Fri 1/12 13:10:59.337 Changed default timezone to:Eastern Standard Time Fri 1/12 13:10:59.399 user.dir2=/opt/sagetv Fri 1/12 13:10:59.399 classpath=Sage.jar:.:/:JARs/commons-jxpath-1.1.jar:JARs/commons-logging-api.jar:JARs/commons-logging.jar:JARs/jcifs-1.1.6.jar:JARs/mx4j-impl.jar:JARs/mx4j-jmx.jar:JARs/mx4j-remote.jar:JARs/mx4j-tools.jar:JARs/sbbi-jmx-1.0.jar:JARs/sbbi-upnplib-1.0.3.jar Fri 1/12 13:10:59.399 JVM version=1.5.0 Fri 1/12 13:10:59.399 OS=Linux 2.6.18-3-k7 Fri 1/12 13:10:59.409 SageTV V6.0.19.1 Fri 1/12 13:10:59.413 hostname=videodrome Fri 1/12 13:11:00.286 WARNING - MissingResource: "Judge" Fri 1/12 13:11:00.287 WARNING - MissingResource: "Narrator" Fri 1/12 13:11:00.320 Wizard starting to load database info... Fri 1/12 13:11:00.322 DBFile at version 64 FileSize=2061 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.322 Wizard allocating table for Year of size 0 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.324 Wizard allocating table for Network of size 0 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.324 Wizard allocating table for Title of size 1 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.325 Wizard loading main index for Title Fri 1/12 13:11:00.325 Wizard building alt. index 0 for Title Fri 1/12 13:11:00.326 Wizard allocating table for Channel of size 0 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.326 Wizard allocating table for People of size 0 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.326 Wizard allocating table for SubCategory of size 0 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.326 Wizard allocating table for Rated of size 0 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.326 Wizard allocating table for ParentalRating of size 0 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.326 Wizard allocating table for ExtendedRating of size 0 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.326 Wizard allocating table for Category of size 0 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.327 Wizard allocating table for PrimeTitle of size 0 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.327 Wizard allocating table for Bonus of size 0 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.327 Wizard allocating table for Show of size 1 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.327 Wizard loading main index for Show Fri 1/12 13:11:00.327 Wizard building alt. index 0 for Show Fri 1/12 13:11:00.328 Wizard allocating table for Airing of size 0 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.328 Wizard allocating table for ManualRecord of size 0 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.332 Wizard allocating table for MediaFile of size 7 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.332 Wizard loading main index for MediaFile Fri 1/12 13:11:00.343 Wizard building alt. index 0 for MediaFile Fri 1/12 13:11:00.343 Wizard building alt. index 1 for MediaFile Fri 1/12 13:11:00.344 Wizard allocating table for Watched of size 0 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.344 Wizard allocating table for Agent of size 0 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.344 Wizard allocating table for Wasted of size 0 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.344 Wizard allocating table for Playlist of size 0 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.344 Wizard allocating table for TVEditorial of size 0 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.344 Wizard allocating table for SeriesInfo of size 0 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.345 Wizard performing validation on database objects... Fri 1/12 13:11:00.359 Wizard DONE loading database info. loadTime=0.039 sec Fri 1/12 13:11:00.472 MMC calling detectCaptureDevices on Fri 1/12 13:11:00.473 devices detected=[] Fri 1/12 13:11:00.474 EncoderMap={} Fri 1/12 13:11:00.474 MMC calling detectCaptureDevices on sage.v@182f0db Fri 1/12 13:11:00.476 videoDevices=[video0] Fri 1/12 13:11:00.477 Checking encoder key:-816678123 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.489 Created IVTVCaptureDevice object for:video0 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.489 EncoderMap1={video0=video0} Fri 1/12 13:11:00.490 Saving properties file to Fri 1/12 13:11:00.514 Processing new system dev:video0 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.514 Device already has been processed Fri 1/12 13:11:00.514 devices detected=[video0] Fri 1/12 13:11:00.514 EncoderMap={video0=video0} Fri 1/12 13:11:00.514 MMC calling detectCaptureDevices on sage.a2@5224ee Fri 1/12 13:11:00.515 WARNING - MissingResource: "Linux_DVB_Capture_Manager" Fri 1/12 13:11:00.515 videoDevices=[] Fri 1/12 13:11:00.515 detect 3 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.515 Checking encoder key:-816678123 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.516 Device is already accounted for. Fri 1/12 13:11:00.516 EncoderMap1={} Fri 1/12 13:11:00.516 devices detected=[] Fri 1/12 13:11:00.516 EncoderMap={video0=video0} Fri 1/12 13:11:00.559 Checking video directories for new files Fri 1/12 13:11:00.569 CARNY Processing 0 Agents & 0 Airs Fri 1/12 13:11:00.570 CARNY Negative Energy Size: 0 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.570 CARNY Traitors:[] Fri 1/12 13:11:00.570 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=true avoidArchive=false Fri 1/12 13:11:00.627 EPG needs an update in 418 minutes Fri 1/12 13:11:00.627 EPG's works is done. Waiting... Fri 1/12 13:11:00.721 Carny waiting for awhile... Fri 1/12 13:11:00.729 SageTVServer was instantiated. Fri 1/12 13:11:00.958 Trying to find lan network interface Fri 1/12 13:11:00.959 addr: / Fri 1/12 13:11:00.960 Miniserver running on Fri 1/12 13:11:00.960 Parsed 0 clients Fri 1/12 13:11:00.962 SageTVDiscoveryServer was instantiated. Fri 1/12 13:11:00.962 SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer was instantiated. Fri 1/12 13:11:00.987 16867 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.990 16869 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.996 16881 Fri 1/12 13:11:00.997 Diskspace checking is running Fri 1/12 13:11:00.997 Seeker waiting for 153722847803821 mins. Fri 1/12 13:11:00.998 Loading locator keys from filesystem since they already exist. Fri 1/12 13:11:01.005 Starting UPnP NAT Manager... Fri 1/12 13:11:01.005 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Fri 1/12 13:11:01.005 manual=[] schedules={} scheduleRandSize=0 Fri 1/12 13:11:01.006 Seeker awoken Fri 1/12 13:11:01.007 Seeker waiting for -19477091 mins. Fri 1/12 13:11:01.016 Seeker awoken Fri 1/12 13:11:01.017 Diskspace checking is running Fri 1/12 13:11:01.017 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Fri 1/12 13:11:01.017 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Fri 1/12 13:11:01.018 Seeker waiting for 153722847803821 mins. Fri 1/12 13:11:01.265 StorageDeviceDetector started... Fri 1/12 13:11:01.268 Setup dir for external device mount: /var/media/external/sda1 Fri 1/12 13:11:01.268 Executing process: mount /dev/sda1 /var/media/external/sda1 Fri 1/12 13:11:01.504 Seeker is starting the library import scan... Fri 1/12 13:11:01.504 Seeker has finished the library import scan. Fri 1/12 13:11:05.632 Ministry is starting Fri 1/12 13:11:05.632 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Fri 1/12 13:11:07.485 Server got broadcast packet: Fri 1/12 13:11:07.485 Server sent back discovery Fri 1/12 13:11:14.245 SageTV received connection from:Socket[addr=/,port=4561,localport=42024] Fri 1/12 13:13:14.581 Connection lost from: Socket[addr=/,port=4561,localport=42024] Read timed out Fri 1/12 13:13:14.582 Cleaning up c/s connection Fri 1/12 13:13:14.582 Error w/SageTV client Read timed out Fri 1/12 13:14:05.631 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Fri 1/12 13:14:29.455 SageTV SHUTDOWN is activating! Fri 1/12 13:14:29.456 Device cleanup, unmounting drives... Fri 1/12 13:14:29.457 Executing process: umount /var/media/external/sda1/ Fri 1/12 13:14:29.461 Sage.exit() called. Fri 1/12 13:14:29.461 Cleaning up servers Fri 1/12 13:14:29.462 Error w/SageTV client Socket closed Fri 1/12 13:14:29.464 MiniUI ServerSocket died Socket closed Fri 1/12 13:14:29.464 Cleaning up PM Fri 1/12 13:14:29.465 Killed Carny. Fri 1/12 13:14:29.465 Killed Scheduler. Fri 1/12 13:14:29.465 Error calling finishWatch from VF goodbye:java.lang.NullPointerException Fri 1/12 13:14:29.465 Ministry is shutting down....destroying the converts in progress Fri 1/12 13:14:29.465 Killed Seeker. Fri 1/12 13:14:29.465 Saving properties file to Fri 1/12 13:14:29.476 Killed EPG. Fri 1/12 13:14:29.477 Freeing ITVTV capture device Fri 1/12 13:14:29.478 Socket closed Fri 1/12 13:14:29.478 Socket closed Fri 1/12 13:14:29.478 Socket closed Fri 1/12 13:14:29.495 stopEncoding for IVTV capture device Fri 1/12 13:14:29.495 Killed MMC. Fri 1/12 13:14:29.496 Killing UIMgr UIManager:localhost@@SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI-a39137 Fri 1/12 13:14:29.497 Error calling finishWatch from VF goodbye:java.lang.NullPointerException Fri 1/12 13:14:29.497 Killed VideoFrame Fri 1/12 13:14:29.498 Disposed Window Fri 1/12 13:14:29.498 Killed UIManager. Fri 1/12 13:14:29.498 Killed Wizard. Fri 1/12 13:14:29.498 Saving properties file to Fri 1/12 13:14:29.510 Bye-bye.