Feature Request: handling contention between clients
It would be useful if Sage could allow a client to override the current 'live' channel being used by another client (or the server).
The problem I am seeing is that if I leave a client switched on in one room, and then go to another client and try to change the 'live' channel, the change request (silently) fails.
This can be a pain as it occurs even if I leave the 1st client at the Main Menu. The only way around this seems to be shutting down the 1st client, or possibly putting it to sleep - however it is not alway possible or convenient to do either of these.
It would be good if changing the channel at the second client popped up a box to warn that another client is already viewing this channel, and asking if you would like to override them. Then if you click 'Yes', the channel change is forced through.
It could also do this when you try to change channel while a scheduled recording is occurring on the server - with Sage aborting the recording and automaticaaly rescheduling it for the future.