Sage Server has gone crazy
Ok I've been having some problems recently that I have yet to find a fix for. Ever since I installed the latest version of sage 2.28 the server running as a service gets hosed and disconnects all the clients. When I login to the server and try to stop the sage service I always get a error that the service couldn't be stopped in the timed allowed. After that sage closes and I restart the service only to have this happen a few days down the line. So I thought that maybe something was screwed with the xp installation that the server was running on plus I had my mvp clients running on the same server. So I moved the mvp clients to a server of their own and proceeded to make a Sage only server. I made copies of wiz.bin and my properties file then I formatted the drive and installed Server 2003 Standard w/sp1. Everything installed fine I copied my bin and properties file back over and all was working good for a whole week when today it happend again. Looking at the logs for the server and my graphs of it's performance I can't find anything. Nothing else is ran on this server, just Sage as a service with 5 pvr 150 cards and 3 hard drives. Looking at the cpu and memory graphs I see nothing that would really indicate a problem there. The spikes in the 80% spikes in the graphs come from me logging into the sage server and stopping/restarting the sage service. The sage server is a PIII 1gig with 512 megs of ram, 5 pvr 150 cards, two 250 gig drives and a 10 gig drive.