07-18-2008, 06:29 PM
Sage Aficionado
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 405
Originally Posted by mikejaner
You don't control the HDPVR with the IR Emitter. An Emitter, emits, not receives. It has the ability to receiver also, in which you would address it as the HDPVR's IR Receiver. As far as I know SageTV does not currently know about or use the Receiver function, so ignore that it is there.
Sagetv tells the HDPVR via USB to start recording and to change the channel. If you have your IR Emitter configured properly, and SageTV sees it properly, the HDPVR internally sends an IR signal out of it's IR emitter to change the channel on your cable box. In my case this doesn't work with more than one HDPVR, so I have a setup that ignores the IR Emitter on the HDPVR, and separately SageTV tells my USBUIRT to change the channel on the cable box, at the same time it tells the HDPVR to record.
So you can address two separate set top boxes with the USBUIRT? My concern is that if I stack two set tops on top of each other it'll try to "blast" IR code and try to change the channel on each STB at the same time (assuming I go with a second HDPVR in the future)...
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