Originally Posted by EmuZombie
I have some bad news for you. Just looked on CC's website, the card they have for $29 is not the one that supports clear QAM. In fact, the reason they are clearenced is because they've been replaced by the version that does support clear qam.
The hybrid 1600 card is the one that this post was originally about and is the one that supports qam. It is currently priced at $99.99.
And on a side note, I would have picked one of these up since I am using an antenna for hdtv but its not avaliable for shipping and not at any stores within 100 miles.
I had a feeling it was too good to be true, but after call Hauppaugge and confirming that 74021 supports QAM I thought it would work. So even though it's a version 74021 card it won't do QAM even with the latest drivers? That means that the blanket statement that cards with version numbers 74021 or 74041 will support QAM is misleading.
I only opened one of the boxes so maybe I'll give it a shot just for grins.
I already have an OTA card, so if you're interested in buying one send me a private message. Otherwise I'll utlize CC's excellent return policy. Thanks for the heads-up.
EDIT: I just called Hauppauge and they confirmed that any 74021 card will support QAM. I said that it did not specifically say QAM on the card label, but they said it didn't matter. Puzzling. I guess the only way to know for sure is to pop one in and give it a test drive. I'll keep you posted.