How did these files get into your import folder? Were they copied over from another drive or computer, or unzipped directly into the import folder? IF so, and Sage was already told that that folder was an import folder, it may have scanned the files during the actual move. And when that happens, you will get the zero duration problem.
The fix for that is to get Sage to rescan the files, either by renaming the file, or moving it out of the import folder into a different folder on the same drive., let Sage see that it is gone. Then when moved back in, Sage can properly scan the file.
The solution so that it doesn't happen again is that when you are copying or movind a file over the network or from a different drive is to temporarily place the file into a temp folder. Then once finished, you just move into the import folder. The reason is that copying over from a different drive or computer, or unzipping a file, may take a couple minutes to finish for a big file, and that gives Sage a chance to scan an incomplete file. But if you pre-stage into a temp folder, it only a takes couple seconds to move into the import folder, and Sage doesn't have a chance to scan while incomplete.
Now, if theses files were already there before you told Sage there was an import folder, either there is a problem with the file, or a problem with Sage. What version of sage? V6 beta? V6 is using a new video player compared to the older versions.