Cheap HD-PVR automated reboot
I just wanted to share the solution I am using to reboot my HD-PVR (as well as my ethernet switch and router) twice a week. I know that a few people were/are having issues with having to reboot their HDPVR's.
It is not a technical solution by any means but works. I happen to use APC UPS' on all my systems including my SageTV server. The new APC units have what is called a "MASTER" outlet when when the server or item attached to that outlet goes to sleep or powers off it shut the power the marked outlets on the UPS off as well.
I have my Sage server plugged into the master and my HDPVRs plugged into the indicated outlets. I have set within my BIOS to automatically power up eveyday at 4:00 AM. I then setup a task in task manager to shutdown the PC twice or so a week at 3:58 AM. This as worked without fail for me for several months and have never had to manually restart my server, hdpvrs or router since.
NOTE: I believe it is not required to created a task if you are putting your server to sleep and it will power off those outlets (you may not want to plg your router into the indicated ports for obvious reasons).
I hope this helps someone out and is not a duplicate post.