Wed 4/1 17:21:06.218 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:21:06.218 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:21:06.221 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:21:06.221 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:21:06.221 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:21:06.222 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:21:06.222 Seeker waiting for 153722846637051 mins. Wed 4/1 17:21:06.388 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 17:21:06.388 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 17:21:06.388 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] MustSee=[]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[] MustSee=[]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 17:21:06.389 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 17:21:06.389 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[] Wed 4/1 17:21:06.389 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[] Wed 4/1 17:21:06.389 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 17:21:06.389 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 17:21:06.390 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 17:21:06.390 [A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] Wed 4/1 17:21:06.390 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 17:21:06.390 [] Wed 4/1 17:21:06.390 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:21:06.390 MemStats: Used=21MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:21:06.390 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:21:06.390 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:21:06.390 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:21:06.391 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:21:06.391 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:21:06.391 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:21:06.391 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:21:06.391 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:21:06.392 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:21:06.394 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:21:06.394 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:21:06.394 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:21:06.394 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:21:06.395 Seeker waiting for 153722846637051 mins. Wed 4/1 17:21:37.835 Seeker.finishWatch(/ Wed 4/1 17:21:37.837 Called Seeker.requestWatch(A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30]) hostname=/ Wed 4/1 17:21:37.837 findBestEncoderForNow(A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] record=false host=/ Wed 4/1 17:21:37.837$c@1e5d16d[Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1] Wed 4/1 17:21:37.837 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:21:37.838 defaultRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] Wed 4/1 17:21:37.838 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:21:37.838 FORCE WATCH executing clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:21:37.838 newRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] Wed 4/1 17:21:37.838 Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - LATER Wed 4/1 17:21:37.838 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:21:37.838 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:21:37.838 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:21:37.838 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:21:37.838 Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - NOW Wed 4/1 17:21:37.839 Seeker.startRecord(Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30], currTime=Wed 4/1 17:21:37.837) currRecord=null switch=false Wed 4/1 17:21:37.839 Setting up MMC video for recording new show & tuning channel conn=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Digital TV Tuner Wed 4/1 17:21:37.839 Using quality setting "DVD Standard Play" for recording Wed 4/1 17:21:37.839 MediaFile startSegment enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT MediaFile[id=45737 A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 80384 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 59.94006 fps 1280x720 16:9 progressive]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-81010002 eng ]] D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-0.mpg, Seg0[Wed 4/1 17:20:11.016-Wed 4/1 17:21:04.610]] Wed 4/1 17:21:37.840 MediaFile created subfile:D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-1.mpg MediaFile[id=45737 A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 80384 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 59.94006 fps 1280x720 16:9 progressive]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-81010002 eng ]] D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-0.mpg, Seg0[Wed 4/1 17:20:11.016-Wed 4/1 17:21:04.610]] Wed 4/1 17:21:37.841 Seeker channel string=61-10-1 Wed 4/1 17:21:37.841 autotune0 digital tuner 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' num=61-10-1 (ver 3.1) Wed 4/1 17:21:37.842 Splitter Filter set output mpeg2 format Wed 4/1 17:21:38.603 DONE: autotune0 hr=0x0 locked:1 Wed 4/1 17:21:38.603 setEncodingProperties0 83988000 DVD Standard Play Wed 4/1 17:21:38.604 Set encoding property audiooutputmode to 0 Wed 4/1 17:21:38.604 Set encoding property audiocrc to 0 Wed 4/1 17:21:38.604 Set encoding property gopsize to 15 Wed 4/1 17:21:38.604 Set encoding property videobitrate to 6400000 Wed 4/1 17:21:38.604 Set encoding property peakvideobitrate to 8000000 Wed 4/1 17:21:38.604 Set encoding property inversetelecine to 0 Wed 4/1 17:21:38.604 Set encoding property closedgop to 0 Wed 4/1 17:21:38.604 Set encoding property vbr to 1 Wed 4/1 17:21:38.604 Set encoding property outputstreamtype to 10 Wed 4/1 17:21:38.604 Set encoding property width to 720 Wed 4/1 17:21:38.604 Set encoding property height to 480 Wed 4/1 17:21:38.604 Set encoding property audiobitrate to 384 Wed 4/1 17:21:38.604 Set encoding property audiosampling to 48000 Wed 4/1 17:21:38.605 Set encoding property disablefilter to 1 Wed 4/1 17:21:38.605 Set encoding property medianfilter to 3 Wed 4/1 17:21:38.605 Set encoding property fps to 30 Wed 4/1 17:21:38.605 Set encoding property ipb to 0 Wed 4/1 17:21:38.605 Set encoding property deinterlace to 0 Wed 4/1 17:21:38.605 Set encoding property aspectratio to 1 Wed 4/1 17:21:38.605 setupEncoding0 called for 83988000 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' (ver 1.0) Wed 4/1 17:21:38.605 QAM:Got capture drv info for QAM mfg:'' Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0 Wed 4/1 17:21:38.605 Encoding to file D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-1.mpg Wed 4/1 17:21:38.605 setupEncoding0 Trace27 Wed 4/1 17:21:38.605 setupEncoding0 Trace28 Wed 4/1 17:21:38.605 startEncoding0 called for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' Wed 4/1 17:21:38.989 GetBroadcastStandard ATSC for device:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' Wed 4/1 17:21:39.107 AVINF:(bytes:240) Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0 AV-INF|f=MPEG2-PS;br=80384000;[bf=vid;f=MPEG2-Video;fps=59.940060;fpsn=60000;fpsd=1001;ar=1.777778;arn=16;ard=9;w=1280;h=720;lace=0;index=0;tag=e0;main=yes];[bf=aud;f=AC3;sr=48000;br=384000;ch=6;index=1;tag=bd-81010002;lang=eng ;main=yes]; Wed 4/1 17:21:39.107 Setting media file format for MediaFile[id=45737 A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 80384 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 59.94006 fps 1280x720 16:9 progressive]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-81010002 eng ]] D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-0.mpg, Seg0[Wed 4/1 17:20:11.016-Wed 4/1 17:21:04.610], Seg1[Wed 4/1 17:21:37.837-Wed 12/31 16:00:00.000]] to be [B@b14efc Wed 4/1 17:21:39.108 PID Filter: Set program ID into HDHR programID:0x3 channel:0 Wed 4/1 17:21:39.239 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 17:21:39.240 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 17:21:39.240 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] MustSee=[]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[] MustSee=[]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 17:21:39.241 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 17:21:39.241 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[] Wed 4/1 17:21:39.241 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[] Wed 4/1 17:21:39.241 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 17:21:39.241 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 17:21:39.241 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 17:21:39.241 [A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30], A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] Wed 4/1 17:21:39.242 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 17:21:39.242 [] Wed 4/1 17:21:39.242 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:21:39.242 MemStats: Used=21MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:21:39.242 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:21:39.242 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:21:39.242 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:21:39.242 newRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] Wed 4/1 17:21:39.243 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 17:21:39.243 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:21:39.243 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:21:39.243 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:21:39.243 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:21:39.244 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=22528 Wed 4/1 17:21:39.244 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:21:39.246 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:21:39.246 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:21:39.247 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:21:39.247 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:21:39.249 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=514.776905216 GB Wed 4/1 17:21:39.249 Seeker waiting for 8 mins. Wed 4/1 17:22:12.524 Updated:Watched[id=45738 Airing=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30], WatchStart=Wed 4/1 17:20:11.016, WatchEnd=Wed 4/1 17:22:09.900, RealStart=Wed 4/1 17:20:13.101, RealEnd=Wed 4/1 17:22:12.571] Wed 4/1 17:22:12.711 Seeker.finishWatch(/ Wed 4/1 17:22:12.712 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 17:22:12.712 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:22:12.712 MemStats: Used=20MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:22:12.713 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 17:22:12.713 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30], A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] MustSee=[]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[] MustSee=[]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 17:22:12.713 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:12.713 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:12.713 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:22:12.713 Change in record, logging recorded data. Wed 4/1 17:22:12.714 Seeker.endRecord(Wed 4/1 17:22:12.713) currRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] Wed 4/1 17:22:12.714 VF.submitJob(VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-1.mpg]) Wed 4/1 17:22:12.716 stopEncoding0 called (config:0x49000) Wed 4/1 17:22:12.717 stopEncoding0 trace 1 0x49f6bac Wed 4/1 17:22:12.717 stopEncoding0 trace 2 Wed 4/1 17:22:12.717 stopEncoding0 trace 3 0x4b118ac Wed 4/1 17:22:12.717 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 17:22:12.718 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[] Wed 4/1 17:22:12.718 Scheduler cleanup - Removing A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] from schedule because it has no WP. Wed 4/1 17:22:12.718 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[] Wed 4/1 17:22:12.718 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 17:22:12.718 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 17:22:12.718 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 17:22:12.719 [A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] Wed 4/1 17:22:12.719 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 17:22:12.719 [] Wed 4/1 17:22:12.796 Seeker.finishWatch(/ Wed 4/1 17:22:14.231 stopEncoding0 trace 4 Wed 4/1 17:22:14.231 Stopped graph res=0x0 Wed 4/1 17:22:14.231 stopEncoding0 trace 5 Wed 4/1 17:22:14.233 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:22:14.233 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:14.233 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:14.233 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:22:14.233 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:22:14.234 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:22:14.236 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:22:14.236 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:22:14.238 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:22:14.238 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:22:14.238 Seeker waiting for 153722846637050 mins. Wed 4/1 17:22:14.238 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:22:14.239 MemStats: Used=21MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:22:14.239 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:14.239 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:14.239 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:22:14.239 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:22:14.239 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:14.239 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:14.239 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:22:14.239 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:22:14.240 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:22:14.241 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:22:14.242 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:22:14.242 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:22:14.242 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:22:14.242 Seeker waiting for 153722846637050 mins. Wed 4/1 17:22:14.484 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 17:22:14.484 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 17:22:14.484 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] MustSee=[]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[] MustSee=[]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 17:22:14.485 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 17:22:14.485 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[] Wed 4/1 17:22:14.485 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[] Wed 4/1 17:22:14.485 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 17:22:14.486 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 17:22:14.486 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 17:22:14.486 [A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] Wed 4/1 17:22:14.486 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 17:22:14.486 [] Wed 4/1 17:22:14.486 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:22:14.486 MemStats: Used=20MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:22:14.486 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:14.487 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:14.487 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:22:14.487 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:22:14.487 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:14.487 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:14.487 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:22:14.487 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:22:14.488 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:22:14.490 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:22:14.490 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:22:14.490 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:22:14.491 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:22:14.491 Seeker waiting for 153722846637050 mins. Wed 4/1 17:22:22.218 Seeker.finishWatch(/ Wed 4/1 17:22:22.220 Called Seeker.requestWatch(A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30]) hostname=/ Wed 4/1 17:22:22.220 findBestEncoderForNow(A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] record=false host=/ Wed 4/1 17:22:22.220$c@1e5d16d[Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1] Wed 4/1 17:22:22.221 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:22.221 defaultRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] Wed 4/1 17:22:22.221 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:22.221 FORCE WATCH executing clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:22:22.221 newRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] Wed 4/1 17:22:22.221 Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - LATER Wed 4/1 17:22:22.221 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:22.221 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:22.221 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:22:22.221 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:22:22.222 Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - NOW Wed 4/1 17:22:22.222 Seeker.startRecord(Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30], currTime=Wed 4/1 17:22:22.220) currRecord=null switch=false Wed 4/1 17:22:22.222 Setting up MMC video for recording new show & tuning channel conn=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Digital TV Tuner Wed 4/1 17:22:22.222 Using quality setting "DVD Standard Play" for recording Wed 4/1 17:22:22.222 MediaFile startSegment enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT MediaFile[id=45737 A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 80384 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 59.94006 fps 1280x720 16:9 progressive]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-81010002 eng ]] D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-0.mpg, Seg0[Wed 4/1 17:20:11.016-Wed 4/1 17:21:04.610], Seg1[Wed 4/1 17:21:37.837-Wed 4/1 17:22:12.713]] Wed 4/1 17:22:22.244 MediaFile created subfile:D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-2.mpg MediaFile[id=45737 A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 80384 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 59.94006 fps 1280x720 16:9 progressive]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-81010002 eng ]] D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-0.mpg, Seg0[Wed 4/1 17:20:11.016-Wed 4/1 17:21:04.610], Seg1[Wed 4/1 17:21:37.837-Wed 4/1 17:22:12.713]] Wed 4/1 17:22:22.245 Seeker channel string=61-10-1 Wed 4/1 17:22:22.246 autotune0 digital tuner 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' num=61-10-1 (ver 3.1) Wed 4/1 17:22:22.246 Splitter Filter set output mpeg2 format Wed 4/1 17:22:23.008 DONE: autotune0 hr=0x0 locked:1 Wed 4/1 17:22:23.008 setEncodingProperties0 83988000 DVD Standard Play Wed 4/1 17:22:23.009 Set encoding property audiooutputmode to 0 Wed 4/1 17:22:23.009 Set encoding property audiocrc to 0 Wed 4/1 17:22:23.009 Set encoding property gopsize to 15 Wed 4/1 17:22:23.009 Set encoding property videobitrate to 6400000 Wed 4/1 17:22:23.009 Set encoding property peakvideobitrate to 8000000 Wed 4/1 17:22:23.009 Set encoding property inversetelecine to 0 Wed 4/1 17:22:23.009 Set encoding property closedgop to 0 Wed 4/1 17:22:23.009 Set encoding property vbr to 1 Wed 4/1 17:22:23.009 Set encoding property outputstreamtype to 10 Wed 4/1 17:22:23.009 Set encoding property width to 720 Wed 4/1 17:22:23.009 Set encoding property height to 480 Wed 4/1 17:22:23.009 Set encoding property audiobitrate to 384 Wed 4/1 17:22:23.009 Set encoding property audiosampling to 48000 Wed 4/1 17:22:23.009 Set encoding property disablefilter to 1 Wed 4/1 17:22:23.010 Set encoding property medianfilter to 3 Wed 4/1 17:22:23.010 Set encoding property fps to 30 Wed 4/1 17:22:23.010 Set encoding property ipb to 0 Wed 4/1 17:22:23.010 Set encoding property deinterlace to 0 Wed 4/1 17:22:23.010 Set encoding property aspectratio to 1 Wed 4/1 17:22:23.010 setupEncoding0 called for 83988000 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' (ver 1.0) Wed 4/1 17:22:23.010 QAM:Got capture drv info for QAM mfg:'' Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0 Wed 4/1 17:22:23.010 Encoding to file D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-2.mpg Wed 4/1 17:22:23.010 setupEncoding0 Trace27 Wed 4/1 17:22:23.010 setupEncoding0 Trace28 Wed 4/1 17:22:23.010 startEncoding0 called for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' Wed 4/1 17:22:23.394 GetBroadcastStandard ATSC for device:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' Wed 4/1 17:22:23.409 Updated:Watched[id=45738 Airing=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30], WatchStart=Wed 4/1 17:20:11.016, WatchEnd=Wed 4/1 17:22:09.900, RealStart=Wed 4/1 17:20:13.101, RealEnd=Wed 4/1 17:22:23.456] Wed 4/1 17:22:23.411 Seeker.finishWatch(/ Wed 4/1 17:22:23.412 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:22:23.412 MemStats: Used=21MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:22:23.412 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 17:22:23.415 Called Seeker.requestWatch(A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30]) hostname=/ Wed 4/1 17:22:23.415 findBestEncoderForNow(A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] record=false host=/ Wed 4/1 17:22:23.415 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:23.416$c@1e5d16d[Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1] Wed 4/1 17:22:23.416 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:23.416 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:22:23.416 Change in record, logging recorded data. Wed 4/1 17:22:23.416 Seeker.endRecord(Wed 4/1 17:22:23.412) currRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] Wed 4/1 17:22:23.416 VF.submitJob(VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-2.mpg]) Wed 4/1 17:22:23.418 stopEncoding0 called (config:0x49000) Wed 4/1 17:22:23.418 stopEncoding0 trace 1 0x49f6bac Wed 4/1 17:22:23.418 stopEncoding0 trace 2 Wed 4/1 17:22:23.418 stopEncoding0 trace 3 0x4b118ac Wed 4/1 17:22:24.934 stopEncoding0 trace 4 Wed 4/1 17:22:24.934 Stopped graph res=0x0 Wed 4/1 17:22:24.934 stopEncoding0 trace 5 Wed 4/1 17:22:24.936 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:22:24.936 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:24.936 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:24.936 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:22:24.936 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:22:24.936 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:24.936 defaultRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] Wed 4/1 17:22:24.937 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:24.937 FORCE WATCH executing clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:22:24.937 newRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] Wed 4/1 17:22:24.938 Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - LATER Wed 4/1 17:22:24.938 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:24.938 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:24.938 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:22:24.938 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:22:24.938 Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - NOW Wed 4/1 17:22:24.939 Seeker.startRecord(Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30], currTime=Wed 4/1 17:22:24.936) currRecord=null switch=false Wed 4/1 17:22:24.939 Setting up MMC video for recording new show & tuning channel conn=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Digital TV Tuner Wed 4/1 17:22:24.939 Using quality setting "DVD Standard Play" for recording Wed 4/1 17:22:24.939 MediaFile verification deleting segment this=MediaFile[id=45737 A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 80384 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 59.94006 fps 1280x720 16:9 progressive]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-81010002 eng ]] D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-0.mpg, Seg0[Wed 4/1 17:20:11.016-Wed 4/1 17:21:04.610], Seg1[Wed 4/1 17:21:37.837-Wed 4/1 17:22:12.713], Seg2[Wed 4/1 17:22:22.220-Wed 4/1 17:22:23.412]] segfile=D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-2.mpg Wed 4/1 17:22:24.942 MediaFile startSegment enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT MediaFile[id=45737 A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 80384 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 59.94006 fps 1280x720 16:9 progressive]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-81010002 eng ]] D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-0.mpg, Seg0[Wed 4/1 17:20:11.016-Wed 4/1 17:21:04.610], Seg1[Wed 4/1 17:21:37.837-Wed 4/1 17:22:12.713]] Wed 4/1 17:22:24.942 MediaFile created subfile:D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-2.mpg MediaFile[id=45737 A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 80384 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 59.94006 fps 1280x720 16:9 progressive]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-81010002 eng ]] D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-0.mpg, Seg0[Wed 4/1 17:20:11.016-Wed 4/1 17:21:04.610], Seg1[Wed 4/1 17:21:37.837-Wed 4/1 17:22:12.713]] Wed 4/1 17:22:24.949 Seeker channel string=61-10-1 Wed 4/1 17:22:24.949 autotune0 digital tuner 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' num=61-10-1 (ver 3.1) Wed 4/1 17:22:24.949 Splitter Filter set output mpeg2 format Wed 4/1 17:22:25.712 DONE: autotune0 hr=0x0 locked:1 Wed 4/1 17:22:25.713 setEncodingProperties0 83988000 DVD Standard Play Wed 4/1 17:22:25.713 Set encoding property audiooutputmode to 0 Wed 4/1 17:22:25.713 Set encoding property audiocrc to 0 Wed 4/1 17:22:25.713 Set encoding property gopsize to 15 Wed 4/1 17:22:25.713 Set encoding property videobitrate to 6400000 Wed 4/1 17:22:25.713 Set encoding property peakvideobitrate to 8000000 Wed 4/1 17:22:25.713 Set encoding property inversetelecine to 0 Wed 4/1 17:22:25.713 Set encoding property closedgop to 0 Wed 4/1 17:22:25.713 Set encoding property vbr to 1 Wed 4/1 17:22:25.713 Set encoding property outputstreamtype to 10 Wed 4/1 17:22:25.713 Set encoding property width to 720 Wed 4/1 17:22:25.713 Set encoding property height to 480 Wed 4/1 17:22:25.714 Set encoding property audiobitrate to 384 Wed 4/1 17:22:25.714 Set encoding property audiosampling to 48000 Wed 4/1 17:22:25.714 Set encoding property disablefilter to 1 Wed 4/1 17:22:25.714 Set encoding property medianfilter to 3 Wed 4/1 17:22:25.714 Set encoding property fps to 30 Wed 4/1 17:22:25.714 Set encoding property ipb to 0 Wed 4/1 17:22:25.714 Set encoding property deinterlace to 0 Wed 4/1 17:22:25.714 Set encoding property aspectratio to 1 Wed 4/1 17:22:25.714 setupEncoding0 called for 83988000 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' (ver 1.0) Wed 4/1 17:22:25.714 QAM:Got capture drv info for QAM mfg:'' Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0 Wed 4/1 17:22:25.714 Encoding to file D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-2.mpg Wed 4/1 17:22:25.714 setupEncoding0 Trace27 Wed 4/1 17:22:25.714 setupEncoding0 Trace28 Wed 4/1 17:22:25.714 startEncoding0 called for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' Wed 4/1 17:22:26.098 GetBroadcastStandard ATSC for device:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' Wed 4/1 17:22:26.098 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=0 Wed 4/1 17:22:26.099 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:22:26.100 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:22:26.101 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:22:26.101 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:22:26.101 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:22:26.102 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=514.711696896 GB Wed 4/1 17:22:26.103 Seeker waiting for 7 mins. Wed 4/1 17:22:26.111 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 17:22:26.111 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] MustSee=[]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[] MustSee=[]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 17:22:26.112 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 17:22:26.112 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[] Wed 4/1 17:22:26.113 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[] Wed 4/1 17:22:26.113 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 17:22:26.114 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 17:22:26.114 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 17:22:26.114 [A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30], A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] Wed 4/1 17:22:26.114 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 17:22:26.114 [] Wed 4/1 17:22:26.114 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 17:22:26.115 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:22:26.115 MemStats: Used=20MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:22:26.115 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:26.116 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:26.116 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:22:26.116 newRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] Wed 4/1 17:22:26.116 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 17:22:26.116 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:26.116 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:26.116 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:22:26.116 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:22:26.117 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 17:22:26.117 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30], A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] MustSee=[]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[] MustSee=[]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 17:22:26.117 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 17:22:26.117 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[] Wed 4/1 17:22:26.118 Scheduler cleanup - Removing A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] from schedule because it has no WP. Wed 4/1 17:22:26.118 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[] Wed 4/1 17:22:26.118 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 17:22:26.118 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 17:22:26.118 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 17:22:26.118 [A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30], A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] Wed 4/1 17:22:26.118 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 17:22:26.118 [] Wed 4/1 17:22:26.119 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=0 Wed 4/1 17:22:26.120 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:22:26.122 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:22:26.122 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:22:26.122 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:22:26.123 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:22:26.123 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=514.711696896 GB Wed 4/1 17:22:26.123 Seeker waiting for 7 mins. Wed 4/1 17:22:26.125 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:22:26.126 MemStats: Used=21MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:22:26.126 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:26.128 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:26.128 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:22:26.128 newRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] Wed 4/1 17:22:26.128 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 17:22:26.129 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:26.129 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:26.129 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:22:26.129 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:22:26.130 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=0 Wed 4/1 17:22:26.131 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:22:26.134 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:22:26.134 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:22:26.135 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:22:26.135 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:22:26.135 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=514.711696896 GB Wed 4/1 17:22:26.135 Seeker waiting for 7 mins. Wed 4/1 17:22:26.218 Setting media file format for MediaFile[id=45737 A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 80384 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 59.94006 fps 1280x720 16:9 progressive]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-81010002 eng ]] D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-0.mpg, Seg0[Wed 4/1 17:20:11.016-Wed 4/1 17:21:04.610], Seg1[Wed 4/1 17:21:37.837-Wed 4/1 17:22:12.713], Seg2[Wed 4/1 17:22:24.936-Wed 12/31 16:00:00.000]] to be [B@88e9b Wed 4/1 17:22:26.219 AVINF:(bytes:240) Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0 AV-INF|f=MPEG2-PS;br=80384000;[bf=vid;f=MPEG2-Video;fps=59.940060;fpsn=60000;fpsd=1001;ar=1.777778;arn=16;ard=9;w=1280;h=720;lace=0;index=0;tag=e0;main=yes];[bf=aud;f=AC3;sr=48000;br=384000;ch=6;index=1;tag=bd-81010002;lang=eng ;main=yes]; Wed 4/1 17:22:26.220 PID Filter: Set program ID into HDHR programID:0x3 channel:0 Wed 4/1 17:22:26.351 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 17:22:26.351 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 17:22:26.351 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30], A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] MustSee=[]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[] MustSee=[]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 17:22:26.352 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 17:22:26.352 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[] Wed 4/1 17:22:26.352 Scheduler cleanup - Removing A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] from schedule because it has no WP. Wed 4/1 17:22:26.352 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[] Wed 4/1 17:22:26.352 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 17:22:26.352 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 17:22:26.352 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 17:22:26.353 [A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30], A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] Wed 4/1 17:22:26.353 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 17:22:26.353 [] Wed 4/1 17:22:26.353 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:22:26.353 MemStats: Used=21MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:22:26.353 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:26.353 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:26.354 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:22:26.354 newRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] Wed 4/1 17:22:26.355 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 17:22:26.355 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:26.355 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:26.356 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:22:26.356 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:22:26.356 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=296960 Wed 4/1 17:22:26.356 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:22:26.359 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:22:26.359 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:22:26.360 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:22:26.360 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:22:26.361 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=514.711172608 GB Wed 4/1 17:22:26.361 Seeker waiting for 7 mins. Wed 4/1 17:22:32.326 Updated:Watched[id=45738 Airing=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30], WatchStart=Wed 4/1 17:20:11.016, WatchEnd=Wed 4/1 17:22:30.005, RealStart=Wed 4/1 17:20:13.101, RealEnd=Wed 4/1 17:22:32.372] Wed 4/1 17:22:32.534 Seeker.finishWatch(/ Wed 4/1 17:22:32.534 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 17:22:32.535 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:22:32.535 MemStats: Used=20MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:22:32.535 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:32.535 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:32.535 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:22:32.535 Change in record, logging recorded data. Wed 4/1 17:22:32.536 Seeker.endRecord(Wed 4/1 17:22:32.535) currRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] Wed 4/1 17:22:32.536 VF.submitJob(VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-2.mpg]) Wed 4/1 17:22:32.537 stopEncoding0 called (config:0x49000) Wed 4/1 17:22:32.537 stopEncoding0 trace 1 0x49f6bac Wed 4/1 17:22:32.537 stopEncoding0 trace 2 Wed 4/1 17:22:32.537 stopEncoding0 trace 3 0x4b118ac Wed 4/1 17:22:32.539 Called Seeker.requestWatch(A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30]) hostname=/ Wed 4/1 17:22:32.539 findBestEncoderForNow(A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] record=false host=/ Wed 4/1 17:22:32.539$c@1e5d16d[Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1] Wed 4/1 17:22:34.059 stopEncoding0 trace 4 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.060 Stopped graph res=0x0 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.060 stopEncoding0 trace 5 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.061 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:22:34.061 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:34.061 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.062 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:22:34.062 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:22:34.062 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 17:22:34.062 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30], A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] MustSee=[]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[] MustSee=[]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.062 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:34.062 defaultRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] Wed 4/1 17:22:34.062 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.063 FORCE WATCH executing clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:22:34.063 newRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] Wed 4/1 17:22:34.063 Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - LATER Wed 4/1 17:22:34.063 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:34.063 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.064 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:22:34.064 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:22:34.064 Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - NOW Wed 4/1 17:22:34.064 Seeker.startRecord(Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30], currTime=Wed 4/1 17:22:34.062) currRecord=null switch=false Wed 4/1 17:22:34.064 Setting up MMC video for recording new show & tuning channel conn=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Digital TV Tuner Wed 4/1 17:22:34.065 Using quality setting "DVD Standard Play" for recording Wed 4/1 17:22:34.065 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.065 MediaFile startSegment enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT MediaFile[id=45737 A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 80384 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 59.94006 fps 1280x720 16:9 progressive]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-81010002 eng ]] D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-0.mpg, Seg0[Wed 4/1 17:20:11.016-Wed 4/1 17:21:04.610], Seg1[Wed 4/1 17:21:37.837-Wed 4/1 17:22:12.713], Seg2[Wed 4/1 17:22:24.936-Wed 4/1 17:22:32.535]] Wed 4/1 17:22:34.065 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[] Wed 4/1 17:22:34.065 Scheduler cleanup - Removing A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] from schedule because it has no WP. Wed 4/1 17:22:34.065 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[] Wed 4/1 17:22:34.066 MediaFile created subfile:D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-3.mpg MediaFile[id=45737 A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 80384 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 59.94006 fps 1280x720 16:9 progressive]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-81010002 eng ]] D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-0.mpg, Seg0[Wed 4/1 17:20:11.016-Wed 4/1 17:21:04.610], Seg1[Wed 4/1 17:21:37.837-Wed 4/1 17:22:12.713], Seg2[Wed 4/1 17:22:24.936-Wed 4/1 17:22:32.535]] Wed 4/1 17:22:34.066 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 17:22:34.066 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 17:22:34.066 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.066 [A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] Wed 4/1 17:22:34.066 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.066 [] Wed 4/1 17:22:34.090 Seeker channel string=61-10-1 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.091 autotune0 digital tuner 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' num=61-10-1 (ver 3.1) Wed 4/1 17:22:34.091 Splitter Filter set output mpeg2 format Wed 4/1 17:22:34.852 DONE: autotune0 hr=0x0 locked:1 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.853 setEncodingProperties0 83988000 DVD Standard Play Wed 4/1 17:22:34.853 Set encoding property audiooutputmode to 0 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.853 Set encoding property audiocrc to 0 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.854 Set encoding property gopsize to 15 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.854 Set encoding property videobitrate to 6400000 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.854 Set encoding property peakvideobitrate to 8000000 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.854 Set encoding property inversetelecine to 0 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.854 Set encoding property closedgop to 0 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.854 Set encoding property vbr to 1 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.854 Set encoding property outputstreamtype to 10 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.854 Set encoding property width to 720 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.855 Set encoding property height to 480 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.855 Set encoding property audiobitrate to 384 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.855 Set encoding property audiosampling to 48000 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.855 Set encoding property disablefilter to 1 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.855 Set encoding property medianfilter to 3 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.855 Set encoding property fps to 30 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.855 Set encoding property ipb to 0 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.855 Set encoding property deinterlace to 0 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.855 Set encoding property aspectratio to 1 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.855 setupEncoding0 called for 83988000 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' (ver 1.0) Wed 4/1 17:22:34.856 QAM:Got capture drv info for QAM mfg:'' Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.856 Encoding to file D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-3.mpg Wed 4/1 17:22:34.856 setupEncoding0 Trace27 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.856 setupEncoding0 Trace28 Wed 4/1 17:22:34.856 startEncoding0 called for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' Wed 4/1 17:22:35.240 GetBroadcastStandard ATSC for device:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' Wed 4/1 17:22:35.240 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=0 Wed 4/1 17:22:35.241 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:22:35.243 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:22:35.244 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:22:35.244 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:22:35.244 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:22:35.245 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=514.698393088 GB Wed 4/1 17:22:35.245 Seeker waiting for 7 mins. Wed 4/1 17:22:35.247 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:22:35.247 MemStats: Used=20MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:22:35.247 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:35.248 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:35.248 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:22:35.248 newRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] Wed 4/1 17:22:35.248 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 17:22:35.248 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:35.248 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:35.248 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:22:35.249 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:22:35.249 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=0 Wed 4/1 17:22:35.250 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:22:35.253 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:22:35.253 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:22:35.253 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:22:35.254 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:22:35.254 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=514.698393088 GB Wed 4/1 17:22:35.254 Seeker waiting for 7 mins. Wed 4/1 17:22:35.261 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 17:22:35.265 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 17:22:35.262 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] MustSee=[]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[] MustSee=[]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 17:22:35.266 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 17:22:35.267 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[] Wed 4/1 17:22:35.267 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[] Wed 4/1 17:22:35.267 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 17:22:35.267 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 17:22:35.267 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 17:22:35.267 [A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30], A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] Wed 4/1 17:22:35.267 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 17:22:35.267 [] Wed 4/1 17:22:35.268 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:22:35.268 MemStats: Used=20MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:22:35.268 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:35.268 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:35.268 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:22:35.268 newRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] Wed 4/1 17:22:35.268 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 17:22:35.269 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:35.269 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:35.269 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:22:35.269 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:22:35.269 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=0 Wed 4/1 17:22:35.270 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:22:35.273 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:22:35.273 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:22:35.274 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:22:35.274 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:22:35.275 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=514.698393088 GB Wed 4/1 17:22:35.276 Seeker waiting for 7 mins. Wed 4/1 17:22:35.491 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 17:22:35.491 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 17:22:35.491 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30], A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] MustSee=[]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[] MustSee=[]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 17:22:35.492 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 17:22:35.492 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[] Wed 4/1 17:22:35.492 Scheduler cleanup - Removing A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] from schedule because it has no WP. Wed 4/1 17:22:35.492 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[] Wed 4/1 17:22:35.492 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 17:22:35.492 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 17:22:35.492 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 17:22:35.493 [A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30], A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] Wed 4/1 17:22:35.493 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 17:22:35.493 [] Wed 4/1 17:22:35.493 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:22:35.493 MemStats: Used=21MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:22:35.493 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:35.493 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:35.494 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:22:35.494 newRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] Wed 4/1 17:22:35.494 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 17:22:35.494 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:22:35.494 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:22:35.494 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:22:35.494 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:22:35.495 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=0 Wed 4/1 17:22:35.496 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:22:35.497 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:22:35.498 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:22:35.498 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:22:35.498 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:22:35.498 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=514.698393088 GB Wed 4/1 17:22:35.499 Seeker waiting for 7 mins. Wed 4/1 17:22:35.687 AVINF:(bytes:240) Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0 AV-INF|f=MPEG2-PS;br=80384000;[bf=vid;f=MPEG2-Video;fps=59.940060;fpsn=60000;fpsd=1001;ar=1.777778;arn=16;ard=9;w=1280;h=720;lace=0;index=0;tag=e0;main=yes];[bf=aud;f=AC3;sr=48000;br=384000;ch=6;index=1;tag=bd-81010002;lang=eng ;main=yes]; Wed 4/1 17:22:35.687 Setting media file format for MediaFile[id=45737 A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 80384 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 59.94006 fps 1280x720 16:9 progressive]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-81010002 eng ]] D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-0.mpg, Seg0[Wed 4/1 17:20:11.016-Wed 4/1 17:21:04.610], Seg1[Wed 4/1 17:21:37.837-Wed 4/1 17:22:12.713], Seg2[Wed 4/1 17:22:24.936-Wed 4/1 17:22:32.535], Seg3[Wed 4/1 17:22:34.062-Wed 12/31 16:00:00.000]] to be [B@370bf9 Wed 4/1 17:22:35.688 PID Filter: Set program ID into HDHR programID:0x3 channel:0 Wed 4/1 17:23:32.331 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 17:26:32.338 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 17:27:35.509 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:27:35.510 MemStats: Used=21MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:27:35.510 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:27:35.510 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:27:35.510 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:27:35.510 newRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] Wed 4/1 17:27:35.510 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 17:27:35.511 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:27:35.511 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:27:35.511 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:27:35.511 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:27:35.511 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=561770496 Wed 4/1 17:27:35.512 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:27:35.516 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:27:35.516 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:27:35.517 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:27:35.517 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:27:35.517 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=514.136094208 GB Wed 4/1 17:27:35.518 Seeker waiting for 2 mins. Wed 4/1 17:29:32.345 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 17:30:00.005 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:30:00.005 MemStats: Used=20MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:30:00.006 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:30:00.006 Current record is over. Wed 4/1 17:30:00.006 Seeker.endRecord(Wed 4/1 17:30:00.006) currRecord=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] Wed 4/1 17:30:00.006 VF.submitJob(VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-3.mpg]) Wed 4/1 17:30:00.008 stopEncoding0 called (config:0x49000) Wed 4/1 17:30:00.008 stopEncoding0 trace 1 0x49f6bac Wed 4/1 17:30:00.008 stopEncoding0 trace 2 Wed 4/1 17:30:00.008 stopEncoding0 trace 3 0x4b118ac Wed 4/1 17:30:01.529 stopEncoding0 trace 4 Wed 4/1 17:30:01.529 Stopped graph res=0x0 Wed 4/1 17:30:01.530 stopEncoding0 trace 5 Wed 4/1 17:30:01.531 defaultRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 17:30:01.531 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:30:01.532 newRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 17:30:01.532 Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - LATER Wed 4/1 17:30:01.532 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:30:01.532 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:30:01.532 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:30:01.532 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:30:01.532 Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - NOW Wed 4/1 17:30:01.532 Seeker.startRecord(Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30], currTime=Wed 4/1 17:30:00.006) currRecord=null switch=false Wed 4/1 17:30:01.532 Setting up MMC video for recording new show & tuning channel conn=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Digital TV Tuner Wed 4/1 17:30:01.533 Using quality setting "DVD Standard Play" for recording Wed 4/1 17:30:01.533 VideoStorage for new file: D:\Recordings - Leave Free 1.0 GB Wed 4/1 17:30:01.533 MediaFile created subfile:D:\Recordings\ABCsWorldNewsWithCharlesGibson-21347-0.mpg MediaFile[id=45739 A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 0 kbps []] Wed 4/1 17:30:01.534 Added:MediaFile[id=45739 A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 0 kbps [] D:\Recordings\ABCsWorldNewsWithCharlesGibson-21347-0.mpg, Seg0[Wed 4/1 17:30:01.533-Wed 12/31 16:00:00.000]] Wed 4/1 17:30:01.535 Seeker channel string=61-10-1 Wed 4/1 17:30:01.536 autotune0 digital tuner 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' num=61-10-1 (ver 3.1) Wed 4/1 17:30:01.536 Splitter Filter set output mpeg2 format Wed 4/1 17:30:02.297 DONE: autotune0 hr=0x0 locked:1 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.298 setEncodingProperties0 83988000 DVD Standard Play Wed 4/1 17:30:02.298 Set encoding property audiooutputmode to 0 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.298 Set encoding property audiocrc to 0 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.298 Set encoding property gopsize to 15 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.299 Set encoding property videobitrate to 6400000 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.299 Set encoding property peakvideobitrate to 8000000 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.299 Set encoding property inversetelecine to 0 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.299 Set encoding property closedgop to 0 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.299 Set encoding property vbr to 1 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.299 Set encoding property outputstreamtype to 10 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.299 Set encoding property width to 720 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.299 Set encoding property height to 480 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.299 Set encoding property audiobitrate to 384 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.299 Set encoding property audiosampling to 48000 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.299 Set encoding property disablefilter to 1 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.299 Set encoding property medianfilter to 3 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.299 Set encoding property fps to 30 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.299 Set encoding property ipb to 0 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.299 Set encoding property deinterlace to 0 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.300 Set encoding property aspectratio to 1 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.300 setupEncoding0 called for 83988000 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' (ver 1.0) Wed 4/1 17:30:02.300 QAM:Got capture drv info for QAM mfg:'' Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.300 Encoding to file D:\Recordings\ABCsWorldNewsWithCharlesGibson-21347-0.mpg Wed 4/1 17:30:02.300 setupEncoding0 Trace27 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.300 setupEncoding0 Trace28 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.300 startEncoding0 called for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' Wed 4/1 17:30:02.682 GetBroadcastStandard ATSC for device:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' Wed 4/1 17:30:02.683 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=0 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.684 Saving properties file to C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\ Wed 4/1 17:30:02.735 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:30:02.737 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:30:02.737 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:30:02.737 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:30:02.737 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:30:02.738 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=513.895970304 GB Wed 4/1 17:30:02.738 Seeker waiting for 29 mins. Wed 4/1 17:30:02.932 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 17:30:02.933 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 17:30:02.933 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30], A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] MustSee=[]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[] MustSee=[]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.933 Removing from schedule cause expired A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30] Wed 4/1 17:30:02.933 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.934 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[] Wed 4/1 17:30:02.934 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[] Wed 4/1 17:30:02.934 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 17:30:02.934 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 17:30:02.934 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.934 [A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30], A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] Wed 4/1 17:30:02.935 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.935 [] Wed 4/1 17:30:02.935 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:30:02.935 MemStats: Used=20MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:30:02.935 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:30:02.935 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.935 newRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 17:30:02.935 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 17:30:02.936 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:30:02.936 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.936 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:30:02.936 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:30:02.937 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=0 Wed 4/1 17:30:02.938 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:30:02.939 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:30:02.939 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:30:02.940 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:30:02.940 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:30:02.940 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=513.895970304 GB Wed 4/1 17:30:02.941 Seeker waiting for 29 mins. Wed 4/1 17:30:03.162 AVINF:(bytes:240) Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0 AV-INF|f=MPEG2-PS;br=80384000;[bf=vid;f=MPEG2-Video;fps=59.940060;fpsn=60000;fpsd=1001;ar=1.777778;arn=16;ard=9;w=1280;h=720;lace=0;index=0;tag=e0;main=yes];[bf=aud;f=AC3;sr=48000;br=384000;ch=6;index=1;tag=bd-81010002;lang=eng ;main=yes]; Wed 4/1 17:30:03.162 Setting media file format for MediaFile[id=45739 A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 0 kbps [] D:\Recordings\ABCsWorldNewsWithCharlesGibson-21347-0.mpg, Seg0[Wed 4/1 17:30:01.533-Wed 12/31 16:00:00.000]] to be [B@93b3c Wed 4/1 17:30:03.163 PID Filter: Set program ID into HDHR programID:0x3 channel:0 Wed 4/1 17:30:06.821 Called Seeker.requestWatch(A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30]) hostname=/ Wed 4/1 17:30:06.822 findBestEncoderForNow(A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] record=false host=/ Wed 4/1 17:30:06.822$c@1e5d16d[Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1] Wed 4/1 17:30:06.822 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:30:06.822 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:30:06.822 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:30:06.822 newRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 17:30:06.823 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 17:30:06.823 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:30:06.823 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:30:06.823 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:30:06.823 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:30:06.827 Updated:Watched[id=45738 Airing=A[21407,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0401.17:00,30], WatchStart=Wed 4/1 17:20:11.016, WatchEnd=Wed 4/1 17:29:59.762, RealStart=Wed 4/1 17:20:13.101, RealEnd=Wed 4/1 17:30:06.873] Wed 4/1 17:30:07.073 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 17:30:07.074 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 17:30:07.073 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30], A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] MustSee=[]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[] MustSee=[]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 17:30:07.074 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 17:30:07.074 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[] Wed 4/1 17:30:07.075 Scheduler cleanup - Removing A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] from schedule because it has no WP. Wed 4/1 17:30:07.075 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[] Wed 4/1 17:30:07.075 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 17:30:07.075 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 17:30:07.075 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 17:30:07.075 [A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30], A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] Wed 4/1 17:30:07.075 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 17:30:07.075 [] Wed 4/1 17:30:07.075 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:30:07.076 MemStats: Used=21MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:30:07.076 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:30:07.076 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:30:07.076 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:30:07.076 newRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 17:30:07.076 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 17:30:07.076 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:30:07.076 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:30:07.077 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:30:07.077 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:30:07.078 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=7931904 Wed 4/1 17:30:07.079 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:30:07.081 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:30:07.081 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:30:07.081 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:30:07.082 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:30:07.088 Deleted media segment file D:\Recordings\FamilyGuy-RoadtoRupert-22729-0.mpg dtime=6 len=97089536 Wed 4/1 17:30:07.128 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=513.985426944 GB Wed 4/1 17:30:07.128 Seeker waiting for 29 mins. Wed 4/1 17:32:32.328 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 17:35:07.096 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:35:07.096 MemStats: Used=21MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:35:07.096 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:35:07.097 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:35:07.097 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:35:07.097 newRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 17:35:07.097 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 17:35:07.097 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:35:07.098 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:35:07.098 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:35:07.100 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:35:07.100 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=612020224 Wed 4/1 17:35:07.101 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:35:07.104 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:35:07.104 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:35:07.104 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:35:07.104 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:35:07.105 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=513.381447168 GB Wed 4/1 17:35:07.105 Seeker waiting for 24 mins. Wed 4/1 17:35:32.316 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 17:38:32.323 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 17:40:07.116 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:40:07.117 MemStats: Used=20MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:40:07.117 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:40:07.117 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:40:07.117 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:40:07.117 newRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 17:40:07.117 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 17:40:07.117 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:40:07.117 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:40:07.118 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:40:07.118 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:40:07.118 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=1201469440 Wed 4/1 17:40:07.119 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:40:07.122 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:40:07.122 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:40:07.123 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:40:07.123 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:40:07.124 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=512.792016384 GB Wed 4/1 17:40:07.124 Seeker waiting for 19 mins. Wed 4/1 17:41:32.330 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 17:44:32.337 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 17:44:38.905 Called Seeker.record(A[38722,37130,"Lie to Me",21211@0401.20:00,60]) hostname=/ Wed 4/1 17:44:38.907 Added:ManualRecord[A[38722,37130,"Lie to Me",21211@0401.20:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] Wed 4/1 17:44:38.912 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 17:44:38.913 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 17:44:38.913 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00], ManualRecord[A[38722,37130,"Lie to Me",21211@0401.20:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30], A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] MustSee=[]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[] MustSee=[]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 17:44:38.914 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 17:44:38.916 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 17:44:38.916 Scheduler cleanup - Removing A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] from schedule because it has no WP. Wed 4/1 17:44:38.917 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[] Wed 4/1 17:44:38.918 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 17:44:38.918 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 17:44:38.918 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 17:44:38.919 [A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] Wed 4/1 17:44:38.919 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 17:44:38.919 [] Wed 4/1 17:44:38.919 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:44:38.919 MemStats: Used=21MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:44:38.920 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:44:38.920 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=8121081 Wed 4/1 17:44:38.920 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:44:38.920 newRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 17:44:38.920 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 17:44:38.920 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:44:38.921 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:44:38.921 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:44:38.921 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:44:38.921 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=1686765568 Wed 4/1 17:44:38.923 Saving properties file to C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\ Wed 4/1 17:44:38.968 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:44:38.970 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:44:38.970 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:44:38.971 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:44:38.971 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:44:38.971 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=512.306525696 GB Wed 4/1 17:44:38.972 Seeker waiting for 15 mins. Wed 4/1 17:44:42.835 Called Seeker.record(A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]) hostname=/ Wed 4/1 17:44:42.836 Added:ManualRecord[A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] Wed 4/1 17:44:42.837 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 17:44:42.838 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 17:44:42.838 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00], ManualRecord[A[38722,37130,"Lie to Me",21211@0401.20:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[] MustSee=[]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 17:44:42.839 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 17:44:42.840 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 17:44:42.840 Scheduler cleanup - Removing A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] from schedule because it has no WP. Wed 4/1 17:44:42.841 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[] Wed 4/1 17:44:42.841 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 17:44:42.841 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 17:44:42.842 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 17:44:42.842 [A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 17:44:42.842 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 17:44:42.842 [] Wed 4/1 17:44:42.842 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:44:42.843 MemStats: Used=20MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:44:42.843 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:44:42.844 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=8117157 Wed 4/1 17:44:42.844 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:44:42.844 newRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 17:44:42.844 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 17:44:42.845 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:44:42.845 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:44:42.845 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:44:42.845 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:44:42.845 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=1695008768 Wed 4/1 17:44:42.846 Saving properties file to C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\ Wed 4/1 17:44:42.911 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:44:42.916 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:44:42.916 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:44:42.917 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:44:42.917 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:44:42.918 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=512.298137088 GB Wed 4/1 17:44:42.918 Seeker waiting for 15 mins. Wed 4/1 17:44:46.394 Called Seeker.record(A[23083,22567,"FOX 40 News",21211@0401.22:00,60]) hostname=/ Wed 4/1 17:44:46.396 Added:ManualRecord[A[23083,22567,"FOX 40 News",21211@0401.22:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] Wed 4/1 17:44:46.396 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 17:44:46.397 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 17:44:46.397 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00], ManualRecord[A[38722,37130,"Lie to Me",21211@0401.20:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[23083,22567,"FOX 40 News",21211@0401.22:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[] MustSee=[]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 17:44:46.398 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 17:44:46.399 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 17:44:46.399 Scheduler cleanup - Removing A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] from schedule because it has no WP. Wed 4/1 17:44:46.399 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[] Wed 4/1 17:44:46.400 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 17:44:46.400 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 17:44:46.400 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 17:44:46.400 [A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 17:44:46.401 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 17:44:46.401 [] Wed 4/1 17:44:46.401 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:44:46.401 MemStats: Used=21MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:44:46.402 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:44:46.402 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=8113598 Wed 4/1 17:44:46.402 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:44:46.402 newRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 17:44:46.403 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 17:44:46.403 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:44:46.403 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Wed 4/1 17:44:46.403 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:44:46.403 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:44:46.404 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=1702537216 Wed 4/1 17:44:46.405 Saving properties file to C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\ Wed 4/1 17:44:46.467 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:44:46.471 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:44:46.471 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:44:46.472 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:44:46.473 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:44:46.473 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=512.290797056 GB Wed 4/1 17:44:46.473 Seeker waiting for 15 mins. Wed 4/1 17:44:57.609 Called Seeker.record(A[21216,20818,"Lost",20775@0401.21:00,62]) hostname=/ Wed 4/1 17:44:57.612 Added:ManualRecord[A[21216,20818,"Lost",20775@0401.21:00,62] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00] Wed 4/1 17:44:57.613 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 17:44:57.614 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 17:44:57.613 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00], ManualRecord[A[38722,37130,"Lie to Me",21211@0401.20:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[23083,22567,"FOX 40 News",21211@0401.22:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[21216,20818,"Lost",20775@0401.21:00,62] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[] MustSee=[]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 17:44:57.614 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 17:44:57.615 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 17:44:57.615 Scheduler cleanup - Removing A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] from schedule because it has no WP. Wed 4/1 17:44:57.615 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 17:44:57.616 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 17:44:57.617 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 17:44:57.617 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 17:44:57.617 [A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 17:44:57.618 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 17:44:57.618 [FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 17:44:57.618 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:44:57.618 MemStats: Used=20MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:44:57.620 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:44:57.620 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=8102381 Wed 4/1 17:44:57.620 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:44:57.620 newRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 17:44:57.621 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 17:44:57.621 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:44:57.621 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00] nextTTA=11702381 Wed 4/1 17:44:57.621 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:44:57.622 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:44:57.623 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=1726216192 Wed 4/1 17:44:57.624 Saving properties file to C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\ Wed 4/1 17:44:57.695 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:44:57.698 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:44:57.698 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:44:57.699 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:44:57.700 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:44:57.700 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=512.266679808 GB Wed 4/1 17:44:57.701 Seeker waiting for 15 mins. Wed 4/1 17:45:01.042 Called Seeker.record(A[21163,20660,"Scrubs",20775@0401.20:00,30]) hostname=/ Wed 4/1 17:45:01.044 Added:ManualRecord[A[21163,20660,"Scrubs",20775@0401.20:00,30] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] Wed 4/1 17:45:01.045 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 17:45:01.046 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 17:45:01.046 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00], ManualRecord[A[38722,37130,"Lie to Me",21211@0401.20:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[23083,22567,"FOX 40 News",21211@0401.22:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[21216,20818,"Lost",20775@0401.21:00,62] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00], ManualRecord[A[21163,20660,"Scrubs",20775@0401.20:00,30] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 17:45:01.048 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 17:45:01.049 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 17:45:01.049 Scheduler cleanup - Removing A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] from schedule because it has no WP. Wed 4/1 17:45:01.050 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 17:45:01.050 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 17:45:01.050 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 17:45:01.051 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 17:45:01.051 [A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 17:45:01.056 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 17:45:01.056 [FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 17:45:01.057 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:45:01.057 MemStats: Used=19MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:45:01.057 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:45:01.058 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=8098943 Wed 4/1 17:45:01.058 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:45:01.058 newRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 17:45:01.058 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 17:45:01.059 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:45:01.059 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=8098943 Wed 4/1 17:45:01.059 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:45:01.059 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:45:01.061 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=1733513216 Wed 4/1 17:45:01.061 Saving properties file to C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\ Wed 4/1 17:45:01.145 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:45:01.149 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:45:01.150 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:45:01.150 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:45:01.151 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:45:01.153 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=512.259339776 GB Wed 4/1 17:45:01.153 Seeker waiting for 14 mins. Wed 4/1 17:45:27.484 Added:Watched[id=45745 Airing=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30], WatchStart=Wed 4/1 17:30:01.533, WatchEnd=Wed 4/1 17:45:14.599, RealStart=Wed 4/1 17:30:06.884, RealEnd=Wed 4/1 17:45:27.446] Wed 4/1 17:45:27.658 Seeker.finishWatch(/ Wed 4/1 17:45:27.659 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:45:27.659 MemStats: Used=21MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:45:27.659 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:45:27.659 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=8072341 Wed 4/1 17:45:27.659 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:45:27.659 Change in record, logging recorded data. Wed 4/1 17:45:27.660 Seeker.endRecord(Wed 4/1 17:45:27.659) currRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 17:45:27.660 VF.submitJob(VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=D:\Recordings\ABCsWorldNewsWithCharlesGibson-21347-0.mpg]) Wed 4/1 17:45:27.661 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 17:45:27.662 stopEncoding0 called (config:0x49000) Wed 4/1 17:45:27.662 stopEncoding0 trace 1 0x49f6bac Wed 4/1 17:45:27.662 stopEncoding0 trace 2 Wed 4/1 17:45:27.662 stopEncoding0 trace 3 0x4b118ac Wed 4/1 17:45:27.709 Seeker.finishWatch(/ Wed 4/1 17:45:29.178 stopEncoding0 trace 4 Wed 4/1 17:45:29.179 Stopped graph res=0x0 Wed 4/1 17:45:29.179 stopEncoding0 trace 5 Wed 4/1 17:45:29.180 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:45:29.181 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:45:29.181 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=8072341 Wed 4/1 17:45:29.181 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:45:29.181 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:45:29.181 Saving properties file to C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\ Wed 4/1 17:45:29.258 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:45:29.260 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:45:29.260 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:45:29.261 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:45:29.261 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:45:29.274 Deleted media segment file D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-3.mpg dtime=13 len=801431552 Wed 4/1 17:45:29.274 Deleted media segment file D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-2.mpg dtime=0 len=13273088 Wed 4/1 17:45:29.275 Deleted media segment file D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-1.mpg dtime=0 len=65267712 Wed 4/1 17:45:29.275 Deleted media segment file D:\Recordings\News10at500-21407-0.mpg dtime=0 len=84412416 Wed 4/1 17:45:29.368 Deleted media segment file D:\Recordings\ABCsWorldNewsWithCharlesGibson-21347-0.mpg dtime=35 len=1786927104 Wed 4/1 17:45:29.369 Seeker waiting for 129 mins. Wed 4/1 17:45:29.379 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 17:45:29.373 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00], ManualRecord[A[38722,37130,"Lie to Me",21211@0401.20:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[23083,22567,"FOX 40 News",21211@0401.22:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[21216,20818,"Lost",20775@0401.21:00,62] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00], ManualRecord[A[21163,20660,"Scrubs",20775@0401.20:00,30] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 17:45:29.380 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 17:45:29.381 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 17:45:29.381 Scheduler cleanup - Removing A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] from schedule because it has no WP. Wed 4/1 17:45:29.381 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 17:45:29.382 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 17:45:29.382 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 17:45:29.382 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 17:45:29.382 [FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 17:45:29.382 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 17:45:29.382 [FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 17:45:29.383 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:45:29.383 MemStats: Used=19MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:45:29.383 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:45:29.383 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=8070617 Wed 4/1 17:45:29.383 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:45:29.383 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:45:29.383 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:45:29.383 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=8070617 Wed 4/1 17:45:29.383 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:45:29.384 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:45:29.385 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:45:29.387 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:45:29.387 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:45:29.388 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:45:29.388 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:45:29.388 Seeker waiting for 129 mins. Wed 4/1 17:45:29.433 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 17:45:29.434 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 17:45:29.434 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00], ManualRecord[A[38722,37130,"Lie to Me",21211@0401.20:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[23083,22567,"FOX 40 News",21211@0401.22:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[21216,20818,"Lost",20775@0401.21:00,62] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00], ManualRecord[A[21163,20660,"Scrubs",20775@0401.20:00,30] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 17:45:29.435 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 17:45:29.435 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 17:45:29.435 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 17:45:29.436 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 17:45:29.436 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 17:45:29.436 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 17:45:29.436 [FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 17:45:29.436 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 17:45:29.436 [FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 17:45:29.436 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:45:29.436 MemStats: Used=20MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:45:29.437 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:45:29.437 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=8070563 Wed 4/1 17:45:29.437 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:45:29.437 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:45:29.437 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:45:29.437 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=8070563 Wed 4/1 17:45:29.437 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:45:29.437 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:45:29.438 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:45:29.440 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:45:29.441 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:45:29.441 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:45:29.441 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:45:29.441 Seeker waiting for 129 mins. Wed 4/1 17:46:17.277 Carny waiting for awhile... Wed 4/1 17:46:58.095 Updated:Watched[id=42477 Airing=A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61], WatchStart=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.016, WatchEnd=Fri 3/27 20:34:55.879, RealStart=Wed 4/1 12:47:00.650, RealEnd=Wed 4/1 17:46:58.090] Wed 4/1 17:46:58.136 Seeker.finishWatch(/ Wed 4/1 17:46:58.136 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:46:58.136 MemStats: Used=20MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:46:58.137 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:46:58.137 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=7981863 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.137 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:46:58.137 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:46:58.137 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:46:58.137 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=7981863 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.137 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:46:58.137 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:46:58.138 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:46:58.142 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:46:58.142 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:46:58.143 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:46:58.143 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:46:58.144 Seeker waiting for 128 mins. Wed 4/1 17:46:58.144 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 17:46:58.148 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 17:46:58.146 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00], ManualRecord[A[38722,37130,"Lie to Me",21211@0401.20:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[23083,22567,"FOX 40 News",21211@0401.22:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[21216,20818,"Lost",20775@0401.21:00,62] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00], ManualRecord[A[21163,20660,"Scrubs",20775@0401.20:00,30] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.149 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.149 Called Seeker.requestWatch(A[22687,21880,"King of the Hill",21211@0401.17:30,30]) hostname=/ Wed 4/1 17:46:58.149 findBestEncoderForNow(A[22687,21880,"King of the Hill",21211@0401.17:30,30] record=false host=/ Wed 4/1 17:46:58.149$c@1e5d16d[Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1] Wed 4/1 17:46:58.149 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:46:58.150 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 17:46:58.150 defaultRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 17:46:58.150 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 17:46:58.150 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=7981851 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.150 FORCE WATCH executing clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:46:58.150 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 17:46:58.151 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 17:46:58.151 newRecord=A[22687,21880,"King of the Hill",21211@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 17:46:58.151 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.151 Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - LATER Wed 4/1 17:46:58.151 [FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 17:46:58.151 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:46:58.151 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.151 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=7981851 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.152 [FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 17:46:58.152 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:46:58.152 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:46:58.152 Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - NOW Wed 4/1 17:46:58.152 Seeker.startRecord(Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 A[22687,21880,"King of the Hill",21211@0401.17:30,30], currTime=Wed 4/1 17:46:58.149) currRecord=null switch=false Wed 4/1 17:46:58.152 Setting up MMC video for recording new show & tuning channel conn=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Digital TV Tuner Wed 4/1 17:46:58.153 Using quality setting "DVD Standard Play" for recording Wed 4/1 17:46:58.153 VideoStorage for new file: D:\Recordings - Leave Free 1.0 GB Wed 4/1 17:46:58.153 MediaFile created subfile:D:\Recordings\KingoftheHill-MsWakefield-22687-0.mpg MediaFile[id=45746 A[22687,21880,"King of the Hill",21211@0401.17:30,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KTXLDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 0 kbps []] Wed 4/1 17:46:58.155 Added:MediaFile[id=45746 A[22687,21880,"King of the Hill",21211@0401.17:30,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KTXLDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 0 kbps [] D:\Recordings\KingoftheHill-MsWakefield-22687-0.mpg, Seg0[Wed 4/1 17:46:58.153-Wed 12/31 16:00:00.000]] Wed 4/1 17:46:58.157 Seeker channel string=55-40-1 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.157 autotune0 digital tuner 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' num=55-40-1 (ver 3.1) Wed 4/1 17:46:58.157 Splitter Filter set output mpeg2 format Wed 4/1 17:46:58.921 DONE: autotune0 hr=0x0 locked:1 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.922 setEncodingProperties0 83988000 DVD Standard Play Wed 4/1 17:46:58.922 Set encoding property audiooutputmode to 0 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.922 Set encoding property audiocrc to 0 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.922 Set encoding property gopsize to 15 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.922 Set encoding property videobitrate to 6400000 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.922 Set encoding property peakvideobitrate to 8000000 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.922 Set encoding property inversetelecine to 0 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.922 Set encoding property closedgop to 0 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.922 Set encoding property vbr to 1 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.922 Set encoding property outputstreamtype to 10 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.923 Set encoding property width to 720 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.923 Set encoding property height to 480 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.923 Set encoding property audiobitrate to 384 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.923 Set encoding property audiosampling to 48000 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.923 Set encoding property disablefilter to 1 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.923 Set encoding property medianfilter to 3 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.923 Set encoding property fps to 30 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.923 Set encoding property ipb to 0 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.923 Set encoding property deinterlace to 0 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.923 Set encoding property aspectratio to 1 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.923 setupEncoding0 called for 83988000 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' (ver 1.0) Wed 4/1 17:46:58.923 QAM:Got capture drv info for QAM mfg:'' Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.923 Encoding to file D:\Recordings\KingoftheHill-MsWakefield-22687-0.mpg Wed 4/1 17:46:58.923 setupEncoding0 Trace27 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.924 setupEncoding0 Trace28 Wed 4/1 17:46:58.924 startEncoding0 called for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' Wed 4/1 17:46:59.307 GetBroadcastStandard ATSC for device:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' Wed 4/1 17:46:59.307 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:46:59.307 MemStats: Used=21MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:46:59.308 MARK 1 currRecord=A[22687,21880,"King of the Hill",21211@0401.17:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:46:59.308 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=7980692 Wed 4/1 17:46:59.308 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:46:59.308 newRecord=A[22687,21880,"King of the Hill",21211@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 17:46:59.308 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 17:46:59.309 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:46:59.309 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=7980692 Wed 4/1 17:46:59.309 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:46:59.309 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:46:59.310 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=0 Wed 4/1 17:46:59.313 Saving properties file to C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\ Wed 4/1 17:46:59.362 AVINF:(bytes:321) Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0 AV-INF|f=MPEG2-PS;br=19640000;[bf=vid;f=MPEG2-Video;fps=59.940060;fpsn=60000;fpsd=1001;ar=1.777778;arn=16;ard=9;w=1280;h=720;lace=0;index=0;tag=e0;main=yes];[bf=aud;f=AC3;sr=48000;br=448000;ch=6;index=1;tag=bd-81010002;lang=eng ;main=yes];[bf=aud;f=AC3;sr=48000;br=192000;ch=2;index=2;tag=bd-82010002;lang=spa ;main=no]; Wed 4/1 17:46:59.362 Setting media file format for MediaFile[id=45746 A[22687,21880,"King of the Hill",21211@0401.17:30,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KTXLDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 0 kbps [] D:\Recordings\KingoftheHill-MsWakefield-22687-0.mpg, Seg0[Wed 4/1 17:46:58.153-Wed 12/31 16:00:00.000]] to be [B@12c5bfc Wed 4/1 17:46:59.363 PID Filter: Set program ID into HDHR programID:0x3 channel:0 Wed 4/1 17:46:59.363 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:46:59.366 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:46:59.366 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:46:59.366 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:46:59.367 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:46:59.367 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=514.958112256 GB Wed 4/1 17:46:59.367 Seeker waiting for 13 mins. Wed 4/1 17:46:59.558 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 17:46:59.559 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 17:46:59.559 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00], ManualRecord[A[38722,37130,"Lie to Me",21211@0401.20:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[23083,22567,"FOX 40 News",21211@0401.22:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[21216,20818,"Lost",20775@0401.21:00,62] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00], ManualRecord[A[21163,20660,"Scrubs",20775@0401.20:00,30] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 17:46:59.560 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 17:46:59.560 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 17:46:59.561 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 17:46:59.561 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 17:46:59.561 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 17:46:59.561 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 17:46:59.561 [A[22687,21880,"King of the Hill",21211@0401.17:30,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 17:46:59.561 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 17:46:59.562 [FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 17:46:59.562 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:46:59.563 MemStats: Used=19MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:46:59.564 MARK 1 currRecord=A[22687,21880,"King of the Hill",21211@0401.17:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:46:59.564 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=7980437 Wed 4/1 17:46:59.564 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:46:59.564 newRecord=A[22687,21880,"King of the Hill",21211@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 17:46:59.564 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 17:46:59.564 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:46:59.564 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=7980437 Wed 4/1 17:46:59.564 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:46:59.564 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:46:59.565 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=149504 Wed 4/1 17:46:59.566 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:46:59.571 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:46:59.571 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:46:59.571 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:46:59.572 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:46:59.572 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=514.957915648 GB Wed 4/1 17:46:59.573 Seeker waiting for 13 mins. Wed 4/1 17:47:14.446 Added:Watched[id=45747 Airing=A[22687,21880,"King of the Hill",21211@0401.17:30,30], WatchStart=Wed 4/1 17:46:58.153, WatchEnd=Wed 4/1 17:47:10.471, RealStart=Wed 4/1 17:46:59.774, RealEnd=Wed 4/1 17:47:14.441] Wed 4/1 17:47:14.487 Seeker.finishWatch(/ Wed 4/1 17:47:14.487 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:47:14.487 MemStats: Used=19MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:47:14.487 MARK 1 currRecord=A[22687,21880,"King of the Hill",21211@0401.17:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:47:14.488 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=7965513 Wed 4/1 17:47:14.488 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:47:14.488 Change in record, logging recorded data. Wed 4/1 17:47:14.488 Seeker.endRecord(Wed 4/1 17:47:14.487) currRecord=A[22687,21880,"King of the Hill",21211@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 17:47:14.488 VF.submitJob(VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=D:\Recordings\KingoftheHill-MsWakefield-22687-0.mpg]) Wed 4/1 17:47:14.489 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 17:47:14.491 stopEncoding0 called (config:0x49000) Wed 4/1 17:47:14.491 stopEncoding0 trace 1 0x49f6bac Wed 4/1 17:47:14.492 stopEncoding0 trace 2 Wed 4/1 17:47:14.492 stopEncoding0 trace 3 0x4b118ac Wed 4/1 17:47:14.492 Called Seeker.requestWatch(A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30]) hostname=/ Wed 4/1 17:47:14.492 findBestEncoderForNow(A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] record=false host=/ Wed 4/1 17:47:16.011 stopEncoding0 trace 4 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.011 Stopped graph res=0x0 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.011 stopEncoding0 trace 5 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.013 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:47:16.013 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:47:16.013 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=7965513 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.013 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:47:16.013 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:47:16.014$c@1e5d16d[Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1] Wed 4/1 17:47:16.014 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:47:16.014 defaultRecord=A[22687,21880,"King of the Hill",21211@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 17:47:16.015 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=7963986 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.015 FORCE WATCH executing clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:47:16.015 newRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 17:47:16.015 Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - LATER Wed 4/1 17:47:16.015 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:47:16.015 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=7963986 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.015 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:47:16.015 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:47:16.015 Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - NOW Wed 4/1 17:47:16.016 Seeker.startRecord(Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30], currTime=Wed 4/1 17:47:16.014) currRecord=null switch=false Wed 4/1 17:47:16.016 Setting up MMC video for recording new show & tuning channel conn=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Digital TV Tuner Wed 4/1 17:47:16.016 Using quality setting "DVD Standard Play" for recording Wed 4/1 17:47:16.016 VideoStorage for new file: D:\Recordings - Leave Free 1.0 GB Wed 4/1 17:47:16.017 MediaFile created subfile:D:\Recordings\ABCsWorldNewsWithCharlesGibson-21347-0.mpg MediaFile[id=45748 A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 0 kbps []] Wed 4/1 17:47:16.036 Added:MediaFile[id=45748 A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 0 kbps [] D:\Recordings\ABCsWorldNewsWithCharlesGibson-21347-0.mpg, Seg0[Wed 4/1 17:47:16.016-Wed 12/31 16:00:00.000]] Wed 4/1 17:47:16.038 Seeker channel string=61-10-1 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.038 autotune0 digital tuner 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' num=61-10-1 (ver 3.1) Wed 4/1 17:47:16.038 Splitter Filter set output mpeg2 format Wed 4/1 17:47:16.799 DONE: autotune0 hr=0x0 locked:1 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.800 setEncodingProperties0 83988000 DVD Standard Play Wed 4/1 17:47:16.800 Set encoding property audiooutputmode to 0 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.801 Set encoding property audiocrc to 0 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.801 Set encoding property gopsize to 15 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.801 Set encoding property videobitrate to 6400000 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.801 Set encoding property peakvideobitrate to 8000000 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.801 Set encoding property inversetelecine to 0 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.801 Set encoding property closedgop to 0 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.801 Set encoding property vbr to 1 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.801 Set encoding property outputstreamtype to 10 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.801 Set encoding property width to 720 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.801 Set encoding property height to 480 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.801 Set encoding property audiobitrate to 384 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.801 Set encoding property audiosampling to 48000 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.801 Set encoding property disablefilter to 1 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.801 Set encoding property medianfilter to 3 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.801 Set encoding property fps to 30 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.802 Set encoding property ipb to 0 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.802 Set encoding property deinterlace to 0 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.802 Set encoding property aspectratio to 1 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.802 setupEncoding0 called for 83988000 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' (ver 1.0) Wed 4/1 17:47:16.802 QAM:Got capture drv info for QAM mfg:'' Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.802 Encoding to file D:\Recordings\ABCsWorldNewsWithCharlesGibson-21347-0.mpg Wed 4/1 17:47:16.802 setupEncoding0 Trace27 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.802 setupEncoding0 Trace28 Wed 4/1 17:47:16.802 startEncoding0 called for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' Wed 4/1 17:47:17.186 GetBroadcastStandard ATSC for device:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' Wed 4/1 17:47:17.188 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=0 Wed 4/1 17:47:17.189 Saving properties file to C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\ Wed 4/1 17:47:17.225 AVINF:(bytes:240) Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0 AV-INF|f=MPEG2-PS;br=80384000;[bf=vid;f=MPEG2-Video;fps=59.940060;fpsn=60000;fpsd=1001;ar=1.777778;arn=16;ard=9;w=1280;h=720;lace=0;index=0;tag=e0;main=yes];[bf=aud;f=AC3;sr=48000;br=384000;ch=6;index=1;tag=bd-81010002;lang=eng ;main=yes]; Wed 4/1 17:47:17.225 Setting media file format for MediaFile[id=45748 A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 0 kbps [] D:\Recordings\ABCsWorldNewsWithCharlesGibson-21347-0.mpg, Seg0[Wed 4/1 17:47:16.016-Wed 12/31 16:00:00.000]] to be [B@38230 Wed 4/1 17:47:17.226 PID Filter: Set program ID into HDHR programID:0x3 channel:0 Wed 4/1 17:47:17.230 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:47:17.233 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:47:17.233 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:47:17.234 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:47:17.234 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:47:17.236 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=514.928948736 GB Wed 4/1 17:47:17.237 Seeker waiting for 12 mins. Wed 4/1 17:47:17.246 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 17:47:17.237 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00], ManualRecord[A[38722,37130,"Lie to Me",21211@0401.20:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[23083,22567,"FOX 40 News",21211@0401.22:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[21216,20818,"Lost",20775@0401.21:00,62] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00], ManualRecord[A[21163,20660,"Scrubs",20775@0401.20:00,30] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[22687,21880,"King of the Hill",21211@0401.17:30,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 17:47:17.247 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 17:47:17.248 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 17:47:17.248 Scheduler cleanup - Removing A[22687,21880,"King of the Hill",21211@0401.17:30,30] from schedule because it has no WP. Wed 4/1 17:47:17.249 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 17:47:17.249 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 17:47:17.250 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 17:47:17.250 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 17:47:17.250 [A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 17:47:17.250 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 17:47:17.250 [FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 17:47:17.250 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:47:17.250 MemStats: Used=20MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:47:17.250 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:47:17.251 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=7962750 Wed 4/1 17:47:17.251 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:47:17.251 newRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 17:47:17.251 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 17:47:17.251 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:47:17.251 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=7962750 Wed 4/1 17:47:17.251 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:47:17.251 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:47:17.252 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=12288 Wed 4/1 17:47:17.253 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:47:17.254 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:47:17.254 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:47:17.255 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:47:17.255 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:47:17.256 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=514.928948736 GB Wed 4/1 17:47:17.256 Seeker waiting for 12 mins. Wed 4/1 17:47:17.264 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 17:47:17.270 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 17:47:17.269 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00], ManualRecord[A[38722,37130,"Lie to Me",21211@0401.20:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[23083,22567,"FOX 40 News",21211@0401.22:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[21216,20818,"Lost",20775@0401.21:00,62] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00], ManualRecord[A[21163,20660,"Scrubs",20775@0401.20:00,30] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 17:47:17.272 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 17:47:17.273 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 17:47:17.274 Scheduler cleanup - Removing A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] from schedule because it has no WP. Wed 4/1 17:47:17.274 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 17:47:17.275 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 17:47:17.275 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 17:47:17.275 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 17:47:17.275 [A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 17:47:17.275 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 17:47:17.275 [FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 17:47:17.276 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:47:17.276 MemStats: Used=20MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:47:17.276 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:47:17.276 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=7962724 Wed 4/1 17:47:17.276 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:47:17.277 newRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 17:47:17.277 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 17:47:17.277 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:47:17.277 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=7962724 Wed 4/1 17:47:17.277 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:47:17.277 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:47:17.278 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=43008 Wed 4/1 17:47:17.278 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:47:17.283 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:47:17.284 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:47:17.286 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:47:17.286 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:47:17.287 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=514.928948736 GB Wed 4/1 17:47:17.287 Seeker waiting for 12 mins. Wed 4/1 17:47:17.438 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 17:47:17.439 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 17:47:17.439 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00], ManualRecord[A[38722,37130,"Lie to Me",21211@0401.20:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[23083,22567,"FOX 40 News",21211@0401.22:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[21216,20818,"Lost",20775@0401.21:00,62] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00], ManualRecord[A[21163,20660,"Scrubs",20775@0401.20:00,30] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 17:47:17.440 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 17:47:17.440 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 17:47:17.440 Scheduler cleanup - Removing A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] from schedule because it has no WP. Wed 4/1 17:47:17.441 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 17:47:17.441 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 17:47:17.441 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 17:47:17.441 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 17:47:17.441 [A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 17:47:17.441 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 17:47:17.441 [FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 17:47:17.441 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:47:17.442 MemStats: Used=21MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:47:17.442 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:47:17.442 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=7962558 Wed 4/1 17:47:17.442 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:47:17.442 newRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 17:47:17.443 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 17:47:17.443 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:47:17.443 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=7962558 Wed 4/1 17:47:17.443 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:47:17.443 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:47:17.444 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=380928 Wed 4/1 17:47:17.445 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:47:17.447 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:47:17.448 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:47:17.448 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:47:17.448 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:47:17.449 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=514.928489984 GB Wed 4/1 17:47:17.449 Seeker waiting for 12 mins. Wed 4/1 17:47:32.344 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 17:50:32.351 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 17:52:17.461 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:52:17.461 MemStats: Used=21MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:52:17.461 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:52:17.461 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=7662539 Wed 4/1 17:52:17.461 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:52:17.462 newRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 17:52:17.462 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 17:52:17.462 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:52:17.462 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=7662539 Wed 4/1 17:52:17.462 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:52:17.462 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:52:17.463 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=593270784 Wed 4/1 17:52:17.464 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:52:17.466 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:52:17.466 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:52:17.466 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:52:17.466 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:52:17.467 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=514.335847936 GB Wed 4/1 17:52:17.467 Seeker waiting for 7 mins. Wed 4/1 17:53:32.358 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 17:56:32.366 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 17:57:17.479 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 17:57:17.479 MemStats: Used=20MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 17:57:17.479 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:57:17.479 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=7362521 Wed 4/1 17:57:17.480 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 17:57:17.480 newRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 17:57:17.480 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 17:57:17.480 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 17:57:17.480 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=7362521 Wed 4/1 17:57:17.480 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 17:57:17.480 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 17:57:17.481 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=1193246720 Wed 4/1 17:57:17.481 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 17:57:17.483 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 17:57:17.484 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 17:57:17.484 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 17:57:17.484 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 17:57:17.485 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=513.736062464 GB Wed 4/1 17:57:17.485 Seeker waiting for 2 mins. Wed 4/1 17:59:32.375 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 18:00:00.007 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 18:00:00.007 MemStats: Used=21MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 18:00:00.007 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:00:00.007 Current record is over. Wed 4/1 18:00:00.007 Seeker.endRecord(Wed 4/1 18:00:00.007) currRecord=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 18:00:00.008 VF.submitJob(VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=D:\Recordings\ABCsWorldNewsWithCharlesGibson-21347-0.mpg]) Wed 4/1 18:00:00.009 stopEncoding0 called (config:0x49000) Wed 4/1 18:00:00.009 stopEncoding0 trace 1 0x49f6bac Wed 4/1 18:00:00.009 stopEncoding0 trace 2 Wed 4/1 18:00:00.009 stopEncoding0 trace 3 0x4b118ac Wed 4/1 18:00:01.526 stopEncoding0 trace 4 Wed 4/1 18:00:01.526 Stopped graph res=0x0 Wed 4/1 18:00:01.526 stopEncoding0 trace 5 Wed 4/1 18:00:01.528 defaultRecord=A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] Wed 4/1 18:00:01.528 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=7199993 Wed 4/1 18:00:01.528 newRecord=A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] Wed 4/1 18:00:01.528 Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - LATER Wed 4/1 18:00:01.528 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:00:01.529 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=7199993 Wed 4/1 18:00:01.529 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 18:00:01.529 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 18:00:01.529 Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - NOW Wed 4/1 18:00:01.529 Seeker.startRecord(Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30], currTime=Wed 4/1 18:00:00.007) currRecord=null switch=false Wed 4/1 18:00:01.529 Setting up MMC video for recording new show & tuning channel conn=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Digital TV Tuner Wed 4/1 18:00:01.529 Using quality setting "DVD Standard Play" for recording Wed 4/1 18:00:01.529 VideoStorage for new file: D:\Recordings - Leave Free 1.0 GB Wed 4/1 18:00:01.530 MediaFile created subfile:D:\Recordings\News10at600-21417-0.mpg MediaFile[id=45749 A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 0 kbps []] Wed 4/1 18:00:01.531 Added:MediaFile[id=45749 A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 0 kbps [] D:\Recordings\News10at600-21417-0.mpg, Seg0[Wed 4/1 18:00:01.529-Wed 12/31 16:00:00.000]] Wed 4/1 18:00:01.542 Seeker channel string=61-10-1 Wed 4/1 18:00:01.542 autotune0 digital tuner 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' num=61-10-1 (ver 3.1) Wed 4/1 18:00:01.542 Splitter Filter set output mpeg2 format Wed 4/1 18:00:02.304 DONE: autotune0 hr=0x0 locked:1 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.304 setEncodingProperties0 83988000 DVD Standard Play Wed 4/1 18:00:02.305 Set encoding property audiooutputmode to 0 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.305 Set encoding property audiocrc to 0 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.305 Set encoding property gopsize to 15 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.305 Set encoding property videobitrate to 6400000 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.305 Set encoding property peakvideobitrate to 8000000 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.305 Set encoding property inversetelecine to 0 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.305 Set encoding property closedgop to 0 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.305 Set encoding property vbr to 1 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.305 Set encoding property outputstreamtype to 10 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.305 Set encoding property width to 720 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.305 Set encoding property height to 480 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.305 Set encoding property audiobitrate to 384 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.305 Set encoding property audiosampling to 48000 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.305 Set encoding property disablefilter to 1 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.306 Set encoding property medianfilter to 3 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.306 Set encoding property fps to 30 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.306 Set encoding property ipb to 0 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.306 Set encoding property deinterlace to 0 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.306 Set encoding property aspectratio to 1 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.306 setupEncoding0 called for 83988000 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' (ver 1.0) Wed 4/1 18:00:02.306 QAM:Got capture drv info for QAM mfg:'' Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.306 Encoding to file D:\Recordings\News10at600-21417-0.mpg Wed 4/1 18:00:02.306 setupEncoding0 Trace27 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.306 setupEncoding0 Trace28 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.306 startEncoding0 called for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' Wed 4/1 18:00:02.690 GetBroadcastStandard ATSC for device:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' Wed 4/1 18:00:02.690 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=0 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.692 Saving properties file to C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\ Wed 4/1 18:00:02.750 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 18:00:02.751 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 18:00:02.751 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 18:00:02.752 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 18:00:02.752 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 18:00:02.752 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=513.42253824 GB Wed 4/1 18:00:02.752 Seeker waiting for 29 mins. Wed 4/1 18:00:02.939 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 18:00:02.940 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 18:00:02.940 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00], ManualRecord[A[38722,37130,"Lie to Me",21211@0401.20:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[23083,22567,"FOX 40 News",21211@0401.22:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[21216,20818,"Lost",20775@0401.21:00,62] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00], ManualRecord[A[21163,20660,"Scrubs",20775@0401.20:00,30] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.940 Removing from schedule cause expired A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30] Wed 4/1 18:00:02.941 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.942 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 18:00:02.942 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 18:00:02.942 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 18:00:02.942 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 18:00:02.942 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.942 [A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 18:00:02.943 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.943 [FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 18:00:02.943 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 18:00:02.943 MemStats: Used=21MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 18:00:02.943 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:00:02.943 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=7197057 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.943 newRecord=A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] Wed 4/1 18:00:02.944 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 18:00:02.944 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:00:02.945 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=7197057 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.945 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 18:00:02.946 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 18:00:02.946 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=16384 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.947 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 18:00:02.948 Setting media file format for MediaFile[id=45749 A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 0 kbps [] D:\Recordings\News10at600-21417-0.mpg, Seg0[Wed 4/1 18:00:01.529-Wed 12/31 16:00:00.000]] to be [B@90110a Wed 4/1 18:00:02.949 AVINF:(bytes:240) Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0 AV-INF|f=MPEG2-PS;br=80384000;[bf=vid;f=MPEG2-Video;fps=59.940060;fpsn=60000;fpsd=1001;ar=1.777778;arn=16;ard=9;w=1280;h=720;lace=0;index=0;tag=e0;main=yes];[bf=aud;f=AC3;sr=48000;br=384000;ch=6;index=1;tag=bd-81010002;lang=eng ;main=yes]; Wed 4/1 18:00:02.950 PID Filter: Set program ID into HDHR programID:0x3 channel:0 Wed 4/1 18:00:02.950 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 18:00:02.951 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 18:00:02.951 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 18:00:02.951 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 18:00:02.952 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=513.422472704 GB Wed 4/1 18:00:02.952 Seeker waiting for 29 mins. Wed 4/1 18:00:05.209 Called Seeker.requestWatch(A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30]) hostname=/ Wed 4/1 18:00:05.209 findBestEncoderForNow(A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] record=false host=/ Wed 4/1 18:00:05.209$c@1e5d16d[Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1] Wed 4/1 18:00:05.209 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:00:05.209 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=7194791 Wed 4/1 18:00:05.209 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 18:00:05.209 newRecord=A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] Wed 4/1 18:00:05.210 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 18:00:05.210 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:00:05.210 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=7194791 Wed 4/1 18:00:05.210 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 18:00:05.210 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 18:00:05.213 Updated:Watched[id=45745 Airing=A[21347,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0401.17:30,30], WatchStart=Wed 4/1 17:30:01.533, WatchEnd=Wed 4/1 17:59:59.763, RealStart=Wed 4/1 17:30:06.884, RealEnd=Wed 4/1 18:00:05.208] Wed 4/1 18:00:05.460 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 18:00:05.461 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 18:00:05.461 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00], ManualRecord[A[38722,37130,"Lie to Me",21211@0401.20:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[23083,22567,"FOX 40 News",21211@0401.22:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[21216,20818,"Lost",20775@0401.21:00,62] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00], ManualRecord[A[21163,20660,"Scrubs",20775@0401.20:00,30] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 18:00:05.462 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 18:00:05.462 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 18:00:05.462 Scheduler cleanup - Removing A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] from schedule because it has no WP. Wed 4/1 18:00:05.462 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 18:00:05.463 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 18:00:05.463 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 18:00:05.463 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 18:00:05.463 [A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 18:00:05.463 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 18:00:05.463 [FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 18:00:05.463 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 18:00:05.464 MemStats: Used=20MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 18:00:05.464 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:00:05.464 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=7194536 Wed 4/1 18:00:05.464 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 18:00:05.464 newRecord=A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] Wed 4/1 18:00:05.465 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 18:00:05.465 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:00:05.465 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=7194536 Wed 4/1 18:00:05.465 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 18:00:05.465 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 18:00:05.466 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=3842048 Wed 4/1 18:00:05.467 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 18:00:05.469 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 18:00:05.469 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 18:00:05.469 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 18:00:05.469 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 18:00:05.470 Deleted media segment file D:\Recordings\KingoftheHill-MsWakefield-22687-0.mpg dtime=0 len=29163520 Wed 4/1 18:00:05.473 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=513.447507456 GB Wed 4/1 18:00:05.473 Seeker waiting for 29 mins. Wed 4/1 18:02:32.382 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 18:05:05.485 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 18:05:05.485 MemStats: Used=19MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 18:05:05.486 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:05:05.486 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=6894515 Wed 4/1 18:05:05.486 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 18:05:05.486 newRecord=A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] Wed 4/1 18:05:05.486 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 18:05:05.486 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:05:05.487 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=6894515 Wed 4/1 18:05:05.487 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 18:05:05.487 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 18:05:05.487 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=588587008 Wed 4/1 18:05:05.488 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 18:05:05.490 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 18:05:05.491 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 18:05:05.492 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 18:05:05.492 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 18:05:05.493 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=512.862402048 GB Wed 4/1 18:05:05.493 Seeker waiting for 24 mins. Wed 4/1 18:05:32.389 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 18:08:32.397 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 18:10:05.421 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 18:10:05.421 MemStats: Used=21MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 18:10:05.421 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:10:05.421 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=6594579 Wed 4/1 18:10:05.421 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 18:10:05.422 newRecord=A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] Wed 4/1 18:10:05.422 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 18:10:05.422 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:10:05.422 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=6594579 Wed 4/1 18:10:05.422 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 18:10:05.422 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 18:10:05.423 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=1155336192 Wed 4/1 18:10:05.421 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 18:10:05.423 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 18:10:05.423 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 18:10:05.423 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 18:10:05.424 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 18:10:05.425 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=512.296105472 GB Wed 4/1 18:10:05.425 Seeker waiting for 19 mins. Wed 4/1 18:11:32.316 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 18:14:32.326 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 18:15:05.438 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 18:15:05.438 MemStats: Used=21MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 18:15:05.438 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:15:05.438 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=6294562 Wed 4/1 18:15:05.438 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 18:15:05.439 newRecord=A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] Wed 4/1 18:15:05.439 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 18:15:05.439 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:15:05.439 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=6294562 Wed 4/1 18:15:05.439 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 18:15:05.439 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 18:15:05.440 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=1745483776 Wed 4/1 18:15:05.441 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 18:15:05.442 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 18:15:05.442 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 18:15:05.443 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 18:15:05.443 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 18:15:05.444 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=511.705626112 GB Wed 4/1 18:15:05.444 Seeker waiting for 14 mins. Wed 4/1 18:17:32.333 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 18:20:05.456 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 18:20:05.457 MemStats: Used=21MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 18:20:05.457 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:20:05.457 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=5994543 Wed 4/1 18:20:05.457 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 18:20:05.457 newRecord=A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] Wed 4/1 18:20:05.457 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 18:20:05.457 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:20:05.457 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=5994543 Wed 4/1 18:20:05.458 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 18:20:05.458 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 18:20:05.458 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=2232512512 Wed 4/1 18:20:05.458 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 18:20:05.462 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 18:20:05.462 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 18:20:05.464 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 18:20:05.464 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 18:20:05.464 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=511.218103808 GB Wed 4/1 18:20:05.464 Seeker waiting for 9 mins. Wed 4/1 18:20:32.341 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 18:23:32.349 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 18:25:05.477 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 18:25:05.477 MemStats: Used=20MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 18:25:05.478 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:25:05.478 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=5694522 Wed 4/1 18:25:05.478 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 18:25:05.478 newRecord=A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] Wed 4/1 18:25:05.478 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 18:25:05.478 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:25:05.479 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=5694522 Wed 4/1 18:25:05.479 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 18:25:05.479 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 18:25:05.479 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=2783809536 Wed 4/1 18:25:05.480 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 18:25:05.482 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 18:25:05.482 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 18:25:05.483 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 18:25:05.483 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 18:25:05.483 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=510.667601408 GB Wed 4/1 18:25:05.483 Seeker waiting for 4 mins. Wed 4/1 18:26:32.357 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 18:29:32.364 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 18:30:00.013 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 18:30:00.013 MemStats: Used=19MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 18:30:00.013 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:30:00.014 Current record is over. Wed 4/1 18:30:00.014 Seeker.endRecord(Wed 4/1 18:30:00.013) currRecord=A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] Wed 4/1 18:30:00.014 VF.submitJob(VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=D:\Recordings\News10at600-21417-0.mpg]) Wed 4/1 18:30:00.015 stopEncoding0 called (config:0x49000) Wed 4/1 18:30:00.016 stopEncoding0 trace 1 0x49f6bac Wed 4/1 18:30:00.016 stopEncoding0 trace 2 Wed 4/1 18:30:00.016 stopEncoding0 trace 3 0x4b118ac Wed 4/1 18:30:01.529 stopEncoding0 trace 4 Wed 4/1 18:30:01.530 Stopped graph res=0x0 Wed 4/1 18:30:01.530 stopEncoding0 trace 5 Wed 4/1 18:30:01.532 defaultRecord=A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30] Wed 4/1 18:30:01.533 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=5399987 Wed 4/1 18:30:01.533 newRecord=A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30] Wed 4/1 18:30:01.533 Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - LATER Wed 4/1 18:30:01.533 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:30:01.533 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=5399987 Wed 4/1 18:30:01.533 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 18:30:01.533 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 18:30:01.533 Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - NOW Wed 4/1 18:30:01.533 Seeker.startRecord(Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30], currTime=Wed 4/1 18:30:00.013) currRecord=null switch=false Wed 4/1 18:30:01.534 Setting up MMC video for recording new show & tuning channel conn=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Digital TV Tuner Wed 4/1 18:30:01.534 Using quality setting "DVD Standard Play" for recording Wed 4/1 18:30:01.534 VideoStorage for new file: D:\Recordings - Leave Free 1.0 GB Wed 4/1 18:30:01.534 MediaFile created subfile:D:\Recordings\Jeopardy-21090-0.mpg MediaFile[id=45750 A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 0 kbps []] Wed 4/1 18:30:01.536 Added:MediaFile[id=45750 A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 0 kbps [] D:\Recordings\Jeopardy-21090-0.mpg, Seg0[Wed 4/1 18:30:01.534-Wed 12/31 16:00:00.000]] Wed 4/1 18:30:01.537 Seeker channel string=61-10-1 Wed 4/1 18:30:01.537 autotune0 digital tuner 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' num=61-10-1 (ver 3.1) Wed 4/1 18:30:01.537 Splitter Filter set output mpeg2 format Wed 4/1 18:30:02.298 DONE: autotune0 hr=0x0 locked:1 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.299 setEncodingProperties0 83988000 DVD Standard Play Wed 4/1 18:30:02.299 Set encoding property audiooutputmode to 0 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.299 Set encoding property audiocrc to 0 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.299 Set encoding property gopsize to 15 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.300 Set encoding property videobitrate to 6400000 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.300 Set encoding property peakvideobitrate to 8000000 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.300 Set encoding property inversetelecine to 0 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.300 Set encoding property closedgop to 0 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.300 Set encoding property vbr to 1 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.300 Set encoding property outputstreamtype to 10 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.300 Set encoding property width to 720 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.300 Set encoding property height to 480 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.300 Set encoding property audiobitrate to 384 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.300 Set encoding property audiosampling to 48000 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.300 Set encoding property disablefilter to 1 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.300 Set encoding property medianfilter to 3 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.300 Set encoding property fps to 30 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.300 Set encoding property ipb to 0 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.300 Set encoding property deinterlace to 0 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.301 Set encoding property aspectratio to 1 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.301 setupEncoding0 called for 83988000 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' (ver 1.0) Wed 4/1 18:30:02.301 QAM:Got capture drv info for QAM mfg:'' Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.301 Encoding to file D:\Recordings\Jeopardy-21090-0.mpg Wed 4/1 18:30:02.301 setupEncoding0 Trace27 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.301 setupEncoding0 Trace28 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.301 startEncoding0 called for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' Wed 4/1 18:30:02.683 GetBroadcastStandard ATSC for device:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0' Wed 4/1 18:30:02.684 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=0 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.685 Saving properties file to C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\ Wed 4/1 18:30:02.749 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 18:30:02.751 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 18:30:02.751 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 18:30:02.752 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 18:30:02.752 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 18:30:02.753 Deleted media segment file D:\Recordings\ABCsWorldNewsWithCharlesGibson-21347-0.mpg dtime=1 len=1506781184 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.755 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=511.631308288 GB Wed 4/1 18:30:02.756 Seeker waiting for 29 mins. Wed 4/1 18:30:02.833 AVINF:(bytes:240) Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-0 AV-INF|f=MPEG2-PS;br=80384000;[bf=vid;f=MPEG2-Video;fps=59.940060;fpsn=60000;fpsd=1001;ar=1.777778;arn=16;ard=9;w=1280;h=720;lace=0;index=0;tag=e0;main=yes];[bf=aud;f=AC3;sr=48000;br=384000;ch=6;index=1;tag=bd-81010002;lang=eng ;main=yes]; Wed 4/1 18:30:02.833 Setting media file format for MediaFile[id=45750 A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30] host=keeney_htpc encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 KXTVDT format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 0 kbps [] D:\Recordings\Jeopardy-21090-0.mpg, Seg0[Wed 4/1 18:30:01.534-Wed 12/31 16:00:00.000]] to be [B@961317 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.834 PID Filter: Set program ID into HDHR programID:0x3 channel:0 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.933 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 18:30:02.934 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 18:30:02.934 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00], ManualRecord[A[38722,37130,"Lie to Me",21211@0401.20:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[23083,22567,"FOX 40 News",21211@0401.22:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[21216,20818,"Lost",20775@0401.21:00,62] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00], ManualRecord[A[21163,20660,"Scrubs",20775@0401.20:00,30] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.934 Removing from schedule cause expired A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] Wed 4/1 18:30:02.935 # Airs=7 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.935 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 18:30:02.935 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 18:30:02.936 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 18:30:02.936 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 18:30:02.936 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.936 [A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 18:30:02.936 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.936 [FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 18:30:02.936 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 18:30:02.936 MemStats: Used=20MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 18:30:02.937 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:30:02.937 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=5397064 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.937 newRecord=A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30] Wed 4/1 18:30:02.937 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 18:30:02.937 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:30:02.937 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=5397064 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.937 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 18:30:02.937 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 18:30:02.939 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=55296 Wed 4/1 18:30:02.939 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 18:30:02.941 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 18:30:02.941 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 18:30:02.941 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 18:30:02.941 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 18:30:02.942 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=511.631242752 GB Wed 4/1 18:30:02.942 Seeker waiting for 29 mins. Wed 4/1 18:30:11.753 Called Seeker.requestWatch(A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30]) hostname=/ Wed 4/1 18:30:11.754 findBestEncoderForNow(A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30] record=false host=/ Wed 4/1 18:30:11.754$c@1e5d16d[Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1] Wed 4/1 18:30:11.754 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:30:11.754 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=5388246 Wed 4/1 18:30:11.754 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 18:30:11.754 newRecord=A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30] Wed 4/1 18:30:11.755 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 18:30:11.755 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:30:11.755 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=5388246 Wed 4/1 18:30:11.755 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 18:30:11.755 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 18:30:11.758 Added:Watched[id=45751 Airing=A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30], WatchStart=Wed 4/1 18:00:01.529, WatchEnd=Wed 4/1 18:30:00.000, RealStart=Wed 4/1 18:00:05.217, RealEnd=Wed 4/1 18:30:11.740] Wed 4/1 18:30:11.760 Carny got a WatchReal job of A[21417,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0401.18:00,30] Wed 4/1 18:30:11.762 Added:Agent[Trend=TitleReRunsTrend, Title=News 10 at 6:00 id=45752 watchProb=0.0 createTime=Wed 4/1 18:30:11.761] Wed 4/1 18:30:11.784 Added:Agent[Trend=CatChanTrend, Cat=News, Chan=KXTVDT id=45753 watchProb=0.0 createTime=Wed 4/1 18:30:11.763] Wed 4/1 18:30:11.785 Added:Agent[Trend=CatNetTrend, Cat=News, Network=ABC Affiliate id=45754 watchProb=0.0 createTime=Wed 4/1 18:30:11.784] Wed 4/1 18:30:11.804 CARNY Processing 8 Agents & 1366 Airs Wed 4/1 18:30:11.807 CARNY Negative Energy Size: 4 Wed 4/1 18:30:11.807 CARNY Traitors:[Agent[Trend=CatChanTrend, Cat=News, Chan=KXTVDT id=45753 watchProb=0.0 createTime=Wed 4/1 18:30:11.763]] Wed 4/1 18:30:11.810 Carny waiting for awhile... Wed 4/1 18:30:11.810 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 18:30:11.811 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 18:30:11.811 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00], ManualRecord[A[38722,37130,"Lie to Me",21211@0401.20:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[23083,22567,"FOX 40 News",21211@0401.22:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[21216,20818,"Lost",20775@0401.21:00,62] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00], ManualRecord[A[21163,20660,"Scrubs",20775@0401.20:00,30] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]]]} scheduleRandSize=1 Wed 4/1 18:30:11.811 # Airs=29 Wed 4/1 18:30:11.812 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 18:30:11.813 Scheduler cleanup - Removing A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30] from schedule because it has no WP. Wed 4/1 18:30:11.813 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 18:30:11.813 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 18:30:11.814 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 18:30:11.814 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 18:30:11.815 [A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], A[21428,21028,"News 10 at 11:00",20775@0401.23:00,35], A[21464,21049,"America This Morning",20775@0402.04:30,30], A[21398,21022,"News 10 Midday",20775@0402.11:00,30], A[21443,21036,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0402.17:00,30], A[21418,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0402.18:00,30], A[21358,21007,"ABC World News Now",20775@0403.02:35,115], A[21465,21049,"America This Morning",20775@0403.04:30,30], A[21072,20396,"Good Morning America",20775@0403.07:00,120], A[21399,21022,"News 10 Midday",20775@0403.11:00,30], A[21408,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0403.17:00,30], A[21419,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0403.18:00,30], A[21430,21028,"News 10 at 11:00",20775@0403.23:00,35]] Wed 4/1 18:30:11.815 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 18:30:11.815 [FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 18:30:11.815 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 18:30:11.815 MemStats: Used=21MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 18:30:11.815 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:30:11.816 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=5388185 Wed 4/1 18:30:11.816 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 18:30:11.816 newRecord=A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30] Wed 4/1 18:30:11.816 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 18:30:11.816 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:30:11.816 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=5388185 Wed 4/1 18:30:11.816 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 18:30:11.816 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 18:30:11.818 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=17770496 Wed 4/1 18:30:11.818 Saving properties file to C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\ Wed 4/1 18:30:11.866 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 18:30:11.867 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 18:30:11.867 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 18:30:11.868 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 18:30:11.868 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 18:30:11.869 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=511.613154816 GB Wed 4/1 18:30:11.869 Seeker waiting for 29 mins. Wed 4/1 18:30:12.005 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 18:30:12.006 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 18:30:12.005 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00], ManualRecord[A[38722,37130,"Lie to Me",21211@0401.20:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[23083,22567,"FOX 40 News",21211@0401.22:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[21216,20818,"Lost",20775@0401.21:00,62] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00], ManualRecord[A[21163,20660,"Scrubs",20775@0401.20:00,30] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], A[21428,21028,"News 10 at 11:00",20775@0401.23:00,35], A[21464,21049,"America This Morning",20775@0402.04:30,30], A[21398,21022,"News 10 Midday",20775@0402.11:00,30], A[21443,21036,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0402.17:00,30], A[21418,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0402.18:00,30], A[21358,21007,"ABC World News Now",20775@0403.02:35,115], A[21465,21049,"America This Morning",20775@0403.04:30,30], A[21072,20396,"Good Morning America",20775@0403.07:00,120], A[21399,21022,"News 10 Midday",20775@0403.11:00,30], A[21408,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0403.17:00,30], A[21419,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0403.18:00,30], A[21430,21028,"News 10 at 11:00",20775@0403.23:00,35]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]]]} scheduleRandSize=13 Wed 4/1 18:30:12.011 # Airs=29 Wed 4/1 18:30:12.012 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 18:30:12.013 Scheduler cleanup - Removing A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30] from schedule because it has no WP. Wed 4/1 18:30:12.013 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 18:30:12.013 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 18:30:12.014 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 18:30:12.014 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 18:30:12.014 [A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], A[21428,21028,"News 10 at 11:00",20775@0401.23:00,35], A[21357,21007,"ABC World News Now",20775@0402.02:35,115], A[21464,21049,"America This Morning",20775@0402.04:30,30], A[21388,21020,"News 10 Good Morning",20775@0402.05:00,120], A[21398,21022,"News 10 Midday",20775@0402.11:00,30], A[21443,21036,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0402.17:00,30], A[21418,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0402.18:00,30], A[21358,21007,"ABC World News Now",20775@0403.02:35,115], A[21465,21049,"America This Morning",20775@0403.04:30,30], A[21389,21020,"News 10 Good Morning",20775@0403.05:00,120], A[21072,20396,"Good Morning America",20775@0403.07:00,120], A[21399,21022,"News 10 Midday",20775@0403.11:00,30], A[21408,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0403.17:00,30], A[21349,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0403.17:30,30], A[21419,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0403.18:00,30], A[21430,21028,"News 10 at 11:00",20775@0403.23:00,35], A[21073,20397,"Good Morning America",20775@0404.07:00,60], A[21435,21031,"ABC's World News Saturday",20775@0404.18:30,30]] Wed 4/1 18:30:12.015 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 18:30:12.015 [FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 18:30:12.015 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 18:30:12.015 MemStats: Used=19MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 18:30:12.015 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:30:12.015 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=5387985 Wed 4/1 18:30:12.016 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 18:30:12.016 newRecord=A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30] Wed 4/1 18:30:12.016 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 18:30:12.016 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:30:12.016 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=5387985 Wed 4/1 18:30:12.016 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 18:30:12.016 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 18:30:12.018 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=18245632 Wed 4/1 18:30:12.018 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 18:30:12.020 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 18:30:12.020 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 18:30:12.020 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 18:30:12.020 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 18:30:12.021 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=511.613154816 GB Wed 4/1 18:30:12.021 Seeker waiting for 29 mins. Wed 4/1 18:32:32.372 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 18:35:12.033 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 18:35:12.033 MemStats: Used=20MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 18:35:12.034 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:35:12.034 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=5087966 Wed 4/1 18:35:12.034 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 18:35:12.034 newRecord=A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30] Wed 4/1 18:35:12.034 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 18:35:12.034 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:35:12.035 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=5087966 Wed 4/1 18:35:12.035 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 18:35:12.035 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 18:35:12.035 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=507146240 Wed 4/1 18:35:12.036 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 18:35:12.038 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 18:35:12.038 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 18:35:12.039 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 18:35:12.039 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 18:35:12.039 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=511.1245184 GB Wed 4/1 18:35:12.040 Seeker waiting for 24 mins. Wed 4/1 18:35:32.380 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 18:38:32.388 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 18:40:12.052 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 18:40:12.052 MemStats: Used=20MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 18:40:12.053 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:40:12.053 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=4787947 Wed 4/1 18:40:12.053 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 18:40:12.054 newRecord=A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30] Wed 4/1 18:40:12.054 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 18:40:12.054 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:40:12.054 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=4787947 Wed 4/1 18:40:12.054 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 18:40:12.054 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 18:40:12.055 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=988510208 Wed 4/1 18:40:12.056 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 18:40:12.058 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 18:40:12.058 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 18:40:12.058 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 18:40:12.058 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 18:40:12.059 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=510.643090944 GB Wed 4/1 18:40:12.059 Seeker waiting for 19 mins. Wed 4/1 18:41:32.396 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 18:44:32.328 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Wed 4/1 18:45:11.980 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 18:45:11.981 MemStats: Used=20MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 18:45:11.981 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:45:11.981 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=4488019 Wed 4/1 18:45:11.981 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[/] Wed 4/1 18:45:11.982 newRecord=A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30] Wed 4/1 18:45:11.982 Keeping record just the way it is. Wed 4/1 18:45:11.982 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:45:11.982 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=4488019 Wed 4/1 18:45:11.982 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 18:45:11.982 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 18:45:11.983 RootFile=D:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=1533460480 Wed 4/1 18:45:11.983 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 18:45:11.985 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 18:45:11.985 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 18:45:11.985 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 18:45:11.985 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 18:45:11.986 needFreeSize = 0.801 GB currFreeSize=510.097831424 GB Wed 4/1 18:45:11.986 Seeker waiting for 14 mins. Wed 4/1 18:45:14.737 Added:Watched[id=45755 Airing=A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30], WatchStart=Wed 4/1 18:30:01.534, WatchEnd=Wed 4/1 18:44:51.216, RealStart=Wed 4/1 18:30:11.751, RealEnd=Wed 4/1 18:45:14.811] Wed 4/1 18:45:37.494 Error communicating with Connection reset Wed 4/1 18:45:37.494 Cleaning up c/s connection Wed 4/1 18:45:37.494 NetworkManager CommunicationFailure : / type=1 Wed 4/1 18:45:37.495 NetworkClient fullCleanup / Wed 4/1 18:45:37.495 Cleaning up c/s connection Wed 4/1 18:45:37.495 Cleaning up c/s connection Wed 4/1 18:45:37.495 MsgRecv thread is terminating for / Wed 4/1 18:45:37.495 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 18:45:37.495 MemStats: Used=20MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 18:45:37.496 Seeker is dropping client from watch map because its connection is dead:/ Wed 4/1 18:45:37.496 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 18:45:37.496 MARK 1 currRecord=A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[/] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:45:37.496 Seeker removed client control because client is dead all=[localhost] removed=/ Wed 4/1 18:45:37.496 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=4462504 Wed 4/1 18:45:37.496 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[] Wed 4/1 18:45:37.497 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 18:45:37.497 Change in record, logging recorded data. Wed 4/1 18:45:37.497 Seeker.endRecord(Wed 4/1 18:45:37.496) currRecord=A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30] Wed 4/1 18:45:37.497 VF.submitJob(VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=D:\Recordings\Jeopardy-21090-0.mpg]) Wed 4/1 18:45:37.497 stopEncoding0 called (config:0x49000) Wed 4/1 18:45:37.497 stopEncoding0 trace 1 0x49f6bac Wed 4/1 18:45:37.498 stopEncoding0 trace 2 Wed 4/1 18:45:37.498 stopEncoding0 trace 3 0x4b118ac Wed 4/1 18:45:37.648 Error in MediaServerConnection of An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host Wed 4/1 18:45:39.009 stopEncoding0 trace 4 Wed 4/1 18:45:39.009 Stopped graph res=0x0 Wed 4/1 18:45:39.009 stopEncoding0 trace 5 Wed 4/1 18:45:39.011 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 18:45:39.011 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:45:39.011 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=4462504 Wed 4/1 18:45:39.011 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 18:45:39.011 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 18:45:39.012 Saving properties file to C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\ Wed 4/1 18:45:39.013 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 18:45:39.012 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00], ManualRecord[A[38722,37130,"Lie to Me",21211@0401.20:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[23083,22567,"FOX 40 News",21211@0401.22:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[21216,20818,"Lost",20775@0401.21:00,62] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00], ManualRecord[A[21163,20660,"Scrubs",20775@0401.20:00,30] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30], FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], A[21428,21028,"News 10 at 11:00",20775@0401.23:00,35], A[21357,21007,"ABC World News Now",20775@0402.02:35,115], A[21464,21049,"America This Morning",20775@0402.04:30,30], A[21388,21020,"News 10 Good Morning",20775@0402.05:00,120], A[21398,21022,"News 10 Midday",20775@0402.11:00,30], A[21443,21036,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0402.17:00,30], A[21418,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0402.18:00,30], A[21358,21007,"ABC World News Now",20775@0403.02:35,115], A[21465,21049,"America This Morning",20775@0403.04:30,30], A[21389,21020,"News 10 Good Morning",20775@0403.05:00,120], A[21072,20396,"Good Morning America",20775@0403.07:00,120], A[21399,21022,"News 10 Midday",20775@0403.11:00,30], A[21408,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0403.17:00,30], A[21349,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0403.17:30,30], A[21419,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0403.18:00,30], A[21430,21028,"News 10 at 11:00",20775@0403.23:00,35], A[21073,20397,"Good Morning America",20775@0404.07:00,60], A[21435,21031,"ABC's World News Saturday",20775@0404.18:30,30]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]]]} scheduleRandSize=19 Wed 4/1 18:45:39.014 # Airs=29 Wed 4/1 18:45:39.094 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 18:45:39.095 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 18:45:39.096 Scheduler cleanup - Removing A[21090,20414,"Jeopardy!",20775@0401.18:30,30] from schedule because it has no WP. Wed 4/1 18:45:39.096 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 18:45:39.096 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 18:45:39.096 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 18:45:39.096 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 18:45:39.097 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 18:45:39.097 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 18:45:39.097 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 18:45:39.097 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 18:45:39.097 [FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], A[21428,21028,"News 10 at 11:00",20775@0401.23:00,35], A[21357,21007,"ABC World News Now",20775@0402.02:35,115], A[21464,21049,"America This Morning",20775@0402.04:30,30], A[21388,21020,"News 10 Good Morning",20775@0402.05:00,120], A[21398,21022,"News 10 Midday",20775@0402.11:00,30], A[21443,21036,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0402.17:00,30], A[21348,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0402.17:30,30], A[21418,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0402.18:00,30], A[21358,21007,"ABC World News Now",20775@0403.02:35,115], A[21465,21049,"America This Morning",20775@0403.04:30,30], A[21389,21020,"News 10 Good Morning",20775@0403.05:00,120], A[21072,20396,"Good Morning America",20775@0403.07:00,120], A[21399,21022,"News 10 Midday",20775@0403.11:00,30], A[21408,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0403.17:00,30], A[21349,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0403.17:30,30], A[21419,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0403.18:00,30], A[21430,21028,"News 10 at 11:00",20775@0403.23:00,35], A[21101,20446,"U.S. Farm Report",20775@0404.05:00,60], A[21073,20397,"Good Morning America",20775@0404.07:00,60], A[21420,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0404.18:00,30], A[21435,21031,"ABC's World News Saturday",20775@0404.18:30,30]] Wed 4/1 18:45:39.097 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 18:45:39.097 Seeker waiting for 69 mins. Wed 4/1 18:45:39.098 [FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 18:45:39.098 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 18:45:39.098 MemStats: Used=21MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 18:45:39.098 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:45:39.098 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=4460902 Wed 4/1 18:45:39.098 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 18:45:39.098 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 18:45:39.099 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:45:39.099 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=4460902 Wed 4/1 18:45:39.099 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 18:45:39.099 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 18:45:39.099 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 18:45:39.101 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 18:45:39.101 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 18:45:39.102 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 18:45:39.102 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 18:45:39.102 Seeker waiting for 69 mins. Wed 4/1 18:45:39.263 Scheduler awoken Wed 4/1 18:45:39.263 Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Wed 4/1 18:45:39.263 manual=[ManualRecord[A[22902,22429,"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles",21211@0327.20:00,61] time=Fri 3/27 20:00:00.000 dur=1:01:00], ManualRecord[A[38722,37130,"Lie to Me",21211@0401.20:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[22841,22228,"American Idol",21211@0401.21:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[23083,22567,"FOX 40 News",21211@0401.22:00,60] time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[21216,20818,"Lost",20775@0401.21:00,62] time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00], ManualRecord[A[21163,20660,"Scrubs",20775@0401.20:00,30] time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1=[Sched=[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], A[21428,21028,"News 10 at 11:00",20775@0401.23:00,35], A[21357,21007,"ABC World News Now",20775@0402.02:35,115], A[21464,21049,"America This Morning",20775@0402.04:30,30], A[21388,21020,"News 10 Good Morning",20775@0402.05:00,120], A[21398,21022,"News 10 Midday",20775@0402.11:00,30], A[21443,21036,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0402.17:00,30], A[21348,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0402.17:30,30], A[21418,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0402.18:00,30], A[21358,21007,"ABC World News Now",20775@0403.02:35,115], A[21465,21049,"America This Morning",20775@0403.04:30,30], A[21389,21020,"News 10 Good Morning",20775@0403.05:00,120], A[21072,20396,"Good Morning America",20775@0403.07:00,120], A[21399,21022,"News 10 Midday",20775@0403.11:00,30], A[21408,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0403.17:00,30], A[21349,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0403.17:30,30], A[21419,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0403.18:00,30], A[21430,21028,"News 10 at 11:00",20775@0403.23:00,35], A[21101,20446,"U.S. Farm Report",20775@0404.05:00,60], A[21073,20397,"Good Morning America",20775@0404.07:00,60], A[21420,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0404.18:00,30], A[21435,21031,"ABC's World News Saturday",20775@0404.18:30,30]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0=[Sched=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] MustSee=[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]]]} scheduleRandSize=22 Wed 4/1 18:45:39.264 # Airs=29 Wed 4/1 18:45:39.265 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1-[FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] Wed 4/1 18:45:39.265 MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0-[FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 18:45:39.266 Evaluating Potentials Wed 4/1 18:45:39.266 COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Wed 4/1 18:45:39.266 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 Wed 4/1 18:45:39.266 [FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 American Idol time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], FA[stationID=21211 FOX 40 News time=Wed 4/1 22:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], A[21428,21028,"News 10 at 11:00",20775@0401.23:00,35], A[21357,21007,"ABC World News Now",20775@0402.02:35,115], A[21464,21049,"America This Morning",20775@0402.04:30,30], A[21388,21020,"News 10 Good Morning",20775@0402.05:00,120], A[21398,21022,"News 10 Midday",20775@0402.11:00,30], A[21443,21036,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0402.17:00,30], A[21348,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0402.17:30,30], A[21418,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0402.18:00,30], A[21429,21028,"News 10 at 11:00",20775@0402.23:00,35], A[21358,21007,"ABC World News Now",20775@0403.02:35,115], A[21465,21049,"America This Morning",20775@0403.04:30,30], A[21389,21020,"News 10 Good Morning",20775@0403.05:00,120], A[21072,20396,"Good Morning America",20775@0403.07:00,120], A[21399,21022,"News 10 Midday",20775@0403.11:00,30], A[21408,21024,"News 10 at 5:00",20775@0403.17:00,30], A[21349,21006,"ABC's World News With Charles Gibson",20775@0403.17:30,30], A[21419,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0403.18:00,30], A[21430,21028,"News 10 at 11:00",20775@0403.23:00,35], A[21101,20446,"U.S. Farm Report",20775@0404.05:00,60], A[21073,20397,"Good Morning America",20775@0404.07:00,60], A[21420,21026,"News 10 at 6:00",20775@0404.18:00,30], A[21435,21031,"ABC's World News Saturday",20775@0404.18:30,30]] Wed 4/1 18:45:39.266 Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 Wed 4/1 18:45:39.266 [FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00], FA[stationID=20775 Lost time=Wed 4/1 21:00:00.000 dur=1:02:00]] Wed 4/1 18:45:39.267 Seeker awoken Wed 4/1 18:45:39.267 MemStats: Used=21MB Total=33MB Max=266MB Wed 4/1 18:45:39.267 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-1 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:45:39.267 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=21211 Lie to Me time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00] nextTTA=4460733 Wed 4/1 18:45:39.267 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 18:45:39.267 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 18:45:39.267 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10164DA4-0 clients=[] ir=false Wed 4/1 18:45:39.267 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=20775 Scrubs time=Wed 4/1 20:00:00.000 dur=0:30:00] nextTTA=4460733 Wed 4/1 18:45:39.268 newRecord=null Wed 4/1 18:45:39.268 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Wed 4/1 18:45:39.268 Checking video directories for new files Wed 4/1 18:45:39.292 Diskspace checking is running Wed 4/1 18:45:39.292 Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Wed 4/1 18:45:39.292 Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Wed 4/1 18:45:39.292 Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Wed 4/1 18:45:39.293 Seeker waiting for 69 mins. Wed 4/1 18:45:41.337 Error with c/s comm:java.lang.NullPointerException Wed 4/1 18:45:41.337 NetworkManager CommunicationFailure : / type=2 Wed 4/1 18:45:41.337 NetworkManager CommunicationFailure : / type=2 Wed 4/1 18:45:51.954 Error communicating with server:java.lang.NullPointerException Wed 4/1 18:45:51.954 Cleaning up c/s connection Wed 4/1 18:45:51.954 NetworkManager CommunicationFailure : / type=1 Wed 4/1 18:45:51.954 MsgSend thread terminating for / Wed 4/1 18:47:32.320 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec