I have done a lot of SageTV forum reading to try to get up to speed, only to become more confused than ever.
I have SageTV V7.0.21.244
1 ˝ years ago I had several problems, and the solution being offered online at that time on the SageTV forums was to revert back to the last “final release”, which I did.
Later, I lost the TV Program Guide, and also lost “Tivo” capabilities or TV recording / scheduling capabilities and the Weather..
TODAY, -- I see that v7.1.9 is now available.
Batch Metadata Tools – Web Interface, version 4.10.1
InfoPopup / Caller ID version 7.0.1 (NEVER GOT IT WORKING)
Jetty Web Server Version
Phoenix Core Services Version 2.3.47
sagex-services – SageTV Remote API Services Version
I used to have a plug-in that skips commercials, cannot remember why I removed it.
Can you suggest a game plan of attack, or step ONE?

David Canova
Salt Lake City, UT