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Old 01-18-2009, 08:05 AM
carlgar carlgar is offline
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Loss of first 5 minutes of recording in V6.5.7 beta

Is anyone else seeing the loss of the first five minutes of a recording using the HDHRs. I know this problem had been fixed by the V6.4.8 version. I am very suspect of this change in the new beta:
2. Regressed the MpegDeMux to the one used in V6.4.8

Is the the exact same version used in V6.4.8 or a recreation? I am very suspect of it because yesterday after updating to the V6.5.7 beta I am seeing the return of the old issue and suspect this file. I had a recording lose the first 5 minutes which I had not seen for months. I have reenabled the native file logging and hope to see the problem again tonight so I can include a log. I plan to report this new issue to support on Monday.
Server : Intel Core i7 2.8 GHz Processor: Gigabyte X58A-UD3R Motherboard: 6 GB Memory : 1 120 GB Intel SSD :3 2 TB WD hard drives:1 Hauppauge PVR 2250: 3 HDHomeRuns:1 HD300 extender;1 HD200 extender;1 HD100 extender 2 MVP Media Extenders: Windows 7 64 bit Home Premium all updates applied, SageTV V7.1.7.254.
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Old 01-18-2009, 08:40 AM
jmv jmv is offline
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I've seen the 5 min loss, but it was on the R5000Mod tuner running 6.5.6 beta (Sci-fi HD Gallactica season premiere )

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Old 01-18-2009, 09:44 AM
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Originally Posted by carlgar View Post
Is anyone else seeing the loss of the first five minutes of a recording using the HDHRs. I know this problem had been fixed by the V6.4.8 version. I am very suspect of this change in the new beta:
2. Regressed the MpegDeMux to the one used in V6.4.8
The mpegdemux has to do with playback as opposed to recording. The file is more inline with what recording problems from the HDHR. Have you upgraded the HDHR software/firmware to the latest version (20081231)? I know in the past Sage has updated the tssplitter (and maybe others) to work better with the latest software/firmware from Silicondust, so that might be the case here.
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Old 01-18-2009, 09:49 AM
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i've seen it in 6.5.6 but only one out of every 25 or so recordings.

not going to install 6.5.7 until after the eagles (hopefully) win this afternoon...
MacBook Core2Duo 2 ghz
nVidia 9400M GPU
46" Sammy HLP4663 720p DLP
2x HDHR, all OTA
QNAP TS-809:
12.5 TB for Recordings/Imports/TimeMachine/Music
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Old 01-18-2009, 11:30 AM
carlgar carlgar is offline
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Originally Posted by Razillian View Post
The mpegdemux has to do with playback as opposed to recording. The file is more inline with what recording problems from the HDHR. Have you upgraded the HDHR software/firmware to the latest version (20081231)? I know in the past Sage has updated the tssplitter (and maybe others) to work better with the latest software/firmware from Silicondust, so that might be the case here.
It looks like I did get my files mixed up. I knew I had made updates to the file, but it must have been for a different issue. I just reviewed my E-mails about the 5 minute missing issue and it was the file that I got updates for. Yes, I have updated to the 20081231 version of the HDHR software. It just seems more likely to be a Sage issue since I just updated the software yesterday morning and then see a problem yesterday night. I may let this issue slide now until I see the problem and I get a native log of it. The native log let let support see exactly what causes the problem.
Server : Intel Core i7 2.8 GHz Processor: Gigabyte X58A-UD3R Motherboard: 6 GB Memory : 1 120 GB Intel SSD :3 2 TB WD hard drives:1 Hauppauge PVR 2250: 3 HDHomeRuns:1 HD300 extender;1 HD200 extender;1 HD100 extender 2 MVP Media Extenders: Windows 7 64 bit Home Premium all updates applied, SageTV V7.1.7.254.
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Old 01-21-2009, 12:14 PM
SageDonkey SageDonkey is offline
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I have a similar issue. I am on 6.5.7, but have seen it on 6.5.6 and 6.4.8. I will try to capture in the logs, but here is what I am seeing. I have a series set up for American Idol SD and a series for American Idol HD. Depending on which one starts first, the other one won't start for at least 5 minutes. With the three different versions, and three American Idols, here is what I saw:
Episode 1: SD started first, HD version started 8 minutes later (6.4.8)
Episode 2: HD started first, SD version started 5 minutes later (6.5.6)
Episode 3: SD started first, HD version started 38 minutes later!! (6.5.7)

We will see what happens tonight....
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Old 01-21-2009, 01:35 PM
carlgar carlgar is offline
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Are you using HDHR or some other tuners? Once you get logs you will probably see an encoder halt as the reason for the 5 minute loss. With the HDHR the halt was caused by the HDHR not being able to respond back to the system within the specified time. The default wait time was increased but the user can now increase the needed delay time in *.par files. A delay of 38 minutes indicates a much more serious issue. If you are using the HDHR, you should also enable the native log.

have not seen any more 5 minute losses but yesterday I did see a minute loss. It looks like it was causes by the client but support is looking at it.
Server : Intel Core i7 2.8 GHz Processor: Gigabyte X58A-UD3R Motherboard: 6 GB Memory : 1 120 GB Intel SSD :3 2 TB WD hard drives:1 Hauppauge PVR 2250: 3 HDHomeRuns:1 HD300 extender;1 HD200 extender;1 HD100 extender 2 MVP Media Extenders: Windows 7 64 bit Home Premium all updates applied, SageTV V7.1.7.254.
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Old 01-21-2009, 03:57 PM
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Originally Posted by carlgar View Post
Are you using HDHR or some other tuners? Once you get logs you will probably see an encoder halt as the reason for the 5 minute loss. With the HDHR the halt was caused by the HDHR not being able to respond back to the system within the specified time. The default wait time was increased but the user can now increase the needed delay time in *.par files. A delay of 38 minutes indicates a much more serious issue. If you are using the HDHR, you should also enable the native log.

have not seen any more 5 minute losses but yesterday I did see a minute loss. It looks like it was causes by the client but support is looking at it.

where are these .par files?
MacBook Core2Duo 2 ghz
nVidia 9400M GPU
46" Sammy HLP4663 720p DLP
2x HDHR, all OTA
QNAP TS-809:
12.5 TB for Recordings/Imports/TimeMachine/Music
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Old 01-21-2009, 05:09 PM
carlgar carlgar is offline
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You have to create them. Here are the instructions I received:
if you problem isn't gone, create a par file (Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1010573D-0.par, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1010573D-1.par, Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner 1010573D-0.par ) for each tuner to add longer delay time "delay 1000" into files, in default we delay 500ms

You will have to change the numbers above to match your serial numbers. I have 3 HDHRs, so I have 6 *.par files. I currently use a "delay 600" as the contents. The quotes do not go into the file.

The files should be created in the sagetv directory, the same one that has the *.scn and *.frq files.
Server : Intel Core i7 2.8 GHz Processor: Gigabyte X58A-UD3R Motherboard: 6 GB Memory : 1 120 GB Intel SSD :3 2 TB WD hard drives:1 Hauppauge PVR 2250: 3 HDHomeRuns:1 HD300 extender;1 HD200 extender;1 HD100 extender 2 MVP Media Extenders: Windows 7 64 bit Home Premium all updates applied, SageTV V7.1.7.254.

Last edited by carlgar; 01-21-2009 at 05:11 PM. Reason: added more information
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Old 01-21-2009, 07:23 PM
SageDonkey SageDonkey is offline
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Originally Posted by carlgar View Post
Are you using HDHR or some other tuners? Once you get logs you will probably see an encoder halt as the reason for the 5 minute loss. With the HDHR the halt was caused by the HDHR not being able to respond back to the system within the specified time. The default wait time was increased but the user can now increase the needed delay time in *.par files. A delay of 38 minutes indicates a much more serious issue. If you are using the HDHR, you should also enable the native log.

have not seen any more 5 minute losses but yesterday I did see a minute loss. It looks like it was causes by the client but support is looking at it.
Episode 4: HD Recording started first, 19 minutes into the the show, the SD version hadn't started recording yet. Here is the strange part - I went into the Guide, manually selected the SD version and said "Watch". Then I pressed stop on the remote, but I guess Sage recognized the show as one of my series and it kept recording beyond my pressing of the stop button. I am going to enable the HDHR log and setup some "test" series...Law and Order is a good candidate (at least from a test the HD/SD version at the same time).
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Old 01-24-2009, 10:33 AM
jmv jmv is offline
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Well, I got back from a trip, and found several more recordings with the 5 min delay (Galactic again! plus about 5 others). But unlike you, my 4 HDHomerun tuners have not exhibited the issue. It is my 2 R5000Mod tuners that are showing this about 30% of the time...I'll contact support and report back
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Old 01-25-2009, 06:37 AM
bones5050 bones5050 is offline
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I am seeing the same problem on my PVR-350. I just watched a scheduled recoring of The King of Queens and the beginning of the show is missing. I went to review three additional recordings and the first few minutes of the show is missing as well. However, this does seem to be random, since shows recorded on 1/23 and 1/24 have the first few minutes missing and a show recorded last night seems fine?

Running the v6.5.7 beta on Vista Home and a Hauppauge PVR-350
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Old 01-25-2009, 08:50 AM
jphipps jphipps is offline
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Mine does that as well. I notice that all recordings that do that have a -0 and a -1 file. I happened to notice a few days ago when it occured, the JVM was using the max heap size. I usually have to cycle sage about every 3-4 days because it starts acting sluggish and the memory is at max. I have tried cycling sage every night at 02:30am, and have not seen it since. I will monitor it and see if that is related to the issue...

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Old 01-25-2009, 12:14 PM
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One surefire way I noticed that caused it for me was when I disabled the "Always tune channel" option in properties. The registry/properties change that can be found by doing a search didn't do any good. It seems to happen when multiple recordings are starting at the same time, however its pretty hit or miss when it happens so I've never been able to reproduce it to write a problem report about it.
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Old 02-17-2009, 03:43 PM
taylork taylork is offline
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This thread is over a month old, but I'm seeing this issue as well -- missing ~5 minutes off the start of various recordings. And I'm seeing this on recordings made by HDHR tuners and by Hauppauge PVR-500 tuners.

I'm currently running SageTV V6.5.9.204

Has a fix for this been identified?
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Old 02-17-2009, 04:17 PM
carlgar carlgar is offline
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I started this thread and only saw the issue one time. Since it was not related to what I thought it was, I did not report it as a problem. I did mention that I saw the issue when reporting a different problem concerning late starting recordings (which turned out to be caused by starting up my client at a bad time). The 5 minute late start problem is probably a timing issue related to your network speed and tuner being used. I have 3 HDHRs and created a *.par file for each HDHR tuner. The contents of the file is:
delay 600

which increases the wait time before Sage thinks the tuner has halted.
If you are seeing the first 5 minutes missing you should refer to the FAQ and if you still have a problem you should turn on the debug logging and report it to Sage. I suspect that the Sage log will show a encoder halt has occurred which Sage support will need to determine what occurred. If you are using a HDHR, Sage support will probably tell you how to enable a native log for the HDHR so they can determine what occurred.

Here is the link in the FAQ
Server : Intel Core i7 2.8 GHz Processor: Gigabyte X58A-UD3R Motherboard: 6 GB Memory : 1 120 GB Intel SSD :3 2 TB WD hard drives:1 Hauppauge PVR 2250: 3 HDHomeRuns:1 HD300 extender;1 HD200 extender;1 HD100 extender 2 MVP Media Extenders: Windows 7 64 bit Home Premium all updates applied, SageTV V7.1.7.254.

Last edited by carlgar; 02-17-2009 at 04:32 PM. Reason: Added link
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Old 02-17-2009, 11:36 PM
taylork taylork is offline
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Originally Posted by carlgar View Post
I started this thread and only saw the issue one time. Since it was not related to what I thought it was, I did not report it as a problem. I did mention that I saw the issue when reporting a different problem concerning late starting recordings (which turned out to be caused by starting up my client at a bad time). The 5 minute late start problem is probably a timing issue related to your network speed and tuner being used. I have 3 HDHRs and created a *.par file for each HDHR tuner. The contents of the file is:
delay 600

which increases the wait time before Sage thinks the tuner has halted.
If you are seeing the first 5 minutes missing you should refer to the FAQ and if you still have a problem you should turn on the debug logging and report it to Sage. I suspect that the Sage log will show a encoder halt has occurred which Sage support will need to determine what occurred. If you are using a HDHR, Sage support will probably tell you how to enable a native log for the HDHR so they can determine what occurred.

Here is the link in the FAQ
Thanks for the response and the FAQ link.

I think my issue was having my default recording quality setting set at a low level for my PVR500 tuners (#2 in the link you posted). So, I've upped that setting to a higher level and we'll see how she does.

Thanks again for the assist.
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