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SageTV Customizations This forums is for discussing and sharing user-created modifications for the SageTV application created by using the SageTV Studio or through the use of external plugins. Use this forum to discuss customizations for SageTV version 6 and earlier, or for the SageTV3 UI. |
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STV Import: Weather Monitor (deria) 26-nov-2005
Overview ======== The Weather plugin is an enhanced weather module for SageTV, featuring: * large, easy-to-read displays * a unified five day forecast (divided into day/night segments) * a detailed current conditions display * an optional second (completely customizeable) current conditions display allowing you to report up to 10 of the following fields: atmospheric pressure, atmospheric pressure status (rising/steady/falling), wind speed, wind gusts, wind direction, relative humidity, visibility, UV index, UV index description, dew-point, observation site, observation date/time, temperature, feels-like temperature, sky description * a detailed view for each segment shown on the forecast * the ability to display weather images from the Internet (radar, satellite, etc.) * the ability to select the number of days in the forecast (2 - 5) * the ability to change the size of the fonts used ANYWHERE within the weather display * automatic updating of weather conditions every two hours * the ability to open your internet browser to show pollen reports, airport conditions, or special events (useful in the US only) * the ability to automatically remember your last viewed page of the forecast, or automatically default to any of the following pages: forecast, current conditions, today (morning), today (evening), tomorrow (morning), tomorrow (evening), or images. * a very high degree of customizeability. DOWNLOAD LINK =========== This file is available through the SageTV download area. You can download it by clicking on this link: http://forums.sagetv.com/forums/down...?do=file&id=40 Project Status ============== This is a release candidate. It is considered "finished", has received extensive testing, and (if no errors are encountered) will eventually be released as the stable release. Why release a release candidate? I am actively seeking feedback on the overall functionality of the plugin; in particular, it is important to determine at this stage what additional functionality users are expecting from a plugin of this nature. The current implementation of this plugin recreates a substantial majority of the functionality found in the Weether plugin -- the functionality which has not been implemented has been omitted because it is not practical/sensible in the context of SageTV. System Requirements =================== SageTV (licensed) JAVA 1.4.x OR JAVA 1.5.x .NET Framework 1.1 (you can have both 1.1 and 2.0 installed at the same time; its meant to be that way) Portability =========== Will this plugin work with SageMC 16x9? YES. The author of the SageMC 16x9 plugin has added support for this plugin. When using this plugin with SageMC 16x9, refer to the SageMC 16x9 documentation for installation instructions. Will this plugin work with Meekell / Something Else? Unless the author of the STV in question integrates the plugin into his/her STV, the short answer is "no". The plugin is not particularly difficult to integrate, but it does depend on themes that are present in the default STV. Are STV authors allowed to integrate this plugin into their STVs? Yes! STV authors are allowed (encouraged, even) to integrate this plugin into their STVs. They may either import the plugin as-is (ie: only making changes necessary to make it work with their STV) OR they may perform any modification to the plugin that they desire (ie: make the interface better, more efficient, etc.). Warranty ======== This software is provided strictly on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND ELECTRIC STORM SOFTWARE, LTD. HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. Upgrading Or Removing From A Previous Version =================================-=========== To upgrade from a previous version of this plugin, you should execute the following procedure: 1) Close SageTV completely (do not use 'sleep'/'standby'). 2) Make a backup copy of your .STV file (typically found in "c:\program files\sage tv\sage tv\stvs\sagetv3\sagetv3.stv" if you are using the default .STV). Note that you cannot import into the default .STV -- if you have never done an import, you will need to make a copy of SageTV3.stv and (using the properties display) remove the read-only flag. 3) Make a copy of your sage.properties and/or sageclient.properties files (typically found in "c:\program files\sage tv\sage tv\stvs\sagetv3\ "folder). 4) Open SageTV. 5) Press Control+shift+F12 to open SageTV Studio. 6) Scroll down to "Main Menu", and expand it. 7) Expand "MainMenuContainer". 8) Expand the menu item you added to the menu for this plugin. 9) Remove its child (the reference to "Weather Monitor Plugin - deria". 10) Scroll down to "Weather Monitor Plugin - deria". 11) Right click it, and select "Expand Children". 12) Leaving the highlight on "Weather Monitor Plugin - deria", scroll down to the very bottom of the plugins tree. While holding down the SHIFT key, click on the last entry in the tree (MainMenuTheme). This will highlight the whole tree. Press DEL to remove the tree. 13) Close SageTV Studio and press your HOME key to reload the main menu. At this point, there will be no remnants of the Weather Monitor Plugin in your .sTV, leaving you free to install the upgraded version. Installation ============ WARNING: Installing a plugin with SageTV is not always a trivial process; it is not complicated, but it is very easy to make a mistake that can render your .STV unuseable. To avoid such a disaster, be very careful and PLEASE MAKE A BACKUP. The installation instructions guide you through the process of making a backup. This is the only warning you will receive. I accept NO responsibility for ANYTHING that might happen as a result of installing this plugin. There are two methods you can use to install this plugin. If you are using the default .STV and using Nielm's Dynamic Customisable Main Menu: 1) Close SageTV completely (do not use 'sleep'/'standby'). 2) Make a backup copy of your .STV file (typically found in "c:\program files\sage tv\sage tv\stvs\sagetv3\sagetv3.stv" if you are using the default .STV). Note that you cannot import into the default .STV -- if you have never done an import, you will need to make a copy of SageTV3.stv and (using the properties display) remove the read-only flag. 3) Make a copy of your sage.properties and/or sageclient.properties files (typically found in "c:\program files\sage tv\sage tv\stvs\sagetv3\ "folder). 4) Unpack the archive attached to this post into your SageTV installation folder (typically "c:\program files\sage tv\sage tv" folder). Please note that the files need to be in the same directory as SageTV.exe / SageTVClient.exe -- they cannot be in a sub-folder. 5) Open SageTV. 6) On the main menu, choose "setup". 7) On the "Setup Menu", choose "Detailed Setup". 8) On the "Detailed Setup" menu, scroll down to "Advanced". 9) In the right-hand panel, choose "Import SageTV Application Package (.STVi File)". 10) Using the file selector, locate and select "weather_monitor_26nov2005.stvi" (typically "c:\program files\sage tv\sage tv\STVs\SageTV3" folder). 11) The weather monitor is almost ready for use. 12) Press HOME to get back to the main menu. 13) Right click a menu entry, or press ESC/Options and select "Edit This Menu Page". 14) Select "Add Menu Item". 15) Select "Weather Monitor Plugin - deria". 16) Click "Save Menu Definition File". If you are using the default .STV and NOT using Nielm's Dynamic Customisable Main Menu: 1) Close SageTV completely (do not use 'sleep'/'standby'). 2) Make a backup copy of your .STV file (typically found in "c:\program files\sage tv\sage tv\stvs\sagetv3\sagetv3.stv" if you are using the default .STV). Note that you cannot import into the default .STV -- if you have never done an import, you will need to make a copy of SageTV3.stv and (using the properties display) remove the read-only flag. 3) Make a copy of your sage.properties and/or sageclient.properties files (typically found in "c:\program files\sage tv\sage tv\stvs\sagetv3\ "folder). 4) Unpack the archive attached to this post into your SageTV installation folder (typically "c:\program files\sage tv\sage tv" folder). Please note that the files need to be in the same directory as SageTV.exe / SageTVClient.exe -- they cannot be in a sub-folder. 5) Open SageTV. 6) On the main menu, choose "setup". 7) On the "Setup Menu", choose "Detailed Setup". 8) On the "Detailed Setup" menu, scroll down to "Advanced". 9) In the right-hand panel, choose "Import SageTV Application Package (.STVi File)". 10) Using the file selector, locate and select "weather_monitor_26nov2005.stvi" (typically "c:\program files\sage tv\sage tv\STVs\SageTV3" folder). 11) The weather monitor is almost ready for use. 12) Press Control+shift+F12 to open SageTV Studio. 13) Scroll down to "Main Menu", and expand it. 14) Expand "MainMenuContainer". 15) Drag an "item" widget onto the "MainMenuContainer" element. Rename it to "Weather" (or whatever you want) by clicking on it once, waiting a few seconds, clicking on it again, and then typing the desired name. You can move the new menu up or down by pressing Control+U (for up) or Control+D (for down) while it is highlighted. 16) Scroll down to "Weather Monitor Plugin". 17) Drag "Weather Monitor Plugin - deria" to your new menu entry. 18) Close SageTV Studio and press your HOME key to reload the main menu. Ignore the yellow outline that appears on the menu - it just indicates what the last item in SageTV Studio was. It will vanish when you next restart SageTV. That's it. At this point you should have a new menu entry. Configuration: Initial Weather Panel This is the weather panel that will be shown when the weather display is initially opened. You may choose one of: (These options are case-sensitive. Sorry.) Last Used Forecast Current Conditions Today (morning) Today (evening) Tomorrow (morning) Tomorrow (evening) Images Days In Forecast This is the number of days to display the forecast for (a value between 2 and 5 inclusive). Setting a lesser number of days increases the amount of space used to display the forecast for the remaining days (particularly useful for those with very low resolution displays). Fonts This menu allows you to control the various fonts used within the weather display. Observation Tag This font is used for the observation tag-line ("Source:") on all displays. Forecast Normal This font is used for the following fields on the forecast display: Titles ("Current"/"Forecast") Labels ("Today", "Tomorrow", "Monday (day)", etc.) "Feels Like" Temperature Weather Description ("Fair") Sunrise/Sunset Time High/Low Temperature Forecast Large This font is used to display the current temperature on the forecast display. Current Conditions Normal This font is used for the following fields on the current conditions display: Titles Current Temperature Current Conditions Large This font is used for the current conditions description on the current conditions display. Current Conditions Huge This font is used for the current conditions temperature on the current conditions display. Detail Normal This font is used for ALL fields on the custom weather panel display, and the following fields on the detailed conditions displays: Titles Detail Large This font is used for the following fields on the detailed conditions displays: Weather Description ("Fair") Sunrise/Sunset Time High/Low Temperature Borders & Colors This menu allows you to control various properties that determine how the weather display is drawn. Border Drawing This determines whether or not borders will be drawn within the weather display. Border Thickness This is the thickness of the border drawn within the weather display (if border drawing is enabled). Border Color & Text Color This is the color that will be used to draw borders (or text) within the weather display. You may choose from the following colors: (These color names are case-sensitive. Sorry.) Transparent AliceBlue AntiqueWhite Aqua Aquamarine Azure Beige Bisque Black BlanchedAlmond Blue BlueViolet Brown BurlyWood CadetBlue Chartreuse Chocolate Coral CornflowerBlue Cornsilk Crimson Cyan DarkBlue DarkCyan DarkGoldenrod DarkGray DarkGreen DarkKhaki DarkMagenta DarkOliveGreen DarkOrange DarkOrchid DarkRed DarkSalmon DarkSeaGreen DarkSlateBlue DarkSlateGray DarkTurquoise DarkViolet DeepPink DeepSkyBlue DimGray DodgerBlue Firebrick FloralWhite ForestGreen Fuchsia Gainsboro GhostWhite Gold Goldenrod Gray Green GreenYellow Honeydew HotPink IndianRed Indigo Ivory Khaki Lavender LavenderBlush LawnGreen LemonChiffon LightBlue LightCoral LightCyan LightGoldenrodYellow LightGray LightGreen LightPink LightSalmon LightSeaGreen LightSkyBlue LightSlateGray LightSteelBlue LightYellow Lime LimeGreen Linen Magenta Maroon MediumAquamarine MediumBlue MediumOrchid MediumPurple MediumSeaGreen MediumSlateBlue MediumSpringGreen MediumTurquoise MediumVioletRed MidnightBlue MintCream MistyRose Moccasin NavajoWhite Navy OldLace Olive OliveDrab Orange OrangeRed Orchid PaleGoldenrod PaleGreen PaleTurquoise PaleVioletRed PapayaWhip PeachPuff Peru Pink Plum PowderBlue Purple Red RosyBrown RoyalBlue SaddleBrown Salmon SandyBrown SeaGreen SeaShell Sienna Silver SkyBlue SlateBlue SlateGray Snow SpringGreen SteelBlue Tan Teal Thistle Tomato Turquoise Violet Wheat White WhiteSmoke Yellow YellowGreen Change Log ========== 1.0 (initial release/deria) 1.1 (26-nov-2005) -the font used for the buttons in the left-hand menu is now much larger -the font used for the buttons in the bottom menu (the weather channel links) is now much larger -there is now a "Fonts" menu in the configuration section; it allows you to set the size of ANY of the fonts used in the weather display -there is now a "Days In Forecast" setting in the configuration section; it allows you to set the number of days in the forecast (between 2 and 5). Setting a lesser number of days increases the amount of space used to display the forecast for the remaining days (particularly useful for those with very low resolution displays). -the "Force Immediate Refresh" button now does something... oops. -the radar images no longer overrun the right side of the screen (aesthetic fix) Last edited by deria; 11-28-2005 at 07:31 PM. |
Hi deria,
I installed this per your instructions and it works great. Since I had gained some experience with Studio from installing your System Monitor plugin, I chose to install your Weather plugin in the Media Center|Online Services menu where the original weather menu item is. It works great in that location. There are a couple of minor issues with your instructions that I'd like to point out so that I can somehow feel helpful ![]() Under: "If you are using the default .STV and NOT using Nielm's Dynamic Customisable Main Menu:" 10) Using the file selector, locate and select "weather_monitor_19nov2005.stvi" (typically "c:\program files\sage tv\sage tv" folder). The stvi unzips to the c:\program files\sage tv\sage tv\stv's\sagetv3 folder Items 15 and 16 refer to your Disk Utilization/System Monitor Plugin No big deal, just wanted to point it out ![]() Rick |
Thanks for pointing out those documentation errors. I'll correct them ASAP. Glad to hear that the plugin worked right off the bat for you. |
Thanks for the work.... Something my wife wanted and maybe you might think this is a good idea (or not....) What about adding a way to have 3 or 4 different zip codes that you can toggle between? We go back and forth to my wife's and my parents frequently. They both live about 2 hours from us in different directions and since one set live near the beach and one set lives in the mountains the weather is always different between the three places. I know it's not exactly what one would call life threatening, but having to keep entering the different zip codes over and over is kind of a pain. Actually, I just noticed that you can't seem to change the ZIP code in your plug-in. Am I right or did I just miss it? Thanks for the consideration. Stacy |
Can't seem to get images to work. After typing them in (no cut and paste
![]() http://sirocco.accuweather.com/sat_m...rs/isarIL_.gif |
I tried this out at home last night and the fonts are so small it's impossible to read from the couch. I didn't see anyway of changing the font size, is there?
I would say try closing SageTV completely and checking your Sage.properties file to see if the location is saved there. Also, you can edit the properties directly there (they all begin with ess_weather). Its worth noting that this plugin does not animate images. It will display the first frame of an animated GIF, but there is no animation. |
Also, which fonts are you referring to? If it is the text inside the weather panel itself, you can change the font size using the Text Size property. You can also use the next/previous buttons to walk through the detailed views for each part of the forecast. If you are referring to the buttons on the left, or the labels on the bottom, the text size can be changed using SageTV Studio. I have pretty poor eyesight, and I develop against a 42" TV, and it looked readable to me. To answer your question, though, pretty much anything about the plugin can be customized pretty easily. |
Off Topic...
I type in a url with gif image, click on force refresh and the go back, click on images and nothing happens. Would gladly edit sage properties bu there is no ess_weather in properties????
Regarding the refresh button... I didn't think I had included one. If I did, that was an oversight. The weather refreshes automatically every 2 hours (for current conditions) and every 12 hours (for everything else). This is in accordance with the terms of service for the weather provider. The only way to truly force a refresh is to either exit SageTV and restart it or to set ess_weather/unload_on_exit to "true". With unload on exit, the weather will be refreshed every time the page is opened. |
- Andy
SageTV Open Source v9 is available. - Read the SageTV FAQ. Older PDF User's Guides mostly still apply: SageTV V7.0 & SageTV Studio v7.1. - Hauppauge remote help: 1) Basics/Extending it 2) Replace it 3) Use it w/o needing focus - HD Extenders: A) FAQs B) URC MX-700 remote setup Note: This is a users' forum; see the Rules. For official tech support fill out a Support Request. |
In any case, great first (2nd...) job! I have a few issues however... 1. The fonts are WAAAAAAY! to small... Theree are like 10 different font sizes throughout the plugin. When viewed on an MVP/SDTV... well you get the picture. I am sure that the fonts aren't selected specifically, but the space allotted is not enought for the letters/numbers. The main menu theme specifies fonts of 28, but then there are places where you specifically request font sizes of 8 and a properties file setting of 36. 2. Are animated gifs ok? It may have been asked previously somewhere, bit I missed if it was. 3. When selecting/entering the url for a radar image, the change button never notes if a slot is filled or not... 4. What is the correct format to use when entering the url...? Preceeded by 'http://' or not... I am using this via mlbdude's latest dev build and have not really seen how he is 'importing' your stvi... so there may be issues in that alone. OK... just a quick first few notes, but I like the overall concept of importing the useability without 'importing'. -Jason |
Ok found it .. sorta
![]() Now the next questions. I can see only the 1st image when I click on images on left. How do I cycle thru the images? I do see the 2 images if I keep clicking on Next and cycle thru ALL pages, but thought with the Image choice I should be able to view just the images. Thanks for a great plug in ![]() |
![]() That being said, though, it is certainly true that the SageTV Studio provides an opportunity to create a single unified media center experience that is simply impossible to ignore. I've tried several different solutions to achieve this, with limited success. I found that even though I had an "acceptable" system, it wasn't what I wanted. I had a back-end providing scheduling/recording, a front-end providing everything else, and about half a dozen different plugins written by myself to tie it together. I also had to use two different themes to make it all look relatively "the same". I want more than that. I want one tool to do the job, and I don't mind expending a significant amount of effort to make that happen. When push comes to shove, being able to simply replace what I consider a weak component with a stronger component counts for alot. With SageTV studio, I can do that and it feels really empowering. Quote:
Ahhh .. Ty and keep up the good work.
I have released an update to the Weather Monitor Plugin. Based on the feedback of those who tried the plugin, the following changes have been implemented:
1.1 (26-nov-2005) -the font used for the buttons in the left-hand menu is now MUCH larger -the font used for the buttons in the bottom menu (the weather channel links) is now MUCH larger -there is now a "Fonts" menu in the configuration section; it allows you to set the size of ANY of the fonts used in the weather display -there is now a "Days In Forecast" setting in the configuration section; it allows you to set the number of days in the forecast (between 2 and 5). Setting a lesser number of days increases the amount of space used to display the forecast for the remaining days (particularly useful for those with very low resolution displays). -the "Force Immediate Refresh" button now does something... oops. -the radar images no longer overrun the right side of the screen (aesthetic fix) |
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