Originally Posted by Opus4
Q: I have a problem using SageTV and was asked to enable debug logging. How do I do that?
A: There is a property file setting to enable debug logging.
Edit sage.properties and add this line:
Enter the line exactly as shown above. TRUE must be in all CAPS for this property.
Before editing the properties file, make sure SageTV or the service is not running. If you edit the properties file while SageTV is running, the change will be ignored.
If you are using a client, edit sageclient.properties instead.
After this change, SageTV will create a new sagetv_0.txt and/or sagetvclient_0.txt log file in the SageTV installation directory each time it is run. Save those files from when a problem occurs to help track down a problem -- they can be emailed to betatest at sagetv.com
- Andy
God Bless you Opus! I've been trying to figure out for DAYS why a certain couple of playlists wouldn't load! Now I know!
"Mon 6/25 22:47:25.280 Ignoring playlist: \\pep\mp3\Lists\Year\1990's-1.m3u due to missing element: \\PEP\MP3\By_Year\1990's\Janet Jackson - Go Deep.mp3"