Wiz.bin Issues/cleanup?
Is there anything I can do to perform a more thorough check on the wiz.bin or help clean it up? My issues, below, seem to point to wiz.bin issues:
I migrated from WHS to a new Win7 machine several months ago. Last month I started having weird Sage issues that I suspect to be Wiz.bin related. For example, the same show will be scheduled to record simultaneously with two tuners, recordings will be assigned the wrong name (e.g., two shows are supposed to record simultaneously and both do, but are both assigned the same show name), recordings will stop recording half way through (but with no halt detected), etc.
For testing purposes, I moved the wiz.bin back to a clean WHS install and SageTV install on my old computer and I couldn't get SageTV to schedule recordings (shows blank entries), the HD300s had lots of rotating "waiting" circles, and both tuners eventually started only recording black screens, and Sage refused to turn on logging.
I do not see any corrupt wiz.bin's in my Win7 Sage directory and don't see any obvious issues with its logs (which seem to work on win7 server). But my issues seem to point to the Wiz.bin (I think). My wiz.bin is about 22mb and I have had used it, without starting over, since version 2 of SageTV.
Last night I tried the seeker/disable_root_path_existence_check=true but it's been too soon to see if that helped. Any other suggestions?