Tue 6/23 16:12:33.184 [main@dde6e5] user.dir2=C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV Tue 6/23 16:12:33.185 [main@dde6e5] classpath=C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\Sage.jar;C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\JARs\lucene-core-3.6.0.jar;C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\xerces.jar;C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\plugin.jar;C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\;;JARs\ant.jar;JARs\api-common-2.0.jar;JARs\CommercialDetector.jar;JARs\commons-codec-1.9.jar;JARs\commons-dbutils-1.3.jar;JARs\commons-io-2.5.jar;JARs\commons-jxpath-1.1.jar;JARs\commons-lang-2.4.jar;JARs\commons-lang3-3.4.jar;JARs\commons-logging-1.2.jar;JARs\commons-net-1.4.1.jar;JARs\core-3.1.1.jar;JARs\dom4j-1.6.1.jar;JARs\Gemstone.jar;JARs\GoogleWeather.jar;JARs\groovy-all-2.0.5.jar;JARs\gson-2.7.jar;JARs\hamcrest-core-1.3.jar;JARs\htmlparser-1.6.jar;JARs\httpclient-4.5.1.jar;JARs\httpcore-4.4.3.jar;JARs\jackson-annotations-2.9.8.jar;JARs\jackson-core-2.9.8.jar;JARs\jackson-databind-2.9.8.jar;JARs\JavaFFmpeg.jar;JARs\jcifs-1.1.6.jar;JARs\jdic.jar;JARs\jetty-6.1.19.jar;JARs\jetty-ajp-6.1.19.jar;JARs\jetty-rewrite-handler-6.1.19.jar;JARs\jetty-sslengine-6.1.19.jar;JARs\jetty-starter.jar;JARs\jetty-util-6.1.19.jar;JARs\json-20140107.jar;JARs\jsoup.jar;JARs\jsp-2.1-jetty-6.1.19.jar;JARs\jsp-2.1.jar;JARs\jsp-api-2.1.jar;JARs\junit-4.12.jar;JARs\livepvrdata4j.jar;JARs\livepvrdata_shared.jar;JARs\log4j-1.2.17.jar;JARs\lucene-core-3.6.0.jar;JARs\MediaFormatParserPlugin.jar;JARs\nws.jar;JARs\packager.jar;JARs\phoenix.jar;JARs\sagex-api.jar;JARs\salicense.jar;JARs\sbbi-upnplib-1.0.3.jar;JARs\servlet-api-2.5-6.1.19.jar;JARs\slf4j-api-1.7.12.jar;JARs\slf4j-log4j12-1.7.12.jar;JARs\sre.jar;JARs\themoviedbapi-4.1.jar;JARs\thetvdbapi-1.8.jar;JARs\validation-api-1.1.0.Final.jar;JARs\vecmath.jar Tue 6/23 16:12:33.186 [main@dde6e5] JVM version=1.8.0_251 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.186 [main@dde6e5] OS=Windows 10 10.0 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.186 [main@dde6e5] client=false Tue 6/23 16:12:33.187 [main@dde6e5] locale=en_US Tue 6/23 16:12:33.190 [ThreadMonitor@138b1b0] Thread CPU monitoring started interval=300000 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.193 [main@dde6e5] SageTV V9.2.2.903 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.193 [main@dde6e5] Data Model=32-bit Tue 6/23 16:12:33.203 [main@dde6e5] hostname=LATK-SERVER Tue 6/23 16:12:33.204 [main@dde6e5] Splash: User Interface Manager is initializing... Tue 6/23 16:12:33.303 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... Tue 6/23 16:12:33.371 [main@dde6e5] dbFile=C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\Wiz.bin(21835878) dbBackupFile=C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\Wiz.bak(23176524) Tue 6/23 16:12:33.372 [main@dde6e5] Wizard starting to load database info... Tue 6/23 16:12:33.372 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database Source is initializing... Tue 6/23 16:12:33.382 [main@dde6e5] Reading DB file:C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\Wiz.bin with version 87 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.382 [main@dde6e5] DBFile at version 87 FileSize=21835878 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.382 [main@dde6e5] Wizard allocating table for Year of size 114 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.383 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.384 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading main index for Year bytes=1605 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.384 [main@dde6e5] Load time for Year 0 msec 0.0 msec/object Tue 6/23 16:12:33.385 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for Year 0 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:33.385 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.385 [main@dde6e5] Wizard allocating table for Network of size 65 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.386 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.386 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading main index for Network bytes=977 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.386 [main@dde6e5] Load time for Network 0 msec 0.0 msec/object Tue 6/23 16:12:33.387 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for Network 0 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:33.388 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.388 [main@dde6e5] Wizard allocating table for Title of size 11618 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.389 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.389 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading main index for Title bytes=362955 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.402 [main@dde6e5] Load time for Title 13 msec 0.0011189533 msec/object Tue 6/23 16:12:33.404 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for Title 1 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:33.404 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.405 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading alt index 1 for Title bytes=46478 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.406 [main@dde6e5] Load time for alt index 1 for Title 1 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:33.414 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for alt index 1 for Title 7 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:33.414 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 2% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.414 [main@dde6e5] Wizard allocating table for Channel of size 665 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.414 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 2% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.415 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading main index for Channel bytes=94021 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.416 [main@dde6e5] Load time for Channel 1 msec 0.0015037594 msec/object Tue 6/23 16:12:33.416 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for Channel 0 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:33.416 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 2% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.417 [main@dde6e5] Wizard allocating table for Bonus of size 3286 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.417 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 2% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.417 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading main index for Bonus bytes=66966 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.418 [main@dde6e5] Load time for Bonus 1 msec 3.0432135E-4 msec/object Tue 6/23 16:12:33.418 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for Bonus 0 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:33.419 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 2% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.419 [main@dde6e5] Wizard allocating table for People of size 79584 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.419 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 3% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.419 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading main index for People bytes=4471676 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.426 [main@dde6e5] Lucene index(person): rooted at /rw/\lucene/ running at /rw/\lucene-run/ DiskIndex:false RunningDiskIndex:false Tue 6/23 16:12:33.534 [main@dde6e5] Lucene index(person) reader opened in 3 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.537 [main@dde6e5] Lucene index(person) docs: 0 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.538 [main@dde6e5] Increased Thread pool to size=1 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.538 [main@dde6e5] Lucene index(person) does not have same item count as wizard (idx:0, wiz:79584) - RESETING Tue 6/23 16:12:33.539 [main@dde6e5] Index(person) reset Tue 6/23 16:12:33.630 [main@dde6e5] Load time for People 211 msec 0.0026512868 msec/object Tue 6/23 16:12:33.632 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for People 1 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:33.633 [main@dde6e5] Lucene index(person) built from Wizard Tue 6/23 16:12:33.633 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 3% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.633 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading alt index 2 for People bytes=318342 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.641 [main@dde6e5] Load time for alt index 2 for People 8 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:33.656 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for alt index 2 for People 15 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:33.657 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading alt index 16 for People bytes=318342 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.662 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 11.93% / 8382 work queue, 1000 inserted @ 0.11 ms/peep avg [tot:107ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.664 [main@dde6e5] Load time for alt index 16 for People 7 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:33.670 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for alt index 16 for People 5 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:33.670 [main@dde6e5] Wizard allocating table for SubCategory of size 131 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.671 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 26% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.671 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading main index for SubCategory bytes=2482 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.671 [main@dde6e5] Load time for SubCategory 0 msec 0.0 msec/object Tue 6/23 16:12:33.671 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for SubCategory 0 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:33.671 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 26% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.672 [main@dde6e5] Wizard allocating table for Rated of size 7 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.672 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 26% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.672 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading main index for Rated bytes=93 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.672 [main@dde6e5] Load time for Rated 0 msec 0.0 msec/object Tue 6/23 16:12:33.672 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for Rated 0 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:33.673 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 26% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.673 [main@dde6e5] Wizard allocating table for ParentalRating of size 0 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.673 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 26% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.673 [main@dde6e5] Wizard allocating table for ExtendedRating of size 15 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.673 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 26% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.674 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading main index for ExtendedRating bytes=443 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.674 [main@dde6e5] Load time for ExtendedRating 0 msec 0.0 msec/object Tue 6/23 16:12:33.674 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for ExtendedRating 0 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:33.674 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 26% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.674 [main@dde6e5] Wizard allocating table for Category of size 135 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.675 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 26% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.675 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading main index for Category bytes=2555 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.675 [main@dde6e5] Load time for Category 0 msec 0.0 msec/object Tue 6/23 16:12:33.675 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for Category 0 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:33.675 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 26% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.676 [main@dde6e5] Wizard allocating table for PrimeTitle of size 0 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.676 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 26% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.676 [main@dde6e5] Wizard allocating table for Show of size 21587 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.676 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 26% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.676 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading main index for Show bytes=7136900 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.677 [main@dde6e5] Lucene index(show): rooted at /rw/\lucene/ running at /rw/\lucene-run/ DiskIndex:false RunningDiskIndex:false Tue 6/23 16:12:33.677 [main@dde6e5] Lucene index(show) reader opened in 0 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.677 [main@dde6e5] Lucene index(show) docs: 0 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.677 [main@dde6e5] Lucene index(show) does not have same item count as wizard (idx:0, wiz:21587) - RESETING Tue 6/23 16:12:33.678 [main@dde6e5] Index(show) reset Tue 6/23 16:12:33.690 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 23.86% / 8382 work queue, 2000 inserted @ 0.07 ms/peep avg [tot:133ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.699 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 35.79% / 8382 work queue, 3000 inserted @ 0.05 ms/peep avg [tot:142ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.707 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 47.72% / 8382 work queue, 4000 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:146ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.752 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 59.65% / 8382 work queue, 5000 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:191ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.759 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 71.58% / 8382 work queue, 6000 inserted @ 0.03 ms/peep avg [tot:198ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.766 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 83.51% / 8382 work queue, 7000 inserted @ 0.03 ms/peep avg [tot:203ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.781 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 95.44% / 8382 work queue, 8000 inserted @ 0.03 ms/peep avg [tot:217ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.786 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 100% work queue, 8382 insertions @ 0.03 ms/peep [tot:220ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.794 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 1.40% / 71203 work queue, 9382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:226ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.801 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 2.81% / 71203 work queue, 10382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:233ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.808 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 4.21% / 71203 work queue, 11382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:239ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.867 [main@dde6e5] Load time for Show 191 msec 0.008847917 msec/object Tue 6/23 16:12:33.867 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@48811c] 8.07% / 12399 work queue, 2085 inserted @ 0.08 ms/show avg [tot:177ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.868 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for Show 1 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:33.868 [main@dde6e5] Lucene index(show) built from Wizard Tue 6/23 16:12:33.869 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 26% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.869 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading alt index 3 for Show bytes=86354 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.871 [main@dde6e5] Load time for alt index 3 for Show 2 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:33.872 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 5.62% / 71203 work queue, 12382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:302ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.879 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 7.02% / 71203 work queue, 13382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:308ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.881 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for alt index 3 for Show 10 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:33.881 [main@dde6e5] Wizard allocating table for Airing of size 38904 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.881 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 59% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.882 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading main index for Airing bytes=1517262 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.886 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 8.43% / 71203 work queue, 14382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:315ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.893 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 9.83% / 71203 work queue, 15382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:322ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.895 [main@dde6e5] Load time for Airing 13 msec 3.3415586E-4 msec/object Tue 6/23 16:12:33.896 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for Airing 1 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:33.897 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 59% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.897 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading alt index 6 for Airing bytes=155622 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.899 [main@dde6e5] Load time for alt index 6 for Airing 2 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:33.901 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 11.24% / 71203 work queue, 16382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:329ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.902 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for alt index 6 for Airing 3 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:33.902 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading alt index 5 for Airing bytes=155622 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.904 [main@dde6e5] Load time for alt index 5 for Airing 2 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:33.906 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for alt index 5 for Airing 2 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:33.906 [main@dde6e5] Wizard allocating table for ManualRecord of size 18 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.906 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 67% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.906 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading main index for ManualRecord bytes=1050 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.908 [main@dde6e5] Load time for ManualRecord 2 msec 0.11111111 msec/object Tue 6/23 16:12:33.908 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for ManualRecord 0 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:33.908 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 67% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.908 [main@dde6e5] Wizard allocating table for MediaFile of size 3133 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.909 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 68% done Tue 6/23 16:12:33.909 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading main index for MediaFile bytes=1859770 Tue 6/23 16:12:33.911 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 12.64% / 71203 work queue, 17382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:338ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.918 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 14.04% / 71203 work queue, 18382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:344ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.925 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 15.45% / 71203 work queue, 19382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:350ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.929 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@48811c] 16.13% / 12399 work queue, 3085 inserted @ 0.08 ms/show avg [tot:237ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.940 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 16.85% / 71203 work queue, 20382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:364ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.947 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 18.26% / 71203 work queue, 21382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:369ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.954 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 19.66% / 71203 work queue, 22382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:375ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.962 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 21.07% / 71203 work queue, 23382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:382ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.969 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 22.47% / 71203 work queue, 24382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:389ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.977 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 23.88% / 71203 work queue, 25382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:395ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:33.994 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 25.28% / 71203 work queue, 26382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:412ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.001 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 26.68% / 71203 work queue, 27382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:419ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.005 [main@dde6e5] Load time for MediaFile 96 msec 0.030641558 msec/object Tue 6/23 16:12:34.006 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for MediaFile 1 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:34.006 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 68% done Tue 6/23 16:12:34.006 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading alt index 10 for MediaFile bytes=12538 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.007 [main@dde6e5] Load time for alt index 10 for MediaFile 1 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:34.007 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for alt index 10 for MediaFile 0 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:34.007 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading alt index 12 for MediaFile bytes=12538 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.008 [main@dde6e5] Load time for alt index 12 for MediaFile 1 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:34.008 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 28.09% / 71203 work queue, 28382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:425ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.010 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for alt index 12 for MediaFile 2 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:34.011 [main@dde6e5] Wizard allocating table for Watched of size 657 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.011 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 76% done Tue 6/23 16:12:34.011 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading main index for Watched bytes=39426 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.012 [main@dde6e5] Load time for Watched 1 msec 0.00152207 msec/object Tue 6/23 16:12:34.012 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for Watched 0 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:34.013 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 76% done Tue 6/23 16:12:34.013 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading alt index 7 for Watched bytes=2634 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.013 [main@dde6e5] Load time for alt index 7 for Watched 0 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:34.014 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for alt index 7 for Watched 0 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:34.014 [main@dde6e5] Wizard allocating table for Agent of size 72 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.014 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 76% done Tue 6/23 16:12:34.014 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading main index for Agent bytes=7089 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.015 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 29.49% / 71203 work queue, 29382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:431ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.017 [main@dde6e5] Load time for Agent 3 msec 0.041666668 msec/object Tue 6/23 16:12:34.017 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for Agent 0 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:34.018 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 76% done Tue 6/23 16:12:34.018 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading alt index 11 for Agent bytes=294 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.018 [main@dde6e5] Load time for alt index 11 for Agent 0 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:34.018 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for alt index 11 for Agent 0 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:34.019 [main@dde6e5] Wizard allocating table for Wasted of size 305 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.019 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 76% done Tue 6/23 16:12:34.019 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading main index for Wasted bytes=3971 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.020 [main@dde6e5] Load time for Wasted 1 msec 0.0032786885 msec/object Tue 6/23 16:12:34.020 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for Wasted 0 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:34.020 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 76% done Tue 6/23 16:12:34.020 [main@dde6e5] Wizard allocating table for Playlist of size 8 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.021 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 76% done Tue 6/23 16:12:34.021 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading main index for Playlist bytes=1721 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.022 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 30.90% / 71203 work queue, 30382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:438ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.022 [main@dde6e5] Load time for Playlist 1 msec 0.125 msec/object Tue 6/23 16:12:34.023 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for Playlist 0 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:34.023 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 76% done Tue 6/23 16:12:34.023 [main@dde6e5] Wizard allocating table for TVEditorial of size 0 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.024 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 76% done Tue 6/23 16:12:34.024 [main@dde6e5] Wizard allocating table for SeriesInfo of size 10647 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.024 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 76% done Tue 6/23 16:12:34.024 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading main index for SeriesInfo bytes=5064973 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.028 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 32.30% / 71203 work queue, 31382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:444ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.037 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 33.71% / 71203 work queue, 32382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:451ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.130 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 35.11% / 71203 work queue, 33382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:543ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.135 [main@dde6e5] Load time for SeriesInfo 111 msec 0.010425472 msec/object Tue 6/23 16:12:34.136 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for SeriesInfo 0 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:34.136 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 76% done Tue 6/23 16:12:34.137 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading alt index 13 for SeriesInfo bytes=42594 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.137 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 36.52% / 71203 work queue, 34382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:550ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.138 [main@dde6e5] Load time for alt index 13 for SeriesInfo 1 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:34.140 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for alt index 13 for SeriesInfo 2 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:34.141 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading alt index 15 for SeriesInfo bytes=42594 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.142 [main@dde6e5] Load time for alt index 15 for SeriesInfo 1 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:34.143 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for alt index 15 for SeriesInfo 1 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:34.143 [main@dde6e5] Wizard allocating table for UserRecord of size 29 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.143 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 100% done Tue 6/23 16:12:34.144 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading main index for UserRecord bytes=5635 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.145 [main@dde6e5] Load time for UserRecord 1 msec 0.03448276 msec/object Tue 6/23 16:12:34.145 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for UserRecord 0 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:34.145 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 100% done Tue 6/23 16:12:34.145 [main@dde6e5] Wizard loading alt index 14 for UserRecord bytes=122 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.146 [main@dde6e5] Load time for alt index 14 for UserRecord 1 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:34.146 [main@dde6e5] Index check time for alt index 14 for UserRecord 0 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:34.146 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 37.92% / 71203 work queue, 35382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:558ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.147 [main@dde6e5] Wizard performing validation on database objects... Tue 6/23 16:12:34.155 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 39.32% / 71203 work queue, 36382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:566ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.162 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@48811c] 24.20% / 12399 work queue, 4085 inserted @ 0.12 ms/show avg [tot:470ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.163 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 40.73% / 71203 work queue, 37382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:574ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.172 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 42.13% / 71203 work queue, 38382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:582ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.175 [main@dde6e5] Wizard DONE loading database info. loadTime=0.803 sec Tue 6/23 16:12:34.176 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 100% done Tue 6/23 16:12:34.177 [main@dde6e5] Splash: EPG is initializing... Tue 6/23 16:12:34.181 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 43.54% / 71203 work queue, 39382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:591ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.191 [main@dde6e5] Increased hash set pool to size=1 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.192 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 44.94% / 71203 work queue, 40382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:602ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.202 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 46.35% / 71203 work queue, 41382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:611ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.212 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 47.75% / 71203 work queue, 42382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:619ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.212 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Profiler is initializing... Tue 6/23 16:12:34.215 [main@dde6e5] Loaded 2 messages from system message log file Tue 6/23 16:12:34.278 [main@dde6e5] Splash: Acquisition System is initializing... Tue 6/23 16:12:34.282 [main@dde6e5] MMC calling detectCaptureDevices on sage.NetworkEncoderManager@cb644e Tue 6/23 16:12:34.285 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 49.16% / 71203 work queue, 43382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:692ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.292 [main@dde6e5] network encoder version:3.0 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.292 [main@dde6e5] Parsed network encoder major version: 3 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.292 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 50.56% / 71203 work queue, 44382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:697ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.295 [main@dde6e5] network encoder version:3.0 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.295 [main@dde6e5] Parsed network encoder major version: 3 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.297 [main@dde6e5] network encoder version:3.0 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.298 [main@dde6e5] Parsed network encoder major version: 3 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.299 [main@dde6e5] Doing broadcast discovery of new encoding servers on the network... Tue 6/23 16:12:34.302 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 51.96% / 71203 work queue, 45382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:706ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.302 [main@dde6e5] Discovery packet received:java.net.DatagramPacket@102b3b1 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.305 [main@dde6e5] Added server info:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0,V4.1.0,LATK-SERVER Tue 6/23 16:12:34.305 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@48811c] 32.26% / 12399 work queue, 5085 inserted @ 0.12 ms/show avg [tot:613ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.310 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 53.37% / 71203 work queue, 46382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:714ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.320 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 54.77% / 71203 work queue, 47382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:723ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.328 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 56.18% / 71203 work queue, 48382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:731ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.334 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 57.58% / 71203 work queue, 49382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:737ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.341 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 58.99% / 71203 work queue, 50382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:743ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.347 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 60.39% / 71203 work queue, 51382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:749ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.354 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 61.80% / 71203 work queue, 52382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:755ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.361 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 63.20% / 71203 work queue, 53382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:762ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.363 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@48811c] 40.33% / 12399 work queue, 6085 inserted @ 0.11 ms/show avg [tot:671ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.367 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 64.60% / 71203 work queue, 54382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:768ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.373 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 66.01% / 71203 work queue, 55382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:774ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.380 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 67.41% / 71203 work queue, 56382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:780ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.387 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 68.82% / 71203 work queue, 57382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:787ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.393 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 70.22% / 71203 work queue, 58382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:793ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.400 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 71.63% / 71203 work queue, 59382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:799ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.408 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 73.03% / 71203 work queue, 60382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:807ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.415 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 74.44% / 71203 work queue, 61382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:812ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.419 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@48811c] 48.39% / 12399 work queue, 7085 inserted @ 0.10 ms/show avg [tot:726ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.421 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 75.84% / 71203 work queue, 62382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:818ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.428 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 77.24% / 71203 work queue, 63382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:824ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.436 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 78.65% / 71203 work queue, 64382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:828ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.443 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 80.05% / 71203 work queue, 65382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:835ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.461 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 81.46% / 71203 work queue, 66382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:852ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.480 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 82.86% / 71203 work queue, 67382 inserted @ 0.01 ms/peep avg [tot:870ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.492 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@48811c] 56.46% / 12399 work queue, 8085 inserted @ 0.10 ms/show avg [tot:799ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.548 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@48811c] 64.52% / 12399 work queue, 9085 inserted @ 0.09 ms/show avg [tot:854ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.603 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@48811c] 72.59% / 12399 work queue, 10085 inserted @ 0.09 ms/show avg [tot:909ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.660 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@48811c] 80.65% / 12399 work queue, 11085 inserted @ 0.09 ms/show avg [tot:966ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.766 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 84.27% / 71203 work queue, 68382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:1156ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.772 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 85.67% / 71203 work queue, 69382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:1162ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.778 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 87.07% / 71203 work queue, 70382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:1168ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.784 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 88.48% / 71203 work queue, 71382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:1173ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.790 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 89.88% / 71203 work queue, 72382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:1179ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.796 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 91.29% / 71203 work queue, 73382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:1184ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.802 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 92.69% / 71203 work queue, 74382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:1190ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.808 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 94.10% / 71203 work queue, 75382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:1196ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.815 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 95.50% / 71203 work queue, 76382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:1203ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.821 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 96.91% / 71203 work queue, 77382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:1209ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.827 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 98.31% / 71203 work queue, 78382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:1215ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.834 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 99.71% / 71203 work queue, 79382 inserted @ 0.02 ms/peep avg [tot:1222ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.835 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] Snapshot index person snap-count: 0 Tue 6/23 16:12:34.899 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@d6a284] 100% work queue, 79584 insertions @ 0.02 ms/peep [tot:1223ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:34.976 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@48811c] 88.72% / 12399 work queue, 12085 inserted @ 0.11 ms/show avg [tot:1281ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:35.021 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@48811c] 96.78% / 12399 work queue, 13085 inserted @ 0.10 ms/show avg [tot:1325ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:35.039 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@48811c] 100% work queue, 13484 insertions @ 0.10 ms/show [tot:1342ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:35.083 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@48811c] 12.34% / 8104 work queue, 14484 inserted @ 0.10 ms/show avg [tot:1386ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:35.129 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@48811c] 24.68% / 8104 work queue, 15484 inserted @ 0.09 ms/show avg [tot:1432ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:35.176 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@48811c] 37.02% / 8104 work queue, 16484 inserted @ 0.09 ms/show avg [tot:1479ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:35.213 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@48811c] 49.36% / 8104 work queue, 17484 inserted @ 0.09 ms/show avg [tot:1516ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:35.259 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@48811c] 61.70% / 8104 work queue, 18484 inserted @ 0.08 ms/show avg [tot:1560ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:35.306 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@48811c] 74.04% / 8104 work queue, 19484 inserted @ 0.08 ms/show avg [tot:1607ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:35.353 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@48811c] 86.38% / 8104 work queue, 20484 inserted @ 0.08 ms/show avg [tot:1654ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:35.396 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@48811c] 98.72% / 8104 work queue, 21484 inserted @ 0.08 ms/show avg [tot:1696ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:35.400 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@48811c] Snapshot index show snap-count: 0 Tue 6/23 16:12:35.586 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@48811c] 100% work queue, 21587 insertions @ 0.08 ms/show [tot:1700ms] Tue 6/23 16:12:37.297 [main@dde6e5] Error discovering servers:java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Receive timed out Tue 6/23 16:12:37.298 [main@dde6e5] Connected to encoding server at LATK-SERVER Tue 6/23 16:12:37.302 [main@dde6e5] Ignoring network encoder because it's already in our config: -1361517007 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.302 [main@dde6e5] Ignoring network encoder because it's already in our config: -1361517005 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.302 [main@dde6e5] Ignoring network encoder because it's already in our config: -1361517006 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.303 [main@dde6e5] devices detected=[DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-2 on, DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-0 on, DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-1 on] Tue 6/23 16:12:37.303 [main@dde6e5] EncoderMap={DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-2 on Prime Tuner 13256352-2 on, DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-0 on Prime Tuner 13256352-0 on, DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-1 on Prime Tuner 13256352-1 on} Tue 6/23 16:12:37.304 [main@dde6e5] MMC calling detectCaptureDevices on sage.DShowCaptureManager@159c4b8 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.304 [main@dde6e5] Splash: DirectShow WDM Capture Manager is initializing... Tue 6/23 16:12:37.306 [main@dde6e5] Setup globalInvalidParameterHandler Tue 6/23 16:12:37.306 [main@dde6e5] Device detecting->:{65E8773D-8F56-11D0-A3B9-00A0C9223196} Tue 6/23 16:12:37.316 [main@dde6e5] Device found--'Hauppauge Colossus Capture 0' Tue 6/23 16:12:37.316 [main@dde6e5] Device found--'MSVAD Wave' Tue 6/23 16:12:37.316 [main@dde6e5] MergeNameList() Entry: DevName[0] 'À', numDev=0, new DevName1[0] 'Hauppauge Colossus Capture 0', numDev1=2 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.316 [main@dde6e5] Device detecting->:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11d2-9C95-00C04F7971E0} Tue 6/23 16:12:37.317 [main@dde6e5] MergeNameList() Entry: DevName[0] 'Hauppauge Colossus Capture 0', numDev=2, new DevName1[0] 'Hauppauge Colossus Capture 0', numDev1=0 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.317 [main@dde6e5] Device detecting->:{71985F48-1CA1-11d3-9CC8-00C04F7971E0} Tue 6/23 16:12:37.318 [main@dde6e5] MergeNameList() Entry: DevName[0] 'Hauppauge Colossus Capture 0', numDev=2, new DevName1[0] 'Hauppauge Colossus Capture 0', numDev1=0 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.318 [main@dde6e5] Device found 'Hauppauge Colossus Capture 0' Tue 6/23 16:12:37.318 [main@dde6e5] Device found 'MSVAD Wave' Tue 6/23 16:12:37.319 [main@dde6e5] systemCapDevices=[Hauppauge Colossus Capture 0, MSVAD Wave] Tue 6/23 16:12:37.319 [main@dde6e5] Checking encoder key:1736059624 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.320 [main@dde6e5] Checking encoder key:1424382901 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.323 [main@dde6e5] Created DShowCapDev object for:Hauppauge Colossus Capture 0 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.323 [main@dde6e5] Checking encoder key:-869963930 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.323 [main@dde6e5] Checking encoder key:-1714435801 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.324 [main@dde6e5] EncoderMap1={Hauppauge Colossus Capture 0=Hauppauge Colossus Capture 0} Tue 6/23 16:12:37.324 [main@dde6e5] Saving properties file to C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\Sage.properties Tue 6/23 16:12:37.349 [main@dde6e5] Done writing out the data to the properties file Tue 6/23 16:12:37.356 [main@dde6e5] Capture device Hauppauge Colossus Capture 0 (0) exists Tue 6/23 16:12:37.356 [main@dde6e5] Get CaptureMask from registry SOFTWARE\Frey Technologies\Common\AdditionalCaptureSetups\Hauppauge Colossus Capture 0, 0x800 (hybrid:'') Tue 6/23 16:12:37.357 [main@dde6e5] @DEBUG@ device found 'Hauppauge Colossus Capture 0' (index:0) for 'Hauppauge Colossus Capture 0'. Tue 6/23 16:12:37.358 [main@dde6e5] Device desc:'@oem6.inf,%hcwd1cap.devicedesc%;Colossus Capture Device'. Tue 6/23 16:12:37.358 [main@dde6e5] It's a Hauppauge device. Tue 6/23 16:12:37.358 [main@dde6e5] skip BDACrossbar check for tuner; detailsCaptureMask=0x800 detailsChipsetMask=0x100000 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.358 [main@dde6e5] DeviceCap: 0x100800 hasBDAInput=0 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.363 [main@dde6e5] Use Hardware ID:SW\{63CAA72E-81A2-497c-A7FE-8D293FB54CF5} to match Tue 6/23 16:12:37.363 [main@dde6e5] Check BDA capture device:Hauppauge Colossus Capture 0-0 (\\?\root#hcwd1cap#0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{68dbfdfb-4884-417b-b1f8-e14e216a44c0}) on location:'' id:'SW\{63CAA72E-81A2-497c-A7FE-8D293FB54CF5}' [state-2, index:-2] . Tue 6/23 16:12:37.364 [main@dde6e5] Found the pin2 ;) Tue 6/23 16:12:37.364 [main@dde6e5] BDA FindVideoPin:0x19cb0b4 hasBDAInput:0 on Hauppauge Colossus Capture 0 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.385 [main@dde6e5] not found tuner pin in crossbar for device, try search second cross bar Hauppauge Colossus Capture 0 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.385 [main@dde6e5] pin index i=0 pinType=6 relatedPin=7 foundSPDIFCompInput=0 foundOtherCompInput=0 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.385 [main@dde6e5] pin index i=1 pinType=5 relatedPin=8 foundSPDIFCompInput=0 foundOtherCompInput=1 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.386 [main@dde6e5] pin index i=2 pinType=2 relatedPin=8 foundSPDIFCompInput=0 foundOtherCompInput=1 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.386 [main@dde6e5] pin index i=3 pinType=3 relatedPin=8 foundSPDIFCompInput=0 foundOtherCompInput=1 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.386 [main@dde6e5] pin index i=4 pinType=5 relatedPin=10 foundSPDIFCompInput=0 foundOtherCompInput=1 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.386 [main@dde6e5] pin index i=5 pinType=2 relatedPin=10 foundSPDIFCompInput=0 foundOtherCompInput=1 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.386 [main@dde6e5] pin index i=6 pinType=3 relatedPin=10 foundSPDIFCompInput=0 foundOtherCompInput=1 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.386 [main@dde6e5] pin index i=7 pinType=4100 relatedPin=0 foundSPDIFCompInput=0 foundOtherCompInput=1 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.386 [main@dde6e5] pin index i=8 pinType=4097 relatedPin=1 foundSPDIFCompInput=0 foundOtherCompInput=1 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.386 [main@dde6e5] pin index i=9 pinType=4100 relatedPin=1 foundSPDIFCompInput=1 foundOtherCompInput=1 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.386 [main@dde6e5] hasMultiAudioCompInput=1 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.386 [main@dde6e5] HDMI AV has Related audio pin: reportedHdmiPinType[0]=6 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.386 [main@dde6e5] HDMI AV has other audio pin: reportedHdmiPinType[1]=80 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.386 [main@dde6e5] HDMI AV has other audio pin: reportedHdmiPinType[2]=82 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.386 [main@dde6e5] HDMI AV has other audio pin: reportedHdmiPinType[3]=80 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.386 [main@dde6e5] pin list: pin 0 pinType=6 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.387 [main@dde6e5] pin list: pin 1 pinType=80 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.387 [main@dde6e5] pin list: pin 2 pinType=82 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.387 [main@dde6e5] pin list: pin 3 pinType=80 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.387 [main@dde6e5] pin list: pin 4 pinType=5 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.387 [main@dde6e5] pin list: pin 5 pinType=90 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.387 [main@dde6e5] pin list: pin 6 pinType=2 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.387 [main@dde6e5] pin list: pin 7 pinType=3 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.387 [main@dde6e5] pin list: pin 8 pinType=5 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.387 [main@dde6e5] pin list: pin 9 pinType=90 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.387 [main@dde6e5] pin list: pin 10 pinType=2 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.387 [main@dde6e5] pin list: pin 11 pinType=3 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.388 [main@dde6e5] Encoder passed the check:Hauppauge Colossus Capture 0 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.388 [main@dde6e5] Saving properties file to C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\Sage.properties Tue 6/23 16:12:37.399 [main@dde6e5] Done writing out the data to the properties file Tue 6/23 16:12:37.400 [main@dde6e5] Processing new system dev:Hauppauge Colossus Capture 0 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.400 [main@dde6e5] Device already has been processed Tue 6/23 16:12:37.400 [main@dde6e5] Processing new system dev:MSVAD Wave Tue 6/23 16:12:37.400 [main@dde6e5] devices detected=[Hauppauge Colossus Capture 0] Tue 6/23 16:12:37.400 [main@dde6e5] EncoderMap={DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-2 on Prime Tuner 13256352-2 on, DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-0 on Prime Tuner 13256352-0 on, Hauppauge Colossus Capture 0=Hauppauge Colossus Capture 0, DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-1 on Prime Tuner 13256352-1 on} Tue 6/23 16:12:37.401 [main@dde6e5] Splash: SageTV Core is initializing... Tue 6/23 16:12:37.425 [main@dde6e5] Checking video directories for new files Tue 6/23 16:12:37.449 [main@dde6e5] DShowFilters=[AC3 Parser Filter, AC3Filter, ACM Wrapper, ArcSoft AAC Encoder, ArcSoft TS Muxer, ArcSoft Video Encoder Pro, Audio Generator Filter, Audio Mixer Filter, AVI Decompressor, AVI Draw, AVI Mux, AVI Splitter, AVI/WAV File Source, BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter, Closed Captions Analysis Filter, Color Space Converter, DV Muxer, DV Splitter, DV Video Decoder, DVD Navigator, Enhanced Video Renderer, File Source (Async.), File Source (URL), File stream renderer, File writer, GDCL Mpeg-4 Demultiplexor, Hauppauge AAC Encoder, Hauppauge AC3 Decoder, Hauppauge Audio ReTiming Filter, Hauppauge MPEG Layer-1/2 Audio Decoder, Hauppauge Mux Wrapper, Infinite Pin Tee Filter, Internal Script Command Renderer, LAV Audio Decoder, LAV Splitter, LAV Splitter Source, LAV Video Decoder, Line 21 Decoder, Line 21 Decoder 2, MainConcept (Demo) AVC/H.264 Video Encoder, MainConcept (Demo) MPEG Multiplexer, MainConcept (HCW) Layer II Audio Encoder, MainConcept (HCW) MPEG Multiplexer-Plus, MainConcept (HCW) MPEG-2 Video Decoder, MainConcept (HCW) MPEG-2 Video Encoder, Microsoft AC3 Encoder, Microsoft DTV-DVD Audio Decoder, Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder, Microsoft MPEG-2 Audio Encoder, Microsoft MPEG-2 Encoder, Microsoft MPEG-2 Video Encoder, MIDI Parser, MJPEG Decompressor, MP3 Decoder DMO, MPEG Audio Decoder, MPEG Video Decoder, MPEG-2 Demultiplexer, MPEG-2 Sections and Tables, MPEG-2 Splitter, MPEG-2 Video Stream Analyzer, MPEG-I Stream Splitter, MPEG2Dump, Mpeg4 Decoder DMO, Mpeg43 Decoder DMO, Mpeg4s Decoder DMO, Multi-file Parser, Nablet "Live Broadcaster", NPVR AAC Encoder, NPVR Frame Cap, NPVR Video Mixer, Null Renderer, Overlay Mixer, Overlay Mixer2, Pinnacle CSC, Pinnacle Image Converter, Pinnacle Image Scaler, Pinnacle Video AntiJitter, Pinnacle Video Block Filter, Pinnacle Video Deinterlacer, PlayLaterVideoSource Filter, PlayLaterVideoSplitter Filter, SageTV FileSource, SageTV MPEG Layer II Audio Encoder, SageTV MpegDeMux, SageTV MpegMux, SageTV Music Visualization, SageTV Stream Demuxer, SageTV TS Splitter 3.0, SAMI (CC) Parser, SampleGrabber, SBE2FileScan, SBE2MediaTypeProfile, Smart Tee, Stream Scope, StreamBufferSink, StreamBufferSink2, StreamBufferSource, VBI Codec, VBI Surface Allocator, VGA 16 Color Ditherer, Video Frame Grab Filter, Video Mixer Filter, Video Mixing Renderer 9, Video Port Manager, Video Renderer, Video Renderer, VPS Decoder, Wave Parser, WM ASF Reader, WM ASF Writer, WMAPro over S/PDIF DMO, WMAudio Decoder DMO, WMSpeech Decoder DMO, WMV Screen decoder DMO, WMVideo Decoder DMO, WST Pager] Tue 6/23 16:12:37.450 [main@dde6e5] EVR support detected=true Tue 6/23 16:12:37.455 [SageTV@1b5b450] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 0% done Tue 6/23 16:12:37.477 [SageTV@1b5b450] CARNY building airing maps... Tue 6/23 16:12:37.527 [SageTV@1b5b450] CARNY Processing 10 Agents & 26211 Airs Tue 6/23 16:12:37.538 [SageTV@1b5b450] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 100% done Tue 6/23 16:12:37.538 [SageTV@1b5b450] CARNY Negative Energy Size: 305 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.539 [SageTV@1b5b450] CARNY Traitors:[] Tue 6/23 16:12:37.540 [SageTV@1b5b450] CARNY finished in 85ms Tue 6/23 16:12:37.540 [Seeker@6eaff3] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=true avoidArchive=false Tue 6/23 16:12:37.541 [Carny@8be4f6] Carny got a Std job of null Tue 6/23 16:12:37.541 [EPG@2c013e] Increased ArrayList pool to size=1 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.541 [FSManager@19f200e] FSManager is running... Tue 6/23 16:12:37.542 [MsgMgrSocket@1b5f7cc] Spawned thread for MsgManger server socket listening... Tue 6/23 16:12:37.543 [EPG@2c013e] sage.epg.sd.SDRipper@1d6f930 needs an update in 3:50:27 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.543 [EPG@2c013e] EPG needs an update in 230 minutes Tue 6/23 16:12:37.544 [EPG@2c013e] EPG's works is done. Waiting... Tue 6/23 16:12:37.544 [SageTV@1b5b450] Splash: Waiting for SageTV to finish initialization... Tue 6/23 16:12:37.546 [Scheduler@24c620] Scheduler.updateSchedule() called manual=[ManualRecord[A[614247,611714,"30 for 30",45507@0614.00:00,120,T] time=Wed 6/14 0:00:00.000 dur=2:00:00], ManualRecord[A[676410,614944,"30 for 30",45507@0614.02:00,60,T] time=Wed 6/14 2:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[676198,672481,"30 for 30",32645@0614.20:00,120,T] time=Wed 6/14 20:00:00.000 dur=2:00:00], ManualRecord[A[1908162,1828359,"Psych: The Movie",58452@1207.23:00,120,T] time=Thu 12/7 23:00:00.000 dur=2:00:00], ManualRecord[A[2535261,2529354,"Krypton",58623@0322.02:30,60,T] time=Thu 3/22 2:30:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[3910597,3908221,"2018 World Series",45744@1023.20:00,180,T] time=Tue 10/23 20:00:00.000 dur=4:08:03], ManualRecord[A[3914163,3912373,"2018 World Series",45744@1024.20:00,180,T] time=Wed 10/24 20:00:00.000 dur=3:24:03], ManualRecord[A[3929782,3928348,"2018 World Series",45744@1027.20:00,180,T] time=Sat 10/27 20:00:00.000 dur=4:12:03], ManualRecord[A[3941634,3939785,"2018 World Series",45744@1028.20:00,180,T] time=Sun 10/28 20:00:00.000 dur=3:20:03], ManualRecord[A[4512950,4511333,"Super Bowl LIII",31859@0203.18:30,210,T] time=Sun 2/3 18:30:00.000 dur=3:30:00], ManualRecord[A[5025563,5025362,"NBA Basketball",42642@0417.19:00,150,T] time=Wed 4/17 19:00:00.000 dur=2:30:00], ManualRecord[A[5027189,5027008,"NBA Basketball",32791@0419.20:30,150,T] time=Fri 4/19 20:30:00.000 dur=2:30:00], ManualRecord[A[5131768,5112186,"NBA Basketball",32791@0428.13:00,150,T] time=Sun 4/28 13:00:00.000 dur=2:30:00], ManualRecord[A[5113500,5113184,"NBA Basketball",42642@0430.20:00,150,T] time=Tue 4/30 20:00:00.000 dur=2:30:00], ManualRecord[A[5116672,5116365,"NBA Basketball",42642@0506.19:00,150,T] time=Mon 5/6 19:00:00.000 dur=2:30:00], ManualRecord[A[6842794,6756892,"NBA Basketball",49198@0226.22:30,150,T] time=Wed 2/26 22:30:00.000 dur=2:34:03], ManualRecord[A[7388556,7384749,"The Last Dance",45507@0517.21:00,60,T] time=Sun 5/17 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[7388557,7384750,"The Last Dance",45507@0517.22:00,60,T] time=Sun 5/17 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] schedules={DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-2 on[Sched=[] MustSee=[]], DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-0 on[Sched=[] MustSee=[]], DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-1 on[Sched=[] MustSee=[]]} scheduleRandSize=0 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.549 [Scheduler@24c620] # Airs=250 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.550 [Carny@8be4f6] CARNY building airing maps... Tue 6/23 16:12:37.552 [Scheduler@24c620] MUST SEE FINAL-DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-2 on[] Tue 6/23 16:12:37.552 [Scheduler@24c620] MUST SEE FINAL-DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-0 on[] Tue 6/23 16:12:37.552 [Scheduler@24c620] MUST SEE FINAL-DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-1 on[] Tue 6/23 16:12:37.553 [Scheduler@24c620] Evaluating Potentials Tue 6/23 16:12:37.553 [Scheduler@24c620] COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Tue 6/23 16:12:37.553 [Scheduler@24c620] DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-2 on Tue 6/23 16:12:37.553 [Scheduler@24c620] [] Tue 6/23 16:12:37.554 [Scheduler@24c620] DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-0 on Tue 6/23 16:12:37.554 [Scheduler@24c620] [] Tue 6/23 16:12:37.554 [Scheduler@24c620] DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-1 on Tue 6/23 16:12:37.554 [Scheduler@24c620] [] Tue 6/23 16:12:37.554 [Scheduler@24c620] Total Schedule eval time=10 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:37.555 [Scheduler@24c620] Scheduler awoken Tue 6/23 16:12:37.558 [Scheduler@24c620] Scheduler.updateSchedule() called manual=[ManualRecord[A[614247,611714,"30 for 30",45507@0614.00:00,120,T] time=Wed 6/14 0:00:00.000 dur=2:00:00], ManualRecord[A[676410,614944,"30 for 30",45507@0614.02:00,60,T] time=Wed 6/14 2:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[676198,672481,"30 for 30",32645@0614.20:00,120,T] time=Wed 6/14 20:00:00.000 dur=2:00:00], ManualRecord[A[1908162,1828359,"Psych: The Movie",58452@1207.23:00,120,T] time=Thu 12/7 23:00:00.000 dur=2:00:00], ManualRecord[A[2535261,2529354,"Krypton",58623@0322.02:30,60,T] time=Thu 3/22 2:30:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[3910597,3908221,"2018 World Series",45744@1023.20:00,180,T] time=Tue 10/23 20:00:00.000 dur=4:08:03], ManualRecord[A[3914163,3912373,"2018 World Series",45744@1024.20:00,180,T] time=Wed 10/24 20:00:00.000 dur=3:24:03], ManualRecord[A[3929782,3928348,"2018 World Series",45744@1027.20:00,180,T] time=Sat 10/27 20:00:00.000 dur=4:12:03], ManualRecord[A[3941634,3939785,"2018 World Series",45744@1028.20:00,180,T] time=Sun 10/28 20:00:00.000 dur=3:20:03], ManualRecord[A[4512950,4511333,"Super Bowl LIII",31859@0203.18:30,210,T] time=Sun 2/3 18:30:00.000 dur=3:30:00], ManualRecord[A[5025563,5025362,"NBA Basketball",42642@0417.19:00,150,T] time=Wed 4/17 19:00:00.000 dur=2:30:00], ManualRecord[A[5027189,5027008,"NBA Basketball",32791@0419.20:30,150,T] time=Fri 4/19 20:30:00.000 dur=2:30:00], ManualRecord[A[5131768,5112186,"NBA Basketball",32791@0428.13:00,150,T] time=Sun 4/28 13:00:00.000 dur=2:30:00], ManualRecord[A[5113500,5113184,"NBA Basketball",42642@0430.20:00,150,T] time=Tue 4/30 20:00:00.000 dur=2:30:00], ManualRecord[A[5116672,5116365,"NBA Basketball",42642@0506.19:00,150,T] time=Mon 5/6 19:00:00.000 dur=2:30:00], ManualRecord[A[6842794,6756892,"NBA Basketball",49198@0226.22:30,150,T] time=Wed 2/26 22:30:00.000 dur=2:34:03], ManualRecord[A[7388556,7384749,"The Last Dance",45507@0517.21:00,60,T] time=Sun 5/17 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[7388557,7384750,"The Last Dance",45507@0517.22:00,60,T] time=Sun 5/17 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] schedules={DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-2 on[Sched=[] MustSee=[]], DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-0 on[Sched=[] MustSee=[]], DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-1 on[Sched=[] MustSee=[]]} scheduleRandSize=0 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.560 [Scheduler@24c620] # Airs=250 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.560 [Scheduler@24c620] MUST SEE FINAL-DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-2 on[] Tue 6/23 16:12:37.560 [Scheduler@24c620] MUST SEE FINAL-DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-0 on[] Tue 6/23 16:12:37.560 [Scheduler@24c620] MUST SEE FINAL-DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-1 on[] Tue 6/23 16:12:37.561 [Scheduler@24c620] Evaluating Potentials Tue 6/23 16:12:37.561 [Scheduler@24c620] COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Tue 6/23 16:12:37.561 [Scheduler@24c620] DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-2 on Tue 6/23 16:12:37.562 [Scheduler@24c620] [] Tue 6/23 16:12:37.562 [Scheduler@24c620] DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-0 on Tue 6/23 16:12:37.562 [Scheduler@24c620] [] Tue 6/23 16:12:37.562 [Scheduler@24c620] DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-1 on Tue 6/23 16:12:37.562 [Scheduler@24c620] [] Tue 6/23 16:12:37.562 [Scheduler@24c620] Total Schedule eval time=5 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:37.563 [Scheduler@24c620] Scheduler starting wait... Tue 6/23 16:12:37.598 [Carny@8be4f6] CARNY Processing 72 Agents & 26211 Airs Tue 6/23 16:12:37.777 [Seeker@6eaff3] Checking video directories for new files Tue 6/23 16:12:37.777 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Checking video directories for new files Tue 6/23 16:12:37.778 [Seeker@6eaff3] Diskspace checking is running Tue 6/23 16:12:37.778 [Seeker@6eaff3] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Tue 6/23 16:12:37.784 [Seeker@6eaff3] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Tue 6/23 16:12:37.784 [Seeker@6eaff3] DONE enforcing keep at most limits for the files. Tue 6/23 16:12:37.785 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Tue 6/23 16:12:37.786 [Seeker@6eaff3] DONE clearing unwanted and partial files. Tue 6/23 16:12:37.794 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker waiting for 153722840731860 mins. Tue 6/23 16:12:37.797 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker awoken Tue 6/23 16:12:37.797 [Seeker@6eaff3] MemStats: Used=126MB Total=183MB Max=1037MB Tue 6/23 16:12:37.798 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker adding new Encoder: DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-2 on Tue 6/23 16:12:37.798 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker adding new Encoder: DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-0 on Tue 6/23 16:12:37.799 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker adding new Encoder: DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-1 on Tue 6/23 16:12:37.800 [Seeker@6eaff3] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-2 on clients=[] ir=false Tue 6/23 16:12:37.800 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.800 [Seeker@6eaff3] newRecord=null Tue 6/23 16:12:37.800 [Seeker@6eaff3] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Tue 6/23 16:12:37.800 [Seeker@6eaff3] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-0 on clients=[] ir=false Tue 6/23 16:12:37.800 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.801 [Seeker@6eaff3] newRecord=null Tue 6/23 16:12:37.801 [Seeker@6eaff3] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Tue 6/23 16:12:37.801 [Seeker@6eaff3] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-1 on clients=[] ir=false Tue 6/23 16:12:37.801 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.801 [Seeker@6eaff3] newRecord=null Tue 6/23 16:12:37.801 [Seeker@6eaff3] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Tue 6/23 16:12:37.801 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker waiting for -26549052 mins. Tue 6/23 16:12:37.812 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker awoken Tue 6/23 16:12:37.813 [Seeker@6eaff3] MemStats: Used=126MB Total=183MB Max=1037MB Tue 6/23 16:12:37.814 [Seeker@6eaff3] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-2 on clients=[] ir=false Tue 6/23 16:12:37.814 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.814 [Seeker@6eaff3] newRecord=null Tue 6/23 16:12:37.814 [Seeker@6eaff3] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Tue 6/23 16:12:37.814 [Seeker@6eaff3] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-0 on clients=[] ir=false Tue 6/23 16:12:37.814 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.815 [Seeker@6eaff3] newRecord=null Tue 6/23 16:12:37.815 [Seeker@6eaff3] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Tue 6/23 16:12:37.815 [Seeker@6eaff3] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-1 on clients=[] ir=false Tue 6/23 16:12:37.815 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Tue 6/23 16:12:37.815 [Seeker@6eaff3] newRecord=null Tue 6/23 16:12:37.815 [Seeker@6eaff3] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Tue 6/23 16:12:37.816 [Seeker@6eaff3] Checking video directories for new files Tue 6/23 16:12:37.816 [Seeker@6eaff3] Diskspace checking is running Tue 6/23 16:12:37.816 [Seeker@6eaff3] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Tue 6/23 16:12:37.822 [Seeker@6eaff3] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Tue 6/23 16:12:37.822 [Seeker@6eaff3] DONE enforcing keep at most limits for the files. Tue 6/23 16:12:37.823 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Tue 6/23 16:12:37.823 [Seeker@6eaff3] DONE clearing unwanted and partial files. Tue 6/23 16:12:37.825 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker waiting for 153722840731860 mins. Tue 6/23 16:12:38.048 [SageTVServer@f1d602] SageTVServer was instantiated loadDelay=4.855 sec Tue 6/23 16:12:38.049 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@50947b] SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer was instantiated. Tue 6/23 16:12:38.050 [SageTVDiscoveryServer@938e34] SageTVDiscoveryServer was instantiated. Tue 6/23 16:12:38.051 [SageTV@1b5b450] Trying to find lan network interface Tue 6/23 16:12:38.163 [SageTVServer@f1d602] SageTV received connection from:Socket[addr=/,port=62970,localport=42024] Tue 6/23 16:12:38.171 [SageTV@1b5b450] addr: / Tue 6/23 16:12:38.171 [SageTV@1b5b450] addr: /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 Tue 6/23 16:12:38.172 [SageTV@1b5b450] addr: / Tue 6/23 16:12:38.172 [SageTV@1b5b450] Miniserver running on Tue 6/23 16:12:38.172 [SageTV@1b5b450] Parsed 0 clients Tue 6/23 16:12:38.173 [MiniBootp@4a0a2e] 16867 Tue 6/23 16:12:38.174 [MiniTftp@f6f96c] 16869 Tue 6/23 16:12:38.174 [MiniMVP@1073f10] 16881 Tue 6/23 16:12:38.178 [SageTV@1b5b450] Loading locator keys from filesystem since they already exist. Tue 6/23 16:12:38.185 [SageTV@1b5b450] Splash: User Interface Manager is initializing... Tue 6/23 16:12:38.185 [PSNATMGR@e16ed8] Starting UPnP NAT Manager... Tue 6/23 16:12:38.186 [SageTV@1b5b450] Loading all core plugins... Tue 6/23 16:12:38.187 [HotplugStorage@166e6a4] StorageDeviceDetector started... Tue 6/23 16:12:38.195 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: livepvrdata-shared type: Library version: by: Slugger Tue 6/23 16:12:38.195 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: gemstone-theme type: Library version: 1.0407 by: JOrton, jusjoken Tue 6/23 16:12:38.195 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-net type: Library version: 1.4.1 by: stuckless Tue 6/23 16:12:38.196 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: phoenix-core type: Standard version: 3.3.0 by: stuckless,jusjoken,bialio,meinmaui Tue 6/23 16:12:38.196 [SageTV@1b5b450] Plugin phoenix-core is enabled, try to load it from class: sagex.phoenix.plugin.PhoenixPlugin Tue 6/23 16:12:38.200 [SageTVServer@f1d602] Suspending DB writes while we send the DB to the client... Tue 6/23 16:12:38.201 [SageTVServer@f1d602] Sending DB to client of size:21835874 INFO - Configured Root Logger Tue 6/23 16:12:38.221 [SageTV@1b5b450] LOG4J: Configured Root Logger INFO - Configured Logging for: sagex-api using file: sagex-api.log4j.properties Tue 6/23 16:12:38.240 [SageTV@1b5b450] LOG4J: Configured Logging for: sagex-api using file: sagex-api.log4j.properties Tue 6/23 16:12:38.252 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-io type: Library version: 2.5 by: stuckless Tue 6/23 16:12:38.253 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-lang type: Library version: 2.4 by: stuckless Tue 6/23 16:12:38.253 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: googleweather type: Library version: 2.0.3 by: Opus4 Tue 6/23 16:12:38.254 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: htmlparser type: Library version: 1.6 by: stuckless Tue 6/23 16:12:38.254 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: themoviedb type: Library version: 4.1.0 by: stuckless Tue 6/23 16:12:38.254 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: gemstone-icons type: Library version: 1.013 by: JOrton, jusjoken Tue 6/23 16:12:38.255 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-logging type: Library version: 1.2.0 by: stuckless Tue 6/23 16:12:38.255 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: nwsweather type: STVI version: 0.13 by: tmiranda Tue 6/23 16:12:38.255 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: javaffmpeglibrarywinx32 type: Library version: 0.4 by: jvl711 Tue 6/23 16:12:38.255 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: hamcrest-core type: Library version: 1.3 by: stuckless Tue 6/23 16:12:38.256 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: sagex-api type: Library version: by: stuckless Tue 6/23 16:12:38.256 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: comskip type: Library version: 80.042.003 by: tmiranda Tue 6/23 16:12:38.256 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: api-common type: Library version: 2.0 by: stuckless Tue 6/23 16:12:38.257 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: diamondstvi type: STVI version: 4.0501 by: JOrton,jusjoken,Fuzzy,EvilPenguin,bialio,PluckyHD Tue 6/23 16:12:38.257 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: gemstone-api type: Standard version: 1.0501 by: jusjoken,Fuzzy,PluckyHD Tue 6/23 16:12:38.257 [SageTV@1b5b450] Plugin gemstone-api is enabled, try to load it from class: Gemstone.GemstonePlugin Tue 6/23 16:12:38.272 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commercialdetector type: Standard version: 1.16 by: tmiranda Tue 6/23 16:12:38.272 [SageTV@1b5b450] Plugin commercialdetector is enabled, try to load it from class: tmiranda.cd.plugin Tue 6/23 16:12:38.275 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: groovy type: Library version: by: Slugger Tue 6/23 16:12:38.276 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: salicense type: Standard version: 1.3.1 by: Slugger Tue 6/23 16:12:38.276 [SageTV@1b5b450] Plugin salicense is enabled, try to load it from class: com.google.code.sagetvaddons.license.Plugin Tue 6/23 16:12:38.277 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: mediaformatparserpluginwinx32 type: Standard version: 0.3 by: jvl711 Tue 6/23 16:12:38.277 [SageTV@1b5b450] Plugin mediaformatparserpluginwinx32 is enabled, try to load it from class: jvl.mediaformat.MediaFormatParserPlugin Tue 6/23 16:12:38.278 [SageTV@1b5b450] ERROR plugin class does not implement the sage.SageTVPlugin interface so it will not be loaded Tue 6/23 16:12:38.278 [SageTV@1b5b450] Loading of plugin mediaformatparserpluginwinx32 failed! Tue 6/23 16:12:38.278 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: javax-validation-api type: Library version: 1.1.0 by: SageTV Tue 6/23 16:12:38.278 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: livepvrdataserver type: Standard version: 1.7.1 by: skiingwiz Tue 6/23 16:12:38.279 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: httpcore type: Library version: 4.4.3 by: stuckless Tue 6/23 16:12:38.279 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: thetvdbapi type: Library version: 1.8.0 by: stuckless Tue 6/23 16:12:38.279 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: jackson-annotations type: Library version: 2.9.8 by: SageTV Tue 6/23 16:12:38.280 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-dbutils type: Library version: 1.3 by: stuckless Tue 6/23 16:12:38.280 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: jackson-core type: Library version: 2.9.8 by: SageTV Tue 6/23 16:12:38.280 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: dom4j type: Library version: 1.6.1 by: stuckless Tue 6/23 16:12:38.280 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: slf4j-api type: Library version: 1.7.12 by: stuckless Tue 6/23 16:12:38.281 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-codec type: Library version: 1.9 by: stuckless Tue 6/23 16:12:38.281 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: json type: Library version: 20140107.2 by: Slugger Tue 6/23 16:12:38.281 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: livepvrdata4j type: Library version: by: Slugger Tue 6/23 16:12:38.282 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: bmtweb type: Standard version: 4.101.0 by: stuckless Tue 6/23 16:12:38.282 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: jetty type: Standard version: by: jreichen Tue 6/23 16:12:38.283 [SageTV@1b5b450] Plugin jetty is enabled, try to load it from class: sagex.jetty.starter.JettyPlugin Tue 6/23 16:12:38.288 [SageTV@1b5b450] ::INFO: Logging to sagex.jetty.log.JettyStarterLogger@68f976 via sagex.jetty.log.JettyStarterLogger Tue 6/23 16:12:38.288 [SageTV@1b5b450] ::INFO: Jetty Starter plugin version Tue 6/23 16:12:38.291 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: comskipplayback type: STVI version: by: JREkiwi Tue 6/23 16:12:38.292 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: log4j type: Library version: 1.2.17 by: stuckless Tue 6/23 16:12:38.292 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: junit type: Library version: 4.12.0 by: stuckless Tue 6/23 16:12:38.293 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: slf4j-log4j12 type: Library version: 1.7.12 by: stuckless Tue 6/23 16:12:38.293 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: ant type: Library version: 1.8.2 by: Slugger Tue 6/23 16:12:38.293 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: jackson-databind type: Library version: 2.9.8 by: SageTV Tue 6/23 16:12:38.293 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: sre type: Standard version: 4.0.2 by: Slugger Tue 6/23 16:12:38.294 [SageTV@1b5b450] Plugin sre is enabled, try to load it from class: com.google.code.sagetvaddons.sre.plugin.SrePlugin Tue 6/23 16:12:38.297 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Seeker is starting the library import scan... Tue 6/23 16:12:38.308 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Starting to scan lib import root: D:\Music Tue 6/23 16:12:38.498 [SageTVServer@f1d602] Logging 0 DB xcts to file and sending them to the new client... Tue 6/23 16:12:38.499 [SageTVServer@f1d602] DONE sending DB to the client and client is now added as a DB sync listener Tue 6/23 16:12:38.500 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Increased StringBuffer pool to size=1 Tue 6/23 16:12:38.645 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: jsoup type: Library version: 1.11.3 by: routerunner Tue 6/23 16:12:38.645 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: phoenix-api type: Library version: 3.3.0 by: stuckless,jusjoken,bialio,meinmaui Tue 6/23 16:12:38.646 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-lang3 type: Library version: 3.4 by: stuckless Tue 6/23 16:12:38.646 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: gson type: Library version: 2.7 by: SageTV Tue 6/23 16:12:38.646 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: httpclient type: Library version: by: stuckless Tue 6/23 16:12:38.646 [SageTV@1b5b450] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commercialdetectorstvi type: STVI version: 1.33 by: tmiranda Tue 6/23 16:12:38.649 [SageTV@1b5b450] LOADED PLUGINS=[SageTVPlugin[livepvrdata-shared state=Failed name=livepvrdata-shared version= type=Library desc=Common data structures for Live PVR Data API - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=9/2/2011 installed=10/19/2018 resPath=plugins/livepvrdata-shared webpages=[http://www.livepvrdata.com] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[gemstone-theme state=Failed name=Gemstone z Theme Files version=1.0407 type=Library desc=Gemstone Theme Files - Do not install directly as this is just a dependency!! author=JOrton, jusjoken screenshots=null videos=null modified=8/5/2018 installed=9/23/2018 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-net state=Failed name=commons-net version=1.4.1 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for commons-net-1.4.1.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2010 installed=9/23/2018 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[phoenix-core state=Enabled name=Phoenix Core Services version=3.3.0 type=Standard desc=Phoenix Core Services provides the following services * automatic metadata and fanart fetching from external sources such as TheMovieDB, and TVDb. * dynamic menus * custom views * user profiles * weather * dynamic configuration author=stuckless,jusjoken,bialio,meinmaui screenshots=null videos=null modified=1/19/2019 installed=12/23/2019 resPath=phoenix-core webpages=[https://github.com/stuckless/sagetv-phoenix-core] implementation=sagex.phoenix.plugin.PhoenixPlugin desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[phoenix-api minVer=3.3.0 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-io state=Failed name=commons-io version=2.5 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for commons-io-1.4.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=3/20/2014 installed=9/23/2018 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.6 type=JVM]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-lang state=Failed name=commons-lang version=2.4 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for commons-lang-2.4.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2010 installed=9/23/2018 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[googleweather state=Failed name=Google Weather version=2.0.3 type=Library desc=A weather support library that is used by SageTV's updated weather system to retrieve weather information from Weather Underground. author=Opus4 screenshots=null videos=null modified=7/1/2015 installed=9/23/2018 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[htmlparser state=Failed name=htmlparser version=1.6 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for htmlparser-1.6.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2010 installed=9/23/2018 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[themoviedb state=Failed name=The Movie DB Library version=4.1.0 type=Library desc=The Movie DB Library author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=9/23/2018 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[commons-io minVer=2.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-logging minVer=1.2.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[hamcrest-core minVer=1.3 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[api-common minVer=2.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[httpcore minVer=4.4.3 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[jackson-annotations minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[jackson-core minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[slf4j-api minVer=1.7.12 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-codec minVer=1.9 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[log4j minVer=1.2.17 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[junit minVer=4.12.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[slf4j-log4j12 minVer=1.7.12 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[jackson-databind minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-lang3 minVer=3.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[httpclient minVer= type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[gemstone-icons state=Failed name=Gemstone z Icon Files version=1.013 type=Library desc=Gemstone Icon Files - Do not install directly as this is just a dependency!! author=JOrton, jusjoken screenshots=null videos=null modified=10/18/2015 installed=9/23/2018 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-logging state=Failed name=commons-logging version=1.2.0 type=Library desc=Apache Commons logging library - dependency only author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=9/23/2018 resPath=plugins/commons-logging webpages=[http://commons.apache.org/logging/] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=7.0.9 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[nwsweather state=Failed name=Weather Using NWS API version=0.13 type=STVI desc=Weather for SageTV. Uses the National Weather Service API. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/11/2018 installed=12/23/2019 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[json type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[javaffmpeglibrarywinx32 state=Failed name=JavaFFmpegLibrary Windows x32 version=0.4 type=Library desc=JNI Wrapper library around FFmpeg library for 32 bit SageTV author=jvl711 screenshots=null videos=null modified=6/18/2020 installed=6/23/2020 resPath= webpages=[https://github.com/jvl711/JavaFFmpegLibrary] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[hamcrest-core state=Failed name=hamcrest-core version=1.3 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for hamcrest-core - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=9/23/2018 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[sagex-api state=Failed name=sagex-api - SageTV API Extensions version= type=Library desc=SageTV API Wrappers with Remote API capabilities author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=3/4/2018 installed=9/23/2018 resPath=sagex-api webpages=[http://forums.sagetv.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36044] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.7 type=JVM], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=9.1.7 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[comskip state=Failed name=comskip version=80.042.003 type=Library desc=Comskip repackaged as a SageTV7 Plugin. This is used for CommercialDetector, no need to install directly. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=1/18/2016 installed=10/1/2018 resPath=comskip webpages=[http://www.kaashoek.com/comskip/] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[api-common state=Failed name=api-common version=2.0 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for api-common - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=9/23/2018 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[diamondstvi state=Failed name=Gemstone for Default SageTV9 (previously Diamond) version=4.0501 type=STVI desc=Major update of the Diamond STVi. author=JOrton,jusjoken,Fuzzy,EvilPenguin,bialio,PluckyHD screenshots=null videos=null modified=1/20/2019 installed=12/23/2019 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[gemstone-theme minVer=1.0407 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[phoenix-core minVer=3.3.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[googleweather minVer=2.0.2 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[gemstone-icons minVer=1.013 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[gemstone-api minVer=1.0501 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer= type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[gemstone-api state=Enabled name=Gemstone z API version=1.0501 type=Standard desc=Gemstone API - Do not install directly as this is just a dependency!! author=jusjoken,Fuzzy,PluckyHD screenshots=null videos=null modified=1/20/2019 installed=12/23/2019 resPath= webpages=null implementation=Gemstone.GemstonePlugin desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer= type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commercialdetector state=Enabled name=Commercial Detector version=1.16 type=Standard desc=A simple way to detect commercials in your recordings. Creates .edl files that can be read by the Comskip Playback plugin. The plugin comes complete with comskip and little or no configuration is needed. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/2/2017 installed=10/1/2018 resPath= webpages=[http://code.google.com/p/tmiranda/wiki/CommercialDetector, http://forums.sagetv.com/forums/showthread.php?t=49958] implementation=tmiranda.cd.plugin desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[comskip minVer=80.042.001 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[groovy state=Failed name=groovy version= type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin - no need to download directly author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/22/2012 installed=10/19/2018 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.5.0 type=JVM]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[salicense state=Enabled name=sagetv-addons License Server version=1.3.1 type=Standard desc=The sagetv-addons license server plugin provides a global validation point for all other plugins that require a sagetv-addons license file. This plugin helps to centralize and simplify license validation in the other plugins that use sagetv-addons licensing. Most users should NOT need to install this plugin manually. Other plugins that need to validate this license will automatically install this plugin. Manually installing and configuring this plugin ahead of time is also acceptable. author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=8/5/2013 installed=10/19/2018 resPath=plugins/salicense webpages=[http://sagetv-addons.googlecode.com] implementation=com.google.code.sagetvaddons.license.Plugin desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.5.0 type=JVM], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=7.0.0 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[mediaformatparserpluginwinx32 state=Failed name=Media Format Parser Plugin Windows x32 version=0.3 type=Standard desc=Media parser plugin based on FFmpeg for 32 bit SageTV author=jvl711 screenshots=null videos=null modified=6/18/2020 installed=6/23/2020 resPath= webpages=[https://github.com/jvl711/MediaFormatParserPlugin] implementation=jvl.mediaformat.MediaFormatParserPlugin desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[javaffmpeglibrarywinx32 minVer=0.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=9.2.2 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[javax-validation-api state=Failed name=javax-validation-api Library version=1.1.0 type=Library desc=javax-validation-api library - dependency only author=SageTV screenshots=null videos=null modified=9/10/2016 installed=9/23/2018 resPath=javax-validation-api webpages=[http://central.maven.org/maven2/javax/validation/validation-api/1.1.0.Final/validation-api-1.1.0.Final.jar] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=9.0.7 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[livepvrdataserver state=Failed name=Live PVR Data Server version=1.7.1 type=Standard desc=Provides Sports Event monitoring for use by the SRE plugin author=skiingwiz screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/22/2018 installed=1/1/2019 resPath=plugins/livepvrdata-server webpages=[https://github.com/livepvrdata-oss/livepvrdata-svc] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[groovy minVer=2.0.5 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[jetty minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.7 type=JVM], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer= type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[httpcore state=Failed name=HttpCore version=4.4.3 type=Library desc=Apache HttpCore library - dependency only author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=9/23/2018 resPath=httpcore webpages=[http://hc.apache.org/] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[thetvdbapi state=Failed name=The TV DB Library version=1.8.0 type=Library desc=The TV DB Library author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=9/23/2018 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[commons-logging minVer=1.2.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[hamcrest-core minVer=1.3 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[api-common minVer=2.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[httpcore minVer=4.4.3 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[slf4j-api minVer=1.7.12 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-codec minVer=1.9 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[log4j minVer=1.2.17 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[junit minVer=4.12.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[slf4j-log4j12 minVer=1.7.12 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-lang3 minVer=3.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[httpclient minVer= type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[jackson-annotations state=Failed name=jackson-annotations Library version=2.9.8 type=Library desc=jackson-annotations library - dependency only author=SageTV screenshots=null videos=null modified=1/26/2019 installed=12/23/2019 resPath=jackson-annotations webpages=[http://central.maven.org/maven2/com/fasterxml/jackson/core/jackson-annotations/2.9.8/jackson-annotations-2.9.8.jar] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=9.0.7 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-dbutils state=Failed name=commons-dbutils version=1.3 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for commons-dbutils-1.3.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2010 installed=9/23/2018 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[jackson-core state=Failed name=jackson-core Library version=2.9.8 type=Library desc=jackson-core library - dependency only author=SageTV screenshots=null videos=null modified=1/26/2019 installed=12/23/2019 resPath=jackson-core webpages=[http://central.maven.org/maven2/com/fasterxml/jackson/core/jackson-core/2.9.8/jackson-core-2.9.8.jar] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=9.0.7 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[dom4j state=Failed name=dom4j version=1.6.1 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for dom4j-1.6.1.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2010 installed=9/23/2018 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[slf4j-api state=Failed name=Simple Logging Facade for Java API Library (slf4j) version=1.7.12 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for Simple Logging Facade for Java (slf4j-api-1.7.12.jar) - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=9/23/2018 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-codec state=Failed name=commons-codec version=1.9 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for commons-codec-1.9.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=9/23/2018 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[json state=Failed name=JSON.org version=20140107.2 type=Library desc=A Java implementation of JSON - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=2/22/2014 installed=10/19/2018 resPath=json webpages=[http://www.json.org] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[livepvrdata4j state=Failed name=livepvrdata4j version= type=Library desc=Java implementation of Live PVR Data web API - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=9/2/2011 installed=10/19/2018 resPath=plugins/livepvrdata4j webpages=[http://www.livepvrdata.com, http://livepvrdata4j.googlecode.com] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[livepvrdata-shared minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-logging type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-codec type=Plugin], PluginDependency[json type=Plugin], PluginDependency[gson type=Plugin], PluginDependency[httpclient minVer= type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[bmtweb state=Failed name=Batch Metadata Tools - Web Interface version=4.101.0 type=Standard desc=Web Interface for Batch Metadata Tools, commonly referred to as bmt. The web interface enables you to do edit metadata manually from a web browser. In addition to simple editing of metadata, bmt is build on the Phoenix APIs, and it provides a web interface to the Phoenix Views. ie, It allows you to browser your media collection from the web web browser. While browsing your collection you can also find metadata and fanart for a group of media files, or for a single item. BMT also provides a number of other batch tools for cleaning up metadata, or performing some common operations. Some of these include; Exporting a .properties for some or all mediafiles; Cleaning up Genres; Setting the watched status on files, etc author=stuckless screenshots=[http://forums.sagetv.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=9772&stc=1&d=1266629522] videos=null modified=2/12/2017 installed=9/23/2018 resPath=plugins/bmtweb webpages=[http://forums.sagetv.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=46] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[phoenix-core minVer=2.3.47 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[javax-validation-api minVer=1.1.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[jetty minVer=1.7 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=9.0.7 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[jetty state=Enabled name=Jetty Web Server version= type=Standard desc=Provides a platform for SageTV web application plugins. Currently available web applications can manage SageTV recordings from desktop or mobile web browsers, manage fanart and metadata, provide remote web services for SageTV, configure batch job processing, and more. The plugin consists of two parts. The first part is Jetty, a 3rd-party Java web server from Mortbay Consulting that can be embedded in a Java program such as SageTV. The second part is a set of plugin classes created by the author that interact with SageTV to start, stop, and configure the Jetty web server. author=jreichen screenshots=[http://sageplugins.sourceforge.net/screenshots/jetty/SageTVWebApps.png] videos=null modified=4/23/2011 installed=9/23/2018 resPath=jetty webpages=[http://forums.sagetv.com/forums/showthread.php?t=48818, http://tools.assembla.com/sageplugins/wiki/Jetty, http://jetty.codehaus.org/jetty/] implementation=sagex.jetty.starter.JettyPlugin desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer=9.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.7 type=JVM], PluginDependency[ant minVer=1.8.2 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=9.0 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[comskipplayback state=Failed name=Comskip Playback version= type=STVI desc=Adds support for reading the edl or txt files generated by comskip or showanalyzer and skipping commercial breaks during playback This plugin is the continuation of the original work by at least malore, nielm, flachbar, sundansx and razrsharpe author=JREkiwi screenshots=null videos=null modified=11/10/2019 installed=12/23/2019 resPath= webpages=[http://forums.sagetv.com/forums/showthread.php?t=48408] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[log4j state=Failed name=log4j version=1.2.17 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for log4j-1.2.17.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=9/23/2018 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[junit state=Failed name=junit version=4.12.0 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=9/23/2018 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.5.0 type=JVM]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[slf4j-log4j12 state=Failed name=Simple Logging Facade Log4J Implementation Library version=1.7.12 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for Simple Logging Facade Log4J (v1.2) Implementation Library (slf4j-log4j12-1.7.12.jar) - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=9/23/2018 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[ant state=Failed name=ant version=1.8.2 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin - no need to download directly author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2011 installed=9/23/2018 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.5.0 type=JVM]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[jackson-databind state=Failed name=jackson-databind Library version=2.9.8 type=Library desc=jackson-databind library - dependency only author=SageTV screenshots=null videos=null modified=1/26/2019 installed=12/23/2019 resPath=jackson-databind webpages=[http://central.maven.org/maven2/com/fasterxml/jackson/core/jackson-databind/2.9.8/jackson-databind-2.9.8.jar] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=9.0.7 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[sre state=Enabled name=Sage Recording Extender (SRE) version=4.0.2 type=Standard desc=SRE monitors live events and extends the recording as necessary. Don't let your recordings stop early and miss out on extra innings or overtime! This plugin communicates with the Live PVR Data web service to determine if your recordings need to be extended because the recording is a live event. Currently, the web service only supports monitoring of specific sporting events (NFL, NHL, MLB, NBA, NCAA football, NCAA basketball). With this plugin enabled, all your recordings will be monitored against this web service and your recordings will be extended as necessary to ensure that you do not miss any portion of a live event because it runs longer than the EPG listings. This plugin installs a web GUI app within the Jetty plugin for online viewing and configuration. The SRE web app is installed at the /sre/ context within the Jetty plugin. author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=5/31/2016 installed=10/19/2018 resPath=plugins/sre4 webpages=[http://sagetv-addons.googlecode.com] implementation=com.google.code.sagetvaddons.sre.plugin.SrePlugin desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[groovy minVer=1.7.10 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[salicense minVer=1.1.1 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[livepvrdataserver minVer=1.0.1 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[livepvrdata4j minVer=5.0.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[log4j minVer=1.2.15 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.5.0 type=JVM], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer= type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[jsoup state=Failed name=jsoup version=1.11.3 type=Library desc=Java HTML parser by Jonathan Hedley (DO NOT INSTALL SEPARATELY). author=routerunner screenshots=null videos=null modified=11/11/2018 installed=12/23/2019 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.7 type=JVM], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=7.1 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[phoenix-api state=Failed name=Phoenix API version=3.3.0 type=Library desc=Phoenix API Extensions for SageTV. The Phoenix APIs include support Fanart, Dynamic Menus, Custom Views, etc. The API is the foundation for the Phoenix project. author=stuckless,jusjoken,bialio,meinmaui screenshots=null videos=null modified=1/19/2019 installed=12/23/2019 resPath=phoenix-api webpages=[https://github.com/stuckless/sagetv-phoenix-core] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[commons-net minVer=1.4.1 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-io minVer=2.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-lang minVer=2.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[htmlparser minVer=1.6 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[themoviedb minVer=4.1.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[thetvdbapi minVer=1.8.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-dbutils minVer=1.3 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[dom4j minVer=1.6.1 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-codec minVer=1.9 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[log4j minVer=1.2.17 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.7 type=JVM], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=9.0.0 type=Core], PluginDependency[jsoup minVer=1.7.1 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[gson minVer=1.7.1 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-lang3 state=Failed name=commons-lang3 version=3.4 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for commons-lang3 - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=9/23/2018 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[gson state=Failed name=gson Library version=2.7 type=Library desc=gson library - dependency only author=SageTV screenshots=null videos=null modified=1/26/2019 installed=12/23/2019 resPath=gson webpages=[http://central.maven.org/maven2/com/google/code/gson/gson/2.7/gson-2.7.jar] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=9.0.7 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[httpclient state=Failed name=HttpClient version= type=Library desc=Apache HttpClient library - dependency only author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=9/23/2018 resPath=httpclient webpages=[http://hc.apache.org/] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[httpcore minVer=4.4.3 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commercialdetectorstvi state=Failed name=Commercial Detector UI version=1.33 type=STVI desc=Alters the behavior of the Comskip Playback UI Mod so the "Run Comskip" buttons are compatible with the CommercialDetector plugin. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=6/13/2016 installed=10/21/2018 resPath= webpages=[http://forums.sagetv.com/forums/showthread.php?t=49958] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV], PluginDependency[commercialdetector minVer=1.00 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[comskipplayback minVer=2.1.2 type=Plugin]] packages=null]] Tue 6/23 16:12:38.662 [PluginRepoUpdater@452578] Checking to see if the plugin repository file SageTVPlugins.xml needs to be updated using MD5 URL: http://download.sagetv.com/SageTVPlugins.md5.txt Tue 6/23 16:12:38.724 [ClientListenerParallelizer@1e59ab1] Listener parallelizer thread has spawned for / Tue 6/23 16:12:38.738 [PluginRepoUpdater@452578] Local plugin repository file's checksum matches server's, no need to download a new one for SageTVPlugins.xml Tue 6/23 16:12:38.739 [PluginRepoUpdater@452578] Checking to see if the plugin repository file SageTVPluginsV9.xml needs to be updated using MD5 URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenSageTV/sagetv-plugin-repo/master/SageTVPluginsV9.md5 Tue 6/23 16:12:38.754 [SageTVServer@f1d602] SageTV received connection from:Socket[addr=/,port=62972,localport=42024] Tue 6/23 16:12:38.756 [SageTVServer@f1d602] Increased Thread pool to size=6 Tue 6/23 16:12:38.757 [ConnSendQueue@1fcaa9b] MsgSend thread spawned for / Tue 6/23 16:12:38.757 [ConnRecvQueue@1739854] MsgRecv thread has spawned for / Tue 6/23 16:12:38.895 [SageTV@1b5b450] Starting all core plugins... Tue 6/23 16:12:38.896 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Core Services to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:38.896 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after commons-logging because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:38.896 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after hamcrest-core because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:38.896 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin Weather Using NWS API to after JSON.org because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:38.897 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after api-common because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:38.897 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after HttpCore because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:38.897 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin Gemstone for Default SageTV9 (previously Diamond) to after Phoenix Core Services because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:38.897 [SageTV@1b5b450] Calling start on plugin: Gemstone z API INFO - Configured Logging for: gemstone using file: gemstone.log4j.properties Tue 6/23 16:12:38.900 [SageTV@1b5b450] LOG4J: Configured Logging for: gemstone using file: gemstone.log4j.properties INFO - Configured Logging for: phoenix using file: phoenix.log4j.properties Tue 6/23 16:12:38.922 [SageTV@1b5b450] LOG4J: Configured Logging for: phoenix using file: phoenix.log4j.properties INFO - Configured Logging for: phoenix-metadata using file: phoenix-metadata.log4j.properties Tue 6/23 16:12:38.923 [SageTV@1b5b450] LOG4J: Configured Logging for: phoenix-metadata using file: phoenix-metadata.log4j.properties Tue 6/23 16:12:39.015 [Scheduler@24c620] Scheduler awoken Tue 6/23 16:12:39.018 [Scheduler@24c620] Scheduler.updateSchedule() called manual=[ManualRecord[A[614247,611714,"30 for 30",45507@0614.00:00,120,T] time=Wed 6/14 0:00:00.000 dur=2:00:00], ManualRecord[A[676410,614944,"30 for 30",45507@0614.02:00,60,T] time=Wed 6/14 2:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[676198,672481,"30 for 30",32645@0614.20:00,120,T] time=Wed 6/14 20:00:00.000 dur=2:00:00], ManualRecord[A[1908162,1828359,"Psych: The Movie",58452@1207.23:00,120,T] time=Thu 12/7 23:00:00.000 dur=2:00:00], ManualRecord[A[2535261,2529354,"Krypton",58623@0322.02:30,60,T] time=Thu 3/22 2:30:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[3910597,3908221,"2018 World Series",45744@1023.20:00,180,T] time=Tue 10/23 20:00:00.000 dur=4:08:03], ManualRecord[A[3914163,3912373,"2018 World Series",45744@1024.20:00,180,T] time=Wed 10/24 20:00:00.000 dur=3:24:03], ManualRecord[A[3929782,3928348,"2018 World Series",45744@1027.20:00,180,T] time=Sat 10/27 20:00:00.000 dur=4:12:03], ManualRecord[A[3941634,3939785,"2018 World Series",45744@1028.20:00,180,T] time=Sun 10/28 20:00:00.000 dur=3:20:03], ManualRecord[A[4512950,4511333,"Super Bowl LIII",31859@0203.18:30,210,T] time=Sun 2/3 18:30:00.000 dur=3:30:00], ManualRecord[A[5025563,5025362,"NBA Basketball",42642@0417.19:00,150,T] time=Wed 4/17 19:00:00.000 dur=2:30:00], ManualRecord[A[5027189,5027008,"NBA Basketball",32791@0419.20:30,150,T] time=Fri 4/19 20:30:00.000 dur=2:30:00], ManualRecord[A[5131768,5112186,"NBA Basketball",32791@0428.13:00,150,T] time=Sun 4/28 13:00:00.000 dur=2:30:00], ManualRecord[A[5113500,5113184,"NBA Basketball",42642@0430.20:00,150,T] time=Tue 4/30 20:00:00.000 dur=2:30:00], ManualRecord[A[5116672,5116365,"NBA Basketball",42642@0506.19:00,150,T] time=Mon 5/6 19:00:00.000 dur=2:30:00], ManualRecord[A[6842794,6756892,"NBA Basketball",49198@0226.22:30,150,T] time=Wed 2/26 22:30:00.000 dur=2:34:03], ManualRecord[A[7388556,7384749,"The Last Dance",45507@0517.21:00,60,T] time=Sun 5/17 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[7388557,7384750,"The Last Dance",45507@0517.22:00,60,T] time=Sun 5/17 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] schedules={DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-2 on[Sched=[] MustSee=[]], DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-0 on[Sched=[] MustSee=[]], DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-1 on[Sched=[] MustSee=[]]} scheduleRandSize=0 Tue 6/23 16:12:39.019 [Scheduler@24c620] # Airs=250 Tue 6/23 16:12:39.020 [Scheduler@24c620] MUST SEE FINAL-DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-2 on[] Tue 6/23 16:12:39.020 [Scheduler@24c620] MUST SEE FINAL-DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-0 on[] Tue 6/23 16:12:39.020 [Scheduler@24c620] MUST SEE FINAL-DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-1 on[] Tue 6/23 16:12:39.021 [Scheduler@24c620] Evaluating Potentials Tue 6/23 16:12:39.021 [Scheduler@24c620] COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Tue 6/23 16:12:39.021 [Scheduler@24c620] DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-2 on Tue 6/23 16:12:39.021 [Scheduler@24c620] [] Tue 6/23 16:12:39.022 [Scheduler@24c620] DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-0 on Tue 6/23 16:12:39.022 [Scheduler@24c620] [] Tue 6/23 16:12:39.022 [Scheduler@24c620] DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-1 on Tue 6/23 16:12:39.022 [Scheduler@24c620] [] Tue 6/23 16:12:39.022 [Scheduler@24c620] Total Schedule eval time=5 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:39.022 [Scheduler@24c620] Scheduler starting wait... Tue 6/23 16:12:39.023 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker awoken Tue 6/23 16:12:39.023 [Seeker@6eaff3] MemStats: Used=126MB Total=245MB Max=1037MB Tue 6/23 16:12:39.024 [Seeker@6eaff3] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-2 on clients=[] ir=false Tue 6/23 16:12:39.024 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Tue 6/23 16:12:39.024 [Seeker@6eaff3] newRecord=null Tue 6/23 16:12:39.025 [Seeker@6eaff3] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Tue 6/23 16:12:39.025 [Seeker@6eaff3] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-0 on clients=[] ir=false Tue 6/23 16:12:39.025 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Tue 6/23 16:12:39.025 [Seeker@6eaff3] newRecord=null Tue 6/23 16:12:39.025 [Seeker@6eaff3] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Tue 6/23 16:12:39.025 [Seeker@6eaff3] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-1 on clients=[] ir=false Tue 6/23 16:12:39.025 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Tue 6/23 16:12:39.026 [Seeker@6eaff3] newRecord=null Tue 6/23 16:12:39.026 [Seeker@6eaff3] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Tue 6/23 16:12:39.027 [Seeker@6eaff3] Checking video directories for new files Tue 6/23 16:12:39.027 [Seeker@6eaff3] Diskspace checking is running Tue 6/23 16:12:39.028 [Seeker@6eaff3] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Tue 6/23 16:12:39.036 [Seeker@6eaff3] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Tue 6/23 16:12:39.037 [Seeker@6eaff3] DONE enforcing keep at most limits for the files. Tue 6/23 16:12:39.037 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Tue 6/23 16:12:39.038 [Seeker@6eaff3] DONE clearing unwanted and partial files. Tue 6/23 16:12:39.042 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker waiting for 153722840731860 mins. Tue 6/23 16:12:39.221 [PluginRepoUpdater@452578] Local plugin repository file's checksum matches server's, no need to download a new one for SageTVPluginsV9.xml Tue 6/23 16:12:39.222 [PluginRepoUpdater@452578] Analyzing plugin repository XML file: SageTVPlugins.xml Tue 6/23 16:12:39.252 [PluginRepoUpdater@452578] Done processing plugin repository XML file[SageTVPlugins.xml] repositoryVersion=1.0.2063 Tue 6/23 16:12:39.252 [PluginRepoUpdater@452578] Analyzing plugin repository XML file: SageTVPluginsV9.xml Tue 6/23 16:12:39.259 [PluginRepoUpdater@452578] Done processing plugin repository XML file[SageTVPluginsV9.xml] repositoryVersion=2020.0623.1352 Tue 6/23 16:12:40.049 [ConnRecvQueue@1739854] Recieving 15 capabilties for client / Tue 6/23 16:12:40.049 [ConnRecvQueue@1739854] SystemStatusChanged = true Tue 6/23 16:12:40.049 [ConnRecvQueue@1739854] RequestToExceedParentalRestrictions = true Tue 6/23 16:12:40.049 [ConnRecvQueue@1739854] SageTV Comskip Playback import hook = true Tue 6/23 16:12:40.049 [ConnRecvQueue@1739854] MediaPlayerFileLoadComplete = true Tue 6/23 16:12:40.050 [ConnRecvQueue@1739854] RecordRequestLiveConflict = true Tue 6/23 16:12:40.050 [ConnRecvQueue@1739854] MediaFilesImported = true Tue 6/23 16:12:40.050 [ConnRecvQueue@1739854] ApplicationStarted = true Tue 6/23 16:12:40.050 [ConnRecvQueue@1739854] MediaPlayerError = true Tue 6/23 16:12:40.050 [ConnRecvQueue@1739854] DenyChannelChangeToRecord = true Tue 6/23 16:12:40.050 [ConnRecvQueue@1739854] StorageDeviceAdded = true Tue 6/23 16:12:40.050 [ConnRecvQueue@1739854] NewUnresolvedSchedulingConflicts = true Tue 6/23 16:12:40.050 [ConnRecvQueue@1739854] RecordingScheduleChanged = true Tue 6/23 16:12:40.051 [ConnRecvQueue@1739854] ApplicationExiting = true Tue 6/23 16:12:40.051 [ConnRecvQueue@1739854] RecordRequestScheduleConflict = true Tue 6/23 16:12:40.051 [ConnRecvQueue@1739854] WatchRequestConflict = true Tue 6/23 16:12:40.489 [SageTV@1b5b450] Calling start on plugin: Commercial Detector Tue 6/23 16:12:40.490 [SageTV@1b5b450] CD: PlugIn: Starting. Version = 1.16 Tue 6/23 16:12:40.490 [SageTV@1b5b450] CD: PlugIn: LogLevel = Warn. Tue 6/23 16:12:40.491 [SageTV@1b5b450] CD: start: null Name or Number Tue 6/23 16:12:40.495 [SageTV@1b5b450] CD: start: null Name or Number Tue 6/23 16:12:40.504 [SageTV@1b5b450] CD: SystemStatus: Number running = 0 Tue 6/23 16:12:40.504 [SageTV@1b5b450] CD: SystemStatus: No jobs running. Tue 6/23 16:12:40.504 [SageTV@1b5b450] CD: SystemStatus: No jobs in queue. Tue 6/23 16:12:40.505 [SageTV@1b5b450] Calling start on plugin: sagetv-addons License Server Tue 6/23 16:12:40.505 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin Live PVR Data Server to after Jetty Web Server because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:40.505 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after jackson-annotations Library because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:40.505 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin The TV DB Library to after Simple Logging Facade for Java API Library (slf4j) because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:40.505 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after jackson-core Library because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:40.505 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after Simple Logging Facade for Java API Library (slf4j) because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:40.506 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after commons-codec because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:40.506 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin The TV DB Library to after commons-codec because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:40.506 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin The TV DB Library to after log4j because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:40.506 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after log4j because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:40.507 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin livepvrdata4j to after gson Library because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:40.507 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin Batch Metadata Tools - Web Interface to after Phoenix Core Services because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:40.507 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin Jetty Web Server to after ant because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:40.507 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin Live PVR Data Server to after Jetty Web Server because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:40.507 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after junit because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:40.508 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin The TV DB Library to after junit because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:40.508 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin The TV DB Library to after Simple Logging Facade Log4J Implementation Library because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:40.508 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after Simple Logging Facade Log4J Implementation Library because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:40.508 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after jackson-databind Library because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:40.508 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin The TV DB Library to after commons-lang3 because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:40.508 [SageTV@1b5b450] Calling start on plugin: Jetty Web Server Tue 6/23 16:12:40.512 [SageTV@1b5b450] ::INFO: Starting Jetty Tue 6/23 16:12:40.512 [SageTV@1b5b450] ::INFO: Jetty Plugin log level: INFO Tue 6/23 16:12:40.574 [SageTV@1b5b450] ::INFO: jetty-6.1.19 Tue 6/23 16:12:40.737 [SageTV@1b5b450] ::INFO: Deploy C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\jetty\contexts\livepvrdata.context.xml -> org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext@6f7da7{/livepvrdata,C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\jetty/webapps/livepvrdata.war} Tue 6/23 16:12:40.742 [SageTV@1b5b450] ::INFO: Deploy C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\jetty\contexts\apps.xml -> org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext@1edb06e{/apps,C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\jetty/webapps/apps.war} Tue 6/23 16:12:40.745 [SageTV@1b5b450] ::INFO: Deploy C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\jetty\contexts\bmt.xml -> org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext@881ed2{/bmt,C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\jetty/webapps/bmt.war} Tue 6/23 16:12:40.792 [SageTV@1b5b450] ::INFO: Extract C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\jetty/webapps/livepvrdata.war to C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\jetty\webapps\livepvrdata\webapp Tue 6/23 16:12:40.906 [Carny@8be4f6] CARNY agent workers processed 72 of 72 active agents. Tue 6/23 16:12:40.907 [Carny@8be4f6] CARNY Negative Energy Size: 305 Tue 6/23 16:12:40.907 [Carny@8be4f6] CARNY Traitors:[] Tue 6/23 16:12:40.908 [Carny@8be4f6] CARNY finished in 3367ms Tue 6/23 16:12:40.908 [Scheduler@24c620] Scheduler awoken Tue 6/23 16:12:40.908 [Carny@8be4f6] Carny waiting for awhile... Tue 6/23 16:12:40.909 [Scheduler@24c620] Scheduler.updateSchedule() called manual=[ManualRecord[A[614247,611714,"30 for 30",45507@0614.00:00,120,T] time=Wed 6/14 0:00:00.000 dur=2:00:00], ManualRecord[A[676410,614944,"30 for 30",45507@0614.02:00,60,T] time=Wed 6/14 2:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[676198,672481,"30 for 30",32645@0614.20:00,120,T] time=Wed 6/14 20:00:00.000 dur=2:00:00], ManualRecord[A[1908162,1828359,"Psych: The Movie",58452@1207.23:00,120,T] time=Thu 12/7 23:00:00.000 dur=2:00:00], ManualRecord[A[2535261,2529354,"Krypton",58623@0322.02:30,60,T] time=Thu 3/22 2:30:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[3910597,3908221,"2018 World Series",45744@1023.20:00,180,T] time=Tue 10/23 20:00:00.000 dur=4:08:03], ManualRecord[A[3914163,3912373,"2018 World Series",45744@1024.20:00,180,T] time=Wed 10/24 20:00:00.000 dur=3:24:03], ManualRecord[A[3929782,3928348,"2018 World Series",45744@1027.20:00,180,T] time=Sat 10/27 20:00:00.000 dur=4:12:03], ManualRecord[A[3941634,3939785,"2018 World Series",45744@1028.20:00,180,T] time=Sun 10/28 20:00:00.000 dur=3:20:03], ManualRecord[A[4512950,4511333,"Super Bowl LIII",31859@0203.18:30,210,T] time=Sun 2/3 18:30:00.000 dur=3:30:00], ManualRecord[A[5025563,5025362,"NBA Basketball",42642@0417.19:00,150,T] time=Wed 4/17 19:00:00.000 dur=2:30:00], ManualRecord[A[5027189,5027008,"NBA Basketball",32791@0419.20:30,150,T] time=Fri 4/19 20:30:00.000 dur=2:30:00], ManualRecord[A[5131768,5112186,"NBA Basketball",32791@0428.13:00,150,T] time=Sun 4/28 13:00:00.000 dur=2:30:00], ManualRecord[A[5113500,5113184,"NBA Basketball",42642@0430.20:00,150,T] time=Tue 4/30 20:00:00.000 dur=2:30:00], ManualRecord[A[5116672,5116365,"NBA Basketball",42642@0506.19:00,150,T] time=Mon 5/6 19:00:00.000 dur=2:30:00], ManualRecord[A[6842794,6756892,"NBA Basketball",49198@0226.22:30,150,T] time=Wed 2/26 22:30:00.000 dur=2:34:03], ManualRecord[A[7388556,7384749,"The Last Dance",45507@0517.21:00,60,T] time=Sun 5/17 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[7388557,7384750,"The Last Dance",45507@0517.22:00,60,T] time=Sun 5/17 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] schedules={DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-2 on[Sched=[] MustSee=[]], DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-0 on[Sched=[] MustSee=[]], DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-1 on[Sched=[] MustSee=[]]} scheduleRandSize=0 Tue 6/23 16:12:40.910 [Scheduler@24c620] # Airs=1212 Tue 6/23 16:12:40.914 [Scheduler@24c620] MUST SEE FINAL-DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-2 on[] Tue 6/23 16:12:40.914 [Scheduler@24c620] MUST SEE FINAL-DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-0 on[] Tue 6/23 16:12:40.914 [Scheduler@24c620] MUST SEE FINAL-DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-1 on[] Tue 6/23 16:12:40.916 [Scheduler@24c620] Evaluating Potentials Tue 6/23 16:12:40.968 [Scheduler@24c620] COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Tue 6/23 16:12:40.968 [Scheduler@24c620] DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-2 on Tue 6/23 16:12:40.970 [Scheduler@24c620] [A[7698142,7608724,"The Simpsons",59615@0623.16:30,30,T], A[7697119,5935249,"WMTW News 8 at 5PM",32791@0623.17:00,60,T], A[7696873,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0623.18:00,60,T], A[7748646,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0623.19:00,60,T], A[7703624,7701701,"The Simpsons",66379@0623.20:00,30,T], A[7703625,7701702,"The Simpsons",66379@0623.20:30,30,T], A[7703608,7652401,"Star Trek",59337@0623.23:30,180,T], A[7783397,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",45507@0624.03:00,60,T], A[7783398,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",45507@0624.04:00,60,T], A[7783399,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",45507@0624.05:00,60,T], A[7702857,7381073,"WMTW News 8 at 6am",32791@0624.06:00,60,T], A[7702606,2614193,"Get Up",32645@0624.08:30,120,T], A[7702607,52558,"First Take",32645@0624.10:30,120,T], A[7702608,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0624.12:30,90,T], A[7778304,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0624.14:00,60,T], A[7778305,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0624.15:00,60,T], A[7703896,7702166,"The Simpsons",59615@0624.16:00,30,T], A[7703897,7608758,"The Simpsons",59615@0624.16:30,30,T], A[7703455,5937095,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 5",30917@0624.17:00,30,T], A[7759636,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0624.17:30,90,T], A[7778263,7778244,"30 for 30",32645@0624.19:00,60,T], A[7707862,16245,"WMTW News 8 at 11",32791@0624.23:00,35,T], A[7759714,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0625.00:30,60,T], A[7759715,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0625.01:30,60,T], A[7759763,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",45507@0625.03:00,60,T], A[7759764,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",45507@0625.04:00,60,T], A[7708420,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",45507@0625.05:00,60,T], A[7707872,7381073,"WMTW News 8 at 6am",32791@0625.06:00,60,T], A[7707620,2614193,"Get Up",32645@0625.08:30,120,T], A[7707621,52558,"First Take",32645@0625.10:30,120,T], A[7783472,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0625.12:30,90,T], A[7778416,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0625.14:00,60,T], A[7778417,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0625.15:00,60,T], A[7708897,7707135,"The Simpsons",59615@0625.16:00,30,T], A[7708898,7707136,"The Simpsons",59615@0625.16:30,30,T], A[7783478,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0625.17:00,60,T], A[7783479,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0625.18:00,60,T], A[7753588,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0625.19:00,60,T], A[7713995,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0625.23:00,60,T], A[7713996,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0626.00:00,60,T], A[7713997,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0626.01:00,60,T], A[7759908,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0626.02:00,60,T], A[7759909,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0626.03:00,60,T], A[7759910,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0626.04:00,60,T], A[7753652,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0626.05:00,60,T], A[7714249,7381073,"WMTW News 8 at 6am",32791@0626.06:00,60,T], A[7714003,2614193,"Get Up",32645@0626.08:30,120,T], A[7714004,52558,"First Take",32645@0626.10:30,120,T], A[7714005,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0626.12:30,90,T], A[7759911,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0626.14:00,60,T], A[7715283,7713565,"The Simpsons",59615@0626.16:00,30,T], A[7715284,7713566,"The Simpsons",59615@0626.16:30,30,T], A[7714010,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0626.17:00,60,T], A[7714011,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0626.18:00,60,T], A[7715041,7713279,"The Simpsons",66379@0626.19:00,30,T], A[7715042,7713280,"The Simpsons",66379@0626.19:30,30,T], A[7721285,7719415,"The Simpsons",66379@0626.20:00,30,T], A[7721286,7719416,"The Simpsons",66379@0626.20:30,30,T], A[7721287,7719417,"The Simpsons",66379@0626.21:00,30,T], A[7721288,7719419,"The Simpsons",66379@0626.21:30,30,T], A[7721289,7719420,"The Simpsons",66379@0626.22:00,30,T], A[7721290,7719421,"The Simpsons",66379@0626.22:30,30,T], A[7787117,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0626.23:00,60,T], A[7787118,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0627.00:00,60,T], A[7787119,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0627.01:00,60,T], A[7720299,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0627.02:00,60,T], A[7720300,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0627.03:00,55,T], A[7748769,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0627.05:00,60,T], A[7721065,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0627.06:00,60,T], A[7720302,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0627.07:00,60,T], A[7720303,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0627.08:00,60,T], A[7767601,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0627.09:00,60,T], A[7793187,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0627.10:00,60,T], A[7794635,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0627.11:00,60,T], A[7721715,7719873,"Planet Earth: The Hunt",64492@0627.12:00,60,T], A[7721716,7719874,"Planet Earth: The Hunt",64492@0627.13:00,60,T], A[7726515,7684445,"30 for 30",32791@0627.14:00,90,T], A[7721182,7719323,"Texas Metal",31046@0627.16:00,60,T], A[7726538,7634874,"Texas Metal",31046@0627.17:00,60,T], A[7720502,5935251,"WMTW News 8 at 6PM",32791@0627.18:00,30,T], A[7755773,7755662,"NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt",30917@0627.18:30,30,T], A[7726540,7726479,"Texas Metal",31046@0627.19:00,60,T], A[7729297,7727571,"Planet Earth: Blue Planet II",64492@0627.20:00,60,T], A[7729298,2309456,"Planet Earth: Blue Planet II",64492@0627.21:00,60,T], A[7729299,2358321,"Planet Earth: Blue Planet II",64492@0627.22:00,60,T], A[7728122,16245,"WMTW News 8 at 11",32791@0627.23:00,30,T], A[7753678,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0628.02:00,60,T], A[7753679,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0628.03:00,55,T], A[7753693,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0628.05:00,60,T], A[7753694,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0628.06:00,60,T], A[7728811,7727210,"Texas Metal",31046@0628.07:00,60,T], A[7787248,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0628.08:00,60,T], A[7787249,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0628.09:00,60,T], A[7727944,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0628.10:00,60,T], A[7798122,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0628.11:00,60,T], A[7728929,7727324,"The Simpsons",66379@0628.12:00,30,T], A[7728930,7727325,"The Simpsons",66379@0628.12:30,30,T], A[7728931,7727326,"The Simpsons",66379@0628.13:00,30,T], A[7728932,7727327,"The Simpsons",66379@0628.13:30,30,T], A[7728933,7727328,"The Simpsons",66379@0628.14:00,30,T], A[7728934,7727330,"The Simpsons",66379@0628.14:30,30,T], A[7728935,7727334,"The Simpsons",66379@0628.15:00,30,T], A[7728146,5935251,"WMTW News 8 at 6PM",32791@0628.18:00,30,T], A[7728760,7727143,"NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt",30917@0628.18:30,30,T], A[7728613,7727071,"Duncanville",45744@0628.19:30,30,T], A[7735717,7734130,"The Simpsons",45744@0628.20:00,30,T], A[7735718,7734133,"Bless the Harts",45744@0628.20:30,30,T], A[7736073,7734352,"The Simpsons",66379@0628.21:00,30,T], A[7736074,7614140,"The Simpsons",66379@0628.21:30,30,T], A[7735065,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0628.23:00,60,T], A[7735066,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0629.00:00,60,T], A[7735067,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0629.01:00,60,T], A[7735068,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0629.02:00,60,T], A[7735069,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0629.03:00,60,T], A[7735070,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0629.04:00,60,T], A[7735071,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0629.05:00,60,T], A[7735072,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0629.06:00,60,T], A[7735073,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0629.07:00,60,T], A[7778663,2614193,"Get Up",32645@0629.08:00,120,T], A[7735871,2614193,"Get Up",45507@0629.10:00,120,T], A[7778665,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0629.12:00,60,T], A[7735077,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0629.13:00,60,T], A[7735873,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0629.14:00,60,T], A[7735874,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0629.15:00,60,T], A[7735875,52564,"NBA: The Jump",45507@0629.16:00,30,T], A[7736345,7734634,"The Simpsons",59615@0629.16:30,30,T], A[7755963,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0629.17:00,60,T], A[7755964,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0629.18:00,60,T], A[7736098,7734372,"The Simpsons",66379@0629.19:00,30,T], A[7736099,7734375,"The Simpsons",66379@0629.19:30,30,T], A[7741365,7739525,"The Simpsons",66379@0629.20:00,30,T], A[7741366,7739526,"The Simpsons",66379@0629.20:30,30,T], A[7741367,7739527,"The Simpsons",66379@0629.21:00,30,T], A[7741368,7739528,"The Simpsons",66379@0629.21:30,30,T], A[7741369,7739530,"The Simpsons",66379@0629.22:00,30,T], A[7741370,7739531,"The Simpsons",66379@0629.22:30,30,T], A[7741371,7739533,"The Simpsons",66379@0629.23:00,30,T], A[7741372,7739534,"The Simpsons",66379@0629.23:30,30,T], A[7756101,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0630.00:00,60,T], A[7756102,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0630.01:00,60,T], A[7756103,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0630.02:00,60,T], A[7756104,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0630.03:00,60,T], A[7756105,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0630.04:00,60,T], A[7741147,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",45507@0630.05:00,60,T], A[7740582,7381073,"WMTW News 8 at 6am",32791@0630.06:00,60,T], A[7740335,2614193,"Get Up",32645@0630.08:30,120,T], A[7740336,52558,"First Take",32645@0630.10:30,120,T], A[7740337,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0630.12:30,90,T], A[7773046,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0630.14:00,60,T], A[7773047,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0630.15:00,60,T], A[7740342,57906,"Highly Questionable",32645@0630.16:20,20,T], A[7740344,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0630.17:00,60,T], A[7740593,5935251,"WMTW News 8 at 6PM",32791@0630.18:00,30,T], A[7741183,7739371,"NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt",30917@0630.18:30,30,T], A[7748886,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0630.19:00,30,T], A[7741400,7739561,"The Simpsons",66379@0630.19:30,30,T], A[7747626,7745766,"The Simpsons",66379@0630.20:00,30,T], A[7747627,7745769,"The Simpsons",66379@0630.20:30,30,T], A[7746590,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0630.23:00,60,T], A[7746591,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0701.00:00,60,T], A[7746592,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0701.01:00,60,T], A[7773191,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",45507@0701.02:00,60,T], A[7773192,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",45507@0701.03:00,60,T], A[7747513,7745686,"Texas Metal",31046@0701.04:00,60,T], A[7747423,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",45507@0701.05:00,60,T], A[7746847,7381073,"WMTW News 8 at 6am",32791@0701.06:00,60,T], A[7746598,2614193,"Get Up",32645@0701.08:30,120,T], A[7746599,52558,"First Take",32645@0701.10:30,120,T], A[7787765,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0701.12:30,300,T], A[7787766,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0701.17:30,150,T], A[7776589,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0701.23:00,60,T], A[7776590,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0702.00:00,60,T], A[7776591,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0702.01:00,60,T], A[7751711,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0702.02:00,60,T], A[7751712,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0702.03:00,60,T], A[7751713,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0702.04:00,60,T], A[7752516,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",45507@0702.05:00,60,T], A[7751961,7381073,"WMTW News 8 at 6am",32791@0702.06:00,60,T], A[7751716,2614193,"Get Up",32645@0702.08:30,120,T], A[7751717,52558,"First Take",32645@0702.10:30,120,T], A[7751718,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0702.12:30,90,T], A[7776630,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0702.14:00,60,T], A[7776631,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0702.15:00,60,T], A[7753034,7751277,"The Simpsons",59615@0702.16:00,30,T], A[7753035,7751279,"The Simpsons",59615@0702.16:30,30,T], A[7751725,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0702.17:00,60,T], A[7751726,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0702.18:00,60,T], A[7752747,7751068,"The Simpsons",66379@0702.19:00,30,T], A[7752748,7751069,"The Simpsons",66379@0702.19:30,30,T], A[7757743,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0702.23:00,60,T], A[7757744,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0703.00:00,60,T], A[7757745,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0703.01:00,60,T], A[7757746,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0703.02:00,60,T], A[7757747,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0703.03:00,60,T], A[7757748,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0703.04:00,60,T], A[7757980,7381071,"WMTW News 8 at 5am",32791@0703.05:00,60,T], A[7757981,7381073,"WMTW News 8 at 6am",32791@0703.06:00,60,T], A[7757751,2614193,"Get Up",32645@0703.08:30,120,T], A[7757752,52558,"First Take",32645@0703.10:30,120,T], A[7757753,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0703.12:30,90,T], A[7757754,52561,"NFL Live",32645@0703.14:00,60,T], A[7781929,52564,"NBA: The Jump",32645@0703.15:00,30,T], A[7757990,5935247,"WMTW News 8 at 4pm",32791@0703.16:00,60,T], A[7781934,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0703.17:00,60,T], A[7757761,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0703.18:00,60,T], A[7758828,7756969,"The Simpsons",66379@0703.19:00,30,T], A[7758829,7756970,"The Simpsons",66379@0703.19:30,30,T], A[7766032,7764175,"The Simpsons",66379@0703.20:00,30,T], A[7766033,7717932,"The Simpsons",66379@0703.20:30,30,T], A[7766034,7764176,"The Simpsons",66379@0703.21:00,30,T], A[7766035,7764178,"The Simpsons",66379@0703.21:30,30,T], A[7766036,7764179,"The Simpsons",66379@0703.22:00,30,T], A[7766037,7764180,"The Simpsons",66379@0703.22:30,30,T], A[7773454,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0703.23:00,60,T], A[7773455,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0704.00:00,60,T], A[7765064,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0704.01:00,60,T], A[7765065,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0704.02:00,60,T], A[7773456,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0704.03:00,115,T], A[7765807,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0704.05:00,55,T], A[7766502,7764560,"Nature's Great Events",64492@0704.06:00,60,T], A[7773505,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0704.07:00,60,T], A[7793230,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0704.08:00,55,T], A[7773507,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0704.09:00,60,T], A[7793232,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0704.10:00,60,T], A[7765341,7763730,"Wild Alaska",49438@0704.11:00,60,T], A[7766509,7764572,"Seven Worlds, One Planet",64492@0704.13:00,60,T], A[7765269,5935251,"WMTW News 8 at 6PM",32791@0704.18:00,30,T], A[7765840,7764019,"NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt",30917@0704.18:30,30,T], A[7765887,7628331,"The Simpsons",52294@0704.19:30,30,T], A[7775680,7628331,"The Simpsons",52294@0704.21:00,30,T], A[7775681,7628331,"The Simpsons",52294@0704.21:30,30,T], A[7775083,16245,"WMTW News 8 at 11",32791@0704.23:00,30,T], A[7774902,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0705.00:00,60,T], A[7774903,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0705.01:00,60,T], A[7774904,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0705.02:00,60,T], A[7774905,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0705.03:00,55,T], A[7775641,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0705.04:00,60,T], A[7775642,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0705.05:00,60,T], A[7775725,7774074,"Texas Metal",31046@0705.06:00,60,T], A[7774907,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0705.07:00,60,T], A[7775645,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0705.08:00,60,T], A[7775646,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0705.09:00,60,T], A[7775647,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0705.10:00,60,T], A[7774910,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0705.11:00,60,T], A[7775849,7774240,"The Simpsons",66379@0705.12:00,30,T], A[7775850,7774241,"The Simpsons",66379@0705.12:30,30,T], A[7776341,7774530,"NFL Football",31859@0705.13:00,120,T], A[7775855,7774246,"The Simpsons",66379@0705.15:00,30,T], A[7775856,7774248,"The Simpsons",66379@0705.15:30,30,T], A[7775857,7774249,"The Simpsons",66379@0705.16:00,30,T], A[7775858,7774250,"The Simpsons",66379@0705.16:30,30,T], A[7775106,5935251,"WMTW News 8 at 6PM",32791@0705.18:00,30,T], A[7775107,7773745,"ABC World News Tonight With David Muir",32791@0705.18:30,30,T], A[7775528,7773957,"Duncanville",45744@0705.19:30,30,T], A[7780783,7779251,"The Simpsons",45744@0705.20:00,30,T], A[7780784,7779252,"Bless the Harts",45744@0705.20:30,30,T], A[7781135,7779459,"The Simpsons",66379@0705.21:00,30,T], A[7781136,7779462,"The Simpsons",66379@0705.21:30,30,T], A[7780153,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0705.23:00,90,T], A[7780154,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0706.00:30,90,T], A[7780155,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0706.02:00,90,T], A[7780156,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0706.03:30,90,T], A[7780157,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0706.05:00,60,T], A[7780158,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0706.06:00,60,T], A[7780159,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0706.07:00,60,T], A[7780160,2614193,"Get Up",32645@0706.08:00,120,T], A[7780161,52558,"First Take",32645@0706.10:00,120,T], A[7780162,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0706.12:00,60,T], A[7780163,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0706.13:00,60,T], A[7780936,52561,"NFL Live",45507@0706.14:00,60,T], A[7781449,7779698,"The Simpsons",59615@0706.15:00,30,T], A[7781450,7779701,"The Simpsons",59615@0706.15:30,30,T], A[7781451,7779702,"The Simpsons",59615@0706.16:00,30,T], A[7781452,7779707,"The Simpsons",59615@0706.16:30,30,T], A[7780942,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0706.17:00,60,T], A[7780166,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0706.18:00,60,T], A[7781038,7779375,"Texas Metal",31046@0706.19:00,60,T], A[7786207,7784551,"The Simpsons",66379@0706.20:00,30,T], A[7786208,7784552,"The Simpsons",66379@0706.20:30,30,T], A[7786209,7784553,"The Simpsons",66379@0706.21:00,30,T], A[7786210,7784555,"The Simpsons",66379@0706.21:30,30,T], A[7786211,7784558,"The Simpsons",66379@0706.22:00,30,T], A[7786212,7784559,"The Simpsons",66379@0706.22:30,30,T], A[7785226,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0706.23:00,60,T], A[7785227,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0707.00:00,60,T], A[7785228,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0707.01:00,60,T], A[7785229,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0707.02:00,60,T], A[7785230,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0707.03:00,60,T], A[7785231,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0707.04:00,60,T], A[7786004,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0707.05:00,60,T], A[7785474,7381073,"WMTW News 8 at 6am",32791@0707.06:00,60,T], A[7785234,2614193,"Get Up",32645@0707.08:30,120,T], A[7785235,52558,"First Take",32645@0707.10:30,120,T], A[7785236,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0707.12:30,90,T], A[7785483,5935247,"WMTW News 8 at 4pm",32791@0707.16:00,60,T]] Tue 6/23 16:12:40.971 [Scheduler@24c620] DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-0 on Tue 6/23 16:12:40.973 [Scheduler@24c620] [A[7697683,5937095,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 5",30917@0623.17:00,30,T], A[7697684,5937097,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 5:30",30917@0623.17:30,30,T], A[7697120,5935251,"WMTW News 8 at 6PM",32791@0623.18:00,30,T], A[7697686,7695954,"NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt",30917@0623.18:30,30,T], A[7697763,7696013,"Chasing Classic Cars",31046@0623.19:00,30,T], A[7697900,7696146,"The Simpsons",66379@0623.19:30,30,T], A[7748700,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0623.23:00,60,T], A[7748701,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0624.00:00,60,T], A[7753536,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0624.01:00,60,T], A[7783396,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",45507@0624.02:00,60,T], A[7703440,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0624.03:00,30,T], A[7703441,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0624.03:30,30,T], A[7702854,7381069,"America This Morning",32791@0624.04:00,30,T], A[7702855,5935226,"WMTW News 8 This Morning",32791@0624.04:30,30,T], A[7702856,7381071,"WMTW News 8 at 5am",32791@0624.05:00,60,T], A[7702858,7701265,"Good Morning America",32791@0624.07:00,120,T], A[7703446,7701527,"Today 3rd Hour",30917@0624.09:00,60,T], A[7703447,7701528,"Today With Hoda & Jenna",30917@0624.10:00,60,T], A[7783402,52558,"First Take",45507@0624.12:00,120,T], A[7702609,52561,"NFL Live",32645@0624.14:00,60,T], A[7702866,5935247,"WMTW News 8 at 4pm",32791@0624.16:00,60,T], A[7703428,52561,"NFL Live",45507@0624.17:00,60,T], A[7702868,5935251,"WMTW News 8 at 6PM",32791@0624.18:00,30,T], A[7703458,7701529,"NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt",30917@0624.18:30,30,T], A[7708433,5937057,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 11",30917@0624.23:00,34,T], A[7707864,7706418,"Nightline",32791@0625.00:06,30,T], A[7778374,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0625.02:30,55,T], A[7708439,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0625.03:30,30,T], A[7707869,7381069,"America This Morning",32791@0625.04:00,30,T], A[7707870,5935226,"WMTW News 8 This Morning",32791@0625.04:30,30,T], A[7707871,7381071,"WMTW News 8 at 5am",32791@0625.05:00,60,T], A[7707873,7706420,"Good Morning America",32791@0625.07:00,120,T], A[7708444,7706686,"Today 3rd Hour",30917@0625.09:00,60,T], A[7708445,7706687,"Today With Hoda & Jenna",30917@0625.10:00,60,T], A[7707877,5935239,"WMTW News 8 at Noon",32791@0625.12:00,60,T], A[7778385,7778351,"GMA3: What You Need to Know",32791@0625.13:00,60,T], A[7793096,52561,"NFL Live",32645@0625.14:00,60,T], A[7797969,52561,"NFL Live",45507@0625.16:00,60,T], A[7708652,7706838,"The Simpsons",66379@0625.17:00,30,T], A[7708653,7706843,"The Simpsons",66379@0625.17:30,30,T], A[7707883,5935251,"WMTW News 8 at 6PM",32791@0625.18:00,30,T], A[7708456,7706688,"NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt",30917@0625.18:30,30,T], A[7708656,7706851,"The Simpsons",66379@0625.19:00,30,T], A[7708657,7706852,"The Simpsons",66379@0625.19:30,30,T], A[7714239,16245,"WMTW News 8 at 11",32791@0625.23:00,35,T], A[7714241,7712882,"Nightline",32791@0626.00:06,30,T], A[7714245,7381067,"ABC World News Now",32791@0626.02:00,120,T], A[7714246,7381069,"America This Morning",32791@0626.04:00,30,T], A[7714247,5935226,"WMTW News 8 This Morning",32791@0626.04:30,30,T], A[7714248,7381071,"WMTW News 8 at 5am",32791@0626.05:00,60,T], A[7714250,7712884,"Good Morning America",32791@0626.07:00,120,T], A[7714825,7713147,"Today 3rd Hour",30917@0626.09:00,60,T], A[7714826,7713148,"Today With Hoda & Jenna",30917@0626.10:00,60,T], A[7714254,5935239,"WMTW News 8 at Noon",32791@0626.12:00,60,T], A[7778493,7778472,"GMA3: What You Need to Know",32791@0626.13:00,60,T], A[7793145,52561,"NFL Live",32645@0626.14:00,60,T], A[7714258,5935247,"WMTW News 8 at 4pm",32791@0626.16:00,60,T], A[7715285,7713568,"The Simpsons",59615@0626.17:00,30,T], A[7715286,7713571,"The Simpsons",59615@0626.17:30,30,T], A[7714260,5935251,"WMTW News 8 at 6PM",32791@0626.18:00,30,T], A[7714837,7713149,"NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt",30917@0626.18:30,30,T], A[7720477,16245,"WMTW News 8 at 11",32791@0626.23:00,35,T], A[7720479,7718951,"Nightline",32791@0627.00:06,30,T], A[7720487,5935226,"WMTW News 8 This Morning",32791@0627.05:00,60,T], A[7720488,5935226,"WMTW News 8 This Morning",32791@0627.06:00,120,T], A[7721711,7719869,"Wild Singapore",64492@0627.08:00,60,T], A[7721713,7719871,"Wild Singapore",64492@0627.10:00,60,T], A[7721714,7719872,"Wild Singapore",64492@0627.11:00,60,T], A[7721180,7719321,"Texas Metal",31046@0627.14:00,60,T], A[7721181,7719322,"Texas Metal",31046@0627.15:00,60,T], A[7721719,7719877,"Planet Earth: The Hunt",64492@0627.16:00,60,T], A[7721720,7719878,"Planet Earth: Blue Planet II",64492@0627.17:00,60,T], A[7726539,7681444,"Texas Metal",31046@0627.18:00,60,T], A[7721722,7719879,"Planet Earth: Blue Planet II",64492@0627.19:00,60,T], A[7728734,5937057,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 11",30917@0627.23:00,29,T], A[7728131,5935226,"WMTW News 8 This Morning",32791@0628.05:00,60,T], A[7798120,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0628.07:00,55,T], A[7728133,7726798,"Good Morning America",32791@0628.08:00,60,T], A[7728134,7726799,"This Week With George Stephanopoulos",32791@0628.09:00,60,T], A[7728135,7726800,"Matter of Fact With Soledad O'Brien",32791@0628.10:00,30,T], A[7728136,7726801,"Teen Kids News",32791@0628.10:30,30,T], A[7772491,7734698,"Greatest Games: MLB",45744@0628.12:00,180,T], A[7772492,7772223,"Greatest Games: MLB",45744@0628.15:00,180,T], A[7728759,5937099,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 6",30917@0628.18:00,30,T], A[7728147,7726804,"ABC World News Tonight With David Muir",32791@0628.18:30,30,T], A[7735719,7734134,"Bob's Burgers",45744@0628.21:00,30,T], A[7735720,7734135,"Family Guy",45744@0628.21:30,30,T], A[7763413,7763388,"The Simpsons",52294@0628.23:00,30,T], A[7763414,7681561,"The Simpsons",52294@0628.23:30,30,T], A[7735306,7381067,"ABC World News Now",32791@0629.02:00,120,T], A[7735307,7381069,"America This Morning",32791@0629.04:00,30,T], A[7735308,5935226,"WMTW News 8 This Morning",32791@0629.04:30,30,T], A[7735309,7381071,"WMTW News 8 at 5am",32791@0629.05:00,60,T], A[7735310,7381073,"WMTW News 8 at 6am",32791@0629.06:00,60,T], A[7735311,7733863,"Good Morning America",32791@0629.07:00,120,T], A[7735896,7734214,"Today 3rd Hour",30917@0629.09:00,60,T], A[7778664,52558,"First Take",32645@0629.10:00,120,T], A[7735872,52558,"First Take",45507@0629.12:00,120,T], A[7735078,52561,"NFL Live",32645@0629.14:00,60,T], A[7736344,7734633,"The Simpsons",59615@0629.16:00,30,T], A[7735877,52561,"NFL Live",45507@0629.17:00,60,T], A[7735321,5935251,"WMTW News 8 at 6PM",32791@0629.18:00,30,T], A[7735880,52574,"Around the Horn",45507@0629.18:40,20,T], A[7756100,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",32645@0629.23:00,60,T], A[7740574,7739098,"Nightline",32791@0630.00:06,30,T], A[7740578,7381067,"ABC World News Now",32791@0630.02:00,120,T], A[7740579,7381069,"America This Morning",32791@0630.04:00,30,T], A[7740580,5935226,"WMTW News 8 This Morning",32791@0630.04:30,30,T], A[7740581,7381071,"WMTW News 8 at 5am",32791@0630.05:00,60,T], A[7740583,7739101,"Good Morning America",32791@0630.07:00,120,T], A[7741171,7739369,"Today 3rd Hour",30917@0630.09:00,60,T], A[7741172,7739370,"Today With Hoda & Jenna",30917@0630.10:00,60,T], A[7740587,5935239,"WMTW News 8 at Noon",32791@0630.12:00,60,T], A[7753803,7750247,"GMA3: What You Need to Know",32791@0630.13:00,60,T], A[7740338,52561,"NFL Live",32645@0630.14:00,60,T], A[7740339,7738930,"NBA: The Jump",32645@0630.15:00,30,T], A[7741641,7739876,"The Simpsons",59615@0630.16:00,30,T], A[7741642,7739878,"The Simpsons",59615@0630.16:30,30,T], A[7741643,7739882,"The Simpsons",59615@0630.17:00,30,T], A[7741644,7739883,"The Simpsons",59615@0630.17:30,30,T], A[7748885,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0630.18:00,60,T], A[7741399,7739560,"The Simpsons",66379@0630.19:00,30,T], A[7746837,16245,"WMTW News 8 at 11",32791@0630.23:00,35,T], A[7746839,7745341,"Nightline",32791@0701.00:06,30,T], A[7747438,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0701.03:00,30,T], A[7747439,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0701.03:30,30,T], A[7773193,915545,"SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt",45507@0701.04:00,60,T], A[7746846,7381071,"WMTW News 8 at 5am",32791@0701.05:00,60,T], A[7746848,7745343,"Good Morning America",32791@0701.07:00,120,T], A[7747444,7745639,"Today 3rd Hour",30917@0701.09:00,60,T], A[7747445,7745640,"Today With Hoda & Jenna",30917@0701.10:00,60,T], A[7746852,5935239,"WMTW News 8 at Noon",32791@0701.12:00,60,T], A[7753847,7750247,"GMA3: What You Need to Know",32791@0701.13:00,60,T], A[7787819,52564,"NBA: The Jump",45507@0701.15:00,25,T], A[7747947,7746056,"The Simpsons",59615@0701.16:00,30,T], A[7747948,7746057,"The Simpsons",59615@0701.16:30,30,T], A[7747949,7652439,"The Simpsons",59615@0701.17:00,30,T], A[7747950,7746058,"The Simpsons",59615@0701.17:30,30,T], A[7746858,5935251,"WMTW News 8 at 6PM",32791@0701.18:00,30,T], A[7747456,7745642,"NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt",30917@0701.18:30,30,T], A[7747531,7745700,"Texas Metal",31046@0701.19:00,60,T], A[7751951,16245,"WMTW News 8 at 11",32791@0701.23:00,35,T], A[7751953,7745341,"Nightline",32791@0702.00:06,30,T], A[7751957,7381067,"ABC World News Now",32791@0702.02:00,120,T], A[7751958,7381069,"America This Morning",32791@0702.04:00,30,T], A[7751959,5935226,"WMTW News 8 This Morning",32791@0702.04:30,30,T], A[7751960,7381071,"WMTW News 8 at 5am",32791@0702.05:00,60,T], A[7751962,7750613,"Good Morning America",32791@0702.07:00,120,T], A[7752537,7750891,"Today 3rd Hour",30917@0702.09:00,60,T], A[7752538,7750892,"Today With Hoda & Jenna",30917@0702.10:00,60,T], A[7751966,5935239,"WMTW News 8 at Noon",32791@0702.12:00,60,T], A[7751967,7750247,"GMA3: What You Need to Know",32791@0702.13:00,60,T], A[7751719,52561,"NFL Live",32645@0702.14:00,60,T], A[7753032,7751275,"The Simpsons",59615@0702.15:00,30,T], A[7753033,7751276,"The Simpsons",59615@0702.15:30,30,T], A[7751970,5935247,"WMTW News 8 at 4pm",32791@0702.16:00,60,T], A[7752743,7751061,"The Simpsons",66379@0702.17:00,30,T], A[7752744,7751062,"The Simpsons",66379@0702.17:30,30,T], A[7751972,5935251,"WMTW News 8 at 6PM",32791@0702.18:00,30,T], A[7752549,7750894,"NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt",30917@0702.18:30,30,T], A[7757971,16245,"WMTW News 8 at 11",32791@0702.23:00,35,T], A[7757973,7745341,"Nightline",32791@0703.00:06,30,T], A[7757977,7381067,"ABC World News Now",32791@0703.02:00,120,T], A[7757978,7381069,"America This Morning",32791@0703.04:00,30,T], A[7757979,5935226,"WMTW News 8 This Morning",32791@0703.04:30,30,T], A[7758599,5937071,"NEWS CENTER Maine Morning Report",30917@0703.05:00,120,T], A[7757982,7756443,"Good Morning America",32791@0703.07:00,120,T], A[7758601,7756666,"Today 3rd Hour",30917@0703.09:00,60,T], A[7758602,7756667,"Today With Hoda & Jenna",30917@0703.10:00,60,T], A[7757986,5935239,"WMTW News 8 at Noon",32791@0703.12:00,60,T], A[7757987,7750247,"GMA3: What You Need to Know",32791@0703.13:00,60,T], A[7758609,7666518,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 4",30917@0703.16:00,60,T], A[7773327,52564,"NBA: The Jump",45507@0703.17:00,30,T], A[7758611,5937097,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 5:30",30917@0703.17:30,30,T], A[7757992,5935251,"WMTW News 8 at 6PM",32791@0703.18:00,30,T], A[7758613,7756669,"NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt",30917@0703.18:30,30,T], A[7765243,16245,"WMTW News 8 at 11",32791@0703.23:00,35,T], A[7765245,7745341,"Nightline",32791@0704.00:06,30,T], A[7765253,5935226,"WMTW News 8 This Morning",32791@0704.05:00,60,T], A[7766503,7764562,"Nature's Great Events",64492@0704.07:00,60,T], A[7766504,7764564,"Nature's Great Events",64492@0704.08:00,60,T], A[7766505,7764565,"Nature's Great Events",64492@0704.09:00,60,T], A[7766506,7764566,"Nature's Great Events",64492@0704.10:00,60,T], A[7793233,21444,"SportsCenter",32645@0704.11:00,60,T], A[7765839,5937099,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 6",30917@0704.18:00,30,T], A[7765270,7763685,"ABC World News Tonight With David Muir",32791@0704.18:30,30,T], A[7775656,5937057,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 11",30917@0704.23:00,29,T], A[7775092,5935226,"WMTW News 8 This Morning",32791@0705.05:00,60,T], A[7793323,21444,"SportsCenter",45507@0705.06:00,60,T], A[7775094,7773740,"Good Morning America",32791@0705.08:00,60,T], A[7775095,7773741,"This Week With George Stephanopoulos",32791@0705.09:00,60,T], A[7775096,7773742,"Matter of Fact With Soledad O'Brien",32791@0705.10:00,30,T], A[7775097,7773743,"Teen Kids News",32791@0705.10:30,30,T], A[7775851,7774242,"The Simpsons",66379@0705.13:00,30,T], A[7775852,7774243,"The Simpsons",66379@0705.13:30,30,T], A[7775853,7774244,"The Simpsons",66379@0705.14:00,30,T], A[7775854,7774245,"The Simpsons",66379@0705.14:30,30,T], A[7780785,7779253,"Bob's Burgers",45744@0705.21:00,30,T], A[7780786,7779254,"Family Guy",45744@0705.21:30,30,T], A[7780978,7628331,"The Simpsons",52294@0705.23:00,30,T], A[7780979,7628331,"The Simpsons",52294@0705.23:30,30,T], A[7780383,7381067,"ABC World News Now",32791@0706.02:00,120,T], A[7780384,7381069,"America This Morning",32791@0706.04:00,30,T], A[7780385,5935226,"WMTW News 8 This Morning",32791@0706.04:30,30,T], A[7780386,7381071,"WMTW News 8 at 5am",32791@0706.05:00,60,T], A[7780387,7381073,"WMTW News 8 at 6am",32791@0706.06:00,60,T], A[7780388,7779015,"Good Morning America",32791@0706.07:00,120,T], A[7780959,7779329,"Today 3rd Hour",30917@0706.09:00,60,T], A[7780960,7779330,"Today With Hoda & Jenna",30917@0706.10:00,60,T], A[7780392,5935239,"WMTW News 8 at Noon",32791@0706.12:00,60,T], A[7781446,7779695,"The Simpsons",59615@0706.13:30,30,T], A[7781447,7779696,"The Simpsons",59615@0706.14:00,30,T], A[7781448,7779697,"The Simpsons",59615@0706.14:30,30,T], A[7780396,5935247,"WMTW News 8 at 4pm",32791@0706.16:00,60,T], A[7780397,5935249,"WMTW News 8 at 5PM",32791@0706.17:00,60,T], A[7780398,5935251,"WMTW News 8 at 6PM",32791@0706.18:00,30,T], A[7780971,7779334,"NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt",30917@0706.18:30,30,T], A[7781165,7779517,"The Simpsons",66379@0706.19:00,30,T], A[7781166,7779518,"The Simpsons",66379@0706.19:30,30,T], A[7786213,7784561,"The Simpsons",66379@0706.23:00,30,T], A[7786214,7784562,"The Simpsons",66379@0706.23:30,30,T], A[7785466,7783946,"Nightline",32791@0707.00:06,30,T], A[7785470,7381067,"ABC World News Now",32791@0707.02:00,120,T], A[7785471,7381069,"America This Morning",32791@0707.04:00,30,T], A[7785472,5935226,"WMTW News 8 This Morning",32791@0707.04:30,30,T], A[7785473,7381071,"WMTW News 8 at 5am",32791@0707.05:00,60,T], A[7785475,7783948,"Good Morning America",32791@0707.07:00,120,T], A[7786030,7784266,"Today 3rd Hour",30917@0707.09:00,60,T], A[7786031,7784267,"Today With Hoda & Jenna",30917@0707.10:00,60,T], A[7786520,7689241,"The Simpsons",59615@0707.11:00,30,T], A[7786521,7784799,"The Simpsons",59615@0707.11:30,30,T], A[7786522,7784800,"The Simpsons",59615@0707.12:00,30,T], A[7786523,7784801,"The Simpsons",59615@0707.12:30,30,T], A[7786524,7784803,"The Simpsons",59615@0707.13:00,30,T], A[7786525,7784804,"The Simpsons",59615@0707.13:30,30,T], A[7786038,7666518,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 4",30917@0707.16:00,60,T]] Tue 6/23 16:12:40.973 [Scheduler@24c620] DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-1 on Tue 6/23 16:12:40.974 [Scheduler@24c620] [A[7697897,7696141,"The Simpsons",66379@0623.18:00,30,T], A[7697898,7696143,"The Simpsons",66379@0623.18:30,30,T], A[7697899,7696145,"The Simpsons",66379@0623.19:00,30,T], A[7703435,5937057,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 11",30917@0623.23:00,34,T], A[7702849,7701263,"Nightline",32791@0624.00:06,30,T], A[7703439,7695953,"Today With Hoda & Jenna",30917@0624.02:06,54,T], A[7703442,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0624.04:00,30,T], A[7703443,7385061,"NEWS CENTER Maine Early Morning Report",30917@0624.04:30,30,T], A[7703444,5937071,"NEWS CENTER Maine Morning Report",30917@0624.05:00,120,T], A[7703445,7701526,"Today",30917@0624.07:00,120,T], A[7770733,7770535,"Daily Blast Live",30917@0624.12:30,30,T], A[7778278,7778246,"GMA3: What You Need to Know",32791@0624.13:00,60,T], A[7703454,7666518,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 4",30917@0624.16:00,60,T], A[7702867,5935249,"WMTW News 8 at 5PM",32791@0624.17:00,60,T], A[7703457,5937099,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 6",30917@0624.18:00,30,T], A[7702869,7701268,"ABC World News Tonight With David Muir",32791@0624.18:30,30,T], A[7708438,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0625.03:00,30,T], A[7708440,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0625.04:00,30,T], A[7708441,7385061,"NEWS CENTER Maine Early Morning Report",30917@0625.04:30,30,T], A[7708442,5937071,"NEWS CENTER Maine Morning Report",30917@0625.05:00,120,T], A[7708443,7706685,"Today",30917@0625.07:00,120,T], A[7708447,5937085,"NEWS CENTER Maine",30917@0625.12:00,30,T], A[7771115,7770954,"Daily Blast Live",30917@0625.12:30,30,T], A[7708452,7666518,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 4",30917@0625.16:00,60,T], A[7763243,7763024,"The Simpsons",59615@0625.17:00,30,T], A[7708454,5937097,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 5:30",30917@0625.17:30,30,T], A[7708654,7706847,"The Simpsons",66379@0625.18:00,30,T], A[7708655,7706848,"The Simpsons",66379@0625.18:30,30,T], A[7714814,5937057,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 11",30917@0625.23:00,34,T], A[7714819,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0626.03:00,30,T], A[7714820,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0626.03:30,30,T], A[7714821,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0626.04:00,30,T], A[7714822,7385061,"NEWS CENTER Maine Early Morning Report",30917@0626.04:30,30,T], A[7714823,5937071,"NEWS CENTER Maine Morning Report",30917@0626.05:00,120,T], A[7714824,7713146,"Today",30917@0626.07:00,120,T], A[7714828,5937085,"NEWS CENTER Maine",30917@0626.12:00,30,T], A[7771490,7771307,"Daily Blast Live",30917@0626.12:30,30,T], A[7714833,7666518,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 4",30917@0626.16:00,60,T], A[7714259,5935249,"WMTW News 8 at 5PM",32791@0626.17:00,60,T], A[7715039,7713277,"The Simpsons",66379@0626.18:00,30,T], A[7715040,7713278,"The Simpsons",66379@0626.18:30,30,T], A[7721079,5937057,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 11",30917@0626.23:00,34,T], A[7721088,5937071,"NEWS CENTER Maine Morning Report",30917@0627.05:00,120,T], A[7720489,7718953,"Good Morning America",32791@0627.08:00,60,T], A[7721717,7719875,"Planet Earth: The Hunt",64492@0627.14:00,60,T], A[7721718,7719876,"Planet Earth: The Hunt",64492@0627.15:00,60,T], A[7721721,2959325,"Planet Earth: Blue Planet II",64492@0627.18:00,60,T], A[7767652,7767499,"The Simpsons",52294@0627.19:30,30,T], A[7728132,5935226,"WMTW News 8 This Morning",32791@0628.06:00,120,T], A[7735302,16245,"WMTW News 8 at 11",32791@0628.23:00,30,T], A[7735890,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0629.03:00,30,T], A[7735891,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0629.03:30,30,T], A[7735892,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0629.04:00,30,T], A[7735893,7385061,"NEWS CENTER Maine Early Morning Report",30917@0629.04:30,30,T], A[7735894,5937071,"NEWS CENTER Maine Morning Report",30917@0629.05:00,120,T], A[7735895,7734213,"Today",30917@0629.07:00,120,T], A[7735897,7734215,"Today With Hoda & Jenna",30917@0629.10:00,60,T], A[7735315,5935239,"WMTW News 8 at Noon",32791@0629.12:00,60,T], A[7753742,7750247,"GMA3: What You Need to Know",32791@0629.13:00,60,T], A[7735904,7666518,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 4",30917@0629.16:00,60,T], A[7736346,7734635,"The Simpsons",59615@0629.17:00,30,T], A[7735906,5937097,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 5:30",30917@0629.17:30,30,T], A[7736096,7734370,"The Simpsons",66379@0629.18:00,30,T], A[7736097,7734371,"The Simpsons",66379@0629.18:30,30,T], A[7740572,16245,"WMTW News 8 at 11",32791@0629.23:00,35,T], A[7741165,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0630.03:00,30,T], A[7741166,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0630.03:30,30,T], A[7741167,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0630.04:00,30,T], A[7741168,7385061,"NEWS CENTER Maine Early Morning Report",30917@0630.04:30,30,T], A[7741169,5937071,"NEWS CENTER Maine Morning Report",30917@0630.05:00,120,T], A[7741170,7739368,"Today",30917@0630.07:00,120,T], A[7741174,5937085,"NEWS CENTER Maine",30917@0630.12:00,30,T], A[7773049,7772954,"Daily Blast Live",30917@0630.12:30,30,T], A[7740591,5935247,"WMTW News 8 at 4pm",32791@0630.16:00,60,T], A[7741180,5937095,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 5",30917@0630.17:00,30,T], A[7741181,5937097,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 5:30",30917@0630.17:30,30,T], A[7741645,7739884,"The Simpsons",59615@0630.18:00,30,T], A[7741398,7739559,"The Simpsons",66379@0630.18:30,30,T], A[7747433,5937057,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 11",30917@0630.23:00,34,T], A[7760047,7381067,"ABC World News Now",32791@0701.03:00,60,T], A[7747440,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0701.04:00,30,T], A[7746845,5935226,"WMTW News 8 This Morning",32791@0701.04:30,30,T], A[7747442,5937071,"NEWS CENTER Maine Morning Report",30917@0701.05:00,120,T], A[7747443,7745638,"Today",30917@0701.07:00,120,T], A[7747447,5937085,"NEWS CENTER Maine",30917@0701.12:00,30,T], A[7773203,7773130,"Daily Blast Live",30917@0701.12:30,30,T], A[7747452,7666518,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 4",30917@0701.16:00,60,T], A[7746857,5935249,"WMTW News 8 at 5PM",32791@0701.17:00,60,T], A[7747951,7746059,"The Simpsons",59615@0701.18:00,30,T], A[7746859,7745345,"ABC World News Tonight With David Muir",32791@0701.18:30,30,T], A[7752526,5937057,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 11",30917@0701.23:00,34,T], A[7752531,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0702.03:00,30,T], A[7752532,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0702.03:30,30,T], A[7752533,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0702.04:00,30,T], A[7752534,7385061,"NEWS CENTER Maine Early Morning Report",30917@0702.04:30,30,T], A[7752535,5937071,"NEWS CENTER Maine Morning Report",30917@0702.05:00,120,T], A[7752536,7750890,"Today",30917@0702.07:00,120,T], A[7752540,5937085,"NEWS CENTER Maine",30917@0702.12:00,30,T], A[7776636,7776563,"Daily Blast Live",30917@0702.12:30,30,T], A[7752545,7666518,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 4",30917@0702.16:00,60,T], A[7752546,5937095,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 5",30917@0702.17:00,30,T], A[7752547,5937097,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 5:30",30917@0702.17:30,30,T], A[7752745,7751064,"The Simpsons",66379@0702.18:00,30,T], A[7752746,7751065,"The Simpsons",66379@0702.18:30,30,T], A[7758590,5937057,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 11",30917@0702.23:00,34,T], A[7758595,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0703.03:00,30,T], A[7758596,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0703.03:30,30,T], A[7758597,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0703.04:00,30,T], A[7758598,7385061,"NEWS CENTER Maine Early Morning Report",30917@0703.04:30,30,T], A[7758600,7756665,"Today",30917@0703.07:00,120,T], A[7758604,5937085,"NEWS CENTER Maine",30917@0703.12:00,30,T], A[7773333,7773265,"Daily Blast Live",30917@0703.12:30,30,T], A[7757991,5935249,"WMTW News 8 at 5PM",32791@0703.17:00,60,T], A[7758826,7756967,"The Simpsons",66379@0703.18:00,30,T], A[7758827,7756968,"The Simpsons",66379@0703.18:30,30,T], A[7765816,5937057,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 11",30917@0703.23:00,34,T], A[7765254,5935226,"WMTW News 8 This Morning",32791@0704.06:00,120,T], A[7765255,7763670,"Good Morning America",32791@0704.08:00,60,T], A[7766507,7764568,"Nature's Great Events",64492@0704.11:00,60,T], A[7775093,5935226,"WMTW News 8 This Morning",32791@0705.06:00,120,T], A[7780379,16245,"WMTW News 8 at 11",32791@0705.23:00,30,T], A[7780953,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0706.03:00,30,T], A[7780954,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0706.03:30,30,T], A[7780955,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0706.04:00,30,T], A[7780956,7385061,"NEWS CENTER Maine Early Morning Report",30917@0706.04:30,30,T], A[7780957,5937071,"NEWS CENTER Maine Morning Report",30917@0706.05:00,120,T], A[7780958,7779328,"Today",30917@0706.07:00,120,T], A[7780962,5937085,"NEWS CENTER Maine",30917@0706.12:00,30,T], A[7780963,7779331,"Daily Blast Live",30917@0706.12:30,30,T], A[7780393,7750247,"GMA3: What You Need to Know",32791@0706.13:00,60,T], A[7780967,7666518,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 4",30917@0706.16:00,60,T], A[7780968,5937095,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 5",30917@0706.17:00,30,T], A[7780969,5937097,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 5:30",30917@0706.17:30,30,T], A[7781163,7779515,"The Simpsons",66379@0706.18:00,30,T], A[7781164,7779516,"The Simpsons",66379@0706.18:30,30,T], A[7786019,5937057,"NEWS CENTER Maine at 11",30917@0706.23:00,34,T], A[7786024,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0707.03:00,30,T], A[7786025,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0707.03:30,30,T], A[7786026,7385059,"Early Today",30917@0707.04:00,30,T], A[7786027,7385061,"NEWS CENTER Maine Early Morning Report",30917@0707.04:30,30,T], A[7786028,5937071,"NEWS CENTER Maine Morning Report",30917@0707.05:00,120,T], A[7786029,7784265,"Today",30917@0707.07:00,120,T], A[7786033,5937085,"NEWS CENTER Maine",30917@0707.12:00,30,T], A[7786034,7779331,"Daily Blast Live",30917@0707.12:30,30,T], A[7785480,7750247,"GMA3: What You Need to Know",32791@0707.13:00,60,T]] Tue 6/23 16:12:40.974 [Scheduler@24c620] Total Schedule eval time=66 msec Tue 6/23 16:12:40.974 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker awoken Tue 6/23 16:12:40.975 [Scheduler@24c620] Scheduler starting wait... Tue 6/23 16:12:40.975 [Seeker@6eaff3] MemStats: Used=132MB Total=299MB Max=1037MB Tue 6/23 16:12:40.975 [Seeker@6eaff3] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-2 on clients=[] ir=false Tue 6/23 16:12:40.976 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Tue 6/23 16:12:40.976 [Seeker@6eaff3] newRecord=null Tue 6/23 16:12:40.976 [Seeker@6eaff3] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Tue 6/23 16:12:40.976 [Seeker@6eaff3] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-0 on clients=[] ir=false Tue 6/23 16:12:40.976 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Tue 6/23 16:12:40.976 [Seeker@6eaff3] newRecord=null Tue 6/23 16:12:40.976 [Seeker@6eaff3] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Tue 6/23 16:12:40.977 [Seeker@6eaff3] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-1 on clients=[] ir=false Tue 6/23 16:12:40.977 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Tue 6/23 16:12:40.977 [Seeker@6eaff3] newRecord=null Tue 6/23 16:12:40.977 [Seeker@6eaff3] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Tue 6/23 16:12:40.978 [Seeker@6eaff3] Checking video directories for new files Tue 6/23 16:12:40.978 [Seeker@6eaff3] Diskspace checking is running Tue 6/23 16:12:40.979 [Seeker@6eaff3] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Tue 6/23 16:12:40.984 [Seeker@6eaff3] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Tue 6/23 16:12:40.984 [Seeker@6eaff3] DONE enforcing keep at most limits for the files. Tue 6/23 16:12:40.984 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Tue 6/23 16:12:40.985 [Seeker@6eaff3] DONE clearing unwanted and partial files. Tue 6/23 16:12:40.987 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker waiting for 153722840731860 mins. Tue 6/23 16:12:41.588 [SageTV@1b5b450] ::INFO: Extract C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\jetty/webapps/apps.war to C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\jetty\webapps\apps\webapp Tue 6/23 16:12:41.666 [SageTV@1b5b450] ::INFO: Extract C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\jetty/webapps/bmt.war to C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\Jetty_0_0_0_0_8080_bmt.war__bmt__9xmt47\webapp Tue 6/23 16:12:42.532 [Ministry@1efa558] Ministry is starting Tue 6/23 16:12:42.544 [Ministry@1efa558] Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Tue 6/23 16:12:45.418 [SageTV@1b5b450] ::INFO: Opened C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\jetty\logs\2020_06_23.request.log Tue 6/23 16:12:45.422 [SageTV@1b5b450] ::INFO: Started SelectChannelConnector@ Tue 6/23 16:12:45.423 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after commons-lang3 because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:45.424 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin Sage Recording Extender (SRE) to after livepvrdata4j because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:45.424 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix API to after The Movie DB Library because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:45.424 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Core Services to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:45.424 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin Batch Metadata Tools - Web Interface to after Phoenix Core Services because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:45.424 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin Gemstone for Default SageTV9 (previously Diamond) to after Phoenix Core Services because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:45.425 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after HttpClient because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:45.425 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix API to after The Movie DB Library because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:45.425 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Core Services to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:45.425 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin Gemstone for Default SageTV9 (previously Diamond) to after Phoenix Core Services because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:45.425 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin Batch Metadata Tools - Web Interface to after Phoenix Core Services because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:45.425 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin The TV DB Library to after HttpClient because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:45.425 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin livepvrdata4j to after HttpClient because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:45.426 [SageTV@1b5b450] Moving starting of plugin Sage Recording Extender (SRE) to after livepvrdata4j because of its dependency on it. Tue 6/23 16:12:45.426 [SageTV@1b5b450] Calling start on plugin: Sage Recording Extender (SRE) Tue 6/23 16:12:45.469 [SageTV@1b5b450] Calling start on plugin: Phoenix Core Services Tue 6/23 16:12:45.474 [SageTV@1b5b450] Done starting core plugins. Tue 6/23 16:12:45.474 [PSNATMGR@2054b1] Starting UPnP NAT Manager... Tue 6/23 16:12:47.223 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Starting to scan lib import root: E:\Movies Tue 6/23 16:12:51.080 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Starting to scan lib import root: F:\Movies Tue 6/23 16:12:53.270 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Starting to scan lib import root: G:\Movies Tue 6/23 16:12:53.697 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Starting to scan lib import root: D:\TV Tue 6/23 16:12:54.118 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Starting to scan lib import root: E:\TV Tue 6/23 16:12:54.536 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Starting to scan lib import root: F:\TV Tue 6/23 16:12:54.752 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Starting to scan lib import root: G:\TV Tue 6/23 16:12:54.857 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Starting to scan lib import root: D:\Movies Tue 6/23 16:12:57.826 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Creating playlist object for playlist file: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u Tue 6/23 16:12:57.827 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Fiona Apple\Tidal\03 Shadowboxer Fiona Apple.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Fiona Apple\Tidal\03 Shadowboxer Fiona Apple.wma Tue 6/23 16:12:57.827 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Alice in Chains\Jar of Flies\01 Rotten Apple Alice in Chains.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Alice in Chains\Jar of Flies\01 Rotten Apple Alice in Chains.wma Tue 6/23 16:12:57.828 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Porno For Pyros\Good God's Urge\01 Porpoise Head.mp3 resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Porno For Pyros\Good God's Urge\01 Porpoise Head.mp3 Tue 6/23 16:12:57.828 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Blind Melon\Blind Melon\07 No Rain Blind Melon.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Blind Melon\Blind Melon\07 No Rain Blind Melon.wma Tue 6/23 16:12:57.828 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin [Box Set] Disc 2\14 The Rain Song Led Zeppelin.wav resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin [Box Set] Disc 2\14 The Rain Song Led Zeppelin.wav Tue 6/23 16:12:57.829 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Jane's Addiction\Nothing's Shocking\09 Jane Says.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Jane's Addiction\Nothing's Shocking\09 Jane Says.wma Tue 6/23 16:12:57.829 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Bob Marley & The Wailers\Legend\02 No Woman, No Cry Bob Marley.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Bob Marley & The Wailers\Legend\02 No Woman, No Cry Bob Marley.wma Tue 6/23 16:12:57.829 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\The Black Crowes\The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion\09 My Morning Song The Black Crowes.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\The Black Crowes\The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion\09 My Morning Song The Black Crowes.wma Tue 6/23 16:12:57.830 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Porno For Pyros\Porno For Pyros\06 Pets.mp3 resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Porno For Pyros\Porno For Pyros\06 Pets.mp3 Tue 6/23 16:12:57.830 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Radiohead\OK Computer\03 Subterranean Homesick Alien Radiohead.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Radiohead\OK Computer\03 Subterranean Homesick Alien Radiohead.wma Tue 6/23 16:12:57.830 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin [Box Set] Disc 3\04 No Quarter Led Zeppelin.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin [Box Set] Disc 3\04 No Quarter Led Zeppelin.wma Tue 6/23 16:12:57.831 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\Ooh-la-la.wav resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\Ooh-la-la.wav Tue 6/23 16:12:57.831 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Pink Floyd\Meddle\03 Fearless Pink Floyd.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Pink Floyd\Meddle\03 Fearless Pink Floyd.wma Tue 6/23 16:12:57.831 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\The Band\The Best of the Band\01 Up on Cripple Creek The Band.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\The Band\The Best of the Band\01 Up on Cripple Creek The Band.wma Tue 6/23 16:12:57.832 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\The Band\The Best of the Band\03 The Weight The Band.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\The Band\The Best of the Band\03 The Weight The Band.wma Tue 6/23 16:12:57.832 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Radiohead\Pablo Honey\01 You Radiohead.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Radiohead\Pablo Honey\01 You Radiohead.wma Tue 6/23 16:12:57.833 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Alice in Chains\Jar of Flies\03 I Stay Away Alice in Chains.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Alice in Chains\Jar of Flies\03 I Stay Away Alice in Chains.wma Tue 6/23 16:12:57.833 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Jimi Hendrix Experience\The Ultimate Experience\03 Hey Joe Jimi Hendrix Experience.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Jimi Hendrix Experience\The Ultimate Experience\03 Hey Joe Jimi Hendrix Experience.wma Tue 6/23 16:12:57.833 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\07-sheep_go_to_heaven_320_lame_presetinsane.mp3 resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\07-sheep_go_to_heaven_320_lame_presetinsane.mp3 Tue 6/23 16:12:57.834 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\01-dixie_chicken_320_lame_presetinsane.mp3 resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\01-dixie_chicken_320_lame_presetinsane.mp3 Tue 6/23 16:12:57.834 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\16 Someone Saved My Life Tonight.wav resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\16 Someone Saved My Life Tonight.wav Tue 6/23 16:12:57.834 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\Just Like You Imagined.wav resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\Just Like You Imagined.wav Tue 6/23 16:12:57.835 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Coldplay\Parachutes\01 Don't Panic Coldplay.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Coldplay\Parachutes\01 Don't Panic Coldplay.wma Tue 6/23 16:12:57.835 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Paul Simon\Graceland\03 I Know What I Know Paul Simon.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Paul Simon\Graceland\03 I Know What I Know Paul Simon.wma Tue 6/23 16:12:57.835 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Mad Season\Above\03 River of Deceit Mad Season.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Mad Season\Above\03 River of Deceit Mad Season.wma Tue 6/23 16:12:57.836 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin [Box Set] Disc 2\14 The Rain Song Led Zeppelin.wav resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin [Box Set] Disc 2\14 The Rain Song Led Zeppelin.wav Tue 6/23 16:12:57.836 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\09-Lay Lady Lay.wav resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\09-Lay Lady Lay.wav Tue 6/23 16:12:57.836 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Tori Amos\Little Earthquakes\08 Leather Tori Amos.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Tori Amos\Little Earthquakes\08 Leather Tori Amos.wma Tue 6/23 16:12:57.837 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin [Box Set] Disc 1\14 Hey Hey What Can I Do Led Zeppelin.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin [Box Set] Disc 1\14 Hey Hey What Can I Do Led Zeppelin.wma Tue 6/23 16:12:57.837 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\14-god_only_knows_320_lame_presetinsane.mp3 resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\14-god_only_knows_320_lame_presetinsane.mp3 Tue 6/23 16:12:57.837 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Ignoring playlist due to zero size: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.m3u Tue 6/23 16:12:57.838 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Creating playlist object for playlist file: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl Tue 6/23 16:13:00.224 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Fiona Apple\Tidal\03 Shadowboxer Fiona Apple.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Fiona Apple\Tidal\03 Shadowboxer Fiona Apple.wma Tue 6/23 16:13:00.225 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Alice in Chains\Jar of Flies\01 Rotten Apple Alice in Chains.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Alice in Chains\Jar of Flies\01 Rotten Apple Alice in Chains.wma Tue 6/23 16:13:00.226 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Porno For Pyros\Good God's Urge\01 Porpoise Head.mp3 resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Porno For Pyros\Good God's Urge\01 Porpoise Head.mp3 Tue 6/23 16:13:00.227 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Blind Melon\Blind Melon\07 No Rain Blind Melon.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Blind Melon\Blind Melon\07 No Rain Blind Melon.wma Tue 6/23 16:13:00.227 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin [Box Set] Disc 2\14 The Rain Song Led Zeppelin.wav resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin [Box Set] Disc 2\14 The Rain Song Led Zeppelin.wav Tue 6/23 16:13:00.228 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Jane's Addiction\Nothing's Shocking\09 Jane Says.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Jane's Addiction\Nothing's Shocking\09 Jane Says.wma Tue 6/23 16:13:00.229 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Bob Marley & The Wailers\Legend\02 No Woman, No Cry Bob Marley.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Bob Marley & The Wailers\Legend\02 No Woman, No Cry Bob Marley.wma Tue 6/23 16:13:00.230 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\The Black Crowes\The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion\09 My Morning Song The Black Crowes.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\The Black Crowes\The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion\09 My Morning Song The Black Crowes.wma Tue 6/23 16:13:00.230 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Porno For Pyros\Porno For Pyros\06 Pets.mp3 resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Porno For Pyros\Porno For Pyros\06 Pets.mp3 Tue 6/23 16:13:00.231 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Radiohead\OK Computer\03 Subterranean Homesick Alien Radiohead.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Radiohead\OK Computer\03 Subterranean Homesick Alien Radiohead.wma Tue 6/23 16:13:00.232 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin [Box Set] Disc 3\04 No Quarter Led Zeppelin.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin [Box Set] Disc 3\04 No Quarter Led Zeppelin.wma Tue 6/23 16:13:00.233 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\Ooh-la-la.wav resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\Ooh-la-la.wav Tue 6/23 16:13:00.233 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Pink Floyd\Meddle\03 Fearless Pink Floyd.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Pink Floyd\Meddle\03 Fearless Pink Floyd.wma Tue 6/23 16:13:00.234 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\The Band\The Best of the Band\01 Up on Cripple Creek The Band.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\The Band\The Best of the Band\01 Up on Cripple Creek The Band.wma Tue 6/23 16:13:00.235 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\The Band\The Best of the Band\03 The Weight The Band.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\The Band\The Best of the Band\03 The Weight The Band.wma Tue 6/23 16:13:00.235 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Radiohead\Pablo Honey\01 You Radiohead.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Radiohead\Pablo Honey\01 You Radiohead.wma Tue 6/23 16:13:00.236 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Alice in Chains\Jar of Flies\03 I Stay Away Alice in Chains.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Alice in Chains\Jar of Flies\03 I Stay Away Alice in Chains.wma Tue 6/23 16:13:00.237 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Jimi Hendrix Experience\The Ultimate Experience\03 Hey Joe Jimi Hendrix Experience.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Jimi Hendrix Experience\The Ultimate Experience\03 Hey Joe Jimi Hendrix Experience.wma Tue 6/23 16:13:00.237 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\07-sheep_go_to_heaven_320_lame_presetinsane.mp3 resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\07-sheep_go_to_heaven_320_lame_presetinsane.mp3 Tue 6/23 16:13:00.238 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\01-dixie_chicken_320_lame_presetinsane.mp3 resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\01-dixie_chicken_320_lame_presetinsane.mp3 Tue 6/23 16:13:00.239 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\16 Someone Saved My Life Tonight.wav resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\16 Someone Saved My Life Tonight.wav Tue 6/23 16:13:00.239 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\Just Like You Imagined.wav resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\Just Like You Imagined.wav Tue 6/23 16:13:00.240 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Coldplay\Parachutes\01 Don't Panic Coldplay.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Coldplay\Parachutes\01 Don't Panic Coldplay.wma Tue 6/23 16:13:00.241 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Paul Simon\Graceland\03 I Know What I Know Paul Simon.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Paul Simon\Graceland\03 I Know What I Know Paul Simon.wma Tue 6/23 16:13:00.241 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Mad Season\Above\03 River of Deceit Mad Season.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Mad Season\Above\03 River of Deceit Mad Season.wma Tue 6/23 16:13:00.242 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin [Box Set] Disc 2\14 The Rain Song Led Zeppelin.wav resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin [Box Set] Disc 2\14 The Rain Song Led Zeppelin.wav Tue 6/23 16:13:00.242 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\09-Lay Lady Lay.wav resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\09-Lay Lady Lay.wav Tue 6/23 16:13:00.243 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Tori Amos\Little Earthquakes\08 Leather Tori Amos.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Tori Amos\Little Earthquakes\08 Leather Tori Amos.wma Tue 6/23 16:13:00.244 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin [Box Set] Disc 1\14 Hey Hey What Can I Do Led Zeppelin.wma resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin [Box Set] Disc 1\14 Hey Hey What Can I Do Led Zeppelin.wma Tue 6/23 16:13:00.244 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\14-god_only_knows_320_lame_presetinsane.mp3 resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\server disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\14-god_only_knows_320_lame_presetinsane.mp3 Tue 6/23 16:13:00.245 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Missing element in playlist, ignoring that element - playlist: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl element: \\Latk_server\Server Disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\02-brandy_(you_re_a_fine_girl)_320_lame_presetinsane.mp3 resolvedPath=\\Latk_server\Server Disc 1\Music\Miscelaneous\02-brandy_(you_re_a_fine_girl)_320_lame_presetinsane.mp3 Tue 6/23 16:13:00.245 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Ignoring playlist due to zero size: D:\Music\My Playlists\Tyler Eclectic.wpl Tue 6/23 16:13:00.252 [LibraryImporter@225de9] Seeker has finished the library import scan. Tue 6/23 16:13:00.253 [DistributeHookNetClients@f9c033] Sending hook to client for SystemStatusChanged args=[] Tue 6/23 16:15:21.838 [PooledThread@f9c033] Seeker.finishWatch(/ Tue 6/23 16:15:21.844 [PooledThread@f9c033] Seeker.finishWatch(/ Tue 6/23 16:15:21.846 [PooledThread@f9c033] Seeker.finishWatch(/ Tue 6/23 16:15:23.900 [KeepAlive@b0a9da] Error with c/s comm: keepAlive:java.net.SocketException: Software caused connection abort: recv failed Tue 6/23 16:15:23.900 [KeepAlive@b0a9da] java.net.SocketException: Software caused connection abort: recv failed Tue 6/23 16:15:23.901 [KeepAlive@b0a9da] at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method) Tue 6/23 16:15:23.901 [KeepAlive@b0a9da] at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead(Unknown Source) Tue 6/23 16:15:23.901 [KeepAlive@b0a9da] at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) Tue 6/23 16:15:23.901 [KeepAlive@b0a9da] at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) Tue 6/23 16:15:23.901 [KeepAlive@b0a9da] at java.io.BufferedInputStream.fill(Unknown Source) Tue 6/23 16:15:23.901 [KeepAlive@b0a9da] at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(Unknown Source) Tue 6/23 16:15:23.901 [KeepAlive@b0a9da] at sage.SageTVConnection$MyDataInput.readByte(SageTVConnection.java:3706) Tue 6/23 16:15:23.901 [KeepAlive@b0a9da] at sage.SageTVConnection.readLineBytes(SageTVConnection.java:2584) Tue 6/23 16:15:23.901 [KeepAlive@b0a9da] at sage.SageTVConnection.keepAlive(SageTVConnection.java:2527) Tue 6/23 16:15:23.901 [KeepAlive@b0a9da] at sage.SageTVConnection.access$100(SageTVConnection.java:21) Tue 6/23 16:15:23.902 [KeepAlive@b0a9da] at sage.SageTVConnection$3.run(SageTVConnection.java:3021) Tue 6/23 16:15:23.902 [KeepAlive@b0a9da] at sage.Pooler$PooledThread.run(Pooler.java:254) Tue 6/23 16:15:23.902 [KeepAlive@b0a9da] NetworkManager CommunicationFailure : / type=2 Tue 6/23 16:15:23.902 [KeepAlive@b0a9da] NetworkClient fullCleanup / Tue 6/23 16:15:23.903 [KeepAlive@b0a9da] Cleaning up c/s connection Tue 6/23 16:15:23.903 [KeepAlive@b0a9da] Cleaning up c/s connection Tue 6/23 16:15:23.903 [KeepAlive@b0a9da] NetworkManager CommunicationFailure : / type=2 Tue 6/23 16:15:23.904 [ConnRecvQueue@1739854] Error communicating with server:java.net.SocketException: Socket Closed Tue 6/23 16:15:23.904 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker awoken Tue 6/23 16:15:23.905 [ConnRecvQueue@1739854] Cleaning up c/s connection Tue 6/23 16:15:23.905 [Seeker@6eaff3] MemStats: Used=185MB Total=299MB Max=1037MB Tue 6/23 16:15:23.905 [ConnRecvQueue@1739854] NetworkManager CommunicationFailure : / type=1 Tue 6/23 16:15:23.906 [ConnRecvQueue@1739854] MsgRecv thread is terminating for / Tue 6/23 16:15:23.909 [Seeker@6eaff3] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-2 on clients=[] ir=false Tue 6/23 16:15:23.909 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Tue 6/23 16:15:23.910 [Seeker@6eaff3] newRecord=null Tue 6/23 16:15:23.910 [Seeker@6eaff3] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Tue 6/23 16:15:23.910 [Seeker@6eaff3] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-0 on clients=[] ir=false Tue 6/23 16:15:23.911 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Tue 6/23 16:15:23.911 [Seeker@6eaff3] newRecord=null Tue 6/23 16:15:23.911 [Seeker@6eaff3] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Tue 6/23 16:15:23.912 [Seeker@6eaff3] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=DCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 13256352-1 on clients=[] ir=false Tue 6/23 16:15:23.912 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Tue 6/23 16:15:23.912 [Seeker@6eaff3] newRecord=null Tue 6/23 16:15:23.913 [Seeker@6eaff3] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Tue 6/23 16:15:23.913 [Seeker@6eaff3] Checking video directories for new files Tue 6/23 16:15:23.914 [Seeker@6eaff3] Diskspace checking is running Tue 6/23 16:15:23.914 [Seeker@6eaff3] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Tue 6/23 16:15:23.924 [Seeker@6eaff3] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Tue 6/23 16:15:23.925 [Seeker@6eaff3] DONE enforcing keep at most limits for the files. Tue 6/23 16:15:23.925 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Tue 6/23 16:15:23.926 [Seeker@6eaff3] DONE clearing unwanted and partial files. Tue 6/23 16:15:23.929 [Seeker@6eaff3] Seeker waiting for 153722840731857 mins. Tue 6/23 16:15:31.024 [main@dde6e5] Sage.exit() called. Tue 6/23 16:15:31.024 [main@dde6e5] Stopping all core plugins Tue 6/23 16:15:31.024 [main@dde6e5] Calling stop on plugin: Phoenix Core Services Tue 6/23 16:15:31.029 [main@dde6e5] Calling stop on plugin: Sage Recording Extender (SRE) Tue 6/23 16:15:31.033 [main@dde6e5] Calling stop on plugin: Jetty Web Server Tue 6/23 16:15:31.034 [main@dde6e5] ::INFO: Stopping Jetty Tue 6/23 16:15:31.034 [main@dde6e5] ::INFO: Graceful shutdown SelectChannelConnector@ Tue 6/23 16:15:31.037 [main@dde6e5] ::INFO: Graceful shutdown org.mortbay.jetty.handler.ContextHandler@1536d79{/,file:/C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/SageTV/SageTV/jetty/static} Tue 6/23 16:15:31.038 [main@dde6e5] ::INFO: Graceful shutdown org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext@6f7da7{/livepvrdata,C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\jetty/webapps/livepvrdata.war} Tue 6/23 16:15:31.038 [main@dde6e5] ::INFO: Graceful shutdown org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext@1edb06e{/apps,C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\jetty/webapps/apps.war} Tue 6/23 16:15:31.038 [main@dde6e5] ::INFO: Graceful shutdown org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext@881ed2{/bmt,C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\jetty/webapps/bmt.war} Tue 6/23 16:15:32.389 [main@dde6e5] Calling stop on plugin: sagetv-addons License Server Tue 6/23 16:15:32.390 [main@dde6e5] Calling stop on plugin: Commercial Detector Tue 6/23 16:15:32.390 [main@dde6e5] Calling stop on plugin: Gemstone z API Tue 6/23 16:15:32.391 [main@dde6e5] Destroying all core plugins Tue 6/23 16:15:32.391 [main@dde6e5] Calling destroy on plugin: Phoenix Core Services Tue 6/23 16:15:32.391 [main@dde6e5] Calling destroy on plugin: Sage Recording Extender (SRE) Tue 6/23 16:15:32.391 [main@dde6e5] Calling destroy on plugin: Jetty Web Server Tue 6/23 16:15:32.391 [main@dde6e5] Calling destroy on plugin: sagetv-addons License Server Tue 6/23 16:15:32.391 [main@dde6e5] Calling destroy on plugin: Commercial Detector Tue 6/23 16:15:32.392 [main@dde6e5] Calling destroy on plugin: Gemstone z API Tue 6/23 16:15:32.392 [main@dde6e5] Cleaning up servers Tue 6/23 16:15:32.392 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@50947b] Error w/SageTV client connection:java.net.SocketException: socket closed Tue 6/23 16:15:32.392 [MiniMVP@1073f10] MiniError-1:java.net.SocketException: socket closed Tue 6/23 16:15:32.392 [MiniBootp@4a0a2e] MiniError-3:java.net.SocketException: socket closed Tue 6/23 16:15:32.393 [MiniTftp@f6f96c] MiniError-2:java.net.SocketException: socket closed Tue 6/23 16:15:36.857 [ConnSendQueue@1fcaa9b] MsgSend thread terminating for / Tue 6/23 16:15:37.404 [main@dde6e5] Cleaning up PM Tue 6/23 16:15:37.406 [main@dde6e5] Killed Carny. Tue 6/23 16:15:37.406 [main@dde6e5] Killed Scheduler. Tue 6/23 16:15:37.407 [main@dde6e5] Error calling finishWatch from VF goodbye:java.lang.NullPointerException Tue 6/23 16:15:37.408 [Ministry@1efa558] Ministry is shutting down....destroying the converts in progress Tue 6/23 16:15:37.408 [main@dde6e5] FSManager goodbye() Tue 6/23 16:15:37.409 [main@dde6e5] Killed Seeker. Tue 6/23 16:15:37.409 [main@dde6e5] Killed EPG. Tue 6/23 16:15:37.410 [main@dde6e5] freeDevice called for Hauppauge Colossus Capture 0 Tue 6/23 16:15:37.411 [main@dde6e5] Killed MMC. Tue 6/23 16:15:37.411 [main@dde6e5] Killing UIMgr UIManager:localhost@@SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI-1701da1 Tue 6/23 16:15:37.411 [main@dde6e5] Error calling finishWatch from VF goodbye:java.lang.NullPointerException Tue 6/23 16:15:37.412 [main@dde6e5] Killed VideoFrame Tue 6/23 16:15:37.435 [main@dde6e5] Disposed Window Tue 6/23 16:15:37.435 [main@dde6e5] Killed UIManager. Tue 6/23 16:15:37.436 [main@dde6e5] Killed Wizard. Tue 6/23 16:15:37.436 [main@dde6e5] Saving properties file to C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\Sage.properties Tue 6/23 16:15:37.445 [main@dde6e5] Done writing out the data to the properties file Tue 6/23 16:15:37.445 [main@dde6e5] Bye-bye. Tue 6/23 16:15:37.446 [SageTV Shutdown@172438e] SageTV SHUTDOWN is activating! Tue 6/23 16:15:37.446 [Shutdown@85a8fb] ::INFO: Shutdown hook executing Tue 6/23 16:15:37.447 [Shutdown@85a8fb] ::INFO: Shutdown hook complete