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SageTV Studio Discussion related to the SageTV Studio application produced by SageTV. Questions, issues, problems, suggestions, etc. relating to the Studio software application should be posted here.

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Old 02-07-2006, 09:46 AM
jbuszkie's Avatar
jbuszkie jbuszkie is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Westminster, MA
Posts: 938
Refreshing ExisitingWidgets in imports..

I currently have an issue with creating my STVi's.

I have code that will search and delete trees (neilm's DeleteWidetTree function) of previously imported widgets. That seems to work fine. But later in the STVi import process when I get to the section where I go to replace all the themes it finds the an old theme

The replace themes is just like neilm wrote. It will search the ImportedWidgets and look for themes. Then it will try to link in any it finds in the ExistingWidgets. If it doesn't find any it leaves it alone. Well I have a couple of themes that I don't want replaced so I prefaced them with "JB -"
This all works fine until I try to reimport my import overitself.

It still seems to find a theme in ExistingWidgets that came from before I deleted it. I took out all the code except for
the deleting my previous widgets and looked for any theme that it might have left behind. I didn't see any.
So It still must be stuck in the ExistingWidgets structure.

Is there a way to *refresh* the ExistingWidgets structure?

My workaround will be to just use "JBx - " for all my theme names for future versions if I can't get this working right..

Any other thoughts?

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