HD Wonder issue
A few weeks back I had an issue where a show did not record properly, giving the onscreen error messages... It had been a long time since I had reinstalled Windows and I had seen a few system crashes (BSODs), so I thought that reinstalling would be a good idea in any case. Well, after reinstalling, one of the first things that happened was a BSOD. A recent previous BSOD that I had witnessed (under the old install) was when simply playing back a file - no recording at all. Under my new windows install, the screen seemed to flash occasionally. Thinking that I might have a hardware problem with my video card (a nVidia 5500), I swapped it with an older 5200 that I had on-hand. I haven't seen a BSOD since (about a week now).
Tonight, I got another error message when a recording started at 8 PM. (Kids were watching a show previously recorded and they were quick to alert me of the box in the way of their show!)... Anyhow, I investigated a bit and (as of now) my HD Wonder shows "no signal" on every channel. I'm running the latest drivers (Jan 18th, I think) since I just reinstalled my system. My other HD recorder (an ATI 650) didn't have any issues recording on any channel I set it to, even ones that the HD Wonder failed on. I haven't rebooted yet, but I imagine that will "fix" the problem, at least until it happens again. So, far now I just removed it as a source. I've had this for probably a year now and it seems like only recently has it been giving me problems like this.
Anyone else have experience with these sorts of problems with an HD Wonder? Could this be heat related? Should I just replace this with another ATI 650 or with something else completely (HD Homerun?)?