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SageTV EPG Service Discussion related to the SageTV EPG Service used within SageTV. Questions about service area coverage, channel lineups, EPG listings, XMLTV, or anything else related to the service or programming guide data for SageTV should be posted here. |
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Hello All,
I've managed to port my Beyond TV XMLTV Importer to SageTV. So here it is a brand new XMLTV Importer for SageTV. This tools among ohter features will :
Current version : What's new :
Download and how to set it up : SageTV XMLTV Importer License : Donationware Note: during the Setup of the Importer, you must shutdown SageTV completely, as during Setup, the Setup Wizard will copy the Java classes and edit your Sage.properties file (if needed). As always : you should backup SageTV before Setup. Uninstalling the XMLTV Importer, should restore all your old settings (Previous XMLTV Plugin if any and xerces.jar if found during setup) Best Regards, Stéphane. Last edited by StephaneM; 10-31-2006 at 07:35 PM. |
This looks like it is going to be amazing. Will it work for UK XMLTV?
![]() The Importer is the same one as Beyond TV and it exists from nearly two years. I don't have seen yet a XMLTV file that is not handled well by the Importer. There are only three new features in this Importer : * The ability to launch the grabber automatically by the Importer (the grabber will be hidden as well the Importer : so no problems if you run SageTV in FSE : it will not steal the focus or drop it out from FSE) * The handling of first runs and re-runs : in this version the Importer keeps its own history as well as looking at what the XMLTV file is anouncing. * The setup process and the Java classes (that effectively "glue" it to SageTV) So more or less: upon setup of the XMLTV Importer the XMLTV selection in SageTV should be up and running (no more copying / editing properties files / copying xerces.jar etc..). But as setup is always a tricky process, I'm expecting to have to give some support on this part of the process, but the whole conversion routine should be fine and robust. Regards, Stéphane. |
I look forward to using this importer, tell me can you incorporate zap2it info with other xmltv lineups and if so how do you go about setting it up?
Can we use this importer to take data from multiple XML files and combine them in to a single EPG file for Sage? e.g: Channels 0-100 on Tuner #1 from zap2it.xml Channels 100-400 on Tuner #2 from zap2it.xml Channels 401-699 on Tuner #2 from epg.xml I cannot give you my money for the full version fast enough if it can do the above ![]() |
Then run the Importer Wizard and check the "don't show this wizard again", click on the "Next >" button and configure the Importer with the Zap2It XMLTV file you just downloaded, run the Wizard until it begins to do the transformation and click on the "Cancel" button. Then open the Importer again and you'll have access to the "Classical Interface" where you can add another XMLTV file. To add another XMLTV file to be handled by the Importer click on the "+" button and another dialog will open : type all information needed and click on "OK". Repeat operations for other XMLTV files. When you have added all your XMLTV files, click on the "Edit Channels" button, and define your lineups and edit your channels : basically the Importer will list all the channels found in all your XMLTV file, you just have to give them a name / call sign / number and choose their lineup (You can also create dummy channels as well as duplicate some of them if you need a channel on multiple lineup). Regards, Stéphane. |
However it can be tricky to setup because of the presentation of the channels editor : * The editor displays all the channels found in all your XMLTV files * You are then supposed to choose for each channel : a name / call sign / number and lineup * But if you want a channel to be in two lineups : you just have to use the "additionnal channels" tab and duplicate your channel here, be careful when doing this to create the duplicate channel with the same ID as the original and to choose the original channel in the "Same as" drop down list (this will duplicate the shows for the new channel), then as with the first channel list : give it a name / call sign / channel number and choose the lineup. Give it a try, you don't need to make a donation to run the Importer, the only feature that doesn't work without donation is the "automation" of the Importer : during the Wizard you can choose if you want to run the Importer automatically (for instance each sunday at 6:00am), this schedule a task in Windows task scheduler. With the "free" version, the task will execute but the Importer will just open and do nothing, with the "donator" version, the Importer will load, then launch each XMLTV grabbers and wait until every download is completer and finally will begin the transformation process (during the transformation you can see an animated notification icon in your taskbar). SageTV will continue to load the data every 24 hours as usual, it uses the Java classes installed by the Importer, those classes only load XML files produced by the Importer (a straight and quick load) Regards, Stéphane. |
Hopefully someone will make a simple 'how-to' for using this with XML files exported from xmltv2mtepg123 (from Mytheatre) with this.
Server: AMD Phenom 2 920 2.8ghz Quad, 16gb Ram, 4tb Storage, 1xHVR-2250, 1 Ceton Cable Card adapter, Windows 7 SP1 |
But anyway the most difficult part of the whole thing is to create the right lineups. Otherwise : * XMLTV grabbers are not that complicated to setup generally (I don't know the MyTheater plugin tough). You have a couple of command line to type and usually you create a batch file to launch the grabber. Now instead of using a batch file you can type directly the command line in the XMLTV Importer. Depending on the grabber it may or may not work (it works with the regular XMLTV grabber, for MyTheater, if there is a command line, it should work also). Also you are not required to put the grabber command line in the XMLTV Importer, you can use whatever you use today to launch your grabber. * SageTV setup is straightforward : just pick up the XMLTV option and choose the lineup. The most important point is to pick the right lineup and that the lineup contains the channels that are related to the current tuner and of course that their numbers are the good one. For MyTheater the channel number is the channel favorite number (and this is this number you'll have to type in the XMLTV Importer). Regards, Stéphane. |
My main problem is understanding how to set up the channel lineup, I'll have another look at it when I have more time this weekend.
I've got the mytheatre epg export working (at least I think it is), I just need to get the channel lineup created (I think) and it should work. What I'm wanting to do is just use the MT epg for the channels that zap2it doesn't serve (PPV, and some of the higher channels), so it would require 2 seperate xml's being loaded.
Server: AMD Phenom 2 920 2.8ghz Quad, 16gb Ram, 4tb Storage, 1xHVR-2250, 1 Ceton Cable Card adapter, Windows 7 SP1 |
The generate Show ID... how is it handling deciding if a show is the same episode or not. Currently I am using Demedius' importer, and importing all channels from Zap2it that have guide data for them, and the Mytheatre Exporter for the remainder. This causes conflicts for channels that carry the same programming between the two lineups, as the ShowID's don't match.
Will this get around that problem, even if the guide listing is formatted slightly different?? |
Also, is there a way to determine first run by the Original Air Date?? I would rather not have ALL episodes marked as new if they haven't been seen by this system before.
Thank you in advance! |
Channel Numbers
Can the importer derive the channel number and channel names from the XMLTV file? The data is in the file, but for some reason I've noticed a couple of importers do not pull in this data.
If it cannot do this, is there an alternative way to add the channel numbers, like importing from a text file? ![]() I also was wondering about the Episode ID. I believe the internal EPG passes the Episode ID untouched (except for removing the "."). If your importer will do the same, then people who switch from the internal EPG to your importer can retain their "watched" status. This will also eliminate a problem many of us are having with Demedius' importer creating unique Episode IDs for identical episodes from different sources. Not sure if you are willing to continue the development of the software and tweaking/customizing it for some of the Sage users, but if you are up to the task I'm sure you will get quite a few donations. I have a few more ideas, but I'll try not to bombard you yet. ![]() |
So from one import to another the Importer know how to keep track of all your shows on all your XMLTV file. It will even work if one XMLTV file show "That '70s show" and the other "That 70's show" (notice the quote). The Importer works well if any of this is verified : * shows have an episode title * shows have an episode number * shows have an episode description So depending on your XMLTV files : if they all share the same episode title or episode number : it will be ok. But if you only have an episode description : it is more problematic (at least all shows from a series will belong to the same series). Quote:
Regards, Stéphane. |
For instance : I don't have any <premiere> neither <previously-shown> nodes in my XMLTV files, so I rather record "All" episodes, but for some of my shows now, the Importer does know that the new season is "First run" rather that "re-runs". So if you have nothing in your XMLTV regarding original air date : all show will be new, but as the same shows will be aired over and over : you'll see the real new ones as "First run" (typically you'll have to wait one season). Regards, Stéphane. |
You need to edit your channels the first time and when you have a new channel (the Importer will not import any new channel unless you first edited it in the channel editor). Quote:
For instance : Code:
<channels> <channel id="tf1.fr" name="TF1" call-sign="TF1" channel="1" lineup="1" majorchannel="" minorchannel="" /> <channel id="france2.fr" name="France 2" call-sign="France2" channel="2" lineup="1" majorchannel="" minorchannel="" /> <channel id="canalplussport.fr" name="Canal+ Sport" call-sign="Canal+Spor" channel="3" lineup="1" majorchannel="" minorchannel="" /> <channel id="canalplusconfort.fr" name="Canal+ Décalé" call-sign="Canal+Déca" channel="4" lineup="1" majorchannel="" minorchannel="" /> <channel id="bbcprime.fr" name="BBC Prime" call-sign="BBCPrime" channel="5" lineup="1" majorchannel="" minorchannel="" /> </channels> But I really don't think a script is needed for this : you don't have to change channel name and number every day ![]() Quote:
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Regards, Stéphane. |
To have the best of both worlds it would be great if your importer could only generate an EPGID for shows that do not already have one. Quote:
BTW, in case you ever decide to implement this, I know the number does not have its own node in the xml file, but in the Zap2it files it is consistently in the same place. The way I am doing it with the script is that I look for the "display-name" nodes and pull the number from the 3rd "display-name" node for each channel ID. I do a similar thing for the long and short channel names, except I crop the extra data that is not needed. Pretty rudimentary but it gets the job done. Thanks again. |
So if someone has donated for the BeyondTV version, but these days uses Sage, can they still obtain the new version for Sage, or is there a new donation required?
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For instance, it is frequent that a grabber for a country use another web site as a data source, or you as a user can change to use another grabber at any time. I am in this situation and the Importer always do it's job : it gives me consistent EPGID and in two years I never recorded a duplicate (even if there is a slight name change in the show name or episode title). Quote:
Regards, Stéphane. |
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