I was going to put this in HARDWARE, but it doesn't really pertain so much to any SAGEtv issues, so I felt GENERAL was a better catagory. (Edit: I've been putting hardware-related stuff in the hardware forum anyway, so I moved it.
- Opus4)
Does anyone know of any adpaters for hooking up USB to a mother board?
Let me explain...
My GIGABYTE MB has 2 on board USB connectors for adding additional USB support for say a front pannel input or something. The old case I had it in had these front panel inputs, and those cables ended in INDIVIDUAL connectors that I simplt matched up with the pinout for the MB layout and it worked. My new case has front USB ports as well, but instead of ending in 4-5 individual connectors, it ends on a single type connector. The problem is that this predefined pinout does NOT match the motherboard. So I'm looking for an adapter to go from this predefined layout to the pins on my MB.
Any ideas or solution would be appreciated.