'Wireless' MVP Freezes when another PC on network turns on..
Has anybody seen this..
When I am watching a show on my MVP that is connected via a Netgear Game Adapter at 54mbs and I turn on one of the PC's on my network the MVP freezes up for a few seconds and then appears to reboot! Only one of 3 pc's on the network cause this to happen and it occurs almost immediately after the PC finishes it's POST.. but it happens every time... something must be going on in the first few seconds of boot up on the PC that somehow honks up the MVP's data stream or perhaps the game adapter.. the other MVP I have that is hard wired into the switch via Cat5 doesn't do this... And again, this only happens when I turn on 1 specific PC on my network.. they all share the same network... Weird Eh?
Any ideas?
Last edited by Stuntman; 02-27-2006 at 12:03 PM.