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SageTV Linux Discussion related to the SageTV Media Center for Linux. Questions, issues, problems, suggestions, etc. relating to the SageTV Linux should be posted here.

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Old 12-04-2006, 01:39 PM
Box8489 Box8489 is offline
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Is the SageTV the one and only?

Hi All,

Puh, I am not sure if I dare to ask... I'm fare away from my Windows homefield, but here it goes:
I have just install the SageTV Linux version - fresh installation via the Gentoo distrib. It works so fare very fine. Maybe a bit to fine actually cause as I am completely new into the world of Linux am I wondering - Can I shut down the SageClient GUI and fireup a Linux GUI?
I have figured out that I can exit the SageTV GUI with Ctrl+Alt+F1 and go to the CLI but I can not "startx".
I would like to play some more with the Linux GUI and maybe try to install an EPG grabber like XMLTV and believe me - CLI is not my favorite so I would like to have my Firefox browser with me, looking for help.

Do I really have to install e.g Fedora and then put SageTV on top of that ?

All inputs are very welcome and I do apologize if this is way too Newbie?
Denmark, Europe
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Old 12-04-2006, 03:47 PM
ASegredo ASegredo is offline
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What happens when you startx? I'm not sure what's on the installation disk, have you installed a GUI?

If you've installed a GUI, run "emerge gdm" for Gnome or "emerge kdm" for KDE. If you haven't, run "emerge gnome-base" or "emerge kde" This will take a long time, hours on an Athlon64, days on a K6. What are you running?

For general gentoo linux help, try
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Old 12-04-2006, 03:50 PM
ASegredo ASegredo is offline
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I should add that I only run SageTV on windows, but I have three gentoo installations.
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Old 12-05-2006, 03:27 PM
Box8489 Box8489 is offline
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If I exit the SageTV GUI with Ctrl+Alt+F1, login with root and enter "startx" it says: "Fatal server error - Server is already active for display 0"

If I then try "startx -- :1" to start another X server session, it shows me the Nvidia logo and then continues with the SageTv GUI?

If I enter "emerge gdm" he replies with "Calculating dependencies" - downloading packages and still working now after one hour (I thought it was the "emerge gnome-base" which took hours

IŽll be back tomorrow with an update...


BTW: My processor is an AMD Athlon@1400 Mhz with plenty of RAM.
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Old 12-06-2006, 01:25 AM
AngelofDeth AngelofDeth is offline
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Ctrl + Alt + F1 merely switches from X to console mode. So, the "GUI" is still running. Normally to kill X you would do Ctrl + Alt + Backspace, but if you do that it will probably restart automatically. I know nothing of the Linux version of Sage, is Sage the actually "GUI" that starts under X windows? You would likely just need to change the window manager that starts, which would shutdown the sage gui presumably while the backend part would still be running.
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Old 12-06-2006, 01:58 AM
Box8489 Box8489 is offline
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Hi AngelofDeth,

Thanks for your input - I'm now learning a bit of Linux everyday..

Yes - I can kill the SageTV GUI with Ctrl+Alt+Backspace and he do not restart automatically - only if I "startx" then I'm back. So I think you are right - SageTV is actually the "GUI" that starts under X windows.

So my job is probably to learn more about the window manager and to, some how install/start the KDE in parallel with the SageTV GUI?

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Old 12-06-2006, 02:15 AM
AngelofDeth AngelofDeth is offline
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I think you need to go to the home directory of whatever user sage runs as... there should be a file called .xinitrc. This is where the window manager is called from, or at least I think so. You will just need to add whatever window manager you want to run after sage, or you can just remove sage alltogether, although id guess you should be able to switch between them if you start sage along with a regular window manager.
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