Only a couple problems
The software works almost perfectly. I have updated everything to the newest drivers. The only problem with recording so far has been that after it is done and recorded and I play back the file in Windows Media Player 10 (9 or 10 I can't remember) I see little jagged edges when the screen starts to get action. I was wondering how to get rid of those.
The second problem is that for some reason channel 9 doesn't come in at all and channel 4,5,7 are all at 34,35,37. That really isn't a problem I remapped the channels, but it is annoying. What could be causing this?
The third problem is that if I connect my PVR 500 directly to the coaxial tv-out on the cable box (Explorer 3250, Cox Communications cable) I get no signal what so ever. I tried setting the tuners up different ways but none could pull the signal through. I eventually just put in a splitter before the box and hooked the tuner to that and it worked. I don't know if my second problem is related to this, but if there is any benefit to hooking my tuner up to the box then I would like to try and resolve it.