Need help with SJQv4 (sjqv3_file_cleaner.groovy)
So everything's been working fine with my SageTV running on WHS server - recordings are on pooled drive - for several months. Few days ago I had a failed disk on the WHS server, so I removed the disk, and then promptly replaced it with a spare disk.
Now it turns out the files were still readable on the failed disk so I copied all the .ts and .mpg files back in to the Recorded TV Directory. I can see them in SageTV and I can play them back w/o any problems.
I did notice that the failed disk did not contain any corresponding .edl and other files produced by Comskip. I figured that when the disk failed, those .ts and .mpg files were lost to SageTV at the time, and then subsequently my "sjqv3_file_cleaner" cron task probably deleted those edl files. No big deal, I'll just run comskip manually against those .ts and .mpg files.
Well, it turns out "sjqv3_file_cleaner" for some reason, still wants to delete the re-generated .edl files - I enabled testMode and every time I run it, it wants to delete hundreds of .edl/.log/.txt files... Not good.
I've restarted SageTV couple times with "advanced_video_file_recovery=true" but that has not helped.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!