifn=null] nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:02.422 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF network encoder playback detected: true Thu 10/26 12:30:02.424 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[LoadMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=54556 A[6166,3084,"Entertainment Tonight Canada",73014@1026.12:30,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/EntertainmentTonightCanada-6166-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:30:00.001-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] ifn=null] Thu 10/26 12:30:02.424 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF file=MediaFile[id=54556 A[6166,3084,"Entertainment Tonight Canada",73014@1026.12:30,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/EntertainmentTonightCanada-6166-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:30:00.001-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] targetTime = Thu 10/26 12:30:00.001 Thu 10/26 12:30:02.424 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VideoFrame.timeSelected(Thu 10/26 12:30:00.001, true) currFile=MediaFile[id=54556 A[6166,3084,"Entertainment Tonight Canada",73014@1026.12:30,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/EntertainmentTonightCanada-6166-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:30:00.001-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] Thu 10/26 12:30:02.425 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Mini Fast Load Thu 10/26 12:30:02.425 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] MiniPlayer is using the MPEG2 pusher Thu 10/26 12:30:02.426 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Mpeg2Reader is detecting timestamp boundaries in the file... Thu 10/26 12:30:02.427 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] IFrame alignment=true Thu 10/26 12:30:02.427 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Mpeg2Reader about to determine the firstPTS in the file... Thu 10/26 12:30:02.427 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Opened MPEG-2 TS file: /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/EntertainmentTonightCanada-6166-0.ts firstPTS=19428480 durationMsec=-1 Thu 10/26 12:30:02.427 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Mpeg2Reader seeking to pos=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:02.427 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] getDuration : 0 Thu 10/26 12:30:02.427 [Pusher@4b1a1244] Adjusting peek buffer size to: 131036 Thu 10/26 12:30:02.428 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VideoFrame.timeSelected2(Thu 10/26 12:30:00.001, true) currFile=MediaFile[id=54556 A[6166,3084,"Entertainment Tonight Canada",73014@1026.12:30,30,T] mask=TV host=VBox-Linus encodedBy=HDHomeRun HDHR4-2US Tuner 104390D0-1 on CKMIDT1 format=MPEG2-TS 0:00:00 3576 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 29.97003 fps 1920x1080 16:9 interlaced id=0100]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=0101 eng]#2 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 2 channels 192 kbps idx=2 id=0102 enm]] /media/sf_T_DRIVE/SageTV/E7-0-1 9000/EntertainmentTonightCanada-6166-0.ts, Seg0[Thu 10/26 12:30:00.001-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] realDur=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:02.428 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Channel Change Time=1509035402428 NOTE: Not valid if this was not a direct channel change! Thu 10/26 12:30:02.433 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] Default audio language is already selected Thu 10/26 12:30:02.475 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:02.476 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=2475 base=1092 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:02.478 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:29:58.657 Thu 10/26 12:30:02.500 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:02.511 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=2510 base=1092 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:02.523 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:02.523 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:03.114 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:03.115 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=3114 base=1208 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:03.116 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:03.116 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:03.254 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:03.255 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=3254 base=1348 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:03.255 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:03.255 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:03.371 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:03.371 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=3370 base=1465 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:03.372 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:03.372 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:04.472 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:04.482 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=4481 base=2576 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:04.483 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:04.483 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:04.536 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:04.536 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=4535 base=2576 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:04.538 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:04.538 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:04.591 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:04.613 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=4612 base=2706 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:04.614 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:04.614 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:04.642 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Rendered new font to cache index=220 font=java.awt.Font[family=Dialog,name=Comic Sans MS,style=italic,size=22] Thu 10/26 12:30:04.643 [FinalRender-0023a500035b@e73702b] Allocated image-5 for MetaFont[Comic Sans MS, size=22, style=2, height=25.609375, ascent=20.420898, descent=5.1884766, leading=-0.0, class=class sage.MetaFont$JavaFont] width=128 height=128 ptr=4925952 Thu 10/26 12:30:08.434 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:08.466 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=8465 base=6559 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:08.467 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:08.467 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:08.519 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:08.519 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=8518 base=6559 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:08.519 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:08.519 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:10.305 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:10.305 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=10304 base=8399 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:10.306 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:10.306 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:10.361 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:10.383 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=10382 base=8399 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:10.385 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:10.386 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:10.491 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:10.491 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=10490 base=8585 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:10.492 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:10.492 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:10.559 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:10.591 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=10590 base=8685 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:10.591 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:10.591 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:10.711 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:10.722 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=10721 base=8815 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:10.722 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:10.722 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:10.774 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:10.775 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=10774 base=8815 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:10.775 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:10.775 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:10.829 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:10.861 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=10860 base=8955 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:10.862 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:10.862 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:10.967 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:10.978 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=10977 base=9072 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:10.979 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:10.979 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:11.031 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:11.031 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=11030 base=9072 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:11.032 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:11.032 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:11.222 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:11.222 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=11221 base=9316 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:11.222 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:11.222 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:11.361 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:11.373 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=11372 base=9466 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:11.374 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:11.374 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:11.426 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:11.426 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=11425 base=9466 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:11.427 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:11.428 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:11.493 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:11.494 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=11493 base=9587 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:11.495 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:11.495 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:11.602 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:11.612 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=11611 base=9706 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:11.613 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:11.613 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:11.667 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:11.689 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=11688 base=9706 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:11.690 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:11.690 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:11.691 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=11690 base=9706 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:11.692 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:30:11.692 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:11.798 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:11.830 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=11829 base=9923 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:11.831 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:11.831 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:11.832 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=11831 base=9923 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:11.833 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:30:11.833 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:11.990 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:12.011 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=12010 base=10105 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:12.012 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:12.012 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:12.065 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:12.065 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=12064 base=10105 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:12.066 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:12.066 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:12.121 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:12.154 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=12153 base=10247 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:12.156 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:12.156 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:12.158 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=12157 base=10247 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:12.158 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:30:12.158 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:12.264 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:12.286 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=12285 base=10380 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:12.287 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:12.287 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:12.390 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:12.391 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=12390 base=10485 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:12.392 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:12.392 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:12.449 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:12.450 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=12449 base=10485 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:12.482 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:12.482 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:12.536 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:12.536 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=12535 base=10630 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:12.537 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:12.537 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:12.584 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@1945110] Server got broadcast packet: Thu 10/26 12:30:12.587 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@1945110] Server sent back mini discovery to / 54902 Thu 10/26 12:30:12.716 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:12.716 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=12715 base=10810 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:12.717 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:12.717 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:12.845 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:12.846 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=12845 base=10940 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:12.847 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:12.847 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:12.902 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:12.924 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=12923 base=10940 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:12.926 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:12.926 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:13.000 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:13.001 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=13000 base=11095 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:13.002 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:13.003 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:13.181 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:13.181 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=13180 base=11275 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:13.183 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:13.183 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:13.237 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:13.258 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=13257 base=11275 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:13.259 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:13.259 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:13.364 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:13.375 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=13374 base=11468 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:13.375 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:13.376 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:13.431 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:13.451 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=13450 base=11468 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:13.452 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:13.452 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:13.681 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:13.681 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=13680 base=11775 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:13.682 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:13.682 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:13.735 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:13.738 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=13737 base=11775 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:13.738 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:13.738 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:13.757 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:13.758 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=13757 base=11775 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:13.759 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:13.759 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:13.865 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:13.897 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=13896 base=11991 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:13.900 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:13.900 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:13.962 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:13.962 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=13961 base=11991 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:13.963 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:13.963 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:14.154 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:14.154 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=14153 base=12248 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:14.155 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:14.155 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:14.289 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:14.290 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=14289 base=12383 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:14.290 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:14.290 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:14.344 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:14.356 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=14355 base=12383 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:14.357 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:14.358 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:14.369 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=14368 base=12383 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:14.371 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:30:14.371 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:14.423 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:14.424 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=14423 base=12518 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:14.425 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:14.425 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:14.603 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:14.603 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=14602 base=12697 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:14.604 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:14.604 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:14.658 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:14.668 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=14667 base=12697 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:14.668 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:14.668 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:14.863 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:14.885 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=14884 base=12978 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:14.886 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:14.886 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:15.065 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:15.066 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=15065 base=13159 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:15.068 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:15.068 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:15.124 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:15.134 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=15133 base=13159 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:15.135 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:15.135 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:15.325 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:15.336 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=15335 base=13430 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:15.337 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:15.337 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:15.390 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:15.390 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=15389 base=13430 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:15.390 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:15.390 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:15.635 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:15.657 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=15656 base=13751 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:15.658 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:15.658 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:15.659 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=15658 base=13751 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:15.659 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:30:15.660 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:15.764 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:15.776 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=15775 base=13870 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:15.777 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:15.777 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:15.831 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:15.853 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=15852 base=13870 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:15.854 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:15.854 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:15.856 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:15.856 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=15855 base=13870 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:15.858 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:15.858 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:15.924 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:15.935 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=15934 base=14028 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:15.935 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:15.943 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:16.062 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:16.063 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=16061 base=14156 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:16.064 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:16.064 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:16.128 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:16.128 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=16127 base=14156 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:16.128 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:16.128 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:16.308 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:16.319 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=16318 base=14413 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:16.320 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:16.320 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:16.372 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:16.372 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=16371 base=14413 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:16.373 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:16.373 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:16.565 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:16.575 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=16574 base=14669 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:16.577 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:16.577 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:16.692 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:16.692 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=16691 base=14786 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:16.693 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:16.693 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:16.747 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:16.748 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=16747 base=14786 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:16.781 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:16.781 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:16.782 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=16781 base=14786 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:16.782 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:30:16.782 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:16.961 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:16.972 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=16971 base=15065 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:16.973 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:16.973 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:17.026 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:17.026 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=17025 base=15065 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:17.027 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:17.027 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:17.258 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:17.280 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=17279 base=15374 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:17.281 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:17.281 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:17.334 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:17.334 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=17333 base=15374 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:17.335 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:17.335 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:17.392 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:17.423 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=17422 base=15517 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:17.424 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:17.424 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:17.528 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:17.529 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=17528 base=15622 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:17.530 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:17.530 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:17.658 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:17.658 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=17657 base=15752 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:17.659 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:17.659 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:17.726 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:17.759 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=17758 base=15852 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:17.759 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:17.759 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:17.760 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=17759 base=15852 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:17.762 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:30:17.762 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:17.996 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:18.007 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=18005 base=16100 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:18.007 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:18.007 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:18.063 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:18.073 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=18072 base=16100 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:18.073 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:18.073 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:18.179 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:18.200 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=18199 base=16294 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:18.201 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:18.201 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:18.265 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:18.265 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=18264 base=16294 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:18.266 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:18.266 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:18.496 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:18.507 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=18506 base=16601 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:18.508 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:18.508 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:19.274 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:19.275 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=19274 base=17369 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:19.276 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:19.277 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:19.364 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:19.364 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=19363 base=17369 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:19.365 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:19.365 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:19.470 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:19.492 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=19491 base=17586 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:19.493 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:19.493 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:19.545 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:19.545 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=19544 base=17586 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:19.546 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:19.546 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:19.600 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:19.612 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=19611 base=17706 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:19.613 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:19.613 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:19.729 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:19.729 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=19728 base=17823 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:19.730 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:19.730 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:19.785 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:19.786 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=19785 base=17823 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:19.806 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:19.806 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:19.962 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:19.972 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=19971 base=18066 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:19.973 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:19.973 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:20.078 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:20.089 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=20088 base=18183 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:20.091 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:20.091 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:20.270 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:20.302 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=20301 base=18396 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:20.304 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:20.304 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:20.368 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:20.368 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=20367 base=18396 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:20.369 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:20.369 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:20.436 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:20.468 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=20467 base=18562 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:20.469 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:20.469 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:20.471 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=20470 base=18562 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:20.472 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:30:20.472 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:20.579 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:20.611 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=20610 base=18705 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:20.612 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:20.612 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:20.665 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:20.665 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=20664 base=18705 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:20.665 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:20.665 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:20.770 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:20.792 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=20791 base=18886 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:20.792 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:20.793 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:21.771 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:21.772 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=21771 base=19866 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:21.773 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:21.773 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:21.879 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:21.912 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=21911 base=20005 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:21.914 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:21.914 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:21.977 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:21.977 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=21976 base=20005 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:21.978 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:21.978 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:22.033 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:22.054 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=22053 base=20148 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:22.055 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:22.055 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:22.171 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:22.181 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=22180 base=20275 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:22.182 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:22.182 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:22.236 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:22.236 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=22235 base=20275 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:22.246 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:22.246 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:22.435 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:22.436 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=22435 base=20530 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:22.437 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:22.437 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:22.493 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:22.502 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=22501 base=20530 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:22.502 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:22.502 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:22.502 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=22501 base=20530 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:22.502 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:30:22.502 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:22.704 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:22.705 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=22704 base=20799 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:22.706 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:22.706 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:22.812 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:22.823 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=22822 base=20917 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:22.823 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:22.824 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:22.879 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:22.888 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=22887 base=20917 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:22.889 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:22.889 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:22.943 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:22.954 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=22953 base=21048 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:22.955 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:22.955 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:23.010 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:23.032 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=23031 base=21048 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:23.032 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:23.033 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:23.033 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=23032 base=21048 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:23.034 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:30:23.034 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:23.140 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:23.172 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=23171 base=21266 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:23.173 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:23.173 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:23.174 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=23173 base=21266 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:23.175 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:30:23.175 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:23.345 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:23.356 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=23355 base=21450 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:23.357 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:23.357 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:23.409 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:23.410 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=23408 base=21450 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:23.410 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:23.411 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:23.466 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:23.487 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=23486 base=21581 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:23.488 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:23.488 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:23.647 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:23.666 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=23665 base=21760 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:23.667 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:23.667 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:23.773 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:23.796 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=23795 base=21889 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:23.797 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:23.797 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:23.798 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=23797 base=21889 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:23.800 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:30:23.801 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:23.853 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:23.853 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=23852 base=21889 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:23.853 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:23.853 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:23.905 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:23.906 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=23905 base=22000 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:23.907 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:23.907 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:23.962 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:23.983 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=23982 base=22000 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:23.984 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:23.984 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:24.101 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:24.123 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=24122 base=22217 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:24.124 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:24.124 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:24.176 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:24.176 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=24175 base=22217 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:24.177 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:24.177 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:24.229 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:24.230 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=24229 base=22323 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:24.232 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:24.232 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:24.358 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:24.359 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=24358 base=22453 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:24.360 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:24.360 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:24.603 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:24.624 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=24623 base=22718 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:24.625 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:24.625 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:24.678 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:24.678 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=24677 base=22718 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:24.679 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:24.679 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:24.858 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:24.859 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=24858 base=22953 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:24.859 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:24.859 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:24.901 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:24.901 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=24900 base=22953 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:24.902 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:24.902 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:24.976 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:24.977 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=24976 base=23071 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:24.978 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:24.978 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:25.083 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:25.116 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=25115 base=23210 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:25.117 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:25.117 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:25.118 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=25117 base=23210 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:25.119 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:30:25.119 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:25.297 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:25.298 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=25297 base=23391 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:25.299 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:25.299 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:25.352 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:25.362 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=25361 base=23391 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:25.362 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:25.362 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:25.553 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:25.574 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=25573 base=23668 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:25.575 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:25.575 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:25.817 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:25.817 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=25816 base=23911 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:25.817 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:25.817 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:25.871 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:25.892 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=25891 base=23911 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:25.893 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:25.893 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:29.207 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:29.217 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=29216 base=27310 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:29.218 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:29.218 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:29.272 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:29.283 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=29282 base=27310 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:29.285 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:29.285 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:29.338 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:29.339 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=29338 base=27432 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:29.339 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:29.339 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:29.392 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:29.404 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=29403 base=27432 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:29.405 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:29.405 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:29.406 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=29405 base=27432 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:29.406 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:30:29.406 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:29.509 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:29.510 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=29509 base=27604 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:29.511 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:29.511 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:29.649 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:29.650 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=29649 base=27743 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:29.650 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:29.650 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:29.703 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:29.704 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=29703 base=27743 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:29.736 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:29.736 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:29.841 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:29.863 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=29862 base=27957 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:29.864 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:29.864 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:29.877 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:29.888 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=29887 base=27957 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:29.888 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:29.888 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:29.942 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:29.942 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=29941 base=27957 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:29.942 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:29.942 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:30.133 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:30.135 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=30134 base=28228 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:30.136 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:30.136 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:30.213 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:30.213 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=30212 base=28228 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:30.213 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:30.213 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:30.316 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:30.317 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=30316 base=28411 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:30.318 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:30.318 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:30.371 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:30.371 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=30370 base=28411 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:30.372 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:30.372 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:30.444 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:30.445 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=30444 base=28539 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:30.446 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:30.447 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:30.588 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:30.588 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=30587 base=28682 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:30.589 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:30.590 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:30.644 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:30.654 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=30653 base=28682 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:30.655 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:30.655 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:30.824 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:30.856 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=30855 base=28950 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:30.857 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:30.857 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:30.909 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:30.909 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=30908 base=28950 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:30.910 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:30.911 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:31.016 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:31.048 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=31047 base=29141 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:31.049 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:31.049 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:31.101 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:31.101 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=31100 base=29141 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:31.102 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:31.102 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:31.156 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:31.188 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=31187 base=29282 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:31.189 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:31.189 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:31.849 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:31.859 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=31858 base=29953 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:31.860 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:31.860 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:31.915 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:31.925 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=31924 base=29953 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:31.926 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:31.926 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:32.042 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:32.043 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=32042 base=30137 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:32.043 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:32.043 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:32.097 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:32.108 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=32107 base=30137 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:32.108 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:32.108 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:32.109 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=32108 base=30137 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:32.110 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:30:32.110 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:32.313 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:32.314 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=32313 base=30408 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:32.315 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:32.315 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:32.420 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:32.430 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=32429 base=30524 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:32.431 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:32.432 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:32.506 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:32.506 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=32505 base=30524 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:32.507 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:32.508 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:32.613 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:32.634 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=32633 base=30728 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:32.636 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:32.636 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:32.774 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:32.784 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=32783 base=30878 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:32.785 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:32.785 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:32.837 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:32.837 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=32836 base=30878 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:32.837 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:32.837 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:32.891 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:32.914 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=32913 base=31008 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:32.915 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:32.915 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:32.915 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=32914 base=31008 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:32.916 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:30:32.917 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:33.073 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:33.094 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=33093 base=31188 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:33.095 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:33.095 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:33.201 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:33.212 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=33211 base=31306 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:33.213 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:33.214 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:33.214 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=33213 base=31306 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:33.215 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=15000 Thu 10/26 12:30:33.215 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:33.280 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:33.280 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=33279 base=31306 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:33.281 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:33.281 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:33.333 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:33.334 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=33333 base=31428 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:33.334 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:33.334 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:33.388 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:33.389 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=33388 base=31428 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:33.390 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:33.390 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:33.485 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:33.486 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=33485 base=31580 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:33.487 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:33.487 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:33.539 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Thu 10/26 12:30:33.539 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] isRec=true rd=33538 base=31580 eos=false Thu 10/26 12:30:33.540 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF ttu for cc=0 Thu 10/26 12:30:33.540 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:15.000 Thu 10/26 12:30:33.593 [VideoFrame-0023a500035b@5f9337f] VF processing job null nPlayin=true