Didn't buy Sage because...
no Canadian EPG.
I just can't put an HTPC in the living room and have to mess with XMLTV. If the EPG breaks, the wife will not use the system and, from everything I have read, one can expect XMLTV to break at least 3 or 4 times a year.
I can likely live with the bad UI in 1.4. I really like the feature set in Sage (multiple tuners, Sage client, filter plug ins being the most appealing) but the EPG is the main UI of the system so I bought Snapstream instead.
Until Sage includes a rock solid Canadian EPG, I will have to wait out Snapstream to add those features above (these really are important to me, particularly the multi tuner support).
If Sage 2.0 adds Canadian EPG, and Snapstream has not caught up on the features important to me, I'll buy right away!