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I'm hoping to get some details from users that are able to view TS streams glitch free within Sage. As there are a couple ways to record and manage the file with add-ons, I'm hoping to get a list if details on what is needed in a configuration to get this to work. What video decoder, mux, disk config (local, remote), CPU size, video cards are being used.
I have a pretty decent client box and almost get glitch free replay. I'm using an integrated graphics card on an Nforce2 (g400mx or something like that), 512Mb memory, 2200XP Athlon using Sonic Decoder over a wired 100Mb network. The only software installed on the system is XP Pro, girder, winlirc and SageClient.
It is "mostly" glitch free, but I seem to over-run the file buffer. It plays for a 1 min or so glitch free, then starts to stutter. If I pause, then play again it is glitch free for about another 1min or so.
Maybe someone out there that has this running can provide more detail on what they are using.