Mon 9/10 22:16:41.928 [Scheduler@202517] Total Schedule eval time=637 msec Mon 9/10 22:16:41.936 [Seeker@198453e] Seeker awoken Mon 9/10 22:16:41.943 [Scheduler@202517] Scheduler starting wait... Mon 9/10 22:16:41.950 [Seeker@198453e] MemStats: Used=477MB Total=778MB Max=778MB Mon 9/10 22:16:41.958 [Seeker@198453e] MARK 1 currRecord=A[3576479,3134673,"Local4 News at 10",47516@0910.22:00,35,T] enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2 clients=[UIManager:localhost@@0023a50008dd-fae124] ir=false Mon 9/10 22:16:41.965 [Seeker@198453e] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[3617199,3617194,"Late Night With Seth Meyers",47516@0910.23:35,60,T] nextTTA=4698043 Mon 9/10 22:16:41.972 [Seeker@198453e] newRecord=A[3576479,3134673,"Local4 News at 10",47516@0910.22:00,35,T] Mon 9/10 22:16:41.979 [Seeker@198453e] Keeping record just the way it is. Mon 9/10 22:16:41.987 [Seeker@198453e] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3 clients=[] ir=false Mon 9/10 22:16:41.994 [Seeker@198453e] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[3620624,3620614,"Jimmy Kimmel Live",31652@0910.22:35,62,T] nextTTA=1098043 Mon 9/10 22:16:42.001 [Seeker@198453e] newRecord=null Mon 9/10 22:16:42.008 [Seeker@198453e] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Mon 9/10 22:16:42.015 [Seeker@198453e] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1 clients=[] ir=false Mon 9/10 22:16:42.022 [Seeker@198453e] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[3621275,3621270,"The Late Show With Stephen Colbert",35234@0910.22:35,62,T] nextTTA=1098043 Mon 9/10 22:16:42.029 [Seeker@198453e] newRecord=null Mon 9/10 22:16:42.036 [Seeker@198453e] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Mon 9/10 22:16:42.042 [Seeker@198453e] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0 clients=[] ir=false Mon 9/10 22:16:42.049 [Seeker@198453e] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[3576480,3576325,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0910.22:35,60,T] nextTTA=1098043 Mon 9/10 22:16:42.056 [Seeker@198453e] newRecord=null Mon 9/10 22:16:42.063 [Seeker@198453e] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Mon 9/10 22:16:42.070 [Seeker@198453e] RootFile=E:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=843172494 file=E:\Local4Newsat10-3576479-0.mpg Mon 9/10 22:16:42.076 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Mon 9/10 22:16:42.083 [Seeker@198453e] Checking video directories for new files Mon 9/10 22:16:42.090 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] isRec=true rd=1002068 base=997893 eos=false Mon 9/10 22:16:42.097 [Seeker@198453e] Diskspace checking is running Mon 9/10 22:16:42.105 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] VF thread is now waiting for 0:18:21.842 Mon 9/10 22:16:42.112 [Seeker@198453e] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Mon 9/10 22:16:42.125 [Seeker@198453e] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Mon 9/10 22:16:42.132 [Seeker@198453e] DONE enforcing keep at most limits for the files. Mon 9/10 22:16:42.139 [Seeker@198453e] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Mon 9/10 22:16:42.145 [Seeker@198453e] DONE clearing unwanted and partial files. Mon 9/10 22:16:42.156 [Seeker@198453e] needFreeSize = 2.025 GB currFreeSize=1105.878401024 GB Mon 9/10 22:16:42.164 [Seeker@198453e] Seeker waiting for 13 mins. Mon 9/10 22:16:43.196 [KillUIMgr@167a8ef] Killed RootPanel Mon 9/10 22:16:43.205 [KillUIMgr@167a8ef] Saving properties file to clients\ Mon 9/10 22:16:43.225 [KillUIMgr@167a8ef] Done writing out the data to the properties file Mon 9/10 22:16:43.231 [KillUIMgr@167a8ef] Disposed Window Mon 9/10 22:16:43.247 [Fork-JREkiwi-615771@1a42756] Shutting Down Comskip Playback v2.1.3 Thread: Thread[Fork-JREkiwi-615771,5,main], on UI Context 0023a5000ecf Mon 9/10 22:16:48.381 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@c00baf] Server got broadcast packet: Mon 9/10 22:16:48.455 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@c00baf] Server sent back mini discovery to / 8271 Mon 9/10 22:16:55.666 [Ministry@40f814] Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Mon 9/10 22:17:31.329 [Thread-1661@1392339] CD: ComskipJob.updateRatio: Old, Current and new Ratios 0.08765797:0.11129218:0.09002139 Mon 9/10 22:17:37.050 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@c00baf] Server got broadcast packet: Mon 9/10 22:17:37.122 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@c00baf] Server sent back mini discovery to / 8271 Mon 9/10 22:18:42.149 [main@af905d] Sage.exit() called. Mon 9/10 22:18:42.157 [main@af905d] Stopping all core plugins Mon 9/10 22:18:42.165 [main@af905d] Calling stop on plugin: UPnP Support Mon 9/10 22:18:42.171 [main@af905d] UPNP: Plugin.stop: Stop received from Plugin Manager. Mon 9/10 22:18:42.178 [main@af905d] Calling stop on plugin: Phoenix Core Services Mon 9/10 22:18:42.189 [main@af905d] Calling stop on plugin: Queue Importer Settings(DO NOT DOWNLOAD) Mon 9/10 22:18:42.196 [main@af905d] PLAYON: Timer Stopping. Mon 9/10 22:18:42.202 [main@af905d] Calling stop on plugin: sagex-services - SageTV Remote API Services Mon 9/10 22:18:42.211 [main@af905d] Calling stop on plugin: Jetty Web Server Mon 9/10 22:18:42.218 [main@af905d] ::INFO: Stopping Jetty Mon 9/10 22:18:42.223 [main@af905d] ::INFO: Graceful shutdown SelectChannelConnector@ Mon 9/10 22:18:42.347 [main@af905d] ::INFO: Graceful shutdown org.mortbay.jetty.handler.ContextHandler@1536d79{/,file:/C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/SageTV/SageTV/jetty/static} Mon 9/10 22:18:42.354 [main@af905d] ::INFO: Graceful shutdown org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.Context@3ba950{/sagex,null} Mon 9/10 22:18:42.361 [main@af905d] ::INFO: Graceful shutdown org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext@f0f7a5{/apps,C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\jetty/webapps/apps.war} Mon 9/10 22:18:43.387 [main@af905d] Calling stop on plugin: YouTube Recording Engine Mon 9/10 22:18:43.394 [main@af905d] YT: Plugin.stop: Stop received from Plugin Manager. Mon 9/10 22:18:43.401 [main@af905d] Calling stop on plugin: Commercial Detector Mon 9/10 22:18:43.408 [main@af905d] Destroying all core plugins Mon 9/10 22:18:43.415 [main@af905d] Calling destroy on plugin: UPnP Support Mon 9/10 22:18:43.421 [main@af905d] UPNP: Plugin: Destroy received from Plugin Manager. Mon 9/10 22:18:43.427 [main@af905d] Calling destroy on plugin: Phoenix Core Services Mon 9/10 22:18:43.432 [main@af905d] Calling destroy on plugin: Queue Importer Settings(DO NOT DOWNLOAD) Mon 9/10 22:18:43.438 [main@af905d] Calling destroy on plugin: sagex-services - SageTV Remote API Services Mon 9/10 22:18:43.444 [main@af905d] Calling destroy on plugin: Jetty Web Server Mon 9/10 22:18:43.450 [main@af905d] Calling destroy on plugin: YouTube Recording Engine Mon 9/10 22:18:43.458 [main@af905d] YT: Plugin: Destroy received from Plugin Manager. Mon 9/10 22:18:43.464 [main@af905d] Calling destroy on plugin: Commercial Detector Mon 9/10 22:18:43.471 [main@af905d] Cleaning up servers Mon 9/10 22:18:43.477 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@c00baf] Error w/SageTV client socket closed Mon 9/10 22:18:43.484 [MiniMVP@17c66e5] socket closed Mon 9/10 22:18:43.491 [MiniBootp@bb2c01] socket closed Mon 9/10 22:18:43.497 [MiniTftp@34c62] socket closed Mon 9/10 22:18:48.486 [main@af905d] Cleaning up PM Mon 9/10 22:18:48.494 [main@af905d] Killed Carny. Mon 9/10 22:18:48.501 [main@af905d] Killed Scheduler. Mon 9/10 22:18:48.509 [main@af905d] Error calling finishWatch from VF goodbye:java.lang.NullPointerException Mon 9/10 22:18:48.517 [Ministry@40f814] Ministry is shutting down....destroying the converts in progress Mon 9/10 22:18:48.523 [main@af905d] FSManager goodbye() Mon 9/10 22:18:48.530 [Seeker@198453e] Seeker.endRecord(Mon 9/10 22:18:48.530) currRecord=A[3576479,3134673,"Local4 News at 10",47516@0910.22:00,35,T] readySwitch=false Mon 9/10 22:18:48.536 [Carny@15aea71] Carny is stopping processing early to do a new job... Mon 9/10 22:18:48.542 [Seeker@198453e] VF.submitJob(VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=E:\Local4Newsat10-3576479-0.mpg]) Mon 9/10 22:18:48.549 [MainMsg@14f6f02] stopEncoding0 called (config:0x49000) Mon 9/10 22:18:48.549 [MainMsg@14f6f02] stopEncoding0 trace 1 0x371943a4 Mon 9/10 22:18:48.549 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] VF processing job VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=E:\Local4Newsat10-3576479-0.mpg] nPlayin=true Mon 9/10 22:18:48.555 [MainMsg@14f6f02] stopEncoding0 trace 2 Mon 9/10 22:18:48.555 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=E:\Local4Newsat10-3576479-0.mpg] Mon 9/10 22:18:48.561 [MainMsg@14f6f02] stopEncoding0 trace 3 0x372594ec Mon 9/10 22:18:48.561 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] VF notified of Inactive File Mon 9/10 22:18:48.567 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Mon 9/10 22:18:48.573 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] isRec=true rd=1128558 base=1124368 eos=false Mon 9/10 22:18:48.580 [Pusher@164d56] SERVER Buffer size is now ZERO! Trigger local EOS to start the seamless file switch Mon 9/10 22:18:48.586 [MainMsg@14f6f02] stopEncoding0 trace 4 Mon 9/10 22:18:48.587 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Mon 9/10 22:18:48.593 [MainMsg@14f6f02] Stopped graph res=0x0 Mon 9/10 22:18:48.593 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] isRec=true rd=1128578 base=1124368 eos=true Mon 9/10 22:18:48.598 [MainMsg@14f6f02] stopEncoding0 trace 5 Mon 9/10 22:18:48.599 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] VideoFrame watching a live old airing, fixing it. Mon 9/10 22:18:48.604 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] Current airing has ended, looking for next.A[3576479,3134673,"Local4 News at 10",47516@0910.22:00,35,T] Mon 9/10 22:18:48.610 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] Crossed live and couldn't find anything to play: A[3576480,3576325,"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon",47516@0910.22:35,60,T] Mon 9/10 22:18:48.616 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] Getting the current record file from Seeker yielded the same file w/out the sync lock, retry with the lock... Mon 9/10 22:18:48.723 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] watchMe=null currFile=MediaFile[id=3622743 A[3576479,3134673,"Local4 News at 10",47516@0910.22:00,35,T] mask=TV host=DESKTOP-5A8TPDO encodedBy=Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2 KOLNDT2 format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 10380 kbps [#0 Video[MPEG2-Video 59.94006 fps 1280x720 16:9 progressive id=e0]#1 Audio[AC3 48000 Hz 6 channels 384 kbps MAIN idx=1 id=bd-80010000 eng]] E:\Local4Newsat10-3576479-0.mpg, Seg0[Mon 9/10 22:00:00.015-Mon 9/10 22:18:48.530]] Mon 9/10 22:18:48.729 [main@af905d] Killed Seeker. Mon 9/10 22:18:48.735 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] VF processing job VFJob[StdComplete r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null] nPlayin=true Mon 9/10 22:18:48.741 [main@af905d] Killed EPG. Mon 9/10 22:18:48.746 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[StdComplete r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null] Mon 9/10 22:18:48.753 [main@af905d] freeDevice called for Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3 Mon 9/10 22:18:48.759 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] MiniPlayer.setPlaybackRate(1.0) Mon 9/10 22:18:48.765 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 called for device='Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-3' Mon 9/10 22:18:48.765 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] VF.submitJob(VFJob[Pause r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null]) Mon 9/10 22:18:48.771 [main@af905d] Tuner Plugin released Mon 9/10 22:18:48.771 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step-1 Mon 9/10 22:18:48.771 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] Added:Watched[id=3622747 Airing=A[3576479,3134673,"Local4 News at 10",47516@0910.22:00,35,T], WatchStart=Mon 9/10 22:00:00.015, WatchEnd=Mon 9/10 22:18:44.574, RealStart=Mon 9/10 22:00:01.751, RealEnd=Mon 9/10 22:18:48.771] Mon 9/10 22:18:48.776 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step0 Mon 9/10 22:18:48.777 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] VF logFileWatch doneAir=A[3576479,3134673,"Local4 News at 10",47516@0910.22:00,35,T] theTime=Mon 9/10 22:18:44.574 recTime=Mon 9/10 22:00:00.015 Mon 9/10 22:18:48.786 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step1 Mon 9/10 22:18:48.786 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] VF processing job VFJob[Pause r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null] nPlayin=true Mon 9/10 22:18:48.792 [EventRouter-0023a50008dd@1ff2aa3] processUserEvent-UserEvent[back] evtTime=Mon 9/10 22:18:44.262 Mon 9/10 22:18:48.798 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step2 Mon 9/10 22:18:48.798 [EventRouter-0023a50008dd@1ff2aa3] setUI(sage.PseudoMenu@b9011c[LiveTVGuide w/ Optional Preview]) histIdx=8 uiHistory=[sage.PseudoMenu@2d3aeb[MediaPlayer OSD], sage.PseudoMenu@b9011c[LiveTVGuide w/ Optional Preview], sage.PseudoMenu@2d3aeb[MediaPlayer OSD], sage.PseudoMenu@b9011c[LiveTVGuide w/ Optional Preview], sage.PseudoMenu@2d3aeb[MediaPlayer OSD], sage.PseudoMenu@953b8b[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@10feb3d[SageRecordings w/ Optional Preview & AutoCategories], sage.PseudoMenu@2d3aeb[MediaPlayer OSD], sage.PseudoMenu@b9011c[LiveTVGuide w/ Optional Preview], sage.PseudoMenu@2d3aeb[MediaPlayer OSD]] redo=true performingActivation=false Mon 9/10 22:18:48.805 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[Pause r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null] Mon 9/10 22:18:48.811 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step3 Mon 9/10 22:18:48.811 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] MiniPlayer.setPlaybackRate(1.0) Mon 9/10 22:18:48.817 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step4 Mon 9/10 22:18:48.817 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] pausePush0() Mon 9/10 22:18:48.825 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Mon 9/10 22:18:48.831 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] isRec=false rd=1128515 base=1124559 eos=true Mon 9/10 22:18:48.838 [EventRouter-0023a50008dd@1ff2aa3] VideoFrame got registration of a subtitle UI component: null Mon 9/10 22:18:48.844 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:00.000 Mon 9/10 22:18:48.849 [EventRouter-0023a50008dd@1ff2aa3] VideoFrame got registration of a cc UI component: null Mon 9/10 22:18:48.874 [ActiveRender-0023a50008dd@10d9c84] VideoFrame got registration of a subtitle UI component: sage.ZCCLabel[loc=java.awt.Point[x=27,y=79] size=java.awt.Dimension[width=129,height=20]] Mon 9/10 22:18:48.881 [ActiveRender-0023a50008dd@10d9c84] VideoFrame got registration of a cc UI component: sage.ZCCLabel[loc=java.awt.Point[x=18,y=10] size=java.awt.Dimension[width=148,height=83]] Mon 9/10 22:18:48.891 [Fork-OPUS4A-217436@1e0bf56] STARTING background channel logo preloader thread, ID = 0.7746909162394886 Mon 9/10 22:18:48.900 [FinalRender-0023a50008dd@182e05] MiniClient did not succeed with menu hint change to:menuName:LiveTVGuide w/ Optional Preview, popupName:null, hasTextInput:false, errcode=1 Mon 9/10 22:18:48.983 [Fork-JREkiwi-615771@18e7e6a] Shutting Down Comskip Playback v2.1.3 Thread: Thread[Fork-JREkiwi-615771,5,main], on UI Context 0023a50008dd Mon 9/10 22:18:49.829 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step4-1 0x37193f54 Mon 9/10 22:18:49.830 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step5 Mon 9/10 22:18:49.830 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step6. Mon 9/10 22:18:49.831 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 pBuilder. Mon 9/10 22:18:49.832 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 pGraph. Mon 9/10 22:18:49.834 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step8 Mon 9/10 22:18:49.834 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step9 Mon 9/10 22:18:49.834 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step10 Mon 9/10 22:18:49.834 [main@af905d] freeDevice called for Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0 Mon 9/10 22:18:49.840 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 called for device='Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-0' Mon 9/10 22:18:49.841 [main@af905d] Tuner Plugin released Mon 9/10 22:18:49.841 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step-1 Mon 9/10 22:18:49.841 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step0 Mon 9/10 22:18:49.841 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step1 Mon 9/10 22:18:49.841 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step2 Mon 9/10 22:18:49.842 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step3 Mon 9/10 22:18:49.842 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step4 Mon 9/10 22:18:50.858 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step4-1 0x37193264 Mon 9/10 22:18:50.859 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step5 Mon 9/10 22:18:50.859 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step6. Mon 9/10 22:18:50.859 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 pBuilder. Mon 9/10 22:18:50.859 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 pGraph. Mon 9/10 22:18:50.859 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step8 Mon 9/10 22:18:50.859 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step9 Mon 9/10 22:18:50.860 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step10 Mon 9/10 22:18:50.860 [main@af905d] freeDevice called for Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2 Mon 9/10 22:18:50.866 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 called for device='Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-2' Mon 9/10 22:18:50.866 [main@af905d] Tuner Plugin released Mon 9/10 22:18:50.866 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step-1 Mon 9/10 22:18:50.866 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step0 Mon 9/10 22:18:50.866 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step1 Mon 9/10 22:18:50.866 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step2 Mon 9/10 22:18:50.867 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step3 Mon 9/10 22:18:50.868 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step4 Mon 9/10 22:18:51.890 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step4-1 0x371943a4 Mon 9/10 22:18:51.890 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step5 Mon 9/10 22:18:51.890 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step6. Mon 9/10 22:18:51.890 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 pBuilder. Mon 9/10 22:18:51.890 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 pGraph. Mon 9/10 22:18:51.891 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step8 Mon 9/10 22:18:51.891 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step9 Mon 9/10 22:18:51.891 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step10 Mon 9/10 22:18:51.891 [main@af905d] freeDevice called for Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1 Mon 9/10 22:18:51.897 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 called for device='Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 107189A7-1' Mon 9/10 22:18:51.897 [main@af905d] Tuner Plugin released Mon 9/10 22:18:51.897 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step-1 Mon 9/10 22:18:51.897 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step0 Mon 9/10 22:18:51.897 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step1 Mon 9/10 22:18:51.897 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step2 Mon 9/10 22:18:51.898 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step3 Mon 9/10 22:18:51.899 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step4 Mon 9/10 22:18:52.921 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step4-1 0x37194c44 Mon 9/10 22:18:52.921 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step5 Mon 9/10 22:18:52.921 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step6. Mon 9/10 22:18:52.922 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 pBuilder. Mon 9/10 22:18:52.922 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 pGraph. Mon 9/10 22:18:52.922 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step8 Mon 9/10 22:18:52.922 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step9 Mon 9/10 22:18:52.924 [main@af905d] teardownGraph0 step10 Mon 9/10 22:18:52.924 [main@af905d] Killed MMC. Mon 9/10 22:18:52.930 [main@af905d] Killing UIMgr UIManager:localhost@@SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI-ac736f Mon 9/10 22:18:52.935 [main@af905d] Error calling finishWatch from VF goodbye:java.lang.NullPointerException Mon 9/10 22:18:52.941 [main@af905d] Killed VideoFrame Mon 9/10 22:18:52.947 [main@af905d] Disposed Window Mon 9/10 22:18:52.952 [main@af905d] Killing UIMgr UIManager:localhost@@0023a50008dd-fae124 Mon 9/10 22:18:52.958 [main@af905d] Killed UI Timers Mon 9/10 22:18:52.964 [main@af905d] stopPush0() Mon 9/10 22:18:52.983 [main@af905d] Closing down MiniPlayer Mon 9/10 22:18:52.988 [main@af905d] closeDriver0() Mon 9/10 22:18:53.061 [main@af905d] Seeker.finishWatch(UIManager:localhost@@0023a50008dd-fae124) Mon 9/10 22:18:53.068 [main@af905d] Killed VideoFrame Mon 9/10 22:18:53.073 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] VF processing job null nPlayin=false Mon 9/10 22:18:53.079 [main@af905d] VF.submitJob(VFJob[CloseMF r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null]) Mon 9/10 22:18:53.085 [VideoFrame-0023a50008dd@1620f24] VideoFrame thread is now exiting Mon 9/10 22:18:53.090 [main@af905d] Seeker.finishWatch(UIManager:localhost@@0023a50008dd-fae124) Mon 9/10 22:18:53.358 [main@af905d] Killed EventRouter Mon 9/10 22:18:53.858 [FinalRender-0023a50008dd@182e05] Terminating the BGResourceLoader for the rendering engine Mon 9/10 22:18:53.864 [FinalRender-0023a50008dd@182e05] deinitMini() Mon 9/10 22:18:53.871 [MiniUIClientReceiver@97fb2f] Exception in the MiniUIClientReceiver of: java.nio.channels.AsynchronousCloseException Mon 9/10 22:18:55.374 [main@af905d] Killed RootPanel Mon 9/10 22:18:55.380 [main@af905d] Saving properties file to clients\ Mon 9/10 22:18:55.397 [main@af905d] Done writing out the data to the properties file Mon 9/10 22:18:55.403 [main@af905d] Disposed Window Mon 9/10 22:18:55.409 [main@af905d] Killed UIManager. Mon 9/10 22:18:55.421 [main@af905d] Killed Wizard. Mon 9/10 22:18:55.427 [main@af905d] Saving properties file to C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\ Mon 9/10 22:18:55.451 [main@af905d] Done writing out the data to the properties file Mon 9/10 22:18:55.458 [main@af905d] Bye-bye. Mon 9/10 22:18:55.466 [SageTV Shutdown@14b95c5] SageTV SHUTDOWN is activating! Mon 9/10 22:18:55.473 [Shutdown@af2878] ::INFO: Shutdown hook executing Mon 9/10 22:18:55.481 [Shutdown@af2878] ::INFO: Shutdown hook complete