Interesting remote problem URC 9910
I have an interesting problem to figure out...
My setup... HTPC in the family room running SAGETV to a Sony TV
an MVP in each of 2 rooms, using Sage to a TV.
In my family room I also have a cable settop box connected that outputs via S-video to the PVR 150 card. Thus, I can use Sage to view the cableset top box from my family room or from each of the MVP's.
I bought the URC 9910 remote because it puts out both infared and RF signals at the same time. Thus, I could use it in the bedroom to change the channels on the cable box which is in another room (family room)..and thus view the cable box output in the bedroom.
That part works great, except, since the 9910 also emits an RF signal when I use the Sage commands, it sends them also from the bedroom to the family room and controls the family room sagetv...(which is obviously a problem.)
How can I change the sage commands to be different on the MVP than on my family room sagetv.
In other words, is there a way to use a different set of commands for an MVP and for a SageTV setup on an HTPC?
Gary Ellis