Wed 3/2 7:55:36.524 [main@b1b4c3] user.dir2=C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV Wed 3/2 7:55:36.545 [main@b1b4c3] classpath=C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\Sage.jar;C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\xerces.jar;C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\plugin.jar;C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\;;JARs\activation.jar;JARs\activemq-all-5.3.1.jar;JARs\ant-1.6.5.jar;JARs\calendar.jar;JARs\commons-codec-1.3.jar;JARs\commons-dbutils-1.3.jar;JARs\commons-httpclient-3.0.jar;JARs\commons-io-1.4.jar;JARs\commons-jxpath-1.1.jar;JARs\commons-lang-2.4.jar;JARs\commons-logging-1.0.4.jar;JARs\commons-logging-1.1.1.jar;JARs\commons-net-1.4.1.jar;JARs\commons-vfs-20070823.jar;JARs\core-3.1.1.jar;JARs\df_sageutils.jar;JARs\dom4j-1.6.1.jar;JARs\EPPlayOn.jar;JARs\gdata-calendar-1.0.jar;JARs\gdata-client-1.0.jar;JARs\gkusnick.sagetv.jar;JARs\gson-1.6.jar;JARs\gwt-servlet.jar;JARs\gxt.jar;JARs\h2-1.2.145.jar;JARs\htmlparser-1.6.jar;JARs\htmlparser.jar;JARs\imageutils.jar;JARs\javasysmon.jar;JARs\jcifs-1.1.6.jar;JARs\jdic.jar;JARs\jetty-6.1.19.jar;JARs\jetty-ajp-6.1.19.jar;JARs\jetty-gwt-6.1.14.jar;JARs\jetty-rewrite-handler-6.1.19.jar;JARs\jetty-sslengine-6.1.19.jar;JARs\jetty-starter.jar;JARs\jetty-util-6.1.19.jar;JARs\json.jar;JARs\jsp-2.1-jetty-6.1.19.jar;JARs\jsp-2.1.jar;JARs\jsp-api-2.1.jar;JARs\livepvrdata4j.jar;JARs\livepvrdata_shared.jar;JARs\log4j-1.2.15.jar;JARs\log4j.jar;JARs\lucene-core-2.3.2.jar;JARs\lucene-core-3.0.1.jar;JARs\mail.jar;JARs\mailcheck.jar;JARs\metadata-updater.jar;JARs\miglayout-3.6.3-swing.jar;JARs\MultiUserSupport.jar;JARs\netflix.jar;JARs\nielm_getrssnews.jar;JARs\nielm_getstatus.jar;JARs\nielm_sageimdb.jar;JARs\nielm_sagemenureader.jar;JARs\nielm_sageutls.jar;JARs\nielm_sagexmlinfo.jar;JARs\ortus-mq.jar;JARs\phoenix.jar;JARs\PodcastRecorder.jar;JARs\rsslib4j-0.2.jar;JARs\sageISO.jar;JARs\sagemc.jar;JARs\SageWorks.jar;JARs\sagex-api.jar;JARs\sagex-h2.jar;JARs\sagex.api.jar;JARs\sbbi-upnplib-1.0.3.jar;JARs\scribe-0.6.7-SNAPSHOT.jar;JARs\servlet-api-2.5-6.1.19.jar;JARs\servlet.jar;JARs\sqljdbc4.jar;JARs\sre-common.jar;JARs\SystemMonitor.jar;JARs\vecmath.jar Wed 3/2 7:55:36.546 [main@b1b4c3] JVM version=1.6.0 Wed 3/2 7:55:36.546 [main@b1b4c3] OS=Windows 2003 5.2 Wed 3/2 7:55:36.546 [main@b1b4c3] locale=en_US Wed 3/2 7:55:36.607 [main@b1b4c3] SageTV V7.0.23.246 Wed 3/2 7:55:36.675 [main@b1b4c3] hostname=pvr Wed 3/2 7:55:36.675 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: User Interface Manager is initializing... Wed 3/2 7:55:37.001 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... Wed 3/2 7:55:37.088 [main@b1b4c3] dbFile=C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\Wiz.bin dbBackupFile=C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\Wiz.bak Wed 3/2 7:55:37.088 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard starting to load database info... Wed 3/2 7:55:37.088 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database Source is initializing... Wed 3/2 7:55:37.117 [main@b1b4c3] DBFile at version 71 FileSize=12321055 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.117 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard allocating table for Year of size 103 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.150 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.150 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard loading main index for Year bytes=1133 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.151 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.151 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard allocating table for Network of size 366 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.151 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.151 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard loading main index for Network bytes=4880 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.154 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.154 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard allocating table for Title of size 7708 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.156 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.156 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard loading main index for Title bytes=206174 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.191 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard building alt. index 0 for Title Wed 3/2 7:55:37.223 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.223 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard allocating table for Channel of size 198 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.223 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 2% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.223 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard loading main index for Channel bytes=8343 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.225 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 2% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.225 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard allocating table for People of size 35518 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.225 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 2% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.225 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard loading main index for People bytes=848847 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.421 [main@b1b4c3] Sage waiting for GC to free up some memory usage%=0.97260225 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.469 [main@b1b4c3] Sage done waiting for GC to free up some memory usage%=0.613677 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.481 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard building alt. index 0 for People Wed 3/2 7:55:37.506 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 2% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.506 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard allocating table for SubCategory of size 142 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.506 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 9% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.507 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard loading main index for SubCategory bytes=2365 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.507 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 9% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.507 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard allocating table for Rated of size 134 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.507 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 9% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.508 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard loading main index for Rated bytes=8783 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.508 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 9% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.508 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard allocating table for ParentalRating of size 0 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.508 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 9% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.508 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard allocating table for ExtendedRating of size 95 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.509 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 9% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.509 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard loading main index for ExtendedRating bytes=3770 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.509 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 9% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.509 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard allocating table for Category of size 128 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.510 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 9% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.510 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard loading main index for Category bytes=2128 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.510 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 9% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.510 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard allocating table for PrimeTitle of size 0 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.510 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 9% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.511 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard allocating table for Bonus of size 111 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.511 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 9% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.511 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard loading main index for Bonus bytes=2859 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.511 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 9% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.511 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard allocating table for Show of size 18787 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.512 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 9% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.512 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard loading main index for Show bytes=4690327 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.788 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard building alt. index 0 for Show Wed 3/2 7:55:37.802 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 9% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.803 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard allocating table for Airing of size 29455 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.803 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 47% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.803 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard loading main index for Airing bytes=972021 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.843 [main@b1b4c3] Sage waiting for GC to free up some memory usage%=0.9609636 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.924 [main@b1b4c3] Sage done waiting for GC to free up some memory usage%=0.5650346 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.954 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard building alt. index 0 for Airing Wed 3/2 7:55:37.962 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard building alt. index 1 for Airing Wed 3/2 7:55:37.973 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 47% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.973 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard allocating table for ManualRecord of size 8 Wed 3/2 7:55:37.973 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 55% done Wed 3/2 7:55:37.973 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard loading main index for ManualRecord bytes=446 Wed 3/2 7:55:38.014 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 55% done Wed 3/2 7:55:38.014 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard allocating table for MediaFile of size 1600 Wed 3/2 7:55:38.014 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 55% done Wed 3/2 7:55:38.014 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard loading main index for MediaFile bytes=1023311 Wed 3/2 7:55:38.192 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard building alt. index 0 for MediaFile Wed 3/2 7:55:38.193 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard building alt. index 1 for MediaFile Wed 3/2 7:55:38.198 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 55% done Wed 3/2 7:55:38.198 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard allocating table for Watched of size 19939 Wed 3/2 7:55:38.198 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 63% done Wed 3/2 7:55:38.198 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard loading main index for Watched bytes=1136529 Wed 3/2 7:55:38.233 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard building alt. index 0 for Watched Wed 3/2 7:55:38.241 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 63% done Wed 3/2 7:55:38.241 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard allocating table for Agent of size 4938 Wed 3/2 7:55:38.241 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 72% done Wed 3/2 7:55:38.241 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard loading main index for Agent bytes=471040 Wed 3/2 7:55:38.283 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard building alt. index 0 for Agent Wed 3/2 7:55:38.287 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 72% done Wed 3/2 7:55:38.287 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard allocating table for Wasted of size 7380 Wed 3/2 7:55:38.287 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 76% done Wed 3/2 7:55:38.287 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard loading main index for Wasted bytes=73806 Wed 3/2 7:55:38.290 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 76% done Wed 3/2 7:55:38.290 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard allocating table for Playlist of size 5 Wed 3/2 7:55:38.290 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 77% done Wed 3/2 7:55:38.291 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard loading main index for Playlist bytes=5031 Wed 3/2 7:55:38.295 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 77% done Wed 3/2 7:55:38.295 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard allocating table for TVEditorial of size 157 Wed 3/2 7:55:38.295 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 77% done Wed 3/2 7:55:38.295 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard loading main index for TVEditorial bytes=66044 Wed 3/2 7:55:38.297 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 77% done Wed 3/2 7:55:38.297 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard allocating table for SeriesInfo of size 5261 Wed 3/2 7:55:38.297 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 77% done Wed 3/2 7:55:38.298 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard loading main index for SeriesInfo bytes=2690331 Wed 3/2 7:55:38.608 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard building alt. index 0 for SeriesInfo Wed 3/2 7:55:38.610 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 77% done Wed 3/2 7:55:38.610 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard allocating table for UserRecord of size 42 Wed 3/2 7:55:38.611 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 99% done Wed 3/2 7:55:38.611 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard loading main index for UserRecord bytes=3065 Wed 3/2 7:55:38.611 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard building alt. index 0 for UserRecord Wed 3/2 7:55:38.612 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 99% done Wed 3/2 7:55:38.612 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard processing transactional records... Wed 3/2 7:55:38.612 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 99% done Wed 3/2 7:55:38.617 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 100% done Wed 3/2 7:55:38.620 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 100% done Wed 3/2 7:55:38.643 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard performing validation on database objects... Wed 3/2 7:55:38.680 [main@b1b4c3] Wizard DONE loading database info. loadTime=1.592 sec Wed 3/2 7:55:38.681 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 100% done Wed 3/2 7:55:38.744 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: EPG is initializing... Wed 3/2 7:55:38.785 [main@b1b4c3] Increased hash set pool to size=1 Wed 3/2 7:55:38.826 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Profiler is initializing... Wed 3/2 7:55:38.830 [main@b1b4c3] Loaded 1 messages from system message log file Wed 3/2 7:55:38.914 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: Acquisition System is initializing... Wed 3/2 7:55:38.985 [main@b1b4c3] MMC calling detectCaptureDevices on Wed 3/2 7:55:38.987 [main@b1b4c3] devices detected=[] Wed 3/2 7:55:38.987 [main@b1b4c3] EncoderMap={} Wed 3/2 7:55:38.987 [main@b1b4c3] MMC calling detectCaptureDevices on sage.l@1b8d6f7 Wed 3/2 7:55:38.987 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: DirectShow WDM Capture Manager is initializing... Wed 3/2 7:55:38.991 [main@b1b4c3] Setup globalInvalidParameterHandler Wed 3/2 7:55:38.991 [main@b1b4c3] Device detecting->:{65E8773D-8F56-11D0-A3B9-00A0C9223196} Wed 3/2 7:55:39.044 [main@b1b4c3] Device found--'SoundMAX HD Audio' Wed 3/2 7:55:39.045 [main@b1b4c3] Device found--'Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture' Wed 3/2 7:55:39.045 [main@b1b4c3] Device found--'Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture' Wed 3/2 7:55:39.045 [main@b1b4c3] Device found--'MSVAD Wave' Wed 3/2 7:55:39.045 [main@b1b4c3] Device found--'USB Audio Device' Wed 3/2 7:55:39.045 [main@b1b4c3] Device detecting->:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11d2-9C95-00C04F7971E0} Wed 3/2 7:55:39.049 [main@b1b4c3] Device found--'Hauppauge WinTV-7164 BDA Digital Capture' Wed 3/2 7:55:39.049 [main@b1b4c3] Device found--'Hauppauge WinTV-7164 BDA Digital Capture' Wed 3/2 7:55:39.049 [main@b1b4c3] Device found--'BDA Slip De-Framer' Wed 3/2 7:55:39.049 [main@b1b4c3] Device found--'BDA MPE Filter' Wed 3/2 7:55:39.049 [main@b1b4c3] Device found--'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0' Wed 3/2 7:55:39.049 [main@b1b4c3] Device found--'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1' Wed 3/2 7:55:39.049 [main@b1b4c3] Drop invalid device 'BDA Slip De-Framer', as we don't know hardware location. Wed 3/2 7:55:39.049 [main@b1b4c3] Drop invalid device 'BDA MPE Filter', as we don't know hardware location. Wed 3/2 7:55:39.049 [main@b1b4c3] Device detecting->:{71985F48-1CA1-11d3-9CC8-00C04F7971E0} Wed 3/2 7:55:39.051 [main@b1b4c3] Device found--'Hauppauge WinTV-7164 BDA ATSC/QAM Tuner' Wed 3/2 7:55:39.052 [main@b1b4c3] Device found--'Hauppauge WinTV-7164 BDA ATSC/QAM Tuner' Wed 3/2 7:55:39.052 [main@b1b4c3] Device found--'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0' Wed 3/2 7:55:39.052 [main@b1b4c3] Device found--'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1' Wed 3/2 7:55:39.052 [main@b1b4c3] Device found 'SoundMAX HD Audio' Wed 3/2 7:55:39.052 [main@b1b4c3] Device found 'Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture' Wed 3/2 7:55:39.052 [main@b1b4c3] Device found 'Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture' Wed 3/2 7:55:39.052 [main@b1b4c3] Device found 'MSVAD Wave' Wed 3/2 7:55:39.052 [main@b1b4c3] Device found 'USB Audio Device' Wed 3/2 7:55:39.052 [main@b1b4c3] Device found 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0' Wed 3/2 7:55:39.052 [main@b1b4c3] Device found 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1' Wed 3/2 7:55:39.053 [main@b1b4c3] systemCapDevices=[SoundMAX HD Audio, Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture, Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture, MSVAD Wave, USB Audio Device, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1] Wed 3/2 7:55:39.053 [main@b1b4c3] Checking encoder key:1681743986 Wed 3/2 7:55:39.057 [main@b1b4c3] Created DShowCapDev object for:Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture #2 Wed 3/2 7:55:39.057 [main@b1b4c3] Checking encoder key:-112107779 Wed 3/2 7:55:39.059 [main@b1b4c3] Created DShowCapDev object for:Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture Wed 3/2 7:55:39.060 [main@b1b4c3] Checking encoder key:-1422850173 Wed 3/2 7:55:39.060 [main@b1b4c3] Created DShowCapDev object for:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0 Wed 3/2 7:55:39.061 [main@b1b4c3] Checking encoder key:-1422850172 Wed 3/2 7:55:39.061 [main@b1b4c3] Created DShowCapDev object for:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1 Wed 3/2 7:55:39.061 [main@b1b4c3] EncoderMap1={Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture #2=Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture #2, Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture=Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1} Wed 3/2 7:55:39.322 [main@b1b4c3] Capture device Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture (1) exists Wed 3/2 7:55:39.322 [main@b1b4c3] Get CaptureMask from registry SOFTWARE\Frey Technologies\Common\AdditionalCaptureSetups\Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture, 0x8800 (hybrid:'') Wed 3/2 7:55:39.323 [main@b1b4c3] crash trace 5 Wed 3/2 7:55:39.326 [main@b1b4c3] @DEBUG@ device found 'SoundMAX HD Audio' (index:1) for 'Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture'. Wed 3/2 7:55:39.326 [main@b1b4c3] @DEBUG@ device found 'Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture' (index:1) for 'Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture'. Wed 3/2 7:55:39.327 [main@b1b4c3] @DEBUG@ device found 'Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture' (index:0) for 'Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture'. Wed 3/2 7:55:39.328 [main@b1b4c3] Hauppauge card desc:'Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-2250 (8851)'. Wed 3/2 7:55:39.336 [main@b1b4c3] BAD Tuner index :1 dev:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bd5b5aea-2141-48a8-8758-f0cf5e0bc801} name:@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bd5b5aea-2141-48a8-8758-f0cf5e0bc800} loc:pci:4-0 (1 0) select Wed 3/2 7:55:39.337 [main@b1b4c3] BAD Tuner index :2 dev:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bd5b5aea-2141-48a8-8758-f0cf5e0bc801} name:@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bd5b5aea-2141-48a8-8758-f0cf5e0bc801} loc:pci:4-0 (2 0) select Wed 3/2 7:55:39.337 [main@b1b4c3] Check BDA capture device:Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture-1 (\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bd5b5aea-2141-48a8-8758-f0cf5e0bc801}) on location:'pci:4-0' id:'PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7164&SUBSYS_88510070&REV_81' [state1, index:1] . Wed 3/2 7:55:39.339 [main@b1b4c3] >>BDA capture device found:@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa400}; loc:'pci:4-0' id:'PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7164&SUBSYS_88510070&REV_81' guid:b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa400 desc:Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-2250 (8851) Wed 3/2 7:55:39.339 [main@b1b4c3] BDA Capture found: (0) @device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa400} on loc pci:4-0. Wed 3/2 7:55:39.339 [main@b1b4c3] >>BDA capture device found:@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa401}; loc:'pci:4-0' id:'PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7164&SUBSYS_88510070&REV_81' guid:b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa401 desc:Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-2250 (8851) Wed 3/2 7:55:39.339 [main@b1b4c3] BDA Capture found: (1) @device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa401} on loc pci:4-0. Wed 3/2 7:55:39.339 [main@b1b4c3] >>BDA capture device found:@device:pnp:\\?\root#system#0000#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{03884cb6-e89a-4deb-b69e-8dc621686e6a}&global; loc:'' id:'root\swenum' guid:03884cb6-e89a-4deb-b69e-8dc621686e6a desc:Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator Wed 3/2 7:55:39.340 [main@b1b4c3] >>BDA capture device found:@device:pnp:\\?\root#system#0000#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{8e60217d-a2ee-47f8-b0c5-0f44c55f66dc}&global; loc:'' id:'root\swenum' guid:8e60217d-a2ee-47f8-b0c5-0f44c55f66dc desc:Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator Wed 3/2 7:55:39.340 [main@b1b4c3] >>BDA capture device found:@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0; loc:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0' id:'' guid: desc: Wed 3/2 7:55:39.340 [main@b1b4c3] >>BDA capture device found:@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1; loc:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1' id:'' guid: desc: Wed 3/2 7:55:39.340 [main@b1b4c3] Mutil-tuner(2) BDA capture is found on location:'pci:4-0' id:'PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7164&SUBSYS_88510070&REV_81' for Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture-1. (@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa401}, 1). Wed 3/2 7:55:39.340 [main@b1b4c3] BDA CaptureDetail:0x8800; hasBDAInput:0x2; BDA type:0x0 Wed 3/2 7:55:39.340 [main@b1b4c3] fake BDA crossbar cap0 is added for Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture.. Wed 3/2 7:55:39.340 [main@b1b4c3] DeviceCap: 0x8810 Wed 3/2 7:55:39.380 [main@b1b4c3] BAD Tuner index :1 dev:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bd5b5aea-2141-48a8-8758-f0cf5e0bc801} name:@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bd5b5aea-2141-48a8-8758-f0cf5e0bc800} loc:pci:4-0 (1 0) select Wed 3/2 7:55:39.380 [main@b1b4c3] BAD Tuner index :2 dev:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bd5b5aea-2141-48a8-8758-f0cf5e0bc801} name:@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bd5b5aea-2141-48a8-8758-f0cf5e0bc801} loc:pci:4-0 (2 0) select Wed 3/2 7:55:39.380 [main@b1b4c3] Check BDA capture device:Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture-1 (\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bd5b5aea-2141-48a8-8758-f0cf5e0bc801}) on location:'pci:4-0' id:'PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7164&SUBSYS_88510070&REV_81' [state1, index:1] . Wed 3/2 7:55:39.382 [main@b1b4c3] >>BDA capture device found:@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa400}; loc:'pci:4-0' id:'PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7164&SUBSYS_88510070&REV_81' guid:b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa400 desc:Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-2250 (8851) Wed 3/2 7:55:39.382 [main@b1b4c3] BDA Capture found: (0) @device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa400} on loc pci:4-0. Wed 3/2 7:55:39.382 [main@b1b4c3] >>BDA capture device found:@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa401}; loc:'pci:4-0' id:'PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7164&SUBSYS_88510070&REV_81' guid:b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa401 desc:Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-2250 (8851) Wed 3/2 7:55:39.383 [main@b1b4c3] BDA Capture found: (1) @device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa401} on loc pci:4-0. Wed 3/2 7:55:39.383 [main@b1b4c3] >>BDA capture device found:@device:pnp:\\?\root#system#0000#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{03884cb6-e89a-4deb-b69e-8dc621686e6a}&global; loc:'' id:'root\swenum' guid:03884cb6-e89a-4deb-b69e-8dc621686e6a desc:Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator Wed 3/2 7:55:39.383 [main@b1b4c3] >>BDA capture device found:@device:pnp:\\?\root#system#0000#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{8e60217d-a2ee-47f8-b0c5-0f44c55f66dc}&global; loc:'' id:'root\swenum' guid:8e60217d-a2ee-47f8-b0c5-0f44c55f66dc desc:Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator Wed 3/2 7:55:39.383 [main@b1b4c3] >>BDA capture device found:@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0; loc:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0' id:'' guid: desc: Wed 3/2 7:55:39.383 [main@b1b4c3] >>BDA capture device found:@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1; loc:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1' id:'' guid: desc: Wed 3/2 7:55:39.383 [main@b1b4c3] Mutil-tuner(2) BDA capture is found on location:'pci:4-0' id:'PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7164&SUBSYS_88510070&REV_81' for Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture-1. (@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa401}, 1). Wed 3/2 7:55:39.383 [main@b1b4c3] Found the pin2 ;) Wed 3/2 7:55:39.383 [main@b1b4c3] BDA FindVideoPin:0x10aaf1c hasBDAInput:2 on Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture Wed 3/2 7:55:39.411 [main@b1b4c3] Encoder passed the check:Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture #2 Wed 3/2 7:55:39.411 [main@b1b4c3] Saving properties file to C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\ Wed 3/2 7:55:39.538 [main@b1b4c3] Capture device Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture (0) exists Wed 3/2 7:55:39.538 [main@b1b4c3] Get CaptureMask from registry SOFTWARE\Frey Technologies\Common\AdditionalCaptureSetups\Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture, 0x8800 (hybrid:'') Wed 3/2 7:55:39.538 [main@b1b4c3] crash trace 5 Wed 3/2 7:55:39.541 [main@b1b4c3] @DEBUG@ device found 'SoundMAX HD Audio' (index:0) for 'Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture'. Wed 3/2 7:55:39.542 [main@b1b4c3] @DEBUG@ device found 'Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture' (index:0) for 'Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture'. Wed 3/2 7:55:39.543 [main@b1b4c3] Hauppauge card desc:'Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-2250 (8851)'. Wed 3/2 7:55:39.551 [main@b1b4c3] BAD Tuner index :1 dev:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bd5b5aea-2141-48a8-8758-f0cf5e0bc800} name:@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bd5b5aea-2141-48a8-8758-f0cf5e0bc800} loc:pci:4-0 (1 0) select Wed 3/2 7:55:39.551 [main@b1b4c3] Check BDA capture device:Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture-0 (\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bd5b5aea-2141-48a8-8758-f0cf5e0bc800}) on location:'pci:4-0' id:'PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7164&SUBSYS_88510070&REV_81' [state1, index:0] . Wed 3/2 7:55:39.553 [main@b1b4c3] >>BDA capture device found:@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa400}; loc:'pci:4-0' id:'PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7164&SUBSYS_88510070&REV_81' guid:b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa400 desc:Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-2250 (8851) Wed 3/2 7:55:39.553 [main@b1b4c3] BDA Capture found: (0) @device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa400} on loc pci:4-0. Wed 3/2 7:55:39.553 [main@b1b4c3] >>BDA capture device found:@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa401}; loc:'pci:4-0' id:'PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7164&SUBSYS_88510070&REV_81' guid:b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa401 desc:Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-2250 (8851) Wed 3/2 7:55:39.554 [main@b1b4c3] BDA Capture found: (1) @device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa401} on loc pci:4-0. Wed 3/2 7:55:39.554 [main@b1b4c3] >>BDA capture device found:@device:pnp:\\?\root#system#0000#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{03884cb6-e89a-4deb-b69e-8dc621686e6a}&global; loc:'' id:'root\swenum' guid:03884cb6-e89a-4deb-b69e-8dc621686e6a desc:Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator Wed 3/2 7:55:39.554 [main@b1b4c3] >>BDA capture device found:@device:pnp:\\?\root#system#0000#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{8e60217d-a2ee-47f8-b0c5-0f44c55f66dc}&global; loc:'' id:'root\swenum' guid:8e60217d-a2ee-47f8-b0c5-0f44c55f66dc desc:Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator Wed 3/2 7:55:39.554 [main@b1b4c3] >>BDA capture device found:@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0; loc:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0' id:'' guid: desc: Wed 3/2 7:55:39.554 [main@b1b4c3] >>BDA capture device found:@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1; loc:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1' id:'' guid: desc: Wed 3/2 7:55:39.554 [main@b1b4c3] Mutil-tuner(2) BDA capture is found on location:'pci:4-0' id:'PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7164&SUBSYS_88510070&REV_81' for Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture-0. (@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa400}, 0). Wed 3/2 7:55:39.554 [main@b1b4c3] BDA CaptureDetail:0x8800; hasBDAInput:0x2; BDA type:0x0 Wed 3/2 7:55:39.554 [main@b1b4c3] fake BDA crossbar cap0 is added for Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture.. Wed 3/2 7:55:39.554 [main@b1b4c3] DeviceCap: 0x8810 Wed 3/2 7:55:39.573 [main@b1b4c3] BAD Tuner index :1 dev:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bd5b5aea-2141-48a8-8758-f0cf5e0bc800} name:@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bd5b5aea-2141-48a8-8758-f0cf5e0bc800} loc:pci:4-0 (1 0) select Wed 3/2 7:55:39.573 [main@b1b4c3] Check BDA capture device:Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture-0 (\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bd5b5aea-2141-48a8-8758-f0cf5e0bc800}) on location:'pci:4-0' id:'PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7164&SUBSYS_88510070&REV_81' [state1, index:0] . Wed 3/2 7:55:39.575 [main@b1b4c3] >>BDA capture device found:@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa400}; loc:'pci:4-0' id:'PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7164&SUBSYS_88510070&REV_81' guid:b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa400 desc:Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-2250 (8851) Wed 3/2 7:55:39.575 [main@b1b4c3] BDA Capture found: (0) @device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa400} on loc pci:4-0. Wed 3/2 7:55:39.576 [main@b1b4c3] >>BDA capture device found:@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa401}; loc:'pci:4-0' id:'PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7164&SUBSYS_88510070&REV_81' guid:b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa401 desc:Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-2250 (8851) Wed 3/2 7:55:39.576 [main@b1b4c3] BDA Capture found: (1) @device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa401} on loc pci:4-0. Wed 3/2 7:55:39.576 [main@b1b4c3] >>BDA capture device found:@device:pnp:\\?\root#system#0000#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{03884cb6-e89a-4deb-b69e-8dc621686e6a}&global; loc:'' id:'root\swenum' guid:03884cb6-e89a-4deb-b69e-8dc621686e6a desc:Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator Wed 3/2 7:55:39.576 [main@b1b4c3] >>BDA capture device found:@device:pnp:\\?\root#system#0000#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{8e60217d-a2ee-47f8-b0c5-0f44c55f66dc}&global; loc:'' id:'root\swenum' guid:8e60217d-a2ee-47f8-b0c5-0f44c55f66dc desc:Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator Wed 3/2 7:55:39.576 [main@b1b4c3] >>BDA capture device found:@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0; loc:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0' id:'' guid: desc: Wed 3/2 7:55:39.576 [main@b1b4c3] >>BDA capture device found:@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1; loc:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1' id:'' guid: desc: Wed 3/2 7:55:39.576 [main@b1b4c3] Mutil-tuner(2) BDA capture is found on location:'pci:4-0' id:'PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7164&SUBSYS_88510070&REV_81' for Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture-0. (@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa400}, 0). Wed 3/2 7:55:39.576 [main@b1b4c3] Found the pin2 ;) Wed 3/2 7:55:39.576 [main@b1b4c3] BDA FindVideoPin:0x10acce4 hasBDAInput:2 on Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture Wed 3/2 7:55:39.585 [main@b1b4c3] Encoder passed the check:Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture Wed 3/2 7:55:39.586 [main@b1b4c3] Saving properties file to C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\ Wed 3/2 7:55:40.054 [main@b1b4c3] Capture device Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0 (0) exists Wed 3/2 7:55:40.055 [main@b1b4c3] crash trace 5 Wed 3/2 7:55:40.311 [main@b1b4c3] BDA capture is found on location:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0' id:'' for Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0-0 (@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0) (it's a BDA only). Wed 3/2 7:55:40.311 [main@b1b4c3] BDA CaptureDetail:0x0; hasBDAInput:0x1; BDA type:0x0 Wed 3/2 7:55:40.319 [main@b1b4c3] CaptureFilter in (BDA_RECEIVER_COMPONENT) Receiver component Wed 3/2 7:55:40.319 [main@b1b4c3] fake BDA crossbar cap0 is added for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0' Wed 3/2 7:55:40.568 [main@b1b4c3] DeviceCap: 0x49000 Wed 3/2 7:55:40.839 [main@b1b4c3] BDA capture is found on location:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0' id:'' for Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0-0 (@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0) (it's a BDA only). Wed 3/2 7:55:40.840 [main@b1b4c3] BDA FindVideoPin:0x0 hasBDAInput:1 on Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0 Wed 3/2 7:55:41.413 [main@b1b4c3] Encoder passed the check:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0 Wed 3/2 7:55:41.413 [main@b1b4c3] Saving properties file to C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\ Wed 3/2 7:55:41.756 [main@b1b4c3] Capture device Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1 (0) exists Wed 3/2 7:55:41.757 [main@b1b4c3] crash trace 5 Wed 3/2 7:55:42.013 [main@b1b4c3] BDA capture is found on location:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1' id:'' for Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1-0 (@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1) (it's a BDA only). Wed 3/2 7:55:42.013 [main@b1b4c3] BDA CaptureDetail:0x0; hasBDAInput:0x1; BDA type:0x0 Wed 3/2 7:55:42.021 [main@b1b4c3] CaptureFilter in (BDA_RECEIVER_COMPONENT) Receiver component Wed 3/2 7:55:42.021 [main@b1b4c3] fake BDA crossbar cap0 is added for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1' Wed 3/2 7:55:42.270 [main@b1b4c3] DeviceCap: 0x49000 Wed 3/2 7:55:42.541 [main@b1b4c3] BDA capture is found on location:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1' id:'' for Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1-0 (@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1) (it's a BDA only). Wed 3/2 7:55:42.542 [main@b1b4c3] BDA FindVideoPin:0x0 hasBDAInput:1 on Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1 Wed 3/2 7:55:43.027 [main@b1b4c3] Encoder passed the check:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1 Wed 3/2 7:55:43.027 [main@b1b4c3] Saving properties file to C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\ Wed 3/2 7:55:43.105 [main@b1b4c3] Processing new system dev:SoundMAX HD Audio Wed 3/2 7:55:43.105 [main@b1b4c3] Processing new system dev:Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture Wed 3/2 7:55:43.105 [main@b1b4c3] Device already has been processed Wed 3/2 7:55:43.105 [main@b1b4c3] Processing new system dev:Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture Wed 3/2 7:55:43.106 [main@b1b4c3] Device already has been processed Wed 3/2 7:55:43.106 [main@b1b4c3] Processing new system dev:MSVAD Wave Wed 3/2 7:55:43.106 [main@b1b4c3] Processing new system dev:USB Audio Device Wed 3/2 7:55:43.106 [main@b1b4c3] Processing new system dev:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0 Wed 3/2 7:55:43.106 [main@b1b4c3] Device already has been processed Wed 3/2 7:55:43.106 [main@b1b4c3] Processing new system dev:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1 Wed 3/2 7:55:43.106 [main@b1b4c3] Device already has been processed Wed 3/2 7:55:43.106 [main@b1b4c3] devices detected=[Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture #2, Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1] Wed 3/2 7:55:43.107 [main@b1b4c3] EncoderMap={Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture=Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture, Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture #2=Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture #2, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0} Wed 3/2 7:55:43.107 [main@b1b4c3] Splash: SageTV Core is initializing... Wed 3/2 7:55:43.161 [main@b1b4c3] Checking video directories for new files Wed 3/2 7:55:43.233 [main@b1b4c3] DShowFilters=[.RAM file Parser, AC3 Parser Filter, Sipro Lab Audio Decoder, ACM Wrapper, ASF ACM Handler, ASF DIB Handler, ASF DJPEG Handler, ASF embedded stuff Handler, ASF ICM Handler, ASF JPEG Handler, ASF URL Handler, ASX file Parser, ASX v.2 file Parser, AVI Decompressor, AVI Draw, AVI Mux, AVI Splitter, AVI/WAV File Source, BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter, Color Space Converter, DV Muxer, DV Scenes, DV Source Filter, DV Splitter, DV Video Decoder, DVD Navigator, File Source (Async.), File Source (Netshow URL), File Source (URL), File stream renderer, File writer, Full Screen Renderer, G.711 Codec, Hauppauge CC Dump, Hauppauge PSI Parser, Hauppauge Transport Analog Teletext, Hauppauge Transport Filter, Hauppauge Transport Reader, Hauppauge Transport Subtitles, Hauppauge Transport Teletext, Hauppauge Transport Writer, Hauppauge WinTV Color Format Converter 2, Hauppauge WinTV File Writer, HighMAT and MPV Navigator Filter, HighMAT/MPV Navigator Client Filter, Infinite Pin Tee Filter, Internal Script Command Renderer, Line 21 Decoder, Line 21 Decoder 2, LogMeIn Video Decoder, LogMeIn Video Encoder, MainConcept (HCW) Dolby Digital Audio Decoder, MainConcept (HCW) Layer II Audio Decoder, MainConcept (HCW) MPEG Multiplexer-Plus, MainConcept (HCW) MPEG-2 Video Decoder, MainConcept MPEG Multiplexer, Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Decompressor, Microsoft Screen Video Decompressor, MIDI Parser, MJPEG Decompressor, MPEG Audio Decoder, MPEG Layer-3 Decoder, MPEG Video Decoder, MPEG-2 Demultiplexer, MPEG-2 PSI Reader Filter, MPEG-2 Sections and Tables, MPEG-2 Splitter, MPEG-2 Stream Reader Filter, MPEG-I Stream Splitter, MPEG2Dump, Mpeg4 Decoder DMO, Mpeg43 Decoder DMO, Mpeg4s Decoder DMO, Multi-file Parser, Nero Audible Decoder, Nero Audio CD Filter, Nero Audio CD Navigator, Nero Audio Decoder 2, Nero Audio Sample Renderer, Nero Audio Stream Renderer, Nero AV Synchronizer, Nero Deinterlace, Nero Digital AVC Audio Encoder, Nero Digital AVC File Writer, Nero Digital AVC Muxer, Nero Digital AVC Null Renderer, Nero Digital AVC Subpicture Enc, Nero Digital AVC Video Enc, Nero Digital Parser, Nero DV Splitter, Nero DVD Decoder, Nero DVD Navigator, Nero ES Video Reader, Nero File Source, Nero File Source (Async.), Nero File Source / Splitter, Nero FLV Splitter, Nero Format Converter, Nero Frame Capture, Nero FTC, Nero InteractiveGraphics Decoder, Nero MP3 Encoder, Nero MP4 Splitter, Nero Mpeg2 Encoder, Nero Ogg Splitter, Nero Overlay Mixer, Nero Photo Source, Nero PresentationGraphics Decoder, Nero PS Muxer, Nero QuickTime(tm) Audio Decoder, Nero QuickTime(tm) Video Decoder, Nero Resize, Nero Sample Queue, Nero Scene Detector, Nero Scene Detector 2, Nero Smart3D Text Effect Filter, Nero Smart3D Transition Effect Filter, Nero Smart3D Video Effect Filter, Nero Sound Processor, Nero Sound Switcher, Nero Splitter, Nero Stream Buffer Sink, Nero Stream Buffer Source, Nero Stream Control, Nero Subpicture Decoder, Nero Subtitle, Nero Thumbnail Decoder, Nero Vcd Navigator, Nero Video Analyzer, Nero Video Decoder, Nero Video Decoder HD, Nero Video Processor, Nero Video Renderer, Nero Video Sample Renderer, Nero Video Stream Renderer, NSC file Parser, Null Renderer, Overlay Mixer, Overlay Mixer2, QT Decompressor, QuickTime Movie Parser, SageTV FileSource, SageTV Layer II Audio Decoder, SageTV Layer II Audio Encoder, SageTV MPEG Demultiplexer, SageTV MPEG Layer II Audio Encoder, SageTV MPEG Multiplexer, SageTV MPEG Multiplexer-Plus, SageTV MPEG-2 Video Decoder, SageTV MPEG-2 Video Encoder, SageTV MpegDeMux, SageTV MpegMux, SageTV Music Visualization, SageTV Stream Demuxer, SageTV Stream Parser, SageTV TS Splitter 3.0, SAMI (CC) Parser, SampleGrabber, Screen Capture filter, Silicondust HDHomeRun WMP Plugin, Smart Tee, VBI Surface Allocator, VGA 16 Color Ditherer, Video Mixing Renderer 9, Video Port Manager, Video Renderer, Video Renderer, Wave Parser, WIA Stream Snapshot Filter, Windows Media Audio Decoder, Windows Media Multiplexer, Windows Media source filter, Windows Media Update Filter, Windows Media Video Decoder, Windows Media Video Decoder, WM ASF Reader, WM ASF Writer, WMAPro over S/PDIF DMO, WMAudio Decoder DMO, WMSpeech Decoder DMO, WMV Screen decoder DMO, WMVideo Advanced Decoder DMO, WMVideo Decoder DMO, WST Decoder, XML Playlist] Wed 3/2 7:55:43.234 [main@b1b4c3] EVR support detected=false Wed 3/2 7:55:43.241 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 0% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.275 [SageTV@16f0be8] CARNY Processing 4949 Agents & 1688 Airs Wed 3/2 7:55:43.275 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 0% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.336 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 1% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.397 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 2% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.408 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 3% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.409 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 4% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.410 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 5% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.411 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 6% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.412 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 7% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.413 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 8% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.414 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 9% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.418 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 10% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.419 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 11% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.419 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 12% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.422 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 13% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.423 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 14% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.424 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 15% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.425 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 16% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.426 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 17% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.427 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 18% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.427 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 19% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.429 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 20% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.429 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 21% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.430 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 22% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.431 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 23% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.431 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 24% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.432 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 25% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.433 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 26% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.434 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 27% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.435 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 28% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.435 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 29% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.443 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 30% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.444 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 31% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.444 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 32% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.445 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 33% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.445 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 34% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.445 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 35% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.446 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 36% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.446 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 37% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.446 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 38% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.447 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 39% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.447 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 40% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.448 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 41% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.448 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 42% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.448 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 43% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.449 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 44% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.449 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 45% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.449 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 46% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.450 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 47% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.450 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 48% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.450 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 49% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.451 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 50% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.451 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 51% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.451 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 52% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.452 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 53% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.452 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 54% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.452 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 55% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.453 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 56% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.453 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 57% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.454 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 58% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.454 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 59% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.454 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 60% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.455 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 61% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.455 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 62% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.455 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 63% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.456 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 64% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.456 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 65% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.456 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 66% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.457 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 67% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.457 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 68% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.458 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 69% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.458 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 70% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.458 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 71% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.459 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 72% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.459 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 73% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.459 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 74% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.460 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 75% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.462 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 76% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.463 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 77% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.463 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 78% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.463 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 79% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.464 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 80% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.464 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 81% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.464 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 82% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.465 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 83% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.465 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 84% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.465 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 85% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.466 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 86% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.499 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 87% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.508 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 88% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.508 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 89% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.509 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 90% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.510 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 91% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.510 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 92% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.511 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 93% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.513 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 94% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.513 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 95% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.513 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 96% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.514 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 97% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.514 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 98% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.514 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 99% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.515 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 100% done Wed 3/2 7:55:43.515 [SageTV@16f0be8] CARNY Negative Energy Size: 7381 Wed 3/2 7:55:43.518 [SageTV@16f0be8] CARNY Traitors:[] Wed 3/2 7:55:43.522 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: Waiting for SageTV to finish initialization... Wed 3/2 7:55:43.523 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=true avoidArchive=false Wed 3/2 7:55:43.538 [Carny@17da562] Carny waiting for awhile... Wed 3/2 7:55:43.539 [EPG@19a8c41] sage.a1@47e380 needs an update in 11:25:27 Wed 3/2 7:55:43.539 [FSManager@b52f79] FSManager is running... Wed 3/2 7:55:43.539 [EPG@19a8c41] EPG needs an update in 685 minutes Wed 3/2 7:55:43.539 [EPG@19a8c41] EPG's works is done. Waiting... Wed 3/2 7:55:43.539 [Scheduler@24389c] initGraph0 (ver 2.1.0) called capDev='Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1-0', Country:'United States of America', TuningMode:Air, TunerType: Cap:0x49000 Wed 3/2 7:55:43.937 [Scheduler@24389c] BDA capture is found on location:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1' id:'' for Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1-0 (@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1) (it's a BDA only). Wed 3/2 7:55:43.937 [Scheduler@24389c] Add BDA filters (capture:'@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1') for device=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1 Wed 3/2 7:55:43.937 [Scheduler@24389c] Not specify TV type ( Network type ), to search matching one. Wed 3/2 7:55:44.033 [Scheduler@24389c] Loaded Sage TV Splitter Filter 0x48fd6cc4 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.033 [Scheduler@24389c] BDA Filters are loaded Wed 3/2 7:55:44.035 [MainMsg@de4f4b] switchToConnector0 tuningMode:Air. Wed 3/2 7:55:44.036 [Scheduler@24389c] initGraph0 (ver 2.1.0) called capDev='Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture-0', Country:'United States of America', TuningMode:Air, TunerType: Cap:0x8810 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.046 [Scheduler@24389c] BAD Tuner index :1 dev:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bd5b5aea-2141-48a8-8758-f0cf5e0bc800} name:@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bd5b5aea-2141-48a8-8758-f0cf5e0bc800} loc:pci:4-0 (1 0) select Wed 3/2 7:55:44.046 [Scheduler@24389c] Check BDA capture device:Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture-0 (\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bd5b5aea-2141-48a8-8758-f0cf5e0bc800}) on location:'pci:4-0' id:'PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7164&SUBSYS_88510070&REV_81' [state1, index:0] . Wed 3/2 7:55:44.048 [Scheduler@24389c] >>BDA capture device found:@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa400}; loc:'pci:4-0' id:'PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7164&SUBSYS_88510070&REV_81' guid:b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa400 desc:Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-2250 (8851) Wed 3/2 7:55:44.048 [Scheduler@24389c] BDA Capture found: (0) @device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa400} on loc pci:4-0. Wed 3/2 7:55:44.049 [Scheduler@24389c] >>BDA capture device found:@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa401}; loc:'pci:4-0' id:'PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7164&SUBSYS_88510070&REV_81' guid:b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa401 desc:Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-2250 (8851) Wed 3/2 7:55:44.049 [Scheduler@24389c] BDA Capture found: (1) @device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa401} on loc pci:4-0. Wed 3/2 7:55:44.049 [Scheduler@24389c] >>BDA capture device found:@device:pnp:\\?\root#system#0000#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{03884cb6-e89a-4deb-b69e-8dc621686e6a}&global; loc:'' id:'root\swenum' guid:03884cb6-e89a-4deb-b69e-8dc621686e6a desc:Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator Wed 3/2 7:55:44.049 [Scheduler@24389c] >>BDA capture device found:@device:pnp:\\?\root#system#0000#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{8e60217d-a2ee-47f8-b0c5-0f44c55f66dc}&global; loc:'' id:'root\swenum' guid:8e60217d-a2ee-47f8-b0c5-0f44c55f66dc desc:Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator Wed 3/2 7:55:44.049 [Scheduler@24389c] >>BDA capture device found:@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0; loc:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0' id:'' guid: desc: Wed 3/2 7:55:44.049 [Scheduler@24389c] >>BDA capture device found:@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1; loc:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1' id:'' guid: desc: Wed 3/2 7:55:44.049 [Scheduler@24389c] Mutil-tuner(2) BDA capture is found on location:'pci:4-0' id:'PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7164&SUBSYS_88510070&REV_81' for Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture-0. (@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa400}, 0). Wed 3/2 7:55:44.051 [Scheduler@24389c] Add BDA filters (capture:'@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa400}') for device=Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture Wed 3/2 7:55:44.051 [Scheduler@24389c] Not specify TV type ( Network type ), to search matching one. Wed 3/2 7:55:44.074 [Scheduler@24389c] Loaded Sage TV Splitter Filter 0x49d1c394 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.074 [Scheduler@24389c] BDA Filters are loaded Wed 3/2 7:55:44.075 [MainMsg@de4f4b] switchToConnector0 tuningMode:Air. Wed 3/2 7:55:44.075 [Scheduler@24389c] initGraph0 (ver 2.1.0) called capDev='Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture-1', Country:'United States of America', TuningMode:Air, TunerType: Cap:0x8810 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.085 [Scheduler@24389c] BAD Tuner index :1 dev:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bd5b5aea-2141-48a8-8758-f0cf5e0bc801} name:@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bd5b5aea-2141-48a8-8758-f0cf5e0bc800} loc:pci:4-0 (1 0) select Wed 3/2 7:55:44.085 [Scheduler@24389c] BAD Tuner index :2 dev:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bd5b5aea-2141-48a8-8758-f0cf5e0bc801} name:@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bd5b5aea-2141-48a8-8758-f0cf5e0bc801} loc:pci:4-0 (2 0) select Wed 3/2 7:55:44.085 [Scheduler@24389c] Check BDA capture device:Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture-1 (\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bd5b5aea-2141-48a8-8758-f0cf5e0bc801}) on location:'pci:4-0' id:'PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7164&SUBSYS_88510070&REV_81' [state1, index:1] . Wed 3/2 7:55:44.088 [Scheduler@24389c] >>BDA capture device found:@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa400}; loc:'pci:4-0' id:'PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7164&SUBSYS_88510070&REV_81' guid:b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa400 desc:Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-2250 (8851) Wed 3/2 7:55:44.088 [Scheduler@24389c] BDA Capture found: (0) @device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa400} on loc pci:4-0. Wed 3/2 7:55:44.088 [Scheduler@24389c] >>BDA capture device found:@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa401}; loc:'pci:4-0' id:'PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7164&SUBSYS_88510070&REV_81' guid:b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa401 desc:Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-2250 (8851) Wed 3/2 7:55:44.088 [Scheduler@24389c] BDA Capture found: (1) @device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa401} on loc pci:4-0. Wed 3/2 7:55:44.088 [Scheduler@24389c] >>BDA capture device found:@device:pnp:\\?\root#system#0000#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{03884cb6-e89a-4deb-b69e-8dc621686e6a}&global; loc:'' id:'root\swenum' guid:03884cb6-e89a-4deb-b69e-8dc621686e6a desc:Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator Wed 3/2 7:55:44.088 [Scheduler@24389c] >>BDA capture device found:@device:pnp:\\?\root#system#0000#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{8e60217d-a2ee-47f8-b0c5-0f44c55f66dc}&global; loc:'' id:'root\swenum' guid:8e60217d-a2ee-47f8-b0c5-0f44c55f66dc desc:Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator Wed 3/2 7:55:44.088 [Scheduler@24389c] >>BDA capture device found:@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0; loc:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0' id:'' guid: desc: Wed 3/2 7:55:44.089 [Scheduler@24389c] >>BDA capture device found:@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1; loc:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1' id:'' guid: desc: Wed 3/2 7:55:44.089 [Scheduler@24389c] Mutil-tuner(2) BDA capture is found on location:'pci:4-0' id:'PCI\VEN_1131&DEV_7164&SUBSYS_88510070&REV_81' for Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture-1. (@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa401}, 1). Wed 3/2 7:55:44.089 [Scheduler@24389c] Add BDA filters (capture:'@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7164&subsys_88510070&rev_81#4&3736c399&0&00e1#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{b3e3d165-54eb-4b9e-a805-1756644fa401}') for device=Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture Wed 3/2 7:55:44.089 [Scheduler@24389c] Not specify TV type ( Network type ), to search matching one. Wed 3/2 7:55:44.092 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Increased Thread pool to size=1 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.095 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Saving properties file to C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\ Wed 3/2 7:55:44.097 [Scheduler@24389c] Loaded Sage TV Splitter Filter 0x49d509f4 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.097 [Scheduler@24389c] BDA Filters are loaded Wed 3/2 7:55:44.172 [MainMsg@de4f4b] switchToConnector0 tuningMode:Air. Wed 3/2 7:55:44.172 [Scheduler@24389c] initGraph0 (ver 2.1.0) called capDev='Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0-0', Country:'United States of America', TuningMode:Air, TunerType: Cap:0x49000 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.176 [LibraryImporter@edc33d] Checking video directories for new files Wed 3/2 7:55:44.185 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Checking video directories for new files Wed 3/2 7:55:44.186 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Diskspace checking is running Wed 3/2 7:55:44.186 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 3/2 7:55:44.193 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker waiting for 153722845629557 mins. Wed 3/2 7:55:44.465 [Scheduler@24389c] BDA capture is found on location:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0' id:'' for Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0-0 (@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0) (it's a BDA only). Wed 3/2 7:55:44.465 [Scheduler@24389c] Add BDA filters (capture:'@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0') for device=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.465 [Scheduler@24389c] Not specify TV type ( Network type ), to search matching one. Wed 3/2 7:55:44.472 [Scheduler@24389c] Loaded Sage TV Splitter Filter 0x49d8501c Wed 3/2 7:55:44.472 [Scheduler@24389c] BDA Filters are loaded Wed 3/2 7:55:44.472 [MainMsg@de4f4b] switchToConnector0 tuningMode:Air. Wed 3/2 7:55:44.492 [Scheduler@24389c] Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 3/2 7:55:44.492 manual=[ManualRecord[A[8725140,8725139,"Miracle on 34th Street",0@1125.14:00,119] time=Thu 11/25 14:00:01.277 dur=1:59:58], ManualRecord[A[8724270,8724269,"Charlie Brown",0@1125.20:00,59] time=Thu 11/25 20:00:01.794 dur=0:59:58], ManualRecord[A[8723761,8723735,"The Dr. Oz Show",24028@0125.10:00,60] time=Tue 1/25 10:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[8724776,886367,"San Diego Living",25019@0201.09:00,60] time=Tue 2/1 9:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[8778932,8778891,"The Oprah Winfrey Show",21212@0221.16:00,60] time=Mon 2/21 16:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[8778954,8778921,"Dr. Phil",21212@0224.15:00,60] time=Thu 2/24 15:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[8799669,8799639,"Dr. Phil",21212@0301.15:00,60] time=Tue 3/1 15:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] schedules={Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture #2=[Sched=[] MustSee=[]], Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture=[Sched=[] MustSee=[]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1=[Sched=[] MustSee=[]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0=[Sched=[] MustSee=[]]} scheduleRandSize=0 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.495 [Scheduler@24389c] # Airs=210 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.502 [Scheduler@24389c] MUST SEE FINAL-Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture #2-[A[8775824,8775785,"WordWorld",29024@0302.11:30,30], A[8781309,8708984,"Minute to Win It",21213@0302.20:00,60], A[8777065,8777025,"Criminal Minds",21212@0302.21:00,60], A[8776930,8776881,"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit",21213@0302.22:00,60], A[8776759,8776723,"WordWorld",29024@0303.11:30,30], A[8776758,8776722,"Curious George",29024@0303.12:00,30], A[8795348,8795328,"Rules of Engagement",21212@0303.20:31,29], A[8778768,8778741,"Curious George",29024@0304.08:00,30], A[8780102,8780049,"The Defenders",21212@0304.20:00,60], A[8780003,8656898,"Law & Order: Los Angeles",21213@0305.21:00,60], A[8779889,8613516,"Fringe",24028@0305.23:00,60], A[8781403,8781200,"The Simpsons",25019@0306.18:30,30], A[8781241,8781208,"Family Guy",24028@0306.21:00,30], A[8781353,8781336,"CSI: Miami",21212@0306.22:00,60], A[8795492,8795456,"House",24028@0307.20:00,60], A[8795465,8795429,"The Chicago Code",24028@0307.21:00,60], A[8795405,8795385,"Harry's Law",21213@0307.22:00,60], A[8795986,8795971,"Glee",24028@0308.20:00,61], A[8795987,8795972,"Raising Hope",24028@0308.21:01,29]] Wed 3/2 7:55:44.502 [Scheduler@24389c] MUST SEE FINAL-Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture-[A[8776813,8776783,"American Idol",24028@0302.20:00,90], A[8777054,8777001,"Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior",21212@0302.22:00,60], A[8778809,8778794,"American Idol",24028@0303.20:00,120], A[8798636,8798608,"Undercover Boss",21212@0306.21:00,60], A[8795341,8795322,"Mad Love",21212@0307.20:30,30], A[8795952,8795940,"The Biggest Loser",21213@0308.20:00,120]] Wed 3/2 7:55:44.503 [Scheduler@24389c] MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1-[A[8776922,8776865,"Minute to Win It",21213@0302.21:00,60], A[8779115,8779073,"Wipeout",20377@0303.20:00,60]] Wed 3/2 7:55:44.503 [Scheduler@24389c] MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0-[A[8777231,8777180,"Modern Family",20377@0302.21:00,31]] Wed 3/2 7:55:44.503 [Scheduler@24389c] Evaluating Potentials Wed 3/2 7:55:44.504 [Scheduler@24389c] COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 3/2 7:55:44.504 [Scheduler@24389c] Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture #2 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.504 [Scheduler@24389c] [A[8775824,8775785,"WordWorld",29024@0302.11:30,30], A[8781309,8708984,"Minute to Win It",21213@0302.20:00,60], A[8777065,8777025,"Criminal Minds",21212@0302.21:00,60], A[8776930,8776881,"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit",21213@0302.22:00,60], A[8776759,8776723,"WordWorld",29024@0303.11:30,30], A[8776758,8776722,"Curious George",29024@0303.12:00,30], A[8795348,8795328,"Rules of Engagement",21212@0303.20:31,29], A[8778768,8778741,"Curious George",29024@0304.08:00,30], A[8780102,8780049,"The Defenders",21212@0304.20:00,60], A[8780003,8656898,"Law & Order: Los Angeles",21213@0305.21:00,60], A[8779889,8613516,"Fringe",24028@0305.23:00,60], A[8781403,8781200,"The Simpsons",25019@0306.18:30,30], A[8781241,8781208,"Family Guy",24028@0306.21:00,30], A[8781353,8781336,"CSI: Miami",21212@0306.22:00,60], A[8795492,8795456,"House",24028@0307.20:00,60], A[8795465,8795429,"The Chicago Code",24028@0307.21:00,60], A[8795405,8795385,"Harry's Law",21213@0307.22:00,60], A[8795986,8795971,"Glee",24028@0308.20:00,61], A[8795987,8795972,"Raising Hope",24028@0308.21:01,29]] Wed 3/2 7:55:44.504 [Scheduler@24389c] Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture Wed 3/2 7:55:44.504 [Scheduler@24389c] [A[8776813,8776783,"American Idol",24028@0302.20:00,90], A[8777054,8777001,"Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior",21212@0302.22:00,60], A[8778809,8778794,"American Idol",24028@0303.20:00,120], A[8798636,8798608,"Undercover Boss",21212@0306.21:00,60], A[8795341,8795322,"Mad Love",21212@0307.20:30,30], A[8795952,8795940,"The Biggest Loser",21213@0308.20:00,120]] Wed 3/2 7:55:44.504 [Scheduler@24389c] Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.505 [Scheduler@24389c] [A[8776922,8776865,"Minute to Win It",21213@0302.21:00,60], A[8779115,8779073,"Wipeout",20377@0303.20:00,60]] Wed 3/2 7:55:44.505 [Scheduler@24389c] Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.505 [Scheduler@24389c] [A[8777231,8777180,"Modern Family",20377@0302.21:00,31]] Wed 3/2 7:55:44.505 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker awoken Wed 3/2 7:55:44.505 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] MemStats: Used=37MB Total=62MB Max=1065MB Wed 3/2 7:55:44.505 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker adding new Encoder: Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture Wed 3/2 7:55:44.506 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker adding new Encoder: Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture #2 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.506 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker adding new Encoder: Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.506 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker adding new Encoder: Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.512 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture #2 clients=[] ir=false Wed 3/2 7:55:44.512 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[8775824,8775785,"WordWorld",29024@0302.11:30,30] nextTTA=12855494 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.512 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] newRecord=null Wed 3/2 7:55:44.512 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 3/2 7:55:44.512 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture clients=[] ir=false Wed 3/2 7:55:44.512 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[8776813,8776783,"American Idol",24028@0302.20:00,90] nextTTA=43455494 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.513 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] newRecord=null Wed 3/2 7:55:44.513 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 3/2 7:55:44.513 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1 clients=[] ir=false Wed 3/2 7:55:44.513 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[8776922,8776865,"Minute to Win It",21213@0302.21:00,60] nextTTA=47055494 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.513 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] newRecord=null Wed 3/2 7:55:44.513 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 3/2 7:55:44.513 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 3/2 7:55:44.514 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[8777231,8777180,"Modern Family",20377@0302.21:00,31] nextTTA=47055494 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.514 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] newRecord=null Wed 3/2 7:55:44.514 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 3/2 7:55:44.514 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker waiting for -21651355 mins. Wed 3/2 7:55:44.516 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker awoken Wed 3/2 7:55:44.516 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] MemStats: Used=37MB Total=62MB Max=1065MB Wed 3/2 7:55:44.516 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture #2 clients=[] ir=false Wed 3/2 7:55:44.517 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[8775824,8775785,"WordWorld",29024@0302.11:30,30] nextTTA=12855484 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.517 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] newRecord=null Wed 3/2 7:55:44.517 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 3/2 7:55:44.517 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture clients=[] ir=false Wed 3/2 7:55:44.517 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[8776813,8776783,"American Idol",24028@0302.20:00,90] nextTTA=43455484 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.517 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] newRecord=null Wed 3/2 7:55:44.517 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 3/2 7:55:44.517 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1 clients=[] ir=false Wed 3/2 7:55:44.517 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[8776922,8776865,"Minute to Win It",21213@0302.21:00,60] nextTTA=47055484 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.518 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] newRecord=null Wed 3/2 7:55:44.518 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 3/2 7:55:44.518 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 3/2 7:55:44.518 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[8777231,8777180,"Modern Family",20377@0302.21:00,31] nextTTA=47055484 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.518 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] newRecord=null Wed 3/2 7:55:44.518 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 3/2 7:55:44.518 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Saving properties file to C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\ Wed 3/2 7:55:44.599 [SageTVServer@166de66] SageTVServer was instantiated. Wed 3/2 7:55:44.602 [SageTVDiscoveryServer@37c7ee] SageTVDiscoveryServer was instantiated. Wed 3/2 7:55:44.605 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Checking video directories for new files Wed 3/2 7:55:44.606 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Diskspace checking is running Wed 3/2 7:55:44.607 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@13596e0] SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer was instantiated. Wed 3/2 7:55:44.607 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 3/2 7:55:44.607 [SageTV@16f0be8] Trying to find lan network interface Wed 3/2 7:55:44.617 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 3/2 7:55:44.618 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 3/2 7:55:44.633 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker waiting for 209 mins. Wed 3/2 7:55:44.668 [SageTV@16f0be8] addr: / Wed 3/2 7:55:44.668 [SageTV@16f0be8] addr: / Wed 3/2 7:55:44.668 [SageTV@16f0be8] Miniserver running on Wed 3/2 7:55:44.697 [SageTV@16f0be8] Parsed 0 clients Wed 3/2 7:55:44.705 [MiniBootp@1c5ab93] 16867 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.705 [MiniTftp@1f78541] 16869 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.706 [LibraryImporter@edc33d] Seeker is starting the library import scan... Wed 3/2 7:55:44.707 [MiniMVP@84e723] 16881 Wed 3/2 7:55:44.720 [SageTV@16f0be8] Loading locator keys from filesystem since they already exist. Wed 3/2 7:55:44.748 [LibraryImporter@edc33d] Starting to scan lib import root: E:\SageTV\Music Wed 3/2 7:55:44.845 [LibraryImporter@edc33d] Increased StringBuffer pool to size=1 Wed 3/2 7:55:45.017 [SageTV@16f0be8] ERROR: Unable to create Locator registration invalid key format Wed 3/2 7:55:45.030 [SageTV@16f0be8] Splash: User Interface Manager is initializing... Wed 3/2 7:55:45.038 [SageTV@16f0be8] Loading all core plugins... Wed 3/2 7:55:45.039 [HotplugStorage@18a3fe6] StorageDeviceDetector started... Wed 3/2 7:55:45.067 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: jetty-gwt type: Library version: 6.1.14 by: Slugger Wed 3/2 7:55:45.068 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: gxt type: Library version: by: Slugger Wed 3/2 7:55:45.070 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: gwt-servlet type: Library version: 2.0.4 by: Slugger Wed 3/2 7:55:45.070 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: jetty type: Standard version: by: jreichen Wed 3/2 7:55:45.071 [SageTV@16f0be8] Plugin jetty is enabled, try to load it from class: sagex.jetty.starter.JettyPlugin Wed 3/2 7:55:45.302 [SageTV@16f0be8] LOG4J: Configured Logging for: sagex-api using file: Wed 3/2 7:55:45.372 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: bialioseasonepisode type: STVI version: 1.0.1 by: bialio Wed 3/2 7:55:45.373 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: gson type: Library version: 1.6 by: Slugger Wed 3/2 7:55:45.373 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: cpumonitor type: STVI version: 1.10 by: tmiranda Wed 3/2 7:55:45.374 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: playonstvi type: STVI version: 1.4 by: evilpenguin Wed 3/2 7:55:45.374 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-logging type: Library version: 1.1.1 by: Slugger Wed 3/2 7:55:45.375 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: restrictaccess type: STVI version: 1.30 by: tmiranda Wed 3/2 7:55:45.375 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: livepvrdata4j type: Library version: by: Slugger Wed 3/2 7:55:45.375 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: phoenix-api type: Library version: 2.3.19 by: stuckless,meinmaui,bialio Wed 3/2 7:55:45.376 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: podcastrecorderplugin type: Standard version: 0.22 by: tmiranda Wed 3/2 7:55:45.376 [SageTV@16f0be8] Plugin podcastrecorderplugin is enabled, try to load it from class: tmiranda.podcastrecorder.Plugin Wed 3/2 7:55:45.391 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: phoenixfanartv7 type: STVI version: 0.1.9 by: bialio Wed 3/2 7:55:45.392 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: lucene-core type: Library version: 3.0.1 by: stuckless Wed 3/2 7:55:45.392 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: upnpbrowser type: Library version: by: evilpenguin Wed 3/2 7:55:45.393 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: sagexmlinfo type: Library version: 1.4.1 by: nielm Wed 3/2 7:55:45.393 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: scribe type: Library version: 0.6.7 by: Slugger Wed 3/2 7:55:45.394 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: mobileweb type: Standard version: by: jreichen Wed 3/2 7:55:45.394 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: bmtweb type: Standard version: 4.9.11 by: stuckless Wed 3/2 7:55:45.395 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: movietimesscraper type: Library version: 1.2 by: evilpenguin Wed 3/2 7:55:45.395 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-codec type: Library version: 1.3 by: stuckless Wed 3/2 7:55:45.396 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: sagex-api type: Library version: by: stuckless Wed 3/2 7:55:45.396 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: bmt type: Library version: 4.8 by: stuckless Wed 3/2 7:55:45.397 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: signalstrengthonosd type: STVI version: 1.0.3 by: 3dOptics Wed 3/2 7:55:45.397 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: nielm_sageimdb type: Library version: 1.8.1 by: nielm, JREkiwi Wed 3/2 7:55:45.397 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: movietimesstvi type: STVI version: 1.2 by: evilpenguin Wed 3/2 7:55:45.398 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: dom4j type: Library version: 1.6.1 by: stuckless Wed 3/2 7:55:45.398 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: playonforsagetv type: Standard version: by: PluckyHD, evilpenguin Wed 3/2 7:55:45.399 [SageTV@16f0be8] Plugin playonforsagetv is enabled, try to load it from class: epplayon.EPPlayonPlugin Wed 3/2 7:55:45.407 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: mssqljdbc type: Library version: 2.0 by: PluckyHD Wed 3/2 7:55:45.408 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: gkusnicktoolslib type: Library version: 1.3.3 by: GKusnick Wed 3/2 7:55:45.408 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: activemq-all type: Library version: 5.3.1 by: jphipps Wed 3/2 7:55:45.408 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: htmlparser type: Library version: 1.6 by: stuckless Wed 3/2 7:55:45.409 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: json type: Library version: 1.0 by: Slugger Wed 3/2 7:55:45.409 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: basicsleeptimer type: STVI version: 1.1.3 by: jvl711 Wed 3/2 7:55:45.410 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-lang type: Library version: 2.4 by: stuckless Wed 3/2 7:55:45.410 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: sre type: Standard version: by: Slugger Wed 3/2 7:55:45.411 [SageTV@16f0be8] Plugin sre is enabled, try to load it from class: Wed 3/2 7:55:45.455 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: multispeedskip type: STVI version: 1.6.1 by: nielm, JREkiwi Wed 3/2 7:55:45.456 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-net type: Library version: 1.4.1 by: stuckless Wed 3/2 7:55:45.456 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: imdbsearch type: STVI version: 7.1.8 by: nielm, JREkiwi Wed 3/2 7:55:45.457 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: custommainmenu type: STVI version: 1.1 by: Wade Wed 3/2 7:55:45.457 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: themeserenity type: Theme version: 1.0 by: bialio Wed 3/2 7:55:45.458 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: multiuserstvi type: STVI version: 0.05 by: tmiranda Wed 3/2 7:55:45.458 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: comskipplayback type: STVI version: 2.0.6 by: JREkiwi, razrsharpe Wed 3/2 7:55:45.459 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: mediastreaming type: Standard version: by: jreichen Wed 3/2 7:55:45.459 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: sre-common type: Library version: by: Slugger Wed 3/2 7:55:45.460 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: jusjokencvf type: STVI version: 1.15 by: jusjoken Wed 3/2 7:55:45.460 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: multiusersupport type: Standard version: 0.051 by: tmiranda Wed 3/2 7:55:45.460 [SageTV@16f0be8] Plugin multiusersupport is enabled, try to load it from class: tmiranda.mus.Plugin Wed 3/2 7:55:45.472 [SageTV@16f0be8] MUS: Log - Setting CurrentLoglevel to 25 Wed 3/2 7:55:45.472 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: web type: Standard version: 2.28 by: nielm, jreichen Wed 3/2 7:55:45.473 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-io type: Library version: 1.4 by: stuckless Wed 3/2 7:55:45.474 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: sagex-h2 type: Standard version: 1.0.8 by: jphipps Wed 3/2 7:55:45.474 [SageTV@16f0be8] Plugin sagex-h2 is enabled, try to load it from class: sagex.h2.SagexH2Plugin Wed 3/2 7:55:45.482 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: livepvrdata-shared type: Library version: 0.2.0 by: Slugger Wed 3/2 7:55:45.482 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: sageutls type: Library version: 1.4.1 by: nielm Wed 3/2 7:55:45.483 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: phoenix-core type: Standard version: 2.3.19 by: stuckless,meinmaui,bialio Wed 3/2 7:55:45.483 [SageTV@16f0be8] Plugin phoenix-core is enabled, try to load it from class: sagex.phoenix.plugin.PhoenixPlugin Wed 3/2 7:55:45.560 [SageTV@16f0be8] LOG4J: Configured Logging for: phoenix using file: Wed 3/2 7:55:45.561 [SageTV@16f0be8] LOG4J: Configured Logging for: phoenix-metadata using file: Wed 3/2 7:55:45.621 [LibraryImporter@edc33d] Starting to scan lib import root: F:\SageTV\Movies Wed 3/2 7:55:46.307 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: sysmonutils type: Library version: 1.01 by: tmiranda Wed 3/2 7:55:46.307 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: fuzzymoverecordings type: STVI version: 1.0.0 by: Fuzzy Wed 3/2 7:55:46.308 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: podcastrecorderstvi type: STVI version: 1.20 by: tmiranda Wed 3/2 7:55:46.308 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-dbutils type: Library version: 1.3 by: stuckless Wed 3/2 7:55:46.309 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: pluckystheme type: Theme version: 1.00 by: PluckyHD Wed 3/2 7:55:46.309 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: ortus-mq type: Standard version: 1.0.10 by: jphipps Wed 3/2 7:55:46.310 [SageTV@16f0be8] Plugin ortus-mq is enabled, try to load it from class: Wed 3/2 7:55:46.324 [SageTV@16f0be8] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: log4j type: Library version: 1.2.15 by: stuckless Wed 3/2 7:55:46.327 [SageTV@16f0be8] LOADED PLUGINS=[SageTVPlugin[jetty-gwt state=Failed name=jetty-gwt version=6.1.14 type=Library desc=Provides comet support for GWT-RPC apps running in Jetty - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=8/31/2010 installed=2/9/2011 resPath=plugins/jetty-gwt webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[gxt state=Failed name=Ext GWT Library version= type=Library desc=Ext GWT UI framework for GWT apps - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=8/24/2010 installed=2/9/2011 resPath=plugins/gxt webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[gwt-servlet minVer=2.0.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.5.0 type=JVM]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[gwt-servlet state=Failed name=GWT Servlet Jar version=2.0.4 type=Library desc=GWT servlet jar - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=8/24/2010 installed=2/9/2011 resPath=plugins/gwt-servlet webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.5.0 type=JVM]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[jetty state=Enabled name=Jetty Web Server version= type=Standard desc=Provides a platform for SageTV web application plugins. Currently available web applications can manage SageTV recordings from desktop or mobile web browsers, manage fanart and metadata, provide remote web services for SageTV, configure batch job processing, and more. The plugin consists of two parts. The first part is Jetty, a 3rd-party Java web server from Mortbay Consulting that can be embedded in a Java program such as SageTV. The second part is a set of plugin classes created by the author that interact with SageTV to start, stop, and configure the Jetty web server. author=jreichen screenshots=[] videos=null modified=1/15/2011 installed=1/17/2011 resPath=jetty webpages=[,,] implementation=sagex.jetty.starter.JettyPlugin desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.5 type=JVM], PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=7.0.8 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[bialioseasonepisode state=Failed name=Season and Episode Number in Details version=1.0.1 type=STVI desc=Adds TV show's Season and Episode number to detailed info author=bialio screenshots=[] videos=null modified=9/19/2010 installed=9/27/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[phoenix-api minVer=2.0.12 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[gson state=Failed name=Google GSON version=1.6 type=Library desc=Google's POJO <-> JSON library - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=11/25/2010 installed=2/9/2011 resPath=gson webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[cpumonitor state=Failed name=CPU Meter version=1.10 type=STVI desc=Simple CPU meter for Sage7+. Puts a bar graph in the header that displays the CPU usage. author=tmiranda screenshots=[] videos=null modified=12/21/2010 installed=12/21/2010 resPath= webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer= type=STV], PluginDependency[sysmonutils minVer=1.01 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[playonstvi state=Failed name=PlayOn For SageTV: STVi version=1.4 type=STVI desc=STVi that allows playing back content from a PlayOn server though Main Menu or Online Services Menu author=evilpenguin screenshots=[,] videos=[] modified=9/2/2010 installed=9/16/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[upnpbrowser minVer=1.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0.9 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-logging state=Failed name=commons-logging version=1.1.1 type=Library desc=Apache Commons logging library - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null installed=2/9/2011 resPath=plugins/commons-logging webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=7.0.9 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[restrictaccess state=Failed name=Restrict Access version=1.30 type=STVI desc=Prevent unwanted tampering by password protecting most functions with SageTV. To configure go to Setup->Detailed Setup->Server->Manage STV Permissions author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=8/21/2010 installed=9/27/2010 resPath= webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[livepvrdata4j state=Failed name=livepvrdata4j version= type=Library desc=Java implementation of Live PVR Data RESTful API - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=8/4/2010 installed=2/9/2011 resPath=plugins/livepvrdata4j webpages=[,] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[gson minVer=1.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[scribe minVer=0.6.7 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[livepvrdata-shared minVer=0.2.0 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[phoenix-api state=Failed name=Phoenix API version=2.3.19 type=Library desc=Phoenix API Extensions for SageTV. The Phoenix APIs include support Fanart, Dynamic Menus, Custom Views, etc. The API is the foundation for the Phoenix project. author=stuckless,meinmaui,bialio screenshots=null videos=null modified=2/26/2011 installed=2/27/2011 resPath=phoenix-api webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[commons-codec minVer=1.3 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[dom4j minVer=1.6.1 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-lang minVer=2.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-io minVer=1.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-dbutils minVer=1.3 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[log4j minVer=1.2 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[podcastrecorderplugin state=Enabled name=Podcast Recorder version=0.22 type=Standard desc=Podcast Recorder provides the ability to manually record Podcasts or select Podcasts as Favorites and automatically record them. This plugin provides support only. To install PodcastRecorder please go to the "UI Mod" section of the plugin manager. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=10/1/2010 installed=2/9/2011 resPath= webpages=null implementation=tmiranda.podcastrecorder.Plugin desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV], PluginDependency[ortus-mq minVer=1.0.8 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[phoenixfanartv7 state=Failed name=Phoenix Fanart for SageTV V7 version=0.1.9 type=STVI desc=Uses fanart from the Phoenix API central fanart repository in the default SageTV Version 7 UI. author=bialio screenshots=[] videos=null modified=5/26/2010 installed=9/17/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[phoenix-api minVer=1.73.2 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[lucene-core state=Failed name=lucene-core version=3.0.1 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for lucene-core-3.0.1.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=6/24/2010 installed=7/6/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[upnpbrowser state=Failed name=PlayOn For SageTV: UPnP Browser (Dependancy) version= type=Library desc=DO NOT DOWNLOAD DIRECTLY - This is a dependancy for the PlayOn plugins and will be downloaded/updated automatically author=evilpenguin screenshots=[] videos=null modified=9/5/2010 installed=9/16/2010 resPath= webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[sagexmlinfo state=Failed name=Nielm's Sage XML Info version=1.4.1 type=Library desc=A library for importing data into and exporting data from the SageTV database. author=nielm screenshots=null videos=null modified=5/16/2010 installed=6/12/2010 resPath=sagexmlinfo webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[sageutls minVer=1.4 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[scribe state=Failed name=scribe version=0.6.7 type=Library desc=OAuth client library for Java - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=7/3/2010 installed=2/9/2011 resPath=plugins/scribe webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[commons-codec minVer=1.3 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[bmtweb state=Failed name=Batch Metadata Tools - Web Interface version=4.9.11 type=Standard desc=Web Interface for Batch Metadata Tools, commonly referred to as bmt. The web interface enables you to do edit metadata manually from a web browser. In addition to simple editing of metadata, bmt is build on the Phoenix APIs, and it provides a web interface to the Phoenix Views. ie, It allows you to browser your media collection from the web web browser. While browsing your collection you can also find metadata and fanart for a group of media files, or for a single item. BMT also provides a number of other batch tools for cleaning up metadata, or performing some common operations. Some of these include; Exporting a .properties for some or all mediafiles; Cleaning up Genres; Setting the watched status on files, etc author=stuckless screenshots=[] videos=null modified=2/26/2011 installed=2/27/2011 resPath=plugins/bmtweb webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[jetty minVer=1.7 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[phoenix-core minVer=2.3.19 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[mobileweb state=Failed name=SageTV Mobile Web Interface version= type=Standard desc=Manage SageTV activity from mobile web browsers. author=jreichen screenshots=[,,] videos=[] modified=11/7/2010 installed=11/9/2010 resPath=mobileweb webpages=[,,] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[jetty minVer=2.0.1 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.5 type=JVM], PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer=7.0.15 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[mediastreaming minVer=1.0.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=7.0.10 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[movietimesscraper state=Failed name=Movie Times Scraper (Dependency for Movie Times plugins) version=1.2 type=Library desc=DO NOT DOWNLOAD DIRECTLY - This is a dependancy for the Movie Times plugins and will be downloaded/updated automatically author=evilpenguin screenshots=null videos=null modified=9/1/2010 installed=9/17/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-codec state=Failed name=commons-codec version=1.3 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for commons-codec-1.3.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2010 installed=6/12/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[sagex-api state=Failed name=sagex-api - SageTV API Extensions version= type=Library desc=SageTV API Wrappers with Remote API capabilities author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=2/22/2011 installed=2/28/2011 resPath=sagex-api webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[bmt state=Failed name=Metadata Tools for SageTV - Commandline version=4.8 type=Library desc= author=stuckless screenshots=[] videos=null modified=10/16/2010 installed=10/31/2010 resPath=bmt webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[phoenix-core minVer=2.2 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[signalstrengthonosd state=Failed name=Signal Strength on OSD version=1.0.3 type=STVI desc=Displays the tv tuner signal strength on the OSD author=3dOptics screenshots=[] videos=null modified=6/3/2010 installed=9/17/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[nielm_sageimdb state=Failed name=nielm_sageimdb version=1.8.1 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for nielm_sageimdb.jar - normally no need to download directly author=nielm, JREkiwi screenshots=null videos=null modified=10/17/2010 installed=10/31/2010 resPath= webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[movietimesstvi state=Failed name=Movie Showtimes version=1.2 type=STVI desc=Allows you to browse for movie showtimes in the Online Services Menu author=evilpenguin screenshots=[,,,] videos=null modified=8/30/2010 installed=9/17/2010 resPath= webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[movietimesscraper minVer=1.2 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0.9 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[dom4j state=Failed name=dom4j version=1.6.1 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for dom4j-1.6.1.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2010 installed=9/16/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[playonforsagetv state=Enabled name=PlayOn for SageTV: Netflix/Hulu Queue Importer version= type=Standard desc=Import content from your Netflix/Hulu queue into SageTV as imported videos. Works best if you have BMT installed and set to automatically grab metadata for new content. author=PluckyHD, evilpenguin screenshots=[,] videos=[] modified=9/5/2010 installed=9/16/2010 resPath= webpages=[] implementation=epplayon.EPPlayonPlugin desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[upnpbrowser minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer=7.0.9 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0.9 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[mssqljdbc state=Failed name=Microsoft SQL JDBC version=2.0 type=Library desc=Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver- no need to download directly author=PluckyHD screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/15/2010 installed=12/16/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[gkusnicktoolslib state=Failed name=GKusnick's Tools Library version=1.3.3 type=Library desc=A library of SageTV API wrappers and utility classes for SageTV plugin developers. author=GKusnick screenshots=null videos=null modified=8/10/2010 installed=2/9/2011 resPath=GKusnick/ToolsLib webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.5 type=JVM], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=7.0 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[activemq-all state=Failed name=activemq-all version=5.3.1 type=Library desc=SageTV JAR Plugin for activemq-all-5.3.1.jar - no need to download directly author=jphipps screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/25/2010 installed=2/9/2011 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[htmlparser state=Failed name=htmlparser version=1.6 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for htmlparser-1.6.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2010 installed=6/12/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[json state=Failed version=1.0 type=Library desc=A Java implementation of JSON - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null installed=2/9/2011 resPath=json webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[basicsleeptimer state=Failed name=Basic Sleep Timer version=1.1.3 type=STVI desc=Adds basic sleep timer support. Accessible from the options menu when watching a video file. author=jvl711 screenshots=null videos=null modified=5/26/2010 installed=6/10/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-lang state=Failed name=commons-lang version=2.4 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for commons-lang-2.4.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2010 installed=6/12/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[sre state=Enabled name=Sage Recording Extender (SRE) version= type=Standard desc=SRE monitors live events and extends the recording as necessary. Don't let your recordings stop early and miss out on extra innings or overtime! This plugin communicates with the Live PVR Data web service ( to determine if your recordings need to be extended because the recording is a live event. Currently, the web service only supports monitoring of specific sporting events (NFL, NHL, MLB, NBA, NCAA football, NCAA basketball). With this plugin enabled, all your recordings will be monitored against this web service and your recordings will be extended as necessary to ensure that you do not miss any portion of a live event because it runs longer than the EPG listings. This plugin installs a web GUI app within the Jetty plugin for online viewing and configuration. The SRE web app is installed at the /sre/ context within the Jetty plugin. This plugin requires a Google Account to operate properly. The Live PVR Data web service requires Google Account authentication in order to query the web service for event data. author=Slugger screenshots=[] videos=null modified=1/30/2011 installed=2/9/2011 resPath=plugins/sre webpages=[] desktopOnly=false serverOnly=true OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[jetty-gwt minVer=6.1.14 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[gxt minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[gwt-servlet minVer=2.0.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[jetty minVer=2.0.1 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.5.0 type=JVM], PluginDependency[gkusnicktoolslib minVer=1.2 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=7.0.9 type=Core], PluginDependency[sre-common minVer= type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[multispeedskip state=Failed name=Multispeed Skip version=1.6.1 type=STVI desc=With this plugin, the FF/REW buttons in the full-screen video page become more like VCR FF/REW buttons, giving continuous FF/REW functionality, with speeds varying from 2x to 128x. author=nielm, JREkiwi screenshots=null videos=null modified=10/5/2010 installed=10/31/2010 resPath= webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-net state=Failed name=commons-net version=1.4.1 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for commons-net-1.4.1.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2010 installed=6/12/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[imdbsearch state=Failed name=IMDB Search version=7.1.8 type=STVI desc=A UI module which can search for, display and save information from the Internet Movie Data Base. Ported from the original created by nielm. author=nielm, JREkiwi screenshots=null videos=null modified=2/28/2011 installed=2/27/2011 resPath= webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[nielm_sageimdb minVer=1.8.1 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV], PluginDependency[sageutls minVer=1.4.1 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[custommainmenu state=Failed name=Custom Main Menu version=1.1 type=STVI desc=Allows you to enable/disable any of the Main Menu items in the default STV7. author=Wade screenshots=[,,,,] videos=null modified=6/6/2010 installed=6/10/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[themeserenity state=Failed name=Serenity version=1.0 type=Theme desc=Serenity Theme for SageTV V7. author=bialio screenshots=[] videos=null modified=5/25/2010 installed=6/10/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[multiuserstvi state=Failed name=Multi-User Support version=0.05 type=STVI desc=Adds user profiles and multi-user support to SageTV. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=2/26/2011 installed=3/1/2011 resPath= webpages=[,] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[multiusersupport minVer=0.051 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[comskipplayback state=Failed name=Comskip Playback version=2.0.6 type=STVI desc=A UI Mod plugin for SageTV V7 that adds support for reading the edl or txt files generated by comskip or showanalyzer and skipping commercial breaks during playback author=JREkiwi, razrsharpe screenshots=null videos=null modified=1/6/2011 installed=1/17/2011 resPath= webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[mediastreaming state=Failed name=Media Streaming Services version= type=Standard desc=Provides HTTP Live Streaming services to the Mobile Web Interface. Used for viewing SageTV recordings on iPhone, iPod, and iPad. It can be extended by plugin developers to support other clients and audio/video formats. author=jreichen screenshots=null videos=null modified=1/17/2011 installed=1/17/2011 resPath=mediastreaming webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[jetty minVer=2.0.1 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.5 type=JVM], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=7.0.16 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[sre-common state=Failed name=SRE Common version= type=Library desc=Common jar for SRE plugin - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=1/30/2011 installed=2/9/2011 resPath=plugins/sre-common webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.5.0 type=JVM], PluginDependency[gson minVer=1.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-logging minVer=1.1.1 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[livepvrdata4j minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-codec minVer=1.3 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[gkusnicktoolslib minVer=1.2 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[json minVer=1.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-lang minVer=2.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=7.0.9 type=Core], PluginDependency[commons-io minVer=1.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[sagex-h2 minVer=1.0.7 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[log4j minVer=1.2.15 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[jusjokencvf state=Failed name=CVF - Custom Video Folder version=1.15 type=STVI desc=A collection of Video Folder enhancements, - adds a watched count at folder level and category level - supports Watched icons for DVD and BD media files - removes the folder and category level thumbnails - adds Set/Clear Watched function at the folder and category level on the Select/Info dialog - can now be accessed at the folder level by using Watched command - can now be accessed on the Video Browser Options dialog - adds setting to include/hide watched videos from folder lists - works for DVD and Title views in addition to the Folders view - the transparent Watched icon is displayed in the top icon status area if the watched videos are filtered out of the lists - adds the focus indicator on video items - displays Episode Name (not title or filename) in video list - displays Season and Episode numbers with Episode Name in lists and right hand info area if that Metadata exists - works with Multi-Column folder views - Sort option available for Folder and title views from video Browser Options - in Title view - sort by File Path, Series, Title or Original Air Date - in Folder view - sort by File Path, Series, Title, Filedate or Original Air Date (for series this is by default Title, Season Number, Episode Number and then Episode Name) - Video Details displays the Phoenix based Title (same as used for the sorting) - Video Details thumbnail is larger if video preview is set to never - adds a new menu to the Video Options menu to... - Show/Hide the Preview Thumb (top right) - Show/Hide the Preview Thumb Reflection - Switch to a Large Preview Thumb (top right) - Include the Title with the Episode Name - Show/Hide thumbnails for video menu items author=jusjoken screenshots=[,,,,,] videos=null modified=2/24/2011 installed=2/27/2011 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[phoenix-api minVer=2.0.5 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[multiusersupport state=Enabled name=Multi-User Support General version=0.051 type=Standard desc=Support Plugin for Multi-User Support. Do not install this directly. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=2/26/2011 installed=2/28/2011 resPath= webpages=null implementation=tmiranda.mus.Plugin desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[web state=Failed name=SageTV Web Interface version=2.28 type=Standard desc=Manage SageTV activity, media files, and playlists from desktop web browsers. author=nielm, jreichen screenshots=null videos=null modified=7/18/2010 installed=9/17/2010 resPath=web webpages=[,] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[jetty minVer=2.0.1 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.5 type=JVM], PluginDependency[sagexmlinfo minVer=1.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=7.0.10 type=Core], PluginDependency[sageutls minVer=1.4 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[sagex-h2 state=Enabled name=SageTV H2 Database version=1.0.8 type=Standard desc=SageTV H2 Core Plugin - A plugin that allows developers to utilize the H2 SQL database. Includes the H2 jar and plugin controls to control the TCP, Web, an PG access serv ices. author=jphipps screenshots=null videos=null modified=11/13/2010 installed=11/20/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation=sagex.h2.SagexH2Plugin desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer=7 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-io state=Failed name=commons-io version=1.4 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for commons-io-1.4.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2010 installed=6/12/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[sysmonutils state=Failed name=System Monitor Utilities version=1.01 type=Library desc=Utilities for the System Monitor plugin. No need to install this directly. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=10/12/2010 installed=10/31/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[phoenix-core state=Enabled name=Phoenix Core Services version=2.3.19 type=Standard desc=Phoenix Core Services provides the following services * automatic metadata and fanart fetching from external sources such as IMDb, TMDb, and TVDb. * dynamic menus * custom views * configuration metadata * events * user profiles author=stuckless,meinmaui,bialio screenshots=null videos=null modified=2/26/2011 installed=2/27/2011 resPath=phoenix-core webpages=[] implementation=sagex.phoenix.plugin.PhoenixPlugin desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[phoenix-api minVer=2.3.19 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[lucene-core minVer=3.0.1 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[htmlparser minVer=1.6 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-net minVer=1.4.1 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[sageutls state=Failed name=Nielm's Sage Utilities version=1.4.1 type=Library desc=A library for communicating between SageTV and Java. author=nielm screenshots=null videos=null modified=5/16/2010 installed=6/12/2010 resPath=sageutls webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[livepvrdata-shared state=Failed name=livepvrdata-shared version=0.2.0 type=Library desc=Common data structures for Live PVR Data RESTful API - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=8/4/2010 installed=2/9/2011 resPath=plugins/livepvrdata-shared webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[fuzzymoverecordings state=Failed name=Move Imported TV Shows to SageTV Recordings version=1.0.0 type=STVI desc=Move Imported TV Shows to SageTV Recordings. Requires SeasonNumber and EpisodeNumber metadata tags, as generated by the Phoenix API (or others). author=Fuzzy screenshots=null videos=null modified=7/3/2010 installed=12/1/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[podcastrecorderstvi state=Failed name=Podcast Recorder UI version=1.20 type=STVI desc=PodcastRecorder is a plugin that allows you to manually record Podcasts or select Podcasts as Favorites and have them automatically recorded. author=tmiranda screenshots=[,,,,] videos=null modified=10/1/2010 installed=2/9/2011 resPath= webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[podcastrecorderplugin minVer=0.22 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV], PluginDependency[ortus-mq minVer=1.0.8 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-dbutils state=Failed name=commons-dbutils version=1.3 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for commons-dbutils-1.3.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2010 installed=6/12/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[pluckystheme state=Failed name=Plucky's Theme version=1.00 type=Theme desc=Theme of background changes for main menu. Mainly for Plucky's Menu Mod stvi. There will be more theme changes in the future. author=PluckyHD screenshots=null videos=null modified=6/7/2010 installed=6/10/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[log4j state=Failed name=log4j version=1.2.15 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for log4j-1.2.15.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2010 installed=6/12/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[ortus-mq state=Enabled name=Ortus MQ version=1.0.10 type=Standard desc=Ortus Event/JMS Queue Plugin - A plugin to allow developers to utilize the ApacheMQ module and implement message queueing to communicate between the clients and servers author=jphipps screenshots=null videos=null modified=1/28/2011 installed=2/9/2011 resPath= webpages=null desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer=7 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[activemq-all type=Plugin], PluginDependency[log4j type=Plugin]] packages=null]] Wed 3/2 7:55:46.405 [SageTV@16f0be8] Starting all core plugins... Wed 3/2 7:55:46.405 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Ext GWT Library to after GWT Servlet Jar because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:55:46.406 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Jetty Web Server to after sagex-api - SageTV API Extensions because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:55:46.406 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Season and Episode Number in Details to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:55:46.406 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin CPU Meter to after System Monitor Utilities because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:55:46.406 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin PlayOn For SageTV: STVi to after PlayOn For SageTV: UPnP Browser (Dependancy) because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:55:46.406 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin livepvrdata4j to after scribe because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:55:46.407 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix API to after commons-codec because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:55:46.407 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Season and Episode Number in Details to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:55:46.407 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Podcast Recorder to after sagex-api - SageTV API Extensions because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:55:46.407 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Fanart for SageTV V7 to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:55:46.407 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Nielm's Sage XML Info to after Nielm's Sage Utilities because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:55:46.407 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin scribe to after commons-codec because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:55:46.407 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin livepvrdata4j to after scribe because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:55:46.407 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Batch Metadata Tools - Web Interface to after Jetty Web Server because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:55:46.408 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin SageTV Mobile Web Interface to after Jetty Web Server because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:55:46.408 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin livepvrdata4j to after livepvrdata-shared because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:55:46.408 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix API to after sagex-api - SageTV API Extensions because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:55:46.408 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Fanart for SageTV V7 to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:55:46.408 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Season and Episode Number in Details to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:55:46.408 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix API to after dom4j because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:55:46.408 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Season and Episode Number in Details to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:55:46.408 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Fanart for SageTV V7 to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:55:46.409 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Podcast Recorder to after Ortus MQ because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:55:46.409 [SageTV@16f0be8] Calling start on plugin: Jetty Web Server Wed 3/2 7:55:46.431 [PluginRepoUpdater@a6dbf3] Checking to see if the plugin repository file needs to be updated... Wed 3/2 7:55:46.559 [PluginRepoUpdater@a6dbf3] Local plugin repository file's checksum matches server's, no need to download a new one. Wed 3/2 7:55:46.560 [PluginRepoUpdater@a6dbf3] Analyzing plugin repository XML file... Wed 3/2 7:55:46.606 [PluginRepoUpdater@a6dbf3] Done processing plugin repository XML file repositoryVersion=1.0.1017 Wed 3/2 7:55:48.528 [Ministry@11be075] Ministry is starting Wed 3/2 7:55:48.595 [Ministry@11be075] Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 3/2 7:55:51.368 [LibraryImporter@edc33d] Starting to scan lib import root: F:\SageTV\Pictures Wed 3/2 7:55:51.955 [LibraryImporter@edc33d] Starting to scan lib import root: C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\SageOnlineServicesEXEs\UPnPBrowser\PlayOn Wed 3/2 7:55:56.457 [LibraryImporter@edc33d] Starting to scan lib import root: F:\SageTV\TV Wed 3/2 7:55:56.745 [LibraryImporter@edc33d] Starting to scan lib import root: H:\ Wed 3/2 7:55:56.775 [LibraryImporter@edc33d] Seeker has finished the library import scan. Wed 3/2 7:55:59.431 [SageTVServer@166de66] SageTV received connection from:Socket[addr=/,port=4695,localport=42024] Wed 3/2 7:56:00.520 [SageTVServer@166de66] Sending DB to client of size:12321051 Wed 3/2 7:56:04.704 [SageTVServer@166de66] SageTV received connection from:Socket[addr=/,port=4698,localport=42024] Wed 3/2 7:56:04.712 [ConnRecvQueue@e2e29c] MsgRecv thread has spawned for / Wed 3/2 7:56:04.717 [ConnSendQueue@1fb36c2] MsgSend thread spawned for / Wed 3/2 7:56:04.953 [Scheduler@24389c] Scheduler awoken Wed 3/2 7:56:04.969 [Scheduler@24389c] Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 3/2 7:56:04.968 manual=[ManualRecord[A[8725140,8725139,"Miracle on 34th Street",0@1125.14:00,119] time=Thu 11/25 14:00:01.277 dur=1:59:58], ManualRecord[A[8724270,8724269,"Charlie Brown",0@1125.20:00,59] time=Thu 11/25 20:00:01.794 dur=0:59:58], ManualRecord[A[8723761,8723735,"The Dr. Oz Show",24028@0125.10:00,60] time=Tue 1/25 10:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[8724776,886367,"San Diego Living",25019@0201.09:00,60] time=Tue 2/1 9:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[8778932,8778891,"The Oprah Winfrey Show",21212@0221.16:00,60] time=Mon 2/21 16:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[8778954,8778921,"Dr. Phil",21212@0224.15:00,60] time=Thu 2/24 15:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[8799669,8799639,"Dr. Phil",21212@0301.15:00,60] time=Tue 3/1 15:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] schedules={Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture #2=[Sched=[A[8775824,8775785,"WordWorld",29024@0302.11:30,30], A[8781309,8708984,"Minute to Win It",21213@0302.20:00,60], A[8777065,8777025,"Criminal Minds",21212@0302.21:00,60], A[8776930,8776881,"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit",21213@0302.22:00,60], A[8776759,8776723,"WordWorld",29024@0303.11:30,30], A[8776758,8776722,"Curious George",29024@0303.12:00,30], A[8795348,8795328,"Rules of Engagement",21212@0303.20:31,29], A[8778768,8778741,"Curious George",29024@0304.08:00,30], A[8780102,8780049,"The Defenders",21212@0304.20:00,60], A[8780003,8656898,"Law & Order: Los Angeles",21213@0305.21:00,60], A[8779889,8613516,"Fringe",24028@0305.23:00,60], A[8781403,8781200,"The Simpsons",25019@0306.18:30,30], A[8781241,8781208,"Family Guy",24028@0306.21:00,30], A[8781353,8781336,"CSI: Miami",21212@0306.22:00,60], A[8795492,8795456,"House",24028@0307.20:00,60], A[8795465,8795429,"The Chicago Code",24028@0307.21:00,60], A[8795405,8795385,"Harry's Law",21213@0307.22:00,60], A[8795986,8795971,"Glee",24028@0308.20:00,61], A[8795987,8795972,"Raising Hope",24028@0308.21:01,29]] MustSee=[A[8775824,8775785,"WordWorld",29024@0302.11:30,30], A[8781309,8708984,"Minute to Win It",21213@0302.20:00,60], A[8777065,8777025,"Criminal Minds",21212@0302.21:00,60], A[8776930,8776881,"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit",21213@0302.22:00,60], A[8776759,8776723,"WordWorld",29024@0303.11:30,30], A[8776758,8776722,"Curious George",29024@0303.12:00,30], A[8795348,8795328,"Rules of Engagement",21212@0303.20:31,29], A[8778768,8778741,"Curious George",29024@0304.08:00,30], A[8780102,8780049,"The Defenders",21212@0304.20:00,60], A[8780003,8656898,"Law & Order: Los Angeles",21213@0305.21:00,60], A[8779889,8613516,"Fringe",24028@0305.23:00,60], A[8781403,8781200,"The Simpsons",25019@0306.18:30,30], A[8781241,8781208,"Family Guy",24028@0306.21:00,30], A[8781353,8781336,"CSI: Miami",21212@0306.22:00,60], A[8795492,8795456,"House",24028@0307.20:00,60], A[8795465,8795429,"The Chicago Code",24028@0307.21:00,60], A[8795405,8795385,"Harry's Law",21213@0307.22:00,60], A[8795986,8795971,"Glee",24028@0308.20:00,61], A[8795987,8795972,"Raising Hope",24028@0308.21:01,29]]], Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture=[Sched=[A[8776813,8776783,"American Idol",24028@0302.20:00,90], A[8777054,8777001,"Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior",21212@0302.22:00,60], A[8778809,8778794,"American Idol",24028@0303.20:00,120], A[8798636,8798608,"Undercover Boss",21212@0306.21:00,60], A[8795341,8795322,"Mad Love",21212@0307.20:30,30], A[8795952,8795940,"The Biggest Loser",21213@0308.20:00,120]] MustSee=[A[8776813,8776783,"American Idol",24028@0302.20:00,90], A[8777054,8777001,"Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior",21212@0302.22:00,60], A[8778809,8778794,"American Idol",24028@0303.20:00,120], A[8798636,8798608,"Undercover Boss",21212@0306.21:00,60], A[8795341,8795322,"Mad Love",21212@0307.20:30,30], A[8795952,8795940,"The Biggest Loser",21213@0308.20:00,120]]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1=[Sched=[A[8776922,8776865,"Minute to Win It",21213@0302.21:00,60], A[8779115,8779073,"Wipeout",20377@0303.20:00,60]] MustSee=[A[8776922,8776865,"Minute to Win It",21213@0302.21:00,60], A[8779115,8779073,"Wipeout",20377@0303.20:00,60]]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0=[Sched=[A[8777231,8777180,"Modern Family",20377@0302.21:00,31]] MustSee=[A[8777231,8777180,"Modern Family",20377@0302.21:00,31]]]} scheduleRandSize=0 Wed 3/2 7:56:05.158 [Scheduler@24389c] # Airs=210 Wed 3/2 7:56:05.163 [Scheduler@24389c] MUST SEE FINAL-Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture #2-[A[8775824,8775785,"WordWorld",29024@0302.11:30,30], A[8781309,8708984,"Minute to Win It",21213@0302.20:00,60], A[8777065,8777025,"Criminal Minds",21212@0302.21:00,60], A[8776930,8776881,"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit",21213@0302.22:00,60], A[8776759,8776723,"WordWorld",29024@0303.11:30,30], A[8776758,8776722,"Curious George",29024@0303.12:00,30], A[8795348,8795328,"Rules of Engagement",21212@0303.20:31,29], A[8778768,8778741,"Curious George",29024@0304.08:00,30], A[8780102,8780049,"The Defenders",21212@0304.20:00,60], A[8780003,8656898,"Law & Order: Los Angeles",21213@0305.21:00,60], A[8779889,8613516,"Fringe",24028@0305.23:00,60], A[8781403,8781200,"The Simpsons",25019@0306.18:30,30], A[8781241,8781208,"Family Guy",24028@0306.21:00,30], A[8781353,8781336,"CSI: Miami",21212@0306.22:00,60], A[8795492,8795456,"House",24028@0307.20:00,60], A[8795465,8795429,"The Chicago Code",24028@0307.21:00,60], A[8795405,8795385,"Harry's Law",21213@0307.22:00,60], A[8795986,8795971,"Glee",24028@0308.20:00,61], A[8795987,8795972,"Raising Hope",24028@0308.21:01,29]] Wed 3/2 7:56:05.164 [Scheduler@24389c] MUST SEE FINAL-Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture-[A[8776813,8776783,"American Idol",24028@0302.20:00,90], A[8777054,8777001,"Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior",21212@0302.22:00,60], A[8778809,8778794,"American Idol",24028@0303.20:00,120], A[8798636,8798608,"Undercover Boss",21212@0306.21:00,60], A[8795341,8795322,"Mad Love",21212@0307.20:30,30], A[8795952,8795940,"The Biggest Loser",21213@0308.20:00,120]] Wed 3/2 7:56:05.164 [Scheduler@24389c] MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1-[A[8776922,8776865,"Minute to Win It",21213@0302.21:00,60], A[8779115,8779073,"Wipeout",20377@0303.20:00,60]] Wed 3/2 7:56:05.164 [Scheduler@24389c] MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0-[A[8777231,8777180,"Modern Family",20377@0302.21:00,31]] Wed 3/2 7:56:05.165 [Scheduler@24389c] Evaluating Potentials Wed 3/2 7:56:05.165 [Scheduler@24389c] COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 3/2 7:56:05.165 [Scheduler@24389c] Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture #2 Wed 3/2 7:56:05.165 [Scheduler@24389c] [A[8775824,8775785,"WordWorld",29024@0302.11:30,30], A[8781309,8708984,"Minute to Win It",21213@0302.20:00,60], A[8777065,8777025,"Criminal Minds",21212@0302.21:00,60], A[8776930,8776881,"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit",21213@0302.22:00,60], A[8776759,8776723,"WordWorld",29024@0303.11:30,30], A[8776758,8776722,"Curious George",29024@0303.12:00,30], A[8795348,8795328,"Rules of Engagement",21212@0303.20:31,29], A[8778768,8778741,"Curious George",29024@0304.08:00,30], A[8780102,8780049,"The Defenders",21212@0304.20:00,60], A[8780003,8656898,"Law & Order: Los Angeles",21213@0305.21:00,60], A[8779889,8613516,"Fringe",24028@0305.23:00,60], A[8781403,8781200,"The Simpsons",25019@0306.18:30,30], A[8781241,8781208,"Family Guy",24028@0306.21:00,30], A[8781353,8781336,"CSI: Miami",21212@0306.22:00,60], A[8795492,8795456,"House",24028@0307.20:00,60], A[8795465,8795429,"The Chicago Code",24028@0307.21:00,60], A[8795405,8795385,"Harry's Law",21213@0307.22:00,60], A[8795986,8795971,"Glee",24028@0308.20:00,61], A[8795987,8795972,"Raising Hope",24028@0308.21:01,29]] Wed 3/2 7:56:05.165 [Scheduler@24389c] Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture Wed 3/2 7:56:05.165 [Scheduler@24389c] [A[8776813,8776783,"American Idol",24028@0302.20:00,90], A[8777054,8777001,"Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior",21212@0302.22:00,60], A[8778809,8778794,"American Idol",24028@0303.20:00,120], A[8798636,8798608,"Undercover Boss",21212@0306.21:00,60], A[8795341,8795322,"Mad Love",21212@0307.20:30,30], A[8795952,8795940,"The Biggest Loser",21213@0308.20:00,120]] Wed 3/2 7:56:05.166 [Scheduler@24389c] Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1 Wed 3/2 7:56:05.166 [Scheduler@24389c] [A[8776922,8776865,"Minute to Win It",21213@0302.21:00,60], A[8779115,8779073,"Wipeout",20377@0303.20:00,60]] Wed 3/2 7:56:05.166 [Scheduler@24389c] Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0 Wed 3/2 7:56:05.166 [Scheduler@24389c] [A[8777231,8777180,"Modern Family",20377@0302.21:00,31]] Wed 3/2 7:56:05.169 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker awoken Wed 3/2 7:56:05.170 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] MemStats: Used=47MB Total=73MB Max=1065MB Wed 3/2 7:56:05.170 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture #2 clients=[] ir=false Wed 3/2 7:56:05.170 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[8775824,8775785,"WordWorld",29024@0302.11:30,30] nextTTA=12834830 Wed 3/2 7:56:05.171 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] newRecord=null Wed 3/2 7:56:05.171 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 3/2 7:56:05.171 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture clients=[] ir=false Wed 3/2 7:56:05.171 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[8776813,8776783,"American Idol",24028@0302.20:00,90] nextTTA=43434830 Wed 3/2 7:56:05.171 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] newRecord=null Wed 3/2 7:56:05.171 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 3/2 7:56:05.171 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1 clients=[] ir=false Wed 3/2 7:56:05.171 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[8776922,8776865,"Minute to Win It",21213@0302.21:00,60] nextTTA=47034830 Wed 3/2 7:56:05.171 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] newRecord=null Wed 3/2 7:56:05.172 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 3/2 7:56:05.172 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 3/2 7:56:05.172 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[8777231,8777180,"Modern Family",20377@0302.21:00,31] nextTTA=47034830 Wed 3/2 7:56:05.172 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] newRecord=null Wed 3/2 7:56:05.172 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 3/2 7:56:05.192 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Checking video directories for new files Wed 3/2 7:56:05.201 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Diskspace checking is running Wed 3/2 7:56:05.201 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 3/2 7:56:05.252 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 3/2 7:56:05.254 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 3/2 7:56:05.257 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker waiting for 208 mins. Wed 3/2 7:56:18.788 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin SageTV Mobile Web Interface to after Media Streaming Services because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:18.788 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Batch Metadata Tools - Web Interface to after Phoenix Core Services because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:18.788 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Metadata Tools for SageTV - Commandline to after Phoenix Core Services because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:18.788 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix API to after commons-lang because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:18.788 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Fanart for SageTV V7 to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:18.788 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Season and Episode Number in Details to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:18.788 [SageTV@16f0be8] Calling start on plugin: PlayOn for SageTV: Netflix/Hulu Queue Importer Wed 3/2 7:56:18.790 [SageTV@16f0be8] PLAYON: Timer Starting. Wed 3/2 7:56:18.791 [SageTV@16f0be8] PLAYON: Checking For Import Path Property Wed 3/2 7:56:18.791 [SageTV@16f0be8] PLAYON: SettingPass Values Wed 3/2 7:56:18.791 [SageTV@16f0be8] PLAYON: Pass Values set = ([/scrapeMode , /outputDir , C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\SageOnlineServicesEXEs\UPnPBrowser\PlayOn]) Wed 3/2 7:56:18.791 [SageTV@16f0be8] PLAYON: scheduling timer to run every 24 hours after = (Thu Mar 03 01:07:00 PST 2011) Wed 3/2 7:56:18.791 [SageTV@16f0be8] PLAYON: Running Timer at startup Wed 3/2 7:56:18.792 [SageTV@16f0be8] PLAYON: Getting ready to run Timer event = (C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\SageOnlineServicesEXEs\UPnPBrowser.exe[/scrapeMode , /outputDir , C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\SageOnlineServicesEXEs\UPnPBrowser\PlayOn]) Wed 3/2 7:56:18.838 [SageTV@16f0be8] PLAYON: Timer Finished Running Wed 3/2 7:56:18.838 [SageTV@16f0be8] PLAYON: Next run at = (Thu Mar 03 01:07:00 PST 2011) Wed 3/2 7:56:18.838 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix API to after commons-io because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:18.838 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Season and Episode Number in Details to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:18.838 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Fanart for SageTV V7 to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:18.839 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Sage Recording Extender (SRE) to after SRE Common because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:18.839 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin IMDB Search to after Nielm's Sage Utilities because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:18.839 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Multi-User Support to after Multi-User Support General because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:18.839 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin SRE Common to after livepvrdata4j because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:18.839 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Sage Recording Extender (SRE) to after SRE Common because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:18.839 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin CVF - Custom Video Folder to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:18.839 [SageTV@16f0be8] Calling start on plugin: Multi-User Support General Wed 3/2 7:56:18.839 [SageTV@16f0be8] MUS: Plugin starting. Version = 0.06 XX.XX.2011 Wed 3/2 7:56:18.840 [SageTV@16f0be8] MUS: LogLevel set to 25 Wed 3/2 7:56:18.840 [SageTV@16f0be8] MUS: Plugin: Subscribing to events. Wed 3/2 7:56:18.841 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin SageTV Web Interface to after Nielm's Sage XML Info because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:18.841 [SageTV@16f0be8] Calling start on plugin: SageTV H2 Database Wed 3/2 7:56:18.931 [ConnRecvQueue@e2e29c] Increased Thread pool to size=6 Wed 3/2 7:56:19.024 [SageTV@16f0be8] H2: Successfully Loaded Embedded Driver Wed 3/2 7:56:19.025 [SageTV@16f0be8] H2: Starting Tcp Server on port: 9092 Wed 3/2 7:56:20.766 [SageTV@16f0be8] H2: Starting Web Server on port: 8082 Wed 3/2 7:56:20.930 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix API to after commons-dbutils because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:20.930 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin CVF - Custom Video Folder to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:20.930 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Fanart for SageTV V7 to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:20.930 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Season and Episode Number in Details to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:20.930 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Core Services to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:20.931 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Metadata Tools for SageTV - Commandline to after Phoenix Core Services because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:20.931 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Batch Metadata Tools - Web Interface to after Phoenix Core Services because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:20.931 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin SRE Common to after log4j because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:20.931 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Sage Recording Extender (SRE) to after SRE Common because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:20.931 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Podcast Recorder UI to after Podcast Recorder because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:20.931 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix API to after log4j because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:20.932 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Core Services to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:20.932 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Batch Metadata Tools - Web Interface to after Phoenix Core Services because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:20.932 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Metadata Tools for SageTV - Commandline to after Phoenix Core Services because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:20.932 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Season and Episode Number in Details to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:20.932 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Fanart for SageTV V7 to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:20.932 [SageTV@16f0be8] Moving starting of plugin CVF - Custom Video Folder to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Wed 3/2 7:56:20.932 [SageTV@16f0be8] Calling start on plugin: Phoenix Core Services Wed 3/2 7:56:21.182 [SageTV@16f0be8] Calling start on plugin: Sage Recording Extender (SRE) Wed 3/2 7:56:21.964 [SageTV@16f0be8] Calling start on plugin: Ortus MQ Wed 3/2 7:56:24.309 [SageTV@16f0be8] Calling start on plugin: Podcast Recorder Wed 3/2 7:56:24.405 [SageTV@16f0be8] PodcastRecorder starting. Version = 0.22 Wed 3/2 7:56:24.635 [SageTV@16f0be8] Done starting core plugins. Wed 3/2 7:56:24.636 [SageTV@16f0be8] Loading startup runnable:net.sf.sageplugins.getstatus.GetStatus Wed 3/2 7:56:24.840 [SageTV@16f0be8] Loaded startup runnable:net.sf.sageplugins.getstatus.GetStatus Wed 3/2 7:56:24.840 [Startup-net.sf.sageplugins.getstatus.GetStatus@b9fcb0] GetStatus: Started GetStatus version 1.3 monitor thread Wed 3/2 7:56:24.845 [Startup-net.sf.sageplugins.getstatus.GetStatus@b9fcb0] GetStatus: Listening on Wed 3/2 7:56:24.848 [PSNATMGR@4ce091] Starting UPnP NAT Manager... Wed 3/2 7:56:26.788 [Startup-net.sf.sageplugins.getstatus.GetStatus@b9fcb0] GetStatus: accepted connection Wed 3/2 7:56:26.788 [Startup-net.sf.sageplugins.getstatus.GetStatus@b9fcb0] GetStatus: sending data Wed 3/2 7:56:26.798 [Startup-net.sf.sageplugins.getstatus.GetStatus@b9fcb0] GetStatus: closed connection Wed 3/2 7:56:43.204 [PooledThread@594d1d] Seeker.finishWatch(/ Wed 3/2 7:56:43.213 [PooledThread@594d1d] Seeker.finishWatch(/ Wed 3/2 7:56:45.320 [KeepAlive@edc33d] Error with c/s Wed 3/2 7:56:45.320 [KeepAlive@edc33d] NetworkManager CommunicationFailure : / type=2 Wed 3/2 7:56:45.320 [KeepAlive@edc33d] NetworkClient fullCleanup / Wed 3/2 7:56:45.320 [KeepAlive@edc33d] Cleaning up c/s connection Wed 3/2 7:56:45.320 [KeepAlive@edc33d] Cleaning up c/s connection Wed 3/2 7:56:45.321 [KeepAlive@edc33d] NetworkManager CommunicationFailure : / type=2 Wed 3/2 7:56:45.321 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker awoken Wed 3/2 7:56:45.321 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] MemStats: Used=45MB Total=73MB Max=1065MB Wed 3/2 7:56:45.322 [ConnRecvQueue@e2e29c] Error communicating with Socket closed Wed 3/2 7:56:45.322 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture #2 clients=[] ir=false Wed 3/2 7:56:45.322 [ConnRecvQueue@e2e29c] Cleaning up c/s connection Wed 3/2 7:56:45.323 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[8775824,8775785,"WordWorld",29024@0302.11:30,30] nextTTA=12794678 Wed 3/2 7:56:45.323 [ConnRecvQueue@e2e29c] NetworkManager CommunicationFailure : / type=1 Wed 3/2 7:56:45.323 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] newRecord=null Wed 3/2 7:56:45.323 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 3/2 7:56:45.323 [ConnRecvQueue@e2e29c] MsgRecv thread is terminating for / Wed 3/2 7:56:45.323 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture clients=[] ir=false Wed 3/2 7:56:45.323 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[8776813,8776783,"American Idol",24028@0302.20:00,90] nextTTA=43394678 Wed 3/2 7:56:45.324 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] newRecord=null Wed 3/2 7:56:45.324 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 3/2 7:56:45.324 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-1 clients=[] ir=false Wed 3/2 7:56:45.324 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[8776922,8776865,"Minute to Win It",21213@0302.21:00,60] nextTTA=46994678 Wed 3/2 7:56:45.324 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] newRecord=null Wed 3/2 7:56:45.324 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 3/2 7:56:45.325 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1015C94F-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 3/2 7:56:45.325 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[8777231,8777180,"Modern Family",20377@0302.21:00,31] nextTTA=46994678 Wed 3/2 7:56:45.325 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] newRecord=null Wed 3/2 7:56:45.325 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 3/2 7:56:45.325 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Saving properties file to C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\ Wed 3/2 7:56:45.520 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Checking video directories for new files Wed 3/2 7:56:45.521 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Diskspace checking is running Wed 3/2 7:56:45.521 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 3/2 7:56:45.531 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 3/2 7:56:45.531 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 3/2 7:56:45.533 [Seeker@1a8fb1b] Seeker waiting for 208 mins. Wed 3/2 7:56:58.215 [ConnSendQueue@1fb36c2] Error communicating with server:java.lang.NullPointerException Wed 3/2 7:56:58.215 [ConnSendQueue@1fb36c2] Cleaning up c/s connection Wed 3/2 7:56:58.215 [ConnSendQueue@1fb36c2] NetworkManager CommunicationFailure : / type=1 Wed 3/2 7:56:58.215 [ConnSendQueue@1fb36c2] MsgSend thread terminating for / Wed 3/2 7:56:58.815 [Startup-net.sf.sageplugins.getstatus.GetStatus@b9fcb0] GetStatus: accepted connection Wed 3/2 7:56:58.815 [Startup-net.sf.sageplugins.getstatus.GetStatus@b9fcb0] GetStatus: sending data Wed 3/2 7:56:58.825 [Startup-net.sf.sageplugins.getstatus.GetStatus@b9fcb0] GetStatus: closed connection Wed 3/2 7:57:29.158 [Startup-net.sf.sageplugins.getstatus.GetStatus@b9fcb0] GetStatus: accepted connection Wed 3/2 7:57:29.159 [Startup-net.sf.sageplugins.getstatus.GetStatus@b9fcb0] GetStatus: sending data Wed 3/2 7:57:29.169 [Startup-net.sf.sageplugins.getstatus.GetStatus@b9fcb0] GetStatus: closed connection Wed 3/2 7:57:59.499 [Startup-net.sf.sageplugins.getstatus.GetStatus@b9fcb0] GetStatus: accepted connection Wed 3/2 7:57:59.499 [Startup-net.sf.sageplugins.getstatus.GetStatus@b9fcb0] GetStatus: sending data Wed 3/2 7:57:59.509 [Startup-net.sf.sageplugins.getstatus.GetStatus@b9fcb0] GetStatus: closed connection Wed 3/2 7:58:29.846 [Startup-net.sf.sageplugins.getstatus.GetStatus@b9fcb0] GetStatus: accepted connection Wed 3/2 7:58:29.846 [Startup-net.sf.sageplugins.getstatus.GetStatus@b9fcb0] GetStatus: sending data Wed 3/2 7:58:29.856 [Startup-net.sf.sageplugins.getstatus.GetStatus@b9fcb0] GetStatus: closed connection