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Gemstone for v9 This forum is for discussing the user-created Gemstone custom interface for SageTV.

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Old 12-16-2017, 07:48 AM
reggie14 reggie14 is offline
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Stuck in Menus

Update 1: I think I discovered the problem. Inline Flow is broken in the newest release. I just realized I only have these problems on screens using the Inline Flow. Is there a reasonable alternative for views like "Recent Recordings" where I want to see a list of the names of the show, rather than the names of episodes? I went through all the flows and inline seems to be the only one that shows the TV show names.

Update 2:
I'm having another problem, which I suspect is related. After noticing slow response times in Sage, I realized SageTV was pegging the CPU usage of a core with constant writes to the log file. Every line looks like this:
Sat 12/16 9:37:19.999 [EventRouter-0023a5000e6f@b34136] processUserEvent-UserEvent[back] evtTime=Sat 12/16 9:37:20.056
Sat 12/16 9:37:19.999 [EventRouter-0023a5000e6f@b34136] processUserEvent-UserEvent[back] evtTime=Sat 12/16 9:37:20.056
Sat 12/16 9:37:19.999 [EventRouter-0023a5000e6f@b34136] processUserEvent-UserEvent[back] evtTime=Sat 12/16 9:37:20.056
Sat 12/16 9:37:19.999 [EventRouter-0023a5000e6f@b34136] processUserEvent-UserEvent[back] evtTime=Sat 12/16 9:37:20.056
Sat 12/16 9:37:19.999 [EventRouter-0023a5000e6f@b34136] processUserEvent-UserEvent[back] evtTime=Sat 12/16 9:37:20.056
Sat 12/16 9:37:20.000 [EventRouter-0023a5000e6f@b34136] processUserEvent-UserEvent[back] evtTime=Sat 12/16 9:37:20.056
Sat 12/16 9:37:20.000 [EventRouter-0023a5000e6f@17a06dc] processUserEvent-UserEvent[back] evtTime=Sat 12/16 9:37:20.057
Sat 12/16 9:37:20.000 [EventRouter-0023a5000e6f@7213d0] processUserEvent-UserEvent[back] evtTime=Sat 12/16 9:37:20.046
Sat 12/16 9:37:20.000 [EventRouter-0023a5000e6f@bd744b] processUserEvent-UserEvent[back] evtTime=Sat 12/16 9:37:20.055
Sat 12/16 9:37:20.000 [EventRouter-0023a5000e6f@7213d0] processUserEvent-UserEvent[back] evtTime=Sat 12/16 9:37:20.046
Is this caused by a problem with Gemstone? Or is my problem in Gemstone caused by this other weird bug?

Update 3:

After some testing, it really looks like these error messages only begin when I try using the Back command from within a Inline Flow screen.

I updated Gemstone a few days ago. About the same time I noticed I frequently get stuck on certain screens in the menu. For example, I have a "Recent Recordings' submenu under TV. If I browse to my recent recordings screen, I used to be able to back out of it by hitting "Back" "Left arrow." That doesn't work anymore. The only thing I changed was upgrading Gemstone recently (and a few other plugins).

This might be part of a broader problem I'm having. At this point, lots of IR commands don't seem to be working. For example, if I hit Home, it will flash to the Home screen, then go back to whatever screen I was on. If I hit "Right arrow" when selecting a recording in my recordings list, it will briefly flash the pop-up menu, then go right back to the recordings list.

I thought it was a problem with my Harmony remotes, but I see the same thing happens with the HD300 remotes.

Again, the only thing I did was update plugins, including Gemstone. Did something change with how Gemstone responds to IR commands in one of the last releases?

Last edited by reggie14; 12-16-2017 at 08:47 AM.
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Old 12-16-2017, 09:33 AM
jusjoken jusjoken is offline
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I changed the back functionality in the latest and may have broken inline. I will need to test.

I am not sure of the look you are looking for but the view source or groupings applied to the view more than the flow type drives the "levels" you will see.

I mostly use the Sage Flow type for TV.

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Old 12-16-2017, 10:03 AM
reggie14 reggie14 is offline
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Originally Posted by jusjoken View Post
I changed the back functionality in the latest and may have broken inline. I will need to test.

I am not sure of the look you are looking for but the view source or groupings applied to the view more than the flow type drives the "levels" you will see.

I mostly use the Sage Flow type for TV.


I'm looking for some sort of "list-style" view of recent recordings. But, the main thing I want is a list of recently recorded TV shows- with the list containing the names of the shows, not the names of the individual episodes.

So, for a long time, I created a menu item that mapped to a Phoenix View of "Recent Recordings." Within Gemstone, it had the type of "Inline Flow." Edit: Actually, it looks like I created something based on Recorded TV, and simply sorted it by recording date. I'm guessing that's irrelevant, though.

If I picked anything other than "Inline Flow", then the items in the list would have the names of the individual episodes.

I don't see anything in Gemstone that lets me configure, say, the "Simplified Flow" to show the names of the TV shows in the list on the left-hand side. It always seems to show the names of the individual episodes.

Other flows don't work well for me, either. Anything relying on fanart doesn't work well for me, as I still have problems with fanart simply not showing up on the screen on my extenders (even though it exists and will appear in the fanart manager), but that's a different problem.

Last edited by reggie14; 12-16-2017 at 10:10 AM.
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Old 12-16-2017, 05:28 PM
jusjoken jusjoken is offline
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Originally Posted by reggie14 View Post

I'm looking for some sort of "list-style" view of recent recordings. But, the main thing I want is a list of recently recorded TV shows- with the list containing the names of the shows, not the names of the individual episodes.

So, for a long time, I created a menu item that mapped to a Phoenix View of "Recent Recordings." Within Gemstone, it had the type of "Inline Flow." Edit: Actually, it looks like I created something based on Recorded TV, and simply sorted it by recording date. I'm guessing that's irrelevant, though.

If I picked anything other than "Inline Flow", then the items in the list would have the names of the individual episodes.

I don't see anything in Gemstone that lets me configure, say, the "Simplified Flow" to show the names of the TV shows in the list on the left-hand side. It always seems to show the names of the individual episodes.

Other flows don't work well for me, either. Anything relying on fanart doesn't work well for me, as I still have problems with fanart simply not showing up on the screen on my extenders (even though it exists and will appear in the fanart manager), but that's a different problem.
As I need to fix Inline you will need to use something else...simplified and sage flows are mostly text type flows (Sage Flow only has fanart on the side info area and you can remove that by going into options and Info Options and change the style to Info Simple).

Once you have a flow showing the episodes...the go into options, View Options, then select Group by and select Show for grouping. That should give you the shows rather than the episodes at the top level. You can also change the sort by to title Ascending.

I just tested this and it works fine.

Note: I tested Inline and you seem to be able to safely use LEFT instead of back until I get it fixed....but back does cause issues so if back is the habit you may want to avoid that flow.

PS: I will look into Inline Flow and the Back issue but it may not be soon.

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Last edited by jusjoken; 12-16-2017 at 05:35 PM.
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Old 12-17-2017, 12:00 PM
reggie14 reggie14 is offline
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Originally Posted by jusjoken View Post
As I need to fix Inline you will need to use something else...simplified and sage flows are mostly text type flows (Sage Flow only has fanart on the side info area and you can remove that by going into options and Info Options and change the style to Info Simple).

Once you have a flow showing the episodes...the go into options, View Options, then select Group by and select Show for grouping. That should give you the shows rather than the episodes at the top level. You can also change the sort by to title Ascending.

I just tested this and it works fine.
I'm not sure if I explained what I'm trying to do poorly, or if I just did the configuration wrong.

I'm trying to get a list of recently recorded TV shows. I basically want it to work (mostly) like the "Recent Recordings" on the home screen. That is, I want it to list recent recordings in descending order. I want it to show individual recordings, rather than groups. And I want it to display the name of the show, not the name of the episode. Make sense?

I can't seem to duplicate that without using the inline flow. I previously tried to do what you suggested, but I just tried again in case I missed something before.

I'd like the TV Show names displayed in the list, but I'd rather not use groups. I'd like each item to be a particular recording- I'd just like the displayed name to be the TV show, not the episode title. Your instructions seem to result in the top level being TV show "folders."

Now, groups like that wouldn't be terrible. But, as far as I can tell, grouping by show doesn't work with sorting by date. That is, I can't tell it to sort by shows with the most recent recordings. I tried setting "Sort by: Date Added" in descending order, but it looks like it always shows it in ascending order no matter how you configure it.

Are we seeing entirely different functionality? I definitely could be doing something wrong. It has been a long time since I configured Gemstone, but I've spent a fair bit of time re-learning how to configure it. I think I did everything correctly, but maybe I don't understand the intended functionality in some places.

It's interesting that you say that left arrow worked for you. I don't think it worked for me. Similarly, I don't think "Home" or "Guide" worked from the inline flow, either. I'm pretty sure Home and Guide bounced me to the appropriate screen, then right back to the Recent Recordings screen. Left arrow didn't seem to do anything. I'll try it again when some of the guests leave, as testing this seems to start some infinite loops on my Sage server. I did quite a bit of testing yesterday, though. I was initially convinced it was my IR repeater or my Harmony hub responsible for this behavior, but removing those items and going back to the original HD300 remote still led to the same behavior.

Last edited by reggie14; 12-17-2017 at 12:23 PM.
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Old 12-17-2017, 12:27 PM
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I know for my "Unwatched TV" view, which is my primary view, I do group by show where newer recordings are shown first. Then in the sub view (ie, eposide view for show) it shows the episodes sorted in ascending order, where older episodes are shown first, so that they are shown in order, which is how you'd view them.

What I like about an Unwatched TV view, is that as I watch shows, they get removed from the list, and as new recordings come in, then it's easy to tell what is recent/new.

I still have views for ALL TV, etc, but for both movies and TV, I use an "Unwatched TV" and and "Unwatched Movies" as the primary views for each.

But that's the great thing about the VFS... You'd be hard pressed to find a configuration that doesn't fit your viewing habbits, although it might take some tinkering to get it right. It's actually the hardest problem that I have with Kodi and Plex is that I can't create my own custom views of media
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Old 12-17-2017, 01:02 PM
reggie14 reggie14 is offline
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Originally Posted by stuckless View Post
I know for my "Unwatched TV" view, which is my primary view, I do group by show where newer recordings are shown first. Then in the sub view (ie, eposide view for show) it shows the episodes sorted in ascending order, where older episodes are shown first, so that they are shown in order, which is how you'd view them.

What I like about an Unwatched TV view, is that as I watch shows, they get removed from the list, and as new recordings come in, then it's easy to tell what is recent/new.

I still have views for ALL TV, etc, but for both movies and TV, I use an "Unwatched TV" and and "Unwatched Movies" as the primary views for each.(=
Thanks. It seems like a "Unwatched TV view" would be tough in a multi-viewer environment. It seems like my wife and I rarely get a chance to watch TV at the same time.

But, it sounds like you have been able to group by show while sorting based on recent recordings. That would solve one of my problems, at least. Can you describe more how you did that? I assume you're using Gemstone- did you create a flow within the Gemstone menus? Or did you create a custom one?

I vaguely remember creating custom Phoenix views manually, but that was years ago and I don't remember what I had to do. And I don't think I ever used them with Gemstone, although I assume that's possible.

Edit: So, I finally was able to get something close to what I wanted. After looking at how the views are defined in z-gemstone-vfs.xml, I noticed the "recent TV" related views were sorting based on the "Recent Activity" field, not the "Date Added" field. Descending sorting doesn't seem to work with "Date Added," but things seem to work fine when sorting based on "Recent Activity."

Still, I'd love to figure out a way to just get a list of recent recordings without grouping them based on Show name. To do that, it seems like I either need to wait for the "Inline Flow" to get fixed, or I need to be OK with the flow identifying the episode title, rather than the show name, in the list.

Last edited by reggie14; 12-17-2017 at 01:24 PM.
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Old 12-17-2017, 01:22 PM
jusjoken jusjoken is offline
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After you select the sort, you need to select the options below sort and then select descending.

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Old 12-17-2017, 01:31 PM
reggie14 reggie14 is offline
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Originally Posted by jusjoken View Post
After you select the sort, you need to select the options below sort and then select descending.

I understand that. But, at least on my system, that doesn't work with the "Date Added" field. It works fine with the "Recent Activity" field, though, which seems to be equivalent... I'm not sure how the "Recent Activity" field is populated, though.
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Old 12-17-2017, 02:30 PM
jusjoken jusjoken is offline
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Date Added actually is NOT using a date...rather it uses the internal ID for the media file. As the ID's are generally incremented as files get created it basically is the same as Date Added and therefore that's what it is named.

Recent Activity is based on the media file's "starttime" which would be when it's recorded for a recording or the file time stamp for a imported file.

When a sort like this is used on the "folder" level, the sorter will use the children of the folder to determine the sort.

Hope that helps.

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