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SageTV v7 Customizations This forums is for discussing and sharing user-created modifications for the SageTV version 7 application created by using the SageTV Studio or through the use of external plugins. Use this forum to discuss plugins for SageTV version 7 and newer. |
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I'm leaning toward a USB-UIRT. Still have to test what Slugger suggested but if that doesn't work, I will probably change the way I handle channel changing. That's what you have a USB-UIRT, right? Do you know if it will work on a Windows Server 2003? My sagetv setup is installed on this box since at least 2009 and I don't want to mess with it if possible. Thank you for your suggestions. ehfortin |
Is there any way to increase the log verbosity? I expect we won't get more information but it's kind of the last thing I can think of at that point. Thank you. ehfortin |
There's certainly no reason it can't work, you just need to know what parameters to pass to that API call.
Twitter: @ddb_db Server: Intel i5-4570 Quad Core, 16GB RAM, 1 x 128GB OS SSD (Win7 Pro x64 SP1), 1 x 2TB media drive Capture: 2 x Colossus STB Controller: 1 x USB-UIRT Software:Java 1.7.0_71; SageTV 7.1.9 Clients: 1 x HD300, 2 x HD200, 1 x SageClient, 1 x PlaceShifter Plugins: Too many to list now... |
All in all, we have all the arguments and I'm sure they are correct. There is probably something different with the Hauppauge IR Blaster and it may not be exposed in the API. I'll see. Thank you for your assistance. ehfortin |
I have two cable boxes using FireWire - SA3250HD and SA 4250HD both hooked up to HD-PVRs. I also have an SD box, an SD3200, and for this I use a USB-UIRT. This device has a headphone type plug that can drive two IR emitters and there is also an emitter on the front so you can use it for multiple devices at once.
New Server - Sage9 on unRAID 2xHD-PVR, HDHR for OTA Old Server - Sage7 on Win7Pro-i660CPU with 4.6TB, HD-PVR, HDHR OTA, HVR-1850 OTA Clients - 2xHD-300, 8xHD-200 Extenders, Client+2xPlaceshifter and a WHS which acts as a backup Sage server |
Kevin C.
Sage Server: Athlon II X4 630, Gigabyte MA785G-UD3H, 4GB RAM, W7 Pro 64-bit Capture: HD-PVR (SD DSR605), Colossus (SD DSR605), 2xUSB-UIRT Software: Sage Server 7.1.9 (Diamond, BMT, SJQ, Comskip) Clients: HD-200 (HDMI to Sony KDS60A2020), SageTV Client (MSW7) Storage: 2008R2, WHS2011VM, RAID5-4TB |
Big Gerr _______ Server - WHS 2011: Sage 7.1.9 - 1 x HD Prime and 2 x HDHomeRun - Intel Atom D525 1.6 GHz, Acer Easystore, RAM 4 GB, 4 x 2TB hotswap drives, 1 x 2TB USB ext Clients: 2 x PC Clients, 1 x HD300, 2 x HD-200, 1 x HD-100 DEV Client: Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit - AMD 64 x2 6000+, Gigabyte GA-MA790GP-DS4H MB, RAM 4GB, HD OS:500GB, DATA:1 x 500GB, Pace RGN STB. |
Sage Server: Athlon II X4 630, Gigabyte MA785G-UD3H, 4GB RAM, W7 Pro 64-bit Capture: HD-PVR (SD DSR605), Colossus (SD DSR605), 2xUSB-UIRT Software: Sage Server 7.1.9 (Diamond, BMT, SJQ, Comskip) Clients: HD-200 (HDMI to Sony KDS60A2020), SageTV Client (MSW7) Storage: 2008R2, WHS2011VM, RAID5-4TB |
I got the answer from SageTV's support team. The Hauppauge IR blaster is accessed through the HCIRBLAST.DLL file and the only thing that is provided by SageTV is the channel number. It is the Hauppauge app that does the rest. As such, it would not work to send something else (like a "enter"). I've ordered a USB-UIRT in order to resolve the problem. Too bad I can't use what is already there. Thank you all for your support. I certainly hope everything will work as planned with the new device on Windows 2003 Server. ehfortin |
I used to use WHSv1 as my Sage server and I don't remember having any trouble installing drivers for the USB-UIRT so you should be fine. It also gives you the flexibility to use multiple STBs.
New Server - Sage9 on unRAID 2xHD-PVR, HDHR for OTA Old Server - Sage7 on Win7Pro-i660CPU with 4.6TB, HD-PVR, HDHR OTA, HVR-1850 OTA Clients - 2xHD-300, 8xHD-200 Extenders, Client+2xPlaceshifter and a WHS which acts as a backup Sage server |
SJQv4 web UI now available!
Probably a year or so overdue, but better late than never!
![]() I've just uploaded the first release of the SJQv4 web UI. It integrates the various views and editors into the nielm web UI. Install it via the Sage Plugin Manager. I'm never going to win awards for UCD, aesthetics, or "wow" factor, but it's functional. ![]() There are some incomplete functions in this release: * There is no menu option to get to the SJQ web UI home page. This requires a core web UI update to edit. A future update to the web UI will include the link in the main menu. To access the web UI for SJQv4, simply visit (and bookmark) /sage/sjq4.groovy within your web UI. * There is no way to edit the task list to be queued for manual recordings. This feature requires changes to the core web UI code and I'm in no hurry to do it. A future web UI update will provide the required changes to allow for this. * Editing the task list for favourites is done through the generic favs properties editor - there is no SJQ specific wrapper around this editor. This likely won't change. Simply look at the favs properties for an existing fav with tasks assigned to it to see how you need to modify things for other tasks. * Most of the editors don't do a lot of error checking. If you pass bad info you'll hopefully get an exception dump and the operation will fail. In some cases, the operation will appear to proceed but nothing will be changed (because the SJQ server rejected the input on the server side and I didn't bother catching and reporting the errors back to the browser). I'll chip away at the error reporting as time goes on. Feedback welcomed. I think I've got most of the important functionality covered in one form or another. Obviously let me know if I've missed something obvious.
Twitter: @ddb_db Server: Intel i5-4570 Quad Core, 16GB RAM, 1 x 128GB OS SSD (Win7 Pro x64 SP1), 1 x 2TB media drive Capture: 2 x Colossus STB Controller: 1 x USB-UIRT Software:Java 1.7.0_71; SageTV 7.1.9 Clients: 1 x HD300, 2 x HD200, 1 x SageClient, 1 x PlaceShifter Plugins: Too many to list now... |
Thanks Slugger this should be very useful. I will install as soon as I can find a "maintenance window".
New Server - Sage9 on unRAID 2xHD-PVR, HDHR for OTA Old Server - Sage7 on Win7Pro-i660CPU with 4.6TB, HD-PVR, HDHR OTA, HVR-1850 OTA Clients - 2xHD-300, 8xHD-200 Extenders, Client+2xPlaceshifter and a WHS which acts as a backup Sage server |
EDIT: ... unless you need to upgrade a required dependency then a restart would be required. If you're already running web 2.33 then that shouldn't happen.
Twitter: @ddb_db Server: Intel i5-4570 Quad Core, 16GB RAM, 1 x 128GB OS SSD (Win7 Pro x64 SP1), 1 x 2TB media drive Capture: 2 x Colossus STB Controller: 1 x USB-UIRT Software:Java 1.7.0_71; SageTV 7.1.9 Clients: 1 x HD300, 2 x HD200, 1 x SageClient, 1 x PlaceShifter Plugins: Too many to list now... |
Sage said that it wants to restart the service. I tried the URL without a restart and I am getting a 404. I am pretty sure that I was up to date before this.
New Server - Sage9 on unRAID 2xHD-PVR, HDHR for OTA Old Server - Sage7 on Win7Pro-i660CPU with 4.6TB, HD-PVR, HDHR OTA, HVR-1850 OTA Clients - 2xHD-300, 8xHD-200 Extenders, Client+2xPlaceshifter and a WHS which acts as a backup Sage server |
Weird... it must have upgraded one of the other dependent jar files. The actual plugin zip file is just a bunch of *.groovy and *.gsp files, which won't trigger a Sage restart.
Twitter: @ddb_db Server: Intel i5-4570 Quad Core, 16GB RAM, 1 x 128GB OS SSD (Win7 Pro x64 SP1), 1 x 2TB media drive Capture: 2 x Colossus STB Controller: 1 x USB-UIRT Software:Java 1.7.0_71; SageTV 7.1.9 Clients: 1 x HD300, 2 x HD200, 1 x SageClient, 1 x PlaceShifter Plugins: Too many to list now... |
edit - never mind. I haven't upgraded yet as I don't see an SJQ upgrade. The upgrade that I did was for SRE.
I restarted via the new web page method, and I am still getting 404 errors. When I go into the Plugin it says that it was installed on Jan 15 and everything looks ok. I don't see a sjq4.groovy file anywhere. Should there be one? From my log file: Code:
Sun 1/15 18:24:33.882 [29847629@qtp-32433683-7@1c7704d] ::INFO: Groovy servlet initialized on groovy.util.GroovyScriptEngine@1bdb441. Sun 1/15 18:24:33.892 [29847629@qtp-32433683-7@1c7704d] ::INFO: GroovyServlet Error: script: '/sjq4.groovy': Script not found, sending 404.
New Server - Sage9 on unRAID 2xHD-PVR, HDHR for OTA Old Server - Sage7 on Win7Pro-i660CPU with 4.6TB, HD-PVR, HDHR OTA, HVR-1850 OTA Clients - 2xHD-300, 8xHD-200 Extenders, Client+2xPlaceshifter and a WHS which acts as a backup Sage server Last edited by wayner; 01-15-2012 at 05:35 PM. |
Shpows sheduled to record today email script
I created a script to send you a list of all shows sheduled to record today. I run this script from a SJQ cron job at 12:01am so that I can see what shows will be recorded that day. The script also notes whether SRE is monitoring the recording so SRE is required for this. If anyone wants a version without SRE that is easy to do. You don't pass any parameters to this script and I don't run an executable.
At the bottom of the email are links to the Sage WebUI and the Sage Mobile WebUI. These are optional as well but I find they are useful. I stole the bulk of the code from Slugger's Nightly talk show email script so credit goes to him. I use this on my gmail account without issues but I don't know what the settings would be for other email providers. If you want more than one day's recordings change the line that starts def end from 1L*1000L to 2L for two days, etc. Code:
/* Daily Email for Sage Recordings Last Modified: 14 Jan 2012 Author: Wayner although I steal most of the code from... Derek Battams <derek AT battams DOT ca> Run this script daily to produce a report of the day's upcoming recordings. Each show includes a link to the web interface, which will allow you to record the airing, if so desired. This script requires SRE as it notes if SRE is monitoring the recording. If running from the SageGroovy environment make sure to copy all SRE JAR files to the Sagegroovy/lib folder. I set this to email at 12:01 every morning. You MUST change the settings below, especially the email settings if you want this script to email the output. The script is written for the SJQv4 environment and expects it is running in that environment. */ import com.google.code.sagetvaddons.sre.engine.DataStore def BASE_URL = 'http://myserver.dyndns.org:8080/sage' // Base URL to web interface, with NO trailing slash def sageweburl = BASE_URL+'/Home' // This is where the Sage Web home page resides def sagemobweburl= 'http://myserver.dyndns.org:8080/sagem/m/menu.js' // Same for the Sage mobile web page private class EmailSettings { static def sendMail = true // Set this to false to just dump the alert msg to stdout instead of emailing it static def host = 'smtp.gmail.com' static def user = 'fred.flinstone@gmail.com' static def pwd = 'Wilma' static def port = '465' static def subj = 'Sage Recordings for Today' static def from = user // Gmail will reject mail via SMTP if the from addr != user id so no point in changing this static def to = 'fred.flinstone@gmail.com' // Sometimes Gmail won't send an email addressed to yourself, try a plus address at the end; YMMV static def ssl = 'true' // Gmail requires SSL, other SMTP servers may or may not; this is a STRING setting! } def sendMail(def msg) { def ant = new AntBuilder() ant.mail(mailhost: EmailSettings.host, mailport: EmailSettings.port, subject: EmailSettings.subj, user: EmailSettings.user, password: EmailSettings.pwd, ssl: "true") { from(address: EmailSettings.from) to(address: EmailSettings.to) message(msg) } } def start = new Date() start[Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY] = 0 start[Calendar.MINUTE] = 0 start[Calendar.SECOND] = 0 def end = new Date(start.getTime() + 1L*1000L *3600L * 24L) // 1 day * 1000ms/s * 3600s/hr * 24hr/day def shows = new HashSet() def airings = [] airings=Global.GetScheduledRecordingsForTime(start.getTime(), end.getTime()) def datastore = DataStore.getInstance() def msg = new StringBuilder() StartTime=start.format('EEEE MMM d hh:mm a') EndTime=end.format('EEEE MMM d hh:mm a') msg <<"TV Recording Schedule for: $StartTime to $EndTime\n" msg <<"-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" airings.each { msg << "${new Date(AiringAPI.GetAiringStartTime(it)).format('hh:mma')} to ${new Date(AiringAPI.GetAiringEndTime(it)).format('hh:mma')}\n" msg << "${ShowAPI.GetShowTitle(it)} - " SRE1 = datastore.getMonitorStatusByObj(it) SRE = SRE1.toString() if (SRE == "NO_MONITOR") { msg << "${ShowAPI.GetShowEpisode(it)}\n"} else { msg << "${ShowAPI.GetShowEpisode(it)} - SRE is monitoring\n"} msg << "${BASE_URL}/DetailedInfo?AiringId=${AiringAPI.GetAiringID(it)}\n\n" } msg << "To edit go to: $sageweburl\n" msg << "or for mobile: $sagemobweburl\n" if(EmailSettings.sendMail && msg.toString()) sendMail(msg.toString()) else if(msg.toString()) println msg return 0
New Server - Sage9 on unRAID 2xHD-PVR, HDHR for OTA Old Server - Sage7 on Win7Pro-i660CPU with 4.6TB, HD-PVR, HDHR OTA, HVR-1850 OTA Clients - 2xHD-300, 8xHD-200 Extenders, Client+2xPlaceshifter and a WHS which acts as a backup Sage server |
Twitter: @ddb_db Server: Intel i5-4570 Quad Core, 16GB RAM, 1 x 128GB OS SSD (Win7 Pro x64 SP1), 1 x 2TB media drive Capture: 2 x Colossus STB Controller: 1 x USB-UIRT Software:Java 1.7.0_71; SageTV 7.1.9 Clients: 1 x HD300, 2 x HD200, 1 x SageClient, 1 x PlaceShifter Plugins: Too many to list now... |
Note: SJQv4 web UI is a new, separate plugin
To add the web UI for SJQ, you need to install the new "Sage Job Queue (SJQ) Web UI" plugin. There is no update for the SJQ engine for this, it is a separate plugin.
Twitter: @ddb_db Server: Intel i5-4570 Quad Core, 16GB RAM, 1 x 128GB OS SSD (Win7 Pro x64 SP1), 1 x 2TB media drive Capture: 2 x Colossus STB Controller: 1 x USB-UIRT Software:Java 1.7.0_71; SageTV 7.1.9 Clients: 1 x HD300, 2 x HD200, 1 x SageClient, 1 x PlaceShifter Plugins: Too many to list now... |
This looks good as it will make it easier to setup tasks as you should be able to copy and paste into the task definition. You will also easily be able to have multiple tasks open at once in multiple browser tabs to compare them.
One suggestion - it would be nice if you could view both logs as an option just like in the UI. Is there a maximum size for the logs? Some tasks, I am thinking comskip in particular, can be very verbose even when you try to keep the verbosity at a low level. Trying to comskip an 8 hr recording could produce a huge log but I don't have many recordings like that - Ryder Cup golf being the one that comes to mind.
New Server - Sage9 on unRAID 2xHD-PVR, HDHR for OTA Old Server - Sage7 on Win7Pro-i660CPU with 4.6TB, HD-PVR, HDHR OTA, HVR-1850 OTA Clients - 2xHD-300, 8xHD-200 Extenders, Client+2xPlaceshifter and a WHS which acts as a backup Sage server |
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Thread | Thread Starter | Forum | Replies | Last Post |
Plugin: MizookLCD (Alternate SageTV LCDSmartie Plugin) | cslatt | SageTV Customizations | 48 | 06-11-2012 10:44 AM |
SJQv4: Technology Preview | Slugger | SageTV v7 Customizations | 39 | 12-17-2010 01:17 PM |
SageTV Plugin Developers: Any way to see stats for your plugin? | mkanet | SageTV Software | 4 | 12-12-2010 10:33 PM |
MediaPlayer Plugin/STV Import: Winamp Media Player Plugin | deria | SageTV Customizations | 447 | 12-11-2010 07:38 PM |
SJQv4: Design Discussion | Slugger | SageTV v7 Customizations | 26 | 10-18-2010 08:22 AM |