After a misearable upgrade from sageTV 2.x to version 4.0, and trying to get my tuners recognized and an MVP client working, I'm now pretty sure I'm going to try upgrading to version 5, mainly for the MVP support (and transcoding) and Placeshifter options. I do have a couple questions before doing so, however.
1) I see that Placeshifter does not currently accept windows messaging, so I'll need to configure HIP to use keystrokes. Since I believe this only works when the window is in focus, it seems the the best we can currently do, but not ideal. Is there any plan for future versions of Placeshifter to accept windows messaging? (Please say yes, and they're releasing the update tomorrow
2) It also seems that the Placeshifter and MVP clients currently use the same licenses, which are obtained from the server, meaning I can install Placeshifter on every PC in the house but only need as many licences as clients I'll have running concurrently. I love this setup. Is there any plan to convert the SageTV client to the same licencing structure? I use these types of floating licences daily at work and think it's a great way to handle things. I doubt I'll use the Placeshifter client outside my LAN, so I suppose I can just put Placeshifter on my dedicated client box(es), but then I lose the ability to specify decoders and such. So in my situation, the only difference between the Placeshifter and a regular client is the somewhat reduced capability of the Placeshifter. Is there some reason I'm not seeing for Sage not to use floating licences for the regular client as well?