Mon 9/10 22:19:00.353 [main@af905d] EMBEDDED=false Mon 9/10 22:19:03.534 [main@af905d] user.dir2=C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV Mon 9/10 22:19:03.540 [main@af905d] classpath=C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\Sage.jar;C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\xerces.jar;C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\plugin.jar;C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\;;JARs\ant.jar;JARs\api-common-2.0.jar;JARs\cling-core-2.0.1.jar;JARs\cling-support-2.0.1.jar;JARs\CommercialDetector.jar;JARs\commons-codec-1.9.jar;JARs\commons-dbutils-1.3.jar;JARs\commons-io-2.4.jar;JARs\commons-jxpath-1.1.jar;JARs\commons-lang-2.4.jar;JARs\commons-lang3-3.4.jar;JARs\commons-logging-1.2.jar;JARs\commons-net-1.4.1.jar;JARs\core-3.1.1.jar;JARs\dom4j-1.6.1.jar;JARs\EPPlayOn.jar;JARs\google-api-client-1.20.0.jar;JARs\google-api-client-gson-1.20.0.jar;JARs\google-api-client-jackson2-1.20.0.jar;JARs\google-api-services-oauth2-v2-rev91-1.20.0.jar;JARs\google-api-services-youtube-v3-rev138-1.20.0.jar;JARs\google-http-client-1.20.0.jar;JARs\google-http-client-jackson2-1.20.0.jar;JARs\google-oauth-client-1.20.0.jar;JARs\google-oauth-client-java6-1.19.0.jar;JARs\google-oauth-client-jetty-1.20.0.jar;JARs\google-oauth-client-servlet-1.20.0.jar;JARs\GoogleWeather.jar;JARs\gson-1.7.2.jar;JARs\hamcrest-core-1.3.jar;JARs\htmlparser-1.6.jar;JARs\httpclient-4.5.1.jar;JARs\httpcore-4.4.3.jar;JARs\jackson-annotations-2.6.3.jar;JARs\jackson-core-2.6.3.jar;JARs\jackson-databind-2.6.3.jar;JARs\jcifs-1.1.6.jar;JARs\jetty-6.1.19.jar;JARs\jetty-ajp-6.1.19.jar;JARs\jetty-rewrite-handler-6.1.19.jar;JARs\jetty-sslengine-6.1.19.jar;JARs\jetty-starter.jar;JARs\jetty-util-6.1.19.jar;JARs\joda-time-2.8.1.jar;JARs\jsoup.jar;JARs\jsp-2.1-jetty-6.1.19.jar;JARs\jsp-2.1.jar;JARs\jsp-api-2.1.jar;JARs\jsr305-1.3.9.jar;JARs\junit-4.12.jar;JARs\log4j-1.2.17.jar;JARs\lucene-core-3.6.0.jar;JARs\phoenix.jar;JARs\PlayOn.jar;JARs\PlayOnUtils.jar;JARs\sagex-api.jar;JARs\sbbi-upnplib-1.0.3.jar;JARs\seamless-http-1.1.0.jar;JARs\seamless-util-1.1.0.jar;JARs\seamless-xml-1.1.0.jar;JARs\servlet-api-2.5-6.1.19.jar;JARs\slf4j-api-1.7.12.jar;JARs\slf4j-log4j12-1.7.12.jar;JARs\themoviedbapi-4.1.jar;JARs\thetvdbapi-1.8.jar;JARs\vecmath.jar;JARs\YouTube.jar Mon 9/10 22:19:03.552 [main@af905d] JVM version=1.8.0_111 Mon 9/10 22:19:03.559 [main@af905d] OS=Windows 10 10.0 Mon 9/10 22:19:03.565 [main@af905d] client=false Mon 9/10 22:19:03.572 [main@af905d] locale=en_US Mon 9/10 22:19:03.587 [ThreadMonitor@ae2b51] Thread CPU monitoring started interval=300000 Mon 9/10 22:19:03.594 [main@af905d] SageTV V9.0.11.483 Mon 9/10 22:19:03.625 [main@af905d] hostname=DESKTOP-5A8TPDO Mon 9/10 22:19:03.634 [main@af905d] Splash: User Interface Manager is initializing... Mon 9/10 22:19:03.908 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... Mon 9/10 22:19:04.022 [main@af905d] dbFile=C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\Wiz.bin(47682186) dbBackupFile=C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\Wiz.bak(47865273) Mon 9/10 22:19:04.030 [main@af905d] Wizard starting to load database info... Mon 9/10 22:19:04.037 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database Source is initializing... Mon 9/10 22:19:04.061 [main@af905d] Reading DB file:C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\Wiz.bin with version 86 Mon 9/10 22:19:04.069 [main@af905d] DBFile at version 86 FileSize=47682186 Mon 9/10 22:19:04.076 [main@af905d] Wizard allocating table for Year of size 104 Mon 9/10 22:19:04.086 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Mon 9/10 22:19:04.094 [main@af905d] Wizard loading main index for Year bytes=1449 Mon 9/10 22:19:04.101 [main@af905d] Load time for Year 7 msec 0.067307696 msec/object Mon 9/10 22:19:04.108 [main@af905d] Index check time for Year 0 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:04.115 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Mon 9/10 22:19:04.123 [main@af905d] Wizard allocating table for Network of size 898 Mon 9/10 22:19:04.131 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Mon 9/10 22:19:04.139 [main@af905d] Wizard loading main index for Network bytes=14298 Mon 9/10 22:19:04.150 [main@af905d] Load time for Network 11 msec 0.012249443 msec/object Mon 9/10 22:19:04.159 [main@af905d] Index check time for Network 0 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:04.167 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Mon 9/10 22:19:04.175 [main@af905d] Wizard allocating table for Title of size 13104 Mon 9/10 22:19:04.182 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Mon 9/10 22:19:04.189 [main@af905d] Wizard loading main index for Title bytes=377255 Mon 9/10 22:19:04.204 [main@af905d] Load time for Title 15 msec 0.0011446887 msec/object Mon 9/10 22:19:04.215 [main@af905d] Index check time for Title 2 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:04.223 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Mon 9/10 22:19:04.231 [main@af905d] Wizard loading alt index 1 for Title bytes=52422 Mon 9/10 22:19:04.242 [main@af905d] Load time for alt index 1 for Title 11 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:04.253 [main@af905d] Index check time for alt index 1 for Title 3 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:04.262 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 1% done Mon 9/10 22:19:04.270 [main@af905d] Wizard allocating table for Channel of size 46 Mon 9/10 22:19:04.277 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 1% done Mon 9/10 22:19:04.284 [main@af905d] Wizard loading main index for Channel bytes=2440 Mon 9/10 22:19:04.292 [main@af905d] Load time for Channel 7 msec 0.1521739 msec/object Mon 9/10 22:19:04.299 [main@af905d] Index check time for Channel 0 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:04.306 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 1% done Mon 9/10 22:19:04.313 [main@af905d] Wizard allocating table for Bonus of size 1226 Mon 9/10 22:19:04.320 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 1% done Mon 9/10 22:19:04.328 [main@af905d] Wizard loading main index for Bonus bytes=26293 Mon 9/10 22:19:04.336 [main@af905d] Load time for Bonus 8 msec 0.0065252855 msec/object Mon 9/10 22:19:04.344 [main@af905d] Index check time for Bonus 0 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:04.351 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 1% done Mon 9/10 22:19:04.359 [main@af905d] Wizard allocating table for People of size 62109 Mon 9/10 22:19:04.374 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 1% done Mon 9/10 22:19:04.382 [main@af905d] Wizard loading main index for People bytes=2714141 Mon 9/10 22:19:04.407 [main@af905d] Lucene index(person): rooted at /rw/\lucene/ running at /rw/\lucene-run/ DiskIndex:false RunningDiskIndex:false Mon 9/10 22:19:04.656 [main@af905d] Lucene index(person) reader opened in 5 Mon 9/10 22:19:04.669 [main@af905d] Lucene index(person) docs: 0 Mon 9/10 22:19:04.678 [main@af905d] Increased Thread pool to size=1 Mon 9/10 22:19:04.686 [main@af905d] Lucene index(person) does not have same item count as wizard (idx:0, wiz:62109) - RESETING Mon 9/10 22:19:04.695 [main@af905d] Index(person) reset Mon 9/10 22:19:04.801 [main@af905d] Load time for People 418 msec 0.0067301034 msec/object Mon 9/10 22:19:04.811 [main@af905d] Index check time for People 2 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:04.820 [main@af905d] Lucene index(person) built from Wizard Mon 9/10 22:19:04.827 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 1% done Mon 9/10 22:19:04.835 [main@af905d] Wizard loading alt index 2 for People bytes=248442 Mon 9/10 22:19:04.849 [main@af905d] Load time for alt index 2 for People 14 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:04.870 [main@af905d] Index check time for alt index 2 for People 12 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:04.878 [main@af905d] Wizard loading alt index 16 for People bytes=248442 Mon 9/10 22:19:04.892 [main@af905d] Load time for alt index 16 for People 14 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:04.912 [main@af905d] Index check time for alt index 16 for People 11 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:04.921 [main@af905d] Wizard allocating table for SubCategory of size 153 Mon 9/10 22:19:04.929 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 8% done Mon 9/10 22:19:04.936 [main@af905d] Wizard loading main index for SubCategory bytes=2907 Mon 9/10 22:19:04.945 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 12.49% / 8007 work queue, 1000 inserted @ 0.22 ms/peep avg [tot:217ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:04.953 [main@af905d] Load time for SubCategory 9 msec 0.05882353 msec/object Mon 9/10 22:19:04.960 [main@af905d] Index check time for SubCategory 0 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:04.968 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 8% done Mon 9/10 22:19:04.976 [main@af905d] Wizard allocating table for Rated of size 7 Mon 9/10 22:19:04.984 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 8% done Mon 9/10 22:19:04.991 [main@af905d] Wizard loading main index for Rated bytes=94 Mon 9/10 22:19:04.999 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 24.98% / 8007 work queue, 2000 inserted @ 0.13 ms/peep avg [tot:262ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:05.007 [main@af905d] Load time for Rated 8 msec 1.1428572 msec/object Mon 9/10 22:19:05.015 [main@af905d] Index check time for Rated 0 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:05.023 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 37.47% / 8007 work queue, 3000 inserted @ 0.09 ms/peep avg [tot:276ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:05.030 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 8% done Mon 9/10 22:19:05.037 [main@af905d] Wizard allocating table for ParentalRating of size 0 Mon 9/10 22:19:05.045 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 8% done Mon 9/10 22:19:05.053 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 49.96% / 8007 work queue, 4000 inserted @ 0.07 ms/peep avg [tot:296ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:05.061 [main@af905d] Wizard allocating table for ExtendedRating of size 11 Mon 9/10 22:19:05.068 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 8% done Mon 9/10 22:19:05.080 [main@af905d] Wizard loading main index for ExtendedRating bytes=250 Mon 9/10 22:19:05.089 [main@af905d] Load time for ExtendedRating 9 msec 0.8181818 msec/object Mon 9/10 22:19:05.096 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 62.45% / 8007 work queue, 5000 inserted @ 0.07 ms/peep avg [tot:326ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:05.104 [main@af905d] Index check time for ExtendedRating 0 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:05.111 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 8% done Mon 9/10 22:19:05.120 [main@af905d] Wizard allocating table for Category of size 112 Mon 9/10 22:19:05.128 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 8% done Mon 9/10 22:19:05.136 [main@af905d] Wizard loading main index for Category bytes=2123 Mon 9/10 22:19:05.145 [main@af905d] Load time for Category 9 msec 0.08035714 msec/object Mon 9/10 22:19:05.153 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 74.93% / 8007 work queue, 6000 inserted @ 0.06 ms/peep avg [tot:374ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:05.161 [main@af905d] Index check time for Category 0 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:05.168 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 8% done Mon 9/10 22:19:05.176 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 87.42% / 8007 work queue, 7000 inserted @ 0.06 ms/peep avg [tot:387ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:05.184 [main@af905d] Wizard allocating table for PrimeTitle of size 0 Mon 9/10 22:19:05.191 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 8% done Mon 9/10 22:19:05.199 [main@af905d] Wizard allocating table for Show of size 46370 Mon 9/10 22:19:05.207 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 8% done Mon 9/10 22:19:05.216 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 99.91% / 8007 work queue, 8000 inserted @ 0.05 ms/peep avg [tot:417ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:05.223 [main@af905d] Wizard loading main index for Show bytes=12860931 Mon 9/10 22:19:05.231 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 100% work queue, 8007 insertions @ 0.05 ms/peep [tot:418ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:05.238 [main@af905d] Lucene index(show): rooted at /rw/\lucene/ running at /rw/\lucene-run/ DiskIndex:false RunningDiskIndex:false Mon 9/10 22:19:05.246 [main@af905d] Lucene index(show) reader opened in 0 Mon 9/10 22:19:05.254 [main@af905d] Lucene index(show) docs: 0 Mon 9/10 22:19:05.262 [main@af905d] Lucene index(show) does not have same item count as wizard (idx:0, wiz:46370) - RESETING Mon 9/10 22:19:05.269 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 1.85% / 54103 work queue, 9007 inserted @ 0.05 ms/peep avg [tot:442ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:05.277 [main@af905d] Index(show) reset Mon 9/10 22:19:05.359 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 3.70% / 54103 work queue, 10007 inserted @ 0.05 ms/peep avg [tot:523ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:05.441 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 5.54% / 54103 work queue, 11007 inserted @ 0.05 ms/peep avg [tot:536ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:05.463 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 7.39% / 54103 work queue, 12007 inserted @ 0.05 ms/peep avg [tot:549ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:05.546 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 96.62% / 1035 work queue, 1000 inserted @ 0.25 ms/show avg [tot:250ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:05.559 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 100% work queue, 1035 insertions @ 0.25 ms/show [tot:254ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:05.594 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 9.24% / 54103 work queue, 13007 inserted @ 0.05 ms/peep avg [tot:649ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:05.604 [main@af905d] Load time for Show 388 msec 0.008367479 msec/object Mon 9/10 22:19:05.615 [main@af905d] Index check time for Show 3 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:05.624 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 11.09% / 54103 work queue, 14007 inserted @ 0.05 ms/peep avg [tot:660ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:05.632 [main@af905d] Lucene index(show) built from Wizard Mon 9/10 22:19:05.639 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 8% done Mon 9/10 22:19:05.648 [main@af905d] Wizard loading alt index 3 for Show bytes=185486 Mon 9/10 22:19:05.656 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 12.94% / 54103 work queue, 15007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:675ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:05.665 [main@af905d] Load time for alt index 3 for Show 15 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:05.683 [main@af905d] Index check time for alt index 3 for Show 10 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:05.692 [main@af905d] Wizard allocating table for Airing of size 96510 Mon 9/10 22:19:05.700 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 35% done Mon 9/10 22:19:05.708 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 14.79% / 54103 work queue, 16007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:716ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:05.825 [main@af905d] Wizard loading main index for Airing bytes=3763896 Mon 9/10 22:19:05.858 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 2.58% / 38755 work queue, 2035 inserted @ 0.27 ms/show avg [tot:540ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:05.875 [main@af905d] Load time for Airing 167 msec 0.0017303906 msec/object Mon 9/10 22:19:05.884 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 16.63% / 54103 work queue, 17007 inserted @ 0.05 ms/peep avg [tot:773ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:05.892 [main@af905d] Index check time for Airing 4 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:05.900 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 35% done Mon 9/10 22:19:05.908 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 18.48% / 54103 work queue, 18007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:785ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:05.916 [main@af905d] Wizard loading alt index 6 for Airing bytes=386046 Mon 9/10 22:19:05.933 [main@af905d] Load time for alt index 6 for Airing 25 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:05.947 [main@af905d] Index check time for alt index 6 for Airing 6 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:05.955 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 20.33% / 54103 work queue, 19007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:818ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:05.963 [main@af905d] Wizard loading alt index 5 for Airing bytes=386046 Mon 9/10 22:19:05.979 [main@af905d] Load time for alt index 5 for Airing 24 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:05.987 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 22.18% / 54103 work queue, 20007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:837ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:05.996 [main@af905d] Index check time for alt index 5 for Airing 6 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:06.004 [main@af905d] Wizard allocating table for ManualRecord of size 10 Mon 9/10 22:19:06.012 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 45% done Mon 9/10 22:19:06.020 [main@af905d] Wizard loading main index for ManualRecord bytes=586 Mon 9/10 22:19:06.029 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 5.16% / 38755 work queue, 3035 inserted @ 0.22 ms/show avg [tot:679ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:06.036 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 24.03% / 54103 work queue, 21007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:864ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:06.044 [main@af905d] Load time for ManualRecord 10 msec 1.0 msec/object Mon 9/10 22:19:06.052 [main@af905d] Index check time for ManualRecord 0 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:06.060 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 45% done Mon 9/10 22:19:06.068 [main@af905d] Wizard allocating table for MediaFile of size 276 Mon 9/10 22:19:06.076 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 45% done Mon 9/10 22:19:06.084 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 25.88% / 54103 work queue, 22007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:897ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:06.093 [main@af905d] Wizard loading main index for MediaFile bytes=175092 Mon 9/10 22:19:06.106 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 27.72% / 54103 work queue, 23007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:909ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:06.173 [main@af905d] Load time for MediaFile 89 msec 0.32246378 msec/object Mon 9/10 22:19:06.181 [main@af905d] Index check time for MediaFile 0 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:06.189 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 45% done Mon 9/10 22:19:06.198 [main@af905d] Wizard loading alt index 10 for MediaFile bytes=1110 Mon 9/10 22:19:06.206 [main@af905d] Load time for alt index 10 for MediaFile 8 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:06.215 [main@af905d] Index check time for alt index 10 for MediaFile 1 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:06.223 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 7.74% / 38755 work queue, 4035 inserted @ 0.21 ms/show avg [tot:861ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:06.230 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 29.57% / 54103 work queue, 24007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:951ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:06.237 [main@af905d] Wizard loading alt index 12 for MediaFile bytes=1110 Mon 9/10 22:19:06.245 [main@af905d] Load time for alt index 12 for MediaFile 22 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:06.256 [main@af905d] Index check time for alt index 12 for MediaFile 3 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:06.264 [main@af905d] Wizard allocating table for Watched of size 70381 Mon 9/10 22:19:06.272 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 45% done Mon 9/10 22:19:06.280 [main@af905d] Wizard loading main index for Watched bytes=4222866 Mon 9/10 22:19:06.288 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 31.42% / 54103 work queue, 25007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:985ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:06.332 [main@af905d] Load time for Watched 52 msec 7.388358E-4 msec/object Mon 9/10 22:19:06.344 [main@af905d] Index check time for Watched 4 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:06.352 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 10.32% / 38755 work queue, 5035 inserted @ 0.19 ms/show avg [tot:970ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:06.360 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 45% done Mon 9/10 22:19:06.367 [main@af905d] Wizard loading alt index 7 for Watched bytes=281530 Mon 9/10 22:19:06.381 [main@af905d] Load time for alt index 7 for Watched 14 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:06.395 [main@af905d] Index check time for alt index 7 for Watched 5 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:06.404 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 33.27% / 54103 work queue, 26007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:1033ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:06.412 [main@af905d] Wizard allocating table for Agent of size 134333 Mon 9/10 22:19:06.421 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 54% done Mon 9/10 22:19:06.429 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 35.12% / 54103 work queue, 27007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:1044ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:06.437 [main@af905d] Wizard loading main index for Agent bytes=13166415 Mon 9/10 22:19:06.619 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 36.97% / 54103 work queue, 28007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:1226ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:06.642 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 38.81% / 54103 work queue, 29007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:1240ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:06.664 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 40.66% / 54103 work queue, 30007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:1252ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:06.688 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 12.90% / 38755 work queue, 6035 inserted @ 0.21 ms/show avg [tot:1296ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:06.732 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 42.51% / 54103 work queue, 31007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:1264ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:06.753 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 44.36% / 54103 work queue, 32007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:1274ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:06.816 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 46.21% / 54103 work queue, 33007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:1328ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:06.824 [main@af905d] Load time for Agent 387 msec 0.0028809004 msec/object Mon 9/10 22:19:06.892 [main@af905d] Index check time for Agent 12 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:06.900 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 54% done Mon 9/10 22:19:06.908 [main@af905d] Wizard loading alt index 11 for Agent bytes=537338 Mon 9/10 22:19:06.916 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 48.06% / 54103 work queue, 34007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:1410ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:06.937 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 49.90% / 54103 work queue, 35007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:1422ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:06.946 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 15.48% / 38755 work queue, 7035 inserted @ 0.21 ms/show avg [tot:1506ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:06.953 [main@af905d] Load time for alt index 11 for Agent 29 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:06.980 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 51.75% / 54103 work queue, 36007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:1457ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:06.989 [main@af905d] Index check time for alt index 11 for Agent 25 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:06.997 [main@af905d] Wizard allocating table for Wasted of size 15968 Mon 9/10 22:19:07.005 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 83% done Mon 9/10 22:19:07.013 [main@af905d] Wizard loading main index for Wasted bytes=207590 Mon 9/10 22:19:07.024 [main@af905d] Load time for Wasted 11 msec 6.888778E-4 msec/object Mon 9/10 22:19:07.032 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 53.60% / 54103 work queue, 37007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:1497ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:07.040 [main@af905d] Index check time for Wasted 1 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:07.048 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 83% done Mon 9/10 22:19:07.056 [main@af905d] Wizard allocating table for Playlist of size 3 Mon 9/10 22:19:07.064 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 84% done Mon 9/10 22:19:07.073 [main@af905d] Wizard loading main index for Playlist bytes=1673 Mon 9/10 22:19:07.081 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 18.06% / 38755 work queue, 8035 inserted @ 0.20 ms/show avg [tot:1631ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:07.089 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 55.45% / 54103 work queue, 38007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:1530ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:07.097 [main@af905d] Load time for Playlist 10 msec 3.3333333 msec/object Mon 9/10 22:19:07.105 [main@af905d] Index check time for Playlist 0 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:07.113 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 84% done Mon 9/10 22:19:07.121 [main@af905d] Wizard allocating table for TVEditorial of size 0 Mon 9/10 22:19:07.129 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 84% done Mon 9/10 22:19:07.137 [main@af905d] Wizard allocating table for SeriesInfo of size 11986 Mon 9/10 22:19:07.145 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 84% done Mon 9/10 22:19:07.153 [main@af905d] Wizard loading main index for SeriesInfo bytes=7412931 Mon 9/10 22:19:07.162 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 57.30% / 54103 work queue, 39007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:1593ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:07.218 [main@af905d] Load time for SeriesInfo 65 msec 0.0054229936 msec/object Mon 9/10 22:19:07.226 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 59.15% / 54103 work queue, 40007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:1643ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:07.234 [main@af905d] Index check time for SeriesInfo 1 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:07.241 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 84% done Mon 9/10 22:19:07.249 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 60.99% / 54103 work queue, 41007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:1654ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:07.257 [main@af905d] Wizard loading alt index 13 for SeriesInfo bytes=47950 Mon 9/10 22:19:07.266 [main@af905d] Load time for alt index 13 for SeriesInfo 17 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:07.276 [main@af905d] Index check time for alt index 13 for SeriesInfo 2 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:07.284 [main@af905d] Wizard loading alt index 15 for SeriesInfo bytes=47950 Mon 9/10 22:19:07.560 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 20.64% / 38755 work queue, 9035 inserted @ 0.20 ms/show avg [tot:1824ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:07.569 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 62.84% / 54103 work queue, 42007 inserted @ 0.05 ms/peep avg [tot:1961ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:07.576 [main@af905d] Load time for alt index 15 for SeriesInfo 277 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:07.585 [main@af905d] Index check time for alt index 15 for SeriesInfo 1 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:07.593 [main@af905d] Wizard allocating table for UserRecord of size 44 Mon 9/10 22:19:07.601 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 99% done Mon 9/10 22:19:07.608 [main@af905d] Wizard loading main index for UserRecord bytes=2842 Mon 9/10 22:19:07.616 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 64.69% / 54103 work queue, 43007 inserted @ 0.05 ms/peep avg [tot:1996ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:07.624 [main@af905d] Load time for UserRecord 8 msec 0.18181819 msec/object Mon 9/10 22:19:07.632 [main@af905d] Index check time for UserRecord 0 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:07.639 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 66.54% / 54103 work queue, 44007 inserted @ 0.05 ms/peep avg [tot:2007ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:07.647 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 99% done Mon 9/10 22:19:07.654 [main@af905d] Wizard loading alt index 14 for UserRecord bytes=182 Mon 9/10 22:19:07.662 [main@af905d] Load time for alt index 14 for UserRecord 8 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:07.670 [main@af905d] Index check time for alt index 14 for UserRecord 0 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:07.678 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 68.39% / 54103 work queue, 45007 inserted @ 0.05 ms/peep avg [tot:2036ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:07.686 [main@af905d] Wizard processing transactional records... Mon 9/10 22:19:07.697 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 99% done Mon 9/10 22:19:07.705 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 70.24% / 54103 work queue, 46007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:2047ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:07.713 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 100% done Mon 9/10 22:19:07.725 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 100% done Mon 9/10 22:19:07.734 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 72.08% / 54103 work queue, 47007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:2066ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:07.741 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 23.22% / 38755 work queue, 10035 inserted @ 0.20 ms/show avg [tot:1994ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:07.749 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 100% done Mon 9/10 22:19:07.760 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 100% done Mon 9/10 22:19:07.772 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 100% done Mon 9/10 22:19:07.780 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 73.93% / 54103 work queue, 48007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:2089ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:07.788 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 100% done Mon 9/10 22:19:07.800 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 100% done Mon 9/10 22:19:07.808 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 75.78% / 54103 work queue, 49007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:2101ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:07.816 [main@af905d] Wizard performing validation on database objects... Mon 9/10 22:19:07.846 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 77.63% / 54103 work queue, 50007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:2132ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:07.885 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 79.48% / 54103 work queue, 51007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:2146ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:07.897 [main@af905d] Wizard DONE loading database info. loadTime=3.865 sec Mon 9/10 22:19:07.905 [main@af905d] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 100% done Mon 9/10 22:19:07.913 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 81.33% / 54103 work queue, 52007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:2160ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:07.921 [main@af905d] Splash: EPG is initializing... Mon 9/10 22:19:07.941 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 83.17% / 54103 work queue, 53007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:2180ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:07.952 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 25.80% / 38755 work queue, 11035 inserted @ 0.20 ms/show avg [tot:2191ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:07.961 [main@af905d] Increased hash set pool to size=1 Mon 9/10 22:19:07.986 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 85.02% / 54103 work queue, 54007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:2210ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:07.995 [main@af905d] Splash: Profiler is initializing... Mon 9/10 22:19:08.006 [main@af905d] Loaded 2 messages from system message log file Mon 9/10 22:19:08.224 [main@af905d] Splash: Acquisition System is initializing... Mon 9/10 22:19:08.233 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 86.87% / 54103 work queue, 55007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:2441ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:08.252 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 88.72% / 54103 work queue, 56007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:2452ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:08.269 [main@af905d] MMC calling detectCaptureDevices on sage.NetworkEncoderManager@adede5 Mon 9/10 22:19:08.278 [main@af905d] Doing broadcast discovery of new encoding servers on the network... Mon 9/10 22:19:08.297 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 90.57% / 54103 work queue, 57007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:2484ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:08.317 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 92.42% / 54103 work queue, 58007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:2496ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:08.335 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 28.38% / 38755 work queue, 12035 inserted @ 0.21 ms/show avg [tot:2565ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:08.343 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 94.26% / 54103 work queue, 59007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:2506ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:08.365 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 96.11% / 54103 work queue, 60007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:2521ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:08.393 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 97.96% / 54103 work queue, 61007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:2541ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:08.414 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 99.81% / 54103 work queue, 62007 inserted @ 0.04 ms/peep avg [tot:2553ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:08.424 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] Snapshot index person snap-count: 0 Mon 9/10 22:19:08.439 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 30.96% / 38755 work queue, 13035 inserted @ 0.20 ms/show avg [tot:2661ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:08.531 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 33.54% / 38755 work queue, 14035 inserted @ 0.20 ms/show avg [tot:2745ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:08.615 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 36.12% / 38755 work queue, 15035 inserted @ 0.19 ms/show avg [tot:2819ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:08.715 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 38.70% / 38755 work queue, 16035 inserted @ 0.18 ms/show avg [tot:2911ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:08.813 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 41.28% / 38755 work queue, 17035 inserted @ 0.18 ms/show avg [tot:3000ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:08.888 [LucenePersonTransactionTask@15e0af1] 100% work queue, 62109 insertions @ 0.04 ms/peep [tot:2555ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:08.918 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 43.87% / 38755 work queue, 18035 inserted @ 0.17 ms/show avg [tot:3096ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:08.993 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 46.45% / 38755 work queue, 19035 inserted @ 0.17 ms/show avg [tot:3162ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:09.538 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 49.03% / 38755 work queue, 20035 inserted @ 0.18 ms/show avg [tot:3698ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:09.621 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 51.61% / 38755 work queue, 21035 inserted @ 0.18 ms/show avg [tot:3771ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:09.710 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 54.19% / 38755 work queue, 22035 inserted @ 0.17 ms/show avg [tot:3851ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:09.793 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 56.77% / 38755 work queue, 23035 inserted @ 0.17 ms/show avg [tot:3925ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:09.906 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 59.35% / 38755 work queue, 24035 inserted @ 0.17 ms/show avg [tot:4029ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:10.000 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 61.93% / 38755 work queue, 25035 inserted @ 0.16 ms/show avg [tot:4116ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:10.089 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 64.51% / 38755 work queue, 26035 inserted @ 0.16 ms/show avg [tot:4196ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:10.181 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 67.09% / 38755 work queue, 27035 inserted @ 0.16 ms/show avg [tot:4279ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:10.267 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 69.67% / 38755 work queue, 28035 inserted @ 0.16 ms/show avg [tot:4357ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:10.360 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 72.25% / 38755 work queue, 29035 inserted @ 0.15 ms/show avg [tot:4442ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:10.450 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 74.83% / 38755 work queue, 30035 inserted @ 0.15 ms/show avg [tot:4523ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:10.541 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 77.41% / 38755 work queue, 31035 inserted @ 0.15 ms/show avg [tot:4607ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:10.645 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 79.99% / 38755 work queue, 32035 inserted @ 0.15 ms/show avg [tot:4704ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:10.742 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 82.57% / 38755 work queue, 33035 inserted @ 0.15 ms/show avg [tot:4792ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:10.833 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 85.15% / 38755 work queue, 34035 inserted @ 0.14 ms/show avg [tot:4873ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:10.935 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 87.73% / 38755 work queue, 35035 inserted @ 0.14 ms/show avg [tot:4965ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:11.305 [main@af905d] Error discovering Receive timed out Mon 9/10 22:19:11.312 [main@af905d] devices detected=[] Mon 9/10 22:19:11.320 [main@af905d] EncoderMap={} Mon 9/10 22:19:11.327 [main@af905d] MMC calling detectCaptureDevices on sage.DShowCaptureManager@1993335 Mon 9/10 22:19:11.334 [main@af905d] Splash: DirectShow WDM Capture Manager is initializing... Mon 9/10 22:19:11.344 [main@af905d] Setup globalInvalidParameterHandler Mon 9/10 22:19:11.345 [main@af905d] Device detecting->:{65E8773D-8F56-11D0-A3B9-00A0C9223196} Mon 9/10 22:19:11.370 [main@af905d] Device found--'Realtek HD Audio Line input' Mon 9/10 22:19:11.371 [main@af905d] Device found--'Realtek HD Digital input' Mon 9/10 22:19:11.371 [main@af905d] Device found--'Realtek HD Audio Mic input' Mon 9/10 22:19:11.371 [main@af905d] Device found--'Realtek HD Audio CD input' Mon 9/10 22:19:11.371 [main@af905d] Device found--'Realtek HD Audio Stereo input' Mon 9/10 22:19:11.371 [main@af905d] Device found--'MSVAD Wave' Mon 9/10 22:19:11.372 [main@af905d] Device detecting->:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11d2-9C95-00C04F7971E0} Mon 9/10 22:19:11.373 [main@af905d] Device found--'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0' Mon 9/10 22:19:11.373 [main@af905d] Device found--'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1' Mon 9/10 22:19:11.373 [main@af905d] Device found--'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2' Mon 9/10 22:19:11.373 [main@af905d] Device found--'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3' Mon 9/10 22:19:11.373 [main@af905d] Device detecting->:{71985F48-1CA1-11d3-9CC8-00C04F7971E0} Mon 9/10 22:19:11.374 [main@af905d] Device found--'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0' Mon 9/10 22:19:11.374 [main@af905d] Device found--'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1' Mon 9/10 22:19:11.375 [main@af905d] Device found--'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2' Mon 9/10 22:19:11.375 [main@af905d] Device found--'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3' Mon 9/10 22:19:11.375 [main@af905d] Device found 'Realtek HD Audio Line input' Mon 9/10 22:19:11.375 [main@af905d] Device found 'Realtek HD Digital input' Mon 9/10 22:19:11.375 [main@af905d] Device found 'Realtek HD Audio Mic input' Mon 9/10 22:19:11.375 [main@af905d] Device found 'Realtek HD Audio CD input' Mon 9/10 22:19:11.375 [main@af905d] Device found 'Realtek HD Audio Stereo input' Mon 9/10 22:19:11.375 [main@af905d] Device found 'MSVAD Wave' Mon 9/10 22:19:11.376 [main@af905d] Device found 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0' Mon 9/10 22:19:11.376 [main@af905d] Device found 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1' Mon 9/10 22:19:11.376 [main@af905d] Device found 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2' Mon 9/10 22:19:11.376 [main@af905d] Device found 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3' Mon 9/10 22:19:11.376 [main@af905d] systemCapDevices=[Realtek HD Audio Line input, Realtek HD Digital input, Realtek HD Audio Mic input, Realtek HD Audio CD input, Realtek HD Audio Stereo input, MSVAD Wave, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3] Mon 9/10 22:19:11.384 [main@af905d] Checking encoder key:-1837067233 Mon 9/10 22:19:11.394 [main@af905d] Created DShowCapDev object for:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10362303-1 Mon 9/10 22:19:11.402 [main@af905d] Checking encoder key:-1837067234 Mon 9/10 22:19:11.410 [main@af905d] Created DShowCapDev object for:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10362303-0 Mon 9/10 22:19:11.418 [main@af905d] Checking encoder key:1036642681 Mon 9/10 22:19:11.426 [main@af905d] Created DShowCapDev object for:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1013A5E0-1 Mon 9/10 22:19:11.434 [main@af905d] Checking encoder key:1036642680 Mon 9/10 22:19:11.442 [main@af905d] Created DShowCapDev object for:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1013A5E0-0 Mon 9/10 22:19:11.449 [main@af905d] Checking encoder key:874482027 Mon 9/10 22:19:11.457 [main@af905d] Created DShowCapDev object for:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3 Mon 9/10 22:19:11.464 [main@af905d] Checking encoder key:874482024 Mon 9/10 22:19:11.472 [main@af905d] Created DShowCapDev object for:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0 Mon 9/10 22:19:11.479 [main@af905d] Checking encoder key:874482026 Mon 9/10 22:19:11.487 [main@af905d] Created DShowCapDev object for:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2 Mon 9/10 22:19:11.495 [main@af905d] Checking encoder key:874482025 Mon 9/10 22:19:11.502 [main@af905d] Created DShowCapDev object for:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1 Mon 9/10 22:19:11.510 [main@af905d] EncoderMap1={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10362303-1=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10362303-1, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10362303-0=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10362303-0, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1013A5E0-1=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1013A5E0-1, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1013A5E0-0=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1013A5E0-0, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1} Mon 9/10 22:19:11.518 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 90.31% / 38755 work queue, 36035 inserted @ 0.15 ms/show avg [tot:5539ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:11.526 [main@af905d] Capture device Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10362303-1 (0) does not exist Mon 9/10 22:19:11.526 [main@af905d] Encoder failed the check:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10362303-1 Mon 9/10 22:19:11.533 [main@af905d] Saving properties file to C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\ Mon 9/10 22:19:11.568 [main@af905d] Done writing out the data to the properties file Mon 9/10 22:19:11.576 [main@af905d] Removing encoder because it failed the check:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10362303-1 Mon 9/10 22:19:11.587 [main@af905d] Capture device Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10362303-0 (0) does not exist Mon 9/10 22:19:11.587 [main@af905d] Encoder failed the check:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10362303-0 Mon 9/10 22:19:11.595 [main@af905d] Saving properties file to C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\ Mon 9/10 22:19:11.623 [main@af905d] Done writing out the data to the properties file Mon 9/10 22:19:11.631 [main@af905d] Removing encoder because it failed the check:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 10362303-0 Mon 9/10 22:19:11.642 [main@af905d] Capture device Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1013A5E0-1 (0) does not exist Mon 9/10 22:19:11.642 [main@af905d] Encoder failed the check:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1013A5E0-1 Mon 9/10 22:19:11.650 [main@af905d] Saving properties file to C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\ Mon 9/10 22:19:11.661 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 92.89% / 38755 work queue, 37035 inserted @ 0.15 ms/show avg [tot:5671ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:11.677 [main@af905d] Done writing out the data to the properties file Mon 9/10 22:19:11.685 [main@af905d] Removing encoder because it failed the check:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1013A5E0-1 Mon 9/10 22:19:11.696 [main@af905d] Capture device Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1013A5E0-0 (0) does not exist Mon 9/10 22:19:11.696 [main@af905d] Encoder failed the check:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1013A5E0-0 Mon 9/10 22:19:11.704 [main@af905d] Saving properties file to C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\ Mon 9/10 22:19:11.730 [main@af905d] Done writing out the data to the properties file Mon 9/10 22:19:11.738 [main@af905d] Removing encoder because it failed the check:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1013A5E0-0 Mon 9/10 22:19:11.779 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 95.47% / 38755 work queue, 38035 inserted @ 0.15 ms/show avg [tot:5778ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:11.909 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 98.05% / 38755 work queue, 39035 inserted @ 0.15 ms/show avg [tot:5899ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:11.982 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 100% work queue, 39790 insertions @ 0.15 ms/show [tot:5964ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:12.085 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 14.83% / 6741 work queue, 40790 inserted @ 0.15 ms/show avg [tot:6059ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:12.190 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 29.67% / 6741 work queue, 41790 inserted @ 0.15 ms/show avg [tot:6156ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:12.298 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 44.50% / 6741 work queue, 42790 inserted @ 0.15 ms/show avg [tot:6255ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:12.402 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 59.34% / 6741 work queue, 43790 inserted @ 0.15 ms/show avg [tot:6351ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:12.498 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 74.17% / 6741 work queue, 44790 inserted @ 0.14 ms/show avg [tot:6439ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:12.575 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 89.01% / 6741 work queue, 45790 inserted @ 0.14 ms/show avg [tot:6508ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:12.626 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] Snapshot index show snap-count: 0 Mon 9/10 22:19:12.789 [main@af905d] Capture device Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3 (0) exists Mon 9/10 22:19:12.792 [main@af905d] @DEBUG@ device found 'Realtek HD Audio Line input' (index:0) for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3'. Mon 9/10 22:19:12.792 [main@af905d] @DEBUG@ device found 'Realtek HD Digital input' (index:0) for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3'. Mon 9/10 22:19:12.792 [main@af905d] @DEBUG@ device found 'Realtek HD Audio Mic input' (index:0) for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3'. Mon 9/10 22:19:12.793 [main@af905d] @DEBUG@ device found 'Realtek HD Audio CD input' (index:0) for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3'. Mon 9/10 22:19:12.793 [main@af905d] @DEBUG@ device found 'Realtek HD Audio Stereo input' (index:0) for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3'. Mon 9/10 22:19:12.793 [main@af905d] @DEBUG@ device found 'MSVAD Wave' (index:0) for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3'. Mon 9/10 22:19:12.993 [LuceneShowTransactionTask@a400a3] 100% work queue, 46450 insertions @ 0.14 ms/show [tot:6558ms] Mon 9/10 22:19:13.789 [main@af905d] Device desc:''. Mon 9/10 22:19:14.789 [main@af905d] BDA capture is found on location:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3' id:'' for Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3-0 (@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3) (it's a BDA only). Mon 9/10 22:19:14.789 [main@af905d] BDA CaptureDetail:0x0; hasBDAInput:0x1; BDA type:0x0 Mon 9/10 22:19:14.793 [main@af905d] CaptureFilter in (BDA_RECEIVER_COMPONENT) Receiver component Mon 9/10 22:19:14.793 [main@af905d] fake BDA crossbar cap0 is added for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3' Mon 9/10 22:19:15.789 [main@af905d] DeviceCap: 0x49000 Mon 9/10 22:19:16.789 [main@af905d] BDA capture is found on location:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3' id:'' for Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3-0 (@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3) (it's a BDA only). Mon 9/10 22:19:16.789 [main@af905d] BDA FindVideoPin:0x0 hasBDAInput:1 on Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3 Mon 9/10 22:19:18.789 [main@af905d] Encoder passed the check:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3 Mon 9/10 22:19:18.797 [main@af905d] Saving properties file to C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\ Mon 9/10 22:19:18.824 [main@af905d] Done writing out the data to the properties file Mon 9/10 22:19:19.820 [main@af905d] Capture device Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0 (0) exists Mon 9/10 22:19:19.822 [main@af905d] @DEBUG@ device found 'Realtek HD Audio Line input' (index:0) for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0'. Mon 9/10 22:19:19.823 [main@af905d] @DEBUG@ device found 'Realtek HD Digital input' (index:0) for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0'. Mon 9/10 22:19:19.823 [main@af905d] @DEBUG@ device found 'Realtek HD Audio Mic input' (index:0) for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0'. Mon 9/10 22:19:19.823 [main@af905d] @DEBUG@ device found 'Realtek HD Audio CD input' (index:0) for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0'. Mon 9/10 22:19:19.823 [main@af905d] @DEBUG@ device found 'Realtek HD Audio Stereo input' (index:0) for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0'. Mon 9/10 22:19:19.824 [main@af905d] @DEBUG@ device found 'MSVAD Wave' (index:0) for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0'. Mon 9/10 22:19:20.820 [main@af905d] Device desc:''. Mon 9/10 22:19:21.820 [main@af905d] BDA capture is found on location:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0' id:'' for Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0-0 (@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0) (it's a BDA only). Mon 9/10 22:19:21.820 [main@af905d] BDA CaptureDetail:0x0; hasBDAInput:0x1; BDA type:0x0 Mon 9/10 22:19:21.824 [main@af905d] CaptureFilter in (BDA_RECEIVER_COMPONENT) Receiver component Mon 9/10 22:19:21.824 [main@af905d] fake BDA crossbar cap0 is added for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0' Mon 9/10 22:19:22.820 [main@af905d] DeviceCap: 0x49000 Mon 9/10 22:19:23.820 [main@af905d] BDA capture is found on location:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0' id:'' for Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0-0 (@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0) (it's a BDA only). Mon 9/10 22:19:23.820 [main@af905d] BDA FindVideoPin:0x0 hasBDAInput:1 on Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0 Mon 9/10 22:19:25.820 [main@af905d] Encoder passed the check:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0 Mon 9/10 22:19:25.828 [main@af905d] Saving properties file to C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\ Mon 9/10 22:19:25.854 [main@af905d] Done writing out the data to the properties file Mon 9/10 22:19:26.851 [main@af905d] Capture device Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2 (0) exists Mon 9/10 22:19:26.853 [main@af905d] @DEBUG@ device found 'Realtek HD Audio Line input' (index:0) for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2'. Mon 9/10 22:19:26.854 [main@af905d] @DEBUG@ device found 'Realtek HD Digital input' (index:0) for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2'. Mon 9/10 22:19:26.854 [main@af905d] @DEBUG@ device found 'Realtek HD Audio Mic input' (index:0) for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2'. Mon 9/10 22:19:26.854 [main@af905d] @DEBUG@ device found 'Realtek HD Audio CD input' (index:0) for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2'. Mon 9/10 22:19:26.854 [main@af905d] @DEBUG@ device found 'Realtek HD Audio Stereo input' (index:0) for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2'. Mon 9/10 22:19:26.855 [main@af905d] @DEBUG@ device found 'MSVAD Wave' (index:0) for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2'. Mon 9/10 22:19:27.851 [main@af905d] Device desc:''. Mon 9/10 22:19:28.851 [main@af905d] BDA capture is found on location:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2' id:'' for Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2-0 (@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2) (it's a BDA only). Mon 9/10 22:19:28.852 [main@af905d] BDA CaptureDetail:0x0; hasBDAInput:0x1; BDA type:0x0 Mon 9/10 22:19:28.855 [main@af905d] CaptureFilter in (BDA_RECEIVER_COMPONENT) Receiver component Mon 9/10 22:19:28.855 [main@af905d] fake BDA crossbar cap0 is added for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2' Mon 9/10 22:19:29.851 [main@af905d] DeviceCap: 0x49000 Mon 9/10 22:19:30.851 [main@af905d] BDA capture is found on location:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2' id:'' for Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2-0 (@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2) (it's a BDA only). Mon 9/10 22:19:30.852 [main@af905d] BDA FindVideoPin:0x0 hasBDAInput:1 on Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2 Mon 9/10 22:19:32.851 [main@af905d] Encoder passed the check:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2 Mon 9/10 22:19:32.859 [main@af905d] Saving properties file to C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\ Mon 9/10 22:19:32.885 [main@af905d] Done writing out the data to the properties file Mon 9/10 22:19:33.882 [main@af905d] Capture device Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1 (0) exists Mon 9/10 22:19:33.885 [main@af905d] @DEBUG@ device found 'Realtek HD Audio Line input' (index:0) for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1'. Mon 9/10 22:19:33.885 [main@af905d] @DEBUG@ device found 'Realtek HD Digital input' (index:0) for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1'. Mon 9/10 22:19:33.885 [main@af905d] @DEBUG@ device found 'Realtek HD Audio Mic input' (index:0) for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1'. Mon 9/10 22:19:33.885 [main@af905d] @DEBUG@ device found 'Realtek HD Audio CD input' (index:0) for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1'. Mon 9/10 22:19:33.886 [main@af905d] @DEBUG@ device found 'Realtek HD Audio Stereo input' (index:0) for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1'. Mon 9/10 22:19:33.886 [main@af905d] @DEBUG@ device found 'MSVAD Wave' (index:0) for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1'. Mon 9/10 22:19:34.883 [main@af905d] Device desc:''. Mon 9/10 22:19:35.883 [main@af905d] BDA capture is found on location:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1' id:'' for Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1-0 (@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1) (it's a BDA only). Mon 9/10 22:19:35.883 [main@af905d] BDA CaptureDetail:0x0; hasBDAInput:0x1; BDA type:0x0 Mon 9/10 22:19:35.887 [main@af905d] CaptureFilter in (BDA_RECEIVER_COMPONENT) Receiver component Mon 9/10 22:19:35.887 [main@af905d] fake BDA crossbar cap0 is added for 'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1' Mon 9/10 22:19:36.883 [main@af905d] DeviceCap: 0x49000 Mon 9/10 22:19:37.883 [main@af905d] BDA capture is found on location:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1' id:'' for Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1-0 (@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1) (it's a BDA only). Mon 9/10 22:19:37.883 [main@af905d] BDA FindVideoPin:0x0 hasBDAInput:1 on Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1 Mon 9/10 22:19:39.883 [main@af905d] Encoder passed the check:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1 Mon 9/10 22:19:39.890 [main@af905d] Saving properties file to C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\ Mon 9/10 22:19:39.916 [main@af905d] Done writing out the data to the properties file Mon 9/10 22:19:39.923 [main@af905d] Processing new system dev:Realtek HD Audio Line input Mon 9/10 22:19:39.929 [main@af905d] Processing new system dev:Realtek HD Digital input Mon 9/10 22:19:39.936 [main@af905d] Processing new system dev:Realtek HD Audio Mic input Mon 9/10 22:19:39.942 [main@af905d] Processing new system dev:Realtek HD Audio CD input Mon 9/10 22:19:39.949 [main@af905d] Processing new system dev:Realtek HD Audio Stereo input Mon 9/10 22:19:39.955 [main@af905d] Processing new system dev:MSVAD Wave Mon 9/10 22:19:39.961 [main@af905d] Processing new system dev:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0 Mon 9/10 22:19:39.968 [main@af905d] Device already has been processed Mon 9/10 22:19:39.974 [main@af905d] Processing new system dev:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1 Mon 9/10 22:19:39.980 [main@af905d] Device already has been processed Mon 9/10 22:19:39.986 [main@af905d] Processing new system dev:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2 Mon 9/10 22:19:39.993 [main@af905d] Device already has been processed Mon 9/10 22:19:39.999 [main@af905d] Processing new system dev:Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3 Mon 9/10 22:19:40.006 [main@af905d] Device already has been processed Mon 9/10 22:19:40.013 [main@af905d] devices detected=[Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1] Mon 9/10 22:19:40.019 [main@af905d] EncoderMap={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0} Mon 9/10 22:19:40.026 [main@af905d] Splash: SageTV Core is initializing... Mon 9/10 22:19:40.057 [main@af905d] Checking video directories for new files Mon 9/10 22:19:40.099 [main@af905d] DShowFilters=[AC3 Parser Filter, AC3Filter, ACM Wrapper, AVI Decompressor, AVI Draw, AVI Mux, AVI Splitter, AVI/WAV File Source, BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter, Closed Captions Analysis Filter, Color Space Converter, DV Muxer, DV Splitter, DV Video Decoder, DVD Navigator, Enhanced Video Renderer, File Source (Async.), File Source (URL), File stream renderer, File writer, Infinite Pin Tee Filter, Internal Script Command Renderer, LAV Audio Decoder, LAV Splitter, LAV Splitter Source, LAV Video Decoder, Line 21 Decoder, Line 21 Decoder 2, Microsoft AC3 Encoder, Microsoft DTV-DVD Audio Decoder, Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder, Microsoft MPEG-2 Audio Encoder, Microsoft MPEG-2 Encoder, Microsoft MPEG-2 Video Encoder, MIDI Parser, MJPEG Decompressor, MP3 Decoder DMO, MPEG Audio Decoder, MPEG Video Decoder, MPEG-2 Demultiplexer, MPEG-2 Sections and Tables, MPEG-2 Splitter, MPEG-2 Video Stream Analyzer, MPEG-I Stream Splitter, MPEG2Dump, Mpeg4 Decoder DMO, Mpeg43 Decoder DMO, Mpeg4s Decoder DMO, Multi-file Parser, Null Renderer, Overlay Mixer, Overlay Mixer2, SageTV FileSource, SageTV MPEG Layer II Audio Encoder, SageTV MpegDeMux, SageTV MpegMux, SageTV Music Visualization, SageTV Stream Demuxer, SageTV TS Splitter 3.0, SAMI (CC) Parser, SampleGrabber, SBE2FileScan, SBE2MediaTypeProfile, Silicondust HDHomeRun WMP Plugin, Smart Tee, StreamBufferSink, StreamBufferSink2, StreamBufferSource, VBI Codec, VBI Surface Allocator, VGA 16 Color Ditherer, Video Mixing Renderer 9, Video Port Manager, Video Renderer, Video Renderer, VPS Decoder, Wave Parser, WM ASF Reader, WM ASF Writer, WMAPro over S/PDIF DMO, WMAudio Decoder DMO, WMSpeech Decoder DMO, WMV Screen decoder DMO, WMVideo Decoder DMO, WST Pager] Mon 9/10 22:19:40.107 [main@af905d] EVR support detected=true Mon 9/10 22:19:40.121 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 0% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.156 [SageTV@1198e72] CARNY Processing 134396 Agents & 3994 Airs Mon 9/10 22:19:40.164 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 0% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.258 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 1% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.281 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 2% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.294 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 3% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.306 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 4% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.318 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 5% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.330 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 6% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.342 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 7% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.354 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 8% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.367 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 9% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.379 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 10% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.391 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 11% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.403 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 12% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.415 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 13% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.427 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 14% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.440 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 15% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.452 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 16% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.464 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 17% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.477 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 18% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.489 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 19% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.501 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 20% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.513 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 21% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.526 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 22% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.538 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 23% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.550 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 24% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.562 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 25% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.574 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 26% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.587 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 27% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.599 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 28% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.634 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 29% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.647 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 30% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.659 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 31% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.671 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 32% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.683 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 33% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.695 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 34% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.707 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 35% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.719 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 36% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.730 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 37% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.742 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 38% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.754 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 39% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.766 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 40% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.777 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 41% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.789 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 42% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.801 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 43% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.812 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 44% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.824 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 45% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.836 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 46% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.847 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 47% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.859 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 48% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.870 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 49% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.882 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 50% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.894 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 51% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.906 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 52% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.917 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 53% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.929 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 54% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.941 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 55% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.953 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 56% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.965 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 57% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.976 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 58% done Mon 9/10 22:19:40.989 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 59% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.000 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 60% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.012 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 61% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.024 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 62% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.036 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 63% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.047 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 64% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.059 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 65% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.070 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 66% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.082 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 67% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.094 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 68% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.105 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 69% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.117 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 70% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.129 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 71% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.141 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 72% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.153 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 73% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.166 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 74% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.177 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 75% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.189 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 76% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.200 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 77% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.212 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 78% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.224 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 79% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.235 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 80% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.247 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 81% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.258 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 82% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.270 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 83% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.281 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 84% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.293 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 85% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.305 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 86% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.316 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 87% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.328 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 88% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.340 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 89% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.351 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 90% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.363 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 91% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.374 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 92% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.386 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 93% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.397 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 94% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.409 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 95% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.421 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 96% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.432 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 97% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.444 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 98% done Mon 9/10 22:19:41.532 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 99% done Mon 9/10 22:19:42.087 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 100% done Mon 9/10 22:19:42.098 [SageTV@1198e72] CARNY Negative Energy Size: 15974 Mon 9/10 22:19:42.110 [SageTV@1198e72] CARNY Traitors:[] Mon 9/10 22:19:42.124 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: Waiting for SageTV to finish initialization... Mon 9/10 22:19:42.138 [Carny@40f814] Carny got a Std job of null Mon 9/10 22:19:42.176 [Scheduler@1c12578] initGraph0 (ver 2.1.0) called capDev='Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1-0', Country:'United States of America', TuningMode:Air, TunerType: Cap:0x49000 Mon 9/10 22:19:42.180 [FSManager@85121] FSManager is running... Mon 9/10 22:19:42.204 [Seeker@123e620] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=true avoidArchive=false Mon 9/10 22:19:42.212 [EPG@7abe7b] Increased ArrayList pool to size=1 Mon 9/10 22:19:42.220 [Carny@40f814] CARNY Processing 134396 Agents & 3994 Airs Mon 9/10 22:19:42.227 [MsgMgrSocket@1d13408] Spawned thread for MsgManger server socket listening... Mon 9/10 22:19:42.235 [EPG@7abe7b] needs an update in 8:28:53 Mon 9/10 22:19:42.241 [EPG@7abe7b] EPG needs an update in 508 minutes Mon 9/10 22:19:42.248 [EPG@7abe7b] EPG's works is done. Waiting... Mon 9/10 22:19:42.641 [Seeker@123e620] Checking video directories for new files Mon 9/10 22:19:42.649 [Seeker@123e620] Diskspace checking is running Mon 9/10 22:19:42.657 [Seeker@123e620] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Mon 9/10 22:19:42.664 [LibraryImporter@1e7b2c9] Checking video directories for new files Mon 9/10 22:19:42.672 [Seeker@123e620] Seeker waiting for 153722841670313 mins. Mon 9/10 22:19:43.179 [Scheduler@1c12578] BDA capture is found on location:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1' id:'' for Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1-0 (@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1) (it's a BDA only). Mon 9/10 22:19:43.180 [Scheduler@1c12578] Add BDA filters (capture:'@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1') for device=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1 Mon 9/10 22:19:43.180 [Scheduler@1c12578] Not specify TV type ( Network type ), to search matching one. Mon 9/10 22:19:43.195 [LibraryImporter@1e7b2c9] Seeker is starting the library import scan... Mon 9/10 22:19:43.240 [Scheduler@1c12578] Loaded Sage TV Splitter Filter 0x3621167c Mon 9/10 22:19:43.240 [Scheduler@1c12578] BDA Filters are loaded Mon 9/10 22:19:43.241 [MainMsg@18b5dc9] switchToConnector0 tuningMode:Air. Mon 9/10 22:19:43.242 [Scheduler@1c12578] initGraph0 (ver 2.1.0) called capDev='Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3-0', Country:'United States of America', TuningMode:Air, TunerType: Cap:0x49000 Mon 9/10 22:19:43.265 [LibraryImporter@1e7b2c9] Removing thumbnail file C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\GeneratedThumbnails\EAmericanNinjaWarriorLasVegasSeasonFinale35764770mpg.jpg because its source file is gone Mon 9/10 22:19:43.274 [LibraryImporter@1e7b2c9] Starting to scan lib import root: F:\ Mon 9/10 22:19:44.005 [LibraryImporter@1e7b2c9] Increased StringBuffer pool to size=1 Mon 9/10 22:19:44.242 [Scheduler@1c12578] BDA capture is found on location:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3' id:'' for Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3-0 (@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3) (it's a BDA only). Mon 9/10 22:19:44.244 [Scheduler@1c12578] Add BDA filters (capture:'@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3') for device=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3 Mon 9/10 22:19:44.246 [Scheduler@1c12578] Not specify TV type ( Network type ), to search matching one. Mon 9/10 22:19:44.264 [Scheduler@1c12578] Loaded Sage TV Splitter Filter 0x36210764 Mon 9/10 22:19:44.264 [Scheduler@1c12578] BDA Filters are loaded Mon 9/10 22:19:44.264 [MainMsg@18b5dc9] switchToConnector0 tuningMode:Air. Mon 9/10 22:19:44.264 [Scheduler@1c12578] initGraph0 (ver 2.1.0) called capDev='Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0-0', Country:'United States of America', TuningMode:Air, TunerType: Cap:0x49000 Mon 9/10 22:19:45.258 [Scheduler@1c12578] BDA capture is found on location:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0' id:'' for Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0-0 (@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0) (it's a BDA only). Mon 9/10 22:19:45.258 [Scheduler@1c12578] Add BDA filters (capture:'@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0') for device=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0 Mon 9/10 22:19:45.258 [Scheduler@1c12578] Not specify TV type ( Network type ), to search matching one. Mon 9/10 22:19:45.265 [Scheduler@1c12578] Loaded Sage TV Splitter Filter 0x36211004 Mon 9/10 22:19:45.265 [Scheduler@1c12578] BDA Filters are loaded Mon 9/10 22:19:45.266 [MainMsg@18b5dc9] switchToConnector0 tuningMode:Air. Mon 9/10 22:19:45.266 [Scheduler@1c12578] initGraph0 (ver 2.1.0) called capDev='Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2-0', Country:'United States of America', TuningMode:Air, TunerType: Cap:0x49000 Mon 9/10 22:19:45.410 [LibraryImporter@1e7b2c9] Starting to scan lib import root: C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\SageOnlineServicesEXEs\UPnPBrowser\PlayOn Mon 9/10 22:19:45.425 [LibraryImporter@1e7b2c9] Seeker has finished the library import scan. Mon 9/10 22:19:46.258 [Scheduler@1c12578] BDA capture is found on location:'Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2' id:'' for Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2-0 (@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2) (it's a BDA only). Mon 9/10 22:19:46.258 [Scheduler@1c12578] Add BDA filters (capture:'@device:sw:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11D2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}\Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2') for device=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2 Mon 9/10 22:19:46.258 [Scheduler@1c12578] Not specify TV type ( Network type ), to search matching one. Mon 9/10 22:19:46.265 [Scheduler@1c12578] Loaded Sage TV Splitter Filter 0x362136d4 Mon 9/10 22:19:46.266 [Scheduler@1c12578] BDA Filters are loaded Mon 9/10 22:19:46.266 [MainMsg@18b5dc9] switchToConnector0 tuningMode:Air. Mon 9/10 22:19:46.273 [Scheduler@1c12578] Scheduler.updateSchedule() called manual=[ManualRecord[A[3514548,3514533,"The Chew",31652@0627.12:00,60,T] time=Wed 6/27 12:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[3516928,3378108,"The Chew",31652@0702.12:00,60,T] time=Mon 7/2 12:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[3516950,3400822,"The Chew",31652@0706.12:00,60,T] time=Fri 7/6 12:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[3524123,3293909,"The Chew",31652@0713.12:00,60,T] time=Fri 7/13 12:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[3532190,3293188,"The Chew",31652@0716.12:00,60,T] time=Mon 7/16 12:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[3542544,3458009,"The Chew",31652@0724.12:00,60,T] time=Tue 7/24 12:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[3547289,3465967,"The Chew",31652@0809.12:00,60,T] time=Thu 8/9 12:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[3564405,3465951,"The Chew",31652@0830.12:00,60,T] time=Thu 8/30 12:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3=[Sched=[] MustSee=[]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2=[Sched=[] MustSee=[]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1=[Sched=[] MustSee=[]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0=[Sched=[] MustSee=[]]} scheduleRandSize=0 Mon 9/10 22:19:46.283 [Scheduler@1c12578] # Airs=306 Mon 9/10 22:19:46.318 [Scheduler@1c12578] MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3-[A[3620624,3620614,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0910.22:35,62,T], A[3620638,3620630,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0911.22:35,62,T], A[3620659,3620646,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0912.22:35,62,T], A[3620677,3620666,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0913.22:35,62,T]] Mon 9/10 22:19:46.327 [Scheduler@1c12578] MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2-[A[3617199,3617194,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0910.23:35,60,T], A[3577665,3577489,"Big Red Wrap-Up",33812@0911.22:00,60,T], A[3617210,3617206,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0911.23:35,60,T], A[3618177,3618161,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0912.23:35,60,T], A[3619257,3619253,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0913.23:35,60,T], A[3582220,3582211,"Meet the Press",47516@0916.08:00,60,T], A[3583294,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0917.23:35,60,T], A[3584060,3583995,"Big Red Wrap-Up",33812@0918.22:00,60,T], A[3584137,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0918.23:35,60,T], A[3585607,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0919.23:35,60,T], A[3585718,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0920.23:35,60,T], A[3591322,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0921.23:35,60,T], A[3594794,3593930,"Meet the Press",47516@0923.08:00,60,T]] Mon 9/10 22:19:46.335 [Scheduler@1c12578] MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1-[A[3621275,3621270,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0910.22:35,62,T], A[3576407,3576276,"Good Morning America",31652@0911.07:00,120,T], A[3621280,3621277,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0911.22:35,62,T], A[3577648,3577476,"Good Morning America",31652@0912.07:00,120,T], A[3621535,3621533,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0912.22:35,62,T], A[3578893,3578738,"Good Morning America",31652@0913.07:00,120,T], A[3621285,3621282,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0913.22:35,62,T], A[3579579,3579428,"Good Morning America",31652@0914.07:00,120,T], A[3621550,3583926,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0914.23:35,60,T], A[3581372,3581191,"This Week With George Stephanopoulos",31652@0916.08:00,60,T], A[3582400,3582251,"Good Morning America",31652@0917.07:00,120,T], A[3583176,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0917.22:35,62,T], A[3583209,3583087,"Good Morning America",31652@0918.07:00,120,T], A[3584042,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0918.22:35,62,T], A[3584950,3584921,"Good Morning America",31652@0919.07:00,120,T], A[3585519,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0919.22:35,62,T], A[3586475,3586454,"Good Morning America",31652@0920.07:00,120,T], A[3585693,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0920.22:35,62,T], A[3586013,3585916,"Good Morning America",31652@0921.07:00,120,T], A[3586269,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0921.22:35,62,T], A[3594371,3593654,"This Week With George Stephanopoulos",31652@0923.08:00,60,T], A[3617316,3617262,"Good Morning America",32466@0924.07:00,120,T], A[3617644,3617505,"The Good Doctor",31652@0924.21:00,60,T]] Mon 9/10 22:19:46.343 [Scheduler@1c12578] MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0-[A[3576480,3576325,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0910.22:35,60,T], A[3618113,3618104,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0910.23:37,60,T], A[3576390,3576282,"CBS This Morning",35234@0911.07:00,120,T], A[3584896,3583907,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0911.09:00,60,T], A[3620625,3620616,"The View",31652@0911.10:00,60,T], A[3577680,3577502,"Big Red Wrap-Up",33814@0911.19:00,60,T], A[3577741,3577541,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0911.22:35,60,T], A[3618138,3618128,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0911.23:37,60,T], A[3577622,3577481,"CBS This Morning",35234@0912.07:00,120,T], A[3584897,3583930,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0912.09:00,60,T], A[3620639,3620631,"The View",31652@0912.10:00,60,T], A[3578952,3578768,"MasterChef",34907@0912.19:00,120,T], A[3578984,3578786,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0912.22:35,60,T], A[3618165,3618154,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0912.23:37,60,T], A[3578869,3578742,"CBS This Morning",35234@0913.07:00,120,T], A[3584904,3583932,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0913.09:00,60,T], A[3620660,3620647,"The View",31652@0913.10:00,60,T], A[3579644,3579455,"MasterChef",34907@0913.19:00,60,T], A[3579685,3579470,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0913.22:35,60,T], A[3618193,3618183,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0913.23:37,60,T], A[3579557,3579433,"CBS This Morning",35234@0914.07:00,120,T], A[3584907,3583934,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0914.09:00,60,T], A[3621287,3620667,"The View",31652@0914.10:00,60,T], A[3621542,3621537,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0914.22:35,62,T], A[3586960,3580519,"Good Morning America",32466@0915.06:00,60,T], A[3580618,3580475,"CBS This Morning: Saturday",35234@0915.07:00,120,T], A[3586992,3581190,"Good Morning America",32466@0916.06:00,60,T], A[3581352,3581203,"CBS News Sunday Morning",35234@0916.08:00,90,T], A[3581353,3581204,"Face the Nation",35234@0916.09:30,60,T], A[3582219,2888347,"60 Minutes",35234@0916.18:30,60,T], A[3582379,3582257,"CBS This Morning",35234@0917.07:00,120,T], A[3585036,3584148,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0917.09:00,60,T], A[3582402,2715540,"The View",31652@0917.10:00,60,T], A[3583174,3583067,"Elementary",35234@0917.21:00,60,T], A[3583293,3583134,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0917.22:35,60,T], A[3583177,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0917.23:37,60,T], A[3583183,3583068,"CBS This Morning",35234@0918.07:00,120,T], A[3584913,3583952,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0918.09:00,60,T], A[3583211,2715540,"The View",31652@0918.10:00,60,T], A[3584083,3584004,"Big Red Wrap-Up",33814@0918.19:00,60,T], A[3584136,3584033,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0918.22:35,60,T], A[3584043,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0918.23:37,60,T], A[3584049,3583991,"CBS This Morning",35234@0919.07:00,120,T], A[3584951,3584024,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0919.09:00,60,T], A[3584952,2715540,"The View",31652@0919.10:00,60,T], A[3585017,3585007,"MasterChef",34907@0919.19:00,120,T], A[3585606,3585468,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0919.22:35,60,T], A[3585520,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0919.23:37,60,T], A[3585526,3585420,"CBS This Morning",35234@0920.07:00,120,T], A[3586476,3585457,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0920.09:00,60,T], A[3586477,2715540,"The View",31652@0920.10:00,60,T], A[3585717,3585656,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0920.22:35,60,T], A[3585694,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0920.23:37,60,T], A[3585700,3585648,"CBS This Morning",35234@0921.07:00,120,T], A[3586014,3585917,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0921.09:00,60,T], A[3586015,2715540,"The View",31652@0921.10:00,60,T], A[3591321,3591251,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0921.22:35,60,T], A[3586270,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0921.23:37,60,T], A[3587203,3587186,"Good Morning America",32466@0922.06:00,60,T], A[3586281,3586161,"CBS This Morning: Saturday",35234@0922.07:00,120,T], A[3594570,3593653,"Good Morning America",32466@0923.06:00,60,T], A[3594302,3593584,"CBS News Sunday Morning",35234@0923.08:00,90,T], A[3594303,3593585,"Face the Nation",35234@0923.09:30,60,T], A[3594312,2888347,"60 Minutes",35234@0923.18:00,60,T], A[3617341,3617268,"CBS This Morning",35234@0924.07:00,120,T], A[3617366,3616887,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0924.09:00,60,T], A[3617367,2715540,"The View",31652@0924.10:00,60,T], A[3617623,3617513,"The Big Bang Theory",35234@0924.19:00,30,T], A[3619345,3619332,"Young Sheldon",35234@0924.19:30,30,T], A[3617626,3617531,"Bull",35234@0924.21:00,60,T]] Mon 9/10 22:19:46.351 [Scheduler@1c12578] Evaluating Potentials Mon 9/10 22:19:46.359 [Scheduler@1c12578] COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Mon 9/10 22:19:46.367 [Scheduler@1c12578] Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3 Mon 9/10 22:19:46.367 [Scheduler@1c12578] [A[3620624,3620614,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0910.22:35,62,T], A[3620638,3620630,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0911.22:35,62,T], A[3620659,3620646,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0912.22:35,62,T], A[3620677,3620666,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0913.22:35,62,T]] Mon 9/10 22:19:46.374 [Scheduler@1c12578] Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2 Mon 9/10 22:19:46.374 [Scheduler@1c12578] [A[3617199,3617194,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0910.23:35,60,T], A[3577665,3577489,"Big Red Wrap-Up",33812@0911.22:00,60,T], A[3617210,3617206,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0911.23:35,60,T], A[3618177,3618161,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0912.23:35,60,T], A[3619257,3619253,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0913.23:35,60,T], A[3582220,3582211,"Meet the Press",47516@0916.08:00,60,T], A[3583294,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0917.23:35,60,T], A[3584060,3583995,"Big Red Wrap-Up",33812@0918.22:00,60,T], A[3584137,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0918.23:35,60,T], A[3585607,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0919.23:35,60,T], A[3585718,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0920.23:35,60,T], A[3591322,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0921.23:35,60,T], A[3594794,3593930,"Meet the Press",47516@0923.08:00,60,T]] Mon 9/10 22:19:46.380 [Scheduler@1c12578] Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1 Mon 9/10 22:19:46.381 [Scheduler@1c12578] [A[3621275,3621270,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0910.22:35,62,T], A[3576407,3576276,"Good Morning America",31652@0911.07:00,120,T], A[3621280,3621277,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0911.22:35,62,T], A[3577648,3577476,"Good Morning America",31652@0912.07:00,120,T], A[3621535,3621533,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0912.22:35,62,T], A[3578893,3578738,"Good Morning America",31652@0913.07:00,120,T], A[3621285,3621282,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0913.22:35,62,T], A[3579579,3579428,"Good Morning America",31652@0914.07:00,120,T], A[3621550,3583926,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0914.23:35,60,T], A[3581372,3581191,"This Week With George Stephanopoulos",31652@0916.08:00,60,T], A[3582400,3582251,"Good Morning America",31652@0917.07:00,120,T], A[3583176,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0917.22:35,62,T], A[3583209,3583087,"Good Morning America",31652@0918.07:00,120,T], A[3584042,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0918.22:35,62,T], A[3584950,3584921,"Good Morning America",31652@0919.07:00,120,T], A[3585519,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0919.22:35,62,T], A[3586475,3586454,"Good Morning America",31652@0920.07:00,120,T], A[3585693,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0920.22:35,62,T], A[3586013,3585916,"Good Morning America",31652@0921.07:00,120,T], A[3586269,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0921.22:35,62,T], A[3594371,3593654,"This Week With George Stephanopoulos",31652@0923.08:00,60,T], A[3617316,3617262,"Good Morning America",32466@0924.07:00,120,T], A[3617644,3617505,"The Good Doctor",31652@0924.21:00,60,T]] Mon 9/10 22:19:46.388 [Scheduler@1c12578] Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0 Mon 9/10 22:19:46.389 [Scheduler@1c12578] [A[3576480,3576325,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0910.22:35,60,T], A[3618113,3618104,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0910.23:37,60,T], A[3576390,3576282,"CBS This Morning",35234@0911.07:00,120,T], A[3584896,3583907,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0911.09:00,60,T], A[3620625,3620616,"The View",31652@0911.10:00,60,T], A[3577680,3577502,"Big Red Wrap-Up",33814@0911.19:00,60,T], A[3577741,3577541,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0911.22:35,60,T], A[3618138,3618128,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0911.23:37,60,T], A[3577622,3577481,"CBS This Morning",35234@0912.07:00,120,T], A[3584897,3583930,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0912.09:00,60,T], A[3620639,3620631,"The View",31652@0912.10:00,60,T], A[3578952,3578768,"MasterChef",34907@0912.19:00,120,T], A[3578984,3578786,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0912.22:35,60,T], A[3618165,3618154,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0912.23:37,60,T], A[3578869,3578742,"CBS This Morning",35234@0913.07:00,120,T], A[3584904,3583932,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0913.09:00,60,T], A[3620660,3620647,"The View",31652@0913.10:00,60,T], A[3579644,3579455,"MasterChef",34907@0913.19:00,60,T], A[3579685,3579470,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0913.22:35,60,T], A[3618193,3618183,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0913.23:37,60,T], A[3579557,3579433,"CBS This Morning",35234@0914.07:00,120,T], A[3584907,3583934,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0914.09:00,60,T], A[3621287,3620667,"The View",31652@0914.10:00,60,T], A[3621542,3621537,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0914.22:35,62,T], A[3586960,3580519,"Good Morning America",32466@0915.06:00,60,T], A[3580618,3580475,"CBS This Morning: Saturday",35234@0915.07:00,120,T], A[3586992,3581190,"Good Morning America",32466@0916.06:00,60,T], A[3581352,3581203,"CBS News Sunday Morning",35234@0916.08:00,90,T], A[3581353,3581204,"Face the Nation",35234@0916.09:30,60,T], A[3582219,2888347,"60 Minutes",35234@0916.18:30,60,T], A[3582379,3582257,"CBS This Morning",35234@0917.07:00,120,T], A[3585036,3584148,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0917.09:00,60,T], A[3582402,2715540,"The View",31652@0917.10:00,60,T], A[3583174,3583067,"Elementary",35234@0917.21:00,60,T], A[3583293,3583134,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0917.22:35,60,T], A[3583177,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0917.23:37,60,T], A[3583183,3583068,"CBS This Morning",35234@0918.07:00,120,T], A[3584913,3583952,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0918.09:00,60,T], A[3583211,2715540,"The View",31652@0918.10:00,60,T], A[3584083,3584004,"Big Red Wrap-Up",33814@0918.19:00,60,T], A[3584136,3584033,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0918.22:35,60,T], A[3584043,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0918.23:37,60,T], A[3584049,3583991,"CBS This Morning",35234@0919.07:00,120,T], A[3584951,3584024,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0919.09:00,60,T], A[3584952,2715540,"The View",31652@0919.10:00,60,T], A[3585017,3585007,"MasterChef",34907@0919.19:00,120,T], A[3585606,3585468,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0919.22:35,60,T], A[3585520,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0919.23:37,60,T], A[3585526,3585420,"CBS This Morning",35234@0920.07:00,120,T], A[3586476,3585457,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0920.09:00,60,T], A[3586477,2715540,"The View",31652@0920.10:00,60,T], A[3585717,3585656,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0920.22:35,60,T], A[3585694,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0920.23:37,60,T], A[3585700,3585648,"CBS This Morning",35234@0921.07:00,120,T], A[3586014,3585917,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0921.09:00,60,T], A[3586015,2715540,"The View",31652@0921.10:00,60,T], A[3591321,3591251,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0921.22:35,60,T], A[3586270,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0921.23:37,60,T], A[3587203,3587186,"Good Morning America",32466@0922.06:00,60,T], A[3586281,3586161,"CBS This Morning: Saturday",35234@0922.07:00,120,T], A[3594570,3593653,"Good Morning America",32466@0923.06:00,60,T], A[3594302,3593584,"CBS News Sunday Morning",35234@0923.08:00,90,T], A[3594303,3593585,"Face the Nation",35234@0923.09:30,60,T], A[3594312,2888347,"60 Minutes",35234@0923.18:00,60,T], A[3617341,3617268,"CBS This Morning",35234@0924.07:00,120,T], A[3617366,3616887,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0924.09:00,60,T], A[3617367,2715540,"The View",31652@0924.10:00,60,T], A[3617623,3617513,"The Big Bang Theory",35234@0924.19:00,30,T], A[3619345,3619332,"Young Sheldon",35234@0924.19:30,30,T], A[3617626,3617531,"Bull",35234@0924.21:00,60,T]] Mon 9/10 22:19:46.397 [Scheduler@1c12578] Total Schedule eval time=124 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:46.403 [Seeker@123e620] Seeker awoken Mon 9/10 22:19:46.410 [Scheduler@1c12578] Scheduler awoken Mon 9/10 22:19:46.417 [Seeker@123e620] MemStats: Used=191MB Total=300MB Max=778MB Mon 9/10 22:19:46.424 [Seeker@123e620] Seeker adding new Encoder: Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3 Mon 9/10 22:19:46.431 [Scheduler@1c12578] Scheduler.updateSchedule() called manual=[ManualRecord[A[3514548,3514533,"The Chew",31652@0627.12:00,60,T] time=Wed 6/27 12:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[3516928,3378108,"The Chew",31652@0702.12:00,60,T] time=Mon 7/2 12:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[3516950,3400822,"The Chew",31652@0706.12:00,60,T] time=Fri 7/6 12:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[3524123,3293909,"The Chew",31652@0713.12:00,60,T] time=Fri 7/13 12:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[3532190,3293188,"The Chew",31652@0716.12:00,60,T] time=Mon 7/16 12:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[3542544,3458009,"The Chew",31652@0724.12:00,60,T] time=Tue 7/24 12:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[3547289,3465967,"The Chew",31652@0809.12:00,60,T] time=Thu 8/9 12:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[3564405,3465951,"The Chew",31652@0830.12:00,60,T] time=Thu 8/30 12:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] schedules={Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3=[Sched=[A[3620624,3620614,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0910.22:35,62,T], A[3620638,3620630,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0911.22:35,62,T], A[3620659,3620646,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0912.22:35,62,T], A[3620677,3620666,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0913.22:35,62,T]] MustSee=[A[3620624,3620614,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0910.22:35,62,T], A[3620638,3620630,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0911.22:35,62,T], A[3620659,3620646,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0912.22:35,62,T], A[3620677,3620666,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0913.22:35,62,T]]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2=[Sched=[A[3617199,3617194,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0910.23:35,60,T], A[3577665,3577489,"Big Red Wrap-Up",33812@0911.22:00,60,T], A[3617210,3617206,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0911.23:35,60,T], A[3618177,3618161,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0912.23:35,60,T], A[3619257,3619253,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0913.23:35,60,T], A[3582220,3582211,"Meet the Press",47516@0916.08:00,60,T], A[3583294,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0917.23:35,60,T], A[3584060,3583995,"Big Red Wrap-Up",33812@0918.22:00,60,T], A[3584137,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0918.23:35,60,T], A[3585607,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0919.23:35,60,T], A[3585718,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0920.23:35,60,T], A[3591322,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0921.23:35,60,T], A[3594794,3593930,"Meet the Press",47516@0923.08:00,60,T]] MustSee=[A[3617199,3617194,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0910.23:35,60,T], A[3577665,3577489,"Big Red Wrap-Up",33812@0911.22:00,60,T], A[3617210,3617206,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0911.23:35,60,T], A[3618177,3618161,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0912.23:35,60,T], A[3619257,3619253,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0913.23:35,60,T], A[3582220,3582211,"Meet the Press",47516@0916.08:00,60,T], A[3583294,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0917.23:35,60,T], A[3584060,3583995,"Big Red Wrap-Up",33812@0918.22:00,60,T], A[3584137,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0918.23:35,60,T], A[3585607,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0919.23:35,60,T], A[3585718,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0920.23:35,60,T], A[3591322,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0921.23:35,60,T], A[3594794,3593930,"Meet the Press",47516@0923.08:00,60,T]]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1=[Sched=[A[3621275,3621270,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0910.22:35,62,T], A[3576407,3576276,"Good Morning America",31652@0911.07:00,120,T], A[3621280,3621277,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0911.22:35,62,T], A[3577648,3577476,"Good Morning America",31652@0912.07:00,120,T], A[3621535,3621533,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0912.22:35,62,T], A[3578893,3578738,"Good Morning America",31652@0913.07:00,120,T], A[3621285,3621282,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0913.22:35,62,T], A[3579579,3579428,"Good Morning America",31652@0914.07:00,120,T], A[3621550,3583926,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0914.23:35,60,T], A[3581372,3581191,"This Week With George Stephanopoulos",31652@0916.08:00,60,T], A[3582400,3582251,"Good Morning America",31652@0917.07:00,120,T], A[3583176,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0917.22:35,62,T], A[3583209,3583087,"Good Morning America",31652@0918.07:00,120,T], A[3584042,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0918.22:35,62,T], A[3584950,3584921,"Good Morning America",31652@0919.07:00,120,T], A[3585519,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0919.22:35,62,T], A[3586475,3586454,"Good Morning America",31652@0920.07:00,120,T], A[3585693,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0920.22:35,62,T], A[3586013,3585916,"Good Morning America",31652@0921.07:00,120,T], A[3586269,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0921.22:35,62,T], A[3594371,3593654,"This Week With George Stephanopoulos",31652@0923.08:00,60,T], A[3617316,3617262,"Good Morning America",32466@0924.07:00,120,T], A[3617644,3617505,"The Good Doctor",31652@0924.21:00,60,T]] MustSee=[A[3621275,3621270,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0910.22:35,62,T], A[3576407,3576276,"Good Morning America",31652@0911.07:00,120,T], A[3621280,3621277,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0911.22:35,62,T], A[3577648,3577476,"Good Morning America",31652@0912.07:00,120,T], A[3621535,3621533,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0912.22:35,62,T], A[3578893,3578738,"Good Morning America",31652@0913.07:00,120,T], A[3621285,3621282,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0913.22:35,62,T], A[3579579,3579428,"Good Morning America",31652@0914.07:00,120,T], A[3621550,3583926,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0914.23:35,60,T], A[3581372,3581191,"This Week With George Stephanopoulos",31652@0916.08:00,60,T], A[3582400,3582251,"Good Morning America",31652@0917.07:00,120,T], A[3583176,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0917.22:35,62,T], A[3583209,3583087,"Good Morning America",31652@0918.07:00,120,T], A[3584042,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0918.22:35,62,T], A[3584950,3584921,"Good Morning America",31652@0919.07:00,120,T], A[3585519,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0919.22:35,62,T], A[3586475,3586454,"Good Morning America",31652@0920.07:00,120,T], A[3585693,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0920.22:35,62,T], A[3586013,3585916,"Good Morning America",31652@0921.07:00,120,T], A[3586269,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0921.22:35,62,T], A[3594371,3593654,"This Week With George Stephanopoulos",31652@0923.08:00,60,T], A[3617316,3617262,"Good Morning America",32466@0924.07:00,120,T], A[3617644,3617505,"The Good Doctor",31652@0924.21:00,60,T]]], Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0=[Sched=[A[3576480,3576325,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0910.22:35,60,T], A[3618113,3618104,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0910.23:37,60,T], A[3576390,3576282,"CBS This Morning",35234@0911.07:00,120,T], A[3584896,3583907,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0911.09:00,60,T], A[3620625,3620616,"The View",31652@0911.10:00,60,T], A[3577680,3577502,"Big Red Wrap-Up",33814@0911.19:00,60,T], A[3577741,3577541,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0911.22:35,60,T], A[3618138,3618128,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0911.23:37,60,T], A[3577622,3577481,"CBS This Morning",35234@0912.07:00,120,T], A[3584897,3583930,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0912.09:00,60,T], A[3620639,3620631,"The View",31652@0912.10:00,60,T], A[3578952,3578768,"MasterChef",34907@0912.19:00,120,T], A[3578984,3578786,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0912.22:35,60,T], A[3618165,3618154,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0912.23:37,60,T], A[3578869,3578742,"CBS This Morning",35234@0913.07:00,120,T], A[3584904,3583932,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0913.09:00,60,T], A[3620660,3620647,"The View",31652@0913.10:00,60,T], A[3579644,3579455,"MasterChef",34907@0913.19:00,60,T], A[3579685,3579470,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0913.22:35,60,T], A[3618193,3618183,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0913.23:37,60,T], A[3579557,3579433,"CBS This Morning",35234@0914.07:00,120,T], A[3584907,3583934,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0914.09:00,60,T], A[3621287,3620667,"The View",31652@0914.10:00,60,T], A[3621542,3621537,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0914.22:35,62,T], A[3586960,3580519,"Good Morning America",32466@0915.06:00,60,T], A[3580618,3580475,"CBS This Morning: Saturday",35234@0915.07:00,120,T], A[3586992,3581190,"Good Morning America",32466@0916.06:00,60,T], A[3581352,3581203,"CBS News Sunday Morning",35234@0916.08:00,90,T], A[3581353,3581204,"Face the Nation",35234@0916.09:30,60,T], A[3582219,2888347,"60 Minutes",35234@0916.18:30,60,T], A[3582379,3582257,"CBS This Morning",35234@0917.07:00,120,T], A[3585036,3584148,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0917.09:00,60,T], A[3582402,2715540,"The View",31652@0917.10:00,60,T], A[3583174,3583067,"Elementary",35234@0917.21:00,60,T], A[3583293,3583134,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0917.22:35,60,T], A[3583177,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0917.23:37,60,T], A[3583183,3583068,"CBS This Morning",35234@0918.07:00,120,T], A[3584913,3583952,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0918.09:00,60,T], A[3583211,2715540,"The View",31652@0918.10:00,60,T], A[3584083,3584004,"Big Red Wrap-Up",33814@0918.19:00,60,T], A[3584136,3584033,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0918.22:35,60,T], A[3584043,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0918.23:37,60,T], A[3584049,3583991,"CBS This Morning",35234@0919.07:00,120,T], A[3584951,3584024,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0919.09:00,60,T], A[3584952,2715540,"The View",31652@0919.10:00,60,T], A[3585017,3585007,"MasterChef",34907@0919.19:00,120,T], A[3585606,3585468,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0919.22:35,60,T], A[3585520,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0919.23:37,60,T], A[3585526,3585420,"CBS This Morning",35234@0920.07:00,120,T], A[3586476,3585457,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0920.09:00,60,T], A[3586477,2715540,"The View",31652@0920.10:00,60,T], A[3585717,3585656,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0920.22:35,60,T], A[3585694,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0920.23:37,60,T], A[3585700,3585648,"CBS This Morning",35234@0921.07:00,120,T], A[3586014,3585917,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0921.09:00,60,T], A[3586015,2715540,"The View",31652@0921.10:00,60,T], A[3591321,3591251,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0921.22:35,60,T], A[3586270,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0921.23:37,60,T], A[3587203,3587186,"Good Morning America",32466@0922.06:00,60,T], A[3586281,3586161,"CBS This Morning: Saturday",35234@0922.07:00,120,T], A[3594570,3593653,"Good Morning America",32466@0923.06:00,60,T], A[3594302,3593584,"CBS News Sunday Morning",35234@0923.08:00,90,T], A[3594303,3593585,"Face the Nation",35234@0923.09:30,60,T], A[3594312,2888347,"60 Minutes",35234@0923.18:00,60,T], A[3617341,3617268,"CBS This Morning",35234@0924.07:00,120,T], A[3617366,3616887,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0924.09:00,60,T], A[3617367,2715540,"The View",31652@0924.10:00,60,T], A[3617623,3617513,"The Big Bang Theory",35234@0924.19:00,30,T], A[3619345,3619332,"Young Sheldon",35234@0924.19:30,30,T], A[3617626,3617531,"Bull",35234@0924.21:00,60,T]] MustSee=[A[3576480,3576325,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0910.22:35,60,T], A[3618113,3618104,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0910.23:37,60,T], A[3576390,3576282,"CBS This Morning",35234@0911.07:00,120,T], A[3584896,3583907,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0911.09:00,60,T], A[3620625,3620616,"The View",31652@0911.10:00,60,T], A[3577680,3577502,"Big Red Wrap-Up",33814@0911.19:00,60,T], A[3577741,3577541,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0911.22:35,60,T], A[3618138,3618128,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0911.23:37,60,T], A[3577622,3577481,"CBS This Morning",35234@0912.07:00,120,T], A[3584897,3583930,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0912.09:00,60,T], A[3620639,3620631,"The View",31652@0912.10:00,60,T], A[3578952,3578768,"MasterChef",34907@0912.19:00,120,T], A[3578984,3578786,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0912.22:35,60,T], A[3618165,3618154,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0912.23:37,60,T], A[3578869,3578742,"CBS This Morning",35234@0913.07:00,120,T], A[3584904,3583932,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0913.09:00,60,T], A[3620660,3620647,"The View",31652@0913.10:00,60,T], A[3579644,3579455,"MasterChef",34907@0913.19:00,60,T], A[3579685,3579470,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0913.22:35,60,T], A[3618193,3618183,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0913.23:37,60,T], A[3579557,3579433,"CBS This Morning",35234@0914.07:00,120,T], A[3584907,3583934,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0914.09:00,60,T], A[3621287,3620667,"The View",31652@0914.10:00,60,T], A[3621542,3621537,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0914.22:35,62,T], A[3586960,3580519,"Good Morning America",32466@0915.06:00,60,T], A[3580618,3580475,"CBS This Morning: Saturday",35234@0915.07:00,120,T], A[3586992,3581190,"Good Morning America",32466@0916.06:00,60,T], A[3581352,3581203,"CBS News Sunday Morning",35234@0916.08:00,90,T], A[3581353,3581204,"Face the Nation",35234@0916.09:30,60,T], A[3582219,2888347,"60 Minutes",35234@0916.18:30,60,T], A[3582379,3582257,"CBS This Morning",35234@0917.07:00,120,T], A[3585036,3584148,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0917.09:00,60,T], A[3582402,2715540,"The View",31652@0917.10:00,60,T], A[3583174,3583067,"Elementary",35234@0917.21:00,60,T], A[3583293,3583134,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0917.22:35,60,T], A[3583177,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0917.23:37,60,T], A[3583183,3583068,"CBS This Morning",35234@0918.07:00,120,T], A[3584913,3583952,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0918.09:00,60,T], A[3583211,2715540,"The View",31652@0918.10:00,60,T], A[3584083,3584004,"Big Red Wrap-Up",33814@0918.19:00,60,T], A[3584136,3584033,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0918.22:35,60,T], A[3584043,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0918.23:37,60,T], A[3584049,3583991,"CBS This Morning",35234@0919.07:00,120,T], A[3584951,3584024,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0919.09:00,60,T], A[3584952,2715540,"The View",31652@0919.10:00,60,T], A[3585017,3585007,"MasterChef",34907@0919.19:00,120,T], A[3585606,3585468,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0919.22:35,60,T], A[3585520,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0919.23:37,60,T], A[3585526,3585420,"CBS This Morning",35234@0920.07:00,120,T], A[3586476,3585457,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0920.09:00,60,T], A[3586477,2715540,"The View",31652@0920.10:00,60,T], A[3585717,3585656,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0920.22:35,60,T], A[3585694,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0920.23:37,60,T], A[3585700,3585648,"CBS This Morning",35234@0921.07:00,120,T], A[3586014,3585917,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0921.09:00,60,T], A[3586015,2715540,"The View",31652@0921.10:00,60,T], A[3591321,3591251,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0921.22:35,60,T], A[3586270,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0921.23:37,60,T], A[3587203,3587186,"Good Morning America",32466@0922.06:00,60,T], A[3586281,3586161,"CBS This Morning: Saturday",35234@0922.07:00,120,T], A[3594570,3593653,"Good Morning America",32466@0923.06:00,60,T], A[3594302,3593584,"CBS News Sunday Morning",35234@0923.08:00,90,T], A[3594303,3593585,"Face the Nation",35234@0923.09:30,60,T], A[3594312,2888347,"60 Minutes",35234@0923.18:00,60,T], A[3617341,3617268,"CBS This Morning",35234@0924.07:00,120,T], A[3617366,3616887,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0924.09:00,60,T], A[3617367,2715540,"The View",31652@0924.10:00,60,T], A[3617623,3617513,"The Big Bang Theory",35234@0924.19:00,30,T], A[3619345,3619332,"Young Sheldon",35234@0924.19:30,30,T], A[3617626,3617531,"Bull",35234@0924.21:00,60,T]]]} scheduleRandSize=0 Mon 9/10 22:19:46.438 [Seeker@123e620] Seeker adding new Encoder: Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2 Mon 9/10 22:19:46.445 [Seeker@123e620] Seeker adding new Encoder: Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1 Mon 9/10 22:19:46.452 [Scheduler@1c12578] # Airs=306 Mon 9/10 22:19:46.460 [Seeker@123e620] Seeker adding new Encoder: Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0 Mon 9/10 22:19:46.468 [Seeker@123e620] Checking video directories for new files Mon 9/10 22:19:46.477 [AsyncPropSaver@1e7b2c9] Saving properties file to C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\ Mon 9/10 22:19:46.488 [Seeker@123e620] Diskspace checking is running Mon 9/10 22:19:46.496 [Seeker@123e620] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Mon 9/10 22:19:46.504 [AsyncPropSaver@1e7b2c9] Done writing out the data to the properties file Mon 9/10 22:19:46.511 [Seeker@123e620] Seeker waiting for 153722841670313 mins. Mon 9/10 22:19:46.519 [Scheduler@1c12578] MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3-[A[3620624,3620614,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0910.22:35,62,T], A[3620638,3620630,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0911.22:35,62,T], A[3620659,3620646,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0912.22:35,62,T], A[3620677,3620666,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0913.22:35,62,T]] Mon 9/10 22:19:46.526 [Scheduler@1c12578] MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2-[A[3617199,3617194,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0910.23:35,60,T], A[3577665,3577489,"Big Red Wrap-Up",33812@0911.22:00,60,T], A[3617210,3617206,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0911.23:35,60,T], A[3618177,3618161,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0912.23:35,60,T], A[3619257,3619253,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0913.23:35,60,T], A[3582220,3582211,"Meet the Press",47516@0916.08:00,60,T], A[3583294,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0917.23:35,60,T], A[3584060,3583995,"Big Red Wrap-Up",33812@0918.22:00,60,T], A[3584137,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0918.23:35,60,T], A[3585607,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0919.23:35,60,T], A[3585718,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0920.23:35,60,T], A[3591322,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0921.23:35,60,T], A[3594794,3593930,"Meet the Press",47516@0923.08:00,60,T]] Mon 9/10 22:19:46.533 [Scheduler@1c12578] MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1-[A[3621275,3621270,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0910.22:35,62,T], A[3576407,3576276,"Good Morning America",31652@0911.07:00,120,T], A[3621280,3621277,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0911.22:35,62,T], A[3577648,3577476,"Good Morning America",31652@0912.07:00,120,T], A[3621535,3621533,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0912.22:35,62,T], A[3578893,3578738,"Good Morning America",31652@0913.07:00,120,T], A[3621285,3621282,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0913.22:35,62,T], A[3579579,3579428,"Good Morning America",31652@0914.07:00,120,T], A[3621550,3583926,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0914.23:35,60,T], A[3581372,3581191,"This Week With George Stephanopoulos",31652@0916.08:00,60,T], A[3582400,3582251,"Good Morning America",31652@0917.07:00,120,T], A[3583176,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0917.22:35,62,T], A[3583209,3583087,"Good Morning America",31652@0918.07:00,120,T], A[3584042,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0918.22:35,62,T], A[3584950,3584921,"Good Morning America",31652@0919.07:00,120,T], A[3585519,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0919.22:35,62,T], A[3586475,3586454,"Good Morning America",31652@0920.07:00,120,T], A[3585693,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0920.22:35,62,T], A[3586013,3585916,"Good Morning America",31652@0921.07:00,120,T], A[3586269,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0921.22:35,62,T], A[3594371,3593654,"This Week With George Stephanopoulos",31652@0923.08:00,60,T], A[3617316,3617262,"Good Morning America",32466@0924.07:00,120,T], A[3617644,3617505,"The Good Doctor",31652@0924.21:00,60,T]] Mon 9/10 22:19:46.541 [Scheduler@1c12578] MUST SEE FINAL-Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0-[A[3576480,3576325,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0910.22:35,60,T], A[3618113,3618104,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0910.23:37,60,T], A[3576390,3576282,"CBS This Morning",35234@0911.07:00,120,T], A[3584896,3583907,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0911.09:00,60,T], A[3620625,3620616,"The View",31652@0911.10:00,60,T], A[3577680,3577502,"Big Red Wrap-Up",33814@0911.19:00,60,T], A[3577741,3577541,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0911.22:35,60,T], A[3618138,3618128,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0911.23:37,60,T], A[3577622,3577481,"CBS This Morning",35234@0912.07:00,120,T], A[3584897,3583930,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0912.09:00,60,T], A[3620639,3620631,"The View",31652@0912.10:00,60,T], A[3578952,3578768,"MasterChef",34907@0912.19:00,120,T], A[3578984,3578786,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0912.22:35,60,T], A[3618165,3618154,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0912.23:37,60,T], A[3578869,3578742,"CBS This Morning",35234@0913.07:00,120,T], A[3584904,3583932,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0913.09:00,60,T], A[3620660,3620647,"The View",31652@0913.10:00,60,T], A[3579644,3579455,"MasterChef",34907@0913.19:00,60,T], A[3579685,3579470,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0913.22:35,60,T], A[3618193,3618183,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0913.23:37,60,T], A[3579557,3579433,"CBS This Morning",35234@0914.07:00,120,T], A[3584907,3583934,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0914.09:00,60,T], A[3621287,3620667,"The View",31652@0914.10:00,60,T], A[3621542,3621537,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0914.22:35,62,T], A[3586960,3580519,"Good Morning America",32466@0915.06:00,60,T], A[3580618,3580475,"CBS This Morning: Saturday",35234@0915.07:00,120,T], A[3586992,3581190,"Good Morning America",32466@0916.06:00,60,T], A[3581352,3581203,"CBS News Sunday Morning",35234@0916.08:00,90,T], A[3581353,3581204,"Face the Nation",35234@0916.09:30,60,T], A[3582219,2888347,"60 Minutes",35234@0916.18:30,60,T], A[3582379,3582257,"CBS This Morning",35234@0917.07:00,120,T], A[3585036,3584148,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0917.09:00,60,T], A[3582402,2715540,"The View",31652@0917.10:00,60,T], A[3583174,3583067,"Elementary",35234@0917.21:00,60,T], A[3583293,3583134,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0917.22:35,60,T], A[3583177,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0917.23:37,60,T], A[3583183,3583068,"CBS This Morning",35234@0918.07:00,120,T], A[3584913,3583952,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0918.09:00,60,T], A[3583211,2715540,"The View",31652@0918.10:00,60,T], A[3584083,3584004,"Big Red Wrap-Up",33814@0918.19:00,60,T], A[3584136,3584033,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0918.22:35,60,T], A[3584043,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0918.23:37,60,T], A[3584049,3583991,"CBS This Morning",35234@0919.07:00,120,T], A[3584951,3584024,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0919.09:00,60,T], A[3584952,2715540,"The View",31652@0919.10:00,60,T], A[3585017,3585007,"MasterChef",34907@0919.19:00,120,T], A[3585606,3585468,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0919.22:35,60,T], A[3585520,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0919.23:37,60,T], A[3585526,3585420,"CBS This Morning",35234@0920.07:00,120,T], A[3586476,3585457,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0920.09:00,60,T], A[3586477,2715540,"The View",31652@0920.10:00,60,T], A[3585717,3585656,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0920.22:35,60,T], A[3585694,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0920.23:37,60,T], A[3585700,3585648,"CBS This Morning",35234@0921.07:00,120,T], A[3586014,3585917,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0921.09:00,60,T], A[3586015,2715540,"The View",31652@0921.10:00,60,T], A[3591321,3591251,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0921.22:35,60,T], A[3586270,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0921.23:37,60,T], A[3587203,3587186,"Good Morning America",32466@0922.06:00,60,T], A[3586281,3586161,"CBS This Morning: Saturday",35234@0922.07:00,120,T], A[3594570,3593653,"Good Morning America",32466@0923.06:00,60,T], A[3594302,3593584,"CBS News Sunday Morning",35234@0923.08:00,90,T], A[3594303,3593585,"Face the Nation",35234@0923.09:30,60,T], A[3594312,2888347,"60 Minutes",35234@0923.18:00,60,T], A[3617341,3617268,"CBS This Morning",35234@0924.07:00,120,T], A[3617366,3616887,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0924.09:00,60,T], A[3617367,2715540,"The View",31652@0924.10:00,60,T], A[3617623,3617513,"The Big Bang Theory",35234@0924.19:00,30,T], A[3619345,3619332,"Young Sheldon",35234@0924.19:30,30,T], A[3617626,3617531,"Bull",35234@0924.21:00,60,T]] Mon 9/10 22:19:46.548 [Scheduler@1c12578] Evaluating Potentials Mon 9/10 22:19:46.555 [Scheduler@1c12578] COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Mon 9/10 22:19:46.562 [Scheduler@1c12578] Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3 Mon 9/10 22:19:46.562 [Scheduler@1c12578] [A[3620624,3620614,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0910.22:35,62,T], A[3620638,3620630,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0911.22:35,62,T], A[3620659,3620646,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0912.22:35,62,T], A[3620677,3620666,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0913.22:35,62,T]] Mon 9/10 22:19:46.569 [Scheduler@1c12578] Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2 Mon 9/10 22:19:46.569 [Scheduler@1c12578] [A[3617199,3617194,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0910.23:35,60,T], A[3577665,3577489,"Big Red Wrap-Up",33812@0911.22:00,60,T], A[3617210,3617206,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0911.23:35,60,T], A[3618177,3618161,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0912.23:35,60,T], A[3619257,3619253,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0913.23:35,60,T], A[3582220,3582211,"Meet the Press",47516@0916.08:00,60,T], A[3583294,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0917.23:35,60,T], A[3584060,3583995,"Big Red Wrap-Up",33812@0918.22:00,60,T], A[3584137,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0918.23:35,60,T], A[3585607,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0919.23:35,60,T], A[3585718,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0920.23:35,60,T], A[3591322,2855543,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0921.23:35,60,T], A[3594794,3593930,"Meet the Press",47516@0923.08:00,60,T]] Mon 9/10 22:19:46.577 [Scheduler@1c12578] Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1 Mon 9/10 22:19:46.577 [Scheduler@1c12578] [A[3621275,3621270,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0910.22:35,62,T], A[3576407,3576276,"Good Morning America",31652@0911.07:00,120,T], A[3621280,3621277,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0911.22:35,62,T], A[3577648,3577476,"Good Morning America",31652@0912.07:00,120,T], A[3621535,3621533,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0912.22:35,62,T], A[3578893,3578738,"Good Morning America",31652@0913.07:00,120,T], A[3621285,3621282,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0913.22:35,62,T], A[3579579,3579428,"Good Morning America",31652@0914.07:00,120,T], A[3621550,3583926,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0914.23:35,60,T], A[3581372,3581191,"This Week With George Stephanopoulos",31652@0916.08:00,60,T], A[3582400,3582251,"Good Morning America",31652@0917.07:00,120,T], A[3583176,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0917.22:35,62,T], A[3583209,3583087,"Good Morning America",31652@0918.07:00,120,T], A[3584042,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0918.22:35,62,T], A[3584950,3584921,"Good Morning America",31652@0919.07:00,120,T], A[3585519,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0919.22:35,62,T], A[3586475,3586454,"Good Morning America",31652@0920.07:00,120,T], A[3585693,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0920.22:35,62,T], A[3586013,3585916,"Good Morning America",31652@0921.07:00,120,T], A[3586269,2231957,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0921.22:35,62,T], A[3594371,3593654,"This Week With George Stephanopoulos",31652@0923.08:00,60,T], A[3617316,3617262,"Good Morning America",32466@0924.07:00,120,T], A[3617644,3617505,"The Good Doctor",31652@0924.21:00,60,T]] Mon 9/10 22:19:46.585 [Scheduler@1c12578] Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0 Mon 9/10 22:19:46.585 [Scheduler@1c12578] [A[3576480,3576325,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0910.22:35,60,T], A[3618113,3618104,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0910.23:37,60,T], A[3576390,3576282,"CBS This Morning",35234@0911.07:00,120,T], A[3584896,3583907,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0911.09:00,60,T], A[3620625,3620616,"The View",31652@0911.10:00,60,T], A[3577680,3577502,"Big Red Wrap-Up",33814@0911.19:00,60,T], A[3577741,3577541,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0911.22:35,60,T], A[3618138,3618128,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0911.23:37,60,T], A[3577622,3577481,"CBS This Morning",35234@0912.07:00,120,T], A[3584897,3583930,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0912.09:00,60,T], A[3620639,3620631,"The View",31652@0912.10:00,60,T], A[3578952,3578768,"MasterChef",34907@0912.19:00,120,T], A[3578984,3578786,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0912.22:35,60,T], A[3618165,3618154,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0912.23:37,60,T], A[3578869,3578742,"CBS This Morning",35234@0913.07:00,120,T], A[3584904,3583932,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0913.09:00,60,T], A[3620660,3620647,"The View",31652@0913.10:00,60,T], A[3579644,3579455,"MasterChef",34907@0913.19:00,60,T], A[3579685,3579470,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0913.22:35,60,T], A[3618193,3618183,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0913.23:37,60,T], A[3579557,3579433,"CBS This Morning",35234@0914.07:00,120,T], A[3584907,3583934,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0914.09:00,60,T], A[3621287,3620667,"The View",31652@0914.10:00,60,T], A[3621542,3621537,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0914.22:35,62,T], A[3586960,3580519,"Good Morning America",32466@0915.06:00,60,T], A[3580618,3580475,"CBS This Morning: Saturday",35234@0915.07:00,120,T], A[3586992,3581190,"Good Morning America",32466@0916.06:00,60,T], A[3581352,3581203,"CBS News Sunday Morning",35234@0916.08:00,90,T], A[3581353,3581204,"Face the Nation",35234@0916.09:30,60,T], A[3582219,2888347,"60 Minutes",35234@0916.18:30,60,T], A[3582379,3582257,"CBS This Morning",35234@0917.07:00,120,T], A[3585036,3584148,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0917.09:00,60,T], A[3582402,2715540,"The View",31652@0917.10:00,60,T], A[3583174,3583067,"Elementary",35234@0917.21:00,60,T], A[3583293,3583134,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0917.22:35,60,T], A[3583177,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0917.23:37,60,T], A[3583183,3583068,"CBS This Morning",35234@0918.07:00,120,T], A[3584913,3583952,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0918.09:00,60,T], A[3583211,2715540,"The View",31652@0918.10:00,60,T], A[3584083,3584004,"Big Red Wrap-Up",33814@0918.19:00,60,T], A[3584136,3584033,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0918.22:35,60,T], A[3584043,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0918.23:37,60,T], A[3584049,3583991,"CBS This Morning",35234@0919.07:00,120,T], A[3584951,3584024,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0919.09:00,60,T], A[3584952,2715540,"The View",31652@0919.10:00,60,T], A[3585017,3585007,"MasterChef",34907@0919.19:00,120,T], A[3585606,3585468,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0919.22:35,60,T], A[3585520,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0919.23:37,60,T], A[3585526,3585420,"CBS This Morning",35234@0920.07:00,120,T], A[3586476,3585457,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0920.09:00,60,T], A[3586477,2715540,"The View",31652@0920.10:00,60,T], A[3585717,3585656,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0920.22:35,60,T], A[3585694,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0920.23:37,60,T], A[3585700,3585648,"CBS This Morning",35234@0921.07:00,120,T], A[3586014,3585917,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0921.09:00,60,T], A[3586015,2715540,"The View",31652@0921.10:00,60,T], A[3591321,3591251,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0921.22:35,60,T], A[3586270,1940064,"The Late Late Show With James Corden",35234@0921.23:37,60,T], A[3587203,3587186,"Good Morning America",32466@0922.06:00,60,T], A[3586281,3586161,"CBS This Morning: Saturday",35234@0922.07:00,120,T], A[3594570,3593653,"Good Morning America",32466@0923.06:00,60,T], A[3594302,3593584,"CBS News Sunday Morning",35234@0923.08:00,90,T], A[3594303,3593585,"Face the Nation",35234@0923.09:30,60,T], A[3594312,2888347,"60 Minutes",35234@0923.18:00,60,T], A[3617341,3617268,"CBS This Morning",35234@0924.07:00,120,T], A[3617366,3616887,"Live with Kelly and Ryan",31652@0924.09:00,60,T], A[3617367,2715540,"The View",31652@0924.10:00,60,T], A[3617623,3617513,"The Big Bang Theory",35234@0924.19:00,30,T], A[3619345,3619332,"Young Sheldon",35234@0924.19:30,30,T], A[3617626,3617531,"Bull",35234@0924.21:00,60,T]] Mon 9/10 22:19:46.593 [Scheduler@1c12578] Total Schedule eval time=176 msec Mon 9/10 22:19:46.600 [Seeker@123e620] Seeker awoken Mon 9/10 22:19:46.607 [Scheduler@1c12578] Scheduler starting wait... Mon 9/10 22:19:46.613 [Seeker@123e620] MemStats: Used=193MB Total=300MB Max=778MB Mon 9/10 22:19:46.622 [Seeker@123e620] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3 clients=[] ir=false Mon 9/10 22:19:46.630 [Seeker@123e620] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[3620624,3620614,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0910.22:35,62,T] nextTTA=913379 Mon 9/10 22:19:46.638 [Seeker@123e620] newRecord=null Mon 9/10 22:19:46.645 [Seeker@123e620] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Mon 9/10 22:19:46.652 [Seeker@123e620] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2 clients=[] ir=false Mon 9/10 22:19:46.659 [Seeker@123e620] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[3617199,3617194,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0910.23:35,60,T] nextTTA=4513379 Mon 9/10 22:19:46.665 [Seeker@123e620] newRecord=null Mon 9/10 22:19:46.672 [Seeker@123e620] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Mon 9/10 22:19:46.679 [Seeker@123e620] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1 clients=[] ir=false Mon 9/10 22:19:46.686 [Seeker@123e620] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[3621275,3621270,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0910.22:35,62,T] nextTTA=913379 Mon 9/10 22:19:46.692 [Seeker@123e620] newRecord=null Mon 9/10 22:19:46.699 [Seeker@123e620] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Mon 9/10 22:19:46.706 [Seeker@123e620] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0 clients=[] ir=false Mon 9/10 22:19:46.713 [Seeker@123e620] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[3576480,3576325,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0910.22:35,60,T] nextTTA=913379 Mon 9/10 22:19:46.720 [Seeker@123e620] newRecord=null Mon 9/10 22:19:46.728 [Seeker@123e620] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Mon 9/10 22:19:46.735 [Seeker@123e620] Seeker waiting for -25610599 mins. Mon 9/10 22:19:46.757 [Seeker@123e620] Seeker awoken Mon 9/10 22:19:46.764 [Seeker@123e620] MemStats: Used=194MB Total=300MB Max=778MB Mon 9/10 22:19:46.772 [Seeker@123e620] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3 clients=[] ir=false Mon 9/10 22:19:46.780 [Seeker@123e620] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[3620624,3620614,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0910.22:35,62,T] nextTTA=913228 Mon 9/10 22:19:46.787 [Seeker@123e620] newRecord=null Mon 9/10 22:19:46.794 [Seeker@123e620] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Mon 9/10 22:19:46.801 [Seeker@123e620] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2 clients=[] ir=false Mon 9/10 22:19:46.808 [Seeker@123e620] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[3617199,3617194,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0910.23:35,60,T] nextTTA=4513228 Mon 9/10 22:19:46.816 [Seeker@123e620] newRecord=null Mon 9/10 22:19:46.824 [Seeker@123e620] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Mon 9/10 22:19:46.831 [Seeker@123e620] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1 clients=[] ir=false Mon 9/10 22:19:46.838 [Seeker@123e620] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[3621275,3621270,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0910.22:35,62,T] nextTTA=913228 Mon 9/10 22:19:46.845 [Seeker@123e620] newRecord=null Mon 9/10 22:19:46.853 [SageTVServer@3fc719] SageTVServer was instantiated loadDelay=43.259 sec Mon 9/10 22:19:46.861 [SageTV@1198e72] Trying to find lan network interface Mon 9/10 22:19:46.868 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@c8a42d] SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer was instantiated. Mon 9/10 22:19:46.877 [SageTVDiscoveryServer@1f6867f] SageTVDiscoveryServer was instantiated. Mon 9/10 22:19:46.903 [Seeker@123e620] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Mon 9/10 22:19:46.923 [Seeker@123e620] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0 clients=[] ir=false Mon 9/10 22:19:46.949 [Seeker@123e620] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[3576480,3576325,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0910.22:35,60,T] nextTTA=913228 Mon 9/10 22:19:46.959 [Seeker@123e620] newRecord=null Mon 9/10 22:19:46.982 [Seeker@123e620] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Mon 9/10 22:19:46.991 [Seeker@123e620] Checking video directories for new files Mon 9/10 22:19:47.007 [Seeker@123e620] Diskspace checking is running Mon 9/10 22:19:47.017 [Seeker@123e620] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Mon 9/10 22:19:47.038 [Seeker@123e620] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Mon 9/10 22:19:47.046 [Seeker@123e620] DONE enforcing keep at most limits for the files. Mon 9/10 22:19:47.057 [SageTV@1198e72] addr: / Mon 9/10 22:19:47.065 [Seeker@123e620] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Mon 9/10 22:19:47.072 [SageTV@1198e72] addr: /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 Mon 9/10 22:19:47.079 [Seeker@123e620] DONE clearing unwanted and partial files. Mon 9/10 22:19:47.086 [SageTV@1198e72] addr: / Mon 9/10 22:19:47.098 [Seeker@123e620] Seeker waiting for 10 mins. Mon 9/10 22:19:47.105 [SageTV@1198e72] Miniserver running on Mon 9/10 22:19:47.111 [SageTV@1198e72] Parsed 0 clients Mon 9/10 22:19:47.121 [MiniBootp@be240c] 16867 Mon 9/10 22:19:47.130 [MiniTftp@1fea005] 16869 Mon 9/10 22:19:47.141 [MiniMVP@10cfc76] 16881 Mon 9/10 22:19:47.154 [SageTV@1198e72] Loading locator keys from filesystem since they already exist. Mon 9/10 22:19:47.180 [Ministry@198453e] Ministry is starting Mon 9/10 22:19:47.188 [SageTV@1198e72] Splash: User Interface Manager is initializing... Mon 9/10 22:19:47.196 [Ministry@198453e] Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Mon 9/10 22:19:47.204 [PSNATMGR@1a9ce29] Starting UPnP NAT Manager... Mon 9/10 22:19:47.212 [HotplugStorage@1743239] StorageDeviceDetector started... Mon 9/10 22:19:47.220 [SageTV@1198e72] Loading all core plugins... Mon 9/10 22:19:47.244 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-net type: Library version: 1.4.1 by: stuckless Mon 9/10 22:19:47.253 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: phoenix-core type: Standard version: 3.2.3 by: stuckless,jusjoken,bialio,meinmaui Mon 9/10 22:19:47.261 [SageTV@1198e72] Plugin phoenix-core is enabled, try to load it from class: sagex.phoenix.plugin.PhoenixPlugin INFO - Configured Root Logger Mon 9/10 22:19:47.311 [SageTV@1198e72] LOG4J: Configured Root Logger INFO - Configured Logging for: sagex-api using file: Mon 9/10 22:19:47.353 [SageTV@1198e72] LOG4J: Configured Logging for: sagex-api using file: Mon 9/10 22:19:47.380 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-io type: Library version: 2.4 by: stuckless Mon 9/10 22:19:47.389 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-lang type: Library version: 2.4 by: stuckless Mon 9/10 22:19:47.397 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: googleweather type: Library version: 2.0.3 by: Opus4 Mon 9/10 22:19:47.405 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: htmlparser type: Library version: 1.6 by: stuckless Mon 9/10 22:19:47.412 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: themoviedb type: Library version: 4.1.0 by: stuckless Mon 9/10 22:19:47.420 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: playonforsagetv type: Standard version: 1.51 by: evilpenguin, PluckyHD Mon 9/10 22:19:47.427 [SageTV@1198e72] Plugin playonforsagetv is enabled, try to load it from class: epplayon.EPPlayonPlugin Mon 9/10 22:19:47.464 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: seamless-util type: Library version: 1.1.0 by: tmiranda Mon 9/10 22:19:47.472 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: seamless-http type: Library version: 1.1.0 by: tmiranda Mon 9/10 22:19:47.480 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-logging type: Library version: 1.2.0 by: stuckless Mon 9/10 22:19:47.488 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: seamless-xml type: Library version: 1.1.0 by: tmiranda Mon 9/10 22:19:47.496 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: playonforsagetvutilities type: Library version: 1.51 by: evilpenguin Mon 9/10 22:19:47.504 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: hamcrest-core type: Library version: 1.3 by: stuckless Mon 9/10 22:19:47.512 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: sagex-api type: Library version: by: stuckless Mon 9/10 22:19:47.520 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: comskip type: Library version: 80.042.003 by: tmiranda Mon 9/10 22:19:47.528 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: api-common type: Library version: 2.0 by: stuckless Mon 9/10 22:19:47.535 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: youtube-dl type: Library version: 2017.09.15 by: tmiranda Mon 9/10 22:19:47.543 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: upnp type: STVI version: 0.06 by: tmiranda Mon 9/10 22:19:47.551 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: youtubeproperties type: Library version: 1.03 by: tmiranda Mon 9/10 22:19:47.559 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commercialdetector type: Standard version: 1.16 by: tmiranda Mon 9/10 22:19:47.568 [SageTV@1198e72] Plugin commercialdetector is enabled, try to load it from class: Mon 9/10 22:19:47.581 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: playonstvi type: STVI version: 1.80 by: evilpenguin Mon 9/10 22:19:47.589 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: httpcore type: Library version: 4.4.3 by: stuckless Mon 9/10 22:19:47.597 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: youtube type: STVI version: 1.10 by: tmiranda Mon 9/10 22:19:47.604 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: thetvdbapi type: Library version: 1.8.0 by: stuckless Mon 9/10 22:19:47.611 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: jackson-annotations type: Library version: by: stuckless Mon 9/10 22:19:47.618 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-dbutils type: Library version: 1.3 by: stuckless Mon 9/10 22:19:47.625 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: jackson-core type: Library version: by: stuckless Mon 9/10 22:19:47.632 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: sagex-api-services type: Standard version: by: stuckless Mon 9/10 22:19:47.639 [SageTV@1198e72] Plugin sagex-api-services is enabled, try to load it from class: sagex.plugin.impl.SagexRemoteAPIPlugin Mon 9/10 22:19:47.647 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: dom4j type: Library version: 1.6.1 by: stuckless Mon 9/10 22:19:47.656 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: youtubesupport type: Standard version: 1.10 by: tmiranda Mon 9/10 22:19:47.663 [SageTV@1198e72] Plugin youtubesupport is enabled, try to load it from class: Mon 9/10 22:19:47.677 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: slf4j-api type: Library version: 1.7.12 by: stuckless Mon 9/10 22:19:47.684 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: cling-support type: Library version: 2.0.1 by: tmiranda Mon 9/10 22:19:47.691 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-codec type: Library version: 1.9 by: stuckless Mon 9/10 22:19:47.699 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: upnp-support type: Standard version: 0.06 by: tmiranda Mon 9/10 22:19:47.708 [SageTV@1198e72] Plugin upnp-support is enabled, try to load it from class: tmiranda.upnp.Plugin Mon 9/10 22:19:47.721 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: jetty type: Standard version: by: jreichen Mon 9/10 22:19:47.729 [SageTV@1198e72] Plugin jetty is enabled, try to load it from class: sagex.jetty.starter.JettyPlugin Mon 9/10 22:19:47.745 [SageTV@1198e72] ::INFO: Logging to sagex.jetty.log.JettyStarterLogger@10ee3d8 via sagex.jetty.log.JettyStarterLogger Mon 9/10 22:19:47.752 [SageTV@1198e72] ::INFO: Jetty Starter plugin version Mon 9/10 22:19:47.767 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: comskipplayback type: STVI version: 2.1.3 by: JREkiwi Mon 9/10 22:19:47.775 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: log4j type: Library version: 1.2.17 by: stuckless Mon 9/10 22:19:47.782 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: junit type: Library version: 4.12.0 by: stuckless Mon 9/10 22:19:47.789 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: slf4j-log4j12 type: Library version: 1.7.12 by: stuckless Mon 9/10 22:19:47.797 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: ant type: Library version: 1.8.2 by: Slugger Mon 9/10 22:19:47.804 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: jackson-databind type: Library version: by: stuckless Mon 9/10 22:19:47.813 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: cling-core type: Library version: 2.0.1 by: tmiranda Mon 9/10 22:19:47.821 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: jsoup type: Library version: 1.7.1 by: routerunner Mon 9/10 22:19:47.828 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: phoenix-api type: Library version: 3.2.3 by: stuckless,jusjoken,bialio,meinmaui Mon 9/10 22:19:47.835 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: upnpbrowser type: Library version: 1.80 by: evilpenguin Mon 9/10 22:19:47.843 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-lang3 type: Library version: 3.4 by: stuckless Mon 9/10 22:19:47.850 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: gson type: Library version: 1.7.2 by: Slugger Mon 9/10 22:19:47.858 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: httpclient type: Library version: by: stuckless Mon 9/10 22:19:47.865 [SageTV@1198e72] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commercialdetectorstvi type: STVI version: 1.33 by: tmiranda Mon 9/10 22:19:47.873 [SageTV@1198e72] LOADED PLUGINS=[SageTVPlugin[commons-net state=Failed name=commons-net version=1.4.1 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for commons-net-1.4.1.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2010 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[phoenix-core state=Enabled name=Phoenix Core Services version=3.2.3 type=Standard desc=Phoenix Core Services provides the following services * automatic metadata and fanart fetching from external sources such as TheMovieDB, and TVDb. * dynamic menus * custom views * user profiles * weather * dynamic configuration author=stuckless,jusjoken,bialio,meinmaui screenshots=null videos=null modified=9/30/2017 installed=11/13/2017 resPath=phoenix-core webpages=[] implementation=sagex.phoenix.plugin.PhoenixPlugin desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[phoenix-api minVer=3.2.3 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-io state=Failed name=commons-io version=2.4 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for commons-io-1.4.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=3/20/2014 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.6 type=JVM]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-lang state=Failed name=commons-lang version=2.4 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for commons-lang-2.4.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2010 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[googleweather state=Failed name=Google Weather version=2.0.3 type=Library desc=A weather support library that is used by SageTV's updated weather system to retrieve weather information from Weather Underground. author=Opus4 screenshots=null videos=null modified=7/1/2015 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[htmlparser state=Failed name=htmlparser version=1.6 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for htmlparser-1.6.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2010 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[themoviedb state=Failed name=The Movie DB Library version=4.1.0 type=Library desc=The Movie DB Library author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[commons-io minVer=2.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-logging minVer=1.2.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[hamcrest-core minVer=1.3 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[api-common minVer=2.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[httpcore minVer=4.4.3 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[jackson-annotations minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[jackson-core minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[slf4j-api minVer=1.7.12 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-codec minVer=1.9 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[log4j minVer=1.2.17 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[junit minVer=4.12.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[slf4j-log4j12 minVer=1.7.12 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[jackson-databind minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-lang3 minVer=3.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[httpclient minVer= type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[playonforsagetv state=Enabled name=Queue Importer Settings(DO NOT DOWNLOAD) version=1.51 type=Standard desc=(DO NOT DOWNLOAD) Instead install UI Mod->PlayOn For SageTV. Dependancy for PlayOn Plugin #hidden author=evilpenguin, PluckyHD screenshots=null videos=null modified=9/15/2010 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation=epplayon.EPPlayonPlugin desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer=7.0.23 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0.23 type=STV], PluginDependency[upnpbrowser minVer=1.51 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[seamless-util state=Failed name=seamless-util version=1.1.0 type=Library desc=seamless-util library for SageTV. No need to download directly. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=11/15/2015 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[seamless-http state=Failed name=seamless-http version=1.1.0 type=Library desc=seamless-http library for SageTV. No need to download directly. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=11/15/2015 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-logging state=Failed name=commons-logging version=1.2.0 type=Library desc=Apache Commons logging library - dependency only author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=12/15/2016 resPath=plugins/commons-logging webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=7.0.9 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[seamless-xml state=Failed name=seamless-xml version=1.1.0 type=Library desc=seamless-xml library for SageTV. No need to download directly. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=11/15/2015 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[playonforsagetvutilities state=Failed name=(DO NOT DOWNLOAD) PlayOn STV Utilities version=1.51 type=Library desc=STV utilties for supporitng PlayOn Files #hidden author=evilpenguin screenshots=null videos=null modified=3/20/2011 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer=7.0.23 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0.23 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[hamcrest-core state=Failed name=hamcrest-core version=1.3 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for hamcrest-core - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[sagex-api state=Failed name=sagex-api - SageTV API Extensions version= type=Library desc=SageTV API Wrappers with Remote API capabilities author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=8/21/2016 installed=12/15/2016 resPath=sagex-api webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.7 type=JVM], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=9.0.0 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[comskip state=Failed name=comskip version=80.042.003 type=Library desc=Comskip repackaged as a SageTV7 Plugin. This is used for CommercialDetector, no need to install directly. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=1/18/2016 installed=12/15/2016 resPath=comskip webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[api-common state=Failed name=api-common version=2.0 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for api-common - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[youtube-dl state=Failed name=youtube-dl version=2017.09.15 type=Library desc=youtube-dl repackaged as a Sage PlugIn. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=9/23/2017 installed=11/13/2017 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[upnp state=Failed name=UPnP (PlayOn) Browser version=0.06 type=STVI desc=UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) browser for SageTV. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=6/26/2016 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV], PluginDependency[upnp-support minVer=0.06 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[youtubeproperties state=Failed name=YouTube Properties version=1.03 type=Library desc=Properties file for the YouTube (2015) UI Mod Plugin. No need to install this directly. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=1/10/2016 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commercialdetector state=Enabled name=Commercial Detector version=1.16 type=Standard desc=A simple way to detect commercials in your recordings. Creates .edl files that can be read by the Comskip Playback plugin. The plugin comes complete with comskip and little or no configuration is needed. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/2/2017 installed=12/13/2017 resPath= webpages=[,] desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[comskip minVer=80.042.001 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[playonstvi state=Failed name=PlayOn For SageTV version=1.80 type=STVI desc=Plugin for viewing PlayOn content in SageTV author=evilpenguin screenshots=[,,,,,,] videos=null modified=11/25/2012 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[playonforsagetv minVer=1.51 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[playonforsagetvutilities minVer=1.51 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0.23 type=STV], PluginDependency[upnpbrowser minVer=1.80 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[httpcore state=Failed name=HttpCore version=4.4.3 type=Library desc=Apache HttpCore library - dependency only author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=12/15/2016 resPath=httpcore webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[youtube state=Failed name=YouTube (2015) version=1.10 type=STVI desc=Watch YouTube videos again. Record, search, browse popular, create favorites, and more. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=10/8/2017 installed=11/13/2017 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[commons-io type=Plugin], PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[youtube-dl minVer=2017.09.15 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[youtubeproperties minVer=1.03 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[jackson-core type=Plugin], PluginDependency[youtubesupport minVer=1.10 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.6 type=JVM], PluginDependency[gson type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[thetvdbapi state=Failed name=The TV DB Library version=1.8.0 type=Library desc=The TV DB Library author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[commons-logging minVer=1.2.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[hamcrest-core minVer=1.3 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[api-common minVer=2.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[httpcore minVer=4.4.3 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[slf4j-api minVer=1.7.12 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-codec minVer=1.9 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[log4j minVer=1.2.17 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[junit minVer=4.12.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[slf4j-log4j12 minVer=1.7.12 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-lang3 minVer=3.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[httpclient minVer= type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[jackson-annotations state=Failed name=jackson-annotations version= type=Library desc=Jackson Annotations JSON Library author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-dbutils state=Failed name=commons-dbutils version=1.3 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for commons-dbutils-1.3.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2010 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[jackson-core state=Failed name=jackson-core version= type=Library desc=Jackson Core JSON Library author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[sagex-api-services state=Enabled name=sagex-services - SageTV Remote API Services version= type=Standard desc=HTTP and RMI services for SageTV (HTTP services require Jetty Plugin). HTTP services includes JSON/JSONP and Xml formats. author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=8/21/2016 installed=12/15/2016 resPath=sagex-api webpages=[] implementation=sagex.plugin.impl.SagexRemoteAPIPlugin desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[jetty minVer=1.7 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.7 type=JVM], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=9.0.0 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[dom4j state=Failed name=dom4j version=1.6.1 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for dom4j-1.6.1.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2010 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[youtubesupport state=Enabled name=YouTube Recording Engine version=1.10 type=Standard desc=The recording engine for the YouTube (2015) UI Mod Plugin. No need to install this directly. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=10/7/2017 installed=11/13/2017 resPath= webpages=null desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[slf4j-api state=Failed name=Simple Logging Facade for Java API Library (slf4j) version=1.7.12 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for Simple Logging Facade for Java (slf4j-api-1.7.12.jar) - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[cling-support state=Failed name=cling-support version=2.0.1 type=Library desc=cling-support library for SageTV. No need to download directly. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=11/15/2015 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-codec state=Failed name=commons-codec version=1.9 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for commons-codec-1.9.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[upnp-support state=Enabled name=UPnP Support version=0.06 type=Standard desc=Support library for UPnP UI Mod. No need to install this directly. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=6/26/2016 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation=tmiranda.upnp.Plugin desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[phoenix-core minVer=2.5.13 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-io minVer=2.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-lang minVer=2.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[seamless-http minVer=1.1.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[seamless-util minVer=1.1.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[seamless-xml minVer=1.1.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[sagex-api-services minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[dom4j minVer=1.6.1 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[cling-support minVer=2.0.1 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[jetty minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[cling-core minVer=2.0.1 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[jetty state=Enabled name=Jetty Web Server version= type=Standard desc=Provides a platform for SageTV web application plugins. Currently available web applications can manage SageTV recordings from desktop or mobile web browsers, manage fanart and metadata, provide remote web services for SageTV, configure batch job processing, and more. The plugin consists of two parts. The first part is Jetty, a 3rd-party Java web server from Mortbay Consulting that can be embedded in a Java program such as SageTV. The second part is a set of plugin classes created by the author that interact with SageTV to start, stop, and configure the Jetty web server. author=jreichen screenshots=[] videos=null modified=4/23/2011 installed=6/6/2018 resPath=jetty webpages=[,,] implementation=sagex.jetty.starter.JettyPlugin desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer=9.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.7 type=JVM], PluginDependency[ant minVer=1.8.2 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=9.0 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[comskipplayback state=Failed name=Comskip Playback version=2.1.3 type=STVI desc=Adds support for reading the edl or txt files generated by comskip or showanalyzer and skipping commercial breaks during playback This plugin is the continuation of the original work by at least malore, nielm, flachbar, sundansx and razrsharpe author=JREkiwi screenshots=null videos=null modified=9/6/2016 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[log4j state=Failed name=log4j version=1.2.17 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for log4j-1.2.17.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[junit state=Failed name=junit version=4.12.0 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.5.0 type=JVM]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[slf4j-log4j12 state=Failed name=Simple Logging Facade Log4J Implementation Library version=1.7.12 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for Simple Logging Facade Log4J (v1.2) Implementation Library (slf4j-log4j12-1.7.12.jar) - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[ant state=Failed name=ant version=1.8.2 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin - no need to download directly author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2011 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.5.0 type=JVM]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[jackson-databind state=Failed name=jackson-databind version= type=Library desc=Jackson Data Binding JSON Library author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[cling-core state=Failed name=cling-core version=2.0.1 type=Library desc=cling-core library for SageTV. No need to download directly. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=11/15/2015 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[jsoup state=Failed name=jsoup version=1.7.1 type=Library desc=Java HTML parser by Jonathan Hedley (DO NOT INSTALL SEPARATELY). author=routerunner screenshots=null videos=null modified=11/10/2012 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.5 type=JVM], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=7.1 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[phoenix-api state=Failed name=Phoenix API version=3.2.3 type=Library desc=Phoenix API Extensions for SageTV. The Phoenix APIs include support Fanart, Dynamic Menus, Custom Views, etc. The API is the foundation for the Phoenix project. author=stuckless,jusjoken,bialio,meinmaui screenshots=null videos=null modified=9/30/2017 installed=11/13/2017 resPath=phoenix-api webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[commons-net minVer=1.4.1 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-io minVer=2.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-lang minVer=2.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[htmlparser minVer=1.6 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[themoviedb minVer=4.1.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[thetvdbapi minVer=1.8.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-dbutils minVer=1.3 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[dom4j minVer=1.6.1 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-codec minVer=1.9 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[log4j minVer=1.2.17 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.7 type=JVM], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=9.0.0 type=Core], PluginDependency[jsoup minVer=1.7.1 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[gson minVer=1.7.1 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[upnpbrowser state=Failed name=UPnP Browser for PlayOn Plugin version=1.80 type=Library desc=Helper Library for PlayOn plugin. No need to download manullay, will update with UI MOD::PlayOn For SageTV author=evilpenguin screenshots=[] videos=null modified=11/25/2012 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-lang3 state=Failed name=commons-lang3 version=3.4 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for commons-lang3 - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[gson state=Failed name=Google GSON version=1.7.2 type=Library desc=Google's POJO - JSON library - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=8/31/2016 installed=12/15/2016 resPath=gson webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[httpclient state=Failed name=HttpClient version= type=Library desc=Apache HttpClient library - dependency only author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=12/12/2015 installed=12/15/2016 resPath=httpclient webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[httpcore minVer=4.4.3 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commercialdetectorstvi state=Failed name=Commercial Detector UI version=1.33 type=STVI desc=Alters the behavior of the Comskip Playback UI Mod so the "Run Comskip" buttons are compatible with the CommercialDetector plugin. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=6/13/2016 installed=12/15/2016 resPath= webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false serverOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV], PluginDependency[commercialdetector minVer=1.00 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[comskipplayback minVer=2.1.2 type=Plugin]] packages=null]] Mon 9/10 22:19:47.916 [SageTV@1198e72] Starting all core plugins... Mon 9/10 22:19:47.924 [PluginRepoUpdater@147df9c] Checking to see if the plugin repository file SageTVPlugins.xml needs to be updated using MD5 URL: Mon 9/10 22:19:47.932 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Core Services to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:47.941 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after commons-logging because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:47.948 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin Queue Importer Settings(DO NOT DOWNLOAD) to after sagex-api - SageTV API Extensions because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:47.956 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after hamcrest-core because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:47.963 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin (DO NOT DOWNLOAD) PlayOn STV Utilities to after sagex-api - SageTV API Extensions because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:47.972 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after api-common because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:47.980 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin Queue Importer Settings(DO NOT DOWNLOAD) to after UPnP Browser for PlayOn Plugin because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:47.988 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after HttpCore because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:47.995 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin UPnP (PlayOn) Browser to after UPnP Support because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.002 [SageTV@1198e72] Calling start on plugin: Commercial Detector Mon 9/10 22:19:48.010 [SageTV@1198e72] CD: PlugIn: Starting. Version = 1.16 Mon 9/10 22:19:48.019 [SageTV@1198e72] CD: PlugIn: LogLevel = Warn. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.029 [SageTV@1198e72] CD: start: null Name or Number Mon 9/10 22:19:48.036 [SageTV@1198e72] CD: start: null Name or Number Mon 9/10 22:19:48.044 [SageTV@1198e72] CD: start: null Name or Number Mon 9/10 22:19:48.051 [SageTV@1198e72] CD: start: null Name or Number Mon 9/10 22:19:48.059 [SageTV@1198e72] CD: start: null Name or Number Mon 9/10 22:19:48.067 [SageTV@1198e72] CD: start: null Name or Number Mon 9/10 22:19:48.075 [SageTV@1198e72] CD: start: null Name or Number Mon 9/10 22:19:48.083 [SageTV@1198e72] CD: start: null Name or Number Mon 9/10 22:19:48.091 [SageTV@1198e72] CD: start: null Name or Number Mon 9/10 22:19:48.098 [SageTV@1198e72] CD: start: null Name or Number Mon 9/10 22:19:48.105 [SageTV@1198e72] CD: start: null Name or Number Mon 9/10 22:19:48.124 [SageTV@1198e72] CD: SystemStatus: Number running = 0 Mon 9/10 22:19:48.134 [SageTV@1198e72] CD: SystemStatus: No jobs running. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.143 [SageTV@1198e72] CD: SystemStatus: No jobs in queue. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.152 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin PlayOn For SageTV to after Queue Importer Settings(DO NOT DOWNLOAD) because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.161 [PluginRepoUpdater@147df9c] Local plugin repository file's checksum matches server's, no need to download a new one for SageTVPlugins.xml Mon 9/10 22:19:48.168 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after jackson-annotations because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.175 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin YouTube (2015) to after jackson-core because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.185 [PluginRepoUpdater@147df9c] Checking to see if the plugin repository file SageTVPluginsV9.xml needs to be updated using MD5 URL: Mon 9/10 22:19:48.193 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin The TV DB Library to after Simple Logging Facade for Java API Library (slf4j) because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.201 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after jackson-core because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.208 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after Simple Logging Facade for Java API Library (slf4j) because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.216 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin YouTube (2015) to after YouTube Recording Engine because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.224 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin sagex-services - SageTV Remote API Services to after Jetty Web Server because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.231 [SageTV@1198e72] Calling start on plugin: YouTube Recording Engine Mon 9/10 22:19:48.240 [SageTV@1198e72] YT: Plugin: Starting. Version = 1.10A Mon 9/10 22:19:48.248 [SageTV@1198e72] YT: Plugin: LogLevel = Trace. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.258 [SageTV@1198e72] YT: JobManager: Initialized queue. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.265 [SageTV@1198e72] YT: JobManager.initQueue: No items in queue. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.273 [SageTV@1198e72] YT: Plugin.start: Making youtube-dl executable. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.281 [SageTV@1198e72] YT: MakeExecutable.makeExecutable: Running on Windows, nothing to do. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.290 [SageTV@1198e72] YT: Plugin.setDefaultDownloadDirectory: Current directory F:\ Mon 9/10 22:19:48.297 [SageTV@1198e72] YT: Plugin.makeDownloadDirectory: Directory exists. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.304 [SageTV@1198e72] YT: JobManager.startFirstInQueue: Queue is empty. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.312 [SageTV@1198e72] YT: Plugin.start: Starting MonitorJob. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.320 [SageTV@1198e72] YT: Plugin.start: Starting FavoriteManager. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.328 [SageTV@1198e72] YT: Plugin.start: Subscribing to events. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.335 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin YouTube (2015) to after Google GSON because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.344 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after commons-codec because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.353 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin The TV DB Library to after commons-codec because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.361 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin The TV DB Library to after log4j because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.369 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after log4j because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.376 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin UPnP Support to after Phoenix Core Services because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.383 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin UPnP (PlayOn) Browser to after UPnP Support because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.391 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin Jetty Web Server to after ant because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.399 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin sagex-services - SageTV Remote API Services to after Jetty Web Server because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.407 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after junit because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.415 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin The TV DB Library to after junit because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.423 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin The TV DB Library to after Simple Logging Facade Log4J Implementation Library because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.431 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after Simple Logging Facade Log4J Implementation Library because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.439 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after jackson-databind because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.447 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin The TV DB Library to after commons-lang3 because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:48.455 [SageTV@1198e72] Calling start on plugin: Jetty Web Server Mon 9/10 22:19:48.776 [SageTV@1198e72] ::INFO: Starting Jetty Mon 9/10 22:19:48.785 [SageTV@1198e72] ::INFO: Jetty Plugin log level: INFO Mon 9/10 22:19:49.048 [SageTV@1198e72] ::INFO: jetty-6.1.19 Mon 9/10 22:19:49.130 [SageTV@1198e72] Media Servlet Handler Created. Mon 9/10 22:19:49.146 [SageTV@1198e72] Sagex ApiServlet Created for version: Mon 9/10 22:19:49.219 [SageTV@1198e72] SAGEX-API: Starting Http Context Mon 9/10 22:19:49.229 [SageTV@1198e72] SAGEX-API: Updated Constrant Authentication: true Mon 9/10 22:19:49.238 [SageTV@1198e72] ::INFO: Deploy C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\jetty\contexts\sagex.xml -> org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.Context@2089aa{/sagex,null} Mon 9/10 22:19:49.274 [SageTV@1198e72] ::INFO: Deploy C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\jetty\contexts\apps.xml -> org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext@1e36b5c{/apps,C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\jetty/webapps/apps.war} Mon 9/10 22:19:49.311 [SageTV@1198e72] ::INFO: Extract C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\jetty/webapps/apps.war to C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\jetty\webapps\apps\webapp Mon 9/10 22:19:49.800 [PluginRepoUpdater@147df9c] Local plugin repository file's checksum matches server's, no need to download a new one for SageTVPluginsV9.xml Mon 9/10 22:19:49.808 [PluginRepoUpdater@147df9c] Analyzing plugin repository XML file: SageTVPlugins.xml Mon 9/10 22:19:49.869 [PluginRepoUpdater@147df9c] Done processing plugin repository XML file[SageTVPlugins.xml] repositoryVersion=1.0.2007 Mon 9/10 22:19:49.877 [PluginRepoUpdater@147df9c] Analyzing plugin repository XML file: SageTVPluginsV9.xml Mon 9/10 22:19:49.889 [PluginRepoUpdater@147df9c] Done processing plugin repository XML file[SageTVPluginsV9.xml] repositoryVersion=2018.0805.1415 Mon 9/10 22:19:49.897 [PluginRepoUpdater@147df9c] Analyzing plugin repository XML file: SageTVPluginsDev.xml Mon 9/10 22:19:49.908 [PluginRepoUpdater@147df9c] Done processing plugin repository XML file[SageTVPluginsDev.xml] repositoryVersion=null Mon 9/10 22:19:50.037 [SageTV@1198e72] ::INFO: Opened C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\jetty\logs\2018_09_11.request.log Mon 9/10 22:19:50.054 [SageTV@1198e72] ::INFO: Started SelectChannelConnector@ Mon 9/10 22:19:50.063 [SageTV@1198e72] Calling start on plugin: sagex-services - SageTV Remote API Services Mon 9/10 22:19:50.072 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after commons-lang3 because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:50.080 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix API to after The Movie DB Library because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:50.087 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Core Services to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:50.096 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin UPnP Support to after Phoenix Core Services because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:50.104 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin UPnP (PlayOn) Browser to after UPnP Support because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:50.111 [SageTV@1198e72] Calling start on plugin: Queue Importer Settings(DO NOT DOWNLOAD) Mon 9/10 22:19:50.118 [SageTV@1198e72] PLAYON: PlayON Importer JAR v1.5.1 - 2/19/11 Mon 9/10 22:19:50.126 [SageTV@1198e72] PLAYON: Timer Starting. Mon 9/10 22:19:50.135 [SageTV@1198e72] PLAYON: Checking For Import Path Property Mon 9/10 22:19:50.143 [SageTV@1198e72] PLAYON: Playon Timer setting off no timer started. Mon 9/10 22:19:50.151 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin The Movie DB Library to after HttpClient because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:50.160 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix API to after The Movie DB Library because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:50.169 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Core Services to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:50.176 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin UPnP Support to after Phoenix Core Services because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:50.184 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin UPnP (PlayOn) Browser to after UPnP Support because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:50.190 [SageTV@1198e72] Moving starting of plugin The TV DB Library to after HttpClient because of its dependency on it. Mon 9/10 22:19:50.198 [SageTV@1198e72] Calling start on plugin: Phoenix Core Services INFO - Configured Logging for: phoenix using file: Mon 9/10 22:19:50.220 [SageTV@1198e72] LOG4J: Configured Logging for: phoenix using file: INFO - Configured Logging for: phoenix-metadata using file: Mon 9/10 22:19:50.229 [SageTV@1198e72] LOG4J: Configured Logging for: phoenix-metadata using file: Mon 9/10 22:19:51.032 [SageTV@1198e72] instance for '' = Mon 9/10 22:19:51.047 [SageTV@1198e72] Calling start on plugin: UPnP Support Mon 9/10 22:19:51.055 [SageTV@1198e72] UPNP: Plugin: Starting. Version = 0.06 Mon 9/10 22:19:51.063 [SageTV@1198e72] UPNP: Plugin: LogLevel = Trace. Mon 9/10 22:19:51.070 [SageTV@1198e72] UPNP: Plugin.start: Server not configured to start. Mon 9/10 22:19:51.081 [SageTV@1198e72] UPNP: JobManager: Initialized queue. Mon 9/10 22:19:51.088 [SageTV@1198e72] UPNP: JobManager.initQueue: No items in queue. Mon 9/10 22:19:51.096 [SageTV@1198e72] UPNP: Plugin.setDefaultDownloadDirectory: Current directory F:\ Mon 9/10 22:19:51.103 [SageTV@1198e72] UPNP: Plugin.makeDownloadDirectory: Directory exists. Mon 9/10 22:19:51.111 [SageTV@1198e72] UPNP: JobManager.startFirstInQueue: Queue is empty. Mon 9/10 22:19:51.119 [SageTV@1198e72] UPNP: Plugin.start: Starting MonitorJob. Mon 9/10 22:19:51.127 [SageTV@1198e72] UPNP: Plugin.start: Starting FavoriteManager. Mon 9/10 22:19:51.136 [SageTV@1198e72] UPNP: Plugin.start: Subscribing to events. Mon 9/10 22:19:51.146 [SageTV@1198e72] Done starting core plugins. Mon 9/10 22:19:51.158 [PSNATMGR@7f9183] Starting UPnP NAT Manager... Mon 9/10 22:20:10.656 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@c8a42d] Server got broadcast packet: Mon 9/10 22:20:10.714 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@c8a42d] Server sent back mini discovery to / 8271 Mon 9/10 22:20:17.156 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@c8a42d] Server got broadcast packet: Mon 9/10 22:20:17.215 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@c8a42d] Server sent back mini discovery to / 8271 Mon 9/10 22:20:38.179 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@c8a42d] Server got broadcast packet: Mon 9/10 22:20:38.239 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@c8a42d] Server sent back mini discovery to / 8271 Mon 9/10 22:20:41.181 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@c8a42d] Server got broadcast packet: Mon 9/10 22:20:41.240 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@c8a42d] Server sent back mini discovery to / 8271 Mon 9/10 22:20:44.967 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@c8a42d] Server got broadcast packet: Mon 9/10 22:20:45.023 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@c8a42d] Server sent back mini discovery to / 35940 Mon 9/10 22:20:48.335 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Looking for new Favorites. Mon 9/10 22:20:48.344 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Getting Subscribed channels. Mon 9/10 22:20:48.361 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: DeviceAuth.getUsableAccessToken: Returned valid access code: ya29.Gl0VBmo3RY1zVRC68CW3Wr9XY2dwJERDpoVm726RWmJRsupTzokFl31VjBUgFSOxa_qyYEIDaKRIryaoL6qvAdz9dCMlIU2CT_6mzyZRliMqGXC64XQq3xWZ0Bsu9bA Mon 9/10 22:20:48.379 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: DeviceAuth.getUsableAccessToken: Returned valid access code: ya29.Gl0VBmo3RY1zVRC68CW3Wr9XY2dwJERDpoVm726RWmJRsupTzokFl31VjBUgFSOxa_qyYEIDaKRIryaoL6qvAdz9dCMlIU2CT_6mzyZRliMqGXC64XQq3xWZ0Bsu9bA Mon 9/10 22:20:48.425 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: Quota.addQuota: Total quota usage is now 92100 Mon 9/10 22:20:49.545 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: Subscriptions.getSubscriptionsForAuthorizedUser: kind:youtube#subscriptionListResponse etag:"XI7nbFXulYBIpL0ayR_gDh3eu1k/us5QPN21QC4kAH3mMY1QqsHLSuE" nextPageToken:null prevPageToken:null totalResults:28 resultsPerPage:50 Mon 9/10 22:20:49.552 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: Subscriptions.getSubscriptionsForAuthorizedUser: Size of items 27 Mon 9/10 22:20:49.562 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: Channels.subscriptionListToChannelList: ChannelIds UCymYq4Piq0BrhnM18aQzTlg,UCNVxqV5plTxTx3D_57ai5Ow,UCqMiqFXmIlvWzsnizzknSSw,UCuSdObYHdjize3ziP951org,UCmR81CjsNWkTZwo5odbgG1A,UCjrL1ugI6xGqQ7VEyV6aRAg,UCMa-MankiBDYyXO2wjfjHXQ,UCWIThZubSeo-sOvbaxcTXJQ,UCqT8zU8dHbswxqYcG60VPGQ,UCgW2-azYo1Gh6JpzeCmHRtg,UC0oMYbkaO_bFN4Fh4J0LpYg,UCqCRBowSBc3OVvptRY10ZJw,UCM0kHJXSHR1k1wtLuliKmHg,UCQZcmkkx7hc0ik4wjaAtINQ,UCtB7u-ntZJJVYh6xt9WlDlQ,UCa5LnN_VZjWSdPF9wZ2Qqgg,UCwKfHbq7SoZLrIfcBKHfU2A,UCf0VhuXsMR7GBTmgfHPwFyg,UCp68_FLety0O-n9QU6phsgw,UC_pF_y417LmEDrA6yzefZkg,UC64eec0UYHxflyEWgyZOvLA,UCHYi8icg8EC6DvMJD5OcTOg,UCJZsfzVIbZt78P78Uks8q-A,UCkCLFrOmWUKdvAvdEjzQ0CA,UC34_SxzRr7FOYdKfjLpVBzw,UCS8gdHPggNYnGMM7an-nCMQ,UC8rv3EEvlEsk8WwqSYOCYRw Mon 9/10 22:20:49.574 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: DeviceAuth.getUsableAccessToken: Returned valid access code: ya29.Gl0VBmo3RY1zVRC68CW3Wr9XY2dwJERDpoVm726RWmJRsupTzokFl31VjBUgFSOxa_qyYEIDaKRIryaoL6qvAdz9dCMlIU2CT_6mzyZRliMqGXC64XQq3xWZ0Bsu9bA Mon 9/10 22:20:49.581 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: Quota.addQuota: Total quota usage is now 92109 Mon 9/10 22:20:52.490 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: Channels.getChannelForId: kind:youtube#channelListResponse etag:"XI7nbFXulYBIpL0ayR_gDh3eu1k/eobg_vfZsFM6R8eCEPm3ikQRR6Y" nextPageToken:CAUQAA prevPageToken:null totalResults:0 resultsPerPage:0 Mon 9/10 22:20:52.498 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Number of channels subscribed to 27 Mon 9/10 22:20:52.507 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel Matt Borchert Mon 9/10 22:20:52.514 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel BBQ Pit Boys Mon 9/10 22:20:52.521 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel Linda's Pantry Mon 9/10 22:20:52.528 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel Lon.TV Mon 9/10 22:20:52.535 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel 500dollarknifeshop Mon 9/10 22:20:52.542 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel Mon 9/10 22:20:52.549 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel Mon 9/10 22:20:52.555 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel Kevin Caron, Artist Mon 9/10 22:20:52.562 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel The Boiler Room Mon 9/10 22:20:52.568 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel TROYPOINT Mon 9/10 22:20:52.575 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel EatSleepProfit Mon 9/10 22:20:52.581 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel Madlittlepixel Mon 9/10 22:20:52.589 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel DonThompson5900 Mon 9/10 22:20:52.596 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel jamesfreddys Mon 9/10 22:20:52.604 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel Pepper Joe's Mon 9/10 22:20:52.611 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel MrVinylObsessive Mon 9/10 22:20:52.618 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel Mr. Z Mon 9/10 22:20:52.625 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel Lynn Abrams Mon 9/10 22:20:52.631 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel Maggard Razors Mon 9/10 22:20:52.639 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel alaskabearhawk Mon 9/10 22:20:52.647 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel Peter Carcione Mon 9/10 22:20:52.655 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel Solo Man Mon 9/10 22:20:52.662 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel nelsonracingengines Mon 9/10 22:20:52.668 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel colinfurze Mon 9/10 22:20:52.675 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel TastyTuts Mon 9/10 22:20:52.682 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@c8a42d] Server got broadcast packet: Mon 9/10 22:20:52.690 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel FoodslingerTV Mon 9/10 22:20:52.698 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Will check subscribed channel tufkcblues Mon 9/10 22:20:52.706 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Number of subscribed channels after removing duplicates 27 Mon 9/10 22:20:52.716 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Done with Favorite Channels. Starting on Keyword Favorites. Mon 9/10 22:20:52.724 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Done with Keyword Favorites. Starting Subscribed Channels. Mon 9/10 22:20:52.732 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing Matt Borchert Mon 9/10 22:20:52.740 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:52.748 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@c8a42d] Server sent back mini discovery to / 8271 Mon 9/10 22:20:52.756 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing BBQ Pit Boys Mon 9/10 22:20:52.763 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:52.770 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing Linda's Pantry Mon 9/10 22:20:52.777 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:52.785 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing Lon.TV Mon 9/10 22:20:52.793 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:52.800 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing 500dollarknifeshop Mon 9/10 22:20:52.807 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:52.814 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing Mon 9/10 22:20:52.821 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:52.828 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing Mon 9/10 22:20:52.834 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:52.841 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing Kevin Caron, Artist Mon 9/10 22:20:52.847 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:52.853 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing The Boiler Room Mon 9/10 22:20:52.860 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:52.866 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing TROYPOINT Mon 9/10 22:20:52.873 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:52.880 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing EatSleepProfit Mon 9/10 22:20:52.888 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:52.895 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing Madlittlepixel Mon 9/10 22:20:52.902 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:52.908 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing DonThompson5900 Mon 9/10 22:20:52.916 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:52.923 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing jamesfreddys Mon 9/10 22:20:52.931 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:52.939 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing Pepper Joe's Mon 9/10 22:20:52.946 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:52.952 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing MrVinylObsessive Mon 9/10 22:20:52.959 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:52.966 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing Mr. Z Mon 9/10 22:20:52.974 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:52.981 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing Lynn Abrams Mon 9/10 22:20:52.988 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:52.995 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing Maggard Razors Mon 9/10 22:20:53.003 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:53.011 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing alaskabearhawk Mon 9/10 22:20:53.018 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:53.025 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing Peter Carcione Mon 9/10 22:20:53.032 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:53.038 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing Solo Man Mon 9/10 22:20:53.045 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:53.051 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing nelsonracingengines Mon 9/10 22:20:53.058 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:53.064 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing colinfurze Mon 9/10 22:20:53.071 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:53.077 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing TastyTuts Mon 9/10 22:20:53.083 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:53.091 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing FoodslingerTV Mon 9/10 22:20:53.098 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:53.105 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Processing tufkcblues Mon 9/10 22:20:53.111 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager.processChannel: Not set to record new episodes. Mon 9/10 22:20:53.118 [Timer-3@8e0c92] YT: FavoriteManager: Finished. Exiting. Mon 9/10 22:21:50.662 [main@af905d] Sage.exit() called. Mon 9/10 22:21:50.685 [main@af905d] Stopping all core plugins Mon 9/10 22:21:50.763 [main@af905d] Calling stop on plugin: UPnP Support Mon 9/10 22:21:50.763 [main@af905d] UPNP: Plugin.stop: Stop received from Plugin Manager. Mon 9/10 22:21:50.764 [main@af905d] Calling stop on plugin: Phoenix Core Services Mon 9/10 22:21:50.805 [main@af905d] Calling stop on plugin: Queue Importer Settings(DO NOT DOWNLOAD) Mon 9/10 22:21:50.823 [main@af905d] PLAYON: Timer Stopping. Mon 9/10 22:21:50.840 [main@af905d] Calling stop on plugin: sagex-services - SageTV Remote API Services Mon 9/10 22:21:50.843 [main@af905d] Calling stop on plugin: Jetty Web Server Mon 9/10 22:21:50.843 [main@af905d] ::INFO: Stopping Jetty Mon 9/10 22:21:50.855 [main@af905d] ::INFO: Graceful shutdown SelectChannelConnector@ Mon 9/10 22:21:50.940 [main@af905d] ::INFO: Graceful shutdown org.mortbay.jetty.handler.ContextHandler@10143d3{/,file:/C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/SageTV/SageTV/jetty/static} Mon 9/10 22:21:50.940 [main@af905d] ::INFO: Graceful shutdown org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.Context@2089aa{/sagex,null} Mon 9/10 22:21:50.941 [main@af905d] ::INFO: Graceful shutdown org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext@1e36b5c{/apps,C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\jetty/webapps/apps.war} Mon 9/10 22:21:51.954 [main@af905d] Calling stop on plugin: YouTube Recording Engine Mon 9/10 22:21:51.954 [main@af905d] YT: Plugin.stop: Stop received from Plugin Manager. Mon 9/10 22:21:51.954 [main@af905d] Calling stop on plugin: Commercial Detector Mon 9/10 22:21:51.954 [main@af905d] Destroying all core plugins Mon 9/10 22:21:51.955 [main@af905d] Calling destroy on plugin: UPnP Support Mon 9/10 22:21:51.955 [main@af905d] UPNP: Plugin: Destroy received from Plugin Manager. Mon 9/10 22:21:51.955 [main@af905d] Calling destroy on plugin: Phoenix Core Services Mon 9/10 22:21:51.955 [main@af905d] Calling destroy on plugin: Queue Importer Settings(DO NOT DOWNLOAD) Mon 9/10 22:21:51.955 [main@af905d] Calling destroy on plugin: sagex-services - SageTV Remote API Services Mon 9/10 22:21:51.956 [main@af905d] Calling destroy on plugin: Jetty Web Server Mon 9/10 22:21:51.956 [main@af905d] Calling destroy on plugin: YouTube Recording Engine Mon 9/10 22:21:51.956 [main@af905d] YT: Plugin: Destroy received from Plugin Manager. Mon 9/10 22:21:51.956 [main@af905d] Calling destroy on plugin: Commercial Detector Mon 9/10 22:21:51.956 [main@af905d] Cleaning up servers Mon 9/10 22:21:51.957 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@c8a42d] Error w/SageTV client socket closed Mon 9/10 22:21:51.957 [MiniTftp@1fea005] socket closed Mon 9/10 22:21:51.958 [MiniBootp@be240c] socket closed Mon 9/10 22:21:51.958 [MiniMVP@10cfc76] socket closed